#winx club review
livrosencaracolados · 7 months
"A Princesa e a Tosta de Queijo"
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Sɪɴᴏᴘsᴇ Oғɪᴄɪᴀʟ: Lady Camembert quer viver a vida nos seus termos, sem ter de casar, ou melhor, sem ter de casar com um homem. Mas a lei impede as mulheres de herdarem, então, quando o seu pai morre, ela disfarça-se de homem e muda-se para a capital do Reino de Fromage para recomeçar a vida como Conde Camembert. Mas é difícil manter a discrição quando a bela Princesa Brie, com o seu ativismo feroz e grande sentido de moda, chama a sua atenção. Cam não resiste a conhecer melhor a princesa, mas à medida que os dois se aproximam, será ela capaz de manter o seu segredo? Uma comédia romântica em forma de novela gráfica, de temática atual e inclusiva, sobre identidades trocadas, amor verdadeiro e muitas tostas de queijo.
Aᴜᴛᴏʀᴀ: Deya Muniz.
O Mᴇᴜ Rᴇsᴜᴍᴏ: Há meses que a Lady Camembert e o seu pai se debatem sobre a questão do seu casamento, "Tens de te casar" diz ele; "Não quero marido nenhum" responde ela. Cam rejeita vários homens semanalmente, aparentemente sem consequências, mas a situação rapidamente muda quando descobre que o Conde tem pouco tempo de vida à sua frente, e que a sua morte, mais do que uma perda emocional, pode significar uma perda de tudo à sua volta, deixando-a na miséria. As mulheres não podem herdar, a lei está convicta no que diz, e tendo a teimosia de Cam arruinado a opção de arranjar um marido que assegure a transição dos bens, resta apenas uma opção: Cam tem de se tornar no filho que o pai nunca teve para sobreviver. Inicialmente contra, ela acaba por ceder ao último desejo do pai e transforma-se no novo Conde, deixando tudo o que conhecia para trás e mudando-se para a capital, onde ninguém a conhece, com a única pessoa que sabe que não a vai denunciar, a Feta. Passam-se semanas, meses, sem que Cam saia da nova casa para proteger a sua identidade, mas irrequieta como é, a sua paciência chega a fim e, sorte a sua, na única saída que faz, ouve falar do baile real controverso que a Princesa Brie vai realizar no palácio e decide ir. Espalhafatosa como é, Cam decide causar logo impacto e, estupidamente, garantir que todos reparam nela (para que consiga partilhar o trabalho inovador de uma casa de moda, vá lá), chegando a um baile que proibe o uso de peles, com uma estola de pele falsa. Isto evoca imediatamente a raiva, e depois a admiração da Princesa Brie, que a convida para um chá no palácio, onde debatem ideias para o próximo evento e onde Cam conhece as suas amigas mais próximas, Lady Ricotta e Lady Gorgonzola que, olhem a coincidência, é a dona da marca que Cam publicitou e nativa de Gougère, a cidade de onde Cam fugiu depois de o pai morrer. A partir daí, Cam e Brie vão-se aproximando cada vez mais entre bailes, desfiles e chás acompanhados de tostas de queijo, até demais, começando a desenvolver sentimentos que podem arruinar a protagonista. O peso da decisão que tomou começa realmente a afetar Cam nessa altura, impedindo que esteja com a Brie como quer, e a Princesa, sem contexto sobre a situação, assume que a sua contenção tem a ver com a grande diferença hierárquica entre as duas, decidindo então que se quiser estar romanticamente com o Conde, tem de ser ela a pedi-lo em casamento. Mas depois as patilhas falsas de Cam descolam-se e vai tudo por água a baixo. A única coisa mais assustadora para Cam do que ter a identidade descoberta e ser presa é desiludir a Princesa, felizmente, ela tem muita mais raiva a descarregar do que tristeza então Cam nem consegue imaginar o que a espera. As coisas parecem não poder piorar ainda mais, Cam atingiu o fundo do poço, mas, oh, pioram, porque Brie aparentemente está prestes a ficar noiva do Duque mais aborrecido do mundo e não há nada que o nosso Conde possa fazer contra isso. Pronto a fugir outra vez, o Conde concorda em atender um último baile antes de abandonar a capital e tudo o que lá viveu. Será preciso um milagre para as coisas se reverterem...felizmente, a receita para um, não é um mistério: Gorgonzola + Gouda + Feta = Tosta de Queijo/Milagre. Agora só é preciso comer a tosta a tempo.
Cʀɪᴛᴇ́ʀɪᴏs ᴅᴇ Cʟᴀssɪғɪᴄᴀᴄ̧ᴀ̃ᴏ:
Qᴜᴀʟɪᴅᴀᴅᴇ ᴅᴀ Aʀᴛᴇ: A arte é DESLUMBRANTE, ADORÁVEL, ah... e TÃO COR DE ROSA, oh meu Deus (agradeçam todas à Brie, vamos). Mas a sério, é literalmente um mimo para os olhos: a palete de cores é felicidade pura, os designs dos personagens são perfeitos, a arte em si é consistente mesmo quando se altera por motivos cómicos...dá para ver que houve um esforço real em fazer algo que dá vontade de olhar durante horas. Ah, e para quem gosta da estética da Disney e de literalmente qualquer programa sobre raparigas com poderes, isto é para vocês.
Hɪsᴛᴏ́ʀɪᴀ: Já falei bastante no enredo, mas essencialmente ele conjuga a leveza de um conto de fadas romântico com a seriedade da viagem que é descobrirmos quem somos num mundo que não é propenso a aceitar-nos. Além da belíssima arte e dos momentos hilariantes (porque há muitos) a história segue uma protagonista que continuamente se encolhe e se contém devido às normais sociais, porque mesmo num mundo de anacronismos onde existem Nintendos e pijamas modernos, o sexismo e a heteronormatividade prevalecem com toda a sua força. Pode parecer que não, as cores distraem, mas todo o aparato que a maioria das personagens faz, especialmente a Cam, não é simplesmente comédia, muito é compensação pela falta de liberdade de expressão que têm nas áreas onde realmente importa. O livro vai introduzindo situações diferentes dentro do mesmo contexto, como a da Zola, que se opõe à experiência da Brie, e menciona como deve ser para as pessoas nas camadas sociais mais baixas viver num reino que se assenta num sistema tão limitante para as mulheres em particular. Se quisermos abrir os olhos, as mensagens estão todas lá, mesmo as que não são ditas em diálogo direto, e é realmente maravilhoso que se possa incentivar a conversa sobre tópicos tão importantes numa narrativa tão acolhedora como é a deste livro. O final acaba por não ser tão perfeito, apesar de ser o que todos queríamos (e merecíamos), foi apressado e as ações que a Brie teve de tomar para chegar lá foram demasiado abreviadas, fazendo parecer que todos os riscos mencionados a história inteira eram apenas problemas inventados e sem importância, o que acaba por desvalorizar a própria história e as suas intenções.
Pᴇʀsᴏɴᴀɢᴇɴs: São todas feitas para ser adoradas, nem dá para contrariar. A Cam é uma bola de energia e entusiasmo, uma conhecedora de moda e um espírito livre que tem a tendência a ignorar a imensidão das suas emoções pelo máximo de tempo possível. Enquanto o humor poder mascarar os seus problemas, a Cam evita-os. Depois perde todos à sua volta e é deixada com a Feta, uma mulher com demasiados instintos maternais, paciência e amor por Cam para o seu bem, que funciona sempre como a voz da razão na sua vida e a puxa a ser a sua melhor versão, desde que essa versão se mantenha nos limites do aceitável para a sociedade. Não é que Feta não adore quem a Cam é, mas sabe que há pouco perdão para pessoas como ela. Durante metade do livro tudo o que vemos da Cam são piadas, excitação e corações nos olhos então parece que a sua vida se encaixou e a perda do pai foi resolvida, mas depois a sua relação com a Princesa complica-se e a Cam perde a maior distração que tinha do seu tumulto interior, obrigando-a a olhar para dentro. Aí percebe que não está tudo bem, que sem a Brie tudo o que sobra é alguém que tem de se mascarar, mentir e comportar de uma certa forma todos os dias até ao fim da sua vida, só para não ser castigada por tomar medidas para sobreviver. Mesmo quando as coisas melhoram, é tarde de mais, a ilusão que a Cam criou dentro de si quando começou a nova vida foi quebrada e por mais que tente já não pode fingir que está feliz, que aceita as condições de nunca se puder apaixonar ou agir como lhe apetece para continuar em frente com uma charada que parecia muito mais simples do que é. Aí vemos lágrimas, raiva e humanidade na Cam, que como qualquer pessoa, começa a questionar a justiça e o sentido das coisas. É nesse momento, em que a fachada cómica cai, que a nossa protagonista começa a crescer, que se permite lidar com o que sente e, depois de ser incentivada pela aceitação da Brie, decide ficar e lutar por uma oportunidade de ser quem quer ser ao lado da Princesa em vez de seguir o primeiro instinto e fugir. Mesmo com as minhas críticas ao último painel da história, ver a Cam num vestido mesmo ao estilo dela com um ar confiante à frente de toda a gente é poderoso, ela parece uma nova pessoa e de certa forma é, conquistou-o. A nível da Brie, também é fantástico ver como evolui do lugar de medo onde acha que tem as mãos atadas em todas as matérias importantes para uma posição de poder onde, depois de processar o conflito interno vindo das crenças que lhe implementaram, percebe que tem de usar os seus privilégios de nascença para o que interessa e defender não só a sua felicidade, mas a de mulheres que possam estar em situações parecidas à sua mas com menos agência. (Ah e ela tem um closet igual ao da Barbie dos filmes antigos, é euforia pura) Ambas as mulheres têm jornadas muito completas de crescimento, o que eu não sabia se ia acontecer numa novela gráfica. Por último, a Zola é uma das minhas personagens secundárias favoritas de sempre: tem uma lealdade incrível, sabe guardar um segredo como ninguém, funciona à base da empatia sem precisar de o exibir, tem os pés na terra, é um génio inovador que lutou por tudo o que queria e não tem medo de colocar os que ama no seu lugar quando é preciso. Ela é complexa, icónica, e estou já a pedir uma novela gráfica sobre ela que fale um pouco mais do seu passado, mostre a sua perspetiva durante esta história e depois lhe apresente um interesse romântico que seja tudo o que ela merece e mais, não para a completar, mas para a complementar, porque não há nada que eu goste mais em termos de romance do que dar a uma mulher fortíssima que batalhou por tudo o que tem alguém que finalmente lhe mostre que ela não precisa de continuar a fazê-lo sozinha e ofereça um ombro para se apoiar. (Porque ser forte não significa não precisar de ninguém) Ah e claro, o Gouda é icónico também, ele também precisa de aparecer na novela sobre a Zola.
Rᴏᴍᴀɴᴄᴇ: O que posso dizer? A Brie e a Cam são de sentir borboletas na barriga, de ficar com cáries nos dentes e de querer abaná-las para perceberem que gostaram uma da outra desde o início. Encorajam-se a serem o melhor de si e são as maiores razões por trás do crescimento uma da outra. Têm o romance que todos queremos.
I��ᴇʀsᴀ̃ᴏ: Eu li o livro de uma ponta à outra, não o pousei até chegar ao fim, e isso deve dizer alguma coisa. A única coisa que me retirou do que estava a acontecer foi a dúvida sobre a temática do queijo, que apesar de adorável, não é explicada de todo e parece que a autora não se compromete totalmente a ela porque para algo tão presente, eu esperava que houvessem literalmente edifícios em forma de queijo ou feriados nacionais dedicados a tipos dele. Mas isso é algo pequeno. (E não gostei do ataque às couves-de-bruxelas, porquê associá-las com alguém aborrecido quando, e isto não devia ser controverso, sabem bem como tudo?)
Iᴍᴘᴀᴄᴛᴏ: É a minha primeira novela gráfica e sem dúvida o livro mais bonito da minha biblioteca, duvido que o esqueça ou que deixe de pegar nele com o máximo cuidado possível. Além disso, tenho um lugar especial no meu coração para a temática do conto de fadas, então arte maravilhosa e a ideia da troca de género em nome da sobrevivência estilo Mulan tornam este livro um vencedor para mim.
Cʟᴀssɪғɪᴄᴀᴄ̧ᴀ̃ᴏ Fɪɴᴀʟ: ⭐⭐⭐⭐+ ½
Iᴅᴀᴅᴇ Aᴄᴏɴsᴇʟʜᴀᴅᴀ: Não há nenhum tema particularmente forte nesta novela, mas tem mensagens importantes então a partir dos 12, 13 anos é uma leitura maravilhosa.
Cᴏɴᴄʟᴜsᴀ̃ᴏ/Oᴘɪɴɪᴀ̃ᴏ Fɪɴᴀʟ: Este livro deu-me uma fome imensa por mais novelas gráficas, se forem todas assim, não consigo imaginar como é que conseguirei voltar a adorar um livro normal outra vez. É quase como ver uma animação em papel, RECOMENDO.
Pᴀʀᴀ ᴏʙᴛᴇʀ: A Princesa e a Tosta de Queijo, Deya Muniz - Livro - Bertrand
Assɪɴᴀᴅᴏ: Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ 𝐿𝓊𝓏 Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ
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missmahgenta · 11 months
How NOT to write a story
Using a bad Netflix show/Fate: The Winx Saga as a basis
Part 1 - How NOT to start a Story (episodes 1 & 2)
Like I said on a previous post, I decided to leave that live action Winx show on while working on some assignments. The show’s quality left a bitter taste on my mouth and the persistent thought of “Man, I could have written something better”. So I decided to use this shit show as a little guide of mistakes and pitfalls to avoid, based on each episode. I would like to preface this by saying that I’m not a professional writer or anything like that. I’m at best an amateur with a huge mouth and a desire to avoid working on stuff I should actually be working on, so ignore any typos because my brain is small and lacking it’s thinking juice. That said, grab some water and grab some blankets, because this is going to be long.
“The first sentence/scene is the most important!!”
The idea that the first scene in a movie/series or that the first sentence/page in a book is the most important is not baseless. From setting the tone of your story to quickly grabbing your audience attention, the beginning of the beginning is going to set up expectations. That said, it’s not enough to simply show a quick action scene expect that to be enough. Whatever you choose to show on the very start of your narrative, it better be relevant later on in more ways than one. I’m talking about the narrative’s themes, arcs, world details, the antagonistic forces, etc.
Now, at first glance Fate’s opening doesn’t seem so bad. It does an okay job at grabbing your attention with some action related to one of this season’s 3 main antagonistic forces. That falls apart, however, when you notice how:
1)The scene as dark af and visually unimpressive. This is meant to take place at a campsite on a magical plane of existence, yet it looks like any normal forest. Idk, put some magical and sparkling moths or something, because otherwise it just doesn’t look like we are in the ‘Other world’ (stupid name but this point isn’t about it)
2)It’s kinda misleading. Blood does appear later on, but not with this touch of gore. It also induces the idea that Fate is a suspense story among other things, and while I guess it has some elements of suspense, it’s all so spaced that it will only disappoint anyone that was looking for, well, a suspense story.
3) The guy that gets killed has little relevance later on, and I honestly think that that’s a waste of potential. I mean, why have him killed if you’re just make a murder mystery with someone else later on? What if instead he was related or friendly to one of characters we meet? His death could have been a stepping stone for someone’s character arc, or at the very least not something that could have been written out with minor modifications.
“Well, the first 2 minutes were not the best, but there’s the whole rest of the episode ahead! Just because they were bad, doesn’t mean that the rest of the episode will be!”
That’s true. Like I’ve said before, the idea that the first scene in a movie/series or that the first sentence/page in a book is the most important is not baseless, however it ignores the fact that your audience can pay attention for more than a few seconds. “It gets good later on” is something we all probably heard at least once, is it not?
In Fate: Winx saga, however, the opposite can be said.
“Let’s speedrun our characters introductions!!”
Just after some guy gets murdered, we cut to a little montage of our main cast arriving to Alfea, and I think it was good, surprisingly. It could have shown a bit more of each the girls personalities and possible struggles, but it wasn’t bad (until it was). Despiste this show being about the Winx Club, the first character that our protagonist, Bloom, meets is Sky, her love interest. Not Stella, the girl who she met first in the og show and who was supposed to tour her around (something that happened for 2 minutes, while showing nothing of Alfea because Stella being a bitch is more entertaining that a fucking school for fairies). Not Aisha, who is her roommate and the only character who is sensible in this entire cast. Not ‘Terra’ nor Musa, but Sky.
Then again, they did remove the ‘Club’ part of the title, so it’s very clear where their priorities lies (and it’s definitely not ‘showing real and genuine friendships between women).
Fine, whatever. At least Sky is an important character to this show. Riven, on the other hand, is not. I always found him annoying in the original show, but in this iteration he’s just the worst. And yet he’s important enough to also make an introduction before any of the other girls? Ugh.
Then we have Beatrice, one of the other antagonists in this season, and you can tell that by the way she talks and glares at others. But her introduction is just…there? She goes to talk to Farah/Faragonda, says some shit and leaves, and that’s it. I don’t want to compare this iteration of the IP with the original show too much, because I think it could have still worked even with so many differences and spins and twists, but damn, it’s just so dull when compared to the original. It’s not threatening, nor funny, nor mysterious, nor charismatic in any other way. It doesn’t even hints at what her deal is. It’s literally “she’s a villain, bye”.
The rest of the main girls introductions are fine, and it shows well what their purpose is in this iteration. Aisha is there to babysit Bloom, Terra is there to be the girls main punching bag, Musa may have some future character arc and is there to say obvious shit (I don’t think I need miss Empath’s help to know said character is upset when they are visibly upset), and Stella is there to be a bitch constantly.
The main problem with all of these characters introductions is that: they happen so, so fast, with barely any room to breath. And speaking of barely any room to breath…
“So like, how do we explain this to the audience?” “Eh, just tell’ em”
Sometimes, exposition is inevitable. Sometimes, you need to sit down an explain wtf is going on for a few paragraphs, maybe a page or two. Fate: Winx Saga doesn’t take a few paragraphs or a few pages to explain it’s lore, backstory, world building, or anything really. It’s entire first episode (out of six, mind you) has many chunk a of pure, and I mean PURE, exposition. And unlike the story’s suspense, it isn’t sprinkled across the episode.
You have a scene where someone is explaining things to Bloom, then the scene changes, and they start explaining something else. You don’t get the joy of discovering something by yourself or seeing the information naturally unravel before your eyes. The information is laid on your plate like pasta without any sort of sauce, and just as you finish eating, more and more is placed. And the worst thing is- they don’t even say anything really interesting? If the pasta was like, some high quality shit, it would still be a drag to eat so much of it in one sitting, but at least the starting bites would at least be somewhat enjoyable.
It’s uncreative, boring and doesn’t flow well at all. And to have all of that right from the beginning would make anyone watching it for the first time likely decide to drop it immediately. Seriously, take this episode as an example on how not to relay information to your audience and don’t do what they did.
I’m sure the world you have built is super interesting and detailed and full of nuances you just can’t wait to share with your audience. But restrain yourself. Too much is going to make what could be appealing into a turn off.
This post has been foi on for a while now, so let’s end on a cliffhanger!
I still have a lot on my mind regarding this show and writing tips and pitfalls in general, however I think that it’s best to restrain myself and leave stuff for other posts. With that said, I’ll probably talk about the writing of the characters and the worldbuilding aspect of it more in depth next, so maybe come back next week?
Also, just saying that if you enjoyed this show, I am very happy for you. Seriously, I may despise this piece of entertainment for many reasons, but I still found some enjoyment there (even if said enjoyment was seeing my friends suffering a bit) and I must say, I was even s bit upset when they canceled it so soon. What I’m trying to say is, something doesn’t have to be ‘good’ for you to be allowed to enjoy it and don’t feel ashamed for liking something that most found dumb or whatever other negative descriptor you have in mind.
Anyways, that’s all for now. Have a fabulous day/night and keep creating, even if it’s not something you consider to be perfect!
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redhairedgirl95 · 3 months
Heyy i'm back , i've just found time to relax a little bit and i thought that it would be a good idea to give my review on the latest chapter of atging , which was amazing by the way . So first i was happy radius could spend some time with luna that girl is brave going through pregnancy with her husband away fighting a dangerous war and since radius is away that would make luna regent ? If so she has my respect for running the kingdom while having a child she deserves to be called a queen 👑, but this made me hate the ancestral witches even more not only because of what they did to Bloom and her family but also because because of them radius can't even spend time with his family and tend to his pregnant wife i can't imagine the stress luna felt because of the effects of pregnancy and fearing her husband might potentialy die and that her child might be born fatherless!!! One thing that i appreciated is the other rulers uniting to help radius get away so he could be present for when his wife gives birth and so that he could stay with them a bit longer before going back to the battlefield . But oh i hate erendor with a passion stella just got out from the womb and he already wants to marry her off , it's not because you see your child as nothing more than an heir that others dont love their kids , sky deserves better parents, erendor is so desperate he wants to marry his son to daphne who is MUCH OLDER THAN HIM but Bloom is going to be with him so erendor will be happy either way . Now let's talk about the true star of the show litteraly , STELLA!!!!! this moment felt surreal but one thing is sure that girl is powerfull she has just been born and she's already got her father wrapped around her finger he would kill for her , i know he thought of Killing erendor when he started talking about mariage we have one protective father in our ranks .
Side note : the part about no paternity tests needed is NASTY!!! Why did you do sky dirty like that ! . Anyways another masterpiece from you i am not suprised i look foward to reading more from you byyye 💞
my darling, how I love receiving your in-depth reviews! They make the writing process so much more rewarding! <3 <3 <3
to answer your questions/comments
that would make Luna regent if he stayed away for long, but, being connected to the Suns of Solaria, Radius cannot, in fact (at least in my lore), leave his realm for long. Or he would get sick and, eventually, die. Technically she is regent when he's away, but she talks to him before she has to make any major decision. She is still a foreign Queen
Ancestral Witches, more like Ancestral B*tches
I believe all the rulers HAD to lend a hand to one another in some way ... otherwise the alliance would be useless. Most of them are friends or friendly acquaintances - Erendor was kind of a hero for Radius when he was younger. Not so much now
Because Erendor is Erendor. The one we've learned to loathe in the series: the one who wants to force Sky to marry Diaspro, who humiliates Brandon in front of all of Red Fountain, who doesn't' care that his son loves Bloom ... - yep, Erendor is mostly sh!t
she has come! the STAR, the one and only! and everybody loves her <3
gossip is nasty as heel in the Magic Dimension! Tabloids do their dirty work in every universe
Thank you so so so much for always being the kindest and I'm so sorry you'll have to wait some time before I can publish another chapter. Work is crazy and I'm one of those people who cannot write if she isn't comfortably sitting in front of her computer. writers who can write on your phone, I applaud you!
Talk as soon as possible <3
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calissarowan · 17 days
Tigers and Truces Sequel Announcement
Hello! As the title probably gave away, I’m making a sequel to my fic ‘Tigers and Truces’, set just after the Earth Fairies are freed, during episodes eighteen through twenty of season four.
The fic is called ‘Amazon and Allies’, and the premise is that the wizards are captured by Diana, and the Winx will have to stop Diana turning all of Earth into a jungle, which will lead to another team-up! Credit for the name goes to @devilheartsblog, who also came up with the idea of the wizards getting captured by Diana. Thank you so much for letting me use them!
The first chapter, ‘Fairies, Fights and Forests’ is on fanfiction.net now, and I’m writing the other chapters and will post them soon.
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I would like to thank YouTube for reminding me that Thomas Vaccaro (aka Unicorn or War) still exists by recommending me their videos. I remember that they used to review RWBY and then drop the show because they lost interest of the show. Pretty sure that they deleted all of their RWBY-related videos.
Now, checking out at their current video playlist, the majority of them are about Winx Club.
Does anyone else remember them?
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vaticinatrix · 9 months
if the original winx club cartoon premiered in 2023 it would become bullshit culture war fodder faster than you could say alfea
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frenchfriesoverguys · 2 years
fate: a winx saga
season two
*queer woman with a degree in film/art history*
First, let’s talk about the biggest backlash (about the plot/casting) this show had for season one. Musa’s casting was a huge slap in the face to the fans and to asian representation. I will say that the actress who was cast does play her very well but it’s just not the same Musa. Literally. This Musa is a Mind Fairy instead of a Music Fairy. She doesn’t like her powers and doesn’t even want to be a fairy. That is so different than her character in the cartoon. But that doesn’t excuse the erasure of a POC character. At least the plot is embracing the fact that it’s not the same character. Terra’s casting/Terra’s character: her behavior finally has an explanation. In my first post I explained this in more detail, Terra’s character goes through fatphobia but the show is explaining why it’s bad. This season we get more of an idea of her emotions around the situation with Riven. I need them to actually sit down and talk it out bc Terra doesn’t owe Riven an explanation but Riven owes her one. This season proved that he isn’t as big of a prick as he seems so what was up with his attitude?? Back to Terra, I know so many lesbians who chased mean or unavailable men bc they were repressing their gayness. I am, personally, pleased with her development - including finding her voice. 
Second, Bloom. I enjoyed her development this season, including the fact that she lost control again. The way Rosalind was training her 110% played a part in it. She can’t focus on negative emotions to control her powers like Rosalind wants. Dowling said that she can transform because her focuses on ALL her emotions. I think that’s the key to her control as well. It definitely played into her darker side coming out through the new headmaster. Sky had a similar development. We see his dark side, or simply anger, for the first time. Bloom is his calm and vise versa. I almost never actually enjoy the obvious romantic pairings but I love them together. They work well with little to no toxicity. Bloom doesn’t keep things from him (unless she is keeping it from everybody).
Aesthetic. They struggled horribly with outfits, character designs, and the transformations. While I wish they would improve Aisha and Terra’s outfits, it’s well within their character to dress for comfort. Like they would never wear Flora’s outfits or Bloom’s. Musa’s outfits are so much better. They focus on comfort, as she is hurt/training more, but they emphasis her abs and muscles. I don’t know how else to explain this: Aisha dresses like a swimmer and Musa dressed like a weightlifter/crossfitter. Bloom’s clothing emphasised her red hair, love the jacket and boot combination they put her in. Flora’s style is textbook y2k. If you wanted that style in the show, here it is. And Stella’s haircut with her curls is amazing. Loved her progression from crocs back to her dresses. The transformations this season were greatly improved upon. More drama, the soundtrack was reminiscent of the cartoon, and everything felt just more powerful. I got goosebumps. 
I’ve seen backlash about them not changing outfits like the cartoon. I read a youtube comment that said it best: animation is animation. CGI is not the same thing and cannot do the same things that animation can. Live-action will always be different. It’s why a lot of people don’t love live-action versions of animation. Think of it like this: animation is like a painting while live action is like a photograph. They can show the same thing but it’s never the exact same. If they ever get close, it’s because the painting can be more life-like but the photograph cannot replicate the painting. The outfit changes during the transformation will never give the same effect as it did in the cartoon. No amount of money or budgeting for CGI is gonna change that fact. So to put it simply, stop whining about it. The show has a lot of faults but this is not a fixable one. 
Lastly, what I would want to see/what I’ve seen others asking for. Please introduce Brandon in season three, I love Stella’s character arch this season but I need her to have some happiness. Rivusa/more character development for Riven. I want to know more about Aisha’s past as well as Flora’s. More girl bonding as well as more male friendship. And Terra’s new love life explored. Maybe some actual Asian representation? There are a lot of characters from the cartoon that they haven’t utilized and they whitewashed the one Asian character they had so. Introduce. a Permanent. Asian. Character.
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plomujio · 2 years
Fate the winx saga review season 2
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Ok so to begin I actually very like the season one of fate the Winx saga even through there is a lot of differences with the Winx club but I loved the scenario, so I watched the season 2 last week and I would like to share with you what I liked about this new season :
What I liked :
RIVUSA scenes, I have been waiting to whole year to see new interactions between them and I wasn't expecting that much but there is something that I found strange about their relationship, it's the difference between the last episode of season 1 and their first interaction in this season, I know that there is months gap between the two season but they went from enemies to lover without a warning and I found that strange to not see it on screen.
Stella and Beatrix, I absolutely love them together and I hope that we can see more of them in the next season because Beatrix is obviously not dead. I would like to see them together in a romantic way because the chemistry is there and clearly I don't think that Brandon will appear in the show.
Flora, she's not my favorite character of the show because my favorites are Musa, Riven and Beatrix and I actually didn't really like her till the last episode. I liked her "sacrifice" and it made me like her character more but I feel like she could have been a better character if we could have seen a bit of her past or life before Alfea because her character revolves around Terra and Riven.
I liked the bond between the Winx because in season 1, they weren't a group of friends which is logical because Bloom just had arrived, but in this season I feel like Flora is the one who reunited them which is weird because I think that it should have been Bloom but she clearly has other things to think about.
I surprisingly liked Grey and I clearly think that he will become good and he and Aisha will be together again. I liked their relationship, they were cute together and it allowed us to know more things about Aisha.
What I didn't like :
Musa's clothes... I don't even know what to say, it's awful and what is this bangs and this makeup, I don't really understand the choice of clothes for this character.
What was Terra's clothes for the Gala ??? I mean we all know that the wardrobe in this show is ridiculous, that the only really great outfit for this scene is the one that Bloom wears but Terra's outfit is just pants and a tee shirt with an awful jacket and it's so fucking colorless. I think that they are doing this because they are trying to show that Terra doesn't feel right in her body which is why they showed us during the whole first season but in this season this subject was absolutely not treated or even mentioned and I think that it's weird.
Rosalind, Andreas, Saul... basically the adults. I didn't like any of them this season while the last season they were clearly my favorite part of this show, I loved Farah and Saul and even Rosalind but in this season Rosalind is weak as fuck even though they are trying to tell us that she is not, Saul is barely present this season and I didn't like Andreas but I would have loved to see more scenes of him with Beatrix.
Bloom and Stella bond which is inexistant and it's sad. In season one, I understood because it was the first season, Bloom was new in the school, Stella had problems with her mother and her reputation but I feel like it's exactly the same problem in the season and the fact that Bloom only has a relationship development with Sky and Aisha doesn't help. Aisha and Bloom are clearly the best friends that Stella and Bloom are in Winx club and that is fine for me, but it doesn't mean that Stella and Bloom can't be close friends. I hope that it will change on the next season.
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winx-reimagined · 9 months
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Princess Amentia of Downland (Queen in 4Kids dub), first appearing S2E4, is the ruler of a small kingdom of people called Trog (which I have a few problems about that we’ll talk on later). She is a dominant, perfectionist that falls madly in love with Brandon, Stella’s boyfriend. She serves as a minor conflict and minor ally to the Winx against Darkar. And while I think Amentia is a unique character that should’ve been explored more, she is also written off as a pitch poor portrayal of women in positions of power and borders on racist stereotypes. It’s unfortunate that I’ve yet to see any posts or articles talking about the inappropriate portrayal of her character and her people.
Not only is she a powerful ruler, she is also an impressive warrior, and so are many of her people. Despite their impressive nature, she and her soldiers are written as brainless brutes. Especially the soldiers. This is a common portrayal of unfortunately several brown people, but especially Indians & Arabians (also Natives, with how they’re written as savage and uncivilized) All of these cultures are stereotyped as being controlling, the same way Princess Amentia is. But I specifically want to talk about her being a woman in a position of power first.
In the world of Winx we don’t often get female rulers, which is strange as the Magic Realm has various societies and cultures but for some reason they’re all Kingdoms? Another rant for another day. But my point still stands, she is, other than the Queen of the Earth fairies, the only female ruler and indisputably the only female warrior. Yet, she’s controlling and doesn’t understand the idea of consent. She’s selfish, self-centered, and uses her position as a way to, frankly, just be a bitch to everyone. While she has good qualities, like being a strong strategist and, of course, fighter. She’s written so shallowly for the sake of being a low-stake conflict instead of a fully-rounded character. It’s sad to see the only woman in power to be written in such a bitchy way as many women with positional power are viewed.
It’s also gross with the way they solved this conflict by forcing her to fall in love with someone else without her consent nor the work necessary to make a happy couple. I know one of the dubs made it where she realized Sponsus is her soulmate instead of falling in love with him on the spot, but I’ve always hated the soulmate trope because, in this case, it just feels like an easy fix.
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Now onto the stereotypes, it was always something I noticed even as a child. It’s clear the Trog is a weird mix of Aztec & Orientalist aesthetics. Amentia wears what looks like a dupatta in her military outfit (a strange contrast to her immodest outfit which goes against the usage of the dupatta). She also wears a bindi or a Tilaka, which personally I think it is more of, which isn’t specifically a problem but helps to prove the Trogs are pulling from Indian asesthetics. Her and the other female Trogs dress in what looks like bellydancing costumes or vaguely Aztec costumes. And while I don’t have a problem with her or the Trogs being inspired by various cultures, the fact that they’re portrayed as savages leaves a sour taste when paired with their outfits being poor, sexualized versions or shallow depictions of real cultures.
Not to mention the forced marriage conflict, is strange. I get using arranged marriages as conflict, this happens in several series, it literally happens multiple times in Winx alone. But it feels downplayed for how uncomfortable Brandon was and for how often Amentia forced herself on him. And while this may be a stretch, it just looks like they’re minimizing female-initiated sexual assault and harassment.
Lastly, the name Trog. This is literally an insult in the english language, it being a shortened version of Troglodyte. It’s already a shitty move to name a species after an insult but to have these stereotypes on top of it, is so much worse.
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Amentia deserved to be taken seriously as a character and not a gross interpretation of women in power, her being aggressive and forceful are not what make a powerful woman powerful. She deserved to learn how to fall in love and not to pick a suitor based on looks or her perfectionist ideas. Her people deserved to stand as interesting characters without being stereotypical or shallow. Also it would’ve been great to see her pop up again in later seasons, especially S3. As one of the only kingdoms that doesn’t use magic it would’ve been interesting to see where she stood against Valtor.
There is so much that could’ve been done with her personality and a character in her position, yet they threw them in for low-stake conflict and filler content.
In short, Princess Amentia deserved better.
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honeybeekao · 2 years
Gday my dude how’re you doin wassup idk what time it is for you there but I hope it’s a good time. That you’re having. Idk man hi
SUP CRANE im eating rn !!!! you should too if you haven't ^^
amazing to see you hihihihi youre so friend shaped can i hug you
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darkpoisonouslove · 2 years
My Reviews Masterlist
I've written quite a few posts with my thoughts on the movies and TV shows I've watched (and the stray book) and I figured I'd put them all together so that it'd be easier to find whatever you're interested in reading. I will update and reblog this list periodically:
The 6th Extinction by James Rollins
Aloha, Scooby Doo!
Casino Royale
Detective Pikachu
Free Guy
Happy Halloween, Scooby Doo!
Knives Out
No Time to Die
Scooby-Doo and the Alien Invaders
Scooby-Doo and the Cyber Chase
Scooby-Doo and the Legend of the Vampire
Scooby-Doo and the Monster of Mexico
Scooby-Doo and the Samurai Sword
Scooby-Doo and the Witch’s Ghost
Scooby-Doo! Pirates Ahoy!
Scooby-Doo & Zombie Island
Quantom of Solace
TV Series:
Be Cool, Scooby-Doo
Fate: The Winx Saga Season 1 (Stream of Consciousness)
Fate: The Winx Saga Season 2 (Stream of Consciousness)
Loki [Thoughts by Episode]
Scooby-Doo and Guess Who
Scooby-Doo, Where Are You + The Scooby-Doo Show
Shadow and Bone Season 1 (Stream of Consciousness)
Shadow and Bone Season 2 (Stream of Consciousness)
Tangled: The Series
What If…? (Marvel) [Thoughts by Episode]
What’s New Scooby Doo?
Winx Club Season 1 4kids (Stream of Consciousness)
Winx Club Season 2 4kids Part 1 (Stream of Consciousness)
Winx Club Season 2 4kids Part 2 (Stream of Consciousness)
Winx Club Season 3 4kids Part 1 (Stream of Consciousness)
Winx Club Season 3 4kids Part 2 (Stream of Consciousness)
Winx Club: The Secret of the Lost Kingdom (Stream of Consciousness)
Winx Club Season 4 Part 1 (Stream of Consciousness)
Winx Club Season 4 Part 2 (Stream of Consciousness)
Winx Club: Magical Adventure (Stream of Consciousness)
Winx Club Season 5 Part 1 (Stream of Consciousness)
Winx Club Season 5 Part 2 (Stream of Consciousness)
Winx Club: Mystery of the Abyss (Stream of Consciousness)
Winx Club Season 6 Part 1 (Stream of Consciousness)
Winx Club Season 6 Part 2 (Stream of Consciousness)
Winx Club Season 7 Part 1 (Stream of Consciousness)
Winx Club Season 7 Part 2 (Stream of Consciousness)
Winx Club Season 8 Part 1 (Stream of Consciousness)
Winx Club Season 8 Part 2 (Stream of Consciousness)
Winx Club Special 1: Destiny of Bloom (Stream of Consciousness)
Winx Club Special 2: Revenge of the Trix (Stream of Consciousness)
Winx Club Special 3: The Battle for Magix (Stream of Consciousness)
Winx Club Special 4: The Shadow Phoenix (Stream of Consciousness)
World of Winx Season 1 (Stream of Consciousness)
World of Winx Season 2 (Stream of Consciousness)
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Finished season 2 of Fate: The Winx Saga. (I watched the 4Kids original).
The show is held back from being something really great and that frustrates me even more with season two. There is something really magical being smothered by cramming as much "teen angst" in as possible. If someone wanted a show like Fate is trying so desperately be then they can watch Teen Wolf or Riverdale. It's been done. Fans starve for something different and refreshing, something that takes the chaotic experience of youth and reminds us that light and magic are inside us and can be just as cool as brooding drama.
The soundtrack is still the shows biggest shackle. Pop music is nice now and then to energize the mood, but it's incessant here. How much more magical would the magic be with an string score sprinkled with metallic percussion?
The overarching plot is really interesting and it's painful to think how good the show could be with some simple changes. There is still potential for change, however.
I'm excited to see where the plot and world outside Alfea takes us in season 3 and can't wait to see the fairies unlock brighter and more enchanting power. Thats about all that keeping me around though.
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klutzymaiden123 · 2 years
The Winx Club (season 1)
So, something that hit me when I was re-watching The Winx Club (the first season, anyway) was how fun this show really was.
Like, yeah, it’s nowhere near perfect and is even a little lame at some points (like, don’t think this is one of those posts where the point is to unveil some untapped mastery behind this show or something we may have missed as kids that hits differently now), but that’s kinda the beauty of it? It wasn’t trying to say anything, it just wanted to have fun. And I don’t mean that in a patronising way, or even to say it’s like one of the more mindless cartoons that was made to just get kids to shut up for a couple of hours, I mean that totally as a compliment. 
I was kinda caught off guard by how much I found myself really loving Alfea, like I really wanted to just go there. It seems like so much fun, the teachers are super nice, the setting is nice, and the world is super cute. The worldbuilding isn’t masterful, but it’s nice, it’s a fantasy. 
Also, some of the characters are really good. Like Techna, who I hated as a kid, is actually my favourite now. She’s just so done with everyone’s shit half the time, and I just love her. (Her relationship with Timmy is pretty lame though. Like, they were literally just paired together cause they’re both nerds and there’s like no chemistry smh). And Flora is super sweet. I don’t know how to describe it, but I kinda wish she was more of a central character. I wanna see her in a role that’s somewhat similiar to Katara, where she’s the mum friend, super sweet and caring, but if you mess with her, you better watch out. 
The only character I flat out didn’t like was Bloom, which was also surprising cause she was my favourite as a kid. Oh, and the boys. They were kinda hella annoying. But other then that, The Winx Club was super entertaining and I wish it didn’t go the way that it did. I wanted to give season two a chance so I could properly meet Aisha (since I didn’t like her as a kid cause she was a newbie), but from what I understand, that’s when the girls get those pixie things and yeah, no, that’s too cutesy even for me. 
But dang, I know the Winx Club is that show that, for whatever reason, will not go away, but I’d totally be down for it to get a reboot. In animated form. One where the story is revised, the characters cleaned up, and there’s more exploring of the world. There really is something magical about this show and I think it could be even better. 
But regardless, those are my 4am thoughts on this show. What are yours? 
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bookstagramofmine · 3 months
Throwback Thursday; Winx Club But Make It A Graphic Novel
Throwback Thursday; Winx Club But Make It A Graphic Novel @NetGalley @PapercutzGN #GraphicNovel #ARC #WinxClub #Winx
Winx Club Vol. 1: Welcome to Magix comes out on the 16th of January! Of course I saw the Winx Club Vol. 1: Welcome to Magix graphic novel on NetGalley and decided I ABSOLUTELY HAD to read it! I loved the show as a kid; it’s got magic, fairies, lots of heels and crop tops; what more could a little me have needed in a series? So the pros are right in your face! This book literally looks like the…
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tnmeem · 1 year
I wouldn’t be me if I didn’t trash talk a reboot of a loved childhood show. Nostalgia may sound cute to the average person but it makes ME vicious. I will allow that the second season does improve tremendously.
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minasweep · 2 years
If you still looking for video essay reccs there's cheyenne lin, cherry bepsi, voice memos for the void, aishyo and offbeat kiki
aa thank u so much!!!! these were such good recs i spent most of the day listening to them!!!
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