dominiodei · 5 years
whatifiwereatraitor replied to your post: gloireceleste replied to your post: ...
since when is michael doing what is good for him though.
that’s.... very true.
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gloireceleste · 5 years
On my way home.
If you’ve ever interested in dominion:
My Lucifer has both verses
God had both verses but it’s basically the same god having many alternate universes to deal with and take care of so xD
And Michael is at @whatifiwereatraitor
Lucifer is the most awake because Michael has been sleeping ever since the smol fandom died an xth time
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godswrathonearth · 6 years
( @thickcrskiin i see you reblogging from @whatifiwereatraitor and not only is it painful BUT IT’S PAINFUL ALRIGHT )
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fallenxhalos · 5 years
verse: no more smoke & mirrors | @whatifiwereatraitor
   Shielding her eyes as the young women tried to get a better look.  The person looked familiar.  Squinting her eyes as a small migraine as a flash of another figure took their place.  But that figure had longer hair.  Just as it came it left.    As soon as she got the better look.  She noticed who it was. “. . .Micheal?“  feeling a bit unsure.  For starters she left Vega.  And the thought of maybe he was here to take her back.  Just standing their holding the potted plant.  The feeling of being in trouble sat in the pit of her stomach.
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xaequus · 8 years
Maybe I'm trying to fool myself.
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We all have been fooled and are fooling ourselves.Such a blissful thing, I would observe. If only we could continue to lie and live in this playing pretend.We both want everything to return to what it once was, butthat can never happen. We mustn’t dream too long for realitymay become blurred into our wishful thinking and perhapsin that, we lose ourselves more than we already have.And then we could never be found again.
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vegasmarked-blog · 8 years
Michael smiled more, 25 years ago.
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dominiodei · 5 years
manyshadowsmanylives replied to your post “whatifiwereatraitor replied to your post: ...”
No Michael ever did the right thing for themselves
And absolutely no God has helped them make the right choice either
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wingedtorment-blog · 9 years
whatifiwereatraitor replied to your post: whatifiwereatraitor asked:Gabriel...
fITE ME (ง︡’-‘︠)ง
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whatifiwereatraitor replied to your post “whatifiwereatraitor replied to your post: .  { I was all like: how...”
{ True we did. I'm actually so lost on where I interacted with you and where I didn't. I have many accounts and most of them follow your precious face. I come on Michael not all the time because TINY FANDOM OF DOOM. }
I remember one of your accounts (I think it was your charles xavier) I followed you just by pure coincidence because I was looking through Jan's page and following random people just for funsies. And you messaged me like, "HOW THE FUCK DID YOU FIND ME?"
I dunno how I always manage to do that. I'm probs just awesome like that.
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xaequus · 8 years
And if I agreed?
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Are you teasing me? We both know as long as I’m alive, we would not stop.It would be my desire to end all of this. And the question is, who’s to cease first?This fighting is tiresome, but it cannot end simply for the reason you already know.
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