#we was waiting years for this and corona just said nah NOT FOR U NOT IN UR LIFETIME
ain-t-bovvered · 4 years
15X12 Commentary
Bunch of tired and caffeinated Europeans ( plus a sleepy American) scream together, and then die and try to get on with their day ( lol AS IF)
@smol-and-grumpy​​​​ (Nat)
@dean-winchesters-bacon​​​​  (Kat)  
@waywardbaby​​  (Zee)
@ain-t-bovvered  (Giulia)
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Nat: welp i guess we'll start?
Giulia: Ye
Zee: I know we’re not ready but yes
Nat: count as usual?
Giulia: U r the only one ready snort
Zee: Shush I’m faking it
Nat: 3
Nat: 2
Nat: 1
Nat: go
Zee: The recap
Giulia: Already hate it
Giulia: ...kaia
Giulia: Ok but i loved dean shout there
Giulia: But i also don t give a fuck about kaia
Nat: i could make a list of people i don't give a fuck about
Giulia: Why the empty has a dick
Nat: earth 2
Giulia: Look how much-waisted air time
Nat: this better go somewhere
Zee: What is he on?
Giulia: Oh look das me every time a clerk looks too clingy
Zee: President Hillary Clinton
Giulia: Nice
Giulia: Radio shed ads look like mediaworld *winks in italian*
Zee: Can he shut up?
Giulia: Nerd
Giulia: Oh and another nerd
Nat: weird that on every earth people are still dumb as fuck
Giulia: The World
Zee: Oh no
Giulia: Yeah that looks my kinda world
Giulia: Aaah beard dean
Zee: Other toys
Nat: He can't even make a world that's gonna function
Giulia: I can get what I want from a hundred worlds
Giulia: What she said
God/ ME A DESTIEL SHIPPER ABOUT DESTIEL ENDGAME: Dean says I'm not gonna get the ending I want. And I don't know. Maybe... I...I mean, that shouldn't matter, right?  I've gotten what I want from hundred of Sams and Deans. I could get what I want from a hundred more. And I don't care.
Nat: you can see the green screen. I mean him standing before one
Giulia: Amazing
Zee: Clear the board
Giulia: Can he clean this one too. I think he’s already doing it
Nat: our world
Nat: how do you know. still, he doesn't take out the dumb
Zee: Vegan
Giulia: ...vegan lasagna *cringes in Italian*
Giulia: Because he feels for them. Between similars u no
Giulia: Aah veins
Zee: I still don’t like it
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Giulia: Ah so we are actually where we left off. I can tell u where my head is
Zee: I can tell you where I want his head to be
Giulia: Ooooh nice
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Giulia: Look at Jack hair tho
Giulia: BABE
Nat: "I HAVE SPEND TIME WITH HER" *wink wink nudge nudge*
Giulia: 50k
Giulia: Scythe kink
Nat: ouch
Giulia: Bottom Dean
Nat: on what? dildo scythe?
Giulia: Please comment and reblog
Giulia: Hey
Giulia: No OnE
Zee: Is jack chubbier?
Giulia: Don t talk to my son like this
Zee: Sam should stop doing that thing with his face
Nat: He's just older
Giulia: I can count his gray hair
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Giulia: ...
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Giulia: AAAAAAAAH beautiful
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Zee: How domestic
Giulia: Babe
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Zee: Look at that little smile
Giulia: SO CUTE
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Giulia: thank you for a small bubble of happiness. That shook my soul a bit
Zee: They seem a little happy. I’m scared. Oh there it is
Giulia: That’s a fancy-ass whiskey bottle. I want it
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Zee: Kaia came looking for the spear
Giulia: Cute where is cas
Zee: Babysitting
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Giulia: Of course she kicks their asses
Giulia: I wanna choke him too
Nat: they can't even fight one small girl. they're getting old
Zee: Can he get any deeper?
Giulia: What she said
Giulia: Oh come on HOW CONVENIENT
Giulia: they pulled a Mary Winchester
Zee: Snort
Nat: i don't know what to think about all this
Giulia: Oh looks it’s us after the coronavirus. Eating lizards
Nat: I mean
Giulia: I just watch
Nat: I would eat it 🤷🏻‍♀
Zee: Dean said not tasted kinda decent
Nat: do I have to
Zee: YES
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Giulia: SNORT
Zee: SEE? Babysitting
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Giulia: ...listen….How in the hell...War Strategist angel of the lord cas loses at force 4. Fuck off
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Giulia: Always makeup on point
Giulia: Not Kaia not helping
Nat: oh I see jody had time for lash extensions
Giulia: She must not be in quarantine
Giulia: ...La piegatrice mondiale. What a horrible translation
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Giulia: Oh dean has nice hair. I wanna pull it
Zee: This is going so well
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Giulia: Look at cas hair
Nat: He always goes like "Cas-tee-el"
Giulia: Tee-el
Zee: Are you only looking at hair?
Giulia: Cas sounds so done
Zee: But so good
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Giulia: A bit of a smokey eye on Kaia, What she used? Burned sticks? charcoal? Burned lizard’s tails?
Zee: Is it me or Jody looks older and Cas looks younger?
Nat: sorry but not Kaia can go fuck herself
Nat: so much airtime
Giulia: WASTED
Giulia: ...Shouldn’t he be strong af
Nat: I hate that the female's make up is always on point.
Zee: He’s gonna do something stupid
Giulia: Definition of a Winchester
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Giulia: What a dad tone
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Nat: I like Merl. Merl is me
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Giulia: HEEEEY
Nat: Winchester dumb
Zee: Winchester dumb
Giulia: what a mood
Nat: she's my fave character
Giulia: I love her
Nat: i want her in all the ep
Giulia: I stan her
Nat: give her more air time
Giulia: She’s the smartest in the room
Giulia: What a sassy reaper. Like my fav sassy demon
Giulia: I love how the Winchesters are there watching, being all: yup, that’s our dumb kid
Nat: Winchester stupid
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Zee: They know she’s right
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Zee: Dead angel walking
Nat: I seriously thought Cas holds out the cup he ejaculated in like in a sperm bank
Giulia: Can I unread this
Nat: No u can't, that's what happens when I’m in lockdown
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Giulia: Look at that cutie with his cute backpack
Nat: boy scout dean
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Zee: Sam’s smirk
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Giulia: Babysitting again
Giulia: BS angel chivalry
Giulia: love it
Nat: she should have said "in your own time"
Giulia: Me and you have all eternity, they don’t
Giulia: ...wasting seconds of intense glares
Giulia: Oh look the gremlins again
Giulia: The last healthy Italians vs the infected ones
Giulia: Last Toilet paper’s rolls and dumb scared people
Nat: snorts
Zee: You’re on a roll
Giulia: Dean eyelashes are fluttering in the wind. Sam needs a hair elastic
Nat: I wish something else would flutter in the wind
Giulia: my fucks
Zee: Hey kid
Zee: It’s before corona
Nat: I thought they didn't like each other that much
Giulia: Exactly. They have like 0 relationship, I don’t understand
Nat: It's weird.
Nat: if she should hug someone it should be sam. but what do I know
Zee: Have y’all understood the point of all this? Cause I haven’t
Giulia: Literally none
Nat: I’m bothered by all the other things
Giulia: She had time to do her eyelashes
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Nat: so we did literally waste an ep with getting Kaia back, like for real? I watched this?
Giulia: ...AH
Nat: you know the last season could have been so fucking good
Zee: Wtf?
Giulia: K
Nat: ah
Zee: She found out
Giulia: What a meme
Giulia: Billy: last season
The reaper: my joy
Giulia: Death is angry
Zee: I was busy In Italy
Giulia: Oh wow
Nat: Merl had one job
Giulia: The writers had one job
Nat: Billy is us because she has no patience in them wasting an ep freeing Kaia
Giulia: Then u killed me
Giulia: Smoulder time
Giulia: Aaaah a baby
Zee: What?
Nat: Meh
Giulia: Why
Nat: God's destruction is Jack
Giulia: Another meme
Giulia: Writers
Giulia: Us asking if season15 will be amazing
Nat: right
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Giulia: Go watch the promo
Nat: is that a fiat
Giulia: That’s a 500, my old car snort
Nat: Are they gay antiques, dealers
Zee: Apart from the reaper everything else was pretty lame. We waited almost two months for that?
Giulia: We went through corona for that
Nat: they look like gay antique dealers. especially being outraged when Sam has to lose the man bun
Giulia: With their cardigans and shit
Giulia: We should all live together. Yikes. They gonna die
Nat: they would scream
Giulia: High pitched
Zee: Tf did I just watch ? Loved deans bracelets tho
Giulia: They’re Jensen’s . Probably
Giulia: Oh maybe they are sam and dean that grew up as men of letters
Zee: Gay men of letters
Giulia: Can they get hot and bothered by Castiel?
Zee: Maybe not both of them
Giulia: Nah Nah both
Zee: Will the angel be gay too?
Giulia: There will be no angel probably. Also, Angels are probably sexless so who cares.
Kat: Y’all finished?
Giulia: Yup
Zee: Yes
Kat: And?
Nat: I wasted my time
Kat: Yeah. Who gives a flying fuck about Kaia. Literally no one
Giulia: guess they are tying the loose ends
Kat: No one has thought about her in 2 years, she was a dead end
Giulia: Idk what the point was
Kat: Idk to have Jack use his powers for some reason? Surely they could have found something better
Giulia: Idk man. Between this fucking virus and jib and life and this writing, I’m very much blegh. I mean I love my boys. But
Zee: Let’s just hope they give them a decent ending and not something so lame that it will ruin everything
Nat: You love them and you want the best for them. not half-assed writing
Giulia: Yeah
Nat: lol what show have you been watching the last season
Kat: Yeah. It’ll be ruined. I have no hope of anything else
Nat: I don't have much hope but also that will maybe make me feel better when it's not as bad as I think it will be
Zee: I know but I can’t let it drag me down
Giulia: Yup
If you want to get tagged send an ask HERE or to @waywardbaby​​ or a smoke signal, idk whatever I’m tired af.
TAGS: @wayward-angelgirl​​​​  @destiel-honeypie​​​​      @mariekoukie6661​​​​      @dragontamerm​​​​       @closetspngirl​​​​    @rainflowermoon​​​​     @mattiecat​​​​       @bunnybaby121115​​​​  @aliaitee2​​    @jacks-word-of-the-day​​​​     @4evamc​​​​       @dammitsammy​​​​     @legendary-destiel​​​​   @winchesterprincessbride​​​​    @destielhoneybee​​​​​    @castiellover20   @ravenhg​​​​ @evvvissticante​​​​ @emoryhemsworth​​​​​ @markofdean79​​​​ @janndishsstuff​
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sarohara · 3 years
hey darling,you're my best friend
Stranger: But there’s a fewer things that you don’t know of
You: Why I borrow your lipstick so often
Stranger: I am using your shirt as a pillow case
You: I wanna ruin our friendship
Stranger: We should be lovers instead
You: I don't know how to say this...
You: 'Cause you're really my dearest friend ahahahahaha
Stranger: Cause you’re really my dearest friend
Stranger: Nice!
You: yooooo
Stranger: Hahahaha
You: ahahah what's up?
Stranger: You just made my day!
You: aaaawwwww
You: nooo, YOU made my day
Stranger: My dearest friend! 😂
You: 😂😂😂😂
Stranger: So, who are you?
Stranger: Darling
You: AHAHAH i'm a stranger
Stranger: Say less!
You: ahahahahah named Sarah
You: who r you?
Stranger: Hey Sarah! My name is Zala
You: No way Zala
You: Sarah, Zala
You: 😂😂
You: Nice name btw
Stranger: Haha thank you 😂
You: np lmao ahah well, wyd here girl?
Stranger: I am just boring. And I put tiktok because I don’t want to have “ads for kik or onlyfans” by every second message
Stranger: Didn’t expect anyone from tiktok here tho
You: oooh i get u, i'm bored as well, i mean, everybody's bored on omegle 😂 what's new right
You: and well, actually, i'm not from there but ik that trend so idk, i just felt like 😂
Stranger: I just watch tiktoks
Stranger: Never made any
You: Yeaa, but in my case, i saw it on yt
You: so i thought "why not?" ahhaha
Stranger: Why not! Do it more often tho
You: well, I was thinking about doing it with someone on snapchat but idk
Stranger: Good idea, but I just don’t like screenshoting pictures. Then people know that something is going on
You: Oooh yea but i could do it after u know..
You: Idk, i don't even know if i'm gonna post it
Stranger: Yeah I understand
You: Idk anyways
You: People here before you, just skipped me away when i sent "hey darling, you're my best friend"
You: like cmon guys
Stranger: Hahahah I believe! I usually skip when I get “horny”
Stranger: Boy please stope
You: Yeaaaaaa ikr, i hate it
You: I mean, nobody cares right
Stranger: Yeah
Stranger: I get on befrore “M, horny..... skip”
Stranger: I was just laughing at myself and skip it
You: "m>skip
Stranger: Hahhahaha
You: most guys who send "m" are horny, basically ahahhaha
Stranger: True
Stranger: I always say first like “hey”
You: Yeeeeaaasss
Stranger: How are you. Not just F
Stranger: And it’s hard to find a girl who will talk with you
You: Something like "wyd", "what's good?" not f, bc no one asked
Stranger: Like if I say F back, I always get skip
You: U mean, girls?
Stranger: Yes
You: Ooh i feel u, they skip me too
You: Like "???"
Stranger: Exactly!
You: it's like you're only here for boys, damn girl
Stranger: How old are you tho? Because I like the way you’re thinking
You: Do u wanna guess?
Stranger: Hoping more then 16😂
You: Uuuum i'm 16 😂
You: Hbu
Stranger: 20
Stranger: Don’t call me old now!
Stranger: 😂😂
You: I wont 😂
You: Maybe later but not now ahahahahhah
You: Nah i'm joking
Stranger: Hahahah mean!
You: Yea, so mean!!! ahhahah
You: where r u from btw?
Stranger: Europe
Stranger: Slovenia
Stranger: You?
You: Ooh that's so cool
You: I'm from Brazil
Stranger: Oh waw
You: Far aaaway right ahhah
Stranger: Yeah
You: say something in slovenian/slovene idk
Stranger: Hello, I am Zala. - živjo, jaz sem Zala
You: Seems so fancy
Stranger: How are you - kako si
Stranger: Hahah it’s actually hard to learn
You: Yeaaa i bet!!!
Stranger: You speak in portugal?
You: Portuguese
You: Yea :)
Stranger: Some things I remember from primary school
Stranger: Hahaha
You: well, do u know something in portuguese?
You: ahahhaha
Stranger: No hahah
You: Oh okay ahah
Stranger: But you can teach me!
You: Yea, sure
You: Hey, my name's Sarah, nice meeting you. - E aí, meu nome é Sarah, prazer te conhecer.
You: How r u?- Como você está?
Stranger: Uhhh I hate this letters àáèê
Stranger: Hahaha
Stranger: Always have trouble pronouncing them
You: It's not that hard, trust me ahaha
Stranger: Hahah okay
You: So
You: how r things over there?
Stranger: Corona?
You: Yea
Stranger: We are in “lockdown” for 6 weeks now. We have police hours from 21-6
Stranger: Only grocery stores are open
You: Oh i didn't know that
Stranger: It’s weird
Stranger: We have to wear mask everywhere
You: I mean, most of europe is in lockdown right?
Stranger: Yes
Stranger: How are things in Brazil?
You: there's no lockdown over here but we still wearing mask everywhere
Stranger: I hope it ends soon
You: Yea, same :) at least, i hope it gets a lil bit better bc the situation it's not good.
Stranger: True. Let’s hope for 2021 to bring good news
You: Hopefully
You: wyd now?
Stranger: Some university work
Stranger: You?
You: Oooh i was about to say "homework" as well ahahha
You: Same zzz but not university, high school
Stranger: I could say, you are 16
You: Yea yea
You: What do u study btw?
Stranger: Educational science.
Stranger: Let me explain
You: Go ahead
Stranger: When I finish with uni, I will probably work in school and I will be the person, you came to, when you need help. Like social worker probably. But I will also help study people with special needs. Like doing work slowly, repeat things with them
You: Ooh i got u!! I appreciate these people btw, it's amazing :)
Stranger: Ooo thanks! So sweet of you
You: Aww :)
Stranger: Are you in general high school or for special job?
You: Both ahahah
Stranger: Oh, so like what?
Stranger: If I guess it’s nursing
Stranger: Hahaha
Stranger: That was one of my opinions when I went to high school
You: ahahhaha actually, accounting ahah
Stranger: Okay hahah
Stranger: Not bad at all
You: I mean...
You: I dunno 😂
Stranger: You will see
Stranger: Enjoy your life as a teenager!
You: don't even dare
Stranger: Hahah
Stranger: I was starting to party when I was 16
Stranger: And now corona
You: 4 years it's a long time okay 😂
Stranger: Hahahha okay okay
You: Corona sucks
You: i can't go to parties 😂
Stranger: Hahah same tho!
You: everyone's in the same boat right
Stranger: Right
You: Yaa
Stranger: I will let you finish your homework
You: Don't do that
Stranger: Hahaha
You: But well, i'll let u finish your university work
You: wait, first, what time is it?
Stranger: 18:40
Stranger: Almost 7pm
You: Yea ik
You: It's 14:40
You: almost 3pm
Stranger: Isn’t it interesting. How different is time around the world
Stranger: We will celebrate new year before you
You: it's really interesting. I have a name for it.
You: It's called timezone 😂
You: i'm so funny right.
You: joking.
Stranger: Hahahah
Stranger: You’re
Stranger: Never heard of timezone before
Stranger: 😂😂😂
You: Yeaaaa ikr, i mean, I created this name
You: By myself
Stranger: Omg Sarah the creator
Stranger: Everyone will learn about you
You: I'm a genius 😂😂
You: ahahahhahaha
Stranger: So glad that I meet you
Stranger: Hahahah
You: Aw :) me too :) so glad that i meet u
You: Aw is my second name, i'm always "aw" 😂 as u can see
Stranger: Hhahha 🥺🥺
Stranger: Do you want to keep talking on other social media?
Stranger: No pressure
You: Yeaa!! sure :)) i was about to ask it.
You: do u got insta?
Stranger: I do
Stranger: ferjancic.zala
You: shhht
You: mine is @sarahcvlm
Stranger: Wow so depressing quote 😂
You: I said "shht" bc I uninstalled my insta yesterday, but I'm gonna follow you later, I swear ahahhaha
You: Depressing? 😂 Okay i'm a depressed now bc it's basically my life aahahah
Stranger: Hhahaha don’t be like that
Stranger: I send you request
You: I'm joking, it's just a quote from Anne with an E :)
You: Oke :)) installing instagram again
Stranger: Okay
Stranger: Hahahah oh
You: "Oh" 😂
Stranger: Oh, you didn’t have to do that
You: Stop it
You: i was gonna do it, soon or later dw
Stranger: Okay okay😊
You: Done
You: Ooh, you're so cute Zala :)
Stranger: Awww 🥰
Stranger: You are too!
You: Aw, thanks :))
You: both followed :)
You: See ya there?
Stranger: See ya!
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yougoatthis · 7 years
got assalted last night
so we went to the bar last night eh...u might have seen a couple of my snaps... i was pretty lit took a couple muscle relaxants couple advil and half an anti anxiety pill with bunch of drinks. i was feeling pretty loose... pretty on fleek..found some Minnie mouse ears some jumbo glasses in the snow was wearing them having the trillest time in the bar. Couple girls sitting down and one dude i was chatting up and the dude across the table was taking my pic with his friend haah bla bla bla.... anyways these girls at same table ask if i have a lighter..i currently did not for some reason and was like "no sorry i dont"... then they asked if i could get them one...and well i was kinda like damn these chicks hella lazy but im not doing anything so yea ill be a bro.... i go out to smoke balcony ask around..one guy says he has one but its his last so he would want it back... i said no problem i think these girls only need it for a bit...i didnt have any change so i gave him a 5 dollar bill as a deposit and said ill come back in 15 or 20 min. he was chill with that...i go back to the girls and one guy, hand them the lighter and say "here u go but just to let u know i need to give it back to this guy i gave a 5 dollar deposit ahah"... they said okay yea no problem.. i also let them know that the smoke pit was closing in 15 minutes to which they replied "yea no thanks come back in 15 and well give it back".....so 20 minutes goes by i come back.... the three of them havent seen to have moved at all... i say hey look balcony is closed now can i have the lighter back or u guys going to use it outside.... the girls said we gave it to our friend and pointed to guy behind me walking to to the table so i turn around and ask the guy "hey bro u got that lighter your friends here gave to you" he said "nah i never got a lighter i think its that guy who has it" points to another guy on my left walking up to the table.... i ask him same thing but also adding that i just gotta give it back to guy i borrowed from.....meanwhile im still standing at the table so the girls can hear all this and but are ignoring and talking to that one guy whos been sitting down the whole time...the last bro though says listen buddy the girls are fucking with you they have the lighter.... so now im looking at the girls and the guy sitting down and these two other guys who have also sat down and im standing... i say "hey listen i dont usually care that much its just a lighter but i went and got it for you and gave a guy 5 bucks who's expecting it back and i know one of you has it so can i have it back please and ill help u get a light later in the night when u actually plan on having a smoke"...one bitch faced dumb cunt looks at me and says "you are not getting your lighter back so just fuck off" at this point i am flabbergasted that 5 people who seemed chill are just letting this happen like its completely normal...so i walk off stunned not sure what to do..... i then sober up enough to realize what they did is not okay and this shit will not stand. i was however not by any means sober at this point... as i am walking i see salt and pepper shakers but u know like in corona bottles. i take the salt one pop off the lid walk back and to table pour a big fat line on their table that was empy and say "Heres seven years of bad luck motherfuckers!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" i start briskly walking away but i didn't get more then a step before first bro that been there the whole time splashes his drink all over me from across the table throws his glass at me which smashes at impact with my cranium.. i am but a dazed, smelling like rum and coke soaking wet still walking off... i quickly realized i am severally outnumber 5 to 1 but like 3 to 1 cause girls dont count .... an idea pops into my head.... if im going to get the shit kicked out of me i need one of two things.. some back up... or my buddy to snapchat it/ upload to worldstar... i spot my friend from across the bar.. he is 6'5 and a real bro... i make my way to him tell him i might be in some trouble. we look over to other side across the whole bar at the table and i see this blue shirt roided out glass thowing motherfucker making his way through the swarm of people his eyes locked on my minnie mouse ears...i am ready, more than ready i am stoked.. i know how lit i am right now that this is going to be good i can take this fucker shits going down.... im thirsty for some blood... revenge flowing through my veins in the sea... a trickle of blood on my head from the glass ......who does that... douchbag of the year thats who.....he makes it right up in my face.. im waiting for him to strike first he gives me shove.. i step back one.. feeling the energy flow through me i am charged ready to go full force fists are clenched here we fucking go BUT WAIT!!!!!!! he pulls out a quick attack!!. its a trap card! in my brief moment of hesitation he has time to pull the salt bottle from behind his back and sprays it in face like a squirter getting double penatrated and finally cums ...its everywhere mate im fucking blind there is salt in my eyes i cant see shit it burns... one eye seems to be functioning enough to watch this coward ass bitch run back to his table....looks like i dunked my whole head in salt.. a little bit got on this bro behind me to and he is chapped... i tell him its that blue shirt fuck across the table.. hes fucking livid.. im blind in one eye but raging like a bull... the march is on. we start making our way back across the bar...all bets are off anything goes,. someone is going down hard tonight.... and hes wearing a blue shirt. 20 feet away now...15...10...fuckkkkkk bouncer is right between us talking to the girls while the blue shirt is sitting down back at his seat like nothing happened.. bouncer looks at me..hes got questions... im at 100 right now.... things need to change.. i open my mouth pull my tongue out and look at it.... yes its fucking silver. its my time to shine. time to bullshit like ive never bullshitted before. i bring myself down to 1... he says "these girls are saying u poured salt on all over them bud its time to fucking leave" i say " listen man thats not what happened, but i have no problem grabbing my jacket and leaving i dont want any trouble or confrontation but that guy behind you just came across the bar and poured salt in my face for no reason" thesed girls are now bitching in his ear he shushes them then tells them to go sit down back with blue fuck. bouncer says "did u pour salt all over them first though".... i say "buddy does it look like i poured salt on them.." he turns his head around to no joke like 10 feet behind us the three of them sitting at their table talking to each other pretending like nothing happened and they had won. they all looks fine. actually they look good... finely groomed... blue fuck is probably soaked between the legs with shit running down to his ankles but u cant see that the table is in the way... he looks back at me, my eye is watering face is fucking red shirt soaked salt all over me in my face hair ears on my shirt.. like fucking everywhere he says okay.. he believes every word im saying.. i can see it in his eye..he feels bad for me..he wants justice.. he asks me which guy i said that guy right behind u...in the blue..... he starts walking to go around the table.. meanwhile i step forward to across the table... stick out my hand and say loud enough that they can all hear including the bouncer who is now but a couple steps away walking around backside of this big table..... i say hey bud no hard feelings.. lets just be cool as my hand is extended waiting for a shake i fucking know will never come... and as i say it i wink right in his eyes and put a huge smirky grin on my face...... i see flames bursting out of his ears.. ive tipped the scale... he is about to explode foaming at the mouth. To little to late bud the bouncer puts his hand on his shoulder. blue fuck snaps throws his hand out of the way and stands up.... i retract my hand take two steps back and bring out the popcorn.... bouncer doesnt fuck around. Grabs him by the legs lifts him up and body slams down hard... im grabbing my ipod trying to snapchat its not woprkign its not working!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i just enjoy the moment.. bouncer fucking elbows this kids face so hard into the floor headlocks and starts dragging him out... i raise my hands start the slow clap. it feels so fucking good.. one girl is crying other is screaming. im practically laughing right back in there stupid cunt faces. One of his buddies thought hed step up to plate takes a swing at another bouncer.. bouncer hits back guy hits back again damn this sit looks even...bouncer charges fucking tackles him throws him across the table. he rolls onto chairs gets up 4 more come in and fucking sedue the guy smashed his head into the wall dragging him out by is feet... i am in tears laughing my crew is behind me now watching the whole thing. ... i turn to the bitches and say..... "thats what u get for bic'in me...guess your bad luck has already started"... one chick kicks me in the shins and they both go running off....... and that is some of the best 5 bucks ive every spent... like i said... i got asSALTed
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sarohara · 3 years
You both like Friends.
Stranger: 1
You: 2
Stranger: 3
You: 4
Stranger: 5
You: what is that
You: hahaha
You: 6
Stranger: 7
You: 8
Stranger: I don't know
Stranger: 9
You: I don't either
You: 10
Stranger: Damn u lost
Stranger: U got 2 numbers
You: No I didn't!!!
Stranger: Yeah u did!
You: ohhhhhhhh
Stranger: You just a sore loser
You: Shut up darling
Stranger: Damnnn we are moving fast honey
You: We are? No idea what you're talking about, hun
Stranger: Hmmm maybe I'm crazy suger
You: Yes you are
Stranger: Yeah probably I did say to people that I shat my pants for like a couple minutes ago
You: Hahahahahahaha
You: what did they say?
Stranger: Well nothing much most skiped and some did say great or why
You: Hahahah I mean...lmao there isn't really much to say
Stranger: True true
Stranger: Tho it would spice up the conversation
Stranger: Can't be bothered to say hi all the time
Stranger: It's boring
You: I mean, if you're on omegle it's because you're bored so it makes sense that is boring duh
Stranger: Yeah true true
Stranger: I have heard boring to many times now that it's starting to get annoying when I see the word boring
You: Yeah right? So boring!!!
Stranger: Haha I see what you did there 🥲
You: Hahahah did you?
Stranger: Yupp
Stranger: Soo where u from
You: Brazil, you?
Stranger: Sweden
You: that's pretty cool
You: and what's ur name again?
Stranger: Brazil is much cooler tho
You: I mean, not again
Stranger: My name is Eddy and you?
You: I don't think so, hun
You: Eddy, it sounds like a nickname actually
You: Like Ed
Stranger: It is actually
You: Sheeran
You: Oh yea?
Stranger: Yea
Stranger: My real name is tooo weird and hard to pronounce
You: Tell me
Stranger: Whats your name
You: Sarah!
Stranger: Nice too meet you Sarah!
Stranger: Well my real name is Erdijan
You: Nice to meet u too!
Stranger: Bet you can't pronounce it
You: Oh shoot.
You: Erdijan
Stranger: Hint the E is silent
You: That's...hard
Stranger: Yup that's why I say my name is Eddy
You: well Erdijan is a nice name tho
You: Exotic I guess?
Stranger: Thank you 😊
Stranger: Haha yeah 🤣 it is
You: Np :)
You: Hahaha I can tell!
Stranger: So Sarah how old are you
You: Take a guess, Eddy
Stranger: Hmmmm 17
You: Closeee
Stranger: 18
You: 16
Stranger: Whaaattt no wayyy
You: 17 in two months
Stranger: Same here
You: Ohh that's dope!!
Stranger: Oh wow happy early birthday
You: hahahah thank you!!!!
Stranger: My birthday is like in 4 mounts I think
You: Hmmm november?
Stranger: Close but its October
You: You mean three months hahah
Stranger: Oh shit
You: Where's your math bro
You: hahahah jk!!
Stranger: I actually don't know
Stranger: I suck at math but I still got a D
Stranger: I gotta thank my teacher who helped me cheat
You: What does a D mean tho?
You: Hahaha you had such a cool teacher huh
Stranger: It's the grade we got on here so it's like F E D C B A so on
Stranger: F is the worst and A is the best
You: Ohhh I see!!!
You: we got like 7 8 9 10
Stranger: Hahah nahhh she used to scream at me at first because I sucked at math so much
You: Numbers, not letters
Stranger: Oh wow really
Stranger: I never knew that
Stranger: I thought everyone had like F - A
You: I thought everyone had like 7-10
You: ahahahhah
Stranger: Hahah then we both are wrong
You: Yess!!
Stranger: Soo what are your hobbies Sarah
You: Dancing
You: Writing
Stranger: Oh really
You: Napping
You: Eating
Stranger: I gotta learn how to dance
You: well I can help you sometime hahaha
Stranger: Hahha maybe one day
You: Yea lmao
You: What are your hobbies?
Stranger: Breathing and just trying to stay alive at this point
You: don't tell me you're depressed
Stranger: Nah I like to work out little bit and just chill
Stranger: Nahhh
Stranger: I'm not
You: Oh! good!!
You: You like to work out???
Stranger: Yeah like going to the gym and so on
You: I've never heard anyone say that they like to work out
Stranger: Tho I have only been going to the gym now 1 month I think
You: Trying to get fit?
Stranger: Yeah well I didn't like it in the beginning until my friend forced me to work out with him
Stranger: Yupp
You: He forced you? That's how you know he's a real one
You: Hahahahaha
Stranger: My friend is always calling me when im going to sleep somehow its like he knows what I'm doing
Stranger: Hahah definitely
Stranger: Now its me that is calling him to go work out
You: Hahahah the tables have turned!
Stranger: Hahaha for sure 🤣
You: 🤣
Stranger: Dude is always saying to me if you don't come today u got to do more the next day
Stranger: He's a real one
You: Hahahahahaha I wish I had that kind of friends
Stranger: Hahaha yeah those people are the greatest
You: I bet, dude
You: 🤣
Stranger: But ngl the dude is damn jacked up
Stranger: I knew this dude for 6 years and I didn't see him for a couple months
Stranger: Dude got so big I didn't know it was him
You: Oh wow!!!
Stranger: Soo what about you do you some friends like that
You: My friends are as lazy as me
You: So...no
Stranger: Hahah well thats still good
Stranger: It's fun to be lazy as long as you guys hang out
You: We don't really..anymore
Stranger: Oh damn for real what happened
You: I mean we do, but not as much as we used to, ya know?
You: Like covid stuff, it's still kinda tough in Brazil
You: and most of them started to work so...
You: They're becoming adults haha
Stranger: Oh wow already
Stranger: Well time is changing but don't worry tho ones corona is gone I bet you will get friends and start to hang out with then
Stranger: Them
Stranger: Same here for me too cause all my friends are now changing school because we are starting college
You: Hopefully!!
You: Starting college at 16??
Stranger: Yupp
Stranger: We got a different school system
You: That's impressive
Stranger: Highschool is like 7-9 graders they are like 14 to 16 years old
Stranger: Then we got to college
You: I'll be starting at like 17
You: Ohhh got it!
You: That's so cool
You: I wish
Stranger: Yeah its cool tho it sucks my friends I got to know these 3 years are going to different schools and so on
Stranger: But im lucky tho cause I got like 5 friends
Stranger: So we will probably meet again
You: Oh yeah I feel ya
You: 5 friends, that's a lot I would say haha
Stranger: Haha are you sure about that 😅
Stranger: Well I wasn't that popular or had many friends in school so I'm glad I finally left that school
Stranger: There was annoying people there
You: I mean, that's a lot if they're like..real ones you know? It's a good amount
Stranger: True true
You: Yeah annoying people, that's life
Stranger: One of my "Friends" almoste stole my jacket from me in our first year
Stranger: Friend
You: Hahahahaha I don't blame them
Stranger: Hahaha well it's alright I forgave him
You: I mean my friends used to do that a lot but like..it wasn't really stealing you know
Stranger: When my big brother found out oh boy he was mad as hell and called that dude and terrorized him
You: omg whyyyy
Stranger: Well this dude was stealing from me
Stranger: He didn't even say nothing to ne
Stranger: Me
You: I mean..he was your friend
You: Couldn't you just ask him to give it back to you?
Stranger: Dude put my jacket in his backpack and acted like he was trying to help me find it
Stranger: Nope
You: Oh no!!1
You: He wasn't a real one
Stranger: Yup that's why I said "friend"
Stranger: I had to last out with him for 3 years straight
You: oh ya you did haha
You: Dang
Stranger: Dude was always talking about girls and so on
Stranger: Nothing else just girls
You: Did you get your jacket back tho?
Stranger: Yep
You: Oh that's annoying
You: Like only talk about girls and guys
Stranger: Funny thing is he came to my home and tried to return it tho I wasn't at home when my mom found out ufff she was screaming at him
Stranger: Dude got scared by my mom
Stranger: Yeah too anyoning
You: Dang...
You: kinda embarrassing
Stranger: Dude didn't stop we always said talk about something else
Stranger: Yeah
You: Ugh If I were you I would probably just ignore him
You: or something
You: and Eddy
Stranger: Well I did try
Stranger: Didn't work
Stranger: Yeah sarah
You: Do you have any social media?
You: Instagram..
Stranger: Yeah I got snap insta
Stranger: Yeah I do
Stranger: My insta is Dumbass_Eddy
You: Ohh Imma follow you there hold up
You: wait ahahahah
You: dumbass eddy? hahahahahah
You: that's funny
Stranger: Hahaha yeah
Stranger: Thanks
Stranger: Well I am a dumbass sometimes
You: I guess everybody
Stranger: True true
Stranger: Well Sarah add me on insta
Stranger: Because I got to go to sleep
Stranger: It's like 3am for me
You: ohh okay :) goodnight!!
Stranger: Good night Il talk to you tomorrow
You: Alright eddy :) see ya
Stranger: See yaaa
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