#xe ra the absolution of heart
hereforthespopocs · 3 years
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Sky and Swiftie straight up screaming at Finn for 20 minutes trying to snap them from their lesbian yearning daydream featuring their BeStiE Flora. Happy Belated Valentine’s Day!
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badmonblog · 5 years
[ad] When you ride alone, you ride with Hitler!
[tiếng Việt ở dưới nha ;)]
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Nobody can deny the temptation of a well-done piece of advertisement. Even though sometimes the advertised products are worth a one-way ticket to Auschwitz, the creative brains behind a successful advertising campaign deserve some public appreciation.
Because of that (and also because of my addiction to advertisements since 3 y.o), I will be devoting a whole section for introducing some of the most genius advertisements I've ever seen.
For the 1st nomination, it will be a poster from long long time ago in the U.S.A.
You know blablacar? Car sharing? uberPOOL? And you may think the idea of that is absolutely economical, practical and ... new? I dare you not, because according to this poster, car sharing clubs have existed since 1943 when one of the U.S. Government offices hired Weimer Pursell - an American painter - to illustrate a poster for encouraging conservation of resources.
Most of people know about World War II (1939-01945)with 2 alliances against each other:
The Axis powers (Nazi Germany, Kingdom of Italy, Empire of Japan)
VS the Allied powers (United Kingdom, United States, Soviet Union & China)
(I didn't know about that clearly before this post. Wikipedia does. Support them
Therefore, the U.S. Government will need loadssssss of fuel for tanks, airplanes, etc. As a matter of fact, if you drive alone on your car, it means that you are wasting fuel = you are supporting the Axis powers = Hitler is your friend!
This retro-style painting is so simple, yet the impression is strong. It makes you laugh - which is a good thing, because you will remember it for a long time and the message is transmitted successfully. Needless to say that people fell in love with this advertisement, so much that they created various parodies after its publishing.
I haven't studied about marketing specifically, however knowledge comes from practicality and from one's mind. So I will take my own privilege to write down some thumb-nail rules for a successful ad campaign after every post.
For this one, it will be:
The ad (abbreviation for "advertisement") should be contemporary. The creator should be alert to the present happenings at the target location.
Moderate humor is a great way to go into one's heart and memory.
Thank you for reading until now! And thanks to my boyfriend for introducing this brilliant ad to me.
Do you have any favorite retro ads? Can you show us, so we can all discuss about them? Hope to hear from you at the comment section!
Lái xe một mình là lái xe với H��t-le!
Chẳng ai có thể cự tuyện được cám dỗ ngọt ngào của 1 mẩu quảng cáo hay. Dù là đôi khi sản phẩm đáng 1 vé tàu không khứ hồi tới Auschwitz, chúng ta cần công nhận nhiều hơn tài năng của những cái đầu đằng sau những chiến dịch quảng cáo tốt.
Bởi vì lí do như thế (và vì mình chết nghiện quảng cáo từ hồi lên 3), mình sẽ làm hẳn 1 mục chỉ để giới thiệu những mẩu quảng cáo hay ho nhất mà mình từng biết.
Để mở màn, mời các bạn chiêm ngưỡng 1 bức vẽ từ nước Mỹ hồi lâu lẩu lầu lâu.
Bạn có biết blablacar không? uberPOOL? Dichung.vn? Và bạn nghĩ là ý tưởng này khá là kinh tế, thiết thực, lại còn … mới lạ nữa? Thật ra là không mới đâu! Bởi vì bức tranh/poster này đã được xuất bản từ năm 1943 rồi! Vào năm đó, một văn phòng chính phủ tại Mỹ đã nhờ họa sĩ Weimer Pursell vẽ bức hình này, để khích lệ việc bảo tồn nguồn tài nguyên.
Hầu hết mọi người đều biết về Thế chiến thứ II rồi, nhưng nếu như bạn gà mờ về lịch sử như mình, thì sau đây là một vài thông tin về cuộc chiến này.
Thế chiến thứ 2 bắt đầu năm 1939 và kết thúc năm 1945, là cuộc chiến đẫm máu giữa 2 bên:
Phe Trục theo chủ nghĩa Phát xít (Đức Quốc Xã, Phát Xít Ý, Đế quốc Nhật Bản)
ĐỐI ĐẦU Lực lượng Đồng minh (Liên hiệp Anh, Hoa Kỳ, Liên Xô và Trung Quốc)
Thông tin lấy từ Wikipedia cả thôi ạ. Trang web miễn phí, và bạn có thể ủng hộ một chút cho họ ở đây.
Vì cuộc chiến này, chính phủ Hoa Kỳ/Mỹ cần rất rất nhiều nhiên liệu cho xe tăng, máy bay, vân vân và vân vân. Trong tình hình như thế này, đi xe oto một mình – còn thừa hẳn 3 chỗ, là một hành vi hoang phí nhiên liệu = bạn đang đồng hành với phe Trục = Hitler là bạn của bạn đúng không?!
Bức vẽ cổ điển này cực kỳ đơn giản, nhưng ấn tượng để lại thì khá mạnh. Nó không những làm bạn cười, mà còn làm bạn nhớ tới nó lâu ơi là lâu. Như vậy là thông tin được truyền tải thành công rồi! Cho tới tận bây giờ, người ta vẫn còn điên cuồng vì bức vẽ này, tới mức mà còn làm vài bức châm biếm như bạn có thể thấy ở đây.
Mình chưa được học về marketing một cách kỹ càng, tuy nhiên là kiến thức tới từ thực tiễn và tới từ não bộ của con người mà thoy. Thế nên là mình mạn phép nêu ra một số trọng điểm làm nên 1 mẩu quảng cáo tốt sau mỗi bài viết.
Với poster này thì:
Quảng cáo (QC) phải mang tính chất thời sự. Người làm ra QC cần để ý tới diễn biến đời sống xung quanh môi trường mà QC nhắm tới.
Một chút khiếu hài hước sẽ làm người ta nhớ tới thông điệp của QC hơn.
Cảm ơn bạn vì đã đọc bài của mình tới tận bây giờ! Và cảm ơn cả ông người êu đã cho mình biết về mẩu QC này!
Bạn có biết mẫu QC cổ điển nào không? Nếu có thì hãy chia sẻ và cùng bàn luận ở phần Comment/Bàn luận nhé!
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quynhvynguyen · 7 years
Chia tay tình đầu (P1)
Hôm nay kể chuyện tình đầu.
Mình từng có một mối tình đầu thơ mộng kéo dài vài năm. Cũng như đa số các tình đầu khác. Nó có ngày kết thúc. Tuy nhiên, chia tay tình đầu lại là cột mốc làm mình thay đổi rõ rệt cả về con người và quan điểm sống.
1. Yêu vượt cái tôi Sau khi chia tay vài tháng, mình quyết định cho mình thêm cơ hội. Đó là một buổi chiều muộn, mưa lâm râm, sau giờ làm. Mình chạy xe từ trung tâm lên quận 7. Vốn là đứa chỉ lái xe đi làm-về nhà, mọi nơi khác đã có người đưa rước, việc tự mình lên quận 7 lúc đó thiệt là việc khác thường và có hơi quá sức. Nhưng mình vẫn lái, trong cơn mưa lâm râm. Mình đến chỗ X làm, hẹn cafe gần bên. Mình nói rằng mình không thể sống thiếu X, rằng mình sẵn sàng bỏ mọi thứ chỉ để được quay lại với X, miễn là X xác nhận còn yêu mình. May mà X nói không. Chứ nói thiệt lòng, lúc đó mà bản kêu mình quỳ xuống bản mới quay lại chắc mình cũng quỳ :D
Và cho đến tận lúc này, mình vẫn không hề thấy hối hận về những gì xảy ra ngày hôm đó. Vì không muốn nuối tiếc thốt lên “giá như” hay “phải chi”, mình đã dẹp cái tôi qua một bên. mình đã làm mọi cách. mình đã làm hết sức.
Thành ra, với mình, tình đầu chỉ đơn giản là mối tình xảy ra trong quá khứ. Đã đến. Và đã đi.
Bonus A: Trước đây TBWA toàn cầu có festival film nội bộ “Very Short Very Cheap Film Festival”. Mỗi năm lấy 1 brand làm đề bài. Năm 2010 là rượu vodka Absolute. Một trong những phim đoạt giải là vầy, trong thế giới Absolute, khi mà tim tan vỡ [broken heart], bạn chỉ việc đến bất cứ quầy bán hàng tự động ven đường nào đều có thể mua được quả tim mới, vứt tim cũ, và sống hạnh phúc lại như xưa. Đó. Cứ sống vậy thôi. Hãy cứ yêu đến tận cùng rồi bạn sẽ thấy: Tình đầu không khó phai, cũng chẳng đẹp nhất.
Mai kể các phần tiếp hen: 2. Tôn giáo & Tự do 3. Britney Spear vs Nicole Kidman
Bonus B: Khi thất tình thì mình nên làm gì? Coi cái phim quảng cáo 10 năm trước để bắt chước hen :D
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timkiemgiamgia-blog · 5 years
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hereforthespopocs · 3 years
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Happy Pride Month from the Xe-Ra cast!
(Flags used: Lesbian {Flora, Finn}, Moon Lesbian {Angie}, Pansexual {Sky}, MLM {Caspian}, Bisexual {Caspian}, Gay {Arbor}, Transgender {Arbor}, Nonbinary {Finn})
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hereforthespopocs · 3 years
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tfw since the day you born people only saw your mothers prophecy or your other mom's infamy and the world has been forming opinions on you since you were an innocent child and you never got to make your own choices/form a unique identity because all the faults of the ones before you were projected on you and you're damned to both live up on a pedastal as the next savior or feared of what you could become if led astray...JUST FINN THINGS!
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hereforthespopocs · 3 years
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First post! Hi guys, these are my spop fankids from my story in the works “Xe-Ra: The Absolution of Heart”! (More information here). I just wanted a little side account to dump my concepts and stuff on. Hope you like!
FINN - …The Future Xe-Ra? Finn was brought into the world of Etheria with an enormous title on their shoulders since before they could walk: “The Child of She-Ra, Etheria’s Champion and Savior of the Galaxy”. On the flip side, they also balance that grand title with “The Kitten of a Powerful and Cunning ex-Warlord who Nearly Destroyed Space and Time Out of Spite”. Quick on their feet, a big talker and one hell of a hero complex are all traits that get them in massive hot water a little too often, but they always go into danger with the best intentions and what they think is right in their heart. With the thirst for adventure matched with the burden of prophecy always on their plate, Finn finds themselves tangled in so many destinies. One of their moms tells them not to get up in “Princess stuff”, but they can’t help but have that same curious nature that brought their other mom to the Sword of Protection in the beginning… (ORIGINAL DESIGN BY NOELLE STEVENSON @gingerhazing
FLORA - Princess of Plumeria Flora is the Princess of Plumeria and the younger of Empress Scorpia and Queen Perfuma’s two children, although she finds herself to be a huge contrast to her fellow Plumerians. On top of only being able to grow poisonous plants with the help of her runestone the Heart Blossom, Flora has a spunky, boisterous and off-the-wall personality and much prefers digging in the soil for bugs and fungus than helping her mother grow beautiful flower bouquets. Like her Aunt Entrapta, Flora is on the autism spectrum and feels like she is very misunderstood by other people, turning to insects and her best friends as a comfort from the wedge she feels is between her and her kingdom, specifically her own mother Perfuma. Even with her fear of being misunderstood, Flora remains kind, strong and compassionate to everyone she meets and her dedication to being the most authentic version of herself in the face of that insecurity is not overlooked by ones she loves. Her family and friends slowly begin to understand and adore the many ways Flora expresses herself and her affection in her own unique ways…even if it means putting her favorite pet grasshopper on your shoulder without a heads up. (ORIGINAL CHILD DESIGN BY RAE GEIGER @raegeii
ARBOR - Prince of Pandinus Arbor is the future Emperor of what was once the Fright Zone, and the heir to the Black Garnet runestone. Though he loves his kingdom, his family and the electrokinesis granted by his Runestone, something about the heirloom doesn’t sit quite right with him…something shadowy attached to it. Fearing that his anxieties caused by this lingering darkness will be dismissed or found to be disturbing to his family, he keeps many of his anxieties, feelings and even parts of his personhood under wraps and puts others before himself. This masking may cause him to come off as distant or cynical, but Arbor would do anything to protect the people that matter most to him, and maybe just needs a little more reassurance to come out of his shell (no pun intended). He may not be a hugger, but he’s still got a big heart.
CASPIAN - Prince of Salineas The only child of King Sea-Hawk and Queen Mermista, Caspian is a slick, confident (bordering on cocky) and care-free flirt who is constantly running away from his home in Salineas. His high energy attitude and love of attention has him wanting to be in a million places at once – except on the throne where he’s expected to be. But then again, why would he want to be stuck in the palace? He’s an extremely talented musician, a self-proclaimed lady (and gentlemen) killer, and a literal merman with the Pearl runestone’s power to manipulate water to his will. He has everything he wants! Or maybe he would have more incentive to come home if he felt like his parents weren’t caught up in shanties and “cool-girl princess” attitudes to see him as their son instead of a friend…
ANGELLA “ANGIE” - Princess of Bright Moon Angella the II, more affectionately known as “Angie”, will follow in her mother’s footsteps as the Queen of Brightmoon and is the heir to the Moonstone. Not only does Angie harness the Moonstone’s powers of teleportation and shimmering energy, she’s amazingly smart thanks to years of knowledge absorbed through the endless books of her grandfathers’, George and Lance, extensive First-Ones library. Angie usually never has a moment to spare between her studies, hobbies, and training to use her powers, but she would drop everything to get closer to her little brother Sky. Angie’s family is her whole world, but as the sibling duo got older and older, she can feel Sky’s resentment of her prolific lifestyle growing and her cherished brother pulling away from her. Even with her intelligence, strength, and tender heart, Angie feels like if she slips up once, her entire world will crash down. Getting her family back together while balancing her royal duties is a responsibility she felt she had to take on, but letting herself be human is the real journey she will need to accept eventually.
SKY - Prince of Bright Moon Sky is the second child of King Bow and Queen Glimmer, the Prince of Brightmoon, and a very gifted sorcerer. Working alongside his grandfather, the now retired King Micah, he puts his entire life and dedication into his sorcery. Unfortunately, being the younger brother of the future Queen of Bright Moon and heir to the Moonstone leaves Sky feeling forever trapped in Princess Angie’s shadow. Though Sky is loyal and passionate to his friends and good at the core, his envy and recklessness slowly creeps up on him again and again as he pushes himself further and further into his magic. His heart is torn in two ways, and he may need all of the reassurance from ones he holds dear to choose the right path… 
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hereforthespopocs · 3 years
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having to hide the fact that you're 100% certain your runestone is cursed and only you have been seeing this creepy lady everywhere appearing and disappearing since you were little, but everyone tells you that its just a nightmare, and you REALLY don't wanna freak out your sister and moms any further (because this lady you told them about as a kid when she first appeared is DEFINITELY dead, right?), so you just keep your fears to yourself to protect yourself from the humiliation of looking crazy again and again...then you start closing yourself more (because what if she takes over your runestone and uses it to destroy everyone close to you?!), if you just keep all the increasing horror a secret, no one you love will get hurt especially not this one prince who you kinda sorta maybe have a thing for...JUST ARBOR THINGS!
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hereforthespopocs · 3 years
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she's just a critter! she cannot change this!
(have this while i work on REAL ART for this series)
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hereforthespopocs · 3 years
Hi everyone! I'm very excited to announce the first chapter of Xe-Ra: The Absolution of Heart is out now on AO3!
Here's the link!
I hope that I can continue to get better and better with each chapter, and that you all enjoy this story as much as I do. Thank you for your continued support!
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hereforthespopocs · 3 years
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Meet Sweet Bee! She is the main antagonist of Xe Ra: The Absolution of Heart and a scout from a different planet who has been hiding out on Etheria since it was still under Horde Control. Her job is to seek out planets suitable for infestation, use a mind-controlling fungal disc (coined as the "murder virus" by Entrapta) to enslave its citizens and then turn the planet into a new hive! Since Hordak was populating Etheria when she first landed, she had no choice but to lay low until the time was right. But now that Hordak is no longer a threat, she's seizing the opportunity to make a comeback.
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hereforthespopocs · 3 years
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feeling like an outcast because you can only grow fungi, cacti and poisonous plants and don't see the appeal of "prettier" flowers that your kingdom worships so goddamn much and your mom and you have a strained relationship because she is passively ableist to you as her autistic daughter and you don't tell her how much it hurts you when she acts like you're a challenge because you like insects and spiny plants and other things she deems not "zen" enough for her and you don't even CARE about her approval at this point, you just want to be understood and respected because she may love you but she has a really funny way of showing it sometimes...JUST FLORA THINGS!
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hereforthespopocs · 3 years
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Two of the more minor role fankids of mine!
On the left, we have “Half-Organic-Robotic-and-Cute-Entity”, more affectionately known as H.O.R.A.C.E. He’s Entrapta and Hordak’s son created from refurbishing an old Hordak clone embryo with cyborg features that Entrapta regularly updates as he grows. He’s the youngest of the next gens, but is a child prodigy when it comes to science just like his parents, specifically chemistry. Due to mobility issues and chronic pain, H.O.R.A.C.E. doesn’t leave Dryl all too often and uses his mini-bot Emily-2 to get around a lot of the time, but he’s always enthusiastic to have visitors.
On the right is Spinerella and Netossa’s only descendant, Destiny, or his nickname “Dizzy” and he’s usually is referred to as. Dizzy inherited his mothers high competitive spirit and spends a lot of his time working out, showing off his duo wind AND net powers, and training new royal guards and warriors on how to fight and give it their all. Despite his zealous drive to win, Dizzy maintains a very suave and cool demeanor most of the time. He’s smooth, gentle spoken and very good at keeping his eyes on the prize even in the toughest situations. He’s also got a very intense and not-at-all subtle crush on Angie, the princess of Bright Moon. The duo make a great balance of a brains-vs-brawns couple and hopefully, Angie will finally stop using her studies as an excuse for awkward nerves in favor of mutually crushing from afar and accept one of Dizzy’s date plans.
*(Dizzy is a butch he/him lesbian.)
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hereforthespopocs · 3 years
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Hello again! I'm very flattered my OCs got as many notes as they did, I'm very happy ;__; I also made some "fake screencap"-esque art that I wanted to toss up for the time being, more developmental art to come!
(First picture is Sky [Glimbow] and Finn [Catradora] having a heart to heart and the second is Arbor [Scorfuma] and Caspian [Seamista] having....a very gay "bonding session" at the underwater soiree. Both of them are musicians!)
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hereforthespopocs · 3 years
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Xe-Ra: Protector of Power...more sketches of them to come!
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hereforthespopocs · 3 years
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Small sketchdump of Sky! Next in line to make top-of-the-line "war table battle figures"...
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