#what is your fav ship I’m curious
twig-tea · 3 months
Lately I’ve been feeling like Thai bl is truly all over the place with so many shows airing at once and some of the best ones flying under the radar while discourse is focused on a couple of the big messy ones. I think you’re the only person I know who is actually watching ALL of them and has been here for the whole evolution of the genre, so I’m curious what stands out to you about this current moment. Do the shows feel different to you? Is the way fandom is interacting with them changing? And what are your current favs?
I ended up writing a thesis, sorry friend lol To be fair to me there are 3 questions in there, all of them meaty! I've done my best to give a sense of where I'm at with Thai BL and how it feels like it's changed over time.
Caveating all of this: I am just one fan who I'm sure has had specific experiences that will colour my opinion, also a lot of this is just vibes so I'm open to being told I've forgotten something major or misremembered what it was like! If you are reading this and your opinion or experience is different please share, with stuff like this I'm always interested in hearing about differing opinions because the fandom experience will depend at least partly on where you hang out. For years, my main fandom space for BL was the YouTube comments section (RIP me).
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Overall feel
Honestly, things overall don't feel all that different to me in Thai BL in particular, even though I'm about to talk about a lot of changes and ways it actuallyd does feel very different below lol And after reflecting about it, I think it's because these things still feel very much in flux, in a way that they've felt in flux this entire time. Producers are still figuring out the best funding and distribution models and merch models to make money; creators are still calibrating how queer these shows can be and still be popular; actors are still figuring out how to do BGP (business gay performances) without having fans interfere in their private lives off the clock. Writers are still trying to figure out how to write 12-episode arcs that don't drag in the middle or fumble the ending (which is also not new). The tension between established ships, fan expectations, and genre requirements has honestly been there almost the whole time, though the reverberations of missteps is louder now because of the larger fanbase that is (comparatively) more plugged in to live viewing. The core question in BL has always been 'how do we make this marketable', and that unsurprisingly hasn't changed, though the answer to that question has over time, if that makes sense?
Do the shows feel different? As a whole, I'd say yes. The biggest differences are of course total quantity and overall quality, but the actual distribution of % of shows that have high(er) production values (i.e. quality) feels close to the same--it was close to 50/50 in the late 2010s and now is maybe more like 40/60 with a higher percentage coming from more smaller production companies. But the numbers we're talking about are something like 15 shows in e.g. 2018 and something more like 50 shows in 2023 (being vague because there are shows that people could argue over whether they should count). The quality overall has increased, even the pulps look better, sound better, and tend to feel a little bit more put together than the pulps of even 2020 (please note that these are all relative qualifiers, most of these shows are still not objectively good). 2020 in particular was a watershed moment for high production value BLs; we get colorists and special effects artists, and sometimes decent sound production now!
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There has also been an improvement in terms of what is depicted and how certain subject matter is treated very generally, though I think that's still in flux. Things like evil ex girlfriends are less common than they were and the women in BL are more likely (in general, still not always) to be treated as realized characters. We've gotten more and better femme representation in ensemble shows, and the "gay for you" trope is much less common. Consent is now considered sexy and is much more common than it was; non-consent as "sexy" has eroded and is much less common. Things that used to happen in almost every BL now happen in a much lower percentage. I also feel a little bit less worried about some of the actors on pulp sets because there is more general scrutiny about things like minor actors, intimacy coordination, BGP (business gay performance) expectations, and sexual exploitation. Overall, show recommendations these days come with fewer caveats.
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The assumption that if you worked with someone on a BL once you would stay with them as an established pairing was surprisingly early in BL; I don't know if it's just because there were a few shows that had side pairings then get main shows, so the actors did work together on a few shows in a row, which made them feel established, or whether it's because the BGP started early to build hype both before and after shows aired, or whether audiences just made homophobic assumptions about how if two actors had chemistry they had to be gay for each other, and otherwise nobody would want to "play gay" more than once, or would want to have to kiss too many other men....in any case, there were huge scandals and blow-ups around this in BL on even the earliest shows, and some early shows were snubbed because of the pairing alone. Similarly, it was established very early in BL (i.e. 2016-17) that an unhappy ending for a pair would result in your show being panned; cheating was also a guaranteed flop in BL circles (though some ensemble shows that had gay relationships in them such as Friend Zone did fine with cheating plots and unhappy endings). Overall it feels like some things were only depicted in early Thai BL and creators have avoided them since due to the audience reception at the time. I will say, generally, that there have now been enough examples of people in a "branded pair" moving on to a new pair or multiple shows, that it feels less like a death knell to a BL career if one of the actors says they no longer wanted to make BLs, or if they switched companies.
I pay a lot of attention to queerness in BL, and that has changed a little bit too, though not in the way I expected. I had been expecting a more clear and steady trajectory in BL, but we've instead had real swings, and I've realized there will just always be shows that feel more or less actually gay or queer than others, and that's ok. Early Thai shows really spoiled us for good queer content, GayOK Bangkok and Diary of Tootsies are still shows by which i measure what we get now, and both of those are from 2016. I would say that more "mainstream" BL (i.e. by one of the major production companies) hit what turned out to be queer saturation around 2020 and that's where I was most surprised not see a more clear trajectory; rather than things getting more queer from there, I'd say a greater percentage of shows overall feel more queer, but we haven't (and I now suspect won't) reach the queerness we had in Thai tv in 2016. That being said, my secret running list of things I want to see in BL gets shorter every year as entries get crossed off, so I would say the range of queer experience is slowly getting captured as more content continues to be made by a wider range of production houses (PrEP being mentioned in a mainstream show is my white whale).
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I know some people assume that shows are higher heat now overall, but I don't think that's true. I do think Thai television producers and directors have overalll gotten better at capturing sensuality, and acting workshops have improved chemistry-building overall too. But from what I can tell the ratio of high head and low heat content is still pretty similar to what it's always been, maybe slightly higher (e.g. at a quick glance I'd guesstimate 30% of shows had a sex scene in 2018 vs 40% in 2023).
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The main differences in fandom from the really early days and now are the ways we, as international fans, are able to engage with each other, with thai audiences at the same time, and with content creators, and the entitlement that comes with that. In the 2010s we were almost always watching after Thai airing, with either fansubs or, later, official subs, trailing online releases by days or weeks, which themselves may have trailed the Thailand airing date by days or weeks or sometimes even months. That became less true around 2019ish, and especially in 2020 when I think Thai producers were desperate to reach audiences during the start of the pandemic (and when audiences were desperate for something to distract us from what was happening in real life).
As a fan in the mid-late 2010s, watching something was either unofficial via a fansubber, or you were wading through hundreds of Thai comments to find anyone else writing about the shows in English. Now, it's actually rare we don't have immediate international distribution, though it may be paid. If the subs are not up at the same time as the official upload, even on free sites, fans get furious. It's a bit surreal to see people complain about waiting a few hours for subtitles, especially on YouTube, when we sometimes waited months for a series to finish being subbed (not to say people didn't complain back then too, because they sure did! But there were fewer international fans overall, and it wasn't an expectation that there would be subs, so fewer people complained when it happened). This meant that a lot of people only watched shows when they were complete, and people were not watching with any kind of synchronicity.
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With international fans moving into simultaneous watching with Thai audiences, we suddenly had the chance to talk about shows as they were airing and affect the conversations about them and even, sometimes, the decisions. Folks seem to have differing opinions about what makes a BL, and what makes a BL good, and they are vocal about when a show doesn't meet their standard. This has always been true, but the strong opinions have more of an effect on the discourse when they're expressed in real-time to the show being aired. Also, when we have literally 3x the number of Thai shows being aired (nevermind other countries which have also increased), it seems so much more egregious to me to complain if a single show doesn't meet your particular taste. Just go watch something else! That was less possible in 2016, but now nobody has any excuse lol Please note here that I'm not saying shows should not be criticized. But when you have one loud faction saying shows should have nothing but innocent kisses if any skinship at all and showing more is distasteful and possibly homophobic, and another faction saying a show should be panned if they don't have at least one sex scene and if there is no good kiss it's homophobic, I don't know where that leaves content creators but I see the tension and how it sometimes results in my least favourite tropes like "blushing maiden" even after a couple has canonically had sex. These factions have always existed in BL fandom, this is not new, they just both seem particularly silly now with so much content to choose from.
The shows that get attention and the shows that get snubbed feel the same too, in all honesty. You can ask yourself the following questions:
Is the show a little slower paced?
Are the story beats less melodramatic?
Do its characters feel more human?
Do they feel more queer?
Is it a comedy?
Is there any risk of an unhappy ending?
Do people not think one of the lead actors is hot?
Do people ship one of the lead actors with someone who isn't his costar?
Do people have to do anything other than go to YouTube to watch it?
If the answer is yes to any of those questions, and especially to the last one, fewer people will be watching, even if the show is good. That's always been true. [Shows I'm thinking about when I say that: Make it Right, He's Coming to Me, My Ride, You're My Sky, Oxygen (though the sides in this one are also at fault), YYY, Something in my Room, Ghost Host Ghost House, Dear Doctor I'm Coming for Soul, Cooking Crush.] All this is to say, there have always been shows that have been ignored, though I agree with you OP that with more shows airing, more are being ignored at any given time.
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The other thing is that when a show is good, it doesn't necessarily invite discourse. The messes are often what encourage people to dig in, fill in gaps, linger in the adrenaline. The part that does feel different is also related to the increase in genre BLs; genre stuff in general tends to get more attention in fandom spaces, and the way people are functioning as fans feels different in that they're bringing the way they interact with genre content to BL as BL has started having larger and better funded genre content. I'm thinking about those early genre BLs like He She It, My Dream, Love Poison, Golden Blood, So Much In Love, Why R U....we started getting genre shows in BL in I think 2017 and basically had 1-2 a year until 2020ish and then it increased from there; and the ones that had funding and decent distribution got engagement until they started going off the rails, and then they had even more engagement and then fell off. I don't think it's a coincidence that the shows last year that got people to write meta were La Pluie, Be My Favorite, and I Feel You Linger in the Air. When a show is building a world, there's more to say and interrogate about it, and when a genre show fails, it can fail more spectacularly than a regular romance story. The most popular BL shows used to all be straight-up BL bubble romances, but I think genre shows really started to take over a greater percentage of the popular spots in 2022 and 2023. Again, the main difference here is that there used to be 1-2 stand-out shows per year, and now there are closer to 6+ per year, and as we got more stand-out shows the variety of what type of show stood out as popular has expanded. I do think the overall percentage of shows that are more standard romance plots has reduced, partly because Thai production companies are running out of popular y-novels to adapt. So I'm anticipating we'll continue to get more genre content going forward, and maybe a higher percentage of original works too.
Shows I'm Enjoying Right Now
Right now, the Thai shows airing that I'm watching are:
Cooking Crush
Dead Friend Forever
Cherry Magic Thailand
City of Stars
The Sign
7 Days before Valentine
For Him
Of those, I'd currently most recommend Cooking Crush as a generic BL recommendation. Dead Friend Forever is very good, but is not a romance and is difficult for some to watch (there are a lot of dark themes in addition to the gore and scary bits).
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Cooking Crush is doing so many things I love. I've written about the way it's set up its major conflict to be amongst the friend group here, and way the show is depicting communication between the two main characters and how they improve their communication with one another as they get closer here. Two of my biggest BL pet peeves are a conflict for the sake of a dramatic penultimate episode that ignores or retcons a character's growth or the building of trust that a couple has already gone through in the series, so the fact that this show is working so hard to establish strong communication between its leads and then setting up the significant drama to actually about friendship rather than romance is something I cannot overstate my excitement about. To tie this back into what I wrote above, this reminds me of Diary of Tootsies and I mean that in the best possible way.
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Dead Friend Foreever is, like I mentioned above, not a romance; it's a slasher horror melodrama with a very well established mystery, an ensemble cast of mostly hateable characters (which I admit isn't usually my thing, but since they're likely all going to die as a result of the genre they're in I'm finding that more tolerable than usual, and there is at least one character I like). DFF did a great job of structuring the story for the ultimate payoff of information reveals. There are a lot of shows that have been messing with non-linear storytelling recently, Cooking Crush being one of the ones that actually does this poorly in my opinion, but Dead Friend Forever effectively uses non-linear storytelling so that we find out important pieces of information about particular characters at a time when that information will have the most emotional impact on what is happening in the "present" of the storyline. Every time there is a reveal, it informs what we've already seen, recontextualizes it, and means we understand some of the character motivations and actions differently from when we saw them the first time. I mentioned above that there are dark themes in this show; one of the things that I really like about this show is that the impact of class is not glossed over, and that the consequences of these events feel very real for the characters; people do terrible things in this show, but these actions are not treated lightly by the show itself.
You'd think these two shows would have nothing in common, but there are things that they share that put them both in my top category. Generally, in both of these shows, the character arcs are clear and logical; when a character does something, even if I don't like the action itself, I can understand exactly why they that and can see how it matches where they are in their arc at the time. The shows show change in characters as a result of what they experience, and the relationships in this show really matter. When characters start acting in ways that feel out of character or against their own arc because they have to in order to drive the plot forward, I struggle to remain invested; that's not happening with either of these shows. Both of these shows also treat serious topics with seriousness, and consequences for actions are real and felt by the characters in the show (and if someone gets away with something, the show is clear that this is not just). Nothing has happened that hasn't been signalled or implied earlier. Both shows also have clear class consciousness and represent the disparity caused by classism in a critical/harsh light.
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Whew! I think I got to everything you asked. Thanks again for the extremely interesting question!
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journeytomonkiekid · 9 months
Do you ship shadowpeach? What are your favorite ships in Monkie kid, I’m so curious
Nah, not really. I have friends who ship it, and I like listening to them chat about it, but I personally don't care about the ship at all. In my mind its more interesting for them to be siblings, or something akin to family if they're not related by blood. Also just...not a huge fan of shipping characters together where one has killed the other in the past and just doesn't seem all too fussed about it. My fav ships... I'm not sure, I don't really watch the show for shipping- but I'd say I like Pigsy x Tang and Mei x Redson x MK (as a poly couple) and to some degree any of the three shipped with each other (including Mei x MK but maybe as a queer-platonic relationship? I just like friends to lovers a lot) Ultimately though, MK feels way too asexual/aromantic to me, and PigsyxTang is like...the most married out of anyone in the show is2g
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camilaxmartin · 1 month
I’m lazy to copy and paste but um here are the question numbers😭 and Carmilla Carmine for da character >:3
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3, 5 ,7, 16, and 18 :3
(I’m just curious lmao 💀)
so real with the copy and paste i made screenshots to remember it💀
3. least favourite canon thing about this character:
• might be a bit controversial but i think how stern she is? i mean, don’t get me wrong I LOVE HER because of that too, but i’d die to see carmilla having a good silly time with someone and just not a care in the word on her mind😭
5. what’s the first song that comes to mind when you think about them:
• it really depends on the day, but i’d say out for love obviously- but besides hh i think it’s “mockingbird” or “fade into you”
7. what’s something the fandom does when it comes to this character that you like:
• writing her as a powerful mommy😩 but uh- not letting my mommy issues out, i think that they perceive her as so caring? i think it’s almost canon she is but still it just melts my heart (i’d say also many animations i’ve seen with her daughters and her just protecting them for the dear life but I SAID NO MOMMY ISSUES RIGHT)
16. what’s your least favourite ship for the character:
• okay hear me out on this one. in my head she’s a lesbian who discovered that she’s one late in her life when odette and clara were already born and even not so little. so looking through that i must say her and zestial…. DONT GET ME WRONG i love zestial (my bestie’s oc actually is their daughter) but just… i see it as a very past thing and as much as im eating all the arts with them its just… not it for me;( (on the other hand, velvette and rosie are my favs definitely) (why would i choose between her and velvette when i can have both? >:])
18. how about a relationship they have in canon that you admire:
• i don’t think she has anyone canonically but i’d love for her and velvette to be canon more than her and rosie… idk why tho😩 i love rosie with my whole heart like?? miss girl adopt me?? can we have tea please?? i have good manners i promise!! but uh- i guess i’m just a sucker for rivals to lovers that’s it and i don’t think carmilla and rosie ever interacted like on screen so (said the person who ships lute and emily who didn’t spoke a words to one another) anyway! yeah i think velvette would be the one to go for me, but i can also see all the controversy according to the fact that she’s the youngest overlord and well; definitely a lot younger than carmilla😵‍💫 (on the other hand i’m a sucker for controversy too so-)
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hxhhasmysoul · 4 months
Thanks for sharing your fics recs (especially the KilluGon) most in your list, I have not read them yet... 🤩🌻 Also, love your analysis and reviews, thanks for sharing them....
Okay, so as ItaFushi and SatoSugu shipper, I was curious about SukuIta ship. You are the first person (that I know of and follow) that ship them...Hope you don't mind if I ask you a few things. What do you think are Sukuna and Itadori’s greatest personality strengths and weaknesses? Why? What do you love about their dynamic? What make you ship them?
Also, you're the first person that I follow that don't like Gojo (even not entered him in your top 5 fav charas). I don't mean anything negative...I just find it interesting. As a Gojo lover (he's my 2nd fav after Yuji) I found your reasons for disliking him pretty reasonable and I love your metas.....
Happy holiday....
Thank you for your kind words. And I’m glad that my Gojou negativity doesn’t put you off. I haven’t been very kind in my posts about him, they are very ranty. My top charas are honestly related to how much I think about them and how excited I am for scenes with them for various reasons. And like for example Kirara is absolutely on the list of characters I’m always excited for, or: Miwa, Hana, Toudou, Junpei, Nanami, Higuruma, Maki, Uraume, Tengen or Yuki. Gojou used to be on this list because I actually enjoyed how flawed he is, it was: wow this man! A bit like watching an accident happen. But I also find his position in the jujutsu world interesting. Fandom soured me on him and that’s on me. 
As to the fic recs, if you enjoy killugon I have reblogged some hxh and killugon fics rec lists over the years: x, x, x, x, x, x, x.
“What do you think are Sukuna and Itadori’s greatest personality strengths and weaknesses? Why?”
Yuuji has it all. He has this sweet side, he’s silly, cute, compassionate and has people skills. But he also has a darker side. He’s lonely, has unprocessed issues concerning forming relationships with others, he doesn’t value himself too much, he has the tendency to blame himself, it makes him suicidal eventually. 
He can be very introspective and self aware but he sometimes chooses not to do that, like his refusal to think about his parents, or he can use it against himself to bash himself with guilt because he can over analyse his shortcomings. Yuuji both seeks connection and doesn’t easily let people know him too closely. 
He’s also very smart and adaptable. He learns very fast, he can analyse a situation well and employ tactics that will often make him succeed in what he’s doing. 
He also has good intuition, like in how he befriends Junpei, how he doesn’t want to be around Megumi during the culling games, or with plans on how to save Megumi. 
Because he wants to connect with people he doesn’t always know when to put his foot down. He’s very good at asserting himself against people who are bullies and who are hostile towards him, like Sukuna and Mahito. With people he cares about though he’s not really good at that. He will argue but with for example Megumi and Gojou he will fall in line. They intimidate him to an extent, they seem knowledgeable and powerful in ways he isn’t. He defers to their judgement despite them failing him.  
Sukuna is funny in his contrasts. I’ve once written that he’s full of shit. He’s the opposite of Yuuji because he refuses to introspect, to analyse himself. He of course has a huge ego so he has a very specific attitude towards people who exert any form of power over him. He gives Kenjaku the cold shoulder and tries to ignore them as much as possible. (Tell us why, Gege. Heian flashback when ;-;) Towards Yuuji he’s just irritable, disrespectful and petty. 
He’s very nerdy about jujutsu, it’s very clear he enjoys it and he enjoys fighting. He believes that others matter only as much as he can get some enjoyment or entertainment out of them. Which is actually not entirely true, because he very clearly has a friendship with Uraume and he’s very mindful of Uraume’s feelings in it. As I said, not self aware. 
“What make you ship them?”
The process of elimination. It will be a story XD
When I first read and watched JJK, I came out of it caring very deeply about Yuuji. I liked other characters but Yuuji was and still is special to me. 
In fandom I primarily seek three things: 
1. Art of the characters I like because I just like art and also it gives me extra emotions.
2. Meta and discussions, because I enjoy over analysing stuff and making theories.
3. Extra emotions in the form of fics. I’m only in two fandoms, they both traumatised my favs very deeply. I want to experience other things with the favs. I want them in situations. (mostly long form AUs but not all AUs, I’m picky XD)
With Gon and Killua, point 3 was easy. I find their romantic ship close to canon, I love them both, I wanted more of that.
With Yuuji I wanted something good for him. I wanted him to be prioritised and on the receiving end of love. I wanted someone to care as deeply about him as he does for others. 
So I went on ao3 and started to look into the tags. 
The first one I checked out was ItaJun. I like Junpei, I think he’s an interesting character. Yuuji and Junpei’s canon interactions can be read as pre crush stuff. They hit it off very quickly, share the passion for films. Are capable of talking honestly about deeper and darker things. Most fics in that rather short tag were from Junpei’s pov. Made him very mopy, soft and fragile, introverted in this stereotypical way. And Yuuji was there as the manic pixie dream boy. Next.
So I looked into the ItaFushi tag. It was long so I had hope. Even though I was and am ambivalent about Megumi. And I don’t particularly like his dynamic with Yuuji in canon. I mentioned it above, it’s about the misplaced deference that Yuuji shows Megumi. And Megumi thinking he’s much smarter than he is. Most fics in that tag were from Megumi’s pov. Made him very mopy, soft and fragile, introverted, melancholic and overly intellectual. And Yuuji was there as the manic pixie dream boy. But also dumber than Megumi. Like in the KilluGon tag you can find fics like that too, fics from Killua’s pov by people who don’t care about Gon. In both tags there will also be these kinds of fics but written by people who seem to dislike the “sunshine” character. It’s not just that they find that character to be a tool to make their fav feel better, but that they are kinda upset about it. There are few fics in that tag that I liked, though. Because despite being from Megumi’s pov, they both wrote Megumi and Yuuji close to as they are. 
But generally, I was growing disappointed and frustrated. And I remembered one smut in the ItaJun tag which was actually a poly threeway with Sukuna. I remembered it because Junpei’s pov was nice and the dynamic was interesting. And I was like: well, can SukuIta be really worse than this? I mean if that poly fic was anything to go by, at least the smut will be fun.
So in the SukuIta tag finally, finally, my chance of finding Yuuji’s pov was high. And the authors there are actually interested in Yuuji’s personality. Not all of them do it justice, obviously, but they are interested. They are interested in putting Yuuji in situations. They are interested in tension and high emotions. They are interested in strange, codependent, very intense relationships, even in some of the more fluffy fics. There’s a lot of E rated stuff there, a lot of dead dove. And as I said before, I’m very picky and I won’t click on most stuff, but that was true for the other 2 tags as well. Just that, when I chose to click on stuff in this tag, the percentage of fics I read till the end was incomparably higher than in the other two tags. And reading through it, I started to get ideas to write for it. 
“What do you love about their dynamic?”
As I said above, in the beginning I was mostly amazed that I’m getting Yuuji exploration. Sukuna was there as the vehicle for the situations and the emotions. Even when I started writing my first fic, I was of that mindset too. Writing it made me ponder Sukuna more and grow to like him beyond his fun energy as a villain. 
The thing I like about their dynamic is when Yuuji gets to finally allow himself a close and raw relationship with someone, it’s usually very dramatic and dark in the best scenarios. That he carves something for himself, something often imperfect and kinda toxic, something where both sides are forced to make concessions and navigate around each other, but something where he’s prioritised. 
And when Sukuna gets punished for his personality, like the consequences of his irreflexive nature give him anxiety or something like that. When he’s forced to actually self-analyse. Sukuna is about his own pleasure and you can write him in a way that if someone becomes his pleasure, he gets very intense about it. 
At its best, this dynamic is very intense, dramatic and either goes in a very dark direction or requires a lot of negotiation. 
Also true form Sukuna is the hottest JJK has to offer and my dear Yuuji deserves the absolute best.
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gamerbearmira · 6 months
Waazzup lol
Giant siren au
Antonio meet human child ( his age) im just curious to see how these completely different species of kids or babies interact with each other ( I don’t know how old Antonio is) it could probably start off with the human kid being lost and scared and antonio sorta goes hakuna matata just cheering him up or up to you how it goes, I just wanna see the interaction lol your ideas are better. (Maybe this would be one of the closest friendships between human and siren or up2u)
Also what r the giant siren madrigals fav sea food if they have any
from what i saw on one of yo asks, I can just imagine Luisa holding a human whos freaking out and she’s like “ what’s so dangerous about this tiny thing” Isa: idk 🤷‍♀️
Speaking of which What really scares them about humans? I mean these sirens are HOOGE right?
This one’s a little fun, joke au
Giant mer augustin meets jack sparrow
j: I gotta jar of dirt 🤪
Augustin: ( is just super interested cause there’s mostly sand in Encanto, and also cause a human finally doesn’t run off… cuz jacks crazy probs)
This mer Encanto au is awesome 👏 nice work 👍
Up to you if ya wanna do this ask lol no rush time is precious
Of course I can answer <333 so Antonio is 5. Still the same age, Giant sirens only age weird when they grow outta their shells 🤠 as for interacting with kids, he essentially views him as another siren guppy. He doesn’t actually know he’s human until they’re swimming and the human kid has to keep going up for water. But he really likes him.
Human children are actually viewed as harmless. And giant sirens actually feel the need to protect them, especially if they’re alone. Often, they’ll try and protect the child from adult humans, even their parents. This can result in human children being taken from the shore, which is a big factor in the giant sirens and humans beef. Giant sirens don’t think human children are fit to be with adult humans, and will only return them if the child is obviously distressed, albeit reluctantly. Human children have been found in giant shells before when returned.
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Madrigals like she’ll fish, like crabs, and lobsters. Deep sea fish are liked as well ⁉️⁉️ Specifically, off the top of my head. Isabela, Julieta and Camilo like giant squid. Pepa, Dolores, Agustín, Mirabel and Antonio likes shark. Bruno, Luisa, Fèlix and Alma like orca <333
Fear wise, Giant sirens know that humans can make things that can kill them. And for decades, centuries even, humans have hunted giant sirens for fun. It’s not as common anyway, but it still happens. And humans have made huge, and I mean massive spears that came launched into a sirens chest, which will instantly kill them. Not even a second to process, it’s an instant death. Giant Sirens don’t like ships. So they will crash them if the feel they have to.
Agustín would be very confused. Very 😭 another reason to find humans in general harmless. They’re so goofy, he doesn’t understand the fear. Besides hunters of course.
I’m glad you like the AU⁉️⁉️
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andreal831 · 1 month
You may be the first person to agree with me that Michael Trevino is more attractive than Joseph Morgan, so now I’m curious. Who are the most attractive (purely based on looks) cast members in your opinion?
I am the worst person to ask this. My friends hate talking about celebrities with me or even sending me pics of people they find attractive because I have a very specific view of what I find attractive. I identify as pansexual and demisexual, meaning I do tend to need to emotionally bond with someone to find them attractive so I struggle to focus purely on looks. Like I can tell if someone is objectively attractive but sometimes everyone will be obsessed with an actor and I just don't get it. I can understand that Nate Buz is objectively attractive, but because I can't stand him as a person, I just don't personally find him attractive. I also tend to find women way more attractive than men. As you will see by my lists.
It also really depends on what you mean by "based purely on their looks." There are people who are "scientifically" attractive, but I just don't find them that attractive. It's impossible to be completely objective when talking about attraction. Everyone is attracted to different things.
I will say, I typically don't like light haired men, which explains the Trevino over Morgan opinion. It's not that I can't recognize Joseph Morgan (Klaus) is attractive. He's just not in the top for me. I also feel like people tend to find him more attractive because of his accent. Although, I will admit I liked him more with his longer, curly hair. But that also could just be because that's when his character gets more tolerable for me.
I also want to remind everyone that these are my opinions. Everyone has their own opinions and it doesn't mean your fav isn't attractive. These are just who I think is most attractive. Let's be honest, the cast is stacked with extremely attractive people. If they are not on the list, they are still attractive, it is just a very competitive field.
(This does not include Legacies cause I haven't really watched it)
Most Attractive Cast Members in My (un)Biased Opinion
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It's going to come as no surprise who I consider to be the most attractive in the show. They also happen to be my favorite ships from each show. I swear I am trying to be objective but they seriously were the stand outs to me the first time I watched the shows. I mean just look at them. There is a reason that both Kat and Phoebe do modeling on the side. As for the men, you may say I have a type, but it's hard to deny that Daniel and Michael are not at least in the top, if not the top, for men. But if that's not objective enough for you, here's my top lists excluding them:
Most Attractive Men
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We can't have a list of most attractive men without Charles Michael Davis topping the list. Marcel is one of the most attractive men in this series. I won't hear any arguments against it. His smile is just top tier. I don't feel like I need to say anything else to prove my point. Just look at that man.
I feel like Michael Trevino (Tyler) and Collin Woodell (Aiden) have very similar vibes. This is maybe less objective than not, but I just found them more attractive than some of the more popular characters that usually top the lists. Also, I thought it would be inappropriate to put them without their shirts on, but... I mean, come on.
Yusuf Gatewood is not talked about enough. I was not a huge Finn fan in TVD, nothing against Casper, but I was just never drawn in by that character. But Yusuf as Finn really pulled me in. I also just have a thing for smiles. He has such a captivating smile.
I can see that they are objectively attractive but not at the top of my personal list:
Ian Somerhalder as Damon. I know this may anger some people, but I just have never been an Ian girl. I get what people like, but his eyes always freaked me out a little bit. He just doesn't rank high for me, sorry! Joseph Morgan as Klaus. Joseph Morgan just doesn't top the list, but I just don't find light haired men that attractive. I'm not saying he's not, he just isn't in my top. Paul Wesley as Stefan. I loved Stefan and he has the stereotypical "good looks." He is pretty high on the list still, just not in the top. Chris Wood as Kai. I don't have much to say on this one. He's objectively attractive but again, just not at the top of my list. David Alpay as Atticus Shane. I know he was awful but objectively he is very attractive. Steven McQueen as Jeremy. He definitely had a glow up from the emo teen to the vampire hunter.
Most Attractive Women Spoiler alert, it's all of them
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Like, my god, even actresses with the smallest screen time carried the show. These aren't really in order but I tried. I can't even begin to rank them against each other. I hated Monique's character but my god, Yasmine Al-Bustami is beautiful. Nishi Munshi (Gia) is just a gorgeous human being. I didn't like Antoinette, but I would do anything for Jaime Murray. I'm obsessed with everything Nathalie Kelley (Sybil) does.
This is not to say that the other actresses aren't beautiful. Again, everyone is gorgeous. These women just felt next level gorgeous to me, whereas, actresses like Candice and Nina felt more girl next door, if that makes sense. Like Inadu (Blu Hunt) was killing all of my faves and I was still somehow rooting for her (jk, mostly).
I know most of my list is from The Originals, but that tends to be the show I rewatch the most. I also feel like they tend to have more actors. TVD had the same actors playing like 20 different roles.
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merlinsleftit · 1 month
just curious - why post in a ship tag complaining about the ship? you knew people were going to be upset regardless that you did that but also isn’t it…unnecessary? like, at the end of the day, fanfiction and ships are fiction for a reason. sometimes it’s fun to imagine the impossible and to imagine au’s - and to hate an entire fandom for it seems excessive and quite frankly, rude. i’m not saying dramione is the end all be all bc yeah, some characterizations are so ooc that it’s just like why bother. other times it’s like wow this is really good, but these things can also be related to any other fandoms.
idk, i mean we are all entitled to our own opinion, of course. i guess it just rubbed me wrong way that you’d post something shitting on a ship you so clearly hate and posting it in said fandom.
its not just about "let ppl have their own ships and opinions" it's about hating on the canon and making up their own ships and characters just bcs they didn't like the original one. i totally get whatever jkr said upset a lot of ppl and that's absolutely normal and right thing to do and im not here to defend her or something. i usually separate the art from the artist bcs harry potter always had a special place in my place and i have always loved the canon. i think the hate on canon characters and ships started more after jkr transphobic jokes. ppl are romanticizing toxic characters and toxic ships to go against jkr and i have seen these in so many fanfics. they mainly do it to show that they do not care about the canon or they are against it but they still wanna like it somehow.
saying how some characters should've done this or that in the canon is absolutely bullshit. obv the characters had no idea this will be consequences. nobody is perfect but isn't that what makes a series relatable in some way? every characters had flaws and every character resembled somebody from our daily lives. hating on the canon characters to just make your fav character look like a saint is hypocrisy.
the main reason why the percy jackson fandom is less toxic than hp is bcs they like their author and we don't and they accept their canon the way it is bcs they like their author. i get y'all don't like jkr and neither do i but i dont go out of my way to change the canon bcs i just don't like her.
these new ships and characters are scaring new fans away from canon bcs some of y'all convinced them that fanon is somehow 'better" and when these so called "fans" come on here to share opinions that they've based off of the misinformation they've been fed, they will be unprepared to handle any kind of backlash they may face except their usual "let ppl have their own ships" or "its just fanfiction"
also i use the tags bcs i want ppl to know the misinformation they've been fed by the new genz fandom and how they think shipping random characters don't affect anyone but in reality, it does. i mean literally see how many ppl have been influenced by meneclad and how they think dramione is endgame and how jkr wasted their potential. they never even had any real chemistry in the canon so there was nothing to wasted on.
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pix3lplays · 2 months
To Argenti, who would you say are your fav ppl or things? What if I try to rizz you up 😈 (I’m joking dw, I am curious what ur fav things are tho. Like person, food, drink and activities)
Rizz me up? *Argenti checks a piece of paper written for him. It’s a guide to slang* OH. I assure you I would be quite flattered, but I promise that my ‘Rizz game’ is Superior. *The Knight seems quite confident in this fact.*
(Pixel: oh boy. Now you’ve done it.)
*Argenti brings a hand to his chest, looking elegant and proud as he replies to the questions*
My favorite person? Perhaps not a ‘person’ but…the answer will Always be Idrila…*he rambles a bit about Idrila. You feel like you’re being preached to…
He does EVENTUALLY realize he’s rambling, and promptly clears his throat and moves on to the next question.*
My favorite food…well…personally I do not have a very expansive palate, given my lifestyle as a knight. Truthfully I do not come across many opportunities to try new things so…I suppose I will always have a special fondness for the classic delicacy that is bread. It pairs nicely with so many things, no? I…wouldn’t really know to much about that, but that’s what I hear.
Favorite drink…I’m afraid I’m in a similar situation with the food question but…I do have a fondness for tea. Specifically rose tea.
I enjoy a variety of activities…most notably the joys of travel appeal to me…being able to expand my world by meeting people, talking to them, sharing the significance of Beauty to them…it means very much to me.
I also enjoy photography, though I am still…amateurish at the art. Sometimes, if taken properly, even a still picture can reflect beauty magnificently.
And speaking of art, I occasionally enjoy bringing pen to paper, typically in the form of poetry.
Yes, a truly beautiful art. One I wish to master some day.
And I do enjoy physical activities. Exercise is always something enjoyable for me.
Recently I’ve found myself doing some light reading as well, too. I have a fondness for romance novels.
And of course I do enjoy my fair share of sewing…sometimes rips and tears on the fabric aspect of my armor happen and one needs to know how to take care of such things, especially when on your own as often as I am.
Finally I do enjoy making modifications to The One and Only, typically detailing work…though I also have a fair bit of knowledge on how to maintain the mechanical aspects of my ship as well.
That’s what comes to mind off the top of my head but…I am willing to try new things as well.
Recently I’ve been curious about ice skating. I have never had the opportunity to try it…I must change that soon.
-Argenti, Knight of Beauty
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rene-01 · 2 months
I somehow just realized I never did an intro post so thought I’d do so !!!
Hii I’m René, I go by a bunch of other names though !! (Feel free to ask!)
I got by he/they/it and don’t mind neo’s !1!1
I have a lot of interests but my main right now is total drama, which is what I post along side my drawings and edits!!! I also have a total drama oc who’s name is also René!! :3
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(Art on the right belongs to @wheredidalltheusersgo)
Go follow @wheredidalltheusersgo btw he’s like, the best !!! He’s my boyfriebd and the reason I got this app !!!
There’s also my other boyfriend @mattiec4kes !1!1! He’s not as active ! :3
I LOVE to make TD AU’s / designs. PLEASE ask me about them or anything your curious on !! I love ranting and answering questions, it’s one of my fav things !! :3
Also feel free to ask questions about me in general that aren’t to personal ! I love letting people learn about me and what I’m into!!
I’ll also take art requests !! (Ships, characters doing something, etc) I might not be able to fulfill each request cause I’m still working on my art but I will try my best !! >0<
Thanks for reading !! 🎀💕
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residentialrabbit · 3 months
Quick question about something I’m curious about if you don’t mind me asking, what’s your opinion on Repurpose poly ships including the MC? I personally love to imagine my MC in a poly ship with DJRK and Noel and I’m curious about what you think about that and how it’d work, hope this doesn’t come off as weird or mean, have a nice day!
I'm all for polyshipping within repurpose! My fav is NoelMCDJ too 💜
They're the heroes that know how to have fun
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starmanlupinn · 4 months
hi! i haven’t ever done this before but i’m curious, what are your fav marauders era ships and how would you rank them?
ahhh hii! anyways here are some of the ships i ship from fave to least fave:
jily - 6th place
dorlene - 5th place
marylily - 4th place
rosekiller - 3rd
jegulus - 2nd
and finally..
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After the last chapter is it okay if we ask for your take on the AA argument? Or AA in general? Emma and Courtney’s convo maybe made me geek out a bit and now I’m so curious because there’s so many angles to take.
absolutely i love talking ace attorney! i started off as a miego shipper but then became a lanamia shipper so i can see both sides to courtney and emma's convo lol. i think mia and diego have more basis in canon for being a couple and i like how diego was intertwined with the fey family drama. however he literally did not tell maya about this plot to kill her and instead did convoluted stuff to protect her which still involved killing her mother when he could've prevented all of that in the first place. though my memory of that case is fuzzy and i understand there needed to be a murder for there to even be a case in the first place. but i think the writing could've been better bc it's hard to sympathize with diego after all that. also i don't know for sure if his misogyny is due to faulty translation or if it was the original writers' intent. as for lana, while her existence was a retcon (if im remembering right) i love her and ema and that whole case. damon gant is a big orange power man and he's going to beat the shit out of everyone (pbnt my beloveds). that intellectually attracted line is incredibly lesbian of lana and mia. they definitely dated at some point. it's also really funny to think of maya and ema's older sisters dating idk why. vibes. but yeah i think emma would see this emotionally repressed older sister character trying to protect her younger sister from all this trauma while being taken advantage of by an older man, hear the "intellectually attracted" line, and be like "oh she ABSOLUTELY had a thing with this hot smart spunky lawyer lady" while not realizing in the slightest that she's projecting. while i feel like courtney is very much someone who goes by canon and tends to enjoy canon relationships and shipping fanon relationships doesn't really occur/make sense to her. i think she also likes diego because he'll throw coffee mugs at the defense and she wishes she could be that violent in court one day. though by that criteria franziska would be her fav character. but i also think it would be funny if she found franziska really annoying and did not see the irony in that at ALL.
ANYWAY i love talking about ace attorney i love talking about what td characters would think about ace attorney please feel free to send me more ace attorney asks. those games got me through the height of the pandemic (in addition to total drama)
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bittermoonswrites · 3 months
Can I ask your top 10 fav fics ever (from any fandom, if you don't mind)?
Also, just curious, is there a story behind your name "bittermoonswrites "?
If you ask me for favorite anything, you're going to get just things I like that I can think of off the top of my head. So here are 10 fics I really like, in no particular order! Disclaimer that I haven’t read too much fic since ~2020-2021 other than what close friends have recommended, and these are just fics I’ve enjoyed a lot for one reason or another. It trends recent, for no reason other than that’s what I remember better.
far from born again, mediest (Fire Emblem: Three Houses, Hollywood AU): Bojack Horseman meets his match in FE:3H in the form of Sylvain Jose Gautier.
Still Standing, eleventy7 (Harry Potter, Percy Weasley/Oliver Wood): Really great Percy character study, post-canon.
youngblood, ronsenburg (Ace Attorney, past Klavier Gavin/Daryan Crescend): I've talked about this fic in another recent ask.
crossfire, kittebasu (Daiya no Ace, post-canon): This fic is a half a million words long, but it's great.
days of brutalism and hairpin turns, cityboys (Blue Lock, Cyberpunk AU): cityboys is best known in the JJK fandom for the itafushi fic first love, late spring, but the technical chops in this one are so good. The control of information—what the reader knows vs. what the characters know and how that's revealed—is handled perfectly.
how to go, twoif (Kuroko no Basuke, Rock Band AU): Lots of content warnings in the endnotes of this one. Really clean prose, and I love how twoif adapts canon to this hyperspecific karaoke backing band AU.
what resembles the grave but isn’t (chashmish, The World Ends with You, post-canon): Three oneshots, all post-canon. JoshNeku is one of my favorite ships ever, and I've been a longtime fan of chasmish because of their Persona 5 fics.
when summer’s gone (Fire Emblem: Three Houses, Ethereally, summer camp counselor AU): Disclaimer that Ethereally and I are friends, though we didn't become friends until a few years after this fic came out. My first interaction with them was screaming into the comment sections of this fic haha. Love the cozy vibes of this one!
Your Heart Ain’t Cold (Cause It Burns), umisabaku (Kuroko no Basuke): The entire series this fic is part of is amazing. This is the next to last entry and personally my favorite one. Mayuzumi's arc from apathy to becoming enmeshed in everything going on is 👌👌
horatio, perennials (Haikyuu, atsuhina, post-canon): Delicious imagery that sings off the page in this short series.
I’ve talked in a tag game from a few years back as to where my handle comes from. If you don't want to scroll through the entire thing, I've quoted it:
The actual origin story is that the ‘bitter’ part comes from Lemony Snicket, who said tea “should be bitter as wormwood and as sharp as a two-edged sword” somewhere in A Series of Unfortunate Events, which were some of my fave books as a kid. I like the moon a lot and there are a lot of cool myths and other stories associated with it, and the reason why it’s plural is because the singular form was also taken already, sadly.
As for why I’m bittermoonswrites instead of bittermoons on this site, that’s because someone else took the bittermoons handle already.
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virgo-dream · 8 months
trope game ✍️
tagged by the wonderful @just-cosmere-fan!! thank you for the tag!
Rules: How much do these tropes affect your decision to click on a fic?
-10 -> very dissuaded
0 -> don't care either way
10 -> very enticed
nope -> if it's a hard no and you'd never click on a fic with that tag or or you ever have the tag blocked or you'd insta click out of the fic if it wasn't tagged
Bonus points for explaining the rating and whether it's conditional.
Age Gap: nope. I don’t think age gap between immortals counts here, unless they’ve just been made immortal (see also: Loustat and Loumand). The concept of age gap relationships feels icky to me idk.
Codependency: ….it works for Dreamling, I would be a hypocrite if I said it didn’t. 5!
Enemies to lovers: 10. No notes.
Enemies with benefits: I’m assuming the benefits here are sexual and for that reason only I’m rating this 0.
Fake dating/relationship: 6, it slaps when done right!
Found family: 0, doesn’t really do anything for me.
Friends to lovers: 10, love love love love that
Friends with benefits: 0 for the same reason as enemies with benefits.
Hurt/comfort: 100, just… perfect.
Love triangle: nope. Not the vibe.
Mistaken/hidden identity: 0, wouldn’t look for a fic centred around it but if I stumbled upon it, I don’t think I’d click out.
Monster fu... relationship: I’m a Dream of The Endless stan, what do you think? (5)
Obsession, possesiveness, etc.: eeeeh, -5. Not for the main couple in the fic.
Opposites (lke grumpy x sunshine, etc): 10, it’s just how it is.
Poly: I’ve seen it done really well a couple of times, but I don’t have any poly ships and have clicked out of fics that included poly ships before so, -5.
Pregnancy: -9 months. I’ve only read ONE pregnancy fic I liked, which is the reason why this isn’t a -10 or a nope.
Second chance: 5! Not my fav but I like when it isn’t the central trope on a fic but part of it!
Sex to feelings: 0, ace brain does not understand it.
Slowburn: 5. Wonderful when done with the correct pacing!
Soulmates: 8, I vibe with it! Can be really sweet sometimes.
tagging: I’m very curious about this!! @softest-punk, @littledreamling, @tj-dragonblade, @valeriianz, @avelera, @rooftopwreck, @staroftheendless, @ml-nolan, @fellshish, @bruce-wayne-simp, @pintobordeaux!
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ellabsweet · 9 months
hi!! i was really curious on who’d you ship me with i tlou.
i’m femme lesbian, 4’8 with black hair and black eyes. my clothing style is very hyperfeminine and i wear glasses.
i’m an introvert and my fav bands are the smiths, and no doubt. i love listening to different genres like shoegaze, jpop, k-pop and rock. i love collecting cds to use for my cd player!! plus i love making different playlists to fit my feelings. i also love video games like mortal kombat, bayonetta and devil may cry!! i also really love photography and filming on my digital camera. i’m also a big anime/manga fan, i really love revolutionary girl utena and innocent rogue. i feel like when people get to know me they think i’m rude in appearance or stand offish because i’m quiet but when you get to know me i’m a very silly person, i’m always kinda making jokes with my friends or laughing, and i show my affection through cooking or words of affirmation when i’m close with people.
i hope this isn’t too long! i’m just v curious lol. i love your work btw!
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The first time Abby Anderson set her eyes on you she understood why it was people’s took drugs. You caused an insatiable feeling to flare up at the pit of her stomach as you photographed your surroundings stopping in embarassment as your lens captured the girl’s staring. You turned around to walk on and ignore the situation when an instinct took over her actions and a Hey! echoed out through the park. An excuse in the tip of her tongue about needing a photographer for something, you tried to tell her you were not a professional and she hasn’t even seen your film but it was a useless effort, Abby was too engrossed in her own fantasy smiling so big it overpowered all her features to even properly listen as she took in your phone number, written in the palm of her hand from the lack of paper. She makes a joke once hearing about your music taste that you can already make the playlist for your wedding then. She hates herself for it.
um camz what is this? refer to this post!
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computer-boy · 2 months
1 11 12 13 17 18 19 23 24 29 31 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 49 51 52 62 63 64 65 72 93 88 89 93 94 98. Uh. Feel free to skip some i’m aware this is a lot. i’m curious.
sorry for taking so long, answers are under the cut!! ill try to answer as many as i can lol
heres the link to the post https://www.tumblr.com/sleepy-kitty-boy/743051716942004224/100-homestuck-asks
oo like... around december this year i think. (when you first got into hs)
11. not counting my fav alpha character, roxy! she's so interesting to me i love her (fav alpha kid)
12. cronus. he is a giant douchebag and i hate him (fav alpha troll)
13. dirk and hal. they're fucked up <3 (fav alpha character overall)
17. jade, but i love them all equally. jade a bit more though. (fav beta kid)
18. sollux!!! no comments he's just great i ove him (fav beta troll)
19. uhhhhdhfhdvh i can't chose sorry 😔 (fav beta character overall)
23. oo this is an interesting one!! i think bro. i want to study him Why is he like that (fav guardian) (edit: i changed my mom i like mom lalonde more now)
24. i don't really know. i don't really dislike any of them in particular (least fav guardian)
29. oo!!! either stylla, tyzias, or tegiri. (fav friendsim character)
31. davesprite or erisolsprite (fav sprite)
33. ohoho this is hard ok. either aradave or solkat i think, although i have also recently been swung onto pale erisol which is interesting! can't forget the classic meowrails too (fav pale ship)
34. vrisrose holy shit they're the kismeses of all time (fav pitch ship)
35. arafef or jaketav :) (fav flush ship)
36. im not sure honestly. i gotta think about auspisticism more man i don't have anything. karkat/jade/karkat is pretty funny though
37. erisol or davekat! (fav vacillating ship)
38. jakehal 🔥🔥 (OTP)
39. jakedirk 👎 (NOTP)
40. sollux and roxy are besties and you cannot convince me otherwise (BROTP)
49/51/52. gonna skip these ones bc i legitimately cannot think of anything? it hasn't been that long since i became a fan so
62. i have!! it was really fun and all the characters are interesting and unique in a way that made me really invested in it. the jade/teal car was so fun but also took me like two days lol (have you played hiveswap?)
63. ive played the first two or three volumes, but haven't had time to get around to the rest. someday... the bits that i played were fun though :) getting locked in ardatas basement was an experience (have you played friendsim?)
64. yeah! it was pretty fun. the darker endings especially were great i fucking CACKLED at the terezi one. there were some great notable moments that ill put in the tags to avoid casual spoilers lol (have you played pesterquest?)
65. no. i might but i don't particularly plan to (have you read the epilogues?)
72. feferi's head fins are axolotl gills!! also i think john can play the ghostbusters theme song on piano. he'd find a way. and roxy loves milo. it becomes her drink of choice on earth c i think :) (character headcanons?)
88. ohoho i have so many. holy shit. just a few: dreaming in binary; space cadet (hello, hello, hello, hello); So It's Going [series]; Love Letters in Digital Ink; things that go bump in the night; 12:56 (favourite fanfics)
89. serfuzzypushover, helmtechnician, missbehaviourOuO, beescake and like. a ton of other people (favourite fanartists)
93. voidbound or therapystuck!! highly recommend both. (fav mspfa)
94. about the only thing i haven't thought of about my trollsona :guaugh: probably two daggers, so 2xdaggerkind? no reason in particular i just think it's cool (what your strife specibus would be)
98. dirk, i think. something something plurality (character you relate to the most)
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