#who is...? jane foster: thor infinity comic
avengerscompound · 2 years
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Who is...?  Jane Foster: Thor Infinity Comic
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Age of Khonshu, or as I like to call it: Oh no. Oh no no no no.
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Age of Khonshu, written by Jason Aaron. 2018.
Who is Jason Aaron? A big writer at Marvel, he is best known for PunisherMAX (the ultras violent and non-marvel universe version of the Punisher), some runs of Thor (the one where Jane Foster becomes Thor), and certain runs with Wolverine: Weapon X. He also wrote Southern Bastard, which is a big name over in Image comics.
Another important fact? He was raised Southern Baptist that has since become an atheist.
That history out of the way, let's look at the sort of comic this is.
I have been putting off reading this little doozy for YEARS. Why? Three reasons.
This was not a good year for me personally. In fact, this was the start of some REALLY bad years to follow for the next 4 years.
I missed the original release and when I tried to find it to read it, no one had it. Not even the library. (This should have been my first clue).
This is a Marvel tie in event.
Now, I have ranted about these before and I'm going to rant about it again.
What is a tie in event? It's a big Marvel World event that attempts to do a large story-line that involves a lot of other big names (usually the avengers).
In Events, you have the main story line that involves the main character. So say, DareDevil is fighting a super ninja. You have the main story that takes place in DareDevil's comic "DareDevil vs. the super ninja" and in that comic, it's such a big fight that the avengers have to get involved, and maybe Dr. Strange and perhaps Brother Voodoo is getting a movie next spring so they want to showcase Brother Voodoo working with familiar faces so he's involved now too.
BUT. All these people involved also have their own comics running. They don't just want to keep going and ignore this big ninja fight that's happening. So then we have side event tie ins that pause their normal story-line to respond in some way to the event that is happening.
So Let's say Ms. Marvel has her story line going where she's been fighting some evil mob boss. She's suddenly going to pause that story. She'll suddenly come up on a hole hoard of evil ninjas and have to fight them for a single issue. But they don't want to loose steam with her evil mob boss because they have to get back to that in the next issue! So it turns out her evil mob boss HIRED those ninjas in some sort of attempted partnership with the evil super ninja. Just to highlight how evil the mob boss is!
Oh, and if you haven't been reading DareDevil or the Avengers or ALL THE OTHER COMICS INVOLED good luck trying to keep up with what's going on. So by the end of the event, you have to compile a LOT of comics together in a particular order so that you can fully understand what's going on.
Even worse? Sometimes the responding tie in comics that aren't really involved with the main story line try to solve the issue. So, going back to my example, Ms. Marvel not only defeats the ninja gang, but she discovers something amazing that will in the end help defeat the Super Ninja! She has single handedly helped bring it down! …In her own comic. It makes her look like the big hero and like she was crucial to the event….When in truth, she has nothing to do withthe main story line over in DD world and her little discovery won't have anything to do at all with how to bring down the Super Ninja in the end.
With me so far?!
If this sounds familiar to you, then congratulations, you may have read "Moon Knight Shadowland", which was infinately better than the main story line of Dare Devil Shadowland. (I'm still bitter about that one). Or the original Civil War saga. Or Seige. Or Dark Reign. Or Age of Khonshu.
Today, I'm here to talk about Age of Khonshu.
In which Moon Knight gets his own special event under an Avenger's title.
So how did they compile this event under an Avenger's title? We start with something that makes no sense to someone that has not been following the Avenger's comics.
Stepping further into it? This event follows directly after the 2017 BEMIS run. So we are moving from the worst run in MK history into Aaron's Age of Khonshu. The next comic after this didn't come out till 2021! That's a three year gap!
What's the story?
Mephisto (I hate Mephisto. He has been made basically into Marvel's version of the Christian Devil.) is messing with the time line and is going back in time to amass soul contracts with people and is slowly taking over the world or destroying it or building up hell. It isn't ever properly explained, but most evil things like this usually aren't.
For some reason Khonshu has seen the future of a world where Mephisto has destroyed it and done terrible things. So he puts these images into Marc's head. Marc, thinking Khonshu is out to fuck with him again (when isn't he?) tracks down Khonshu in one of his Moon Cult temples.
Khonshu tells Marc that he's terrified of Mephisto and Marc realizes that Khonshu isn't just fucking with him this time.
That's right. As someone told me, it's like watching a ten year old talking about how their character is the most powerful and can beat up all the other characters.
Moon Knight beats up Dr. Strange with the power of Khonshu and steals his magic. Then he beats up Danny and steals the Iron fist. Then steals the GHOST RIDER'S fire of vengeance. He goes after Thor on the MOON. Turns out Thor's hamer is made out of moon rock so Moon Knight laughs as he steals the hammer because he has the power of moon. He goes after the Black Panter and T'challa is just like "LOL No. My power comes from my ancestors. You can't steal that."
So they lock up T'challa in a pyramid.
YOU KNOW WHAT MARVEL MOVIE WAS COMING OUT IN 2018?! That's right, the first Black Panther movie.
So in this comic, it's going to feature heavily that Black Panther is super powerful and the hero of the story.
Giving Khonshu all these powers, he remakes New York into Khonshu World and imprisons anyone that fails to worship him, because he's an all powerful god that will stop Mephisto.
And he does fight Mephisto and kill him, but there are so many versions of him now, because he's the devil and you can't kill the devil.
And throughout this, Moon Knight worships and prays to Khonshu, calling him his god and how he's a follower, and believes that Khonshu is a powerful god.
The Avengers keep asking him to stop, that he's off his meds or something and mentally ill and they can help him stop Mephisto if he stops Khonshu.
Eventually Moon Knight realizes that Khonshu can't stop Mephisto and he's gone too far.
He prays to a different god and THE PHOENIX fire shows up and he becomes Moon Knight Phoenix.
He betrays Khonshu because now he is his own god I guess? Helping them take Khonshu down, he gives back all their powers and they lock Khonshu away in Asgard.
Now he expells the Phoenix from his own self before he becomes Dark Moon Knight and destroys the world.
Now the Avengers story moves on to them dealing with Mephisto in a later run, but Khonshu is defeated and that's the important part!
T'challa offers Moon Knight a place in the Avengers, rather than a jail cell in Wakanda for his crimes. Moon Knight turns him down and returns to a small part in Manhattan that he'd rather protect.
And that's how it ends.
Aside from the main story aspect of this particular volume of MK avengers, here are the MAJOR problems:
Throughout the entire run, there is HEAVY christian imagery and language.
They talk about the devil and how scary the devil is. They talk about Hell. They talk about angels. They talk about gods.
They especially show Moon Knight worshiping and PRAYING to Khonshu or Phoenix.
Moon Knight himself discusses fighting the Devil and going to Hell as a construct of the horrors he has seen and done.
2. Throughout the run, Aaron tries to pull out bits from Lemire. Referencing him and doing callbacks. It falls SO flat.
There is a scene early on where he does the "I am Marc Spector. I am Steven Grant. I am Jake Lockley. And we are Moon Knight" bit. But it's followed by a prayer to Khonshu because he is the Moon God's accolyte.
Later he talks about how Marc expelled Khonshu from his mind and had healed and was his own man again. He talks about how Khonshu had put horrors in his mind that made him ill.
He then talks about how he frequents a certain mental hospital.
Not only is he referencing Lemire, but he's taking it in the wrong context. This man read it and went "Yeah sure I got it" when he clearly didn't.
In Lemire's run, we see Marc dealing not just with how KHonshu used and abused him and how messed up he was, but we also see him coming to terms with his own mental illness and trying to understand himself. To understand that he himself had been abusive towards himself. His self harm attributes. His pushing people away. We see him learn to embrace the 'what if' aspect of after mental illness. We see doubt and we see room to heal.
In this it's just "Khonshu did it."
3. We're back to the mental health topic. While they DO acknowledge Steven and Jake twice, offhandedly, we don't see them. It's just MARC. And I find it hard to believe that either of them would either let Marc go this far off the rails to hurting his friends, but that they would go along with it without having a discussion or working as a team if they found it to be the only solution.
They also have NUMEROUS remarks from the others about "We all know Moon Knight is crazy but I didn't think he was this crazy". It carries on the old conversations that everyone in the Avengers and so on all see Moon Knight as mentaly unwell. Unfit. Crippled, even. He's not well enough to do things. He pretends to be a hero but we all know he's likely to melt down any minute and do something crazy, attitude.
And repeatedly he's told to take meds, go to the hospital, check himself in… Even T'Challa tells him "Wakanda has made great strides in Mental Health. We can cure you!"
Cure him from what? Trauma? Take away his DID? Or implying that he's some sort of other unwell causing him to not think straight?
It's these three things combined that just really set me off.
The absolutely disgusting use of Christian vocabulary and idealism to portray a Jewish character. Even if Marc isn't observant of Jewish beliefs, he is culturally Jewish and raised by a Rabbi. Unless he blatantly converted, he would not find himself worshiping and praying to another god. He wouldn't believe in the devil or use such language to describe Mephisto. He wouldn't talk about Angelic idealations or even Hell.
Then the blatant use of his mental illness to further how it's easy for Moon Knight to fall into such ways. Of course he did this. He's crazy. He'll do anything!
Of course he made his god Khonshu into an over powered dick.
I've discussed this before with a good friend, but there is a difference between following Khonshu and worshiping Khonshu.
I love the use of Yehya Badr to show this in MacKay's run. One has converted and religiously believes and follows Khonshu. The other follows a path that he himself set down as a result of his experiences and own needs.
Moon Knight never outright worships Khonshu (when properly written). Even in Moench's old run, he believed that he had been resurrected by Khonshu and therefore his power and life was in Khonshu's hands. This was more following Marc's thinking that he himself was nothing more than a ghost. Without Khonshu, it was more of an existential dread that he was nothing. Not that Khonshu was a god figure.
In later runs this translated into a sort of worship and it never should have. In Moench's run, Khonshu was some unknown force. Perhaps a god, perhaps a spirit, perhaps some form of something ancient that represents the moon and protecting those who travel by night. Considering the Marvel universe and such loose terms of applying all powerful beings under the phrase of 'god', it makes sense. Thor is technically a god. But he is not a god to be worshiped.
Moon Knight takes his own Jewish upbringing. He is here to cherish all life. To protect those who fall into the margins and cry for help.
What's most insulting is that this comic directly followed the run by Bemis. The one that was so laced with antisemitism and blatant disregard for mental health topics.... So we jump from blood libel and Nazism into fighting the actual Devil and praying to gods and worship.
This is not a good look, Marvel.
Here's the thing, we need a Jewish writer.
I don't mean someone that was formerly Jewish that converted to some other following. I don't mean an atheist that has a special interest in other religions (as Aaron claims he is). We need a born and raised practicing Jewish writer.
We need someone to use the proper terminology that isn't Christian based. We need Jake to speak more Yiddish. We need Steven to be seen putting money into the Tzedakah box. We need Marc to discuss his conflict with his Orthodox Rabbi father and his current path in life and how, like it or not, he has become the epitome of the Jewish struggle to exist.
I appreciate Mr. MacKay, but when his run is done and Marvel looks for the next Moon Knight writer, I'd really like to see a Jewish voice step in and not only respect their own people (despite what Marvel may tell them to do) but to also continue to represent and respect the mental health aspect of Moon Knight.
Maybe I'm asking too much? But this issue...
TLDR: Do not read Bendis, Bemis, and Aaron when it comes to Moon Knight.
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septembersghost · 2 years
Nobody's perfect. Not even superheroes.
But God, I am so very, very tired of investing in major female characters in the Marvel Cinematic Universe, only to see them meet an ignominious end. Let's set aside the fact that it took 21 tries to even get a female-led film, 2019's Captain Marvel. There have always been interesting, bad-ass women in the MCU — they just keep being done dirty.
The men of the MCU routinely save the day, seemingly with nine lives to spare (not that I'm complaining about having more Tom Hiddleston in my life, but for the love of the Norse gods, how many times has Loki been brought back from the dead?). Meanwhile, the women of the MCU's greatest asset seems to be the most stereotypically feminine of traits: sacrifice.
Don't get me wrong, sacrifice is a heroic quality. It takes a special kind of person to lay down their life for the greater good. But it gets exhausting when that special kind of person seems to be mostly female (thank you for your service, though, Tony Stark and Vision).
First, there was Natasha Romanoff, a.k.a. Black Widow (Scarlett Johansson), who, in the quest for the Infinity Stones, sacrifices herself for the Soul Stone, sparing Hawkeye's life. Her justification? Hawkeye (Jeremy Renner) has a family who needs him. So what does that say about Black Widow's adoptive sister Yelena (Florence Pugh) or other close friends who make up her found family?
A lot has been written about that narrative choice, and it's arguably the most polarizing death in the MCU. Especially since it came after Natasha's character endured outright sexism for years, particularly in the Age of Ultron, where the script reduced her to her reproductive choices, having her call herself a "monster" because she can't have children. Despite all that, it might've been possible to take her death as a moment of valor that served the storytelling — if Marvel didn't keep recycling that motif to motivate its male characters.
Here lies Gamora (Zoe Saldana), Aunt May (Marisa Tomei), Ajak (Salma Hayek), Wanda/Scarlet Witch (Elizabeth Olsen), and the newest addition to the dead fierce ladies club, Dr. Jane Foster (Natalie Portman). And that's not even including the saintly mamas who have died to light a fire under their sons (hi, Thor and Shang-Chi). Or the varying degrees of lip service to female empowerment Marvel has come under fire for over the years.
Sure, a past version of Gamora may be alive in the multiverses, and not even Elizabeth Olsen knows if her character is permanently dead after the events of Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness. But I bet you can guess how she (maybe) died at the end: That's right, sacrificing herself for the greater good, even after being villainized for "breaking the rules," something her male counterparts do regularly. Sure, Wanda's rule-breaking might have cost many innocent lives, but it's not like she caused a universe-destroying Incursion (looking at you, Doctor Strange) or unleashed a wave of supervillains in a last-ditch effort to get into college (you too, Parker).
Even with all that, it was not until Thor: Love and Thunder that I finally reached my breaking point with Marvel's treatment of its female heroes' mortality. And I had such high hopes! Throughout the press tour, Natalie Portman made much of her return to the MCU being predicated on Jane finally having something interesting to do. The trailers showed Portman's Jane kitted out as a fully-fledged Lady Thor, complete with a winged helmet and wielding Mjölnir (did I maybe cheer more for this than even Steve Rogers proving his worthiness? Yes). What's more, here, she would not only become a hero in her own right, but she'd get to team up with another MCU favorite, Valkyrie (Tessa Thompson).
Imagine my irritation when the interesting thing they've finally given Jane to do is have cancer and die (yes, I know this is a storyline from the comics; it's still annoying). It's pretty evident from the earliest shots of her in the film that she's not long for this world. But it's a real pain in the Asgard that, like Natasha, Gamora, and Wanda before her, she only gets to step into the spotlight just as it's about to be extinguished. There are flickers of hope that becoming a Thor will strengthen and heal her. But for dudes, with great power comes great responsibility. For ladies, with great power comes an expiration date.
When Thor finally forces Jane to stop cavorting as a Thor and seek genuine treatment for her illness, he acknowledges he'll have to try to complete his mission alone. That is until Jane swoops in at the last minute to save the day (and his very well-toned butt), knowing full well the effort will kill her a lot sooner than if she waited in her hospital bed. Just like the women before her, she makes a choice — and that choice is to die for the sake of the world and the man she loves.
There is nothing wrong with this choice at face value. It doesn't make Jane (or Wanda, or Natasha...) weak or lesser than any of the male heroes of the MCU. Indeed, it's a death so noble it earns Jane a place in Valhalla. But it would be more emotionally satisfying if I hadn't seen it so many times before. And if it didn't feel like that, while the men of the MCU get to be arrogant, wholesome, angry, remorseful, and any number of complex things, women's clearest path to heroism seems to be death.
Sure, I want more female superheroes. More kick-ass ladies who I can dress up as for Halloween and cheer on. But not if their only purpose in the plot is virtual martyrdom. The MCU has taken great pains to make its heroes nuanced figures who grapple with the human cost of their adventures; it makes the case that there are many ways to be a hero. Unless, of course, you're a woman. (Florence Pugh, Hailee Steinfeld, Brie Larson, y'all might want to get a clause in your contracts, just saying).
Because women are expendable. We are living in a world where women are fighting for their lives and their rights daily, where misogyny is insidious, and women regularly fear violence from strangers and partners alike. It's easy to feel that the cost of our lives is cheap, that we mean more in death than we do in life. The MCU, intentionally or not, reiterates that narrative.
I don't want a fictional world of heroes where a woman's greatest superpower is death. It's a hill I'm willing to do anything but die on.
-We Need To Talk About Marvel’s Women Problem
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rabbittstewcomics · 2 years
Episode 357
Non-Marvel/DC September 2022 Solicits
Comic Reviews:
Aquaman and Flash: Voidsong 1 by Jackson Lanzing, Collin Kelly, Vasco Georgiev, Rain Beredo
Black Adam 1 by Christopher Priest, Rafa Sandoval, Matt Herms
Dark Crisis: Young Justice 1 by Meghan Fitzmartin, Laura Braga, Luis Guerrero
Flash 783 by Jeremy Adams, Amancay Nahuelpan, Jeromy Cox
Earth Prime 6: Hero's Twilight
Milestones in History by Reginald Hudlin, Steven Barnes, Amy Chu, Melody Cooper, Leon Chills, Alice Randall, Toure, Tananarive Due, Pat Charles, Kathryn Parsons, Francesco Francavilla, Jamal Igle, Ray-Anthony Height, Denys Cowan, Eric Battle, Don Hudson, Ron Wilson, Arvell Jones, Maria Laura Sanapo, Domo Stanton, Jahnoy Lindsay, John Stanisci, Jose Marzan Jr, Mike Gustovich, Chris Sotomayor, Michael Atiyeh, Emilio Lopez, Hi-Fi, Dan Brown, Eva De La Cruz, Andrew Dolhouse
Superman's Pal Jimmy Olsen's Boss Perry White by Matt Fraction, Steve Lieber, et al
Marvel's Voices Pride 2022 by Mike O’Sullivan, Stuart Vandal, Rob London, Andrew Wheeler, Daron Jensen, Alyssa Wong, Patrick Duke, Chris McCarver, Christopher Cantwell, Danny Lore, Luc Kersten, Grace Freud, Ira Madison III, Alex Philips, Charle Jane Anders, Ted Brandt, Kei Zama, Lucas Werneck, Brittney Williams, Ro Stein, Scott Henderson, Lorenzo Susi, Stephen Byrne, Lee Townsend, Rachelle Rosenberg, Rico Renzi, Jose Villarrubia, Michael Wiggam, Tamra Bonvillain, Brittany Peer
Miles Morales and Moon Girl 1 by Mohale Mashigo, Ig Guara, Rachelle Rosenberg
New Fantastic Four 1 by Peter David, Alan Robinson, Mike Spicer
Punisher War Journal: Blitz by Torunn Gronbekk, Lan Medina, Antonio Fabela
Who is Jane Foster Thor Infinity Comic by Torunn Gronbekk, Leonard Kirk, Matt Milla
Marvel Meow 9 by Nao Fuji
Beware the Eye of Odin 1 by Doug Wagner, Tim Odland
Clementine GN by Tillie Walden, Cliff Rathburn 
Silver Coin 11 by James Tynion IV, Michael Walsh
Dark Horse:
Lonesome Hunters 1 by Tyler Crook
Wrong Earth: Confidence Men 1 by Mark Waid, Leonard Kirk
Samurai Sonja 1 by Jordan Clark, Pasquale Qualano
Runaways Diary by Emily Raymond, Valeria Wicker, James Patterson
Creepy Cat vol 3 by Cotton Valent
Additional Reviews: Obi-Wan ep6, Ms. Marvel ep3, Kevin Can F*** Himself s1, Star Trek: Prodigy s1, Spiderhead, Absolute Fourth World vol 1, Trevor: The Musical, Bone Orchard Mythos Passageway, Centaurworld
  A new feature announced!
  News: Kraven movie plot, Conan license to Titan, Omninews, Miracleman Silver Age, Riverdale spinoff featuring Jake Chang, Scout kickstarts Stabbity Bunny, new OGN series from Molly Knox Ostertag
  Trailers: Stranger Things s4.2
  Comics Countdown:
Batman: The Knight 6 by Chip Zdarsky, Carmine Di Giandomenico, Ivan Plascencia
Deadly Class 53 by Rick Remender, Wes Craig, Lee Loughridge
Newburn 8 by Chip Zdarsky, Jacob Phillips , Casey Gilly, Soo Lee
Nocterra 11 by Scott Snyder, Tony Daniel, Marcelo Maiolo
Nightwing 93 by Tom Taylor, Bruno Redondo, Wade Von Grawbadger, Adriano Lucas
Lonesome Hunters 1 by Tyler Crook
Something is Killing the Children 24 by James Tynion IV, Werther Dell’Edera, Miquel Muerto
I Hate This Place 2 by Kyle Starks, Artyom Topilin, Lee Loughridge
Beware the Eye of Odin 1 by Doug Wagner, Tim Odland
Flash 783 by Jeremy Adams, Amancay Nahuelpan, Jeromy Cox
Check out this episode!
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rin-the-shadow · 2 years
So at one point I found my old predictions for what would happen in what I was then calling “Infinity War Part 2.” They were as follows:
Steve dies because it would be in-character for him to sacrifice himself to save other people. He dies with his friends by his side, though. Tony Stark then creates some kind of foundation based on his legacy. I don’t know precisely what I thought it would look like, unfortunately, since I either never wrote it down, or my phone ate it before I could send it to my computer. 
Loki is revealed to have survived his encounter with Thanos, although he ultimately winds up dying in order to create an opening for the others to stop Thanos for good. This was actually inspired by Wrath of Khan, since the writers’ solution when Spock’s death was leaked was to create a fake death earlier in the movie to throw people off.
Nebula uses the Infinity Gauntlet to beat the shit out of Thanos, although it taxes her greatly. This is because I read The Infinity Gauntlet before seeing the movie.
Shuri has become the second Black Panther, and works to use Wakanda’s technology to search for a way to reverse the Snap. Later, when I found out Jane Foster apparently had experience with Time Travel, I think I added that Jane Foster works alongside her.
I was going to have Scott Lang as the designated body fodder character, but then I saw Ant Man and I was like, “No way, man. We can’t get rid of the one single dad in the franchise.” But I never decided who to swap him with. So honestly, maybe I wouldn’t have a body fodder character.
Something with Bruce Banner reconciling with the Hulk and the two becoming stronger as a result.
Doctor Strange and Wanda using their paranormal abilities to guide everyone through the world of the Soul Stone, possibly saving Gamora in the process. T’Challa is the one to lead the group though, since he is a leader and those two are not.
Sam Wilson becomes the next Captain America. I contemplated having it be Bucky, but ultimately, since Sam became the next Cap in the comics, and I felt it suited his arc better than Bucky’s, I opted to have it be Sam.
Clint and his family wind up adopting Wanda. This is because my sister originally thought Steve should adopt her, but since I killed him off I couldn’t do that. Possibly Clint, Natasha, and Wanda end up having some kind of wacky adventures implied in the post-script.
Thor goes to guide the people of New Asgard alongside Valkyrie and possibly Heimdall, since I was seriously contemplating bringing him back.
Doctor Strange does something to ensure that no one will ever again be able to do what Thanos did, ascending to another plane of existence as the Guardian of Space-Time as a result. (Admittedly this is just because I thought it would be cool.)
I was thinking maybe have Captain Marvel strike the finishing blow, since something around her was hinted at in the stinger with Nick Fury. 
Something with Thanos encountering Lady Death, though it might have just been an illusion he sees in his final moments.
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isitmcucanon · 11 months
Earth 616 Random Shit Edition
Everything else that doesn't fit into the other categories.
MIT (Michigan Institute of Technology)- Iron Man (?), Tony went to MIT; Wakanda Forever, Riri Williams is also an MIT student
Shakespeare- The Avengers, Tony makes fun of Thor by quoting Shakespeare and also calling him "Shakespeare in the park"
Galaga- The Avengers, Tony points out a SHIELD agent who is playing Galaga instead of doing work
the Smithsonian museum- Captain America: The Winter Soldier, Natasha picks up Steve for a mission and cracks a joke about him being old enough to be a fossil in the Smithsonian; The Falcon and the Winter Soldier ep. 01: "New World Order", Sam donates the shield to the Smithsonian
Walkman- Guardians of the Galaxy, Peter Quill owns a Walkman
Disneyland- Black Panther, Shuri says she wanted to visit Disneyland for her first trip to California
Coachella- Black Panther, Shuri also says she wanted to go to Coachella
the Olympics- Avengers: Infinity War, Okoye jokes about wanting Wakanda to host the Olympics
Fortnite- Avengers: Endgame, Thor, Korg, and Miek are playing Fortnite when Bruce and Rocket visit New Asgard
the dab- Avengers: Endgame, Bruce dabs while taking a photo with a fan
Battleship- The Falcon and the Winter Soldier ep. 01: "New World Order", Bucky plays Battleship on his date with Leah
the Bible- Eternals, Sprite makes a joke referencing the story of Noah's arc
"This is fine" meme (comic drawing by KC Green)- Spider-Man: No Way Home, Ned has a sticker of the "this is fine" dog on his laptop
Hans Zimmer- Thor: Love and Thunder, Jane Foster mentions Interstellar, which Hans Zimmer conducted the score for
Phantom of the Opera- Thor: Love and Thunder, Valkyrie wears a Phantom of the Opera sweatshirt
UC (University of California) system- She-Hulk: Attorney at Law ep. 01: "A Normal Amount of Rage", Jennifer is a UCLA alumni, as shown on her degrees and her UCLA merch
Ruth Bader Ginsburg- She-Hulk: Attorney at Law ep. 01: "A Normal Amount of Rage", Jennifer has a RBG figurine on her shelf
the Recording Academy/the Grammys- She-Hulk: Attorney at Law ep. 03: "The People vs. Emil Blonsky", Jennifer refers to Megan Thee Stallion as a "multiple Grammy-award winner"
Midsummer's Night's Dream- She-Hulk: Attorney at Law ep. 09: "Whose Show is This?", Jennifer has a poster for a show of Midsummer's Night's Dream up in her childhood bedroom
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adiarosefandoms · 2 years
Today in Fandom History May 6
Fandom: Marvel/Movies
May 6th, 2011, Thor was released the theaters. The second (or third if you count the Incredible Hulk) origin film in the Marvel Cinematic Universe, in this movie we get to see a whole other side of Marvel canon. One less technologically based and more godly. Here we have the great pleasure to meet Thor (Chris Hemsworth), Loki (Tom Hiddleston), Heimdall (Idris Elba), and Jane Foster (Natalie Portman). Visually this movie is a masterpiece. From the golden city of Asgard to the rainbow-streaked Bifrost, it’s just beautiful. The movie was given a Saturn award, ASCAP, two Empire’s, and a Taurus. Thor would go on to get three (now four) solo movies (though is it really solo if Loki steals the show every time?) and Loki would be given his own tv show after his Infinity War death. The best aspect of Thor probably was the sibling dynamic between the brothers. Eleven years later, and we still can’t get enough of them. Happy 11th anniversary Thor (& Loki)!
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Fandom: Marvel/Movies
May 6th, 2016, Captain America Civil War was released. I remember that this was the first movie I ever counted down the days to its release, and also the first Marvel movie I had the pleasure of seeing in theaters. The movie follows the loose plot of one of the greatest battles in Marvel comic history. The Civil War battle. Mutant against mutant, avenger against avenger, all on different sides of the registration forms that would demand the identification of every superhero/superpowered person in their universe. And those who led the sides were (usually) Iron Man and Captain America. This is one of the first Marvel movies that tore out our hearts and shot them with repulsor rays. Up to the film’s release though the fandom was having a blast. We were dividing ourselves among team Iron Man and Captain America (CA for life!) and predicting who would be on what team. The film included most MCU superheroes aside from Thor and Hulk, but in their place was the introduction of two Marvel powerhouses. Black Panther (Chadwick Boseman), and the one that made us jump out of our seats screaming, Spiderman (Tom Holland). The movie was awarded a Saturn, IGN Peoples Choice, two teen choices and eight other nominations, and three Golden Trailers. This was a big turning point in the MCU. It set off the events of Black Panther, Spiderman Homecoming, and both Infinity War and Endgame. Six years it’s been since this movie was released. You feeling old yet? Happy sixth anniversary CACW.
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lokiondisneyplus · 3 years
[This story contains spoilers for Loki episode five.]
Forced to the edge of time and space known as The Void, and saved by his counterparts from alternate timelines, Classic Loki (Richard E. Grant), Kid Loki (Jack Veal), Boastful Loki (DeObia Oparei), and Alligator Loki, and hunted by the matter consuming entity, Alioth, Loki (Tom Hiddleston) finds a power greater than lies, stronger than time, and more glorious a purpose than any he’s fought for before: emotional honesty. Serving as both a cosmic mystery and therapy session for its titular character, Loki, displays a sincerity that places the character’s arc a step above his brother Thor’s (Chris Hemsworth) initial journey. The result is heroism that’s being earned the hard way. The penultimate episode of Loki, “Journey into Mystery,” directed by Kate Herron and written by Tom Kauffman, forces Loki and Sylvie (Sophia Di Martino) to come to terms with the fact that lives built upon cyclical patterns of betrayal and revenge will ultimately only lead to loneliness and unfulfilled purpose. The mystery then becomes a question of what will happen when they finally allow themselves to reach out and truly connect to another individual, outside of personal gain? What does a Loki become? Perhaps it’s the very thing that Loki has always sought in some shape or fashion. From seeking the throne of Asgard, waging war against his brother, Thor, and father, Odin (Anthony Hopkins), and seeking attention from his mother, Frigga (Rene Russo), Loki’s efforts, misguided as they were, have ultimately been an effort for one thing: to prove himself worthy.
But worthiness for Loki is more than hammer, and it’s more than possessing the power of Thor. It’s the ability to be valued as something more than what is seen, which can’t be easy for someone who is most often seen as a villain. Thor had it easy comparatively. His worthiness, as depicted in Kenneth Branagh’s 2011 film, Thor, sees the God of Thunder able to pick up the mighty Mjolnir after willingly sacrificing his life to the Destroyer to protect citizens in New Mexico, including his newfound love Jane Foster (Natalie Portman). There is a simplified nature to Thor’s heroes’ journey, in part because Thor was always meant to be worthy. Thor’s bravery and protection of innocents in front of him was never in doubt, thus his worthiness being defined by such an act does little to interrogate his character or showcase change. Thor is worthy because his role in the story is to be worthy. That was the path laid out for him. Loki on the other hand, was never meant to be worthy. From his place in myths, comics, and the MCU, Loki being worthy was never an expectation for the character. Because of that factor, the series can bend those expectations, bend the supposed definition of what makes a Loki, and allow the character to evolve beyond his formerly predictable nature.
Because there is no expectation or precedent for Loki being worthy, his journey to get to that point relies on a more intensive investigation of character than Thor ever faced on his path to worthiness. “We cannot change. We’re broken. Every version of us. Forever,” Classic Loki, an older version of Hiddelston’s God of Mischief, tells his younger counterpart. Except, as the series has shown, particularly with this most recent episode, Classic Loki’s self-deprecating statement isn’t entirely true. Lokis are, in part, the Gods of Lies after all, and no lies told have done more damage than the lies they’ve told to themselves and heard parroted back them, as the illusion of Lady Sif (Jaimie Alexander) did in the previous episode: “You deserve to be alone, and you always will be.”
For Loki, his worthiness is something that would ultimately be proved by not being alone. It’s what makes his connection to Sylvie so powerful. And it’s what makes Classic Loki’s efforts to save the day so meaningful — he has experienced the true depths of loneliness only to come away ultimately understanding the salvational quality of connection. And what emerges from Loki’s sincere connections? A legendary weapon of his own, an enhanced power set and true friendship. Thor’s journey has played a bit fast and loose with how much he values his connection to others, like members of his childhood friends the Warriors Three being killed off in Thor: Ragnarok (2017) and never given another thought, or the fact that much of his journey with the Avengers has consisted of him acting alone or going off on separate quests, ie. Age of Ultron (2015), Infinity War (2018), Endgame (2019). But for Loki, whose list of allies are few and far between, the connections he does share mean everything and the series gives them weight and “sentiment,” the very thing Loki scoffed at in The Avengers (2012).
At the end of time and space, and facing off against Alioth, Loki accepts his love of his Variant, and thus himself, and emerges better. As much as the mystery of who’s pulling the strings of the TVA remains to be seen in the final episode, the true impetus of Loki isn’t about laying the groundwork for a new villain but giving a former villain time to discover his own worth. And in that way, Loki has already proved worthy.
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moontheoretist · 3 years
MCU timeline, if they actually cared about the characters as much as we do:
Phase 1 (setting up the universe)
- Iron Man - Incredible Hulk (+ Bruce’s DID is included and well represented, Hulk is not shown as a monster which cannot control himself so much he hurts everybody around including Betty, in fact he is shown to avoid hurting anybody who isn’t actively shooting at him, Dr Samson and Rick Jones are a must for this origin story, post credit can stay the same) - Hawkeye (includes: his childhood with an abusive father, his brother Bradley, his past in the circus so basically his origin story, his deafness, him being conscripted by SHIELD, and post credit scene with him choosing not to kill Natasha) - Black Widow (includes: her childhood in the Red Room, the fall of USSR and change in Russian politics, KGB being dissolved, Natasha’s breaking of her programming, her leaving the Red Room thanks to meeting Hawkeye, the assassination of Dreykov’s daughter, What Happened in Bucharest, Natasha joining SHIELD, and post credit scene with her taking place of the PA which was supposed to apply to Stark Industries) - Iron Man 2 (+ more info about Howard’s abuse of Tony, Natasha is there, but it’s not her first appearance, and also she isn’t shown as if she knew she was in a movie) - Thor - Captain America: The First Avenger (I think that his stupid behavior in CW is completely set up by his origin story, so I wouldn’t change anything if we wanna have that conflict with him being more concerned about Bucky than literally anything else going on) - Captain Marvel (because her existence makes Fury think about Avengers and explains why Fury wanted to create them in the first place, also action happens mostly on Earth) - Avengers (+ Jane Foster and Darcy are part of the science team and greatly contribute to the plot as scientists, because I am fed up with women being sidelined)
And because Avengers has a post credit with Thanos we should get some movies in space now related to Thanos first, before Iron Man 3.
Phase 2 (we learn about the ultimate badguy)
- Guardians of the Galaxy - Thor: The Dark World (but hopefully better written, + no damselling of Jane) - War Machine (Rhodey’s only movie, Tony is busy doing whatever) - Hawkeye 2 (how Clint dealt with everything which happened during Avengers, how SHIELD agents treated him, introducing his family?, maybe bringing back Barney and showing his relationship with Mockingbird and stuff like those) - Iron Man 3 (without the ableist meta message that all disabled people just wait to become murder machines, but still introducing Extremis) - Black Widow 2 (could be the same story as we got in 2021, introducing Yelena Belova) - Quicksilver and Scarlet Witch (includes: their childhood, how their parents died (Yugoslavia being bombed by NATO, but I doubt Hollywood would ever wanna say it out loud), them growing in orphanage, possibly attending university (universities for citizens in Serbia are free and because Sokovia is based on Serbia, and it is a slavic country we can assume they have that system as well, and there are also social support programs available from both the government and possibly the university as well), the difficulties of a life in which they have to cover their costs of living themselves, because they have no parents, American army stationing in Sokovia, twins getting radicalized, protesting against foreign influences in their country and joining Hydra, experimentation, if they were trained by Hydra to use their powers or not and how were they trained, Sokovia being shown to be normal country instead of breaking apart state which Americans see each time they think about it) - Falcon (Sam’s origin story, his mission in Afghanistan and stuff - I don’t know his origin story, so I dunno what to say here) - Captain America: The Winter Soldier - TV show about the consequences of the movie above. Possibly something akin to Agents of Shield. What happened to the agents, how world reacted to Natasha’s “fuck you”. - Ant-Man (introducing Hank Pym) - Avengers: Age of Ultron (Ultron is Hank Pym’s like in the comics, but in some versions of this Tony helped or provided tech so he still wpuld feel quilty afterwards, + no dying Pietro)
Phase 3 (everything gets complicated, but they prevail)
- Incredible Hulk 2 (what happened to Bruce and Hulk and how they dealt with the idea that Steve literally had his well-being in his ass by inviting Wanda and Pietro to the team, what is going on with Thaddeus Ross and Betty Ross, we meet Jennifer Walters) - Black Panther (different one than the one we got, introduces T'Challa and his family) - Spider-Man: Homecoming (could be earlier, just after Avengers, but *shrugs* this story is written in such a way it is better after Iron Man 3 and Age of Ultron) - Captain Marvel 2 (basically setting up why she didn’t participate in Civil War, my idea was to depower her, but not take her powers away, so she could have some more down to earth stories instead of stories set in space, maybe even explore her alcoholism that way) - Quicksilver and Scarlet Witch 2 (deradicalisation, becoming heroes) - Captain America: Civil War (Accords are better explained, Matt Murdock or Jennifer Walters show up to do exactly that, RAFT is explained as American prison not related to the UN, Steve this time has valid concerns about the Accords, but he still goes ape shit over Bucky, still lies to Tony about his family, because those traits were all set in his origin movie) - The Wasp (Hope’s origin story) - Hawkeye 3 or Hawkeye TV series - Black Widow 3 (something something about Ross hunting her, but Red Room was already taken down, so different story is here instead) - Ant-Man 2 (Wasp is here too, but this is Scott’s movie, previous Ant-Man and The Wasp) - Black Panther 2 (about Kilmonger and T'Challa’s scuffle for the throne) - Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2 (didn’t know where to put it, because it is mostly unrelated to any other movies with this story about Ego, but it develops Nebula more, so let’s be here) - Doctor Strange - Thor: Ragnarok (I am not opposed to Planet Hulk, but I am more inclined to not put Bruce into a movie which is supposed to be about Thor and Loki so… more time for Brunhilde) - The Winter Soldier (solo Winter Soldier movie) - Avengers Infinity War/Endgame (it makes no sense to make two movies if we can have one, the snap was used as a plot device more than actual defeat of the Avengers, so it can last less than 5 years and also no time travel which then you have to explain why TVA didn’t put everybody in jail for that, Tony doesn’t die and Carol and some other powerful people (LIKE HULK, Hulk is NOT less powerful than Thanos or fearful or something) take down Thanos instead and Tony finally retires and is left alone by everybody goddammit)
Phase 4 (new era, some heroes retire, others take their place, while different ones just get the grip of whom they truly were all along, and also we get a new ultimate bad guy and possibly set a stage for his defeat) <- this one not really well set up, because we don’t know most of the movies and TV shows which appear in this phase so dunno how to set them.
- Spider-Man: Far From Home - Photon (origin story of Monica Rambeau) - War Machine 2 - WandaVision (or Quicksilver and Scarlet Witch 3, adjusted, so it would not repeat some facts and would only remind about the most important stuff. Also, Pietro lives in this timeline so no Bohner guy lol, he is just insufferable brother-in-law to Vision, and weird uncle to kids) - The Falcon and The Winter Soldier (but with Steve who didn’t go back in time, because there was no going back in time in this timeline, he just finally is learning what accountability is and has to forfeit his shield, because it’s time to retire) - Falcon 2 - Winter Soldier 2 - The Wasp 2 - Loki TV series (Loki survives Thanos and is taken by the TVA, it basically doesn’t force the story to make him quickly develop feelings in the first episode and bypasses that issue, + more Loki Variants, all genderluid and presenting in various ways in the show) - Incredible Hulk 3 (Bruce and Hulk finally start communicating and Hulk becomes gradually smarter, and we meet Bruce’s another alter Grey Hulk and the circus with getting along starts all over again, because Grey Hulk hates Green Hulk xD, is setting up She-Hulk) - Shang-Chi and the Legend of Ten Rings - What If…? TV show - Ms Marvel TV show - Eternals (feels like should be in different phase) - Spider-Man: No Way Home - Doctor Strange: In the Multiverse of Madness - Thor: Love and Thunder (about Mighty Thor - Jane) - Black Panther: Wakanda Forever (about Shuri?) - The Marvels (Captain Marvel 3 basically) - Ant-Man and the Wasp: Quntamania (setting mutiple Kaangs I suppose) - Moonknight TV show - She-Hulk TV show - Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3 - Blade (feels like should be in different phase) - Fantastic Four - Avengers (in which they fight Kaang?)
I was going with the idea that every superhero should get at least 3 movies ONLY about them. As of now, I managed to put 3 only for a few, and some were swapped for TV shows instead to fill the place and better show the character and what they’re up to, because TV shows have more hours than movies.
I know there are supposed to be TV shows for Armor Wars, Iron Heart and Secret Wars, but I dunno when, so no idea where to put them.
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moonlit-imagines · 4 years
Headcanons for being Jane Foster’s child
Jane Foster x child!reader
Thor Odinson x Foster!child!reader
a/n: no not a foster child, jane foster’s child 😌 also im so super glad you liked those!!! hope these are just as good!!! and im genuinely so sorry these took so long
prompt: anonymous: “Hey! I just read the Tony Stark x Potts!child!reader HC and I loved it! Would you do the same but with Thor and Jane? ❤️”
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no babysitter = go to work with mom
dr. selvig gave you a rubik’s cube to keep you entertained
“fuck that! here, y/n, you can play my DS” -darcy
“can you not swear in front of my child?” -jane
you thought tonight would be boring, but then your mom and darcy collectively hit a homeless guy with a car!
“holy crap, we’re all going to jail!” -you
“don’t say ‘crap,’ y/n! we need to get him to a hospital!” -jane
ngl this dude was kinda funky
darcy used her taser and your mom covered your eyes, but you still peaked ;)
ride to the hospital
“don’t touch him, y/n”
“sorry, doc”
and the very next day you guys stole him 💕
“mr. thor, where are you from?”
“i am from asgard! it is much different from this realm, but your’s is adequate, i suppose”
you could see the way your mom looked at him, though
he ate all the pop tarts >:(
she gave thor her ex boyfriends clothes
“yeah, donald was a real ass—” -you
“don’t say ‘ass.’ darcy curses too much” -jane
“sorry, mom...anyways, donald forgot to pick me up from soccer practice like, a dozen times. he sucked” -you
“this ‘donald’ doesn’t seem like a very good man...also, what is ‘soccer?’” -thor
you grabbed a soccer ball and tried to show him how to play but there was some other stuff the *scientists* had to take care of
you were a regular at izzy’s diner (well, mom was) and they always made you cute pancakes in different shapes!!
“ah, it’s a smiley face! that’s adorable!” -thor
“yeah! they like to surprise me whenever i come in. they’re pretty awesome” -you
*your mom literally beaming at how good thor is with you already*
you and thor were drawing on paper placemats
and then he broke a glass and you started giggling hdhshshs
but he had to leave
“no, thor, please don’t go!”
“i hope to meet you again one day, little one. hopefully fate sees it through”
no time to be sad bc ur mom’s lab got hijacked by the government
“hey, no fair! that’s my diary!” -you
“sorry, kid. there are constellation drawings we have to observe” -coulson
“aw, you draw constellations? wait, not now. you can’t just take all our stuff. especially that! that belongs to a child!” -jane
“sic ‘em, y/n!” -darcy
“don’t listen to darcy, y/n” -selvig
chilling in the trailer and missing thor bc he was the most interesting thing to happen to you and your mom in a while
and you wanted her to be happy even tho he was kind of crazy
“hey, mom? do you want to watch the stars tonight like we used to do? we could make s’mores?”
“that sounds like a great idea, baby! i’ve gotta go take care of some science stuff, so i’ll pick up some s’mores stuff while i’m out. love you!”
yeah she went to go see thor and he kinda got arrested but your mom came back home so you could watch the stars!
“so, do you like thor?” -you
“what? what makes you say that?” -jane
“it’s cool if you do, i think he’s awesome. a little weird, but at least he’s nice”
then thor and selvig came home and selvig was drunk as a skunk
*poking him while he giggles and tells you about thor*
“i wish your grandfather could have met that guy! he would have loved him...i wish you met your grandfather, too” -selvig
thor inviting you back outside
“i’d like you to teach me more about this ‘soccer’”
by the time you guys were done, it was 3am and you were too pumped to go to sleep
so thor told you stories of his home and battle and family
you didn’t want him to stop, you were fascinated by it all
and uhhhh yeah then earth kinda had some vikings show up
they told you that you’d “make a fine warrior one day”
and then yall got attacked by a ????? a what??? a destroyer???????
“get y/n out of here now! they shouldn’t have to see this!” -thor
you were still nearby and saw thor become thor again
after he was done fighting the destroyer, you ran to give him a hug
“that was awesome! can i hold your hammer?”
“maybe someday, little one”
then you didn’t see him for 2 years
which upset your mom a good bit, you had to help her through that episode. lots of sitting on the couch and eating ice cream together talking about how he wasn’t worth her time even tho you missed him too
but he came back! and then your mom sent everything flying bc she had an “infinity stone” inside her and thor took you two to asgard
“y/n! you’ve grown so much, i almost didn’t recognize you!” -thor
tbh you really digged the outfit they gave you, but also you were on another planet? thor insisted on giving you a tour (by flying you around)
“i do hope you’re having fun, little one!”
worrying about your mom simultaneously bc you overheard she was sick
but asgard got attacked and you and jane were confined to a room in the palace, which sucked because you wanted to see it all
but thor sent guards to bring you anything to keep you entertained
“maybe we’ll skip the mace for now, thank you” -jane
after several events that count as child endangerment, this chapter came to an end and your mom and thor finally made it official
loki called you a rodent and then saved your life so you were kinda iffy about him
about a year or two later, your mom had to travel a great deal in order to get some work done, so you were left in the care of thor, who took you to avengers tower
“oh, my girlfriend’s child is an angel! and they’re so intelligent, just like their mother!” -thor gushing to other partygoers
“yeah, thor, your ‘angel’ is sneaking drinks from the elderly” -tony
*sipping his beer* “they’re a growing teenager”
you did have an amazing time interacting with the avengers
and once they tried grabbing the hammer, you knew you had to get in on it (but you failed like the rest)
“don’t worry, my y/n, you have to be eighteen years of age to be able to lift mjölnir!” -thor
“oh, that makes sense!” -you, while thor aggressively shakes his head at the other avengers. he just wanted to make sure you didn’t feel bad you weren’t worthy yet :(
more child endangerment but really what did you expect?
thor went off world and your mom split it off w him but you did have his email so you were still in contact with him
swearing you saw odin on the street once or twice (fast forward)
and then your mom dusted and thor found you as soon as he possibly could, it was so good to see him
he took you in since you were alone now, you moved to new asgard and became prince(ss) of the new land by relation?? makes sense right
basically you and valkyrie made all the calls while thor grieved for years
but he still took care of you
“y/n, would you like to play video games with me? i think it may be a good bonding experience, what do you say?” -thor
uncle korg made you help him with fortnite while thor was asleep
you wished to wield stormbreaker one day
showing thor earth media! his favorite star wars character is r2-d2 dont ask why
he taught you asgardian recipes and you taught him...earth recipes?
when he was drunk he’d ramble on about his childhood and battle and enemies and jane and loki and hela and frigga and literally anything that came to mind
“y/n, could you please get me a beer? and get one for yourself, too” -thor
valkyrie most definitely gave you some battle training so you you blow off some steam, you were glad she taught you how to fight like a true warrior
thor wanted to teach you battle tactics so you could fight alongside him, but he never got around to it
a raccoon and bruce banner visited later on, proposing a way to get your family back, thor was an emotional wreck
his debriefing on the reality stone was tense when he started crying about your mom and everyone stared at you
“hey, don’t look at me. i don’t control the god, i just keep him company”
ending up waiting 1 second for the avengers to come back from their mission, resulting in you being stuck in the middle of a very heavy battle
“y/n, get out of here!” -thor
“don’t worry, thor! valkyrie taught me a few moves!”
“you make me incredibly proud, little one!”
“i’m not so little anymore, am i?”
“you will always be my little one, y/n. blood or not, that will not change!”
victory, but at what cost? it was a rough ride, you needed to get patched up, but your mom was finally home and thor...he decided it was time to leave earth again
“don’t worry, my y/n. i will see you again.” *tearing up* “i’m so glad i got the pleasure of raising you these past few years. i love you dearly, now go be with your mother”
you straight up wanted to bawl your eyes out right there
“well, y/n, you’re next in line for the throne of new asgard. what is your first command?” -valkyrie
“actually, i think you’d make a much better ruler than me. i’ve got to spend some time with my mother now that she’s home”
“you’re so much like him, you know that?”
staying with your mother, who was diagnosed with cancer not long after returning from the soul stone (a/n: jane getting cancer is canon in the comics and confirmed for thor 4)
“i missed five years of your life and now i’m sick, that’s just our luck, isn’t it?” -jane
she was understandably upset, but she also felt guilty
“mom, don’t beat yourself up. everything is okay, we’re still together right now. i won’t be going anywhere, i promise”
taglist: @alwaysananglophile // @rorybutnotgilmore // @locke-writes // @sweetheartliz07 // @queen-destenie // @natasha-danvers // @lokihiddles // @frostedgiantfavs // @emygirl // @lotsoffandomrecs // @johnmurphyisbisexual // @teenwaywardasgardian // @pappydaddy // @captainshazamerica // @freya-xo // @ravenmoore14 // @purpleskiesstorm // @ofthedewthesunlight // @canarypoint // @zoeyserpentluck //
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What if...? concepts.
I've just binge watched the seven episodes that have come out so far and I got obsessed, specially with the ending of the last episode (the Party Thor one). So, here are some concepts for What if...? scenarios from the MCU.
What if Hank Pym had been the one who shrunk into the Quantum Realm instead of Janet?
Pym Tech wouldn't exist, I guess Janet would stay in SHIELD, but I don't think she would've spent so much time looking for a way to bring back Hank. Scott never becomes Ant-Man, so nobody goes to the Quantum Realm to learn that time travel is possible.
What if Jane Foster didn't find the Aether?
The Dark Elves would never wake up, Frigga lives but that means that Loki stays in prison, and Odin dies in Asgard. Thanos never completes the Infinity Gauntlet. Hela conquers Asgard.
What if Iron Man 3 wad a good movie?
The story goes almost the same, but in this reality Wenwu learns about the whole Fake Mandarin thing earlier and decides to take action during the events of Iron Man 3. Which means that Tony Stark would get to fight his comic Nemesis! Instead of banding together to stop Killian, they become rivals at the end. Maybe this is not a good idea, but seriously, that movie sucked.
What if Captain America was Hydra?
Do you remember when Captain America said Hail Hydra! And everyone lost their minds, well... imagine what would happen if that happened in the MCU? Since Hydra had infiltrated SHIELD, they can easily brainwash him the same way they brainwashed Bucky.
What if Loki survived the Statesman attack?
But instead of going into hiding like Classic Loki, he realizes how powerful he can be and joins the effort to stop Thanos from getting the Infinity Stones.
What if the Black Order had split differently when they arrived to Earth?
Instead of Cull Obsidian and Ebony Maw going for the Time Stone, they went to gather the Mind Stone. Likewise, Proxima Midnight and Corvus Glaive would have gone to New York to get the Time Stone. I think that if they had changed targets they would've been defeated, but I don't know how that would've changed the outcome of the rest of the story.
Some other concepts I saw from others that I liked:
What if Thanos erased the other half of the Universe?
What if Clint was the one who jumped in Vormir?
What if the Avengers were happy living together in the tower like in fics?
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how would you rewrite spideychelle in ffh and/or hoco?
I’ll answer this one with this ask:
I was reading your answers and... why is zendaya not mary jane w?? when you said it i never really thought about this because i was more excited about infinity war and the avengers but now... its the last spiderman movie and we know nothing about her character? i thought she was supposed to be something new and big like z said? whats going on??? 
Well, first of all, I would give Zendaya the original title of Mary-Jane Watson, I still believe it was racist not to give her this position. From what I understand, there was a rumor going around (2016) that the reason they didn’t give her the MJ title is because Stan Lee had it contracted that they couldn't race swap Mary Jane or Peter Parker, so they changed her name to Michelle Jones and made a different character while treating her as their version of what is supposed to be a homage to the comic character. The thing is, Marvel fought Sony really hard to get Peter into the MCU (in their own terms), so why not offer the lead lady the same treatment? I’m pretty sure they would do it for Gwyneth or Elizabeth Olsen. Also, the rumor doesn’t make sense because Stan Lee himself said this about the situation: ‘If she is as good an actress as I hear she is, I think it’ll be absolutely wonderful’
Gwyneth Paltrow is Pepper Potts and her character is called Pepper Potts. Scarlett Johansson is Natasha Romanoff and she’s called Natasha or Black Widow. Natalie Portman is Jane Foster and the character is called Jane Foster. Why change Zendaya’s character? 
‘She's not Mary Jane Watson. She never was Mary Jane Watson. She was always this new high school character, Michelle, who we know there's an 'M' in Michelle and an 'M' in Mary.’ - Kevin Feige.
‘She’s not Mary Jane, she’s this weird girl.’ - Tom Holland. 
In every interview, I feel second-hand embarrassment for her when the interviewers ask about character development for Michelle and she has to make mental gymnastics to answer and every time the convo comes back to romance and Peter; how Peter makes her feel, how she behaves around Peter, how Peter’s life is, how her character revolves around him. Even if Zendaya wanted to play the ‘I’m not like the other girls’ quirky loner girl, she could’ve been Mary Jane with that personality too. And what I’m going to share next is just my opinion and nothing is confirmed (just making sure because some people lack common sense lmao) I believe they fooled Zendaya and told her she created this original revolutionary character for girls, where Zendaya in almost all interviews states that ‘it’s ok to be weird, to not be like the other people and it’s fine to be’ etc, etc. But the thing is, that individualism and character traits she’s putting into the character don’t really matter because her character was treated as a love interest only. She couldn’t explore that individual part of her character because she’s written as ‘Peter’s observant’ friend and that is not a trait. Look at what they actually made her believe:
"My character is not romantic," Zendaya replied when asked if she would romance Peter on-screen. "My character is, like, very dry. Awkward. Intellectual. And because she's so smart, she just feels like she doesn't need to talk to people."
"I was lucky because they already kind of wanted to re-create the character and turn her into a new version of what I think maybe the original Mary Jane character represented, and just do it in our own way in this Marvel Cinematic Universe." - Zendaya. (Well, the MCU also has their own version of Peter Parker and they don’t call him Perkin Park; a homage to Peter Parker lmaoooo)
She went there thinking she would have a badass intellectual female character only to end up being the love interest without background, development or storyline. Let’s for a moment compare her to one of the extra characters, like Betty (no offence lmao) or some other decathlon kid; what’s the real difference between her and them? An intellectual is a person who engages in critical thinking; Betty and the other kids are like that too given the kind of school they attend. Awkward? All kids are like that. Smart? lmaooo same as before, they’re in a school full of smart people. She knew Peter was Spider-Man and that makes her special? She said she wasn’t even 100% sure about it and was surprised when Peter confirmed LMAO Betty was suspecting this in FFH, some of his classmates knew something was going on with him to the point one of them thought he was a male escort. There’s no real difference except that she’s playing Peter’s girlfriend. 
And I happen to think all of this is because fans don’t care about that development or the fact that a black character could be a lead lady with an interesting plot (just like they did with Tessa Thompson in Thor, Natalie Portman, Gwyneth Paltrow, Scarlett Johansson, Elizabeth Olsen, etc). She’s been playing this character for 4 years and Michelle has 0 character development, no storyline, no background. How is that something they could use as a way to bring depth into the character? They can’t, because they didn’t actually care about the things Zendaya mentioned, they wanted her stardom and popularity to boost the movie. The fact that people started shipping her with Tom Holland helped to that reputation and promotion.
how would you rewrite spideychelle in ffh and/or hoco?
I would do exactly this: MCU’s what if’s + Michelle Jones is Nick Fury’s niece. Now, THIS is an interesting storyline, where a teenage girl is Fury’s niece, not exactly an agent but someone with a vast knowledge of espionage. This would explain why she was stalking Peter without taking away the fact that she might have a little crush on him and this line;
MJ: I don’t really have much luck when it comes to getting close to people. Um… so I lied. I wasn’t just watching you ‘cause I thought you were Spider-Man.
would’ve been more interesting with that plot in mind. This with the fact that Fury is probably training her to be an agent or to be the next director of SHIELD in the future, not only this allows her to form a much deeper connection with Peter (who is Spider-Man and struggles with a double life and responsibilities) but it would give her character depth, and a particular insight that the other spider-man girls didn’t have (this would attribute to the ‘not like the other girls’). This could’ve been done without removing the personality traits Zendaya wanted in Michelle.
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Fury was involved in the second movie and this would allow their weird contract to keep someone from the avengers or related to them in the movies without having to make Happy or any others participate in them. If they wanted an original character they would’ve given her a better position in it but they didn’t, the real reason they changed her name is because dudebros and extreme comic fans couldn’t stand the thought of having a black girl as a female lead in a Spider-Man movie. They wouldn’t dare to ruin their perfect comic book MJ image, which, btw, Zendaya could’ve pulled off as well. 
As Kevin said;
‘And then I think it leaked that she would be playing MJ and then it became a whole headache for Zendaya to have to navigate. It was never a big, 'Oh my God, it's a big reveal!' There are big reveals in the movie. That's not one of them’ - Kevin.
Why should it be a headache for her? Why didn’t they fight for her character instead of avoiding the real problem? lmaoo this is clearly Marvel having fear of a big backlash that shouldn’t exist in the first place. Her skin color shouldn't be a big thing that she has to deal with or navigate through.
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This could even allow her character to have a disney+ series to explore more about her and Fury’s family. I hope that No Way Home gives her character more screen time in terms of her independent development but as I’ve said before, I highly doubt this is possible if NWH is the last standalone spiderman movie in the MCU. 
You have Zendaya wishing to see a black Mary Jane; 
Zendaya would love to see a black Mary Jane, even if she doesn't play her. "People are going to react over anything, but of course there's going to be outrage over that because for some reason some people just aren't ready." 
You see this, along with Laura Harrier thinking that she was afraid Disney wouldn’t allow her to be in the same movie as Zendaya because she believed Disney would never handle two black girls in the same movie and still think there’s nothing wrong with the way they handled things? Only because of the typical opinion: ‘these are high school sweethearts, she’s only there to be a cute character and they already have too much diversity in the cast, it’s not that deep’ lmao 
Btw, read this, it’s worth reading: Michelle Jones: A Disrespect to Zendaya And The Mary Jane Character?
23 notes · View notes
the-irish-mayhem · 3 years
This is a series of short, unrelated vignettes/oneshots that was supposed to be posted for Fosterson Week a year or two ago and I finally got around to finishing it. Enjoy!
5 Universes In Which Jane Is Worthy and 1 Where She Isn’t
Read on AO3
On the top ten list of bad ideas she’s ever had, this is so, so, so bad the number one spot doesn’t even seem adequate. The guy who thought he was Thor clearly got caught trying to get her stuff back, and so she is  so  screwed unless she goes in herself. God, why did she go along with this again? He’d claimed he’d fly out once he got what he was looking for (which,  god , again, why had she kind of believed him?)
Her feet crunch quietly against the hard-packed sand leading to the hole in the plastic tarping making up the walls of the facility that Thor had kicked a guy through, and she, without nearly as much hesitation as she should probably feel, hops in.
The place isn’t huge, and it doesn’t take long for Jane to find the main room.
Thor had helpfully drawn nearly everyone in security away from where her equipment is stowed, next to a… hammer in the dirt. Literally, they built this entire site around a hammer? What the  hell , archaeologists never get this much funding and government attention. And what does her equipment have to do with it?
Jane shakes herself. She has a lot more important things to do instead of trying to puzzle out the weird and wild workings of shady government agencies. Things like capitalizing on their inattentiveness and getting her gear back.
She grabs her notebook first, stuffing it into her back pocket, and then trying to figure out how she’s going to cart out at least two hundred or so pounds of equipment.
Jane nearly leaps out of her skin and turns, seeing a pair of security guards sprinting towards her from one of the halls.
“Shit,” she spits, and frantically looks around at her equipment. Lightest and hardest to replace… Radio spectrometer retrofitted for wormholes. Yep, that one. She scoops it up in her arms and takes off.
Even running as quickly as she can, the guards are still within arm’s length of her before she’s taken five steps.
Oh, they are not taking her work. Absolutely not. Erik isn’t here to hold her back this time.
She reaches an arm out, barely managing to hold onto her spectrometer as she grasps the handle of the hammer. Old or valuable, the thing is still a hammer, she can still swing at them with it.
A crack of thunder. A blinding flash of light. The feeling of grabbing a live-wire running through her body for a handful of terrifying seconds until the euphoria comes.
If she be worthy , she hears.
May she possess the power of Thor.
Oh, Jane thinks.
Oh,  fuck .
“No, I don’t know what… That’s why I’m coming out here to… Look, all the issues with our readings at the site are originating from this one spot, so yeah, I’m going to go take a look,” Jane says into the phone.
“Who is it?” Darcy whispers. Their truck rumbles along a remote road in Norway leading to the coast, and the interference from their mystery site makes it so they don’t get any radio stations, so Darcy is starved for entertainment.
Jane covers the mouthpiece and whispers back, “Caplan. He’s--” she uncovers the mouthpiece. “No, there’s not any danger. You--no… No… Wait, but that time wasn’t actually my fault, so…”
“Being a dick again?”
Jane’s eyeroll is all the answer required. “Look, we’ll be ba-- in--” Jane makes an almost comical crackling noise in the back of her throat. “Wha-- interference from the-- thr-- breaking up--bye.” She hangs up without any further discussion.
Darcy contains a laugh. “You’re gonna pay for that later, you know.”
Jane rolls her eyes again. “Well, it’s my being at his facility that’s even getting him funding in the first place, so, you know.” She shrugs. “If he wants to fight me, I’m the one with more published papers and theories that changed the laws of physics.”
Darcy pumps a fist. “Fuck yeah.”
She waves a hand. “He’ll be fine. He’s pissed we took the Mule without asking.” Where they plan on going, there’s no vehicle access, so the ATV was their only recourse. “If he thinks I’ll be satisfied with this one spot fucking up my results over and over again, he’s got another thing coming. Speaking of which,” the device that rests in Jane’s lap begins to ping, “pull over here.”
“Woo, off-road time,” Darcy cheers, and follows Jane’s instructions.
Another hour of driving in the Mule later, they reach the geographic nexus that’s been screwing with their readings.
It’s a pretty spot, bright green grass running all the way to the edge of the cliff, where a sheer drop would land them in the ocean. Norway’s fjords are always breathtaking, and Darcy counts herself lucky yet again that she gets to visit places like this and get paid for it. All in all, a pretty rad job.
“Can you set up--”
“Magnetic perimeter and radiation scanners?” Darcy finishes. “Yeah.”
Darcy unloads the equipment from the back of the ATV as Jane approaches the nexus.
It looks like a storm is beginning to swirl overhead, and Darcy eyes it nervously. Without any cover, they are pretty much sitting ducks if any rain starts to fall, god forbid if lightning starts. Where the hell did all these thunderheads come from? This blew in awfully fast.
Jane crouches down and reaches for something on the ground. “Darcy, you should come look at this,” she calls out. 
Quite suddenly, the hair on the back of Darcy’s neck stands straight up. The sensation is so strong and sudden that it literally causes her to gasp in shock.
“Jane--” she starts but she doesn’t get the chance to finish.
Faster than the blink of an eye, a massive bolt of lightning tears from the sky, slicing straight down to where Jane kneels.
Darcy barely has time to scream.
She is thrown backwards by the force of the lightning strike, and she thinks she hears a voice whisper before she hits the ground behind her.
If she be worthy.
When she looks up again, she knows she hears it.
A strange woman stands where Jane once was--massive, tall, blonde, with impressive armor and Mjolnir in her fist.
May she possess the power of Thor.
Fragile isn’t a word that could ever have been used to describe Jane Foster, but with her cheekbones hollowed out by weight loss, neck and wrists gone skinny and tendons standing out against her skin in sharp relief, fragile almost seems generous. A plastic band wraps around her wrist, stamped with her name, attending physician, allergies, and a barcode encoded with all her patient information.
She is tired, often, but with Darcy’s help still manages to go through her research and rough out an outline for her next paper she plans to publish.
Jane likes to plan, likes to say things like there’s a conference next September that this paper will do really well at, and Jane knows that Darcy is trying to hide her heartbreak at these statements. Darcy used to not hide anything from her, used to barely have the capacity, let alone the desire, but it’s strange the effect dying can have.
Her hospital room is outfitted with several whiteboards scribbled over with notes and formulae, the answers Jane constantly seeks waiting to be pried out of the clutches of the equations she can spend hours puzzling over. It’s a good use of her time, when she’s not--
Jane is careful to hide the hammer. It’s her secret legacy, her last hurrah, her hidden responsibility and duty--
Mjolnir is many things to her, but burdensome is certainly not one of them.
She swings her legs over the side of her bed, gripping her IV pole to help her stand. She walks over to the window, where the sunlight of the early afternoon has been shrouded over by storm clouds. She slides open her window, the cool wind of the storm washing over her face.
In the distance, she hears the rumble of thunder.
Jane Foster smiles.
His axe is buried in Thanos’s chest, and there’s a blinding moment of what feels like sour vengeance--so many have died already, and now the Mad Titan will perish for his crimes.
He presses the blade of Stormbreaker in further, for Loki, for Heimdall, for every one of his slaughtered people.
Then Thanos whispers, “You should’ve gone for the head.”
And he feels his heart drop.
And then, and suddenly as Thor himself had dropped from the sky, another streak of lightning blazes in from the east, and Thor can feel it--  Mjolnir .
But how?
He can’t even tell who is wielding it until the hammer smashes Thanos’s skull in, and the Mad Titan is finally felled. The Infinity Gauntlet drops, the stones unused, the universe saved.
The woman holding Mjolnir is tall, with shining armor that looks well-crafted, including a helmet that hides the upper half of her face. In spite of that, he can see her eyes.
Eyes he would know anywhere in the galaxy.
She looks almost as stunned as he is.
The cell phone footage is grainy and difficult to make out. Shot by a civilian in Garching, Germany, the shaky video peeks at the action from behind a brick wall. A voice out of frame whispers,  “Dude, I think it’s Thor!”  and is quickly hushed by the one holding the camera.  So at least two more witnesses to track down,  Natasha thinks tiredly.
The observation, though, is rather striking in its accuracy. The figure has a red cape and flowing blonde hair, and displays a command of lightning that Natasha hasn’t seen since Thor more-or-less retired after their last showdown with Thanos.
The opponents are a small gaggle of aliens, impossible to fully make out but probably more scavengers who’d come to pick the bones of Thanos’s last battlefield. In the two years since the Snap, they’d been getting a steadier stream of extraterrestrial threats looking to take advantage of Earth’s vulnerability.
“How is it that we have holographic video technology widely available, but every civilian who has useful intel has a Nokia from 2004?” Natasha grumbles, squinting and trying again in vain to enhance the footage.
From her place next to her, Okoye chuckles. “I think we’ve demonstrated that we have the worst luck imaginable,” she jokes darkly.
The figure is still hard to make out aside from the gaudy cape and lightning. The electricity in the air made the audio on the video spotty at best, mostly static and a few loud bursts of accurate recordings of a fight, but mostly useless. Then a few video frames give them a clear view of the front of the figure.
“Pause,” Natasha says, sitting forward in her chair. “Go back three frames?” The computer obeys her voice command, ticking back to the moment when they had the best view.
Both Okoye and Natasha freeze as they take in the image.
There’s a shard of disappointment that goes through Natasha when she realizes, once and for all, that it definitely isn’t Thor. That disappointment turns swiftly into suspicion because she does not know this person, and they certainly have powers that would’ve landed them at the top of a SHIELD watchlist back in the day.
It’s a woman. She’s massive, arms and legs thick with muscle, and extensive armor that could be Asgardian make, but with the graininess of the video, it’s hard to tell. Her helmet covers almost her entire face, only exposing her mouth and jaw. Some sort of chainmail on her legs, perhaps, and a sleeve on her left arm. Her right arm is bare, and clutched in that hand--
“Mjolnir,” Natasha breathes.
“I thought it was destroyed,” Okoye says.
Natasha nods. “We all did.”
Despite the video quality, there’s no mistaking that hammer. Especially when Natasha resumes the video and the mysterious woman throws the hammer, and it returns to her hand moments later.
“We haven’t seen any new powered people since the Snap,” Okoye says, breaking the silence. “With our…  situation  being what it is,” she continues, tactfully calling the mess they’d made of the world a  situation , “we should either ascertain if this woman is on our side, get her on our side, or terminate her as soon as possible.”
Natasha nods in quiet contemplation. They cannot afford to have a powered person running around the world unchecked, not with the way things are. They’re barely managing to hold it together as it is, and the Avengers are spread extremely thin. Not to mention their help is often rejected in an official capacity, a lionshare of the blame for what happened falling to the World’s Greatest Heroes who failed to save the world. It’s a PR nightmare, and there are many nights when Natasha wishes that she’d just been dusted along with the half of the world who didn’t make it.
But she didn’t. She’s still here, and someone needs to lead.
“Want me to track down Thor and ask him about her?” Okoye says. “Based on her strength from that video, she’s probably Asgardian.”
Natasha’s kneejerk reaction is to say no, that Thor can’t handle this, that he’s been in an almost constant state of inebriation and/or depression for the last two years and she won’t expose her friend to something that might be painful for him. Then her rational mind kicks in and she nods at Okoye. Thor is their best lead. “I’ll come with you.” (Then her vicious mind raises its hackles and says if she’s got to wade into the shit that is the post-Snap world, then Thor should have to get right into it with her.)
That night, the evening news features a story with the grainy footage Natasha could’ve sworn she’d managed to scrub from everywhere (but alas, she is no Vision.) The ticker at the bottom of the screen reads The New Thor: Who is she, and can we trust her?
They find him at a hightop table in a hole-in-the-wall bar in New Asgard, and if Natasha had been serving him, she probably would’ve cut him off at least four drinks ago, but the bartender doesn’t seem concerned with denying their monarch his alcoholic solace.
“Do I need to go get Brunnhilde?” Okoye whispers to Natasha.
Thor sways in his barstool, hands clasped around a large stein of beer, but seems coherent enough to answer their questions.
“Not yet.”
“Wha--?” Thor mumbles, eyes half-lidded. “What’re you saying?” His words are disturbingly slurred. Maybe getting Brunnhilde wouldn’t be a bad idea.
Natasha refocuses. “Have you watched the news recently?”
Thor snorts and takes a drink of beer. And doesn’t stop taking a drink of beer until the stein is half-empty. Natasha’s eyes widen when he lets out a loud belch.
“Apologies,” he says, not sounding apologetic, “but you’ll have to excuse me for not keeping up with current events.”
Okoye cuts in, “How about this current event?
She slides a set of photos out of a manila envelope, laying them down on the bar table. The paper sticks to the surface of the table.
Thor shakes his head once, as if trying to rein in the spinning the room is likely doing around him. He leans down and squints at the photos. “That--” He cocks his head. “That isn’t me.”
“No,” Okoye confirms. “It isn’t.”
“These photos were taken two days ago in Garching, Germany. Know of any Asgardians who settled there?”
Thor swallows, and doesn’t immediately answer. He raises his free hand not on his beer to the photos, and the tip of his middle finger drags over where Mjolnir is inked onto the paper. “I thought it was gone,” he mumbles.
“So did we,” Natasha says, tempted to reach out to him at the abject sadness in his voice.
Okoye slants a glance at Natasha.  Focus , she seems to say with her eyes, before redirecting Thor, “Are there any Asgardians in Germany?”
“A few,” he says. “None that look like this woman.” He looks up at them. “Do you know how she found Mjolnir?”
It’s his most coherent question yet. Natasha shakes her head. “We just found out about her. She looks pretty confident with it, so maybe she’s been training somewhere.”
“I don’t underst--” Thor loses his battle with his balance and gravity and falls off his barstool. Natasha and Okoye both reach out to steady him, but he manages to catch himself before he hits the floor.
Natasha goes to Thor’s side, her heart falling quickly as she puts an arm around him. It’s hard to see Thor like this, especially knowing the kind of man he used to be. (Of all the people she thought would stick with her, after Clint and Steve left, she thought that Thor would be the one to stay. He’d fought through so much heartache, sided with them in New York against his own brother, protected the Earth from the Dark Elves after his mother’s murder, faced down Thanos even after his planet had been destroyed, and yet he’d always been ready to fight. It’s downright unnatural, utterly tragic to see him laid so low.)
Turning to Okoye, Natasha says, “Go get Brunnhilde.” Okoye doesn’t need to be told twice.
“Thor,” Natasha prompts, getting the man to look at her. His eyes look pained. She’s sure hers must reflect his. “You’ve gotta stop this.”
“Stop what?” he mumbles.
“You know what.” She hesitates before offering, “You could come back, you know. Join the Avengers again. I really could use the help, and you’ve got more experience leading than everyone else on the team combined.”
He’s already shaking his head. “No.” Clear, concise, and completely at odds with his drunkenness. “No, I can’t do that.”
“Why not?”
His answering smile is sad. “I have nothing left to offer you.”
“Yes, you do,” Natasha answers softly, but based on his tone, this isn’t an argument she’s going to win. Not today, at least.
A beat passes. “You really didn’t know about Mjolnir?” she asks, one more time.
“I’m not worthy anymore,” he whispers. “Why would it call to me?”
Natasha doesn’t answer that. There’s a lot of layers there that she doesn’t think she’ll ever fully understand.
Okoye returns with Brunnhilde at her side. She says to Okoye, “You know, sometime you’re going to have to visit me when it’s not for the purposes of picking his sorry ass up off the floor.”
Okoye chuckles. “I’ll keep that in mind.”
Brunnhilde proceeds to pick Thor up in a bridal carry, making Natasha stumble a bit when his weight is no longer against her. “Come on, your majesty,” she says, tone almost bored. “Let’s get you home.”
Natasha bites her tongue against all the questions she wants to ask.
How often do you do this for him?
How is everyone around here blind to what’s happening to him?
Where on earth is he getting enough alcohol to regularly get drunk?
Before she can even think of pursuing another line of questioning, she gets a call from Carol--she is needed urgently back at headquarters.
She sighs. The hunt for the new Thor will have to wait for now.
It’s only once Natasha and Okoye are on a quinjet and flying back to their base that Brunnhilde unceremoniously drops Thor on the ground.
He huffs, but quickly stands up and brushes himself off, perfectly sober. “Unnecessary.”
She glares at him. “How long are you going to keep this act up?” she demands. “Those are your  friends .”
“Natasha is a friend,” Thor corrects, “Okoye thinks I’m a worthless drunk.”
Brunnhilde rolls her eyes. “Because she’s never known you as anything else.”
He grits his teeth. “It’s for the best.”
“That’s what you keep telling yourself, but they  know  about her. What’s your act doing to keep her safe now?”
The muscle in Thor’s jaw works furiously, but he calmly answers, “They don’t know her identity. They think she’s a rogue Asgardian.”
Brunnhilde bristles and brusquely pulls a folded manila envelope out of her back pocket. “Okoye gave these to me, said to ask you about them again when you sobered up.” She quickly opens the envelope and tears its contents out and holds them right in his face. The edges of the photo paper crease under the force of her fingers clenching down on them. “You see this? The better she gets, the more this is going to happen. And you know what’s eventually going to happen?” She jerks her head backwards. “Your friends are going to find her. She’s on a crash course, and then she will be a part of this. You can’t stop that. It was a fantasy to think you ever could.”
“I didn’t think I could keep her from it forever,” Thor replies evenly, and he wraps his fingers around Brunnhilde’s wrist and lowers the photos from his face so he can look her in the eye.
“Then  why ?” she asks.
“Because she needs to be better than me,” he says, like a release of steam from a pot. “She needs to be better, and she’s not yet.”
Brunnhilde shakes her head. “I don’t know if you’re going to get a choice for much longer.
   and the one time…
His shoulder jumps under her head.
“We’re almost there.”
“Oh,” she says groggily, and pushes herself off Thor’s shoulder. “Oops,” she says when she notices the spot of drool on his shirt. “Sorry.” The weird half-sleep that comes along with car rides is slow to depart, clawing at her eyelids until she reaches to her right, where a bottle of water sits.
After she downs half the bottle and truly wakes up, he gives her a soft smile, one that says he probably wasn’t far behind her in terms of falling asleep. “It’s no matter. I thought you’d want to be awake before we arrived.”
She stretches her hands over her head as much as the towncar’s roof allows, and a series of satisfying pops go down her spine. She grunts in satisfaction before saying, “I need to go over my speech one more time.”
“I’m fairly certain  I  could give it at this point with how many times I’ve heard it.”
“You’re a good person to practice with!”
“I’m only teasing,” he says. “And besides, this is hardly your first time doing this.”
“This still feels bigger, somehow.” 
He makes a soft sound of agreement. Jane offers the water to him, which he accepts and drinks his fill before capping it and setting it aside.
Jane continues, “It’s one thing to get, you know, a big science award. Like, the last time I got the Nobel I felt almost old hat at it, you know?”
Thor gives her a look. “I recall you saying that you felt like you were going to throw up before you went onstage to give your speech.”
Jane flaps her hand at him. “Okay, sure I was nervous, but I was….used to the shape of it? This is a completely different type of thing.”
“Yes, excelling at heroics is something you usually leave to me.”
“Hey, I have plenty of behind the scenes heroics!”
“Of course, dear,” he says with a laugh, “but none of those behind the scenes heroics resulted in a singlehanded defeat of the Infinity Stones, handicapping Thanos’s plan, and saving untold lives.”
Jane tilts her head back onto the headrest, a smile spreading across her face. That day, that last fight that Strange predicted would end in only one way, would be permanently emblazoned in her memory as long as she lived. Thor had asked her to stay away from the battlefield, and initially, she’d agreed. She and Tony had been theorizing about the nature of the stones, and they hadn’t had time to parse out the quantum entanglement theories together before her thinking buddy had to jet off to try and save the universe.
It came to her like a lightning strike only minutes after the team had left for the last battle. She’d built a frequency jammer that would disrupt the quantum entanglement of the stones in thirty minutes flat, and then raced out of the Avengers compound like a bat out of hell. She’d just have to get within range of the stones, and they’d be rendered inert, their effects immediately reversed, and they’d just be ordinary stones, and then they could be destroyed.
And, incredibly, even though the science of it was shaky at best, and she’d had to improvise on the fly when some of the wiring on the jammer had shorted out, it worked.
The army from the past was gone, snapped back to their original chronological configuration; Natasha and Gamora were spat out of whatever pocket universe they’d been trapped in; and Tony hadn’t had to use his gauntlet, hadn’t had to sacrifice himself for the universe as she’d  known  he’d planned on.
(Dr. Strange had sputtered, shocked, saying that of the fourteen million six hundred and five futures he’d seen, he’d only seen one possible outcome where they won, and it wasn’t this.
Jane shrugged, breathless, dirty, bloody, and grinned. “I found number fourteen million six hundred and  six .”)
“And all without a single power to her name aside from her intellect,” he finishes.
“I am pretty cool.”
“Both pretty and cool, much agreed.”
She lets her head fall to the side so she can look at him. His beard is long enough to be braided, and he’d done so this morning, and he’d taken care to braid some of his hair as well before pulling it back with a tie. He looked good. Great. Amazing, even.
She reached out her hand closest to him, trailing a finger along one of the braids in his beard. A streetlight from outside catches on her wedding ring just so.
After the Snap, she and Thor had drifted back together, partially out of shared grief and guilt, but had ultimately rediscovered why they’d worked together for years before the distance had become too much strain. They’d officially tied the knot a few years after Tony and Pepper had. (Steve had been Thor’s best man, and Darcy Jane’s maid of honor. Tony walked Jane down the aisle in Jane’s mother’s absence. Morgan had been their flower girl.) 
She wonders if any of this would’ve happened if they hadn’t found each other again. If they hadn’t rekindled their love for each other in the horrible aftermath of the Snap, would she have been around to help? Would Tony have reached out to her with the time travel issue? Would he have invited her to collaborate on the quantum entanglement of the stones if she hadn’t re-integrated herself into the Avengers circle? She likes to think so--they were friends, at least somewhat, before the Snap (but their closeness now was only formed in those last five years of wounded peace.)
“What are you thinking about?” Thor asks, and mirrors her position so he can look at her.
“Just that I’m really glad I married you.” She nudges forward so she can kiss him. “Really, really glad.”
“I’m glad you married me, too,” he answers. “Not many women would have had the fortitude to put up with me for as long as you have.”
She grabs his hand and pulls it over to her lap. “How many people did Pepper say were going to be here?”
Thor shrugs. “Less than two thousand, but there is the webcast as well.”
“ God .”
He squeezes her hand. “Go through your speech once more. It’ll make you feel better.”
“I’d feel better if we could skip past the ceremony and go right to the drinking and partying portion of the evening.”
Thor laughed. “If only I were planning the evening, Jane Foster. Now start from the top.”
Jane laughs, and closes her eyes. With her husband’s hand in hers, his warmth a steady reassurance at her side, she recalls the words she’s memorized and feels her nervousness retreat as she begins to speak.
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thebrisingamen · 3 years
Love Interests of the MCU
Bout to write some criticism of the MCU, if you don’t like, don’t read? Or do, I’m a poster not a cop. Click to read more, if you’re interested. Also, spoilers.
A problem in the MCU, to be honest. We’ll get into this here and you’ll see what I mean.
Jane Foster, MCU: An airhead, breathy absent-minded professor astrophysicist. Ok, cool, a STEAM lady.... who is constantly a damsel in distress in both movies and really adds nothing to Thor’s mythos or character. In fact, Erik Selvig is a more important character being set up in Thor to be a pawn of Loki’s for Avengers. Darcy Lewis is a more interesting character AND SHE’S SIDE CHARACTER AS WELL. (For those following MCU: SHE IS IN WANDAVISION for crying out loud)
And both Selvig and Darcy have less screen time than Jane. I don’t blame the actress, because I think Natalie Portman is very talented. But that role can only give you so much to work with when your entire personality is ‘I’m an astrophysicist and absent-minded professor trope.’ That’s it? That’s all Jane Foster is? ‘Cause that’s all I ever got from her.
Seriously you’re going to waste Natalie Portman on such a shallow role?
Comics Jane Foster: A well-trained EMT (Or Nurse, but still) who immediately runs toward danger to help people, is a damsel out of distress trope, doesn’t take crap from men, is a fan of cricket, regularly also fought with Thor’s enemies (as in comics Thor was not originally god-Thor but Donald Blake, who was worthy enough to use Thor’s hammer). Was not afraid to sass or stand up to heroes (or villains!) who harassed her after she found out Thor’s identity. Hmmm...
Christine Palmer, MCU: A surgeon at the same place Strange works at! Who likes him, because they work together! Totally not afraid to stand up to him even though lots of people already call him out on his arrogance and egomania. Dated in the past but somehow together again, and has no personality beyond ‘surgeon’ and ‘ex-girlfriend who gives speech to remind ex that life is about [insert moral here]’
Also what a waste of Rachel McAdams talents. I mean she got THIRD BILLING AND SHE’S BARELY IN THE FUCKING MOVIE.
Clea, Comics: Princess of the Dark Dimension and Niece of Dormammu and ALSO DR. STRANGE’S IN-COMICS WIFE. She’s so well known as his love interest that at first I thought that’s what they were going to go for in his movie, esp with Rachel McAdams as the Third Billed ACTOR. But yeah, Clea, traditional love interest, super magically potent, likes earth, hates her evil uncle, just wants to learn more magic and live with Strange.
Not that the others did not take years, but Carol only showed up RIGHT around the time Christianized Wonder Woman showed up in Snyderverse...
Clea’s comics personality isn’t that different from any of these other characters, but honestly, the MCU could’ve done a lot with her and used a character far more well connected to Strange in his own fucking movie.
Nakia: Again, an ex-girlfriend who used to work for T’Challa but couldn’t due to [insert morality speech here] and now, suddenly, they are back together! Because T’Challa is doing things! Wonder what comics Nakia is like...
OH YIKES OK MOVIE IMPROVED HER, THEY IMPROVED HER SO MUCH. (Comics Nakia: 16 year old obsessive/possessive supervillain and yeeeeaaah that’s just....No. Big ol’ NOPE). Still I forget she exists. Tbh I’d forget Okoye exists either if she wasn’t HAVING MORE SCREEN TIME THAN THE LOVE INTEREST.
I’m starting to notice a trend here...
Monica Lynne, Comics: A more major love interest for Black Panther and more tied to his mythos. Arguably his most used Love Interest that isn’t Storm who is legally not allowed to be in the MCU anyway so she is unavailable for BP, which is a fucking shame. Personality wise, not much different, but Lynne isn’t as tied to Wakanda as any of the others.
Honestly I don’t know all that much about Black Panther so if anyone else does and wants to weigh in on a better love interest choice (THAT IS NOT STORM), please tag me.
Further, though, Monica could have given a deeper view into the complex experience of being a successful black woman in America to contrast with Erik’s storyline and have T’Challa hear more than just one singular experience.
But that’s just a hot take on my part.
Pepper Potts:
There’s no VS here because Virginia “Pepper” Potts is arguably the absolute closest MCU came to matching up with her comics counterpart. Fiery, intelligent, doesn’t take Tony’s shit and calls him on it, doesn’t take anyone’s shit toward her. She’s a bit more tame in the MCU and wildly OOC in Iron Man 3 so I don’t count that movie as canon, but honest to god, there’s nothing bad to say here about her character adaptation. A good job was done.
Hope Van Dyne: Again, a very good adaptation; most likely taking different characters together so because her comics counterparts are two separate entities, Hope has to be judged solely on her movie version. Her and Scott have good chemistry, she’s a good character in her own right. Only suffers from the trope of ‘Defrosting Ice Queen’ which you can tell because her hair and makeup get less severe as she ‘defrosts’
Better in the first movie than the second, where even though HER NAME WAS IN THE TITLE AS ‘THE WASP’ she was barely in it and sidelined by all the villains and side characters. For those interested, theories believe she is pulled from Nadia Pym (616 verse) and Hope Pym (982 verse)
Sif: Thor’s other in-comics and in-myth love interest/sometimes wife, absolutely side-lined, never given more than a few lines in any movie and despite having a supposedly epic backstory, we never see it. No one questions what the FUCK happened to Sif in Thor 3 because she has mysteriously vanished with Thor giving 0 fucks about where his remaining childhood friend went since she is the only one NOT KILLED OFF UNCEREMONIOUSLY (A different rant for a different problem)
So what’s there to say but why even include her as part of a love triangle if her absence is so unnotable that no one cares what happens to her
Gamora: Again, I’m not as familiar with her character, but like Pepper she seems to be a good adaptation, if made less of an anti-hero/villain in the MCU and given a bit of a softer side. Her romance with Star-Lord/Peter Quill is weak, however. Might be because of the actors but I don’t really see it? She has more emotional moments with her sister than ANYONE ELSE (Up until Infinity War with Quill and Thanos meeting)
The main problem we are running into, however, is look at this list. Look at how many female characters who are the love interest are demoted to be SOLELY THAT ROLE.
Please discern the difference for me, IN PERSONALITY between Christine Palmer and Jane Foster. Because aside from their professions, I don’t see any, do you? The fact that a good chunk of female characters in the MCU are the Love Interest and solely the love interest is....bad
It’s bad. It’s poor writing and it has consistently been done to more female characters than male. I just don’t see why the writers can’t do this basic thing.
1. Create/Adapt Character A as a full, three dimensional character
2. Create/Adapt Character B as a full, three dimensional character
3. Put A and B together romantically if they click
4. Do not erase character personalities but remember what made them a good romantic pairing in the first place.
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aenariasbookshelf · 4 years
Chapters: 9/16 Fandom: Marvel Cinematic Universe, Captain America (Movies), Thor (Movies), The Avengers (Marvel Movies), Black Panther (2018), Marvel (Comics) Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Darcy Lewis/Steve Rogers, Jane Foster & Darcy Lewis Characters: Jane Foster (Marvel), Darcy Lewis, Steve Rogers, Clint Barton, maybe a couple others showing up but I don't want to spoil it just yet..., Kate Bishop, Natasha Romanov (Marvel), Thor (Marvel) Additional Tags: Post-Avengers: Infinity War Part 1 (Movie), Road Trips, post-apocalyptic...kind of, Avengers: Infinity War Part 1 (Movie) Spoilers, Avengers: Infinity War Part 1 (Movie) Compliant, this means that all the bad shit that happened in that movie happened here also, pregnancy fic, it's the end of the world as we know it and the girls aren't going to take it lying down, Incrediblesverse, Kidfic, did I mention the spoilers?, Not Avengers: Endgame (Movie) Compliant Series: Part 8 of Interesting Times, Part 1 of This weird, hopeful world Summary: So...that happened. Thanos snapped his fingers, and the universe turned upside down. Now, a very pregnant Darcy is stuck in New Mexico, half a world away from Steve, who’s still in Wakanda. The plan is to get Darcy and Jane to Wakanda sooner rather than later, but given that one part of the population is screaming that the Apocalypse is nigh, another part is all too happy to take advantage of the resulting lawlessness, and that some of the rules of the universe seem to have been re-written, that may be easier said than done. But, Darcy and Jane aren't going to take this lying down.
Come hell or high water, they're going to make it through, safe and whole.
An Interesting Times/Incrediblesverse story...kind of.
Chapter summary: In which a plan is made.  It’s not their best plan, but when your resources are limited, you make do.
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princesssarcastia · 3 years
thoughts on uhhhh the MCU
ohh man. okay. thoughts on the MCU.
All I wanted out of the MCU was some found family narratives.  Barring that, I wanted the growing expanse of superheroes who all canonically existed on the same planet, in the same country, even, to evoke some sense of community and belonging.
Barring that, I wanted the movies to be well-written, and have new takes on the whole superhero mythos that would provoke some interesting thoughts on my part about something I consume a shit-ton of.
Barring that, I wanted them to just fucking make sense.
All of these expectations and dreams were quashed at one point or another, and I’m still bitter about it even three (?) years after Infinity War came out, two years after Endgame came out.
Obviously there are exceptions; Black Panther, for one, was very well-written and had its own sense of community and tradition.  Thor Ragnarok certainly had a lot to say about imperialism, which I enjoyed.  Winter Soldier is still an excellent political thriller, and a game changer for the MCU as a whole, though I didn’t necessarily like the new game they started playing after it.
I don’t know about any of you, but I was alive and invested in superhero comics in 2008.  I remember going to see Iron Man in the theaters, and just feeling so...excited!  I mean, god, that last scene where Tony Stark says, “the truth is...I am Iron Man,” was a fucking revolution for superhero movies.  The elimination of the whole secret identity thing and all the bullshit contrived plot-lines people liked to milk it for was a brand new thing!!  And at that point, Iron Man was a brand new superhero to the big screen. 
Over time that magic just faded for me, as the movies got worse and worse, and all seemed to follow the same formula, as the formula got shitter.  As they kept raising and raising and raising the stakes until they were more like “stakes.”  Or worse, did things to some of my favorite characters that I hated, like with Spider-Man.
Or worst of all, did fucking racist bullshit like the entire existence of “Wanda” Maximoff, who is canonically a jewish roma woman of color in the comics, who they turned into a nazis of a white woman who???? hangs crosses on her wall?????? hahaha no.
The turning point for me was probably everything from the moment Clint Barton was revealed to have a secret wife and literally two point five children onward. 
I still had fanfiction, at that point; people were still largely living in denial in a 2012-avengers-esque fannon where they were all people who loved and respected one another, and more often than not lived in the same tower together.
And then Civil War came along and just kinda ruined the fandom for me, too, because then all the fic had to be about that bullshit.  Like I said yesterday, stupid civil war fic still has the ability to make my blood boil.  They did my man Steve Rogers so dirty in that movie with terrible characterization.
I don’t know if I’m ever going to see another new MCU movie again.  Right now, I’m leaning toward “hell no.”
Though its worth noting that I am still, to this day, writing a big-ass (for me, its probably gonna be between 30-50k when im done) AU that starts with Jane Foster as the one who Loki mind controls and goes on from there.  So maybe the magic isn’t totally dead after all.
anyway. those are at least some of my MCU thoughts.
ask me my thoughts on ____
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