withywhump · 3 years
~Personal Update~
My family is super homophobic and I can’t come out to them about this, so I got a little sappiness for yall’s dash bc I can’t fucking help myself.
@bloodyfeverdreams and I are officially girlfriendsssssssssss
we met and bonded over whump (like ya do) almost a year ago, discovered a writing partner and then platonic soulmates in each other, someone we could talk to about anything at all, then realized like yesterday that we were more to each other than friends.
fam we were into each other, ya know what I’m sayin
so yeah we dating now, and I love her very much thanks for listening kids <3
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withywhump · 4 years
Bakugou Whump Drabble
Hey!! So this basically happened to me yesterday, and what do whumpers do when that happens? Method write that shit into a whump fic, of course. :D WARNING for allusions to snakes!! There aren’t any actual snakes, I just use a lot of snake works because they fit what I needed to describe. ~~~~~~
Something didn’t feel right.
Bakugou had been the epitome of health a mere five minutes ago; he’d scrubbed shampoo through his hair with the fury of a small sun. But now, as he stepped out of the shower, pain was coiling through his body like an angry viper.
The pain had been sudden, so sudden, catching him completely by surprise. It started as a low wave of ache deep in his stomach, but after only a couple minutes, the pain was deep and heavy. Angry. Twisting tightly as if woven into the fabric of his cells.
As Bakugou dried himself off and slipped into a new pair of clothes, he tried to track the path of the agony through his body. It was like experiencing a vivid painting; a mismatched canvas of blues and greens, with harsh splotches of red splattered discordantly across the piece. It made no sense. The pain made no sense.
His stomach. A sudden, sharp stab, like a knife in his guts, had him clutching at his black pajama shirt with a trembling hand and gritted teeth. It faded after just a moment, but the deep, roiling serpent in his abdomen seemed to grow angrier in exchange. He couldn’t… he couldn’t place the source of the pain. It seemed to wrap around his brain, trailing fire in its wake, before slithering back into his chest, then down again into his stomach, where it sank in with poisoned talons, injecting pure torment. Different areas around his entire body throbbed in mismatched sequence, each providing its own brand of misery in its own timing.
What the actual hell. He needed to get to his room so he could crawl into a ball on his bed and pass out. The fact that it was only just past six pm be damned, hopefully sleep would take care of whatever the fuck this was.
Not wanting to soak his tee-shirt, Bakugou gave his dripping hair a couple scrubs with the towel, and leaving the cloth on his head, scooped up his shower bag and hurriedly made for his room. He plastered a scowl in place to act as a buffer between himself and any classmates he might run into on his way. He trusted that they’d figure out pretty quickly that he wasn’t up for a conversation. Loathe as his was to admit it, they were getting better at reading his moods.
After the abrupt initial awakening of the beast in his body, the nausea—for he finally recognized what he was feeling—was increasing way too quickly. With every step he felt himself bending a little more, curling around what was quickly becoming the core of his agony.
In addition, the sharp stabs of pain were happening more frequently. By the time Bakugou had reached his floor, his legs and arms were trembling. He felt cold sweat sliding between his shoulder blades and down his sides. By the time he reached the door to his room, his breaths were coming in heavy pants, dragged noisily through a throat trying to close up on itself. Luckily, nobody was around to see him falling apart. Especially Shitty Hair, whose bright and overly concerned eyes Bakugou could easily picture.
He all but fell into his room, locked the door behind him. Dropping his shower bag and towel on the floor, he collapsed into bed, curling up on his side with his arms wrapped tightly around his stomach.
Another harsh stab, worse than the rest, drew a small noise from his throat. He turned his head and buried his face into his pillow, coiling more tightly around himself. His chest jerked with each stilted intake of air, his breaths becoming more shallow and rapid, as if he could combat the pain by moving his lungs as little as possible.
He’d thought that lying down and staying still would help. He had hoped.
It hadn't. The snake was angry. His guts were twisting around, fighting for new positions inside of him. His head was throbbing in time with the beat of his frantic heart against his chest. His body was soaked with sweat.
Seriously, what the hell.
Bakugou felt a cool sensation spreading in core. His mouth went suddenly dry, even while saliva pooled under his tongue. With a grimace, his teeth grinding together, he knew what was about to happen. Scrambling from the bed, Bakugou practically flung himself at the bathroom door.
Several minutes later he emerged, panting heavily, drops of cool sweat running down his temple and chest. His hands where squeezed into tight fists, but Bakugou drew in a deep breath, letting it fill him completely, before exhaling heavily, slowly. His fists released in tandem with the tension in his body. One hand reached up to clutch at his shirt as the nausea slowly faded from his abdomen. The snake was unclenching, releasing its fangs, allowing him to breathe deeply with more ease.
Drained of energy, he slumped to his knees in front of his fridge and pulled out a bottle of water to chase away the acid and soothe his dry mouth. His bottles of vitamins and supplements rattled atop his fridge as the door shut again.
The water felt nice in his stomach, the coolness of it like a balm to the fire inside. The nausea was nearly gone now, but he remained on his knees and just breathed slowly, shoulders gently rising and falling. His eyes fell closed as he relaxed.
Bakugou was exhausted, and all he wanted was to fall into sleep, but something like this didn’t happen for no reason. He wanted to know why. It wasn’t food poisoning, he knew that much. Perhaps an allergic reaction of some kind?
His eyes shot open, and he lifted them to stare at the innocuous looking bottles lined up neatly atop the fridge. He reached out, picked one up. Studied the bottle with rapt attention.
“Mother… fucker.”
It was a bottle of 5-HTP, a serotonin supplement, one of the handful of health boosting supplements he took every day. He’d switched brands recently and… this bottle had a higher milligram count per pill.
He’d fucking overdosed on serotonin. Bakugou gripped the bottle so hard the plastic cracked, then chucked it across the room where it slammed into the wall. Somehow it remained intact and dropped to roll across the floor.
Bakugou was furious at himself. He wanted to yell and set off some choice explosions. But more than that, he was exhausted. Yelling could come later. With no small effort, he dragged himself to his feet, trudged the couple steps to bed, and fell into it.
He drifted off into a calm sleep as the last of the nausea faded away.
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withywhump · 4 years
I was visited by dream Bakugou and dream Levi in the same dream.
That's it, I've peaked. Nothing else will compare. I can die now in peace.
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withywhump · 5 years
Game Whump
So I've been playing through all the Assassin's Creed games with my sister, and can I just comment on how much Ezio gets whumped?!
Stabbed twice in his first game, and in the beginning of Ezio's second game (and third of the series, Brotherhood) he literally limps around groaning and clutching at his bullet wounds until you get him to a doctor.
Containing my squees in front of my sister has been a challenge I tell you.
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withywhump · 6 years
Still yells at characters not to do that Stupid Thing™ even though it’ll probably lead to them getting their butts kicked, but dude I want them to be smart about getting their butts kicked
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withywhump · 6 years
The fact that ya’ll even followed me to begin with, and then have continued to follow me despite my frequent absences and sometimes shitty less than mind-blowing content, actually leaves me a bit speechless. (But not too speechless.)
Thank you guys so much. When I’ve actually got some free time (should be soon), I’d like to make some fresh gifsets. Anything new ya’ll would like to see? Maybe something that hasn’t been giffed before?
Thank you guys I love you. Love and peace; spread it out.
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withywhump · 6 years
Okay, so I apologize if I accidentally reblog some of these gifsets twice. I just can’t help but be mesmerized by all of them. :D Dylan is my #1 boy and he’s wonderful.
On that note, all you guys making all these Death Cure gifsets are amazing and I want to hug you all. <3 
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withywhump · 6 years
Aight so a couple days ago I was laid up with a fever yeah? Now, I hardly ever get fevers, but when I do, they usually get high enough for my mind to get lost in that echo, ya know. Basically I hallucinate.
Anyway so I’m laying in bed sick and exhausted and I’m juuuust about asleep when I have this brilliant thought. I mean this epiphany is groundbreaking, simply mindblowing. Unfortunately I am far too sick and tired to get up and write it down. So I commit that Newton-level genius to memory with the hopes that I’d remember it later.
Well. I just remembered it. 
We’ve all seen those mugs that change colors when hot liquid is poured inside them, but b a b y you haven’t seen white lab coats that turn RED when you spill water on them?!?!?!
I’m thinking this had something to do with whump and blood but holy chestnuts I can’t remember what it is.
Do ya see the brilliance. Do ya see it. Bask in my fevered creative genius. :P
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withywhump · 6 years
Made the mistake of binge watching The Shannara Chronicles and now I’m A: hardcore crushing on Wil Ohmsford and B: need the next episode like yesterday and also more whump cause dang.
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withywhump · 6 years
Ultimate Whump Rant
//Ultimate Whump refers to the permanent death of a whumpee.
Okay, so the #1 thing that I despise, just absolutely detest, is when the preferred whumpee character is a lesser character? And they get Whumped Good and Proper™, but then the MCs have to leave him or hide him somewhere while they run off to fight the baddie or finish their mission or whatnot.
And they kinda forget about whumpee for a minute while they do the thing, and then they go back to get him and he’s. just. dead.
Okay, first of all, why do you need to kill good characters anyway that’s just rude and lame and what lame writers do when they’re being lame.
And second of all, he died alone and without even being given the time of day that he deserves to have an onscreen death scene that would make his unfair passing just a little less lame and completely pointless.
Movies that do this need to die in a volcano.
Just.. just don’t.
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withywhump · 6 years
FREAKING Allanon keeps getting all the whump that Wil should be getting. *grumble complain*
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withywhump · 7 years
Hay gaiz!! So.. yeah. I've been gone a while. If ya didn't know, I made a big move to China and I've been mad busy with my new job. Plus.. my internet is potato. Like always. :P But I'm not gone! I'm not officially *back* yet, but I promise I'm not gone. Thanks to all my followers for sticking with me during my absence. Love ya'll!! 😘
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withywhump · 7 years
So, like… most of my whumpy gifsets have been flagged NSFW. Alllllrighty, then. 🙄
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withywhump · 7 years
That moment of panic when a non-whumper asks what your favorite part in a movie was and you scramble to think of a completely sane and acceptable answer
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withywhump · 7 years
Hey yo GG!
Just a heads up; I'm moving to China for work within the next two days, and I have no idea what my internet situation is gonna be like, so I might be MIA for a while. (Well, more MIA than I have been. 😳) Just wanna say to thanks to everyone who follows me, and if my absence causes anyone to decide to unfollow me, then I'll totally understand. ;) But I will be back! It may take a while, and I may not post as often as I'd like, but I shall return. Love ya, Whump Community!! 😘
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withywhump · 7 years
Uncle: "It was a really good movie! The plot and the music and acting." Me, in my head: 'And the whump. Mostly the whump.'
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