#wow my style has REALLY evolved since the first shirt huh
distractedhistotech · 4 years
Before MSA + 1: Halloween
Arthur had managed to put together something that acted like a diaper but which fitted into his pocket instead of around the hamster.  “It takes a little bit to put them together though…”
Cadence seemed happy with the pocket diaper considering how much time she was spending in Arthur’s shirt and coat pockets.
“I wonder if you could incorporate it into your Halloween costume,” mused Vivi.
“Uh…What’s Halloween?” asked Arthur.
Sydney and Lewis gave Arthur startled looks.  “You don’t know what Halloween is?!”
Arthur panicked a bit as he realized this was something everyone was supposed to know about. “My parents were super religious,” he said quickly.  Sydney and Lewis seemed to accept it.
“Halloween evolved from the Celtic celebration of Samhain,” explained Vivi.  “It was the ending of the year at sun down, but the new year didn’t start until the sun rose.  Being outside of time as it were meant that ghosts and the like had an easier time manifesting. It probably makes magic easier and stronger too.  At some point, people started wearing scary outfits to try and blend in or scare away the spirits.  That ritual eventually became putting on costumes for fun and, in the case of kids, going around to houses and asking for treats.”
The other kids were staring at her in surprise at the info dump, while Arthur was wondering if this meant Halloween was technically a pagan holiday.
“Actually, the Catholic church took a lot of pagan holidays and incorporated them into their religion.  Christmas takes place in December because that’s when a big festival called Saturnalia took place in the Roman empire.  Evidence suggests that Jesus was actually born in Spring,” continued Vivi as if she’d predicted Arthur’s thoughts.
The more Arthur learned the more he wondered if the adults in his early life knew what they were doing.
“Anyway…My dad makes cosplay as a side job so if you want he can make you guys costumes too,” said Sydney.
Lewis nodded. “He always makes costumes for us.”
Vivi perked up.  “Really?”
Sydney nodded. “But nothing super complicated, okay? He’s gotta budget.”
“What’s cosplay?” asked Arthur.
“Costume play,” explained Lewis.  “People dress up like characters from anime or videogames that they love.  Some of the outfits are really complicated or accurate.”
“We usually do a theme for Halloween,” continued Sydney.
“We did Sailor Moon for a couple of years,” said Lewis.
“Another time we were Ed and Al Elric,” said Sydney.  “I’m not sure what we could do with four people.”
“Power Rangers?” suggested Vivi.
“There’s usually five of ‘em though,” said Sydney.
“Is that a big deal?” asked Arthur.
“Not really,” said Lewis.  “It would just seem a little weird to be short a ranger.”
“So, we need a group of four people,” muttered Sydney.  “All I can think of are Transformers, but that might be too complicated.”
“All I can think of is the Scooby Doo gang,” said Vivi.
Silence.  The kids turned to stare at Ben.  “Would Ben let us dye his fur?” asked Lewis.
“I have no idea,” admitted Vivi.  “Would the dye be safe?”
“I have no idea,” repeated Sydney.  “Dad knows a bit about hair dye…”
“I think you could get away with leaving him white and black,” said Arthur.
“So, who would be who?” asked Lewis.
Vivi and Sydney promptly pointed at Lewis.  “Fred.” Then they pointed towards Arthur. “Shaggy.”
“You do have the muscle tone going on,” agreed Arthur.
And Lewis blushed because he was somehow the biggest one there despite (probably) being the youngest.  “W-well, who’s gonna be Velma and Daphne?”
Sydney and Vivi exchanged looks.  That was…less obvious.  Both wore glasses, had relatively short statures, and were fairly tomboyish.
“You’re shorter,” said Vivi.
Sydney pouted. “Yeah, I am.  Guess that makes me Velma…What kind of name is Velma?”
“I dunno.”
“Will we need a van?”
“None of us can drive,” pointed out Arthur.
“Maybe a toy or something,” suggested Lewis.
“Oh, yeah, that makes more sense,” admitted Arthur.
The four kids (and dog and hamster) just lay there for several minutes.  It hadn’t been a particularly odd conversation, but something in the air seemed heavy, as if something life changing had just happened.
Then Ben started licking Arthur’s face, ending the moment.  Arthur let out a laugh.  “H-hey! Stop!  Stop!”
Vivi grinned. “You’re saying ‘stop’, but you’re laughing.”  Ben decided to switch targets and started licking Vivi instead.  She giggled.  “Ben!”
“We should teach him how to talk!”  Ben turned his attention to Sydney.  “Hey! Ew!  Your breath smells like fish!  Why does it smell like fish?  You’re not a cat!”
“Ben’ll eat anything if you give him the chance,” said Vivi.
Lewis pulled a bag of chips out from somewhere and grinned.  “Like this?”  He popped the bag open.  He was immediately tackled by the dog.  “Ack!” Ben quickly stuck his head in the bag and quickly snapped up the contents before transferring his ministrations to Lewis.  “Oh yuck! Your breath really does smell like fish!”
“Hold him for me,” said Vivi.  “I’ll brush his teeth!”
The whole thing devolved into a wrestling match.  No teeth were cleaned.  Everyone needed a bath afterwards.
 Sydney had been right about the Scooby Doo costumes being fairly simple to make.  She hadn’t stopped to think about make-up and hairstyling though.
“Are you almost done?” asked Sydney Jr.
“Almost…Just one more pin…and done!”  Sydney Sr stepped back to admire how Sydney looked with the brown bob wig in addition to the rest of her costume.  “The shape of the glasses aren’t the same, but I don’t think anyone will care.”
Sydney Jr. twirled and did a hop-skip over to Vivi, who was messing with her noticeably longer orange wig.  “How ‘bout you?”
“I prefer shorter hair.  Hair this long just…gets in the way,” said Vivi as she glared distastefully at a lock of orange hair.
Sydney nodded. “I hear ya.  I just want it long enough to ponytail it.”  She glanced at the boys.  “How ‘bout you two?”
Unlike the girls, the boys weren’t wearing wigs.  They’d just had their hair styled into a close approximation of their chosen characters. Sydney Sr claimed this was because the wigs would look too bulky unless the boys were willing to shave their hair. They weren’t.
Arthur fingered his hair.  “This doesn’t feel too different from usual besides the colors.”  He was wearing green and red.  He was coming to prefer bright colors like orange and yellow.
Lewis was happily studying his reflection.  “I kind of like this hairstyle.”  He turned to Sydney Sr.  “Will you teach me how to do this?”
Sydney Sr gave him a grin.  “Sure! I’ll get you some decent hair mousse. Now, if you’ll excuse me I’m gonna go change into my costume.”  On his way out, he ran into Hiro.  “So, how’d Ben like the vegetable dye?”
“He tolerated it.” That was a lie.  Ben had taken one look at the dye, snorted, and changed his fur color to the proper brown color.
“I’m leaving you alone with Noelle and the kids for a bit.  Behave now.”  And Sydney Sr hurried down the hallway.
Hiro raised an eyebrow.  The Sydneys were pretty darn odd.  Still, they got along with the rest of the family and friends, and Hiro did like them…in reasonable amounts.
He walked Ben over to the kids, who all started petting him.  “Wow, this dye is really realistic,” said Lewis.
Sydney nodded. “My dad knows what he’s doing.”
“How you holding up boy?” asked Vivi.  Ben licked her in response.  “Good to know.”
“Oh, you kids look so cute like that,” said Noelle.  “Let me get my camera!”
Hiro let the kids pose for the camera for several moments before clearing his throat. “Now, I don’t know how much you know about the holiday, but it is easier to come into contact with the supernatural starting tonight and lasting until November 2.  It’s most intense on Halloween though.  So, Mr. Scoville and I will be escorting you tonight.  I have tools prepared to chase off anything that may take an untoward interest in your group, and you will all be spending the night here.  Mr. Scoville also has some sort of repelling ability, so I’d imagine this is one of the safest places in the county.”
Arthur let out a sigh of relief.  “That’s a relief.”
“Had some bad experiences?” asked Vivi.
Arthur nodded. “I just knew they were at the end of October.  I didn’t know about the Halloween thing.  Why does it get so much worse anyway?”
“That’s not something with a simple answer,” said Hiro.  “Something makes…magic for lack of a better word more potent during these days, which makes it easier for people to see ghosts and for ghosts, along with other normally invisible entities, to become visible to people.  It’s a good time for them to be heard if there’s something they want to get across to the mundane, living population.”  Hiro glowered.  “Although I wouldn’t be surprised if there’s a tradition among the supernatural to have fun and try to scare humans.  It’s what people are expecting to happen after all.”
Ben gave a barely noticeable shrug.  Hiro wasn’t wrong, but it was more of a ‘teenagers messing around and doing things their parents won’t necessarily approve of’ sort of thing.
Arthur crossed his arms.  “Well, I don’t like it, whatever it is…”
Vivi turned to Sydney and Lewis.  “Have you guys ever noticed anything weird around this time of year?”
“I haven’t ever noticed anything,” said Sydney.  “Lewis says there are ghosts all over the place though.”
Lewis nodded. “Yeah, some are pretty scary. It’s a lot more active in the cemetery and house.  Sydney always spends the night since some of them look pretty scary.”  Lewis made a face as something suddenly occurred to him. “Uh, this is the first Halloween we haven’t slept over at my house.  Do you think Mom and Dad and Belle will be okay?”
“I put some ofudas up at your house that should keep away most dangerous entities,” reassured Hiro. “Honestly, you probably attract half of the activity so just spending time away from them will put a stop to a portion of the paranormal activity.”
“Huh, really?  I had no idea,” said Lewis.
“Oh, yes, once ghosts figure out someone can see them word spreads very quickly.”
“Wait.  I can’t see ghosts, so why do they keep following me around?” asked Arthur.
Hiro shrugged. “I’m not entirely sure why, but you…leak energy.  Being around you is like it being Halloween all the time,” said Hiro.  “You also have an aura that the supernatural find pleasing, like how kids will gravitate to a kitchen where cookies have just been cooked.”
“I could go for some cookies,” said Vivi.
“You’re going to be getting plenty of candy tonight,” said Noelle.  “You can see about having cookies after you finish off the candy.”
Vivi grinned. “Challenge accepted.”
“No,” said Hiro.
“No, you remember what happened last time,” said Hiro.
“Ooh, what happened last time?” asked Sydney.
“When she was five she ate all of her Halloween candy at once and didn’t sleep for three days,” explained Hiro.  “She tried to feed Ben chocolate.  Dogs can’t eat chocolate.”
Ben huffed because he could eat chocolate, thank you very much.  Stupid need to hold up the illusion all the time.  He couldn’t wait until Vivi was mature enough to know what he really was so he could relax at home.  Not to mention it would be easier to snatch some of whatever that was Noelle was cooking.
Lewis must have noticed how Ben was staring longingly towards the kitchen because he grabbed a treat out of his pocket.  “Would you like a Scooby Snack?”
Eh, it’ll do. Ben snapped it up and gave Lewis a lick of thanks.
“What’s taking your dad so long?” asked Vivi.  “He said he was going to be a zombie.  It can’t take that long to put on some torn clothing and fake blood.”
Sydney grinned. “Dad put in way more effort than that. There’s latex and make-up and contact lenses…”
“Mr. Scoville’s costumes are really complicated,” agreed Lewis.
Any further conversation was interrupted by a groaning sound.  Everyone turned to see…a zombie.  It was covered in bite marks, half rotten, had clouded over eyes, and dirty, torn clothing.  It was completely unrecognizable as Sydney Sr.
“…Okay, that is a convincing zombie costume,” admitted Vivi.
“Thank you,” said Sydney Sr, briefly breaking character before going back to groaning.
“You look like a dead body!” said Arthur.  “Which I guess is the point, but it’s creepy.”
Sydney Scoville groaned again.  He sure was taking the zombie thing seriously.
“So…”  Sydney Jr held up her treat bag.  “Can we go trick-or-treating now?”
“Taking that as a yes!”
Thankfully, the other adults decided to agree with the translation so the kids were able to head out. “There are a lot of costumes,” commented Arthur.
Vivi nodded. “Yep, it’s a popular holiday.”
“What a cute baby!” cooed Lewis at a young couple and their baby, all of them dressed like dinosaurs.
“Thank you!”
“But most of them seem to be younger than us,” continued Arthur.
“That guy’s older than us,” pointing at a guy dressed like a robot.
“People just prefer to go to parties once they get older.  I don’t know why.  They’re sooo boring,” complained Vivi.  “Where’s the darkness?  Where’s the creepy shadows?  Where’s the questioning of if there’s a ghost around the corner or if that’s a really good werewolf costume or some werewolf decided to go to the store to pick up milk?”
“There are some ghosts following us,” commented Lewis.
Arthur tensed up. “Why?”
Lewis glanced towards the ghosts.  “Are you sure he’s not a zombie?  He looks pretty dead.”
“It’s Halloween. It’s obviously a very good costume.”
“He smells like a zombie though.”
“We’re ghosts! We can’t smell!”
“Oh yeah.”
“Besides, wasn’t there a Scooby-Doo movie with zombies?”
“Since when are there Scooby-Doo movies?”
“Mr. Scoville’s costume is really convincing,” said Lewis.
“Are zombies real?” asked Sydney.
“Yes,” said Hiro. “Under very specific circumstances. It takes one of a few specific rituals. It’s very dangerous and is not something that should ever be done unless you have prior permission from the subject of interest.  Even then, it’s not recommended because of the possible side effects.”  He paused.  “Actually, this is a very complicated subject.  Let’s talk about it when we have more time.”
“I don’t wanna talk about it at all,” muttered Arthur as they walked up to a house.
They took a moment to ring the doorbell, ask for treats, and thank the woman handing out the treats. Ben tried to beg for treats.  This wasn’t allowed, and the group went on their way.
“Do ghost hunters have a lot of work on Halloween?” asked Sydney.
“Paranormal investigators,” corrected Hiro.  “While we do look for ghosts, calling us ‘hunters’ suggests we intend to hurt ghosts in some way.  That’s a last resort in cases where the ghosts in question seek to harm the living and cannot be convinced otherwise.  And whether an investigator works on Halloween or not varies.  Most will take the time off because they might get false positives.  Some like working on Halloween though since they might get results they wouldn’t usually come by.”
“That doesn’t sound very professional,” muttered Arthur.
“I agree,” said Hiro. “Personally, I feel that circumstances that modify magical strengths can be dangerous, even if it’s something to your advantage.”
“Wouldn’t that make things easier?” asked Sydney.
“Yes, which might be good in an emergency, but it can make you under or overestimate a situation.”
“How is overestimating bad?” questioned Arthur.
Hiro took a minute to think about how to describe what he was thinking.  “It’s like using a hand grenade to make a hole when a drill will suffice.”
Vivi, Lewis, both Sydneys, and even Arthur laughed.  Hiro had to admit it wasn’t the best analogy, but it’s what he came up with on short notice.
“It’s like you thought the corn was sweet so you put in the wrong amount of salt,” said Lewis.
“That’s a better analogy,” admitted Hiro.  “Anyway, once you outgrow trick-or-treating, you should find some way to spend Halloween that doesn’t involve the supernatural.  Maybe go to a party or stay home and watch movies.”
“Watching movies would be nice,” said Arthur.
“Ooh!  We could watch the Nightmare Before Christmas again!” said Vivi.
“You will not. It’s a school night,” said Hiro.  “As it is the only reason you’re spending the night together is for safety’s sake.”  He looked to Sydney Sr.  “I’m trusting you and Mrs. Scoville to get the children to sleep and awake on time.”
“That means yes,” said Sydney Jr.
“I still wish we could spend the night at Lewis’ house,” said Vivi.  “There’s a lot more space, and it seems more fitting to spend Halloween in a haunted house.”
“Belle sometimes cries at night.  She might wake you up,” said Lewis.
“Or we might wake her up,” countered Arthur.
“I don’t wanna wake Baby Belle up!” agreed Sydney Jr.  “She’s cute when she’s sleeping.”
The subject of conversation rapidly changed to siblings and sleepovers.  Hiro watched them absentmindedly before feeling something brush against his side.
It was just Ben, who gave him a smile unseen by anyone else.  Hiro found himself smiling back.  It was nice…seeing the children all so happy like this.
It would be nice if it would last forever.
4 notes · View notes
ACCA 2 | Nanbaka 16 | SGRS 16 | Marginal #4 2 | Classicaloid 15 | Blue Exorcist: Kyoto Saga 2 - 3 | D Gray Man Hallow 1 | ReLIFE 2 - 6
The idea for D Gray Man Hallow from now on: Once all 2016 shows are done (rewatches or not), expect the 2016 ranking.
(ACCA 2)
What in Dante’s Inferno? I’m properly listening to the OP as it was intended in the anime…and it doesn’t quite look like what I expected.
I don’t like tomatoes, so no bread for me.
This is a cute…albeit unconventional way to introduce the series’ core concepts. Also, acorn berets.
Kabocha = pumpkin, while murasaki = purple. That’s made from purple lettuce, so I don’t blame ‘em for calling it that.
Mushroomhead = Rail.
I thought ACCA paid really high if he got cigarettes for free.
Oh no, is Nino going to go against Jean?
Bihinshitsu = equipment room.
2m 22 cm is over 6 foot…wow.
Walnut-topped cake filled with nuts.
The systems managers seem really incompetent…I suspect something’s up.
The guys all deilberately seem to have the same face.
A-hah. As I thought. (Dang you, title spoiler.)
If this ED were to evolve, it would be even better than Yuri on Ice’s OP. (That’s saying something.) Unfortunately, that doesn’t seem to be happening…
Doesn’t seem like there’ll be any title spoilers next time either.
(Nanbaka 16)
I’m less likely to skip Rin! Rin! Hi! Hi! than some of the other Ops when I’m watching. That does make it slightly unwieldy as a rewatching show, though.
“Wow, he’s trash.” – Dat me.
Samon has a brother?
In a world full of filial piety, the worst one can do is to insult someone else’s family.
I’m not very good with “kept secret” stories, which is why I’m trying to do “Next to Me” well enough…at least to my standards, anyway. My standards are very high, you know.
They must’ve done something to the snacks…
(Showa Genroku: Sukeroku Futatabi-hen 3)
The fireworks are so lifelike in this ep!
Daiku Shirabe…I found out about the story from an ANN article, so I should’ve seen its appearance coming…“Tamaya” is something you yell during fireworks displays. Apparently it was the name of a fireworks company somewhere along the line.
The flattening refers to how Yota had to bow for forgiveness, but I think I kinda explained that already.
“Shinuchissei”…Yota seems to slur the end of his sentences.
I actually went “WHAT?!” at Yota not being fazed by the big daddy boss.
Note for later: The baby (I heard his name was Shinnosuke) was born November 23rd.
The jazz soundtrack really sells this show.
...so this is the rant from Daiku Shirabe. It’s fast (compared to even the usual), but it has lots of heart. Plus the showcasing of the tattoo really did its significance justice.
I think the bridge is called Matsubashi (Pine Bridge).
Yota could’ve fabricated the shaking of his hands.…wow. Yota has such yaoi hands. Just what you’d expect from a former BL artist.
I thought Yakumo was more of a cat person. Whose dog is Hanako?
Aw. I felt sorry for Matsuda, even if I have a suspicion he feigned those tears. Well, regardless, now I know Matsuda has grandkids anyway…so win win.
I knew he was either summoning the master Sukeroku II pissed off or Sukeroku himself.
“Tou-chan” was an unexpected nickname I didn’t think Konatsu would use.
Update: I thought about it, and even Shinnosuke’s name takes after the legacy. Remember? Sukeroku used to be called Shin! 
(Marginal #4 2)
One of the things that makes this show stand out is the space-styled episode titles.
Ooh. Pretty cherry blossoms.
Pan shots. Of course.
I know this isn’t the sort of show that gets too much coverage, and I even think it looks a bit ugly at times (not to mention a bit weird) but when you’re not caught up on most of the other big idol shows, this is the best you can do.
I think game boy (orange twin…er, aka R)’s trying too hard with his terms.
Now that Atom is talking about heart, it really does look like he’s a Toshiki Masuda character through and through, although he doesn’t look very angry when he sounds angry. I’ll chalk that up to the art department.
“Don’t think, feel” seems to be attributed to lots of places, so I don’t know the original source. However, since game boy (um, aka R) cites a movie star, it’s apparently Bruce Lee (if my Google-fu serves me right).
L makes stuff sound deeeeep.
WHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAT?! Rui wasn’t surprised by the juice.
Atom is such a Ryuu sometimes...
…okay, enough with the underwear jokes…The twin jokes are a bit weird. Plus the ships can be smelt from a mile away…but that’s not enough to save a show.
“Ore-sama”? I only just realised Atom uses such a term.
Enough about the lucky underwear! *flips table*
Oh, I saw Ayanokouji in the background at one point.
I’m with Rui most times, including the need for deduction.
I’m still questioning the sanity of someone who wrote an entire episode plot about lucky underwear.
Alright, since I feel brain dead after that, I’m going to drop it, meaning ACCA is the show that forges ahead. Well, I’m lucky I was hoping to watch FLCL to fill in the gap once I’m done with my 3 remaining rewatches at this point in time (ReLIFE, D Gray Man, Morose Mononokean). The latter two will have, from ep 7, fresh impressions, so hopefully you can look forward to them.  
(Classicaloid 15)
Selfies: a worldwide phenomenon…I never got into that stuff, but if I were to analyse ‘em, I’d say they tap into the human need to be self centred.
There’s something sad about seeing someone rejected, eve if that someone is a piece of trash like Sousuke…
The game the Classicaloids are playing appears to be a game of Life.
Unfortunately, Kanae’s right…again. Sad life for you, Sousuke.
Motz literally became a flippin’ Akoya, right down to wearing a dress. Plus, the Amazon brigade came back.
Aw, I really felt for the glasses guy, even if briefly.
“Basics of Programming”? Don’t need that for Garage Band, Sousuke.
Hanted house and cosplay café...
…eh? Tchaiko still calls herself a former member of Cla:Kla?
Oh. I never realised until now, but Hamamatsu + festival (matsuri) = Hamamatsuri.
With that song (Sousuke’s song), it’s a sad blooper reel.
(Blue Exorcist: Kyoto Saga ep 2)
I got a wallpaper of Shima trying not to laugh (it was from the official Blue Exorcist anime page, but only for a period around Shima’s b’day). So this ep is where it comes from.
“Bon” means “young master” anyway, so it doesn’t matter.
“…a herbal tea antidote…”
Kyoto is meant to be the imperial capital…at least around the 1700s, it was the imperial capital.
Mamushi means “pit viper”. She’s not one to mess with.
He’s got some reflexes, that Ryuji.
Uwabami is also a type of snake…I forgot which one though.
Wait, Uwabami’s the man?! Uwabami was a woman in Oumagadoki Zoo…
Seriously, are they all getting drunk on juice…? Oh, okay. So that’s what happened.
(ep 3)
Rin’s shirt says “Sankyu” in goroawase and English, LOL.
Even if you love weeds, please don’t smoke ‘em, kids.
I thought Rin was going to pull a Shaft head tilt out of nowhere when he looked back at Konekomaru.
Update: For efficiency, the tag for this one is “Chesarka watches AoEx”. However, I don’t normally refer to it as such. I’d probably refer to it as “Ao Eku” if I wee speaking (due to the season 1 DVD extras), but “Blue Exorcist” is the shortest mode of the name I’d use in typing format.
(D Gray Man Hallow ep 1)
I am familiar with this source material, so do be aware of that. However, I didn’t finish the anime the first time around, so do be aware of that too.
Sometimes the art style for this anime can be a little off. The noses can be a little too pointy and too close to the eyes, so on and so forth.Allen doesn’t even look like he’s blushing with this art style too…that’s a bit of a disappointment.
Even the golems have it in for each other…LOL.
Johnny has apparently been stealing the spotlight for quite some time, but I haven’t noticed it all that much. Probably because I read volumes 21 – 24 in one go…
I think.Cross Marian looks more like Grelle (Black Butler) than ever in colour.
Why does Lenalee have such a short skirt?
When even the masked guy has a sweatdrop, you know there’s trouble.
(ReLIFE ep 2)
Unfortunately for Kariu, I understand there is no “next time”…
I’ve found out even at 18, people don’t judge two people of different gender sitting together eating lunch…of course, cultural standards notwithstanding.
Stud earrings are fine if you play sports, I think.
According to Google-sensei, it’s only about $11, my country’s money. It’s not that much if you work…but knowing Japanese standards (which say you should focus on getting into uni before getting a job), it does seem a bit much for someone who doesn’t work and doesn’t get any allowance. So in a weird way, it does make sense to me.
...but you took Kariu’s hand when she offered you the rubber, Arata?
Hey, that joke was in Erased too.
Kazu-kun = Karamatsu…kinda. LOL.
I always seemed to understand Hishiron, and yet also understand Arata to some extent too. Maybe I’m the perfect in-between for these two. Probably because I tend to break off friendships as soon as the year ends, and yet prior friendships are a core part to my social strategy.
Unfortuately, the downside to “minimalistic” is that it’s obvious when it goes off model.
LINE sticker…LOL. LINE’s very popular in Japan.
(ep 3)
I’ve wondered whether Yayoi Sou is a lady or not. Considering the circumstances, it probably is that Sensei is a female.
Hideyo is the dude on the 1000 note, obviously.
Ah…fitness tests. The bane of youth. No one says “stupid loud” though.
Oh. Tamarai’s there around the time of Asaji’s throw.
Lookit that rabbit on Usa-sensei’s shirt. No one says “crazy athletic” either…you outdated subbers.
Akira (Inukai) is kinda like Yurio, come to think of it, eh?
Didn’t you just say it yourself (about you being old) though, Arata?
Yoake literally had a blank face there, LOL.
There appears to be a Sato GP on the way to Aoba. Huh.
Ah…a show’s a real classic if it makes you laugh every time…
(ep 4)
Where’s the guy who does sad interpretations of OPs and EDs? (This guy.)
I know your feels, Kariu. (see the Tumblr debacle for an instance of this)
There appears to be something about whales near the fishtank.
The cityscapes in this are so nice.
There’s a map of Japan on one wall of Kaizaki’s place.
Go forth, young Kariu! Pick up your fallen balls! (teehee)
CGI balls, LOL.
It’s creepy (but also dramatic) when the lights of the eyes are the last to move.
(ep 5)
Sumire! Her name means “violet” (the flower).
There are some nuances lost in translation, like yappari and the levels of formality…but those are typically lost.
This “lecture” is probably the highest point you can get in the show (so far). It’s times like this you can really see an author’s strengths in storytelling.
The piano really sells the Hishiro/Kaizaki meeting.
What a strange angle that “lean to the left” shot is.
I’ve found out swear words have a lot of leeway when it comes to levels of “oh no”. These swar words include yabai and temee. Due to the context of Wan! and the fact it was Chuuya who kept using them, I went with the nastier variants [in my scanlating days] but sometimes a non-swearing variant is enough. However, kirai (to dislike) is pretty nasty if you use it in Japanese.
Kaizaki’s delivery of these lines really sells their comedic effect. The electronic keyboard makes it sound like night, but also makes it sound 1) like night and 2) creepy, for some reason.
Freeter is almost as bad as NEET, Kaizaki.
There appears to be a 100 man (10 thousand) coin bank behind Yoake, which makes that...1000000 yen. (chorus in back: One million yen?!)
(ep 6)
Apparently someone tried to type the same Japanese words into Google and didn’t get the same results, LOL.
Hishiron uses a Mac, LOL.
“Thanks for having us” probably isn’t the right words for it. Ojamashimasu means “sorry for intruding”, but it sounds heavily formal when translated, so I can see why the subbers did what they did though.
*laughs* MDs (minidiscs)? I know what they are, even though they’re meant to be completely dead by now. Apparently they’re a product of the 90s that never caught on..although I admit I’ve never used an MD in my life, let alone held one. It does kinda look like a floppy disc, though. (chorus in back: You poke through old stuff too much, don’t you?)
Those fadeout cups are so cool! I want one.
Ah, maths. The sad thing about my life is that up until a certain point I was good at maths. Then the hard stuff came up and I started to fail.
I thought it was Third Street Oga was talking about, but it’s 3rd chome, sort of like a suburb.
Knowing An, she may have deliberately put Oga out of the way for her own purposes…if you know what I mean.
CGI car just ruined the suspenseful mood, dangit.
Sometimes I just turn off my volume and turn on some music on Spotify. That way, you can make your own soundtrack.
Why did Arata have such a dumb face in the thought bubble?
Wow, she’s a real fujoshi, that one [An].
“Dude”? I cringe so much at her use of it, despite the fact I use it myself. 
You liar, Onoya. Knowing who subject 1 was means that I know they couldn’t have even thought about that part…
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