#white cispatriarchy
enby-axels · 3 years
Sharing this to my followers because this is a very insightful analysis some of you might appreciate.
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[ID: The above series of images are screenshots of a twitter thread by May Peterson (@/maidensblade), from February 11th, 2020.
The first tweet reads: "Something more (white and/or cis) feminists could do with understanding is negative masculinity. (Thread)
Think about how a white cis man can scapegoat “male transsexuals” (trans women) as predators and at the same time be scaremongering about the “danger” of men of color."
The second tweet reads: "You see a lot of instances of this, where the male/masculine traits assigned to a group are used to drive the cultural terror around that group, because they’re imagined as brutal and invasive and that powerful white cis men need to protect against them."
The third tweet reads: "This pattern looks counterintuitive to feminist analysis that insists a masculine attribution = unilaterally preferred and privileged and feminine = hated and oppressed."
The fourth tweet reads: "Something that gets missed a lot here is that the frailty/“need for protection” of white cis women isn’t a narrative they have independently.
Cis white men speak this narrative as part of their own story, that they have to protect their women from degenerates and invaders."
The fifth tweet reads: "White supremacist normative masculinity is both the flip side and the ordinate condition for white cis female frailty and infantilization.
By talking about “their women” being vulnerable, white cis men are also narrating THEIR OWN sense of vulnerability."
The sixth tweet reads: "In this system “good men” are supposed to protect from “bad men,” and that distinction comes from where the lines is drawn between who is the hero and who is the enemy."
The seventh tweet reads: "The hypermasculinized “outsider” is a typical model for the Enemy in this formula. Negative masculinity is the male/masculine attribution of the Enemy and it’s not the same as the maleness of the Hero."
The eight tweet reads: "There’s an Enemy femininity too, just like there’s a Heroic femininity. Consider the distinctions made between sex workers and “good women,” deceptive temptresses (a negative femininity also ascribed to trans women) and innocent maidens."
The ninth tweet reads: "Gendered stigma is complex and compounding, and feminist analysis that simply goes with the idea that femininity is considered bad and masculinity is considered good is not adequately capturing how gender is used to draw lines."
The tenth tweet reads: "Bloomberg can be found recently demonstrating multiple forms of negative masculinization scaremongering.
We just can’t ignore the way a form of male rage/male appetite is ascribed to certain oppressed people in this way." End ID]
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genderfuckedsasuke · 3 years
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sasuke is antibinary and says down with white supremacist cispatriarchy!
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orchidvioletindigo · 3 years
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[ID: A stock image of a dark-skinned woman's hand and a light-skinned woman's hand joined against a blank white background. The dark-skinned woman's arm is labeled "Transfem Women" in white and pink and the light-skinned woman's arm is labeled "Transmasc Women" in white and blue. White and purple text over their joined hands reads "Prying womanhood from the unwashed hands of cispatriarchy and reconstructing it in a way that's empowering." /end ID.]
I wanted to make a quick and dirty image that sort of expresses the solidarity I feel with my trans sisters so here you go
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vagin*s werent even a thing in the 3rd world until the white supremacist cispatriarchy introduced it through colonialism
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the cistem strikes again also more animal abuse
went out for a walk just now because the cistem has put me under mental health surveillance for apparently “threatening to rape a cafab” i did no such thing by the way all i told her was that shes a bigot and promoting murderous sentiment for saying she wouldnt go down on a post op trans woman.. its an opinion am i not allowed to have those anymore?? i caannot tell the truth anymore?? but now theyre forcing me to go on walks because i have “anger issues” or whatever and like i dont, thats just a social construct i didnt actually punch her i just said she deserved to be punched if she did not take it back and yeah i did have ma fist clenched like i was about to punch her but like its exactly like being racist and expecting POC of color to not react at all!!
anyway, a passed by this guy walking with his dog and I said i loved his dog and asked for the dog’s name.. i swear i should have knocked this cissexist ffucker’s daylights out because next he said “h*s name is Sparky” and i was like, “his?? how do you know your dog’s gender??” and he gave me this puzzled look and slowly said “because h* has a penis??” and i yelled at the manmusk stenched abuse monger “penis does not equal male you evil monster!! peoplx like you are the reason the white supremacist cisheteropatriarchal cispatriarchy oppresses animals!!” and he ran away.. that poor dog though😢😢
so i came home in a bad mood.. i think the cistem is trying to make me cave under the pressure of cissociaty.. its a classic abuse tactic populatized by the TERF community.. i might go out and shoplift later to get my mind off of all of this sinister transmisogyny
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