#well its just my take on That Fic which every snufmin writer writes but i hope yall like it anyway haha
fizzingwizard · 3 years
Against my better judgment I decided to go ahead and post another Snufmin chapter fic :P It’s a WIP but I’ll try to update as often as I can.
Title: The Fox and the Vagabond
Rating: T
Summary: In which Snufkin wants to be free to be himself, and befriends a strange black fox. Snorkmaiden wants to be valued for herself, and finds beautiful magical beads. And Moomintroll wants to figure out what on earth it is that he wants.
"Not any random person. Your girlfriend," Snufkin retorted.
He hadn't meant it with any heat. It seemed to need pointing out. But Moomintroll recoiled as if Snufkin had raised his voice, or slammed a door in his face. Snufkin lost his temper only rarely. And he wasn't angry now - only, perhaps, a bit annoyed. Confused. Moomintroll never used to confuse him. In fact, he'd even flattered himself that no one knew his friend better, except perhaps his mother.
It prompted him to tip his head down. "Well?" he asked. "Doesn't what she wants matter?"
There was another pause. From under the brim of his hat he saw Moomintroll's body shift, and his paw came out to tilt the hat upward. In a very gentle voice, Moomintroll said, "What you want matters to me too."
Snufkin glanced at him. There was something there - a flicker of an emotion behind his eyes, which were the same striking blue as forget-me-nots. Something that was soft and tender that he almost recognized. But there was also a certain edge, a wariness to it that was hard to account for.
Chapter One link
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