#we're legit running out of good celebrities aren't we
sparklecinnamonbunny · 5 months
A Necessary Injury
Wishing a very happy birthday to @thatwritingho's Olive Axworthy today! Here's our gals bein' pals to celebrate! Some jokes in Discord gave me a fun idea for a birthday drabble.
(with the teeniest mentions of @the-loveliest-lotus' Lucy, @procrazedfan's Poppy, and @chordsykat's Caj!)
"Hey, darlin'." Sunday enters the clinic with one hand held up and the other holding a gift bag. "I'd knock, but..."
Dr. Olive Axworthy— mortician, assassin, and Dethklok's doctor/bodyguard— asks, frowning, "What did you do?"
"I uh, I broke a nail. It's bleeding."
The good doctor takes her hand to examine it. "You ripped off your acrylic on purpose, didn't you?"
"You can't prove that," Sunday replies, biting back a smile. "Anyway, I thought I'd swing by, get treatment for this totally legit injury, and drop off one of your birthday presents."
"One of? Sunday, I don't need anything for—"
"You gave me those kickass engraved knuckle bones for my birthday even though you don't believe in osteomancy. I only had a couple weeks notice, but I couldn't settle for anything less than greatness."
She sighs and relents, "Do you want me to open it now?"
"I'd love to see your reaction. How about I wash my hands with antibacterial soap and you unwrap?"
She proceeds to do so, setting the gift bag on the medical cot. Olive murmurs something about it being unnecessary again, but her gaze hasn't left the black and gold bag. As she lathers and repeats, she hears the telltale crinkle of tissue paper.
"Oh, she's gorgeous! Wow! Loooong," Olive coos at the skeleton. It wasn't easy to find a real intact king cobra skeleton, let alone one that met both her and her friend's discerning standards, but the smile on her face makes all the trouble she went to worth it.
"Yeah, it is. I made sure it was ethically sourced, there's some paperwork in the bag, too. I wouldn't give you something you wouldn't feel good about keeping."
"Thanks! I'll find a good place for it in my room. Did you know that king cobras aren't true cobras? They have their own genus, Ophiophagus."
Olive tells fun facts about the snake as she washes up, gets fresh gloves, and puts a tiny bandage on Sunday's fingernail. She's especially enthusiastic about the venom (a potent neurotoxin that could kill in half an hour if untreated), but she wouldn't be Olive if she wasn't. And it's pretty brutal to hear about necrotizing flesh. She should write a song about it before Nathan does. Cobratize? Wait, fuck, he's been writing a song about cobras since their second first date. Damn that talented man.
"Should I expect you to show up with another broken nail and present?" Olive asks, full lips pulled into a wide smile.
Sunday grins back. "Nope. The second gift's more of an experience. Skwisgaar and I maaaay have noticed that you own Smugly Dismissed's full discography. And signed it. We aren't doing a reunion show now or ever, but we thought we could play some songs for you sometime. Not tonight though. Big Pickles has got some, uh, very important plans."
"What's he doing?" She scrambles for her phone, but Sunday puts a hand over hers.
"I really shouldn't say," she starts to protest, but the birthday girl's pleading eyes win out. "It rhymes with uh, passive Georgie."
"Passive... Wait. He's planning a massive—"
"Well, I won't keep you any longer. You've got a line out there, and I promised to meet Caj at the helipad." Sunday grabs two lollipops, pocketing one and unwrapping the other.
"You can't just tell me we're having a massive orgy and split! And what do you mean there's a line?"
"Haven't you noticed you're running out of bandaids?"
As Sunday struts out, Olive looks out the door after her. No fewer than ten people stand in line, each nursing their own wounds, from the probably superficial (Lucy Desmond with a vial of blood and a grin) to the possibly complicated (#4245, Poppy, looking roughed up and delighted). It's looking like a long day and an even longer night. That's okay. She prefers it that way.
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bts-polls · 12 days
hi. i know this blog is just for fun, and i don't want to be a downer, but jk rowling is a terf. she actively does not want trans people to exist. as a trans army, it makes me wildly uncomfortable when people who aren't fans are called 'muggles' or when people Sort the members. again, i know it's all supposed to be fun, but. i don't feel at all safe anymore whenever hp stuff is brought up. i hope you have a good day though <3
Hi anon,
First, before I get into the rest of my response I want to say that I while i can't truly empathize on this specific issue, I do sympathize with not feeling safe due to a marginalization from 'the mainstream'. I do apologize for any part my posts played into this for you and anyone else that may have seen them. I'm going to put the rest of my thoughts on this topic below a cut for anyone that isn't up for a discussion-type post from this blog.
HP was my first real fandom and as someone who was raised in an extremely conservative rural area, I'm unfortunately very familiar with this mindset and viewpoint.
I also had to do a hefty amount of soul-searching when deciding how much of hp-fandom I would continue to engage in. I've never been a merch-focused person (which honestly gave me some heartache getting into kpop..there are legit ppl out there that try to make you feel like a fake fan if you don't spend serious money on this interest... but that's a discussion for another day). Anyway, back to HP, I'm not into merch and I didn't like the movies, (I've still only seen the first two and a handful of clips from some of the others) so I'm personally not contributing anymore to the money channeling in but money isn't the only thing that fuels this massive engine.
Again, I had to have a very frank heart-to-heart with myself to see where I personally feel comfortable continuing to engage. For me, being involved in the Fandom to any degree and even having casual conversations about the themes and meanings was an essential part of learning to be curious enough to see more lifestyles different from the one I was raised in. And my story is not dissimilar from many that I knew in situations similar to mine. So I know that this body of work has actually had cases where it fosters discussions and mindsets for minority groups more than anything else of its time. I really cannot overstate how significant the HP books and fandom were in creating the first space where we were able to even explore the idea of being different from those around us, let alone feeling comfortable or even celebrating it. To us, HP was less about the magic of being able to move items without touching them but more about the magic of finding your own worth when everyone around you said otherwise. This concept takes different forms each generation, for some it's superheroes or musicians; for my generation, it was HP.
Do the unveiled viewpoints of the original creator now undo all of the progress that was triggered by her work? And should we all attempt to bury it as if it never happened? Another point of discussion, especially where I now live in the southern US with many entrenched systems of racial discrimination. (Again, another tangent but we're not here to talk about tearing down ugly statues that don't add any value to the current population).
There's also the literal logistical issue of deciding that I can't engage in anything because I don't agree with the views of the ppl in charge, then there will literally be no viable method to exist. My professional expertise is in systems design, implementation, and maintenance; and let me assure you, the world is legitimately run by people who have despicable beliefs. From entertainment, food manufacturing and distribution, to health care and politics; there are scummy mindsets infecting it all. The biggest lie in our society is that good ppl do good things and bad ppl do bad things. No. People with awful motivations do good things continuously. And the inverse is true as well. There is remarkably little black and white in the world, everything is on a spectrum.
Attempting to cut myself off from ALL of it is not possible, nor do I want to engage with ALL of it. So again, I need to decide where that line is. And it needs to be re-evaluated frequently as both myself and the world around me grows and changes.
But this really comes to my main point of this whole post. I had to do my own personal soul-searching to decide where my own boundary is with this issue. And each person should do so as well. We are all so beautifully different in our life experiences and thoughts and mindset. I would NEVER want to claim my personal boundary on any issue should be upheld for ANYONE else. That's where we must empower ourselves to understand our own sovereignty. I have complete control of how I choose to respond to a push of my boundary but not to dictate that others must place their own boundaries.
This is where we are right now. I recognize that my past actions have induced some harm, intentional or not. Again, I apologize for that. I've shared a few reasons why we have different viewpoints and may continue to create similar polls in the future. So, to move forward, I will be more diligent in tagging any polls so that anyone trying to avoid such content may do so. You will have to decide if that is sufficient for you or if you will need to also disengage here.
Whatever you choose, I do wish you the absolute best and thankyou for bringing this lapse to my attention. Like you said, this is intended to be a fun place where we can vote in meaningless tumblr polls about a group of guys in Korea that make music. I would never want to compromise someone's peace with something so trivial but I am just another stranger on the internet. The one thing I can do is try to give you the tools so that you can make informed decisions about what type of content you may encounter in my space.
I'm not looking to turn this blog into a discussion one, so if anyone wants/needs to chat further, please reach out in DMs or through my main blog @curio-queries . This blog will continue to focus on BTS polls.
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