#writing my commentary in the tags
tumbly-s · 2 months
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Trigun body horror week day 3 — LUNGS
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katabay · 5 months
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okay so. jack! jack. what a collection of guys. the overlap between jack and the beanstalk and jack the giant killer, though. that sure is something! sometimes king arthur is there, which always takes me by surprise.
this. specifically. is an idea I've been kicking around. jack and the beanstalk is not a story I've ever enjoyed, as a kid it was probably my least favorite to read. as an adult, I was INTENSELY fascinated by reading j.g. ballard's the drowned giant. I think about it frequently, and somewhere during a re read of it, I ended up revisiting jack.
combining different versions of jack into one character is not a new concept, but it IS a fun one! the version I've been assembling together plays less with the fun elements of a jack story (and adjacent folklore stories), and focuses more on the potential for tragic elements with the addition of the usual grim and jagged narrative edges that I personally enjoy.
jack with the backstory of the devil and the three golden hairs, only jack doesn't find love, he's TIRED, all he wants to do is go home, but there isn't a home to go back to. what is the point of being born lucky if this is what it gets you? jack the giant killer, only he doesn't want to kill giants, jack who saw a body of a giant when he was a small child and cannot bring himself to do as a king commands. jack, who climbs up the beanstalk and stops halfway to look down. etc.
to go back to the drowned giant real quick, both to set the tone about jack seeing the body of a giant as a youth, and also because I've been haunted and obsessed with this excerpt of it ever since I read it:
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J. G. Ballard, The Drowned Giant
anyway! this was originally like, a two illustration concept to get out of my system. however. I'm halfway through outlining a narrative. so. maybe it will also be several illustrations and also comic.
bsky ⭐ pixiv ⭐ pillowfort ⭐ cohost
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saltpepperbeard · 7 months
OFMD Week Day 4: Favorite Ships/Fluff
The Kiss (Favorite Moments/Commentary/Fluffy Writing) 💙💋💜
So I've been wanting to step through the kiss bit by bit and point out/wax poetic ramble on about all the intricacies for so, so long. And on a day of OFMD Week dedicated to ships, fluff, and favorite moments, it was a match made in heaven!
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I'll go ahead and start with the confession. The careful hesitance, the uncertainty, the moment right there in the air for both of them to take. The way Ed's lips barely even move with the whispered "...you" even when the weight of such an admittance is so strong. Yet, he does it. He goes for it. He finally frees the single word that has been clawing its way out of his chest for weeks.
But the way he's still so cautious, still so unsure. It's new to him. It's new to them both. He's likely never been in such a vulnerable position before. And it's a huge leap to make even if you're experienced anyway.
So, to see him slowly look over to gauge Stede's reaction, to see him so fragile...
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...And then to see Stede smile.
Granted, Stede's expression hurts a bit because it's incredulous. The way his eyebrows shoot up—he can't fathom it. His mind can't process that he makes Edward Teach happy. He probably believes he hasn't made anyone happy, ever.
But still, he smiles. Something inside of him sings. Something inside of him rejoices, because Ed makes him so happy too. Ed makes him feel worthy, feel seen.
And that smile is him seeing Ed right back, meeting him in the vulnerability as they have before. Not a look of disgust, or judgement, or anything negative of the sort.
But acceptance. Mutuality. A sunrise over a new beginning.
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So, of course Ed has to kiss him. Of course Ed has to take advantage of the moment. Of course Ed has to hush Stede by meeting his lips with his own. Words wouldn't have been as effective. Talking things through wouldn't have sufficed, not when things were so open.
Their mouths had to do a different sort of talking. Their souls had to breathe into each other, to finally meet as they had been wanting.
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And oh, how they had been wanting. Even with the muddiness in Stede's mind, even with all the underlying complexities, they relax into each other. There's the split-second jolt of surprise, the utter shock that exists from suddenly sharing such intimacy.
But then their bodies melt. They both fall into the connection. Stede eases himself into it, and some of the tension in Ed's eyes lessens.
Even still, they don't move or actively kiss right away. But why should they? It's new. It's different. It's precious.
It's something to be experienced, something to be savored.
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And something to be further explored, eventually.
Again, they meet each other. They know each other. They see each other.
When one body moves, so too, does the other. When one itches to try, to reach out just that little bit further, the other reaches back.
Ed started the kiss. Ed initiated. But Stede finds him—Stede kisses him in return.
And they seem to build off each other, to heighten their dance; when Stede kisses back, when Stede shows he's there, Ed seems that much more invigorated. He eases himself nearer, and pulls their bodies that much closer together...
With Stede following him and meeting his every move.
They're there. They're there with each other. There's nothing else but them in that moment.
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Again, Ed steps, and again, Stede meets. A tilt of the head, a glide of their lips, answered by the softest hum. A breathy little something that screams bliss. A tiny noise that says, "I have never known this before, but I want to for the rest of my life."
And Stede's eyes remaining closed after they part really hammers that sentiment in.
His mind may be a mess. His emotions may be all over the place.
But his heart isn't. His heart assuredly isn't.
It is warm, and dazed, and just as dreamy as he.
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Because goodness, the absolute fondness in his eyes. The sheer love in his eyes. The difference in his smiles—first stunned, then at home.
And again, another bit of mutuality. A returned breath in the space just for them.
"You make Stede happy."
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And oh, how wondrous is that. Oh, how relieving is that.
They make each other happy.
They're in love.
Despite everything, despite what's beneath the surface, despite all that will come, they're in love.
They're there for each other in a way no one ever has been before, and no one ever will be. Ed can hold Stede so softly, regarding him so gently as though he'll shatter. Stede can stare right into Ed's eyes, breathing the same air as though it's the easiest thing in the world.
Maybe because it is.
Because they're in love.
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glitteringaglarond · 1 year
Hope is a theme that runs throughout the story of The Lord of the Rings. You can no more remove Tolkien's themes and ideas about Hope than you could remove the Ring itself. It is always there, echoing silently at the edge of words, shimmering faintly in the darkness; and when it is absent a point is made to emphasize that very fact.
In the two "sections" of the book - one that focuses on Frodo and Sam and one that focuses on everybody else - we see the different ways that Hope is addressed. The story of Frodo and Sam shows what happens when Hope slowly ebbs away, leaving nothing but sheer, raw, heartbreaking determination behind - or in the case of Frodo, a person so broken that nothing can heal him.
But in the other section - the one that focuses on the rest of the Company and on Rohan and Gondor - Hope takes a slightly different form. Instead of being a story of the loss of Hope, it is the story of the restoration of Hope. Or more specifically, the Hope that certain characters can and do bring to the story, and to the people around them. And tragically, what will happen when certain characters cannot and will not Hope, and instead give way to Despair. And that's the Hope that I want to talk about.
In Sindarin there are two words for Hope: Estel, which is Hope based on Faith, and Amdir, which is Hope based on Proof. Aragorn, the heir of Kings, is undoubtedly the personification of Estel in the story. That is literally one of his many, many, many names. And I argue that Faramir, the heir of Stewards, is the personification of Amdir. Yes there are other characters that also embody Estel and Amdir - Gandalf and Imrahil spring to mind, but I mainly want to focus on Aragorn and Faramir. And I want to focus on how Estel vs Amdir has a profound impact on Despair.
Almost from the moment that Gandalf falls, Aragorn steps into his role as Estel. It is explicitly stated time and time again in the text that Aragorn brings hope with him wherever he goes. But the Hope of Aragorn is the one that you must have faith in, which means that it is a Hope that cannot always be physically there. To all appearances, Hope must abandon the people who need it most in order to shine out bright and triumphantly when most needed. And so Estel departs, and the people must have faith that Hope will return or give in to Despair.
Faramir, on the other hand, is a different kind of Hope. Gondor has been at war with Sauron for centuries. There is no single man, woman, or child in Gondor who has ever known peace without the threat of war and violence looming within sight of their very city. They are a people who can no longer afford to have faith in Hope. Their Hope must be based on Proof, and that is exactly what they have in Faramir, and is likely a role shared by Boromir before he departed and fell. So Faramir proves himself, day in and day out. He proves himself a man of wisdom, a man of courage, a man who all his people can depend on. He proves himself to be willing to ride against a flying Nazgul on the off chance he can help his men - and the Hope he inspires is so great that even his horse will not turn aside when that is his purpose. And yet, when the situation is at its most dire, Amdir falls. And now the People have nothing.
And Despair, as the antithesis of Hope, is an important element in a discussion about Hope. So first let's talk about the antithesis of Estel: Denethor.
Denethor, who in a sense is the personification of his people, has been leading a steadily weakening people for years, fighting a war that has been going on for centuries. He does not have the luxury to Hope, and he certainly doesn't have the luxury for a Hope that you have to have faith in. Faith died long ago, and all that is left is what meager Hope can be pulled from the daily grind, from the blood and sweat and tears of the men who fight in this war. All that is left is Amdir - and Denethor's relationship with Amdir is famously strained.
But Denethor struggles on. He continues on when Boromir falls, despair beginning to cloud his judgement as he is overwhelmed by grief. But it is only when Faramir falls in battle - when Amdir is seemingly lost, that he has no Hope left. And so in Despair he turns to the Palantir and is literally given a glimpse of Estel. But Faith died long ago, so he doesn't see the Hope that he must have Faith to see. And thus his Despair gives way to madness.
And in his madness, he nearly destroys what remains of Amdir.
But Estel has come, even if Denethor did not have the necessary Faith to see it. And what it is that can restore Hope when there is no longer any proof for it? What can restore Amdir? Who can restore Faramir? Estel can - the healing hands of the King.
Estel and Amdir, the King and his Steward - the two go hand in hand. The people of Gondor want to believe in their King, but they do believe in the Stewards that have ruled them for centuries. So is it a wonder that the people's ability to have faith in Hope is only restored when Estel restores Amdir?
But there is one other character, intrinsically linked with Faramir and Aragorn, to whom the themes Hope and Despair are poignantly evident: Eowyn.
Like Denethor, Estel is what pushes her over the edge and into a desire for death. When Estel cannot manage to give her any hope for a future and leaves her behind to a bleak present, she loses all hope. But unlike Denethor, Estel was the only hope she had. So when she lost her faith in Hope she had nothing to fall back on to. When she lost her faith in Hope, she did not have years and years of Hope based on proof to depend on. Instead she is pushed to the same level of desperation that led to Denethor's despair and madness.
Like Denethor, Eowyn sought to die - possibly with those she loved beside her, although that is not made explicit. Like Denethor, the intervention of Hobbits saved her life. Unlike Denethor, she did not get the chance to try again. And now, after failing even at her own death, with Estel saying that he cannot restore her from her Despair, (literally saying that he can recall her from the dark valley, but if she awakes to despair she will die unless some other healing comes that he cannot bring), Eowyn finally meets Amdir. She finally meets the kind of Hope that her bitter, depressed, desperate soul can depend on. And Faramir, with the Hope of Amdir, is able to heal her the way Estel could not.
And once Estel restores Amdir, Amdir can bring about the kind of healing that Estel cannot. After all, Hope that you must have faith in is only powerful when people have Faith. And sometimes that is not possible. Sometimes Hope needs to prove itself to a person before they can accept the nebulousness of Faith.
When Estel restores Amdir and Amdir, in turn, restores Faith - the people now have the faith needed for Estel's true return.
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emblazons · 1 year
Saw this post and article (not for the first time, but for the first time related to Stranger Things) and started thinking.
Thinking about how M*leven's relationship (at least at the start) is the full embodiment of the "Born Sexy Yesterday" trope in the way that even its existence is a play on the relational and sexual insecurity of nerdy and insecure young men.
Thinking about the way Mike kissing El when she has no idea what romance means is literally this trope watered down because they're younger...and you can't deny its rooted in insecurity either, because even the pitch of the show says that Mike has a lot of insecurities he thinks will be resolved by the presence of a girl.
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Thinking about how a lot of people who struggle with social relationships and romantic endeavors for the same reason have projected the same fantasy of "Born Sexy Yesterday" onto Mike and Eleven's romance...even though The Duffers have repeatedly made clear their plan is to subvert the trope by giving El autonomy and independence...and showing us that they don't view women as a means to cure insecurity in men...even in science fiction.
Thinking about how the reason people don't want Mike to be queer or M*leven to break up is because Mike is the one who represents the "gets the girl in spite of his rampant lack of desirability" in science fiction, and Mike not getting the girl means that a show they've projected onto is throwing a mirror in their face and saying "this wasn't right when he did it, and its not right when you do."
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Thinking about how the more Eleven gains autonomy--the more she hangs out with Max (which also leads to Mike feeling insecure)--the more their relationship crumbles, because El no longer needs the insecure boy to lead her, or to give her insight into the world....which is core to this relationship trope's survival.
Thinking about the way the only thing Mike says about El is that she's his "superhero," because he never learned to view her as a whole and autonomous person--the exact same way this trope does to its female love interests. About how we know this for a fact, because Mike coming to terms with the fact that the naive girl he tried to use to fill his insecurities no longer exists or needs him is what the entirety of his first digression monologue to Will is based on in the van...including the line that made this explicit, though its been moved to the subtext again in the show itself.
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Thinking about media illiterate people who think the "trope subversion" in Stranger Things is El being the one with powers isn't a subversion at all, because science fiction has been doing that shit for half a century by making women entirely out of men's leagues their partners by making them naive to the world...which is why people expected the same from Mike and Eleven after Season 1.
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Thinking about why people pointing out that S4 "showing the cards" meant of Mike and El's crumbling relationship, El's full fledged autonomy combined with her now losing (removing the superhero effect even more effectively than her losing her powers did) on top of Mike having feelings for another guy is so angering for people--
--because the characters they thought were filling their toxic trope fantasies were actually turning into something else: a girl with a full independent identity and autonomy...and a boy who learned how to view his partner as an equal...once he realized he was actually in love with another boy.
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The only way to deny this is to either be entirely unaware its happening or deny the subtext of this trope being turned upside its head...which is also why they probably hate people talking about subtext, right before screaming "its not that deep."
But I mean. You didn't hear it from me. ☕️
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cowardlybean · 7 months
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i spent too long on these not to post them but hey. little crumbs I guess <3
doodles for the fic Rainspeak by @quirkle2 (I can NEVERRRR do this fic justice it’s SO GOOD please go read it)
ft the library chapter (twice,,), teru’s condensed aura, and reigen at 3 am in the alleyway about to be ambushed by ritsu (my favorite chapter)
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foursaints · 3 months
barty fucks like a fever dream you have at a theme park
riding a luxury rollercoaster but the screws are loose!!
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dalkyeom · 9 months
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there was something in the air the other night
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arvoze · 3 months
[3/3] HHNFLARTAS - what's done is done
hell hath no fury like a rescue team association scorned not a fic or anything, i just ramble a lot about my pmd ocs in a digestible format that's more or less that kind of content. random yearly event for rescue teams. covers no more than like, one week of VV content
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[ 1 / 2 / X ]
the rescue team association #1, again
there comes a point where it gets complicated. the RTA can't let you pass just because you completed their challenges -- you could cheat to win, and that wouldn't be reliable, after all. there's a million and one technicalities to consider.
yes, keith's team saved the rescue, who came back safe and unharmed. they also secured the item at the end of the dungeon. so what gives?
you never split the team. the rescue takes priority.
but they did the rescue. does it really matter? you can't just go off of stuff like this. there's specifics to it. it's a case-by-case basis.
both parties are right, in their own way. it's not a black and white case.
in the RTA's defense, they aren't wrong. you've got to consider how their actions would come across out of context.
a rescue has been secured. a member has split from their team, taking the rescue with them.
they split from the team. this puts them in immediate danger. they also have the rescue with them, so they're endangering the rescue as well.
if the solo member is incapacitated, the rescue is at incredible risk. the member is also at risk.
team splits can cause multiple problems to arise at once. it may also be seen as a disagreement.
extreme measures had to be taken to ensure the remaining members completed their goal.
the usage of a flood orb is not commonplace. team inventory will not always have this item available. it cannot be considered a reliable solution to a problem.
relying entirely on one item makes you a liability. it can be considered an easy way out.
the monster house was not fully defeated, simply temporarily disposed of. if the orb failed to work, the team would not have survived.
if the rescue was there, they could have been swept up in the confusion.
their general behaviour may be seen as too immature and unreliable.
this only checks out if they're monitored during their dungeon run. the three have a lot of chemistry with eachother, and have a lot of banter together. when you're unaware of how they talk to eachother, it can be seen as constant bickering and arguing.
regardless of how seriously they take the job when it's required (since they don't really like to be tense the whole way through), they have lapses of silliness and tomfoolery. this is because the RTA is incredibly boring and hate fun.
they barely even survived. let's be honest.
this is self-explanatory.
the rescue team association #2
in the defence of keith's team, you'd have to consider the following:
a rescue has been secured. mike has split from the team, taking the rescue with him.
he split from the team, a mutual agreement between all three members. they decided that this was the best way to get the rescue to safety. mike is strong and fast enough to get the rescue out of the dungeon with his remaining energy.
mike didn't become incapacitated. and if he was close to such, he can take matters into his own hands to really save his skin, and, more importantly, the rescue.
there was no disagreement, and mike was going backwards. he wasn't taking any new paths and discovering new things/triggering events. he was simply backtracking, taking the safest routes.
the rescue plant, an undetermined pokemon of undetermined rescue knowledge, agrees that this was the best decision to make given the circumstances.
extreme measures had to be taken to ensure keith's team could complete their goal.
this is because luwel prepared for the worst. when you plan for a rescue, you already know what kind of environment to expect, so you prepare thusly; this is no different. if it were a real job, and keith's team were the only pokemon available, it would be the exact same -- luwel would prepare the very same items as he did for this adventure.
they had the flood orb, which meant it was available to them at the time. a problem was predicted, planned for, and then solved. this is how it should be.
keith's team did not rely on a singular item. instead, luwel took the time into planning out the right items to carry with them, getting a rough estimate on the dungeon size and how difficult the job would be. to say the item is the sole reason they survived is to completely undermine luwel's ability to plan ahead.
a monster house does not have to be defeated in order for either goal to be met. if a third task was to defeat a monster house, then this would apply. but this was not the case, so it does not.
the rescue would have been accounted for. keith's team will make quick decisions, but they will never forgo the rescue to make them. the rescue, had they been present in the room at the time of the orb's use, would have been given a heads-up, and the team would take the initiative to keep the rescue safe before using the orb. additionally, the rescue was not even there at the time.
keith's team communicate with eachother frequently, including having light conversation, as well as constructive discussions about eachother.
sorry that you're too unfamiliar with a good relationship to understand their dynamic. the rescue would state that despite the circumstances, they did feel that keith's team had great communication. this is a non-issue, and exists just to make the cause for failure bigger than it actually was.
there's a lot of back-and-forths. guildmaster rime is not happy with the results.
the rescue team association #3
truth be told, there's… really not a lot that the team can do about the situation. what's done is done. they can fight their case if they really wanted to, but it's just resources wasted. as far as they're aware, at least.
guildmaster rime has always been in keith's team's ballpark. hell, keith is like a son to him, he is a son to him -- keith's going to inherit his guild, for goodness sakes! how can rime be succeeded by someone who failed the master trials for no real good reason? it won't do. it just won't do. the guildmaster is typically in agreement with the RTA when it comes to grading, as a seasoned explorer himself -- but to not consider keith's case? to fault them on technicalities alone? it's not right. it isn't fucking right. he'll do something about it. or at least, try to.
as a guildmaster, rime has some form of contact with the RTA. it's a required system in order to have a guild be truly recognised in the world, and additionally mandatory for any teams to earn ranking points. he drops a line of inquiry into the guild's connection orb, but there's been no response for several days. despite his grievances with the system, rime knows better than to push.
the boys have already forgotten about it, for the most part. they're discouraged, but they know in their hearts what they truly are: a good team who did the right thing. keith tries to distract himself by ranting and raving about the process of getting another flood orb. luwel's been trying to distract himself by writing up varying arguments to plead their case, which isn't really a distraction at all. mike is… unbothered. he cares, but doesn't have enough faith in the system, and settles more on the idea of "we know our truth and that's that, if they can't see it that's on them". every time luwel brings up a possible counter-point, mike gives him a thwap on the head. "best to keep it to yourself," mike says. "i dunno if keith can take it".
they cross paths with team PB&J occasionally, who, against all odds, ranked in the top 100. keith would say it was a total fluke that they did, and truthfully, he's right. it pisses him off further.
it's been about a week. the RTA responded to rime, after sending a rotom drone or two out to survey the boys. none of them noticed. nothing really fun or exciting to report on. the drones were simply just monitoring their day-to-day, to see how they've decided to take the results. it's invasive, and certainly not something they consented to, but the RTA can do whatever they want if you more or less work for them. thankfully, they do not find luwel's musings, as he gave up before the first surveillance.
rime's call is short-lived. there's not much to say, according to the RTA. the final findings were, essentially, "agree to disagree". they'd argued that because the case wasn't black and white, a true, rightful verdict couldn't be settled on; this uncertainty meant it was safer to fail keith's team than it was to pass them.
nobody had the desire to combat the RTA of all people about the decision any further. failing due to just barely missing the mark was better than failing due to sheer ineptitude, which lead to some sort of small victory for the team in the end. at least we aren't total failures, i guess, keith would think to himself.
not that they'd expected things to go their way. they knew that by now.
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me? watching dhmis for the 'nth time? its more likely than you think
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topsyturvy-turtely · 2 months
I love your energy so much, keep being you 🥰
bleeep... whAT?! i can't handle my energy myself sometimes!!!
but it is very much appreciated, my dear *makes an eccentric bow or curtsie... sth in between cause my gender is inbetween (and i would probably fall over and break my nose) (lol imagine telling a nurse you broke your nose when you... SEE IT IS TOO MUCH MY ENERGY IS TOO MUCH!)
*MAKES TOO LOUD TOO WEIRD NOISE... to contain all the weird energy (is it working???)*
(wtf am i doin)
thank you haha 😅😂🤦🏻🐢
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brookheimer · 1 year
sooooo much to say about tomshiv fight oh my god. holy fuck
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sprout-fics · 7 months
i saw your reblog about makarov and i 100% agree im excited he’s a great villain but also dreading it all because i know for a fact people are gonna write fluffy cute fanfic for him, i’m fine with people liking the actor who’s gonna play him seen a few things julian is in and he’s really good and seems like a nice guy but like let’s leave it at that?? sorry for the rambling thoughts
Honestly, again, folks can write what they want. I'm not going to stop them, because this is fandom and we can do what we want. I personally will not read it for reasons mentioned prior.
I will confess I have considered writing for Makarov, but nowhere near a romantic context. The idea I had for him which I will probably not pursue is a very winter-soldier type affair where he manipulates the main character after they are MIA from the taskforce. He is meant to be written as manipulative and dangerous, and even after MC is freed he continues to haunt them. Romance is not involved, only emotional manipulation. It's an interesting concept, but I feel a sense of discomfort with the idea of writing it because I'm not particularly prone to dark fics. I'm thinking about maybe incorporating the idea into some Whumptober prompts, and leaving it at that
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alphacrone · 2 months
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emblazons · 1 year
“The duffers are just two straight white guys who want the hero to get the girl, with a slap dash of role reversal because she’s the one with powers”
Counter: The Duffers are two nerdy white guys who have never once been confirmed as straight (one simply happens to be married to a woman) who had a chance taken on them by a big studio who now—by some social deference to nostalgia with thrilling elements—show run one of the most popular shows in the world.
(forewarning for some pettiness & some sarcasm lmao)
They have literally said they are film nerds surprised by their audience because they expected it to appeal only to people like them: fellow nerds and film kids (who went to one of the most well-respected film schools in California, and maybe the states) whose OG pitch was inspired by Denis Villeneuve (director of Prisoners, Arrival, Blade Runner 2049, & Dune to name a few), True Detective (Cary Fukunaga), and the subversive horrors & fantasies of their childhood—and who have shown season over season they are entirely unafraid to vilify homophobia, subvert heteronormativity, and tell queer stories with deference to the emotions of the queer person.
They have also again and again shown that they do not necessarily defer to or even agree with the things their actors say implicitly (making faces when they say things they don’t necessarily agree with) and explicitly (saying “we’re not game of thrones’ when Millie + Noah said they should start killing people off). They have said more than once that they regret leaning into public opinion or fan desires over the story they want to tell, and that they will not be doing so for their final seasons (despite knowing it will upset some of their fans).
Now….with all of this in mind—you want to bet that these two men are planning on “subverting the trope” by doing…the same shit every show you’ve ever seen do to their queer characters? To undermine an entire season of romantic tension they placed between two of the male leads in an ensemble cast, INCLUDING confirming that one of them is in fact gay and in love with the other one, despite knowing how important good storytelling is to them based on their words and inspirations? To internalize the words of one of their actors at a fan con (who merely said he “doesn’t think” something, and then said “we’ll see”) as law over 6.5 years of evidence proving they are literally just going to do what they want, actors and audience be damned?
Lmao. Just…lmao.
I don’t worship the duffers by any stretch of the imagination (and in fact have a fair amount of critique for how certain things were handled) but…even I know believing their idea of a good story is 1) gonna do the same shit everyone else has before them to queer characters they’ve already shown more respect to than not and 2) going to be dictated by the whims of people upset at them for simultaneously being too heteronormative and not heteronormative enough is…laughable, to say the least.
Please realize that actors and fans are not the central drivers of story in this show (unlike so many others) and rest from the constant emotional rollercoaster of believing everyone but the people who run the story. I promise you will know a lot more peace, in life and on the internet lmaooooo
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fluxweeed · 7 months
hello may i have some dvd commentary for this delicious little scene here from Still the pine-woods scent the moon (it’s 300 or so words so i figured a screenshot was easier than copying your own words into here sorry)
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honestly anything you’d like to share about this fic i will happily gobble up thank you very much 🤲 thank you, love you, bye!!!!!!
ahaha YES you absolutely can!!!!
(spoilers (ig?) for Still the pine woods scent the moon and E-rated talk ahead!)
1) so by the time i got to writing this scene (which is, what? 3k in out of 15k?), the fic had already been reworked twice-ish
firstly, it was originally a sirius/harry fic – i have 250 words of a bit slightly earlier the fic (the bit where harry admits he wanted to get fucked) that was the original idea the entire fic was built around, except it was harry admitting it to sirius and sirius was having conflicted horny godfather thoughts.
secondly, once i'd rewritten the whole beginning with remus, i wrote up to the "who's right? me or draco?" line without knowing where the fic was going. i say this every time i write a 15k fic, but i really did want this to be a quick PWP – for a while i was considering having remus snap right there and they go straight into mindless feral fucking, because i did not WANT to write another 10k. i never want to write a single word if i can help it. here's a boring screenshot of me talking it through in poor @bronwenackeley's DMs.
2) the last couple of paragraphs in this screenshot were placeholder text. they feel kind of clumsy to me? a bit tell-y? a bit cringe? eventually i decided i didn't have the skill to improve them and just deleted the square brackets and left them as-is lol.
3) i tried to include wolfy words to describe remus when he's losing control around harry. this is probably really obvious and doesn't need me pointing it out, but whenever he's struggling, there's usually a growl or a snarl or a mention of claws or teeth or something. i do think i overdid it with this a bit tbh but i enjoyed having that as a lil goal for myself.
4) finally, and this is not relevant to your screenshot at all but it's my other fav behind-the-scenes fact about this fic, but also in the trash heap doc for this one is 500 words of harry and charlie having sex – bc in one draft, remus DID sneak upstairs and listen at the door when he came home to them doing the do. i was a little sad at having to cut it bc there's a fair chunk of banter-y dialogue (ofc), but it's pretty much all covered by the exchange later in the fic where harry says it was hard to lose himself with charlie, so i just made remus go downstairs and get horny drunk on his own lmao.
i didn't want to make this answer any longer by including the bits i cut/changed, but i do have the harry/sirius and harry/charlie scenes if u wanna see them!! lmk!! ❤️
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