#xkit rewritten
tacticaltaxonomist · 9 months
Declutter Tumblr
The new layout it a whole mess. Thankfully Xkit can already help with a bunch of this! I'm sure it'll give more options soon.
Vanilla Tumblr:
(I have marked in red what can be removed. The tabs can be set not to stick, so you will really only see them at the top of your dash. Empty box on the left for hidden notifications and shop sparkle, i just didn't have any. I'm EU so no Live for me).
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Xkit Rewritten Tumblr:
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The settings I use:
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dragongirlsnout · 2 months
with regards to recent events,
dashboard unfucker will no longer be actively maintained, and the development of the Dashboard Plus extension is being shelved, along with all of my unpublished work for XKit Rewritten.
despite the fact that tumblr as a website is largely propped up by LGBTQ+ content creators, many of whom are trans women, the way this website has treated and continues to treat trans women is utterly disgusting.
from the harassment trans women face from this site's users, many of whom claim to be trans allies or are even trans themselves, to transphobic moderators targeting trans women and selling bans for money, all the way to the CEO of the website directly confronting a trans woman and threatening legal action against her for inactionable threats, tumblr has made it clear that it is by no means the queerest place on earth.
some of my trans sisters may remain on tumblr, even when faced with constant vitriol. i am deeply proud of them and their visibility in the face of hostility, however after seeing recent events unfold, and after being directly confronted by tumblr's CEO himself in a digusting display of indifference, i myself have decided to move onto better pursuits for the larger part. tumblr no longer holds the same shine for me that it did five years ago, and i can no longer justify spending hours of my time every week pouring more work and love into this site than any member of staff ever did.
i thank you all for the support you've given me in the past 8 months, whether through donations, contributions to the script, or even just sending me a kind message. i would ask that you show the same generosity and kindness to other trans girls in my absence, and especially to those who don't code, or write stories, or draw art. every trans girl is valuable, and their worth is more than any arbitrary set of talents. and a little love can go a long way.
yours truly, dragongirlsnout
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villainelle · 9 months
staff: *unrolls yet another unwanted, unneeded, pointless update to a feature that did not require it*
the people at xkit immediately: 
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sbeep · 10 months
OH MIGHTY SBEEP please help me. I remember you reblogged a post telling where in xkit you can fix the ability to see previous reblogs by clicking the name of the person you rb'd it from. I'm pretty sure it was you. And because the search is broken I can't find it. Could you point at it for me again? Sorry for bothering u of all people about this
Heya! This is no bother at all. I'll make a new answer here for ease:
The desktop browser extension you need is Xkit Rewritten. I have it installed on Firefox. Its icon is a purple square with a white X inside.
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The category the option to restore previous reblog links is under Tweaks. It's the blue-ticked option shown in this screenshot, and reads "Restore links to individual posts in the post header."
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april · 9 months
ℹ️ XKit Rewritten v0.21.12 (12th Jul 2023)
A recent Tumblr update has partially broken the Tweaks option "Restore links to individual posts in the post header". This is known and an update has already been pushed.
This update has already been approved by Google and should soon reach you on Chrome automatically. However, it is still under review by Mozilla and will take a little longer to propagate to Firefox.
Thanks for your patience!
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onewomancitadel · 9 months
Also reminder to new Tumblr users, if you are on desktop (it might be available on mobile? Idk how it would work with the app), you can download an add-on called Xkit Rewritten, a new new version of the old Tumblr supplement, Xkit, which lets you make tweaks to the website. It's kind of similar to RES on Reddit if you ever used that.
Here are the ones I have turned on:
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I also just noticed it lets you hide Tumblr Live as well, if that annoys you.
The one I find most useful is Quick Reblog which includes the ability to add tags, where you just separate them by a comma:
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and of course if you even want to hide your follower count from yourself, you can do that, too.
Have fun.
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madamepestilence · 8 months
This is a very long post, so have a breaker so your feed isn't taken up by this every time it circulates
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This removes many page blockers, as well as removing all the new stupid One Piece advertisements, and all iterations of Tumblr Live
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This is a list provided by another person which blocks every known Digital Hapsburg Engine ("AI art") website from your search engines
For XKit Rewritten, please use:
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the rest is up to you
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i-can-even-burn-salad · 10 months
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Oh my fucking god they did it.
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rpschtuff · 1 year
Beta Editor / Trim Reblogs Masterpost
This is just a spot to gather all my posts about the beta / legacy editors and cutting posts into one place, mostly so it's in one easily shareable link for people who ask. (Last updated February 21, 2023.)
WHAT'S EVEN GOING ON — This long post explains pretty much everything in great detail. It covers the different editors, the different extensions required for cutting posts and how they work, some glitches you may encounter, and reasons the two systems aren't compatible. I highly recommend reading this one before any of the others, as it provides the most context.
TRIM REBLOGS GUIDE — An overview to just Trim Reblogs.
USING TRIM REBLOGS WITH THE LEGACY EDITOR — If you aren't willing to commit to the beta editor yet, at least learning how to use trim reblogs will make a world of difference to your partners using it.
BETA EDITOR OVERVIEW — An overview to the beta editor, the differences it has from legacy as well as its new features.
TRANSFERRING THREADS TO BETA / TRIM REBLOGS — An overview of how to actually go about transferring threads cut with the old system (editable reblogs) to the new system (trim reblogs).
DOUBLE POSTING GLITCH 1 + HOW TO FIX — Goes over a glitch you may encounter when using trim reblogs on a post that was originally made with the legacy editor, causing your reply to duplicate upon posting.
DOUBLE POSTING GLITCH 2 + HOW TO FIX — Goes over a glitch you may encounter when using editable reblogs on a post that was originally made with the beta editor, causing your partner's reply to duplicate upon posting.
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jenneferofjengaberg · 10 months
the xkit rewritten team fixed the links to individual posts! it's now available as an option in the tweaks category:
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Just make sure you have the Tweaks category turned on and make sure "Restore links to individual posts in the post header" is checked.
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✧・゚ A short and easy workaround for Reblogs with Beta & XKit Rewritten
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Disclaimer: This also seems to work with old Legacy-Threads when reblogging with the new Beta-Editor bc XKit Rewritten doesn’t work with Legacy. The whole trimming order and process of both combined can be confusing, but it’s important so the post doesn’t get fucked up. So technically, it's also helpful for Beta-Reblogging in general.  (video below)
SO, IF YOU WANT TO AVOID DOUBLE-POSTING of your own reblog, do the following:
Hit reblog (make sure you’re using Beta).
Enter reply, whatever.
Safe to drafts.
Remove the first post with Trim Reblogs.
Refresh drafts.
Remove your own reply that now shows twice with the Beta-Editor. You will only have one option to remove here, so that makes it easy.
In this way you can preserve your partner's reply if you want to, since the blockquote-format won't work like that anymore. So hopefully, reblogs with the Beta-Editor & XKit Rewritten should be easier now for you and your partners without having to move your whole Legacy-Thread to a new post after this measure. I am very nostalgic over my old stuff, so that's a reason why I don't want to do it. If you have additions or experience possible errors, feel free to add them.
PLEASE NOTE THAT THIS WILL ONLY WORK if your partner reblogged their response without any XKit-Extension. Just a plain reblog.
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prayingforlove · 9 months
Hide Tumblr Live
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It looks like tumblr live was recently released outside the US so for anyone who doesn't want to deal with "snoozing" it every 7 days, you can permanently hide it from your dashboard with the Xkit Rewritten browser extension!
If you're not already using it, I highly suggest adding this as it makes the tumblr experience infinitely better and more customizable.
Mobile users I'm sorry, I've had updates turned off forever and never got the live update so you may still have to snooze it if live shows up there too. My condolences.
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brightgreendandelions · 2 months
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okay good night everyone, this is my last post for today, i've hit the post limit!
it was nice knowing you :3
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visenyasdragon · 3 months
could someone here help me to install the dashboard unfucker? and/or update my xkit?? i have no idea how to do either of those
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brekkersource · 1 year
how to use beta + trim reblogs
so! we all know about beta editor by now. for better or for worse, a lot of us are using tumblr's new beta editor, and it's likely that everyone will have no choice but to use it soon. this unfortunately means a lot of us can't use the new xkit to trim our roleplay posts. there have been a lot of posts explaining this and the benefits of xkit rewritten; this one, this one, and this one especially helped me understand what's going on. however, a lot of people still seem to be floundering around in the dark so i wanted to make a tutorial that sums up everything i've learned from other tutorials as well as my own trial and error.
if you want a step by step guide to trimming reblogs (with screenshots) as well as a brief overview of beta editor's pros and cons, keep reading.
the first step, obviously, is to switch to beta editor and install xkit rewritten. the posts linked above explain how and why so i won't go into detail here. trim reblogs is the new version of edit reblogs, and it looks like this. one of the best features is that you can use it even after posting your reply, so if something glitches or you forget to trim, you still have a chance to fix it.
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once you have them, there are two different ways i've seen people use xkit rewritten to trim their posts.
1. seperate reblogs
this is, in my opinion, the best and easiest way to go about this. mun 1 makes a post, mun 2 reblogs it, and then mun 1 uses xkit rewritten to trim their original post from the thread.
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however, this only works if the original post was made in beta. if you try to trim a post that was made in legacy, you get get a warning, and if you go ahead with it, it's going to glitch somehow. in my testing, my reply duplicated! which is very annoying. and despite what the warning says, repeating the trim usually does not last—even if it seems like it does at first.
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2. (probably) copy and paste
this is more visually reminsicent of editable reblogs from new xkit. there might be an easier way to do this that i don't know about—if so, please let me know. the name kind of explains it all; a mun will copy and paste their partner's reply, indent it, and write their own below. then, obviously, they'll have to trim all the past reblogs of the post. this is especially good for people who like doing pretty headers or editing their partner's url to look pretty, you know what i'm talking about.
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there is a glitch i have run into on my own blog a few times that i was unable to duplicate, so i've just taken a screenshot of my own blog with most of the information blanked out. if only one person if using beta, trim reblogs will still sometimes glitch and duplicate. i trimmed my reblog multiple times but every time i reloaded, my duplicated reply was back. please, please communicate with your partners. i know it's annoying and awkward but it will save everyone so much frustration. especially if you're clinging to legacy, please let your partners know so they can adjust accordingly—or consider switching to beta, even if just for that thread.
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but beta is not all bad i promise
i know how frustrating this all is (i fully refused to do drafts for a few days once beta really started kicking in and new xkit stopped working for me), but i am slowly coming around to it.
tags are editable now! i cannot explain the joy i experienced when i first realized this. no more typing up a long, rambling tag only to notice a typo as soon as you've hit return. you can edit tags at any point—even when going back and editing an old post! does this mean that i have accidentally started editing a tag when i meant to move it? yes but it's worth it.
making the text small is so much easier now. no more going into html or command+option+shift! instead, it's available as an option right in between the italic and link buttons when you highlight text.
you can now edit the size and type of text very easily! this did confuse me at first when i couldn't find the indent button, but it's now in a toggle list; if you click on the regular tab when text is highlighted, there are a ton of options including indent, chat, lucille (whatever that means), bigger/biggest, and more.
however, it's not all great. but it's tumblr, what did we expect.
the most frustrating thing for me personally is that you can no longer copy and past an image link into your reply, or else the image url will be tagged on underneath it. it looks funky and isn't great if you don't want to download a million gifs. while i've just been downloading/dragging the gifs i want to use to desktop and uploading them to my reply, it's annoying to have to clean up my desktop and empty my computer's trash so i'm not wasting storage space. additionally, this does not work if the gifset is in a post rather than a page; the only option there is to copy and paste and simply put up with the image url. clicking "add image" and then pasting the image or dragging the gif from the page/post's tab into the tumblr tab and onto your reply still results in a url. if anyone has figured out a workaround for any of this please let me know; otherwise, i think we should all just agree to ignore the url if it shows up. update: thank you sm to anon for informing me of @rpclefairy's roleplay formatter! if you put the gif in their formatter, copy the source, and paste that into the post when it's in html mode, not rich text mode, the link is gone! and thanks to tumblr realizing this was annoying, if you click the little link icon that appears when you hover over an image, delete the url, and hit done so it saves, the url will be gone!
formatting is......weird now. if you make your paragraph text small and then decide to add another sentence, the new text won't be small. you'll have to edit it again. text that has been formatted (small, italic, bold, etc) will be highlighted in a very strange way when the cursor is in the formatted section. as far as i've been able to figure out, even after poking around a bit in the html, there's no way to change any of this. not to sound like a broken record here, but if you've found a way to change any of this, please let me know. otherwise i think we just have to put up with this bullshit.
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there's always a chance that these things will be fixed; it is still just a beta system after all. for now, i think the best thing the community can do is communicate with partners, ask questions, and just accept that there's gonna be some weird shit going on and we're all doing our best.
if any of this changes i will update this post, but in the meantime, pls share if this helped or you want to share the word. and for the last time, if i've gotten anything wrong, just let me know and i'll update.
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april · 1 year
XKit Rewritten v0.21.0 is out!
This marks the 100th release of XKit Rewritten. The highlights:
Quick Reblog now shows your blog avatar on the blog selector to make it crystal clear which blog you're reblogging to.
Tag Tracking+ now includes an option to list your tracked tags in the sidebar. You can choose to have unread counts in the search dropdown (as it was before), in the sidebar, or in both places.
Trim Reblogs now has an expanded interface that allows picking and choosing which trail items to remove. It's now also possible to attempt trimming legacy posts, though results may vary!
Read the full patch notes here.
Download XKit Rewritten | User guide & FAQ | Full version history
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