#will is a good fisherman
doppelgangem · 2 years
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When you can't overcome your surroundings, you can make it all go away. All you need is a stream.
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ashfdhfgdsfk · 1 year
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in addition to cannibalism, some trout also like to feast on the opportune bird, mouse, or vole.
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rivaiin · 2 months
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why did they have him serve this much cunt in this game
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orbbo · 6 days
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The difference a beard can make...
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blacktailedfawn · 10 months
to talk more about dredge, i love the way it organically moulds you into a lovecraft protagonist.
at the beginning of the game i was obsessively cautious about being away from port at night, about taking damage, about keeping my panic low.
but when you get caught out at night, you learn that the night isn't actually so bad! sure you see some weird lights, some spooky fog, but i was out for a whole hour and nothing hurt me at all! so you start intentionally staying out longer and longer, becoming complacent to the danger of the night.
at some point, you'll stay out all night on purpose, and by that point it is too late, you're about to learn what all those warnings at the start were about
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lemonbubble · 10 months
damn, people really still have opinions like "this eldritch horror game where your paranoia manifests into real literal tentacles that kill you has an unrealistic amount of women and people of colour in it" and think that's a real proper criticism that should be taken seriously, huh?
embarrassing tbh.
meanwhile, cool and interesting people who are worth listening to are saying things like "hey you ever notice how ingfell resident never uses gendered pronouns when referring to her partner? they could be someone of any gender! that's really cool, i love that :)"
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pushing500 · 8 months
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Candlelight and Barghest are coping with their flu misadventures by discussing catastrophic disasters, and Kaz is just shouting across the hospital at Zonovo about weaponry.
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Wookshys is making friends with Kawoo's dad, Brines, by the river (there's a bathing spot set up on the other side of the bridge from the fishing spot). I guess Brines must have missed the memo that we don't like Wookshys in this colony.
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I'm grateful for the animals' help around my colony, I'm just saying I don't know if the murder-blade-dog-monster is a good candidate for carrying the baby around, is all.
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bennydwight · 8 months
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Ha ha! Art be upon ye!
HUGE thanks to @chytag for the Mermaid and the Fisherman AU, and to @theblach-hole-son for the butterfly prompt! It was a really cool take on the palette pictures I usually like to do and (obviously) inspired me a lot! Here’s the butterfly in question:
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So thank you both! I hope you enjoy 😊
Experiments: Layer effects, colour use, lighting, texture brushes, preplanning
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teecupangel · 1 year
A Desmond who feel for older than he is due to the knowledge that his ancestors memories gave him. Time travels back to any period and just decides to become a fisherman. He accidently becomes know as that old man with wisdom that fishes all the time even tho he isn't actual that old. Some people assume he just has very good features that make him seem younger than he is. Just a thought I had at 12 am again :0
I don’t know if you mean that I get to choose where he timetravels to or if you mean that he can freely time travel but think of the hilary of:
Desmond: the time-hopping fisherman
Everyone who sees him just thinks he’s some chill old(ish) man who likes to fish in the weirdest places.
Have a small fic for your 12 am musing XD
Altaïr always sees him in Acre docks fishing and he doesn’t even know if people are allowed to fish there. The guards ignore him even though he heard whispers from the people near the docks that they all believe he’s… well… not all there in the head. Altaïr never approached him at all but, when he needed to hide after assassinating Sibrand, the fisherman simply smiled at him and patted the space next to him which, coincidentally, had an unused fishing rod. The guards didn’t even bother to look in their direction, too used to ignoring the fisherman. They didn’t say anything to one another and Altaïr simply said ‘my thanks’ before leaving once the coast was clear. But then he saw him in Cyprus, fishing as usual and that caught Altaïr’s interest. Because he kept on fishing even when Altaïr used the Apple to command everyone to return to their homes.
There was a fisherman who always fished on Tiber Island. Ezio had observed him for a few days just to be sure he wasn’t a Borgia spy or anything of the kind but all the fisherman did was fish for the entire day and then go to a small home on Tiber Island once the sky became too dark to continue to fish. Ezio wasn’t even sure if he caught any fish but he was just a harmless fisherman so Ezio didn’t bother him. Then a few of his recruits suddenly started getting better at observing and they all say that they got ‘tips’ from the lonely fisherman of Tiber Island. That caught Ezio's interest but he was too busy trying to dismantle the Borgia's influence in Rome to do anything about it by then. When Ezio finally talked to him after returning from Spain, finally ending his feud with the Borgia with Cesare’s ‘accident’, the fisherman turned to smile at him and patted the space next to him. Ezio sat and took the extra fishing rod that the fisherman gave him as he asked for the fisherman’s name. The fisherman was quiet for a moment before he finally answered, “Nowadays, I have so many names I don’t remember all of them anymore. But I guess… to you? I will always be Desmond.”
Ratonhnhaké:ton assumed he was part of the homestead. Just one of the many people trying to build a new life here on the homestead. Ratonhnhaké:ton introduced himself because it was the polite thing to do and because he was curious about all the people who made their life here in Achilles’ homestead. He was not one of the many people Ratonhnhaké:ton invited. He had been here even before Ratonhnhaké:ton and had even given Ratonhnhaké:ton fish to eat while he had been hunting during the time he stayed in Achilles’ stables. Now, it became a habit to fish with the lone fisherman at least once every time he was on the homestead. Fishing became a way for Ratonhnhaké:ton to simply breathe and rest for a bit. To remember the beauty of the world. So when Achilles told him that the homestead never had a fisherman, Ratonhnhaké:ton had wondered if he had been talking to a spirit this entire time. Yet, the fisherman was flesh and bones when he held his wrist. His skin was warm and he looked at Ratonhnhaké:ton with curious light brown eyes that seemed to glow in the sunlight. Ratonhnhaké:ton finally asked what he was doing here in the homestead and the fisherman simply replied with a smile, “Just fishing.”
Edward Kenway had seen the weirdest shite but this… this was strange. “What are you doing here, old man?!” “Fishing!” Yes, Edward could see that. That wasn’t the point. The point was… “You’re fishing in an abandoned ship covered in fog!” The laughter he heard was light and absent of any panic. That day, Edward Kenway wondered if they had accidentally boarded a ghost ship and they were now cursed as they found no gold in the ship but the fisherman stayed in Jackdaw and continued to fish even when Jackdaw gets boarded. Everyone just agrees that he was some kind of sea curse and that trying to throw him overboard would bring them bad luck.
Shay saw him every time he was in the homestead. A lone fisherman that always seemed to be fishing no matter the time or the weather. Liam ignored him so Shay ignored him as well. Until he returned from Lisbon, shaking and angry. The red haze in his mind had been so thick he barely heard someone call to him. Yet, he stopped and turned to where the voice had come from. It was the fisherman. He patted the space next to him and Shay wasn’t sure what made him walk toward him. The softness of his voice? The kindness in his smile? The understanding in his eyes? Shay didn’t know at all. His hands trembled as he took the extra fishing rod the fisherman handed to him. And Shay just… fished. In the warm silence between them, he could feel everything he tried to hold in finally let go. Tears fell from his eyes as his shoulders begin to tremble. He felt the fisherman’s hand rub his back as, for the first time since his father died, Shay cried once more.
Every time Arno leave the Parisian Brotherhood’s headquarters from the sewers, he would see him. A fisherman just… fishing away in the Seine river. Arno wasn’t sure if he was even part of the Brotherhood. None of the other Assassins that Arno worked with ever talked to him and he never saw the fisherman enter the sewer or even Café Théâtre. Arno just ignored him. Until Élise left him, too focused on avenging her father to even take the time to listen to Arno. And the Brotherhood… well… Arno had been debating if he should even report to the Brotherhood anymore. He just felt… so lost. Maybe that had been the reason why he finally approached the fisherman and asked him what he was fishing for. The fisherman simply patted the space next to him and handed Arno an extra fishing rod when the young Assassin sat. Instead of drinking the day away, Arno fished with a man he didn’t even know the name of, listening to the fisherman as he talked about a man he used to know who was faced with an impossible choice.
It was Jacob who approached him. The fisherman of Thames, they call him. All the gangs ignored him. Just another one of the poor men of London. But Jacob had been curious. He wanted the Rooks to be more than just any gang. He wanted them to be like the Ezio Auditore’s Brotherhood that his father used to tell him and Evie when they were children. But less restricted by the tenets. A… friendly neighborhood gang just like how his father described them when they were still young and didn’t know better. No matter what the books and journals Evie read say about the real Italian Brotherhood, Jacob didn’t care about that. His Rooks was based on what they heard when they were kids, not the brutal reality they live in. So, Jacob tried to talk to the fisherman to see what his deal was. If he was trying to fish to survive, he’d offer him a place with the Rooks. Maybe even get him something to eat that didn’t smell like Thames for once. Jacob and the fisherman sat for hours, fishing together. When Jacob returned to the train, Evie saw the expression on his face and asked what had happened with concern in her tone. Both Evie and Henry only grew more confused when Jacob replied with wide eyes, “I think I just talked to God, Evie.”
It was shameful for Bayek to admit it but it took a while before he noticed him. At first, it had been because he had been too focused on avenging Khemu. Then it was because he was busy trying to help Aya. But now… Well, he was still busy but it was hard not to notice the fisherman humming the same tune that has been stuck in his head ever since he left Siwa. He didn’t even realize that he had heard it from the fisherman until now. So when he asked what the fisherman was doing and all he got was that the fisherman was fishing, Bayek couldn’t help the exasperation in his voice as he said, “You’re fishing… in an oasis… in the middle of the desert.” The fisherman simply shrugged and replied that he wanted to try it out. Bayek couldn’t help but wonder if he was actually talking to a hallucination and there was really no fisherman and no oasis at all.
“I’m sorry, I know this is a very important conversation and all of that but who is that?” “That… is the fisherman.” “The fisherman?” “Yes.” “That’s all you’re going to give me?” “Yes.” “And you’re not going to explain why he’s fishing straight into that strange water-like gate that you just told me leads to Atlantis?” “……… Yes.” “… I need a drink.” “So do I.”
Eivor frowned as she entered an empty bureau, no Hytham at sight at all. She walked out of his small bureau and looked around. It was easy enough to find Hytham with his Hidden One robes. What she did not expect was finding him by the docks, fishing with a person she had never seen before. Perhaps someone who came to Ravensthorpe while she was away? She walked towards them and Hytham immediately turned to smile at her, asking her to sit and fish with them. She had wanted to say no, to tell him that she was looking for him to give him more medallions. Instead, she sat on Hytham’s other side and took the fishing rod that Hytham gave her. They spent the entire afternoon fishing and, by the end of it, Eivor wondered if perhaps one of the old gods have come to fish in Ravensthorpe.
(If it looks strange that this is not in chronological order but instead ordered by release, that’s because Desmond is time-hopping in that exact order)
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soggywert · 2 months
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majimasleftasscheek · 2 months
i desperately need infinite wealth kazumaji ooouuu
they could be so girlypop about it
I just did the jima^3 fight and I wanna throw rocks sdkalgjsdg
I gotta make more copium... change the canon...
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pettyprocrastination · 11 months
price is fucking the sea cryptid. just kinda the most likely to be a sailor, and most likely to be scammed actually. given those two things, most likely to be in the situation where that arises
omg wait. wait
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Sailor!Price finding a mermaid caught in his neck, hissing and writing as you gnash your teeth at him but then he's pulling out a knife and cutting you free. It's not very romantic, youre thrashing about in a panic while he's trying to save you and it's all very anticlimactic until he picks you up in his big arms and tosses you back into the sea. With little to show of his magical encounter aside from the scratch you left on the side of his face. "A thank would have been nice."
Your head pops up from the surface, all black eyes watching him with curiosity as the ship moves on until you dip back into the water and as the adrenaline slowly leaves him he's left wondering what the fuck just happened.
(unbeknownst to him, you continue to follow his ship and watch him from afar.)
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rubixcubi · 3 months
As much as I hate the sequel trilogy as a whole, this scene goes hard asf.
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sparky-is-spiders · 9 months
TMA Somewhere Else but set in Dredge. Imagine Jon waking up alone in a strange town, a place he Knows has no counterpart in his world, accepting a job in a village he’s never heard of and getting sucked into even more eldritch nonsense. Exploring this strange ocean and slowly trying to unravel the secrets it keeps.
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muzzleroars · 10 months
Do Gabriel and v1 fish together?
they do!! i think this is one of the first truly calm hobbies that gabriel sees v1 engage in, and he's honestly surprised at first that the machine has the amount of patience that it does. v1 is constantly moving, it seems to have endless reserves of pent-up energy it can never rid itself of, yet when they go fishing...it's quiet, it will wait indefinitely without a single bite (to the point where half the time gabe is the one suggesting they try another spot), and it seems to simply enjoy the process without worrying too much about the reward. however, it's obvious it's putting its massive brainpower to use breaking fishing down into a science and it typically has at least a decent haul from a day's work (especially with gabriel, as sometimes it can be stubborn fishing in a bad spot that its algorithm predicted would do well lol) v1 is especially happy when this turns into practical work it can do on a regular basis, as gabriel can grow hungry after his fall and needs to eat occasionally to keep his strength up. it's a good break in their world, being able to wake up early and spend an entire day in near total silence just catching fish together (though it IS always a competition to see who gets the most) by sunset, gabriel decides how they'll make dinner, sometimes working together on a full spread and sometimes just throwing them on the fire to enjoy nightfall outside together :]
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shopcat · 4 months
it will take me exactly two seconds on any given day to say the phrase transmasc scissoring it's just so real
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