famfamella · 6 years
Hi I'm literally about to start a Shoma Uno fan page :)))))
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chimochiie · 6 years
OOF, I just read the Desideratus and wowowowwowoowow I loved that because it was so well written and descriptive which I loved 💛🌼 Gosh you’re so amazing at writing and I just loved that so much :’)) 💛💛💛💛
:,) thank you so so much you’re so so cute and nice to me it warms my heart so much 😭❤️ thank you so much it means so much to me. Hearing (reading) this kind of things feels so good thank you! For your information I’m writing the second part of the seven virtues (Guardian Angel Jimin, smut) and after that there will be a crossover ;) Thank you again ❤️
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