#whole army defending her but okay
honourablejester · 2 years
Okay, okay. As a girl who grew up on the old swashbuckler films. Can I talk about the fucking romance of Nydas Okiro. Betrayed and backstabbed by his crew. Holding his wound. Panting in effort and grief. Telling his traitorous underling that gold means nothing if you do not use it to lift people up. That gold is a resource by which mortaldom climbs. That they are going to save the people of Avalir, and that cause goes above any oath he ever made in a past life.
You can picture so clearly in this moment the kid who joined a pirate crew to climb the skies. The dream he must have had. The dream he shared with Laerryn.
And it’s the end, and he’s betrayed, and he’s standing on what has to be one or two fucking hit points remaining, and he stabs that traitor in the front, and uses every resource he still possesses to get as many people as possible out and to defend them in the process.
And he’s … he’s not only betrayed, he’s rewarded. For the man he’s been. Because Alessander steps up, Alessander thinks to save the sorcerer school, this other piece of Nydas’ dream. When Nydas and his conjured dragon are standing alone and surrounded by devil puppets, the fucking sphinx from earlier, the sphinx from the parade, busts in and rescues him, and has been protecting them the whole time from further tampering of the constructs. Nydas was the first to step up, to try and protect the tree, to try and avert catastrophe, to try and hold the line, and that ripples out. His people stand up around him.
And an entire army of constructs, on Nydas’ word, burst out of the Golden Scythe to defend Avalir as she dies. His ships fly to evacuate her people. The world might be damned, he might be nearly dead, but by Avalir, he and this city will go down fucking swinging, and saving everyone they can.
The romance of this man. I can’t even.
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rxgirlie · 3 months
The Verdict
(Sneak Peek)
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Pairing: Vincent Renzi x OFC
A/N: okay, so, I have eleven chapters written so far but a lot of editing to do for this whole sha-bang. Here’s a cute little snippet for the Hot Lawyer Army. I told a white lie when I said the whole work in its entirety would be posted this week. (I am literally hot out of a writing work shop and legitimately whipped out a thesaurus and dictionary for this bad boy, like, who am I?)
In the quiet isolation where the Maleski family had sought refuge from the world, the tragic fall of Samuel Maleski unfolded into a legal and emotional labyrinth. Vincent Renzi, armed with the facts and facing the daunting task of defending Sandra, found himself navigating a case where the line between truth and perception blurred with every revelation.
Sandra, with her resolve wavering under the weight of public scrutiny, recounted the harrowing details to Vincent. Their conversations, often fraught with tension, revealed the complexities of her marriage to Samuel—a relationship marred by jealousy, ambition, and the tragic accident that had left their son, Daniel, blind.
As the case progressed, the absence of witnesses in their secluded life became a double-edged sword. Daniel's discovery of his father's fall, with no eyes to witness the tragedy and only the cold silence of the snow as his guide, painted a poignant picture of a family unraveled by misfortune.
During a brief respite from the intensity of legal preparations, Leah stepped outside for a breath of fresh Alpine air. The cold bit at her cheeks, a sharp contrast to the warmth of the indoors. She was soon joined by Sandra, who, in a rare moment of vulnerability, offered Leah a cigarette. The two women, standing side by side against the backdrop of snow and solitude, shared a silence that spoke volumes.
It was Sandra who broke the quiet, her voice tinged with a mix of resignation and defiance. "You remind me of a cat, you know. A black cat—slinky, chic, and a bit intimidating. But ultimately harmless." Her comparison, unexpected yet oddly accurate, drew a surprised laugh from Leah, the tension between them easing for the first time.
Leah took a slow drag, considering Sandra's words. "A black cat, huh? I'll take that as a compliment, I suppose. They're survivors, after all."
Sandra's lips quirked into a semblance of a smile, a glimmer of the woman she might have been before tragedy had taken its toll. "Survivors, yes. But they're also misunderstood. Feared for no reason other than superstition."
The conversation, meandering between confessions and observations, offered Leah a glimpse into Sandra's soul—her fears, her regrets, and her defiant hope for vindication. For Sandra, the moment provided a rare connection, a sense of being seen beyond the accusations and the public persona crafted by the media and the court.
As they stamped out their cigarettes and turned to head back inside, the brief camaraderie forged in the Alpine chill left an indelible mark. For Leah, the case had transformed from a professional challenge into a personal crusade, not just for justice, but for understanding the complex tapestry of human relationships that the law so often sought to untangle.
And for Sandra, the encounter with Leah—a woman as out of place in the snow as a black cat, yet standing her ground—offered a flicker of hope. In the face of overwhelming odds, perhaps there were still those willing to look beyond the surface, to see the truth hidden in the shadows.
As Vincent navigated the winding roads back to Paris, the fading light of the Alpine sunset painted the sky in hues of orange and purple. Beside him, Leah sat wrapped in thought, the case of Sandra Maleski haunting her mind. The silence between them was comfortable, reflective of the trust and understanding that had developed over the course of their investigation.
Vincent broke the silence first, his voice steady against the hum of the engine. "Today was... revealing. Sandra's story, Daniel's perspective—it's like we're peeling back layers of truth hidden beneath layers of pain."
Leah nodded, turning to look at him. "It's more than just a legal battle; it's a fight for a family's soul. What struck me was Sandra's resilience, her ability to stand strong in the face of everything crumbling around her."
The conversation shifted naturally, as if the case had opened a door to more personal reflections. "You know," Vincent began, a hint of hesitation in his voice, "working on cases like these, it makes me wonder about the choices we make... the lives we lead outside the courtroom."
Leah caught the introspective tone in his voice, sensing an invitation into a part of Vincent's world that had remained closed off. "I've been thinking about that too. Back in New York, my life was all about the next case, the next win. But being here, working with you—it's made me realize there's so much more to life than just winning cases."
Vincent glanced at Leah, her profile illuminated by the passing streetlights. "And yet, here you are, far from home, diving headfirst into a complex case in a foreign country. What drove you to take this leap?"
Leah smiled, a soft laugh escaping her lips. "Adventure? Escape? Maybe a bit of both. I guess I was looking for something different... something meaningful. And I've found it, not just in the case, but in the connections we've made... with Sandra, with Daniel, and with you."
The admission hung in the air between them, a testament to the journey they had shared. Vincent felt a warmth spread through him, a sense of kinship with Leah that went beyond professional respect. "You know, Leah, I've spent so much of my life focused on the law, on being the best lawyer I can be. But meeting you, seeing your passion, your empathy... it's reminded me that being a great lawyer is also about understanding the human heart."
As the lights of Paris began to twinkle in the distance, marking their return to the city's vibrant energy, Vincent and Leah found themselves at a crossroads. The case that had brought them together was also quietly weaving their lives into shared experiences and newfound discoveries.
"Whatever happens with the case," Leah said, her gaze fixed on the approaching cityscape, "I'm grateful for this journey. For the chance to make a difference and for the friendship we've built along the way."
Vincent nodded, the city's familiar streets welcoming them back. "And I, for one, am grateful for the black cat that crossed my path," he added with a smile, acknowledging Sandra's earlier comparison and the unexpected luck it had brought into his life.
As they drove into the heart of Paris, the case awaiting them, Vincent and Leah knew they were no longer just colleagues. They were allies in the pursuit of justice, bound by the shared belief that beyond the legal battles lay the stories of real people, deserving of empathy, understanding, and a chance at redemption.
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081314 · 7 months
Book 7: The Ruler of the Abyss – Chapter 5 (Part 3)
Following is part 3 of my translation of Chapter 5 of Book 7: The Ruler of the Abyss. This part contains episodes 7-78 to 7-82.
Main storyline spoilers after the cut!!
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Episode 7-78
Silver: …Ugh… Where are we?
Yuu: It’s pitch black in here. I can’t see a thing…
Baul: What, have your eyes not adjusted to the darkness yet? At any rate, it seems we got dragged down into the waterways beneath the castle.
Lilia: Damn that woman! Oi, Baul! You take the egg. I’m going back up there! ….Augh!
Baul: General, your wound!
Lilia: Haaah, haaah… Please, just let me go. I need to. Or else my whole life will have been for…!
Baul: Dammit….! …If you go back up there with that kind of wound, the enemy will take you out in one hit. You’d just be a hindrance, like the princess said. And don’t forget, the Draconia family’s royal decrees are absolute for us Guardsmen. She said earlier her lightning would be the enemy’s final judgement, and if you defy her and go back now, it’d be yours, too.
Lilia: Fine! Then I quit the Guard! I’m used to her stupid lightning, I don’t care.
Baul: You need to compose yourself! The future of our nation rests within that egg you’re holding! He’s our king!
Lilia: …!
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Baul: We need to protect the heir and deliver him to Black Scale Castle! And we need to have faith in Princess Meleanor - we need to trust she’ll defeat the Knight of Dawn and make it back safely. Her Highness is far stronger than all of us put together. Weren’t you yourself boasting about that earlier, General!? The heir can’t even defend himself right now, let alone walk. And the only person he can depend on right now… is you, General. Only you. …Please, you're just going to have to bear with it!
Lilia: Aaah, fuck. Fuck, fuck, fuck!!!
(Lilia slowly breathes in and breathes out, then he puts on his mask)
Lilia: ….Fine, let’s get going then. We have to make sure this egg gets to Black Scale Castle. We need to… We need to carry out Lady Meleanor’s decree.
Everyone: Yes, sir!
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Henrik: !! There she is! It’s Meleanor!
Knight of Dawn: …The weather… It’s changing!
Meleanor: My, my…. We have Henrik of the Silver Owls, the Knight of Dawn… And the rabble from the surrounding nations…. What a quaint little gathering.
Henrik: Since you came out here all by yourself… That means you’ve accepted our challenge, I take it? You’ll duel the Knight of Dawn, one-on-one?
Meleanor: A duel? You expect me to duel him? Fu fu fu… Aaah ha ha hah! And why on earth would I follow your ridiculous little rules? You invaded our lands, you’ve been laying waste to our forests and our rivers… And now you’re demanding our castle and the Princess Glow? You best keep your arrogance in check… humans! My lightning shall be your judgement, you avaricious buffoons! I can’t wait to see you all writhing around in pain, wallowing in regret of your defiance!
Henrik: Hmm! And here I was being so kind… She’s really not the cooperative type, huh. …Heh heh heh. Everything’s going exactly as planned. That vile, hotheaded witch let her anger get the best of her and now she went and threw the first punch. Dragon schmagon, she’ll never be able to take on an army this size! And we got the Knight of Dawn with us, too. Now go, Knight of Dawn! Defeat that evil tyrant and bring peace upon these lands!
Knight of Dawn: ….Please, Fairy Guardians… Lend me your strength!
Meleanor: I will annihilate… Each and every one of you fools!
(A battle starts between Meleanor and the Silver Owl, and she ultimately strikes the Knight of Dawn and blasts him away)
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Episode 7-79
Sebek: Huh? What was that noise!?
Lilia: Lady Meleanor must be showing off up there. We need to hurry before this place caves in!
(Something crashes to the floor)
Everyone: Uwaaah!?
Silver: Augh…. Yuu, are you okay?
Yuu: Y-Yeah, it just barely missed me…         
Grim: What gives? A buncha rocks just came crashin’ down outta nowhere…
Sebek: Ah- Look up there! There’s a massive hole in the ceiling!
Lilia: Shit! Now the waterway’s blocked. We’ll have to go back up to the surface for now… What the-!
(Something crashes to the floor)
Baul: What was that!? Something just came flying in here!
???: Ugh…!
Everyone: !!!!
Silver: White armor and golden hair… It’s…!
Lilia: You’re… The Knight of Dawn!
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Baul: Did one of Princess Meleanor’s attacks blast him all the way down here!?
Knight of Dawn: Argh…! …You’re… Wait! …That huge magical stone weapon, that bat mask… Are you Vanrouge!? The Land of Briar’s General of the Right!? And that egg, could it be…!?
Lilia: Kishaaaa!
Baul: Please get behind me, General! I’ll handle him!
(Meleanor roars)
Grim: Yikes! The ground’s shakin’ again!
Sebek: T-The ceiling’s breaking apart!
Lilia: Shit…!!
Baul: The General and the heir are going to get hit!
Silver: Oh, no…. Father! Lord Malleus!
Silver: W-Wait… That auroral light… That’s-!?
Knight of Dawn: Fairy Guardians… Lend me your strength! Haaaaaa!
(The Knight of Dawn cuts through the rubble that was going to land on Lilia)
Lilia: Ack…!
Knight of Dawn: Easy now. Is the egg okay!?
Lilia: The Knight of… Dawn…? But why… Why did you save me?
Knight of Dawn: ……
Baul: Look! The Knight’s helmet is starting to crack…
Everyone: !!!
Episode 7-80
Sebek: H-His face, it’s…!?
Silver: ……..!!
Grim: The heck’s goin’ on!? Silver and the Knight of Dawn look like friggin’ doppelgangers!
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(Silver and the Knight’s rings start to resonate)
Yuu: And they both have the same ring!?
Knight of Dawn: This ring was bequeathed to me by my Fairy Guardians when I was a child. It’s supposed to be the only one of its kind in existence. Who in the world are you?
Silver: I’m… I’m…!
(Meleanor roars)
Knight of Dawn: Doesn’t look like we’ll have time to talk. Lord Henrik is after that egg. You need to get out of here before someone finds you! Hurry! Haaaaa!!
(The Knight of Dawn teleports away)
Baul: …Damnit. Why did he help us like that, he’s our enemy… What the hell was he thinking!?
Lilia: …It doesn’t matter, we have to keep moving! We need to get to the forest before they find us!
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Sebek: Silver, cease with your dawdling and hurry up! ….Silver?
Silver: His face… That ring…!
Lilia: Long ago, when I found you when you were just a baby, you had that ring tied around your neck.
Lilia: Look at the jewel on this ring, Silver. It looks just like your eyes: aurora-colored, and marred not by a single speck. I’m certain the reason your parents entrusted this ring with you is because they hoped and they prayed that just like how this jewel here shines bright and true, their child’s eyes would never become clouded with sorrow.
Silver: Haaah, haaah….! No… No, it can’t be… My birth family, they’re… The Silver Owl and the Knight of Dawn are my... my…! No, that’s not true… THAT’S NOT TRUUUUE!
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(The Darkness appears)
Baul: !? What the hell are these things!?
Grim: What the- I never seen so many of ‘em pop up at once before!
Sebek: Damnit… Is Silver’s emotional state drawing them here? You must stay strong, Silver! SILVEEER!
Lilia: They swallowed up Silver! Seriously, what the hell are these things!?
Sebek: Sir Baul! Sir Lilia! This is our fight! Please, make haste to the forest without us! We’ll regroup with you later, together with Silver!
Baul: But-!
Sebek: We’ll be alright. Hurry!
Lilia: Damnit…!
(Lilia and Baul run ahead)
Grim: This ain’t lookin’ good! The Darkness got us completely surrounded!
Sebek: We must extricate Silver! Yuu, Grim, help me!
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Sebek: Damnit. No matter how many times we cut them down, they spring right back up!
Grim: We’re done foooooor!
Yuu: The Darkness is dragging us in!
Episode 7-80
Silver: Father, did you know? Did you know this ring once belonged to the Knight of Dawn... That man is this country’s enemy, he’s father’s enemy… The enemy of Lord Malleus’s parents… And I’m.. I’m their enemy’s…! .… *sobs*
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Silver: ……
(A baby cries in the distance)
Silver: …Is someone… crying...? But who …?
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Silver: ….Where am I?
Lilia: How long has it been since I was last here…? Three- No, four hundred years? Thanks everyone finally signing those peace accords, we can all visit the Verdant Moors again. …It’s truly been a long time coming. A long, long time.
Silver: That voice… Is it father?
Lilia: The rumors swirling around this place claim you’ll be cursed if you step foot inside Briar Castle… There is just the faintest trace of magic lingering about, the remnants of a spell cast by diurnal fae long ago. Maybe they were trying to ward people away from this land.
Silver: Can father not… see me? Maybe this is… Maybe I’m seeing one of his memories…?
(A baby cries in the distance)
Lilia: That sound… Is there a baby here somewhere? Sounds like it’s coming from the throne room. Guess I’ll go take a look see.
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Lilia: A baby? And a human one at that! Why in the world is it here? …! That ring…
Silver: No way… Is that baby… Me…? No, it’s can’t be… the hair color’s completely different from mine. But his… His eyes are… Maybe it really is me…
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Lilia: Hair as golden as the sunlight, and that ring… Could it be you’re… you’re the Knight of Dawn’s…? No, that’s impossible. As soon as Henrik overtook the castle, the humans started fighting over who’d get claim of the land and its natural resources. And the Knight of Dawn and his wife Leia didn’t make it through all that chaos… …Little cradle, I’m going to have you show me some of your memories. “Life is but a fleeting day, distance but an illusion.” *Far Cry Cradle.
Silver: That spell… This is father’s unique magic. I think he told me before it lets him view some of the memories imbued in objects…
(*This is what he says out loud. In the text, he says “To that cradle, far, far away”)
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Red Fairy: Oh, no. The enemy’s closing in on us. Now that the Knight of Dawn - our esteemed Prince Consort - has passed away, the castle is bound to fall. We very well may be witnessing the final moments of the “Kingdom of Swords”…  Queen Leah, please, you must get away from here! Quickly! We’ll protect the prince.
Blue Fairy: Now then, dear prince. You’re going to take a nice little nap for us, okay? Just until all this awful fighting is over.
Green Fairy: You’ll be alright. This ring will strengthen our magic, and until the spell is broken, you’ll remain in that precious little form of yours while you sleep. And you’ll dream only the happiest of dreams. For ten years, a hundred years…
Blue Fairy: That’s right… And once someone who loves you from the very bottom of their heart appears… The spell will be broken, and you will awaken, dear prince.
Red Fairy: You’ll awaken in a peaceful world, one free from warfare and strife…
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Lilia: …I see. So your parents and your fairy guardians protected you from all that turmoil. And ever since your people’s nation fell to ruin, you’ve been sitting here all alone in your cradle, waiting for someone who truly loves you. The spell must’ve broken on its own after all this time, I suppose.
(The baby cries)
Lilia: ….You’re the Knight of Dawn’s child… the child of Levan and Meleanor’s enemy… I’ll finally put an end to this… I’ll put an end to this here and now…!
Silver: …………!
Lilia: ……….*sighs* I wouldn’t be able to face Malleus again if I did something like that. If I’m going to keep preaching to him about how he needs to love humans… and how he needs to connect with others, then I’ll have to do the same. Besides… If the Knight of Dawn hadn’t helped us that day, I could’ve lost Malleus. I wonder… Can I really love a human…?
Silver: Please stop it, father. I’m not… I’m not deserving of your love.
(The baby cries)
Lilia: There, there… You’re okay. For such a little guy, you did a great job dealing with being alone for all these years. Okay, come here…
(Lilia picks up the baby)
Lilia: Kufufu, you’re a little chunker. Ahh, this brings me back to when Malleus hatched. It feels like it was just yesterday. …So fae aren’t the only ones who’d give up their lives for their children. We’re alike with humans in that regard, I suppose. …Child of Dawn, today shall be your new birthday. And as such… I shall give you a blessing… The Night’s Blessing upon Ye.
(The baby’s hair changes color from gold to silver)
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Silver: ! …. My hair, it’s…
Lilia: Hm? Your hair changed color… Ah, so maybe the Dawn of Knight really was blessed by Diurnal fae to have hair as golden as sunlight. And with *my blessing, now your hair’s as silver as moonlight. Well, it’s all for the best, really. A golden-haired human would stick out quite a bit in Briar Valley.
(The baby coos)
Lilia: Kufufu. You all tuckered out from crying? Let’s see, your name is… I don’t see it written anywhere on the cradle or the ring. …Hmm… Moonlight…. Silver… Wait, that’s it! Silver! From now on, your name will be Silver. Just as the moon’s light cuts through even the deepest darkness, may her silver radiance always light your way.
Silver: I can’t believe it… So my real parents are… The Knight of Dawn and Queen Leah…? But that’s…. Why…. Why are you showing me all this….
(*out loud he says “my”, in the text he says “a follower of the night’s”)
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Silver: Leave me alone! Where are you trying to drag me to now? Please, just leave me alone already…
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Silver: …I know this place… I know that house. This is where father and I lived, out in the forest.
Lilia: Now sleep, sleep, my beloved child
I pray you’ll walk towards that light
That light that will guide you in your dreams…
Silver: That song… Father would sing that lullaby to me all the time when I was little…
(Someone knocks at the door)
Malleus: Lilia, I’m coming in.
Silver: !!! Lord Malleus…!?
Malleus: The forest fae have been all a twitter lately. They said you found a human infant somewhere…
Lilia: Shhhhh! I finally got him to sleep. Please, keep your voice down.
Malleus: …What is that? It looks like a hairless simian.
Lilia: He’s the baby in question, and his name is Silver. So, what do you think? Isn’t he just adorable?
Malleus: Adorable? This thing…?
Lilia: You stopped by in the nick of time, I was just about to go do some shopping. Could you look after Silver while I’m gone? It’ll only be a minute.
Malleus: What? You want me to… look after this thing?
Lilia: Apparently, human babies don’t take to flower nectar. They’re not like fae; I read they need something called “powdered milk”. Though, I can’t fathom what it’s possibly supposed to be. I mean, how can something be both powder and milk…? At any rate, it’s not something I’ll be able to find around these parts. I’ll need to go someplace that sells human products.
Malleus: W-Wait, Lilia! This little creature will shatter if I touch it.
Lilia: Oh, you’ll be fine. If he starts crying again, just rub him a bit and sing him a lullaby, he’ll be out like a light. I’ll be right back. I’m counting on you!
(Lilia departs)
Malleus: Oi! Lilia!
(Baby Silver wakes up)
Malleus: Ahh, drat. Are you awake?
(Baby Silver starts crying)
Malleus: Ugh…. That wail is utterly vexing. So I just need to sing you a lullaby and you’ll fall back asleep, was it? As if I even know a single lullaby…
(Baby Silver keeps crying)
Malleus: …No, wait…. I do know one.
(Malleus starts humming)
(Baby Silver stops crying and falls back asleep)
Malleus: …It worked, he really did fall back asleep. …*sighs* Lilia, please hurry. I do wonder where I learned that lullaby from, though. I can’t quite seem to recall… Perhaps one of my wetnurses sang it to me when I was little?
Silver: …Lord Malleus…
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Malleus: Lilia, where did you find Silver, anyways?
Lilia: Oh, I found him when I was taking a stroll through the forest one night.
Malleus: Magical beasts and other foul creatures roam these forests at night. What on earth were you doing out there…?
Lilia: I’m telling you, it was all just happenstance. And it’s not like I could’ve just left him there.
Malleus: You should’ve just dropped him off with some humans and be done with it.
Lilia: …There’s this one thing you father Levan would often say: we fae need to know humans better, and we need the humans to know us better. He’s the one who took the initiative to study a communal language we could use to speak with the humans, you know. And the one who taught it to all of us.
Malleus: …….
Lilia: I want to learn more about humans through Silver here. And there’s… something I want to find out… I want to see if I really can love a human from the bottom of my heart.
Malleus: And if you cannot love him?
Lilia: …Hold your horses, we have still have plenty of time.
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Silver: This is… We’re back at the old house… Please, I don’t want to look at this anymore… Why are you showing me this…
Lilia: Here, Silver. Open wide!
(Baby Silver babbles)
Lilia: All I’ve been feeding him so far is milk and a bunch of mushy grains and vegetables I boiled. Is this really alright? I don’t see how he’s supposed to grow just eating all this.
Malleus: That book on human rearing methods said this will suffice. And as we’re fae, and this is a human, we best just adhere to its suggestions.
Lilia: Yeah, but you’d eat a mountain of fish and meat and whatnot when you were a tyke…
Malleus: Yes, because I’m a dragon. Don’t lump me together with feeble little humans.
Lilia: Babies cry when they’re hungry and they sleep when they’re full, and that’s the same regardless if it’s a baby human or a baby dragon.
Malleus: ……*sigh*
Lilia: Oh, he wiped his plate clean! Was that yummy, Silver?
(Baby Silver coos, and Lilia pats him on the head)
Lilia: You’re such a good boy! I want you to eat lots, get plenty of rest, and grow up big and strong, okay? At any rate, don’t you get bored eating the same old thing every day? Maybe I should start spicing things up a bit…  I could throw in some armored rat meat and black newt flakes next time! They’re said to be highly nutritious, you know.
Malleus: …Don’t even think about it. For the time being, I’ll have provisions delivered to you from the castle, and you can use them to make baby food. I’m a bit concerned leaving him alone in your care.
Lilia: Oh? Has mister “I hate humans!” had a change of heart?
Malleus: You’d be upset if the baby’s health were to decline, no?
Lilia: …You’re so sweet, Malleus.
Silver: ………..Father, Lord Malleus…. I…. *sobs*
(the Darkness appears)
Silver: You just keep showing up again and again… Get away from me.
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Lilia: Malleus, come look! Silver's standing on his own!
Malleus: What, already? It takes around 30 years for infant fae to do that. And though they say I was early to walk, it still took me a good 20 years before I learned to shift into my 2-legged form. Humans truly do grow at an astounding rate.
Lilia: Kufufu. Perhaps we fae simply take things a smidge too easy. At this rate, it feels like he's going to grow up on us in the blink of an eye.
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Lilia: "And so the little fox said, "Daddy, I'm going to the river.""
Young Silver: Da... ?
Lilia: !! Did you... talk? Silver, did you talk just now?
Young Silver: Da da.
Lilia: No, I'm not your father…
Young Silver: Da... Da da!
Lilia: Hm... Well, it'd probably be better to tell you when you're a little older. ...That's right, I'm Dada.
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Young Silver: Daaaaddy! Daaaddy!
Lilia: I’m over here, Silver. What’s all the hubbub?
Young Silver: Daddy, look at this!
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Lilia: My, what a lovely acorn bracelet! It’s nice and big, and it’s so well made! The acorns are so shiny, too… Are you a little acorn-gathering expert?
Young Silver: *giggles* The squirrels gathered the acorns with me. And the woodpeckers helped me thread them together… This is for you, daddy.
Lilia: For me?
Young Silver: The fae living in the oak trees told me if you have a lucky charm made from acorns, then you’ll live a long and healthy life. Daddy, I want you to be healthy forever. And I want us to be together foreeeever and ever.
Lilia: …So you’re praying for me to have a long life, huh. You, a human…
Young Silver: Daddy? What’s wrong? Are you hurt?
Lilia: …I’m fine. Come here.
Young Silver: Daddy, don’t hug me so tight! It hurts. *giggles*
Lilia: This is the greatest gift I could ever ask for. As long as I have this charm with me, I bet I’ll be able to live for another thousand years. Thank you.
Young Silver: …I love you, daddy.
Lilia: I love you, too.
Silver: That’s the acorn bracelet I found when I was cleaning up father’s room back at school…! So I was the one who gave it to him. I’d completely forgotten….
Lilia: That bracelet was bestowed to me a long time ago, and it’s my most prized possession. I couldn’t imagine ever throwing it away. Why, even Malleus is jealous I’ve got it!
Silver: It’s just a bunch of old, rotten acorns, of course they aren’t worth anything. So why… Why would you lie like that…
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Lilia: Silver! Silver, where are you!?I can’t believe he ran off like that. Was he really that shocked? I’d presumed he would’ve noticed a long time ago we weren’t related, but... No, I was the one who’d always kept things vague. Maybe I was just too scared to tell him the truth and see his sad little face… When did I get so… At any rate, I need to focus on finding him ASAP.  Silver! Silver, answer me!
Silver: My whole life, I believed that even though we weren’t related, I would always be your son. But I don’t… I don’t deserve to call myself your son anymore. There’s no way you could truly love me… There’s no way you could love a child of the Silver Owl – of the Knight of Dawn! There’s no way… you could love me… *sobs*
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Episode 7-82
Silver: I can’t.. go on anymore… I don’t want to…
(Silver falls to the ground)
Silver: I’m so sorry, father…. Lord Malleus. I always dreamt of becoming a knight who could protect you two. But now I’ll never… I’ll never…
???: So this is where you were.
Silver: That voice…
Lilia: I finally found you – Knight of Dawn!
Silver: Huh? No, I’m… ..What!?
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Silver: I look like- What’s going on…
Lilia: You’ll pay for what you did to Meleanor and Levan! I’m ending this, now…!
Silver: Father, I’m…!
Lilia: You've no right to call me “Father”, human!!
(Lilia and Silver fight)
Lilia: Dammit… I can see why people call you the Silver Owl’s top dog. But we're not done yet!
Silver: Please, stop! I don’t… I don’t want to fight you! I promise, I won’t show my face to you ever again! So please…!
Lilia: Save your breath! We can’t turn back time… it’s too late! Haaaaa!
(Lilia knocks over Silver)
Silver: Augh!!
Lilia: Give Meleanor and Levan my regards! Hahaha… Ahahahaha!
(The Darkness appears and envelops Lilia and Silver)
Silver: Father faded away. He must’ve just been another part of the Darkness that my heart created… He was just a… nightmare…
The Darkness: Gugugugu!
Silver: ….I’m so tired... Darkness, please. Please just drag me down into an even deeper sleep, one I’ll never wake up from…
???:  …Get up…
Silver: That voice…
???: You need to get up.
Silver: ...Father...?
Lilia: It’s okay if you need to run away. It’s okay if you need to break the rules and play dirty. But no matter what you do, you can’t give up on life. Get up, Silver! Plant your feet on the ground and get up!
Silver: ...Augh…!
(Silver rises to his feet and cuts away the Darkness)
Silver: Haaa, haaa….
Lilia: Attaboy, Silver…
Silver: Is his voice just another illusion trying to trick me…? What should I do…?
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Part 1
Part 2
Part 4
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hina-hina · 1 year
ohh, great! in that case, I'd love to see Valeria w a sister!reader. whether its headcanons of having a 'fight' training w her. (idk how to call it honestly-im sorry hope u get me😭).
Or could be a fic abt how both get in the military together, then are separated after a few years, and how reader now in the tf 141 meets her once again during her interrogation, when the tf captured val. + if she realizes reader is w alejandro (no need to add this if its too much).
thank u in advance, and please, no pressure! Take your time!
Hello again friend!!! I love the idea of Valeria being a protective big sister, so cute!! (○` 3′○) I also really like your fic idea, I might return to it in the future and tag this post if you would be okay with that!! Thank you for requesting!!
|| Valeria Garza Training with her Sister ||
Warnings: Fem reader, cursing, and mild violence
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Valeria would be very reluctant to let her little sister get involved with her work
But she would still want you to be able to defend yourself
She knows she puts you at risk by association, so she takes it upon herself to train you
I can see that maybe in this instance, Valeria has been taking care of you since you were both small
Because of this, you immediately wanted to follow her to the army
She didn't like this and instead wanted you to have a better life but you stood fast and eventually followed her again when she became El Sin Nombre
She would keep your existence a closely guarded secret and not tell very many people your her sister, lest you get used against her
Instead, you become her confidante and second-hand
While she is training you, I can imagine she would be tough on you
It because she cares and wants you to be able to protect yourself when she can't protect you
So she would be a little hard on you when you mess up but she would be quick to help you understand something
She would want to teach you everything she knows
Hand-to-hand, how to shoot guns, she would even train you with knives to prepare you for every possible outcome
When you get better at it, I can see her making you spar with some of her men and laughing whenever you knock them on their ass
Likes to see peoples faces when you catch them off guard with your skill and strength
She may even begin to trust you more with her business and introduce you a bit more to it
She doesn't particularly like what she has to do but she does it so you'll have more opportunities
An unrelated headcanon: She would definitely give her sister a matching gold chain like hers
Perhaps Alejandro knew about your existence (because we all know there was something between him and Val)
So he uses this information to try and catch El Sin Nombre
However, they aren't expecting you to be as dangerous as you are and are quite shocked about it
After they're able to catch Val, before they can fly her out, you are able to save her to everyone's shock
She is also shocked and very proud of her little sister because leading a whole cartel is no small feat
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mugentakeda · 1 month
pls tell me more about her + her relationship with iroh and lu ten.. she's so fascinating
GUH. thank you for asking anonsie pie. (TAKES DEEP BREATH
fuhua is a firebender, but wasnt part of the FN army. she was an entertainment firebender at this speakeasy/club for the elite joint in caldera city. her and iroh were both pushing thirty already when they met. he was just sorta tooling around with his military buds doing bachelor playboy prince shit and they ended up going into the joint. fuhua was the biggest hardass out of all the girls working that day, so she was the one entrusted to entertain His Royal Highness and his posse of noble dickheads.
iroh and fuhua actually hit it off pretty well. he was very enraptured by her while watching her perform and bend and whatever, so he followed her when she took her break and struck up a conversation with her, bought her fancy drinks and stuff. he liked her whole attitude (he is well known for liking women with attitudes) and look and whatever. she found him charming and easy to talk with despite his status. irohs pals ended up leaving after a while but iroh stayed behind because he wanted to talk to fuhua allllllll day and was totally caught up in their growing tension. eventually fuhua had to leave, so he offered to walk fuhua home. she accepted, they (naturally) had a one night fling, iroh went back to the palace, that was supposed to be that. cus having flings isnt an out of the ordinary thing for young iroh he was a #slut I'm sure we can all agree on that.
HOWEVER azulon naturally at this point is very tired of his favorite son going around whoring himself out but never picking a wife because he's pushing thirty and he needs an heir if he wants to do more military stuff. so azulon lined up a bunch of well born daughters and was like "Okay son I've had it with your dumbassery pick a wife right now". and iroh didn't like ANY of the women azulon had picked out. but then he remembered fuhua, who he got along with like a house on fire.
now please note, I made it clear in my awesome comprehensive list of Horrible No Good Fuhua Personality Traits that this woman is NOT built for marriage OR having kids. she's meant for the single hot girl life, bottomless mimosas everyday and coconut hair treatments and living alone with a cat that's as much of a jackass as she is. But its not like she can say NO to the crown prince of the fire nation, obviously. even if he seemed like a decent (????) guy. iroh found her not long after and proposed to her like "hey my dad wants me to get married but i didn't like any of the noble women Please Please PLEASE be my wife I'll make sure you never have to want for anything".
having a fun little evening chit chat session at the bar and then getting freaky for one night with a handsome guy is one thing. Being forced to marry him and have his kids is another!!!!!!! <- and fuhua is tormented by fear of having kids. on top of her just Not liking them and not being willing to give up her single hot girl lifestyle, she is tormented by fear of pregnancy and labor and all that. pregnancy and childbirth can kill you, it can kill your child (AND THEN SHE'LL HAVE TO GET PREGNANT AGAIN because she cant stop until she gives iroh an heir), it can ruin your body, so on so forth. there's a lot of factors to it that get overlooked.
and on top of that, fuhua may have worked in a club for the elite, but she was not well born. she is not a noble. she has no military creds, no training, no nobility rich people etiquette, no nothing. azulon was NOT pleased, and he made that very clear to iroh. iroh didn't give two shits, but what he didn't do was defend fuhua from azulons ire. because azulon would insult fuhua pretty openly, ALL the time. about her commoner status, her lack of "manners", how she doesn't support iroh's military ventures and shit, so on and so forth. azulon wanted iroh to have a wife that was like ilah, basically. and the worst part is that azulon would do it AROUND fuhua, but never to her face- he'd always phrase his antagonism as a question to iroh, as if fuhua was irohs misbehaving lapdog or some shit. and iroh NEVERRRR got on his dads case for it because "that's just how my father is lol don't let it get to your head dearest!!!!". just very blase and ignorant. naturally, fuhua got sick of it VERY quickly.
she took her frustration out on anyone she could. she stopped being nice to the servants, she'd antagonize ozai (who was like. a teenager at the time.), despite ozai going out of his way to avoid fuhua at all costs (ozai shared his fathers sentiments on her status and lack of manners, but he couldn't compare her to his mother. because ozai never got to meet ilah himself<- i hc that ilah died in childbirth having ozai (which is part of the reason why azulon hates ozai so much and iroh was so distant with ozai)), so on so forth. fuhua has a pretty short fuse, so she got super angry and bitter with EVERYTHING very quick. she tries to pick fights with iroh but iroh is like???? somehow oblivious to his wife's turmoil.
and then she gets pregnant and he just starts writing it all off as hormones. she hates it as much as she knew she would, but her growing hatred for iroh and everything in existence makes it even worse. she treats being pregnant like having a bug under your skin or something. its like her worst nightmare. she isn't even allowed to smoke her pipe while shes pregnant. she would, if it meant that shed kill the baby, but then she'd just have to get pregnant again. might as well get it over with. <-its at this point where she already starts planning to run away from the palace as soon as she gives birth to the baby.
on a rare night where shes pretty relaxed, iroh asks her if she wants to come up with names with him over tea. its so randomly pleasant that for a second she thinks that maybe she could become okay with this life, so long as she can get her husband to grow a pair and defend her from his father. they come up with a big list of girl and boy names, and end up going with hana for a girl, and toshiro for a boy.
azulon announces literally the next day that the kids name will be either ilah ii for a girl, or lu ten for a boy. iroh puts up zero fight about this despite him having literally just decided on names with his wife the previous day. fuhua goes right back to hating his fucking guts.
fuhua does not internally acknowledge the baby as a human. she insistently refers to the baby as an it, sees the baby as irohs spawn, etc, etc. at the point in her pregnancy where her hormones and body pain are at its peak shes genuinely insufferable to be around. like to the point where even iroh cant take it, so she just. holes herself up in their chambers for the most part. but soon she gets weirdly excited- because while even the idea of inevitably giving birth very soon scares her shitless, and even sensations of movement and whatnot from the baby makes her want to cry hysterically- its also the final bridge she'll need to cross before she can leave.
she'll leave the baby with iroh. he can have it, she doesn't want it. shes not sticking around long enough for it to be decided that iroh needs a spare heir. she'll leave empty handed and leave the main island entirely, cut her hair even. she'll go and live quietly in shu jing with one of her cousins or something. if the palace sends out a witch hunt to try and find her, she'll run to the fucking earth kingdom if she has to. shes not raising iroh's child, she's most definitely not having another one with him. she'll kill herself if all else fails.
and essentially, lu ten is born without complications, is confirmed to be a firebender. fuhua notes that iroh holds the baby with tenderness and reverence, but decidedly wouldn't care either way. she leaves in the night as soon as her legs allow her.
azulon almost sends out a witch hunt for her, but iroh tells him no, he'll go look for her himself. its not like she would've gotten far, as she's still recovering from childbirth. iroh just sends out some of the domestic forces all across the island to sneak around and try and find her. fuhua had decided to stop and stay one night at a little inn by the docks of the homeland before leaving to shu jing at first light, but for a hefty price (and fear of the royal familys wrath), the innkeeper rats her out to the soldiers that come in asking about her.
the soldiers return to business as usual once shes found just as asked, because iroh wanted to confront her alone. by the time he gets there in the early morning, he finds her preparing her raft by the docks. they confront each other and have a final one sided screaming match, fuhua pulls a knife and tells him if he tries to take her back she'll kill herself. iroh is pretty despaired, but thinks better of it and lets her go. he returns to the palace and convinces azulon (with difficulty) that he's okay with her leaving, and that lu ten is probably better off with just him anyway.
its only when azulon realizes that he agrees with that sentiment and expresses relief and satisfaction that it hits iroh how much azulon hated his wife. for some reason. but its not like he can do anything about it now.
iroh finds out through his contacts where exactly fuhua has settled down, but he ends up dropping it because he stopped caring. he has no time for a wife anymore regardless and probably never has, feels distant guilt about that, but also gladness that fuhua took the initiative to put herself first (<-WHICH IS UNFOUNDED ON HIS PART). because he'd rather she do that then stay and have lu ten subjected to her vitriol (<-IROHS FAULT).
and fuhua does end up living alone with a cat that's as much of a jackass as she is and gets coconut oil hair treatments and bottomless mimosas everyday like God intended. she doesn't keep track of whatever the fuck her ex husband does unless she hears about it on the street or whatever.
a few years later she hears that iroh's brat younger brother has taken a wife, and she has to laugh about that. she goes home and pours one out for the poor wretch.
even later than that, she hears that all the suffering she went through for iroh amounted to nothing. because iroh has allowed the dirt eaters in ba sing se to kill his son. it takes all the strength within her to not feel any kind of satisfaction or vindication at the karma of it all.
when the whole nation has a state of mourning in lu tens honor and portraits of him are plastered everywhere, its the first time she gets a glimpse of what he ended up looking like. he has iroh's square jaw, his eyebrows, his sharp eyes- but he has her high cheekbones, her narrow face, her long nose, her dimples, her deep brown skin. handsome and gentle-faced.
she looks at him for a while longer, digests all that information, and then promptly goes back to browsing the market. because shes making crab and asparagus soup tonight and frankly, that's more important to her.
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bellarkeselection · 9 months
okay jaime request 🫶 so jaime just lost his hand and he worries that the fem!reader (jaime's wife maybe? 👀) will be disgusted by that but she actually showers him in love and affection as she's happy that he came back to her? like a lot of kisses and cuddling and fluff
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i'm so in love like look at him?! he's precious <33
Slight mature content in this one 18+ 😏 I honestly really enjoyed writing this one more than I have any other request for Jaime so thank you for sending this in
You're Still a Golden Knight to Me
Staring out the windows of Casterly Rock with my arms wrapped tightly around my waist out of nervousness. I hated the feeling and time of waiting for Jaime to return home from the battle between the Lannister’s and my family the Stark’s. Jaime and I were married a few months ago before the king officially rode North to ask my father to be hand of the king. We were wed in Kings Landing by King Robert himself before he died. And somehow in those short few months we became so close it felt like we had been married for as long as my sister Catelyn and Ned had been. "Oh gods please let him come home already I cannot endure anymore time terrified he might be dead." I mumbled to myself out into the quiet sea fresh air in the room until the chamber door made a noise causing me to jump slightly.
Stumbling around the bed as quiet yet quickly as possible I reached down by as much as my growing belly would allow me to so that I could grab the sword my father gave me out from underneath my bed. Ever since Jaime left I had basically been sleeping with the weapon at my bedside even though I had a whole castle army to defend me in the walls of Casterly Rock. Moving towards the door I raised the sword over my shoulder with both hands clutching the handle of the sword seeing the chamber door creak opened very slowly. "Show yourself you twat. I'm ready and armed!" I raised my voice outward holding back tears knowing it was better to show no fear.
Yet my entire conscious state was completely rattled when I heard someone call my name that was impossible for me to not recognize in a heartbeat. "Y/n...Y/n....Jaime...please don't....it's me...it's Jaime."
"J...Jaime. Is it...is it really you?" I croaked through heavy tears struggling to keep my grip on the blade handle on the off chance it wasn't and the gods were just playing tricks on my mind. Yet sure enough the door creaked open all the way revealing a sight that nearly broke me in two and shattered my heart.
My gaze focused on his figure when he slowly stepped out of the darkness of the door and into the light being provided by burning candles. He didn’t meet my gaze while I scanned over my husband’s face. His blonde hair was covered in mud and his clothes were torn and stained too. Yet that wasn’t what nearly broke me it was the fact that his right hand was covered in some bandages but it was really just a stump of where the hand used to be. “Don’t look at me, Y/n. You should go back North.”
“I’m not going back North you idiot. Do you honestly think I would leave you while you look like this. When I have been terrified that you might not come back and now you have…come on let’s get you cleaned and changed.” Moving towards him I sniffed through tears before I turned and rummaged around in one of the crates drawing out one of his tunics and trousers.
Slowly and gently as possible I helped Jaime inside the wash room knowing that none of the servants would be up in the middle of the night so I left it to me alone to take care of my husband. Running my hands down his tunic shirt I tugged on it hearing him wince since some of it was sticking to him. Untying the strings of his trousers they fell to the floor. “You don’t have to help me I….I can’t get this cleaned on my own.” He attempted to remain the confident man I knew but he dropped his right stump hand showing me that he couldn’t.
He managed to get into the water on his own giving me the time to untie the laces on the back of my golden dress letting the fabric pool to the floor without a care. Kicking it away I put Jaime’s new clothes beside mine since I had started to wear his tunics when I went to bed. “I’m your wife, Jaime. I know you don’t want help but please let me help you now.” I mumbled quietly seeing his stump hand was still wrapped up like a rag. He didn't respond so I slowly moved the material from his arm sitting it on the side seeing that it had healed a little bit when I ran my fingers over it.
“I’m not who I used to be without my hand…I was that hand. What am I supposed to do now, Y/n?” He shutters, staring at me as I attempted to retie a cleaner cloth on his stump. “If I pass out pull me out. I don’t want to be the first Lannister to die in a bathtub.”
Lifting my gaze up from me working on his injured hand where I placed my hands on his bare chest he winced when I started running some water over the wounds on his chest. “Jaime, I know you’re avoiding ye conversation but who did this. Did my brother Robb take your hand?”
“He kept me prisoner in his camp but it wasn’t him. It was this man named Locke..who hates high born. He took it to show me I was as safe as I thought I was. And now because of him I’m not the man I was. You’ll probably leave me in the morning because of this disgusting thing.” He glared down at the stump of his right hand while I moved my fingers through his hair getting the dirt out of it where it returns to its almost normal golden lion color.
Resting my hands on his shoulders I pressed my forehead making him finally look me in the eye. His green eyes were filled with tears and I could hear the shakiness in his breath. “Jaime, don’t put those thoughts in your head. I am not going anywhere. I would never leave you ever. Because I love you…and the little one will too.” Placing his left hand on my stomach I sucked in a breath hoping he would pick it up on what I was saying.
“You’re pregnant…when did you know?” He knitted his brows together questioning me and for the first time since we had reunited I saw a tiny genuine smile on his face.
Leaning forward I kissed him on his forehead brushing away some of the fallen strands of wet blonde hair that had fallen in from of his eyes. He closed his eyes briefly when I spoke and moved his head to lay against my bare front running one hand through his hair making it a slight mess. “According to the Maester I should be about three months along. I started having morning sickness the morning after you left to go fight the war with my twin brother.”
“Do you think I’ll be a good father and husband without my sword fighting hand. I want to be the man you deserve..considering we were arranged to and all. At times I didn’t the wound be anything like your mother and father.” Jaime lifted his head up slightly where I held his face in my hands seeing slight fear and concern in his eyes that he wasn’t worthy of me now.
Without saying another word I gently crashed my lips down onto his tilting his head up slightly when I climbed up into his lap. He pressed his bare back against the tub wall wrapping his arms around my waist tugging my flesh against his own. “Jaime Lannister, you are the best husband I could ask for. I didn’t fall for you because of how good you were with a sword or how attractive you are, although you are still as handsome as the night of our wedding. But you are still that golden knight to me. I love you.”
“When I was sitting in that shit cell for months I would drift off to sleep and think of you. Think of us laying in bed together after we made love. Or when you insisted I teach you how to swing a sword. You’re smiling face…your witty remarks…your smell and when you touch me…everything about you.” He buried his face into the crook of my neck placing kisses there until he found a certain spot hearing me moan and throw my head back giving him more access.
Moving my hands to his shoulder blades I gripped them in my finger nails craving for his touch and everything in between. “Jaime I…I need you. I have been miserable for months.” I whined into his ear feeling him shift so he could start to make love to me.
“I won’t deny you, my wolf wife. But not in here. Cause once I get you in our bed we won’t be leaving for awhile.” He responds in a raspy voice shifting his green eyes onto mine intensely where I could feel his desire for me. We quickly stumbled out of the bath and into our chamber forgetting about the fresh clothes we had too focused on our need to be in the others arms.
Climbing onto the bed throwing my hair around I smiled up at him when he crawled over me crashing his lips onto mine hungrily while he put our bodies together. Gripping his golden locks in between my fingers I felt my heart beating against my chest with him moving against me like this again after so long. “Jaime….I love you.” I croaked out when he broke the kiss with his hair falling in front of his eyes and his gaze dropped to the stump once more.
“Hey, eyes on me.” Raising one of my hands I grabbed his chin forcing him to look me in the eye. Leaning upward I pressed soft kisses against his mouth moving my other hand through his hair. “You still mean everything to me. All that I care about is that you are here with me and that you’re safe.”
The eldest Lannister lion pressed his forehead against mine before he began moving our bodies against each other very slowly again as if he was afraid I might disappear from him any moment. “I just don’t want to be less of a man to you. You are my sweet wolf wife…and I’ll do my best to be a good father to our little lion or lioness.”
“I know you will, Jaime. You will always be the same man I fell in love with from this day until the end of our days.” I whispered my next words into his ear since he had his head laying on my chest. My fingers were gripping his back while I struggle to not let the entire castle know what we were doing in the middle of the night. “I am yours and you are mine.”
The bed was moving against our actions where he kept hitting the specific spot that we both moaned afterwards to. He broke the kiss where I held his face in my hands tracing his cheek with him thrusting into me slowly. “Y/n, I love you so much!” He moaned when I pulled his head downward burying my face in his neck nuzzling my nose and kissing into his skin.
Finally we both reach our high and Jaime collapsed onto his back on his side of the bed smiling longingly at me. I was laying on my back still trying to catch my breath while my hair was a tousled mess but I never dropped the huge grin on my face. “You were right about it being so much better after the first time…or it could also be the fact that I missed you like hell. Please don’t ever leave me again Jaime.” Rolling over onto my side I placed one hand on his the stump of his right hand giving him a small tearful smile.
“I don’t intend of going anywhere, little wolf. You and this baby are my home from now on.” Jaime scooted closer to me where I shifted so that his body was laying on top of mine. Running my fingers through his golden hair I planted some kisses onto his head and bare shoulder that I could reach feeling all the nervous weight fade away.
He wrapped his arms around my waist hugging me tightly against his strong form nuzzling his nose against my stomach listening for a heartbeat and he smiled when he felt something kick against his head. “I guess our little lion enjoys their daddy being home too.” I chuckled feeling the vibrating against my belly making me smile.
“If we spend our nights like this again we might end with as many children as you’re family has. If you’re up for it someday Y/n Lannister.” Jaime raises his head slightly with that cheeky smirk on his face showing me he was getting back to being his old self. He kisses my belly then he deeply kisses me on the lips laying his head back down on my stomach trying to get some much needed sleep.
Resting my head back against the pillows I intertwined one of my hands with Jaime’s left closing my eyes after watching him fall peacefully asleep on top of me. “I will never say no to you my golden lion.” I mumbled before I shut my eyes finally getting a restful night of sleep being able to hold him in my arms.
Tag list - @makeshift-prime @rosie-posie08 @lover-of-books-and-tea
Comments really appreciated ❤️
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spyskater · 1 year
The quotes I believe are every characters' thesis statement in Willow (2022) and why. Elora: I believe that love is the most powerful force in the universe. Kit: You're afraid. So am I. But you know what? My fear, it doesn't get to decide. It doesn't get to, to define me. I'm not giving it the power. I'm giving it to you. I have never believed in anything my whole life. I believe in you. Jade: Yeah, and when you love someone and they need you, yes, you jump off the edge of the world to go and get to them. Graydon: One day you and I are gonna be in charge. And when that day comes, we don't have to do things the way our parents did. Boorman: I finally figured it out. This isn't my story. It's yours. You're the one. And all you gotta do is believe in yourself, and you'll be unstoppable. Willow: You know, it's taken me a long time to learn, it's okay to fall, to make mistakes. I've made lots... The trick is to embrace your defeats as well as your victories. You pay for both in the end. Be decent. Be fearless. And know this, wherever the adventure leads, I'm with you. Airk: You know, defend the realm and just be the best brother, and husband, and father, and son that I can possibly be. Because that is what you do when you have honor, right? Scorpia: All we have ever wanted is our freedom. That our children would not have to live in fear. They'd serve no master... We have no barrier to hide behind, no army to defend us. All we have is the fear our masks evoke, the determination to survive, and each other... Freedom, rebellion, passion, joy. To the break of dawn! Sorsha: Everything I've done, I've done to protect the people I love. It costs a lot. Madmartigan: It was the hardest thing I've ever done. But love is sacrifice. You've gotta be willing to give up what you want for what you believe in.
Elora's is extremely obvious. As the heroine and chosen one of our show, her quote not only represents who she is and what she believes, but the most important message that the show wants to leave us with. At the end of the day, love above all things. Let that be your guiding force. It's what all of our characters come away with. Jade lets go of her ideals of duty to follow her heart to Kit. Kit learns to love and gains courage through it. Airk is saved by Kit through the power of love. Graydon becomes who he's always dreamed of, partially due to his love of Elora. Elora is able to fully grasp her power through her love of Graydon. And Elora tells us throughout the season that love is the most powerful thing in the universe, at first taken as a joke by Airk, Kit, and the audience and evolving into the hopeful statement we're meant to latch onto.
This is Kit's big moment. She spends the entire season having everything she thought she knew stripped from her. When you have nothing left, it'll make you reevaluate what you truly want and what you believe. We know that all Kit has wanted is to be brave and loved and I would argue that quote is part one of the thesis of Kit. It's Jade's love that gives Kit the bravery to take the leap of faith. As she stares at the edge of the world, she's probably at her most fearful. But she's spent her whole life giving into fear, fear of loss, fear of rejection, fear of abandonment. She knows what it means to give fear power, so she chooses to give the power to Elora, to love, to hope, to finally believing in something greater than herself. And by choosing not to give into fear, she also inspires Elora to do the same. Fear no longer gets to control Kit and we shouldn't let it control us either.
Like Kit, Jade is completely stripped of everything she knows about herself. Her honor, her duty, her history, her beliefs, her identity, it all comes into question. But she had to lose all of the things that she thought made her Jade Claymore in order for her to truly follow her heart. You don't jump off the edge of the world out of duty. You do it out of love. Jade does it for Kit. Graydon does it for Elora. Elora and Kit do it for Airk. And while I don't think Jade fully knows what any of what she's learned means for her and her future, the one thing she does know for a fact at the end of the season, which was the only thing that she was uncertain of at the beginning, is that she is totally, ridiculously, desperately in love with Kit and that love is returned. It's like Elora said, love is the most power thing in the universe and Jade now knows that.
Graydon's quote, I find, is one of the most important quotes of the show. This is the story of the next generation learning from the previous one’s mistakes and trying to do better. All of our younger characters are forced to confront the mistakes of their elders, especially Willow, Sorsha, and Madmartigan’s. Kit as Elora’s protector and learning that love comes before dutiful sacrifice (her parents). Jade learning love before duty and honor (Ballantine). Boorman facing the mistakes he made with the older generation and making the better choice with the younger one. Going on this adventure with the others, Graydon is able to find his true self and make his own choices. Just because his father wants him to be one thing, doesn't mean that Gray has to be that. He gets to be his own man. You get to be who you want to be, not what your parents want.
Boorman desperately wants to be the hero of the story and that’s probably the source of a lot of his bravado. He feels shame for leaving Madmartigan for dead, for lying about his escape from Skellin, because it’s not a heroic tale. He was a teenager/young man when he went after the Cuirass with Mads. He was Jade once upon a time, a squire in service to Tir Asleen royalty. The problem is that Boorman thinks the cuirass is the only way he can be a hero and being a hero is the only way to make up for his mistakes. But the cuirass is not meant for him; it’s not his story. The way for him to come full circle and become whole is to make up for his sins against Mads by giving the cuirass to his daughter. He’s not the hero of this story, but I do believe he’s the hero of another.
Willow gives us another important message of the show that we've seen throughout the season. Our mentor's journey over the course of the season is to let go. Willow can't seem to accept the consequences of the past. The loss of his wife. The departure of his son. The loss of Elora. The fact that he never became the sorcerer he thought he was meant to be. All of this causes him to be incapable of training Elora with any sort of true openness or understanding. Where Elora needs freedom and a safe place to fail, Willow only provides restrictions and pressure. The world can't afford for Elora to fail. And if Elora fails, she dies. But in the end, it's only his ability to accept his failures and victories that allows him to help Elora grow to become the hero she needs to be. And it's an important lesson for us.
Airk is a character that could have easily played into his own trope of charming playboy prince without a care in the world, but this quote helps separate him from stereotype. In episode one, I'm sure we would all admit we all believed, like Kit, that Airk didn't know Elora's public name. But he did. And throughout his time resisting the Crone, Airk proved time and time again that he truly was honorable and that all he wanted was to be good. Madmartigan's departure and Kit's future ascension left Airk looking for his purpose and trying to prove to his family that he was everything his absentee father couldn't be. He does everything he can to be a good boyfriend, a good brother, a good son, a good diplomat, and, in episode seven, he does everything he can to be a good man.
Scorpia is an inspiration. She has lost so much, but still finds the strength to care deeply in the face of her grief. She's lost her mother, father, and several brothers and sisters, but finds it in herself to keep loving. She may be mostly concerned about her people, but it's their philosophy of life, of freedom and liberation (another analysis yet to be written) that sends her on a crusade to save all of those people in Skellin. Not just her people, but all people. And I think that will be important in the war to come. As much as Scorpia will want to avoid war, her belief in freedom for all and rebellion will convince her that it's necessary. The entire Wildwood episode shows us the joy and passion and freedom that's a stake, what's worth fighting for. There is no freedom under the Wyrm and Scorpia will not accept that.
I think it's important to discuss Sorsha and Madmartigan's quotes together, because they explain their mistakes as well as layer them with complexities. One of the things that kind of irritates me is when people paint Mads as saint and Sorsha as awful, because they're cut from the same cloth (Kit, I love you, but I blame you for this). At the end of the day, they were willing to make the hard sacrifices if it meant protecting their kids and saving the world. Neither one of them could have foreseen the harm that their choices would have, but they did what they thought was right. They are one and the same, united in their cause and parenthood. But every single choice also cost them so much sacrifice, the biggest one being their chance at parenting Elora, and I think a lot of people forget that, especially when it comes to Sorsha.
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queen-of-deans-booty · 6 months
Destined For Greatness
Pairing: Destiel x Daughter!Reader
Word Count: ~1.5k
Warnings: minor angst, michael posessing dean, destiel fluff at the end
Request by anon: Hey can i request a imagine about being a Tribrid (Half angel, half demon, half witch) who Team Free Will  takes under their wing and being like a daughter to Dean and Castiel (they can be married) and defend them when Michael, Lucifer, or Raphael attacks them? 
Summary: Michael took your dad away from you and it's up to you and Jack to ger him back in one piece.
Square Filled: michael!dean (2023) for @heavenandhellbingo
Author’s Note: i appreciate any and all comments! <3
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You, your dad, Sam, and Jack are gathered around the war room trying to come up with a plan of attack on Michael. You’re nervous to say the least because you’ve never faced someone as powerful as Michael, but he has someone you love dearly. He trapped Dean inside his own mind while taking over his body and doing God only knows what with it. Taking down humanity is one thing but going after someone you love is a whole different ballpark.
“I still think we need a plan B,” Castiel sighs.
“Plan A is going to work. I’ve been practicing all month,” you state.
“Dean can get hurt.”
“Dad, I promise no harm is going to come to Dad. Do you really think I’d put him in danger?”
Castiel stares into your bright teal eyes, a mixture of Dean’s forest green and Castiel’s electric blue. He reaches out and tucks a strand of your hair behind your ear.
“Then you have nothing to worry about.”
“Okay, I trust you.” Castiel turns to the other two men and sighs. “What’s the plan?”
“We know where he’s hiding, right? Y/N will use her magic to make sure he’s alone. She will pretend to be the scared daughter who just wants her dad back.” Sam turns to you with determination. He’s hellbent on getting his brother back one way or another, and that’s through you. “As soon as his guard is down, you’ll pull Michael from Dean. Once he’s out, Cas and I will get Dean to safety, and that’s when Jack comes in. His power combined with yours should be enough to take him down. He’ll only be a white light since he won’t have enough time to find another vessel.”
“Are you sure she’s gonna be safe?” Castiel asks.
“Dad, I can do this. I wouldn’t do it if I didn’t think I could handle it.”
It’s true. You’re the first of your species, a demon/angel/witch tribrid. You’re always discovering new abilities, always showing a new side to yourself, and you’re doing it all alone. Since you’re the first and only of your species, you have no one to turn to if you have any questions. This journey of self-discovery has been done through trial and error, and there have been a lot of errors. 
Not this time. This time, you will not fail. Your dad’s life depends on it.
You gather what you need and head out with the three men to the warehouse you know Michael is in. He’s been capturing monsters to make them hybrids of his own creation, but none of them have survived his experiements. He wants to create an army that will rule over humanity, but it’s time you put an end to it.
You walk into the warehouse alone and into the back room where Michael is. His back is turned to you when you enter but you know he knows you’re here because he stiffens up. He wipes the blood from a large blade and you see someone lying dead on the ground by his feet. You change your demeanor to that of a scared child rather than someone who is all powerful.
“I’m assuming you didn’t come alone,” he says and turns to face you.
“They don’t know I’m here. They wouldn’t have let me come otherwise.” Michael nods once in agreement. “I just want to speak to my dad, please.”
“Sorry, kid, no can do.”
“You have to understand where I’m coming from. He’s my dad. You took him away from me without letting me say goodbye,” you cry.
“I’m only going to tell you this once because I’m feeling a little generous. Your daddy is gone. He’s not coming back. Now, I’ve kept him alive for this long but I can easly kill him and keep the body. If you don’t want that to happen, I suggest you leave.”
This scared act isn’t going to work. You have to do something else or you’re going to put your dad in more harm than not.
“Fine, I’ll leave. Just please tell him I love him.”
“Sure,” Michael rolls his eyes.
You turn to leave but Michael’s eyes don’t leave you. He’s not going to relax until he knows you’re gone. Instead of doing that, you gather every bit of strength inside of you to take down Michael. You turn to Michael with magic in your eyes and at your fingertips.
“I changed my mind. I’m not leaving here without my dad.”
You blast him back with your magic but it doesn’t really effect Michael in the way he thinks. Instead of dissipating, your magic gets sucked back into you like a vaccum. With it is Michael’s true form. He tries to fight it but the combined powers of demon, angel, and witch is enough to pull Michael completely from your dad. Dean falls to the ground, completely weak physically and mentally.
“No, stop!” Dean cries out but doesn’t have the strength to stop his daughter.
Sam and Castiel enter the back room from the side and rush over to Dean to get him to safety. Castiel can try and fight Michael, but you and Jack are more powerful than he can ever dream of being. This has to be done by the both of you. Michael’s true form spikes angrily as it tries to find another vessel to use, but you keep him suspended into the air with your powers. Jack walks in behind you and blasts Michael with his own power, rendering Michael useless.
Michael tries to fight back against both your powers but is having a hard time doing so. He becomes so frustrated and angry that he sends a sharp screech right at you. You release your hold on him and cover your ears as you scream out in pain. Even covering your ears isn’t enough to escape the shrill of his voice. 
With you out of the way, Michael blasts you and Jack back into the wall behind you, and he quickly makes his escape to find another vessel for the time being. He’s going to be back once he’s more prepared to fight you and Jack. Dean, Sam, and Cas come back into the room and run over to you and Jack with concern written across their faces. Sam checks Jack over while both your dads comfort you.
“Are you okay?” Castiel asks worriedly.
“Yeah, I just have a headache. Whatever he did messed with my mind,” you whimper in pain. “I’m okay, though. It worked. I got Dad back.”
“This was completely reckless. You shouldn’t have gone in there like that,” Dean scowls.
“Hey, we can pick this up when we get back home. Right now, we need to get the hell out of here,” Sam says.
“He’s right. We need to go,” Castiel says.
Dean scoops you into his arms and carries you back out to the car. The ride home was spent relaxing and gaining your strength back. Michael is very powerful and if you have any shot at beating him, you’re going to need to hone your powers and become stronger mentally. Still, by the time you got home, you’re almost asleep from how tired it made you. Dean takes you to your room to tuck you in despite you being almost eighteen.
“Stay with me?” you mumble when he goes to leave.
“Sure,” he chuckles. The hard talk can come tomorrow once you’ve fully rested. The only thing that matters now is that you’re safe and back in his arms. He won’t ever let anything happen to you, not after your mom died on his watch. Dean watches your eyes flit back and forth under the lid and he wonders what you could be dreaming about. Someone knocks on the door once and Dean looks up to see his husband at the doorway. “There’s room for one more.”
Castiel walks in and gets into bed, careful not to wake you.
“I was really scared,” Castiel confesses.
“I wasn’t,” Dean whispers back. “I knew I was gonna be okay because I have you and Y/N to watch over me.”
Castiel knows how hard it is for Dean to talk about his feelings, so this is a big step. It’s only because Sam isn’t in the room, and you’re asleep so you won’t hear it either. Castiel meets Dean halfway and kisses him slowly but lovingly. It’s moments like this that makes what they do worth it. Dean pulls away from his husband and looks down at his daughter once more.
“She’s going to be very powerful one day.”
“She got it from her mother.” Your mom had been possessed by a demon and an angel while being a powerful witch which is why you’re a tribrid. “She’s destined for greatness, and we’re both going to be here to witness it.”
Castiel and Dean decide to stay in bed with you to comfort you until the morning.
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Follow my library blog @aqueenslibrary​​​​​​ where I reblog all my stories, so you can put notifications on there without the extra stuff :)
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beautifulpersonpeach · 5 months
I’ve been reading your blog for the better part of the year and it’s helped me rethink many things. This year was weird for me and I’ve been reflecting, I finally got courage to write this confession and I only feel comfortable sending it here. It’s okay if you post it. I think there are other people like me.
My Confession:
I’m an Orbit-Blink shooter who used to fight with an Army shooter daily until she died during the earthquakes in Turkey this year. I didn’t realize how much of my life and fan experience was tied to her until she died BPP. The way I got into shooting was through my Blink friend who introduced me to Loona when they debuted. At first I thought I was defending Loona and then defending Blackpink, but at some point shooting on its own for any reason became addicting. I would jump in on a ratio, throw insults and post gore and graphic images to people’s DMs for any small reason.
There was one Army shooter I hated because she was always there with screenshots or videos to drag Blackpink. Whenever there was a fanwar I knew I would see her there. And times when she wasn’t in the fight, I would use another account pretending to be an Army to tell her what was happening so I could rile her up to join the fight. I didn’t know it at the time but I loved fighting with her. She made me feel alive. The way she was passionate about BTS made me want to get some of that passion directed at me in any form.
Now, after months of reflecting, that’s what I realized. Because when the earthquake happened, I didn’t know she was dead. I kept checking her account for days, sending DMs from my fake Army profile, wondering why she was not replying. I even created a new scandal for Taehyung in our shooter group but she didn’t tweet. Then 2 weeks later her cousin tweeted from her account to say she died in the earthquake. BPP, it was like my whole life stopped. I became extremely depressed and dealt with extreme self loathing. I couldn’t look at any fandom fight without thinking about all the things I did to her. I hated myself and wanted to die. I went through that Armys profile and saw how her love for BTS was genuine. After months of therapy now I understand more why I acted like that, but it’s something I’ll forever be ashamed about.
In the depths of my depression I deleted Twitter, TikTok, and Instagram. After some weeks of missing what’s happening, I got Tumblr and found your blog talking about fandom behavior. In so many ways you’ve saved my life BPP. The way I was shooting was more for other shooters than Loona or Blackpink or even myself. I realize now there’s a whole subculture of kpop shooters and I think what they have is an addiction. I notice the same things with how solo stans behave. They think they’re doing it for the idols but it’s for them and other stans they’re fighting. It creates destruction. Life is short. Why spend it on something destructive?
I’ve changed everything about how I behave online. Through therapy and reading your blog, I realize people use fandom to express themselves, and if that expression is mostly negative, there’s deeper problems with that person that needs solving. Now I curate my space and avoid shooters and fanwars completely. I now focus on what I enjoy which is good lore and good music (I still enjoy a good fight but I now satisfy this need by getting engaged in Munk Debates in my city). Loona’s lore was the reason I was interested in them, so after weeks of stalking that dead Army’s profile, I learned that BTS has lore too. I fell down the BTS rabbit hole and officially became an Army on Jimin’s birthday (after reading your blog I’m now Yoonminkook biased hehe)
I’m a very new Army but an ‘old’ kpop fan and reformed shooter. I’ve committed to live a life that’s critical and compassionate. Because of how I’ve become Army, some things I’m seeing in how fans of diff fandoms act has a different meaning to me. I still struggle with shame and sometimes when I see fanwars or see solos trending hashtags and things, I remember me from what feels like long ago. I remember that Army shooter who feels like someone I owe my life to. I remember how so much is going on in the world and we could do with more kindness but people use fandom to be awful assholes. I was one such person, attimes I still have to bite my tongue. But what I do now is log off, go do something physical and positive that makes me tired, or scroll through your blog archives.
There might be people like me trying to get away from the shooter mindset and struggling because it’s hard. It’s like an addiction. I want those people to know it’s doable. Recognizing the problem is the hardest part for real so if they are at that point, it gets easier from there.
Thank you for having this blog BPP. I hope you stay here in 2024 as well.
Happy to hear you’re in a better head space than earlier this year.
Take care of yourself. Really.
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thebestofoneshots · 5 months
My mate went off on me because I don’t know who Bucky Barnes (did I even spell that right?) is because I don’t like Marvel. The thing is I couldn’t really tell her “oh I do know who he is, I read smut/regular fics about him on Tumblr”…
Anyway, now I’m obsessed with a fictional character I know nothing cannonically about -🫎
Oh you’ve come to the right person. Allow me to educate you on canon.
His name is James Buchanan Barnes, nicknamed Bucky by his best friend in the whole wide world Steve Rogers (that’s Captain America). But we also call him Winter Soldier, Bucky Bear, babe, or one of Lily’s husbands in the Marvel Universe
What’s his story though? Easy peasy. It’s the 1940s he’s besties with Steve, back when he still looked like a twink, and gets drafted to fight in WWII (tho he pretends he enlisted)
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That’s him back then. Yeah, we know. How could you not? Also, he’s played by Sebastian Stan, who is an absolute fluffball of a human being.
Anyway, Bucky gets drafted and then we see Steve’s story where he basically just becomes Captain America.
But then, and this is what the interesting stuff happens, Steve gets sent to a camp to cheer up the soldiers like he’s been cheering up the people, and then he finds out that the 107th Infantry Regiment (Bucky’s Unit) was captured by the German army, so he goes (against orders) to search for him.
After a lot of badass Captain America scenes we finally see our baby again. But oh no! He was tortured by Hydra and they clearly did something to him, we don’t know what.
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So, Steve makes friends and they form a team Called the Howling Commandos, and they do a lot of badass things, helping the US army win WWII. In one of those missions, there’s a train.
Oh no the train.
Basically, cool fight scenes and all, Bucky falls off the fucking train on a heart wrenching moment.
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And then… we don’t see him again until…
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But, and this is a good question, HOW DID WE GET TO THAT?
Well, Bucky falls, hydra rescues him bc he’s alive (it’s the super soldier serum they injected on him while they tortured him), also, that’s when he loses his left arm.
They torture him for years:
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Fry his brain so he doesn’t remember Steve and also add a little code so they can control his mind.
That’s how our beautiful and sweet Bucky Barnes becomes THE WINTER SOLDIER
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Who is he tho? Basically, Hydra’s trained little weapon that does whatever they ask him to do. But it’s okay, eventually, he starts remembering who he is, and there’s a huge drama with this because Tony Stark (Iron Man) finds out Bucky killed his parents (it wasn’t Bucky it was The Winter Soldier) and gets all mad and pissy about it and wants to unalive poor Bucky.
But Steve thankfully defends Bucky and they escape together to Wakanda, with black panther. There Bucky gets frosted, also he looses his arm because of the fight.
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Then he’s defrosted and the Wakanda people get him to get rid of the mind control codes put in by Hydra and this incredible scene happens
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They also give him a new metal arm (this one’s black and gold)
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And then my boy has to go to therapy (literally forced by the law)
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Also he cut his hair too hehe.
I feel like I’ve summed up cannon Bucky pretty well so far. Of course, there’s a lot of emotional trauma and other plot points that I left out, but next time someone askes you about Bucky, you’ll know.
Also, I used to write almost exclusively for him, so the obsession is pretty heavy still, Bucky baby I still love you, I have not forgotten you my dear (my like 10 funko pops of you literally prove this)
Read Bucky Fanfics here
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marengogo · 3 months
It is a very very very basic and simple thing, you're a worldwide celebrity, you got the INFLUENCE, you saw someone with with your name (shipper name to be exact but okay..)and want to post a video, you click on that account to check if the said acct is someone who's problematic for example a Zionist, god forbid a r*pist or anything else and then you post it on your story. As simple as that. In taehyung's case he wouldn't even have to scroll down through the page to see it's problematic cause the initial posts are enough. The work would have been done in 3sec max.
He was irresponsible and holding him accountable for that is not accusing him of doing some crime. They're human and can make mistakes and if we accept that they're capable of making mistakes idt it's making anyone bad. There's no need of big explanation for this.
He said the "n" word on his live but he didn't do anything wrong, he wore a durag on his live but yeah he didn't know about it, he was irresponsible for making a mistake which gave antis bigger platform to hate on his member but yes he's he's got no time for it. y'alls ability to keep defending every single thing the boys do is something else. The only thing people said is he should have been more careful but nahhh we're hating him just for saying this, we're making big deal out of nothing, we're his antis for saying that damn. I would have said the exact same words as "He should have been more careful with these things" if my bias was in place of taehyung.
QUICK NOTICE: I am still VERY MUCH in my not announced Not-Really-Answering-Asks era, (Colosseum is closed and all that stuff you know…) THAT BEING SAID, some of the asks I have been receiving [due to yesterday’s “ARMY debacle”] happen to serve themselves as perfect scenarios for me to point out some aspects of me that I really would want to make VERY CLEAR & UNDERSTOOD.
Hi Anon,
So, you believe all of this to be a very very very basic and simple thing, right?If that is the case why are you here? I obviously don’t think the same way you do, but I’m not even asking you to. Own up to what you believe and roll it, why justifying yourself? you are not on trial. The only thing people said is he should have been more careful but nahhh we're hating him just for saying this, we're making big deal out of nothing, we're his antis for saying that damn. Do you feel like you are making a big deal? Are you an anti? If the answer to both questions is no, then why you stressing bro?
You see, I haven’t formed the habit of just considering everything in a very very very basic and simple way I clearly was absent that day particularly when I see underlying problems. So then, if I see a problem, I try to get to the root of it and see what can be done. Reason why when Tae said the n-word, I addressed the issue accordingly:
By the way, I also emailed BigHit about it
And let me tell you right away, I ain’t finna weight a singer mouthing the n-word while singing, in the same way I would weight a singer that came to me, called me the n-word and told me to die. Sorry, I’m not wired like that and let me make this abundantly clear for future Anons:
I will ALWAYS consider motive, circumstance, chance and any other factor surrounding an incident/accident upon casting ANY KIND of judgement, be it the most complicated case in history or the “simplest” hiccup ever. ALWAYS, because I strive to always treat people the same way I would want to be treated. I refuse to live in a white and black world, that's the whole point of this blog. BUT I also match energy, so be warned 😗✌🏾.
So actually you can really miss me with the whole He was irresponsible and holding him accountable for that is not accusing him of doing some crime like it would be so great if people knew how to take a step back and properly assess situations. If you went to a court of law wanting to sue Tae for “reposting a picture of himself from a random IG post” how do you think that will hold up in court?
I mean, besides the fact that just scrolling down someone’s page will not always tell you exactly who they are at a first glance, I mean I know I don’t have 60 million followers but when I get some gifs or pics from the internet, to use on whatsapp, I never check the source, I probably should uh? Seems like everyone does … sorry I’m late to the party! how is Tae reposting a story which, once again, has a picture of himself, the same as endorsing what the person is doing on their page? 
Did Tae ask people to follow said account?
Did Tae compliment the account holder, or its content?
Did Tae ask said account to be a shipper account?
The fact that ARMY felt obliged to follow said account is on ARMY and ARMY SOLELY.
Like, I dunno, if you go to a page and you see that its content is questionable, are you not gonna flag it? But that's just me.
It is not Taehyung's responsibility to make sure that people have and use common sense. The fact that the Tannies are now having to be responsible for rectifying some ARMY’s failed education which should have been provided to them by at least parents/guardians and/or teachers is very mind boggling to me. Because, on this occasion, what exactly are you holding Tae accountable for? Sure, he has influence but he is not Charles Manson FFS. The whole “he could have liked a Zionist page, r***ist, etc” was a complete after-thought brought about as a way to talk back to the fact that the actual issue that caused this whole debacle is SHIPPING, but we ain’t ready to tackle that just yet. Cause where was this energy when JK actually started following all those random ass accounts on TikTok? Naah, you really can miss me with that.
Actually, I have a wish for this fandom. My wish is for this fandom to be able to have balanced responses to issues, without creating issues upon issues upon issues … One day this fandom will learn to also use words in an unnecessarily provocative way, which hey, I’m cool, I can be your punching bag all day, I don’t assimilate so whatever, but that bird app … boooiii, people get triggered AF! … for example where you wrote y'alls ability to keep defending every single thing the boys do is something else why you grouping me there bro? Something like “some of y'alls ability to keep defending every single thing the boys do is something” little things like that help fostering amicable conversations, because you are not an anti so no need to retaliate if you don’t relate. Right?
Anyways, all that to say that I disagree, but we ain’t gotta agree so, all cool. If you feel that what you doing is right, then you keep doing you, ayte? Thanks for stopping by!
Always respectfully yours,
PS - sorry for the lack of gifs, I’m feeling a bit under the weather and it takes me forever to make my own gifs and I am trying to keep a rectangular gif aesthetic, most of all gifs in the internet are a bit squary I don’t think that is a word but whateve’s.
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itsbopp · 1 year
TWDG S4 When they come across another group who is around their age and more put together than they are? And have a female leader? If not that’s okay
Strong Independent Women - The Walking Dead | Headcanon
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A/N: Ah, I love the idea! Hope you enjoy! Also, reader goes by she/her pronouns, as per request.
SUMMARY: How would Clementine react to Y/n, who manages a large group that's more organized than her own?
WARNINGS: Weapons.
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To say that none of them are impressed would be a blatant lie. Most of the Ericson kids don't know much about how difficult it truly is to have an organized group full of skilled individuals, but Clementine certainly does. Automatically, she gives you her respect, and she tries to make an ally out of you. I mean, why wouldn’t she? When you and your team came knocking on her front gates, she was pretty intimidated at first when she spotted the assault rifles and snipers in your and your buddies’ arms. And then when she found out that you were just wanting to meet the other communities that were near your own, she significantly relaxed. 
“We just moved into an old warehouse just outside of the woods,” you informed, as you handed your rifle to one of the members that stood right beside you. “I was told by one of my guys that there was another community around here. We just wanted to visit and let you know that we’re no threat to you and your people.” 
“Okay.” Clementine crossed her arms over her chest and narrowed her eyes at you. She somewhat trusted your statement. You didn’t sound very unconvincing, but she still had her reservations. “What’s your group called, if you don’t mind me asking?” 
“Haven,” you answered, “it’s pretty simple, but it lets people know that we’re not out here trying to harm innocent people.” You shrugged your shoulders, before you rested your hands on your hips and sent the brunette a kind smile. “I’m Y/n, by the way. Nice to meet you.” 
“Clementine,” she replied, introducing herself, too. A weight lifted from her shoulders in that moment, and you even noticed how she visibly relaxed, when she sent you a friendly nod. “Welcome to Ericson.” 
She was quick to realize that you wanted nothing other than to assist and serve. It was refreshing, honestly. Usually, she had to defend herself and her own people from groups that wanted to solely destroy and take. She felt much more confident with her own safety after you committed allegiance to her community. And not long after, the two of you became close. It was bound to happen, though. You both were leaders, just wanting to take care of others, and in turn that made each of you more similar to one another than not. 
There’s a lot of nights the two of you spend together where it just consists of the both of you going over plans for ways to connect your communities together. You have a lot of manpower, practically a whole army, and Clementine has a lot of supplies that she and the other Ericson kids scavenged from the Delta. She tells you of that story, and to say you were impressed would have been an understatement. It put into perspective just how skilled she really was with leading. Honestly, you two quickly became a force to be reckoned with, just because of how knowledgeable each of you were about particular things. 
Usually, most people wouldn’t bat an eye at two women being the leaders of their communities. You guys do get flack sometimes, but it’s quickly extinguished by the one’s that are the most loyal to you. They understand just how powerful you and the brunette really are. Both separately, you each can kick ass, and together, that strength multiplies. That certainly doesn’t go to your heads, however. Just because you have respect and are able to control large groups, that doesn’t inherently make you invincible, and you understand that. 
It does eventually get to a point in life, where the better option would be to merge Ericson and Haven together. The school was starting to deteriorate after a while. Wood was rotting, black mold was forming, and with your group having much better living conditions and a multitude of space, you offered up the option. At first, Clementine didn’t really like the idea. She didn’t want to pack up and move into a place that was completely uncharted to her, but after proposing the idea of a few of her people moving in to test the environment out, she seemed a little more lenient.
Louis and Ruby went to stay at your community for a week, and when they came back, they couldn’t stress it enough to Clementine just how comfortable the building was. Unlike the school, you had generators that provided electricity, water, and heat on those especially frigid days. It wasn’t like you were trying to brag, but with how many people you had, it was pretty easy to send them on missions to find supplies that would truly benefit everyone. Everyone had jobs, and with those jobs, they could make money to buy products for themselves. It was like an actual society, and that seemed to be what convinced your fellow leader friend.
It was hard to say goodbye to Ericson for some of the kids, but they knew it was for the best. None of them wanted to die from the black mold that attempted to invade their lungs. And neither did they want to possibly get crushed by a weak wooden beam while they walked down a random corridor. Not many of them had a lot to pack away, so the move was relatively easy, other than the cold weather that they had to bear. However, when they made it to Haven, they were immediately warmed and wrapped in nothing but kind smiles and heat. 
Your people were welcoming to Clementine’s. Some even befriended each other, and you felt like a proud mother with the brunette, who was particularly amused at the way Louis tried to impress some girl he thought was cute. Even AJ found a lot of friends, too. He was once a kid who felt lonely, but he fell into a lot of close relationships with the other kids around your community. That was what made a certain ball-capped woman the happiest, you thought.
Clementine didn’t lose her leadership, either. You quickly had her become your right-hand, and you thought it was the best decision you could have made. It helped you with your stress and took some of the weight of responsibility off of your shoulders. Even your friends noticed your change in behavior, and whenever you were around the brunette, they couldn’t help but smirk in endearment at the way you seemed to shine just a little bit brighter around her. 
Call it a crush or deep admiration. Either way, it was mutual.
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alexa-fika · 19 days
I'm totally on board with the platonic yan asl sharing their sister. And the crews slowly becoming platonic for her?? If one hair is out of place, a whole war is about to be unleashed!!
Nami and Robin adore having girls nights with her, spoiling her with clothes and doing her hair in different styles.
Sanji and thatch cannot say no to her when she asks for a snack and ends up getting a whole buffet.
I kinda like the idea that beside ace stubbornness, another reason he refused to join the whitebeard pirates was because he would get to see his sister as much. But Edward warmed up to her after meeting her. And she just begs him to tell her about his adventures.
How can we forget about Garp, was he biased and let her decide what she wanted to be? Yes. Luckily she didn't want to be a pirate and unfortunately she decided to travel with her brothers.
Idk I can kinda see Garp as girl dad, which means he would adore a granddaughter.
He did teach her how to fight and defend herself at least.
Let's not forget that Dandan probably also taught her a few trick.
But back to Edward!! He just welcomes her to join them in adventures!!
Growing up with her brothers she had gotten the trait to be a little menace sometimes, harmless things! Pranking and scaring people.
Okay but imagine Barto finding out Luffy has a younger sibling and he just fan boys!? Meanwhile she's just so chill and thinks he's amusing?? She jut got someone else who would protect her
Bro this is a whole to unpack right here, I love your take! On my personal bubble world I wouldet have reader ask for things or let herself be spoiled, but that’s just my personal preference on my personal world.
i’m not sure if you’re the same anon from before but Yandere Garp who can’t tecnically punish them because they aren’t being a pirate. It makes me wonder if Garp is in on this shared custody agreement 🤔. Reader being able to share that info she gets from each party? 👀 I see Garp to sabo information being the most needed seing as Sabo is in the revolutionary army and it’s goal is to take the world goverment down.
Makes me wonder would Garp punish her if she talked about something she din’t know was top secret? Would Sabo? It really gets you thinking
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Chapter One; Should I Touch It?
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Note; I'm shitting bricks right now cause I've never done anything like this before, and it's been ages since I've written anything AND let people see it, so 🧍🏻‍♀️ im fine, everything is fine, no one panic
Warnings; no warnings but no Uhtred and the pretty boys :( just an opportunity to meet the charity and set the scene!
Word Count; 1175
🦢 🦊 🦢 🦊
"Before the stronghold at Dunholm was recaptured by King Guthred of Northumbria's army, it was in the hands of Vikings for some years. The lord there was Kjartan the Cruel, and as you can imagine, he wasn’t a kind man." The tour guide smiled thinly, "He had a son, Sven, who likely died at the battle of Dunholm alongside his father. And, as far as we know, that is where Kjartan's bloodline ended."
The tour guide took a quick glance at his watch, “Before we move on to the main attraction, I’ll give everyone a few minutes to look at the trinkets and tools that were found beneath our very feet!”
The moment the tour guide stopped recounting the history around them, Erin linked arms with her childhood best friend, Ivy. She pulled the redhead along, pointing at every object with some explanation or theory as to what everything was. Ivy held no interest in this subject, but Erin’s excited and non-stop babbling had Ivy smiling so wide, her cheeks hurt.
“This is so cool!” Erin said, “Isn’t this so cool? Do you see how old everything is! People held these things! Vikings! Saxons!” Erin pointed at some sort of handle, “Maybe a Saxon dog played fetch with that!”
“What makes you think a Saxon dog was doing that?” She laughed.
“Could have been a Viking dog, I don’t know Ivy, I just know that,” She pointed at the handle, “would have been perfect for mediaeval fetch.”
After several minutes of squabbling, the tour guide interrupted them with a clap of his hands and a knowing smile that uplifted his mouth, “Now for the main attraction…a piece of the stronghold itself!”
Ivy untangled herself from Erin, took a few steps backwards towards the rest of the tourists. “Uh huh, okay, well while you’re contemplating about mediaeval dog toys, I’m gonna go see that super special rock you keep going on about.” She teased.
The gloomy inside of the small museum was a whole different world compared to the warm comfort of the sun. It beamed down on Ivy and for just a moment, it was lovely to be out of the darkness of the museum. Unfortunately, English weather wasn't nice weather. The air turned muggy and the heat amped up and up and up until small beads of sweat gathered at her hairline. Ivy grunted.
She felt someone's arm draped around her shoulders. Already knowing who it was, she tilted her head up several inches and was met with Erin's dark eyes.
"It's too hot for contact." Ivy mumbled.
Erin ignored her as she said, “You realise that ‘super special rock’ you keep teasing me about is an actual piece of the fortress that actually stood here a thousand odd years ago.” Erin bent down to whisper as to not disturb the tour guide, “It was one of the best defended fortresses!”
Ivy hummed.
Erin squinted.
“And you know what else?”
“I’m sure you’re gonna tell me anyway.” Ivy said.
Erin grinned, “Well, Mr Tour Guide here says King Guthred defeated the Vikings but there was never any evidence he was even at the battle, he just ordered it.”
“So? Aren’t kings just supposed to sit back, relax, grow fat and commit sins?”
“Well, Alfred The Great used to go into battle, most kings did. So, why didn't Guthred?”
Ivy shrugged.
The brunette let out a long, defeated, overly dramatic sigh, “So…aren’t you curious as to the whys, the whens, the hows, the whos?”
“I’m more interested in cutting people up and making their insides better.”
“People actually believe you’re some kind of saint,” Erin muttered, “you check all the boxes: trainee doctor, freckles, big eyes, soft spoken but you know what?”
Ivy shrugged, faux innocence in her eyes.
“You’re fucking nuts.”
Ivy laughed, and immediately covered her mouth when several tourists turned to glare. She apologised softly and made an over enthusiastic attempt to listen to the guide. The girls decided to continue their walk in silence, to avoid any more deadly stares. They walked along a large expanse of greenery. Trees loomed large in the distance, and hills dipped and curved like waves.
The tour guide stopped and the group followed suit.
“This here is the remaining stone from what is believed to be the Dunholm Fort.”
Erin squealed and dragged Ivy to the front.
And just as Ivy expected…it was rather unexceptional. It was a big lump of degraded smooth, grey stone. It was nothing to call home about, and Ivy felt guilty when she didn’t share the same awe as her history obsessed friend.
“Well?” Erin grinned.
Ivy nodded. “It’s a, uh, nice rock.”
Erin rolled her eyes. She looked back at the (seemingly) unimportant rock. If you were anyone else, no one would blink an eye to it. But Erin knew. Erin became obsessed with Viking history the moment she was told her family had connections to Ragnar the Fearless. Little five years old Erin ran around her garden, pretending she was a Viking. She screamed fierce battle cries and swung a sturdy stick at trees as if they were the enemy. She would pretend, in that imaginary world of hers, that all the kids on the playground would have been afraid if she were a Viking.
Erin stared at the stronghold piece. She kept staring even as the tour guide made it known it was time to move on. Even when Ivy made a move to join them, Erin kept staring.
Ivy turned to see if her friend had followed. Her face softened at the awe on Erin’s face. She walked back over to her side.
“It’s like if you saw the first ever notes of the bloke who invented penicillin.”
Ivy couldn’t help but laugh, “Alexander Fleming but I get your point.”
Ivy took her friend’s hand and gave it a squeeze.
A shy smile lifted the corners of Erin’s mouth.
“Let’s sit here and appreciate this super cool rock.” Ivy said, and brought Erin to sit with her before Erin could protest that Ivy didn’t need to do this.
Silence passed between the friends comfortably. Neither needing or wanting to say anything, simply appreciating the quiet bond that passed between them. It had taken Erin a long time to realise there didn’t have to be awkwardness in silence, although she could never muster it for long.
“Should I touch it?”
“Excuse me?”
Erin pointed at the rock. “I think I should touch it.”
Ivy examined the rock, and cocked her head. “There isn’t a sign saying you can’t touch it.”
A slow, mischievous smile slid its way up Erin’s lips. “It feels scandalous.”
“Erin.” Ivy took a breath, “Touching a rock isn’t scandalous.”
“It’s a famous rock.”
“It’s not that famous.”
“I’m gonna touch it.”
Their hands still intertwined, Erin used her free one to reach out to the rock. There was no buzz or feeling or wrongness in the action. There was nothing at all. She’d barely grazed the rock’s smooth surface when everything turned upside down.
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fluffleforce-mysdrym · 8 months
Okay, so I think the shadowlands should have been in a different order, but I'm like, a little stumped on which.
Like, okay, below the cut is me thinking it through, so you can ignore it if you want, or pitch in your thoughts :0
Okay, so with the anima drought, I doubt the attendants would be willing to just open a gateway for anybody because they can't afford it, and they're especially not going to do so for one feeling of the Maw.
I feel like they would have contained the Maw Walker a bit more than just letting them run around the city and meet the Arbiter.
So they contain the Maw Walker instead, and cleanse them, to make sure that Maw essence is not a part of them.
Then, when they realize they are not, the attendants are willing to talk. But again, there is an anima shortage, and they cannot just open any path.
So instead, they flag down a bearer.
The Maw Walker can be like, "Yeah, that looks about right."
And the bearer, albeit miffed at being pulled from their sacred duty, can do the memory thing to take a look at wtf is going on, and be rightfully horrified.
It can be Bearer Thedrin.
If you know, you know.
And the Maw Walker's like, So, can you take me to your realm, and Bearer Thedrin is like, "Um, no, lol. That's a whole can of worms that I'm not opening. I'll relay a message tho."
So Bearer Thedrin goes off to see about warning the Archon, and the Maw Walker is like, "so what now?"
There's a bit of a debate about what to do, and Bolvar uses his connection to the helm shard the Maw Walker carries to make his own damn portal, and everyone is very u p s e t
There are mortals (plural) in the Eternal City. Not cool.
And the attendants know that Azeroth is a problem child world. All the afterlives know this. You never want direct contact with the problem child worlds.
Because you get get things like mortals crawling all over your lovely undead city.
One of the brokers, Ve'rayn can step in and be like, "Hey, I have an idea. What if you went to Revendreth?"
And Ve'rayn is just like, suuuuper helpful with negotations, and when the Maw Walker asks, Ve'rayn is like, "Oh, maybe you could answer a question for me. Did you see any of my kind in the Maw?" And when the Maw Walker says no, Ve'rayn is disappointed, but hopes they can still be helpful to one another.
Instead of going through the official gate, because that would cost anima, and the brokers would LOVE for the attendents to owe them, Ve'rayn takes the Maw Walker through one of their portals.
They approach the Fearstalker, who is in the middle of a hunt, and miffed that it has been interrupted. She's never seen a living mortal before, however, and thinks that's pretty neat and that her brother, were he here would love it.
She doesn't let them far into the realm, though, because there is an...incident going on and there is no need to bother the Sire.
The Maw Walker is there for anima? They can have some. The Fearstalker gives them enough to open a Path or two, warning them that if they come back to Revendreth, it should be through proper channels, no back doors.
The Sire will not be pleased to have living mortals coming and going in his realm.
So they go back through the Broker portal to Oribos, and report that the drought affects Revendreth, as much as Oribos.
Troubling news.
The Maw Walker asks if the Ascended have said anything, but there's no update there.
Another Bearer, Kin-tara, has been sorting through Bolvar's memories, getting more deets, and suggests rallying Maldraxxus, if this is truly as bad as things appear.
The attendants are hesitant about that, though Bolvar and the Maw Walker aren't sure why.
They explain that even if they could rally the army of the Shadowlands, that there's still the matter of having to send them into the Maw or the Realm of the Living to defend the tear, neither of which are acceptable options.
It is suggested, by ever helpful Ve'rayn, that perhaps Bastion or Ardenweald would be good to go to, as they are both more closely linked with the realm of the living.
Kin-tara says she'll take a message to the Archon and that, really, it's okay. There's no need for mortals in Bastion. She can see about having the Polemarch come talk to them here, in Oribos. The Polemarch is the Voice of the Archon, so who better to talk to? Just be patient.
So the Maw Walker ends up opening the path to Ardenweald and heading there to see if there's a way to enable the forces of Maldraxxus to come to Azeroth's aid or...well if there are any other otpions.
Ardenweald happens mostly the same, with the Winter Queen being busy culling souls to save others and all that. Ysera is saved. They explain that Ardenweald is connected to the Emerald Dream because it is a realm that is neither living nor dead, but what could have been.
The Winter Queen tries to contact the Primus about if his children can behave well enough to come through her groves--spoiler, she doubts it--but can't reach him.
As she's telling the Maw Walker that she'll send her with a message to Maldraxxus because wtf, how dare he not pick up when she skypes him, she gets a call.
It is not the Primus.
It is Sire Denathrius.
He's aware that there has been a mortal trespassing and is curious to meet them in person, as coming to his realm and not greeting him was...quite rude.
The Winter Queen sends the Maw Walker back to Oribos to go to Revendreth.
The attendants are not happy to have to open another Path, but you can't argue with an eternal one, so.
Open the way to Revendreth they do.
Imma take a break with this and have lunch.
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rukia-writes · 1 year
Rukia. I have a question. Please do not feel stressed or forced by this. I know you're bound to get a lot of requests and I can understand that because you're the queen. 💥👑 I'll try to explain briefly what my request would be: In Greek mythology, Ares was very much in love with the titan Eos. And somehow I would find it cute if there was an Eos reader who also develops feelings for Ares but some gods laugh at Ares because they don't believe that Eos reader would fall in love with someone like Ares because he is the god of war. (Could well imagine Adamas making a fool of him and then maybe in front of the assembled team) So that Ares becomes very uncomfortable...and then Bäääm Eos reader comes and teaches Adamas and all the others who made a fool of Ares how to behave. But like I said, it's just a small wish. Don't feel pressured. Take your time. And if you don't feel the topic, that's totally okay. Anyways love you Rukia. You make tumblr so much nicer and reading from you makes me so happy every time. ♥️♥️♥️
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A/N: I’m so sorry this was late ⏰ but I hope you enjoy it ♥️
Eos! Reader (fem) x Ares
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The Gigantomachy.
Ares was having his wounds tended to by the nurses as his rescuer waited impatiently outside the door. Worried about his fellow comrades Ares wanted to go back out and join them in battle against Gaia. However, he also wanted to thank his rescuer a winged goddess that brought the dawn every day and also his long time love interest. Finally, (Name) was able to check on Ares. The bandages covered his whole chest, and even though Ares was still in pain he played it off the best he could when (Name) entered.
But, (Name) wasn’t fooled and lightly tickled Ares abdomen with her right wing making the god chuckle here and there as he tried to get her to stop, even though he enjoyed her smile. In truth, (Name) wanted Ares to stay put for awhile before going back to the fight. Luckily, (Name) was able to convince Ares to stay with a smile and asking sweetly.
“What happened out there?”
“Gaia and her army! They’re too powerful, we need to come up with a plan.”
“That would be wise. I fear, Zeus may not have a plan.”
Deep down Ares knew his beautiful love interest was right, his father wasn’t a thinker but he was a fighter and he too was one. Also, Ares was fighting not only for the realm but for (Name) as well. While (Name) kept Ares company, Poseidon, Hades and Adamas had arrived as well. The brothers weren’t too fond with how things were going so far in the war and wanted to discuss what to do next after Hermes gave the reports.
Once, Ares joined in the council meeting Hermes began to report how the war was going. Which wasn’t good from what (Name) could here from behind one of the doors and that seemed to only flame her worry for Ares and just as she was thinking to herself how she could help a familiar voice broke out in the meeting.
“You look like hell Ares! I bet even the sweet (Name) wouldn’t look at you now.”
“On the contrary, she um, came to my room and helped me recover. I’m thankful for her kindness.”
“Ooo, Does my son have a crush?”
Zeus decided to quickly tease his son about a possible love interest and to Zeus’ surprise seeing Ares blush only confirmed and it was finally Hades turn to speak.
“You should confess after the war, love is a beautiful thing-“
“As if, brother Hades. The sweet and beautiful (Name) would never get with someone like Ares. Besides, he’s most likely to bite it in this war-“
Hades believed Adamas said too much as he and everyone watched the winged beauty tickle Adamas with her wing while on the floor telling him to apologize as she stood above him. Ares was amazed yet the red on his cheeks told he was happy to see (Name) defend him.
“That’s it! Of course! We should pummel our enemies to the ground! Hermes! Tell everyone that!”
Zeus got the idea that he should just crush his enemies as he expanded his muscles happy at seeing (Name) “attack” Adamas, everyone agreed and began to leave, leaving Adamas yelling for help as he was still being tickled. The only reason (Name) stopped was to check on Ares and make sure the god of war was okay as he still had his injuries.
“Are you okay, Ares?”
“Hm, oh yeah. I’m fine.”
“Good, let’s get you to bed so you can fight in the ear at top condition.”
Ares nodded his head as he wanted to fight but once he noticed his sweet and beautiful love interest place a kiss on his cheek made the god of war turn a bright red and became bashful. Neither noticed but Ares wounds seemed to be healing, thru the power of love Hermes later called it.
Hermes, informed Zeus that (Name) hadn’t left Ares bedside yet and that she was still with him. Zeus was going to ask about something else, someone important but he forgot and asked if he thought (Name) and Ares were a perfect match. Hermes believed the two had chemistry and also firmly believed anyone who disrespected Ares had a fight with (Name).
Hermes suggested maybe she should fight for them as she easily handled Adamas.
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