#whump characters
livelaughwhump · 1 year
Worthless - Part 7
Masterlist | Previous
Meet the Team
Content: swearing, dehumanization, pet whump, referenced non-con, self-deprecation, degradation, begging, self-hatred, nudity (nonsexual)
Elliot didn't want to get out of bed. He laid there, reveling in the softness of his blanket and staring out the window at the steadily rising sun. He could hear the sound of voices and footsteps, but he didn't bother going to greet his fellow teammates. If they didn't seek him out, then it was safe to assume they didn't want to see him.
Once Elliot eventually lost sight of the sun, he entertained himself by identifying which footsteps belonged to which of his teammates. Landon's footsteps were the heaviest, which made them easy to identify. Yvonne's, on the other hand, were so light that Elliot could hardly hear them at all. Broderick's and Karine's were almost identical, which wasn't surprising. Broderick and Karine were the same age, the same height, and nearly the same weight. If it weren't for their appearances, one could assume they were twins.
Elliot eventually identified Broderick's to be slightly irregular, given his faint limp that he constantly tried to deny.
The creaking sound of Elliot's door opening interrupted his thoughts. He couldn't help the sense of fear growing in the pit of his stomach as he looked up to see who it was.
Karine smiled at him and Elliot's fear started to dissipate. "Hey, buddy. Are you feeling all right? It's not like you to stay in bed until almost noon."
Elliot whimpered in response and snuggled further under his blankets. Karine approached him and said, "May I touch your forehead?" Elliot gave a gentle nod and Karine pressed her hand against his head. "You don't feel warm," she stated. Her face dropped into that of understanding and pity. "Are you just missing Lyra?" Elliot's silence was answer enough. "I'm sorry, buddy, but she'll be back soon. She won't be gone long, I promise."
Elliot sniffed. "What if she never comes back?" He finally spoke. "What if-What if she gets hurt or-or worse?"
"She'll be fine, buddy. And in the meantime, me and the rest of the team are going to take good care of you, I promise."
Elliot shrank into himself. He didn't want to be 'taken care of.' He didn't know what that meant. Were they going to kick him out? Were they going to push him around? Were they going to use him as entertainment? Were they going to make him act like a dog again? Were they going to treat him like their slave?
Elliot whimpered and pushed himself out of bed, spilling onto the floor. He dropped into a kneeling position, his head bowed perfectly.
Karine furrowed her brows. "What are you doing?"
Elliot didn't dare lift his head. "I c-can be good," he whispered. "I won't scream or fight back, unless-unless you want me to. I'll behave. You can d-do whatever you want with me and I'll-and I'll be a good pet. I can be a good pet, I promise."
Karine stared at him for a few seconds before her eyes widened in realization. "Oh, Elliot, no!" Elliot flinched and whimpered. "That's not what I meant. No one is going to hurt you. I just meant that we're going to be here for you and make sure you eat and recover as much as possible."
Tears started trickling down Elliot's face. "I'm s-sorry, K-Karine. I shouldn't h-have accused you. I'm so s-sorry."
"Don't be sorry, buddy. I'm not mad at you. It was just a misunderstanding." Elliot didn't move from his place on the floor. The room was silent for a moment before Karine said, "Why don't we try a bath again?" Elliot glanced up at that, unable to fight the fear in his eyes. "Don't you think you'd feel better if you were clean?" Elliot shrugged, and Karine thought for a moment. "Maybe one of the boys should help you, though."
Elliot hunched his shoulders. "I-I don't want to bother them."
"Nonsense!" Karine exclaimed. "I'm their leader. It's my job to bother them. Besides, I told Lyra that we would all do our part in helping you recover." Karine jumped to her feet and held out a hand for Elliot to take. "Come on, let's go ask the boys."
Elliot hesitated, but she had ordered him to go with her, so he couldn't disobey her. It wasn't in his nature to say no. So, he took her hand and allowed himself to be pulled up from the ground and guided out of the room.
They found Landon asleep on the couch and Broderick playing a video game beside him. Broderick looked up when he noticed Elliot and Karine and gave a sweet smile. "Hi, guys," he greeted.
Elliot couldn't bring himself to smile. He hardly could anymore without hearing Christian's voice in his head saying,
"You ugly mutt. You smile too much, it's hideous. No wonder none of your friends have come for you. They're probably glad your face isn't there to give them nightmares anymore."
Elliot remembered being forced to wear a giant paper bag over his head after that conversation. He remembered crying himself to sleep at night because of how much he hated how he looked. Lyra said she liked his smile, but was she lying to him? Or maybe she was making fun of him and he didn't even notice. Was he really that ugly?
"Elliot?" A voice said, bringing him back to the present. Elliot blinked a few times to gather this bearings before his eyes met Karine's. "Is that okay?"
A spark of panic flickered in the pit of his stomach. He wasn't listening. He didn't know what she'd said. He had ignored her.
Bad pet! Bad dog! Stupid mutt!
Instead of letting her know that he hadn't been listening, he simply nodded, hoping that was the right answer.
Karine smiled and Elliot relaxed a bit. "Perfect," she said. "Then, I'll leave you guys to it." The tension in Elliot's shoulders returned when Karine walked away, leaving Elliot alone with Broderick--and a sleeping Landon.
Broderick smiled at him, but didn't dare get closer. "Hey, Elliot." Elliot was silent. He lowered his head and shifted uncomfortably on his feet. Broderick's smile faltered and he gave a nervous laugh as he scratched the back of his neck. "We-We haven't really talked much since you've been back, so...this might be a little awkward, but I don't want you to be uncomfortable."
Elliot's gaze wavered. "This is...just about the bath, right?" he asked.
Broderick nodded. "Of course. What else would it be about?"
"Nothing," Elliot answered, his cheeks turning pink.
Stupid mutt. What else would this be about? Everyone knows you're too stupid and traumatized to do anything on your own, so Lyra asked the team to help you. But it was just like Landon said. You're a fucking adult! Any normal human would be able to do this by themself, but you know what can't? A fucking dog!
Elliot deflated, his limbs feeling heavy. "You-You don't have to do this," he mumbled. "I'm not worth your time."
"What are you talking about?" Broderick said. Elliot glanced up, only to find confusion and irritation plastered on Broderick's face. "Of course, you are. We're friends, and this is what friends are for. Hell, we're practically family at this point. Just think of this as...your big brother comforting you when you're sad."
Elliot furrowed his brows. "My-My big brother?" he repeated.
Broderick nodded. "Yeah! It'll be fine, I promise. I just want to help you. I hate seeing you like this, all quiet and frightened. It's not like you." Elliot silently lowered his head.
You hear that, you dumb bitch? He hates you, just like the rest of them
That's why they haven't gotten rid of you yet. They're trying to fix you. They're trying to turn into the person you were before you were kidnapped. They like that version of you better. They don't like you anymore.
Elliot frowned. He was trying so hard. He just wanted to be part of the team again instead of a burden that the rest of them were forced to carry. He didn't know what to do. He just wanted his friends to like him again.
"Elliot?" Broderick's voice pulled Elliot out of the depths of his own mind. "Are you ready to start?"
Elliot blinked up at his friend. He could he good for Broderick. He could do as he was told. Maybe if he was good, his friends would like him again. This was his chance to prove that he could be good.
Elliot nodded. Broderick lit up and started leading Elliot into the washroom. Elliot resisted the urge to drop to his knees and crawl after him. Instead, he simply followed his friend into the washroom.
Broderick held his hand under the water as it slowly filled. Elliot watched, the tension in his shoulders loosening ever-so-slightly. If Broderick was able to touch the water for so long, then it probably wasn't a dangerous temperature. He tried to remind himself that Broderick was his friend. He wasn't going to hurt him.
Somehow, Elliot couldn't find it in him to believe that.
Broderick turned around and smiled at Elliot. "Okay. All done. Um..." Broderick examined his friend, who shrunk beneath his gaze. Broderick chuckled nervously and said, "I can-I can turn around while you get undressed, if that will...make you feel more comfortable."
Elliot blushed, but he did as he was told. Broderick turned around and Elliot slowly began to strip off his oversized clothes.
"Let me know when you're done and I can...uh, help you in," Broderick said. Elliot didn't respond. He could tell Broderick was uncomfortable with this. He could tell this wasn't how Broderick wanted to spend his time, which only worsened the shame Elliot felt.
Elliot didn't want to do it either, and as much as he wanted to tell Broderick to just forget it, he was given an order.
And it wasn't his place to disobey.
When he'd finished and neatly placed his clothes into a folded pile, he lightly tapped Broderick on the shoulder. When Broderick turned around, Elliot flinched, expecting his friend to wrestle him to the ground and force his legs apart.
Elliot stumbled backwards until he hit the door and clutched his arms to his chest. "No, no, wait, please, I-I can't...I can't do it again, please, I'm-I'm not ready."
Broderick's eyes widened. "Elliot, what's-"
Elliot burst into tears. "No, no, no, I-I..."
"Elliot, it's okay. I'm not going to hurt you, I promise."
Elliot was sobbing. He used his arms to shield himself as he slid down the door and curled into a pathetic ball. "Please, S-Sir, I-I can't..."
Broderick held both of his hands up placatingly. "I'm not going to touch you, if you don't want me to. I swear, I'm just here to help you get clean. I'm not going to hurt you, sweet. I promise." Elliot glanced up and Broderick forced a smile to his face. "I'm-I'm like your big brother, remember? I would never do...that to you. I would never do anything to you, Elliot. I'm sorry. I didn't mean to scare you. I'm so sorry."
Elliot's gaze wavered, fixing on Broderick's shoes rather than his face. "You're-You're not going to...t-touch me?"
"No, sweet." Broderick kneeled in front of Elliot, who flinched back as much as he could. "I would never touch you without your permission. I...no, all of us see you as our little brother. We wouldn't hurt you, any of us. We love you."
Elliot refused to lift his eyes from the floor. He still felt incredibly vulnerable, being completely naked while his friend was fully clothed in front of him. It felt familiar in the worst way, but Elliot wanted to trust Broderick. He wanted to believe that this wasn't some kind of cruel trick. He wanted to believe that Broderick wouldn't hurt him.
"Would you like me to help you into the bath?" Broderick questioned.
Elliot thought for several seconds. He was still so frightened, but he didn't know what else he could do. If it turned out that Broderick was lying, Elliot would simply be punished for trying to resist. It was easier to just do as he was told, so he gave a slight nod.
Broderick smiled and reached out a hand, which Elliot reluctantly took. Broderick guided the younger man to his feet and led him over to the steaming bathtub. Elliot's skin tingled where Broderick touched him, but his focus was stuck on the bathtub.
A pathetic whimper escaped his throat as they drew closer, and Broderick gently rubbed Elliot's back. The tension in Elliot's shoulders eased slightly, but not enough to allow him to relax.
Elliot clamped his eyes shut, preparing to be shoved over into boiling water and held there until he passed out.
But when Broderick helped him into the bath, the water wasn't boiling and his head wasn't being forced under. Elliot opened his eyes, still breathing erratically, as he lowered himself into the bathtub. Surprisingly, the water was soothing and helped to relax his tense muscles. Elliot unintentionally let out a sigh of relief.
"How are you feeling?" Broderick asked.
Elliot shivered. He couldn't remember the last time he'd had a warm bath. Usually, Christian would wash him every few weeks using a garden hose and some dish soap. The only time he'd been given an actual bath, it was full of ice, and he'd been left in there until his whole body had turned blue.
Tears started to trickle down Elliot's face.
Broderick's eyes widened. "What's wrong? Is it okay? Are you hurt?"
Elliot sniffled. Despite the voice of his tormentor screaming in his head, he couldn't help the smile growing across his face.
Elliot shook his head. "No, it's-it's perfect." He forced himself to meet Broderick's gaze, tears still cascading down his flushed cheeks. "Th-Thank you."
It's Broderick's chapter, hooray! I don't particularly like this chapter, but I don't know why. Maybe because it was a bitch to write🤷
Anyway, Broderick's chapter will continue into part 8, just because it was too long to do in one chapter. After that, it'll probably be Landon's turn.
@l-antre-des-merveilles @pigeonwhumps @nicolepascaline @burningkittypoet @whumpinggrounds
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whumpqin · 9 months
🌅 Which of your ocs wakes up the earliest?
🌔 Which of your ocs stays up the latest?
🌅 Which of your ocs wakes up the earliest?
Most likely Jeremiah! He worked in the farmfield that his and Aridai's home had, and between that and working with Caleb he always got up sometime before dawn so that he could get his work done. A lot of the time he drug Caleb along, too.
🌔 Which of your ocs stays up the latest?
Ironically this is Caleb!! His sleep schedule is nonexistent, and he has horrible insomnia. A lot of the times he has nightmares when he sleeps which makes him afraid to sleep if there's little comfort to be found in reality (which is, unfortunately, in short supply :( )
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emeraldwhump · 2 years
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I'm sorry for not posting, I'm in the midst of finals and my thesis defense date is getting dangerously close, but today (24th June) is twins birthday and I actually have something nice and sweet for Vivianne planned as a gift lol.(Unfortunately for Cole I only have time for one, and honestly he had much better time than Viv lately so)
I promise I'll get more into Viv's relationship with Jude and how it affected her on this blog just give me time, for now just believe me it was bad and have a glimpse into the future and her birthday gift - her next partner after him - Jasper, they aren't in an exclusive relationship its more fwb situation but he's nice to her! Wow I know. It's at the point where they just started seeing each other.
More about Jasper, Masterlist
Jasper was laying on the couch, reading students' papers, Vivianne was curled up against him, napping.
Admittedly it wasn't what they've met for, they weren't in a relationship to just lounge around in his apartment like that, it was supposed to be just a quick fuck session maybe a cup of tea later, just a simple friends with benefits situation with no additional strings attached but...
Jasper had to be honest with himself and admit that he liked the girl, much more than his usual hookups, so when she came to his apartment and looked tired and not really in the mood, Jasper was sort of relieved, especially because she agreed to drink a cup of tea with him, actually he was happy about getting to spend time with her, like that which worried him - he never used to stay with one partner for a long time and Vivianne has made it clear that she doesn't want a relationship.
Jasper didn't exactly know why, and what happened but sometimes she acted very nervous, scared almost so he was sure that it wasn't just her preference, something had to happen, for her not to want to go into a relationship.
And usually Jasper would be over the moon with that arrangement, but now he was perfectly content with her just laying quietly next to him, not even bothered by her hair being everywhere, along with his eyes and mouth. Another unfamiliar experience was the fact that thinking about her with other people made him unreasonably frustrated, while normally Jasper didn't give a flying fuck about what other people he was seeing were doing in their spare time.
Jasper knitted his brows and looked down at her, his attention was drawn to her shoulder, as the neckline of her sweater shifted revealing an array of pearly white scars, tons of small short ones filled the background with one long thick line cutting through the rest, he lightly rubbed his thumb against them.
Vivianne took a sharp breath and opened her eyes, stifling slightly.
"I'm sorry, did I hurt you?" Jasper asked moving his hand back. Vivianne rolled to the other side, so she was now facing the same direction as him.
"No. It isn't exactly pleasant, but it's not painful either" She answered, and lied her head down on his shoulder again, which Jasper used to lean his cheek on the top of it.
A few moments went in silence, as Jasper played with her hair quietly moving a strand of it between his fingers.
"I like you" He blurted out, and blinked surprised by this sudden need to put it out there. Vivianne made a sound that Jasper could only describe as a light amused scoff, as she turned back to face him, and put her arm around his chest.
"You're nice..."
"You sound surprised" Jasper noticed, interrupting her - her reaction interested him, it didn't seem negative, but at the same time the tone of her voice was way more surprised for it to be just because he said ot out of nowhere and after all it's not like Jasper has told her that he loved her or proposed to her.
"I mean it's not that wierd to at least like someone you sleep with, and to be nice to them?" Alright maybe it wasn't Jasper's approach every time, but come on its not a controversial opinion.
Vivianne sighed, and thought for a moment clearly trying to decide if she should say something or not, finally she set her eyes down, avoiding looking at Jasper's face and nervously tucked her hair behind her ear.
"I-i don't think my previous partners liked me, not really - they usually just wanted something from me, sex, money whatever, but - but didn't like me, I would say some hated me really... " She took a deep breath, and Jasper noticed her hands shaking slightly as she continued "E-even though I was trying, I really was at first at least but it never seemed to -... I guess I'm just not a person who you like easily - and that.. well it doesn't really come with being nice to me, even though sometimes that's all I wanted - "
It was clear that talking about it got harder and harder for her as she went on, so instead of letting her continue, Jasper leaned in and kissed her.
"Well I like you. A lot." He said with his mouth still right next to her lips.
"I told you - I can't.. I don't want to be in relationship not yet-" Vivianne moved back a little and smiled sadly.
"It's alright, we can be whatever you want us to be, and we can go as slow as you like okay?"
Vivianne smiled again, but this time with a happier smile, and Jasper tilted her head back to kiss her again. After a moment of that he stopped and propped himself in his elbows.
"There's one condition though - I'm going to be nice to you"
Vivianne laughed but hugged him burying her face in his chest.
"Yeah?" She asked with a slight sarcastic tone.
"Yeah. And I'm going to start right now." Jasper propped his chin on the top of her head, which gave him an excellent view on the cascade of white hair falling onto her back.
"I love your hair it's so pretty..." He said and took a few strands letting them fall freely from his hand "and soft, and... pearly" It fascinated him how the light played in them, under certain lighting her hair seemed almost translucent.
Jasper was interrupted by her laugh.
"Pearly? I really hope that you're more creative with music than poetry" Vivianne scoffed. Jasper just smirked and kissed her.
tagging a few people: see sometimes I'm nice to her! I love her I promise lol.
@painful-pooch @whumper-in-training @egg-writes-whump @for-the-love-of-nsfwhump @whumpy-arts-and-crafts @whump-world @winedark-whump
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Finally, finally, finally finished the first two character sheets for Mina and Lukas! Yeeey, I’m so happy but god, that was grueling. Coming up with or breaking down existing characters into information pages is something else. 
[Lukas] [Mina] 
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candaru · 6 months
no no. you don't get it. the reason I injure my blorbos until they can't walk is because that's the only way they'll ever let someone else carry them. the reason I curse them to be sick and feverish is so that they'll finally open up about their emotions while delirious. the reason I force them to overexert themselves to the point of exhaustion is so that when they pass out they can finally rest.
I'm doing this for their own good.
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whump-in-the-closet · 3 months
when a powerful figure is reduced to kneeling. when the lord is forced to bow. when the exile stumbles into an unwelcoming bar. when the “beast” is chained by their horns. when a god is dragged behind their enemy’s chariot, a captive and trophy. when the loyal “guard dog” character is muzzled and the silver-tongued thief falls silent in horror.
that’s the shit
it’s about the contrapasso. the reversal of roles and the sudden, plunging terror of being unable to hide.
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have you ever read a fanfic so good that you wanted to write a fanfic about that fanfic, but was too shy / too intimidated to ask for the author’s permission and too afraid that your writing wouldn’t be half as good as theirs and that it would be an insult to their work that was basically a literal masterpiece, so you just sat there fantasizing about their work and how beautiful it was and how you wished you could just eat it and how you wished canon could write your blorbos half as good as this writer did and how you just wanted to cry because you just loved that fic so much????
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allthewhumpygoodness · 4 months
Big fan of when a character's grief/trauma/guilt manifests as physical symptoms. Big fan of characters keeping things so tight inside them that it makes them sick. Big fan of when the line blurs between a character's mental trauma and physical illness until it's hard to tell which is which anymore.
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cityandking · 6 months
oc asks: not-so-nice edition
alone: How does your OC deal with loneliness? Have they ever been completely alone before? How do they act when there's no one around to see them?
betrayal: Has your OC ever been betrayed by someone they thought they could trust? Has your OC ever betrayed someone who trusted them?
bound: Has your OC ever been imprisoned or captured? What happened? How did they get out? Did the experience leave any scars?
break: What would cause your OC to break down completely? What do they look like when that happens? Has anyone ever seen them at their lowest?
desire: What's one thing your OC wants more than anything in the world? Are they open with that desire? Why or why not? What would they do to fulfill it?
failure: What's your OC's greatest failure? Have they been able to move past it? Does anyone else know about it?
fear: What is your OC's greatest fear? What do they do when confronted with it? Are they open with their fear, or do they hide it away?
future: What's the worst possible future for your OC? Are they taking steps to avoid that outcome? Are they even aware it's a possibility?
ghost: Who or what haunts your OC? What happened? How do they live with their ghosts?
guilt: What is your OC guilty about? How do they handle their guilt? Do they try to avoid guilt, or do they accept it?
hate: What does your OC hate? Why? How do they act towards the object of their hatred?
heartbreak: Have they ever had a relationship that ended badly? Experienced some other kind of heartbreak? What happened?
hide: What does your OC hide? Why do they hide it?
hunt: Who or what is your OC hunted by? A person, a feeling, a past mistake? Is your OC able to let their guard down, or are they constantly alert?
mask: Does your OC wear a mask, literally or figuratively? What goes on beneath it? Is there anyone in their life who gets to see who they are under the mask?
midnight: What keeps your OC up at night? Do they have nightmares? Fears? Anxieties? What do they do in the small hours of the morning when they should be sleeping?
mistake: What's the worst mistake your OC ever made? What led to them making it? Have they been able to fix it? How have they moved on?
monster: Is your OC monstrous in any way? Is there something that makes them monstrous? Are they aware of their own monstrosity? Do they accept it or reject it?
nightmare: What does your OC have nightmares about? How do they deal with their nightmares? Do they tell people, or keep it to themself?
pain: What's the worst pain your OC has ever felt? Do they have a high pain tolerance?
secret: What's one secret your OC never wants anyone to know about them?
skin: How comfortable is your OC in their skin? Do they grapple with anything that lives inside them—a beast, a curse, a failure, a monster? How do they face the smallest, weakest, most horrible version of themself? Are they able to acknowledge it at all?
torture: Has your OC ever been tortured? Would your OC ever torture someone else?
wound: How does your OC handle being wounded? Are their wounds mostly physical? Mental? Emotional? What's the worst wound your OC has ever experienced?
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bebx · 6 months
AO3 writers when canon sucks:
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Trying to interact with the rest of your fandom as a whumper:
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livelaughwhump · 1 year
Meet my "Worthless" characters!
Elliot (he/him, Whumpee) and Lyra (they/she Caretaker)
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Elliot's picrew
Lyra's picrew
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captainkirkk · 1 month
Another favourite angst trope: When a character is so used to being treated badly that they don't see anything wrong with it and talk and think about it very matter-of-factly
Until they meet the other characters and see how HORRIFIED they are every time they reveal another detail from their past
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aceptical · 3 months
I love characters that tear themselves apart for something. I love characters that would willfully destroy themselves for their goal. Characters that have moved past the point of caring what happens to them because all that matters is this one goal and it’s fine if they’re destroyed or maimed or anything else because as long as they fulfill that goal they think they’ll be fine.
Even better if they gradually start to doubt this goal. What have I been pouring myself into this entire time? But by now they’re too far gone to stop so like clockwork they just keep walking towards this goal. They’ll constantly destroy themself for this one goal and they can’t change that fate no matter if they can recognize their original goal has been twisted beyond any recognition.
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artingstarvist · 5 months
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I just wanted to draw them. Some "First" Meetings and a part that didn't end up animated. Dialogue is more from the books but not word for word (obviously). These were supposed to just be sketches but I ended up cleaning them up.
EDIT // I did more and no one can stop me (Part 2)
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the-baby-storyteller · 10 months
A character with the mentality, if I’m not dead I’m fine. They hold out under torture, go through extreme conditions like starvation and dehydration, and don’t shrink back from danger. Every time they feel themself getting scared they rebuke themself, sneering contemptuously at the fact that they would even think to act frail when they know better. Getting hurt is never a problem for them. It can’t ever be a problem for them because they have to.
Even if they do start to sniffle a little when they’re alone out in the cold, rocking while cradling a broken bone, knowing no one is coming to help them.
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