#with more opportunities for growth and development than the job i ended up taking.
luciddownloading · 6 months
Tarot Reading: What Do You Need To Hear Right Now? 🌹
First off, thank you for all the likes, reblogs and follows! I really appreciate it. I get the sense that my astrology content is getting more engagement but I still want to set aside regular time to post Tarot readings. Mainly because I am less experienced in it and want to develop my skills. Also, I hope that they are helpful to those of you who are into them!
Today, I wanted to simply ask Spirit and your Guides what you needed to hear right now. Any sort of message could come through, related to anything from career to love to personal growth. So, be open to it. And, as always, trust your intuition and take what resonates. If it doesn't fit, it's not your message.
Pick whichever image resonates with you most. Then, go to your respective pile or piles. It's fine to choose more than one. You might have quite a bit that you need to hear! 🔮
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(Clarifying cards in parentheses)
Nine of Swords (reversed)
(The Tower)
Four of Swords (reversed)
(Eight of Pentacles)
King of Swords (reversed)
(The Hermit)
Three of Pentacles (reversed)
Pile 1, I definitely get the sense that you've been going through some turmoil recently. I think it's more of an inner turmoil than anything, though external events could be happening to either mirror it or make it worse. Ultimately, you are being challenged to go within and to not resist the call to be introspective. Although you may be scared of soul-searching, it might be even scarier to face what could happen if you don't do the inner work required. You are on the cusp of either moving out of this Dark Night of the Soul or being even more overwhelmed by it.
Now is not the time to use your logical mind to dismiss or repress your feelings. If that has been a long-running habit of yours, the message here is to cut it. Break the habit. A lot about your current lifestyle needs to be examined. I think you are working yourself into the ground. Like, six feet under the ground. You might want to do some research about burn-out to discern the signs of it and how to work through it or overcome it. Your Guides want you to develop better self-care habits. Eat and sleep regularly, limit your screen time, make sure you're taking enough personal time.
The warning here is that if you keep pushing yourself so hard, you might be literally forced to stop by some sort of sickness or health problem. Not to scare you! You're just operating in tunnel vision mode and you need more balance. Part of your current crisis may be work-related, like a lot of difficulties or dramas on the job you're trying to work through. But, that is all the more reason to unplug! Some of your Guides are trying very hard to get through to you and may be communicating very loudly through certain signs. But, you're either not paying attention or brushing them off. Your Guides are incredibly patient with you and won't give up on you. But, they are gently yet firmly urging you to stop obsessing so much over the material and nourish your spiritual life more, which would include listening to them.
Astrological Placements: You might have your Sun, Moon or Rising in the signs of Aries, Virgo and/or Scorpio.
Five of Wands (reversed)
(Eight of Pentacles (reversed))
Four of Cups (reversed)
(Ace of Wands)
Three of Pentacles
(Eight of Swords)
Five of Cups (reversed)
Pile 2, I am getting a feeling of exhaustion here but also the sense that things are really turning around for you. I think that money has been a major issue lately but you are coming to the end of that struggle. And if you are looking at your bank balance and saying, "Yeah, right", just know that this change starts from within. You have the opportunity, through these financial hardships, to work through some deep blockages in terms of manifesting money.
You might still be uncertain of how exactly you can change your life or how things will change. But, you need to embrace this process! Personal growth doesn't occur without some pains along the way. For instance, you could have to struggle financially and experience lack in order to identify where these subconscious abundance blocks come from on the first place. Your Guides want you to not be afraid of these difficulties. You're making your way through the wilderness right now, metaphorically speaking, and it may be crazy and scary but there is a whole other world waiting for you on the other side of it.
In the process, a lot of you are getting a new lease on life. There is this determination to seize the day and not waste time or energy feeling sorry for yourself. While this is positive and constructive, you also don't need to beat yourself up for any past wallowing you may have done. When people can't really deal with their feelings, self-pity can be the only way they can express their vulnerability. See that part of yourself as something you needed to face, especially if you try too hard to act like nothing can get you down. But, I see you all getting your mojo back. Maybe a bit slowly but surely.
And if you're a creative, it seems like your artistic life has been a bit dry but will soon be flourishing with lots of ideas and new projects. If any past projects of yours fell through or "failed", don't let that hold you back! (That could be what your past sadness was partially about) See it as a lesson learned and keep moving forward. And if you haven't been putting yourself and your art out there enough, you are getting the greenest green light from Spirit. Just do it! Don't hold back out of fear or insecurity. Because, ultimately, your biggest regret will be not living up to your true potential.
The Hierophant
(The High Priestess (reversed))
Two of Wands (reversed)
(Four of Swords (reversed))
Justice (reversed)
(Two of Cups (reversed))
Page of Cups (reversed)
Pile 3, this feels very love-related. The interesting thing is that I don't feel like it's a message about you, per se. It's more about a certain love interest or possibly more than one! I feel like many of you who chose this pile are on the Twin Flame journey or identify with being a Divine Counterpart. Whatever resonates with you! But, these connections can not only be messy and confusing but challenge a person to continually honor themselves, their intuition and their boundaries, especially if they identify as the Divine Feminine one (which is not dependent on gender and which I think many of you do).
Your Guides are sending you reassurance that you're not crazy and can trust what your intuition is telling you about this connection. "You already know the answer" is the message. Also, "you made the right choice." Whatever that means for you, in terms of recent decisions in love. It feels like many of you were torn between two different romantic options but eventually chose one and let go of the other. Or you will have to do that soon. If so, you may be in anguish about it, maybe even losing sleep. Centering yourself and trusting your inner guidance is the antidote to this distress.
It's okay to not know how things will turn out with someone. That is part of the journey! You are meant to be present and not try and skip to the ending. Where's the fun in that? Love is a process, not a destination. Also, don't try and force connections that aren't fitting or working because your (valid) spiritual connection with this person makes you have preconceived notions about your future with them. The truth is that you may have a very beautiful soul-mate connection with someone that is only meant to be in your life for a season. Some love interests are just learning and growing experiences, not meant to come into union. And if you feel as if your love isn't being appreciated or reciprocated, you need to go where it will be.
On the flip side, there may be someone that you have written off romantically who you have a chance to come into union with soon. Or maybe you wrote them off before but are surprised by how things are positively changing with them. Spirit is asking you to stay open and flexible. Don't let your mind or ego convince you to resist something that could be really good for you. Let your heart lead you. You'll be surprised where that crazy (in a good way), beautiful organ takes you when it takes the wheel! You are also being asked to take this time - which may be your "separation" era - to delve deeper into your spiritual purpose. Strengthen your psychic gifts (which could be a byproduct of twin flame/divine counterpart merging) and keep raising your vibrations. I also feel like, if you resonate with embodying Divine Feminine energy, there is a call to further explore and dedicate yourself to honoring the Feminine principle. Some of you are being called to tap into your inner goddess or priestess (again, regardless of your physical sex) in a new or more empowered way.
Astrological Signs: You may have your Sun, Moon or Rising in the signs of Taurus, Libra or Scorpio.
The Sun
(Page of Cups (reversed))
Five of Wands (reversed)
(Queen of Wands)
The Star
(Page of Pentacles (reversed))
Knight of Wands (reversed)
Pile 4, you are being given room by the Universe to strut. Flex a little bit! And no, not out of ego. See, the problem here is you're humble to a fault, to the point where you've been dimming your light. Making yourself smaller. Spirit wants you to know that being of service doesn't require you to be self-denying. By being your fullest, brightest, most authentic self, with the intent of bringing light to others' lives, you are serving the Divine. All you have to do is be you! And be honest with yourself. Deep down, you know how fabulous you are. But, you have been putting a lid on that out of fear of being ego-driven. Or because you are convinced others will be disapproving. Well, "those who matter don't mind and those who mind don't matter."
Yes, your Guides want you to stop fighting your greatness, your true self. You are very fiery but may be stifling that colorful spirit some. Let yourself shine! Even if you're not where you want to be yet. I think many of you have huge goals and the issue is that your confidence can be too dependent on the results of your endeavors. You are be encouraged to just spark your own joy, even in your work life. Have fun with it! Don't worry about the outcome. Deep-seated self-belief can also take you much farther in life than simply having the resources to achieve. You will figure out the practical concerns. And I am getting the message that your Guides will specifically help you with something material/financial you have been needing to get ahead or complete a project.
Mainly, the point here is to realize how special you are and how much others love and admire you! Many of you seem to have great confidence in yourselves but little faith in others. You might believe a lot of people dislike you or are going to be oppositional to you, which prevents you from fully putting yourself out there. But, you are far more popular (and destined for mass recognition or acclaim) than you realize and people will be much less resistant to you than you think. It seems like you are healing inner child wounds, in particular, that keep you from being your full self. Bullies or toxic/abusive relatives may have made you feel unable to truly be yourself while growing up. But, guess what? They suck and they were wrong about you. You were always perfect exactly as you were.
Many of you are actually finding yourselves getting closer and closer to who you were as a child before the trauma changed you. This is really beautiful! Some very happy days are ahead of you, if you keep it up. And I just keep coming back to this message of, basically, embracing your inner bad bitch (and I mean that gender-neutrally). Maybe you've been off your game a little but you are now rebounding, bolder and badder than before. I am getting lots of messages actually about this but I will keep it short. Embrace your sexuality and don't be afraid to flaunt it. Accept that you don't feel like you belong on this plane, that you're this otherworldly being. Use that as part of your practical mission: to help, to heal, to enlighten others. Also, I am getting "ethereal beauty". Know how beautiful you are and how hooked many of your admirers are on you! You might be getting an influx of romantic attention in the coming weeks/months. As you should, you gorgeous soul!
Astrological Signs: You might have your Sun, Moon or Rising in the sign of Aquarius or in the Fire element (Aries, Leo, Sagittarius). There is an extra emphasis here on Leo energy (hello, fellow Lions/Lionesses 🦁)
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I was watching The Two Towers again recently and I realized something about Eowyn. Many paint her as this strong badass woman who doesn’t take shit from anyone, which is still true in a sense. However, people tend to forget that she is still a flawed character and has a long way to go in the story so far.
This was probably the intention of the scene, but when she was complaining about having to be with the women in the caves, it kind of left a bad taste in my mouth. The women of Rohan tending to the children and finding food is still an important task, after all. Eowyn was practically looking down on them because they weren’t doing the badass stuff assigned to the men. More so because she couldn’t be able to join the men in battle. She fails to see that someone needs hold the fort so that the warriors have a home to come back to. Without those staying at home, Rohan would fall apart.
It was good on Aragorn for calling the women’s duties an honorable charge because he knows damn well that their role is just as important as those in battle. I love how he holds them in highest respect for it and calls out Eowyn for how she talks down on them. Aragorn is calling out Eowyn for her internalized misogyny, basically.
Now, I am not going to drag Eowyn and call her awful (why the fuck would I, I literally love her). I’m trying to look at this from a place of understanding at how she could have possibly got this mindset in the first place. It just suddenly struck me that one of the reasons she probably thinks this way is because she didn’t really grow up with a significant mother or female figure in her life whose duties involved the home. She was raised by a man whose job was to command armies. Therefore, she has never truly understood why these women chose to hold the fort instead of going out into the trenches. Tending to the house and taking care of the children is an inherently thankless job but a very important one nonetheless.
Eowyn putting down these women and their duties was perhaps because of her lack of understanding, not because she held any resentment towards them. In fact, she probably wanted them to fight alongside the men like what she desired for herself. But it bears repeating that what she fails to see is that someone has to take care of matters at home. It would be amazing if the women of Rohan had the opportunity to go into battle, but alas, they have to stay there since they have little say in doing so. Sexist? Quite. But the women are still doing their job at home the best they can.
Weirdly enough, that scene of Eowyn complaining to Aragorn actually made her character development all the more meaningful to me. Remember by the end when she decided to become a healer and love all things that grow? Yeah, some people didn’t fuck with it because they thought Eowyn was going to become dainty and submissive. However, I rocked with Eowyn making that decision.
This was the turning point in Eowyn’s story when she realized that war fucking sucks and that her worth shouldn’t come from how many enemies she can slay or how traumatized she can get from the horrors of war. She finally chose to prioritize love, kindness, gentleness, growth, and happiness. That’s about the most badass thing someone can do, to be completely honest. As a result, Eowyn has surely grown from looking down on the mothers and other carers in Rohan.
This is in no way trying diminish her typical badass heroine characteristics, but to show people that she still really had a long way to go in spite of her obvious strengths. It’s just that her battling capabilities and desire to fight with the armies don’t necessarily make her better than those who are just trying to keep their families safe and fed at home. I love how she grew from this mindset and chose instead to be empowering in her own way without the need to put down other women who obviously had important jobs to do.
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seleniangnosis · 2 years
𝓒𝓸𝓷𝓿𝓮𝓻𝓼𝓪𝓽𝓲𝓸𝓷 𝔀𝓲𝓽𝓱 𝓙𝓾𝓹𝓲𝓽𝓮𝓻
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Pile 1 Pile 2 Pile 3
In this reading I'll focus more on some growth advice beneficial in developing more resilience in front of life's challenges , with the channeled energy of Jupiter 🤎
This is a collective reading, therefore it cannot deliver the tiniest details! Take what resonates and/or applies to your situation/personality🤎. If you don't feel drawn to any picture, then maybe there's no important message for you here.
Feedback is appreciated 🤎
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Pile 1
Hello pile one and welcome to your reading.🤎
In ordered to make the best out of your hardships and difficulties that might weight you down in life, you need to trust and believe in yourself more.
If you tend to get side tracked by your own thoughts or other people's opinions, know that they haven't walked your path, but you did. No one can get a better answer or solution for a difficult situation than you yourself.
You should also take a bit more pride in your accomplishments and everything that you've done, because they need to be recognised, especially by you! Don't downplay your achievements!
If you truly need advice from people though, go to people you trust, people you know are knowledgeable, not jealous ones , but those whodo wish to help.
Whenever you decide to achieve more, think first about what you have in the present moment. Not because you should feel like you aren't allowed to dream about bigger achievements, but because you might get lost in the thousands of thoughts about what are you going to do next, and remain with too little time for enjoying what you have already accomplished!
Additionally, for some of you I feel like you should stop dreaming without putting the work in first, even if your methods seem to be different from what other people do.
Something that might come as a blessing to you in the close future is the relief and release of the pain that might have been created by a relationship.
Maybe you were betrayed and/ or cheated on and this has deeply affected the way you feel and perhaps they way you view relationships.
If its not a relationship, then the end of malicious rumours and slander directed towards you, about your decisions and life choices, are close to an end.
A general advice here for you is to think before you act. Even though your unconventional ideas and methods can definitely work, you still gave to ponder upon what you wish to do and accomplish, instead of throwing yourself into the matter without a plan or precautions!
Even if others might be against you, don't do everything out of spite to prove them wrong, otherwise this might backfire!
Pile 2
Hello pile two and welcome to your reading. 🤎
This might be the happy pile of this reading.
You already seem to be doing well in life. You are focused, self confident, optimistic and full of energy and excitement. Good things come and go, but the wheel turned to a less favourable direction shouldn't be of concern to you.
Life has ups and downs, yet you'll always have something to come back to and feel proud of ,even when at a crossroad.
You should remain steadfast, instead of falling down into a state of self pity. No misfortune will last forever. If you can see the light even during the darkest times, you'll feel even more accomplished!
You might start something new in the close future. You are ready to move on and leave behind stress and worries. This might be related to a job or overall something you believe you will excel in, that you've been looking forward to , or thinking about.
An opportunity might be presented to you, or you'll find out the solution to something you're dealing with at the moment.
A general advice here is that you should be more forgiving and compassionate with yourself. Whether the injuries and injustices you've endured were crated by yourself or other people, they have shaped you in who you are today.
You are strong, but you shouldn't be harsh or cruel with yourself. We all make mistakes, or are victims of unfortunate events.
Your mother or a woman you can confide in can aid you in times of need. 🤍
Pile 3
Hello pile three and welcome to your reading.🤎
I think pile 3 has a pattern of being the toughest pile in each reading.
So... pile 3... you seem to be kind , loyal and loving and people might have taken advantage of you and your kindness, or just overall started to envy you and  to bring you down...
You should start looking towards the future instead of mourning and thinking about the past , or what you could have changed. The past has been written down but the pages of your future are still blank, waiting for you to fill them with your best experiences.
You should act with more confidence when starting something new or looking for new ways to improve your life. You could have been trough a lot of misfortunes in the past that these created a mindset of inferiority for you.
You will not see yourself succeeding if you don't have the confidence that you ca do it, in the first place.
You need to expand your horizons and look forward with excitement rather than fear. Nothing worthy of praise end confidence comes with 0 risks.
You should start thinking of your decisions of being a success rather than a failure!
You are the second pile with the Fool as something good to expect in the near future.But for you it seems to be tied to a new start in regards to your mindset and perspective about life.
If you're going to therapy, then you might get some important realisations.
If you're dealing with some unhealthy coping mechanisms, then you'll have a breakthrough and realise that you can improve yourself and you can indeed succeed!
Overall you should start small and look for opportunities that make you feel good and proud of yourself. Start small , but don't look at the future with fear and anxiety.
You don't need to make the impossible possible but small steps will provide excellent to you in the long run!
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natsmagi · 1 year
tbh maybe this is a hot take but i really dont get why people insist on having one person in natsumugi be this Super Toxic one and the other a victim. the easiest conclusion to draw is natsume being the bad guy and tsumugi the victim due to natsume getting physical and berating him at times but far too commonly do i see people insist that its the other way around and that tsumugi is actually the super toxic one and natsume just lets tsumugi emotionally manipulate him and thats ?? so weird to me ??? both of these are so weird to me ???
i can ofc see where theyre coming from. both natsume and tsumugi have plenty of issues going on in their heads. i feel like natsumes situation is more commonly understood as him simply just being difficult though and not being the best at managing his emotions, and with tsumugi i get it because he doesnt really have much of a moral compass. he doesnt quite understand peoples feelings and it results in him doing pretty fucked up things at times, but to then frame him as someone who would be abusive?? that doesnt sit right with me
tsumugi may not understand peoples emotions and be apathetic to the struggles people are going through, but its clear to anyone that that man has good intentions at the end of the day. at WORST he may get overbearingly controlling, but its never in a "you cant do x y z" way, its in a "i signed us up for this job opportunity because i thought it sounded nice and didnt speak it through with you beforehand and now we have to do it" way. had this been 2nd year tsumugi maybe he wouldve been far more desperate and even manipulative to an extent because he was in such a dark place, but current day tsumugi is actively trying to understand people better. hes trying to learn how to feel. in wonder game he even outright said that natsume taught him pain and everything else. his growth is clear
i cannot see tsumugi taking advantage of natsume in a genuinely destructive way with modern day ntmg. again, maybe during the earlier !-era stuff he could be more destructive, but natsume also does a relatively good job keeping tsumugi in his place during that time too, with him getting physical and all. its only in !!-era where tsumugi doesnt really mind it and can even make playful jokes about it because theyve Had this development in their relationship. theyve moved Past many of their toxic attributes, and theyve finally grown to understand one another. this is also when tsumugi can have a more "dominating" role in their relationship, since natsume has come to trust him to this extent, but tsumugi wouldnt take advantage of that. again; theyve now grown very close and understanding of one another. theyll have banters such as tsumugi wanting natsume to do something like idk. wear a dress. to which natsume will reply with kys but again. in !!-era this is banter and tsumugi wouldnt actually force natsume to do something he doesnt want to. theyre just very comfortable with each other now
i also really hate the position natsume gets put in with all of this. so often he is already hyperfeminized by the fandom for no reason whatsoever (which is especially fucked up considering how much he canonically hates being seen as a girl), and by making tsumugi this manipulative and abusive partner youre stripping natsume of even more autonomy and framing him as powerless. naively in love with a man thats hurting him. and that doesnt sit right with me either!! natsume does have a big heart and he has endured more than he probably should, but to think natsume would just take it ??? natsume has BACKBONE. if tsumugi upsets him he will either 1. get really mad at him or 2. start ignoring tsumugi alltogether. hes not just gonna put up with it. and tsumugi will notice this change in demeanor. ask if hes done something wrong. he may not understand what it was he did but he never intends on hurting natsume and would genuinely want to resolve it. tsumugi isnt stubborn in this regard, if he fucks up he wants to fix it. and natsume isnt a damsel in distress, why do you want him to be a helpless maiden so bad ??
theres alot of nuance to all of this and im obviously not gonna tackle every single element of their relationship and this is just an overview but TL;DR ntmg are both awful and have many faults and their relationship has gotten incredibly unhealthy at times but the point is theyre growing PAST that. maybe sometimes these toxic traits of theirs will resurface, but that does not make one the abuser and the other the victim. theyre just two fucked up people in love, standing as equals and learning to understand one another. stop framing one as evil
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egenvs3000f23 · 7 months
Blog 1: My Relationship With Nature and Sense of Place Within it
Week 1 Prompt: Describe your current relationship with nature. How has this developed/evolved? Who offered you “a sense of place,” as described in our textbook?
I grew up amongst the rolling hills, creeks forests and farms of Caledon Ontario. Since I was young I have always felt connected to nature, and I account this largely to the setting in which I grew up. Instead of street names, malls, houses, shops and recreation centers, my neighborhood was instead conservation areas, farms and undeveloped land. My friends and I would go for long bike rides and hikes and play in the woods growing up. I think this is where my current relationship with nature has had its roots.
As time went on I became busy, I trained 22hrs a week as a competitive swimmer, went to a highschool in the city and eventually made my way to the university of guelph. Nature and my time in it got further away. I missed it and have since realized the profound impact it has on my well being, so I started to find my way back. I got into triathlons after quitting swimming and started to trail run and bike. To me there is no greater feeling of freedom than moving through outdoor space, particularly one of nature, running and biking re introduced this to me. I then had the chance to work at a mountain top tea house in Banff where I lived without electricity and amenities for a summer. I truly felt I knew the place. By the time I left, I could name every mountain, valley, river, identify countless trees, birds, plants and, having just completed a geomorphology course, understand the topography of the landscape. The friendships I made that summer were unmeasurable in their meaning, and I would say these came about from the full immersion in time, place and nature as well as from the lack of modern distractions and amenities. The level of understanding I gained for that place really intensified my relationship with nature.
The following summer I worked as a park ranger in Terrace British Columbia, we worked 8 days on and 6 days off. During our shifts we would do a combination of backcountry maintenance, public outreach and communication as well as ecological monitoring. Spending days camping in the backcountry at first was scary to me. I feared the large wildlife, moose, bears, cougars etc. However by the end of the summer that fear was replaced by respect, understanding and a sense of security and belonging. To be able to walk through the old growth rainforest, see endangered species, learn cultural histories, and understand the ecology and relationships between species of plants, animals and fungi was eye opening. I feel more at risk in cities and suburbs than I ever have in the great outdoors. When doing public outreach I got to address people's concerns and curiosities about the parks I was working in. There were so many people who had no clue about bear safety or the vital role of predators in our ecosystems. Being able to help explain ecosystems and their importance, as well as, how to take safety precautions to enjoy the outdoors without fear and instead respect, further evolved my relationship with nature and my sense of place in it.
On a different note, I have always had a fear of death, I myself am not religious, and it was in my immersion with nature that I found a healthy peace and respect for it instead. To respond to who offered me a sense of place, I would say it was all the people who helped to shape my understanding of nature as well as those who provided me with the opportunities to explore on my own; there are a lot of people and places that deserve credit. My family when I was young, those I met in the jobs I worked, and the opportunities that came my way present a brief summary.
Enjoy this gif of a bear scratching its back:
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pvccblog · 9 months
Hello once again everyone! Wow, God is SO GOOD! We have fallen in love with this town and the opportunities here to connect with people have been outstanding. Both of our events today just about doubled in size and they were awesome! Honestly, we've stopped counting attendees because we are confident that God will bring who He wants.
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Today's focus in Sports Camp was on knowing your opponent. Malia taught the lesson, continuing on with the life of Moses. One of the points that stuck out to me is that sometimes your biggest opponent can be yourself. That is so true! Thanks Malia for teaching it so we'll. She made it relatable for a wide range of ages and I think everyone got it.
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We decided to eliminate volleyball because one girl was in it yesterday and she switched to basketball. There are lots of kids in basketball and four or so in football. It's been pretty fun. There are some real athletes out here!
After camp we went swimming at a pool club in Willows. Pastor Joe booked the whole pool for two hours and it was super fun. His family and another family from the church joined us. It was a great time! And btw - it was only about 97 degrees. That might sound hot, but that's 19 degrees cooler than the day we went to the lake!! Yep, that's right, it was 116 that day! The weather really had us concerned in the beginning, but it's really not bad now!
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Speaking of great times - BARF Night was just the best! We certainly love our BARF Nights with tons of people, but there's also something special about having a group of less than 30, including our team. The interaction is much more personal and there's opportunity for friendships to form faster.
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We played The Question Game tonight. The first time we played, Eva won! It came down to her and I and she schooled me. By the way, I'm not the type of guy to let the young people win, so it was legit.
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We went outside and played Nuke 'Em again at the end of the night. It's definitely the favorite so far! The game was epic and seemed to last forever. We actually ended the night 30 minutes late!
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In between the games, Marcus and Eva shared their stories. They were both very different, but each one was spot on!
When Marcus shares you cannot deny that it is from the heart. He is a young man who is serious about his faith. His relationship with God is so real. He shared boldly tonight, even about some hardships. I see him developing into a rock. He is a calm, steady leader that can be consistently relied upon. It's such a joy watching him grow up. Love you, Marcus.
Eva was also a joy. She shared boldly too, and man, she preached it! She challenged those in the crowd to choose Jesus over anything else on earth! This is Eva's first trip with us because in the past she wasn't really interested in coming. God did an amazing work in her heart several months ago and she fully committed her life to Him. Praise the Lord!
I already told you that Eva preached it, and to prove it let me tell you what Pastor Joe's son Sebastian said after she shared. I walked back up, and he looked at me and said "you're about to lose your job!" LOL! How cool is that?!?!
Way to go Eva! Nicole and I are honored to be a part of your life and growth!! We are praying that you remain in Him for life!!
Also, Bailey bought some Beanboozled Jelly Bellys at the factory the other day. If you don't know what those are - DON'T GET THEM!! They convinced me to play the game with them and I had the absolute joy of eating a jelly belly flavor titled something like "Used Band Aid".
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In our family time tonight we challenged ourselves to take the conversations a little deeper. We are even discussing ways that we can help this happen. We will likely have a little more "hang out" time during BARF Night to allow relationships to develop. Please pray for God to open up doors for this to happen!
Thanks for your support!!
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mbti-notes · 1 year
Anon wrote: Hello. Extremely socially anxious INFJ, late 20s. I am faced with the possibility of working for a large institution outside of my country of residence, though it is not for sure yet. These are people with whom I’ve trained with for a few months before and they seemed to have liked my work.
My issue is my utter lack of social skills and how this may impact my interactions with my colleagues in the future. I mostly interacted (and was expected to interact) with other interns when I first trained with them, though the actual employees there could catch a glimpse of my shyness here and there. Obviously, professional skills and the ability to get the job done are important, but I understand the social dimension matters in the workplace too. I’m afraid I will not fit in and it’ll be a disappointment once they get to know me more fully.
There is also the issue of making new friends. I realized how severe my social anxiety is when I was there for the first time. Abroad, without my immediate support network, it was a struggle – but it lasted only a few months, with a return ticket. Now I’m scared of a repeat, but I also understand this is a great opportunity. My family tells me it would be a waste to miss out on it. Most people would probably say the same, also considering the current economic situation in my own country.
At the same time, my psychological issues (social anxiety + low self-worth in general) have made me question if it isn’t irresponsible of me to attempt this without having improved on my issues to an acceptable level. I’ve started reading about CBT and going to therapy (which I can keep doing remotely), but improvement has been very slow going as it hasn’t been too long.
Maybe I’m not fully equipped to take in and make the most of this experience, so passing on it would be the responsible thing to do. Is there a chance taking on this opportunity without much thought could actually end up being detrimental to my current issues? Could it potentially help instead, if I put in the effort to improve? I would love to hear your perspective on this, please. Thank you.
If you go, you will still have regular contact with your family, friends, and therapist. Perhaps you believe it won't be enough social support, but I disagree. It should be enough until you develop a social support network in the new place. Beware that wanting more help and assistance than you really need can be harmful because it means you're stopping yourself from becoming a truly independent adult.
The most effective way to overcome fear is to confront it. Challenging yourself to face your fears is how you learn the lessons you need to improve and be self-confident. Letting go of this opportunity means you will lose learning opportunities. This raises the question of where else you can get those opportunities. In other words, do you believe that going or staying will grant you better opportunities for overcoming social anxiety? Based on what you've said so far, I don't see how staying is going to present the kind of challenges you need for personal growth.
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lunarsilkscreen · 6 months
Houses (And Remote Work)
We know about the monopoly on internet gateways. We know that land is a limited resource. The more populated an area, or the more wealthy the residents, the higher the prices, so how do we convince people to go to less densely populated places? How do we encourage: moving?
Well, the elephant in the room says: we need to build more houses. And with the lumber shortage, we need to do it with alternate building methods.
We can actually build up cul de sacs and suburban locations which will provide jobs, houses, and more room for growth (as well as opportunities for more strip malls!)
But how do we encourage people to move there that aren't already in dire need of a home?
Remote Work.
With the availability to perform remote work, it encourages people to find cheaper places to live *instead of* encouraging congregation into a dense area. That congregation of population drives up land and house prices after all. It's pretty much the only driver of those prices.
I know that we can't do that for *every* job, but most, if not all desk jobs can be done remotely. And industrial labor should really come with more benefits *anyway*.
So that needs to be made more affordable. In order to do this, we need to encourage office equipment manufacturers to be able to build work computers for cheaper than they already are. (Including development and high-end PCs)
We also need to lessen the price of the internet so that people aren't paying a premium to do their job.
In those ways we lessen the financial burden on businesses and business owners. And since employees are no longer tied down to their employer, they have the freedom to move wherever they'd like.
We also need to encourage employees to properly use the "contracted employee" so that individuals, that are considered contractors, aren't held to the same rules as an employee. (Basically they shouldn't be on the clock without getting paid to be. And they shouldn't be in the contractee's offices without being paid to be.
The one drawback is that an employer can't check up on the welfare of their employee should something happen. But since I've never heard of any employer doing that in the civilian world, I don't know who actually cares about that.
The other drawback for the employer is if their employee loses their home. (Either from missed payments, or because the landlord just wants the house back. Or just wants to kick the tenant out so they can do renovations)
That specific drawback requires protections on home and apartment ownership as well as protections for renters. Including price controls. Because we know that land tax will only be added to the renter's bill.
If a landowner can take away a home from a person, even under reasonable circumstances, and that eviction cause that person to lose their job. Then the landowner and the tenants *both* need fallbacks for such a circumstance.
Otherwise, both could end up in a world of hurt. So housing rentals need more accountability.
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lesbianslovebts · 6 months
starting to think about looking for a new job in the very near future and my biggest fear rn is just. being in a new workplace, new people who have been there for so long already, just integrating myself into the place. leaving where I am now. and it's proper holding me back from even starting the job hunt. I know u recently got a new job if I'm not mistaken? did you have any worries like this or anything like that? advice maybe? 😭
Yes, I started a new job a month ago! Big huge response under the cut!
There were several factors that went into the decision. First, I hated my old job. It was a call center, and every single millisecond was monitored. I literally had to time my shits. They kept changing the metrics by which they measured our performance (making it harder to do "well" when, by old standards, I was doing "excellent"). They never approved same-day PTO. Each unapproved absence was a mark on your record that got you one step closer to being fired. An unapproved absence, even excused by a doctor's note, was still a mark on your record. I don't even know how that can be legal. They kept firing hardworking, established people and replacing them with new people overseas to take advantage of even worse labor laws and exchange rates. 🙃
The thing is, even though I'm autistic and have phone anxiety, I genuinely enjoyed helping people who've been victims of fraud. I was good at it, too. I was there for almost 5 years, but I knew I was considered expendable. Their policies were blatantly ableist, and I just couldn't take it anymore. Second, I wanted a job where I could go into the office. The old one changed to permanent work from home, and I kept having severe depression from being so isolated. Third, I wanted a job that would use my talents. I mean, I was good at taking phone calls, but I double-majored in math and Japanese, graduated summa cum laude, and was inducted in Phi Beta Kappa lol. And lastly, I wanted a job with opportunity for growth. (A career? 🤢)
So, the desire to get a new job started a couple years ago. But first, I had to buy my own car. I did that in February. Then the whole process of finding a new job began in April. I was in an intensive outpatient therapy program for 6 weeks. I filed a short-term disability claim and was out of work for that time. I worked on getting myself better, and got help from my peers, the therapists, the social workers, and my mom to brush up my resume and cover letter and start looking at jobs. I returned to work at the end of my disability claim with the hope that I wouldn't be there much longer.
I applied to a total of 3 different jobs, and it took several weeks to do one after the other. I would get too overwhelmed doing more than one at a time. I did the work myself, but my mom had to poke and prod me and be there as an emotional support. The first application was immediately rejected. I did a phone interview and an in-person interview for the second one and got rejected. Then my mom heard about a coworker from another department at her company retiring. They were having trouble finding a new person, so my mom told me to apply for that job. I had a phone interview and a videochat interview and got an offer after a week or so. It was a $9k bump in pay. 😳
Don't get me wrong, the change was incredibly stressful. I cried on my last day at the old job even though I had worked from home for the past 3 years and didn't have any strong relationships with my coworkers. I'm autistic, so change is extra difficult for me. And my shift went from 1 PM - 10 PM to 7:30 AM - 4 PM. That was rough. On top of that, I've developed chronic migraine (more than half of the days in a month) this year. I'm also immunocompromised and have IBS and sensory issues. So, I just have to work through the internalized shame of being disabled. I have a lot of work to do still. I had planned on telling my boss that I'm autistic the first day, but I still haven't mentioned it. It might be obvious based on the stuff I do and bring, though. I wear a mask and giant pink goggles. I bring earplugs, noise cancelling headphones, discreet stim toys, ibuprofen, rizatriptan, anti-nausea meds, Tums, Gas-X, Afrin, and hand sanitizer in my backpack. I've had a couple crying episodes worrying about the social aspect of talking to people and the job itself. But I know this will be a much better fit for me, and this is a company I could work at until I retire.
So, part of it was hard work, and the other part was luck that my mom also works at the company and heard about the position. In these times, I know 3 job applications is nothing, but it took all of my strength just to do those consecutively. My advice? Get an accountability buddy. Try to find someone who can help you break down the process into manageable chunks and make you do them at a reasonable pace, without judgment. Could be a friend, a parent, a sibling, a partner, an old teacher, whoever. As for the actual hunting on the Accursed Websites? You'll have to ask Google for help. That's what I did. 😭
P.S. (IMPORTANT!) With my experience in bank fraud, I've seen a lot of job scams. Take these tips to heart (if you're in America): 1.) Make sure the position on Indeed or wherever is ALSO on the official company website. If possible, apply on the official website. 2.) No company will ever give you a check to buy supplies for the job. A true company will order and ship the supplies to you. 3.) No company will ever prepay you for work you haven't done yet. 4.) No company will ever overpay you and ask you to send part of the money back via Zelle, CashApp, Venmo, PayPal, etc. 4.) No company will ever email you a check. 5.) If you're not familiar with checks and aren't sure if it's legit, call the bank listed on the check to see if it's legit or fraud. 6.) Any too-good-to-be-true work-from-home job is a 100% a scam. 7.) If you think only the elderly fall for scams like this, you're wrong. 18- to 25-year-olds are another big scam victim demographic, especially for scams involving checks or 3rd party payment processors (CashApp, Venmo, etc.). Banks can and will terminate your accounts if you accidentally commit bank fraud or money laundering. 😬
Best of luck!
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rlyc00l · 2 years
Hi ! Your posts about Tales are very interesting, I was wondering if you were to make improvements to Rhys' character development, what would you change about the story or even write for him specifically? I was trying to think about it myself because I love fixing flaws in certain stories, but it's been a while since I last played so my memory isn't serving me well haha
okay first off, he and Zer0 fall in love and he moves in with them on Sanctuary and-
(Okay omg, I had a lot of thoughts about this, sorry if this turns into a wall of text. It’s also been awhile since I’ve last played through, so maybe Tales did a better job of some of this than I remember, but, yeah.) First off, a lot of the issues with Borderlands comes from writers who do not know their own themes. I think this is a case of scifi taking from older explicitly political scifi without actually understanding it, but still picking up a lot of the political elements with everything else. This doesn’t become SUPER apparent until BL3 (what with the Elon Musk gun and good guy corporations) but there’s elements of it within the other games (especially in Tales).
There’s other issues presented from the Telltale game format allowing people to resist Rhys having any character growth even when the story implies it, but I’m just going to ignore that here because playing like that requires Rhys to be unreasonably stupid (or, let’s just pretend these changes are for playing the better versions of Rhys). 
Anyway, if we want to fix Rhys within Tales itself: 
-In canon Rhys comes to Pandora already judgmental about people who live there, but he never actually seems to reckon with the fact that Pandora is how it is, with trash and bandits everywhere, specifically because of megacorporations exploiting the planet. Given that Fiona and Sasha are right there it would be really easy to have someone open his eyes about that instead of just “Hyperion and Atlas specifically were being evil”. 
-Goes with the last point, but considering that Rhys has Jack in his head, there’s plenty of opportunity for Rhys to realize “oh part of all this evil stuff wasn’t even just Jack being abnormally monstrous, it’s just a normal part of getting super rich”. Like the eridium mining? (But again, the writers apparently did not realize this. I think they legit believed Rhys could have all that power and money without doing anything too horrible.) 
-We need to throw out the Atlas deed. Either it doesn’t exist or, Rhys happens upon it after Helios’s fall, the ticket to his dreams, and rips it up, disillusioned (which would be a pretty good moment to demonstrate character growth). If Atlas needs to come back in BL3 it comes back it’s under another’s leadership. (Or, stupider, but we could still give Rhys Atlas but have him use its resources in a non-megacorporation-y way while still manufacturing guns???? Doesn’t really make any sense but IDK the whole “he has a piece of paper and now everyone in this ancap hellhole galaxy accepts his ownership of this corporation’s properties” thing is kind of nonsense. I don’t like this idea but this was kind of what I expected them to do with Rhys back in the day.) 
-Seriously, just let Rhys lose–or at least don’t reward him tangibly before we’re in the Tales framing story. Make him kind of directionless and desperate (more reason to want to make amends with Fiona and open that Vault). By the end of the story make him actually go on his own path, with new goals than what he started with. He can be disillusioned with corporate life, but realize that his ambition and skills can be used elsewhere and he can still find fulfillment. (IDK a solid place to go with this, and IDK if it even needs one more than the implication that Rhys is going to figure things out and feels some optimism about it. Rhys obviously has a variety of useful skills and traits.) 
You can also fix Rhys after Tales: 
-Maybe Rhys tries to get Atlas running out of some misplaced sense of “After all I’ve been through and all the people who died because of my ambitions I can’t just throw this away”. It’s rough going and his heart isn’t really in it. Either he fails or something happens that makes him realize this isn’t the right path.  -Let him LOSE in BL3. He escapes with his life and just hangs around Sanctuary and is really depressed and pathetic (but like, in a funny way). In the end he starts getting his shit together and finding a different path.  -Or, dumbest option, just don’t put him in BL3 while putting Atlas there? Keep shit vague lol. 
The main point I have is that Rhys as a character would be really benefitted by failure. 
(For the record I don’t want Rhys to be a completely good and benevolent person in the end because that’s not very Borderlands and part of the reason I love Rhys is he’s a bit of an asshole.)
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richardcates06 · 1 year
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domenicobologna · 1 month
Opportunity Cost of Going to College vs Getting a Job and Making Money
As I contemplate going to college or entering the workforce, it seems like a big decision as I stand at a crossroads in my life. Both routes offer a different mix of chances and difficulties, and at this crucial stage in my decision-making process, the idea of opportunity cost is definitely in effect.
Choosing to go to college offers the prospect of a specialized skill set, intellectual development, and a world of academic study. The potential income that a job may bring right away, however, is the opportunity cost of this decision. My focus is on textbooks, lectures, and pursuing a degree that might lead to a better future, while my contemporaries may be accumulating job experience and a stable salary right out of the gate.
The needed financial commitment to attend college is among the most obvious opportunity costs. Books, housing, tuition, and other incidental costs can add up to a significant amount, sometimes requiring loans or other financial assistance if I need. I miss the chance to have a reliable job and build funds throughout these years of studying. There is a trade-off between the possibility of long-term financial stability and increased revenue.Also, the time lost in the library studying for exams and doing homework is time lost from acquiring real-world work experience and a potential steady income. I know that academic knowledge is extremely useful and can help with getting a job in the future, I also have to take into account that I might not be ready to handle the demands of the working world if I haven't had any real-world experience. Experience is highly valued by employers, and going to college has a significant opportunity cost when competing against people who have invested those years in developing a strong resume and other types of strong work ethics.
However, choosing to start working as soon as I graduate from high school comes with its own lost opportunities. The immediate gratification of a salary may come at the expense of the opportunity to pursue higher education, expand my horizons, and embark on a new journey in my life. The lack of a college degree may make it difficult to successfully make money working a job and can then limit my earning potential in the long run.
Choosing to either go to college and earn a degree or start working a job out of high school was a very personal choice that was influenced by unique circumstances, objectives, and desires. I have to balance not just the short-term financial effects but also the long-term effects on my career and personal growth while weighing the opportunity costs.
In summary, the opportunity cost of deciding between going to college and getting a job is a difficult choice that requires making compromises and trade-offs. It is important to weigh the long-term advantages against the short-term benefits while making decisions about investing in higher education or going straight into employment. In the end, after I took everything into account, I decided to earn a degree in college rather than work a job out of high school because in my opinion, going to college and advancing my knowledge while earning a degree in a field that can benefit me in the future has a higher opportunity cost. Even though I am not making money right out of the gate, I think the job that I acquire after I complete my college degree will pay me more than a job I would be working straight out of high school which then would have a higher opportunity cost. I would make more money in two years after I complete college and have a bachelor degree than I would if I were to work a job out of high school for four years. 
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Domenico Bologna
Monday 4-4:50
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lanierlykkegaard04 · 3 months
15 Websites That May Pay You To Kind In 2023 Up To $50 Hour
Earnut makes it straightforward to earn cash on-line, directly from your laptop or cellphone. Simply log in and head to the "Offers" page to browse quite so much of alternatives. Choose what pursuits you, whether or not it's finishing surveys or downloading apps. Follow the on-screen instructions, and when you're done, your earnings will be deposited within minutes . You’ll earn cash every day with most of these daily online jobs, but some have a threshold you should meet earlier than you'll find a way to cash out. Another instance is Givling, an internet site the place folks can play trivia games to win cash prizes. Use WordPress membership plugins to create your membership web site with ease. They supply features that will help you create membership plans, generate business reports, and limit content material in accordance with tiers.
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But I quickly realized that what my shoppers needed most was help overcoming limiting money beliefs and staying accountable to their own objectives and plans. You can become a coach in any area from Instagram marketing to personal finances and business. Tools like Acuity and Zoom may help you book and meet with clients just about. A name center agent is doubtless one of the best online jobs for people who work in customer support.
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haruwrites21 · 4 months
Embrace the Journey: 15 Good Quotes About Life to Inspire Personal Growth and Happiness
Life is a remarkable adventure filled with experiences that shape our perspectives and drive our growth. Navigating this incredible journey can be sometimes overwhelming, but having a collection of good quotes about life as your compass can inspire personal development, happiness, and a greater understanding of the world around us. Let's explore 15 Good Quotes About Life that will awaken your curiosity and boost your motivation to embrace life's beauty.
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1. "In the end, it's not the years in your life that count. It's the life in your years." - Abraham Lincoln
This quote reminds us of the importance of living a full and purposeful life. Instead of merely counting the years, focus on making each moment count by pursuing meaningful experiences and cherishing memories.
2. "Life is like riding a bicycle. To keep your balance, you must keep moving." - Albert Einstein
The essence of this quote lies in understanding the value of momentum. Life requires constant adaptation, and maintaining momentum can help us stay balanced amid inevitable challenges and uncertainties.
3. "The only way to do great work is to love what you do." - Steve Jobs
Find joy and inspiration in your work by seeking tasks that align with your passions and values. Loving your work not only fuels personal growth but also contributes to overall happiness and satisfaction.
4. "The two most important days in your life are the day you are born and the day you find out why." - Mark Twain
This profound quote inspires us to explore our purpose and discover what truly drives us. Embrace the journey of self-discovery and let it guide you towards a more fulfilled and happy life.
5. "The only limit to our realization of tomorrow will be our doubts of today." - Franklin D. Roosevelt
Eliminate self-doubt and nurture self-confidence to unlock your true potential. Believe in your abilities, and you'll find the inspiration to conquer your fears and achieve greatness.
6. "Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn't do than by the ones you did do." - H. Jackson Brown Jr.
This quote encourages boldness and risk-taking. Embrace new experiences, chase your dreams, and create unforgettable memories by daring to step outside of your comfort zone.
7. "Life is really simple, but we insist on making it complicated." - Confucius
Strive for simplicity by letting go of unnecessary complexities and focusing more on the things that truly matter. Adopting a minimalist approach to life can lead to greater happiness and personal growth.
8. "Change your life today. Don't gamble on the future, act now, without delay." - Simone de Beauvoir
The time for action is now. Seize the opportunities presented to you and work towards the life you've always dreamed of, without hesitation or fear.
9. "Not how long, but how well you have lived is the main thing." - Seneca
This quote emphasizes the importance of a quality life that is built on meaningful relationships, achievements, and experiences. Focus on living well rather than simply living long.
10. "Life is 10% what happens to you and 90% how you react to it." - Charles R. Swindoll
Your attitude is the catalyst for personal growth and happiness. Embrace a positive outlook, and you'll gain the ability to adapt and thrive, no matter what life throws at you.
11. "Life shrinks or expands in proportion to one's courage." - Anaïs Nin
Being brave empowers us to explore new horizons and face challenges head-on. Unleash your courage, and your life will expand in myriad ways.
12. "Happiness is not something ready-made. It comes from your own actions." - Dalai Lama
Take charge of your happiness by focusing on meaningful actions and cultivating a positive mindset. Remember that happiness is nurtured, not simply handed to you.
13. "In three words I can sum up everything I've learned about life: it goes on." - Robert Frost
This quote emphasizes the importance of resilience and adaptability in the face of life's adversities. Embrace the ebb and flow of life and learn to navigate its ever-changing landscape.
14. "Life is what happens when you're busy making other plans." - John Lennon
Be present and savor every moment, rather than becoming too absorbed in planning the future. Embrace spontaneity and opportunities as they arise.
15. "The unexamined life is not worth living." - Socrates
Personal growth and happiness come from self-reflection and introspection. Take the time to examine your life, beliefs, and actions, and you'll discover a richer, more meaningful existence.
By reflecting on these 15 good quotes about life, you can find the inspiration to embrace your unique journey towards personal growth and happiness. Let these wise words serve as guiding beacons, illuminating your path towards a fulfilled and joyful life.
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thxnews · 7 months
Edinburgh's Exascale Computing Facility Fuels Scientific Breakthroughs
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  A Leap into the Future of Computing
Situated in Edinburgh, Scotland, this groundbreaking development takes center stage. In a bold and visionary move, Edinburgh has risen to prominence as the prime location to house the United Kingdom's next-generation exascale computing facility. Anticipated to be among the world's fastest, this technological marvel holds the promise of revolutionizing artificial intelligence, and medicine and spearheading innovation in the realm of low-carbon energy.   Powering Up the Nation's Computing Capacity As an integral part of the UK government's ongoing commitment to investing in cutting-edge computing, the national exascale facility takes center stage. This facility is set to become a cornerstone of modern economies and scientific research, marking a significant stride forward. Exascale computing, representing the next frontier in processing power, empowers researchers to tackle incredibly complex tasks with unmatched speed and precision, shaping the future of scientific exploration and technological advancement.   Advancing Medicine and Clean Energy The exascale system, which will find its home at the University of Edinburgh, holds the potential to expedite crucial research, such as the development of life-saving drugs and advancements in nuclear fusion for clean energy production.  
A Boost for AI Safety and Development
Additionally, this formidable computing system will provide essential support for research into AI safety and development. It aligns with the UK's commitment to harness AI's potential responsibly, aiming to enhance the lives of its citizens.   Pioneering the Future of Scientific Discovery Michelle Donelan, the Secretary for Science, Innovation, and Technology, emphasized the significance of this investment, stating, "This new UK government-funded exascale computer in Edinburgh will provide British researchers with an ultra-fast, versatile resource to support pioneering work into AI safety, life-saving drugs, and clean low-carbon energy."  
A Monumental Leap in Computing Power
The measure of computing power, often expressed in "flops" (floating point operations per second), illustrates the exascale system's immense capabilities. It is expected to be a staggering 50 times more powerful than the current top-end system, ARCHER2, which is also housed in Edinburgh.   Job Opportunities and Economic Growth In addition to its scientific impact, this investment will create high-skilled jobs in Edinburgh, propelling economic growth and prosperity, and aligning with the Prime Minister's priorities.   Advancing Research and Innovation Professor Dame Ottoline Leyser, as the Chief Executive of UK Research and Innovation, prominently underscored the critical role of state-of-the-art computing infrastructure in research and innovation. Notably, she emphasized that the facility in Edinburgh will play a pivotal role in keeping the UK at the forefront of emerging technologies and, furthermore, in fostering collaborations across disciplines.   Scotland's Role in Innovation Secretary of State for Scotland, Alister Jack, enthusiastically lauded the new exascale system. In his remarks, he affirmed that it would keep Scotland firmly at the forefront of science and innovation. Moreover, he emphasized the system's vital role in supporting AI safety research and the significant economic growth it is poised to bring to the region.  
Edinburgh's Role in AI Advancements
This announcement follows another recent development in the UK's AI landscape: the establishment of Isambard-AI, a powerful AI supercomputer in Bristol. Part of the national AI Research Resource, Isambard-AI promises to be one of Europe's most potent AI machines, contributing to the safe development and utilization of AI technology.  
Fulfilling a Vision for Future Computing
Both the exascale computing facility and the AI Research Resource were first unveiled in March as part of a £900 million investment to enhance the UK's next-generation computing capacity. These initiatives align with recommendations from the independent review into the Future of Compute.  
Preparing for the Future of AI
These developments beautifully coincide with the UK's upcoming role as host of the world's first AI Safety Summit, scheduled for November 1st and 2nd. Consequently, this landmark event will convene leading nations, technology organizations, academics, and civil society. Its primary objective is to ensure a global consensus on the risks and benefits of rapid AI advances, thus paving the way for responsible and transformative technology use.   Sources: THX News, Department for Science, Innovation and Technology, UK Research and Innovation, The Rt Hon Michelle Donelan MP, & The Rt Hon Alister Jack MP. Read the full article
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careeralley · 1 year
Mastering Your Personal Brand: Unleashing Your Potential
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Your Personal Brand Whether you like it or not, you are essentially selling yourself when it comes to job hunting. In order to differentiate yourself from other candidates, it's important to develop a clear personal brand through effective positioning strategies. To create more opportunities, it's essential to have a deep understanding of your own strengths and value proposition. What sets you apart from other candidates? What are you truly exceptional at? By answering these questions, you'll be able to develop a unique personal brand that will help you stand out in the job market. We all know a great positioning when we see it. Maybe it’s a product you love or that author that resonates with you. But few people think about their positioning. Intentionally developing your personal brand can pay off big. Those that do tend to develop a constant flow of opportunities. People see opportunity X and quickly know person Y is known for helping with it. It simplifies decision-making for the decision-maker. See X, call Y. Brands are powerful, and developing your brand will be powerful for you. Tips for Developing Your Personal Brand - Identify your unique strengths and skills that set you apart from others. - Define your target audience and tailor your brand to appeal to them. - Develop a clear and concise message that conveys your value proposition. - Consistently communicate your brand across all platforms, including social media and networking events. - Build a strong online presence through a professional website or social media accounts. - Demonstrate thought leadership by sharing relevant content and engaging with your audience. - Be authentic and true to yourself in your personal brand. A hungry bear plants itself in one spot on the riverbed. If it’s in the right place, lunch will deliver itself. That’s the beauty of effective positioning. If you place yourself properly and stay there, opportunities drop in your lap like a wriggling salmon. If you don’t, you end up cold and wet, with nothing to show for it. Without sticking to a bold, strategically crafted personal brand that effectively differentiates you from the competition, growth grinds to a halt. Ready to unleash your potential and stand out from the crowd? Discover the ultimate guide to mastering your personal brand and taking control of your career! #personalbranding #careerdevelopment #unleashyourpotentialClick To Tweet Three Unique Concepts So what makes for a great personal brand? A great personal brand focuses on three unique concepts to triangulate your position. Why three? Two reasons: believability and memorability. Researcher Suzanne B Shu and her team at UCLA found that three attributes are the most believable when it comes to advertising claims. They tested one, two, three, and more attributes, all the way to ten. Three attributes were the most believable. To quote the research paper: “three charms but four alarms.” Things in threes are also the most memorable. Researcher Jeffrey N. Rouder at the University of Missouri found that around three concepts are typically how many things most people can easily remember. In a 2023 study published in the journal "Psychological Science," Shu and her team found that people are more likely to believe advertising claims that list three attributes than those that list one or two attributes. The study also found that people are more likely to remember advertising claims that list three attributes than those that list one or two attributes. There is a magic with three. Focus on your three core strengths and leave out the minor ones. The key to an effective personal brand is to be simultaneously convincing and memorable. Key Questions When considering what three aspects to focus on, ask yourself these key questions: What are my personal strengths? What are the needs of the marketplace? What are the strengths of my competitors? How bold do I need to be in order to stand out? How can I use specific words that will resonate with my target audience? As you answer these questions, you’ll not only develop a laundry list of all your value propositions, but you’ll also figure out where to focus. The more precisely you refine your personal brand, the more impact it will have. If you think of a few of your own favorite brands, you’ll see this to be true. See if you can get it down to three words or three short concepts. Once you get your three, cut the words. What are the bare minimum words necessary to convey your message? Once you have them, get clever. Can you make the concepts rhyme? Use alliteration? Rhyming and alliteration make things easy to remember. Clarity is a rarity. And, memorability matters. Think back to the bear on the river. What if in its anxiety to catch fish it wandered back and forth to wherever it last saw a salmon leap? It would waste valuable time and give other bears the opportunity to carve out premium spots for themselves. The smart bear plants itself in a good spot and waits for dinner Mo Bunnell is the Founder and CEO of Bunnell Idea Group, who has taught sales skills to over 12,000 people. You can learn Mo’s other techniques for growing influence in his new book, THE SNOWBALL SYSTEM: How to Win More Business and Turn Clients into Raving Fans, at snowballsystem.com and get a gratis, 8-part video training on creating demand at createdemandcourse.com. Additional Resources: Crush It! Why Now Is the Time to Cash in on Your Passion Crush It!: Why Now Is the Time to Cash in on Your Passion by Gary Vaynerchuk - Practical advice on building a personal brand and using social media to achieve success. Crush It!: Why NOW Is the Time to Cash In on Your Passion $15.49 In Crush It!,online marketing trailblazer Gary Vaynerchuk tells business owners what they need to do to boost their sales using the internet. Buy from Amazon Buy from Walmart We earn a commission if you click this link and make a purchase at no additional cost to you. 04/23/2023 08:01 pm GMT Reinventing You: Define Your Brand, Imagine Your Future Reinventing You: Define Your Brand, Imagine Your Future by Dorie Clark - A step-by-step guide to developing and managing a personal brand. Reinventing You: Define Your Brand, Imagine Your Future $13.19 Reinventing You provides a step-by-step guide to help you assess your unique strengths, develop a compelling personal brand, and ensure that others recognize the powerful contribution you can make. Buy from Amazon Buy from Walmart We earn a commission if you click this link and make a purchase at no additional cost to you. 04/23/2023 08:08 pm GMT The Brand Called You The Brand Called You: Make Your Business Stand Out in a Crowded Marketplace by Peter Montoya - Strategies for building a strong personal brand in a competitive business landscape. Our Pick The Brand Called You: Make Your Business Stand Out in a Crowded Marketplace $22.00 $14.60 This invaluable guide teaches you the vital principles and skills of personal branding, including how to craft an emotionally resonant branding message, create top-quality branding tools, and attract a constant flow of business. Buy from Amazon Buy from Walmart We earn a commission if you click this link and make a purchase at no additional cost to you. 04/23/2023 08:11 pm GMT Read the full article
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