glitteratti · 4 months
ok actually i hate living like this for real. whatever.
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haleigh-sloth · 1 year
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twipsai · 1 year
i hate how my brain think sometimes,,,,
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dark-strangers-art · 2 years
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“I Promise …
from now on
I will
take all
of my sexual frustrations
Out on you “
 ~Dark Stranger©  
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hollyhomburg · 1 year
just so you know, you haven’t updated your bily masterlist/ pinned post to show chapter 52, the latest one says chapter 51!!
also, since the next chapter is gonna be namjoons rut, i was wondering if it’ll be out next weekend or if it’s gonna be off schedule since it willtake longer to write, edit and proofread? especially if you’re sick.. get well soon li! 💜
i know 😭 it's first on my list of things i have to do today, with yoongi's tour and being so sick i haven't had any chance to do anything- luckily it looks like it's just a 48 hour thing because my fever is down almost completely today
as for updates: we won't be getting namjoon's rut chapter next- rather a short little interlude with a different packmate x m/c's first time as flash forward! it will definitely be on the shorter side of chapters, i'll try to get the namjoon rut chapter out two weeks after that, but knowing that i'm traveling to LA in that timeframe...it might not be possible especially because i want to give you the best rut chapter ever!
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kuro-morale-events · 1 year
KME Ship Wars Round 1: Results and Data Breakdown
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Yall voted, and the results are in!
The next round of polls will be April 15 - May 5. Just like last round, three polls will be posted a week on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. Each poll will last one week so everyone has time to vote.
Ships who will be moving to the next round:
Special shout out to the ships that were put in the tags: Kelvin/Undertaker, MeyNina, BardMeyFin
The bracket:
LaoMao v MeyMao v Grelliam
CielFinny v CielSnake
VinRachel v Vintaker
Sebagni v Somagni
CielDoll v CielLizzie
Sebaciel² v twincesthive
SiegWolf v SiegLizzie
GrellOthello v Sebard
MadamRedGrell v BeastJoker
Sebaciel v WillKnox
Remember, the next round of polls starts Friday, April 14!
Under the cut is the data breakdown with the winner, runner ups, and lowest voted ship, sorted by poll.
Vincent Phantomhive
high; vinrachel (29%)
Runner up: Vintaker (24%)
Low: VinRiel (1%)
Poly Ship
High: sebaciel² (32%)
Runner up: GrellIamKnox (11%)
Low: TwincestLizzie & Sebardwolf (5%)
Wolfram Gelzer
High: siegwolf 36%
Runner up: sebawolf 29%
Low: bardwolf & sebasiegwolf 2%
Real!Ciel Phantomhive
High: twincest 35%
Runner up: RielLizzie 18%
Low: TwincestTaker & TwincestLizzie 4%
High: LauMao 39%
Runner up: LauBard 25%
Low: LauGrell 3%, LauRed 0%
Doll (Book of Circus)
High: CielDoll 52%
Runner up: SnakeDoll 12%
Low: DaggerDoll 2%
High: Somagni 67%
Runner up: CielSoma 12%
Low: SomaMeena 0%, SomaLizzie 5%, SebaSoma 5%
Elizabeth Midford
High: CielLizzie 43%
Runner up: SiegLizzie 21%
Low: SebaLizzie 2%
Sieglinde Sullivan
High: SiegLizzie 45%
Runner up: Siegwolf 27.5%
Low: Sebasiegwolf 0%, SebawolfSieg 5%
Ronald Knox
High: WillKnox 30%
Runner up: GrellKnox 21%
Low: GrellIamKnoxOthello 3%
Beast (Book of Circus)
High: BeastJoker 49.1%
Runner up: BeastDagger 22.6%
Low: BeastKelvin 0%, BeastDoll 3.8%
High: grellothello 47.5%
Runner up: OthelloTaker 35%
Low: Grelliamothello, willothello, GrellIamKnoxothello 2.5%
Madam Red
High: redgrell 78.9%
Runner up: VinRed, VinRachelRed 5.3%
Low: LauRed 0%, RedRachel, CielRed, Sebared 1.3%
Mey Rin
High: MeyMao 33.9%
Runner up: BardMey 22.6%
Low: MeyRed, MeyLizzie, MeyCiel 1.6%
High: SebAgni 49.4%
Runner up: Somagni 36.8%
Low: AgniWolf, Cielagni 0%, Sebardagniwolf, AgniMey, Bardagni 1.1%
High: VinTaker 30.4%
Runner up: UTClaudia 20.6%
Low: TwincestTaker 1%
High: CielFinny 47.3%
Runner up: FinnySnake 31.1%
Low: FinnyLau 0%, SebaFinny 1.4%
Ciel Phantomhive
High: sebaciel 65.1%
Runner up: CielLizzie 13.3%
Low: VinCiel, CielBard 0%, Twincest 1%
Snake (Book of Circus
High: SnakeFinny 54.9%
Runner up: SnakeDoll 19.6%
Low: SnakeBeast 0%, SnakeJumbo 3.9%
William T. Spears
High: Grelliam (72.4%)
Runner up: SebaWill (13%)
Low: WillOthello, Grelliamknox (0%), Willtaker (6.6%)
Grell Sutcliff
High: Grelliam (36%)
Runner up: RedGrell (23.9%)
Low: GrellKnox, GrelliamKnox (4.4%)
High: Sebard (43.1%)
Runner up: BardMey (20%)
Low: BardAgniWolf (0%), BardAgni (1.7%)
Sebastian Michaelis
High: Sebaciel (64.8%)
Runner up: SebaGrell (9.5%)
Low: SebaRiel (0%), SebaWolf (1.1%)
Here's the link to the main post again so yall don't have to scroll.
Have fun and happy voting!
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wormchaser · 5 days
i thinnk if she ' forgets 'i willtake an action
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wizmoment · 2 months
//Please dont feel pressured to draw!! Also u will never disappoint me homie! ur doing ya best and thats all that matters! please take care!!! 💪
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THANK U! VERY KIND OF U! I will try btw!!! I hope u willtake care too
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It's a Family Buisness(Work in Progress)
Summary:When Cyrus has a unexpected medical emergency leaving him in a coma, the Borg Family must step up to take care of his Legacy, while also trying to keep their family together.
Sneak Peak
Violet approached the Podium in the conference room of Borg Industries, all the cameras focused on her,
"As you know 3 days ago at about 7:00 am, Doctor Cyrus Borg had a medical emergency. Over the past 72 hours testing has been run on Doctor Borg and it has been found that the cause was a brain aneurysm, " slight gasps were heard from the crowd she saw some writing things down "This has unfortunately led to him being in a coma. As a result we do not know when he will awaken again, the Borg Fakily met together to decide who willtake over CEO duties" she slightly turned from the Microphone "and we are welcoming my baby sister your Samurai VXL Pixal Borg as temporary CEO of Borg Industries, I will now pass the floor over to her,"
Polite applauding followed ber announcement as Pixal came onto stage already in buisness attire, a one piece suit a deep purple in color a pin of the company logo on the lapel, she walked up confidence in her Optics Zane positioning himself in his Ninja Suit behind her to the side on the stage as if to make a statement about the side the Ninja were taking, they stood behind the family to nobodies surprise. She shook Violets hand as her elder sister stepped back she stepped up to the stand,
"Thank you Mayor Borg, first I will make a quick statement for the Employees of Borg Industries, all workers may report to the building however if there is emotional distress over this event please let us know and appropriate time off will be issued, therapists will be on site to help with any emotional strain during this time and we will keep you updated as we know anything new or develops.I will now take a few questions"
Instantly hands went up, Pixal took a quick look, spotting one familiar face she figured just get her question over and done,
"Gale Gossip your question?" The other woman stood up at her name being called,
"Do investors need to be worried about upcoming projects now being on hold due to this unprecedented event?"
She almost internally sighed in relief, this was a genuine question, she hadn't had time to address their investors,
"Unfortunately yes, there are Projects Dr Borg was working on that will now have to wait on his recovery to continue. However the ones he just completed will continue to be on schedule. We will alert our investors as we figure out where their certain project was in development at the time of this event"
She nodded a brief thank you was heard as she sat down and hands raised again, Pixal was honestly surprised at the subdued attitude of the news crews, she looked again spotting her acquaintance and very important source in the Nindroid Community,
"Mrs Jolene" She called and the Nindroid tapped her ear turning on her personal mic as she asked,
" How will you handle Nindroidphobia that may crop up from you taking leadership of Borg Industries? A company which is a leader in Nindroid technology, alongside all technology. Do you have concerns that your human compatriots might demean your status based on the fact you are not human?"
She's stiffened a bit she had a feeling this question might crop up it was unprecedented for a Nindroid to take over such a large company let alone one prominent such as Borg Industries, she didn't blame Jolene being concerned,
"No I have complete faith in the employees and board members of the company itself to not be judgemental...however, if outside companies have any issue with me being CEO, they can complain to me. They still have the number of our Landline and they'll be given my buisness phone number" She shifted as they watched her intently "Borg Industries was founded by my Creator and has always carried the Motto of The Future is What We Make it, that includes everyone. If any company shows any Nindroidphobia or makes any comments of such their contracts will be cut,"
She spotted eyebrows raising at that, apparently some had not understood her fathers message, she'd have to remind them as she looked across the room,
"Here at this company we do not stand for phobia of any kind whether that be Nindroid,Shintarin or more recently merlopian, those of the LGBTQA+ Community and of course the Disabled or chronically ill, all are welcome at our company and as I stated before the companies that we work with have to reflect the same company policies.We know we set an example for most and thus wish to reflect this in those we work with, this is how Borg Industries has thrived through the decades and continues to come out on top. We do not focus on profits, we rather focus on our workers,"
"Thank you for your answer Ms Borg," The Newscaster said sitting down
One last hand raised and she motioned, a young gentleman stood up,
"Ms Borg, may you explain fully what occurred to Mr Borg, unless this is too personal a question which then I understand but all of us seemingly think this was out of the blue we of the General Public know that Cyrus Borg is chronically ill however there were no indicators according to employees that we have interviewed,"
Pixal gripped the podium looking down these memories hurt, but it wasn't like her father had hidden what had happened to him just not many people had known, well they were going to learn today, as she looked back up
"During the events of the Overlord 10 years ago not this recent attack our creator Cyrus Borg was at the Forefront of this battle unknowingly his company this very one as you all know was taken over by the Overlord, this had been going on for 2 years and he had been trying his hardest to take him out but the Overlord had a tight leash and was watching everywhere." She saw people stiffen in shock and surprise
"The day the ninja visited he handed over a statue seemingly of himself but it slipped from their hands and cracked open revealing weaponry against the Overlord that Dr Borg himself had built. Without anesthesia or anything Dr Borg was tortured at the hands of the overlord his right arm removed and a bunch of his internal organs also replaced by mechanical versions,"
The shock was palpable some even looked green she spotted one with a hand over mouth looking nauseated, everybody sat very still as she continued fighting her emotions as she said
"We think this strain 10 years ago led to a weakness in a vein in his brain which led to the aneurysm of today, I do have my sister Harriet here to speak on such a medical occurrence if you all would like to hear her"
There were nods from some crew that indeed looked confused at the terminology so Pixal stepped back as her sister Harriet still in her scrubs having come directly from the ICU, stepped forward onto the stage taking the stand
"To just get to the point bluntly a brain aneurysm occurs when one of the walls of a vein in the brain weakens and expands, it can cause headaches dizziness lightheadedness balance problems even nausea and vomiting, as it is pushing on the rest of the brain around it. A brain aneurysm is when this weakening bursts, I will be as blunt as possible Dr Borg should not be with us anymore, doctors have no idea how he came back but that seems to be his thing,"
That elicited a few chuckles from the news crews everyone knew how the man was, he had an amusing track record
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tewwor-aaa · 2 years
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hear-ye, hear-ye — here comes yet.. another muse that started as a joke but.. well, anyways. if you like this i will take that as a sign of interest and scuttle myself into your dms.
name ( prior death ): ???
name ( after death ): simon sae
'25′ years old, cis male, bisexual / biromantic, demon
Simon has always been a fool. So much so, that he became a demon because of it. Growing up, life had always just been.. life. Nothing grand happened aside the ordinary, so when this new dude comes strolling in from a far away land, he was immediately enthralled. The stranger was cool, stylish, etc. and essentially everything he wanted to be. Thus, he followed the charming stranger around like a puppy wherever and however he could.
Which.. was a terrible idea because the guy was a demon. And said demon just so happened to take the ( annoying ) attention and turn it into an advantage. Because why shouldn’t he lead this dumb human to do his bidding ( aka collect the souls of most townsfolk ) and then drag his merry ass to hell afterwards? 
And that’s exactly what happened. Simon had his hand in like 90% of the deaths there by ‘accident’. But even he eventually grew suspicious and started to connect the dots that this Cool Dude isn’t all what he seems. But it was too late by then and demon was like wow! You figured it out! Contgrats! Lets celebrate by hauling  your dumb ass through the deep circles and make some use out of you!
And so.. Simon became a demon himself and wriggled his way out of hell centuries later. Much like his ‘mentor’, he’s never been all that wrathful. He still kills and finds some enjoyment out of it, but he much rather waste people’s time with challenging deals for their souls. 
Bonus: SImon’s awfully friendly and nice but.. he is not kind.
The only way I can describe him is this.
Shitjoke of a name aside, he does coincidentally take after his chosen surname & looks like this & this, outside of a human vessel. 
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fungal-wasted · 2 years
3, 12, 27, 29, 31, 36, 40
OH boy this will likely get long so you get a TL;DR but ANON ANON ANON thank you so much jadbgskfmg
3 - clumsy: Sinyat, no doubt
12 - soft: Laucu is so soft I want her to hug me. Dearest too ^u^
27 - anxious: (answered here) but it's Kennedy, Lufe follows somewhat close.
29 - fair: Harsata, also [redacted City OC]
31 - pessimistic: Kennedy
36 - bold: [redacted City OC]
40 - spontaneous: Laucu, maybe Dearest
Clumsy: This is Not the first time I call out Sinyat for this but my boy is pretty fucking clumsy. It was mostly plot convenience at first but now that he's grown on me I think he is just impulsive and doesn't have the fastest reflexes but still tries to pull bold moves, even if he fails. The first narrator can be clumsy too but certainly not as much as this kid.
Soft: Laucu is the one that has the softest way to approach people in general. She is super kind and he will be the one to be more understanding of others. Also Mosskin are so soft auaauauau. Dearest is also up there but again, this is because that character fills the role of a lover, so of course they will be remembered fondly.
Anxious - Already answered. Kennedy is more anxiety than bug. But I guess Lufe also deserves to be called out here LOL. Her mind races because she tends to overthink and has a few pretty big fears. She is also a little afraid to voice her opinions and honestly, the fact that she has done it in writing already is kinda impressive.
Fair: I think I called Harsata fair once, and that fits. She pretty much chose her lifestyle to be able to make her own choices more freely, because she is pretty strong on the mindset of understanding others before judging them. Granted she absolutely has her biases but she can mediate.
Pessimistic: You know I'm thinking about Kennedy a lot with this ask game and he deserves it because out of everyone I've kind of neglected him lol. So I guess... he is pessimistic in the sense that he feels a bit hopeless, and it is related to the responsibilities he has. Shit won't get solved unless he and the others in charge who are left do something but the whole scenario is looking grim for a while.
The other fair character could be [Redacted City OC], and it's because they're driven by the need to get justice for them and many others. I believe they're fair in the sense that they put the wellbeing of groups over individuals.
EDIT: Oh it was n1 actually! and Yeah that makes more sense lol. They're usually the most level-headed and more sincere when it comes to being fair, which is likely why I tend to put them above Harsata lol
Bold: This one goes definitely to [RCOC] because they're definitely not one to back away from their goals, they speak their mind out loud and they willtake risks if it seems worth it, or they will make it worth it.
Spontaneous: Laucu, mostly because she's very creative! He will get innovative ideas and that always served her well. Dearest is also a candidate, they knew how to spice things up and make the best out of situations. Again, they're more of a concept right now but they were what make things bearable for [spoiler]
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comiiical · 6 months
Gonna walk the dog now. After that, John and Oscar Pelham willtake the sole of my attention if i can manage to get this migraine down. And hopefully in the evening I can actually write those in the pinned post lol
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malikalbukhoor · 8 months
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The royal perfumes collection, Qatar willtake you to the fragrance world, where you will be mesmerized by the huge royal collectionof perfumes. For your auspicious occasions and events, discover the best bukhoor in Qatar. You can add extra scents for the occasion that will immerse your guests in a good mood.
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christinamac1 · 1 year
Electricity production at Olkiluoto 3 reactor delayed until 2023.
Electricity production at Olkiluoto 3 reactor delayed until 2023.
Full-scale electricity production at Olkiluoto 3 reactor delayed until2023. An investigation into damage to the reactor’s feedwater pumps willtake a number of weeks, with a knock on effect on the schedule for thebeginning of regular electricity production. Finland’s newest nuclear reactor will remain offline longer than expected, announced its owner onMonday, pushing back much-needed relief for…
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vsstudios · 2 years
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Alright, here's the first clan cat I'm going into detail on: Robinstar, leader of Cherryclan.
[Character Name]: Robinstar
[Character Quote]: "You're a fool if you think you can make it out there alone, little kit."
Age: 48 moons (4 years)
Gender: Male
Clan: Cherryclan
Rank: Leader
Mother: unknown
Father: unknown
Siblings: unknown
Mate(s): Hollyash
Apprentice(s): Crimsonpaw
Kits: none yet
Accessories: none
Personality: He's rough around the edges and hates showing weakness, but can be a bit of a softie towards the kits. He has trust issues. He has some self esteem issues he keeps hidden and doesn't like to talk much bout feelings.
Strengths: Has lots of experience in wilderness survival, is hard to manipulate, cautious
Weaknesses: Sometimes overestimates or underestimates himself, finds it hard to trust and connect with others, stubborn
Likes: training, fighting
Dislikes: his leadership or experience being questioned
History: he's always lived in he wild and was orphaned at a young age, so he often wishes to make sure kits of the clan don't get lost or stuck on their own and willtake in orphaned kits. He used to be called Robin and once had a mate before Hollyash named Thorn. Thorn was incredibly manipulative and abusive and they were on and off a few times before Robin dumped her for good.He lost one of her ears to her. Also, because of this, it took a lot of convincing and time before Robinstar could truly trust Hollyash and have the courage to take her as his mate.
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nedojimipavi · 2 years
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