#when i was little tho we went dumpster diving a lot more plus we lived near the college apartments so 👀
crystalrainwing · 3 years
yesterday was a GREAT day for dumpster diving! my personal favourites/best things we found:
- new mattress for me! my old one was terrible and hurt my back and the new ones very comfy
- a whole unopened box of Irish spring soap. there’s at least 10 bars
- huge bag of rice
- unopened bag of tater tots
- fun sweater and jeans and they both fit!
- my personal favourite: a picture frame covered in pink glitter with the ‘guess ill die’ meme format, edited to say ‘guess im high.’ it’s so cursed i love it. ill rb with a picture later
- possibly-haunted clown thing. my mom grabbed it. why
all the college students are moving out which is why there is so much stuff rn. especially food. it’s sad that most of it is going to waste. on the bright side we got some fun treats!
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