#y’all know who I’m talking about
tired-biscuit · 3 months
i just want him to punch someone’s teeth out in front of me and then do that little soothing knuckle rub despite the blood on his fist, is that really so much to ask?
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sharkboywrites · 18 days
Dude that one person who’s on every single transmasc’s post where we dare to talk about our experiences needs to do something else because they are LITERALLY on every single transmasc’s posts twisting our words into being transmisogynistic I see them every five seconds like oh my god find something else to do with your life
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ohmygodletmesignup · 3 months
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pov: you see a certain jedi someone starting shit in comment sections (again)
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lucienarcheron · 10 months
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“Their equal, their match in every way.” *chefs kiss*
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estel-eruantien · 5 months
Person A: “Would you hurt me if I asked you to?”
Person B: “I’d do anything you’d ask of me.”
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phatcatphergus · 3 months
I can’t wait until someone clips this stream out of context and [INSERT FANBASE NAME HERE] try to cancel Tubbo for being transphobic
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no-see-um-incorrect · 6 months
“you are a fucking masterpiece”
In the thickest French accent imaginable 
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lithiumcreepblog · 9 months
Y’know, I don’t think Jonathan is Argyle’s “only friend”. Argyle very much reads to me as a group hopper. His personality is so infectious and chill that I feel like he would get along with everyone. Maybe he didn’t have anyone he was super close with before Jonathan, but he certainly would have been friendly with a lot of people at school. Going off of that, Jonathan would also awkwardly tag along to the parties Argyle’s invited to because he has nothing better to do and he likes hanging out with Argyle. But turns out, everyone likes hanging out with Argyle, from the jocks to the stoners to the theatre kids to the cheerleaders. (That totally wouldn’t make Jonathan jealous, not at all) And more often than not, Jonathan is left standing alone near the door while Argyle goes and mingles around with all these different people. But he would always come back to Jonathan afterwards, making sure he’s okay and comfortable. Jonathan is not Argyle���s only friend, but he is his closest and truest friend.
(Or at least that’s how I interpret it)
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thee-fool-of-hearts · 6 months
Y’all ever long for a character to be real so badly until you realize they most definitely should not exist in the real world
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detentiontrack · 7 months
I am so conflicted about the episode ASIAS because on one hand I am Willow Park’s biggest fan always and forever, but on the other. Well.
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hellwasthejourney · 8 months
The way hisam talks in the dr is like that Tiktok guy who goes “this is my birkin..” lol
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So now we’re discussing sfw vore/extreme cuddling as a comfort and/or coping mechanism, now we gotta have more fictional characters use the concept to cope (yes, EVEN in universes where vore isn’t a thing/physically possible. That’s how we all are irl.)
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minkookie95 · 1 year
That girl we all don’t like lost her big category…
I don’t wish ill on others but I also believe in karma…
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silverforestry · 10 months
I lowkey thought we were about to stop trending when the tag was at 9, how are we back up to 5?
Wait, nevermind. I know why.
It’s HER.
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orrsoared · 1 year
every time they say “lindell” i think of that dumb fucking pillow guy
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lifblogs · 3 months
Imagine being so involved in evangelical christianity that you have no imagination and every fictional god is your God and the author hates God because someone punched their your God in the face. Imagine erasing fictional pantheons in fantasy because every god must be God, and also now being so xenophobic that any mention of a god is now about your God you.
Imagine having no imagination. Imagine thinking all fantasy must now be christianity because you touched it.
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