#welp i didn't need to stay awake anyways
sir-subpar · 2 years
Patches Part 2! (Dibper twoshot)
Below the cut! Just a heads up, there is still a description of injury/blood in this, and some hurt/comfort.
They eventually came to a clearing in the trees, next to a road. Dib walked along the road towards Gravity Falls. He didn't realize just how far they had gone, his legs were getting tired. He didn't dare stop though. He owed Dipper that much at least. Dipper had fallen asleep a little while ago, so Dub took the opportunity to make good progress on their trek back.
A car pulled up next to them and stopped. Dib recognized the guy driving from the Mystery Shack, but since he only met the guy in passing, he couldn't remember his name. From what he could tell, the guy was dumber than bricks, but really nice. "Hey dudes! Oh hey! I remember you! You're that guy Dipper likes, right?" The sound of the guy's voice caused Dipper to stir awake. He let out a tired and pained groan. "Mmmng.. Wha..?" The guy in the car waved at Dipper, but his expression quickly changed to panic. "Woah. Dude. You look rough. Get in, I'll drive you guys." Dipper smiled a bit, at least what he could manage. "Thanks, Soos." 
Oh, so that was his name. 
Dib and Soos carefully put Dipper in the back seat of the car. Dib sat next to him, unsure how to comfort him other than letting Dipper use him as a pillow. 
"Found a monster out there, huh dudes?" Soos asked, Dib felt awkward having a conversation at the moment, but figured he should try anyway. It was nice to be in a town full of cryptids, and people who were aware of such creatures. "Yeah. An Elaphocentaur." Dib replied. "A what?" Soos occasionally looked at them with the rear view mirror as he talked. "It's like a centaur, but half deer." Soos looked bewildered. "Wow.. Half deer, half horse. What a day." He chuckled. "Well that's Gravity Falls for you! All sorts of weird. Haha."
Dib didn't have the energy to tell Soos that wasn't what he meant when he described the Elaphocentaur. 
Soos pulled up to the mystery shack
"Welp. Here we are." He rolled down his window, and leaned so far out of it Dib was convinced for a second that Soos was going to fall out. "Mr Pines! Mr Pines! We need some help over here!" 
Soos and Dib helped Dipper out of the car as one of his... Great uncles? If he remembered right. All he knew was that Dipper called them his "grunkles" and he met one of them. He wasn't sure which one it was, apparently they were twins. "Soos, did you lock your keys in your car again?" 
Dipper's Grunkle, wearing a black suit and a Fez hat, walked down the wooden steps and approached the group. "I swear, you need a lanyard or something, this is becoming a- sweet Belgian waffles! What happened to Dipper!?" 
"Hnn… Grunkle Stan.." Dipper called quietly. Stan shushed him. "Easy kid, I got ya."
He grabbed Dipper, holding him bridal style and ran inside. Dib and Soos close behind. "Sixer! Get your medical stuff out! You two, stay here. You can catch me up on this later." Stan ran off into the shack, continuing to yell at "Sixer", leaving Dib and Soos in the gift shop. 
"Hey dude, you good?" Dib shrugged, his eyes glued to the direction Stan ran in. Soos patted him on the back. "Dipper's gonna be okay. Mr Pines knows what he's doing." Soos pulled his hand away and looked at his palm for a moment. "Hey dude? Your back has blood on it." Soos showed him his hand, which now had blood on it from patting Dib's back. "You have some on your shoes too." Dib looked under his feet, just now noticing that he left a trail of partial red shoe prints on the floor. "It's not mine. I'm fine." 
"You look a little roughed up too. Are you sure you're okay?" Soos put his hand on Dib's shoulder. "You saw Dipper, right? Why are you so worried about me?" Dib snapped. He really didn't need this. Dipper was way worse off, why did Soos feel the need to check on him? Not like he deserved it, anyway.
"I'm worried about Dipper too, he'll be okay though. He's a tough kid, he'll get better in no time!" Soos said optimistically. Dib couldn't shake the reality of the situation. "And I think he'd appreciate having you be okay too." Soos smiled sympathetically at him.
Then he pulled Dib into a hug, catching him off guard. He wasn't that much shorter than Soos, so his head ended up on Soos' shoulder. 
Dib wasn't accustomed to this. The only other person who normally hugged him was Dipper. He tried to wriggle his way out of the hug, but Soos had a good grip on him, not enough to hurt, thankfully. 
Soos started rubbing Dib's back in a soothing motion. 
In that moment, something in him broke. He stopped trying to get away.  His breathing became unsteady. He wasn't when it happened, but his vision started to blur, like he was underwater. "It's alright dude, let it out."
Dib let the tears flow. His cheeks became damp in a matter of seconds. He buried his face into Soos' shoulder. Occasionally moving his glasses to rub the tears from his eyes. "It's all my fault. If I hadn't used that camera, then Dipper wouldn't have gotten hurt! I messed up everything.." 
"Shhh, buddy. It's alright. You're okay." Dib sobbed, Soos continued to soothe him. Dib probably wouldn't say it, but it felt… nice to have someone comforting him like this. 
"You're okay."
Dib's eyes were red and puffy from the crying, but he had eventually calmed down. Soos took his jacket and washed it for him, and let it hang to dry. It felt weird not wearing it, but it was nice not having blood on his back. 
Finally, Dipper's Grunkle Stan returned. He approached Dib. "Dipper's fine, Sixer says he's got some cracked ribs, and he got some stitches and bandages, but he'll be fine with some rest." Dib let out a sigh of relief. "Alright gothy, now it's your turn to tell me something. What happened?"
Dib explained everything. The Elaphocentaur, the camera, Dipper saving him, and Soos finding them on the road. He did his best not to get upset again, keeping his voice steady (ish). He was surprised when Stan dropped his stern tone from before, and gave him a pat on the back. "You two fought hard, huh? Good. If you ever want help finishing off that venison wannabe, give me a call." Dib was about to respond, but he was cut off by someone slamming the door open. 
"GRUNKLE STAAAAAN!" Dib recognized that excited voice. Mabel Pines. She was holding a bunch of shopping bags in her arms. "I'm gonna make everyone costumes for Summerween!" She ran up to Stan, so laser focused she didn't seem to notice Dib. "I'm thinking that you and Grunkle Ford should do twin costumes! Just like me and Dipper! I bought a bunch of stuff to help us make our own costumes." She began digging around in one of her bags to trap something when she finally seemed to notice Dib. 
"Oh! I didn't know Dipper had his gothy boyfriend over." She said half teasingly. With her hand to her chin, she eyed him up and down, like she was inspecting him. "Are you two going out on a date? I can take a picture of you two together! You're covered in dirt though, do you want something else to wear?" She overwhelmed Dib with a friendly onslaught of questions like those. Thankfully Dib was rescued by Stan explaining the situation to her.
Which led to her running down the hall yelling Dipper's name in concern. Dib had to admit, it made him smile slightly, seeing her worry for her brother like that. If Dib had been trampled by a monster, Gaz probably would've grumbled at him to shut up and leave her alone. She wouldn't have even looked up from her game. 
Dipper's family was so… nice. Sure, Mabel was a little much, but she was kind. (He still doesn't get why she calls him "goth" though.) And yeah, Stan was obviously a crook, but Dib has done some… legally dubious things too, so who was he to judge? He hadn't really met Dipper's other Grunkle yet.
Dib left the mystery shack to get flowers for Dipper. He wasn't sure what else to do. How does one make things right in a situation like this? Say: "sorry I forgot how cameras work and ended up getting you trampled by a deer monster"? 
He took a deep breath, then knocked on Dipper's (and Mabel's) room. He heard two voices welcome him in. Dib entered with hopefully a decent smile, but he wasn't sure. 
It was definitely hard to keep smiling when he got a look at Dipper.
Covered in bandages, scratches, and bruises, he laid on the bed with his sister sitting in a chair next to him. Mabel had turned the chair around so that she was sitting in it backwards with her arms on the back rest. Dipper met Dib's eyes with his own. To Dib's surprise, he… smiled? Or at least tried to.
"Hey." He said quietly. Dib waved awkwardly in response. Mabel waved at him with much more enthusiasm. "You can come in, you know. You don't have to keep looming in the doorway." Mabel joked as she pulled a beanbag by the bed for him. Dib hesitantly sat on the bean bag next to her, and rested his arms on the bed.  
"I uh,"  Dib began, fumbling with the flowers he bought, "I got these for you." Dib had no idea what flowers Dipper liked, if any at all; but he heard somewhere that people often give each other flowers as an apology, so why not try it? Dipper's face was paler than usual, which made the pink dusting his features more noticeable. "Wow, thanks, Dib. I don't usually get flowers, heh-ow!" He flinched when he laughed. "I shouldn't laugh." 
Mabel threw her hands to her cheeks, practically squishing her own face. "Daww, bro, your boyfriend got you flowers! So sweet! Here!" She nabbed the bouquet from Dib, "I'll put these in a vase for you, Dipper! I know the perfect one!" She ran with it, not waiting for a response. Leaving the boys alone. 
"Hey, you ok?" Dipper asked. Dib let out a dry chuckle. Was he really asking that? One of the only people who ever asks Dib if he's okay, does so when he's beaten and bedridden. "I'm not the one who got trampled, why are you asking me?"  Dib asked, trying to sound humorous. Dipper reached out to him, placing his hand on Dib's. "Yeah, but still. That was intense. I didn't think jumping on it was gonna work, it was so fast- I didn't even think about what I was doing!" Dipper's enthusiasm started coming back, to the point he was using his wild little hand gestures while he talked. The sight made Dib smile. Dipper was alive. He was okay. But Dib still couldn't shake the thought that Dipper could have died. 
He could have died, because of Dib. He got maimed because of a careless mistake Dib made. If anyone deserved to be pulverized by a monster, it was Dib.
"I'm sorry." He blurted, accidentally interrupting Dipper. 
Dipper halted, caught off guard. "..What?" He asked, genuinely confused. Dib avoided looking Dipper in the eye. He chewed his lip. "I'm sorry, for everything. If I hadn't used that stupid, noisy camera, you wouldn't have-" "Stop." Dipper cut him off, Dib met his eyes. 
Dipper looked at him, brows knitted together in a stern, but still caring, glare. "Don't say that. Okay? It was an accident, it happens to everyone. I've screwed up adventures several times before. Mabel's done it too. So just… don't worry about it, alright?" 
Dipper squeezed his hand. "It's okay." 
Dib was silent, and wide eyed for a moment. He squeezed Dipper's hand back, pursed his lips, and nodded.
"... Okay."
Dipper smiled, and briefly let go of Dib's hand so that he could prop himself up by his elbows. He shifted over on his bed with some struggle, but once he was settled, he patted the new space on the bed next to him. Dib hesitated before following his silent instructions and lying down next to him. They held hands again, intertwining their fingers. Just thankful that they were both alive. 
"Hey bro-bro! I'm ba-!" Mabel suddenly entered the room with the flowers in a vase, and halted in her tracks upon the sight before her. Her look of shock was quickly replaced with a teasing expression. "Oooh. Sorry, I didn't mean to ruin your romantic moment." She wiggled her eyebrows to emphasize the end of her sentence. She set the vase down, pivoted on her heel and started walking out the door. She stopped halfway through the door to look at the boys again. "Please carry on, I was never here." She winked, and promptly closed the door behind her.
After a few moments of silence, the boys sighed in unison. "Mabel."
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canonicam · 8 months
This is my very first post, I would like to use this as a type of diary!
Today is august 15th aka day 1!
Today was a very strange day, a rollercoaster of emotions and thoughts. You see, I just stayed a whole week in my new apartment. It was fun while it lasted, but I have currently no internet there. I have hoped that my router would have worked yesterday, but some reason that doesn't seem to be the case. I called customer service at 8 am, which seemed strangely late, because I have been awake since 6 am. I couldn't sleep, and that's because of the fight I had with my boyfriend Nick.
You see, me and him started our relationship after only knowing each other for 2 weeks! That's insane, but for some reason we thought that we knew each other enough to start a whole ah relationship. In just two days will it be our first month anniversary, which we sadly won't be celebrating, because we simply don't have time to see each other. Anyways, I'm loosing track!
Me and him had a fight, which resulted in me saying "I don't think you love me as much as I love you".
He said "Yeah you are probably right".
I really shouldn't have asked that question. I really didn't need to hear that. Now I'm kinda scared he ends up regretting getting into a relationship with me and leaves me.
All I wish for is to be loved and feel safe.
Anyways, I have finally found my passion today: Organ transplantation! Let me explain!
I'm starting uni soon, where i'll be getting a bachelor in biotechnology and thus become the 3rd engineer in my family (my father and his father being engineers aswell). I have always found biology and the limits of science interesting, but I haven't been to put my finger on what I want to focuse my studies on in the future. However, a few days ago, I went to a science history museum, where I got introduced to the world of transplantation! It talked about the struggles of transplanting an organ and how we need to compensate for the lack of donors in the world. For some reason I felt truly inspired my Jens Christian Skou, a danish physiologist who discovered the sodium-potassium pump. He won a nobel prize for it! Even though his discovering doesn't really have anything to do with organ transplantation, it was his determination that in inspired me. It took him 40 years, and his goal was never to win an award or to get some sort of credit. When he was young and lived in the US, he read an article about some strange molecule in our cells. He was determined to find out what this molecule was all about.
Besides, the world of organ transplantation and the idea of creating organs in the lab with the help of stem cells, it just seems like a crazy thing.
And I was crazy once haha.
Welp that's all for today, see you tomorrow! :DD
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aamethyst000 · 1 year
Nov 1, 22 3:10pm
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our internet has been out for 3 days now, my little brother is getting impatient and I am starting to feel bored. I am reading my books but it doesn't feel the same as I am on my phone. i am also listening to music a lot more that I normally do, and I am getting bored from that. I almost want to take a nap but I don't want to. I am just bored and u just may have to put up with it for now. the wiring is broken somewhere in the waters. I found out from the lady at the front desk (clinic) and they are waiting for some dude to come up from Vancouver to fix the thing. so it may be longer than we all like. oh well, I think I just may nap anyway. gor stuff to do but I can't seem to get up and do them.
I noticed I seem to put myself on a time limit when it comes to my own chores. I have to remind myself every now and again when I do realize this.
3:25pm - we are just having a toke, I almost had a nap. and hoo boi is it ever chilly in the house. on my second cup of coffee, I think coffee is starting to make me sleepy, however, I get a headache if I don't drink my usual amount of coffee. I may have to think about slowing down a bit before picking back up again. oh, yeah, and I woke up really late this morning. I woke up at 11am, lately, I have been waking up late. yet, I have been going to bed at like 1-2am and my alarm clocks are L O U D man. my phone is even on my bed, I mean, cmon. I wanna know what is going on.
5:35pm - I. am. bored. I know what I can do, but idk if I can find the energy to do so. I also have to cook dinner, so, there's that. u was very tempted to take a nap, I was tired enough and I was not doing anything. as you can tell. I did not, in fact, take a fckn nap. I'm thinking I should go make another pot of coffee in a bit. just so I can keep myself awake. it has been very quiet in the house, quite fascinating when you are experiencing it. my cat has been napping by me all day today, I have been listening to music nonstop. been feeling really fidgety too, I think that is why I want to nap.
10:22pm - managed to stay up to cook. we had BBQ chicken and rice! it was so fckn yummy~ I am just now piling the dishes to clean and put away tomorrow. assuming that the internet won't go back on until who knows when. so I'll be finding ways to keep myself busy until the internet is back on. I am on my fourth cup of coffee, over my limit on coffee intake. oh well, needed it for tonight. I have been listening to music all fckn day just to keep my thoughts somewhat calm, I was gonna say in line but that felt wrong to say lol so, yeah. that has been my day today. slow and boring. I actually had to deal with my boredom and I didn't like that at all. no wonder we as humans get really upset when we are not kept busy. like damn, my brain cannot rest for shit.
1:40am - welp, I thought I was going to go to bed early, apparently not. Danny was late going to bed, only because we ate pretty late. I get the feeling danny snooped around in my room again for my stash. he is not going be my roommate if he keeps this up. the citywest website says the estimated time it'll be fixed is sometime after 2pm, im thinking it'll go back on late at night again. I wonder what the damage was after the literal storm we had a few days ago. and it's only Wednesday for crying out loud lmao
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aetherdecember · 2 years
Encanto | Pray For Me
@encantobrainrotten my hand slipped... couldn’t resist doing your idea <3
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natarice · 2 years
A3 - Event Story - First Day of Spring・Setsubun Festival (立春・節分祭) - Episode 8
Tsuzuru: ... Ngh.
Kazunari: Oh, Tsuzuroon. You awake?
Tsuzuru: Kazunari... I guess I passed out, huh.
Tsuzuru: I’m sorry for making you worried.
Kazunari: Tsuzuroon's so honest...
Tsuzuru: Why are you surprised by that? Anyway, as usual, I didn't do a good enough job taking care of myself.
Tsuzuru: I even shot you down when you asked if I was okay.
Kazunari: Don't worry about that. I mean, I should’ve tried harder to stop you once I noticed...
Kazunari: There’s something I have to say.
Tsuzuru: Huh?
Kazunari: Take better care of yourself.
Kazunari: When we were talking with Mr. Kuraki about high school, you mentioned why you didn't join the drama club.
Kazunari: I'm glad you get to have that experience and have fun now when you couldn't back then.
Kazunari: But you can’t sacrifice your well-being for that.
Tsuzuru: ...
Kazunari: To be honest, telling you what you should and shouldn't do is like the pot calling the kettle black. I mean, if I'm working on a painting or something and I get really into it, I usually end up ignoring what my body needs to stay healthy.
Kazunari: Still, remember how you asked for everyone's help with the play at that group meeting we had?
Tsuzuru: ... !
Tsuzuru: ... Yeah.
Kazunari: So let everyone help you, okay? Don't hold back, just ask.
Tsuzuru: I mean, I wasn't trying to hold back... all I've been thinking is that working on the play with everyone is a lot of fun.
Tsuzuru: Though maybe part of me still wanted to do everything by myself, and I just didn't realize that.
Kazunari: But you do now?
Tsuzuri: Yeah.
Kazunari: Welp, from now on you're gonna lean on us a lot more! It's a promise, okay?
Tsuzuru: Okay.
Tsuzuru: Hey everybody, I'm back.
Kuraki: Tsuzuru! Are you all right?
Ohara: How are you feeling?!
Tsuzuru: I'm fine, now. I slept for a bit, and it was pretty refreshing.
Tsuzuru: Everyone, I’m sorry for making you worry.
Juza: It’s fine as long as you’re okay.
Tasuku: Just don't overdo it.
Tsuzuru: Wait, that set piece you're fixing right now... Did I break that?
Kazunari: Yep, you definitely broke it~
Citron: It was a splendid destruction!
Tsuzuru: Uwah, I’m sorry!
Tasuku: Don't worry about it. You didn’t do that much damage. They’re just messing with you.
Juza: And we're almost done fixing it.
Azami: Oh yeah, I got in touch with the director--
Izumi: Tsuzuru?!
Tsuzuru: Director? I thought you were really busy all day and couldn’t make it...?
Izumi: My schedule's not important right now--hang on. Tsuzuru, you’re... okay?
Tsuzuri: More or less, yeah.
Izumi: Oh, thank goodness. I panicked and rushed over here when I heard you passed out.
Azami: I told you he was just asleep.
Izumi: I was still worried, so I ended up driving here anyway.
Izumi: Tsuzuru, I'm sorry I didn't notice how exhausted you were.
Tsuzuru: Don't apologize, it's not your fault!
Izumi: But I'm responsible for making sure you take care of yourself.
Izumi: For now, let's head back to the dorm so you can rest up. The car's--
Tasuku: Wait a minute. Are you driving?
Izumi: Yes? What else would I do?
Tasuku: I’ll drive. Tsuzuru might get sick again if you do.
Izumi: Hey, what’s that supposed to mean?!
Tsuzuru: Haha. Thanks, Tasuku.
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bwingus · 3 years
Striker helps asher get home.
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(This was an rp between me and @nightmares-and-preys . They also made the cover art. Check them out :3)
(Also, just a warning. Striker acts way different than he does in helluva boss. Hes nicer, and says things that contradict the cannon. Keep this in mind while reading this)
Just another day.. iiis what you'd think before the worst possible scenario happens to ya.
A teen was walking into their home as some of their siblings grabbed and dragged them off into their mini library.
"Guys, what the hell!?"
"Shush, You need to help us! We need you to read this spell for us" The sister said.
It made them confused but they nodded. "Alright..? What is it-"
"It's just a shrinking spell, We want to see if it actually works on this apple here."
"Uh- okay.." They stared at their siblings before starting the spell. It was going well until the brother knocked into them.
It made them mess up the words. "Eh!? D-damnit, Brot- w- WHATS GOING O-"
They had immediately vanished before their siblings eyes.
Next thing they knew, They felt a scorching hot pain.
The teen shakenly stood as they looked around. A horrific, desert like hellscape in front of them.
"What the hell..? Is- I-iiyy- Why is everything so big-" They winced before covering the bright red light from their eyes. "W-where am I!?- what's that loud noise-" They froze before looking back at the flaming horse that was approaching quickly. "O-oh hell!!" They jolted before fleeing from the horse's path. Catching a glimpse of it's horned rider.
"I-im in hell..!?"
Striker had been riding his horse, bombproof, when he smelt something extremely interesting. He smelt a human. "Now how in satan's name did a human get into hell?" He thought. He looked around, but didnt notice anything. That was until he saw something small, and human shaped run across the ground, and hide behind a can. So the human was small. Extremely small. He smelt the rank smell of magic aswell as the humans scent. They must have been teleported here, and accidentally shrunk themself in the process, or the other way around. He hoped off of bombproof, and then took a few careful steps towards the can. He didn't want to scare the human away. He was rather hungry, and this could be his next meal. Once he was about 2 feet away, the small human peeked out form behind the can. He could see the fear in their eyes. But somehting was different. This human looked young. Like, in their teens young. Now, if theres one rule striker had, it was that he didnt hurt kids, and he counted teens as kids. So right then and there he decided that he was gonna help this kid. He took one more step, and then decided to talk to her. "Hey, kid. Could you come out from behind that can? I want to help you, but I'll need you to come out form behind there." He said in the nicest way possible. "H-how do I know I can trust you?" She said, peeking out from behind the can. "Well, I'm the only person around for miles, and haven't tried to kill you yet. That's pretty trustworthy when it comes to hell." He told her, hoping that would convince her. "O-ok." She says as she walks out from behind the can. "Just stay there hun. I'll come over there and pick ya up." He said as he walked over, and gently picked her up. Once he had her at chest level he set her in his flat palm. "So, how did you even get here in the first place?" He asked her. "Well, my siblings wanted me to test a shrinking spell on an apple, and one of my brothers bumped me and made me mess up the spell. I guess it caused a shrinking and teleportation spell." She said sadly. "Oh I'm so sorry hun. I know a way to get ya home. Itll just take me a bit to get there. So, I need somewhere safe to transport you..." he said as he checked for anywhere he could hide her. If he hid her in a pocket, other demons would catch her scent. There is one other place he knew he could hide her, but he knew she would absolutely freak out if he put her into there. "Hey kid, do you trust me?" He asked hesitantly. "S-sure I guess. Why do you ask?" She asked, slightly frightened. "Becuase, I'm about to do something that will break your trust..." he says as he shoves her in his mouth. He wanted to get this over with as quickly as possible. He licked her around with his snake like tounge. He could feel her struggling, and could hear her begging to be let out, which made him feel like shit. Once she was slippery enough, he flicked his head back, and swallowed all of her in one gulp. She continued to squirm and shout even while going down his throat. The squirming actually hurt his throat. He felt her pass his collarbone, and then plop into his stomach. He felt her bang in the walls, and then heard her scream. "Please let me out of here! I dont wanna be in a demons stomach all day! It stinks in here!". That was unexpected. He thought she was gonna be scared of being digested. But it seems she just doesnt wanna be in his stomach becuase it stinks, and she just doesnt wanna be in there. Interesting. "I'm sorry kid, but that's the safest place you can be. If I had you in a pocket, another demon would have smelt your scent, and taken you. I'd rather not have that happen." He said as he rubbed the bulge she made in his belly. "Also, whats your name kid?" He asked her. "You can call me ash. What's your name?" She said. "The names striker." He answered. He then felt an extremely odd feeling. He could feel her rubbing his belly from the inside. He blushed and then started to purr. "A-alright kid. I best be getting ya home." He said as he hopped back on bombproof, and made his journey to I.M.P.
Time skip to when striker gets to IMP
Striker stopped bombproof in the parking lot, and then stepped up to the front door of the building. "Well, this isn't gonna end well..." striker said nervously. "What's wrong striker?" She asked. "Well, the guy who can help get you home, well, me and him have some bad blood." He said with a sigh. "W-well, what did you do?" She asked, slightly scared. "Well, I tried to kill his boyfriend, and tried to kill his employees." He said nervously, as he hoped that wouldnt scare her. "O-oh. Alright. Well, why did you do that?" She asked. "Well, I was hired to kill his boyfriend, and his employees got in the way. I'm tryin to make amends though." He said as he walked into the building, and made his way up to blitz's office. He peeked inside, and saw blitz sleeping at his desk. He opened the door, and walked up to the desk. He didnt know how to use the magic book, so he would have to wake blitz up. He shook blitz's shoulder, trying to wake him up. It seems it worked, as blitz slowly opened his eyes, and said. "Oh hey striker... wait STRIKER!?! WHAT in the FUCK are you doing here!?" He yelled as he pointed a pistol right at strikers stomach. "I wouldnt do that if I were you blitz." Striker said with a menacing snarl. "I got a human kid in there, and I'm tryin to get them back to earth. And i need your help to do it." Blitz lowered his gun. "Wow striker, I didnt think you would stoop low enough to eat kids. But I'm guessing your asking me to use the grimoire to teleport the kid back?" He said as he went and grabbed the grimoire, and started flipping through the pages, looking for the spell. "Mhm. That's exactly why I came here. I would have used the book myself, but I dont know how to." He said as he scratched the back of his head. "Well, I'll be in the meeting room, getting the spell ready. You should probably spit her out." Blitz said as he walked towards the door. "Before you go blitz, you should get a growth spell ready too. Shes currently tiny." Striker said as he started to cough, trying to spit her up. "Sure thing." Blitz said as he walked out the room. Striker eventually spits her into his hand, and miraculously she was sleeping. He carrys her into the meeting room, where blitz is standing on the table holding the book, which was currently glowing. "I got those spells ready. Can you give her to me?" Striker hands blitz ash, and then sits in one of the chairs. "Also, just so you know striker, I'm only doing this for the girl. Once shes back home, I won't hesitate to kill you." Blitz said as he activated the growth spell. "I know that blitz. I'll be leaving once shes home anyway. Now, let me wake her up" he walked over and shook ash awake. "Mornin sleepyhead. Your bout to go home. Blitz, get the portal ready for her." Blitz opens the portal, and it leads to ash's house. "Welp. It's your time to leave kid." Blitz says. "Hold on now. I need to say goodbye." I hop on the table, and give ash a big bear hug. "I'll see ya later kid." Ash gets up, and then walks towards the portal. Before she walks through it, she waves to striker and blitz. "Bye you two!" And then she walks through, and then portal closes behind her. Striker walks towards the door, as he remembers what blitz said to him. "Welp. I guess I best be leaving." He whistles, and bombproof bursts through the window. He hops on bombproof, and then smashes through the door, rinding off back to the wrath ring. "Oh come the fuck on!!!! I just had all this fixed!!!" Blitz yells out.
The end.
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thesimsbuzz · 6 years
S1 ¦ EP. 4 ¦ Reunited and It Feels So Good 🎶
One Week Later
Hanneli's POV
For the past week, I haven't left my house at all. I didn't even sit by any of the many windows in my house to look outside, and it's all thanks to freaking Stephen and his disrespectful little butt. I never wanted to see his face ever again! So if that means I have to stay in my house all day long then so be it!
Welp, that didn't last for long. By Friday I gave up and decided to make a run for the park. I made sure I got out of my house at the right time. Stephen is so interested in gardening, he has a dozen of the same plants in his back yard. He practically lives outside which makes everything worse for me.
After three o clock, he finally decided to head inside. Once I heard his door shut close, I dashed straight to my car and drove all the way to the only park in town. I always wanted to go, but I never managed to find a great time for it until now. I made sure I brought my yoga mat so I could do some yoga.
When I arrived at the park I was mesmerized by its beauty. It was so simple yet so inviting and exotic at the same time.
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I spotted a gorgeous water fountain by the edge of the park. Maybe I could do some Tai Chi over there, I could use the exercise.
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Stephen's POV
Did the girl die? It's been days since I last saw her outside. Her trash is cluttered all over the front of her yard and I could see her roses beginning to die in her garden at the backyard. I hope me calling her a bitch didn't literally break that heart of hers.
Why should I care anyway?
Because you're not a heartless human being.
True, but Hanneli specifically said to never step foot in her house ever again. So - as the kind gentleman I am- I'm simply following her instructions.
I carried on with my week as usual. I woke up, made breakfast, tended to my weed garden, went back inside, watched a movie and went back to sleep. It was like that everyday and I was completely fine with it. So what if my routine is undeniably tedious? I'm going to be making big bucks soon and I'll probably use it to get the future ladies who step on this town in the future.
By the fourth day of the week, I began to panic.
What if she's dead? Did I kill her? Does she need help?
I couldn't eat or sleep. I only talked to her once and now I suddenly feel protective of her, what if someone did get to her?
Day 7 and still no sight or word from Hanneli. That's it! I need a break, it's about time I visit that park they have around here. I need fresh air and a break from this house, the smell of weed is becoming intoxicating.
When I made it to the park, my heart dropped.
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She's here and she's safe.
I calmly stood behind her and watched her sleep for a few minutes, her tiny little snores brought a smile to my lips. She looked so peaceful and extremely hot, just by looking at her I could feel a hard on coming on. The size of her breasts were just perfect, I could practically imagine my hands cup and squeeze them.
Argh! I should stop, she doesn't feel that way about me so I shouldn't feel that way about her.
But I can't stop.
I took a few steps closer to her until I was directly behind the bench she was resting on. I laid a finger on her chocolate brown skin and slid the digit down the side of her soft cheek. As soon as I reached down her neck she began to stir. I stepped back immediately but I ended up tripping on a rock.
Stephen: Ow!
Hanneli: Huh?
Oh shit. She's awake. The girl whipped her head around to see my stupid ass on the ground staring right back at her.
Hanneli: What are you doing here?
Stephen: Uh... I wanted to look at the scenery.
Hanneli: Did you touch me?
Stephen: No.
Hanneli: Liar! I felt something slide down my cheek and I bet it was your crazy ass.
Hanneli: Ugh! You pervert!
Ouch, that hurt.
Stephen: I didn't mean to. I was just so captivated by-
Ignoring my words, Hanneli marched right over to me and slapped me right on my cheek.
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Instead of feeding into my anger, I replaced it with peace. I grabbed both of her hands and held her still.
Stephen: Listen to me.
Hanneli: No! Let go of me!
Tears started streaming down her face as she tried to let go of my grip, but I wasn't having it.
Stephen: I spent the last few days hell bent over your well being. You didn't come outside for days, I thought you were dead. The guilt ate me alive!
Stephen: I don't know why, but I just can't get you out of my head.
Hanneli: Stop-
Stephen: Give me one more minute Nelli, if what I say next doesn't change your mind, arrest me.
I can feel her resistance against me slow to a stop, she nodded slowly and let me hold her.
Stephen: You're one of the most beautiful women I have ever met in my life. I'm interested in you Hanneli. I want you and I to get to know each other, I feel that I can be perfect for you. We're both alone in this neighborhood. You need someone to be there for you.
Stephen: Let me try to be that person. Please?
Hanneli: *sighs* Let go of my hands first.
I let her free and for some odd reason, it pained me to let her go.
Hanneli: You barely know me. Are you only interested in me for my looks? Sheesh, I'm not even that pretty.
Stephen: Yeah, you're not.
Stephen: You're sexy and your looks are just a plus compared to all the other things I adore about you.
Hanneli: What else do you like about me?
Stephen: For one, you make a mean burger and fries. Like damn, you're an amazing cook.
Hanneli: *laughs*
Stephen: Secondly. Who wouldn't fall in love with that smile of yours. People would kill to have a smile like that.
Hanneli: *blushes* Oh stop!
Stephen: *grins* I'm serious! Oh, and plus you give me hard ons.
Hanneli: WHAT? 😳
Stephen: It's true. Just looking at you right now I'm getting hard.
Hanneli: Uh, goodbye.
Hanneli turned around and began walking away. Quickly.
I rushed right in front of her and blocked the exit.
Stephen: Sorry. That was really inappropriate.
Hanneli: Yup. I didn't need to know that at all.
Stephen: I'm weird and I don't usually do these type of things, I have no idea how to get a lady to go out with me.
Hanneli: I see.
All of a sudden a strange idea popped in my head. If I do this, I could jeopardize my whole chance with her.
Eh, fuck it.
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The taste of her lips were fruity, I could taste strawberry and a bit of vanilla as I sucked on her lips and tied my tongue with hers. Not one slight of reluctance came from her as I kissed her. I felt her hands travel up to my neck and wrap themselves around it. I took the initiative to plant my hands on her curvy waist.
Kissing her was the most amazing feeling ever. She knew exactly what she was doing as our heads bobbed back and forth and in and out. I inhaled her scent, the smell of her beautiful skin and the the way her crotch was right in front of Mines made me kiss her harder and stronger.
Just before I reached for the buckle of her pants, she stopped.
Hanneli: Already trying to get in my pants and you didn't even bother to take me out to dinner?
Stephen: *smirks* So that's a yes to taking you out?
Hanneli: Yes.
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