#weasley fanfiction
blackbat05 · 22 days
A New Feeling
Fred Weasley x F!Reader
Plot: An accidental trip to the newest department at the Ministry leaves Fred Weasley with a new feeling and wanting for more.
Genre: PG-13
A/N: Felt like writing something on a whim. Here's to new beginnings and fresh starts! Hope you enjoyed and thanks for the support!
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"Why are we even here George?" Fred bemoans as he unwillingly drags his feet behind his twin.
"Hey, I don't like this any more than you do." George stares at him accusingly. "But we have to submit these permits on time if we want to expand the shop." George sighs. "It's the sacrifice of spreading joy."
They squeeze themselves into the elevator with the other Ministry employees, the metal box taking them down to the lobby.
George throws a hand forward to block his twin as Fred is about to step out.
"What gives?"
"I don't think you need to meet Monty. Especially not when you purposely gave him a fire breathing candy that nearly burned half his insides. We need this permit."
"That's because he's a git." Fred rolls his eyes as he sees the mentioned employee entering the office. "He was harassing the witches at the shop! What was I supposed to do?"
"Fine! Just be somewhere else. I'll let you know when I'm done." George coaxes him before leaving to persuade Monty to expand Weasley Wizarding Wheezes. Perhaps it was for the best. George was always better at business talk with important wizards and witches.
Making himself sparse, Fred ambles down the hallways that were bustling with Ministry employees from various departments. He finds himself at the end of the many rooms and sees a lone ancient door tucked near the emergency staircase. That's strange. Fred's been here a couple of times but he has never seen that door, or what was behind him.
Curiosity getting the better of him, Fred takes long strides to the mystery door and finally gets a clue of what is behind it. In bold, it read: Ministry of Magic Library and Archives.
Fred turns the knob and the door disappears momentarily, allowing him to step inside.
It felt like he had entered a different realm. Bookcases towered over him as he walked deeper into the library. The number of books was a never ending maze. The smell of old pages demanded patrons to show respect to the sacred place.
Fred jumps slightly and bumps into an employee who stares at him curiously.
"Sorry, I didn't mean to scare you." The employee chuckles. Fred can't help but to not notice the scent of strawberry wafting through the air. "How can I help you?"
Fred is rooted to the ground and for the first time, speechless. Her smile was infectious and the sunflower yellow robes seemed to magnify her beauty by miles.
"Well... I'm just... uh... waiting for my brother. I decided to explore the level." Fred explains. "This is new." He waves a hand around the library.
"You're sharp." She remarks and Fred feels oddly proud. "The library and archive room just opened six months ago. After the war, the Ministry felt that it was important to preserve the history and remember what everyone fought for." She leads Fred further in and his footsteps no longer feel heavy. "We have books on different subjects and from all over the world. Minister Shacklebolt felt it was important to learn from our counterparts."
They stop at the fifth shelve and with a wave of her wand, a book floats down.
"And by all subjects, we mean everything." She passes Fred a book titled 'Potions and Pranks by Momo Kohuro'. "Mahoutokoro certainly had a knack for producing students extremely proficient in potions. I think you would have liked it there."
"You know me?" Fred says dumbly.
"Of course." She smiles. "I just thought you have enough attention for the day- entire lifetime actually. I didn't want to freak you out." She refers to the wizards and witches who are unabashedly staring at their conversation.
"You and your family were very brave."
Fred's pride had grown exponentially and he had no idea how he should continue without looking like a fool.
"Um, do you think you could show me around the rest of the library? And maybe help me check out this book?"
She nods and leads him around the library and archive room until closing time.
"Thanks. I really enjoyed it."
"I hope I didn't bore you with my incessant talking. I just really like working here. Thanks for being such an amazing guest." She beams and his heart skips a beat.
"Come back anytime."
Fred leaves the library and heads back to the lobby where George is impatiently waiting for him.
"There you are! I thought you fell down the toilet. What took you so long?"
"Just got lost." Fred says simply, his brother's veiled insult flying over his head. George doesn't question Fred's odd behavior.
"We got the permit! But Monty wants us to both sign the papers even though I clearly know my signature would suffice." George purses his lips. "Maybe you were right about Monty being a stuffy old git."
"Uh huh." Fred says absentmindedly.
"Okay, that does it. What have you done with my brother?"
"Nothing! We can come down tomorrow right?" Fred asks.
"Tomorrow is a Saturday." George deadpans. "Tell me what the hell happened while I was away!"
Fred speed walks to the exit with his twin determined and hot on his heels. "Come on, we need to get back for stock taking."
"Not until you tell me what happened!"
The scent of strawberry still clouds his mind. Fred makes a mental note to get her name when he drops by the library tomorrow.
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ravenclawfromohio · 2 years
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Sneaking Around (Bill Weasley)
You and Bill have been together for a while now, but still, sneaking into each other’s rooms is never easy.
I cringe as the stair creaks under my weight.
After a few seconds and no movement, I deem it safe to open one eye. Then another.
Quietly, and even more carefully now, I make my way up the stairs of the burrow until I come to the 2nd to last floor.
Above me lies the attic, and I can just make out the sounds of Ron snoring through the thin walls.
God bless you Harry, I think to myself. I can’t imagine having to fall asleep listening to all that ruckus.
The door lets out a little creak even as I attempt to open it as gently as possible.
It’s like entering a blast from the past. Vintage posters line the walls. In the corner stands an old dresser, and in the center of the room, underneath the only window, lies a small twin bed. A red checkers blanket lies rumpled, the lump in the bed moving upon hearing my entrance.
Bill peeks out from underneath the comforter, then moves up, allowing the blanket to fall lower, exposing his well-toned abs to me.
He leans back on one hand, the other coming up to rub his eyes.
I move closer, sharing a secret smile with him as he scoots back and lifts the blanket. It’s a quiet invitation that I have no qualm in taking.
‘Well this is a nice surprise,’ he whispers, pecking my temple affectionately. ‘I didn’t expect for you to take my suggestions so literally.’
I take my time answering, instead choosing to meet him halfway in a kiss as my hands massage down his chest.
‘And are you mad about it?’
‘Mad? How could I be mad?’
I chuckle softly as he moves to kiss down my neck, starting at my ear and stopping just short of my collarbone.
But we freeze when a loud thump sounds from below.
Images flash through my head. Visions of a screeching Molly Weasley coming at me in her nightgown, wielding a ladle and going on and on about propriety.
It feels like hours, but could really only be seconds, as we wait with bated breath. Then, we both deflate, the tension seeping from our bones as our strained ears are met with nothing but silence.
Then we settle down. The night is full of barely-there kisses, soft touches, and gentle caresses of any visible skin.
That's how I fall asleep, snuggled so close I'm nearly on top of him, his scent invading my nose from where my head's tucked securely in the nape of his neck.
‘Well, well, well, what do we have here?’
The voices are identical, and I groan as I blink blearily at them.
The twins.
Urgh. Somewhere in the back of my mind, I wonder why exactly it is they’ve chosen to bother me so early in the morning.
That is until the pillow I’m lying on moves, and the arm slung over my waist tights, forcing me to snuggle further into Bill’s warm body. Bill’s warm body?
I shoot up at the realization, smacking Bill awake and snatching the blanket up to cover me in the process.
He shoots up behind me, hands coming to rest on my waist as he shoots daggers at his brothers.
‘Who let you two in here? And where the hell’s Charlie? He was supposed to watch the door.’
Charlie suddenly appears at the door, out of breath and panting.
‘Sorry guys, I tried, I really did.’
‘So,’ one of the twins starts, drawing out the word as he wriggles his eyebrows at me.
‘How long has this been going on?’
‘Just started,’ I say, at the same time Bill says ‘two years.’
‘Two years!’ The twins ask, jaws dropping. ‘But you were still in Hogwarts then?’
‘No, that’s great. We’re happy for you guys.’
They turn as another shriek from Molly bellows up from the kitchen below.
‘Can’t believe Bill’s secret is that he’s been sneaking girls into his room.’
‘Oi,’ Bill yells, throwing a baseball hat at the twins as they duck for cover.
‘It’s only one girl!’
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ittybittyhogan · 2 years
George Weasley Imagine
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Pairing: George Weasley x Pregnant!Reader
Warnings: None
Word count: 545
Description: I can't come up with a good description for this, it's just fluff
This is a slightly edited version of a George Weasley story by I Dream in Color, so if you like this story you should go check out their blog.
Since the day they had met, George and [Y/N] knew that they were going to be stuck within each other’s lives for a long time–what they hadn’t estimated was that they’d be living under the same roof, in the same room, with matching rings, and a vow. Funny how fate worked, wasn’t it?
But they weren’t complaining–in fact, they were far from it. They were doves in love, always joined at the hip and making one another smile. Their days were always filled with happiness and surprises, giggles and grins, especially when it came to the topic of their unborn child.
“[Y/N], you should really take it easy,” George raised a concerned eyebrow at the rounded woman behind the cash register, “You don’t need to overwork yourself before the baby arrives.”
“So you want me to take more breaks?” the woman questioned, smiling.
George snorted. “Well, you are supposed to be on maternity leave… why do I have to order you to take breaks anyway?”
“Because I’m an amazing, hard-working woman and you love me,” [Y/N] chuckled, sitting back behind the counter and resting her chin on her smooth palms. George rolled his eyes as he maneuvered his way to a tall shelf, scanning it scrupulously.
“Hey, [Y/N],” he called over his shoulder, “Would you bring me the box of Skiving Snackboxes?”
Stretching and reclining even more into her chair, [Y/N] replied nonchalantly, “Sorry, darling, but I’m on my break.” She winked slyly at him as he rolled his eyes at her once more.
“Oh, how could I forget?” George grunted, making his way around the counter to where both [Y/N] and the boxed merchandise were. As though asking for forgiveness, [Y/N] stopped him with a sweet kiss to the nose, smiling pleasantly. Unable to resist her, George couldn’t help but beam back, enveloping her within a loose embrace.
“Do you think I’ll be a good dad?”
His question made her giggle suddenly, pulling away just a tad to gaze at him fully. “Oh no–is the confident George Weasley doubting himself?” she gasped mockingly, eyes gleaming teasingly as George shook his head, amused. “If anything, I should be the one whose worry levels are higher than yours–I’ve heard so many horror stories about giving birth! One from Mrs. Godfrey that always comes in, Hermione, my mother–oh, and don’t even get me started on your mum!” [Y/N] finished with a laugh.
“My mum?” George raised an eyebrow, scoffing in disbelief.
“Yes! All of them concerning you–how she knew the instant you came out that you were going to be a troublemaker–”
George groaned in exasperation. “Really? Mum told you scary stories about childbirth? Meaning me? Unbelievable.”
“She still loves you though,” [Y/N] offered good-naturedly.
“Ah, yes, how could she not?”
[Y/N] stuck out her tongue. He stuck his out in return. They both laughed for a moment until George slid his hand to rest onto the center of her inflating stomach. “Just always know that I’ll be with you every step of the way,” he murmured, pressing his forehead to hers softly.
“And I with you, my dear,” his beautiful wife whispered in response before he placed a tender kiss of pure adoration onto her lips.
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its-vannah · 2 years
Let Her Go - Charlie Weasley x Reader
A/N: I'm so sorry this is so bad.
Word Count: 2,922
Warnings: Fluff to angst real fast
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"Uncle Charlie?" A young boy asked, sitting beside his favorite uncle on the couch, "Can I ask you a question?"
"Let me think about it." Charlie teased, elbowing his nephew with his arm, "You know you can ask me anything, Hugo."
Hugo nodded, fiddling with a stuffed dragon in his lap, not daring to meet his Uncle's eyes, "Why didn't you ever get married?"
Charlie sunk back into his seat, releasing a sigh, "You really want to know?"
"I almost did."
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
"Charlie!" You called out, running at full force to catch up to him as he walked through the long corridors.
The ginger turned, a smile spreading across his face as he slowed to a stop, waiting for you to catch up.
Once you caught up, the two of you walked side by side, clutching piles of books to your chests.
"You won't believe what Tonks did in potions." You exclaimed, a laugh escaping your lips as you descended the stairs down to Care of Magical Creatures. It was Charlie's favorite class, the one he was most passionate about. And you had no doubt that he'd probably end up as the professor one day.
He quirked a brow, "Do I want to know?"
"That depends on how much you like Snape." You teased, nudging him with your elbow.
"Well, now I've gotta know, Y/N!"
"Alright, so I was sitting next to Tonks in potions and…"
It was moments like these, when you became so animated sharing a story that Charlie felt his heart skipped a beat. He had never exactly thought about settling down. But one look at you and he knew. He knew you were the love of his life.
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
"Did you hear about the Celestial Ball coming up?" Charlie asked you one day, his heart practically beating out of his chest. He knew that there was a good chance that you already had a date lined up by now, but he held out hope that you hadn't.
You nodded, "I did. Dumbledore did announce it in front of the entire cafeteria, after all."
"I suppose he did." Charlie responded, giving you a small smile, "I was just wondering if you'd gotten a date yet?"
"Oh." Your bottom lip puckered, "I just assumed that we were going together. But if you're taking someone else, it's no harm done. I won't mind."
He shook his head, "No! No, I was going to ask you. I just didn't want to ask if you already had someone lined up.
"You're the only one I'd want lined up." You say, offering a smile, your arm brushing his as you walked to Charms.
"Same for me." His face turned red at the thought of taking you to the ball, "I mean, I don't want myself lined up. I was talking about you. You're the only one I'd want lined up. Sorry, I'm not very good at this."
You laughed, gently patting his back, "Oh, Charlie, you're fine, really. I understood what you meant."
He couldn't help but admire and envy your kindness. You understood him, at times, more than he understood himself. You could unscramble anything he said, even when it didn't make sense. He had plenty of friends, being on the Quidditch team, but at the end of the day, you were the only one he wanted to see in the crowd.
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You descended the stairs down to the ballroom, your deep blue robes swishing behind you, golden thread sewn into the fabric to appear as constellations. You were breathtaking.
Charlie waited for you at the bottom of the stairs, eventually abandoning the idea and running up to meet you halfway, skipping a step as he went.
"You look stunning, Y/N." He said, unable to take his eyes off of you.
You smiled in response, "Thank you, Charlie. You don't look half bad yourself."
He swallowed the bile rising in his throat, breaking out into a small sweat as the two of you reached the bottom of the staircase.
"I have a confession." He said, his head hanging low.
"What is it?" You asked, a hand resting on his shoulder for support, "You know you can tell me anything."
"I can't dance." He admitted, "I've tried a dozen times and I just… I can't. I don't remember the moves or anything. My leading is even worse."
You thought about it for a moment, "I can lead, if you'd like. It'd take some of the pressure off of you."
"And who said we had to be good at dancing? As long as we're having a good time, I don't see the harm in stepping on your toes a few times." You added, with a teasing tone.
Charlie smiled at you. You always had a solution, a way to fix problems. Not just yours, or his own, but everyone's. Nearly everyone in your year came to you when they needed help. It took a toll on you at times, but you enjoyed being there for them. It was one of the reasons you were made prefect. He wouldn't have you any other way.
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
"Are you nervous?" You asked, adjusting his red and gold tie, "You've dreampt about dragons for years, and now you're finally seeing one. I've got a feeling you're about to jump out of your skin."
Charlie sighed, "I've been waiting for this for fifteen years. I'm afraid I'll mess up or be engulfed in flames. But this could also be the happiest moment of my life."
"You don't think the birth of your child will be the happiest moment of your life?" You asked, "You need to sort out your priorities, Weasley."
"I'd prefer to get married before doing the whole children thing." He said as you finished fixing his tie.
You gazed up at him, "And who's going to be the lucky bride/groom/one?"
His whole time at Hogwarts had been leading up to this. If something crazy happened and he were to die at a dragon's talons, he had to say it. He had to tell you how he felt.
"I'm hoping it'll be you."
Your eyes widened, shock pulsing through your body. He was afraid he had made a mistake, jepordizing your friendship. But it needed to be done.
He turned away, "Sorry, I'll see you after class, Y/N. Hope-"
You pressed a kiss to his cheek, standing on the tips of your toes to reach his face. Then, you turned away, looking back once or twice to see him standing rigidly.
A smile spread on his face, and he stood there for a moment before walking to Care of Magical Creatures. He was on top of the world.
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
"Tell me, how much trouble have Fred and George gotten into so far? It's what, their fourth time in detention in a week?" You asked, "Mcgonnagal's going to hand her hands tied with those two, you know."
Charlie sighed, "At least Mum gets a break, with Bill off in Egypt and the four of us here at Hogwarts."
"How are Ron and Ginny doing?" You questioned, "With all of their siblings being off?"
"They're doing as well as they can for being nine and eight. They're still young, so they'll probably be trying to get into the attic to see the ghoul."
You stepped back, "You have a ghoul in your attic? Is it friendly?"
"More or less." He responded, "It'll bang on the pipes when the house is too quiet, though. Can't imagine the ruckus it's making without Fred and George there. Probably having a conniption fit as we speak."
"I'm sure your mum will love that." You snorted, covering your mouth with your hand in embarassement before chanigng the subject, "And how about you? How are you holding up?"
Confused, he tilt his head, "About what? The dragons?"
"No, Charlie, not about the dragons. The O.W.L.S.. Have you been studying?"
"I've barely been sleeping from all the studying. This is what will get me into that dragon program in Romania." He said eagerly, although it was a bit of a touchy subject for the two of you.
You would have been content with working for the ministry under the Regulation and Control of Magical Creatures, but Charlie wanted something new, something freeing.
So the two of you had agreed not to talk about it until the end of seventh year. But as the end of sixth approached, you worried that you would lose each other. It broke your heart to think about, but you knew that once he had his mind set on something, nothing would come in his way.
"Well, if you want to get a high score, you need to get some rest." You reminded him, resting your head on his shoulder, "Studying will only get you so far, you need to get some rest, alright?"
He nodded, "Don't worry, I will."
Charlie headed back to his room shortly after, slipping under his quilt. He turned on his side, gazing at the picture he kept of you on his nightstand. Your hair flowing rapidly in the wind. With a smile, he closed his eyes, drifting into a deep sleep.
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
It was a warm April day and you were laying on Charlie's lap, staring at the clouds above you when he asked you a question that had the potential to change your lives.
"Marry me."
You initially laughed it off, "Alright."
"Really?" He asked, surprised, inclining his head to face you.
You lifted yourself from his lap, raising a brow, "What are you going on about?"
"I think we should get married?"
"And when did you get that idea?"
Charlie shrugged, "Always figured it would happen, but I got the idea just now."
"So you think I'll say yes and we'll just go get married?"
"Why not?"
"Charlie." You began, "We're fifth years. We can't get married even if we wanted to."
When he didn't respond, you continued, "Besides, you'd have to propose to me first. And even after that, it takes a while to plan a wedding."
"Oh." He said, slumping in defeat. You went back to your previous position, contentedly laying your head in his lap.
But it didn't last long. He sat back up, causing you to slide off his lap, "Then I'll just propose to you."
You pushed yourself up off the grass, "Bloody hell, Charlie."
"So, what do you say, marry me?"
"Where's my ring?" You teased, crossing your arms.
Charlie merely pulled out his wand, plucked a blade of grass, and muttered a spell under his breath that turned the green blade into a ring. A nearby flower was turned into a shimmering gem that nestled itself into the center of the ring.
Your jaw dropped, "When I asked about the ring, I was joking..."
"Not joking now, are you?"
You shook your head, leaning in to get a closer look at the ring, "It's beautiful for a piece of dirt."
"Grass." He corrected, holding it out, "So, what do you say? Will you, Y/N, marry me?"
Pretending to think about it for a moment, you shrugged, "Hmm... I don't know..."
"Oh come on, woman, what do you want from me?"
"Oh, hush, Weasley." You laughed, pressing a kiss to his lips, "Yes, I'll marry you, but only if you promise to keep it between us."
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
"Charlie, how is this going to work?." You said, seated across from him in the library.
His shoulders sagged, "How is what going to work?"
"Getting married."
Charlie shrugged, "I dunno, we'll figure out a way to make it work."
"But you're planning on going to Romania."
"So? You're planning on working for the Ministry."
"Which is thousands of miles away from one another."
He let out a long sigh, "I never really thought about that."
"So what are we going to do, Charlie?" You asked, "I don't want to break things off, but I want to have some idea of what my future will look like."
He thought about it for a moment, "Then don't."
"Don't what?" Confusion masked your face, "I don't understand."
"We'll hold off on getting married, stay engaged until we're both happy in our careers. I'll get to experience life in Romania, and you'll get to work here in London. Eventually one of us will get tired of our jobs and want to leave."
"Charlie, it might work temporarily, but we can't keep putting this off." You sighed, placing your head in your hands.
He pressed a kiss to your temple, "I know."
But he didn't know.
A few weeks later, you turned around one of the many corridors after Charms and found Charlie running up to you, a large smile spread across his lips.
He slowed to a stop before you, taking your hands into his, "I got it, Y/N. I got the internship."
"Internship?" You questioned, "What on earth are you talking about, Charlie?"
His heart sank. He hadn't told you.
"Y/N, I need to tell you something and it's not going to be easy, alright?" He said, lowering his voice and pulling you to the side of the corridor, "I applied for an internship at the Romanian Dragon Sanctuary a few months ago… and I got it."
You stared at him dead in the eye, "And you just weren't going to tell me?"
"No, I was going to. I didn't want to cause any trouble… I didn't even think I'd get in!"
"No, Charlie. You don't get to go around and do whatever you want behind my back and expect me to go along with it. You said we'd talk about it. And we didn't. You had every moment to tell me. Before you applied, when you applied, even a few days after. And you didn't." You hissed, turning in the other direction.
He reached for your hand, but you tugged it away, turning your head back to him, "And for the record, Charlie, I'm really proud of you. I'm really proud of you for getting the internship. But what I'm not proud of is the fact that you kept this from me."
"I'm done, Charlie. With all of this. I can't keep taking all of this back and forth. It's exhausting. I'm sorry, Charlie, I can't."
With that, you walked towards your common room without another word.
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Charlie spared his nephew the details of how devastated he had been when you had called it quits, but made sure to give him the overall picture.
"Did you ever talk to her again?" Hugo asked, swinging his feet, "You must have really loved her."
He sighed, "No, I haven't spoken to her since that night in the corridor. I've sent her plenty of owls, but I've gotten no response. But I still love her, Hugo, I still do."
"So why don't you marry her?" He asked.
"It's not that easy, bud." Charlie sighed, "If it was, I would have."
Hugo frowned, "I wish I could have met her."
"Me too."
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Charlie held Hugo's hand as he walked him to the platform.
"Thanks for being here, Uncle Charlie." He smiled, "You didn't have to come."
"What are Uncles for?" Charlie quipped, "I wanted to be here."
They ran into the platform, appearing on the other side mere moments later. Ron and Hermione followed suit behind the two of them, "Are we chopped liver, Hugo?"
"No offence, mum, but Uncle Charlie works with dragons. He's way cooler."
Rose scoffed teasingly, "This is why I'm the favorite."
"Are not!" Hugo retorted angrily.
The siblings continued to bicker, but Charlie hardly noticed. He only saw you, your hands smoothing down a teenager's robes, talking sternly to him.
He could just barely make out what you were saying.
"Now, Y/N/N (your nephew's name), promise me that you'll stay out of trouble. You're in your sixth year now, there's no excuse."
"Aunt Y/N…" He groaned, rolling his head back, "I'll behave, I promise."
You brushed his h/c hair away from his face, tapping his cheek gently, "I love you, Y/N/N."
He leaned in to give you a hug, already towering over you at sixteen, "I love you, too."
With that, he turned towards the express and climbed aboard, his black and red robes flowing behind him.
Hugo approached his uncle, giving him a quick hug before skipping off to the train, climbing aboard with a smile on his face. He eagerly waved goodbye as the train started to depart.
Charlie waved back, and within moments, the train disappeared.
He looked back to where you stood, time at a standstill. Then you twist your head back, meeting his gaze.
Without even thinking, he was walking over to you. His heart was beating out of his chest with every step he took. Finally, he was standing before you, offering a small smile, "Y/N."
"Saying your goodbyes?"
"More like "see you soon's", but yes." You responded, "My sister/brother passed when my nephew was an infant, so I've been raising him for the past fifteen years now."
He nodded, "Is he a hand full?"
"You know all the trouble Fred and George got into?"
"I do."
"That, but with one child instead of two."
Charlie couldn't help but laugh, "You ever have any of your own?"
"Me? No, no, I never settled down. What about you?"
"Me neither." He responded, "Y/N, I-"
But you cut him off, tugging the chain around your neck up so he could see what was on it. He inhaled sharply when he saw the ring he made you dangling from the dainty chain.
"I've worn this ever since we said goodbye all those years ago, Charlie. No one else was ever going to have my heart. It was always you."
He took a step forward, "Your picture is still on my nightstand, Y/N. The same one I had at Hogwarts."
A hint of a smile appeared on your face, "Are you free for brunch?"
"I can make time."
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stvrart · 2 years
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The Weasleys!
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The Happiest Of Occasions
read on AO3
~1k, Molly Weasley & Weasley Family, Charlie Weasley/Original Female Character(s), G-rating, Canon AU
Summary: Molly Weasley finds a used and positive pregnancy test on her bathroom sink. She wants answers.
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nicksolemnlyswears · 5 months
i updated my george weasley longfic for the first time since august. it feels so good to be back! i felt terrible about it but writers block got me good and i was helpless!
already planning the next update because it’s going to be an epic one!
if anyone is interested in reading it’s both in ao3 and wattpad
please come join me while i write this tale. yell at me, swoon with me, fall in love with the characters and more!
current word count: 156,000
Lyra has everything she could ever hope for. Her life at Hogwarts is perfect or almost, at least.
The Weasley Twins seem to have a tiny obsession with her. She's always on the end of their pranks despite barely interacting with them.
When one of their pranks goes too far, one of the Weasley Twins finds himself asking for her forgiveness. Lyra Malfoy will not make it easy for him, though.
Along the road to forgiveness, many secrets will be discovered and others formed, an unlikely friendship will be created, and love will blossom despite all odds.
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edie-k · 2 years
Title: A Touch of Mystery
Rating: Teen
Pairing: General; very minor Ron/Hermione and Bill/Fleur
Summary: The Weasley brothers have lunch and learn something new about Percy.
Notes: Happy birthday to Percy, my second favorite Weasley! A huge shoutout to @constitutionalweasleymonarchy for the amazing Percy content she’s put out this month (a drabble every day!). And thanks as always to adenei for the beta help.
“Did I beat Bill?” George asked, as he slid into the seat across from Percy. He and Ron were already seated at the table inside the brothers’ favorite lunch spot.
“Nope. He’s ordering for all of us.” Ron gestured to the tall partition that separated the ordering queue from the dining area.
“Damn. If I’m paying this week, you better not have ordered anything too expensive.”
“I’m lucky that Ron stopped by my office and reminded me of the time otherwise I would have been last and stuck with the tab.” Percy smirked.
A scowl crossed George’s face.“Thanks a lot, Ron.”
Ron chuckled. “It's a habit. Between Percy and Hermione, I think I spend half of every lunch hour trying to convince someone to eat.”
“Food will be ready shortly.” Bill was levitating a tray of drinks in front of him as he rejoined his brothers. He plunked down next to George and held out his hand. George gave a good-natured groan before dropping several coins in his open palm.
“Looks like we got here at the right time. The line was getting long,” Bill remarked.
Ron grimaced. “This is depressing.”
Read the rest here
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dramionedaydream · 2 years
Molly x Arthur Weasley multi-chapter Origin Story "Chasing the Chaser" is Complete
Summary: In her final year at school, Molly Prewett is captain of the Gryffindor quidditch team and looking for a new beater. Out of nowhere, Arthur Weasley tries out. Rival captain Lucius Malfoy does not like it at all, rightly suspecting that Weasley might upset Lucius's secret relationship with Molly. The fic no one asked for, but I hope you like it. Marthur? Molly/Arthur HEA.
Read on AO3 or FFN or Wattpad
A few miles from where the Lucius Malfoy's father had dragged him away, Molly Prewett stood wandless and mired in a muddy, wooded lane, cold rain dripping from the ends of her hair, coursing down her face. Aunt Muriel would have said she looked like a drowned rat. She pushed her sopping hair out of her eyes and blinked through the rain. Yes, she had seen it correctly. Arthur Weasley had just arrived in his Ford Anglia, answering her distress call. He had thrown its door open and he was trotting through the mud, tearing off his jacket in spite of the downpour.
“Stars, Molly!” he was calling. “What are you doing out here in Wiltshire? What’s happened to your wand?”
As he reached her, he draped his jacket over her shoulders. Its flannel lining was still infused with the heat of him, and it was the only warmth she had. As she went to thank him, she surprised them both by bursting into tears.
Arthur dropped an arm around her. “Come here, you’re freezing. Look at your shoes. You’ve been walking for miles like this, haven’t you?”
She still couldn’t answer, gasping on sobs.
“Has – anyone – hurt you?” he said, alarmed, glancing up and down the road.
She shook her head. “Just cold,” she hiccoughed.
He was pulling the car’s passenger door open and easing her inside. “Get settled in there. I think I put our picnic blanket in the boot. I’ll fetch it. You get those shoes off.”
The door closed behind him, so heavy it always sounded like it had been slammed. Finally out of the rain, Molly breathed through the last of her tears. Poor Arthur, greeted with thanks like that.
With a shuddering sigh she wrenched her shoes off to see that her tights were a dead loss, torn and saturated with mud. Peeling them off, she dropped them with a squelch on the car’s mat. It was such a relief she fought her way out of her drenched jumper and her clinging, transparent white shirt too. She pulled Arthur’s jacket close around herself, shivering, still fully dressed but with just her navy camisole for a top and her wool skirt for the bottom. The jacket was large enough for her to curl her entire body inside of it. Her hands clamped over her toes, no heat between them.
That was how Arthur found her, tiny, compact, her wet head all he could see of her. He crashed onto the seat beside her, fumbling with the blanket. “There isn’t much bulk to it, I’m afraid. But once we get it around you, you should be able to charge up some heat, especially if you keep trembling like that. Did you know that’s how shivering works? It’s your muscles burning energy to produce heat. I read it in a Muggle medical textbook.”
Arthur passed the blanket behind her, draping it over her like a cloak, pressing it to her arms with the palms of his hands. “Is it any better?” he said, frowning as she continued to shiver.
She gave her head a single shake. “It’s only warm where you’re touching me.”
Arthur gulped. “Oh – “
“Sorry, Arthur, but – ” Her arms darted out from inside the jacket and clasped themselves around his torso. “You’re so warm. And I don’t think I’ve ever been so cold in my life.”
His jacket was mashed between them, keeping her legs and feet covered. The blanket stayed on her shoulders, enfolding both Molly and Arthur now, their fronts pressed together, the heat of his pounding heart burning against her. It wasn’t until he rubbed his hands against her back beneath the blanket that Arthur realized how little she was now wearing.
He gave a concerned hum and sat back a little.
“It’s alright,” she said, holding him tighter, still shivering. “I’m decent enough. Pretend you found me at the beach in a very odd bathing costume.”
“Right. Like a mermaid,” he said.
Molly scoffed. "Thanks."
“No, no. Not like one of the Hogwarts mermaids,” he rushed to say. “Like a mermaid from Denmark. Have you seen them? They’re lovely. Even Muggles like them. I've heard there are Danish mermaids with proper ginger hair and everything.”
For the first time since he’d found her that day, Molly laughed.
It was what Arthur needed to hear for him to sigh and settle in, hefting her to sit in his lap, her back against his front, one arm around her waist.
She sighed, nestling closer. “My hair and skirt are getting your clothes wet.”
His free hand smoothed her hair behind her ear, clearing a space for his chin to drop onto her shoulder. It drew her back to lean her head against his. “A little dampness is nothing,” he said. “I came running because I wanted to help, whatever the cost.”
Beneath the blanket, his hand had found her icy fingers. She raised his hand with hers and blew on it with her warm breath while he watched from over her shoulder. Completely transfixed at the sight of her fingers entwined with his, Arthur was quiet, not asking questions anymore, but still entitled to an explanation after coming all this way and finding her like this. Neither of them had said the name “Malfoy” yet, but she felt like he understood. If they were in Wiltshire, he might have seen Malfoy’s manor house from the air.
Her body moved with Arthur’s as he drew a deep breath. “Sorry I took so long to get here,” he said. “I had a mishap with my wand today and didn’t trust it to apparate safely. So I Floo-ed to Uncle Bilius’s for the car and then blew the Invisibility Booster out flying it faster than it’s ever gone before.”
“Oh dear,” she said. “What’s the trouble with your wand? Wouldn’t surprise me if that was my fault too.”
He squeezed her hand. “It’s likely no trouble at all. Probably just a bad prank of Potter’s. Don't ask. But I didn’t want to risk it right when you needed me.”
When he finished speaking, he rested his face on her cold bare shoulder again, only it wasn’t the hard ridge of his chin against her now. It was something softer and warmer, maybe his closed mouth and the tip of his nose. She wondered if he realized he was doing it, or if it was just more of his accidentally too intimate behaviour.
She cleared her throat. “No invisibility. So we’ll need to wait here until after dark? When no one will be able to see the car flying away?”
Arthur lifted his mouth. “Yeah.” And then instead of resting his face on her shoulder again, he opened his mouth and breathed on her chilly, freckled skin, warming it with his lips close enough for her to feel them brush against her. In spite of the warmth, she shivered all the way to the back of her knee.
Molly turned her face toward him, tense, eyes closed. The change seemed to jolt him awake to what he’d been doing to her, and he snapped his jaw shut.
“Sorry – Molly, I’m sorry. You were still cold and – I wasn’t thinking. And as soon as I stop thinking with you, it all gets – “
“You don’t need to be sorry,” she said, leaning her forehead into his cheek. She could hear his breaths, fast and shallow. “You don’t need to be sorry as long as you mean it.”
He sighed again. “I mean it. Every time I’ve touched you, and especially when I kissed you that one time, I meant it, just like this.”
She opened her eyes. Even knowing she was red-head splotchy from crying and freezing, she turned her face up to his, letting him see her, finding those blue eyes. She was glad to be stuck with him, alone, close. His gaze slipped from her eyes, and she watched it track down to her mouth. His throat bobbed, his bottom lip quivered slightly.
She kissed him, craning over her own shoulder, thrilling at his response, the ecstatic gasp, his forward surge to meet her. Their backward angle meant the latch wasn’t quite as perfect a fit as their first kiss in the pub, but this time they were by themselves, and his warmth alone was still the best feeling in the world to her. The kiss was soft and slow as they searched for each other, melting together, gathering momentum. There was still a chill in her skin and Arthur moved his mouth to better warm her lips. He began by wetting his own which, naturally, flicked his tongue into the front of her mouth.
With that she slid off his lap to kneel beside him on the Anglia’s bench front seat. She leaned into his gentle worshipfulness. Though it was perfect in its way, there was more, and she wanted that too. It broke into something wilder, deeper as she kissed him face to face. Arthur followed, taking her in, clinging to her as she moved, keeping her close, his fingers splayed on her shoulder blade, somehow working themselves beneath one thin strap of her camisole. She answered by slipping her arms between his jumper and his T-shirt.
He was so infinitely sweet, so careful and caring, but so heated all at the same time. She was half dressed and pouncing on him, stranded with him in the middle of nowhere. Her hands roved over the thin fabric covering his lean chest and stomach. If he pushed her, in the vulnerable state she was in, stars only knew when and if she’d make him stop. But she’d never snogged anyone she trusted this much before. And that trust, it turned out, was maddeningly seductive.
But then his voice was sputtering into words. “Molly, wait,” he said.
She sat back with a click, opening her eyes to the sight of the tousled, kiss-drunk young man she’d been ravishing. She was warm enough to blush again. “Sorry,” she said. “I did mean it, but…”
“It’s – it’s far more than fine. All of it. I just need to be sure,” he said, his hand drifting out of her hair to caress her face. “You’re my girl now, for real, aren’t you?”
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ladymary1994 · 2 years
SH memes #14
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O meme bora Bill está em toda a parte, e não tem como não se lembrar do nosso Bill favorito: o Bill Weasley! Além dele, sua mulher Fleur e seus filhos Victoire, Dominique e Louis também entraram na brincadeira, embora Domi não tenha curtido muito a piada...
Todos eles estão na saga SOBREVIVENDO EM HOGWARTS, e também aparecem em um spin-off, narrado e protagonizado pela filha mais velha do Bill, Victoire: O RETRATO, que você também não pode deixar de ler!
Veja a versão em vídeo no nosso Tik Tok!
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evesaintyves · 2 years
Hi friends! I wrote a story for @thehousescompetition Year 9 Round 2 and you can find it here on AO3. I'm proud of this one, it touches on some things I have been wanting to write about for a while. No pairings (well, Bill and Fleur are mentioned), just a mother-daughter moment between Molly and Ginny Weasley. Warnings for character death and themes around sibling/family deaths.
Savour the Moment
"No, Mum, I—I don't want to go back to bed. I've been... I had a dream."
Molly sighs. "Well... all right. You can help me, then. I'll need two cups of sugar measured -
She stops talking at Ginny's worried look.
"Is it all right if I just... sit with you?" Ginny asks. Her hands are fidgeting behind her back and Molly knows she's picking at her fingernails again.
"All right, then. Sit." Molly tries to say it gently but she knows she sounds exasperated. She can't help the bitterness of disappointment in her throat. She learned to cook at her own mother's elbow and she is full of warm, creamy, ginger-flavoured memories of it. But Ginny's never liked being in the kitchen with her mum. She wants to be out with the boys, flying on broomsticks, getting jostled and scraped and braying coarse laughter through a mouthful of blood. That's why, when she thinks about Ginny, it's not the cream tea and swiss roll flavours she expected when she learned she was finally having a girl. It's rain-drenched popcorn at the Quidditch match and the salt of a kiss on Ginny's sweaty, gritty forehead.
I also want to apologize for the next chapter of The Last Mission being late - I hope to have it ready by next weekend. Thanks for your patience and I love you!
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blackbat05 · 2 months
At my side
Fred Weasley x Reader
Plot: When you start to show cracks, a concerned Fred wants to intervene.
Genre: Angst/Comfort, PG-13
A/N: Haven’t been writing as much but when I do the trauma really shows?🤡 But in all seriousness, if you’re going through a tough time, I hope this piece can comfort you slightly. May there be better days.
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Fred hears the door unlock, followed by the sound of you removing your shoes and coat. A loud groan emits from that rickety old chair at the dining table and Fred finds you slumped on the furniture, hand clasping a bottle of Butterbeer.
“Tough day?”
You give a wan smile and take a swig of the drink. Your head was still buzzing from the day’s events and you didn’t want to bring any troubles back.
“Dinner?” You asked, hoping to deflect the question. Fred tells you that Molly had sent over basil rice with tomato soup earlier in the day and had saved some for you. You notice that he’s still looking at you. Not wanting to crack under his gaze, you excuse yourself to wash up.
Alone in the bathroom, you find yourself heaving a sigh of relief. You go through the motion quietly and despite being clean, all you want to do is to curl up in bed and sleep the weekend away.
“Hullo love.” Fred appears at the doorway and you already dread where this is going. You have to act normal so you nod nonchalantly. Fred gets beside you.
“Everything okay? You seem sad.” Fred makes an astute observation.
“Yeah, I’m fine. I’m just tired that’s all.” Your voice is a little too high pitched. You don’t want to tell him how you overheard malicious gossip at your temporary job as a healer assistant. Somewhere along the lines of how Fred was a successful, self-made entrepreneur and you were just there for the ride. It hurt even more because it was true.
“Sorry, Fred.” You interrupt. “I’m rather beat, I’ll go to sleep first.”
Before Fred can get another word in, you slip under the sheets and turn away from him. You’ve cried enough. You don’t want to make yourself weak in front of him.
Fred stops in front of the closed shop and leans naturally on the glass panel. Arriving at St Mungo’s, he’s greeted by staff and families buzzing around the reception area.
Holding a bag of food from your favorite Chinese restaurant, Fred sets off to find you. He gets off the third floor, and makes his way to the staff room where he’s sure to find you.
“She’s not going to move anywhere else! Not when she has that gorgeous ginger to provide for her.” A nasty voice emits from the room. Fred halts in his tracks and inches a little closer.
“I wish I could have her life,” another voice whines. “I would never have to worry about bills and have tea after passing time.”
Fred could smell the sarcasm from a mile away. The chorus of laughter only made his blood boil because he was no idiot, he knew that they were talking about you. So that’s why you were so gloomy yesterday. Fred has the urge to burst in there and give them a piece of his mind when-
He turns around and you’re standing there holding a clipboard looking pale and shell-shocked. How much did he overhear from your nasty colleagues?
You manage to snap out of it and grab him by the wrist, pulling Fred to the lobby and out of earshot from curious eyes and ears.
“What was that? Was that why you were so sad?” Fred interrogates. “Tell me!”
You flinch at his accusatory tone. No. You will not be spoken to this way. The past couple of months had been hard on you. The passing of your grandmother coupled with the inability to get a stable job had took a toll on you. You were trying so hard to keep it together but sometimes, all you need is just a spark to start an inferno.
“Will you stop harassing me!” You snarl and Fred genuinely looks shocked at your sudden outburst. This wasn’t you. You were always bright and sunny despite whatever challenges that were thrown your way. The person that was in front of him was… downtrodden and beaten.
“I can’t deal with this right now.” Your hands are tightly balled into fist. “I’m trying so hard to feel some sort of worth at a job where my colleagues think I’m a rich skank mooching off her boyfriend and that I’m doing this job to simply pass time.” You find your shoes very interesting at this point in time. “So if you have nothing useful to say, please leave.”
As the words tumble out of your mouth, a part of you cannot believe what you’ve just said. You’re a horrible bastard. You can’t bear to look at the expression on Fred’s face so you turn and stalk back to the ward where your “beloved” colleagues were probably wondering where you ran off to.
You apparated a few feet outside of your shared apartment, letting out a sigh. You weren’t looking forward to the conversation to be honest.
Be a big girl.
You open the door to silence and for a moment you think that Fred is still at the shop.
You turn around to see Fred at the kitchen, holding two mugs. “Can we talk?” He asks gently. You nod and wordlessly make your way to the dining table.
“Thanks.” You accept the mug of hot chocolate and are pleasantly comforted by the warmth gushing down your throat.
“About just now,” Fred starts. “I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have turned up unannounced.” He fiddles with his hands, a sign that he still has more to say. “And I shouldn’t have been that hard on you.”
“You didn’t do anything wrong. If anything, it’s me.” You blurt out. “I know you were concerned. I didn’t want to tell you because you’ve been really busy with the shop and honestly, I thought I could handle it on my own. Those nosy witches, they’re more bark than bite.” Your insult brings a small smile on your face and this humors Fred as well.
As you let your guard down, suddenly the weight of the world falls off your shoulders and your cheeks start to feel wet.
“Oh,” you summon a handkerchief, “I’m being ridiculous.”
“You’ve been too hard on yourself.” Fred frowns. “You’ve been through a lot. I wished I could have carried some of it for you.”
“You already have.” You hold his hand, thinking about how he insisted to be there for you when your grandmother passed away and never left your side once. As the tears rolled down your face, you realize one thing.
“You were there and I always want you to be by my side.”
You think about how if Fred was never there, you would have fought everything on your own. It wasn’t any easier now, but at least it wasn’t rock bottom.
Fred gives you a tight hug.
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ravenclawfromohio · 1 year
Ok, I need some help. There used to be a Charlie Weasley x Hermione fanfic on Wattpad (I think it was called “To Tame a Weasley,” something like that). Anyways, I can’t find it anywhere, and it’s driving me insane.
If you know of it or know where I can find it, please please please let me know!!
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august126 · 7 months
enemies with benefits
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draco malfoy x female weasley reader
warnings: Hate Sex,Nicknames,Rivals With Benefits,Name-Calling,Insults,Nipple Play, and Nipple Licking
a/n:This is my first attempt at fanfiction so please be kind.and I tried with my grammar so  be gentle.
"Oh fuck, yes! y/n feet were lanted on the mattress next to Draco's hips, leaning back so his cock would slide all the way down to the base, press all the way to the back of her cunt.
She rode him so hard, arms wrapped around his neck for leverage, bucking against him almost violently.
Throat and cheeks red, sweat beading between her tits, sweet sounds spilling from her lips — Gods, it was like she was using him.
“That’s it, Red, take what you need,” Draco groaned, leaning forward mouthing her cute tits, swirling his tongue around one nipple and then switching the other.
“Stop calling — oh fuck, just like that, Malfoy! Damn it, stop calling me Red !”
Draco released her nipple with a wet pop, pretty pink and shining with his spit.
“Hm, what would you prefer then? Bitch? Whore? Slut?”
“Fuck you, Malfoy!” she spat, nails sharp against his skin as she ground down on his cock viciously.
“You already are, Red,” Draco drawled, feeling her pussy squeeze around him.
 She never commented on the nickname, but her body couldn’t lie to him.
“You’re dripping all over me, Red. You wanted to fuck so bad, hm? Needed my cock that much?
Draco slid his hand from her waist over her mound, pressing his thumb against her clit, letting her movements brush it against his thumb.
"Oh, oh my — ngh!" She was mindless. Whines and whimpers, eyes closed, brow furrowed in concentration as she smacked her ass against his thighs, riding him like a toy.
It was deliciously hot, watching her lost in lust — but annoying how she chose to ignore his taunts.
“weasley .” His voice was low and harsh as he pinched her clit lightly.
y/n squealed, her hips jumping up, pulling half his cock out of her and she glared at him.
“Malfoy, you rotten bastard!” She seethed,  “I was so close!”
“Oh, Red.” Draco pressed her hips down, forcing her to take his cock until their thighs touched. y/n was already panting, the edge in her eyes softening, her teeth plucking against the edge of her bottom lip as she started using her feet to rock back and forth against his cock. “You know better than to ignore me. That is, if you’d like to come.”
y/n froze, with her mouth parted for a moment, Draco smirking back at her.
And then she exploded, Weasley temper at full force.
“Who the hell do you think you are, Malfoy? You think just because you’re a little bit good at fucking, I have to answer you?! You aren’t shi — oh my Gods!”
Draco started fucking up into her, y/n hips automatic, meeting him thrust for thrust as she whimpered and moaned. Hot anger replaced with need as she bounced on his cock.
Draco hugged her body close, y/n wrapping her legs around his back now, as he used the give of the mattress to thrust up. Draco pressed his mouth against her neck, licking roughly and swallowing down the sweat.
“Yes, Merlin, yes, keep doing that, Draco,” her voice was light and breathy — so different from her usual tone, it was erotic in how sweet it was.
Draco groaned into her neck before using teeth, biting down just hard enough that y/n began squirming in his lap.
“Oh, oh.”
“You love that, don’t you, Red? When it’s a little rough like that?” Draco kissed the bruises he left on her neck, y/n thighs trembling against his own. She was so close, wet and fluttering around his cock.
y/n moved her hands from his neck, tangling in Draco's hair, pushing his head down back to her tits. Draco didn't fight her, kissing and sucking on her nipples, leaving them swollen and red as y/n moaned and ground down on his cock. Nasty, wet sounds echoing in the room from her dripping cunt sliding up and down his length.
“That’s it Red, fuck, squeeze around my cock just like that, love,” Draco murmured against her tits, looking up at y/n who stared back down at him, her eyes almost black with desire. “I can feel your pussy fluttering around me, so close aren’t you? Going to make a mess on my laps and ruin my sheets?”
y/n seemed to be lost for a moment, a beat filled with the sounds of wet cunt, her low moans, and squeaking mattress, until her nails dug painfully into his scalp.
She yanked his head back, glaring down at him once more, even with the haze of need and lust in her eyes. “Don’t. Call. Me. Love.”
Draco’s jaw dropped.
This witch, this fucking bitch!
A low growl spilled from Draco’s lips, bringing his hand up to one of her breasts, pinching and pulling on the nipple, rolling it between his fingers.
“You are beyond infuriating, y/n!” Draco hissed before he took her other nipple in his mouth, sucking hard, hollowing his cheeks, then swirling his tongue against it.
Draco saw the arrogant flash of her teeth, the same sort he remembered from his youth. Her fingers flexed in his hair once more, pressing his face into her breasts, encouraging his abuse of them as she rode on his cock. “I know, ferret. And I know how much it turns you on, too.”
Draco didn’t bother replying, instead biting down, harsh, on y/n nipple, her punishment and her reward. The witch shattering around him with a scream, her luscious cunt squeezing and milking him, until he came too with a groan.
y/n still clutched his head against her chest, both breathing deeply.
“I fucking hate that…ferret.”
y/n released his head, laughing as she leaned back. She ran her hand through her hair, pushing it back off her forehead. “Yeah? And what in Godric’s name are you going to do about it, ferret?”
Draco placed his hand between y/n legs, feather light against her clit, still sensitive. She hissed for a moment before relaxing her hips.
“I suppose I’ll need to fuck you stupid, until the only words that come out of your insolent little mouth are draco malfoy, ” he drawled, fingers circling on her clit now, y/n breath catching.
“A-are you going to keep barking, or actually do something, f-ferret?” y/n bit her lip, keeping a moan at bay and Draco almost laughed at her bravado.
“You’ve asked for it, love.”
And, cock hard once more, he thrust up into That perfect cunt.
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its-vannah · 2 years
All Too Well - Bill Weasley x Reader
A/N: This one is so angsty though. Like holy sh*t. Enjoy!
Song: All Too Well (10 minute version)
Pairing: Bill Weasley x Reader
Warning: Implied *eh hem*, breakup, moving on, "die"
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The air was cold as you approached the burrow, walking side by side with Bill. Your y/h scarf was hung loosely over your shoulders, the frayed ends brushing against the wrapped gift in your hands. A smile was spread on your nose, small snow flurries falling around you.
Before Bill could even knock, a short, stout ginger threw the door open, rushing out onto the lawn and throwing her arms around your boyfriend. He laughed, stumbling back a few steps as he wrapped her arms around her.
"Oh, Bill, it's so good to have you home!" She exclaimed, patting his cheeks gently. Slowly, she turned to you, a toothy smile on her face, "Oh, Bill, I didn't know you were bringing a guest! Now who is this?"
Your smile fell in that moment, but it was quickly, and forcefully replaced. Extending a hand, you introduced yourself, "Nice to meet you, I'm Y/N. Bill's girlfriend."
"Girlfriend!" She exclaimed, jumping back in surprise, "Oh, Bill, you should've told us! She's quite a looker, isn't she?"
A nervous laugh escaped your lips, "You must be Bill's mum?"
"Oh, forgive me, dear!" She took your hand, shaking it roughly, "I'm Molly Weasley. But you can call me Molly. Or mum. Most of the kid's friends call me that."
Bill shook his head, letting out a breathy laugh, "No, they don't."
"Well," Molly sighed, "Let's get you warmed up inside. No sense in standing out here in the cold when we've got a fire going inside. Come on, dear!"
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Slipping off your wool coat, you hung it on top of your h/c scarf on a nearby hook. You had handed Bill the wrapped present, which he held to one side as he gave his siblings one armed hugs, grinning from ear to ear.
In the next ten minutes, you were introduced to more people than you knew possible. Bill's dad, Arthur, was more than entertaining. After finding out that you were a half-bloof, he was asking about your experiences having a muggle as a parent. You had been in Ron's year in school, so you had already met him and Ginny. And although you had heard of Fred, you hadn't been properly introduced. As for Percy, it was no wonder you had never spoken a word to him at Hogwarts. He didn't speak much to anybody he deemed "unworthy of his time". The Weasley's appologized that the second oldest Weasley wouldn't be able to make it.
"Charlie," They had said, "Is preparing for the birth of a dragon this week, so he won't be able to make it for Christmas. He should be here to ring in the New Year, though!"
The next thing you knew, you were being ushered over over to the living room. Taking a seat on the long and narrow couch, a large plush book was thrust into your hands. On the front cover, a photograph of the Weasley family was haphazardly pasted on, peeling off at the corners.
The corners of your mouth lifted up as you began flipping through the photo album. You spotted a picture of Arthur and Molly on their wedding day, two rubber duckies topping a lopsided cake. Molly heavily pregnant with her first child--Bill. Soon, your eyes were floating across the pages from Bill's childhood. He was an only child for two years, then came along Charlie.
One picture caused you to pause. A smiling five year old Bill looked at the camera, his cheeks as red as his hair as snow fell around him. He sported a knit sweater embroidered with a "B" and a red and gold hat hiding his flaming red hair. Looking up at him, you smiled at the similarities, resting your head on his shoulder.
"So, Y/N, tell us about yourself," Arthur said, "Old Billy hasn't told us a single thing."
Swallowing, you forced another smile on your face, "What do you want to know?"
"What do you do for a living?" Molly asked.
George interupted before you could answer, "How'd you meet old Billy here? He's old enough to be your grandfather!"
"Did you grow up with rubber ducks? How about cars? What was it like to be raised as a muggle?" Arthur questioned, resting his chin on his hand.
Ginny sighed, "What house were you in again?"
"Why are you with Bill? He's a bit old, don't you think?" Ron said inbetween bites of chicken.
Percy wrinkled his nose, "What are your views on the Ministry's newest order?"
Your eyes widened, all the questions hitting you at once. Squeezing Bill's hand for comfort, you waited for the questions to die out. He smiled down at you, nodding gently.
"Well, Molly, to answer your question, I'm a Keeper for the Kenmare Kestrels. I got the offer as soon as I left Hogwarts. It'll be my second year playing on the team this June." You let out the breath you had been holding since the questions had begun, "And, Ginny, I was in y/h. Percy, I'll be the first to admit that I haven't been keeping up with the Ministry's policies as well as I should have. I live a pretty busy life, but I'm working on it."
Continuing, you looked to Arthur, "I grew up around magic. My mother made sure I was introduced to it as a young age. I grew up surrounded by wizards with all of my extended family on my mum's side. My father's side knows very little about magic, but he knows the basics and comes to all my Quidditch games with my mum."
Now, onto the questions you had been avoiding. How the age difference between you and Bill affected your relationship. How you met. The usual questions you were pelted with.
"Bill and I are only nine years apart," You blurted out, your whole body tense, "It's not too big of a gap, if you think about it. I'll be twenty in the new year and he'll be twenty nine. We both know plenty of people with even larger age differences that have made it work. It's almost… normal for us. We don't think about it too much."
Molly nodded, "Completely get it. You two seem comfortable together."
"We are," You said, "We met at one of my Quidditch games, actually. Bill's friends with one of the Chasers on my team, so he brought him back and introduced him to everyone. We hit it right off the broom."
"Oh, that's lovely!" Molly exclaimed, "Isn't it, Arthur?"
"So, did you guys use rubber ducks often? What's the function?"
With a glance towards Bill, he silently excused the two of you from the table, "We'll go ahead and start cleaning up. Take the night off, mum."
"Are you sure, Bill? I can just wave my wand and-"
He nodded, "We've got it. Promise."
Bill led you into the kitchen by the hand, pressing a kiss to your temple as you breathed, your head spinning.
"Sorry about them," He sighed, "They can be a bit intense when I bring a girl home."
You were silent for a moment, chewing on your bottom lip, "Why didn't you tell them about us?"
"I guess it just slipped my mind."
Brushing the hair out of your face, you looked up at him, "They didn't even know I was coming, Bill."
"It was a surprise."
You shook your head, dropping your gaze. But he simply took your hands in his, waving his wand to turn on a nearby stereo. You recognized it from your dad's office. He had one set up in the corner, playing old records. The music began and Bill began swaying slowly.
After a few minutes, he was twirling you around the cramped kitchen, causing you to nearly burst out laughing when he nearly knocked over a bag of flower.
"We really should start cleaning up…" You trailed off, your lips mere inches from his.
"It can wait."
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You layed beside Bill on his bed, one of his flannels wrappd around your shoulders. You had packed plenty of clothes for the week, but had insisted on wearing one of his shirts to bed, inhaling the smell of cinnamon.
He rolled onto his side, "Lucky Ginny has a bit of a cold or else mum would have had you sleep in her room."
"I'm just surprised she didn't put me in Charlie's room."
"His room is a bit embarassing. Dragons everywhere. She wouldn't want to subject you to that."
You stifled a laugh, "Oh, I'm sure."
Bill propped himself up on his elbows, "What do you say we go for a ride?"
"What kind of ride?"
"In the family car."
You raised a brow, "You know how to drive?"
"We all do. Except for Percy. He refused to learn," Bill said, raking a hand through his hair, "What do you say?"
"I say yes. On one condition."
"What's that?"
"You come the Quidditch playoffs in February."
Bill nodded, "I'll work my schedule around it."
"I promise."
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Tears streamed down your face, small cries escaping your lips as you sobbed into your pillow. Your heart wasn't broken- it was shattered.
After joy riding in the Ford Anglia, which led to you and Bill steaming up the windows in the middle of an empty field, you had fully expected him to attend the Quidditch Playoffs. You were being recognized as a star Keeper. It was an honor. And he hadn't shown. He should have been there. But he wasn't. And it broke you.
He had sent you an owl, writing "I'm sorry I wasn't there, emergency at Gringotts."
But it kept happening.
Bill hadn't shown up to a single match you had played the whole season. Eventually, you couldn't take it anymore. You confronted him, asking if he even cared about you or your career. He went silent, explaining that his word didn't revolve around you.
You left his flat that day, his words repeating in your head, "Maybe if we had been closer in age, it would have worked."
But within a few months, he had a new girlfriend. A year younger than you. You had tried to ignore it, tried to move on. But you got an owl with a package clumsily tied to it's talons.
Upon opening it, silent tears flipped down your cheeks. Inside was the golden watch you had given him, the clothes you kept at his flat, and the "promise ring" you had given him. Your father had given your mother one, and you liked the sentiment of it, so you had picked on out especially for him. And now it was in the palm of your head.
You digged deeper in the parcel, looking for the scarf you had accidentally left at his mum's.
But in small letters, you realized you weren't getting it back.
"Call the scarf a keepsake."
You wouldn't see the scarf again. The chances of you getting it back were about as high as it being wrapped around his new girlfriend's neck. And that made you want to die.
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Closeted Harry coming out to Ron after his breakup with Ginny and Ron just being like, “cool just don’t date one of my brothers”
Fred and George freezing and looking at Harry with nothing but absolute delight at the potential mischief.
Harry making eye contact with them, immediately understanding their intentions, and winking as he puts a finger to his lips, shushing them.
Ron following Harry’s line of sight and screaming “NO. NO. FUCK NO. ABSOLUTELY NOT.”
Harry and the twins platonically flirting in the most obnoxious ways imaginable.
Harry showing up to breakfast in the Great Hall late with a different twins sweater on, looking debauched. One or even both the twins give him a salacious once over. Ron wants to sink into the floor and die.
Ron eventually gets used to this but absolutely loses it when the rest of his brothers send him their sweaters and flirt with him at the Burrow.
The Weasley boys sending flirty howlers to Harry just to send Ron spiraling.
Ron being so relieved when Harry dates literally anyone who isn’t one of his older brothers.
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