#witchy self care
crowehorte · 1 year
Witchy Self-Care Tips:
Declare yourself a deity and give yourself all the respect and veneration you would an established deity. Speaking kindly of your flaws and boast proudly of your skills.
Leave yourself regular offerings of food and drink. I recommend at least three times a day, but there’s no reason you can’t have five or six offerings if you want them. Sometimes, it’s easier to give smaller offerings more often, after all.
Naps are offerings of energy. Take them as often as you need.
If people try to make you feel bad, turn them into a llama.
Turn your house into a temple, and tend to it with the same care and devotion as you show your altar.
Yes, this means doing your laundry. I know it sucks. I hate it too.
Decorate yourself and your temple however you like. You’re the deity, you get to decide what kind of iconography you’re associated with. If you don’t know where to start, I always recommend skulls and shiny rocks.
Treat your guests as worshipers and share with them the bounty of your household. Listen to their worries and rejoice in their successes, for they are your worries and successes as well.
Know and respect your limits. You are not a singular, omnipotent deity but one of many in a pantheon. You cannot be expected to know everything or have the power to fix everything.
Enforce your boundaries. One does not ask Deities of Harvest for the same boons one asks of Deities of Travel.
Take your own name in vain. As a treat.
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sappy-witch · 11 months
💗 Witchy Self-Care 💗
As witches, it's important to prioritize our self-care. Not only does it help us stay in touch with our mind, body, and spirit, but it also allows us to recharge our energy and connect with the universe. Here are some tips to help you create a witchy self-care routine that works for you:
🌸 Start by setting aside some time each day for self-care. Whether it's 15 minutes or an hour, make sure it's a time when you can be fully present and relaxed.
🌸 Create a sacred space for your self-care routine. This can be a corner of your room, a cozy spot in your garden, or anywhere that feels calming and peaceful to you.
🌸 Incorporate nature into your self-care routine. Take a walk in the woods, collect herbs and flowers for a bath or tea, or simply sit outside and breathe in the fresh air.
🌸 Use your senses to connect with your body and surroundings. Light candles, burn incense, listen to calming music, or indulge in your favorite scent.
🌸 Try out different self-care practices and see what resonates with you. This can include yoga, meditation, tarot reading, journaling, or anything else that helps you feel centered and grounded.
🌸 Don't forget to nourish your body with healthy food, hydration, and rest. Our physical health is just as important as our spiritual health.
Remember, self-care is not selfish - it's essential for our well-being and our ability to be of service to others. Take the time to care for yourself so that you can continue to thrive and spread your light in the world. 🌟✨
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🌞 If you enjoy my posts, please consider donating to my energies 🌞
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With love, from a Sappy Witch 🔮💕
Blessed be. 🕊✨
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moonkissedmeli · 2 years
Self Care and Self Love - But, Make It Magical
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If you're like me, you may have a very difficult time with very basic self-care activities and practicing witchcraft regularly. Because of depression, I often have a difficult time motivating myself to care for myself simply and cultivate my craft because I deserve it. So, I try to incorporate magic and deities into it to give me a boost of motivation. Here are some of the things I do and feel free to add your own!
Please note that this is all my own unverified personal gnosis.
Dedicate your meal prep and cooking to your domestic/agrarian diety. I typically dedicate my meal prep and cooking in general to Hestia and Dionysus. Hestia being the domestic goddess; I associate Dionysus with decadence and pleasure, so I honor him by making delicious, higher quality, more nutritious meals.
Make your food a spell. Plan your spices and ingredients accordingly. Food is a medicine; don't underestimate the intentions and power of your food as a spell. I find these "spells" are exceptionally powerful when trying to influence your personality, beauty, and behavior. For example, a glamor or beauty spell made with foods associated with beauty. My favorite is a salad bowl with quinoa, avocado, sweet potato, and tomatoes - ingredients all associated with healthy skin and youthfulness.
Drink water. Honestly, it's the stuff of life. How rejuvenating is water? It also has so many magical associations and properties. Various water deities, it's a natural element, it is cleansing, etc. Staying hydrated will make you feel magical.
Skincare! Washing, moisturizing, and sunscreen! But, now it's dedicated to the deity of love and beauty. You may also want to say a prayer over your products, or perhaps cast a glamour or other spell on them. I always wash my face immediately after work as I feel the cleansing of the face is very energetically cleansing.
Showering/bathing. Easy cleansing. Also, a great time to harness the energy of water, manifest, commune with water deities or spirits, and meditate.
Use scented soap, lotion, etc to your advantage. Use scents that have a correspondence that resonates with you. I love doing this and as a rule, I have different scents for times when I'm at work and when I'm at home. While at work, I prefer energizing scents like citrus or mints. While at home, I prefer sultry or soothing scents like sandalwood or lavender. You can also dedicate the use of a certain scent to specific deities, such as sandalwood being associated with Aphrodite.
Spend time truly relaxing and doing nothing else. Rest, watch TV, listen to music, anything that is your equivalent of being switched off. For me, this is a time to connect with deities like Hypnos and Pasithea, or even Eriene. You can even watch shows that you think certain deities would like. Don't feel guilty about doing this. Everyone needs rest. Sometimes I envision my figurative battery recharging. I find this time very important for replenishing energy expelled in mundane and magical activities.
Work on your hobbies. Whatever your hobby, you will certainly be able to find some diety to dedicate the time to, or perhaps the product. Hobbies can be a great way to make "sacrifices" to your deities. Depending on your hobby, you can also listen to audiobooks and podcasts that help you learn about witchcraft or paganism. Also depending on your hobby, you may infuse it with magic. For example, you can find many spells involving weaving or knotting if you use yarn or fabric in your hobby. Hobbies have sooo many possibilities for magic.
Exercise. This one is really difficult for me as I really do not like to exercise on my work days, but I work five days a week. However, exercising can be extremely meditative and euphoric. It is a great time to connect with your body, practice controlling your mind, and learn/increase your limits. I find that, personally, exercise is also a good time for shadowwork and introspection. Furthermore, I'm Hellenic, and events like the Olympics are highly associated with Hellenism. So, I've been trying to really associate caring for my body and pursuing fitness as a divine undertaking.
Mental Health
Enjoy the nature around you. Enjoy the natural plants, enjoy trees, birds, the air, storms, etc. Anything that makes you feel connected to the world around you. To me, this is a significant way to replenish and grow my energy. Spending time in nature is really good for our mental health - this will make you a more focused witch. More focus = better casting, manifestation, etc. You can even combine the outdoors with exercise.
Harness your emotions. You aren't going to feel good all the time, you aren't going to feel bad all the time. However, every emotion is valid and carries power/energy. If you're mad, do the hex you've been wanting to do - it will be stronger than ever. If you're happy and finding love and humor in the world - abundance spells and manifestation will be enhanced. Don't be afraid of your emotions. Using them in magic is a great way to confront them directly and learn to be comfortable with having a full range of emotions. I've noticed many people are taught that anger, for example, is bad and many of those people grow up to be uncomfortable with negative emotions.
Journal, especially gratitude journals. Honestly, life-changing, but for me, very hard to commit to. I try to use this time to also speak with and receive messages from my deities. Also to connect with and understand my subconscious more. You can even incorporate this into your grimoire. I often look for themes in my journal entries that lead me to cast spells or direct my research. I use this space to also track the patterns I've been seeing which helps with discernment; recognizing the difference between my mind grasping at straws, coincidences, and signs.
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stonesbyhaille · 10 months
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mamamoon92 · 11 months
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princessmacabre · 9 months
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day 58/100 days of productivity
made nine of these for the door of each bedroom, the front door and two windows against the evil spirits (mainly my own father). Hope it will work… my fingertips are hurting, but I had actually a lot of fun maiking these… at one point it started raining, my cat was sitting on my lap while I was stringing shells together…and I kinda felt who I will be in the future. Also, it felt so powerful making these and I felt so at peace and in tune with myself… truly a spiritual and even transcendental experience. Can’t wait to piss off my father haha…💀🍂
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I welcome you, Autumn Equinox 🍁🍂🖤💀🌾🍂
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emo-altdemon · 5 months
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ts-witchy-archive · 6 months
Witchy Self-Care
*pulls out draft from over a year ago* ENJOY
Hi! this is a list of witchy self-care things you can do. Most of these are pretty basic on account that i wrote this ages ago but they definitely still work. Anyways, I hope these help :)
Do the dishes and dedicate it to your house spirit (if you have one) or a deity (if you're religious)
sweep/mop your floor in the shape of sigils
add rosemary (or rosemary water/essential oils) to the water you mop with to set an intention of cleansing
taking ritual a bath/shower
cleansing your energy. it's so basic but I forget more than i'd like to admit
dedicating time to yourself. it's just as important as dedicating time to your deities/other spirits
light shadow work or going to therapy. bettering your mental health also betters your spiritual.
go outside and ground yourself
take a nap (less witchy, more, I love naps. rest is important)
work out/stretch and dedicate it to an entity
do some gratitude
take 5 minutes to just sit and turn off your devices. you can use this time for anything, just take a second to get off screens and connect with the world around you
meditate. if you can't sit still long enough to meditate, just focus on taking 3 deep breathes
when you wash your face, draw sigils on your face with the cleanser and moisturiser
^do the same as above but with your body wash and when you wash your hair
say some affirmations/manifestations while brushing your teeth
just check in with yourself and see how you're feeling spiritually, psychically and emotionally. sometimes we don't actually know how we're feeling until we sit down and actually ask ourselves.
If anyone has any more to add please comment. I'll add them to the list (with credit of course)
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sappy-witch · 10 months
🌙 Low Energy Witchy Self-Care 🌙
Hello darlings 🥰
If you're feeling low on energy but still want to nourish your witchy spirit, here are some gentle self-care practices that are perfect for those low-energy days:
1️⃣ Mindful Breathing: Take a few moments to focus on your breath. Inhale deeply, exhale slowly, and feel the calming energy flow through you. This simple practice can help ground and center your energy.
2️⃣ Candle Gazing: Light a candle and sit quietly, observing the dancing flame. Allow its gentle flicker to soothe your mind and bring a sense of peace and serenity to your space.
3️⃣ Crystal Meditation: Hold a comforting crystal in your hands and take a few moments to connect with its energy. Close your eyes, breathe deeply, and allow the crystal's energy to wash over you, bringing comfort and healing.
4️⃣ Herbal Tea Ritual: Brew a warm cup of herbal tea and savor each sip mindfully. Choose a tea blend that resonates with your needs, such as chamomile for relaxation, lavender for calm, or peppermint for revitalization.
5️⃣ Affirmation Practice: Repeat positive affirmations to yourself, either silently or out loud. Choose affirmations that align with your intentions and bring a sense of empowerment and self-love.
6️⃣ Journal Reflection: Grab your journal and spend a few moments reflecting on your thoughts and emotions. Write freely, allowing your pen to flow and release any tension or worries that may be weighing you down.
7️⃣ Nature Connection: Step outside and connect with the natural world around you. Take a gentle stroll, sit under a tree, or simply observe the beauty of your surroundings. Let nature's calming presence rejuvenate your spirit.
8️⃣ Gentle Stretching: Engage in gentle stretching or yoga poses that promote relaxation and release any physical tension. Move with intention and focus on the sensation of your body as it moves and stretches.
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Self-care is about honoring your needs and nurturing your well-being, even in moments when your energy is low. Embrace any of these gentle practices that resonate with you and allow yourself the space to recharge and find comfort in your witchy journey.
I would love to hear about what resonates with you personally and what you might recommend, so please share your favorite low-energy self-care practices with the community! ✨
🌞 If you enjoy my posts, please consider donating to my energies 🌞
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With love, from a Sappy Witch 🔮💕
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punkpandapatrixk · 3 months
Magickal Lyfestyles for those of magical bloodlines🧝🏻‍♀️
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What typa Witch are you?🧙🏻‍♀️Surprisingly I’m a Sea Witch🌊🌬
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stonesbyhaille · 10 months
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theevenusianwitch · 8 months
a needed reminder:
it is okay to say no. it is okay to rest. do not feel guilty for it. it is not selfish to put your needs first. relax your shoulders. take your medicine. eat something. big or small and it will help your meds go down easier. breathe in slowly and exhale. it is going to be okay. drink water or something you have. wash your hands if taking a shower is too much right now. you are not defined by what other people say. you do belong here and you are loved. do not feel guilty for choosing yourself. your own happiness matters the most.
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hiddenhearthwitch · 2 months
You don't need to do anything to be a witch. Being a witch goes beyond the superficial images on social media. It's a profound journey of self-discovery, a daily fight to become who you aspire to be. It's about forging connections with yourself and the Earth, cherishing the blessings it offers and the abundance of resources it gives you.. Witchcraft is finding your community and caring for it while prioritizing self-care. No one has the right to define your journey; it's a deeply personal exploration filled with passion and purpose. That's your journey for you to decide.
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kthewriter · 22 days
So I understand why we have alters/shrines for deities, and I have two separate ones for Hekate and Loki.
But how about also having an alter/shrine to ourselves? Worship ourselves like we would the gods? We are spiritual beings, and I think we deserve our own worship as spiritual beings but also as self care and self-love to ourselves. (Especially if we struggle with that!)
I heard about someone saying to image your a demon in a humans body that you have to look after but what if we made a shrine/alter for ourselves and treat ourselves with that respect and devotion we show to a deity?
I'm thinking of trying it and seeing how it goes.
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thestrawberraefae · 7 months
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