#yeah. including mine (we are allowed to like our own stuff)
stop-talking · 2 months
At my high school, all you needed in order to find a classmate's home address was their name and birthday.
Yeah. Our system was fucked up.
So basically, you know how in school everyone is assigned a long string of numbers? (At least, that's how my district did it.)
• You'd get the number in kindergarten and use it until you graduate high school.
• It was used for a lot of things, but mainly for logging into your school email/chromebook.
• In fact, your email was literally just "[your 10 digit number]@schooldistrict.com]"
• To make it easier to email other students, (because who knew everyone else's numbers right??) you could just search for their first and last name and their email would pop up.
• The email that consists of nothing more than their unique school-issued number...
• The unique school-issued number that is your username for logging into your student portal...
• The student portal that had all of your personal information, including but not limited to:
- home address
- Parent/guardian name(s)
- Allergies
- Full legal name
- Grades
- Medical information
- And other stuff idk I forgor
• But that's fine, because no one knows your password! Right?? RIGHT??
We weren't allowed to pick our own passwords. They all followed the same template. "[School district's initials] + [your birthday]"
So literally all you had to do to log into another student's account was learn their first and last name ( just listen to the teacher call role...)
And then be like "hey when's your birthday??"
I griped about the lack of cybersecurity for TWO YEARS before they fixed it. TWO YEARS.
And even when they did, it was still a weak system. A random 4-letter word + a 2-digit number. I think mine was like "goat45" or something.
(I know this isn't related to my usual content I just wanted to rant sorry for the shitpost)
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nightzskii-archived · 11 months
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Hey…This is a 'disclaimer' >_> , yeah. Hi, I never gave anyone the permission besides me and the other person who went through this with me to send or use this as a reason to harass anyone. This is exactly why the google document is now restricted from peoples view.
The stuff being talked about in here is me and the unnamed person's story, our traumatic experience with Hell Above's old host; Regan/Russell/Wil/Ghostbur.
In no way, shape, or form am I guarding anybody but me and the unnamed person's story nor am I "gatekeeping" because this was my experience, not yours. This isn't even a half joking matter either. (Yes this is a response to crinegboy's document that cringeboy copied without my permission and then refused to take down.)
We can take legal action, its in my name, and unless cringeboy doesn't want to; take it down. Talk to me on any platform and ask. After that I can't care enough of what happens unless cringeboy refuses to believe that this is all regan/russell/wil's and that stan is taking system accountability already.
The only right cringeboy has to ask for accountability is when Regan talks about jews. After that? nothing else is in cringeboys right to ask system accountability about. Just include that in your own doc and don't use mine.
This document was also about the old alters like; Exile, C!Dream, Otto, Grace, Arson, George, Gregory, Moon, Sun, Drni, Rev, Simpbur, Ranboo, Tommy(Thesus), Tubbo(Tobias), Rain, Tk, Iris, Brian, Mexi, Everett, Spade, Techno, Quackity, Basil, Nini, Eli, Sovi, Elias, Gray, Leo, estella, stel, Leon, Third, Aki, Binary, Lavie, Isa, Cam
Thank you for your time and if you wish to know of what regan has done, feel free to dm me with an email and I'll allow you to view it.
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bright-eyed · 1 year
Long post
Part of me thinks the whole relatability in books problem is overblown. Like the only people who refuse to read books that aren’t “relatable” are not the people who engage in reading or even much of anything with any depth anyway so like lost cause.
But also, I feel like they took this argument of “we need more representation in literature because certain voices and perspectives are being purposefully excluded from the mainstream and I would like to see more works told from perspectives that appear more like my own because as it stands it feels like my slant of experience is not seen as an expression of a universal humanity” (good) and that became “representation in literature - and every sort of art or media - is an arbiter of our perspectives and of what we are allowed to be, and we are incapable of experiencing common feelings outside of the bounds our social classes and identities, as intrinsically distinct types of people” (nonsensical also contradictory to the original intent).
And it’s weird because it feels like only wanting to read “relatable” books thing is a backlash to the inclusion of new perspectives but one that still conforms to this new paradigm, and I guess what sort of backlash it is would partially depend on who you were. Wealthy cishet white men refusing to read books they find “unrelatable” sends a different political message than minorities including women doing the same due to the fact that most of the western canon is catered to those men in a deliberate political effort that lasted centuries. Nevertheless to have anyone refusing to read anything on account of its “unrelatability” underscores an age-old reactionary political idea that there is something inherently different about being a minority, which is part of what kept those minorities excluded for so many centuries - though now the tone has changed and that difference is considered a moral strength rather than a moral failing, at least in some circles.
So like, the idea that we can’t understand books written by men from like the 18th century for example because there’s an unpassable bridge between us and them is not a new idea; it’s actually a deeply conservative idea. It’s a “you couldn’t understand literature because you’re other, you’re not one of us, so we’re going to censor the few of your contributions that we allow to make it comprehensible to real human beings like us, you’re a side project in the great noble work of mankind” argument. The progressive inversion of that would be to say: “yeah I’m a member of a so-called minority group removed from this writer by class and gender and 300 years of history etc but there is still something intrinsically human that ties me to this person and to say that is impossible would be to deny one of us our humanity, and it will probably be me. Like, there’s actually nothing that separates me and them, I dare you to tell me how I’m wrong, etc. All the horrors they are capable of and all their flaws and sufferings and struggles are mine, and all their heroics and glories and strengths are also in me. How the world processes what we are might look different but at our heart we are the same. To say otherwise is to carry on the legacy of suppression and othering.” It looks cleaner now, to otherize, because the legacy evolves and camouflages itself into new times and it always takes a while to pick it out from a new environment, but the act is the same cuz people always have a drive to do this for whatever stupid reason. The same human drive that gives rise to things like nationalism and stuff. Anyway
i guess the thing for me is that literary works are a lot like people in that they’re defined less by the vessel than what they carry, even if their vessel changes the face of the way they interact with the world. Relatability is a superficial way of looking at us cuz we’re all always more, and we can change and be contradictory and expansive even to ourselves. We’re bigger on the inside cringe but yeah. When is anyone ever just what they appear to be, or what society deems them to be? That’s a belief you can only have if you’re living in a state of constant bewilderment and denial. Are we so eager to believe there are distinct bounds to what we are capable of being or experiencing, does that idea console us or help us make sense of the world? It might make us feel like we’re safe because it gives us parameters and a code but then we’re left confused and in denial when inevitably the contradictory world gets in anyway and we experience things we had prematurely decided were impossible. Also the idea that there are certain realms of human experience that we are blocked away from is always a denial of our autonomy and humanity and it’s never going to help us understand anything about anything. And it just makes us cruel and stupid. Anyway um
Basically tldr the call for representation was a call for including more people in the definition of humanity and to share more art and forms of beauty, but now for some people it seems to be more about separating people into different types of humanity with different levels of subjective worth and understandability. Which is just a remix version of what we were doing 100 years ago. And the people who were being excluded historically don’t even benefit from this because their humanity is still being denied and can still be denied in a world where it is commonly accepted that there are irrevocable differences between types of people. Am I making sense????? It’s just not helping and it’s dumb. And annoying
Also on top of that the call for meaningful representation turned into “we need to include certain identities in order to check off a box so more people will buy our content and our work will be inherently moral” and “reading previously-excluded perspectives to perform politically instead of just seeing those perspectives as intrinsically worth reading even if they weren’t bolstering your identity as a moral and politically progressive person or giving you whatever exposure you think you need to make yourself superior or something” which are also not humanizing endeavors but that’s a whole other post and I need to stop cuz I didn’t even mean to write this one
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sunset-a-story · 1 year
Good day! I had a couple of questions for you, no need to feel pressured to answer if they don't apply ^~^. I've recently run into an issue while writing and I'm looking for advice.
Do you have beta readers? If so, how do you handle the ones that try to take over your writing? I.E. They try to bully you into writing in a different voice, they assume to know more than you about the story and try to tell you how characters act, or tell you that you're writing your own plot wrong- including any foreshadowing bits or lack thereof (for plot reasons, of course). And finally, how do you handle the ones that act like their your friend only to steal major elements of your story because "I can do it better than you"? (Or conversely accused you of stealing from them just because something you did was apparently really close to something they did?)
Thank you for your time!
Uh, first off--what the cinnamon toast fuck. That sucks and I'm very sorry that any of that is shit you have come up against. Gottdamn. I am far from an expert here but as far as pushy beta readers: I went to a very small college for my creative writing degree and the brutal critiques taught me something they probably didn't intend: the ability to recognize that sometimes everyone else is wrong and it's okay to throw their opinions in the trash.
I got used to getting shredded in workshops, sometimes justifiably so and sometimes not. Sure, it's vital to be open to critique but not all feedback is equally valuable. Ex. I once sat there listening to the whole class and professor harping for half an hour on not understanding who these characters were to each other in a story of mine while I, not allowed to speak, sat with my pen--circling all the instances of the word "sister" that they'd somehow all failed to read.
So I got a lot of experience getting 12 different, very confident opinions of what was wrong with my story & how to fix it and being able to look at that and recognize, "Nope, you're all wrong."
To have a meeting with a professor to receive suggestions/feedback on a senior project and say, "I'm not doing that. You've missed the point," and have that be an acceptable answer--and get an A.
That's not every time. It's not like I was always right. Far from it and I got lots of constructive crit that improved my writing which I am beyond grateful for. But for the kind of feedback you're talking about? You know your characters and story better than anyone. And yeah, you're not writing the story the way they would write it, but you're the one telling the fucking story. You are under no obligation to put their notes into action. Not doing what they suggest is not an attack on them. If they're mad about that, they've misunderstood their role.
So I'd probably handle that by reiterating the type of feedback you want. I've specified certain things to my readers like "Can you follow the plot/world-building?" "What/who is keeping you interested?" "What/who is losing your attention?" That kind of stuff. Or stop giving them any more fiction.
I currently have three beta readers for Sunset and all three are close, trusted friends. Despite working on this story for around a decade, prior to a year or so ago, we hadn't shared it with anyone (except our best friend who sadly died in 2020) because of anxiety around exactly what you're talking about. Even when I know everything above to be true, it's still stressful.
I can say I've had readers either coming in with their own expectations or narrative getting a character completely wrong and kind of hanging onto that point of view and forcing it into the story. "I don't think X would do that." etc. It's frustrating but I just set it aside to compare with other readers' take on it to see if it's a them-problem or a me-problem and decide what needs refining to prevent that reaction. As far as stealing, I wish I had an answer for you. That all sounds terrible. People are always going to steal and, again, I'm sorry you've dealt with that.
I'm naive I guess because I could never imagine doing that to someone but people do. Hell, we had a visiting big-ish name writer come to our college who outright copped to stealing a line from one of our professor's books. It's gross. People kinda suck. It's something we worry about.
All I can say there is, they can't tell the story the way we can. They can steal the interior design but we have the foundation in our heads. We know what's on the second floor and which stairs squeak when you step on them. I guess that's what I would tell myself.
I don't know if I got too wordy there or too serious or whatnot, but those are my thoughts. Feel free to throw my suggestions in the trash too. You know your story.
Thanks for the questions and good luck!
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cassynite · 1 year
Top Artistic/Creative Influences in My Life
Tagged by @randalltier for this new meme--I gotta admit it took me a second because I'd never really considered what pieces of media have influenced my own work. This was really cool to do tbh!! Though no one is allowed to make fun of me for the basic bitch answers included 😤
Modern Faerie Tales series (and its sequels/offshoots) by Holly Black: So this isn't super present in my fanfiction right now but in my original works I really like to engage with creatures or forces that are very inhuman in their thinking, where one of the struggles is understanding or working with forces that inherently have deeply different values and morality than our own. I won't say Holly Black does it best I've seen (or even, like...well) but the Modern Faerie Tales was the first time I really saw characters like that, where the faeries really felt like they were deeply inhuman and in some ways unknowable. It's also led to just a lifelong love of faeries in general that constantly shows up in my work lol.
Poetry by Eavan Boland: Easily my favorite poet, there's something about how Boland utilizes nature as an expression of emotion that really gets to me in particular--how water is grief in "Atlantis: A Sonnet" and "And Soul," how nature is indicative of healing in "How We Made a New Art on Old Ground." That's bled into my writing as well--a lot of my favorite bits of writing, where I really feel like I nailed trying to show character's emotions, comes from reflections in the environment and I draw a lot of it back to how her poetry has made me feel.
The Ones that Walk Away From Omelas by Ursula Le Guin: "Nothing is truly good that makes even one person suffer" is a really important theme to me and the story of Omelas is one that's stuck to me for ages. That theme shows up in some form or another in a lot of my stories--one that I published a long time ago is literally just a pastiche of the story--and its implications regarding colonialism and what makes a just society are pretty integral to core beliefs of mine in general!
The Gone World by Tom Sweterlitsch: I am a fan of time travel stories. But I became a fan of time travel as a double-edged sword, about the erasure of impact that it can have, about choice vs inevitability and what truly matters when things can literally be undone, because of this story. I've got a whole roster of OCs that fuck with time solely because of this and honestly it's a super well-written book beyond the time stuff, and honestly if you've played PWOTR and you like the implications of Aeon and the True Aeon end this is a really good read in general.
...Tolkien: Sorry for the basic bitch answer but. Yeah. Fantasy that has left behind a much brighter age and grieves it, things that are gone but not lost forever, the presentation of evil as seeming large and unstoppable but ultimately being so small and petty and miserable, and how the smallest of things (small people, small acts of kindness, small defiances in the face of the dark) can mean all the difference! It's really important to me! That message of hope and healing just matters a lot to me and a lot of my characters consciously feed into these arcs; like I really dislike making characters are stories with completely destructive scorched earth ends and I do think that comes from Tolkien.
Anyway!! I'm no pressure tagging @silversiren1101 @dujour13 and @dmagedgoods and anyone else who might be interested to talk about the things that have influenced or inspired their art!!
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I’m a transfag (gay transmasc) vampire (mentally and spiritually, but sadly not physically because that isn’t currently possible with the technology we have) who is also plural (but not one of the fake TikTok ones bc I’m actually severely traumatized) and I have NPD and ASPD with strong BPD traits. So yeah, expect me to post an insufferable amount about all of these traits of mine. Because they’re a fucking HASSLE but lowkey sexy and based.
Things I like and you might see a lot about on here (or might not, I’m not a very predictable poster even to myself tbh):
- Me (and everything about me, especially my own psychology. So this would include stuff about the disorders I have and that I find interesting, like my personality disorder(s), ptsd, etc.)
- Sex
- Death
- My gayness and transness (Since my parents aren’t appreciative of it, I gotta celebrate it and flaunt it here because otherwise no one will)
- Vampires (because I lowkey am one)
- Blood suckin’ and neck bitin’
- Dark psychology
- Typology
- Violence/gore/murder/etc
- Media: Interview with The Vampire (show and movie), American Psycho (movie), Hannibal (show and movie (SOTL)), The Boys (show), Good Omens (show), Dracula (show and movies), Sherlock (show), Homicide Hunter (show), Family Guy (I know it’s trash but honestly? It’s a tour de force every time. It’s iconic. Pure cinema)
Things I don’t like and you will probably also see a lot of on here because because I’m a hateful, argumentative son of a bitch who loves to complain and criticize:
- Shit fashion taste
- Lack of class (This can include poor fashion sense, as well as people whose tastes, actions, and words reek a philistine and kitsche energy)
- Slobbiness, sloppiness, and slothliness (basically people who make tons of excuses for why I should accept their sluggish aura, tastes, and actions without criticizing them. People who do fuckall all day and then order greasy takeout, eat ten servings of it, and then hop online to order a $200 pair of boots from their $1500 computer in their heated and comfy home and then go to Twitter to complain that the government doesn’t give them enough. It’s oddly specific but that’s only because there’s so many fucking people who fit that description who are the loudest online.)
- People who insist that peace must be kept at all times and who get “scared” when you start debating and actually talking about something interesting other than what people ate today or the weather
- People who think America’s problems are the worse they can possibly get (please visit Yemen. And please don’t say that our problems can be fixed by Communism because I will karate chop your throat so you will stop speaking)
- People who think America has no problems and is the best country in the world (Please visit literally any other first world country. I promise we’re not that great. Like yeah we’re all super privileged by a large margin, even the absolute poorest of the poorest usually eat at least once every day and have the option to sleep somewhere warm every night, but there’s PLENTY of ways America could improve a LOT)
- Far left and far right ppl, and the people without a political opinion. What ever happened to having a solid and firm opinion without suggesting we either bring back slavery or start a Communist revolt?
- People who are just… Really gross and slimey publicly??? Like 40 year old bronies with oily hair who lust over Applejack or whomever the fuck. I also don’t wanna hear your really gross opinions, like about how you think people should be allowed to post drawings of CHILDREN having sex without being “harassed”, or how you think it’s ableist to use deodorant. (Actually I do wanna hear them so I can laugh at you and then make sure to avoid you.)
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dearserenesoul · 1 month
2 Ramadan
It is 3 Ramadan today. 7.06 am, IKIM.
Yeah, that early. I left for work at 6.30 am. Cuz if I'm late by just 5 minutes, I would get stuck in traffic for 20-25 minutes. And that's so frustrating. Everyone leaves for work so early in this Ramadan! Haihh. I'm not known for being angry, but if there's one thing I wont hold back my anger & express it generously, it would be road rage. Anyway.
I want to document yesterday. Cuz semalam so malas & sleepy.
It started typically mundane. Left early yet still got stuck in traffic, which was not so good morning. Then performed dhuha before I started my work.
I was like, here we go, another mundane day. Bertabah, sis. But then I had an ad-hoc meeting with KP.
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Everytime I see higher ups, it would remind me of abah. I would wonder what kind of superior abah had been perceived as? What would he be like at work? Back then abah used to have online meetings at home many times. And I would be his ad-hoc PA preparing stuff beforehand, then he would ask me to leave him alone and shut the door.
It was Pusat Akademik meeting. So I got to listen to each researcher's ongoing projects; both internal and external, including Dr Nik's and mine.
Cool, cuz it was slightly not mundane (my colleagues said I'm weird for liking the meeting more than my work. Yeah, cuz my work is so mundane for me. But they said they love my work lol).
I got to learn many things just by listening; while daydreaming that one day I would be a research fellow myself, handling my own researches and projects; local and overseas. Allahumma amin.
They are planning to establish a new pusat under akademik other than Emas, Kias & Syarak. It would be called Pusat Harmoni; a research centre for comparative study of religions, together with Kementerian Perpaduan and JAKIM (maybe?). They would definitely need new researchers & research fellows! Ya Allah so tempting 🤤 Semoga ada my rezeki to plant my feet deeper here, ya Allah. Allahumma amin.
That also means I need to quickly finish my master thesis and grad. Bachelor saje memang diorang tak pandang lah nak jadi research fellow, sis 🥲
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Just me documenting myself in the middle of meeting cuz this KP talked a lot. Dia yang banyak cakap, aku yang haus.
Listening to these researchers handling projects, I felt humbly small. I thought kemain renyah dah to handle an internal project, what more my project ni berdua je dengan Dr Nik. He himself is busy with other projects, so mostly RA lah yang jalan dulu. He would pantau, approve & improve sahaja.
Tapi rupanya these researchers are so busy. Internal & external projects all at once. Patutlah Pusat Akademik ni bersepah RA. Asal RA je, Pusat Akademik. Asal Pusat Akademik je, ada RA.
. . . . .
Back then during undergrad, when me and the gang were lepak-ing at cafe, we once made a random statement,
"Jom nanti lepas grad kita masuk IKIM. Jadi researcher kat situ together jom."
Cuz most of our teachers are research fellows there. And IKIM, of all Islamic think tanks that is more related to other sectors directly compared to academia, are the one who got the influence of prof al-Attas' thought.
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My dear Pusat Akademik aka Baitul Hikmah 🩷
But i never thought i could ever be there, as a research team at least. I giggled when we were daydreaming. Like, ingat nak masuk situ macam aci prereg classes kat UIA ke?
I was narrow minded too back then. In my du'a, i would be specific & asked to be allowed to be a lecturer. But it is indah khabar dari rupa, ya. It depends on the place & the people too. Apalah guna buat research kalau tak ada freedom & so many limitations & corruption bs. Above all, it's the people that make the office, not the other way around.
But i remember i once made my du'a more general,
Ya Allah, please allow me to work on the path of knowledge, as lecturer or researcher or what is best for me, in the best place, with the best people.
HERE. I. AM !!
I'm living my du'a that I may sometimes lose sight of and forget, but Allah never forgets. All my du'as are by His side, well taken care of 🥲🩷
And sometimes it really doesn't come like a grand entrance. I was hesitant, and heck, I am even ungrateful for it sometimes (sorry, can't handle mundane 😣),
but He answered my du'a! He indeed listened! I love you, ya Wadud.
Then my head was a bit noisy semalam. I questioned myself a lot. Apa yang you feel so restless about? Mundane? Boring? Aren't you living in your answered du'a?
Yeah, you may not yet be at the top of it, being a research fellow doing your own researches; but you need to start small from below.
Listening to them in the meeting, can you handle all those? Like right now. Can you handle that right now? No, you can't.
And you have your thesis, kan. Itu bukan your own research ke? Memang lah just a master thesis cuz you are a student. Sabar lah. Allah dengar, sayang. You're not yet ready. But you must get ready. Tapi janganlah restless sekarang as if you're a certified failure. Jangan cepat nak berlari kalau masih merangkak. Nanti jatuh, nanti sakit.
. . . . .
KP sekarang ni baru 3 tahun holding the post. He is known as KP yang bersemangat. He indeed is. Sebanyak-banyak projects discussed in the meeting tu, he takes note of everything, every small detail. IKIM ni scope dia mostly academic only.
I was made to wonder macam mana lah abah handle JAKIM dulu. Hal ehwal agama of the entire country was his responsibility; akademik, kebajikan, fatwa etc etc. No wonder abah so penat 😢
I read somewhere, that once we are older, being in the working world, we will wish we were nicer to our parents. Cuz we don't know what they had to face out there. Too many workloads, handling toxic people etc. They never tell us. Balik rumah, mestilah nak anak-anak menghiburkan hati dan serve willingly. But did we? Or buat diorang marah, tak taat, buat perangai 😔
Sayang, oh sayang. Apa lagi yang awak lupa nak bersyukur? Apa lagi yang mama abah tak buat yang terbaik, that you're not doing your best after all they did for you, for your present, for your future?
Sikit pun mama abah tak minta balasan. The best balasan is being successful for myself.
. . . . .
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Juggling between meeting and the lecture on Ma'arij al-Quds simutaneously! 😤 (meeting lama sangat. KP cakap banyak 😂)
Cuz we want to be successful dunya akhirah. Allahumma amin.
. . . . .
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Went to bazaar after work. Mama abah kat kampung. That means dapur is less berasap. Since all of us are working, memang penatlah nak masak for iftar.
Made me thinking,
Are you sure you are ready to be a wife, Shirin, that you feel so left behind for not meeting your person yet? Kenapa sedih sangat? Kenapa question yourself?
Again, Allah belum bagi your du'a as a denial or YOU are not ready?
. . . . .
I love FULL day! By full, i mean fulfilling. The one where my inner world keeps running;
. . . . .
3 Ramadan
is another mundane day. But sokay. We have cute moments today.
RA-RA gegerl Pusat Syarak ft. Rai from UPL 💞 we so cute tugederrr 😍😍
The only single 20s ladies. Yang lain semua married, kakaks and aunties. So bonding time gegerl lah kejap hikss.
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younganonymus · 3 months
Hello!!! Thank you for the questions! Have some in return friend!
1,4, 5, 6, 9, 10, 17, 18, 22, 26, 29, 33, 37, 39, 51, 50, 67, 68! I hope your day is happy and stress free!!!!!
Greetings! :-D
1: In general I like most doing sports, so my most favorite activity is inline-skating.
I literally skate for a whole day if possible, for over eight hours, resulting in over 80 kilometers (49,71 miles), including breaks for eating, refreshing and embracing the landscape.
4: I appreciate, like most, favor and whatever, love sliced potatoes with scrambled eggs, bacon and red onions.
It does not really need to be seasoned, but I do not mind either.
And when it comes to fast food (but got damn expensive since last year) my favorite meal is “Döner”, or Shawarma if you may, yet here these are two different things.
It is some thin, white bread, a sauce of your choice (garlic, chili or herb), chicken or cow meat and salad. (You may get cheese and other stuff for an extra charge.)
So mine would be herb sauce, recently rather chicken, cabbage, red cabbage, red onions, tomatoes and corn.
5: I feel like throwing up just by looking at “blood sausage” as a meat-thingy. Children kindly refer to that meal as „tote Oma“, which is “dead grandma” in English.
It stinks, looks like cow dung and perhaps tastes alike.
I have no clue how people came up with that “meal”… (and continued eating it)
6: Hell yeah I got idols! (Oppose to apparently everybody else…)
I always idealized Vin Diesel’s body ?aestique? (his trained looking), would have loved to look like him and found out not so long ago his character is even a very charming one as well.
I would love to meet Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson one day, but would probably knock out of conscious out of excitement if Jackie Chan should ever stand in front of me. :-D
Ever since I was a boy (and only then of course… *cough**cough* {°, °} {° ,°} {°, °} ) I loved every single movie by him and took them as teaching me in martial arts. :-D [Which surprisingly really worked! It has been a while since I last had a fight, but no matter who tried, no one could beat me. Not even groups of ten dudes. {^,^} ]
Oh, Batman and Spider-Man as well of course!
9: Yes, I learned accordion for four years and guitar lessons for two years, which sadly do not count because due to too few pupils we only did “Lady in black” two years straight. -_-
But nevertheless I was able to write my own note sheets, even wrote two symphonies and was able to convert the songs from “The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time”, which Link has to play to achive certain things, obto real notes and either play them on keys or try my luck with my own ocarina. (But I was nowhere allowed to practice the ocarina since it is both loud and counts as flute, so quite pitchy…)
10: Actually I only took the accordion lessons because all of my friends back then were there and I was literally the only one left in ?day care? (Something like kindergarten but for free lessons during primary school).
And I would love knowing how to play drums!
17: I think/believe there are various forms of aliens out there;
Maybe one species is made out of liquid elements and can only build a certain form/posture.
One species maybe looks a lot like from “Alien vs. Predator”.
One may look like the ones from “Jimmy Neutron” and “The Simpson’s”.
One may even look a lot like us but perhaps different skin tone, an eye more and telepathic skills.
Who knows?
But I find it very very hard to believe we are the only creatures in this literally endless and big, big, BIG universe with millions of millions of solar systems, stars and planets.
18: I picture time traveling as as long as you do not interact with ANYTHING, no outcome will change.
As long as you just watch and do nothing else, things will be as we know them.
But on the other hand, the paradoxon says the outcome can not be changed, for it knows you were there in the future to travel back in time, so maybe only our perception changes. [mind blown]
I find movies with that topic and the topic itself very interesting. :-D
22: My most favorite movie is “Forrest Gump”, but I have to say “The Mitchell’s vs. the Machines” are worthy of that title as well.
(Both may or may not be a movie, that may or may not make this man shed a tear or two (or more) (or not)… *cough* ) x-D
26: YES, I am indeed a (very) crafty person!
Of course I am not the absolute best in it, but I can do A LOT of work with wood.
I was raised on farm (more or less), therefore know how to repair and build things, was a roofer for a few years until my accident last year and build several things alone (or one person helping) like a foldable table, an alike-bookshelf for my shoes, bags and stuff and a cabin/small shack.
29: Most good memories I have are from being outside with my inline-skates and perhaps my once best buddy.
We did many many tours with and without destination, took a few trips including camping and saw so SO many beautiful landscapes!
One favorite landscape of mine was the black asphalt road underneath us, a tree line in front of us, a forest behind us, a green field behind that tree line and another brown and green forest behind that, with a blue sky and the sun to our right.
(And of course dozens of stupid things I did and perhaps convinced my pals or sister to do too. ;-D )
The most sweetest memory I have is my sister (nine years younger than me) falling asleep in my arms and shoulder in my tree house (BIG hammock-alike with roof, mosquito net and more).
33: Oh boy…
You really want to ask me where I see myself in the future???
Hopefully burned to ashes long ago.
But since you probably want to hear a “nice” answer:
Having a wife, two kids (at least one daughter please), a house of our own, a little yard and a job that does pay well enough so I can stop worrying about money problems.
37: People know me as being the fun-guy, the entertainer. Also as the animal-guy.
I am really good with children, am a lot like Dr.Dolittle and can always come up with fun things to do.
I can organize (big) parties, I can cheer up folk, I sense really well what music is demanded right now and I can come up with games even with nothing but a stick.
39: Sports! :-D
Could be 5am, could be evening, could be JUST after eating, …: I always want to be active, do things, run around, climb, whatever.
Of course I can and enjoy cuddling or playing video games as well, but if you ask me whether going outside or laying around??? Pretty sure it is going outside.
50: I HATE alcohol!!!
If you want to ban weed, ban alcohol just as well! (I do not smoke.)
People lose their sense of everything, can not remember sh*t afterwards, feel sick the next day, lose control over themselves and some lose their self completely.
I do not mind people drinking, but I hate seeing what it does to them.
And the phrase “I need booze to loosen up.” is bullsh*t just as well.
Perhaps you are just with the wrong group of people then - ever thought about that?!?
51: I would choose to live in China (although my Mandarin got really bad by now…), in a village far far away from town.
I would work all-day and be enjoying the peace and the sun.
67: Team Marvel, but Batman is an absolute must!
(And I do not know any recent Marvel-Movies.
The most recent one for me is Iron Man 3.
So no, I have not seen any “Avengers” movie, sadly.)
68: I always find that question difficult to answer since I like the physical aspects of a werewolf pleasing, but like the æsthetique of a vampire more.
(I felt VERY connected to that ???Niklaus??? dude from “The Vampire Diaries”, if you watched that show. … Due to obvious reasons…)
Thanks for askings!
Thanks, to you too!
And sorry for writing almost a book. :-P
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ducknotinarow · 5 months
2k12 Mikey Don - #
send me “#” for cell phone headcanons about our muses including:      
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"Aw come on again? I dunno know, feel like Donnie would find me giving my phone over for this to be a pretty obviously bad way to get my information taken or something like that? Since he's always going on about internet safety and such. Then again he was sort of a jerk to me the other day?" The turtle purses his beak and takes a moment to think it over "Alright you can look!"
- what your muse’s name is in mine’s phone    
⚗️"Dee🥼 "
"Yeah nothing to special there I guess but just one of his nicknames we all use here and there. Don, Donnie, Dee. Ya know nothing to out there really I did add some sciencey looking emojis though! I thought about the goggles too since Donnie wears goggles hmm maybe I should swap it for the goggles now instead?" Mikey offers with a tilt of his head :I bet if Don could he would ear the full get up? Maybe I can find him an old lab coat?" Mikey attention shifts away with the the thought.                          
- what your muse’s picture is in mine’s phone        
[image description] it's clearly taken from the pit in the lair, Donnie's on the couch with a tub of popcorn for once out to join the rest of them for some TV time. They look decently happy wearing a pair of socks on their feet because they were complain about being cold. His attention is off to the side because he was in the middle of explaining that to Raphael. You can also slightly just see the corner of Leo's elbow on Don's other side. It was a photo he took of his three eldest brothers all getting ready to sit down and relax for a night in. Just the four them for once at that. Sure Raph was being Raph, grumpy and such. Leo was ready to step in and get all bossy as he does. Well Mikey was trying to run the reigns for the night. But Donnie? looked content and happy. Even with the rough patch it was just a normal moment for the four of them. Donnie didn't seem annoyed by Raph he was smiling that soft little look. Mikey just liked it so he snap the shot and crop each of their faces for their own contacts.
"Ya know? for the longest time all my photos for Donnie tend to have him in his lab. Sometimes yelling for me to get out. Sometimes it's him in the middle of something he's working on. Cause I guess despite knowing Don all my life? I kind of only saw him as the guy with all the answers. The one who can fix everything. And yeah I still do think that way of him but then? he got real sick and mean and stupid. But we all do that stuff mean Raph 'quites' the team least once a month all the time but he always come back after a few days. I guess I kind of forget Donnie's well not just those things? And I dunno I think its a nice photo to use for him to remember that. Even when hes kind of a jerk with the whole online friends stuff I know he's just worried about me. Like how he smiling here seeming happy to be surrounded by us?" Mikey smiles and shrugs his shoulders "You think 15 years of only living and knowing each other we be better at this stuff but I guess we sorta got used to nothing changing we forget those little things? Like sometimes we need 'breaks' and just be allowed to exist and I think Don is the worst about it so it's nice when he lets himself just be with us."
- what your muse’s ringtone is in mine’s phone        
Gold by SHADED What’s it gonna take to fill the void again? Am I doing this all wrong? And will I ever be enough to see the rough and clear it up Until you’re not just giving up? Oh, you lighten up my soul
"Donnie might seem like a jerk and full of himself cause hes smart and junk. But I mean he is really smart course he. But think Donnie prides himself too much into it, yeah he got an ego but that ain't what I mean. Donnie relies on being the smart one ya know? He feel he has to fix everything but he always fixes everything so it makes sense he does think that way? Honestly I think the reason Splinter don't harp too much when he slips is cause well no one can be harder on Don then Don already is on himself. And I dunno think it just makes him thing bad things about himself."                     
- my muse’s last text to your muse
[text] Who closes the bus door after the bus driver gets off the bus?
[text] is it the s or the c that is silent in scent?
[text] Why do they call them fingers? I've never seen them fing.
[text] How far west can you go before you start heading east
[text] Can you hold your breath till you pass out? I can :D
[text] you get to pick for movie night this week!
[text] plz don't make us watch something smart though, my brain don't wanna think tonight Dee
[text] DEE!!!
[text] Don!!!
[text] Donnie!
[text] DEDE!!!
[text] Donatello!!!
[text] I'm sorry please let me back in to the lab!!!
[text] I'm making pizza run got bonus coupon deals we can have anything toppings we want!
[text] Imma steal Von! I think she like to take my very important zine quizzes with Angel.
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the-firebird69 · 6 months
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This guy was shot and killed for making threats against the president and he was in Provo Utah and the president goes there on occasion I believe and he was shot because he wouldn't allow them to search his household.
Zues Hera
They did search it after he was hit he found a lot of stuff that said he was going to hurt the president and Camilla they found notes that said why that he's doing this and he's doing that to preclude me and mine and he's holding me out here and he's bullyingly here and pushing me here and a lot of it was fabricated and you can tell it was just scribbled down it is one part that says he's in my way and I need to do it to get back in and maybe they'll accept it he meant the max not us and now they went through the rest of it because they understand what they're looking for and yeah he was doing a lot of work for the max and he considered the devil to be the max too and you can see it at all his writings and he's the Yankee foust general Jonathan Molton and he was sinking ships upon their direction and they were fellow rebel ships and he was taking some and they were taking the rest and he thought he'd take them over and he tried and he would die he kept doing it and he knew it wasn't us and the idiot is here losing everything and you keep saying I got to take them over and he never did his son picked up on it and said what you doing did not work ever and he's telling him please be quiet and say we'll make him do it or something his son said I don't want to hear this s*** you're a f****** moron so mad that's true the guy is a moron and the max don't want him doing what he's doing and he's just going to die so he said that to him and he said you're crazy and you're still trying to do things and the max keep hitting him and he's saying I'm not doing anything with the answer is you're not you're going around doing stupid s*** and then they hit you it's a scam. So the idiot is still doing it. And he is selling out to them both ways . Come to find out he figures out that the max have been gaining and everyone else losing looks at himself in the mirror and says I can't do it looks over here and says you'll be free soon and we sort of get it he wants to take over our son's body and have the protection cuz he's a loser okay and the max got it too. So were seeking him on special warrant. And we're going to get him and we're going to get him good but there's a lot of people out there who think the same stupid s*** including his own mom. You got it out of her and it's not funny d you're going to die and we use people like him unless we can get rid of himselves. And dan your son is your competition by the way Trump and he has a better idea. He says he could win without lifting a finger and all of a sudden Trump got mad so this is your stupid s*** might be just a threat but you're a f****** moron and you wasted my whole army and it had tons of s*** tons of stuff he says. And dan wants to be a real giant. But has a stupid brain it makes a stupid face and it says he knows how to fix that so this a****** Diane is sicker than you it's Dan not Diane but close enough and they're both evil as hell and people are going to go after him shortly for crimes other than against our son because they have been assisting the Max and bowing and all sorts of things yeah they want them to bother him and it's an unspoken thing but that's what they've been doing. Now these are huge huge huge armies and they have a lot of people to responds and they're sending them here and let's see what this assholes doing he sort of defending the empire so they're going after him.
Thor Freya
Zues Hera
0 notes
mtnkat3 · 2 years
Oh my Love/s...
Think about it, there must be a higher love Down in the heart or hidden in the stars above Without it, life is wasted time. Look inside your heart, and I'll look inside mine
Things look so bad everywhere. In this whole world, what is fair? We walk the line and try to see. Fallin' behind in what could be, oh
Bring me a higher love
Bring me a higher love, oh
Bring me a higher love
Where's that higher love I keep thinking of?
That love, that love
Bring me higher love, love
That love, that love
Bring me higher love, oh
That love, that love
Bring me higher love, love
That love, that love
Bring me a higher love
That love, that love
Bring me higher love, love
That love, that love
Bring me higher love, oh
That love, that love
Bring me higher love, love
That love, that love
Bring me a higher love
Worlds are turnin', and we're just hanging on Facing our fear, and standin' out there alone. A yearning, yeah, and it's real to. There must be someone who's feeling for me
Things look so bad everywhere
In this whole world, what is fair?
We walk the line and try to see
Fallin' behind in what could be, oh
Bring me a higher love (oh my Lord)
Bring me a higher love, oh (oh)
Bring me a higher love (my Lord)
It's that higher love I keep thinking of
That love, that love
Bring me higher love, love
That love, that love
Bring me higher love, oh
That love, that love
Bring me higher love, love
That love, that love
Bring me a higher love
oh, bring me love
(Bring me a higher love, oh) we need a higher love
(Bring me a higher love) bring me, bring me, yeah
A higher love I keep thinking of, oh
That love, that love (bring me a higher love)
Bring me higher love, love
That love, that love (bring me a higher love)
Bring me higher love, oh
That love, that love (bring me a higher love)
Bring me higher love, love
A higher love I keep thinking of
Bring me a higher love (that love, that love)
(Bring me higher love, love)
Bring me a higher love (that love, that love)
(Bring me higher love) oh
Source: LyricFind
Songwriters: Steve Winwood / Will Jennings
Higher Love lyrics © Kobalt Music Publishing Ltd., Universal Music Publishing Group
My musical experience has beeen...
As a kid I had I listened to parents preferences until about ~13yo.
But included Lawrence Welk to HeeHaw to the Dukes of Hazzard. Hymns, big band, choir, solid gold, 1950s- current.
But at 13yo that was top 40 pop in the 1980s that I was allowed to include. Lol!
I didn't start buying my own musical stuff until ~20yo.
So I have maybe a couple 78s & 45s. We had 8 tracks. I think my first cassette was Snoopy Christmas & the Red Baron! Lol!
I also have Robinhood [Kevin Costner 1992], ocean sounds, top gun, dirty dancing, pretty woman, & Morning like this [Sandi Patti]. All my first cassettes given at Christmas by "Santa claus" grinning.
Blushing shyly grin.
Just..fyi for You/Alll my Love/s.
I hope You/Alll are doing ok & the day is going well!!!
Thinking about each of You/Alll as the day goes...
I love & adore each of You/Alll endlessly!!!.
DOne, DPOne, & Alll!!!.
Alllways & Forevermore!!!. Period.
0 notes
thanakite · 2 years
So there's stuff coming out about how little alcohol it takes to start causing harm and stuff but I do want to put this out there, even if alcohol does have "only risks" for drinkers between the ages of 15-39 (the study's numbers not mine) I firmly believe that that the drinking age should be much lower and the driving age higher in the US
If you are introduced to things like alcohol in a safe environment with your parents/guardians at a young age it isn't some mysterious thing that kids are desperate to at least try and then continue using because of whatever reason or worse drink so much their first time out they end up dead or with extreme medical issues
Growing up my parents kept an eye on us and my mom was definitely a helicopter mom, but between their love of alcohol as a whole and my dad's love of brewing his own beer alcohol was readily present in my house and for better or worse our parents did let us drink under their supervision over the years
As kids we'd be offered sips of beer, wine, whisky, vodka, gin, etc. And immediately our reaction was always a kid version of "Ugh, gross, that is fucking disgusting" (we weren't allowed to swear of course but that's my parents for you) so it really wasn't some mysterious thing I wanted to seek out because to me it was gross
And yeah my older sister did get peer pressured into drinking a lot at one point and our parents were very extreme in their reaction to ensure none of us wanted that (it was super shitty and awful, and the results aren't necessarily worth the harm, but there isn't really anything I can do about that)
Both my siblings had more incidents with over drinking than me over the years, but none of us ever drank so much that it was more than like really bad hangovers, I only had it a couple times because I choose not to drink due to it potentially making me feel bad when I have chronic conditions that already do that anyway and I don't want to add to it. Even so, I can tell you so many stories of people I know or know of through a direct connection (like friends of my sisters or parents since I don't really have a lot of people in my life) who were not allowed to drink at all, who only knew alcohol through outside sources, who eventually managed to drink for the first time (or maybe the first couple of times) and either drank way too much, drank and drove, did drink in an environment that cared about their health, safety, future, and so many other things that can and do go wrong, because that is kind of the thing here:
If parents do not properly teach and guide their kids through drinking alcohol they will go out and learn from someone else, and I very much doubt you should trust who that someone else may be
The driving issue is also addressed here because I truly think people should know their limits with alcohol before they ever learn literally anything about driving (I do include farm equipment in this By the way, I'm aware that many families may rely on that, but unfortunately that literally doesn't seem safe at all)
We need to understand that we need to do as little harm as possible and I can almost guarantee that the harm of drinking being something begun at a younger age and done well and safely in at least a majority of cases is still going to be less overall harm than not doing so
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janusa · 3 years
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Supercorpflix mobile version
click for better quality] ft. fics under the cut
mind each fic tags and warnings.
you’ve got a friend in me by @spicycheeser
run the red out by @searidings
they don’t love you like i love you by searidings
i love that i know you (like no one does) by @i-am-robie
the lost temple of zor-el  by @deletingpoint
mama penguin adventures by @janusa
on the way home by janusa
the bicep obsessed by @hrwinter
oath of office by @uninspired–poet
it’s like i’m weightless in your gravity (oh, i never thought i’d feel so free) by @littlemousejelly
oh, you got my heartbeat runnin’ away… by @kg1507
you (don’t) have to say you love me by @amnesia-yourself
killing time by Ivenothingtosaybutillsayitanway
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fernpost · 3 years
Cycle 0 - Interviews
[read on ao3]
Taako Taaco. 114. Elf. Wizard; Specialization in transmutation and inventive magical applications.
Previous experience: Top of class at Tredore, Academy of Magics and Technology; recently graduated.
Criminal Record: Multiple counts of petty theft.
Davenport likes to think of himself as calm and composed. It’s hard to throw him off. He has to be in order to have gotten this far in his mission as fast as he has.
But when he turns around from shutting the door to see his interviewee with his feet kicked up on the table, twirling a wand through his fingers, he’s a little shocked. He’s been doing these interviews for two days now, and even the more relaxed and confident people have held a bit more sense for decorum.
It’s a bit rude.
It’s also a little interesting.
He sits at his desk, pulling the elf’s papers away from his boots (shiny, and though they look expensive he can see they’re worn down and well taken care of) and glances down. “Tell me, Taako Taaco, what makes you want to explore the planerverse?”
If the feet on the desk threw him off for a second, that floors him entirely. “Bored?”
“I’ve got nothing else to do on this plane, why not, you know?”
“No burning desire to go further than any being has gone before?” That’s one of the normal responses, the well-planned out speeches he keeps getting in response to his opening question.
The elf crosses his feet, leaning back somehow further into the provided chair. Davenport worries for a second that he may fall as he continues on, “that’s cool too, I guess. But I figure, why wouldn’t you want the great Taaco name aboard your ship.”
Davenport picks up a pen from his table and makes a small note on the paperwork, “no offense, Mr. Taaco, but you’re rather cavalier about this interview that determines whether or not you’re accepted into a program that may redefine our understanding of the world.”
The elf shrugs and takes his feet off of Davenport’s desk, flashing him a smirk, “you’ve seen my sister’s paperwork, yeah? No way you’re not going to accept her, and we’re a package deal. Says it right there in bold at the top of my application, my man.” It does, in fact, say that at the top. Cursive words noting how he refuses to accept any position on the ship if his sister isn't there too. When reviewing who he was interviewing today, he saw similar words on Lup Taaco’s paperwork.
“You’re very confident in your sister’s abilities.” Davenport begins, pausing for a second as he notes the way the elf begins to tense up before continuing, “however, I wouldn’t sell yourself so short. You also graduated top of your class, and excelled in the art of transmutation multiple times. One of your letters of recommendation even noted how you made many spells easier to cast, somatically speaking.”
“What can I say, I’ll find any short cut I can.”
Davenport makes another note on his paper. “Now, I do need to ask about your record of petty theft.”
“Oh, natch.”
Lup Taaco. 114. Elf. Wizard; Specialization in evocation and applied magic regarding planar research.
Previous experience: Top of class at Tredore, Academy of Magics and Technology; recently graduated.
Criminal Record: Multiple counts of petty theft.
“Lup Taaco, it is nice to meet you.”
“The pleasure is all mine, Captain.” The woman in front of him smiles. The resemblance to her brother couldn’t be more clear, and though her demeanor is quite similar, she at least doesn’t have her feet on his desk.
Not that his desk is anything fancy, but the point stands. “I’m not technically the captain yet, you know.”
“Potato, potato.”
Davenport is fairly certain that’s not how that phrase is used. “You did research into the planes at Tredore, correct?”
“Quite a bit, yeah. I’m sure my brother told you?”
The slight tilt of her head and lit of her voice tells Davenport this is some sort of test, which is confusing and a bit disconcerting, considering he is the one conducting the interview. He checks a quick box on his papers. “He talked you up a bit, yes. But this is your own interview, and I wanted to discuss your own knowledge with you, personally.”
She smiles, a touch more warmth to it than her previous attitude. “Oh, of course. Did quite a bit of studying at Tredore. First real school we attended. Kinda boring at times, you know?”
“If you’re accepted into this program, it’s going to be four intense months of studying and teaching you the more complex workings of the ship. Plus the two months of actually being on the ship.”
“That’s the fun stuff. Not a third semester in a row of another language I already figured out most of years ago.”
“How many languages do you speak, Ms. Taaco?”
“Including common, five languages.”
“Impressive.” Davenport himself only speaks three. “Now, I would like to ask you about your criminal record, if you don’t mind?”
Her smile grew sharp as she laughs.
Honestly, he isn’t surprised. Her explanation is the same as her brothers. Grew up on the road, needed food and other items on occasion. Didn’t always run fast enough. Davenport can’t fault them, and certainly won’t hold it against them.
He glances down at her paperwork, about to ask another question about her education, when she speaks up. “I’ve got a question for you, Captain.”
“The ship- we’re really going with the name ‘The Starblaster’?”
Davenport sighs. He knew this question was coming, but he was expecting it to come during a press conference from a reporter, not a potential shipmate. “Yes. To be fair, it was a communal name we put to a vote from everyone who worked on building the engine.”
Ms. Taaco smiles. “Dope.”
Barry J. Bluejeans. 37 years old. Human. Wizard; specialization in applied magic regarding bonds and planar research.
Previous experience: Current assistant professor at Duffman University of the Arcane, part-time employee at the Institute of Planer Research and Exploration.
Criminal Record: Previous altercations regarding necromancy; no crimes against the nature of life and death ever committed.
Mr. Bluejeans is an interesting man. By the look of him, you’d expect to see him fumbling his way through a PTA meeting for his two kids. Instead, Davenport is staring down the word ‘necromancy’ on his paperwork on an application regarding literal planar travel on a ship called 'the Starblaster.'
So far, the interview has been going well. He’d listened to the man explain his research into the arcane, and he’d understood planar travel as well as any of the current scientists and engineers at the Institute. He was called in often for conferences and meetings about the bond engine. He’d seen the man walking around on occasion. They’d never been in a meeting together before, but he’d seemed nice.
But he also had a history of necromancy.
Now, Davenport doesn’t like to judge people. However, being in an enclosed space with someone who needed to specify he had never technically committed “crimes against the nature of humanity” isn’t the most comforting.
But, he was a smart man. Easy to get along with, too. So far. Necromancy notwithstanding.
Best to get it over with, “so, Mr. Bluejeans. I do need to ask about your criminal record-”
“Oh! Yeah, I never killed anyone. Or un- killed anyone. Uh, resurrected, I mean. Just did lots of studying into the application of necromancy and necromantic spells. Got in trouble because I toed the line of ‘research’ and ‘bringing my cat back to life,’ but got a stern talking to. Didn’t try it again, and don’t plan on needing to deal with those types of authorities again.”
Okay, normal enough answer, far as the situation applies-
“My current research into it has stayed purely theoretical, and it won’t interfere with the mission at all.”
So the man is still into necromancy.
Davenport glances down at the man’s file, thick with it’s attached papers Bluejeans has done on planar research. He’s not even stuck up about his level of education, and that’s extremely rare for the field.
Holding back a sigh, Davenport asks, “Can you explain the paper you wrote on the outer planes interactions with the inner planes for me?”
It was a really good paper.
But the man is still into necromancy.
Lucretia. 20. Human. Chronicler; Specialization in journalism.
Previous experience: Due to multiple NDA, she is unable to give us the exact number and titles of books she has written, but she sent letters of recommendation from Duke Rensburg, Lady Norabelle, and Warren of the Seatree Clan.
Criminal Record: Acquisition and attempted use of a false ID.
“So, Ms. Lucretia, I understand you cannot provide us with most examples of your works, but from what you have provided, you seem to be very, very good.”
“I like to think so, yes.” The young woman in front of him seems polite. She’s quiet; he saw her waiting outside with a few others before her interview, and while most of them were engaged in some awkward small talk, she sat away from them. Likely partially due to her age- she is much younger than the people outside- but she also simply seems quiet.
Which wouldn’t be the worst quality in someone you would be sharing a small, enclosed space with for an extended period of time. But, if she couldn’t bond with the others sufficiently, the bond engine won’t work.
(Hell, the bond engine was already finicky, they figured out the tech only a month ago, and they only have four months to bond an entire crew to pilot it and-)
“Can you explain to me why you acquired a fake ID and tried to use it at a, uh,” Davenport glances down at the records in front of him, holding back a chuckle, “at the forbidden section of the Library of Runar?”
Lucretia looks uncomfortable for a second, and he’s sure if the lighting in the room were better he would be able to see her flush with embarrassment. She gives him a hesitant smile, “I can’t get into the explicit details, but I was working on a book for an older client whose memory was becoming patchy, and I wanted to confirm some details before I put their name to it. They wouldn’t allow me into the section without the proper documents, but my client refused to agree that I should double check his work, even though I was almost certain he was wrong, so I simply… found a way to get past their guard. I wasn’t going to steal anything and I was going to use the proper equipment to read through the documents.”
Davenport smiles, “pursuit of knowledge and truth is important to you, then?”
“I don’t think spreading lies, especially in that context, is very honorable, no.” Her hands are folded in her lap now, and she seems a bit more relaxed.
Considering the others he is planning on accepting, he may be wrong about her getting along with them. Anyone willing to break the law just to prove an old man wrong would at least get along with him. Davenport refuses to have any pushovers aboard his ship.
Magnus Burnsides. 19. Fighter; Specialization in protection fighting and mechanical engineering.
Previous experience: Current bouncer at Apex Club. Currently enrolled in Gallier’s Fighter Academy and College.
Criminal Record: One count of assault and battery, appealed for defense of another person present. One count of indecent exposure and public intoxication.
Davenport will be the first to admit it can be tricky to follow human aging patterns, but he knows he’s not mistaken in thinking the man in front of him is barely out of “child” territory. Nineteen is a very, very small amount of time to be alive. Also, a very, very small amount of time to learn important things, like how to run what is basically a ship right out of a science fiction novel- complete with breakthrough technology.
Despite this, it’s hard to not find the young man in front of him to be endearing, and mostly knowledgeable in the things they need him to be.
“Magnus. You’re very young, one of the youngest applicants we have. What makes you think you’re qualified as the head of security of the ship?”
The young man in front of him- Gods, he really is young- grins and lifts his arms to flex, a show of pride and ego almost unbefitting of an interview setting, “Have you seen my muscles? I’m very strong, and a very good fighter.”
Many of today’s interviews have been quite different than he was expecting.
“I was referring more to job experience.”
“Oh!” Magnus shifts in his seat, fingers drumming against the table as he thinks. “I worked as a bouncer for a club while I was in college and did, if I must toot my own horn, a very good job. You should have a letter of recommendation from the owner-” He leans forwards, reaching a hand out as if to look through his own files to show him the letter.
“Yes, I did read through it. She was very thorough in stating how eager you were to help.” Davenport glances down at the papers in front of him, holding back a sigh. It truly was a glowing review of this young man. While his grades from the aforementioned college weren’t the highest, especially in classes one might consider important for an institute of planar research, the two letter of recommendations he submitted from teachers of his explained how Burnsides was very persistent when he wanted to learn something he didn’t know. He also had taken quite a few classes regarding vehicles- not enough to claim the young man was an expert but enough to provide a solid basis to show him how things worked and could be repaired on the ship.
The kid’s attitude was something of a breath of fresh air in this place. However, there was one glaring concern.
“I was also a bit concerned about the criminal record we have on file for you. Assault and battery as well as the indecent exposure and public-”
“In my defense for the second one, I was drunk with some friends and maybe thought it’d be funny to streak in the lake. Who hasn’t been to a party that gets a little out of hand.” He holds his hands out as if to say “am I right?”
Off the record, Davenport is inclined to agree that he was right. On the record, he is choosing to ignore it. “And the assault and battery? The file says it was in defense of a young person.”
Burnsides grins, “that’s how I got hired as the bouncer!”
He waits a moment, expecting Magnus to continue. When it seems the young man is assuming that is enough explanation, he prompts, “by beating up a man outside the club?”
“Yeah! He was harassing someone outside, and I was walking home and passed by. I told him to step off, and he didn’t. So I decked him, and he was out right away.”
It lined up with the records he had, and honestly, seeing someone so ready to step up to the defense of a stranger was a good quality. Better than some of the older applicants who were much more… formal in their training. He wonders briefly how Burnsides would react to an altercation against someone with magic.
Glancing down at his records, he guesses he would run headfirst without thinking.
Stifling a small grin, Davenport continues, “Now, tell me. Assume we’re up in space, and something goes wrong with the bond engine. What would your course of action be, Mr. Burnsides?”
Merle Hitower Highchurch. 214. Cleric; Specialization in botany, religion, and medical treatment.
Previous experience: Current botanist at the Institute of Planar Research and Exploration. Professor of botany at Narvick’s University for four years.
Criminal Record: Multiple counts of loitering.
The door is pushed all the way open before Davenport can even call out the next person.
A short dwarf slides into the room with a wide grin, “hey Dav!” A mug of tea is pressed into his hands.
“Hello, Merle. You do know this needs to be at least a little formal, yes?”
“Formal schmormal. Ask me your silly questions already, bud.” Merle Highchurch, resident botanist at the Institute of Planar Research and Exploration, plops right down in the seat he’d taken to commandeering once a week, for the past three weeks.
Davenport had seen him around before, but a botanist in an institute designed for exploring other planes that had little capabilities to actually go to those places yet was rarely busy, and even more rarely called upon. He still barely knew the guy, but after the day they’d gotten stuck in the elevator for ten minutes when it broke down, the dwarf had come to his office for tea each Wednesday.
It was a bit strange, but the tea was good.
“Tell me about your work experience.”
Merle laughs heartily, “they barely have me do anything around here, ‘cept tend to the couple of plants they’ve grabbed from the ground plane.”
“It’s the Elemental Plane of Earth, and don’t sell yourself short, Merle. This is basically a job interview, you know.”
Merle slurps loudly at his own mug, “aren’t you planning on nepotism hiring me, because we’re buds?”
“That isn’t even what that word means, Merle.”
“Isn’t it?”
Davenport stares into the tea, “is this made from the Earth plant?”
Davenport. 276. Captain and navigator; Specialization in mechanical engineering and arcane components combined with contemporary technology.
Previous Experience: Crewmate on the Lady Blue for twenty years. Graduated from Grensville University. Current staff at the Institute of Planar Research and Exploration.
Criminal Record: Unlawful resistance of orders from captain, raising of commotion on board ship while employed.
Davenport handed the six files over to Selune, “These are them.”
The halfling woman flips through them, eyebrows raising higher with each one she sees. “You’re sure you grabbed the right ones? A few of these I understand, but you do know we had the Issaiah Broler apply.”
He folds his hand in front of him, nodding. “I also know that during the interview he made me want to pour my tea on his lap. There’s no chance of getting the bond engine going with him. These are the six I picked. They’re all qualified- and the ones that are less educated in the specifics in the field I’m sure will pick up on the important information quickly. The Taaco twins already will give the bond engine a huge boost. Ms. Lucretia will ensure we have everything chronicled, something I’m sure you can appreciate, Selune. Mr. Bluejeans previous work shows he will thrive given the opportunities awaiting us. Mr. Highchurch is an educated man, and I trust him to keep the crew healthy and provide ample information on anything botany related we encounter, and I’m certain Mr. Burnsides will provide ample help in any task we show him how to do.” He sighs, glancing out the window of her office. There were a few people lingering outside in the courtyard of the Institute. “We have been given a tremendous opportunity to explore beyond what we can imagine, Selune. The last thing I want is to be bogged down by people stuck in their ways, who have been working in this field long enough to have their preconceived notions about what to expect and who will react badly when they’re proven wrong. I trust my own judgement in picking a crew, and I hope you trust my abilities to get these people ready to set sail in four months.”
What he doesn’t say is that he doesn’t want a bunch of stuffy jackasses on his ship. He’s not even sure picking all the over-qualified people would pass through the higher-ups' inspection of the crew. The people he picked were qualified enough to get a quick sign-off, but not too much. Anyone “overqualified” would probably get rejected. The ship had been built in basically six months. It’d get them off the ground, sure. It wasn’t going to explode on them once they got up there, but it wasn’t safe. There was a reason Davenport was the captain at all.
The six candidates in those files didn’t have a name for themselves as “important” to any stuffy scientific group or noble family. These people he picked were just that- people. A group of people who he believed deserved this opportunity. If anyone was getting the chance to make a name for themselves- to have the chance to redefine everything they know about the planar systems, he wanted to make sure they deserved the chance. A dangerous chance, sure. But what was science if not a little risky.
She sighs, opening the file on top. Her hand reaches for her pen, “Davenport, I got the final say on the name of the ship, I suppose the least I can do is give you final say on the crew.” She begins to write ‘approved’ at the top of the file, flipping through each one before giving him a pointed look. “But when I get angry calls about how you approved a bunch of nobodies and two people not even old enough to drink, I’m transferring them straight to your crystal.”
“And I will not be answering a single one.”
“I wouldn’t expect you to, Captain.”
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literate-simp · 3 years
BEING BESTIES W/ SOME JJK CHARACTERS; Yuuji, Megumi, Nobara, Gojou and Sukuna.
Notes: Look. I know we all simp terribly for our husbandos/waifus but I just wanted to write a simple hc about what it's like to be their besties
Warning(s): slight cursing. I indulged too much on Sukuna.
Includes: gn! reader, fluff, chaotic energy, mentions of romance (just light)
Itadori Yuji
He's friends with everyone, says hi to strangers and probably would be besties with every old lady he meets so it wasn't hard to be friends with him.
But the second he becomes besties with you, shit's gonna get borderline chaotic.
3AM and y'all can't sleep? McDonald's parking lot with an abandoned shopping car would sound damned fine. You both remember the moment as 'Chicken Nuggies and the Wind' since he t-posed on the moving cart whilst eating nuggies (you both almost scratched a Ferari).
If you weren't a jujutsu sorcerer in training, he'd still try to sneak you in his room to watch some movies. You with the snacks, leaving Yuji in charge of the movie picking (you can't decide to save your life)
Cuddles! Nothing wrong with besties cuddling. He's extremely respectful to your s/o (if you have one) and are probably good friends with them too!
Though the second you come to him crying, they were already being patched up in the hospital. Won't hit a woman, against his morals, but he will make sure she never speaks to you again.
Understanding, chaotic besties! An arm around your shoulder when someone's obviously making you uncomfortable, he's the one barking when he sees someone slip something into your drink.
The friend to help you find your way out of a frat house. Makes sure you're getting touched with your consent and sober. All you need to do is give him a sign that you're alright and he'll give you a thumbs up before leaving.
Definitely the friend you'd open up to (about anything) and not be treated differently after so.
You told him about your problems a few minutes prior. It was quiet, a bit too quiet. And you were worried he might leave you for it.
"Ey, Y/N. Wanna go to McDonald's again? I think they have that burger you like," He blurts, catching you off guard. You raise your eyebrows before smiling gratefully.
"Sounds great, Itadori."
You guys talk about women with butts all the time. Not out of thirst or anything, it would just be a random thought that comes up and one of you would contribute to the other. You once mentioned something about Jennifer Lawrence and he would not stop talkinf about her. It was hilarious how much he was drooling.
You wear his hoodies and he's fine with it. Thinks you look good in them. Sukuna teases you both about your relationship and Yuji slaps his mouth shut before he says anything more.
"You look great in them, Y/N," Itadori grins, rummaging through his closet to find more hoodies.
"Thank you. They're pretty comfy," You mention the fabric and the fluffiness. He listens to you intently before Sukuna pops out from his cheek.
"Ehhh? This is the one you think about everyday--," Itadori has never slapped his cheek so hard before in his life.
Megumi Fushiguro
Honestly, pretty chill dude.
He has a small group of people he trusts, and a smaller one to which he considers to be his good friends.
So to be his best friend, you must've gained a huge amount of respect from him; saved him, maybe even overheard something you shouldn't have and kept quiet about it on your own accord.
You would have a 'you aren't comfortable with it, so I'm not forcing anything' vibe to which he would be relieved to know. Though even so, you are the more hyper one in the platonic relationship.
Outings would consist of trips to libraries or quiet nights on the couch with your legs entangled together with lo-fi music playing in the background.
Not much talking, Megumi likes to keep to himself and you have no problem with the comfortable silence you both bring together.
Though sometimes it gets too quiet so you annoy the hell out of him to get his attention; cheek poking, soft arm punches, slight pushing.
Megumi ignores this, finding your actions a bit cute. If it gets too annoying, he will get up and leave, having you trail behind him, whining like a child wanting candy.
Yuji would join in. Definitely. Nobara too if she was bored enough.
"Megumi~ I want your attention~," You whine, running after the raven-haired man.
"Yeah! Yeah! Pay attention to Y/N!" Yuji supports you. You clap your hands together, only to be hit with a shoe by Megumi.
He would never do anything outside of your comfort zone. If you had an s/o, they both would be neutral with each other.
If you were to get hurt from said s/o, they would leave your house with a bloody knuckle. He wouldn't hit a girl, but he definitely will destroy whatever life she has outside of your relationship with her.
Parties are a no-go for him, unless his friends force him to. He's the designated driver with three other drunk children (Hint; Yuuji, Nobara and you). He wouldn't carry anyone else but you back to your room.
"Jeez, Y/N. You should know how to handle your alcohol," Megumi sighs, laying you on top of your bed gently and pulling the covers up.
"Nngh. Didn't know it was alcohol," You groaned. He smiles, patting your cheek before getting up to leave.
"I'll get you some painkillers in the morning, alright?"
You can wear his sweatshirts if you annoy him about it (he secretly likes how comfortable you are around him). He thinks you look charming in them, Yuji never shuts up about your friendship. It's the few times he's seen Megumi genuinely smile.
Nobara Kugisaki
Radiates bad bitch energy.
It isn't easy in the first stages since she has standards with friends but the second you both find something similar about each other, it's an immediate ride-or-die friendship.
You would need a major backbone, 'I'm too hot for this bs' kinda vibe (it's canon that the reader is a bad bitch, periodt). You would have arguments with her but it's pretty basic stuff like the perfect colour for nailpolish or whether Maki deserves the Earth or the universe (you both agree it's the universe).
Outings consists of shopping malls and popular cafes. You take selfies everytime you see something relatively new.
Talk about anything under the sun -- newest trends, new food to try out, Maki -- but her favourites are hearing you talk about your day. If you weren't a jujutsu sorcerer, she'd visit your apartment, give you a hug and sit on the couch to listen to you blabber away about something that isn't related to curses or death. She needs time to rewind and you never mention how vulnerable she looks when she's tired.
"Uh-huh and what happens next?" Nobara asked, carressing your hair as you lay on her lap.
"He wouldn't stop following us! It was so creepy! No means no right? Like why would you waste your energy following a group of friends who aren't interested?" You ranted on. Nobara simply nods in agreement, smiling at your annoyed face.
She doesn't mind your s/o, probably would just say hi before leaving you two alone. She doesn't have a problem about her friends having a relationship, she does, however, gets pissed that she isn't in one.
If you come to her crying about them, she would slither in some 'fuckin told you they were gonna do it' or 'I told you so'. Though it makes you upset, you know she's gonna trash their house the second you leave the room.
Your (now) ex would suddenly be cancelled beyond belief, you wouldn't know what happened to them.
Despite the bad bitch personality, you are the more patient one.
Parties is a yes. She comes in as a self-confident woman and will leave self-confident and drunk. She's the life of the party and pulls you into conversations to keep you company. Even if you don't contribute much to the conversation, she makes sure you aren't out of her sight. She's not the type to bring a friend to a party and leave them the second after. She cares about you even if her way of showing was a bit too pushy.
You share clothes with her and she'll give you comments about it.
"The shirt doesn't fit. No, no. The other one. Yeah, that one."
"Who cares if people say you aren't supposed to wear skirts? Your ass rocks better in those than mine. Just take them."
Personally likes dressing you up, doesn't like dressing you up for dates though. Still doesn't know why.
Gojou Satoru
God, the willpower you have to even tolerate this man is immense.
It's not hard to be his friend, all you have to do is do something that amuses him and he'll keep teasing you about it.
In this platonic relationship, you're the more calm one. People call you to take care of Gojou constantly, and you're the only one he allows to scold him.
He goes for missions half the time so it's rare to see you both go for outings. The most you've been together outside of Jujustu Tech and work hours was in a bar with Nanami (you both bond over the fact that Gojou is terrible to work with). He got too drunk and started slurring his words.
"Y/N~ stohp flirting with Nanamin and talk to meee," He whines, pinching your cheeks as you sigh.
"We are simply talking about your bad work habits, Satoru," Nanami answers whilst shaking his head, downing another drink before he gets up to leave. "I'll take him home, rest well Y/N."
"Noooo, I want Y/N!"
A needy best friend. Constantly asks for attention. If you ignored him, he would only make the situation slightly more annoying -- similar to Megumi's Y/N, the basic cheek poking and whining.
Your s/o would probably hate him, he's a bit too flirty and likes to hug you in public. People mistake you both for a couple rather than the s/o at hand. Don't be surprised if it's the main reason your relationships don't end well.
If you come to him upset because of them, he wouldn't waste a second to zoom to your shared apartment and 'deal' with the person. Would come back with a smile and some takoyaki. No blood on him since he used his infinity.
Parties are alright with him. He's the cool flirty dude everyone seems to fawn over. Would accompany you for half an hour, only to leave with another chick to a nearby bedroom. You never end up partying with him after opening the God forsaken door and he's never stopped trying to make it up to you.
Other than the traumatic event, he'd a bit of a douche but still tries to look for you in the crowd. He waves once he sees you and flashes a reassuring smile before continuing his talk with the others.
You don't share clothes with him simply because it's Gojou. Who knows when the last time he washed his clothes.
Though he's willing to share. You're just more reluctant, really. Finds it cute when his shirts are slightly bigger than you. If you're built bigger than he is, he would like how tight it looks on your body.
"Starting to think you look better in my clothes than I am. And that's a pretty good compliment." He grins.
Hates the fact you never take his compliments seriously. Says it from the bottom of his heart, he really thinks you're charming.
Ryomen Sukuna
God, was it hard trying to befriend this curse of a man. An asshole, he stuck his feet out to trip you over multiple times before cackling like a damned demon (which he is).
Though you're always genuine with him. You liked having conversations with him and listen to him boast about himself for hours. Guess that's when he saw you as a close acquaintance.
Would never tell you you're his best friend. Never. Not once. Him simply acknowledging you was enough for everyone to know he favored one person.
Being friends with Sukuna meant being friends Yuji. Itadori always apologizes on his behalf and you would always laugh, telling him it's alright. Sukuna gets annoyed by this though.
"Stupid human. Who do you think you are being all mush with this useless vessel of mine?" He sneered the second he could pop out. You shrugged, taking some popcorn to feed him.
"He's a pretty good guy. You should cut him some slack," You answered, stuffing some popcorn to your face as well
Will constantly threaten to kill you but you never paid heed. You know you're his only friend. You don't agree with his actions but you find the curse interesting.
Literally the only person who's allowed to tease him. You get away with things most curses would get killed from. You once hand him super hot sauce for his pancakes and he glared at you for the remainder of his time being conscious in Yuji's body. You found the plate broken with a fork stabbed through it.
You aren't allowed to go on outings with Sukuna (obviously) so you both spend your time within Yuji's room. Not allowed to go out since everyone'll freak out seeing Yuji with tattoos resembling the King of Curses.
"Humans are so boring," Sukuna groaned, his head on the bedstand. "All they do is just sit around doing nothing but scroll through their stupid boxes." You smiled at him.
"Not my fault you commit mass genocide for fun. I'd say we're pretty passive."
He would literally never care about your love life. Still has the old man mentality that romance meant sex and that was about it. If they were to meet, the curse would just roll his eyes and turn the other way.
Getting hurt by your s/o results to hurtful teasing and bloodshed. No in-between, no nothing. He wouldn't know how to comfort you properly so he'd send Yuji in his place. Would sit at the back of Yuji's mind getting pissed that he was hugging and rubbing your back gently as if he couldn't have done it himself (literally sent Yuji only to judge him).
Not allowed to go out so parties is also a no-go BUT since this is just a headcanon, let's imagine it's college AU.
College AU Sukuna would love parties -- he throws them, orders his friends to invite hot girls and frat guys. And invites you himself. No one would know you were friends since he never mentions it but will literally choke anyone who looks at you like you're a piece of candy.
Gets way too drunk and probably have railed 3 people to cloud 9 in a matter of 2 hours but still go out just to check up on you. He doesn't necessarily care but he hates having the sick feeling that you were in possible danger somewhere he wouldn't be able to see you.
Stare at you for a good 3 seconds before leaving you alone. You'd never know he was there.
Clothes! His clothes are Yuji's and he barely even keeps his shirts in tact. Does he care whether you wear it or not? No.
Is he pissed? Slightly.
This took me two days, I'm not sure if it sounds canon anymore. Anyways, thank you for reading!
♡︎ literate-simp
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6blackfilin9 · 3 years
I love your Anko fanart! Tell me, what are your views/headcannons on Anko X Kazuku?
hThank you so much for the ask, finally I can answer it
here is my big thank you for the waitng
Tumblr media
In a nutshell, the shipp was created by accident while me and my buddy were working on our first Naruto AU in 2019, where Kakuzu and Deidara survived their shitty plotholes end eventually ended up in Konoha
so, the shipp’s birth date is july the 1, 2019
anything like classy, aristocracy kind of tension-filled passionate gothic romance with playful, psychological games & hurt/comfort vibes with slight scent of rivalry is KakuAnko
Basically, they are: a very, very old man with absolutely horrendous background who’s trying to finally have his mother*cking 10 or 30 years of peace, and a rather young lady with a rocky youth who’s being good & noble yet has very strong antihero tendencies
You know, I think they do have potential, since, in fact, they seem to be very similar, at the core
They are both very pragmatic realists, the people of logic and reason, yet if Kakuzu’s irritability doesn’t affect him a tiny bit due to his ideal self-control, Anko’s can lead her to quite bad places, sometimes. They put their interests in the first place, and even though she tries to attach them to Konoha’s, she still has ‘personal’ things (I’ll write ‘bout it lower*). Their mindsets are so complicatedly organized that, at some point & way, it prevents them from having many close people, and makes them very hard to see through and predict
Both of them are very flexible & adaptive, independent individuals with similar outlooks on plenty of things and high intellectual level. They clearly can find plenty of traits that they would highly respect and adore in each other
Here I will speak mostly for “why and how” kind of things, bc both of them are terribly tricky to accurately figure out. But there will be some headcanons too
So, there are still some odds about them, due to the strong difference in their occupation, like, in plenty of cases they are really tricky to be brought together, because:
- Of the job
In original, Anko is a Konoha’s special jounin, and she is very dedicated to serving the country. Independently of whether she likes her job or not (depends on the plot), she orienteers at the people, at society’s gain from her work. So, accordingly, in any other AU her job is somehow connected to civil service, whether it’s something police-like, connected to science, or something like CCG in Tokyo Ghoul
Kakuzu, on the other hand, is a hitman and a persona non grata in literally all the five big countries, Konoha too (which makes it barely possible to bring them together in the original universe without hard complications or heavy drama. But still possible). He orienteers on his own gain alone, but, depending on the job, it can include others’ gain, too.
This detail makes him a saint once he holds supervising position in some company or any high position in the government (the better the working conditions of the staff now- the more money in the prospective), and the sheer nightmare once he has it on the opposite side of the law. Him as a mob boss is a complete different topic for discussion, but to get the point, in this case, the trouble isn’t him increasing the level of criminality (its rather vice-versa), but taking hold of too much control in the high and underground structures. Even as an ordinary hitman he’s rather tricky, since everything depends on the case
In most of the stories, they come to some sort of compromise, and how hard it is to reach it depends on how shitty his job is and how attached they are to each other at the moment
Like, in the above mentioned Shippuden AU and Harry Potter AU (which I also wrote with my buddy) everything went like clockwork, because there they are both more or less on this side of the law, in Tokyo Ghoul AU (which I also wrote with my buddy) it is a bit more complicated, with her being in-law and him being very much outlaw, in the Avatar AU (which I also figured out with my buddy, but we never happened to write it) it is also pretty smooth, with both of them being outlaws and then jumping out to the glory after all the shit is done, but in another Shippuden AU of mine, this all would be just a motherfucking bloody disaster
- Kakuzu is actually a hard nut to get attached to anyone
He lived too long to be truly afraid of anything, though. Its mostly because he doesn’t really need to get attached to or become close with someone to satisfy his need for communication. The man can get along with anyone once he wishes to, he can have countless acquaintances and plenty of buddies, but he doesn’t have many comrades and barely can call anyone a friend. Because he is used to lose everything and everyone he ever had or happened to have, because of his inhumanly lengthened lifespan.
It requires time for him to get used to the person, and then, eventually, in some cases, spend plenty of it to get attached
Plus, for him, due to his profession, each close connection is a really great responsibility for him. In most cases, he’d think twice of weather he is ready to take it or not
Though it of course has the personal factor, too
In Anko’s case, she has a grand privilege by being a very intelligent and keen woman, not just in cognitive plane, but in emotional, too. High emotional intellect is actually a rare trait, so she automatically stands out of the crowd for him. Even though it won’t guarantee his alliance, it will grant her his high respect and some sort of sympathy
- Kakuzu is, technically, an asshole
He does have his moral compass, which includes a great amount of common social morality, but he also has that “I am working” state
Even though Kakusu has a set of professional principles, and he still acts accordingly to what he thinks is right, one and the very same situation can be solved diametrically different once the context changes from working to casual and vice versa
This, and him being very independent and quite antisocial, makes the degree of assholeness depend on various factors
This can lead to major conflicts of interests, and if they are possible to have any compromise or not is strongly attached to the circumstances. After all, both are very, very prideful and dignified people
- In other words, the only major issue for them would be morality questions. It’s possible to make the case acceptable for Anko, since both of them ain’t truly squeaky clean, along with Kakuzu being willing enough to watch his borders
- She is provident and doesn’t really need a lot of money on a daily basis, which is much of a joy to him lol
- *they both seek for the stable ground, first of all
Taking in consideration the life conditions Kakuzu had in his youth (despite war state, he still stably had family, friends, grand respect from everyone, home, warmth and food) and how terribly he was torn out of his secured social environment, I believe what he seeks through all his bounty hunt and other money-connected manipulations is stability. Sustainability he had back then. The only way to have it in the conditions of our existent world order is to have money (and a very good mind and luck)
Anko has indeed much more altruistic motives, yet it’s still not that simple. It seems to be, on the first sight, yet considering the “Orochimaru related cases” and her very wayward behavior toward them, it’s clear she keeps her own motives and needs in mind oh so well. The service she has is very well payed, it allows her to do what she likes or believes is right, and to have the living conditions she finds comfortable. And only here, relying on the made sustainable basis, she does what she does
- Thus, they both illustrate the principle “first help yourself, next help the other” just right
- She knows she can keep an eye on him, yet it’s clear for her that her influence isn’t borderless, as well as telling him off some stuff is kind of a not wise thing to do. So in the majority of cases, she never interferes
- This is not common, yet he can actually change some plans if the situation is serious and the compromise can’t be found. He is that kind of person who works on a further prospective, and in this context, this would be the relationship with his loved one
- While Kakuzu is quite conflicted and has very reserved controversial persona, Anko is both controversial, conflicted, and sort of two-faced, on top of that
She is a very sincere, cheerful and humbly honest human being, yet she has some darker natural traits of her character that became rather strong with age and traumatic experience. Cunningness, guile, ways-depend-on-the-case and a bit of ruthlessness, that is. Moreover, she has some unsolved personal issues, which makes her even more twisted.
Like, remember the time when she confronted Orochimaru during the exam? And Kabuto, on the war? Getting rid of them is indeed beneficial for Konoha, but it’s clear that for her it is personal vendetta in the first place. She wouldn’t have tried to do this alone, otherwise, because these two are rather dangerous ones, to say the least.
She uses greater good to cover her real motives (even though it is not truly complete bullshit), and seems to have a terrible habit to keep silence about really important things, which makes her quite prone to lying, in some cases
And sometimes it very badly pisses Kakuzu off, since it makes her prone to doing useless but dangerous shit too
Yet this not any kind of separate hidden side, it is integrated into her personality, and coexists with her bright one. That’s where her violent humour comes from, for example.
But Kakuzu, on the other side, is completely monolith individual, yet sometimes his mindset can create contradictions when it comes to something important to him. but it's another topic
And seeing these layered constructions, and motives, they can pretty finely predict each other’s behavior. Not super-neatly, but they for sure see the basis. This is what helps Kakuzu to prevent Anko from doing some stupid shit, sometimes
- Anko has a role of an indicator for the people who don’t understand and see the changes in Kakuzu’s mood sometimes, since she usually reacts quite openly. Yet, when she has the same unreadable mask of cold, or one of guile, it’s a nightmare for them
- They prefer the non-verbal way to show their feelings, even though Anko is obviously the more chatty one
- They don’t say things such as “I love you”, or other sensual stuff like that really often, believing it to be some sort of cherished words that shall not be spelled mindlessly
- Anko isn’t majorly into PDA, but she fancies it much more than Kakuzu does. She has her whole moments of studying something with her hands, whether it’s a hand, scar or face. He’s more into passive display of affection, like wrapping an arm over her waist or leaning to her or something of this kind; they can allow themselves to (not sexually) kiss in public though
- She knows he doesn’t like to walk hand in hand due to considering it a youthful thing, so there are times when she intentionally walks holding on to his sleeve; generally they walk separately in order not to bother each other, but sometimes they walk arm in arm (like an old Victorian couple lol)
- Being older and wiser, Kakuzu eventually upholds some kind of mentoring position, yet he never considers himself any kind of a teacher or master to Anko, believing her to have a good head of her own. He is just insightful enough to break something through to her or give a word of advise
- This, combined with his highly powerful demeanor, also makes him have the leading position in their relationship
- Anko respects him much enough to fortify this, entrusting with plenty of life questions (like organizing the family budget), even though they make the majority of decisions together. Mostly because he is truly wise and highly experienced individual.
- This makes him one of the very few people Anko would actually listen to and take their opinion in consideration
- So basically they have equal relationship with some tendency to patriarchal order
- And it is, really, mostly economically-based disbalance, with him earning much more than she does
- Yet they never have any financial-based issues, since both of them keep in mind and respect the contributions of each
- There is major power play here, too. He has the absolute might, she has seduction. Anko loves how he makes her want to submit to him, let him have all the power, so she likes provoking him. And she knows he adores it, loves the subtle control she has over him
- They don’t have conflicts in their everyday life. Each knows how to avoid pissing one another off
- He cherishes her playful demeanor, her intellect. Combined with her cunningness, it allows her to rival him, in social sphere. The way she constructs her phrases, the way she speaks, mimics, moves, how bewitchingly it suits her feminine snaky features makes his blood boil and heart melt
- Both of them, actually, have rather specific kind of dry, dark humour. Kakuzu’s is very cynical, satirical, quite often menacing and subtly demeaning; Anko’s is very sarcastic and quite dirty, even gruesome and rather violent
- Sometimes they “fight” verbally as a form of a play. In some circumstances they may sound pretty vile, so some unobservant people mistake this for display of hate
- In general, Anko is the one to heat things up with her playful demeanor, which can include provocation and rivalry, and Kakuzu is the one to keep this energy in borders, accumulating it up to much more intense states
- They both put the comfort in the first place when it comes to household. Everything must be cozy, useful, silent and super clean
- Yet they are both very unpretentious and modest, really
- She absolutely adores when he is showing his serious, severe side, or powerful demeanor. She finds it incredibly suitable for him. She also likes how his real age is sliding out in this or that way. Like, even though he has rather young face (that of 37-40 y.o.), his eyes give away that he’ve seen oh so much more than it seems; the grumpy noises and grunts he makes, the lazy attitude in movements and the way how rapidly he finds a comfy pose once he has a chance to take a seat
- They are both rather patriotic, yet while in the most stories Anko’s feelings mostly lay towards the country she lives in, Kakuzu’s more often lay towards some places, so called small motherland.
- Kakuzu actually could be a source of deep, strong admiration and delight for her, despite all of his bullshit. The unbreakable will he has, mighty burning heart, all the wisdom, talents and mind. Being sent to fight god damn Hashirama, clearly a genius of his times, financial & management genius at the least. And, still, after all the hard times he’ve been through, he maintained the very strong sense of dignity and nobility, even though slightly twisted due to the profession and abnormal lifespan
- And the very same things can serve as the source for her chagrin: with all those traits, he could have been so much more rather than a criminal. With all the gifts he’ve got, he could have been of great use to society. He’s much easier about this, since his prospective is much wider and embraces decades (and in some universes even centuries) instead of months & years, and he knows that he’d be switching sides throughout his life, being on this and that side of the law, yet he still is a bit uncomfortable once it’s brought up
- They are deeply into science, which makes them atheists. He’s into medicine and human biology, she’s into chemistry and reptilian biology; both of them are nuts for physics, history and psychology
- They solve complicated physical and mathematical problems together time to time. She is the first one to have tea-breaks due to losing her temper over it, he tries to figure things out right until you can sense the smoke coming off his head
- Actually, they do have a stumbling stone aside from job & morality complications. And this is Anko’s attitude towards Orochimaru
What she does is basically ruins her life very-very slowly, maintaining the issues she has and planning to make him pay for all he’s done
Kakuzu knows exactly what is really going on with this attitude and why, but he can’t really do anything about it. Like, he knows he can’t make her change her mind or put something into her head
All he can do is really nothing but try to explain how those things are working, and even this option is basically a landmine field for him. At some level she does understand that he could probably be right, yet she just refuses to go back on her mind. And this is actually really dangerous, so at some moments they can fight quite badly about it
- He’s scared shitless to lose her, though; especially like that, even though he knows clearly that he will, anyway, sooner or later
- he knows that losing loved ones ends up with sheer disaster for him, yet he isn’t afraid to pay such a high price for those six, five or four decades of being with her. Because these decades are that of a paradise ones for him. Wife and family, as well as stable job, incomes and life conditions, are some sort of physical definitions of sustainability he craves. Especially family, yet it’s far ahead to plan
- The fact that he will have to bury her one day makes her rather depressed, as well as the knowledge that the only thing she can really do about it is to try to bring him as much happiness and comfort as possible before she dies
thank you, i'd say more, but it's too much already
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