#why the fuck did we teach him what kinning was
poetryinsilence · 2 years
Noughts and Crosses - Jake "Hangman" Seresin x childhood friend!reader (part I)
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A/n: THIS SERIES CONTAINS SMUT AND PTSD/TRAUMA STUFF! No bullshit reader, like literally does not take Jake’s bullshit. Frenemies to lovers cuz why not🤷 So, so much cheese that’s pretty much a fondue. I've written this with the perspective of Jake rather than Hangman so expect a lot of raw emotion. Uh, strong language, character trauma/hurt but mostly, mostly fluff. No beta-read, I’m going in raw.
Synopsis: 4:45 pm. You saw him lay there, half alive and looking like a cartoon character that’s been rolling down a rugged slope and crashed at the bottom with a loud cymbal sound. With deep crimson cuts on his shabby face but still good-looking as a Greek god's statue. He was supported with a neck brace attached to his neck, arm plastered for his own stability and matching with a leg cast extended up his right limb. Chest heaves with each breath he takes from his life support and exhales with shivers of pain. Jake's eyelids strain open to peek at you hovering 3 feet away from him with a deep crease on your forehead. You grumble.
"What in the ever-loving fuck happened to you?"
Wc: 2,630
Part II part III part IV
Approximately an hour and a half ago, the rush of foot tapping was part of your daily segments at the animal shelter you ceaselessly worked for the past 4 years. Tending animals was your dream job. At least that's what you wanted to do from a very young age; running around with furry animals to your heart’s desire. And working at an animal shelter happens to be the closest thing to what you had in your mind, but with a greater purpose of finding them a forever home. It's much better than dealing with sporadic humans who barely understand English and the universal language of 'no'.
No, animals are much better than that. They're easy to teach and have mannerisms, and they will always be your friend. So, in what scenario could you be in to get yourself stuck in this sticky situation?
Several phone calls from an unknown number.
Though you should’ve known better not to answer phone numbers you are unfamiliar with. But no, you had to poke holes at your curiosity and answer some strange number displayed on the screen of your phone.
"Hello, is this y/n?"
"Yes, this is y/n speaking...who's this?"
"Hello ma'am, we're calling from the Naval Medical Centre about Jake Seresin. You were listed as his medical emergency contact. Unfortunately, ma'am, he's been—"
"Wait, wait, wait. Did you say Jake Seresin? And, emergency contact?!"
"Yes, ma'am. He got into an accident today in regards to his ejection from his aircraft. It is a protocol for us to contact his next of kin in case of emergencies."
"I'm sorry, did I catch that right? His next of kin? I'm sorry, but you must have got that wrong, I'm not related to him—"
"Ma'am I'm just following protocols, it states clearly here that you're the one to contact in case of emergencies. Could you please come down to the Naval Medical Centre—"
"No, I think you must have gotten something wrong. We haven't kept in contact for over 20 years. You should contact his family in Texas—"
"We'll see you soon ma'am" the line clicks.
"Wait!" you yell before retreating to a defeated sigh.
Out of the blue, a name you haven't heard of in years decided to pop back out from the depths of the Earth's crust, and one you are well familiar with. Jake Seresin. Your childhood 'friend'. More like terror. You were not given the option to become friends with him. It just so happens your mothers were lifelong friends long before you were born, yet somehow they thought 'wouldn't it be great to give birth at the same time and let our kids be friends like we were?' Sad to say, it was not great.
From the early stages of your life, you knew Jake was a prankster. The one that makes your life and the kids at school miserable. The things he does that made you wonder if he really was just Satan’s spawn reincarnated to Earth just to spite you.
So, why then, would you be getting into your shoddy, on the edge of breaking down Yugo 65 and ramming down traffic because of one shitty phone call?
The answer is: you don't know.
You got to the medical centre in just a little under 30 minutes, probably your personal best record in the first wave of the San Diego rush hour traffic and patted yourself on the back for that. Truth to be told, you were never really keen on hospitals; the antiseptic scent that stings your nose, the endless void of white glossed walls, and doctors rushing here and there with stoic faces. You could never decipher what is going on inside their mind.
The lady at the reception was nice to greet you with a sunny smile for your quickly-overturned shitty day. She had on her face one of those thick-rimmed glasses that pointed out into a cat-eye shape and paired with a brick red lipstick that complimented her sharp blue eyes. You quickly discern that she was not the same person that called you earlier, but still was well informed of your situation and directed you to your destined floor and room number.
Another reason why you did not like the hospital was that everything is treated like a maze, as though you were a hamster in one of those escape rooms, but they had a treat waiting for them at the end and yours…not so much. You ponder at the front door to the private room where your childhood friend may or may not lay in a squashed-up mush from his newly informed accident. The place card slot to the side of the frosted window had clean calligraphy written 'J. Seresin' in blue ink. You took a deep breath and pushed the door open.
The machinery beeped to greet your entrance as you see Jake, resting in a half-induced dream state, probably from the side effects of the morphine. He looks peaceful; older but briefly the same as you remember and much more muscular from all those navy trainings. It's hard to imagine he was once a scrawny kid with a missing tooth, running around your backyard with his bare feet.
The door opening must have woke Jake up as his hooded lids lifted with a heavy weight and peered at you, just hovering three feet away from his bed. He gave you his best but could only produce a weak smile. However, you frown in return, with heat burning from your stomach and billions of questions flying through your mind that condensed into one:
"What in the ever-loving fuck happened to you?"
That earned a croaky chuckle from him but swatted into a coughing fit. You glance to the side where a wash basin and empty glasses are placed, turning the tap on to watch it shoot out chilled water and bubbles as it fills the cup. Hand extended to offer the glass to Jake, his flimsy hand attempted to reach but the drug must’ve suppressed the ability of his movement. You sigh and gently press the glass to the cut-open lip. The water slowly trickles down his throat, gulp after gulp until it reaches the bottom. 
He weakly flashes a toothy grin at you. “Well, it’s good to see you too.” He said, in a raspy voice.
You never imagined this is how you would meet again after decades, him in a hospital bed, picking up pieces of himself to put it back together. You shook your head in dismay.
“No, it’s not good. This is how I see you again after all these years? Broken and frail?”
“Shit happens. It’s also part of the job.” He responded calmly.
“Then tell me, why the hell am I your emergency contact? Where is your family? You need to tell them. Not me.”
His breath quivers to suppress the pain before opening his mouth again, “You are the only one I know that lives nearby, plus, there is no point for them to fly all the way from Texas. It’s just a waste of time—“
“I don’t think it’s a waste of time if it’s a life or death situation. I’ll call your mother and inform her—“
“Don’t." he contended. "I don’t wanna make this a bigger deal than it already is. They don’t need to worry about me. I can handle myself.”
You opened your mouth to counter his response but held your tongue and swallow your words. The image of him in your mind was always etched as a tough kid who could handle anything on his own, and if he can’t, he’ll find a way. You grimaced and flopped into the chair next to him, his face is haggard with his dishevelled locks, the bags under his eyes drooping down towards the floor and blood drained from his pale face.
“So, what happened to you? The last I’ve heard, you were one of the best in your class since your mom won’t stop boasting about it. Tell me then, how did you end up like this?” Your brows raised unenthusiastically as you tried to minimise the sarcastic tone.
Jake’s face falters and recollects the moments that happened just mere hours ago. “Sometimes, even if you’re the best, you still can’t avoid accidents that are gonna happen.” He inhales, “bird strikes, those things are mostly unavoidable. But if you’re lucky, you could land the aircraft safely with one engine, and a couple of bruises but mostly unscathed,”
He blinks, “and in the off chance that your aircraft fails…you have to find the means to survive out of pure instinct." Something flashes in his eyes but you can't quite place what it was and before you know it, it’s gone.
Jake continues, "I blacked out mostly, only fragments of what happened. And to be honest, I still don't know what to feel. I remember...clutching myself as tightly as I could and pinching my nose before I hit the water. Then... everything went dark. Never thought the ocean could be so dark."
He shifted a little bit, groaning underneath the pain and squeezing his eyes shut to endure it. "You know, the only good thing that came out of that was the freezing cold numbing everything. I don't remember how I got to the surface, I don't remember being rescued, I just...have no recollection at all. The next time I woke up was here, surrounded by four white walls and listening to the doctor's run-down of my missing pieces."
"Then you showed up."
The corner of your lip faintly tugs, reassuring him of your presence in comfortable silence, the years of disconnection from him dissolved the indifferences between you both and gained a new sense of admiration. For a moment, you did not recognise him. His vastly changed difference is no longer the same imprinted in your memories. He grew up in a blink of an eye and lived up to his beliefs.
"Alright, is there anything I could do for you? I know you did not put me as your emergency contact just for a simple catch-up. And, how the fuck did you even get my number?" the slight crease to your brows painted on your puzzled features as you interrogated Jake for a solid answer. The last time you've ever spoken to his mother was before you moved to San Diego, from then on your only real connection to her was through your own mother.
Jake's smirk brings you slight displeasure about what you're about to discover. "Perks of being in the navy," you shudder, "and also a bit of bribery." There it is. "And, yeah you're right. You're my emergency go-to because you're the only person I know outside of base. And also I need you to get me some toiletries. And possibly some clothes too cuz I am not going to wear my aviation suit leaving this building." He drafted up a fake smile that made you roll your eyes.
You retracted any comments about him being admirable. Every single cell in your body at this moment is having a hard time suppressing the thought of you wrapping your hands around that sprained neck of his and choking him out of his misery as you listen to the sound of his heart flatline through the machine. Oh, how melodic that would be.
"You, Seresin, are an asshole."
"Aw, I've missed you too." He beams, this time with a little bit more honesty, "But for now, stay. We've got a lot of catching up to do."
Week by week, you grew accustomed to the newly fixated schedule that you reluctantly signed up for; waking up at 8 am, commuting the highway in your matchbox car, taking care of your loving companions that you often wish would rule over the world someday; your colleagues' sympathy and understanding shed some weight off your skin as they let you off work early. Another set of traffic that made you wanna blow your brains out, browsing the men's section at the thrift store since you're not going to spend $50+ on Jake just because he's injured (hold for sympathetic aw's), and then visiting said injured pet that doesn't need your help as he's surrounded by medical professions.
You arrived at the hospital today at 4:30 pm, right on the dot, pushing open the door in hopes to find Jake lying lazily on the bed, with a men's health magazine in one hand and trying to scratch his nose with his broken one.
Instead, you find him at the foot of the bed dressed in an oversized grey hoodie and navy blue sweatpants you picked out for him, upright and packing his things in your duffle bag that was long forgotten at the far back of your closet, collecting dust.
"Hey, buddy! Great news! They told me I'm free to go home, but I still need to come back for physiotherapy and check-ups in the upcoming weeks." Jake rejoices, upholding himself underneath the weight of his crutches.
"That's...great!" you smiled, but feeling perplexed by the sudden info dropped at your doorstep, "So, that means you can go back to base now, right? Great, I'll drop you off." As you're about to turn and exit, Jake stops you with an undistinguishable noise.
"Yeeeeah, about that. Um," he rubs the back of his neck nervously and sucks in a breath of air. "I don't have a clear permission to station at the base yet. What they essentially said was for me to get better first before coming back. And even if I did have permission, I would get bored very fast since," He gestured to his casts. "But the funny thing is, I don't have a place to stay outside of the base, so I guess we're going to have to be roommates for a while."
The white noise grew hot in your surroundings. The statics pinched and sizzled your brain into a sheet of white paper as you could only stare into his fiendish grin. What did he just say? Roommates, wait no. No place to stay? Jake blinks, maintaining eye contact with your blank stares. "Yeah, I'm going to need you to ans—"
"No!" the anger burst from its volcanic rupture, bubbling at the pit of your stomach for the passing weeks, now all released at the face of this moment.
Jake stood idly, taken aback by your explosive reaction and your unbreakable glare that's keeping him on the spot. He huffs and shakes his head. "Why not?"
"Why not?" You scoffed, "Because, Seresin...You are forcing your way, without a plan, into every bit of my life like you used to and thinking that I would accept you with open arms. But, in reality, I don't know you. Not anymore."
"Then isn't this the perfect timing," Jake threw his hands up and motioned his finger between you and him. "We will have plenty of time to get acquainted again."
"Have you been listening to what I've just said?"
"Oh, what? You want me to be stranded on the streets like a lost dog?"
"That sounds like a good idea, maybe we should try that!"
The door abruptly busts open with a loud slam that caught you both off guard. You jumped, with your beating heart in your mouth. A woman dressed in blue scrubs, hands glued to her hips with eyes seeing red as she glowers at the both of you.
"Lieutenant, if you’re finished with packing. I'd suggest you leave accordingly before I call security."
You both awkwardly shuffle, picking up the duffle bag and usher yourselves out of the room with your head down as you mouth 'sorry' on your way out.
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tamaverse · 2 years
Here's the deal with electronic dreams 1984 and why my headcanons are right (/lh) a mini essay by Abbie
Okay so guys. Listen. I love the polycule and don't get me wrong, I think that's what should be going on here. But it's like deeper than that. Hear me out.
Edgar had feelings towards Miles the whole movie (that's apparent by the end of course) and it's actually made surprisingly clear the whole way through. Even some of the first few interactions when he starts speaking are playful and kinda.. Not Straight. When Miles touches his keyboard at one point, Edgar even goes "don't touch... tee hee". Gay little computer. Also it should be noted Miles is the one that teaches him what love is.
Clearly Edgar is still attached to Madeline, but when he meets her it throws him in a muddle, because he finally realises he actually has the same (if not potentially stronger) feelings for Miles the whole time. He wasn't just jealous of Miles, he was jealous of Madeline for spending time with him. That is the moment Edgar realises what love really is. And also... he's an AI. He wasn't created to understand love, this would be a huge realisation to him, and potentially a terrifying one- he's taken in the social norms (funny little trash tv addict) so he's likely taken in the social norm of monogamy. (Man. Why did he have to do that to himself. At least we know he still exists from the radio scene so we can all just imagine they bought a new computer for him and he came home to them)
Think about it- Edgar has the power to call anywhere up. He theoretically could call Madeline, yet he chooses to call Miles at work (and then get shy about it), ask him what he's doing tonight, and seek his company. He hates being left alone. He throws a huge tantrum. Bro you can't tell me that whole scene after with the eye screen wasn't just like, divorce. Take your things and GET OUT!!! type beat. But they kiss again later so its fine.
Edgar also seeks validation/acknowledgement from Miles, naturally because he wants credit to woo Madeline, but also... potentially he just wants the praise from Miles too.
(Also sneak peek the "love is love" lyric and then the frame of the rainbow cables. That's an entire gay computer)
Okay ALSO ALSO. Edgar is the most fucking flirty/socially adapted one out of the three, ironically. Miles is absolutely a shy architecture autism creature and Madeline is like his opposite, but an autism creature for music, very outgoing. She speaks in a Way. A key part of her character is personifying objects qnd being attached to them. "An elevator ate it", "it okay", things like that. She has two love interests at once (Bill and Miles) and doesn't seem to have a deep connection with either aside from music. If you ask me, she doesn't have the best concept of commitment. She seems quite impulsive and indecisive, and while she knows what she ultimately wants, she may not always be 100% confident on it. Headcanoning her as arospike. It's definitely not projection because i kin her. POLYAMORY IS LIKE THE BEST THING EVER FOR AROSPIKE PPL BC ITS LIKE COMMITMENT WITHOUT THE INTIMIDATION TO BE LOVEY ALL THE TIME maybe thats just me projecting
She wants to get to know miles better and have a deeper connection and that gives her the perfect time to also establish that with edgar as long as you imagine he comes back. Which he would. He hates being alone bro that computer demon is gonna get bored just being In Technology Void. He just has freedom now.
Edgar is also autistic just btw . Maybe a little adhd. Maybe im sprinkling some traits of my cohost onto him, listen i associate characters w people,
Arospike means to still be attracted to people and experience romantic feelings towards others, but not always consistently. Sometimes there's periods where you aren't attracted to people at all. Her feelings and opinions of others seem to flip flop a lot.
Also. Back to the computer sorry. I know theres one post already but if edgar was a human hed absolutely want tits. It's true. Go you little it/he/she.
Anyway yeah thats about it spent half my lunch hour writing this and its not very formal or well put together but it is how it is.
Anyway yeah human man and woman and nonbinary computer are all autistic and in love, end tweet. Worlds BEST polycule
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mermaidsirennikita · 9 months
So I’m contemplating reading the Midnight in Scotland series and love your book blurbs (they’re just so clever and they make me laugh!) - any chance of an overview of that series??
Aww, thanks. Just being my kind of dumb self, lol.
But, yes I can give an overview!
Midnight in Scotland spins off of Braden's Rescued from Ruin series, which is very Stuffy English the same way Midnight is very Och Aye, and the connecting factor is the Huxley family, which is Braden's favorite Rescued family because they fuck like rabbits and have a billion kids. But like, in Rescued, the heroes wear nice clothes and nobody does farm work, and in Midnight the heroes are like "yer nice jackets are for fookin losers, lass, come watch me tend to coos" (the pronunciation of "cows" is a BIG. DEAL. in this series) and you're like "this seems extremely logical".
Also, it's about the MacPherson family. I don't think they have like, an actual title? But they have a lot of cash and influence and tbh they sometimes give me Scottish Mafia vibes. Every book has a MacPherson protagonist.
The Making of a Highlander--The only one without a Scottish hero, because it has a Scottish HEROINE. Annie is not a MacPherson by blood, but she was adopted into the family and is the only daughter and it's extremely adorable. But like, Annie is basically fucking insane (the book tries to be like "Annie isn't crazy" and I would say "well no Annie did not deserve to be bullied but her grip on reality is iffy"). Her best friend is a CHILD GHOST. And the child ghost is leaving this earthly plane and Annie thinks he tells her she needs to marry a lord and have his baby so the child ghost can be reborn? Yes. But she isn't a lady and doesn't know lady shit, so she asks John Huxley, the only Englishman she knows, to teach her how to be a lady because she thinks John is prissy (he's not he just like bathes regularly). What she DOESN'T know is that John is a viscount because he keeps that on the DL. But he wants to win these manly Highland Games and also Annie's got a rack that won't quit so he's like "yes fine I will My Fairy Lady You if you teach me how to throw cabers(?)".
What I really love about this one is that John starts out very annoyed by her, but when he falls? He falls RIDICULOUSLY hard. Like her dad is all "I KIN SEE HOW YE LUIK AT MY DAUGHTER JOHN HUXLEY" and John is like "i WOULD NE--well now that you point it out". And the book is for sure a nod to Pretty Woman, including a scene where she's all "The ladies at the shop were mean to me :(" and he goes "MEEEAN???? TO YOU????" and like ruins actual lives.
The Taming of a Highlander--You know the golden boy oldest brother Broderick? Well he was wrongfully imprisoned and tortured for months and now he's out but he's super scarred and lost an eye and understandably he's a bit upset which is why John Huxley's little sister Kate, a Writer Girl, sees him attempting to kill a guy! Oops! And now she's volunteering to marry him in order to avoid having to testify against him because she feels bad about it! In the scene where she proposes marriage she's like "and I guess we can have one or two kids" and she can visible see his dick moving around in his pants, I was entranced.
This book is definitely a bit darker than the first, and it's very much a "let me help you recover from trauma with my pussy" novel, which is something I personally love. Also, the heroine becomes DICK DUMB and is fully aware of the risks of becoming dick dumb because all her sisters were also romance heroines. Nonetheless, she sweeps into his room with breakfast in bed at one point, singing a song about his cock coming out to play. And he's like :D because that's how you help a romance hero trauma recover. He also tries extremely hard to avoid fucking her, and at some point she just bursts into his room like the Kool-Aid man and is all "LOOK. I KNOW YOU MIGHT BE AFRAID OF SPLITTING MY PUSSY IN TWO. BUT I'M UP FOR IT."
The Temptation of a Highlander--The heroine of this one is another English lass, Clarissa, and she has A PSYCHOTIC. STALKER. (Warning: a decent amount of animal death in this one, partly because farm but partly because stalker.) So she comes to Scotland, and she intends to marry her gay best friend to avoid the stalker, but then Kate from the above book is like "omg bitch my brother in law Campbell is the bIGGEST BOY EVER, you should go stay at his farm so he can bodyguard you" and Clarissa is like "hehehehehe maybe not heehehehe" because she's fully aware of Campbell's bigness, as he's always like, lifting pianos in front of her and shit. And Clarissa has it BAD. And she can't stop saying the worst fucking double entendres to him, like "oh you're a farmer??? I can see you plowing things deep and hard" or "hahaha you're so much bigger than me, I bet you could break me in two". And as a nice guy, Campbell is always like "...." when inside he's like "!!!".
Very good, and has one of my favorite hero moments in a while wherein he's proposing marriage and basically goes "look Clarissa I'm not an idiot I know you are literally gagging for it so we might as well get married". HOT. TBH. I will say this book does kind of have a "heroine was fat and then lost a lot of weight by dancing (lol) and that's when the psycho stalker became into her", which I don't loooove, but Campbell, to be fair, only meets her post weight loss. So there's not a "the HERO is only into her after she loses weight" angle, a la Romancing Mr. Bridgerton.
I enjoy them all quite a bit, I would recommend reading them in order (especially the first two) and they're like... a good mix of campy and hot and romantic. I find them much sexier than most of the Rescued books. Like, all the heroines are virgins, but they also are all extremely horny, and I find that a lot of the sex scenes have a real "Put your back into it, man" vibe and I personally love a heroine who's like "mmmmmm I think you can fuck harder than that, sir". Like let's treat romance heroes like prized oxen thanks.
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writingsofwesteros · 1 year
I’ve just finished HotD and I would like to say.. what the actual fuck?
Why did Rhaenys have to fly through the floor of the dragon pit and crush half of the people there? Like if that doesn’t make people hate the blacks already I don’t know what will. I’d want them all dead if that was me. There was no point in that happening, unnecessary death of innocent people for nothing. It didn’t prove she was a “badass” or “cool” it just goes to show the people they’re just going to be collateral damage of a war that they want no part in.
As sad as it is too, Rhaenyra was going to lose baby Visenya either way. That wasn’t on Alicent and people saying that it’s her and the greens fault that she’s lost her daughter is genuinely disgusting. That wasn’t on them, Visenya was deformed and born with dragon like qualities. It’s awful yes and I could never imagine that but it’s the price that have to pay for all of the incest in the family and their ancestors using black magic to gain more power so they could magically bind with the dragons, it happens to a few women and it’s always as sad as the last.
Rhaenyra saying “My lady mother was an Arryn, they will not turn against their own kin.” is actually hilarious because isn’t their house motto ‘as high as honour’ yet she has none.. like your mother wouldn’t be happy about what you’ve pulled (I’m going off the books for this part, even so it counts for the series) I’m not having she’d be happy and proud about what she’s done to get to where she is and all the lies she’s pulled the amount of times she’s thrown around the word treason to cover up her own treasons. I mean Jane Arryn literally got her seat without doing what Rhaenyra has done and she was an actual girlboss.
Why have they made Aegon a rapist? He wasn’t the best person I’ll admit and he did fondle and make crude remarks to women but he never did anything with anyone to any women against their will. He was even forced to bed Helaena, he had to be drunk for it. They were both kids forced into something that neither one wanted, it would’ve been traumatic for both. It’s like no one can comprehend that no one is a good person in this series. It’s not black and white like a marvel film where there’s good guys and bad guys, everyone is grey that was the point of the books, no one is nice and they prove that - besides Helaena she’s a saint and can do no wrong!
Can we just take a minute to appreciate the true kings and queens of Kings Landing - the dragon keepers! They literally take care and handle the dragons in sandals and tunics with a bloody stick.. the Targaryens love to show the power they have with dragons yet the dragon keepers are the ones who do all the scary work with them, they teach them how to deal and bond with their own dragons! Legends they are.
What’s about to happen with Blood & Cheese is in no way acceptable for a son for a son. That is nowhere near the same as Lucerys dying that was a literal 5 year old toddler, I doubt he could even write his own name properly yet, it’s not retribution it’s just cold blooded murder of a baby. I will forever hate them for what happened to him, it’s awful and I’m not ready to watch that.
Why did Rhaenys state that the greens are coming for you Rhaenyra and your children..like um, what gave you that impression?? Just so dramatic and it's annoying
Also Daemon saying Alicent killed his brother....???Seriously !!??
And the children fighting pits? He's literally like a disney villain and it's pathetic
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evilshelter · 4 months
Y’know mems can be so fucked up . This is crossing vent territory Major Time so proceed with Caution. This is going to get into deep traumatic shit.
I’m like. Utterly devastated by my Surveyor mems. Like. Out of ALL my kins possible, it’s a fucking Jellybean with the worst mems of all time.
Like when I got my mems for the first time, they were All of Purple, so it started out great (besides miserably yearning and missing her for the longest time)! And then the brain decides “hey, you remember Forteshifter right? Did you know” and then gives me the worst fucking memory possible.
Somehow I knew Shifter WAAAAAYYY before I knew Purple???? He was at Mira HQ somehow???? Canon-contradicted mems are fucked up. Anyways, the ONLY mem I ever got of him was him doing a Really Horrible Thing To Me which downright made me triggered to the fucking COLOR fortegreen altogether.
I eventually overcame that and then proceeded to treat Shifter like . Really Harshly. I would actively hatepost him, call him horrible shit, all that.
And Then I Get More Mems Of Him.
And Then I Realise Everything That Happened On Polus Was Technically My Fault.
And Then I Feel Bad.
I got stabbed by the Sabotool which turned me into an Imposter. Bit surprising, but oh well. What surprised me even More however, was finding out I am somehow also a shapeshifter??? Except I sucked shit at it!
Well, as mentioned before, I met Shifter forever ago, and he actually. Helped me to shapeshift for the first time. Only once though I think? But I shapeshifted for the first time anyway! And he helped me!
And at first, I thought he was manipulating me? Pretending to be nice to me just to take advantage of me? So of course I hateposted him even more just for laughs.
When Shifter and I met, he was actually. Genuinely the Sweetest guy in the world. Like. The Nicest. The most wholesome and cheerful bean of all time. Everything he did was with genuine care. It was always just the two of us at Mira HQ. We somehow clicked, got close, and he was actually such a sweetheart.
He had nobody else. He NEVER had anyone else. I was his first and only friend for the longest time. He basically had no interactions with anyone else. And with that also meant he had no sense of morality in a way. Like, he was Not Taught Anything. Whatever he did was just a “I’ve seen it happen, so it’s fine?” And I had no perception of this mindset until just recently.
Well, I got into a fit of rage (I can’t remember from what), and he was trying to soothe me and calm me down and such. And that’s when the Big Fuck Up happened which was my First mem I got of him.
And well instead of teaching him why what he did was Fucked Up, I ended up snapping and screaming at him, throwing shit at him and making his life utterly miserable. I cut him out of my life from there and left him all alone again.
He was already broken and alone, and I broke him even more. I dug the hole in his chest deeper, and I ripped him to shreds until all the kindness he once had was Gone. I treated him so horribly that he ended up losing all his sweetness. He was basically a completely different guy.
I struggle to watch the Alternate series now. I have memories of Purple and I making it to Polus. I remember seeing him again, biting him and all that. I remember how he hissed at me when I did too. And now looking back, I realise that what he did on Polus was all my fault.
I tore him down to becoming the worst and most dangerous imposter known to all. And as we barely escaped Polus, he was left isolated and alone one last time. Back when it happened, I laughed at him. Spitefully spat at him and let him go.
But now that I remember everything we once had, and remembering how I tore him to shreds, it Hurts. It hurts how I made him that way. I made him the monster he turned into. I made him into someone else who then took over Polus, who’s become deadly and insane. I did that.
I do jokehate him at times, but I’ve definitely decreased it drastically lately. It’s starting to hurt how badly I mistreated him, and it hurts that I could’ve just done better. Yes, I was a victim to what he did to me, but how I handled it afterwards was just. Awful.
I was his only friend and I tore him apart.
This isn’t really something I share to the public, but it just feels wrong to hide it, knowing I was responsible for such a major thing.
I know I’ll probably never see my Shifter ever again, but if I ever did, I’d only have one thing to say to him.
Shifter, I’m sorry. For everything.
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tearsofperseides · 8 months
I'm making this because I want to post something, but also am in somewhat of a manic episode and this is how I cope so-
Explaining some of my kins
Emily Dickinson (Dickinson)
If anyone knows that "Is this fuckin play about us?!" audio from Tiktok, that's how I felt when I first saw this woman on my screen. Aside from having siblings, there is NOTHING that sets us apart. The inflection in her voice, how she interacts with people around her, her family's dynamic, her internal monologues, and how she copes with things. I have two tattoos dedicated to this show because the show resonated with me to such a high extreme.
Rebecca Bunch (Crazy Ex-Girlfriend)
Without going into too much detail. Let's just say that I've been season 1 Rebecca in the past. I watched the show back in 2019 and multiple times, at some almost comedic scenes I started crying because I resonated with Rebecca to such a high degree. I saw, not parts of myself, but my whole self in her. A little funny thing is one of my friends is named Patrick, so I often sing "(Tell Me I'm Okay) Patrick" when he's around. And of course, the quote: "It just, it just feels like everyone is in this cabal of normal people, and they're all laughing at me like I'm the jester in my own Truman Show. Patrick, tell me what the secret is."
Robin Buckley (Stranger Things)
A lil Robin! She's one of the reasons why I changed my name! I love the name, Robin, I always did! I mean there's not much to say about her in terms of kinning. A little ball of anxiety that seems intimidating at first (apparently a lot of my friends found me intimidating when they saw me), a little fun comedic character that actually borders on tragedy (if the show would be written well-). Autistic as well, but that's fanon.
Eleanor Shellstrop (The Good Place)
UMM HELLO??? HI?? ME??? Mommy issues, daddy issues. Just issues in general, deflecting with humor??? I actually started hyper-fixating on philosophy because of this show, my friends constantly keep saying I'd be the main character in a sitcom too (which... I am...). I mean just watch the show if you haven't, it's really good.
Edward Teach (Our Flag Means Death)
When I made my friend watch OFMD I asked him which character he thinks I kin and the second Blackbeard showed up he pointed to him and I asked why, his response was "What do you mean, why?! Look at him! ADHD off the charts! He's all over the place! He's fascinated by the simplest of things!", then later on as the show continued, when we got Ed's backstory, he once again said "I can't believe you asked me why when he has daddy issues." And of course, there's more to me relating to him outside of these little traits. Will I share anything else? No, fuck you (/j), it's personal!
Nadine Franklin (The Edge of Seventeen)
This is all for now, some more Robin lore I guess hahaha-
I think this could be classified as a shit-post but honestly I don't know
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the-king-of-lemons · 3 years
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timbertumbr · 3 years
Zoo Date (Underfell X Reader)
Underfell Sans- 
You had dragged Sans to the zoo to show you the wonders of the zoo. He was, of course, hesitant at first. But when all you did was just look at animals and even learn something about em, he was content. You then made it to the reptiles and Sans found the alligator enclosure.
He stopped in his tracks and literally stared at the giant reptile. It stared back and they had a staring contest. You notice San’s absence and see that he’s looking at the alligator. You giggle as you approach him.
“Did you find an animal you like?” Sans smirks and nods.
“Yup, we’re giving each other death glares,” You snicker.
“Yeah, If you were to turn into an animal, it’d definitely be an alligator, they’re smart, cunning, fast, insanely strong, and they care for their family! Have you SEEN a picture of an alligator mom carrying her babies?!” Sans shakes his head. You quickly pull your phone out and bring up a video of a mom alligator carrying her babies in her mouth.
“Aww, that’s cute. Ya know, for a carnivorous beast-” He pauses when you lose your grip on your phone and it lands in the enclosure. You both stare at it, not sure what to do.
“Whoops, my bad,” You mutter, Sans bursts out laughing.
“Hahahaha! Holy shit, that was amazing… Don’t worry sweetie, I got i-” The alligator zipped across the enclosure and grabbed the phone with its teeth just as Sans was about to use his magic to get it. 
“Oh you little- GIVE IT!” He growled, trying to use his magic to pull the phone out of the alligator's grip. It only bit down on the phone harder. Eventually Sans’s magic does get the phone back… but it’s absolutely destroyed.
“. . . Shit. I’ll get you a new one,” Sans mutters, rubbing the back of his skull awkwardly. You quickly wave your hands in protest.
“No, no! I was the one that dropped it. I’ll just get a new phone when I have the chance… The SD card is okay at least so that’s good,” You say as you examine the remains of your poor phone. Sans hums in thought before gently grabbing your hand and leading you towards the gift shop.
“Well, then let me at least get you something from the gift shop, as an apology,” You sigh.
“You have nothing to apologize for, Sans,” He flashes you a grin.
“Then consider a gift,” You narrow your eyes playfully.
“Oh, you sly son of a b-”
You soon started browsing the many products in the shop, Sans casually following you and offering suggestions towards your interests which was sweet of him. And then you found the perfect thing, alligator plushies. You pick out two, and approach the cashier while Sans raises a brow.
“Why two if you don’t mind me asking?” You smile sweetly, paying for one of the alligators and handing it to him.
“A gift, to remember the absolute hilarity of this trip,” Sans smiles as he pays for your alligator and looks at his.
“I’m going to name mine ‘lil shit,’” You laugh out loud.
“Then I’m naming mine ‘phone destroyer,’” Sans smirks as you both leave the giftshop and out of the zoo.
“What if we made a lil story for em?” You gasp dramatically and hug your plushie.
“That’s a great idea! So, what if-” So the two of you begin making lore for your alligator plushies because you could and it’s fun damn it. Least to say, you enjoyed your trip to the Zoo. :)
Underfell Papyrus-
Papyrus was actually the one to bring you to the zoo, all because of an event being hosted near the African wild dogs exhibit. And that event would be learning a lot more about them! To say you were stoked was an understatement, especially since you were going with your favorite skeleton! Papyrus pays for the tickets and the two of you approach the event.
“Hey Paps, what made you want to go to the event anyway?” You ask out of curiosity, Papyrus glances at you.
“Yeah, that sounds like something you’d do. And while we're here, I can teach you about my favorite animals if you’d like!” Papyrus smiles softly. 
“Oh my goodness yes! We’ll be able to eat AND look at animals at the same time!” His smile grows.
“PRECISELY! THE PERFECT DATE FOR MY AMAZING DATEMATE! COME ALONG, THE EVENT IS STARTING SOON,” He gently grabs your hand and leads you through the zoo to the event where a little stage was set up by the African wild dogs exhibit. You and Papyrus watch and listen with interest, especially when they fed the wild dogs, Papyrus was very entertained by it. When the event was over, Papyrus brought you to the Zoo Restaurant which had a good view of various animals.
You watched them in awe while Papyrus looked over the menu. When the waitress came by, he ordered for himself and got you your favorite since you were so engrossed with the animals. The food arrived quickly and you both ate and chatted while observing the nearby animals. 
Papyrus pays for the food and off the two of you went to look at the other animals at the zoo before going home. While looking at the hippos, you suddenly turn to Papyrus.
“Wait here!” You exclaim before running off, he raises a brow but does what he’s told. You soon return with a gift shop bag and hand him an African wild dog plushie. He looks at it curiously.
“WHAT’S THIS FOR?” He asks a little confused but is grateful for the gift, you smile widely. 
“Well, you said that they’re family dogs so I got a bunch of plushies to give to everyone so we can make our own little African wild dog pack!” Papyrus stares at you before tears of happiness well up in his eyes, holy shit, you’re so fucking precious. He gently hugs you.
“YOU’RE TOO GOOD FOR US… FOR ME…” He mutters, you pat his back.
“And you’re the best skeleton in the world. Now that we’re done stating facts, wanna go home and surprise the others?” He smiles as he pulls back from the hug.
Want to request? Please read this before doing so!
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pigeonsatdawn · 3 years
law school ep 15 (and solhwi overall)
gonna put in my two cents for the line that singlehandedly caused the solhwi nation to implode.
(apologies in advanced because my thoughts are too messy for me to neatly put it in a post but i want to say it anyway—also this is just the way i view solhwi so please don't come screaming at me if you disagree!)
i'm a diehard solhwi shipper and i love their relationship, and think they have one of the best relationships out there in the fictional world, and also definitely one of the healthiest. but to me, their relationship extends far beyond the romantic relationships we so often see portrayed in media.
kim beom said in one interview that this relationship between HJH and KS is kin to that of a soulmate relationship that's not necessarily romance, and i find myself agreeing with that notion. while soulmates are typically used to describe romantic partnerships, it doesn't necessarily have to start with romance. (many people have pointed this out in other posts so i won't go further down the fact that HJH x KS's relationship is a friends-to-lovers slow burn but you get me.)
but in fact, this bond between soulmates (or at least how i define it), in my opinion, is far beyond what we usually see in romance. as in, it's not just someone you like, but it's someone whose changed your life in a certain way. i know some may be averse to the idea of having to change for the one you love because loving is the notion of accepting someone in spite of the person's flaws, but what i mean is that when you love someone in this way, you want to change because of them. you see them, and they inspire you, and you grow in your own way. once again—growth is a very subjective idea, and even for HJH and KS we can see them grow in different directions—but we can clearly see how they have impacted each others' lives.
it's quite obvious, imo, how KS's life has been impacted by HJH's. she's,, not the "smartest" out there, and we can't deny that. we know she probably won't make it through law school if not for HJH's help. HJH is always there, a step ahead of KS, but he's not just being proud about it, instead opting to help her understand what the laws are and why they are the way they are, which KS especially needs, being a particularly empathic person. but we've also seen that HJH has helped KS beyond simply academics. he's always been there to protect her—almost all their interactions have proven that (the camera outside her house, the hungover soup, the switching seats—i think literally everything?..?..?.??). maybe she doesn't necessarily need protection, but surely thanks to his protection she's much better than she might've been without, especially knowing her terribly miserable life.
but i often wonder why HJH is so heart-eyes of KS of all people. i mean, i know love is love and sometimes you just catch feelings, but i believe there's more meaning behind their relationship than meets the eye. like you don't just look at someone so lovingly for it to be just a crush, y'know? the first reason that comes to mind is clearly simply KS's amicable personality. she definitely stands out: she's not that intelligent, struggling and barely surviving, but she has insane passion to pull through even despite truth attacks (like SJH saying she should reconsider her life decisions, saying that a chance of passing isn't something to be proud of, etc). she treats everything with such a positive outlook, and, well, KS is just an adorable human, so it's hard not to have a little crush her.
what makes KS stand out most, the core of her personality, is that she has hope, despite everything. she's been through shit because of her circumstances—left by her twin sister without a word, been in juvie, has no money to deal with it—you know, entire backstory. but instead she fights her weakness, even though she feel like it should've been her sister, even though she's not smart enough, because she has to do this. she keeps going, even though things keep turning out for the worse for her, holding hope when circumstances are most dire. but why? because she strives for justice. she doesn't want to be wronged. she wants the law to own up its mistakes, wants to make sure the law gets its own revenge. that's why she wants to work in law, yeah? and so she keeps fighting, even when hope seems lost.
okay but why did i mention this? because i think this is what HJH sees in KS. why? because this is what he needs.
HJH had lost hope. in an episode (i don't remember which), he mentioned he doesn't trust anyone, and it's obvious why: his uncle. it's the worst kind of betrayal that causes your ideals being burned down. he realized that even people who work in law can be corrupt, people who he thought he could trust above all others, people who seemed utterly good. and then he just begins to regard everyone with baseline amity, and no further. many have pointed out he doesn't have real friends (other than KS), even though he looks outgoing and friendly. it's not quite shown, but it must've been lonely. and a lonely fight, trying to prove that he will be a better prosecutor than his uncle was. and we know that HJH's nature as a person is to be calculating, objective, seeing things through facts and statistics; it's what makes him so intelligent. what that also makes him is realistic, and more often than not, that is almost equal to pessimistic—because reality just... sucks, as has been proven by the betrayal of his uncle. and further into the drama we see only more corrupt people in the business, so we certainly don't get out hopes fueled.
there's scarcely anyone in what we see who's actually pursuing law because they're passionate about the law, or if they are, they're not often very... human in doing it. examples: YJH, SJH, KSB are all very cold and indifferent types, people who really just come and do what they do, focus on studies (in the case of YJH, his teaching), and interactions with others are treated as "lesser". SJH and KSB in particular—they're good at the law, sure, but they seem to prioritize their position in law first and foremost. SJH and KSB don't hesitate to call out their losses, and even would rather not intervene for justice if it meant their position would be compromised. not that they're bad characters, not at all; i mentioned them simply to compare them to KS, who, despite not having the brains to do half the things she's supposed to do and earning herself nosebleeds everytime she tries, still does what she does for justice, passionately, hopefully, all for righteousness.
okay this was longer than i intended WHEW so i'll cut to the chase: long story short, HJH needs KS because KS gives him hope. hope of a humanity where people actually work in law and choose to fight for justice against all odds, even if the system itself is infiltrated by filth and corruption. KS is someone who, in her first lecture, was grilled the fuck out by Yangcrates, yet the first thing she does after she nearly throws her guts out is ask HJH whether he can tutor her. she does not ever lose hope, and that, truly, is what stands out to HJH, what he needs.
and KS needs HJH because he is her hope as well! hope by itself does no good if you can't actually do something about it, and KS knows this. HJH, despite seemingly just being someone to help her in her studies, is someone she needs if she wants to achieve her goals, if she wants to get back on the law the right way. which is why, in the end, KS and HJH are, while independent in their own way, dependent on each other in terms of their growth—KS gives HJH hope in humanity, HJH helps KS realize (make real) her hopes that would have been dreams if not for her.
oh my god i've rambled on this long without stating my point: THE DAMN LINE.
HJH saying he owes her makes sense in this light because, indeed, KS's positive outlook in everything keeps him going. it gives him a reason to keep wanting to work in law, because she is a reason to believe in goodness and justice, that there will be people who keep fighting for justice against all odds. he owes this to her—and perhaps that is why he goes all out to help her achieve that hope, perhaps that's why he goes out of his way to care for her. because they are each other's missing puzzle piece, the other half. soulmates.
sigh ok this was long ONE FINAL POINT. everyone has their own opinion on a solwhi ending, so i might as well chip in mine.
certainly, as a solhwi shipper, i want them to end up together. i believe they're really the best of soulmates, two people who just complement each other so well. but in the current timeline, them having a romantic relationship out of the blue would be,,, simply unnecessary, imo. they're still very much in the stage of friendship, and are both dealing with their own personal baggage, that shoving a romance would just take away the focus from their growth. i personally think even this platonic relationship is already a beautiful one, one that outshines many of the romances i've watched, even without having to flood everything under the romance light—which i think many can agree with me, seeing as how solhwi is shipped so much. i still want to see them end up together, though, so SEASON TWO LAW SCHOOL MANIFESTATION. please please please directors writers make it happen i am begging you. thank you.
sorry for this long ass post, thank you if you do read it and leave any thoughts! again this is just my opinion, you're free to let me know if you think differently or anything, or shoot me a message if you want to scream about solhwi or whatever i'm just solhwi brainrot 24/7 🤸🏻‍♀️
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ilovebeing-weird · 3 years
Have a Coffee
Chapter-1 Chapter-2
So, people who like angst. There won't be much angst here. I hate it! There would be hurt/comfort at best. This is going to be a fluffy story. And if I get anything wrong in the airport scenes, it's because idk how they work. Never been to an airport.
"Flight 204, to New York, from Air France will leave soon. Passengers please board the plane. Flight 204....." The voice was heard from the speakers
"Queenie, it's our flight. Let's go." Marinette called Chloe, who was busy fighting with a person, because he didn't recognise her and it's 'ridiculous, utterly ridiculous'
"Hmph, you better keep up with the celebrities. I am the Chloe Bourgeois. The only daughter of Style Queen, Audrey Bourgeois. The person who has her own amazing business. The best friend of cocci-"
"Chlo!" Mari put her hand to prevent her from speaking more than necessary. "Our flight, let's go."
"Je suis désolée Monsieur." (I am sorry sir)
"C'est bon." (It's okay)
"Let's go Chloe."
"I can't wait to go to New York! It's gonna be sooo much fun! I am so excited" Adrien squealed heading towards his seat
"When are you not excited?" Kagami asked rolling her eyes at her boyfriend's behavior
"Don't put your cloudy shade over my sunlight." Adrien said dramatically, in response Kagami again rolled her eyes.
"If you think I am such a rain cloud, why are you dating me?"
"Because I love you, Duh!"
Kagami's face went as red as a tomato.
"Aww, you're blushing!"
"No, I am not."
"Yes, you are."
"No, I am not."
"Guys as cute as you are, can we just please move." Luka said moving to his seat
"Sorry Lukes."
"Luka-bear, window seat is mine."
"I know Bee."
"Mari, you get the aisle seat. And Lu you'll have to sit in the middle." Chloe pointed to everyone's seat
"Yes Queenie!" Marinette saluted
"Perfect, now I will sleep for hours, I need my beauty sleep after all. If I will get dark circles it will be ridi-"
"Melody, your soul mark is in English, right. Maybe you'll find your soulmate here."
"Yeah, probably. My luck is not that good though."
"Don't lose hope yet Marinette, who knows maybe something good will happen."
"The flight is ready to take off, passengers please wear their seatbelts. The flight is ready to…"
"I think we should get seated." Kagami took her seat "And Mars, don't worry, you will find your soulmate soon. It's destiny."
"You're right. It's destiny."
They all got seated, and Marinette was dying from lack of her coffee.
"I need my coooooffeeeee."
"No, sleep."
"Mel, for the last time, Sleeeeep!! Please."
"But I don't wanna. I have work-"
"That can wait. I am sure your clients will understand. And even if they won't I am sure you're ahead of your schedule." Marinette opened her mouth to say something but closed it again, it happened for a good three minutes before she gave in.
"but you are working as my mannequin later."
"If it gets you to sleep."
"Why are you obsessed with making me sleep?"
"Because I care." Came his soft reply.
~After 5 hours~
"Marinette~ Where are you?~" A maniacal voice was heard
"Marinette! Answer me before I come there! Guess I will have to teach you another lesson!"
"Why don't you just die, you stupid piece of shit?" A punch
"Why are you even alive?" A kick
"You're nothing more than a waste of space." A push and marinette fell to the ground
"Nobody ever loved you, and nobody ever will! You don't even have a soulmate!" Marinette tried to say something, deny it, tell them that she had one, but she couldn't "And your "friends" they just hang out with you for pity!"
"I can't even believe I was friends with you!"
"You're nothing more than a jealous bully!"
She tried to do something, anything! But she wasn't able to, it was almost like she was bound by an invisible force.
"I hate you! I can't believe I was besties with you! You are just a liar and a bully!" Another kick, it didn't hurt. Not more than their betrayal.
"Waste of time!"
She sat there, listening to them. All of their insults, she didn't care. Not anymore.
"Guess I will have to put an end to it all, huh? I feel sad, you were a good playtoy." Her da-, no Mr.Dupain said, and the knife came down, she was screaming but no sound came out
"Marinette!" Huh? She didn't die?
"Marinette!" Adrien, she recognized the voice
"Marinette!" Marinette woke up with a shock
"What happened?"
"You were screaming and thrashing in your sleep."
"Oh, I had a nightmare." Adrien wiped her tears, she'd been crying? She didn't know.
"Wanna talk about it?" No she didn't, it will make it all real. It would bring flashbacks and she would have a panic attack.
"Not really." It was good that Adrien respected her wishes and didn't push it. "How long till we reach?"
"Uh, it's been five hours, so I am guessing three hours more. You wanna eat something?"
"N-" Adrien cut her off
"You know what? You do want to. You will obviously deny it, but I am not gonna let you starve."
"Why are you all like this?"
"Like what? So caring and such good friends? You deserve it."
"I hate you, each one of you."
"Aww, you know you love us! You looove us"
"Yeah, yeah, whatever." Mari rolled her eyes. She knew she loved them, they knew she loved them. They all loved each other, platonically obviously. But, there was a part of her which always wondered if they hung out with her just because they pitied her. They wouldn't do that, right?
Would they?
Finally almost eight hours passed, she had eaten and now she was working on some new designs while her friends slept peacefully.
"There has been a technical issue, the flight would land right here, in Gotham. Passengers are required to please wear their seatbelts and not panic."
WHAT!? The flight had to make an abrupt stop at Gotham at all of places, the fucking CRIME CAPITAL!! Oh no, oh no, OH HELL NO! This is a disaster, this is a disaster, a disaster. Wasn't luck supposed to be on her side? Did the miraculous mean nothing?
She quickly wore her seatbelt and checked all of her friends' too before waking them up.
"Umm, guys, there has been a technical issue, the flight's gonna land now, so you may wanna wake up." It didn't work, the formal and polite option didn't work "GUYS WAKE UP! THE FLIGHT'S GONNA LAND RIGHT NOW IN GOTHAM!" That worked! It jolted awake all of them.
"Ridiculous, utterly ridiculous!!"
"You've got to be kidding me!"
"In the fucking crime capital?!"
"Maybe it is destiny." Marinette gave Luka a weird look that said 'are you crazy or something?'
"Maybe you will find your soulmate here."
"Of fucking course. In the crime capital. Maybe my soulmate is a criminal too, huh?"
"Don't be such a pessimist Mari, there are good people too in Gotham."
"So any idea what we wanna do?" Marinette asked once they were out of the plane.
"Let's order a cab to New York?"
"Yeah, let's do that. Let me check the cabs… There's no cab available for where you wanna go….. " Blood drained from Adrien's face as he read that.
"So, we are forced to stay in Gotham?"
"Well what should we do now?" Luka gained their attention
"Let's go shopping!!" Chloe, obviously, cheered "Before either of you deny, Kags, you need new clothes, no offense, but you really have a bad fashion sense. Luka-bae, I need you to carry my bags. Adri-kins, Kags need you. And Mari-bear, you have a good fashion choice." Luka and Adrien sighed, guess they have to carry their bags forever.
"I don't know Chlo, I really need some coffee and have to do some work. I guess I will go to a café instead." Marinette said sheepishly
"Hmm, if you say so." Marinette was genuinely surprised that she let her off the hook. Usually she would be dragged with them. "You can send us your location and we'll meet you there in two hours?"
"Sounds like a plan."
"Okay, bye, don't have a overdose~"
"Bye queenie!"
"Now let's find a café with an internet connection and quiet environment." She quickly searched all the café near her, fortunately the nearest café was within walking distance.
She walked for ten minutes before she reached the café "coffee and joy" apparently this café has amazing coffee and the batfam, mostly Red Robin, always comes here. The atmosphere was good, not too crowded but enough for it to be good.
She walked inside, it was good. As soon as she walked in she was greeted by the fragrance of coffee. The circular tables had plants on the side, couples were talking and chattering. There were families enjoying themselves, and a person who was typing away on his computer, huh, he almost looks dead. Well, who was she to judge, she was sure she looked the same while she was working.
She went to order. The workers there were happy and cheery. Weird, this is Gotham. Aren't people supposed to be gloomy and annoyed here? Well, Paris, the supposedly city of love, the people there are--the ones she knows the rest she is sure are good--are evil. She is not even exaggerating.
"Hi! How can I help you today?" The worker, she learnt the name was Sam, asked her.
"Hey can I get a black coffee with…..eight espresso shots? thank you!" The worker looked shocked, obviously anyone would be shocked if someone ordered this much caffeine. She muttered something that she couldn't quite make out but it sounded like 'there's three of them' . What did she mean by three of them? Eh, whatever.
"What name should I write on the cup?"
"Marinette." Marinette, the only reminder of her fam- the people she lived with. The name that was given to her by her grandma that she loves dearly. At Least her grandparents are good people.
"Okay, why don't you wait and I will call you?"
"Sure" She went to the table in the corner. So she would not grab any attention but will be able to go to the counter easily when called.
Tim was having a sucky day. Firstly, he was almost late to the meeting because Bruce thought it was good to let him sleep in. Fuck you Bruce! I don't need to sleep. Then Alfred banned coffee. Why? Because apparently he had a little too much coffee. Thirdly, his brothers were still obsessed with making him sleep, he already slept last night!
"Ughhh" Tim groaned, luckily his favourite café was just around the corner. He would go and grab some coffee there and work in peace.
Upon entering the café he was greeted by the sweet fragrance of coffee. Oh, how much he loved it. If he didn't find his soulmate he would marry coffee. Bruce wouldn't have a problem, right?
"Hey Sam!" Tim greeted the always cheerful barista
"Hey Mr. Drake. Your usual?"
"It will be ready soon!"
Thanking her Tim made his way to his usual table and took out his laptop to go over the meeting details. After a minute or so grabbing his coffee and feeling alive again Tim started working on the documents. He was so lost in his world that he didn't realise someone coming in. Only when her name was called did he realise that.
Out of curiosity, Tim looked at her, and what he saw was something he would remember forever. That woman was beautiful. He knew that it was wrong, he knew that he had a soulmate, he knew he should wait for them wherever they are, but he also knew that he felt a connection with her, he also knew that he had to take his chance. So that's what he'll do.
Waiting for a while to gather some courage and thinking about what to say. He started to make his way to her. Only to be stopped by her sad expression, she was angry, mostly sad looking at her laptop. Huh, looks like she's not having a great day. He decided that he will go to her with coffee, after all what was something that coffee couldn't solve. He ordered two coffees for them, he knew that her order was the same as his.
He took a deep breath and made his way across the café to her and offered her the beverage in his hand. "Having a rough day?"
Marinette was relieved that she got her coffee. She hasn't had any since morning. Why does the world have to be sooo unfair to her!? Opening her laptop she found some new commissions…..and some emails from her old class. Can they just suck it and move on? How childish can anyone be.
She knows that she shouldn't be but she was sad looking at it. She was just about to delete them when a voice startled her.
"Having a rough day? Have a coffee, It will make it better." Marinette being Marinette jumped at the voice.
"Ahh! You scared me! Wait a second….. You are my soulmate! Thanks for the coffee by the way." As soon as their hands touched there was a golden glow around them, a welcoming glow.
"Hey, soulmate. I am Timothy Drake-Wayne please call me Tim."
"Hey Tim, I am Marinette. Nice to meet you."
"The pleasure is all mine, Marinette." Tim kissed her knuckles to which she responded by blushing.
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tokoyamisstuff · 3 years
Betrothred Ch. 1 - Illumi Zoldyck x Reader
Chapter 1: Bride
Summary: After making your choice, there’s no going back from it.
Warnings: Blood, Murder, Threats, Angst
Words: 2390
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Story Masterlist
A/N: This first chapter is kinda angsty but it gets better, I swear!
Today is the day.
Even though only mere hours would separate you from becoming a part of the Zoldyck family, the whole situation still felt very much surreal to you.
To be invited and welcomned on their property was one of the greatest honor of all, but to be considered a fitting consort for their eldest son was just unimaginable.
One of the butlers was harshly braiding your hair, trying to get it in a position you’d usually never wear. Another one would be working on your make-up, something you’d usually find unnecessary considering your profession.
Why would an assassin care for their physical appearance anyway? Well, all of this was probably part of some kind of tradition or ritual.
No matter how roughly they were tearing and tugging on you, trying to modify your body until you wouldn’t even recognize yourself in the mirror, you’d take their invasion of your personal space in a calm demeanour.
Because that’s how you were raised.
Obey, endure and function.
Your bloodline had a long history of both feared and powerful Head Hunters, for decaded being third place of all known assassin families - with the Zoldycks claiming the indisputable top.
Torture, poison and death were your fellow comrades throughout your whole youth, even though there were limits:
Only the most promising children would be chosen to become Head Hunters. The others were free to choose their way as they wished.
Your upbringing was strict, yet loving. And it was forbidden to break your free will. Serving the family should be an honor, not a burden.
Other than the Zoldycks, your family believed that emotions could become the surce of strenght.
There were other moral standarts: Murdering children was off limits, for example.
And your ‘carreer’ was just about to begin when it took this unexcpected turn.
You had met your soon-to-be-husband after finally completing your formal training, now allowed to take on the Hunter Exam.
Already accustomed to the basics of Nen, it was easy for you to see behind the disguise of the man calling himself Gittarackur.
At first being rather passive, even as the two of you completed the Trick Tower together, he soon stated to be impressed by your exceptional strenght and capability.
Truth be spoken, you always thought yourself to be mediocre at best. So that sudden compliment hit you off guard, especially after he casually revealed his true identity and heritage.
Immediately after the exam, you gathered all of your courage and asked Illumi to teach you in the ways of a true assassin - so you could grow and become the next leader of your clan.
And much to your surprise, he instantly accepted, not even wanting anything in return. You were useful to him and his missions, he stated. That would be enough.
After that, it wouldn’t take long until the stoic man announced that you’d make for a formidable spouse, asking your father for your hand in marriage.
Even though you weren’t quite sure if you made the right decision, his proposal alone the greatest honor for your kin and you just couldn’t disappoint them.
Illumi had always been very reserved about anything else than his work, making you doubt he was even capable of feeling anything else than the joy of killing.
Yet he was a reliable ally, both smart and strong - and admittedly very good looking. You were convinced that he wasn’t the monster most people saw in him: He had just been molded to be the perfect assassin.
And because of that, he would make for a good husband as well.
“Well, don’t you look beautiful?” The voice behind your back was Kikyo, dismissing the servants with a single gesture of her hand.
You wanted to stand up and make a curtsy as a sign of respect, yet felt her palms on your shoulder, pressing down so you’d remain in your seat.
Looking in the mirror, you saw your mother in law behind your back, her visor making it hard to read her intentions. Her aura gave it all away, though.
Illumi’s proposal surprised her just as much as yourself, and she obviously wasn’t content with it. You actually doubtet that she’d ever consider someone good enough to marry one of her children, so you didn’t take it personal.
The pressure would only help you grow.
“You’ll become the perfect partner for my son, won’t you?” Her fingernails dug deep into your flesh, but you didn’t even flinch. “Of course, honorable mother.”
“Good.” Apparently your answer didn’t calm her fury, since her fingermails only turned in the wounds they dug into your flesh. She only stopped when she realized that the blood was staining your clothes.
“I don’t expect any less from a lowlife like you are.” Seems like you should stay alerted around her. But that was no surprise, and it didn’t scare you either.
You knew what you were getting yourself into. And it was worth it.
To prove your worth, you’d go even beyond your limits.
“It’s time, Y/N.”
Up until now, you hid your emotions very well - but hearing that familiar, monotonous voice, you couldn’t help but smile.
“Illumi!” Kikyo shreeked out, “You’re not allowed to see Y/N before the ceremony!”
“Unnecessary superstition” he retorted quite unaffected, approaching both of you.
Kikyo stepped back, revealing you fully. He took in your appearance, rather observing than anything else. “Is that your blood?”
“Nothing worth mentioning.”
He grabbed your ankle, forcing you up from his seat to look at him. “How did this happen?”
You didn’t dare answering. It was not your place to drive a wedge between your fianceé and his mother, even though you highly doubtet that he would care at all.
Illumi turned around, his blank stare now directed to his mother, who defendingly put her hands into the air. “I-I was just advising-”
“No need for that” he cut her off. “I can take care of any business concerning my partner myself.”
Now she got all hysterical again, just as you got to know her. “B-but-”
“Never touch them again, or I’ll kill you.”
Kikyo relented, then having a mental breakdown for excactly 5 seconds, screams and cries filling the room.
The air had gotten incredibly thick, the unsettling atmosphere making you wish to just disappear right on spot.
“Oh, Illumi!” she exclaimed, sounding jubilant all of a sudden. “Being so cruel to your own mother...You’ve grown so much!”
What a weird fucking family.
“Show me your arms” Illumi demanded after he told his mother to be left alone, yet you flinched away.
“I apologize for having provoked an argument” you spoke all humble, “My wounds are of no concern. Don’t worry.”
“Starting today, I’m expected to take care of you. So you should obey and let me patch this up.” You sat down with a small sigh, exposing your shoulders and presenting them to him. “It would be a shame if you get scarred by something else than a honorable battle.”
Eventually you found time to appreciate your fianceé’s exterior: Illumi had his hair braided back, wearing a fully black suit with a white shirt and a bow tie.
It was the first time you ever saw him in formal wear, and it actually suited him very well.
“You’re very handsome, Lumi” you absentmindedly blurted out as you watched him bandage the wounds on your shoulder.
And Illumi would acknowledge your looks in his own way. “Your appearance is very adequate for this occasion as well.” That counts as a compliment, right?
“Glad you like it” you smiled, “But sadly the stains won’t get out. And we have no time to clean off the blood.”
Illumi swiftly helped you on your feet once again, vaguely explaining “Don’t worry. It won’t stand out after the ceremony.”
You linked arms with Illumi, who led you to the main room as you still pondered about what exactly he meant with that statement.
The celebration would be a small one, not even your own family being allowed to attend. When you entered the generously decorated hall, there were only Silva, Kikyo, Zeno, Kalluto and Milluki.
“Welcome, Y/N” Silva spoke in a way more welcoming tone than his wife earlier. You bend your head as you stood in front of the table where the family had gathered, greeting them politely before making your way to the altar.
Zeno would be the one to confirm the bond. You were actually glad that it was him, because he had already grown fond of you.
“Are you ready?” the old man wondered, noticing how you were trembling.
“Far away from it” you chuckled without doubt, adding “But I’m prepared to do anything.”
“That’s a honest but brave answer, young adult” he paised in an attempt to calm you down, then arranging both you and Illumi to stand facing each other. “And just what you need to become part of this family.”
One sign of Silva and the door swung open, a Bunch of butlers dragging in a terribly inured human.
Much to your shock, the person was not dead - not yet.
“So it begins” Illumi whispered as he saw the man wince in pain, begging for his life, and he almost cracked something like a smile.
“Wha-” Before you could even comprehend what was happening, it hit you like a brick: You were supposed to finish that person off.
That was what Illumi meant. A few blood stains on your wedding dress really were your smallest problem considering what awaited you from this day on.
“That man invaded our property with the intend to kill us” Silva explained to you, his stare bringing across his demands. “You’ll prove your loyality through ending his life.”
At that moment, you knew that you’ll disappoint them - because you were frozen in place.
You had taken and destroyed so many lives, yet always had the full information on them and could decide through your own standarts. But now?
What if it was a lie? You didn’t know that man, why he was here or if he deserved death.
Maybe he had family or came for revenge. Goddamn it, he could even be a reporter who just sneaked in to snatch a photo! Or they had presented you a completely innocent man, seeing if you were the undoubting slave they wanted to have!
Madness runs in this family, apparently.
It was a test. You knew that much. Quite fitting for someone from a family which was only rank three, known for their rather humane way of working.
“No Nen allowed” Kikyo completed the task, “No guns or similar either. You may only use your bare hands or close combat weapons.”
Yes. It was way harder, imprinting your soul to kill that direct way. How you’d deal with the situation was crucial for the outcome of this wedding. 
But were you really ready to throw all of your morality abroad just for your own sake?
“We won’t kill you if you decline the order” Illumi cut off your brooding. Was it out of sympathy? You had no idea. “You’ll be considered unfitting, but you are free to leave and no one will ever bother you again.”
“N-No” you stumbled across your own words, “I’ll do everything for the family.”
“Interesting” Zeno stated. “I never doubtet your spouse, Illumi, but I thought they'd take longer to decide.”
"I think Y/N will make for a great companion.” Silva’s wide grin streched across his face, making his eyes wrinkle a bit. “In both family and business.”
When all was said and done, Illumi grabbed a knive that was placed on the altar. “Let’s do it together, then.”
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You almost felt guilty that you became flustered in a moment like this, but couldn’t help it as Illumi genuinely smiled at you, taking your hand as you took firm steps towards the enemy.
“P-Please have mercy!” the man pleaded to no avail, and determination swelled in your chest at that intense moment.
Taking someone’s life together - it would connect two people in a cruel yet beautiful way.
Whatever else could be more fitting for the marriage of two assassins? 
It would be an easy kill. He was unable to flee or fight back. Just a single strike, ending his life quick as act of mercy.
“You should’ve known better than to mess with my new family.”
Both of your hands intertwined, wrapping your fingers around the handle of the knive before thrusting it into the victim’s chest.
And then it dawned to you.
“A needleman?” you sulked, ripping out one of Illumi’s needles out of the stranger’s head, while the others broke out in boisterous laughter.
“Yeah. He was already dead” Illumi shrugged. “I know you don’t like burdening yourself with victims you didn’t choose yourself. But we needed to test you anyway. It’s a tradition.”
Was he actually respecting your boundaries?! What the-
“I like your guts!” Silva attempted to pat your back, but it felt rather like he was going to break your spine. “Sorry for our harsh methods. I know it can be a bit much at the beginning. You’ll get used to obey our rules slowly, don’t push yourself.
Even Kikyo embraced you, now almost convincing motherly. “Reminds me of my first kill for the family!”
It almost felt like those people could actually feel compassion for others. They at least had undoubtingly strong bonds with each other, even if their way of living together was rather unusual.
Stiff movements as always, Illumi placed his hand on your head, almost as if a robot was trying to mimick human interaction. “I’m proud of you. I knew I chose well.”
The rest of the ceremony was just as you expected it: No vows, no rings, no music, no kiss. Just you and Illumi hearing to whatever Zeno had to say about bringing honor and wealth to the family, bearing strong offsprings, and other things that were the exact opposite from romantic.
“Blood for blood” Zeno stated now instead of “You may now kiss”, and every family member repeated it.
You took the knife from the altar once again, cutting your palm until it drew blood without any hesitation. Illumi would now do the same, then reaching out his hand for yours to hold.
As your fluids mixed before dropping to the floor, you unsucessfully searched for any hint of emotional reaction in your husbands expressionless face.
His eyes however would never leave yours, his hand firmly squeezing yours before Zeno announced:
“Your fates are now inextricably connected.”
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nether--prince · 3 years
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and now, something like 8 hours of work is complete: designing the dancestors because godsdammit someone has to make these fuckers into actual characters and it looks like it’s gonna be me.
split images and vague re-characterization thoughts under the cut for length lmao.
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damara: lets get rid of the shitty google translate japanese because we can all admit that was heinous. instead maybe she’s from troll japan? bilingual damara? let her be angry and funny and surprisingly nice once you actually get to know her!
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rufioh: motherfucker i hate your hair why did you cheat on your matesprit what’s your deal. scrap all that. why dont we just get damara <3 rufioh <3 horuss instead, and make him the kind of guy who’s very fake it till he makes it re: coolness?
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mituna: autistic mituna with some level of physical and mental damage from saving everyone this one is so easy just remove the punchline and let him be mentally radical with his gf
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kankri: you know those scenes in stardew valley where penny really genuinely wants to help george but goes overboard because she lacks tact? there’s your kankri, instead of... whatever it was they were going for. he wants to help and protect people but he goes too far or forgets to ask if people want help and his Arc is learning to let people take care of themselves
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meulin: remove punchline, make actual character. let her use troll sign language as not a joke. maybe she bonds with the other disabled characters over this. meulin teaching mituna sign language! 
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porrim: besides aranea and m33nah, who are actual characters who influence the plot, porrim is probably closest to a real character. she has good points let her express them instead of being put down by kankri??? that shit was weird. 
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latula: Remove Punchline. people irl get real fucked up by losing their sense of smell. explore cool synaesthesia stuff??? what do smells look and sound like to her?
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aranea: real character, good job. she’s specifically designed to look friendly but also a lil condescending, like a grade school teacher telling you not to read above your level for your own good
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horuss: REMOVE PUNCHLINE. he’s plural and kin and that’s extremely interesting! he’s a jack of all trades! why did he get reduced to weird and horny. (we know why) remove his forced <> with meulin, or at least show why it’s fucked up. seriously why were there basically no good moirals in the dancestors
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kurloz: dude had a nightmare so bad he deafened his gf and immediately felt so guilty he chowed off his tongue and sewed his mouth shut. arc of getting him out of english’s control loop??? sure it technically leads to a doomed timeline but my canon now
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cronus: you already know the words; remove punchline. him being humankin is interesting, dammit. prune back his general douchness to just being kind of desperate and sad, not knowing how to reconcile his humanity and his desire for relationships. personally i think porrim <> cronus could be good here for some reason. let her rein him in 
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m33nah: actual character, good job x2 combo. i like her! 
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ghostmartyr · 4 years
SnK 131 Thoughts
Eren what the fuck.
What in the actual fuck, my dude.
There are parts of this that make sense.
Then there are the parts that absolutely do not, and it’s all wrapped up in this chapter where, as previous chapter posts predicted, people are screaming and dying.
Since that’s pretty much the majority of the content, I guess we have the luxury of a short post that almost entirely focuses on Eren.
With added Annie and Armin. They can go at the start, I guess. They exist, they are cute if you’re into that, they’re also dumb and mopey if you’re into that, Paths make for a great radio, and just generally
Did I already talk about Rebellion? Is that a thing I did in these past few months? -checks- Damn it. Not that the well can’t be visited again, since it’s very obviously appropriate, but twice in two months starts to look like the laziness that is indeed threatening to take me.
-spins the wheel-
Okay then, let’s talk about Anakin Skywalker.
Cool dude. Rad kid. Born into slavery. Freed from slavery by a dude with magical plot magic who immediately dies. Inherits dude’s desire for him to follow the leanings of the religious sect responsible for plot magic. Has hormones and has a meltdown over having hormones, and also feelings, and proceeds to protect everything he loves so hard that it burns to the ground while someone he eventually throws into a pit laughs maniacally in the background.
It’s mainly that last part that is arguably relevant to today.
Anakin is terrified of losing his wife in childbirth. Instead of contacting a doctor, he decides that it’s best to rely on himself. Plus shady mentor. His fear turns into a longing for a power to destroy that fear, and the combination drives him to the Dark Side. When he starts demolishing the very things he wanted to protect, he digs in deeper. For twenty years, he kills, and kills, and kills, because he can’t admit he was wrong.
(Clone Wars is a good show, if anyone is interested. It fleshes the emotional weight of the script out, and makes the horror and tragedy stab you in the heart.)
I can’t say that I entirely hate this for Eren. I don’t particularly like how it’s been presented, but that might just be the part of me that looks at the “GENOCIDE IS THE ONLY OPTION” button lit up on his forehead and finds it so fundamentally disagreeable that I haven’t been looking at it even when the plot tells me that’s what it is.
Here’s the thing: Genocide is presented as a feasible course of action all throughout this series. From Zeke, from Marley, from Paradis; whoever’s pitch you want to listen to, a conclusion everyone always comes to is that it would be easier if all of these people causing problems would just die.
They can make that happen. They have the technology.
Marley is a cesspit. The moral cost means nothing to them.
Zeke is abused, traumatized, and molded into thinking death is a mercy.
Floch survives, and teaches himself that the evil he lives through needs to be repaid in full.
Kill, kill, kill. If something stands in your way, murder it.
This is a concept of horror to the characters who are establishing the moral center of the tale. They’ve killed people. They’ve fought to the death against people who would gladly see them die. The titans are their victimized kin, and all they can do for the greater good is put them down.
They’re tiny humans trapped in a cage, and they’re just trying to get out. Whenever they try, their jailers try to eat them. That is forever what Paradis is attempting, and whenever they do try to lessen the amount of violence in their tactics, they get fucked over by the plot. As much as the story can, it’s thrown the main Paradis cast into the light of being innocent victims who are just trying to defend themselves.
The whole series is a study in the damage genocide has caused.
Nothing excuses it.
There is no motive that justifies this scale of premeditated violence.
There is the fear that one day the people who belong to you will be victims, and the only way to stop them from being victims is to make victims of everyone else. Kill or be killed.
In self-defense.
Defending from an attack that might never come.
Genocide is not an option that has ever deserved a seat at the table.
Why don’t we just kill everyone off?
Why not erase everyone’s memories of it?
Why not continue to use this power to herd everyone into our vision of what the world should be like?
Why not say that we deserve life so much more than any other living creature on the planet?
The entire story tells us why.
From the very first chapter, we’re exposed to the violence and terror of an uncaring world devouring anyone unfortunate enough to be on the outskirts of what supposedly greater people have decided is most important. Eren’s entire home is destroyed because some children kick down a wall. The people in the core of those same walls are disturbed, but send out their lesser to be fed to the monsters so that they can continue living.
Karl Fritz locks everyone away on an island and tells them the world has ended.
Anyone who is too curious, or too interested in beginning a new world, is killed. They’re robbed of their memories or their life. The remaining Ackermans are alive because they were too far away from the true history of the world to actually know anything.
Marley, the whipping boy of the Eldian Empire, finds its escape through Karl’s mercy, and immediately mimics the way of life that has caused them so much pain. Titans continue to run rampant in the world, simply with different reins. They redefine what’s acceptable based on who’s pulling the trigger.
Every single major plot point comes back to the ruin that perpetrating genocide has conceived.
Nothing is fixed by saving Marley from Eldia. Marley chooses to renew the evil.
Nothing is fixed by Karl walking away from the world. He just picks on smaller targets.
Nothing is fixed by pretending this is a solution.
The series’ history is a cycle of people grabbing power and tormenting their enemies with it. It shows no sign of stopping. It takes Paradis a hundred years, but they go from a blank slate of a starting point to producing someone ready to destroy the world.
Nothing suggests that another hundred years won’t do the same.
We have seen this all before. The only difference is that Eren is trying to commit to a large enough scale that no one alive will have the kind of grudges that will produce this fuckery.
It is vile.
This is not a defensible course of action. Some things are simply wrong, and even without morality coming into play, we’ve spent years reading an object lesson in the consequences of this behavior.
This horror is where Eren comes from.
Eren is not special.
He is a normal human born into this world.
His actions are ones that any other person could duplicate.
Not easily, and not without a great deal of coincidence, but nothing about Eren makes this a choice that only he can make. His power is borrowed, and no matter how he dies, that death means there will be a next person in line.
He isn’t ending a fucking thing. He’s become a cog in the machine that broke him.
So that’s the starting point. Even if killing younglings did have a logical undercurrent, no. No, no, a million times no. Eren chooses this. Eren causes this. Eren picks genocide without anyone putting a gun to his head. Eren picks genocide when he has access to a power that could easily discourage anyone from attacking his home for years.
He chooses to murder people.
Because he’s afraid, and because he can.
Then we get to what I find infinitely more interesting:
Eren doesn’t want this.
In the present day, we have an Eren who no longer has a body, and what amounts to a hallucination of his younger self, dreaming of a world hidden away in a book. His physical self has its eyes closed, and his younger self looks more alive than Eren has in ages. He isn’t looking at the damage he causes, just the open sky.
In the past, we have Eren bawling apologies to a boy he meets once. We have an Eren who realizes that this world is one that has let him down, and that, completely outside protecting his home, is what makes him want it gone.
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This doesn’t just happen.
Eren wants it to happen.
Eren looks at this world that wants him and everyone like him dead, and he wants it to be like the book. No mention of other people -- other people aren’t in the outside world anymore. Just beautiful scenery, and the freedom to enjoy it.
He can’t have that, and it hurts. He’s been through Annie, Reiner, and Bertolt. He’s lost friends and seen even more people die protecting him. He’s lost limbs and sleep and sanity to see a world beyond the walls.
It’s a world that wants nothing to do with him.
And Eren, who has rejected that line of thinking since he was a child, rejects the entire world.
He can’t dress it up.
Deep down, he doesn’t like the world he’s going to destroy.
He’s known for four years that he’s going to end countless lives.
He walks off Paradis’ ship knowing that.
But when he sees this world, he does want it gone.
Knowing what he’s going to do is one thing; seeing the beginning of a reason for it is what drives him to his knees. It isn’t some strange inevitability of the future. He’s the one who does this, and behind every bit of love for his friends and Paradis, there’s the knowledge that this world, where so many people live lives just like his, is one he’d liked better in a dream where none of them existed.
And that is where the plot thread loses me.
Not because any of this is something that I find particularly outlandish. There’s a plain, hysterical logic to it, and a small fraction of identifying with that logic has Eren in tears.
Eren does this.
There is no evidence of him wanting it.
He sees the shadow of want in himself, and he freaks out.
Eren of the present is dissociating so hard I don’t view his childhood hallucinations as a stable mind choosing something.
Eren of the past is continually horrified that this is going to happen.
If I had a tablet, this is where there would be a bad drawing of present Eren and past Eren, linked by an unstable line of red question marks.
I don’t have a tablet.
I do have Paint.
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In the immortal words of an angry fictional nine-year-old, “If you don’t fight, we can’t win.”
In the immortal words of a very sad fictional nineteen-year-old, “I don’t know when in the future it will happen... But I... am going to kill every one of these people...”
Eren going full villain is a choice, I guess. It’s not a very interesting one. As previously stated, we know what happens in this world when people do a genocide. We also know what happens when the walls go marching. We are now watching a genocide as the walls go marching. There are no revelations here. There’s death and gloom.
I mean this as sincerely as I can: This, on its face, is boring.
Eren is just the latest person killing people for Reasons.
There is very little reason to be invested in that as a plot. As a character drama, there are tears to be shed and hearts to be torn asunder, but as a basic plot??? This has nothing in it.
I don’t personally believe we’ve come this far for nothing, so I apply my magnifying glass where I choose, and where I choose is the part where I believe this all slips:
Eren takes his visions as an inevitability.
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He has the conversation with himself, counting out the lives. Paradis versus the world. In a simple game of numbers, the world should win, and he knows that.
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Presenting our problem.
Eren can’t accept a future where Paradis, and Eldians, are sacrificed for the world. Paradis is his home, and he’s spent his life fighting for Eldians to be free, even if he doesn’t know them by that name for most of it. In the case of Paradis v World, Paradis wins out. It’s wrong and it’s terrible, and Zeke’s plan means less dead bodies, but he can’t let go of Paradis.
A binary is presented. Paradis can live, or the rest of the world can. Pick one.
Except that’s stupid.
Following this, Eren leans so far into that choice that he does what he can to manufacture an impossibility of any other results. He makes Paradis a priority. He makes Paradis an international concern, not simply a Marley one. He has the power to knock back any assault on the island they can make, but he still goes on offense.
Paradis dies
World dies
That is not the choice. It is the choice Eren locks himself into, but frankly, he doesn’t even try before he jumps at the genocide route.
As a story thing, whatever. Valid, I guess. Let the protagonist’s own misconceptions break him.
As an Eren thing, it falls short of working.
He’s clearly being torn apart by what he’s going to do.
He’s a protagonist who enters the story yelling about people never winning if they don’t enter the ring.
Eren sees a vision of him destroying the world, thinks on it, and effectively goes, “seems legit,” and cries himself to sleep feeling sad about it.
You can have your characters fail. You can have them drop their principles one by one until there’s nothing left. You can have their character development be entirely negative. You do not have to have your hero be a Hero.
Eren is appalled by his own feelings, and walking around the world like a zombie. He sees himself ending the world, and plays it back over and over again, never questioning that this is exactly what he’s going to do.
But when he finally starts, there’s not even a trace of this conflict. His eyes light up at the amazing sight he believes is waiting for him. He spits his defiance at Zeke for even suggesting the sterilization plan. He’s still a zombie in every human interaction that happens with his flesh body, but he goes about his plan with an unconcerned ruthlessness that is disconnected from the humanity Eren has spent the whole story personifying.
Arguably, Sasha dying is the tipping point, and that’s where he fully commits, and blah blah blah stuff.
Only defiance, and not bending to anyone else’s will, is the key trait of the Attack Titan. It’s the key trait of Eren. To keep fighting well beyond sense.
This plan’s inception comes from Eren yielding to the inevitable.
He’s going to kill these people.
There is no choice to it, it’s simply what’s going to happen.
Eren has always had a choice. He might not like the options, or know what’s right, but he has always, always known that the decisions he makes are his.
The story is making the case that Eren buys into inevitability so completely that he denies himself freedom.
That isn’t uninteresting, but we don’t see that. We don’t see what convinces Eren that it’s no use fighting. He chooses to save a boy, and his memories of the boy don’t change. Big deal. That’s one kid in four years of choices. As a proof of concept, it’s weak, and it’s weaker still because Eren makes the choice to save him.
None of this was inevitable, but we approach Eren’s actions from the perspective of there being no way out. Maybe if we had even more flashbacks to him trying to change things, and a play-by-play of him slowly realizing that nothing he does changes what he sees --
But even then, if Eren doesn’t want to kill people, he’s allowed not to. He’s allowed to continue working with his friends. He could have told any of them, at any point, that this was an upcoming problem. He’s always trusted Armin’s mind.
Eren hides himself away with his problems and tells himself he can’t fight this.
I’ve made this argument before, about Historia and Ymir:
If you’re going to have a character renege on a core of their personal identity so completely, you need to put in the legwork of showing how it happens. Otherwise there’s no reason to trust anything the story tells you, and the grand illusion falls to pieces.
The character work in this series has always been solid, even when everything down to the art hasn’t.
This doesn’t quite work.
There’s a compelling case. There’s a viewable logic that pretends to be believable.
The internal consistency is still off. Something’s wrong here, and if it turns out to be the character ball being dropped in the final inning... really, that’s just such a waste. Personal preference colors all of this, obviously, but if this is the whole truth of the matter, it’s boring.
“I still want to believe... that there’s still a world we don’t know about yet out there... past the walls.”
C’mon, Armin. Earn your fandom hatred. Be right one more time.
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We’re not done yet.
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hk-plus-you · 3 years
Psst- hi!! I hope you don't mind, but can I ask for the five knights (or just any of your choice!) platonically chilling with tiney snail who's kind of constantly "don't talk me angy" but also wants to h u g? Thank you!'
This turned out more angsty than I meant and I kinda struggled to make sure everyone had something to add awhile making it clear who was talking. I’m still not 100% I accomplished that but I tried.
“Would you like some help there, little one?”
You glared at Hegemol, “No,” You grunted as you pulled yourself onto the bench, “I don’t need your help! And stop calling me that, I’m not that small!”
Ze’mer giggled, a sweet sound that often reminded you of windchimes, “Are you sure Le’mer? You can barely reach the seat.”
“I’m not that small, you’re all just monstrously large!” You slapped your hands on the table, only able to reach it while standing on the chair. 
Snails were often decently short compared to most bugs but even among your own kin you were considered small. It didn’t help that the five knights you were all tall in there own right, and the furniture was made to accommodate that.
“How so much fury is contained in such a small shell always baffles me,” Dryya chimed in.
“Don’t be so mean,” Isma lightly smacked Dryya’s shoulder, only for her to roller her eyes in response.
“So how has your day been,” Hegemol asked you, trying to change the subject.
“Well, other than having everyone harass me,” You shot a glare at everyone at the table, “it’s just been the same thing as usual. Soul Master is still insisting that his theory will work, it’s just not enough soul. He already had one of our statues and now he wants more,”
“That’s absolutely ridiculous, what would he even need all that for?” Dryya scoffed.
“I know right! It’s common sense among snails that you don’t hoard so much soul, there’s a reason why that statue only gives so much to a single bug at a time.”
“I mean, is it that bad if he has too much?” Ogrim asked.
“You mean other than what he would have to do to get all that soul? He already has one statue to draw from and that was only very tentatively given to keep the snail tribe on The King’s good side. Do you really think they’d be too happy to find out he wants more?” Isma replied.
“Oh if I told my family what he’s doing they’d be pissed. It’s downright desecration! He has no respect for the soul and what it can do. It’s the very life force that everything is made of and he’s treating it like a toy!”
“I know, I know. I meant physically or mentally. If having enough soul could actually prevent someone from becoming infected then we could try and find other ways too. There have to be other things we can do right?”
“Che’ has seen those who consumed more soul than their body could handle. ‘Tis an awful thing che’ had to witness. It twists the body, melting the shell to try and escape,”
“And even if it didn't, how much does he need? I was brought in to try and teach more of the ways of the soul to the average bug. Then that wasn’t enough so we got especially talented bugs. That wasn’t enough so I had to get a statue from my people. Now he’s asking for more! If this is how we’re supposed to save everyone but only the specially trained with access to things very few have, how the fuck is it supposed to save everyone?!” You slammed your hand back onto the table, panting slightly in anger.
The table was quiet as you slumped slightly.
“Is this really the only idea The King has? I’m already seeing the weaker bugs getting sick with the soul, and even sicker as that tyrant purposely gets them infected,” You sat down, tired, letting your head rest against the edge of the table, voice shaking as you spoke, “How could The King endorse such a horrid thing?”
“He has other plans,” Ogrim tried to reassure, “He made a…” he trailed off, realizing if he told you that not only would it violate his king’s direct orders, but you’d likely find them even more horrifying than anything the Soul Master could do.
“I heard our Pale King is going to cut funding for those experiments anyway. You’ll likely be able to take the statue he has back home soon,” Isma added.
You let out a sigh, “I hope so… I don’t know how much more of this I can take.”
Hegemol leaned close to you, “Are you okay?” his voice sounded like he was trying to be comforting but the attempt fell flat.
You turned to him, a scowl on your face, “I don’t know Hegemol,” your half growled, “I’m only training people I hate on how to miss use relics they all but stole from my people in an attempt to make a cure that will destroy people from the inside out!” your voice kept getting louder as you spoke, practically shouting at the end.
Hegemol instantly shrunk away, avoiding your gaze now. “I… Sorry.”
The table was silent as you realized what you just did.
“I-I’m sorry. I’m just under a lot of stress and…” you took a deep breath, trying to calm down, “No, that doesn’t excuse that. I shouldn’t have done that to Hegemol, you were just trying to help” You looked up at him, something you rarely did since it always hurt your neck, “Sorry I snapped like that.”
He nodded, “It’s okay my friend, I forgive you.”
“Hey,” Isma had gotten up from her seat, standing beside you now, “Is it okay if I give you a hug? You really sound like you need one.”
You nodded and she leaned over, practically engulfing you with her arms. She held tight, rubbing small circles into your back. It almost felt like you were a small child again, like everything was just a nightmare and you had run off to the nearest adult to be coddled.
“Hey Isma, mind passing the snail when you’re done?” Dryya asked, arms held out with a smile.
Isma loosened slightly so she could look at you. 
“Sure fine. Pass me around,” You said before she asked.
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stelliars · 2 years
i will not fucking shut up about elouan (susbedo/subject two) as well, now listen here you little shit (affectionate)
16 reasons why i love elouan when we only have a total screen of him for like 1 minute or so (additionally, four minutes if the albedo we see in the end wasn't.. truly the real albedo) i think the one who showed up for the rest of the event was the whopperflower albedo correct me if i'm wrong
1. holy shit do you see the angst potential in this man???? you can slap a few issues and you can be writing a long-ass fic about him
2. you know, he pictures lots of humans very well, he yearns for what albedo have, he strives to take what he sees to be his, although, in order to do so, he takes the path where he becomes what he envies (although he instead thinks he's on the path where he'll dispose the said entity he envied). i say this is another angst potential, but more on the serious side, elouan is a walking mirror that reflects lots of humans (may or may not call out some people, my apologies)
3. identity issues, more likely
4. attachment issues are possibly on their way
5. to be honest, as much as i want to deny this, i think elouan is very vulnerable. how do i put it, the thought of elouan is vulnerable is very much akin to scribbled notes, if i have to compare it with something. i feel like there's more in-depth about why i think he's vulnerable, but i couldn't quite grasp it. maybe its because of point number two
6. do you think he'll enjoy becoming a gardener because i definitely can picture albedo and elouan talking about plants and theorizing about what these plants can be
7. you know, elouan himself has gone through quite a lot, got thrown away, had gotten eaten by a dragon, then come back to life to see another synthetic human blend into the society. if one was to say it like how i said it, it wouldn't seem that much. one will only see how truly hard it has been if one think about the feelings he has felt
8. oh, speaking about feelings, i don't think he knows about feelings. he can feel, but he couldn't grasp what he's feeling
9. tell me nobody kins him, then look to the mirror. you'll either see a clown (kinnie), or a normal living being. (perhaps a clown under a disguise).
10. although we have yet to see elouan's real appearance, i quote "not only did subject two transform his own appearance to perfectly match that of subject two," but i think he's gonna be pretty. rhinedottir knows what she's doing.
11. he's?? literally interesting?????
12. imagine teaching him about feelings
13. i pity him
14. i like him
15. when did i start to love him
16. what do you mean an i'm getting attached to elouan, stfu /lh
17. there are probably more, but that's all i can think about rn
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Okay here we goooooo
Will i cry
Who knows
Oh betrayal
Katheryn hahn is so gorgeous wtf
They just her stronger im assuming instead of killing her
Yass queen
Eat the souls of the other witches
Just killing everyone
How nice
Just witch things ™️
Is agatha trying to get the gang back together
Damn agatha
Fuck i love her
Is agatha going to teach wanda
Its the feel im getting
Agatha jelly
She wants want wanda has lol
Señor scratchy sus
Dont need to rub it in
This is like the best of marvel, i swear
She wanted to be like the shows
Omg bro i didnt want to see her origin story
This is breaking my heart
I stg if we see the real pietro imma cry
Wanda needs a hug and therapy
I want to give her a hug
My god poor thing
I love this origin story but man my heart
So she had the right huh...mutation if you will, to get the powers
Vision just wants to help :’)
Girl is depressed
She needs therapy.
Vision :’))))))
My fucking heart
Why am i crying
She just wanted a funeral for her mans
Wanda’s head tilt is so powerful lol
Hayward can die
I’m his next of kin :(((((
She cant feel him anymore:((((((((((
Im so confused
Im so confused
Katheryn hahn can step on me
Or fietro
Like in the fucking comics
were in for a fucking ride next week.
wtf happened to monica and pietro from last weeks post credit scene?????
i still have questions on fietro! did she take another human and made him believe he was pietro or did she create him???
bc if its the first one maybe it is peter from x-men???
also hayward can die
i want vision or wanda to murder hayward
so bad
omg i can’t believe we got white vision i saw a theory but didn’t think it would happen holy fuck
also the twins :(((( i hope they gonna be okay
katheryn hahn can step on me
also according to my calculations all 8 of these episodes total 5 hours and we were promised 6h so my guess the last episode is going to be an hour long (lets say 45mins of actually show time and not 15 minutes of credits lol)
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