#wtfock season 5 scene analysis
bowieexaminprogress · 3 years
A little directorial nugget I liked in today’s morning clip.
When Yasmina enters the school we see very quickly this white visually male student entering the school and covering his head with a hood.
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A move that is allowed by the school and is considered to be cool by the kids, society and the political system. Also the fact that the student is a male is used as a symbolism and contrast against Yasmina’s female nature. I find this shot interesting because it comes in juxtaposition with the next shot where Yasmina is standing in front the mirror and is forced to take her hijab off.
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A head covering that is viewed by the political system, society as a sign of oppression. The western society taking the role of the “saviour” in their eyes, for the “oppressed” Muslim women. When in reality oppression comes through the removal of choice for women to treat and cover their bodies as they wish.
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lucidpantone · 4 years
DS’s acting analysis
(but like honestly....keeping it 100%)
One post and you end up in the middle of the DS acting debate😬. Once I open these flood gates the DS stans/anti’s will flock but hey who better since I don’t actually stan the actors personally at all but I can comment on solely their acting skills without prejudice. Let’s stop kicking the can down the road and lets let the buck stop here and really discuss DS’s acting honestly. Firstly, Willem Herbots is the best actor in Wtfock point blank period and probably one of the best actors in the skamverse.
Willem Deschryver did very well as the onscreen partner to Herbots (very very good) especially for how green he was. However, let’s examine his acting in comparison with his screen partner. Let’s be clinical and not emotional about evaluating him. DS’s acting skills really developed before our eyes this season. His growth was tangible but they were scenes for me that were merely OK. The one that stands out to me the most (finish reading b4 you get all huffy) is Woensdag 16:36. Herbots really showed me here the dynamic of this pairing.
Herbots is leading that entire scene atmospherically they are a few grande gestures like the pillow fight/head grab that enhance/set the scene’s intimacy but overall the close up expressions are powered by Herbots he really just knows how to convey emotion with his eyes (examples 0.53 & 2:49). Deschryver really struggles for me in this scene. He needs to watch his eyes as they sometimes fall flat. Especially during his monologue man I wanted him to use his face a little more instead of looking out blankly. Also his hands never touch Robbe and Sander would never do that and if Sander was nervous because of what had just happened then show me that hesitation. Even if Sander was just pulling on his tshirt similar to what Robbe was doing to Sander’s hair. Also notice how Herbots changes his voice intonation from curiousity/glee pitch (5:19) to distrust pitch (5:49) where Willem uses overt gestures like sighs to communicate annoyance (5:54). I also wanted more from his first “voor” (4:50) it was a bit wishy washy in its delivery. I think it was meant to be inquisitive or leading in nature as the next phrase is a correction/as well as an admittance. I will say what Willem did in 3 episodes from Woensdag 16:36 to Vrijdag 23:31 is remarkable(yes, I realize they film out of order). So I guess what am saying is if we do a DS appreciation week I want people to actually comment on his growth and acknowledge it because he was just okay in some earlier season scenes (not the grocery store scene tho he was so good then) but man oh man did he come back with a vengeance from ep8 onwards.
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bowieexaminprogress · 3 years
From the get go Yasmina is faced with judgement from the white Belgian community and her Muslim community. Islamophobia and misogyny in the span of a minute just by riding a bus. Our girl is about to find her place in society where everything she is, is judged by everyone.
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bowieexaminprogress · 3 years
Directorial Nuggets
Woensdag 13:23 part 1
I have watched this clip a few times and I have to say that my first thoughts about it were different from the ones I had after watching it a couple of times and I think it has to do with the fact that I started watching it more objectively as I was paying attention to the details after my initial reaction. So here are my thoughts about it.
We see Yasmina and her mum shopping. I love that Yasmina’s facial expression here is the exact same we saw yesterday while she was watching the tv series. She looks uninterested, almost exhausted, she is disconnected again. Her mum immediately picks up on that and asks her if she is alright. The only person from her family to do that. Note that this is exactly what Yasmina confronted Elias for not doing. I love how her mum slowly tries to make her open up. “I miss you a little”, “I feel like your mind isn’t really here”, “Should I be worried?”, “You don’t tell me anything anymore”. Note how Yasmina’s disposition changes during the last two questions she appears snappy again. She doesn’t see that as an attempt to offer help but as an interrogation. From her mum’s words we realise that they actually had a close relationship before and maybe a wall was raised between them just recently. So I think this is happening not because Yasmina doesn’t trust her mother necessarily but because her own frustration and prejudice has led her to have a distorted view of the people around her and close off. We have seen that with everyone so far. Remember we are in Yasmina’s POV. We don’t see the world objectively. And everytime we saw her parents it was during moments where Yasmina was highly stressed.
And then Sobbe appears. Now this sequence is where my initial thoughts morphed a little bit and I started adding more layers into my thought process. Look how we see Sander and Robbe for the first time.
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They don’t hold hands, they walk together and talk. If we didn’t know that they are a couple we could have easily thought that they are friends. I think this is important in order to try and peel off the layers of Yasmina’s mum. Look at the way she looks at them immediately.
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She doesn’t know who they are, she doesn’t know that they are a couple and she immediately appears distanced, wary. Her body language remains the same even when there is an indication that Robbe and Sander are actually a couple when Robbe flirts with him here.
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I can’t help but think that this reaction had nothing to do with the fact that they are a queer couple, but it was mostly driven by the fact that they are Yasmina’s ‘Belgian friends’ who flirt so openly in front of someone who is older than them. So my question is what is the exact issue? Does her mum have a problem that all of her friends are Belgian and non Muslim because she would love for Yasmina to at least engage with some people who are closer to her culture or does her mum doesn’t want her to have Belgian friends at all because she thinks that there cannot be a connection between those cultures? Her comment about Belgians having habits and customs that don’t fit Yasmina actually was not about homosexuality at all but about how Belgians carry themselves in public, how they display intimacy, how they choose to live their lives that are so different from what Yasmina is used to. Is it just Yasmina thinking that her mums comment was targeting the fact that they are queer. This clip doesn’t make it absolutely clear and leaves everything to interpretation in the eyes of each viewer because we never hear her mum elaborate on her thoughts she just says something and then gets cut off by Yasmina. But if you look closer the answers are there. Yasmina brings up issues of homosexuality and Muslim/non Muslim marriage in Islam and that she doesn’t feel that the interpretation of those issues fit her. And then her mother asks Yasmina if she has a Belgian boyfriend something that Yasmina immediately debunks. Her mum made no comment about homosexuality at all. She concentrated more on the fact that Yasmina might have a boyfriend who is Belgian.
This clip can be extremely problematic in my opinion if it doesn’t get followed by other clips further in the season that will counteract the notions implied here. They can easily deep into extreme stereotypes about the Muslim community because Yasmina’s view at the moment is so stereotypical. Homophobia, reversed racism. What I want to see wtfock doing now is to give me clips where her mum/dad are given time to voice their own truth without Yasmina’s frustrated, prejudiced POV in the way so we can finally see where they stand in all the issues above and also because of all the nods towards homophobia and Islam (here through Yasmina’s interpretation, Badr’s story) I need them to give us a representation of the big part of the Muslim community that is embracing the LGBTQIA+ community not only through Yasmina but other people as well and queer Muslim kids that live happy by being openly queer. Because when you are going there you have to show the whole picture at the end.
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bowieexaminprogress · 3 years
Directorial nuggets
Dinsdag 17:02
It is official! Tuesdays are Yousdays from now on. Beautiful how wtfock continues true to their shipday tradition.
The continuing visual theme of mirroring images we saw in every Yousmina encounter remains in this clip as well. From their hijab/jumper common colour theme again, to their body language, to their facial expression, to their mirroring positions in space. We are clearly talking about two entities that are the same.
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One thing to be noticed is that this time around we don’t have the divides at the front centre position on screen. The initial divide has been lifted as Younes is sending Yasmina the follow request and she accepts it and follows him back. The only thing separating them right now is physical space.
Colour is of significance again: Blue is the colour of trust, loyalty, stability, honesty, tranquility. They are trusting each other with their emotions and they make their intentions clear to each other.
Regarding the first part of the clip we see how Luca remains the one person from Yasmina’s friend group who puts a smile on her face always. She is the sidekick for our hero this season. We also see how the girls start discussing future uni options again something that clearly will be addressed later.
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bowieexaminprogress · 3 years
Directorial nuggets
Donderdag 17:21
Yasmina, Younes and blue! Colour matching is their non verbal language. We have established that whenever they are outside and looking for each other, they find each other through their matching colours. Blue again is central: trust, loyalty, tranquility. That’s what connects them here.
All that is reflected through their words. Yasmina trusting and thanking Younes for his advice.
It is interesting how Younes points out that his lie to her dad is half true because he gave the bottle to his roommate. It is Ramadan at the end of the day and lying is considered to be a sin.
Younes challenging Yasmina to a basketball match and we have a beautiful sequence of shots. The visual shifts slightly the shots are narrower symbolising the intimacy building between the characters.
Suddenly we don’t hear any background noise anymore, the music changes and we have officially entered Younes’ POV. We see the world, we see Yasmina through his eyes. She is his focal point. And isn’t that world dreamy. The camera movement appears flowy, extremely smooth. There is no harshness. Only softness.
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The shots are becoming more narrow with many close ups. The intimacy is growing. Our protagonists are moving closer. And then for the first time we have stillness that comes with their hands touching.
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The camera shifts slowly from Younes to Yasmina and we are back in Yasmina’s pov. Still no background noise. She is fully emerged in him. We see how she is looking at their hands together, Younes’ eyes, his lips. Her expression is indicative of want, of desire and as they come closer she becomes aware of her own feelings. Her facial expression gives everything away.
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The world around her suddenly appears. The background noise is back. She is judging herself at this particular moment for what she is feeling, for what she is thinking. It is Ramadan after all.
She runs away from him. But she is mostly running away from herself.
The song says it all:
God undertow
And then as she is alone with her emotions:
I was only falling in love.
That “only” is important.
It is a dialogue she has with herself, her mind against her heart. The heart justifying itself, the mind being critical. Her emotions of guilt, judgment against the emotions of love.
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bowieexaminprogress · 3 years
Directorial nuggets from clip 5 and clip 7:
What is striking this season is how the blocking of the Younes/Yasmina scenes so far paints a clear picture of mirroring images.
During both of the Youmina clips the characters have been positioned in such a way to reflect each other.
From their first meeting:
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To their second meeting where they again appear as mirroring each other’s disposition:
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Yasmina so far is surrounded by contrasting beliefs, behaviours, notions even in her own home and the only person who appears to be mirroring her attitudes, behaviours, personality is Younes.
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bowieexaminprogress · 3 years
Awaiting for the translation for the breakdown of the scene but this shot right here:
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Comparing to this shot before:
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bowieexaminprogress · 3 years
Directorial nuggets:
Vrijdag 21:53 part 1:
First of all this is probably the most difficult clip to watch so far in the episode and the one that carries the most weight. My favourite of episode one. There is so much to talk about so I will post the analysis in two parts.
At the beginning of the scene we see from behind two relatively similar women walking together and having a common destination. Note though how this scene is basically the Yasmina/Aïcha scene at the table but flipped. Aïcha is deeply concentrated on her phone whereas Yasmina is in touch with her surroundings.
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As the girls are walking notice the gradual change in lighting that reflect Yasmina’s emotional state. We start from bright blue white, to dusky yellow to bright red. A clear visual storytelling device used by Tom Goris. From enlightenment/calmness/almost passivity, to dishonesty/deceit/hazard to finally danger/alertness but also power. The visual is clearly reflecting the words spoken.
Aïcha out of all the people around her is the closest visually to who Yasmina is. So in a way that scene is a symbolism between two sides of visually the same coin. Yasmina’s shock when Aïcha without a second thought is taking her hijab off is not there only because that is something that Yasmina can’t believe a hijabi Muslim woman will do when she personally struggles to take it off when she is forced to at school but it is also the shock of a potential of Yasmina being at that exact place as Aïcha. The choreography of this scene is very indicative of that. After Aïcha is taking her hijab off they switch places on screen in a circular way. Now Yasmina watches Aïcha going away and almost a potential version of Yasmina if she chose to not wear a hijab and succumb to the temptations around her.
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bowieexaminprogress · 3 years
Directorial nuggets
Vrijdag 21:01
Since yesterday Yasmina has entered a new stage. She is now taking the pen and writing her own story, she is reclaiming her power and doing things her way and we are following her at this exact moment.
She has decided that she will go after what she wants, she will pursue her dreams without the noise of her mind or the people around her. This is an extremely powerful moment for Yasmina, as she has let her guard down and she let her feelings guide her for the first time. It is important to remember that for someone like Yasmina, someone who is extremely cerebral this is an unprecedented moment of vulnerability. She is going to find Younes, filled with anticipation, excitement, anxiety. Emotions are running high. It is obvious in the way she rushes, she breaths, she holds herself.
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She enters the cinema and she is searching for him. The one she desires. The feelings are amplified further.
And then she finds him. Or better she finds them. There sitting together, laughing, touching. The background noise stops, her body shifts and we have now entered her mind.
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Everything moves in slow motion almost like a dream sequence. Almost like when she was alone with Younes at the basketball court. But this time around the dream is a nightmare drenched in the harsh dreadful red light. As Aïcha and Younes move, Yasmina concentrates on the way Aïcha touches him and the way he smiles, the shots are becoming more narrow. As the sequence progresses we see Yasmina’s eyes filling with tears. We hear her agonal breathing. Notice how the way the red light flashes in slow motion looks like an irregular heartbeat. We are witnessing a heartbreak.
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For a moment Yasmina thinks that they are about to kiss and her eyes are looking away.
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Someone bumps into her and she is immediately brought back to reality. The background noise is back, she becomes aware of her surroundings. Now Younes and Aïcha are part of a wider shot, part of the environment. And Yasmina stands there absolutely broken.
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She rushes out of the cinema the same way she rushed in but also so much different. Excitement, anticipation, smile have been replaced by sorrow, pain, tears. She moves in slow motion with no background noise as she is drowning in those feelings. She exits the cinema and the opening of the door brings the outside world in front of her. Everything looks grey and gloomy and as the air hits her she lets everything go, she releases. Tears are running rivers on her cheeks. She is sobbing. She wipes her tears away and she leaves. The last shot of the beautiful embellished wedding dress is the dream that’s left behind.
In order to understand exactly what happened here we need to take into account what was anticipated, what was expected and the level of emotion behind Yasmina’s move to actively pursue Younes. Everything was so intense inside her. It was a string pulled so extremely tightly that when she saw Aïcha because it was so unexpected and because of who Aïcha represents in her mind (the girl that just replaced her, that gets to be what she herself can’t, the girl that gets the best of both worlds) that string just broke. Also we need to take into account Yasmina’s relationship with intimacy. Comparing to Aïcha, Yasmina is more reserved. Everytime she came closer to Younes it was by her touching his hands, being close to his body and that was always connected with feelings of desire and want. And that’s exactly how she interprets what’s happening here. But the truth is that Aïcha naturally is more tactile, more open person and maybe even more flirty. It is her natural disposition. Aïcha is a person for whom a touch doesn’t necessarily signify lust or desire but is the way she shows closeness even if it is platonic.
We have a combination of a massive load of emotions and a misinterpretation of motives driven by prejudice. That combined with everything else running in the background for Yasmina has led to this huge explosion of tears and a deep deep hurt and disappointment.
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bowieexaminprogress · 3 years
Directorial nuggets
Woensdag 13:23 part 2
Ok let’s discuss Sobbe.
The trio Yasmina/Robbe/Sander is full of tease, banter and is an absolute joy to witness how they all bounce off of each other.
Yasmina telling Robbe off for not studying maths, Robbe teasing her and saying he is actually better than her and basically that she should be the one studying, Sander living for Yasmina’s comment and teasing Robbe further saying that he is good because of him, Robbe making fun of Sander’s Math skills and saying it’s ok he has other talents and flirting with him unapologetically in front of everyone. I love those 3 kids. Their personalities and their interaction is consistent and feels so true to what we have seen in season 3.
We see how Robbe and Sander appear open and happy. How they have grown individually but also together during this one year and a half. It is so beautiful to witness. The way they look at each other, the way they are comfortable flirting in public with each other. This is the lighthearted, fun part of the clip.
Now let’s move on to the point of conflict. Sobbe and Yasmina’s mum. I analysed in part 1 how actually in this clip we see different POVs driven by 3 different prejudices: the mum’s, Yasmina’s but also Sobbe’s. The mum’s POV/prejudice is not about homosexuality but about Belgian culture and pda (or better the flirting), Yasmina’s is through the lens of frustration and her misinterpretation of her mum’s reaction as deriving from homophobia, her prejudice own prejudice against Muslim faith and homophobia and lastly Sobbe’s. Everyone is bringing to the table their own experiences and make assumptions about the other’s motives.
Sobbe is a queer couple, we have witnessed how they have publicly experienced homophobia and they both were victims of a hate crime. It is important to remember that they actually experienced that from Belgian men. Taking into account what they faced, it seems here that they also think that Yasmina’s mum appears distanced because of their sexuality. They are prejudiced against her because of what they have personally faced. Even though we as viewers know that it is not the truth. It is written all over their faces.
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They go from smiley and playful with each other to awkward, closed off immediately. It is almost like now it has become a muscle memory for them. They look at each other like saying we are not wanted here and we better leave now.
This is very painful to witness. Because we as viewers know their past and we can understand exactly where this is coming from.
Wtfock’s use of Sobbe can be problematic because it can make her mum appear so much more cruel in some of the viewer’s eyes who haven’t picked up on the fact that actually her mum’s reaction has nothing to do with the fact that Sobbe are a queer couple and it can perpetuate stereotypes. Also it ends up putting their queer couple again in an extremely hurtful situation. Now more than ever I need them to give voice to Yasmina’s parents. And I am pretty sure this will come later in the season.
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bowieexaminprogress · 3 years
Directorial nuggets
Vrijdag 21:53 part 2:
As Aïcha leaves, Yasmina is found alone with a bright red backdrop behind her. She had voiced her decision clear to Aïcha that she will not follow her. The red colour in the Moroccan flag stands for hardiness, bravery, strength and valour and this is exactly what Yasmina has just shown. But then look where she is seeking all the traits above, who she asks to give them to her.
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The one above her, her God. If that is not the strongest visual during this episode I don’t know what is. It almost brings tears to my eyes because it shows Yasmina emotionally vulnerable in front of her God.
As Yasmina proceeds to sit at the bus stop, visually exhausted, the music starts playing and pay attention to the lyrics:
I’ll behave if you let me stay
Please don’t think that I am begging you for love
Let me stay
When the world is gone
Promise I’ll behave
Yasmina talking to her God.
Yasmina is reading Pride and Prejudice and the symbolism is right there in the title. A book about preconceived notions and biases and how they are in the way of love. How accepting the goodness in each other is the answer.
Yasmina at this point has been judged, tested, challenged, contrasted, tempted, isolated by every single person around her. Her friends, her Muslim community, her family, society in general. Everyone but one. Younes was the only mirror image of her so far. She now sits alone drowned in the red light of strength. She stood strong on her feet during the first week of Ramadan and for now she accomplished her purpose. But how will that isolation affect her in the future?
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bowieexaminprogress · 3 years
Directorial nuggets
Maandag 08:19
Second time this season we see Yasmina entering the school and we have some parallels that are there to showcase the dynamics inside this institution.
Note how when Yasmina enters the school here and as she takes her hijab off a girl almost crushes on her from behind without paying any attention to her.
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We have a similar thing happen during Dinsdag 08:27 when a girl walks right in front of her and cuts off Yasmina at the school.
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Those two shots are there to show us how Yasmina is seen by her peers at the school. She is invisible, her feelings are not taken into account and she is being treated like she doesn’t exist. The feeling of being walked over.
In both of those scenes we see Yasmina take her hijab off and look at herself in the mirror. She is always in shot with other women who touch up their makeup but comparing to them her hair always appears a little bit disheveled. That juxtaposition is there to show how Yasmina views herself without a hijab. She doesn’t think she is beautiful and her expression shows the discomfort that act brings to her. Also those particular shots reveal the difference in freedom for self expression for different people.
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The next sequence is extremely important. Here we have Aaron being forced by Amber to apologise again. In no moment so far any of his apologies where given on his own initiative and that says a lot about his understanding of the impact of his actions. He doesn’t care to see or hear what his actions cause to others. He blurts out a meaningless sorry and expects, almost demands to be forgiven. This is very indicative how people who show micro aggressions, micro racist behaviours and don’t take time to educate themselves, behave. It is the notion of “I apologised though, why are you so mad?”. Well Yasmina is mad because that apology is there to make Aaron’s and Amber’s life easier. To make them comfortable with their own selves. It is used to cover up reality of micro racist behaviours without ever fixing them.
Yasmina not accepting that apology is understandable because she knows that those are empty words and this time around she chooses to not glaze over them.
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The last shot of Yasmina leaving angry with Amber, Aaron and Luca behind her, is important. Because here we actually have 3 people who play a part in a situation where micro racist behaviours are displayed. Aaron with his ignorance, Amber with her need to cover up reality just so it makes her feel more comfortable and Luca who as a witness of those events doesn’t speak up. Yasmina is left here alone.
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bowieexaminprogress · 3 years
Directorial nuggets and scene analysis
Vrijdag 23:29
The opening shot of Yasmina praying during the Isha prayer is following the last scene. She is currently grounding herself and comes closer to her god after hiding from her parents the previous gathering.
The colour of her hijab again reflects her state of mind. When Yasmina prays she is at her purest form.
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Her happiness that the girls reacted positively to their first visit at her house immediately gets opposed by her father’s questioning about the bottle of alcohol.
He immediately questions the quality of her friends because they brought alcohol to the house when it is forbidden by the parents. That is the point that leads Younes to step in. He takes the blame exactly because he knows that if he doesn’t a rift between Yasmina’s family will be created whereas now he directs that rift towards himself.
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He becomes the target. It is worth mentioning that that particular move is not as simple because as we know he is a guy who lives by the standards of Islam. Lying is not taken lightly for him.
We have a confirmation that Younes indeed lives in a kot with other people. So let’s keep that information for later.
Elias immediately understands that Younes lied to protect them exactly because he knows that the alcohol doesn’t belong to him and his facial expressions showcases the depth of the love he has for his friend. The fact that alcohol was brought into the house by Yasmina’s friends and that is the reason his “brother” is hurt puts in his mind Yasmina’s friends in the black list. Elias always has an emotional response to things and when it comes to his “tribe” he is not taking anything bs.
At the end of the scene we have clear rifts created from two sides. Yasmina’s family against Younes and finally Elias against Yasmina’s friends.
Her world now is divided in more than two points and the pressures are increasing.
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bowieexaminprogress · 3 years
Directorial nuggets
Vrijdag 19:49 part 1
Here I will map out Younes’ personality through the things we see and learn from his kot. An analysis of character through an analysis of space.
Younes and music:
The record covers on the wall:
James Brown “Hot pants”
Brian Eno “Before and after science”
Prince and the revolution “Purple rain”
Ella Fitzgerald “The Cole Porter songbook”
Frank Zappa “Sheik Yerbouti”
We can hear “The wind cries Mary” by Jimi Hendrix playing in the background. There is so much symbolism in that song. Jimi always had a way to write poetic lyrics. The interpretation of the piece is open to everyone. I will not go deep into my personal understanding of the song here as it needs a post on its own but I will leave the lyrics below for you as readers to find your own interpretation of the song and the reason it was used in this clip.
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Younes is clearly an old soul. A guy who is into the late 60s-70s to early 80s rock scene but also a lover of jazz music.
Younes and literature:
Books are all over Younes’ kot. He is a book lover. Someone who loves and seeks knowledge.
Zin in filosofie by Ludo Abicht and Hendrik Opdebeek
The reluctant Mr Darwin by David Quammen (I would personally recommend that book even if you are not a lover of Darwin and his “On the Origin of Species” work. It is beautifully written and an easy, interesting read)
Note how both books have existential themes. What is the origin of the world? Where do we come from? What is good and what is bad? What is the meaning of our existence? Younes is on a discovery path. He is looking for answers. Answers to core existential questions. What is Younes’ world view? What is his theory of cosmos? He is still trying to find out.
Younes displays a poem by Mahmoud Darwish, a Palestinian poet who was also a political activist (I highly highly recommend to read his work. His work perfectly describes the experiences of immigrants, people who were exiled from their own country and lost their motherland. His work is political, it is raw, it is real it is absolutely magnificent). This part of the poem is handwritten and we realise that Younes identifies with it. He took the time to write it down and put it on his wall.
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Read these words carefully. This is what being an immigrant/coming from an immigrant family feels like. What being raised between two cultures, languages feels likes. Sometimes it feels like you belong somewhere and sometimes like you belong nowhere. George Kazantzidis a Greek song writer and singer who wrote about the experiences of Greek immigrants and the Pontic genocide, in one of his songs says something that is very similar and is very indicative of the immigrant experience, the duality, the sense of belonging but also belonging nowhere.
At some point he says:
In the foreign land I was Greek
And in Greece I was a foreigner.
Younes and his family:
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From the photos around the room we find out that Younes has a younger brother. He is extremely close to his grandmother and his mom. Family is important to him and he wants to feel that he has them close by displaying photos of them all around his living space.
Younes and his uni:
We know that he studies communication sciences. His uni books are laying open on the table. Social psychology etc. This is someone who pays attention and cares for his education.
Younes and plants:
Plants are all over his kot. They look lively. It is clear that he takes care of them. He is a lover of living energy around him, he brings a part of nature in his space and he gives them a lot of tlc.
Younes and writing:
Notebooks are scattered all around the room. Some are old, some are new, some look fully written, some like they have only a few pages filled. This is a person who expresses part of himself through writing. We don’t know the contents of these notebooks but it is clear that pen and paper are used by Younes to write down his thoughts. What are those thoughts, what is he writing about? There are so many layers to this person and we have only touched the surface.
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bowieexaminprogress · 3 years
Directorial nuggets:
Vrijdag 19:49
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The way the girls’ hijabs are placed over their heads are a little hint of what’s to come next.
At first glance Yasmina’s hijab appears to be more flowy not so tightly wrapped around her face in contrast to Aïcha where her hijab is tightly wrapped around her face and neck. This is a symbol of how the girls appear in the eyes of the people around them. Aïcha a more strictly practising Muslim and Yasmina a more loosely practising Muslim.
Now if you look at this photo again you will notice that actually there are layers there and what we initially think is happening is not actually the truth (hold that not everything is how it seems thought for the scene analysis of the next clip). Yasmina’s hijab is wrapped in a more elaborate way around her face. It has more elaborate knots. She has put time and effort to put it on nicely whereas Aïcha’s doesn’t have elaborate knots but it appears to be put on in a hurry.
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