#why are all my pictures so weird? send help and prayers
moonnightdew · 6 months
Harassing people in their Instagram & Tik Tok comments is not gonna force them speak about Palestinian. A lot of y’all under family or birthday pictures calling people “selfish” for simply living their life. It’s so demonic & a perfect example of energy vampirism 🧿
I can’t even begin to explain how wrong this is on some many levels. Yet there’s so many people doing this. You can’t use an event that you weren’t there for, that isn’t even happening to YOU— to attack someone else. You’re draining someone else’s energy for an ego boost. It’s energy vampirism. You can’t be mad, because someone is living their life normally, celebrating a birthday/ holiday or something good happens to them during a time of tragedy ( happening somewhere else). I don’t know WHY I have to keep repeating & explaining this, because it’s common sense. So it’s proof that there’s dark energies at play here.
This is what they did with Kobe Bryant’s death & the 2020 Black Lives Matter Protests. Many people were attacked & called “selfish” for not protesting, destroying buildings & cars, for living their lives & for simply not being sad or depressed.
I really wanna do a whole breakdown of how energy vampires are using what’s happening in Palestine to attack innocent people & drain their energy. I swear it’s like a ritual. Lower energies are feeding right now
Like you want me to apologize for not being sad or depressed right now? You don’t get invalidate & dismiss the lives of others, because there’s a war going on in some other country. You don’t get to compare tragedies or trauma! Do I need to remind everyone of what black people have BEEN through & are still going through? Thousands of indigenous women are being murder or going missing everyday.
What will you gain from attacking people? Time waits for no one. The world will not stop because of ONE tragedy when there’s thousands of tragedies everyday. You people are not using common sense & it’s clear you simply want your ego stroked.
I have nothing to say about world events anymore. I’m all talked out. I’m tired of trying to make my voice heard, but being attacked & shut down by haters. I’m not fighting. I’m not protesting & I will not stop my life for anyone or anything. Simple. I refuse to be any form of sad, stressed or crying right now. I will not apologize for celebrating my goals, my perseverance & my birthday after everything I’ve been through. I will not apologize for living the life I deserve. If you want to be mad at someone be mad at “God” or the government. So many of you are directing your anger, pain or just simply urge to be chaotic at innocent people. I’m not selfish for LIVING MY LIFE. I will NOT feel getting for LIVING NORMALLY.
It’s like you guys want people to commit suicide… why would we have survivors guilt for simply being alive another day as usual???? This is reality.
Whenever there’s a VIRAL world event / tragedy suddenly everyone attacks you for posting on Instagram, celebrating your birthday/ holiday, eating dinner with your family or buying your kids a toy. They say “so selfish! There’s dead kids who don’t get to play!” “Not everyone has a family to eat with. So tone deaf” “why are you posting & people are dying?” “Are you going to say something about the deaths?” “You’re really celebrating your birthday, instead of protesting to help? Sick.” “Not everyone had
WHAT’S WRONG WITH EVERYONE??? You’re digusting to sit & shame someone (for something you were doing not too long ago), but now you want to put on a fake performance for social media. It’s so weird & disturbing to bring up the misfortunes of others, when someone is just living their life. Why should we feel guilty for eating, drinking, sleeping & breathing. Are you ok in the head?
Energy harvesting is REAL. Do not allow what’s outside of you to lower your energy. Wish people well. Send love, light & prayers & move on. Choose your battles. You should not be fighting a battle that’s not yours. Your journey is your own. Your life is your own.
You’ll notice us sensitive people being very quiet & going ghost at this time, because there’s so many spiritual & physical attacks right now. You don’t have to speak or involve yourself in anything you don’t feel comfortable with. Don’t allow peer pressure to overpower your intuition.
I feel something coming & it is not good… protect yourself. 🧿 🖤
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mermaidxatxheart · 2 years
Wolf Moon {3/5}
Ok. Here's part three of the first episode. Let me know what you think. If you'd like to be added to the tag list, send me an ask.
Pairing: Derek Hale x OFC
Word Count: 7491
Warnings: Derek being prickly, swearing probably. Scott being a simp for Allison.
Series Master List
Previous Chapter
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Stiles and I splashed into the icy water of the river. It was shallow, barely coming up to our ankles, but it was enough to flood my shoes. I didn’t care one solid bit.
“I don’t know what it was. It was like I had all the time in the world to catch the ball.” I said, shaking the extra water out of my shoes.
He followed me through the trees as I tried to lead him to where I found the other half of the body.
“And that’s not the only weird thing.” I hinted. I debated for a split second about telling him all of this. But Stiles was my best friend. If I couldn’t confide in him about this, then we weren’t really as close as I always thought.
I ducked under a low hanging branch. “I can hear stuff I shouldn’t be able to head. Smell things.” I paused.
“Smell things? Like what?” He asked and I said a quick silent prayer of thanks that he was listening and not just telling me that I was an idiot.
“Like the Mint Mojito gum in your pocket.” I said pointedly, half turning to face him as we walked.
He scoffed, starting to rifle through the pockets of his jeans and hoodie. “I don’t even have any Mint Mojito…” He frowned, pulling out a solitary piece, slightly unwrapped from its wax paper. The smell became stronger and I had to resist the urge to recoil.
I held open my arms in a ‘what did I tell you’ gesture as he looked up at me, forehead creased in confusion. He shoved the gum back in and hurried to catch up with me.
“So, all this started with a bite.” He pressed.
“What if it’s like an infection, like my body’s flooding with adrenaline before I go into shock or something?” I asked worriedly.
“You know what? I actually think I’ve heard of this. It’s a specific kind of infection.” He started and my heart picked up, racing as I looked at him. Leave it to Stiles to always have the answers. I froze, turning to look at him and he stopped abruptly, hands braced on his hips.
My stomach twisted nervously.
I’m dying. I knew it.
“Are you serious?”
“Yeah.” He took a deep breath. “Yeah, I think it’s called… lycanthropy.” He said, completely straight faced.
“What’s that? Is that bad?” I asked, my panic levels starting to rise.
“Oh, yeah, it’s the worst.” He said.
I should have known then. The way he said that should have been my first clue.
“But only once a month.” He continued and I frowned, looking at him, trying to understand what he was saying.
“Once a month?” I repeated. This wasn’t like any disease I had ever heard of. So, why had Stiles heard of it?
“Mmm-hmm.” He nodded. “On the night of the full moon.” He paused. I was starting to get it now. “Ar-ooo.” He howled.
I sighed and pushed him in the chest, cutting off his stupid joke. I felt like an idiot for believing him. He laughed and I, of course, couldn’t help the grin. If he wasn’t really worried about me being infected by something then I guessed I shouldn’t be either. I was just being paranoid.
“Hey, you’re the one who heard a wolf howling.” He said, catching up with me.
“There could be something seriously wrong with me.” I insisted, but not as worried as before.
“I know! You’re a werewolf!” He growled playfully, holding his hands up as claws. I turned to glare at him. “Okay, obviously I’m kidding.” He clarified. “But, if you see me in shop class trying to melt all the silver I can find, it’s ‘cause Friday’s a full moon.” He continued.
I glanced around and paused, coming to a stop and looking at the ground in front of me. I could ignore his little whackadoo theory now.
We were at the place, I could clearly remember it. It smelled the same.
“No, I could have sworn this was it.” I stammered, looking around at the empty ground covered in leaves. “I saw the body, the deer came running.” I said, picturing it all in my head. “I dropped my inhaler.” I squat down, moving some leaves, trying to see if I could find it with better light.
“Maybe the killer moved the body.” Stiles suggested.
“If he did, I hope he left my inhaler. Those things are like, 80 bucks.” I muttered, looking up at my best friend.
He scoffed slightly. “Oh.” He muttered like a curse, smacking my shoulder urgently.
I glanced behind me, seeing a guy who looked somewhat familiar. He was just standing there, about 10 yards away from us, just glaring at us. I straightened up to a standing position, feeling something was really off about this guy. He was wearing black jeans, black leather jacket, a white shirt, and a scowl to match his clothes. He had just simply come out of nowhere.
He marched closer, seeming to have a purpose, finally speaking as he got closer. “What are you doing here?” He demanded. Stiles scratched the back of his head and I was slow to answer, feeling the hostility coming off him. “Huh?” He pressed. “This is private property.” He announced, saying slowly as if we were idiots.
To be fair…
“Uh, sorry, man, we didn’t know.” Stiles offered. I knew my best friend well enough to know that he was barely keeping it together from excitement. He knew something.
“Yeah, we were just looking for something, but…” I trailed off.
The man raised his dark eyebrows expectantly, urging me to continue speaking.
“Uh, forget it.” I muttered.
His hand shot out like a lightning strike, throwing something small at me. I caught it easily, without even having to look at it. He stuffed his hands back into his leather jacket as I looked down at the object that he threw to me.
My inhaler.
He turned around and walked away with Stiles staring open-mouthed after him. How had he known that’s what I was looking for?
“Alright, come on, man. I gotta get to work.” I muttered, toying with my inhaler.
“Dude,” Stiles started, putting his hand on my chest to stop me from passing him. “That was Derek Hale. You remember, right? He was only like a few years older than us.”
I frowned, the name sounded familiar but I couldn’t put the importance on it that he clearly did. “Remember what?” I asked.
“His family. They all burned to death in a fire, like, 10 years ago.” He pressed.
I remembered now. And he had left a little before that, gone to New York to go to some private boarding school. “I wonder what he’s doing back.” I mused.
Stiles scoffed, still staring after him, even though he was long gone. “Come on.” He said after a long minute and we trudged our way out of the woods.
I went to the front door of the veterinary clinic where I worked, locking the door and turning the Open sign to Closed. I could hear a wolf howling outside and thunder rumbling loudly. It was going to rain really bad tonight, I could feel the heaviness, the moisture clogging up the air.
I grabbed the disinfectant and some gauze, now that I was finally alone, and went to the bathroom, cleaning my wound. I didn’t tell anyone about it, no one would believe me and my mom would only panic. No reason to upset her unnecessarily. I opened the bottle and lifted my shirt to removed the old bandage.
I peeled the tape off, wincing where it had stuck to my skin. I removed the whole bloody gauze bandage, looking at the spot where the bite mark should have been. It had completely disappeared. Not even a red mark or trace of where it had been. My heart stuttered, tripping over itself as it tumbled in my chest.
What the hell?
I let my shirt drop, feeling slightly grateful that I wouldn’t have to hide it from my mom anymore. I forced myself to move on, continuing with my nighttime chores before leaving.
I dragged the heavy bag of cat food into the area of cat kennels, getting ready to feed them once more before bed.
“Hey, kitties.” I cooed, bumping open the door with my butt as I backed in. Immediately they began to hiss defensively, clawing at the cages and throwing a proper tantrum as if their lives depended on it. I jumped back, never having seen a reaction quite like that before. I back out of the room, slightly freaked and not wanting them to hurt themselves, grabbing the door and pulling it shut behind me. I stood, looking into the room for a minute, trying to understand why they reacted that way when yesterday they had been absolutely fine.
I didn’t have long to think about it, though. Someone pounded on the glass at the front door. It sounded urgent and I took off to answer it. I could hear the rain battering against the roof as I moved through the hallway.
I yanked open the door to see Allison on the other side, soaking wet from the rain and in tears, visibly upset.
“I didn’t see it.” She sobbed, her hands frantically touching her face. Her heartbeat was pounding loud, terrified. “I took my eyes off the road for, like, two seconds to change a song on my iPod, and then this dog, it just came out of nowhere!” She rambled, crying and panicking.
“It’s alright, it’s alright. It’s alright.” I said calmly, trying to get her to breathe. “Do you remember where it happened so I can send Animal Control to find it?” I asked.
“No! I mean, yes, I know where I hit it, but the dog is…”
“Where is it?” I asked, my heart breaking for her.
“It’s in my car.” She gasped.
I gestured for her to lead me out and I followed her into the pouring rain as she rushed around to the trunk. She lifted the lid and the dog snarled, barking at her in self-defense. It could lift itself up slightly, so that gave me hope that it wasn’t too badly injured. She gasped and jumped back away from the poor thing, both of them terrified. I caught her, holding her close against my side so she’d feel a little protected.
“You okay?” I asked and she nodded, crossing her arms over her chest. “She’s just frightened.” I told her, speaking in calm tones for both of their benefits.
“That makes two of us.” She managed.
“Let me see if I have any better luck.” I said, hesitant to take a step forward, but I had to so I could take care of the dog. I sent out my best ‘good doggie vibes’, mentally telling her that I was on her side, she didn’t need to be afraid of me. I looked at her meaningfully and she lowered her head, whimpering, all the fight gone from her.
I couldn’t believe that actually worked.
I scratched her head, trying to comfort her. I knew she would let me near her now. I scooped her up easily, being very gentle as I carried her towards the door. Allison slammed her trunk shut and followed me inside. I set the gorgeous dog down on the metal exam table, giving her a once over the way I’ve seen my boss, Dr. Deaton do so many times before. I could feel what was wrong, but I didn’t know if I could fix it properly.
“I think her leg is broken.” I said, feeling the bones and the way they separated slightly. I glanced back at Allison, feeling the guilt roll off her in waves. I tried to speak confidently to ease her nerves. This was an easy problem to fix, the dog would be just fine. “I’ve seen the doctor do plenty of splints. I can do it myself and then give her a painkiller for now.” I said, glancing up at Allison.
She was shivering in the cool air-conditioned space, arms crossed over her chest for warmth. I cursed myself for not thinking of that sooner.
“I have a shirt in my bag.” I offered, gesturing to it sitting on the side table.
She shook her head. “Oh, I don’t want to trouble you.” She said, waving it off.
I ignored her, grabbing the dry, long-sleeved shirt and handed it to her. “Here.” I said softly. She smiled and took the shirt, her fingers lingering on mine for a second before stepping out into the hallway. I went back to stroking the soft fur in front of me, something to keep my hands busy while my eyes stared at her. She paused in front of the door, glass window giving me everything as she pulled off her wet shirt. My pulse ticked up a notch as I watched her bare skin. The dog on the table whimpered and lifted her head to look at me accusingly.
I looked away awkwardly, and then down at the dog. She was a gorgeous white with grey spots Border Collie. Her eyes were a stunning slate grey and they seemed to look right into me.
“What?” I asked guiltily. “I didn’t see anything.” I muttered. She laid her head back down with a small whine and I got the things ready to start her splint. I would have the Doc take a look at it in the morning, but for now this was the best I could do for her.
I placed the stiff brace and wrapped it in the plaster before sealing it with the gauze tape just as Allison came back in.
“Thanks for doing this.” She said with a twinge of regret. “I feel really stupid.”
I chuckled and looked up at her. “How come?” I asked, it finally dawning on me that I could have a real conversation with her without sounding like an idiot, or Lydia and Jackson getting in the way.
“I don’t know.” She sighed. “Because I freaked out like a total girl.”
I couldn’t help the grin. “You are a girl.” I pointed out, just in case she hadn’t noticed.
“I freaked out like a girly girl, and I’m not a girly girl.” She corrected herself.
“What kind of girl are you?” I asked nervously.
Her smile was wide, genuine and her dimples were making my heart flip-flop in my chest.
“Tougher than that.” She vowed. “At least, I thought I was.”
“Hey, I’d be freaked out, too.” I said, nodding slightly. “In fact, I’d probably cry. And not like a man, either. Like the biggest girly girl ever.” I told her and it was worth it to see her laugh, feeling better. “It’d be pathetic.” I promised.
“Yeah, right.” She smirked with a little wink.
I grinned with a sigh, looking back at the dog, nice and relaxed in front of me now. “So, it looks like she’s gonna live.” I announced. Allison nodded; I could feel her mood coming back down a little. “And I’m pretty sure she’ll even let you pet her now, if you want.” I said, looking back into her chocolate brown eyes.
“I don’t think so.” She said softly, nervous.
“Oh, come on. You don’t want her to sue.” I joked, completely unsure where that came from. “I hear this breed is very litigious.”
She side-eyed me for a minute before tentatively reaching out her hand. Her slender fingers brushed over the soft fur, stroking it and soothing the dog as she laid there.
“You see? She likes you.” I said softly. I watched her face, noticing an eyelash on her smooth cheek.
“What?” She asked self-consciously.
“I don’t know. Sorry.” I swallowed awkwardly. “You have an eyelash on your cheek.” I said.
“From all the crying?” She rolled her eyes. She brushed her cheek with the sleeve of my borrowed shirt, missing it completely. She hooked her long hair behind her ear, still petting the dog.
I lifted my hand slowly and brushed my thumb so gently across her cheek, catching it on the pad of my finger. My eyes never drifted from hers, and hers never wavered from mine as she smiled, her cheeks turning a pretty shade of pink.
“Thanks.” She mumbled, finally dropping her gaze.
“Yeah.” I shrugged, feeling ridiculously nervous.
She stayed a few minutes longer while I got the dog set up in one of our kennels for the night. Then I walked her out to her car.
“So, um, I was wondering…” I started as she opened her driver’s side door. “I mean… Is it really family night on Friday, or do you think maybe you’d like to go to that party with me?” I asked, my heart beat hammering away in my neck, my wrists and my chest. I could feel it pulsing against the back of my skull as I waited for her answer that seemed to take a thousand years for her to say.
A little crease formed between her eyebrows as she looked at me, surprised, a smile spreading across her pretty face. “Family night was a total lie.” She said curiously.
I breathed out a laugh, feeling the possibility of a yes. “So, is that a yes, you’ll go?”
She grinned and nodded once. “Definitely yes.” She paused for another moment before getting into her car. I watched her drive away before heading back inside to finish up.
I fell into my bed, exhausted, but still smiling over how my night had ended. It couldn’t have been more perfect. I tipped my head back slightly, the moon looked huge and full, framed perfectly in the corner of my window.
My eyes closed slowly as I drifted into a pleasant sleep.
I rolled over, my hand touching something wet and cold. I opened my eyes to see my hands resting on leaves. I sat up, realizing that I wasn’t even in my house anymore, I was nestled under a rock alcove, having been there for a while.
I grasped onto the rock jutting out above me to pull myself up, freaking out a little.
I’ve never sleepwalked before.
I climbed out to see that I was next to the river in the middle of the preserve. I started making my way through the woods, the morning was foggy, couldn’t see more than a few yards in front of me, just enough to not walk into any trees.
How would I find my way out of here?
I walked for a little way before I heard some rustling off to my side. Probably just a deer or something, getting breakfast. I paused anyway, looking through the trees that I could see, but there was nothing there. I started to take another step, but heard the noise again, like a twig snapping.
I glanced around, hoping to pinpoint what was making the noise when a big shape loomed out of the mist. It looked familiar and I felt all the blood drain out of my face.
It growled slightly.
“What?” I mouthed, my heart pounding in fear.
It was the same thing that had bitten me, I was positive. I started to run, not wanting it to finish the job. It ran parallel to me for a minute and I veered away, cresting up over a hill, slipping on the wet leaves. I glanced behind me, running full out, which-somewhere in the back of my mind I realized it should have caused me an asthma attack, but I was fine on that front.
In front of me loomed a picket fence and I jumped it, expecting hard packed earth on the other side. Imagine my surprise as I fell into a pool. I barely had enough time to suck in a breath before my head went under and I floundered to reach the surface. I gasped for air, my mind racing as fast as my heart. I looked around, looking for the thing to come get me, but I was in a back yard of some kind.
A really nice back yard, with a really nice, normal guy watering his flowers as he stared at me in shock.
“Good morning.” I said brightly, aiming for casual. Who doesn’t have random kids falling into their pools at the crack of dawn in the middle of the woods? It’s the new thing these days, right?
Ugh. I felt like an idiot.
I slammed my locker shut and sighed. This was so monotonous. I tapped the heel of my stilettos on the floor thoughtfully. I could skip, try and figure out what pup Sybil was talking about. She may not have spouted a prophecy at me, but that didn’t make some of what she said any less confusing. I looked up just as a blur of crazy arms and legs ran towards me. I recognized it as Stiles.
“Hey, Stiles.” I said, smiling at him.
He skidded to a stop, leaning against the locker next to me, trying to look relaxed and suave. I liked that about Stiles.
“Hey, Ary. Have you seen Scott?” He asked, his breathing was heavy as he straightened his backpack straps.
I shook my head, looking around. “Not yet. Do you need help finding him?” I asked, moving away from my locker.
“I need to tell him something before lacrosse practice, it’s pretty important.” He said, sighing.
“Isn’t practice in like, five minutes?” I asked, raising an eyebrow. He nodded. “Well, then wouldn’t he be in the locker room getting changed?”
Stiles’ brown eyes widened. “You’re a genius! I’m so stupid!” He cursed, planting a kiss on my forehead and taking off back down the hallway he just came from.
I shook my head, smiling to myself. Stiles was anything but stupid. I closed my eyes and focused, listening for Scott’s thoughts. I found him at his locker, putting his bag in there before practice.
He went to close the door but someone slammed it shut, startling him. He turned to look and mentally winced when he saw it was Jackson. I frowned, wondering who Jackson was. The lacrosse pads were obvious, so he was another team mate, but why was he looking so angry at Scott?
“Alright, little man.” The other boy said, breathing angrily through his nose. “How about you tell me where you’re getting your juice.” He said threateningly. Scott shook his head slightly, feeling so confused.
“What?” He asked, trying to understand what Jackson was talking about.
“Where. Are you. Getting. Your. Juice?” Jackson repeated with a whole lot of attitude. A bottle of the orange juice in his fridge popped into his head and I smiled to myself. Oh, innocent Scott-you’re adorable. Scott frowned and looked around for a second, wondering what was even going on.
“My mom does all the grocery shopping.” He said. Jackson looked at him for a second before hardening his gaze.
“No, listen, McCall. You’re going to tell me what it is and who you’re buying it from because there’s no way in hell you’re out there kicking ass on the field like that without some sort of chemical boost.” The light bulb went on in Scott’s head and his deep brown eyes widened as he understood.
“Oh, you mean steroids. Are you on steroids?” He asked, confused. Jackson grabbed him by the front of his lacrosse pads.
“What the hell is going on with you, McCall?” He demanded, slamming him back against the wall of lockers.
“What’s going on with me?” Scott repeated. “You really wanna know?” Jackson nodded just barely. “Well, so would I! Because I can see, hear and smell things that I shouldn’t be able to see, hear and smell. I do things that should be impossible; I’m sleep walking three miles into the middle of the woods! And I’m pretty much convinced that I’m totally out of my freaking mind!” Scott ranted and then let out a whoosh of air, relieved to finally have said it all and get it off his chest. Jackson watched him for a second and then scoffed.
“You think you’re funny, don’t you, McCall?” He sneered, more of a statement than a question. “I know you’re hiding something. And I’m gonna find out what it is, I don’t care how long it takes.” He promised, slamming his fist into the locker right next to Scott’s head, just to show that he was serious before turning and walking away. I eased out of Scott’s mind, shifted my messenger bag strap and headed for the lacrosse field. I decided it wouldn’t hurt to watch my two new friends. Maybe some inspiration would come to me while watching and I could figure out who this pup was supposed to be.
Who knows, it could be Scott.
I sat on the bleachers and took out one of my notebooks, opening it to a blank page. I started to doodle on it, not really paying attention to what I was drawing.
“Scott!” I heard Stiles calling, his voice cracking in that adorable way. “Scott, wait up!” He shouted, coming into sight from the side of the bleachers.
“Stiles, I’m playing the first elimination, man. Can it wait?” Scott replied, tossing his stuff down.
“Look, just hold on, okay? I overheard my dad on the phone. The fiber analysis came back from the lab in LA. They found animal hairs on the body from the woods!” Stiles said, trying to get his best friend to listen. I frowned.
“Stiles, I gotta go.” Scott said, brushing him off and walking onto the field.
“No, wait, Scott! You’re not gonna believe what the animal was!” He called to his friend’s retreating back. “It was a wolf.” Stiles said, his voice falling as his friend ignored him.
A wolf?
I blinked, shaking my head and looked down, realizing that my hand had been moving this whole time. The coach called them all onto the field to give them some sort of pep talk. I shot my head up to look at Stiles and closed the notebook.
“Let’s go, gather around. Bring it in, come on!” He called.
I glanced up as Allison walked past me, watching Scott. I lifted the pen and stared at the drawing. It was a wolf, mid shift.
Scott was waving at Allison, his mind definitely not where it needed to be. “Got a question, McCall?” Coach asked, calling him out.
Scott dropped his hand and looked at the Coach. “What?” He asked.
“You raised your hand. You have a question?”
“Oh, no. I was just, uh…Nothing. Sorry.”
Coach frowned, turning to the rest of the guys on the team. “Okay. You know how this goes. If you don’t make the cut, you’re most likely sitting on the bench for the rest of the season. You make the cut, you play. Your parents are proud. Your girlfriend loves ya! Huh?” He said loudly, smacking one of the guys on their chest pads. “Everything else is… uh… cream cheese. Now get out there and show me what you got! Come on!” He shouted, riling everyone up.
“Let’s go! Let’s go!” They chanted, spreading out onto the field.
Stiles slumped dejectedly onto the bench and I crept up behind him.
“Stiles.” I whispered, leaning down behind him.
He jumped and turned to look at me. “Hey.” He said, rubbing his hand through his short hair.
“You said wolf hair was found?” I asked, frowning. He nodded, closing his eyes for a second. “Found where?”
“On a body of this girl that was found in the woods. She had been cut in half and there were these weird fibers on her. My dad’s the Sheriff so I looked at the report and it came back wolf. But that’s impossible, right?” He sighed. “Wolves haven’t been in California for like, sixty years or something.” He muttered.
I hesitated, thinking about the Roman wolf Lupa who tested the demigods before they went to Camp Jupiter. But that was in Sonoma, way far away from here; and they weren’t exactly normal wolves anyways. Then something else that Stiles had said caught my attention.
“Wait, she was cut in half?” I asked, confused. He nodded. “Does your dad have any idea what may have cut her?” I asked.
He looked at me. “What do you mean?” He frowned.
“Like, a sword or a saw or an ax or something like that. Does he have any idea? Was she torn in half?”
Stiles shook his head. “She was definitely cut. Scott saw the other half of her the other night.” I blinked, looking at him in surprise and confusion. Stiles sighed. “My dad got the call that a body had been found, but only half of the body. So, I got Scott and we went looking. But my dad caught me and I told him I was there by myself. When Scott was trying to find me, he found the other part of the body, it was a girl. But then he got scared by these deer or something, dropped his inhaler and then he said he got bitten by a wolf. But-like I said, no wolves in California.”
I moved over and sat next to him on the bench. “Where was he bitten?” I asked, looking at him.
“In the woods.” Stiles said, rubbing the back of his neck.
I rolled my eyes. “Where on his body, Stiles?”
“On his side. I saw the bandage; it was pretty big.” I chewed on my lip thoughtfully. “But then we had to go look for his inhaler and when we got to the spot where he dropped it, near the body-there was no sign of either. And then Derek Hale showed up, freaking us out.” He sighed and an image popped in his head of a guy standing in front of them, wearing a leather jacket. It was my mystery guy. I looked at him in surprise.
“Who’s Derek Hale?” I asked, hoping the trick would work. The image flashed in his head again before a tumble of thoughts washed over it, seeing him in high school and then a large house fire.
“He’s this guy who’s a few years older than us. His whole family burned to death in a fire almost ten years ago. He was gone for a while and now he’s back.” Stiles shook his head as a whistle blew.
“You don’t like him?” I asked, trying to understand why he seemed so reluctant to talk about Derek.
“I think… No-you’ll think I’m crazy. Never mind.” He said, rubbing a hand over his face.
“Try me. I’ve been around-I’m pretty good with crazy.” I said good-naturedly.
He looked at me and smiled slightly. “Do you believe in werewolves?” He asked, lowering his voice so only I could hear him.
“Sure.” I said, looking at him.
His eyes widened in slight surprise. “Really?” He asked.
I nodded. “It’s not completely impossible. Just like vampires.”
He rolled his eyes. “You’re making fun of me.” He said, crossing his arms and turning away from me to look back at the field.
I took his hand. “I’m not, Stiles. I promise. I really do believe.” I said honestly.
He looked at me warily. “I think Derek is the one that bit Scott, and now I think Scott is turning into a werewolf.” He said, looking back at his friend who just caught the ball. He started to run for the goal but got tackled instead. I winced slightly. Jackson stood over him, lifting his helmet so that Scott would see that it was him, smiling a smug little smirk. I wanted to smack it off him.
They lined up at the center, both bent over in the middle, waiting for the ball and the whistle telling them to go. The whistle sounded and Scott was off with the ball before Jackson could even move. He flew down the field with more speed and agility than I’ve ever seen in a normal human being. He was practically dancing as he spun around his teammates to get to the goal.
I gripped Stiles’ arm, watching, my eyes hooked on every move. A line of players stood in his way and instead of running around them, he simply flipped sideways over them, landing neatly on the other side and took his shot.
Perfect goal.
There was a small moment as he turned around, arms raised triumphantly and then everyone crowded around him. Allison was cheering and I looked at Stiles, knowing he was right.
“McCall! Get over here!” Coach shouted. Stiles was frowning, I pressed into his head, listening for a moment. It was a blur, his mind moved so fast, leaping from one thought to another before the first even had time to finish.
It was true.
Scott was a werewolf now.
And my mystery man, Derek Hale, was possibly the one who bit him.
I frowned slightly.
“What in God’s name was that?” Coach demanded as Scott approached. “This is a lacrosse field. What, are you trying out for the gymnastics team?”
“No, Coach.”
“What the hell was that?”
“I-I-I don’t know. I was just trying to make the shot.” Scott stammered.
“Yeah, well, you made the shot. And guess what.” He paused, glaring at Scott. “You’re startin’, buddy.” He said, clapping Scott hard on the shoulder. “You made first line!”
“Stiles-the full moon is tomorrow.” I said. He nodded, staring at his best friend who was grinning like an idiot.
“I know.” He muttered, already knowing the consequences of what just happened.
“Do you know where Derek lives?” I asked him.
He shook his head. “Not anymore. The burned house that used to be his is now owned by the county.”
I frowned. “He said it was private property yesterday.” I said, thinking back.
“You saw him?” Stiles asked, looking at me.
“I went for a run and I got a little lost. He’s not very friendly, is he?”
Stiles shook his head. “His whole family is dead; would you be?” He returned.
I shrugged, thinking about how I acted for a hundred years when my family died. “I guess.” I said. “If you told Scott, would he believe you?” I asked.
Stiles shrugged. “I’d have to be really convincing.” He said.
“Then be convincing.” I told him. “I need to go talk to someone, but I’ll find you tomorrow, okay?” He nodded and I walked behind the bleachers and closed my eyes, searching. When I opened them, I was standing in front of an old friend. Tall trees surrounded us, going on for miles and miles. I could sense others nearby, but I wasn’t worried about them.
“What the hell?” He snapped.
I smiled at him. “Tyler, I need to talk to you.” I said simply.
Tyler Lockwood wasn’t tall, but he wasn’t short, either. He was about average height, the same height as Stiles and Scott. He had dark hair and dark eyes to match, but he was still fairly good looking. He was very muscular, mostly due to the fact that he played three varsity sports before turning into a werewolf.
“About what?” He asked, frowning.
“About your curse.”
He shook his head. “It's not something I like talking about.”
“Tyler, I wouldn’t be here if it wasn’t really important, okay?” I pleaded.
He sighed. “Fine. What do you need?”
“All of your friends from Mason’s pack, or any that you’ve come across since, were any of them bitten?” I asked.
He frowned. “What? No. That’s not what triggers it. You have to kill someone to be like this.” He said quietly.
“And you’ve never heard of anyone becoming a werewolf by being bitten?”
He shook his head. “I haven’t. And if the others have, they haven’t said anything to me about it. Why?” He asked, looking at me.
“I have this friend and he was just bitten by a werewolf.”
Tyler tilted his head. “I take it he’s not a vampire? Otherwise, you’d be finding Klaus.” He said.
I nodded. “Just a regular kid. But he’s exhibiting odd behavior for him. He’s an asthmatic, but I just watched him fly down a lacrosse field, no problem, not even breathing hard. And his speed and agility were extremely above average.”
“What makes you think he was bitten by a werewolf?” Tyler asked.
“He told his best friend that he was bitten by a wolf, and then he heard the wolf howling.”
“So, maybe it was just a regular wolf.” Tyler shrugged.
I shook my head. “Not in California, it’s not. There hasn’t been a normal, everyday wolf in California in over sixty years.” 
Tyler’s dark eyebrows shot up. “Then I’d say you’ve got a werewolf problem on your hand.” He said.
I nodded. “That’s what I was thinking.” I stared at the ground for a minute. “Listen, Ty, if you happen to hear anything about this, about being bitten into a werewolf-let me know, okay? It’s really important.”
He nodded. “Sure, of course.” He promised.
I gave him a hug and traveled back to Beacon Hills. I found Stiles’ house and knocked on his door. A tall man in a Sheriff’s uniform answered.
“Can I help you?” He asked, looking at me.
I smiled my best disarming smile. “I’m a friend of Stiles, you must be his dad?” I asked, taking in his appearance. He was muscular, but not overly so, his hair was short and his eyes were a light sea green color. He looked like he could be intimidating, but mostly he looked tired right now.
“I am.” He said tersely.
“He talks about you a lot. Is he home? I was hoping I could pick his brain about some of my classes. I’m new at Beacon Hills, and Stiles has been pretty welcoming to me.” I said.
The man stepped back, allowing me in. I stepped over the threshold and shut the door behind me.
“Hey, Stiles!” the Sheriff called up the stairs. “There’s a girl here to see you!”
I heard the sound of pounding footsteps as Stiles came thundering down the stairs. I smiled at him as he saw me.
“Oh-“ He said, trying not to sound too disappointed that I wasn’t Lydia. I saw the same pretty red headed girl that I saw in his mind the other day. “Hey, what are you doing here?” He asked.
“I was wondering if I could get your help with something.” I said, holding up my bag.
“Sure, no problem.” He said, gesturing up the stairs.
I smiled at his dad and went up the steps, following him to his room. He shut the door behind me and turned to me. “It’s not tomorrow yet.” He said, sitting down in front of his computer. Papers had been printed out and were scattered everywhere.
“Who’s Lydia?” I asked, sitting on his bed, looking around. He had a nice room, a light blue color with posters all over. He turned and looked at me in surprise.
“What?” He asked.
“You think about her a lot.” I said, looking back at him. “Who is she? Is she your girlfriend?” I asked.
He opened and closed his mouth, like a fish trying to get air from water. “No, I mean, I wish-how do you know that I think about her a lot?” He stammered.
I shrugged. “A little gift of mine.” I said, picking up some of the papers. “What have you found out?” I asked.
“I’m still looking, but it says that werewolves change shape into wolves, but other legends say that it’s a half wolf half man, and others say that it’s mostly man. It’s so varied.” He sighed, turning back to his laptop.
“The monster legends are so old, that no one even knows how or where they got started. But every culture in the world has their own. And werewolf legends are just as common, and popular these days as vampire legends. Believe you me, those legends vary just as widely.” I said.
“Who did you go talk to? You weren’t gone all that long, and your car is still in the school parking lot.” He said. “Or at least it was when we left.”
I smiled at him. “I had to go talk to a friend of mine. He has a similar problem as Scott.” I said.
Stiles’ eyes widened. “He’s a werewolf?” He asked, his voice cracking in excitement.
I nodded. “But he’s never heard of someone getting bitten by a wolf to be turned into one.” I continued.
“Then how the hell did he become a wolf?” He demanded.
I studied him for a minute and then decided there was no harm in telling him about Tyler’s curse. “He killed someone.” I said.
Stiles was quiet for a long minute. “What?”
“His family has the genetic mutation of Lycanthropy. It’s not obvious, a lot of anger issues, especially around the full moon. And they don’t turn, unless they trigger the curse.” I said, looking through some more papers. “Any death at their hands, whether it’s an accident or otherwise-it breaks open the curse and the next full moon-they’re changing. Only, they actually become a wolf. It’s incredibly painful, breaking bones and rebreaking them into the original position. It takes a long time for the transformation to take place. And they have no choice in the matter, they have to turn every month. But Tyler has never met another wolf that was bitten instead of triggering the curse.” I said.
“So, what does he do so he doesn’t go around killing people?” Stiles asked quietly.
“He chains himself up in an old cellar on his family’s old property. The story of the cellar is that it’s where they used to keep slaves chained up, but it was made to hold something a lot stronger. And he drinks a concoction of wolfs-bane and water, to keep him weak. It’s like poison to them.” I said.
“I found something about that.” He said, rustling through his papers. “Aconite?” He said, sounding out the word.
“Yeah. It’s another form of wolfs-bane.” I leaned back on my arms braced against Stiles’ bed. “It’s not pleasant for Tyler. It burns like acid going down, and then it burns more as it comes back up. Because he can never keep it down.”
Stiles listened carefully, his frown becoming ever more present on his adorable face. “Is that going to happen to Scott?” He asked.
I shrugged. “I don’t know what’s going to happen to Scott, he’s not like Tyler. But he has to know-he could be in a lot of danger, and put people in a lot of danger if he doesn’t take this seriously.”
He nodded. “I’ll talk to him.” He said.
“Good.” I stood up. “Do you want help going through this for a little while?” I asked.
“That would be great.” He said, moving over.
I pulled up a chair and sat down next to him, helping him research.
I liked Stiles. He was a little crazy and spasmodic but completely adorable and very focused. When his dad finally knocked on his door around six thirty to ask if I wanted to stay for dinner, he practically flew out of his chair as he spun around.
“I would love that, sir. Thank you.” I said.
He smiled. “Do you need to call your parents and let them know?” He asked.
I shook my head. “No, I’m okay.” I said, smiling at him.
“Are you sure? Won’t they be worried?” He pressed.
I shrugged. “They probably won’t even notice.” I said quietly.
He frowned. “Alright, if you’re sure.” He shut the door behind him and Stiles looked at me.
“They won’t notice you’re not there?” He asked.
“Leave it alone, Stiles.” I said, turning back to the computer.
“Stiles. Trust me. You don’t want to get into it.” I said, searching a new topic.
“Does silver bother your friend?” He asked.
I shook my head. “I think that was made up by werewolves to fool people. Just like garlic doesn’t ward off vampires.” I said.
He looked at me. “You know vampires?” He asked.
I glanced at him out of the corner of my eye. “I used to date a few of them.” I said, smiling to myself.
“Oh.” He said awkwardly. “Are you going to the party tomorrow night?” He asked, changing the subject.
I looked at him. “Are you asking me to go with you?” I smiled. He blushed and ducked his head, stammering. “I’ll go with you.” I said, looking at him.
I nodded. “Sure. Plus, I can help keep an eye on Scott.” I said.
“Oh, great.”
I smiled at him.
Chapter Four
Everything Tag List
@everythingisoverrated @psyched2b @shreddedparchment @bitsandbobsandstuff @after-avenging-hours @alexblrus @thinkingsofamadwoman @i-dont-want-to-be-called @thefridgeismybestie @fortheloveofallthatsholy @crazychaotic @pleasureoftheguiltiestvariety @redstarstan @justreadingfics @themistsofmyavalon @sebastianstanslefteyebrow @wkemeup @thiccbinch @glide-thru @elliee1497 @ellaenchanted91 @part-time-patronus @janeyboo @scarlettwitcher @thirstybitchqueen @stuckonjbbarnes @barnesandco @geeksareunique @nicoleplacee @lexshead @gambitsqueen @lokisironthrone @imanuglywombat @also-fangirlinsweden @ravenesque @murdermornings @countryrockmama @starbuckie @kato-ptris @mandos-crest
If Hearts Should Tear Tag List
@askyfullof-dreams @thewolfsenate @anika-ann @pandemoniumthevoid
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officersnickers · 3 years
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𝓝𝓸𝓻𝓡𝓪𝔂 𝓗𝓪𝓵𝓵𝓸𝔀𝓮𝓮𝓷 𝓦𝓮𝓮𝓴 2020 𝓓𝓪𝔂 3: 𝓢𝓴𝓾𝓵𝓵&𝓑𝓸𝓷𝓮𝓼
“How many times did Ray dream of his deceased siblings? And how many times did Norman haunt him beyond his grave, speaking the truest words Ray had ever felt?”
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lucielerror · 2 years
since requests seems to be open, may i ask for thoughts on sagau!imposter mc with hanahaki? where they're growing flowers due to being hated and such ^^ I'm not sure if you take req for that particular branch in sagau but if you don't then thats perfectly fine ehe
i really like your writing btw, especially the extras with irl mc :D
CW(s): SAGAU, death, 2 sprinkles of blood, cult themes
A/N: THANK YOU FOR THE REQUEST TEEHEE:> I love hanahaki aus, the pain they cause is so mwah *3* Well I didn't write a happy ending cause I wanted full angst heh, but if you want something lighter, I can cook up another! Also, not tied to any specific genshin character so i just referred to them as well... character (^-^;) p.s. gn pronouns for mc!! also wrote this at 2am pls excuse if it's a little all over the place I SWEAR I HAD MORE IDEAS but the moment i start typing it disappears ???
You know how some characters' ascension materials include flowers? Yeah, let's say for them, the more hatred they feel for the reader, the more prominent the flowers are
Let's take Venti for example. Cecilia right? So the more he hates mc, the more he hurts them, the more cecilias grow in mc's lungs
For others who don't have flowers in their ascension materials, then let's take their favourite flower
Of course, there are still a few flowers mixed in with how many people hate mc so get this
What if no one ever found out mc was the true creator until after their death?
The mc dying alone, choking in tears and flowers and blood and surrounded by them. Wheezing for someone to hear their prayers, anyone to help, anything to help please they can't breathe it's so painful-
Then a character finds them and sees their favourite flowers on this 'imposter' and the scene that lays before them is just so pitiful and ... disgusting. They didn't want to touch mc honestly, what if something contaminated them?
They need to get rid of the vermin... but they can't do it right now, so they'll go back to get some proper tools and people to dispose mc
But then, after that, the flowers the character love begins rotting away rapidly. Not just withering, the flowers are actually rotting rotting and smell disgusting, absolutely putrid
And slowly, the flora in Teyvat all start rotting away too and everyone's just so confused? What was happening?
People beg and beg their imposter Creator to bring back the floras because businesses are being ruined, restaurants have to shut down, farmers are having a hard time making money, some people are starving, some are even falling sick, lives are at stake! Why won't the Creator do anything?
The imposter Creator obviously can't do anything about it, but let's say they're smart enough to make an excuse. Something like, "This is my punishment to Teyvat." People take it of course, since it is from their almighty imposter Creator
Bringing back the mc into the picture, the character finally came with some help to finally rid Teyvat of mc. Then they notice how mc's body is surrounded by every single type of flower, and the thing is, the flowers are blooming and fresh! How can that be?! They've only been seeing rotten ones and anytime they do find a surviving flower, it immediately rots when they touch it.
But this? So many flowers are brushing against mc's skin yet nothing's happening. Even the petals that have fallen off have not withered away or dried out. Impossible!
The flower which the character had so loved, one nestled gently in your hands, as if to spite them. At this moment, there's this dawning realisation... No, they have to check first
They try to pluck a flower only to have it disintegrate into ashes in their hands... what? No, no... it can't be. This was weird. There is a possible explanation and if that's the case... no. It can't be.
So, they send out a message to the other archons to come investigate the scene and also their imposter Creator
My favourite part~ They finally catch the imposter Creator and they realise what a huge huge HUGE mistake they made. And they cannot undo it.
I just love the idea of the characters suffering with the guilt that it was their flowers that killed their loved Creator. The blood that people tried to clean off from the mc refuses to come off, a stubborn stain that will forever remind the character that it's their fault their fault their fault their fault their fault their fault their fault their fault their fault their fault
And as if to spite them even more, flowers actually slowly start to grow back once the imposter was dealt with, except for their flower. The only time they could ever see it was if they visited the mc's flower grave (nature refused anyone to move mc, so they were just left there, but people built a grave around the mc, to protect and honour them, and perhaps to repent it was too late to) It's a hauntingly beautiful sight.
Last thing, just think about this. The nature of people can be ugly. Jealousy, anger, bitterness... selfishness. Too much of these and it can be quite catastrophic. As a result, the character gets blamed. There will definitely be people who will start blaming them, "You killed our Creator and you were cursed. This is all your fault. How dare you show your face here. Aren't you the slightest bit ashamed?" As if they didn't chase mc down either, but well, as long as the blame was shifted to someone else, that didn't matter, did it?
That's right, a whole life full of suffering, guilt and pain is what's left for the character:)
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makeste · 3 years
BnHA Chapter 294: A Half-Assed Escape
Previously on BnHA: Mirio was all “SURPRISE I’M BACK THANKS TO OUR RESIDENT SEVEN-YEAR-OLD WHO RECENTLY EARNED HER BACHELOR’S OF BEING A TOTAL BADASS.” Kacchan was all, “you know what, Dabi’s been trending long enough, time to remind the fandom what a real G looks like,” and he blasted his little bleeding body back into the fray and was all “FROM HERE ON OUT CALL ME DYNAMIGHT!!” Mirio was all, “AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA... oh, you’re serious,” and Kacchan was all “!!”, and so that’s the story of how my son got murdered twice in one day. Meanwhile in the Todoroki Drama Zone, Deku was all “STOP MURDERING MY FRIEND” and Dabi was all “THAT’S NONE OF YOUR BUSINESS” and fandom had a whole big debate about Whether Or Not Dabi Trying To Murder Deku’s Friends And Mentors Is Any Of Deku’s Business, which went exactly how you think it went. Anyway, so then Deku yelled at Dabi, and Endeavor was all moved by his manly words and randomly went to go uppercut Machia in the chin. And, seeing as how the Momoserum finally chose that exact moment to kick in, Machia is now down for the count.
Today on BnHA: The Miriosquad handles the Nearly High End Noumus, freeing up Jeanist to jasphyxiate (okay that one doesn’t really work so well) the rest of the League. Compress is all “TIME FOR THIS MILD-MANNERED SIDE CHARACTER VILLAIN TO SHINE”, except that by “shine” what he actually means is “use his quirk to punch a literal hole right through his own ass to free himself.” The rest of the chapter is basically just a back and forth between him and Jeanist, with Jeanist trying to recapture him, and Compress repeatedly thwarting him by chopping more holes out of himself because HE’S FRESH OUT OF FUCKS, AND THE ONES AT THE STORE ARE ALL SOLD OUT, MOTHERFUCKERS. Anyway, so with Compress basically dying and all, Horikoshi is all “you know what that means”, and delivers a freshly-baked villain flashback revealing that Compress is a descendant of Harima Ouji, a.k.a. the Peerless Thief, a.k.a. some famous guy whom Gentle mentioned this one time for like two seconds back in the day. The chapter ends with Compress finally demasking himself and dumping Tomura back onto the ground, a.k.a. The Worst Possible Place For Tomura To Be. ( •﹏•)
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AIZAWAAAA you’re alive and receiving medical help thank GOD. HOW MANY EYES DO YOU HAVE. AND MIRKO!! HOW MANY LIMBS DO YOU HAVE, OMG
so is this Aizawa dreaming about Crust’s final moments, then?? jesus. with All Due Respect to Crust’s memory, does Aizawa not already have enough misplaced guilt on his conscience as it is?? “nope, we’re gonna keep piling it on. that’s all he is now. three limbs, an indeterminate number of eyes, sexy hair, and Guilt” well shit
motherfucker y’all really out here placing an oxygen mask on Gran Torino’s corpse. fucking shounen characters. each one comes with a lifetime warranty
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for a moment I considered going back and checking my previous recaps to count how many times I’ve already made a joke about Dabi’s fire incinerating Hawks’s wings but not touching so much as a hair on his five o’clock shadow, so that I could calculate whether or not I could possibly get away with making that same joke one more time. but then I realized I could just do it in this kind of roundabout way I’m doing right now instead. so there you have it
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so anyway though, Jeanist is giving a speech about how god knows how many people all worked together to bring Machia down. and now RHA is getting in on those fabric puns too, I see. “A SINGLE STRAND MAY BE THIN BUT TOGETHER THEY FORM A STRONG ROPE” oh so you think you guys are funny eh? I’m a frayed knot
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fffffff. so much for him taking over as the Number One once all this is over. so let’s just recap real quick, because Horikoshi has long since made it clear that one of his plot goals for this arc is to wipe out every single member of the Billboard Top Ten. so how we doin?
Endeavor - was just figuratively eviscerated in front of the entire nation by his homicidal zombiepunk son. also burnt half to death and possibly down a lung. will almost certainly be forced to retire after this one way or the other
Hawks - lying prettily in a medical tent. wings status: gone. hair status: still perfect
Edgeshot - MIA, last seen fighting Re-Destro. I really want him to have kicked RD’s ass because fuck that guy, but realistically they probably fought to a draw at best
Mirko - alive but in critical condition and missing something like 1.5 limbs
Crust - dead, currently haunting Aizawa’s traumatized dreams. now he’s gonna be triggered the rest of his life by people giving him the thumbs up, THANKS A LOT
Kamui Woods - was set on fire which is His Weakness. thoughts and prayers
Wash - last seen floating hospital patients to safety as Tomura’s wave of decay descended towards him. probably dead ffff
Old Man Samurai - haven’t seen this fucker in a hot minute, who even knows where he’s wandered off to
Ryuukyuu - currently being treated for her wounds, looked pretty bad off. but it’s hard to tell how hurt she is since most of the injuries were acquired in her transformed state. SHE BETTER GET WELL SOON
anyways, so yeah. so much for the top ten. guess that’s another reason Horikoshi brought Mirio back now, huh
so there’s a big panel of everyone fighting the Noumu while Machia lies there all “blurgh.” good riddance my dude. it took like twenty chapters and a hundred people to stop this guy so I really fucking hope he stays down. you’ve had your fun
anyway so Jeanist is sending another steel thread towards Dabi! and he’s all “just a bit more!!” fklklj this is gonna go real well isn’t it
meanwhile Mirio’s fighting a Nearly High End with all of these weird rock formations jutting out of its skin. go on and kick his ass then, Mirio
“each of these guys is probably just as strong as the Noumu from Kyuushuu” hold on I thought Ujiko or Tomura or someone said that wasn’t the case? not that Mirio would know I suppose. anyways let’s just hope he’s wrong cuz if not these kids are probably screwed
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WOW, SON. IT’S ALMOST AS THOUGH YOU HAVE A HOLE IN YOUR TORSO, OR SOMETHING!! although listen up, real talk, the fact that Kacchan of all people can’t muster the energy to yell at someone questioning his ability to kick ass is HIGHKEY troubling and we may be in need of an intervention here soon :/
now Jeanist is finally turning his attention to the League! was... was it not already on the League. omg
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hey so um. what the actual fucked up hell. my soul left my body. imagine if you saw the reflection of this panel on your bedroom window. you would never sleep again
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(ETA: just a next-day clarification here, apparently my sleep-deprived ADHD word-skipping brain completely skipped right over the “a” in that last panel, so what I read was, “and Shigaraki’s limp noodle.” so yeah, the moral of this story is always read the speech bubble carefully before you start making running jokes throughout the rest of your post, folks.)
oh wow he’s really freaking out lmao
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to be fair though, I’d argue that Dabi has gotten pre-tty close at this point :’) thrilled for him, really I am
but anyway, well then figure something out you big dramatic robot-armed fiend. didn’t you just say you could touch your own ass? can you not just Compress yourself to break free?? does it not work on you? or would you be stuck afterwards lol
(ETA: I was picturing him compressing his entire body at once, not just chunks of it. ghhhlkh.)
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holy shit Jeanist. are you stupidly trying to cut off their air, or are you going for more of a sleeper hold (jleeper hold??) thing instead. the latter would be way smarter and faster and probably safer as well just saying
but unless Spinner is just being super dramatic, it sure looks like he’s fucking strangling them djslkjlk. this will certainly cement his popularity among the villain stans. good thing you’re not running for office any time soon bud
anyway so I have no idea what these guys are trying to do now. what is this
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do you even have till the count of 5 at this rate. I mean
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jeez, talk about... A HALF-ASSED ESCAPE ATTEMPT :D :D :D hahaha. but real talk though, Horikoshi has clearly never tried to leap twelve feet straight up in the air multiple times in succession with only half his glutes though. everyone, I regret to inform you that this panel right here on the left may be slightly unrealistic
also where the hell is he going to go?? did you pack a jetpack away in one of those little marbles sir. and what about Dabi?? and Skeptic too, I guess, but we don’t really care about Skeptic
(ETA: at this point I had to stop reading for about two hours because I had to go out and take care of something; that’s also why this is being posted later than usual lol. anyways so where were we.)
oh my lord
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the existence of a translator’s note here implies that the earlier line about Compress being able to reach Tomura’s junk was not, in fact, ad-libbed. hmm. hmmmmmmmm
anyway so now he’s grabbing Compress again because OF COURSE HE IS, so now we’re right back to square one! except now Tomura and Spinner are secured inside of little marbles, and presumably Compress is the only one who can release them
oh nevermind he’s just maiming himself again instead, SHEESH
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Skeptic a man is dying please have some goddamn respect
so, uh. is he gonna die, though??
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I really can’t tell wtf is going on here, this is the most confusing the art has been in a while. Horikoshi put all of his spoons into that creepyass close-up panel earlier, that bastard
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so apparently Harima was a Robin Hood type guy who stole from... heroes?? wtf. are heroes the 1% in this scenario. y’all didn’t have any Fortune 500 CEOs to steal from?
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THAT’S THE BLOOD THAT FLOWS THROUGH YOU, OH SHIT. and in a related oh shit, the fact that we are getting a Compress flashback now of all times doesn’t bode super well for him. ffff
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listen here boy if you touch one freaking hair on Shouto’s candy cane head I swear to god --
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(ETA: “masks are removable, makeste” you know what it’s been a long day okay lmao. or I suppose Compress is really the one who is lmao.)
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okay. okay. looooool okay then
as if it wasn’t enough for him to demask himself, he also had to get all shirtless and then do this weird attempt at a sexypose too huh
hard to say exactly how much of his torso is currently missing, but safe to say that’s proooooooobably not good. :///// fuck
on the other hand, Kacchan also has a torso hole and he’s still flying around like he just drank a dozen red bulls, so
this man lost his ass and he’s still out here monologuing like it’s the last two minutes of The Prestige. one might say he is monologuing his ass off
so he let Spinner and Tomura free, but is Dabi still trapped in his marble?? wasn’t he all on fire and stuff?? hopefully he can still turn off his quirk in there because if not that’s a pretty fucked up way to die. somewhere out there Snatch’s ghost is all “YEAH I’LL SAY.” oh how the turntables
last but not least, sooooooo. Tomura. back on the ground. that’s. um. ...shiiiiiiiit
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babykatsu · 4 years
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PAIRING: katsuki bakugou x fem!reader
RATING: nsfw ⛈
GENRE: smut!
WARNINGS: slow burn, swearing, kissing, no intercourse, foreplay, car sex, little bit of degradation, a littleeee rough!
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as though fate had its worst intentions, bakugous car had broken down on the way to your high school reunion with you in the car as well. GREAT! Not only was it getting dark and chilly, you were also in the middle of nowhere... That really didn’t ease the atmosphere, especially when Bakugou was already hesitant on lending you a drive to the reunion. But with the discomfort, there always comes a way to ease it ;)
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a special thanks to @laylahoran for not only helping me proof read and pick out the title for this scenario BUT also for just being there to support me through out this whole thing! Literally the purest friend🥺🥺💕💕 ilysmmm!!!
Also, this is my first detailed smut imagine so sorry if it’s a bit sloppy :(
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Life after high school proved to be a lot more different than expected. For starters, after having moved to find better work opportunities in the city, you found yourself deprived of nearly all social interaction with your previous friends. Yes, you still caught up over text and call, but it was safe to say it was not quite the same. Not only did the hectic schedule of working for a hero agency clash with your friends’, when you were on your days off all your friends seemed to be busy with their own goals of becoming high ranking heroes. You sort of started living a more solitary lifestyle, a drastic change from your previous one.
So when you flopped down on your couch, your body sluggish and desperate for sleep after a bustling day of work, you felt suddenly energised. Eyes wide as you could just barely believe what you were reading. An email had illuminated on your phone screen, reading the following:
“Greetings class A! It has been nearly a year since we have all graduated and I’m in complete aw as to how far you have all come :) On a more dejected note, however, we have all seemed to grow more distant due to our work. I have missed you all dearly and believe the connections we all formed are amazing experiences we should not forget about! Though we may have kept in contact here and there, it’s evident that we all have been lacking. This is why I have taken it upon myself to set up a reunion party! More information is soon to be delivered in the next email, and I’m super excited to hear from you all. Arrangements with your agencies will take place as soon as confirmations come through. You’re previous classmate, Tenya Iida”
As though your prayers had been answered, you were greeted with that email. Now, this was an offer you couldn’t pass up! Without hesitation, your fingers started typing away at your phone, the pads of your fingers darting across the glass as though they had a mind of their own. You were determined to go, excitement flooding your sense at just the thought of the whole event! As your eager fingers hit send on the email a sudden thought crossed your mind.
You hadn’t thought about it previously, mind racing and occupied with the general idea of a reunion, how were you going to get to the location of the party?
As said previously, life was not as expected after graduating, and though heroes lived a life with above-average pay, bathing in luxuries at times, it all took years of experience. No way could you have reached such a high status having worked for less than a year in this field. With the lack of money to your name, there were no chances of you owning a car at this very moment in time. Maybe public transport was a good option? But the delays, need for time arrangements and the entire coordination of your journey was already giving you a headache. The travel aspect was less than fruitful.
But you were going to get there one way or another.
Taking in a deep breath, you gently pressed the off button on your device, sinking your body further into the couch as you allowed your body to finally relax. Your mind pondered of all the different options, from uber’s and cabs to all the different forms of public transport available. But as your unresting thoughts echoed around in your head, you finally concluded. A conclusion that churned your stomach, a fluttery feeling pricking the goosebumps along your chilled skin.
You could ask Bakugou for a lift.
Though this plan seemed faulty, a high chance he would decline the offer to attend the reunion filled with “extras”, you still had your hopes up high.
Out of all the people who could have moved to the same part of town as you, Bakugou was the one. It was pure coincidence that you both had ended up not too far from each other, a block away in fact. Though throughout all three years that you attended u.a you had barely spoken to him. You had your exchange in words here and there, the occasional insult would be thrown your way, but oddly enough out of all people in the class, you received his harsh treatment the least. You just figured, he barley knew you so acknowledging your existence was a waste of his time. Yet his subtle acts of warmth towards you didn’t go unnoticed by your subconscious, a strange feeling invading your body. You developed feelings for the boy.
Shockingly, you found yourself attracted to him, even with the lack of a solid foundation for a proper friendship. You didn’t know what exactly enticed you so much, maybe it was his toned chiselled frame or perhaps his confident exterior. Whatever it was, it had your heart thumping faster at every glance you two shared, and the thoughts that lingered with these unexplainable emotions were even more hectic. It was as though every second you spent alone, confined by the four white walls of your room, you lay wondering of all you wanted him to do to you. A peak of curiosity soon turned into a full-fledged lust for him. The moment you batted your eyelids shut, you’d picture his muscular body towering yours, his hands pinning you down as he’d shamelessly make you a mess under his touch. A thought of him could make your entire body explode. It was all far too complicated for you to process.
That’s why when you moved to a new part of the city, in hopes to start work as well rid yourself of your weird infatuation, you went pale at the sight of him only a couple streets away from where you newly lived. You tried to convince yourself this was indeed a one-time occurrence, yet you’d see him again and again... and again. He most certainly lived near you, it was undeniably true.
Every time you’d return from work, shoes hitting the concrete sidewalk with an echoing tap, you’d always pass him. At first, you shared no words, not a single exchange between you two until one day he randomly spoke up. You remember that moment like the back of your hand, as though it happened just a few minutes ago. Admittedly, the conversation was nothing spectacular, but it still caused a rapid shock to strike through you as the memory of you exchanging numbers with him lurked your brain. The whole event was so bizarre and it still seems unreal now.
Snapping from your daydream, you came to a solid answer. This was probably the best time to put his number to good use. Unlike you, he had a car and could most likely drive you to where ever this reunion will take place... That’s if he decides he is going to attend as well. That’s where your plan seems to not be so successful.
Yet, you had no other choice. He was your best shot at finally getting a break from this borderline isolation.
Nervously, you picked your phone up once more, gently scrolling through your contacts until a familiar name was visible: ‘Katsuki Bakugou’. A nervous feeling burnt at the pit of your stomach as you anxiously went to type out a message. Your shaky fingers tapped the keyboard, with every additional letter that was added to your sentence, your heartbeat sped up even faster until you felt it pound against your ears. Who knew you could feel so nervous about a generic message... It was Bakugou you were texting after all. Not only was he known for being an uncontrollable hothead, but he was also the guy you often fantasied about. You were more than flustered by this point.
Finally, after rereading your message frantically over and over again, you hit send. You felt your heart quickly sink before a chill ran through your entire body. Now you play the waiting game...
On the other end of the line sat a pouting Bakugou. Just like you, he had received the same email, his face crinkled into a frown as he read the disgusting email present on his screen. Like he’d show up to watch a bunch of extras overly excited for no reason. The entire thought of a reunion made his blood boil. At the same time, however, he wouldn’t mind seeing a few faces.
Sure he hated the class, but there was no denying he missed the ‘old days’. He rolled his eyes and let out a huff, in complete annoyance at how soft he’d become. Was he really contemplating going to that shitty reunion? Apparently so, as he decided to type up a quick response to Iida's invite.
A thought he had tried awfully hard to suppress soon made its way to the surface. It was you. Out of all the people he’d want to meet at the reunion, it had to be you. Though he didn’t necessarily have to be at the reunion to view you.
Similarly, he found himself drawn to you for some obscure reason. All throughout high school up until now. During school, he would always gawk at the way your skirt swayed side to side as you walked or even the way you leaned against the desk arching your back most perfectly. It had Bakugous eyes adhered to you. He just wanted to run his hands across your entire body, his lips bequeathing marks on every soft sweet spot on your skin. You’d be his, the deep hickeys that scattered your delicious skin marking his territory. Never had he felt so sexually frustrated, desiring a person so bad it was making him lose his mind. He had better things to worry about, like brining the number 1 hero for starters, but no matter how much he tried denying his deepest desires they just wouldn’t leave.
He tried so hard, he even moved just to get away from you. Of course, that didn’t work, when he saw you strutting down the sidewalk, your clothes hugging all your curves in a way that made his mouth water. He wanted you, and he wanted you bad!
And Bakugou gets, what Bakugou wants.
Just as that memory swirled his mind, a ping came from his phone, the gentle vibration of the device in his palm breaking him from his fantasy. His vermillion eyes went wide as he glanced down at the notification that had just gone off. The name he wanted to see most displayed.
‘Hey! It’s [name], hope I’m not being a bother :) I’m sure you also received the email about the reunion party, I hope to see you there. That’s if I can get there... Maybe you could give me a lift? Don’t worry if you don’t want to, I understand!’
Bakugou bit his bottom lip as he squinted down at the information in front of him. As much as he wanted to agree, his pride didn’t permit him an agreement to your proposal so easily. Rather than cooperating the way he wanted to, he typed out a message juxtaposing his real desire.
And there started your exchange in messages, the back and forth and your “convincing” to give you ride. Though we all know Bakugou was going to give in to it either way.
Weeks had passed since then, the texts that followed after between you two was kept to an evident minimum. The only exchange included a catch up on your plans for the reunion and that was about it. You were more anxious by the day, knowing the reunion date was coming closer to existence.
Next thing you knew, the day had arrived.
You were seated in the passenger seat of Bakugous car. Nervously, you shifted in the leather seat, hand resting on the inner door handle as your eyes followed the passing trees that came in and out of view.
The sky was faintly clouded, a ray of golden sun piercing through parted clouds, dripping a soft sunset hue over the ivy leaves of the trees. You sat inside the car, yet you remembered the faint chilly winds that caressed your skin. Overall, the weather was decent, far from perfect but not awful either.
The tranquillity that filled the car was apparent, the most noise that was present was the hushed sound of the radio playing, the music placid. It only intensified the awkward silence that was held between you both.
Playing with the hem of your dress, you spoke up in an attempt to spark up a conversation. “well, aren’t you the conversationalist” you spoke sarcastically, a hint of playfulness in your voice. Though you spoke suddenly, Bakugou didn’t seem to divert his focus from the road. His face stayed in its usual state, not even a smirk dared to spread across his lips. Clearly, your playfulness was not reciprocated. The silence engulfed you both for a while longer before he finally responded. His reply was less than adequate, a simple hum.
You shifted your attention back onto the view outside, watching as the car drives deeper and deeper into some sort of forest. The trees grew larger, the suns light being swallowed by the towering greenery above. Cars began passing more infrequently until you had not seen one in ages on the road that had become more narrow.
It felt like you had been in this car for an unbearably long amount of time. You couldn’t tell if time was just moving slower than usual at how bored you were at this very moment in time or if your destination was farther than you expected.
Pulling your phone from your bag that rested atop your lap, you checked the time.
‘6:23 pm’
It was confirmed that time was just moving awfully slower than usual. You had only been in the car for a little under 15 minutes. There was still a fair amount of time left until the party started, so there were no worries on being late though you still had quite a few kilometres to cover. Relieved, you placed your phone back into your bag. You slowly let your eyes rest shut, hoping a quick nap would pass time more sufficiently.
And as you had just calmed your nerves enough to sleep, your body suddenly jolted forward. Your seatbelt immediately binding around your chest, pressing your body flush against the seat as you braced the impact of the sudden stop of the car.
“For fuck sake” Bakugou finally spoke up as he kissed his teeth, gripping the steering wheel remarkably tight that his knuckles were becoming white.
“what just happened?”. Out of curiosity, you questioned the man, his face now looking more annoyed than ever. His hand fiddled with the car keys, the engine roaring repeatedly as he tried turning the car on. “What does it fucking look like, dumbass?” he barked at you, still frantically trying to turn the car on. It didn’t help that he had now started slamming the steering wheel between each attempt.
“Are you out of gas?” You spoke up innocently. There was no denying you were now, in fact, feeling less hopeful that you had enough time to make it to the reunion.
For the first time, he finally made eye contact with you. His rose eyes staring at you in frustration, in complete disbelief at how oblivious you were.
“Of course not! You fucking moron, the shitty car just broke down” He barked at you before flinging the car door wide open, slamming it with a harsh bang as he made his dramatic exit.
You watched him pace up and down with distinct stomps, muttering something under his breath while typing away at his phone. Taking the hint, you exit the vehicle as well. “So, what now?” you irritate him further with your persistent queries.
“How the fuck is there no service? HOW AM I MEANT TO GET THIS SHIT FIXED?” his yells echoed through the vast scenery that surrounded you.
With him stressing, you couldn’t help but taste your mouth go dry as panic began settling in as well. It was no use having the two of you in a frenzy. Rationally, you walked over to Bakugou, your phone gripped in your hand as you formed the only logical suggestion. “Try my phone”
He didn’t even question or ridicule your suggestion like he probably desired to, instead yanking the phone out of your hand and attempting to dial-up a number. It didn’t take long until his eyes rolled back in failure and his jaw flexed with gritted teeth. No luck there either clearly.
“Guess we aren’t going to the shitty reunion. You're fucking welcome!” He yells once more, slapping the phone back into your palm. The worst somehow ended up playing out, complete defeat washing over your body.
Resting against the car, you dropped your bottom lip into a slight pout, the chilly air growing cooler.
You were in the middle of nowhere, the only form of transport for miles was now down and to top it off you were getting cold. Your body rapidly began to shiver, goosebumps pricking along your exposed skin.
“Aren’t you fucking smart” Bakugou scoffed as he stared at you, arms crossed over his broad chest. “didn’t even bring a jacket while wearing some stupid dress”
Rather than yelling like he had been doing for the last couple minutes, he was calming his nerves by teasing you. It may have been the adrenaline that made him feel so open to being more playful, or maybe he attempted to distract himself from how much of a loser he currently felt with a broken car. Whatever it was, he was now smirking at the girl in front of him, tantalising her about the cold.
“I didn’t know I’d be stuck outside, did I?” You teased back, rolling your eyes at him. The fact he was being so calm on the outside was making you feel less worried, yet more nervous at his sudden change in mood than anything.
His eyes stared you up and down, analysing your shivering state as the wind began picking up. Another sigh left his parted lips before resuming to speak. "Go sit inside the car. No use shivering like a dumbass if you can't handle a bit of wind" he chuckled slightly as he spoke, as though to assure you his comment was in fact not as rude as he intended it to come out.
Though you obeyed, taking careful steps around the car to sit back in it, you decided to throw your own snarky remark his way. "Not one to talk when you're wearing a jacket". You give him a 'look', before fully submerging yourself in the cars shielded warmth. It may have broken down not too long ago, but it was still well heated. An instant chill rolled down your spine as your body quickly adjusted to the sudden change in temperature.
"Sorry, princess. Didn't realise I had royalty as company". That devious smirk sprawled itself across his tanned face as he followed your move, getting in the car himself. Something about the way he addressed you made you quiver, the innocent word was also oh so seductive. That sudden feeling of arousal pent up inside you, fogging your thinking.
"I- don't get too cocky now". Your reply came out as a jittery stutter, senses overwhelmed by his playful tone that had you heated. Senses scattered, too flustered by his seemingly unintentional words. It's not like he knew about your fantasies of him or how your sinful thoughts begged for him to call you such names. And now as you were in the midst of it all, you couldn't help but lose yourself.
He let out another husky laugh. The way you broke apart at the simplest words only stroked his ego. No denying he purposely chose those specific words to see how you'd react, and to his surprise, it went far better than expected. "Here, have my jacket then if you wanna keep yapping about it"
Speechless, your vision was once again fixated on him. Gawking at the leather jacket that slipped of his physique, revealing his toned, muscular arms. You swallowed the nervous lump in your thought down, butterflies invading your system as you watched.
You expected him to carelessly throw the jacket your way, alternatively he leaned over. His significantly larger body mounted over yours as he placed his jacket over your exposed legs, instant warmth tickling your chilled skin.  His hands felt so smooth as they lightly brushed against your thigh, the accidental touch shooting straight to your core. It was humiliating at how quickly you discomposed around him, cheeks red and breath hitched. You just couldn't help it, a presence like his was way too intense. Especially, at this moment.
"U-um, so what are we going to do now?" you try to change topics as you felt your current heated state become far too overwhelming, whole-body hot as your thoughts began drifting to all the wrong places.
He peeped his eyes, as though deep in thought."Wait until someone hopefully passes, I guess?". The uncertainty in his tone had you feeling concerned again. The worry bombarding you, diverting your inner emotions elsewhere. You've wanted to meet your classmates so vigorously for ages, all fired up for weeks as you obsessively counting down the days, only for this to happen. Not a single car had been in view for ages, god knows until the next one would come. That's also assuming that the car would even stop for you two. This was so disappointing, a hollow feeling in your chest as you sulked.
"I guess? For god sake, we aren't even going get to the reunion in time!"
Bakugou had noticed your sudden change in mood. In all honesty, he didn't quite understand why you wanted to see those annoying dickheads anyway, but he felt strangely sympathetic towards you. "Oi, I'm fucking sorry. I'll drive you to see your friends another time".
"What if there isn't another time?" you mope at him, facing your body towards him. He doesn't reply right away, mirroring your actions instead to examine your current behaviour. There was no way he could make this situation better unless the car magically fixed itself. Which to be fair, would never happen. As his eyes scanned you, he noticed the way you were still shivering, the once heated car losing its warmth. It was his best shot at diverting the conversation.
"You're still shivering, dumbass". His red orbs were fixed on you as he reached out his arms towards you. They felt considerably warmer than you as they rested on your shoulders. You followed his gaze that watched his own hands as they rubbed you up and down carefully. The slight friction between his hands and your skin bringing you some heat. It only sunk in then that his large hands were tracing your arms, his warmth transferring to you. Flusters took over your sense again. As much as you wanted to speak up right now, you knew you'd only choke up on your words, far worse than your stutters. As your stomach swirled, you felt ardour rush to your face. A rose haze coated your skin, eyeing the way Bakugou rubbed his hands against you.
"Looks like you've warmed up, that's for sure" he grinned at you, noticing the way your chest began rising and falling, heartbeat thumping rapidly. The way your face flushed scarlet as your eyes danced around your atmosphere, all at his touch. He noticed it all. And boy was it rubbing his ego.
"I-uh, yeah. I mean- no?". Your words came out jumbled, unable to form proper sentences when his ruby eyes finally gazed up at you. The mysterious glint in them made you feel overwhelmed, unaware of what move he would make next.
"So you need to be warmed up a bit more, huh?". His hands swiftly grazed your arms, just about hovering over your soft skin. Careful touches traced it, your words departing from your brain. The entirety of your focus was on the way Bakugou's fingertips tickled you delicately, the electric feeling flowing throw you. "Speak up for me. Do you still need to be warmed?". He snapped you back into reality without warning, only to put you in a trance again. The way he spoke with such dominance, demanding for you to speak, only stirred your imagination further. You had pictured moments like these so many times, him ordering you to do as he says. And as these thoughts rushed to the surface, you started to feel heat build between your thighs.
"Yeah, sorry!". Frantically, you attempt to respond, a nervous giggle followed your sentence as it came out of your mouth. "If that's what you want, princess". He emphasised the nickname, his lips curling into a sneer as his hands began to wander. The soothing touch travelled upwards, his hands gliding over your skin, one resting on your warmed rosy cheek. His sudden action had your breath hitching. You'd portray such touches numerous times yet nothing could have appointed you for this moment as your nerves fell apart.
As you tried to ration the situation out in your mind, his eyes finally locked with yours. The intimate stare had you holding your breath. Gently, he massaged his thumb against your cheek as he slowly moved his hand to the back of your neck, chills dripping down your spine. His eyes flickered between your eyes and mouth, hinting at a kiss. Was he going to kiss you? You must have been dreaming or something. But it was all happening, right now. There was no time to contemplate the event at hand. His face was edging closer to yours only inches apart, his proximity to you titillating. As you waited for his lips to finally come in contact with yours, you began losing patience. It's like he purposely was a millimetre away from your lip just to taunt you. You took in one more breath, easing your nerves before crashing your lips against his.
Your initial cold shivers were a way for Bakugou to change the subject from his broken car, and it all had worked out in his favour. Admittedly, this was not the outcome he was intending for, but he was not complaining either. He was finally able to seel a kiss with a girl that had invaded his thoughts for years. A dream come true if you will.
His tender lips felt so soft against yours, the sweet caramel taste engulfing your senses as they oozed from his lips. The once overwhelming anxiousness that had you falling apart beneath his touch was now easing as you melted into the passionate exchange between the two of you. Bakugou's lips moved in sync with yours, sucking and tugging at your bottom lip hungrily, undoubtedly smudging your lipstick. His pearly whites sunk into your bottom lip, giving them a smooth tug before sliding his warm tongue in. As he did so, his hand explored your body, slowly descending down the side of your torso, gripping you tightly. His other hand, that had itself placed at the back of your neck, suddenly wrapped around your throat. A rough squeeze was given, encouraging a gasp to erupt from your voicebox. His unforeseen move made you feel sensitive, clenching your thighs together to relieve the desperate ache between your legs. The warm wet muscle that had slipped inside your mouth earlier adventured in your mouth, swirling around your tongue and trailing every inch. It all felt so unreal.
Suddenly, Bakugou pulled away with a string of saliva connecting you both. His hands were still firm on wherever they were on your body. Through parted lips, he panted as his gaze darted. "Fuck, looks like you got me warm as well now". His signature smirk was back, his hand that held you by the neck pulling your face closer to his. Vermillion eyes analysed you, watching the way your face was flushed, lips were wet and lipstick was smudged. Realising he probably had some red on his lips as well from your makeup, he brought one hand to his face, wiping his plump lips with the back of his hand. The image before you only made you wetter, thighs already tightly clutched. And as though he could read your mind, he brought that same hand down to your thigh with a slap. The impact of his hands against you instantly shot to your soaking core, though the actions didn't hurt you much. You felt a tingling sensation to dance across your skin. Rubbing the impacted area, Bakugou continued to look at you, his eyes occasionally diverting to were he was soothing your thigh. His hands began needing your thigh higher and higher until his fingers dipped into the gap where your two thighs made contact. Teasingly, he drove one thigh from another to part them. "And you're definitely warmed up now, baby". His words insinuating how flustered you were.
He brought his lips back to yours as he worked his fingertips up your leg. His touch was so close and you felt so sensitive, you couldn't help but let out a shaky moan into the kiss. You wanted him so bad, craving to feel every inch of him against you. Your hands eager, you brought them up to his shirt. Clenching your hands around the piece of fabric, you tugged him closer to you, the distance between you two unbearable as you sat in separate seats. Your actions brought him to a sudden pause, causing him to pull away. "Are you that desperate for me?". His seductive tone made your face heat up and even more aroused. By now, you sure as hell knew your cunt was drenched. "You want me so fucking bad, don't you?". His hand was back in motion, fingertips almost touching you through your underwear. All you could do was moan in response as you craved his touch. "I can't fucking hear you". He taunted you once again, before his fingertips finally stroked your wet panties, massaging your folds through the cotton. You felt your breath tremble as he applied gentle pressure.
"Y-yes, I've wanted you so bad for a long time". Voice unsteady, you could just barely articulate. You felt the way his fingers caressed you through your underwear, index finger circling your clit so that the fabric would trigger your sensitive bud. Another moan emerged out your lips as you took in a profound breath. "I can tell. Your fucking soaking and it's all for me, babygirl". His cool breath trickled down your ear as he murmured against it.
You couldn't bear it anymore, the distance practically eating away at your patience as sexual frustration overflowed your senses. His fingers continued to shower you in affection but it was no longer enough. You needed more. "Please, Bakugou. I-I want you so bad right now". Hitched breaths and shallow moans rolled off of your tongue as you spoke, Bakugou's eyes sinful as he observed you.
"You'll have to be more specific than that". The same mockeries filled your ears, craving to see you flush as you spoke of all your desires, embarrassed by their explicit nature. As he awaited your response, he slowed his movements down, only teasing you further as it stript you off the pleasure you so desperately yearned for. "Shit, I want to feel you. I want to be closer- please".
The words dripped from your mouth as though it was second nature, the thirst for him more than unambiguous by your needy state. With that, his hands left your core, the cool air surrounding you as his warmth departed. You watched him carefully with longing eyes. The way his cherry centres locked on you as his grip came to your waist. His firm hands grabbed hold of you as he granted your wishes, placing you on his lap.
You sat on top of him, his toned legs holding you up and his hands pursued your body. The way your thighs rested atop his, your sensitive core throbbing against his hardening cock and the way his palms massaged your curves felt all so surreal. Subconsciously grinding against him, you felt his cock brush up against your folds, and with every stroke of your hips, the friction was shooting an electric buzz through you. "Didn't know you were such a needy slut for me". He purred at you with that deriding look in his eyes, smirking smugly. All you did was hum in return to his taunts.
Wrapping your hands around his neck, you lingered your fingertips along his neckline, gradually pulling his face in for another kiss. Devouring each other's lips once again, Bakugous hands slipped beneath your dress, lifting it to loosely drape around your waist. Your legs fully displayed, the frigid air hurried to leave goosebumps along your skin. Resuming his excursion, his fingers wandered back to where they seized you previously. As he leaned into the makeout, he rested your back against the steering wheel before tearing away from your mouth. Keen set of eyes watching you."Tell me exactly where you want my hands to go, baby. Your lucky I'm willing to take directions". For a moment you realised the exception he was making.
Bakugou was known for listening to no one but himself. So the fact he considered something like this, even if it was during an odd time, spoke volumes. It only stabilised, if not boosted, the feeling that you harboured for Bakugou. Yet there was no time to ponder over his actions. You hesitated to respond at first, slightly embarrassed to provide him with an answer.
"I want you to touch me". You deeply flushed at your reply but Bakugou only squinted at you. "Babygirl, your such a needy bitch but won't even get into specifics. Come on, you can be open with me". His words only strengthened the blush that overlaid your skin to deepen, if that was even possible. Even in your profoundly flustered disposition, you needed him and retaining your mouth shut was not an option.
"Bakugou, you know what I mean. Here". You childishly whine before grabbing hold of his hand, guiding it to your heat. His firm hand was resting on your bound cunt, not making a single move but rather looking at you intently. "Good enough" was his only response.
Swiftly, his slender fingers submerged under the fabric of your underwear, coming in contact with your wetness. The suddenness of his actions provoked a gasp to emit from your mouth, his fingers already exploring you. The feeling of his warmth travelling tenderly up and down your folds, with the occasional attentiveness to your clit made you squirm as you sucked deep breaths in. Your chest came up and down as air raced to pervade you, your moans getting gradually louder as you rubbed and arched against his touch. His attentive touch began centring more on your delicate bud, picking up his pace as he soaked in the sight of you falling apart atop him. Your heavy breaths and moans that filled the air and the way you desperately moved against every circular motion of his finger. Fuck was the sight something he had dreamt of for so long, and it was far better than he imagined. "You fucking like that huh?" he uttered through gritted teeth as his face crept closer to yours, observing the way you tightly squeezed your eyes shut, mouth dropped open.
"Shit, yes. Just like that" your breathy response came out as just above a whisper, too caught up in the pleasure of his touch. And just when you thought it couldn't feel any better, you felt his two fingers slip inside you. Your warm pink walls instantly sucking his fingers in, frantically tightening against them. A lusty moan shot out of your mouth, the overwhelming feeling of him fully submerged within you, pumping in and out. His fingers curled to hit just the right spot before you could fully adjust. The sensation was all too much and you felt the desire consume you. Panting and moaning, you could barely make sense of your surroundings as he didn't hesitate to advance his movements by pumping harder and faster, your wetness trickling down his bronzed palm.
His pace only intensified, his fingers gliding in and out of you, rubbing against your contracting walls that made your stomach burn. Burn in a way that made you almost lose control as it tied knots in your abdomen. Every spot that made your body arch against its will, legs jutting and twitching, he hit it all. And just as you edged nearer to your orgasm, moans building up at the back of your throat, ready for release as your nails dug into Bakugou's forearms. He came to a sudden pause, retreating his fingers, now soaked in your juices. You felt the dissatisfaction of his lack of attention, yearning to be touched again. Thick pants filled the car as Bakugou smirked at you and at the way you couldn't help but grind against him to supply for his loss of attention towards you.
"Princess, you didn't really think you'd get it that easy" he spoke tauntingly, rubbing your thighs as he trailed kisses on your collar bone. He'd wanted to mark up your delicate skin so many times, his presence forever embedded on you. Sinking his teeth on your flesh, he sucked and licked it, earning a soft moan from you against his ear. The tickling sensation of your breath against him accompanied by your lewd noises only hardened his growing erection. The restricting tightness of his trousers becoming infuriating for the boy.
He left mark after mark, immersing in the way you rubbed and groaned into him. "Bakugou... I need you. All of you.". Your words were like music to his ears, a combination of sounds he'd wanted to hear for so long. You begging for him to please you, make you his. It didn't even take him a second thought to know what he wanted to do to you, almost agreeing instantly. "Show me how bad you need me then". The challenging statement made you feel more heated, already in complete aw at the way his lips marked your skin.
You gently pushed him off you, pressing his back into the black leather seat, planting a delicate kiss on his lips before ducking between his legs. The position was cramped, the compact space of being under the steering wheel, legs crossed as you shifted your body further back until you could feel the disengaged pedal of the vehicle.
Bakugou sat with eager eyes on you, waiting for what you'd do next. To be honest, he felt uncomfortable at his lack of control at this very moment, already plotting how he'd regain it once more once he caught onto what your plan was. "Is this your way of proving yourself" he snickered at you, your hands on his belt, the clinking of the metal drowning out his voice. Through the material of his trousers, you could see the outline of his bulge, tight around the fabric restraints.
And just as you went to undo the restraints, unravelling the package that was contained, your head had hit the soft padding of the steering wheel. The sudden beep of the car horn went off, alarming the two of you. "What the fuck," Bakugou spoke up first in confusion. The car had obviously broken down only a few minutes ago yet it had finally decided to cooperate and disturb your guys' self-indulgence.
"Perfect timing" You giggled as you let your hands fall from his belt, slightly disappointed by the interruption. You wanted to continue this fantasy, see where it would take you both but you had other priorities on your mind as well. Like getting to the reunion for starters."Don't look so distressed, baby" Bakugou spoke softly as he lifted your chin, admiring you and the marks he left all over. "We will finish what we started, after all, I've been wanting this for so fucking long" He admitted and you couldn't help but redden at his remark.
You delicately slipped from under the wheel, dragging your dress down to cover your flashed skin. "I'll be looking forward to that then" You fire your own flirt his way, tipping over to leave a gentle peck against his lips before cleaning your lipstick from his face. He responded with a scoff and a rolling of his eyes, diverting his attention to the road to start driving again.
"I would say cover up the hickeys, but I want all those damn extra's to know who you belong to now" He smirked giving you the side-eye. Only then did you notice your wrecked state, desperately trying to fix your appearance in the small overhead mirror.
Bakugou steadily drove to your destination as his large hand rested on your thigh, you both wondering where you'd finish this excursion...
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zathechaosgod · 3 years
Favourite Stream Moments:
Streamed by Philza on Twitch on Friday 27th of November
Dream Smp today! (it’s gonna be a weird one today)
Greedy greedy phil is back!!! For the higher donos now
Merch Store is closing! Black Friday store code though, use BFCM10 for 10% off!
Lmao Phil and Ponk said hi to Tubbo at the same time
Phil removed the austrains sign on the banned board
Wilbur is a vengeful spirit today, and told Phil to check out some areas
Karl made a school out of Phil’s upper floor???
Phil may have to use the gun
Tubbo wants to make a panic room, given that all (former) presidents have died in l’manberg so far
Phil reminded him of the last panic room
“Why is there a penis?”
The signs are funny though lmao
Things I’ve learned from chat: that thing was supposed to be a strip club?
uhoh ghostbur has joined what will he do
he just showed up and immediately went invisible
Lol Phil is taking down every sign Wilbur places and Wil just,,, hit him with a fist lol
Tubbo struggling a bit to read Wilbur’s sign and getting mad when Phil is just,,, trying to support him lmao
“Oh my god! My horse is following me!” (Ghostbur was sitting on the horse lol)
“you and tommy like the tree, three got yeeted”
“you and tommy like the view, view got yeeted”
“is that fox smoking”
tubbo really is already getting corrupted lol “let’s go debt collecting”
chat is starting to spam “techno is right” lol
“i feel like i’m a really good tour guide” tubbo literally while phil is spinning around in confusion
“your taxdollars at work” as tubbo raids eret’s castle and hbomb’s stuff
chat is either spamming “TECHNO WAS RIGHT” or “STEAL FROM THE RICH”
“when the government helps people, pog. when it doesn’t, which it has multiple times on this server, not pog.”
“well if it helps anything, I have a cheeseburger” (in respons to the previous point lmao”
wilbur just,,, following them around in the background lol
In front of the prime church: “Say the line, phil” “worship and prayer” (tubbo actually meant the prime sellout speech, but phil’s chat sells out for him)
(why does the prime picture miss another piece every time i see it?)
“the sooner you take your armour off, the sooner there will be season 5”
Phil wants to add water to the creater until it looks like venice! Rain is turned off, so he’ll add a layer every month or so
a skeleton made an attempt on tubbo’s life lol
and then ghostbur scared him by shooting the bell right next to him
“we can’t lie, he’ll find out” “uhhh no, no I think we can”
“i dont want serious talks thank :)”
“oh this skeleton is getting on my tits”
(why is this post today exclusively quotes? my apologies)
tubbo is struggling so hard with his xbox game bar thingy
“it’s fine you’re old you don’t need kneecaps” when phil took fall damage lol
“this whole operation is in shambles”
Lmaoooo Tubbo went to bring his plate downstairs and asked phil to entertain his chat and phil just,,, put a pufferfish in front of tubbo and dug straight down to look for lava
phil is still in the denial phase of wilbur fucking a salmon lmaooo “no it’s a shapeshifter!”
Today in poetic justice on the dream smp: the panic room for the newest president being constructed out of obsidian mined from the flag the last president made
“you’re the A-S-S! you’re the ass!” (this means advanced secret service, btw)
Chat is now spamming ASSZA
Tubbo now also realised the potential for assza lmaooo
Tubbo stopped after falling down into the panick room and getting stuck there lmaooo
chat spamming “FIX THE LANTERN” and phil not trusting us lmaooo (we were right)
phil is old he took a two hour nap today with kristin lol
momza is calling it a pancake coma lmao
probably hardcore again on monday!
On the way to the nether to grind some ancient debris
Phil will fix the lmantree if people in the discord will send him reference pics!
rip the twitter employee
1mil vid on the way! he recorded a bunch for it yesterday and is editing now!
aww tubbo’s stream crashed :((
(also psa stop spamming streamers to vc other creators, they can just contact each other if they want to and it’s up to them to do so, not you)
pog the discord has already posted lmantree pics and they are helpful but also very small lol
phil is fixing the lmantree now!
every time the tree is visible the entire chat just becomes “o7” lol
a dono went “just burned down an orphanage” and phil going “technoblade?”
“and it’s gonna be me kid, banned.”
what does lettuce juice taste like?
phil called us “absolutely feral” like,, what did he expect?
he’s taking screenshots of the tree for future times when he undoubtedly has to fix it again lmao
there’s a certain irony in phil going to get more wood right after fixing the tree
phil thinks that the rubber ducky looks like it has a black eye bc of the blush lmao
(cant unsee now)
Philza minecraft, the man who fixes creeper holes and also yeets an entire riverside bc he needed dirt
“Oh gosh I wonder what happened here” looks at obviously a bed bombing for debris
Minecraft fact of the day: Fire has an improved hitbox! so you can break fire from below now.
rip Quackity just joined and is sad
phil tries to reassure quackity he doesn’t need women
quackity: “you just want to see me die alone dont you”
meanwhile phil is trying to recover his debris from a tower of lava
and chat is having a lettuce cult, lead by momza
multiple ancient debris POG (literally three seperate chunks but theyre all like four blocks away from each other??? why does the game love him so much
aww momza came by to celebrate getting ancient debris AND BROUGHT HIM A PLATE OF LETTUCE AS A SNACK LMAOOOOOOOO
oh no he’s eating it with the echo mic on :(((
techno is punching air right now lol
it’s potato vs lettuce vs corn now, potato led by techno, lettuce by momza, and corn by someone in the sub chat?
momza really is just even more chaotic than chat is lmao
are lettuce puns just gonna be a thing now? also they’re all literally just “let us” it’s just one pun ):
also sand cult is back due to the lettuce thing
*confused internal screaming*
“this one is gonna be useless anyway” *attempts to craft the bed upside down* AND STILL FINDS A PIECE OF DEBRIS HOW
also phil apparently also once after a night of drinking just,,, took out a head of lettuce and ate it
(bc brain went hungry+thirsty, let’s fix both!)
also his entire family was sat next to him and it took them like, 20mins to realise he was eating a head of lettuce
S P L A S H (at request of phil lol)
...there’s just an xray mine? someone needed content lol
people are just telling lettuce/cabbage stories now
honestly one of the funniest thing about the dream smp is phil stumbling upon other people’s mines, bc 10/10
Reasons why fast food sucks in the uk/europe: There are laws to stop companies from selling food that will kill us
(and that exact stuff tastes REALLY GOOD)
whoop lore time fundy needs to talk
eret didn’t show up when he was supposed to
fundy angst go brrrr
also phil is still bed bombing in the background lol
*insert sidemen joke here*
fundys first interaction with vikkstar was vikk pushing him off a bridge rip
phil will step in, seeing as eret seems incapable and values sleep over fundys life lmao
fundy asked if phil had a spare bed and phil just started crafting one lmaooooo
aww fundy is moving in with phil!
*que “now he can’t breathe”*
lmao phil took the water from fundy’s water buckets bc he wouldn’t sto pwaterboarding jeff
tubbo is now voicing jeff as fundy continues to waterboard him (and it’s honest both hilarious and horrifying)
“fundy, have you been stood up for adoption?”
oof wilbur just came on
phil is now telling fundy what happened at the button
oof ghostbur is literally haunting them as phil told fundy how his father got killed by him
“i feel like i’m failing to read the room here a little bit” oh really tubbo
phil and fundy: going on an emotional fishing trip
ghostbur and tubbo: haunting and getting them dmca’d
“now both your parents are dead” tubbo no
Also fishing tutorial starting around 2:50:00 lol
Ghostbur really is attempting to fix things with fundy huh
Phil had to mute himself he completely lost it lmaooo
b o o
fundy ran away :( (ghostbur called him “my little champion”)
“phil you like severs dont you” “not really no”
“well I am swimming in shit all the time. join me”
fundy’s back! and trying to have a serious talk
phil is just there lmao
him side-eyeing lmaooo
tubbo joined just to whisper “this is like watch a tv show” lol
Ghostbur really just went “i gotta go talk to tubbo now”, went invis and ran away huh
phil just in f5 staring into the camera lol
tubbo is trying to make it fun again and fundy is just,,, frozen and traumatised
“lemme just get the president out of the hole”
Phil is just such a dad huh “focus on yourself”
Tubbo thinks he owns fundy now and is attempting to (re)name him why
and just put him in a minecart and pushed him off the platform as part of an adoption ritual?
“well that was weird. that’s the president i guess”
(i give it a month max before l’manberg is destroyed again)
“it’s reverb” that means it’s funny”
Tubbo is doing the dudududuuu theme he’s got going during this whole thing
annnnd now we’re back to the dream song lol
They’re just clowning dream now lol
buy yeezys
(lanusky’s stream last night was fun lmao)
okay tubbo
it’s the new tubbo moment lololol
rip tubbo’s twitter replies
they’re gonna start the filling with water part now!
tubbo went to the dentist
“did you keep the receipt?” tubbo at phil about the teeth that were taken out
it frustrates me how well tubbo actually sings wow
every time tubbo plays the dream song phil speeds up lo
and tubbo is attempting (threatening?) to adopt fundy again
have we done the deed
dream smp starbucks name suggestions: tubbucks/l’starbucks/l’manbucks
ohh end of the stream bc tubbo wants to record something? (the hint phil gave fundy was “AAAAAAAAA”
Double raid with fundy!!!
Ranboo raid!!!!!
tubbo is shaking with rage at that? apparently he thinks ranboo is evi lol
See y’all on monday again!
(momza says eat your lettuce!)
also rip ranboos stream, boy just got like 38k additional viewers to the 2k he had lmao
(both follower and sub goals made in like 5 mins)
check out ranboo if you have time! he’s fun and currently running for president of lmanberg 2021 lololol
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simonsrosebud · 3 years
Kevin's first real christmas with dalton!!
kevin says he’s celebrated christmas before, but it’s not true.
sophomore year he spent it locked in wymack’s apartment with a broken hand and ongoing anxiety attacks.
junior year he went to new york with matt and nicky and the others which was weird because they didn’t actually do anything christmas-y and he was drunk for a lot of the trip.
and last year he had dinner with abby, his father, and andrew and neil.  but then neil was having a panic attack because this time the year before he was at evermore.  they left early and kevin ducked out because he didn’t want to intrude.  
then he spent the whole next few days panicking over meeting dalton’s family.
this year, his last year at palmetto, dalton asks if he wants to spend christmas in maryland with him and his family.
there’s no question, of course he’s going.
dalton tells him when they’re at the mall about all the things they do, and how they’ll go to new york again if he’s okay with it.  and then, “what do you guys normally do for the holidays?”
kevin freezes.  he thumbs at a shirt on the rack in front of him.  “uh... last year me neil and andrew had dinner with my father and abby, but neil was having some ptsd relating to this time of year, so it was kind of a mess...”
“that sucks.  for him, i mean.”
“yeah.”  he nods.  it does suck, and kevin still blames himself.  “and the year before i went to new york with the team to matt’s dads place, but i was drunk most of the time,” he mumbles.
dalton feels like an idiot for asking, “and before?”
kevin shakes his head.  broken hand.
“we ran practices every day of break at the nest.  never celebrated any holidays growing up.”
he did have one thing he did every year.  he lit a candle for his mother.  he didn’t realize it until his first christmas away from the nest, when he was hidden at wymack’s apartment and noticed the man didn’t have a single candle lying around.
he sparked wymack’s lighter and sent up a quick prayer instead.
dalton slides up to his side and wraps an arm around his waist.  “i’ve got to impress you this year, then.”
“the bars set pretty low.”
when dalton’s on the phone with his mom that night, he tells her about kevin’s lack of experience with the holidays.  “have you done the tree yet?”
“i was planning on doing it tomorrow, why?”
“do you think we could wait and do it all together when me and kev are there?”  he hesitates.  “he’s never really celebrated christmas and done the typical traditions, and i know he wants to cause his mom used to.”
anne’s heart wants to break a little.  “i’ll save it until you get home.  and he’ll be here in time to make cookies, too.”  oh boy.  “you guys can go ice skating if that one place does it again- you know the one, and uh... should we get him a stocking?”
“me and bella got him a present!”
“is that carm?”
“yes!”  she steals her mothers phone.  “he always pays for things for us when he’s here so we got him this peanut butter sampler pack and an ocean city maryland crewneck.”
dalton pouts, but only because it’s cute to him that they did that for his boy.
when they drive up, dalton’s family welcomes him like they haven’t seen him in years, and it makes kevin smile every time.  they don’t get in until late, but bella still peeks into dalton’s room once they’re in bed for the night.  “did you bring your racquet?”
kevin’s got his eyes closed, he’s tucked underneath dalton’s big comforter and arm with an ankle thrown over his boyfriend’s.  he hums a yes.
dalton grumbles.  “shut the door, bella.”  and tugs the blanket up to his chin.
they wake up earlier than they’d like.  anne and george are at work, and the girls are still asleep.  he has dalton at his back and an arm holding him close.
kevin doesn’t ever want to move.
he only does when dalton’s phone alarm goes off.  “what’s that for?”  he groans.  dalton reaches over him to shut it off and drapes his arm and leg right back over kevin.
dalton’s voice is muffled.  “shopping day.”
oh fuck.  he knew d had said something about shopping yesterday.
it takes them another half hour to get up, and kevin hates the mall to begin with, but this is unbearable.  he’s just lucky they’re there a week out and not the day before christmas eve.
kevin stops.  they’re in a clothing store, and he’s wandered to the women’s side.  he sends a few pictures to allison, and when dalton come over he holds up a fuzzy bomber jacket and an oversized jean jacket.  “for the girls?”
“i already got their gifts.”
“but from me?”
“oh.”  dalton smiles.  “then absolutely.  did you already text allison?”  he’s joking, but laughs when kev shrugs because that’s so a yes.
anne has the family decorate the tree that night after dinner- takeout, and kevin is kind of in heaven looking through dalton’s ornaments from when he was a child.
“you wanna put the star on top?”
their ceilings are high enough for them to have a fake tree tall enough for kevin to not be able to reach, which is definitely a first for him.
so instead, he gets on dalton’s shoulders.
after they’re done, anne sits next to kevin on the sofa.  “you know, i never did the thing where i show you all of dalton’s baby pictures, but i did find this yesterday.”
and kevin turns to look at the book in her lap, and smirks.  “no way.”  
it’s a small book, with all of dalton’s school picture day photo’s going back to kindergarten.  “this is better, i think.”
dalton stops, and lets his head roll back.  “can we not?”
“no, we can.”  kevin takes the book and opens it up to a random page.
“you’re not allowed to mention the braces.”
“but they’re so bad!”
christmas eve is fun.
kevin is no cook, dalton is and even then that’s saying something, but anne puts kevin to work after he’s up in the morning.  they’ve got a lot of family coming over around six, and she needs help in the kitchen.
he’s doing pretty alright, he thinks, and his face lights up when anne tastes a bit and pats his arm.  “that’s really good.”  it’s a passing thought, and she leaves right after to make a run to get more of something at the store.
but when dalton comes back from the alcohol run, kevin’s plenty proud of it anyway.
and then, because he’s already dirty from cooking anyway, he helps dalton’s father with stuffing the turkey.  “you actually stuff it?”
he knows it’s called stuffing, but he’s never actually seen it prepared.  or eaten it, he doesn’t think.  abby doesn’t make it for thanksgiving or anything because only she and nicky typically eat it.  it goes to waste.
george nods.  “stick your hands up there, kid.”
kevin lowers his stare to dalton just sitting there across the table.  he grins.  “you’re doing great, babe.”
kevin takes a shower after he’s done while the others do what else needs to be done.
once dalton’s family starts filtering into the house it’s a little chaotic.  in a good way, opposed to the way that he typically knows chaotic to be.
he’s fine, really, once he gets used to it.
at this point they all know who exactly dalton’s boyfriend is, but kevin only recognizes a few faces so he still gets the excited introductions from the few that are fans.
two of them are younger kids, anyway, so that’s at least entertaining and cute.
dalton comes to stand with kevin and his cousin.  “can i steal him for a sec?”  he takes him by the hand to the other room where the two younger cousins are lounging.  “dessert is out, guys.”
they go running out of the room.
“that was cruel,” kevin says, but then dalton is holding something above their heads and-
“are you sure?”
kevin smiles.  “i take it back.”  and pulls dalton in.
dalton grins against his lips, and after a moment pulls away just a bit.  “that’s not actually why i pulled you away, but i got lucky.”
kevin kisses him again, because he can, and dalton turns.  there’s a ledge above the unused fireplace that his mom usually uses for picture frames, but there’s a candle in the middle, now.
“you’ve told me about lighting a candle for your mom, and i figured maybe you’d still want to do it even though you’re here this year.”
he definitely does, and dalton presents him with a lighter when he nods.  kevin lights it silently, and watches it for a moment.  “thank you,” he says quietly.  “i know you listen, but i didn’t expect that...”  he wraps his arms around dalton’s waist.  “it’s really nice.”
“yeah, well, i’ve got to impress her.”  he kisses the top of kevin’s head.
christmas morning, kevin looks surprised when bella says “kevin’s turn” because he really isn’t expecting to get gifts.  he has money, he doesn’t need anything.
but then he opens the peanut butter sampler package, and after taking a moment to read it he starts to smile to himself.  “i love peanut butter.”  it’s almost a whisper, but it makes everyone laugh and sends warmth through his chest.
he hugs the box to his chest.  dalton hugs him from the side for a moment, and then kevin gets more surprised because dalton’s parents are handing him a bigger box and oh my god it’s a little portable mixer for his shakes and a nike gift card.
he and dalton do their gifts alone.
dalton gets him a big chunky weighted blanket and a new pair of sneakers that he’s been eyeing for weeks, and then kevin unwraps a small frame.  and in the middle is the ticket to the first game of kevin’s that he’d gone too, with a heart drawn on the corner so many times that it’d been indented the ticket.
he remembers teasing him about the heart, but he never knew he kept the ticket all this time.
kevin tackles him from where they’re sitting on the bed.  “i love it, and you.”
kevin gets dalton airpods, sweatpants that say “my boyfriend likes my tramp stamp” on the butt as a joke, and a box of his favorite coffee k-cups from a brand that supposedly stopped selling them months ago.
and last, a thin gold necklace, long enough to tuck under his shirt like he used to do with his cross necklace until it broke.  except this one has a small “k+d” hanging.
dalton’s smiling down at it, and rubs the charm.  he pouts and looks up at kevin.  “you got this made?”  he nods.  “can you put it on me?”
he nods, and drapes it around his neck to clasp it.  he presses a kiss to the back of dalton’s neck when he’s done, and dalton kisses him when he twists around.
“i love you.”  he wraps his arms around kevin’s neck and leans into him.  kevin lies down on his back so dalton’s on top of him.  he thumbs at the necklace hanging.
“looks good on you.”
dalton kisses him.  “i know.”
they have dinner at dalton’s aunts house.  it’s just her, her husband, and her two kids, so it’s nothing like the night before.
wymack calls just after dinner.  “merry christmas.  what are you doing?”
“merry christmas, we just ate, we’re at his aunt’s house.”
“everything going good?  no problems?”
he glances through the doorway at dalton at the table and smiles to himself.  “no problems.”
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I Hate To See Your Heartbreak
Summary: The guy you were dating broke your heart, your best friend came to your rescue 
Pairing: Crowley x Reader
Prompt: Square — Heartbreak for @spnvillainsbingo // Square — Crowley for Tell Me A Story Bingo for @supernatural-jackles
Warnings: Rated PG — Loneliness, sadness, heartbreak, torture (mention)
Word Count: 1932
A/N: I mean no disrespect or offense to any religion nor people who profess religion. This was based purely on my life experience.
When you started this new job you promised yourself that you didn’t want to find love, you just wanted to find good friends among coworkers. It wasn’t in your plans to know someone at “love level”.
In the beginning, you weren’t ready to “open up” with anyone, the only one who knew you, was your coworker Romi because she was the one who helped you get the job position. But after some time, you started to be comfortable around everyone. The team members for the project you were working on were the closest.
One day, when your coworker Tom arrived and came to greet you, you felt something that never felt before around him. It was difficult to explain but it was like a connection. You were confused, what exactly was that? you thought. You opened your last conversation with Crowley, your best friend, and you mentioned it. “Don’t get your hopes too high, love” Crowley texted you knowing you were already picturing a long-time relationship. He knew you too well, and you loved him for that.
Crowley and you met under weird circumstances. You were in college about to take a test and you were 100% sure you were going to fail it because you didn’t have the time to study everything. You started to panic about it when the power went off in the entire building. You thanked the one who listened to your prayers but the power came back after a second and your panic state got worse, you needed to leave the room.
-That’s it — you said to your Romi
-What? — she said — are you leaving?
-No, I’m selling my soul for not failing this. It’s the only way — you admitted
-Don’t overreact! You’ll be fine
The power went off and on again and there was a little note in front of you “We’ll talk about that offer later. Good luck with your exam. The King Of Hell” You didn’t understand what was going on. A minute later, your professor entered the room and told everyone that the exam was still happening. You sat for that exam knowing you’ve failed it before even starting it. That same night, you met Crowley personally, he was quite a character you found yourself attracted to him. After that, you became really good friends. He was such a gentleman for being a demon. He never mistreated you, he was always checking on you, taking care of you, so when you told him about this man you met he went on protective mode.
When you got back home after your little encounter with Tom, you found Crowley in your kitchen cooking for you.
-Hello darling — Crowley greeted you
-If I knew you were going to come, I would've cleaned up the mess— you said leaving your things
-Don't worry about it, you are too busy — he said and you kissed him on the cheek
You went to shower, you changed into more comfy clothes, and cleaned up your mess a little while Crowley was in the kitchen.
-You are too sweet with me, you know? — you said when he gave you your dinner
You knew why he was doing all of this and you didn't blame him. He did it because he was worried about you, he wanted to protect you. He knew you were going to end up hurt and he wanted to prevent it.
-This is delicious — you mumbled with your mouth full avoiding the topic he wanted to know
-So, who is this guy you're head over heels for?
-First, I’m not head over heels for him, and second, his name is Tom
-Tell me about him — he encouraged you
-What do you want to know? I don’t know much about him, I haven’t talked much with him yet
-Do you feel attracted by him? — he questioned
-I don’t know. Everything is weird — you sounded frustrated
-Weird how?
-I don’t know how to picture it. It’s like, we like each other but we are afraid to face it — you tried to explain and Crowley nodded
-My advice for you is to let time do its work. Don’t rush anything, okay? — you nodded
-I understand your worry, but I’m not planning on getting married to him. But what happened was weird, just that. I’ve never felt that with anyone — you admitted.
The rest of the night went well, having a nice conversation with Crowley. You really missed having those quiet nights with him.
As the days went by, your relationship with Tom grew a lot and you became closer, almost to the point of dating. Crowley disapproved of your relationship with Tom, he was always saying that he didn’t deserve you. For a moment you thought he was doing it because he was interested in you, that he was jealous, but you could’ve been mistaken.
Your relationship with Tom progressed and you started to get confused with your feelings. It was the first time you were getting “serious” with someone, yes you’ve dated guys before but no one was like him, caring, supportive, understanding, and such a sweetheart. You were falling for him and it scared the hell out of you. 
Crowley kept giving you pieces of advice regarding what was best to do and not to do, he recommended places to go on dates, but there was one problem. You didn’t have conversational topics to talk about. You were seeing the man Mondays through Fridays and when you were on dates over the weekend, there was no topic to talk about. So, here you were getting confused with your feelings with someone whose relationship was getting cold because there was almost no conversation between each other.
One day you got home from work wasted and stressed out.
-Crowley, I need… — you weren’t able to finish the sentence that Crowley was already there
-What’s the matter darling? Why are you wasted? You did not have fun with your colleagues?
-No, it’s not that. I had fun, hence me being wasted. The problem is Tom
-What do..?
-That’s the problem — You interrupted him and he looked at you confused — He doesn’t do anything
-What do you mean? — He asked you handing you some water
-He says he likes me, that he wants to be with me, that he enjoys spending time with me, but he doesn’t want to have a relationship, and I don’t know how to feel — you said on the verge of tears
-Oh darling — Crowley said and hugged you — It’s okay. Don’t worry, give it some time, this is too recent to see if you’re ready to be together or not — you sighed and laid on his lap falling asleep instantly
You knew that Crowley was right, but still, it hurt you knowing that he wasn’t interested in you. Because it was that, you weren’t that interesting to be someone’s girlfriend. 
The following days, you tried to avoid Tom and kept your distance from him, you were hurt. Crowley noticed your behavior so he moved in with you, to make sure weren’t neglecting yourself. He knew you weren’t going to tell him how you felt so he needed to see it. You tried to be strong when he was around you, only crying in the shower, writing your feelings, keeping yourself distracted, but he was Crowley, the King of Hell, he was able to know how you were feeling even if you weren’t in the same room. 
-What is it? — He asked you?
-Nothing — you said sitting on the couch
-What’s getting you so frustrated?
-I don’t want to talk about it
-Is it Tom, right? — you huffed
Crowley sat next to you and pulled an arm around your shoulders
-Did he do something? Did he say something?
You remained silent
-Tell me, darling, I can’t see you like this
You look at Crowley with teary eyes. You’re about to talk but a sob scapes
-Oh honey — he said hugging you tightly
Once you were more calmed, you changed your position and looked at Crowley in the eyes
-He said that he wasn’t ready to start a relationship, that he felt that I was falling hard for him too fast and that he needed to get back to his religion because he needed to “change”
Crowley looked at you thinking what he should say to not make you feel worse
-Do you think he is right? — you looked at him surprised and ready to shout at him — That this was going too fast? — you laid back on the couch thinking
-Maybe, I don’t know, I’m not sure — you explained — The thing is that when I asked him about it, he didn’t say anything, he told me he was ok with this.
-He is religious?
-Yes, I don’t know which religion he professes, but yeah, he believes in God
-And he knows you are not into religion?
-Yes, I even told him why
-And he still wanted to be with you? — you nodded
-He explained to me that he was very religious when he was younger and then he decided to stop practicing because he wanted to “experience” life, but now he feels the need to come back
-And how do you feel about it?
-I mean, is his decision, and I’m not going to become a part of his religion to be with him. Besides, he said that I was a witch for believing in astrology and all that stuff
-I see. Why the tears then? — Crowley asked you
-Because I ca…
-He called you a witch? That’s it, I’m going to send one of my people to get him
-No love, please. Why the bother? It’s okay, I’m not going to text him anymore, I’m just going to say hi and goodbye when I’m at the office. I promise
A few weeks later, you received a text message from Tom asking you to meet him after work because he needed to talk to you.
After work, you met him in the little park that was near the office. He seemed to be scared, almost paranoid like if someone was spying on him. He explained to you he was sorry for the way the things between you two ended and that he shouldn’t have judged you because you didn’t say anything when he told you he was religious. He gave you one last kiss and left almost running, he seemed to be in a hurry. You were very confused, he never behaved in that way with you, like being scared to get caught, stuttering the words, afraid of saying the wrong thing. He looked like he was scared of you. That’s when it hit you, Crowley did something to him, and by the way he was looking behind his back, you knew there were some of his demons around. You left the park and went back home with Crowley, he ended up moving with you permanently.
When you arrived home, Crowley had the bath ready for you, dinner already cooking and a chocolate cake ready for when you finished your bath.
-I know what you did, love. I really appreciate it, but it wasn’t necessary the torture — you said hugging him
-I didn’t torture him, I just scare him a little
-A little? — you giggled — he looked like paranoid
-Well, that’s what he gets for hurting my girl — he kissed your forehead
Tag List (Is open, let me know if you want to be added)
@iguessweallcrazyithinktho | @thevelvetseries | @bitchy-witchy-post-mortem | @mrspeacem1nusone | @caplanbuckybarnes | 
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miioouu · 4 years
Demon! Bakugou x Human Reader? 👀
Wooooo I left this for 666 followers because, well I want to! Sorry if you didn't want smut, you can send me another request when I open my requests! Thank you for requesting! ❤️💜❤️ And thank you so so much for 666 followers you guys🥺🥺
Warning: smut, oral sex, fingering, anal, somnophilia.... Also very long post sry 😔
People looked at you like you were crazy. Who in their right mind would buy such house? Old and dark, window screaming in breezy nights, wood cracking for no reason. People claimed it to be haunted, advising you to run away, never step a foot inside the house. But who were they to tell you what to do? You didn't see an unholy house in front of you, nor a roof for demons or ghosts or whatever mythical creature they believed in. No you saw a beautiful house, one that has potential to turn into the best looking home in the neighborhood. And at the price it was offered, you hit the jackpot. Big and dark, you're soon to transform it.
     Turning the key as you stepped in, dust filling your lungs, coughing and shaking your hand to get rid of it. You had a lot to work on, and first you had to get it all cleaned up before starting any renovation. Everywhere you looked there were pictures reminding you of old witchcraft. Devil horns, crosses, and crystals. But what stood up was a particular painting, young, and powerful, eyes seeming to follow your every movement, and if you looked straight into them, your chest starts to heave, breathing becomes hard, sweat running down your face as your hands shake while you're taking the frames of the walls. You didn't need a dead man to decorate your house.
      Days passed and you're still cleaning up that damned house. Nights spent there seemed colder, making you shiver even under the layers upon layers of covers. Crickets seem louder here and the air seems to flow with more force. Though you blamed it on the poorly insulated walls. Unaware of the form roaming around your house. Well more like his house. Angry eyes boring into your soul as you tried to move his favorite coffee table, glacy fingers trying to stop you from throwing away expensive furniture. You were getting on every single one of his nerves. How dare you come to his house, acting like it's your own, destroying fortune poured into the decoration? Who's that insane woman trying to own his property?
     He was having more than enough with you, his only wish to dig his nails into your skin, drawing blood out of you. His only wish to see the life drained out of you, begging him to stop. And his desire only getting worse when it looks like you weren't getting his warnings. How could you ignore such things? Breaking of your new lamp, moving candles and cold, freezing air hitting your skin leaving trails of goosebumps in its awakening. How could you be so dense?
      You had toured the whole house, happy and joyful. Sure some things were a bit weird, but that's just your mind playing tricks on you, right? Well you were as sure as you moved to the basement. What you expected was dead rats, cockroaches, spider webs, anything really, but this. Left over wax sealed on the walls and floors, books covering up the whole wood floor , upside-down crosses hanging from the walls and most importantly, a huge pentagram burned into the floor. Perfect circle, and pointy ends of the star. The sight alone making you shiver as cold sweat ran down your body. Breathing heavy as you walked in the room. Each step felt heavy. Each step having you feel colder. Each step having your conscious screaming at you, begging for you to turn back, run away from the house, making your legs feel weak and wobbly as you get closer and closer to the cursed symbole.
     Finally, you had discovered him, maybe that would make you leave, maybe you'll finally understand. You don't belong here Y/n. Smirk carved on his face as he watched you approaching the portal to the underworld. The portal to wherever he came from. You should be running away, you should be screaming, repeating prayers after prayers, asking God for help and forgiveness for every sin you had committed in the past. But you didn't, which made his blood boil in anger. No, instead you laughed, shaking your head. Determined to get the place cleaned you did the one thing that kept him away from you, you touched the pentagram. Thus allowing him to finally do what he was so itching to do before, he can finally touch you.
     He wanted to kill you, sure, but why not have some fun with you before? Giving up on the idea of making the basement crystal clear, for the circle never faded away and the books all too precious to throw in the bin, you locked up the basement and continued with your life upstairs. You wanted to go back to a normal, routine-like life, but there's something stopping you from that. It's like icy fingers seemed to run up and down your legs every night, hot breath fanning over your face as you tried to shut your eyes close and fall into slumber. It's like eyes followed your every move, burning and looking straight into your soul. And the worse is the hazzy, dizzy feeling you get every time you hoppinto the shower, the smell of burnt caramel, filling your nose, making you ache from the inside as heat flows through your body and straight to your core. Making your eyes roll back as waves of pleasure cam crashing upon you. What was happening? You had absolutely no idea. Though you didn't give up on your dream house, never!
     But everything became too much one night. Sleeping tight in your bed, falling into the land of imagination, it's been a while since you had an erotic dream. Red eyes staring back at you, perfectly sharp jawline filling your view, though what was special in this dream was the devil-like horns decorating your dreamy man's head. Standing tall and shiny, dark red contrasting excellently against his sandg blond hair. Skin pale and smooth, patches of red, burnt-like skin patching over his body. Though all these details meant nothing to you. No, it was the cold finger brushing against your legs, parting them as you're fully exposed to his fiery eyes. What a weird dream, right? Oh Y/n, only if you knew. 
       It's been a while since he had the ability to  play with a human body, let alone one so beautiful. One so perfect, aching and arching for him. Seeing you sleeping, with nothing but an oversized shirt, has his mind going wild. He was but a mere demon, he can't contain himself, not when his desire to just wreck you over and over again kept flowing in his blood. Dragging his pointy fingers up and down your legs, making you shiver as he got closer to your heat. Face leaning in hot breath fanning on your lace covered crotch. Taking a look at your face, mouth agape, brows furrowed in pleasure, he knew he had this effect on mortals, but you, you were special.
    It's just a dream Y/n! A dream seeming so realistic, it's like someone, or more like him, was really breathing in your scent, face buried between your legs, tongue licking and sucking your soaked panties. It felt so real. All you wanted to do was run your fingers through his hair, and push closer, beg him to just rip your underwear apart and fuck you. It was so real, so good, how can a dream feel like that.
    Oh dear Y/n, it's not a dream, no, there really was a man, well no, a demon devouring you, playing tricks on your mind making you think that it's only a hyper realistic dream. "Oh- oh God....." Shaky moan coming out of you, as you pushed your hips forward, begging the demon to just take you already. He was having a lot of fun, roaming in your dreams, making you scream, got him going crazy. Finally listening to your needs, he moved away, earning him a whine as you hand subconsciously traveled down your body, aiming for your lower lips. He was fast though, pulling your panties down and throwing them somewhere in the room, finally giving in and pressing his lips to your skin, sharp teeth nibbling at your inner thighs, covering them in marks. And slowly making his way up, getting so close to the place you need him the most. Trembling as his wet muscle was finally dragging in between your lips, licking and sucking, tongue languidly circling your clit as his eyes looked up, eyebrows knit in pleasure, mouth agape. Slipping down to delve between your slick folds, his hot muscle pressing against your walls, while his nose ever so often brushes against your clit, hot breath fanning over it.
     What a dream you were having. Vermillion eyes looking up to you, sharp jawline in your sight, though that meant nothing to you, no what you were drooling over was his horns, rigid and hard, texture making you feel hot, wanting to run your tongue up and down, wrap your hands around them, and pulling him close. And so you did that in real life, hand unconsciously found his horn, gigantic as you held onto it, twisting your hand around it, making the demon growl, sending vibrations right to your core, seeing your back arch off the bed.
     Wanting to feel you more, he has ripped your night shirt, with such force it had your breast bouncing. Hand quickly shooting up to have a hold on them. Burning fingers tugging and pulling your nipples away from you, letting go to see your soft skin jiggle. Oh he was having so much fun. Feeling you wriggle underneath him, sign that you were getting close, he started sucking harder, face waving left and right, pushing himself so incredibly close to you. He had to hold your hips to stop you from bucking away from his touch, and just as you were about to cum, he pulled away. Leaving you panting and shaking, whine leaving your lips.
     He could fuck you right now, sure. But he wanted to teach you a lesson. Maybe he'll tease you a bit more. Gently turning you, so you're laying on your tummy, grabbing your hips and hoisting your ass in the air. Soft skin, smooth waiting to be spanked. Large palm coming harshly on it, watching it jiggle and starting to redden. Though he wanted more, spitting in your asshole, fingers dipping into your cunt to gather your juice with them, diving his digit inside your tight hole. Feeling your walls flutter around the single finger, head burying deeper into the pillows. Adding another one, stretching you so good as your fingers keep sucking him in, pumping inside of you, earning whine after whine, beg after beg, but that's not what he wanted to hear, no he wanted his name.
     Pulling away again before you can drown yourself in pleasure. He saw your body fall, hitting the mattress as he gave himself a few pumps, watching your holes clenching around nothing. Finally having enough with the teasing, he pushed himself in, loving the way your hips immediately began to thrust back at him, thanking his demon powers for not making him cum at the spot. Taking a fist full of your hair, and pulling back, creating the perfect curve of your body. Leaning down, long tongue swiping against your ear shell, for the first time you hear his voice. Deep, and husky, filled with evilness and desire. "If you want me to keep going human, you have to beg for me." Even in your sleeping state, your body responded perfectly to him. Having no idea where that name came from, mind creating it on its own. "Please, please Bakugou, fuck me, break me. I want to feel you so deep inside of me... Oh Bakugou, I'm only at your mercy!" It's all it took him to finally let loose. Pulling away almost completly, only to dig in even deeper, setting a rough, fast pace. Seeing your body rock with every movement of his hips, voice getting increasingly louder, wanton moans filling the room, and probably the whole neighborhood. 
    And you still think it's a dream? How could you? But all of it felt so magical, so good, too good to be true. Walls clenching around him, hips fast to meet his, as your hands began to tear the soft sheets underneath you. Pulling back at your hair, so you back was pressed on his chest. This new position making him hit the perfect spot inside you, over and over. At this point all that came out of your mouth was his name, repeating it like a prayer. Giving you another few thrusts, setting your body in fire as you finally, for the first time tonight, released, clamping hard around him as his name came out in shaky breaths. Groaning low as he feels you around him, the fluttering of you cunt making his eyes roll back as he presses deep inside you, hot ropes of cum fill you up, painting you walls white.
     Pulling out with a hiss, letting your body hit the mattress as he sees his cum dripping out of you, body still shaking from the intense orgasm you had.... If he gets to fuck you like that every night, he really doesn't mind if you keep moving his furniture.
     Waking up in the morning, body aching and feeling hot, you looked at yourself, naked and sticky, warm liquid spilling out of you and into the mattress, sheets torn apart and clothes littering the floor. Though what shook you the most was the pentagram burned on your inner thighs, making your whole body shiver, head dizzy as you touch it.... Oh y/n, maybe you should listen to people more often for you are now in big trouble… 
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verobatto · 3 years
Destiel Chronicles
Vol. CIV
It was a love story from the very beginning.
Two Worlds. Two Hearts. (Part III)
Hello my friends! This is the third part of this topic. This time we are gonna talk about 'Funeralia' episode 13x19 written by Steve Yockey.
We had a little of second meaning and laughs in this episode, so I hope you enjoy it.
Cas is a clueless hot angel
The first scene I wanna talk about is Rowena flirting with Castiel because I can. Our sweet witch doesn't lose her opportunity to show she really appreciates Castiel sex apple when she hears him talk at the other side of the line.
Of course, our cute angel reacts all flustered and Dean just looks at him askance like: "why are you blushing?" Which I find very accurate with Jealous!Dean. It's exactly the same reaction he had when Meg was around sending hearts with her eyes to Cas.
Gif set credit @bennylafitte
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Rowena: Ah, the handsome angel is there, isn’t he? Hello tweety pie.
Castiel: Um, hello.
Another funny scene was the classic 'ball handler' .
Let's see how this scene starts...
Castiel and Dean are both trying to think how to track Gabe.
Dean: I didn’t say it was gonna be easy, but uh… All right, come on. Ideas. [closes his eyes and rubs his hands together] Come on. Here we go.
Dean starts by making a gesture with his hands, very cute and dummy, just because Castiel is there watching him. Cas sighs and closes his eyes. In that moment Dean flicks his eyes to him. Yeah, Castiel's handsome. But then Mr. MISCOMMUNICATION strikes again...
Dean: (...) Nah. I need a real drink. I’m gonna get a beer. You wanna beer?
Castiel: No.
Dean: I’ll get a beer.
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Okay, this is something very VERY known in the fandom, so, I'm not saying new things but, Yockey wanted to remark here the Destiel classic MISCOMMUNICATION. In which Dean offers beer, Castiel says NO, and he gives him a beer anyways. So, if you pay attention bro the body language, Castiel shifts uncomfortably in his place as if he was mad.
Castiel: Maybe Heaven could help us.
Dean: Ah, not for nothing, but don’t the angels mostly want to kill you?
Dean again sending danger around Castiel. He doesn't want his angel to go through it, or die again. So, angels? Heaven? Is not a good idea.
Castiel: Yes. Yeah. This would be something of a Hail Mary.
Dean: Hmm.
Castiel: It’s a sports term, like slam dunk or, uh... ball handler.
Dean: That’s, uh… Mnh-mnh. No, I don’t think it's a good idea.
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Castiel is hilariously using a second meaning term and Dean can't explain it because it would mean explain a sexual meaning to the angel, which, it's a big no. So he just checks him out, because he knows Castiel is not aware of he said. But it's also kind of hot and cute.
This is related to Gabe apparition in this season and all the sexuality and second meanings linked to angels.
When they engage into a discussion about why going with the angels is not a good plan, Sam appears in the middle bringing another problem. Dean solves that one and then, coming from nowhere, he just throws the conclusion to their previous chat with Castiel. This quote is full of Dean's deep fears. And it caught Sammy's attention, giving him an idea of what he had just interrupted.
Dean: You better. Cas, you wanna try this angel thing, then go for it. Just don’t get dead again.
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'Just don't get dead again'. It's an inner prayer Dean has everyday, each time he recalls Castiel's dead and his own mourning. And Castiel's sueprised face.
Two Lovers
The dialogue between Jessica, the reaper, and Sam and Dean, telling them she's always watching them, it's a creepy foreshadow of Chuck and his eternal watching over the boys. Not intimacy at all.
But, I named this section 'two lovers' and I'm gonna explain why.
There's a pic inside a book Sam and Dean find to research about the murder of several reapers.
That picture had been analyzed plenty but a lot of meta writers in this fandom.
What I'm gonna add here is...
A lady in red ( Dean) a man in blue (Cas) and Death trying to separate them, unfructuously. Why? Because the man in blue (Castiel) kills Death.
This could be applied to:
Castiel killing Billie and then dying and then coming back from the Empty. It could be seen as triumph in episode 13x05 when the lovers are reunited.
But, but, knowing now the facts, I think it applies mostly to 15x18. Because Cas killing Death again... Being swallowed by the Empty (lovers separation) and then coming back to life in Heaven. And they robbed our Destiel reunion, for sure.
To Conclude, Death was always there separating the lovers...
Another quote I'm gonna bring here is something Bernard said to Dean...
Bernard: She’s powerful, she’s gorgeous, and she’s paying me a small fortune. That woman didn’t have to cast a spell on me.
This, my friends, it's related to the spell those two sisters put on Dean to make him fall in love with one of them. But... Takes those words and put it in Dean's mind. That applies perfectly to Castiel and him. Because CAS DIDN'T NEED TO PUT ANY SPELL ON HIM, BECAUSE CAS IS GORGEOUS AND POWERFUL, AND DEAN IS IN LOVE WITH HIM, FREELY IN LOVE WITH HIS ANGEL.
Another little foreshadows were implied in the conversation between Naomi and Castiel.
First of all, Castiel is able to snap at her what she did to him in season 8, as a growth of character. But, let's point at the little clues...
After talking about the few angels alive, which bring the huge crisis in Heaven, that will be solve by Jack as the new god at the end of the show, we had a foreshadow for 'souls walking the Earth' that will open season 14.
Naomi: Without him, in time we’ll burn out. Heaven will crumble, and all the souls that have been entrusted to our care will fall back to earth. Picture it, Castiel-- billions upon billions of ghosts unleashed upon the world. All that chaos, all that death.
And then, in our noses, Naomi is telling us the show was about to end...
Naomi: Everything ends, Castiel.
Cas: Everything ends.
To Conclude:
This episode had it all, sexual innuendo, fan service and clues to decipher the incoming season and also the end of the show.
I hope you enjoyed this meta, see you in the next one!
Tagging @magnificent-winged-beast @emblue-sparks @weird-dorky-little-d @michyribeiro @whyjm @legendary-destiel @a-bit-of-influence @thatwitchydestielfan @misha-moose-dean-burger-lover @lykanyouko @evvvissticante @savannadarkbaby @dea-stiel @poorreputation @bre95611 @thewolfathedoor @charlottemanchmal @neii3n @deathswaywardson @followyourenergy @dean-is-bi-till-i-die @hekatelilith-blog @avidbkwrm @anarchiana @dickpuncher365 @vampyrosa @authorsararayne @mybonsai1976 @love-neve-dies @dustythewind @wayward-winchester67 @angelwithashotgunandtrenchcoat @trashblackrainbow @deeutdutdutdoh @destiel-shipper-11 @larrem88 @charmedbycastiel @ran-savant @little-crazy-misha-minion @samoosetheshipper
@shadows-and-padlocked-hearts @mishtho @dancingtuesdaymorning @nerditoutwithbooks @mikennacac73 @justmeand-myinsight @idontwantpeopletoknowmyname @teddybeardoctor @pepevons @helevetica @isthisdestiel @dizzypinwheel @jawnlockwinchester @horsez2 @qanelyytha
@destielle @spnsmile @shippsblog @robot-feels @superlock-in-the-tardis @superduckbatrebel @2musiclover2 @madronasky @anon-non2 @cea1996 @lisafu02 @asphodelesauvage @destiels-canonahhhhhhhhhh
If you wanna be added or removed from this list just let me know.
If you wanna read the previous metas from season 13 here you have the links...
Buenos Aires, March 21, 2021 2:30 PM
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bethpeaches123 · 3 years
Everlark #46
Okay, this took much longer than I’d hoped, but that’s because every time I thought I was finished, something new popped into my head and I had to include it, so it’s also much longer than I’d anticipated. But, here it is, @mandelion82! I hope you enjoy! I’m thinking of continuing it too, so stay tuned! Also going to post it on AO3. :)
Everlark 46: nanny/single parent au
The Nanny/Babysitter/Minder
When Katniss Everdeen placed an ad looking for a nanny to care for her five-year-old daughter Cassie, the gorgeous blond, blue-eyed specimen of a man standing on her front porch was not exactly what she had in mind.
“Can I…help you? Sir?” she asked, trying to wipe the puzzled expression off her face when she opened the door.
He smiled, his hands shoved in the front pockets of his dark wash jeans, looking slightly puzzled himself. “I’m Peeta. Peeta Mellark? I emailed you about the nanny position for your daughter? We agreed I’d come over to meet her at one o’clock today?” he replied. His eyes flickered to the side at the sound of a car horn behind him on the busy street, then flicked back to Katniss while he waited for her response.
Flustered that Peeta was apparently a man’s name and not an old woman’s like she’d assumed, (Why had she assumed that? What could have it been short for? Petunia? Come on, Katniss) she hesitated and then said, “oh, yes, of course. Um, please, come in,” stepping aside to let the subtly muscular man walk past her and into the hallway.
Hesitating again, she decided to throw caution to the wind and continue with the appointment with this man, Peeta. She hadn’t received any other responses to the ad she’d placed two weeks prior, and she was getting desperate. Her surgery schedule had changed at the hospital, thanks to crotchety Chief Abernathy who didn’t care about her childcare woes, and she needed to find someone to pick Cassie up from school until her current shift rotation changed again in a few months’ time. If it changed. Knowing Abernathy, he’d keep her on this schedule indefinitely.
“Cassie? Can you come out please sweetheart, there’s someone I’d like you to meet,” she called down the hall.
She motioned for Peeta to proceed into the living room as a tiny pixie of a girl came bounding down the hall and into the room, her dark brown hair in two messy braids down her back. “Mama, I was playing,” she whined, but stopped and stared, wide-eyed at the blond man standing in front of her. “Who are you?” she asked, curiously.
“Cassie honey, I told you we’d be meeting your new nann-err…your….baby-um…your…minder…today. Remember?” hastily fumbling over what to call Peeta. “This is Mr. Mel-um, Peeta.”
“Hi Mr. Peeta,” Cassie whispered, peering up at him shyly as her little mouth curling into a smile.
Peeta knelt down in front of Cassie and held out his hand. “Hello Miss Cassie, it’s very nice to meet you. You can call me just Peeta, though, if you’d like,” he replied, gently smiling at the girl. “I’m looking forward to getting to know you better, I hope.”
“Cassie, why don’t you tell Peeta about school? Cassie just started grade one. Peeta, can I get you something to drink?” asked Katniss, starting towards the kitchen. She needed to put some distance between herself and this gorgeous man. Needed to catch her breath and steady herself – it had been a while since she’d been around anyone who made her feel so flustered. She was usually so calm and cool-headed; she needed to be, being an orthopedic surgeon and all. When Peeta didn’t reply right away, she turned to face him and found him staring straight at her.
“I’m fine, thank you,” he replied, his eyes warm as he looked at her for a beat longer than normal, before turning his focus back to her mini-me sitting before him on the floor. She could feel the heat from his brief gaze go straight to her core. She shivered and spun on her heel, swiftly walking to the kitchen. What was that? As she poured herself a glass of water, she gave herself a mental shake before gulping it down and returning to the living room to sit and observe.
As Katniss watched the two interact on the floor, her initial hesitations began to melt away. Peeta was patient, attentive and gentle with her sweet girl, listening to her talk about her dolls, how much she wanted a cat (Katniss refused - she and felines did not get along) and how nice her kindergarten teacher Mr. Cinna was. Peeta asked her questions about her favourite colour (purple, but also green, like Mama) what she wanted to be when she grew up (a veterinarian) and her favourite flavour ice cream (Rocky Road).
After 45 minutes had passed and the two seemed thick as thieves, Katniss’s worries were gone. Her desperation to find someone to look after Cassie while she was at work had melted away as she watched Cassie, normally a shy, reserved little girl, open up and giggle at the gentle man who made silly faces and showed her pictures of his cat, Cupcake (she could’ve scolded him for that - she didn’t need Cassie getting any more ideas about wanting a cat.) Occasionally, she’d laugh softly at something one of them would say, and she’d catch Peeta’s eye when he’d glance at her and smile warmly, his dimples dusting his cheeks.
With her ex Gale no longer in the picture, and her mother and sister living two states away, she didn’t have any family support. Peeta seemed to be the answer to her prayers, judging from how quickly he and her daughter got along. Plus…he wasn’t hard on the eyes. Stop lusting after the hired help, Katniss. Get it together.
After some more time had passed, Katniss looked at her watch and said, “Well, I think we’ve taken up enough of Peeta’s time, Cassie, and you have to get ready to head out to your singing lesson too,” said Katniss, standing up and motioning to her daughter to go to her room and get ready. “Why don’t you brush your teeth, use the bathroom and get your sheet music from your bedroom while I talk to Peeta?”
“But I don’t haveta use the bathroom, Mama,” Cassie grumbled. She didn’t make any moves to get up from her spot on the floor next to Peeta, who smartly stayed silent as he watched the mother and daughter talk.
“You will as soon as we get in the car and by then it’ll be too late. Go, please, missy,” replied her mother, sternly.
Peeta stood up from where he’d been sitting crossed legged on the floor with Cassie and dipping into a deep bow, offered her his hand to pull her up. “May I be of service to the young lady and help her up?” His eyes twinkled as she giggled again and placed her little hand in his, letting him easily pull her to her feet. “Will I see you again, Mr. Peeta?” she asked shyly, glancing at her mother before turning back to him.
“I would like that, Miss Cassie. How about I chat with your mama while you get ready? It’s a good idea to listen to her - she knows best,” he replied gently.
Cassie huffed, but turned and bounded out of the room, the chorus of “Let It Go” echoing down the hall as she went.
Peeta chuckled and shook his head amusedly, shoving his hands in his front pockets, adopting his stance from earlier. He turned his gaze to Katniss once again, his piercing blue eyes warm and kind. Before she could speak, Peeta beat her to it.
“She seems like a wonderful little girl, Mrs. Everdeen. I’d be happy to look after her for you when needed,” he said. “I can provide a list of references and my child CPR certification if you’d like. I mean, if you’d like me to...if you’d like t-to hire me?” He stuttered, watching her face spread into a wide, amused smile.
“It’s Dr. Everdeen, actually. Ms. Dr. Everdeen, really. I’m not married. Ever. Haven’t ever been married. I mean, not that that matters, I’m jus-I mean Cassie’s father and I weren’t married, we were just together, but he’s not around anymore, he-” what was wrong with her? She was a top-notch surgeon; a strong, independent woman, raising a child on her own. Why was she so tongue-tied around this man? She took a deep breath and said, “Katniss is fine. And your references and other files would be great. Could you email them to me please?”
Amused by her stuttered response that mirrored his own, Peeta replied, “Okay. Katniss it is, and yes, I’ll send them over today.” He seemed relieved that she was as nervous as he was.
After they discussed hours and rate of pay, the one questions that had been nagging in the back of her mind finally couldn’t be left unasked. “Why do you want this job?” She blurted.
Mortified, she continued before he could even open his mouth. “Sorry, it’s just...when I placed the ad, I expected to find an old, grandmother-type woman. Not a young, handsome guy. I mean-I just...I haven’t come across a lot of male...nannies,” she trailed off, embarrassed by her word choice. Did I just call him handsome? To his face? Oh god, I wish I could bury MY face in my hands right about now.
Peeta shifted somewhat uncomfortably from one foot to the other before replying. “That’s a fair question, I guess. I work in my family’s bakery in the mornings, but my day is finished by noon. I wanted something to fill the rest of my days and I love kids – I have a niece and nephew who are just the greatest, I love spending time with little people that age, they’re so inquisitive and honest. I’ve actually thought about going back to school to become a teacher – I mean, I haven’t ruled it out yet, I’m only twenty-six, that’s not too old. Plus, I thought about how much of a struggle it must be sometimes to be a single parent and if I have the ability and capacity to help someone out, well, then I want to do that.” He realized he was rambling a bit and flushed with embarrassment. “Is that weird? I just thought I’d combine helping people and kids and...well, here I am. Here we are.”
“Here we are indeed,” mused Katniss, staring at him wonderingly. “That seems like as good a reason as any, I suppose.” She started to turn away but stopped and looked at him once again. “And I do appreciate the help, by the way…can you start Monday?” Her lips curved into a small smile, Peeta beamed back at her, this time his dimples on full display.
“Great! Yes, Monday’s great. Okay. Good. I think this will be...great. I’ve said great a lot. I’ll stop,” said Peeta sheepishly, running his hand through his messy blond curls. His face flushed bright red again, a shade Katniss found endearing.
Before she could respond again, Cassie came bounding down the hallway, her teeth clean and music bag in tow. “I’m ready, Mama! Mr. Peeta, so will I see you again?” She asked hopefully, peering up at her new friend once again.
Peeta glanced at Katniss, who smiled and nodded, before replying to Cassie. “You will! I’ll be there to pick you up from school on Monday. I have a very serious question for you though, Miss Cassie. Are you ready to hear it?” Her brow furrowed as she nodded slowly. “Do you like to have fun?” She little face broke out into a grin as she nodded again, more enthusiastically this time. “Well good,” he continued. “Because we’re going to have lots of it.”
Hearing her child break out into giggles again melted her heart and stirred something inside her. Looking at Peeta, she met his intense gaze with one of her own, grateful for this kind man to care for the more important person in her life.
“Well, it’s time to go, sweetheart. Peeta, thank you so much again. We’ll be chatting before Monday to go over the rest of the particulars,” said Katniss, ushering Cassie out the front door and turning to Peeta once again. As he moved past her to go through the front door, his hand lightly pressed against the small of her back to step around her, and Katniss felt the heat of his touch through her coat. It spread from her back throughout her body, right down to her toes. She froze as he passed through the door and hopped down the steps, turning back to look at her and flashed his dimples once again. Oh my. This is going to be interesting…
“I’ll speak to you very soon, Katniss. Cassie, I’ll see you Monday afternoon!” he called, cheerfully as he waved and headed to his car.
“I like Mr. Peeta, Mama. He’s nice. And he has a cat!! Do you think he can bring Cupcake over to play with me sometime?” Cassie babbled as Katniss strapped her into her seat, her mind replaying the memory of Peeta’s touch on her back over and over. She flushed again, thinking of how close his muscular body had to hers been when he walked by, how his blue eyes sparkled when he stared at her, how his dimples seemed to make an appearance when he beamed at her….how his ass looked when he bent over to help Cassie up...
Oh no. She was in trouble.
A young, hot, (she has to admit he was hot, there was no denying it) kind, patient man was going to be looking after her child and thus very, very involved in her life for the unforeseeable future. This would be interesting indeed…
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bisexualdaemon · 4 years
Quarantine Day 26
a/n: in which Shawn gets a haircut
yeah...I couldn’t help myself. I watched so many youtube videos for this 😂
warnings: 2.6k of fluff and like a whisper, A HINT of smut
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“That sounds nice…”
Shawn’s fingers paused against the vibrating strings. He leaned back against the couch toward your disembodied voice rounding the corner. You walked into the living room with a glass of red wine, your cheeks already fully flushed from the alcohol, wearing one of his Givenchy sweatshirts and a pair of little hot pink sleep shorts.
“Just working on something to record later,” he smiled, continuing his strumming and plucking, little head nods on heavy beats to mark the time. “I’ll send it to Teddy later...she misses the studio.”
He’d been shacked up with you for twenty-six days in your tiny apartment. When the stay-at-home order came down from the city, he’d rushed over, just an overnight bag full of clothes and his guitar case, not wanting to be alone and not wanting to be in chaos at his parents’ house. Aaliyah was doing remote school and whining about college applications everyday, he’d said, not a place he wanted to spend an indefinite amount of time. Sometimes you thought it was a lie, seeing how easily he fit into your life. He belonged here with you. Especially when he’d come up behind you while you waited for your morning coffee to suck on that place behind your ear. It always ended up with the two of you back in bed for an hour longer than you should have been. It had happened again this morning. Thank God it was a holiday.
Now, he was stretched out on your L-shaped couch, the only luxury you’d allowed yourself when you moved out of your parents house. It was the dominant feature in the room, heavy and royal blue, one of those couches that you sank into when you sat down. His legs were propped up on the ottoman in front of him with his acoustic in his lap.
You sat down next to him, pulling your knees up to your chest and using one as a makeshift coaster for your stemless wine glass. He stopped playing again and shifted closer to you, patting his lap for your legs. You smiled at him, stretching your legs out across his thighs, and let him rest his guitar on top. When he started plucking the strings again, you could feel the vibration of the sound against your skin.
He hummed random words and noises to the melody with his eyes closed, lost to creating but content to be here touching your skin. Your legs rubbed comfortingly against his own bare ones. He’d taken to just wearing t-shirts and boxers around the apartment, no need to get dressed if he wasn’t running to the grocery store or to the door to get the food delivery. You reached out and ran your fingers through his floppy curls, one of them getting caught in a tangle.
“Baby,” you said, causing him to strum slower, “you need a haircut.”
“Yeah,” he sighed, changing to a minor chord to amplify his woe, “it’s been bugging me for awhile but I don’t have anything to cut it with. Not even at home.” You rolled your eyes, knowing he hadn’t had anyone but Anna touch his hair in five years.
“I can cut it.”
He stilled immediately, his eyes bugging a little as he loudly swallowed.
“I….I don’t know.”
“Oh, come on,” you swung your legs out from under the guitar excitedly. The instrument protested with discordant vibrations. “I have some clippers left from my last dumbass boyfriend who was obsessive about his stupid sideburns. I can watch a YouTube video. This could be fun!”
The reticence in his eyes was screaming at you, but you were on a mission now. You sprung up from the couch, half sprinting over to the closet in the hall to dig out the gray plastic box that held the clippers and all the attachments.
“See?!” You showed him the case, already turning on your heels toward the bathroom.
Shawn sighed again, knowing it was a lost cause now. At least my hair grows fast. He would probably be able to hide out for as long as it might take to grow back. He leaned his guitar against the couch cushions and pushed himself to stand, following you to the bathroom. When he got there, he had to swallow a chuckle.
“I’m trying to find some hair cutting scissors!” You yelled, digging underneath the sink, even though you were only a couple of feet away from him. He bit down on his fist, his shoulders shaking. You were bent over, hot pink shorts stretched over your gorgeous ass just tight enough to see the black lace hugging your curves, but the hood from his sweatshirt had come up over your head so you looked like a sexy burglar.
“Take your time,” he snorted.
“Shawn!” You whipped around, missing scissors gleaming in between your fingers, “so help me God, I will cut off your favorite curl if you laugh at me.”
“Okay, okay,” he straightened, gulping, “where do you want me?”
You grinned, “well, I always want you between my thighs, but for now can you grab a chair from the breakfast table?”
He nodded and disappeared back down the hall, his curls shaggy and swaying with his walk. You plugged in the clippers and set the scissors on top of the set of towels you’d pulled from the linen closet. Satisfied that everything you’d need was accounted for, including the overgrown mop you’d be cutting as Shawn returned with his chair, you pulled out your phone and opened up YouTube.
“Sit,” you said, pointing to the chair but not taking your eyes off your phone. You pulled up a quick video about cutting tools and how to use them, running through clipper sizing and how to blend. Simple enough.
“Okay, okay, this seems pretty easy,” you nodded, staring at Shawn’s reflection in the mirror. He looked….petrified. He was breathing shallow. His shoulders looked like they were glued to his ears. Your eyes widened and you leaned over him, “honey, are you okay?”
“I don’t know why I’m freaking out, it’s just hair,” he looked up at you like a lost puppy.
“I know you don’t want me to fuck it up, and I promise I’ll stop if you don’t like what I’m doing, okay?”
“Okay,” he exhaled in a rush, his shoulders relaxing down to their normal position. “Have you done this before? Like used clippers ever?”
“Once or twice,” you said, not inviting more questions on your qualifications. You didn’t want to tell him that you’d done this exactly once on your best friend in high school who wanted an “alternative” haircut when she came out to her parents. It looked basically like the picture afterward, think Hayley Williams but a lot shorter...and half buzzed. The 2000s were weird.
“Now take off your shirt,” you instructed, pointing the scissors at him.
“Yes, ma’am,” he couldn’t help but smirk as he stripped his vintage Sting tee off. His skin was still just barely freckled from his Mexico holiday vacation. You traced them with the tips of your fingers until he shivered, moving your hands down, through the unkempt hair there and back up to squeeze his shoulders. He melted in your hands, dropping his chin to his chest and moaning.
“Good,” you said, “now turn and lean back.” Turning on the sink, you reached for a comb, “we’re doing this salon style.”
He did as you asked, dipping his head almost all the way under the faucet. You combed through it, making sure the whole mop was wet. He looked a little like a water spaniel wading through a lake. You grabbed his expensive shampoo that smelled like bergamot and patchouli and lathered it into his hair.
With everything going on in the world, outside, in their city, the act of washing his hair was soothing. Simple, task-oriented, clean. You understood why people did this for a living. Shawn let out a moan when your fingers dug deep into his scalp and your knees buckled a little. You washed out the suds and applied conditioner, turning off the sink to let it sink in.
“This is nice,” he whispered with his eyes closed like it was a secret. You wiggled your fingers above his face, letting little droplets fall, giggling when one fell on his nose. He scrunched his face up and let it fall down the side of his face.
“Did you know,” you said as you flipped the water back on to give him a final rinse, “that I’m very happy you decided to come quarantine with me? I would have gone insane.”
He opened his eyes and smiled one of those big Mendes toothy smiles, “I didn’t even really think about it. I just packed my bag.”
You grinned back at him, turning off the water and grabbing at a towel to dry his curls, but before you could get back to him he shook his head, sending a shower of man-smell infused water everywhere.
He doubled over laughing, catching the towel you launched at his head. He scrubbed vigorously at his hair while you toweled off, slipping off his sweatshirt and revealing the bralette you had on underneath. It barely concealed your nipples. If he was gonna distract you, he was gonna get distracted. When he out from under the towel his curls were frizzed out, sticking out from his head at all angles. His breath stopped on a quick inhale and his face immediately flushed.
“Honey, I,” he stuttered, “I can’t focus with you like that.”
“Oh, good thing I’m the one with the scissors around here,” you quipped, pushing him back in the chair and draping the damp towel over his shoulders.
You grabbed a random hair tie from the counter and parted out the top section of his hair, the part that would stay longer after you trimmed the back and sides. His eyes were closed again, probably to block out the anxiety of watching you in the mirror. You took a minute to say a little prayer. Please, God. Don’t let me fuck this up. The fucking fangirls will murder.
You flipped on the clippers.
His hair fell to the floor in little tufts, coloring the floor with dark clouds. You used the second longest setting, making sure he wasn’t losing the wave in his hair at any point. The reference picture in your head was from around the Seoul show last year. It was a good length. Curly all around but not too unkempt. It was your favorite hair.
You stopped about three-quarters of the way to the top section, switching to the longest setting to blend up to the top of his head. There was something to be said about hair just long enough to grab onto. You’d test it out later.
The top was going to need scissors. You flipped off the clippers, returning them to the case, and picked up the sharp shears. Shawn gulped again, his Adam’s apple bobbing heavily.
“I saw that,” you chided through the comb in your teeth. If you were being honest, it looked pretty good so far. No weird lawn mower tracks or weird chunks missing. The waves were still there. A whisper of labradoodle but not full on sheepdog. That was the goal. Nothing crazy.
You took his hair in inch wide sections from right to left, trimming about an inch off everywhere, a little more in the wilder areas. He reached up to run his fingers through it before you were finished.
“Hey!” You swatted his hand away, “let me finish before you check my work!”
He snorted, crossing his arms over his chest and bobbing his knee up and down. Impatient bastard, you thought, snipping a few more curls. The only ones you didn’t really touch, maybe a quarter inch here and there, were the curls toward the front. The ones that dropped down into his face and across his forehead. You liked those, loved to push them back in the morning when he looked down at you, naked and pressed against his chest. You ruffled his damp hair to see how it might curl and retract.
“Shawn,” you leaned down to whisper in his ear, “you can look now.”
He slowly peeked with one eye, then with the other, his eyes growing wide when he saw it fully. He got up out of the chair to lean up to the mirror, inspecting and combing his fingers through it about fifty times. You grabbed some oil off the side of the sink and ran it through the top, letting it soak in and tame the frizz drying into the curls.
“So,” you needled, “do you like it or what?”
“I…” he rifled around in his toiletry bag, pulling out a little black box of hair paste, “I think I love it.” He smoothed some of the cream between his hands and fingered it through the ringlets. They snapped and bounced back on top of his head.
“Holy shit, thank God,” you exhaled in a rush, sitting on the lid of the toilet while your heart rate slowed.
He stopped and looked over, his big green-brown eyes asking questions.
“I mean, I wasn’t worried,” you backtracked, stopping when he lifted an eyebrow. You huffed. “Okay, I was a little worried...the fans...they’re vicious! And it’s your hair! You could probably trademark it for fuck’s sake!”
He tipped his head back and laughed loud and long, some stray cut hair falling from his neck to the floor.
“You know, I thought about halfway through that it’s good I look so sexy in backward baseball caps.” He waggled his eyebrows at you, obviously suppressing a laugh at his own bad joke. You got up and shoved him in the shoulder, crossing the hall to your bedroom. He followed closely behind.
“I don’t give a fuck what the fans think about my hair, you know that,” he leaned on the door frame and watched you dig for a dry shirt. You pulled out an oversized Maple Leafs tee and bent to throw it on.
“Oh, no you don’t,” he stopped you, catching at the shirt and letting it fall to the floor. “You gave me a haircut, so now it’s my turn to give you something.” He threaded his fingers with yours and led you to the edge of your bed, setting you down and stepping back.
“Now, do you like my hair?” he asked, kneeling in front of you, busying himself with untying your shorts. He mouthed at the inside of your thighs, pausing only to grip your shorts and panties in one hand and drag them down your legs. His lips returned to your skin, closer and closer to where you wanted him.
“Yes,” you moaned, widening your legs and combing your fingers through his still damp hair.
“Yes, what?” he smirked against your pubic bone. His hand slid up your belly and pushed up the barely-there bralette, pushing you back to lay against the rumpled sheets. He traced your lips with the tip of his tongue, not dipping inside until he got his answer.
“Yes! Oh, God,” you fisted the waves at the nape of his neck. Perfect. “Yes, I love your hair!”
“Good,” he reached up to kiss you just once before returning to his throne between your legs, licking a long stripe from your entrance to your swollen, aching clit, “that’s all that matters.”
Words were lost to moans and shaking limbs and muffled curses. It turned out his hair was, in fact, just long enough to grab onto.
taglist: @justanotherfangurl272​  @siennarossi​ @trustfundshawn​ @alone-in-madness​ @harryandmolly​ @thatindiannerdygirl​  @mendesromano​ @fromthicctosticc​ @esoltis280​ @softmendesss​ @sinplisticshawn​ @nedthegay​ @september-lace​ @itrocksmysocks​ @disaster-rose​ @mendesoft​ @luvluvxx​ @i-play-video-games​ @ihearthemcallingforyou​ @gentleshawn​ @kitykatnumber​ @enchantingbrowneyedgirl​ @ijustreallylikeshawnokay​ @shhhawnmendes​ @shawnsblue​ @imaginashawnns​ @mendesficsxbombay​ @shawn-youth​
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snarkybluechristian · 3 years
Villainous: Reform School Chapter 32
Meanwhile, back in the bathroom of her room, Melanie was finishing her song while she finished composing her text message about what happened for Sensei Lucy.
“My lamb and martyr, this will be over soon,” Melanie sang, copying and pasting the text message to send to her parents and Lunet. “You look so precious. You look so precious. You look so precious.”
Once the text message was copied and pasted to all the right places, Melanie sent them all. Despite having sent the messages, she was no calmer than she was before. In fact, she felt worse.
Melanie was struggling to breathe. Her thoughts were rushing. No two thoughts in her brain were connecting. Her eyes were filling with tears. She curled up into a ball and continued to cry, having completely forgotten that she was still on the line with her Nun-ja sisters.
“Melanie,” Lucy’s voice said. “Melanie, it’s me. Don’t say anything in case someone is listening. Just listen to what I say. You are having a panic attack. You need to do something to calm yourself down. Okay? So, get up and find something to do to calm you down. Did your parents bring you your keyboard?”
“Yes,” Melanie whispered.
“Then get up and go,” Lucy said.
Melanie then got to her feet and opened the bathroom door. After unlocking the door to her bedroom in case anyone came by, she turned around and looked for her keyboard.
That was when Melanie noticed the pictures. They were hand drawn pictures of Melanie and people laughing at her and calling her a freak, Demencia being featured the most prominently among them. Melanie looked around. The pictures circled around her bed and the characters all pointed to the center. It was obviously Demencia’s handiwork, and she couldn’t have picked a worst time to show it off.
Melanie shook with anger. Then did three things. First, she snapped a picture of the drawings to send to both her families. Second, she sent the photos. Then finally, Melanie went into a frenzy tearing every drawing off the wall she could find.
Melanie’s heartbeat grew louder. Her blood pressure grew higher, and her fingertips grew hotter and hotter until flames started poking out of her fingertips.
“Melanie. It’s okay. I’m right here.”
Melanie recognized her Father’s voice. She paused in place with all the drawings on the floor.
“But, Father, you’ve seen what they’ve done,” Melanie whimpered. “You see what’s happening. I’m turning into a demon. What am I supposed to do?”
“You are not a demon. You are what I say you are, and you are my beloved child. No one has the right to call you otherwise, not even Black Hat.”
“Then why is everything in me saying I am?” Melanie asked. “Father, I’m part grim reaper, death god, whatever my Papi calls himself. I can summon fire from Hell. I’m from a family of demons and witches. You say that I’m your child, one of your heroes, but everyone around me is telling me I’m not. What is the point of even fighting it? Why should I bother when everyone wants me to be something else?”
“Because no one else has the right to tell you who you are but you and God,” Lucy said, getting Melanie’s attention.
Melanie paused and telepathically sent out a pulse to be sure that any video or audio was disabled before continuing.
“You both say that, but I’m the one with fire coming out of my fingertips,” Melanie said with tears rolling down her face. “What am I supposed to do with that? Black Hat said it was fire from Hell. He also called me his grand-niece and said I was partly what he was. God, Lucy, I’m a monster…”
“No, you’re not!” Lucy cried over the phone. “Melanie, you can’t help your ancestry or your family history, but you are in control of yourself and what you become. I know. Black Hat fed me similar lines. He said that I had the blood of the yakuza in me and that was something I should never turn against. Yet I did.”
“You aren’t part demon,” Melanie protested sadly. “You don’t have a blood connection to Black Hat because of your stupid great-grandfather.”
Lucy laughed gently and said, “Why should that matter? You’re still a Nun-ja with so many sisters who love you to pieces. Through God, all things are possible. Every day, your soul is being purified into His image. That is something Black Hat can’t change no matter how badly he wants it to. Remember that.”
“I want to, but I feel so weak,” Melanie said with a few more tears coming out of her eyes as she pulled her 505 jacket on over her dress. “When I was there in Black Hat’s grasp, all I could feel and think about was how scared I was. I want to remember how loved my Father makes me feel. I want to feel the freedom and the hope I felt that day with the Nun-jas when I was baptized. I want to remember that and hold onto that, but suddenly, it’s like those feelings are slipping away.”
“Sometimes, that happens,” Lucy admitted. “Feelings are never constant. That is why we need to find ways to connect to the Spirit within us to remember. Because even when you don’t feel the emotions, you still have the memories, and you still have the conviction that those memories created inside you. You just need to take the time to connect with the Lord and to remember.”
Melanie sat on her bed and asked, “How do I remember, Lucy? How do you remember when it’s hard and all you can think about is Black Hat? Have you ever felt like this?”
“Very often,” Lucy said sadly.
“What?” Melanie asked in disbelief. “Even after you got away from Black Hat and your family.”
“Yes,” Lucy said. “After I ran away, I used to wake up at night, screaming and hyperventilating. I would have nightmares about being captured by Black Hat and being brainwashed to the point where I couldn’t remember who I was anymore. Agnes Takea would come running and sit with me and pray over me until the fear passed and I could drift off to sleep again. I can’t be by your side now, but I will be here as long as I can be. Okay?”
Tears came out of Melanie’s eyes, and she said, “I betrayed you, Lucy. You might have to face Black Hat now, and it’s all my fault.”
“No, it isn’t,” Lucy chided. “I’m asking God to take that thought out of your head right now because that’s not true! That doctor drugged you. You didn’t have control over what you were saying. They took advantage of you. Nothing that happened was your fault. Do you understand me?”
“Yes, but how do I stop feeling afraid?” Melanie asked, wiping her tears. “When you get scared like this, how do you make yourself stop feeling like this?”
“You don’t,” Lucy admitted. “You never completely do, but God shows you ways to walk through it until the fear becomes small enough to walk through. Those ways include prayer, talking to people who love you, and your favorite hobbies. It doesn’t matter how weird it is as long as it helps you connect to God and to yourself and brings you peace of mind.”
“Like playing the piano is for me,” Melanie said with a small smile. “You mentioned it being weird. Do you have any weird hobbies you do that calm you down?”
“You’ll laugh,” Lucy said with a quiet chuckle. “I listen to my favorite anime soundtracks while taking a walk out in nature and doing our poses while pretending I’m an anime warrior from one of the animes I grew up watching. I know it sounds unbelievably cheesy, but it really does help me.”
“I don’t think it’s cheesy,” Melanie said, finding her keyboard in a box under her bed and pulling it out on top of her bed. “You’re basically a real-life anime warrior and living saint, so why not embrace it?”
“Ha! Thanks for the compliment, but despite what you and our sisters may think, I am not some immovable force of nature,” Lucy said sadly. “I feel fear and sadness and anxiety like any other pilgrim in this life. Like you do now. But the biggest thing I’ve ever learned is that it’s okay to not be okay. You can feel pain and tell me and God all about it. It’s okay to cry. You have to be strong in front of your enemies in that house, but in front of the people who love you, you don’t need to be afraid of feeling anything. Okay?”
“Okay, it’s just that I feel like there’s so much more I could be doing right now,” Melanie said, setting up her keyboard.
“Melanie, you can’t do anything without a clear head,” Lucy said. “That’s why you need to calm down. Besides, you attempting to escape again is exactly what they’ll be expecting right now. You wouldn’t succeed, especially not since your grandfather is there. Right now, taking care of your mind is the best thing you could be doing, and you just need to accept that. As for me and your sisters, the best thing we can do right now is work around the clock to hide our tracks and find a way to get you out of there.”
“Do you guys have any plans yet?” Melanie asked, practicing some chords on the piano.
“No,” Lucy said sadly. “But don’t worry, Melanie. One way or another, we’re going to get you out of there. I got you into this mess, Melanie, and I am going to find a way to get you out of it.”
Melanie paused her chords in surprise.
“Lucy, it’s not your fault,” Melanie said comfortingly. “I chose to be a Nun-ja. This is the life I wanted for myself.”
“I know, but I am still not going to rest until I find a way to get you out of there,” Lucy said with conviction. “I promise you that. Just don’t give up hope.”
Melanie smiled and quietly said, “Okay. I won’t. I’m going to play the piano.”
“That’s the spirit,” Lucy said. “Put the app on speaker. I want to hear you play.”
“But Lucy, what if someone hears you?” Melanie asked anxiously.
“I won’t talk,” Lucy said. “I will listen and hang up as soon as I hear another voice that isn’t yours. I will not put you in any more danger than you’re already in.”
“Okay,” Melanie said, putting the phone’s invisible app on speaker.
Melanie flipped through piano books that her family had left her. They were chords, classical pieces, classic rock ballads, ragtime, the piano music for some musicians she liked, etc. She then picked up a book of piano covers of grunge songs and chose the piece she was working on the most recently, a piano rendition of Nirvana’s “Lithium.”
Melanie began playing the sad song that Lucy recognized very well.
To her surprise, Melanie even found herself singing along to the words she knew by heart, “I’m so happy cuz today I found my friends. They’re in my head. I’m so ugly. That’s okay cuz so are you. Broke our mirrors. Sunday morning is every day for all I care, and I’m not scared. Light my candles in a daze cuz I found God. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah…”
As soon as she got to the chorus, Melanie realized she was crying again.
Flug and 505 came to the door towards the song’s end. By that point, tears were freely flowing out of Melanie’s eyes.
505 wanted to open the door to check on Melanie, but Flug made him pause to listen.
“I like it, I’m not gonna crack!” Melanie sang. “I miss you, I'm not gonna crack! I love you, I'm not gonna crack! I killed you, I'm not gonna crack! I like it, I'm not gonna crack! I miss you, I'm not gonna crack! I love you, I'm not gonna crack! I killed you, I'm not gonna crack…”
Melanie then broke down sobbing again. She held her face in her hands, turned the phone off speaker, and put her headphones back on. She couldn’t say a word. All she could do was cry.
“It’s alright, Melanie,” Lucy said with a sad smile behind her voice. “The tears bring healing, so you need to shed them.”
Before she could respond, Melanie heard a knock on the door. She quickly ended the call and closed the app before rolling on her side and continuing to let herself fall apart.
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forever-rogue · 4 years
Honey & Velvet - Part 4
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Summary: Ruthless CEO Max Lord is about to meet his biggest match yet in another CEO such as cunning and biting as he can be.
A/N: Thank you guys for all of your support on this story. Your love for it is beautiful and I appreciate. I hate and love Max so much! If you’d like to be tagged, please let me know, and as always, feedback and comments are always welcome! xx
Pairing: Maxwell Lord x Reader
Word Count: 4k
Warnings: masturbation (18+ only!!); sex; language
PART 1 | PART 2 | PART 3 | PART 5 | PART 6 | PART 7 | PART 8 | PART 9 | PART 10
»»————- ♡ ————-««
Max sighed to himself as he grabbed his letter opener to unseal the surprise special delivery. He wasn’t used to having do such a menial task for himself; no that’s why he paid others to do it all for him. Tossing the weighted object down, he reached in and felt around, trying to figure out what was inside. It didn’t feel like a letter or any sort of documents, but pictures rather. Polaroids to be exact.
His breath hitched in his throat as he slowly pulled the small stack of photos, trying to prevent himself from taking them in too quickly. He wanted to savor this moment, to remember his exact reaction when he saw the photos. Since it was you and he already had a taste of your fiery personality, he knew it could have been pictures of anything; perhaps you had decided to play a trick on? Hell, it could have been pictures of your feet...although he might have found a way to think that was sexy too. He was a man of...interesting taste.
He set the small, square photos in a neat stack in from of him, arranged just perfectly for him to easily filter through. As soon as his eyes landed on the first image, he picked it up and held it in front of his eyes to examine it closely. There you were, frozen in time and space, immortalized in the photo. You were staring back at him, posed in a scandalous position as you stared directly at the camera, lips pouted perfectly. He licked his own lips as he looked through the photos trying not to get too lost in them. He was, after all, still in the middle of his work day, and not exactly in the positions to just get out his frustrations. 
Letting a heavy breath out through his nose, Maxwell already felt his cock twitch in his trousers, that familiar sensation beginning to take hold. He flicked through the rest of the photos, each of them getting progressively more scandalous, until the last photo. He audibly groaned at it as he tried to study it as closely as possibly. Of course you would manage to send him a photograph of yourself completely nude, but with just enough shadowing so he couldn’t see everything. But it left very little to the imagination, and was enough to send him over the edge. 
Fuck it. 
Tossing the picture back onto the edge, he quickly unzipped his trousers, which happened to be brand new and in season; he’d made quick work of refreshing his wardrobe after your little comment when you’d first had cornered him in his office. He pulled out his cock, already fully hard and leaking, and leaned back in his chair. The door to his office wasn’t locked, but he was so caught up in the moment it didn’t matter to him, besides that he knew most people knew better than ever dare to walk in without knocking. 
A low sound, a mixture between a moan and growl escaped his lips as he started to stroke himself, eyes scanning over your myriad of photos. He could only imagine how good it was going to feel when he finally was able to be inside of you, to feel your walls around him. He’d get his sweet, sweet revenge on you for making him lust this hard after you. He could see it now: taking his time with you, leaving you on edge until you were crying and begging for him to finally fuck you. 
With the image of you firmly planted in his mind, it didn’t take long before stifled moans managed to slip past his lips. Finding one of the favorite photos of the bunch he held it near his cock as he came, letting your name spill off of his lips like a quiet prayer; repeated, gentle, hopeful. He spilled all over his hand, dragging his high out, managed to get a few drops of his thick cum on the edge of your photo. Max you couldn’t wait to see how good you would look with it all over you.
He smiled at his handiwork before dropping the Polaroid back onto his desk and reaching for one of his trusty handkerchiefs. He felt bad, almost, about the stack of used squares that the cleaner had to deal with every week. Sometimes it was none, sometimes, especially of late, they were many. Anyone with half a brain could figure out what they used for, but he couldn’t bothered in caring. If anything, Max could easily convince them that it was really anything.
But for now, coming down from his climax, he was...satisfied and would be content for a small while. Glancing around to make sure no one had intruded for whatever reason, he gathered the photos and tucked them into the top drawer of his desk, the one that was always locked. They would live there for now, until they were of further use, which probably would be sometime in the near future. 
»»————- ♡ ————-««
For several hours you were sitting in your office, twiddling your thumbs, both metaphorically and literally, as you waited, and waited, and waited, for a call that never came. It was frustrating, infuriating even, to sit around and be so distracted that it prevented you from even working. How could you let this one man, this one infuriating man, get under your skin so much?
After a while of sitting around and getting nothing done, you let out a long sigh, dropping your head to the desk as you tried to clear your mind. You thought you were being quiet, at least somewhat subtle, but Adina was quick to knock on your door, poking her head inside to find you in distress.
“Y/N?” she asked as you sat up bolt right, trying to collect yourself and not make it seem like you were nearing the middle experiencing mental anguish. Over a fucking man. 
“What can I do for you?” you asked with a stunted smile. She raised an eyebrow, giving you a quizzical expression. Of all the times to be a bad liar, this was not the time. 
“Is everything alright?” she asked and you nodded even before the question was fully out, which most definitely didn’t help your case, “really? Don’t mind me, but you’re acting...off.”
“Off?” your voice pitched about an octave as you realized you were still digging your own grave. She’d known you for so long, she knew you about as well as you knew yourself, “w-what do you mean?”
“I mean...” she trailed off and waved her arm around as if trying to make a general statement of off, “you’re acting kind of weird, different lipstick, which I’ve never seen you do before, I don’t think you’ve done a single thing today, which I am totally not judging by the way...ever since you’ve gotten those deliveries. What even was in them?”
“Adina,” you popped up and walked over to her, putting an around her shoulder, doing your best to give her a small hug, “my sweet, sweet Adina. There’s nothing wrong, I promise. I’m just...tired. Had a late night. It’s totally just me, you have nothing to worry about. I might take off a little early today though...try and get some rest.”
In Benjamin’s bed. Again.
“Y/N,” she back down in her seat, crossing her arms over her chest as she waited you closely, “I’ve known you since we were in college. I know when you’re acting different.”
“There’s nothing to worry about,” you insisted, leaning against the doorway, trying to present yourself as being cool and collect, “I promise. I could never lie to you. Everything is fine.”
Except right now. I’m a dirty, dirty liar.
“If you’re sure,” she was hesitant, but willing to accept your answer. You’d never given her a reason not to believe you before, why would you start now? 
“I am,” you tried to let out a natural sounding laugh, but even to it sounded stunted...awkward, “you needn’t worry about me. Your energy is much better spent on almost anything else.”
“Yeah,” you shot her a quick wink. You were about to go back into your office to attempt to do a little work before making a departure for the day, but Adina cleared her throat right before you walked away, “yes, ma’am?”
“Your blouse,” she pointed to the mismatched buttons, “it’s all wonky. Fix your buttons, boss.”
“Oh,” your cheeks felt like they were on fire as you looked down and spotted your mistake. Oops, you wanted to kick yourself. In your haste to slip back into your work clothes, you must not have been paying that much attention. You hoped that Adina hadn’t noticed that your shirt was perfectly crisp and buttoned when you came in that morning, “silly me...must...be getting lazy in the morning.”
“Hmm,” was the only sound out of her mouth as she slowly swiveled in her chair, back to the work sprawled out on her desk. Your door was almost closed when she remarked, “Benjamin called for a little while ago. Said you spoke this morning and asked if you could give him a call back at your convenience.”
“Ben,” you sighed loudly, thinking about whacking your head against the door. Of course he called; that would only raise Adina’s suspicions - the two of you hadn’t parted on good terms and that was knowledge to most people, “oh funny. I’ll give him a call back.”
“It’s been a while since you’ve spoken to him, hasn’t it?” there was a curious lilt to her voice as she seemed to play Sherlock, digging and digging until she finally discovered the truth. You turned and gave her a small smile, “I didn’t know you were still on speaking terms with him.”
“We...are,” if that’s what you called spending time in bed and fucking nowadays, “I had to speak to him for something business related. It’s just a transaction we’re hammering out.”
A wonderful choice of words.
“Sure,” there was a tone to suggest she absolutely did not believe you, but without any real evidence, she couldn’t just accuse you of anything. On top of that, you’d never given her a reason not to trust you; you were the boss after all, “if I can do anything, please let me know.”
“The...envelope from earlier,” your voice cracked a little and you found it hard to meet her eyes, “it got delivered, yes?”
“Yes,” she promised, “I gave it directly to Mr. Lord’s assistant and I saw her bring it into his office.”
“What was it regarding, again? Anything I need to be aware of?” you swallowed the lump in your throat at her words. You hated having to lie to her as much as you hated the feeling you were experiencing for the petulant bastard himself.
“No. If anything comes up, you’ll be the first to know,” you promised and turned back to your office and closed the door slowly as you heard her mumble something in response. Making sure the door was locked, you let out a low, “fuck.”
You hated lying and trying to sneak around. You shouldn’t have even needed to be sneaking; you were a grown woman that could do whatever you pleased. If you wanted to fuck Maxwell Lord then you could.
You finally admitted it to yourself. You wanted to fuck him. What had happened to you? It had to be...something. Maybe your hormones were off or...literally anything else. There’s no other reason you could possibly want him, right? He was just a silly man child in an overpriced suit with a bad dye job and too much time on his hands. What was so appealing about that? Nothing. But the growing neediness between your legs suggested otherwise. 
Whatever it was you knew you couldn’t let it get any further. No, you had to clear your mind and get back to work. This was all business and it couldn’t be anything more. You would never mix business and pleasure and you certainly weren’t about to start for him.
Jumping onto your desk, you reached for your phone, fingers hesitating slightly as you contemplating dialing Max and telling him you were done. But no. That would be giving into him, egging him on and giving him just more reason to contact you again. 
Dialing Benjamin wasn’t a much better option, but right now it was the lesser of two evils. With a shaking finger, you dialed his direct office line, still finding that you had it memorized. A part of you was hoping that he wouldn’t pick up; if he didn’t you would have the excuse that you tried but couldn’t get through to him. Yes, you thought to yourself, perfect.
But just before it rang out, that smooth, slightly accented voice picked up on the other, “Y/N. To what do I owe the pleasure?”
“Ben,” you said firmly, not surprised that he immediately knew it was you,  “you can’t just call my office whenever you please! Adina is going to get suspicious - everyone knows we don’t talk.”
“Relax,” he chuckled on the other end, “I was perfectly pleasant and didn’t offer her even a drop of what happened last night.”
“What?” he asked and you sighed in response, “you’re the one calling me back. Surely you could have just ignored me if you weren’t interested in...speaking.”
“Fine,” you gave in, rolling your eyes and wishing he could see, “when are you free?”
“I can be free whenever you need me to be,” gods was he always this cocky? He was almost as bad as Max. Maybe it was time to reevaluate your taste in men. 
“Meet me at mine in an hour,” you hated yourself even as the words came out, “but this is the last time. I swear it, Benjamin.”
“Whatever you say, sweetheart,” you loathed the nickname but he always made it a point to call you that, “I’ll see you at yours. Champagne?”
“Whatever I need to drown out that fact that I’ve resorted to fucking you again,” you twisted the cord in your hands as he could just laughed, “perhaps something stronger.”
“I’ll see you soon,” with that he hung up and you found yourself listening to the dial tone again. Slowly, you put the phone down, it suddenly feeling heavy in your hand, along with the weight of everything else in your heart. You shouldn’t be acting like this; like some sort of fool just running around like sort of animal in heat. 
But this was the last time; you kept repeating that to yourself. You were just going to fuck Ben one last time, or times that afternoon, and then get back to your normal self. Maybe if you kept repeating that yourself it would eventually come true. 
»»————- ♡ ————-««
“Oh fuck,” you were on top of Ben, hands on his chest as you rode him, feeling yourself getting closer and closer to that sweet edge you so desperately craved. His large hands were on your hips, in a grip like a vice as he steadied you.
“God, you feel so good,” he managed to moan in between his thrust as he felt your walls start to clench around him, “missed having you so much.”
You didn’t return the sentiment, not exactly proud that you were in this position, but when you were so lost in the moment, you didn’t care. Closing your eyes as you started to see stars, you threw your head back in ecstasy as the familiar crescendo of your orgasm started in the bottom of your belly. You felt his cock twitch within you as he thrust with more vigor. 
“Fuck,” Ben groaned, “‘m gonna cum.”
“Me too,” his hands from your hips to your breasts, massaging them in just the right way to pull a few mewls from your lips. Gods, it had been ages since you’d been with someone that knew how to touch you, to make you feel good. If the two of you weren’t so similar and didn’t butt heads all the time, you relationship could have blossomed into something beautiful. But you were okay with this - a satisfying orgasm; it was better than nothing.
It was only a few more bounces before you climaxed, a small cry erupting from your lips as you waves of pleasure rippled throughout your whole body. Ben came along with you, coating your insides with hot, thick ropes of cum as your name came off his lips repeatedly, like a quiet prayer. 
Running your hands over his chest, you were so lost in the moment that you didn’t even realize what you were saying. But when a soft little Max fell off your lips, that wasn’t lost on Benjamin, your current partner who was certainly not Maxwell Lord.
“What?” he asked as his eyes snapped open and the moment was all but killed. He stopped moving and his roughly came back to your hips as he pushed you off of him. You let out a sound of surprise at the sound movement, and the loss of feeling so full, as you fell against your pillows.
“What the hell?” you asked as you suddenly felt more naked and exposed than ever, pulling the silk sheet up to cover yourself, “what’s your problem, Ben?”
“Who the fuck is Max?” he asked with wild eyes as he practically jumped out of your bed, grabbing his discarded clothes on the floor. Your own eyes widened in shock as you realized what must have happened, “who is he?”
“I-I don’t know what you’re talking about-”
“I’m not a fucking idiot,” his voice was low, dangerous, almost predatory as he pulled his clothes back on, “is that why you’ve been wanting to see me?”
“Ben, you don’t understand,” you closed your eyes and groaned as you leaned back against the headboard. A few tears of frustration welled up in your eyes as you tried to get him to see reason. You weren’t the only bad guy in this scenario; he too basically had admitted this was just for sex, “it’s not like that. It’s complicated.”
“Complicated,” he repeated with a snarl as he shook his head at you, “it’s not that complicated, Y/N, it never is. If you’re so caught up in thinking about whoever the fuck Max is, go and fuck him.”
“And leave me out of it,” he walked out of your bedroom, but you weren’t satisfied with leaving it be. Instead, you dashed out of bed, still as naked as the day you were born, and walked after him.
“Don’t act like I’m the bad guy,” you tried your best to contain your temper, “we agreed that this was just sex. We both got what we wanted. Hell, I wouldn’t have cared if you pretended I was fucking Cleopatra. It’s not personal and it’s not that deep. Get over yourself and be glad you got someone to fuck you with that piss pour excuse of an attitude.”
“You’re a lot of things, Y/N,” he sighed as he shook his head at you, “I didn’t think you were this. I’m out of here. I get that this was just sex, and I can get down with that. But if you just wanted someone else the whole time, you could have done me the courtesy of letting me know. As least have been honest.”
“You’re one to talk.”
“When’s the last time you were honest with yourself?” he asked and you hung your head. He had a point with that, at the very least, “maybe if you figure out what you really want you can let me know. But this? Where I’m just a substitute for what you really want? I’m not okay with it.”
“Just leave,” you pointed at the door and he left without another word. You sighed as you relocked the door after him, cursing yourself more than anything. He had made some decent points and you were willing to admit that, but you hated yourself more than anything. How could you have left him get into your mind like this. He was slowly consuming every part of your thoughts. Even when you thought you were able to keep him out, he managed to invade your mind. 
Walking to the fridge, you pulled out the bottle of champagne that Ben had brought with him, quickly cracking it open and filling up a class for yourself. You took it and sat out on the balcony, in the dying light of day, far beyond caring about who, if anyone, would see you in your naked glory. At this point you felt lost. You didn’t know what to do anymore, and you weren’t sure if you were to give in quite yet. Could you ever live with yourself if you gave in to the biggest prick you’d ever met?
»»————- ♡ ————-««
The next couple of days passed in sheer, agonizing slowness. You weren’t sure how time could manage to pass so slowly, but sure enough it did. You swore that for every hour that crept by it had felt like ten. Your mind was all over the place and it was hard to focus on any one thing. But you made yourself stick it out and managed to get the bare minimum done. It was better than nothing. 
And if anyone nothing anything off, they didn’t mention it. Maybe you were that good of an actress. Adina had only given a concerned glance here and there but never pried more than necessary. She probably knew better than to upset you and unleash your wrath. There had been a few times when you had gotten angry, truly angry, and she had witnessed all of them. It was scary, and truth be told she hadn’t realized you were possible of such ire. 
But as the weekend slowly approached, you were glad you’d have an excuse to isolate and remain at home, feeling sorry for yourself. But you found yourself drifting further and fruther into a daydream, lost as you started outside your window, you found yourself picking up the phone. His number was halfway dialed by the time you really realized what you were doing. Biting the inside of your cheek, you willed yourself to stop and put the phone down. You were long beyond that point though; you knew that deep down in your bones.
“Maxwell Lord’s office,” was her voice always so sickeningly sweet? You could still hang up, if you really wanted to.
“Y/N L/N for Mr. Lord, if he’s available,” there was a pause on her end as she registered who you were. It was almost as if she was judging you; you didn’t blame her. You were judging you too. All you heard was a few clicks of the phone system and then a bit of tense silence before the other end was picked up.
“Y/N,” for the first time, his voice didn’t have that automatically arrogant tone. It sounded almost...normal, kind even. When you didn’t say anything he let out a small laugh, “I was wondering if I’d ever heard from you. I received your package by the way, it was...exquisite.”
“Why?” you suddenly blurted out, unable to control yourself, “why me?”
“Why you what?” he smiled to himself as he leaned back in his chair, feet on his pristine desk as normal, “I’m not sure I follow.”
“Why are you coming after me?” you asked, hiding your face behind your hand, feeling a flush come over you, “I’m just...”
“You,” he finished for you. If you didn’t know him, you’d almost think he was normal...just like any other man, “what more do you need?”
“I...” you trailed off, unable to believe the words that were teetering on your lips, “when can I see you?”
He let out a warm laugh, and when he wasn’t be a complete jerk, it was a pleasant sound; a warm, rich, velvety timbre. You wondered if you had made a mistake...if it was too late to take it back, “I happen to be free all weekend. If I didn’t know any better, Ms. L/N, I think you were volunteering to spend time with me. Did Mr. Vasquez did not do it for you anymore?”
“How do you know about Ben-”
“It doesn’t matter,” there was that a bit of that arrogant tone in his voice. Of course. The real Maxwell Lord was bound to come out at one point or another, “I’ll have a car to pick up tomorrow evening at six.”
“Fine,” will you had the option of refusing his offer, you both knew you weren’t going to. But you still liked the illusion of choice.
“And Y/N?” you waited for him to go, “wear it. All of it.”
Without feeling the need to expand, he hung up and you did the same, biting your lip in almost nervous anticipation. You’d finally given in and broken down. He had you right where he wanted you. You could still change your mind, refuse to go through with it, and keep whatever was left of your dignity...
But your fate had been sealed some time ago. The day you first inked a deal to work with him. The first time you called him out for shamelessly staring at your tits. 
You sighed lightly.
What a world.
»»————- ♡ ————-««
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Lamia Drama/Deltarune Semi-Crack Fic
The not-awaited, not asked for Lamia Drama X Deltarune crackfic that absolutely no one wanted, but might now find they want!
I played Deltarune Chapter 2 and just decide to write some silliness for fun. This is extremely non-canon to everything involved. Spoilers (kinda but not really) for DeltaRune Chapter 2.
Warnings for swearing, an extremely brief moment of existential dread, and one sexual joke.
As always, the species of lamia I use come from @vex-bittys
If this is your cup of tea, maybe buy me a Kofi?
           Susie stared up at the sign in front of them. “Kris. This…. Is this a fucking pet shop???” Susie said. The sign said “Caring Coils” and had a picture of someone part skeleton, part snake.
           “No! It’s a spring shop!” Lancer said. What else could “Coils” mean?
           “U-Um… I… I don’t know where this building came from???” Ralsei said. As far as he was aware, they had seen neither snakes nor springs on their journey, but apparently this was in Castle Town now! Somehow!
           Kris walked in. It was surprisingly bright for something in the Dark World, eerily similar to what it’d be like in the light world, but given that the main inhabitants seemed to be the apparent offspring of Jockington and Sans, just… What was even happening here.
           “Are these, like, half skeleton, half snake?” Susie said, walking up and knocking on the glass holding the Mamba. A dozen or so snakes suddenly tackled the glass, hissing at her. “Okay, not gonna lie, that’s kinda cool. You think they bite?”
           Kris just stared at the sign on the glass enclosure saying “Please Ask Before Handling – We Bite – Highly Venomous” until Susie got the hint.
           Regardless, Susie hummed, seriously contemplating sticking her entire hand in there anyways. “Hey. Hey Noelle, you dare me?”
           “SUSIE NO!”
           “C’mon, does venom even work on monsters?”
           “Hah! Clearly you know nothing. Monsters do not have blood and nerves to shut down the same way humans do,” Berdly said, strolling over to the Mamba enclosure. “They don’t even look that tough. Look! They’re worm- AAAAAAAAAAAA;LKJSDFLK;JDFA!” He had stuck his hand in there and immediately gotten himself bitten by like 13 Mamba. He flapped his wings, running around the room and sending bitty Mamba flying absolutely everywhere. Tiny battle cries filled the room as they chased after Berdly.
           “Um… Kris? Should we help him?” Ralsei said, watching the chaos.
           Kris answered No, deciding to instead head into the back. Unlike the skeletal-snakes who were snake sized in the front, this area seemed inhabited by skeleton-sized skele-snakes. Kind of. Most were shorter than Kris, except one Cobra who zipped directly by them with a weaponized mop in hand. Kris peaked back – looks like the cobra dude was mopping up the little skelesnakes. Cool, that’s been settled.
           They got a few odd looks as they browsed the area. It had snake things, and child things. Presumably for snake children, which most of these seemed to be. If not for the supplies and price tags, it’d be easy to mistake this place for an orphanage – which Kris could understand, who would want a Sans X Jockington baby?
           Oh hey, that one might be an adult. A particularly grumpy looking  skele-snake looked them up and down, them immediately flipped them off, “Oh great, I thought I was done with human shit. Or whatever the fuck you are.”
           Kris flipped him off back. What meaningful dialogue.
             Meanwhile, Ralsei was trying to figure out what he should do. In the few seconds Kris had left, Suzy had broken another enclosure completely and even more snakes were running around, not at all helped by Lancer and Rouxls mistaking the new lightners(?) for worms and trying to eat them. Berdly had been swiftly knocked out by the tiny swarm.
           Thankfully, something answered Ralsei’s prayers. He didn’t expect his newly found angel to be a 12-foot-something long version of the things causing chaos, but he literally started mopping up the little ones and depositing them into boxes. As soon as that was done, he gave them all an exhausted, withering stare, “Why. Just… why.”
           “Worms are tasty!” chirped Lancer.
           “These are not worms, we’re lamia,” the new person said. He sighed, straightening himself, “Where are my manners. I’m Nikolai. Apparently the rest of the staff disappeared, somehow, and I have no idea where we are, so forgive me if I’m a bit… in need of several of wines.” His “staff” uniform had been replaced by gold and white robes… and a small golden nametag declaring him “staff”.
           Rouxls pushed himself to the front. “I sympathizeth with thee mostly fullily, thine fellow worker of high class and generallyeth most terrifying stature.”
           “… I think I’m having a stroke,” Nikolai said.
           “Hey Yooooo. I Heard Someone Was Wanting Wine (alcoholic)? I Have Some Battery Acid Right Here!” the Queen said, holding her glass cup of battery acid. It exploded in her hand. “Oops Lol (amused)”
           “… I… I give up,” Nikolai said, laying his head on a table. Several of the bitties were chirping and giving praises, trying to tell him not to give up, but the Mamba were also trying to knock the box they’d been placed in off the shelf by all ramming the side of it at once. The chaos refused to be contained any longer.
           Ralsei looked at Nikolai sympathetically, going over and patting his back, “H-Hey, it’s okay! I’m sure between the two of us and Kris we can keep… order… Oh dear.” Everyone had scattered. It seemed that only The Queen, the unconscious Berdly, and Noelle remained in the room with them.
             The Queen looked into the bitty Papython tank. “Hey Is That You Trousle?”
           Trousle looked up at this new lady with the cool glasses, nodding.
           “Sorry You Came Eleventh In The Dragon Cards The Deckening Mini-Tournament Game But Dang Getting That Much Out Of Like A Billion People (Exaggeration) Is Dang (Damn) Impressive!” The Queen said.
           Trousle’s eyes widened, how did she know that?
           “Oh Yeah And Here Is This (based on search history: Sexy Dom Bitties).” It was a small domino with Mettaton legs sticking out from it.
           Trousle was silently screaming, but being him had the perk that he didn’t have to hold in his screams! They were silent by default. So he was just screaming and completely blush-colored in the face.
           “Oh And Emo Thrash Metal (based on search history: Emo Thrash Metal).” She deposited a small broken chunk of the Thrash Machine that had thrashed her giant robot’s ass which was inexplicably wearing eyeliner and had “it’s not a phase mom!” written on it.
           Meanwhile, Susie had joined Kris in flipping off Hux, and then Liam came.
           “Tch. I don’t know what you troglodytes think you’re doing, but we’re closed. Get out,” Liam hissed, putting himself between Hux and the intruders. They were not closed, but could you really be “open” when you had accidentally planeshifted to another dimension without the majority of your staff?
           “Yeah! Fuck off!” Hux hissed, throwing a double birdy.
           “YOU GUYS WANNA GO?!” Susie yelled, foaming at the mouth and drawing her axe. Liam looked injured, but if he was going to go around picking fights, she wasn’t going to stop him!
           “Oh please,” Liam said, rolling his eyes and crossing his arms, smirking far too smugly. “I would obviously win.”
           “OH IT IS ON!” Susie said, surging forwards. She and Liam both turned out to be too adept at dodging for this to go much of anywhere, and Hux and Kris just spent the fight insulting each other even after Susie and Liam got so mutually carried away they left the battlefield.
           Lancer had found some new kind of paradise: a plastic hammock full of dubious, blueberry snot flavored salsa! He paid no mind to the other person using the weird spa, just jumping in and plopping into the vat of goo.
           Oozy blinked owlishly at Lancer, then started laughing, “Kid? Kid, what are you doing?”
           “I’m claiming this spa as mine, you minty fresh bundle of mouthwash.”
           “Um… This… is my bed?”
           “No it’s not! This is a hammock, not a bed!”
           “… can’t argue with that logic,” Oozy said, shrugging. He wrapped lightly around Lancer, purring. That said, he couldn’t quite resist the urge to tease, “Wow, easiest snack ever.”
           “Thanks!” Lancer chirped.
           Rouxls Kaard then skidded down the hallways without ever adjusting his Trademark Pose, “HALT WORMTH! THEE SHALSTH NOTS EAT MINE PRINCETH.”
           Oozy, being a little shit, looked Rouxls in the eye as he lightly pressed his teeth to the back of Lancer’s head and audibly said, “Nom.”
           “I’m slimy!” Lancer chirped.
           Meeeeeeanwhile, Keith was laughing maniacally in a mix of sheer disbelief and genuine amusement as he dodged kicks from a living checkers piece, a small army of Pawns at his side. Too bad they weren’t from the same game.
             Some of the Queen’s butlers helped Nikolai and Noelle clean up the storefront from the burst of chaos (and Berdly). They still weren’t sure how they got there, but y’know what, even Nikolai cannot contain this, so he lets the kids who are old enough play around the area with some supervision.
           The Mamba immediately flock to the Dojo, Liam leading the charge, to prove their superiority over all. Berdly gets his ass beat there again. There are Papython in the bakery and Kings in the café, and, well, just lamia generally everywhere.
           A lot of the younger ones flock to Seam. Every child’s dream come true: a giant plush toy that can actually talk to you and he’s kind of just a big fluffy grandpa!!!
             Eventually just Kris and Hux are left inside, locked in a battle of wills and insults.
           “Like you’d even know what it’s like to not have fucking control of shit! To always be told what to do and what to be, and if you can’t, no one gives a fuck about you!”
           Kris: Act:
           They understand, they understand far too well.
           Kris: Act:
           The snake boy is going home with them now. He screams, but he does not get a say in this. Bye.
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