#whos betting tommys gonna immediately miss the activity requirements when he goes on a vlog for three weeks?
zeta-in-de-walls · 2 years
Hey guys, Dream mentioned on his friends’ podcast that the Dream SMP would be back soon! 
And to ensure it doesn’t die from inactivity, apparently there will be activity requirements. So, this would mean some minimum amount each streamer would have to stream. Perhaps like once a week at minimum but I guess we’ll see. 
I would assume this rule would hold true for the core members who are playing on it and want to be involved in the plot. If you’re gonna be a regular, you have to be on it regularly basically. This would be in contrast with those less interested presently. For instance, I imagine once Wilbur’s arc is finished, which should be in one stream, he won’t be a regular though perhaps he might still be allowed on for an irregular stream? There may be several others like this. 
Dream’s also definitely spoke with many members and they’ve come up with some interesting plans and such so it shouldn’t be boring streams, at least for the first few weeks. I know Tommy and Tubbo have both expressed excitement and likely many others have as well. Earlier Dream noted it would not be a reset but it might still be something similar so expect a fresh start in many ways.
Could this be the start of an organised Dream SMP? I guess we’ll have to wait and see!
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