themirroredmoon · 3 years
Methods of Spell Work
To Banish: • Burning to ashes and sweeping away the ashes • Cast out a window, down a cliffside, etc • Bury it and spit on the spot
To Bind: • Wrap in black thread • Cover in wax or other material • Seal in jar and hide in dark spot
To Hide: • Wrap in ribbon • Place in a (painted) black jar or other container • Cover in cloth or other material and bury
To Encourage: • Plant or bury near the front door/steps • Plant or bury near a window • Place near a window
To Communicate*: • Anoint a candle • Leave out an offering • Meditate • Open the front door and/or windows
To Glamour: • Leave under the full moon • Work with its reflection
To Cleanse: • Bury in salt • Burn herbs and pass through the smoke • Let it bathe in the moonlight
To Protect: • Leave sigils/wards on doors and windows • Carry sigils/wards on every day items (keys, phone case, etc) • Enchant jewelry with protection spells
*: Communication with deities, spirit guides, etc
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bookishblogging · 2 years
🪐What In The World Is Warding?!🪐
Howdy! It’s your friendly neighborhood witch here: Let’s talk about warding!
Warding is any form of magick intended to protect a person/place/thing from a negative entity/energy
Warding is most often used in either a personal sense, or a spatial sense, let’s do a deep dive into what that actually means
Spatial wards are put on SOMETHING or a PLACE/SPACE/NON HUMAN THING with the intention to protect it. This could be warding your room or entire house by contacting the egregore, this could be casting a circle when you are about to do a spell, etc etc. This is not the same as warding a piece of jewelry though, that goes into the next type of warding: Personal Warding
Personal wards are created with the intent to protect a person (most likely YOU, the practitioner). These are most often portable/wearable like jewelry or in some cases crystals! A lot of the time, you can create some wards to be both personal and spatial, in essence killing two birds with one stone
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There are more than just these examples, but this is a great place to get started! This picture is all over the internet, and you’ve probably seen it before haha- nonetheless it’s still useful information! I am gonna go into detail about some specific ways to ward your space/self, but as always, witchcraft is a very personal thing and your practice is unique to yourself so these things may work for you, they may not! It’s all up to what you’re willing/able to do in your practice :))
FIRST STEP TO CREATING A WARD: Cleanse!!!! You don’t want to trap any negative energy in your space when creating your ward. Cleansing will give you a blank slate to protect you or your space. 
SECOND STEP...ACTUALLY CREATING THE WARD: There are multiple methods to create a ward (as pictured above) but I will go over some easy, beginner friendly ones for the sake of time and my sanity. These will mostly be about spaces, but I will talk about enchanting things like jewelry on another post if that’s something y’all would be interested in...?
Incense Warding
This can be done with either incense or a water/essential oil blend if you prefer to not use incense (i personally vomit from the smell of smoke and incense is no exception...it’s quite a dilemma being a witch and not being able to use incense haha) 
Be it incense or a spray blend, you want to utilize herbs with protective properties, some common ones being: bay leaves, cinnamon, ginger, mustard seed, and salt 
If you’re warding an item, you can either smoke/spritz it with your incense or water/oil mixture and visualize the smoke/spritz encircling the item like a ball of light, protecting it from anything that would intend to cause it harm. (I suck at visualizing, I think i have the thing where you just cant visualize stuff, so instead of harping on my inability to think in pictures, I just focus on the intent of what i’m doing. it’s all the same, the visualization is just to help amplify intent. If you are already confident in your ability, you are okay to not visualize.) 
If you’re warding a space, it’s pretty similar. You start in one area of your house (or room), and move to the right, spraying the walls and doorframes, all the while visualizing a barrier being formed around the walls (again, hard time with visualizing won’t mess up your ability to ward, just focus on intent). Just keep moving right throughout the entire space, creating an outline of whatever it is you’re protecting. If you’re familiar with kitchen magick, a lot of the time you will be stirring the pot clockwise to represent the creation of good energy and progression, so we move right throughout the space when warding to create a strong ward that will protect from any and all unwanted energies. 
Sigil Wards
I will go more into sigils on another post, but you can easily ward a space with sigils! Create a sigil with the intent to protect (ie: creating a sigil from the phrase “my house is protected from all negative energies) 
Place the sigil in windows or on doorframes, if you want to keep it permanently there. You can use water, black salt, regular salt, your finger, whatever floats your boat. 
A funky way I like to use sigils when warding is to use them when I clean! I will be cleaning my floor and spray the cleaner/floor polish in the pattern of my sigil and then when I go over it with the mop, I am “breaking” the sigil, therefore releasing the energy into my house to protect it! I was never really told that this was a way to create a sigil and use it but I have found it’s worked and it’s really easy- esp if you’re in the broomcloset 🧹 
Spoken Wards
This can be a spoken thought or incantation of sorts that is created/uttered with the intention to protect your space/you
You can repeat this daily like an affirmation, walk around your space and chant, whatever floats your boat! 
Here is an example of a spoken ward: (this is utilized when walking past the representations of the elements in your home) 
“By (element) , I ward thee: Guard this space from all ill will and all those who wish me/us harm.”
I recommend using MULTIPLE methods of warding (at least two) to really maximize the protection you have on your space
Alright lets talk about another important aspect of warding....
Wards can be temporary (casting a circle during a spell), or long term (a ward to protect your space) 
It’s important to regularly charge your wards, to keep them “up and running.” This can be with crystals, intent, incense, whatever your preferred method is
You also may need to take down your ward and place a new one up every so often; even the metaphysical can collect gunk. There isn’t really a timeline on this, just whenever you feel your ward needs to be re-done. 
Thank you for sticking with me on this long informational post :)) 
Again, I really recommend using MULTIPLE wards as a little protection combo because protection is the basis of your craft. Putting up a ward is really important before you start any type of spell work or any magick for that matter. Protection is KEY! 
To dismiss a ward, you can go around your space counter clockwise (to the left) and visualize/have the intention that the energies you have created are “coming down” (there are other ways, this is what I prefer) 
Remember it’s always important to cross reference your information, for this post I used multiple sources I knew have been vetted by much more experienced witches than I am- but still! You need to make sure what you’re reading is credible
Wards: Basics 
Warding Masterpost
Crash Course In Warding
Defend The Keep
Basics Of Warding
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tequilabrujx · 4 years
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themirroredmoon · 3 years
Tarot Spread: What in the Actual Fresh Fuck?!
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Card 1 - “What in the”: Your current problem. Your focus. What is hindering you currently. Your challenge.
Card 2 - “Actual”: What about this challenge/problem is grounded in reality? Is it a tangible problem?
Card 3 - “Fresh”: Am I looking at this problem wrong? Am I going about this the wrong way? Do I need to see this with a ‘fresh’ perspective?
Card 4 - “Fuck”: What about this is wrong? Why is it wrong? What is making it wrong?
Card 5 - “?”: Do I need more info? Where do I need more info?
Card 6 - “!”: What can I do about this? Where can I take action? What changes can I make to solve this?
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themirroredmoon · 3 years
15 Herbs for Your First Aid Kit
1. Calendula: • Cuts & Scrapes • Minor Burns • Inflammation
2. Clove: • Toothaches • Strained Muscles • Flu Aches
3. Chamomile: • Indigestion • Rashes • Inflammation
4. Eucalyptus: • Antiseptic • Insect Bites • Minor Wounds • Minor Burns
5. Fennel Seed: • Indigestion • Gas • Bloating • Aids in Breast Milk Production
6. Ginger Root: • Nausea • Vomiting • Menstrual Cramps
7. Lavender: • Stress Reliever • Anxiety Reliever • Sleep Aid • Minor Burns • Cold Sores
8. Lemon Balm: • Indigestion • Sleep Aid • Mood Booster
9. Marshmallow Root: • Mouth & Throat Sores • Heartburn • Cough • Indigestion
10. Oatmeal: • Rashes • Anxiety Reliever • Sleep Aid • Stress Reliever
11. Peppermint: • Nausea • Gas • Indigestion • Congestion
12. Red Raspberry Leaf: • Uterine Tonic • Pregnancy Nausea • Diarrhea
13. Stinging Nettle: • Iron-Rich • Seasonal Allergies • Water Retention Reliever
14. Tea Tree: • Antiseptic • Antifungal • Insect Bites • Minor Burns • Minor Burns • Acne
15. Yarrow: • Styptic for Wounds • Antibacterial • Antifungal
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themirroredmoon · 3 years
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Rings in Witchcraft
Rings in witchcraft fall under Palmistry. Where you wear your rings, what metal of ring you wear, etc impact the effects you can draw forth in your day to day life. I’m going to give you all a quick run down of the basics of wearing rings as a practitioner.
Right Hand or Left Hand? Right Hand for Actions Left Hand for Intuition
Which Finger? Pinky Finger for divination, spell work, dreams. Ring Finger for commitment/relationships, love, ambition. Middle Finger for desire, intellect, focus. Index Finger for decisions, speech, influence. Thumb for power and logic.
Which Metal? Silver for wisdom, truth, beauty. Gold for success, power, wealth. Titanium for protection, strength. Pewter for divination, clairvoyance, intuition.
Note: I’ve learned over time, for me personally, sometimes you are drawn to wear rings where you need change in your life or where you tend to help others most often.
Example: One of my favorite rings is a silver ring I tend to wear on my middle, right finger. This roughly translates to I actively work with forces involving truth, focus, desire and beauty. Which is very on the money because I read Tarot quite often for people as a side job. When I’m not actively working with my Tarot deck, I like to wear that same ring on my middle, left finger to allow my intuitive side of those attributes passively function.
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themirroredmoon · 3 years
Corvid Tarot Tricks: Some Basic Ideas
Major life changes? Find The World. The cards underneath and before it will provide some insight. Relationship (Love) issues? Find The Lovers. The cards underneath and on top of it will provide some insight into the issues. Want a quick insight into the future? Find your nearest birth card. The card directly under it will shed light of what's to come. Feeling stuck or stagnant? Find The Hanged Man. The card underneath will why you're stuck and the card on top of it will advise you on how to overcome it. Nervous about a situation or an event? Find The Fool. The cards underneath it and on top of it will advise you on how to approach the situation better. Need some self care? Find The Empress. The card underneath it will give you an idea of what to do. Shadow Work? Find The Hermit. The cards underneath it and on top of it will shed some light on some things.
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themirroredmoon · 3 years
Tarot Spread: Self Work
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Card 1 - Past: What aspect in your life you’re currently clinging to; what you may need to let go of; what may need healing still.
Card 2 - Present: What you should focus on; what your Ego needs to know NOW.
Card 3 - Future: What you should be on the look out for; What your Higher Self is trying to tell you.
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themirroredmoon · 3 years
Bad Vibes B Gone Spray
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A lovely alternative to those who cannot smoke cleanse and/or who do not like to. Spray cleansing is as simple as mixing a few ingredients into Moon Water and setting the intention of ushering out negativity, exactly what smoke cleansing does.
Supplies: • Spray Bottle • Moon Water • Witch Hazel (A Tincture would work best) • Dried Lavender & Lavender Essential Oil • Eucalyptus Essential Oil • Dried Rosemary • Clear Quartz • Amethyst
Directions: In the spray bottle, add the dried Lavender, Rosemary, Clear Quartz and Amethyst. Then add equal parts Witch Hazel and Moon water until the bottle is just about full. Add a couple of drops of the essential oils before capping the spray bottle and gently shaking to combine. The longer the spray sits, the more infused the dry ingredients become with the liquids.
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themirroredmoon · 3 years
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✤ Luck & Prosperity Jar  ✤
Every now and then, we could all use an added boots of luck in our lives. Be it for that job interview, sales for our small business, whatever the case may be. For me, luck and prosperity go hand in hand, and together they make a dynamic duo. If you need an extra boost in your current situation, try out this jar!
Supplies: ✤ Jar ✤ Basil ✤ Bay Leaf ✤ Cinnamon ✤ Ginger ✤ Green Candle
Directions: Layer all your supplies into your jar neatly, in whatever order you see fit. All the while, think positively about drawing luck and prosperity into your life. You DESERVE this after all. Listen to some upbeat music, create it in your work space, even wearing green while making it could also be a fun option. When done, seal with green wax and keep on hand either in your work space or near your front door!
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themirroredmoon · 3 years
Friendly Reminder: Salt and Casting Circles Outside
Please don’t cast circles using Salt outside, especially in the soil. Salt is absorbent and takes water away from plant life, therefore effectively killing off most things.
There is a reason why in the Ancient Near East (Egypt, Mesopotamia, Armenia, etc), Spain, Portugal, etc it was so common to SALT THE EARTH of conquered cities, or even convicted criminals, to prevent re-inhabitation . It destroys soil nutrients, absorbency, and heavily delays and/or stops plant growth all together.
So please, my Witchy Siblings, seek safer alternatives when working outside. Cast a circle in stones or branches. Draw one into the soil itself. Use a biodegradable material like eggshells instead. But please, do NOT use Salt.
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themirroredmoon · 3 years
Corvid Tarot Tricks: Questions To Ask
Never sure what to ask your deck but you feel the urge to work with it? Here’s a small, simple list of questions to get you started:
Career: - What do I need to know most about my career? - How can I move my career forward? - Is my career the right choice currently?
Family: - What do I need to know the most about the situation with my ___ ? - What do I need to do about the situation involving my ___ ? - Is ___ holding me back from being my best?
Love Life: - How can I move my love life forward? - What do I need to know the most about my love life? - What would be the best way to draw romance into my life?
Travel: - How will the trip go? - Will I learn something new along the way? - What opportunities will arise on this trip?
Self: - What am I not seeing/What am I ignoring? - What are my strengths/What are my weaknesses? - What have I learned?
Other: - What's trying to come forth in my life? - What blessings are being draw into my life? - What's the best way to communicate ___ ? - Is there something I should look out for? - How do I go from ___ to ___ ?
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themirroredmoon · 3 years
Corvid Tarot Tricks: 3 Card Spread Ideas Part 2
This is a continuation of my previous post with more ideas for three card spreads for when we don’t have a lot of time for more in depth readings.
Where to Start ∙ How to Continue ∙ How it Will End
What You Need ∙ What You Want ∙ How To Balance Both
What You Need to Do ∙ What You Can Stop Doing/Do Less of ∙ Possible Result of Your Efforts
What You Are On ∙ Obstacles in Your Way ∙ Resolution
Who You're Meant To Be ∙ Obstacles in Your Path ∙ Signs to Know You're There
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themirroredmoon · 3 years
𝟙𝟙𝟙 Your manifestation power is at its peak or is peaking. Keep your thoughts positive and keep focusing on what you truly want. This is your fresh beginning. 𝟚𝟚𝟚 You're headed on the correct path. You're receiving support either physically, non-physically or both. So make sure you relax a bit and try not to stress too much, it's going according to plan. 𝟛𝟛𝟛 You're surrounded by divine guidance. Keep thoughts, emotions, and actions balanced. You're in good hands! 𝟜𝟜𝟜 Your spiritual guides are watching over you and applauding you for the progress that you've made. They're filled with love and encouragement, and are there to guide you to the end. 𝟝𝟝𝟝 If something is no longer serving you, let it go. Things are going to change in big ways. Exciting, new transitions and massive shifts ahead. 𝟞𝟞𝟞 Take a step back to focus on your Higher Self and see through the materialistic nature of life. You're losing touch with your spirituality and you don't want to lose that. 𝟟𝟟𝟟 You've aligned yourself perfectly to receive universal offerings and opportunities. Keep an eye out for them. They might seem to come out of nowhere. 𝟠𝟠𝟠 Materialistic abundance aka MONEY. The path you are headed on leads towards financial prosperity and material wealth. 𝟡𝟡𝟡 You've gotten what you can and learned what you can out of your current situation. Complete the task or event to it's end and move on from what no longer serves you. 𝟘𝟘𝟘 Preparation for the new; a fresh start. You're getting to a point in your journey where your Spirit Guides are going to let you know that they are accompanying you more closely now. You are the creator of your own destiny.
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themirroredmoon · 3 years
Corvid Favorites: Chamomile
Another thrilling installment of ‘Corvid Favorites’! This time, I’ll be speaking on Chamomile and it’s lovely properties, both medicinally and magickally.
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The Chamomile that we know and love is typically one of two species of daisy-like plants of the Asteraceae family: the Matricaria Recutita (German Chamomile) and Anthemis Nobilis (Roman Chamomile). What's the difference? German Chamomile is an annual that has a cone like center with petals that flare out from the center; German Chamomile are also smooth stemmed and grow similar to baby's breath. Roman Chamomile is a perennial that has a more fern-like stem and has feathery-like petals. (See image below. Left: German Chamomile. Right: Roman Chamomile.)
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➣ Element: Water ➣ Chakra: Throat ➣ Planet: Sun ➣ Zodiac Affiliations: Capricorn, Leo
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➣ Love ➣ Money ➣ Purification ➣ Sleep ➣ Healing ➣ Protection
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Medicinally - The biggest and probably most known medicinal use Chamomile is known for is as a sleep aid. As a natural sedative, it's a wonderful combatant against anxiety and insomnia. It's also anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, aids with digestion and other gastrointestinal issues, aids in relieving nausea and vomiting, and has been used to treat fevers in children.
Magickally - Washing your hands with Chamomile is said to increase your luck before gambling. Sprinkling it around the home or inside the home is a safe alternative to salt or smoke cleansing and protection, and it's also fur baby safe (Word of caution: Cats tend to be more sensitive than Dogs to Chamomile). Add it into a bath for some added deep relaxation and peaceful intentions. Drink a nice, hot cup of Chamomile tea to aid in meditation and setting up a peaceful mind.
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themirroredmoon · 3 years
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☆ Beltane Lemonade ☆
Even though Beltane has already passed, this lemonade recipe can and should be enjoyed whenever you care for a refreshing drink.
Ingredients: ☆ Ginger (Money, Power, Success) ☆ Lemons (Friendship, Longevity, Purification) ☆ Lemon Balm (Healing, Love, Success) ☆ Rosemary (Healing, Mental Powers, Protection) ☆ Spearmint (Healing, Love, Mental Powers)
*Note: Fresh squeezed lemons for the lemonade is best but if you cannot, don’t worry. Adding the ingredients to store bought lemonade and letting them sit in the fridge for a couple of hours works all the same. Remember, it’s all about intention.
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