#yassir habib
mtkthedreamer0 · 3 years
Very important. Posting here since it was suddenly and IMMEDIATELY deleted on the YouTube channel; how strange, huh?
“Freedom of speech”.
I’m just a little person, with very few followers. But, whoever sees this, please, share it.
InshaAllah, may people understand the message and the information in this video.
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columbia-canaille · 3 years
Abscam FBI Sting Operation
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The FBI was aided by the Justice Department and a convicted con-man, Mel Weinberg in videotaping politicians accepting bribes from a fictitious Arabian company in return for various political favors
Weinberg, supervised by the FBI, created a fake company called Abdul Enterprises in which FBI employees posed as fictional Arab sheikhs led by owners Kambir Abdul Rahman and Yassir Habib, who had millions of dollars to invest in the United States.
Convictions included:
US Senator Harrison A. Williams (D-NJ)
US Representative Frank Thompson (D-NJ)
US Representative John Jenrette (D-SC)
US Representative Raymond Lederer (D-PA)
US Representative Michael "Ozzie" Myers (D-PA)
US Representative John M. Murphy (D-NY)
US Representative Richard Kelly (R-FL)
Mayor of Camden, New Jersey, Angelo Errichetti (D)
Philadelphia, PA City Council President George X. Schwartz (D)
Philadelphia, PA City Councilman Harry Jannotti (D)
Philadelphia, PA City Councilman Louis Johanson (D)
An inspector for the US Immigration and Naturalization Service
This list does not include a number of politicians who faced scrutiny for their questionable involvement with operation Abscam. 
FBI documents later disclosed in accordance with the Freedom of Information Act, consisting of newspaper clippings and letters written to the FBI, revealed a mixed response of the American public. 
Some Americans supported the FBI, but others argued that Abscam was an entrapment scenario ordered by a revenge-minded FBI, which earlier had been stung by Congressional inquiries into acts of police brutality and similar widespread abuses.
Congressional concern about sting operations persisted, creating numerous additional guidelines in the ensuing years:
The Civiletti Guidelines – 1980–1981
The Smith Guidelines – 1983
The Thornburgh Guidelines – 1989
The Reno Guidelines – 2001
During the course of Abscam, the FBI handed out more than $400,000 in "bribes" to Congressmen and middlemen.
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islamicrays · 4 years
#Q: What can we recite to facilitate our provision (rizq)?
#A: Be consistent in praying the Duha (midmorning) prayer and reading Surat al-Waqi`ah every day. After Asr is the best time.
Recite 100 times a day:
لاَ إِلَهَ إِلَّا اللهُ الْمَلِكُ الْحَقُّ الْمُبِين
La ilaha ill’Allahu’l-Maliku‘l-Haqqu‘l-Mubīn
“There is no deity save Allah, the King, the Real, the One Who makes things manifest.”
After Zuhr is the best time for this.
Also recite 100 times a day:
رَبِّ اشْرَحْ لي صَدْرِي و يَسِّرْ لي أَمْرِي
Rabbi-shrah li sadri wa yassir li amri
“My Lord bring tranquillity to my heart and give me ease in my affair.” Ta Ha 20:25-26
Also recite 100 times a day:
سُبْحَانَ اللهِ وبِحَمْدِهِ سُبْحَانَ اللهِ العَظِيم أَسْتَغْفِرُ الله
Subhanallahi wa bi hamdihi, subhanallahi-l-`Azim, astaghfirullah
“Transcendent is Allah, and praise be to Him as He praises Himself; transcendent is Allah the Almighty; I seek the forgiveness of Allah.”
The best time to recite this is before praying the two sunnah rakats of Fajr or between the sunnah and the fard.
Also recite 100 times a day:
يا فَتَّاح يا رَزَّاق يا كافي يا مُغْنِي
Ya Fattah, ya Razzaq, ya Kafi, ya Mughni
O Opener, O Provider, O One Who is Sufficient, O Enricher
-Answered by Sayyidi Habib Omar bin Hafiz (may Allah protect him and benefit us by him)
Via Muwasala
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galerisantri · 4 years
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Mbah Kiai Malik Purwokerto dan Kisah Air Putih yang Wangi . Air yang paling harum. Di Jabal Abi Qubeis Mekkah, seorang guru nan arif bijaksana mengumpulkan murid-muridnya. Masing-masing diberi segelas air putih dan diperintahkan membacakan solawat ke air tersebut seraya berujar: . “Siapapun yang air di gelasnya paling harum & wangi maka dialah orang yang paling tinggi cintanya kepada Nabi Muhammad shollaallahu alaihi wasallam”. . Ternyata dari sekian banyak gelas hanya satu yang paling harum dan wangi semerbak, yaitu milik Mbah Kiai Abdul Malik Purwokerto, beliau tak lain adalah guru Habib Lutfi bin Ali bin Hasyim bin Yahya. . Salah satu amalan beliau Mbah Kiai Abdul Malik adalah istiqomah membaca Sholawat Hadrah Khidr ” Shalallahu ‘ala Muhammad” tiap hari sebanyak 15.000 kali. . Tiada yang sulit untuk mengamalkan bagi mereka yang telah dimudahkan oleh Allah, dan tiada yang mudah bagi mereka yang tidak dikehendaki Allah & Rasul-Nya. . Allahumma Ya Muyassir, yassir lana Allahumma Ya Musahil, sahil lana . In Frame: KH. Abdul Malik Kedungparuk Purwokerto dan Habib Ahmad Tempel Yogyakarta . . Yuk komen, like & share 😇 . Sumber: @ulama.nusantara __________________________________________________________ #aisnusantara#santri#galerisantri#indonesialebihnyantri#nahdlatululama#nu#ngaji#ngabdi#rabi#mondok#ayomondok#pondok#pesantren#alasantri#santrikeren#cahpondok https://ift.tt/3bn7LK9
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galerisantri · 4 years
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Mbah Kiai Malik Purwokerto dan Kisah Air Putih yang Wangi . Air yang paling harum. Di Jabal Abi Qubeis Mekkah, seorang guru nan arif bijaksana mengumpulkan murid-muridnya. Masing-masing diberi segelas air putih dan diperintahkan membacakan solawat ke air tersebut seraya berujar: . “Siapapun yang air di gelasnya paling harum & wangi maka dialah orang yang paling tinggi cintanya kepada Nabi Muhammad shollaallahu alaihi wasallam”. . Ternyata dari sekian banyak gelas hanya satu yang paling harum dan wangi semerbak, yaitu milik Mbah Kiai Abdul Malik Purwokerto, beliau tak lain adalah guru Habib Lutfi bin Ali bin Hasyim bin Yahya. . Salah satu amalan beliau Mbah Kiai Abdul Malik adalah istiqomah membaca Sholawat Hadrah Khidr ” Shalallahu ‘ala Muhammad” tiap hari sebanyak 15.000 kali. . Tiada yang sulit untuk mengamalkan bagi mereka yang telah dimudahkan oleh Allah, dan tiada yang mudah bagi mereka yang tidak dikehendaki Allah & Rasul-Nya. . Allahumma Ya Muyassir, yassir lana Allahumma Ya Musahil, sahil lana . In Frame: KH. Abdul Malik Kedungparuk Purwokerto dan Habib Ahmad Tempel Yogyakarta . . Yuk komen, like & share 😇 . Sumber: @ulama.nusantara __________________________________________________________ #aisnusantara#santri#galerisantri#indonesialebihnyantri#nahdlatululama#nu#ngaji#ngabdi#rabi#mondok#ayomondok#pondok#pesantren#alasantri#santrikeren#cahpondok https://ift.tt/3bn7LK9
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