rhubarbpoetry · 4 years
I could pluck the starts from the sky
Like apples from the highest branches of a tree
I could rearrange the constellations
That they would mirror the stars in your eyes
I could make tapestries of you in the heavens
For what is cassiopia compared to your beauty
I would weave the stars into my love
So that the world could marvel at you with me
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Thank You Everyone
This was probably one of the best Flash Fiction Fridays in history of Flash Fiction Friday.  All your flash fics made us laugh, smile, sad, and basically gave us all the feels. It was the best gift you folks could make us for the 50th prompt.  In other words: It is a wrap!  The 50th Flash Fiction Friday is over but be assured we will continue as always. This time was just one of many surprises we plan for you to get more out of it.  So stay tuned, and don’t forget to turn on notifications!
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charleslutta · 4 years
Sometimes you never know the value of a moment, until it becomes a memory ...
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aperfectporpoise · 4 years
Writing challenge Day 4
Write the worst possible way your OTP could’ve met
OTP: BakuDeku
*I know it’s a little toxic since Bakugo bullied Deku, but I feel better about the ship now after Bakugo went through that whole character development arc*
“Everybody on the ground. Now!”
People screamed and stood frozen in fear. A warning shot fired shortly after motivated anyone who hadn’t already followed the directive to obey. More terrified sounds came from the crowd as some began weeping. Izuku’s trip to the bank on his lunch break was slowly turning into a nightmare. There had to something he could do to end this. After all, there was only 5 robbers and a mob of people.
“Don’t try to be a hero”
He’s caught off guard by the blonde man who whispers next to him.
“Well someone has to do something”
The man gives a frustrated growl and glares at Izuku with beady red eyes.
“Leave it to the professionals, yer gonna get yourself killed”
Before Izuku could retort back the bank robbers spoke up with another request. 
“Alright listen up, who’s the manager here?”
Everyone stays silent save for a few whimpers. The man, clearly the leader of the robbers gave a a sigh and a small tsk.
“If you don’t come forward that kid over there is going to get it” he says pointing at a small brown eyed girl who is clutching to her mother, shaking. one of the lackeys walks over and grabs her from her mother. The mother struggles against him, before she is knocked out with a punch to the head. The child squirms in the man’s arms and her screaming makes everyone wince. Izuku makes a move to get up, but is stopped by the blonde strangers hand. The manger, a tall man with a bushy mustache that look like walrus whiskers stands up then, unable to witness the child come to harm.
“See how easy that was” says the leader with a smug grin, “Now you’re going to take me, my buddy, and this child to the safe. If anyone acts out, they’ll radio me and I’ll kill he kid and the manager. Make sure to behave” he says as him and the lackey carrying the crying child walk toward the back of the bank.
“What a fucking punk, using some kid like that. I have a plan, but I’m gonna need your help” the blonde man whispers to Izuku through grit teeth.
*I know I stopped short, but I want to continue it later*
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mara-anne · 5 years
Tips for Focusing/Being Productive
Noise or Quiet: Find out if you need silence or background noise to get just done. Just because your favorite author has a writing playlist doesn’t mean you need one. And even if you do need to figure out what kind. Does all music work or just certain genres or instrumentals? Can you handle soft chatter like in a small coffee shop? Learning these factors helps you get into the best environment to work.
Day or Night: Similar to the first point, time of day I’ve found can be a factor. I personally get most of my work done in the morning and sometimes mid-afternoon. Any other time and I’m getting distracted by everything. There are always exceptions, but if you find it impossible to write during the time you usually do, change the time. Sometimes location can also determine at what times works best, but that could be because I’m overly complicated human.
Get Out of Your Bedroom: I know, it’s comfy, but it has the most distractions. You can stay in your house; have an office or a kitchen table or even a guest room. In fact, I’m writing this outside my room because if I was there nothing would be getting done.
Set a Timer: If I am really struggling to gain some motivation to actually put pen to paper, having a timer going always gets things in gear. You can even set a goal, like “I will write ten pages in an hour.” It’s not something I do, but just saying I’m going to dedicate this much time to get this task done works when all else fails. In fact, it usually gets me motivated enough to keep going even after the timer goes off. Try not to look at the timer though.
Dress Up: When you think you look good, you feel good, and when you feel good, you get things done. You don’t have to wear a formal gown, but try to get yourself ready in the morning instead of laying around in what I assume is comfy sweats that you would never want to go out in public in. It can even be a tank and leggings if you find that you look fantastic in them. Just in general, feeling good makes your entire day better and the writing process gets a little easier.
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k-afe · 4 years
Writing Prompt
Each day, during your commute in public transportation, you take time to write down your novel. You’re reaching the climax, you present a surprising twist to the story. As you write this down, you hear an audible gasp! You look up and a person is looking at you in shock.
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whicheverwarrior · 5 years
A running roll call of OCs
Main group
Thea Wyatt
Marina Wyatt
Freya Wyatt
Chrissie Wyatt
Yvonne Wyatt
Shimmer Wyatt
Side characters
Amethyst Psyche
Aaron Day
Annabelle Wyatt
Eric Wyatt
Hermes Wind
Diana Wind
Jasper Night
Anthony Flame
Steven Clark
Jack Snow
Finn Water
River Water
Kenric Night
Jeremiah Night
Edlyn Water
Cynthia Flame
Oliver Flora
Susanna Snow
Main group
Daniel Psyche
Vani Santiago
Iris Perry
Nathan Barnes
Side characters
Jorge Santiago
Levi Perry
Natalie Birch
Opal Psyche
Kelly Foreman
Felix Simms
Robert Clark
Gavin Clark
Alice Barnes
Mr. Crammer
Main group
Valor Piper
Castor Lovell
Katarina Lovell
Angelo Lovell
Side characters
Monica Lebeau
Phoebe Hyde
Roslyn Temple
Charlotte Delacroix
Malakai Graves
Victory Piper
Aurora Lovell
Justin Lenard
Into Eternity
The Shadow Crew
Weatherly Weatherly
Robin Mark
Bonny Anwell
Trius Errol
Leonora Vradi
The Warriors of Gabriel
Astrid Wind
Luther Flora
Kane Psyche
Helios Thunder
Laural Flame
Elaine Water
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pheita · 5 years
Fictober 19 Day 14
Prompt 11 “It’s not always like this.” Rating G  WIP “Welcome to New Hanshwig” cyberpunk/romance
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Like it was a long lost friend Aria touched her old leather coat. It had been months since she wore it the last time and now it would help her to blend in. “Are you alright?”, Sky inquired. “Yes, it has been just a long time since I wore it the last time.” “Do you have an emotional connection to this piece of clothing?” With a swift move Aria slipped into the coat, followed by a content smile. “It does hold an emotional connection. On multiple levels.” “I understand. I will make sure to take good care of it when you are back from your trip with Master Maxwell.” “Thank you, Sky. I appreciate it. I hope we will be back by dinner.” “Noted. Have a fun trip.” Snickering Aria left her room and went down the halls to the garage. Vincent and Maxwell already waited for her. Where Vincent looked just like any other inhabitant of the lower sectors, Maxwell still oozed towerman like a barely visibly shield despite his looks. “I hope he won’t give us away”, she mused aloud. “It will work. It did before. Most loweys think he is a newlo.” Vincent nodded to his brother with a shrug. “A what?” Maxwell looked back and forth between Aria and Vincent. “A newlo. Someone who fell down into the lower sectors and still needs to get used to it”, Aria explained while she bit her lip, “Yeah, that could work. You don’t look completely towerman. More like an upsta.” “You really fall back fast into the loweys way to talk.” At least it amused Maxwell. It could have been worse than that. “So let’s go. Mom will kill me if the two of you aren’t back till dinner”, Vincent shooed them away like little chicken. “I thought Maxwell is the older brother?” “Maybe by age, but experience...” “I heard that”, Maxwell glared at Vincent in a way, only brothers could among each other. The same for Vincent’s cheeky grin. Aria waited for the moment he would do something stupid just to annoy Maxwell. “I hope you can behave, Vincent. At the moment I am more worried you will give us away, ge?” “Esculpa, onee. I will do my very best”, Vincent took a bow before he walked around her and slapped her ass. She jumped and whirled around with the right timing to slap him. “Do this at the sectors and you won’t come back.” “Uh, fiery woman. I love fiery woman.” While Vincent entered the self-driving car already Aria looked over her shoulder to Maxwell. “Would it mean trouble for you if I loose him in the sectors?” The face Maxwell made was somewhere between annoyed, giving up and apologizing. “You have to see beyond his behavior. It’s not always like this. He can be actually a nice and caring person. He just choose to be an asshole most of the time.” “What a moron” she whispered to herself.
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zegwritingdemon · 4 years
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The Sunset over Tal Moren reminds all who chose the Path of the Sun that even the sun can die.
Maddik is a Son of Obsidian. He bears the Wolf Cant and followed the Path of the Sun. He is deadly with close-range weapons and hand to hand combat as well as pistols. Maddik served King Bathor of Kagnost until the king chose to break Mages’ Law and arm his soldiers with guns.
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rhubarbpoetry · 4 years
Nature’s block
Sometimes the words flow like a river
Over the falls and each detour 
Though the sand and rocks it glimmers
Until it is cleansed and pure
Sometimes the words are like a pond
Dammed up and stagnant, 
agitated, but still, picking up debris
Collecting, until the dam bursts
Sometimes the words are like a fire
Bright and warm and brilliant
Dancing with passion and desire
They are mesmerizing and resilient
Sometimes the words are like ashes
Devoid of energy left to die
A death of black and white sand
Losing its warmth to the night wind
Sometimes the words are like the breeze
Powerful and free, a soaring bird
Echoing through mountains and trees
A breath a gasp a spoken word
Sometimes the words are like the air
Hot and oppressive, unbreathable
Or iced pin pricks at bare skin
they are irritations without relief
Sometimes the words are like the plants
The cultivated garden or wild glade
That grows with time and care and plans
Then yields it fruit and tempered shade
Sometimes the words are like the earth
Unyielding stone to metal’s hand
An empty mine that holds no gems
No rubies here, just granite iron and dark
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30,000!! Thank you so, so much! I'll determine a celebration later on, I'm about to head out for work! ❤
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fantasy-writer747 · 4 years
Sudes, God of Light and Life
One of the four Elven Gods. They created the other three Gods and wasn't fond of the worship the Elves wanted to give them. They accepted it and when they disappeared, the Elves continued with their Festival of Sedus.
Pronouns: They/them
Role: God of light and life
Sacred Animals: Falcons and Foxes
More information will come out about them and other characters in my fantasy story.
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anotherghostcity · 5 years
I wrote this at 4 am
(and i say it so its ok if its shitty)
La fois où j’ai regardé mon coeur droit dans l’oeil qu’il n’avait pas.
J’étais surprise qu’il soit là, je pensais que comme pour le reste il avait pris l’eau,
Court circuité et fui.
Je l’ai regardé comme un bourreau et ce malgré ses airs de martyr.
Certes, il existe sans un mot, boursouflé, rougis par l’effort.
Cependant il est là. Il fait mal mais ne veut pas s’éteindre,
Se noyer paisiblement au fond de mes côtes comme il devrait et comme nous le voulons.
Il reste, la porte ouverte, la clé enfoncé dans la paume, me regardant
J’imagine. Il reste et fait mal, pourquoi. Il reste pour me faire mal,
Elle me répond. C’est évidemment
Femme. Il le fallait, tout est si outrageusement femme chez moi.
Il n’y a rien de plus femme qu’une âme qui se nourrit de son propre sang ou qui pleurent
Les bougies qui meurent devant les lampes et les miroirs qui ne les reflètent plus.
Ce qu’elles applaudissent aussi, parfois ou souvent.
Il n’y a rien de plus femme qu’un corps qui se poignarde et qu’on embrasse
Regarde, regarde mes rubis, je les ai fait, j’ai souffert pour.
Et il n’y a rien de plus femme qu’un coeur qui prend la haine et ne fait souffrir qu’en souffrant soi.
Je sens le poisons tous les jours, je ne pars pas.
J’ai pris l’eau, court-circuité, je suis toujours là.
Je ne me suis jamais noyée,
Malheureusement, mon coeur termine, c’est tout ce qu’elle dit.
Il n’y a rien de plus outrageusement moi que d’hausser les épaules,
L’or, le rouge.
Les cernes et le purgatoire.
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unwriter-sc · 5 years
So.... Writing Commissions
So, I’ve given this much consideration and I have decided that being a commission writer might be a prudent idea considering me being a poor-ass-college student.
So, if you would provide me with monetary funds for writing I will write stuff for you. If it pleases you.
(I will figure out prices later, if someone could advise me on this one.)
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mara-anne · 5 years
Tools of Fiction: Subplots
A subplot is a mini-story inside your big story to help add interesting depth to your characters and main plot. They can cut tension from the main plot, spur character growth, and are in general fun to write.
Do I need a subplot? Probably. Most stories have one, even ones for younger audiences (think Simba and Nala’s romance in The Lion King). What matters more is what subplots you choose for your story.
What subplots can I choose from? Anything that is a plotline that is not your main conflict is a subplot. You’re probably most familiar with romantic subplots but there are plenty of other interesting storylines that don’t involve romance. Rivals, mental issues, various conflicts with friends or family. The options are endless.
Do I need a romantic subplot? No! Romance is not a requirement for all novels. In fact, sometimes a romance does more harm than good because it’s added under the assumption of it being a requirement. Sadly, that typically means it’s not written well. A love interest that serves no other purpose, a lack of chemistry, the story slows itself down more than it needs to during the worst times, and it’s frustrating to read. This is all coming from someone who absolutely loves her ships.
Does my subplot need to relate to my story? Yes, please, yes, do this. It can be for theme, or character, or even to advance events in your main plot. I find a lot of subplots come out naturally from the main plot as I write, especially ones that involve emotional problems. In general, by the end of your story, your reader excepts all loose ends tied up and it’s much easier to do when it’s all connected. Plus, no one likes to read a chunk of a story that makes no sense even in context.
How many subplots should I have? as many as the story needs without confusing the reader. Most common intentional side plots are about two. I like to try to include one for each main character per book, but I also shift my POVs. You can have more, but too many will crowd your book and confuse the reader. Think of it as a bell curve. The longer or shorter your story, the fewer subplots you’ll have while those in the middle have the room and the time for more.
Can I add a subplot to my short story? I don’t suggest it because short stories are, well, short. You just don’t have room for it as I mentioned above.
I have a super long, complex storyline that will take multiple 600+ paged books. Should I still have a subplot? You probably already have some natural ones in there already and just haven’t noticed. that’s more common than you think, even if you are using a rigid outline because a lot of things that can be qualified as a subplot just seems like mini-quests in the grand scheme of things. There’s usually conflict at the back burner. Complex stories are complex because they have a multiple-step main plot with a bit of subplots that you need for the right character development to happen in between and to set up relationships and again, ease tension in such a long story.
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sleepwho · 5 years
Guess I’m gonna throw myself under the bus this year and participate in NaNoWriMo. I’m either writing a fantasy novel about a basterd half dragon and a blood weaver siren, or a sleeper cell human agent in space that’s pretending to be her twin and a half alien/human lieutenant on a military base filled with aliens (inspired by the humans are weird/ space Orcs fandom). PM me if you want to scream with me about the challenge.
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