#years passing yet it the same favourite hoodie and pants that i wear every day
nalgenewhore · 4 years
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A rogue storm had her presumed dead and stranded on the red planet. Left on her own, astronaut Aelin Galathynius has four years to make it to the next drop-site, some two thousand miles. Armed with her smarts and dwindling supplies, Aelin attempts to survive on an inhospitable planet, when the nearest help is only millions of miles away.
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an: we really getting into now hehe 
The military cemetery thirty minutes outside Orynth was cold and bleak, fitting for the day.
Everyone in attendance was staring at the empty casket being lowered into the hole dug into the frozen ground of early January. Weylan shuffled his notes, clearing his throat before speaking, “Our space program was lucky to have an astronaut like Aelin Galathynius. She gave her life to this program and will be sorely missed. Her sacrifice in the furthering of science itself will not be in vain and the men and women here at TNSB will notice her absence every second of every hour, ensuring that her death means something. Anneith bless her and Hellas save her,” he said, making the sign of protection and prayer, a three fingered claw-like shape and pushing it from his heart.
The attendees repeated the gesture while Manon and Asterin whispered their own prayers, holding hands tightly, designating the highest Ironteeth honour on the fallen woman.
Gavriel was already in Weylan’s office as he walked in with Asterin, the two locked in a hushed argument. Upon spying the mission director, they paused and Weylan nodded towards the folder in his hand, “What’s that there?”
“I need you to sign off on the plans for the-“
Gavriel pressed harder, “I know I can get parliament to fund it-“
“Gavriel, that’s not why I said no and you know it.” Weylan sighed and walked past him to sit behind his desk, Asterin taking a seat beside Gavriel. “We’re a public organization, everything we do has to be transparent.”
Weylan and Asterin shared a look before the director responded, speaking slowly, “The moment the satellites point to the hab, we broadcast Aelin Galathynius’ body to the world.”
Gavriel scoffed, “You’re afraid of a PR scandal?”
Asterin rose a brow, “Of course we are. We have a dead astronaut on Farnor and we still need funding for The Crone.”
“So then what do we do?” he asked, tapping his finger on the folder, “She’s not going to decompose, her body will be up there forever.”
The director shrugged, “Meteorology reports that she’ll be covered by sand in less than a year.”
Gavriel threw his hands up, nearly hitting Asterin in the process, “We can’t wait a year! We have work to do and are we not going to discuss retrieving her body?”
“And what? Waste money and time for a corpse?”
Both Asterin and Gavriel flinched, the former hiding her adverse reaction better than Gavriel did. He was at a loss for words, thankfully Asterin spoke up, “Weylan, think about it. The Crone can bring the body back. Sympathy for her family-“
“What family? She’s an orphan and unmarried.”
It took conscious effort to anger Gavriel and he clamped down on the red-hot emotion, gritting his teeth as Asterin spoke again, “The Crone can bring back her body. We don’t make the mission about that, but we make it clear that that’s part of it. I can spin it if we do this now, Weylan. We can’t wait a year – people won’t care in a year.”
The pain had lessened, if barely, as Aelin came to, not sure how’d long it had been since she’d passed out. There was no new blood and she sighed in relief, reaching for the pills again and taking one. Aelin stood up, pushing herself up carefully until she was standing.
She groaned but was able to breathe past the ache and hobble her way to the bunks, dragging out her box and getting warmer clothes.
Putting them on took energy, too much of it, and she was panting as she sat on the floor, her back against her bed. Her stomach panged in hunger and she would have to find something to eat soon, but first, she grabbed her laptop and moved to the kitchen, sitting down and opening the computer up.
After a few taps and a bit of fiddling, she clicked on the video journaling and the camera started rolling. “Fuck, I don’t know how to do this,” she muttered, glancing at herself on the screen before squaring her shoulders and taking deep breath. “Uh, hi. This is Aelin Galathynius, recording from the hab. It’s currently,” she looked at the timestamp next to the recording time, “sixteen-hundred hours and surprise, I lived!” She laughed shakily, dragging her hand through her hair. “Obviously.” 
“I’m assuming this is a surprise to the crew and TNSB, if not, I’m going to kick some asses, but… I did not die on day eighteen. If I’m piecing this all together correctly, this,” she held up the antennae, “lovely little thing here damaged my bio-monitor and the team… had to leave before someone else got hurt.” Tears filled her eyes and she wiped them away, “Stupid painkillers, making me cry. But I… if I don’t make it out of here, which is highly likely, I just want to tell my crew that I don’t blame you, ok?”
She let out a shaky breath and continued, “I know that you broody humans are going to blame yourselves, especially you, Commander, but it was a tough situation and I would’ve made the same call. It’s just my bad luck, you know?”
Aelin shook her head, “Alright, now that all the mushy stuff is out of the way, I need to do some science.” She grabbed a nearby pen and her mission file, “There’s no way to contact TNSB because the satellite broke and I was impaled by the antennae. The next manned mission is in four years and I have to survive on a desolate planet for that long, right? Oh, and get to the Mistward crater where a prepositioned FAV is just waiting.”
She chewed on the pen, brows furrowing as she thought, “It’s a thirty-one-day expedition which means we have provisions for seventy, as a precaution.” She scribbled some numbers down, her mind whirling, “Now, it’s just me here which means it’ll last for…” she trailed off, “three-hundred days. With rationing, I can stretch it to four hundred. Which means I don’t have enough provisions to make it.”
With a sly grin, she looked up at the camera, “Thankfully, I know a thing or two about botany and soil.”
Aelin pushed herself in the wheeled chair to the pantry, opening every drawer and carefully counting every packet they had, separating them into different piles.
One, marked with red letters, Do not open until Beltane caught her eye and she grabbed it, “Oh, thank fuck the only thing Terrasen can grow is potatoes.” She looked at the camera by the microwave, “I’m about to science the shit out of this. It’s not gonna be pretty, I need to reclaim our waste and make fertilizer, but… it’ll keep me alive.” For now.
It had been a week since the storm and Aelin had completed converted the kitchen into a greenhouse, Farnor soil on the floor, fertilized with the crew’s own human waste, with neat rows of spuds by moving all the chairs and tables outside, dumping them on the ground next to the rover station. That was another thing. To get to the next drop-site, it was a two-thousand-kilometre drive and the rover went a total of fifty.
Adding in the fact that she would have to spend the nights inside the rover as well, with outside temperatures reaching negative seventy-three in Celsius, she would need to turn on the heater, which would drain the battery.
She’d long since gone through everyone’s things, finding the holy grail, a rover manual in Lorcan’s box. Aelin had never been more thankful for mechanical engineering in her life.
It was slow and hard work to modify the two rovers they had. After fifty kilometres, the batteries would need to be recharged, at the hab.
Left with no other options, Aelin had been forced to dig up the old radioisotope thermoelectric generator, powered by none other than plutonium itself. The list of dangers was lengthy, however, Aelin wasn’t too worried.
She talked to the camera in the rover, “Now, I do remember that one of our lessons was ‘Don’t Go Digging Up The Big Box Of Plutonium,’ but it’s either cancer due to exposure or slowly dying due to the laws of thermodynamics. Honestly, at this point, getting cancer due to exposure to a toxic chemical would be heaven compared to being alone on a desolate planet, but them’s the breaks, I guess.”
The lone astronaut was sitting before the computer, wearing the hoodie Rowan had left. It was the only thing that brought her comfort, other than the motherload she’d found on Nesryn’s computer – all of the Twilight movies and, of course, the computer geek’s favourite manga, Anatolia Story. It was surprisingly interesting and after she’d binge read seven out of twenty-eight volumes, Aelin forced herself to stop, telling herself she’d only read one volume a week. So far, she’d kept to her promise, but she’d been so busy with figuring out how to stay alive, she hardly had any free time.
She did find enough time to laugh herself silly over the fact that Fenrys’ had every Disney princess movie available, even her favourite: Mulan.
Elide had been her saviour with PDFs of Harry Potter, and Lorcan with Marvel movies. Even grouchy Rowan had Grey’s Anatomy, which was quite a shock to find out, given how much the doctor looked down on the show. Sometimes, Aelin imagined his voice as he ranted about how dramatic and unrealistic it was, especially with how many of the doctors slept with their co-workers.
But now was not the time to think of such things, Aelin had work to do.
Last night, she had recorded, yet again, her random thought pattern, focusing on how she would water her crops, after having planting the spuds for Beltane. “Thank the gods that Elide was always a fucking weirdo and learned how to fabricate water at much too young, but hey, foster parents don’t pay that much attention. Well,” she chuckled, “they paid enough attention to stop her from ordering The Anarchist’s Cookbook, which is a good thing because that was a time when we were in one of our little spats,” which were really anything but little. “She was able to put together this handy-dandy thing.” She indicated the packet on the table, of various simple reactions including one very, very important one.
Aelin toyed with Elide’s evil eye symbol, “The thing is, to make water, we need fire, which seems a bit strange, why would one need fire for water? But anyway, TNSB is against fire because of the whole ‘fire in space makes everyone die’ thing. So, everything is fire-retardant. Everything,” she held up the evil eye, which happened to be made of wood, “except for El’s personal items.”
There was a small knife on the table and she picked it up, shaving off pieces of her sister’s carving, “Ellie, if you see this, I’m assuming you don’t mind that I went through your personal boxes – all of yours actually. Commander, and I mean this with no offence, but all you listen to is punk. I have nothing against punk, but after a while, it all sounds the same, you know? One guy yells, ‘one two three four’ and then the guitars and drumming starts!”
Eventually, she had a nice pile of wood shavings and she carefully carried them over to the middle of the room. She remembered to put on her mask before passing through the plastic tarp, where Aelin had set up a very rudimentary stove-esque set up.  The normally risky experiment was even more dangerous and she wasn’t going to blow herself up by forgetting to account for the oxygen she was exhaling.
“Ok,” she breathed out, putting the wood shavings on the sieve that covered the empty can of beans. Her eyes were wide, missing nothing. So many things could go wrong and Elide’s voice filled her head, There’s a reason people without chemistry degrees don’t make water. “I know that,” she bit out, her brows lowering as she carefully poured a few drops of rocket fuel – hydrazine – which was conveniently made of two sodium atoms bonded with four hydrogen atoms.
Carefully, so carefully, she struck the torch, wincing as the wood caught on fire, the flames fluttering happily. When nothing bad happened, she cheered and smiled beneath her mask, keeping one eye on the set-up and another on her spuds as she backed up into the kitchen, a slightly mad smile on her face as she sat down heavily on the chair and looked into the camera, “Don’t worry, guys, no explosions or fire, other than the very controlled experiment.”
Aelin was hunched over a map, Iron Man: 3 playing idly on the laptop beside her. She was planning her route to the drop-site, which was in the Mistward crater. She breathed out and wiped the sweat from her brow.
Hardly daring to move, she turned to look at the plastic tarp of her greenhouse, seeing the drops of moisture on it. With a half-crazed laugh, she stood up and entered the closed off space, running her hand over the tarp, her fingertips coming away wet. “Water,” she breathed, buzzing with joy, “water! I have water!”
She raced to her bunk and threw on her suit and helmet, bouncing on her toes as she waited for the airlock tunnel to depressurize and then she raced to the water reclaimer, as fast as one could while wearing a spacesuit.
The sun beat down on her but she barely paid the heat any mind as she opened the water reclaimer, a dry sob tearing from her throat as she found it to be filled to the brim with the crystal clear liquid. 
For the first time since she’d woken up, Aelin felt hope, bright and beautiful hope. 
It was past midnight in Perranth and Nox Owens yawned into his mug of tea, blinking hard to stay awake.
He settled back into his chair in Satellite Control, pulling up the aerial images of the hab for his boss. They took a while to load and he might have dozed off, jolting and nearly spilling his tea as the computer beeped, indicating the images were ready. With a slight sigh, he carefully put his mug down and pushed his glasses up after they had slipped down to the end on his nose yet again.
Blinking the sleepiness from his startlingly grey eyes, he clicked through the batch, making sure everything was normal before sending them up to his superiors. Something had him shifting in his wheelie-chair and narrowing his angular eyes, “What the fu…”
No. It couldn’t be. How in Hellas’ realm was the rover moving? The solar panels?
This didn’t make any sense…
Logically, the satellite planner knew that there was only one answer for this, he just couldn’t believe it.
Maybe he’d seen it wrong or these were old pictures, but the timestamp in the corner of the screen told him that what he was seeing was correct.
And that meant that… Aelin Galathynius was alive. And they’d left her on Farnor, alone.
It took him a few tries to grab the phone and he couldn’t tear his eyes away as the operator picked up.
“This is Nox Owens from SatCon, I need to speak with Gavriel Aryeh. The Farnor Mission Director, yes. It’s an emergency.”
“Emergency, really?”
Nox hissed into the receiver, “Yes, it’s an emergency.”
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stellar-alley · 4 years
•Chapter 15•
This is based off of the artwork by oceanteeeth on Instagram! Also shout out to my Beta super.rose.cosplays!
Previous Chapter // Next Chapter
(Summary: Richie and Eddie go back to school. Stan interrogates Eddie and Bill tries to put the pieces of the mystery together. )
Tuesday morning came and Richie found himself passing his rooms as he contemplated his latest delema.
“What the fuck am I gonna wear!” He shouted as he pulled on his curls. He groaned when he let go.
A quiet knock brought his gaze towards his door where his mother stood, “Everything alright honey?” She asked with kind yet tired eyes, it was still early after all.
Richie hummed a quick fine from where he stood in front of his closet. He spent another solide 10 minutes staring at the contents before he finally decided on an outfit for the day. In the end he picked out his favourite t-shirt, which was a big light blue hoodie that had ‘Virginity Rocks’ written in big writing, a matching light blue beanie. Accompanied by one of his nicer pairs of black jeans which he cuffed at the bottom to match the warmer weather outside, and a pair of black high top converses.
He hummed, “Nice, nice, nice” Richie snapped his fingers anxiously as he gave himself a once over in the mirror.
When he drove to school that day, Richie actually turned the radio on and allowed himself to listen to the top hits, which he normally hated, he’d rather hook his phone up via aux cord and play his own tunes. But today… something about all of the cheesy love songs actually brightened his mood. Hell, he even sang along to a couple of them.
He walked up the main path that day and smiled at the sight of his boyfriend who leaned up against the same tree he had been a week or so ago. “Hey gorgeous” Richie wrapped his arms around Eddie’s waist from the back.
Eddie squicked, spooked slightly, but then his squak turned to laughter. “Richie! Let go!” Eddie laughed as he playfully thrashed in Richie’s arms.
Instead Richie gracefully twirled him around so they stood face to face. The wolf kissed the rabbit’s forehead which got him a blush of the cheeks from the shorter boy.
“Hey…” Eddie said sheepishly as he looked up into Richie’s big brown eyes, always filled with excitement, now they were filled with something new, love. It warmed his heart.
“Hey shortstack” Rich carefully raised his hand up and pushed a loose piece of hair behind Eddie’s ear.
Eddie rolled his eyes, using it as a way to glance away without seeming off, “Don’t call me that” he complained, but his voice held to annoyance. Before Richie could argue, Eddie laced their fingers together and looked towards the school, “Come on, dipshit. We’re gonna be late”.
Bill didn’t show up that day, not during the first period, or lunch, or last. Though Eddie only shared one class with him, fourth period history, that didn’t stop his foot from tapping underneath his desk the entire day.
Home room with Alley was fairly chill, she was normal, which Eddie needed every now and then. She talked about the journalist things, TV shows and fan fictions, online friends and cosplay. It put The Anector’s mind at ease just listening to her ramble on about the latest gossip.
Second Period was math, which he found out after the second day of school he shared with Stan. Even after everything that happened at Bill’s, Eddie trusted Stan. He knew that Stan and Richie had been friends for a long time before all of this started and that they had a tight bond, so he could get used to how close the two were.
Eddie took his normal seat in the third last row, second to the window. It was Stan who decided to take up the seat beside him. Neither of them said anything while Stan got settlers into his seat. Once Stan had his notebook all sorted out and his pens in place he slowly, sarcastically almost, turned towards Eddie with a blank expression.
“Am I going to need to start pulling teeth before you tell me what happened?” Stan’s voice was a mix of worry and concern, also a little amusement as he enjoyed watching Eddie’s face fill with fear at his tone.
Eddie’s face fell, “Uh- No? I just didn’t know if you wanted to know or-“.
“Well I do” Stan cut in like a teenage girl desperate for the latest tea.
“Okay okay, sheesh” Eddie was stalling, not really wanting to retell the story as he barely even liked to think about what had happened. So he just stated the facts, “Bill thinks I killed his dad” He only realized how bad that sounded once it was already out.
“What?” Stan hissed, eyes wide with shock. When Eddie didn’t respond he simply asked, “Well, did you?”.
“Sort of” Eddie made a face. Okay that was as close to getting over practically killing someone as he was gonna get. Eddie tried to not meet Stan’s intense stare, focusing on the compass around his neck, he fiddled with the latch, clicking it open and closed like a pen.
“Sort of?” Stan whisper yelled.
Eddie rolled his eyes with a sigh then proceeded to quickly explain what had happened in The All Lands and what happened at Bill’s.
“What happened after I left?” Eddie asked in anticipation, he worried that the rest of the Losers had suspected something was up by their outburst of weirdness that night.
“Uhhh” Stan hummed, thinking over what he was gonna say next, “I gave Bill a tongue lashing for everything he did to you. He seemed pretty rattled, like a deer in the headlights. But afterwards we went back in, watched Toy Story 2. Bill was first asleep. Then Bev and I raided his fridge. I finished his chocolate milk as revenge, and spite” Stan lightly smirked at his actions. “But yeah if the Losers ask, you had an asthma attack” The light haired boy stared as Eddie nodded in understanding.
“Oh” Stan remembered something and pulled it out of his pencil case, “Here” He handed the phone to Eddie.
Eddie moved the phone from hand to hand, a ghost smile played over his lips as he clicked it open and saw Richie’s ridiculous selfie for a wallpaper. “Thanks” Eddie sent a smile to Stan who in return gave him a slightly smaller smile and a head nod.
Lunch was fairly normal. Eddie had met up with Richie at his locker and they walked to the cafeteria together from there. Mike was already there, he saved their normal table for them, he waved when they entered the room.
“How are you guys doing?” He shot them his cannon ‘Mike Hanlon Best Friend of the Year’ smile.
Even though he didn’t ask directly, The Ancestors both got the vibe that he was hinting at the recent occurrences at Bill’s.
“We’re… okay” Richie shared a reassuring glance with Eddie who placed his hand over his knee under the table.
Eddie nodded, “My asthma was acting up, Richie opted to take me home. But I’m all good now”.
Suddenly a pair of arms were wrapped around Eddie, and they weren’t Richie’s, so the rabbit was thoroughly confused.
“I’m so glad you’re okay” The female voice sighed from above him.
Eddie’s shoulders sagged in relief, “Hey Bev” He tilted his head back to smile up at her.
“What the hell happened to you?” She asked as she settled in beside him.
Eddie swallowed the bite sandwich he’d been chewing, “Asthma attack” he informed her with a slow nod and took another bite of his sandwich.
“Shit Eds are you alright? She asked with concern.
Eddie nearly choked on his sandwich, no one has ever called him that, aside from Richie, and he kinda preferred it that way.
“Woah, hold up there Marsh, this is my Eds” Richie playfully nudged her shoulder.
Even though Richie’s voice hinted that he was joking, Eddie had a feeling he meant it. He sneezed Richie’s knee under the table and their smiles brightened a little.
“Does anyone know where Bill is today?” Ben asked from the other side of Bev.
The Losers shared a look of worry, no one answered, no one knew.
“I’m sure he’s just sick, or maybe he’s watching Georgie because he’s sick” Stan supplied a sufficient idea.
English class rolled around and Eddie’s mind was filled with thoughts and worries about Bill. He hadn't even noticed the way his foot had continued to tap rapidly against the tile floor, until Richie placed a hand on his knee, stopping the tap.
“You okay?” Richie had leaned over from his desk beside Eddie.
“Fine, just worried about Bill” Eddie sighed and glanced over at Richie.
After that Mr. Brock began the lesson and he explained the trip on Friday a little bit more. Richie’s palms began to sweat just at the thought of the upcoming full moon. He stole a quick glance at Eddie who was subconsciously twirling a peice of hair between his fingers. The wolf still couldn’t believe that his little bunny liked him back.
It was Tuesday, which meant it was Stan and Richie’s day to go feast on junk food from the corner store. Which actually worked out pretty well as Bill was Stan’s usual ride, but Bill kinda went awol, so he got a ride home anyways.
This was the one time they got to just fool around and be teens.
Richie found Stan where he stood in the chips ile as he contemplated what flavour to buy. The dark haired teen held out a bag of M&M’s and a bottle of Dr Pepper and a coke. “Yo Staniel, what if I ate mentos and drank coke afterwards? Would I throw up? Internally combust? Or shit my pants?” Richie stared off into the distance as if he was contemplating the meaning of life.
“Oh Richard…” Stan sighed, “The acids in your stomach are strong enough to-”.
“Whatever I’m testing it anyways” Richie declared.
Suddenly Stan let out a mega sneeze, it might have been sudden but he jumped into action and sneezed into his elbow.
“You good Stanita?” Richie questioned with concern.
Stan shook his head, lately the sneezes have been taking out more and more energy from him. He pulled a kleenex from his pocket and wiped his nose. “First, don’t call me that. Second, I’m fine, just a cold” He confirmed.
Richie shrugged, Stan had a history of ignoring his colds until they passed, so Richie left Stan to go find more snacks to rot his teeth.
Stan Rolled his eyes which then fell on the aisle of freezers that stood behind him. He saw the various types of milks that were kept safe in their little frozen prisons. Stan’s gaze fell upon the jugs of chocolate milk which caused his lips to form a small smile.
Bill Denbrough hadn't left his place at his desk in an hour. He sat facing his board, the pictures and articles had blurred together from looking at them for so long. He spent the morning changing things, adding new pictures (one was an updated photo of Eddie that had bunny ears drawn on his head and a photo of Richie with a question mark over his face). Now, things seemed even more confusing than they had previously.
He knew Eddie had something to do with his father's death. Bill just didn’t know how, yet. He also couldn't ignore the fact that his dad didn’t actually have any physical damage, it did look like a heart attack, but Bill knew it wasn't.
Lying to his mother had become some sort of second nature to Bill, so lying about being sick to skip out on school that day wasn't a chore. Lying to anyone wasn't hard anymore…. Deep down Bill knew that it wasn't good, but he had to do what was necessary.
Bill cut a new piece of yarn and attached one end to the picture of Eddie and the other end to the picture of Richie. From there he looked at his calendar that was placed just above his desk, right before his main investigation board began. He noticed that that Friday had ‘School Trip’ and he was reminded of the Writer’s Craft field trip he had with his class, as well as Richie and Eddie’s english class. Bill smirked and circled the date with a red sharpie.
“No better time”.
Word Count: 2044
I know this chapter was shorter than the last one- chapter 14 was a mega chapter so it was a lot longer than normal. But nontheless I hope y'all enjoyed, shit is about to go down so get excited! We're nearing endgame terriotry so- be ready.
And don’t forget to check me out on Instagram @ stellar.alley if you want to see more of my real life and some behind the scenes content! Also check out my a03 account for more stories @ stellar_alley. Don't forget to like,comment and share to show your support!
That's all from me guys see y'all next week with chapter 16
So Long and Goodnight.
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drummerqueenrmt · 5 years
5 + 1 (Roger Taylor x reader)
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Summary: five times you and Roger almost kiss and one that you finally did.
Warnings: lots of fluff and a little bit of swearing.
Words: 3,073
Notes: First of all, I know it’s been a long time since I have published something about Rog but I was studying for my exams and I didn’t have time, sorry. Here you have a long fic to compensate, I hope you all like it! If you do please comment, like or reblog it. Thanks for reading 💛
1. The first time you met
“Hi, guys! Nice to see you all again. Look, this is my new friend [y/n]”
“Hi” You said shyly. “Nice to meet you all”
“Hello” They all said at the same time.
“How did you met my little sister?” Roger asked while passing an arm around Clare’s shoulders.
“We go to class together this year”
“Yeah, yeah… But why did you chose my sister to be your friend? Didn’t you have any other option?”
“Hey!” Clare protested while pinching him on his side.
You laughed at the scene. You knew they both had an amazing relationship for what Clare had told you and now you were able to see it with your own eyes.
“Do you want something to drink, darling?” Freddie asked you.
“I really shouldn’t” You felt all eyes on you, confusing looks everywhere. “I promised my uncle to help him in his store, I need to wake up early”
“Oh, c’mon!” Roger said starting to pour some vodka on an empty glass. “Soda, lemon…? What do you prefer?”
“Thank you, but I really don’t want to drink today”
“Just one” He winked at you. And at that moment you realized how hot he was.
So you couldn’t resist it. “Ok, just one”
But it wasn’t just one.
You lost the count.
“This is your fault” You said pointing to Roger that was only centimeters away from you.
“Yes, it is. And I’m not even sorry”
You punch him in his arm and he made and offended look that made you both laugh.
“You know… Your sister warned me about you”
“About me? Why? I’m an actual angel, I’ve never done anything bad in my life” He immediately laughed.
“Well done, very convincing” You laughed too. “He said that you are always trying to flirt with every girl you met”
“Woah! Not with everyone” He approached you even more, noses almost touching and a smirk on his face. “Only with the pretty ones”
And you didn’t know if it was the effect of the alcohol or of the effect he was having on you but at that moment you were completely determined to kiss him, and he seemed to be determined to kiss you back too, both leaning and ready.
“No, no, no” You heard suddenly at the same time that you felt someone pushing you away from him. “I don’t give a fuck if you get drunk any other girl and then do whatever you want with her but she’s my friends and you respect her”
“I wasn’t doing anything” Roger argue, lifting his hands as a signal of innocence.
“You were going to kiss her!”
“Because she wanted to”
“No, she didn’t”
“Yes, I did” You said, winning a disapproval look from Clare. “What?”
“You’re drunk”
“Just a little bit… And no because he got me drunk, I drank what I wanted”
“You see… I’m not doing anything! I’ll never try to take advantage of her while drunk”
“Shut up!” Clare said while pointing to his brother. “The party is over. We are going home, [y/n]”
“Really?” Roger and you said at the same time.
“Really. We are going now”
And knowing how angry she was the only thing you could do was to give a sad look to Roger while saying goodbye and follow her out.
2. Watching a film in the Taylor’s house.
Clare apologized for her behaviour of the other night, realizing that you were adults capable of made your own decisions. To compensate you for it she invited you to her house to watch a movie.
What you didn’t expected is that Roger was there to and that it seemed that he was going to watch the movie too.
“Hi” You said quietly, a little bit embarrassed of what almost happened some days ago at the party.
“Hi, [y/n]! So nice to see you again” He looked very happy to see you, and he was looking stunning in a blue hoodie and some comfortable pair of tracksuit pants. You simply smiled to him and sat in the opposite side of the sofa.
“Here comes the popcorn!” Claire announced, passing one of the bowls to you. “Ready for the movie?”
“Hey! Why I don’t get popcorn?”
“Because you weren’t invited, you autoinvitate yourself to watch the movie”
“I’m in my fucking house… I think I have the right to do whatever I want”
“Yes, but without popcorn”
Roger snorted and crossed his arms and he looked like a little kid for you then.
After that, Clare put the movie and you could swear it was the most boring thing you had ever seen in your life. And, apparently, it was also for Clare because in less than twenty minutes she felt asleep.
Suddenly, you realized that Roger was stealing some popcorn and when he found you looking at him, he placed his index in his mouth as a sing for you to be quiet. You simply nodded smiling.
Ten more minutes passed till you hear Roger whispering to you. “I can’t believe that she chooses the worst film ever, makes us watching it and then she falls asleep”
“I’m going to fall asleep soon too” You confessed.
“The thing is who wouldn’t end up falling asleep watching this shit”
You laughed covering your mouth with your hands for not to wake up your friend.
“Do you want a beer?”
“Do you want me to get drunk again?”
“No, no… I just-”
“I’m joking. I would love one, please”
“Come, we have different types”
You stood up quietly and followed him to the kitchen.
“Serve yourself” He said opening the fridge. You took one, opened it and started drinking.
“Look…” You could notice that suddenly he looked very nervous, his hand playing with the back of his neck. “The other night...I didn’t want to get you drunk to take advantage of you” Oh, it was that. “I just simply wanted you to have a good time and-”
“As I told Clare I didn’t feel you did”
He looked at you a little bit more relieved. “Nice”
“And I wasn’t that drunk for not knowing what I was doing”
“And what were you doing?” He asked smirking.
“You know it perfectly” You shot back.
He was surprised by your confidence and started approaching you. “Yes, I do”
Slowly, he started wrapping his arms around you. Your heart accelerating at the contact and the proximity. You placed your hands on his chest, feeling how his heartbeat was accelerating too as you became closer and closer to each other.
You were almost kissing when you heard the sound of the front door closing. “Roger! Clare! Help me with the bags”
Roger sighted. “Sorry, that’s my mum… I need to help her”
“No problem” You said when you were cursing internally.
Clare had woken up with all the noise and he shot you a questioning look when you appeared at the living room.
“You weren’t watching the movie”
“You weren’t neither” You said while sitting next to her.
“I fell asleep but… where were you exactly?”
“I was drinking a beer”
“With Roger”
“And… what?”
“Nothing else happened?”
Not yet.
3. After a Queen concert
“They are amazing!”
It was the first time that you were seeing a Queen concert and you were more than delighted. All four were amazing, the crowd were singing and dancing all the time and the best part were all the smiles and looks that Roger was doing every time your eyes connected.
He looked impossibly hoter, all sweaty and without his top. You could swear you had never seen something like that in your life.
“Yeah, I have to admit that they sound pretty good” Clare shouthed to you because it was impossible to hear something with all the noise.
When the concert finished you followed her to congratulate the boys.
“Did you liked it, [y/n]?” Brian asked you.
“Yes! Amazing guys”
You suddenly felt two arms wrapping around your waist and lifting you up in the air.
It was, obviously, Roger.
“I’m so happy that you are here, honey” He whispered to your ear before putting you on the floor again. “Did you enjoy it?”
“You know I did” You answered, winking to him. You noticed that his cheeks flushed a little at your words but you didn’t mention anything. “Clare was right beside me but since we arrived here I don’t know where she is anymore”
“I’m sure she’s in the bathroom right now, she always has to pee after a concert. Too much drinking, you know” You laughed. “You look amazing tonight”
Now you were the one flushing. “Thanks, Rog” You replied shyly. “You too”
The drummer smiled and passed a strand of your hair behind your ear and then came closer to whisper something without. “To be honest you look amazing always, love”
You could feel as a shiver ran through your whole body. Your right hand came to rest on his shoulder as his free one came find his place on your waist, the other one still playing with your hair.
“I have wanted to do this till the first time I saw you”
You just could gulp as he was approaching his face to yours.
And when he was almost there…
“We have been fantastic, darling! We- Oh!” You turned up to look a very surprised and embarrassed Freddie. “Sorry, sorry, sorry” And he left as fast as he could.
And right after that Clare appeared to give a hug to his brother and to guide both of you to the backstage party.
4. At the cinema
After all your previous interruptions, Roger thought that the only chance you two had to kiss was on a date, so one day he called you and you agreed to go to the cinema.
You prepared yourself in detail. You were wearing your favourite chino pants and a new shirt you bought for the occasion. Red lips to complete the look.
What you didn’t expect is that he was also impecable dressed. His smile as the best complement.
“I hope you like action movies” He said nervous of your answer.
“Yes, sure. Anything but the movie Clare put the other day”
“Right” He smiled widely for your delight.
You entered the cinema and sat at the end of the room. Tension everywhere.
The drummer was especially nervous, his fingers tapping the piece of wood between you two. You were getting more and more nervous because of that so you decided to took his hand, a thing that Roger seemed to like by the way his body relaxed automatically.
But the tension appeared again when, in a scene, the main actors of the film shared a very heated kiss and you felt Roger’s grip tightening. You turned your head to him and he did the same. Your noises almost touching and your eyes closed as the previous times, but this time nobody was there to interrupt you, or was it?
“Woah!” You heard Roger saying suddenly and when you opened your eyes you saw him looking at the screen in delight, eyes sparkling. “Look at that car, it’s amazing!”
And that’s when your anger made its appearance. “Are you fucking kidding me, Roger?”
“What?” He asked you without, eyes still fixed on the screen.
“We were finally going to kiss and you ruined it because you like the fucking car in the movie?”
“Have you look at it? It’s gorgeous” He said pointing to the screen.
“Fuck off” You said standing up.
“Hey! What are you doing?” He asked when he realized you were leaving.
“I’m going home… Maybe if you ask the car you can have a date with it”
“No, wait…” He followed you.
5. At the park
“How many times do I have to say that I’m sorry?”
“At least one hundred” You reply with your mouth full of ice cream.
“C’mon… I have invited you to dinner and to an ice cream too. Do you want me to flagellate myself or what?”
“That sounds great to me”
He scoffed and crossed his arms and the child you saw at his house the other day appeared again and you couldn’t do anything but smile.
“What?” He said looking at you half confused and half angry.
“You look like a child when you do that”
“When I do what?”
“Crossing your arms like than and putting that angry expression”
He rolled his eyes and placed his hands on his legs. “At least you laugh now”
“Do you want?” You asked offering him some ice cream.
“Yes, please” You approached it to his face but instead of allowing him to take a bite you literally dirtied his nose with it. “Hey!”
“Sorry but I wanted to do that since you bought it for me” You say between laughs.
“Clean it” He said pointing to his nose.
“I don’t think so”
“[y/n]... Clean it”
“Do you want to have chocolate on your face?”
“No, thank you”
“So if you don’t clean it right now that’s what is going to happen…”
“Alright” You said smiling. Then, you grabbed a tissue and took his face with one hand ready to clean him. “You actually look cute like that, you know”
He blushed immediately and looking even cuter, and you had an idea. Instead of cleaning it with the tissue, you started licking his nose. Roger was in shock, incapable of moving or saying anything. When you finished you planted a kiss on it. “Cleaned”
He gulped, still looking at you with wide eyes. “That was…”
You smiled triumphantly. “It’s a pity that you don’t have any more chocolate to clean”
He didn’t think it twice when he grabbed the ice cream of your hand and he got his lips dirty with it. “Ups…” He just said with a smirk.
You smiled back and grabbed him by the neck again, more than ready to kiss him.
Suddenly a cat jumped between you too decided to stole the ice cream from Roger’s hands. “No!” He said rising his hands in an attempt to save your ice cream. “Bad cat!”
You tried to help with by scaring the cat but it was only focus on what was on the drummer’s hands and started to climb his back. “AH! It’s hurting me!”
“Go away, cat!” You continued scaring him but the only thing that happened was that the cat got angry and scratched the poor boy in the face. “Rog, throw the ice cream, it’s the only thing we can do to stop him”
He did as told and the cat quickly got off of him.
“Shit! That did hurt… Fucking stupid cat!” He touched his face to confirm that, as he thought, he was bleeding a little.
“Are you ok?” You said without being capable of contain the laugh.
“Do you think this is funny? I have got hurt to save your stupid ice cream and now you laugh at me?”
“Sorry, but the scene was very funny. Let’s clean it!” You approached him to examine the scratch.
“Don’t touch me…” He said moving away from your touch.
“Oh, c’mon Roger! It’s only a little scratch not the end of the world”
“It’s on my face! Why if it leaves a scar?”
“It won’t! Well not if you let me cure it” You slowly approached him and started caressing his arm. “Come to my house and I’ll clean it”
“I think I have more on my back”
“I’ll clean them too. C’mon!”
You started your way home and he quietly followed you.
+ 1. At your home
“Take off your shirt” You ordered while entering the room with some alcohol and gauzes on your hand. All his anger suddenly faded away and he smiled at you mischievously. You rolled your eyes while smiling and sat behind him. “Wow! You have four more scratches here!”
“And all because of you!”
“Excuse me?”
“Who wanted that ice cream?”
“Who had to buy it as an apology for being an absolute idiot at the cinema?” You shoot back.
“Touché” He replied making you both laughed.
You started to gently apply the alcohol on the wounds and he, obviously, started to act like a little child. He was all the time complaining about how much it was hurting and also he was moving everywhere making it more difficult.
“Roger, stop!”
“It hurts! You are the one who has to stop”
“I’m done with the back, turn so that I can finish with the one on your face”
He turned and you took his head with one hand, the other holding the gauze. “Don’t move”
“I can’t promise anything”
“Alright… I’ll focus on your perfect face to avoid thinking on how much the alcohol stings”
Your face become a tomato in a matter of seconds. You tried not to think too much on what he had told you and started cleaning the scratch.
You were very close to each other and you could feel his beautiful blue eyes examining every inch of your face. “Stop”
“I’m not moving” He protested.
“You know what I’m talking about”
“I don’t” He said smiling.
“Don’t look at me like that”
You stopped to look directly at his eyes. “Because if you continue to do that I’m not going to be capable of contain myself and I’m going to kiss those perfect lips of yours”
He placed a hand on your face approaching it to his. “Do it” And you didn’t hesitate and FINALLY your lips connected. And it was perfect. Sweet and gently. “You don’t know how long I’ve wanted this to happen” He whispered.
“Let me guess… Since you met me at that party?” He simply smiled and kissed you again, this time with more passion.
“I like you a lot, [y/n]. I like you that much that I think I’m going crazy”
You placed your hand on the back of his neck, playing with his hair. “I like you too, Rog. More than I should”
“Nice” He said triumphantly before devouring your lips again.
He stayed for the night.
And for a little more too.
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elijah-hwcng · 5 years
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𝒾'𝓂 𝑔𝑜𝒾𝓃𝑔 𝓉𝑜 𝓉𝒽𝑒 ᴘʟᴀᴄᴇ 𝓉𝒽𝒶𝓉'𝓈 𝑔𝑒𝓉𝓉𝒾𝓃𝑔 clearer/𝕥𝕒𝕜𝕖 𝓂𝓎 𝐻𝒜𝒩𝒟𝒮 ɴᴏᴡ
╰ ☀ ✧ ˖ jeon jungkook. cismale. he/him ‖ 𝕚𝕥'𝕤 𝕟𝕠𝕥 𝕪𝕠𝕦𝕣 𝕗𝕒𝕦𝕝𝕥 (ɪᴛ ɪꜱ) ‖ have you seen elijah hwang at the beach recently? i remember them being so free-spirited, but they seemed a little neglectful today. it must be tough going through such hard times at only 22. even then, they still remind me of aerosol paint, over-sized hoodies, lipsticks stains on coffee mugs, and open upright pianos.
name: elijah hwang
nicknames: ellie, lijah, el
age: 22
pronouns: he/him
sexuality: he prefers not to label it, but pansexual and demiromantic is probably the best description
he’s a sweet boy, doesn’t hurt people’s feelings intentionally, but he’s a little flirty, a bit of a heartbreaker. he’s great at turning on the charm but gets flustered very easily when it’s turned back on him.
has a twin brother, daniel. his bio (and their family background!) can be found here
growing up in the shadow of his twin, elijah often acts out rebelliously for attention (and maybe just to spite his perfect police officer brother a little bit)
despite that, he does care very deeply for daniel - after all, they came from the same egg or whatever - and isn’t great at expressing it, but daniel is probably the most important person in his life
tw: drug abuse, gang violence, death
got involved with the wrong crowd shortly after high school - the whole gang, drugs, ‘bad guy, duh’ kinda shebang. he was with this gang for years, getting quite the reputation and a lot of illegal money, tangled with the wrong kind of people and relationships
he traveled a lot, but when he heard daniel and his boyfriend had been jumped, it was a little too coincidental with the gang initiation he knew was happening in the same area - the very initiation he, himself, had approved of
he has never told daniel that he feels responsible for justin’s passing, but he was so filled with guilt that he has since left the gang, lost all his assets, and now works as a stripper to pay off his debts. he has never told daniel about the gang, but he says the debts are from drugs - which isn’t a total lie
(also he’s in a band and plays the keyboard)
alright buckle up lads here comes the details
like i said, family history can be found in daniel’s bio (bc i’m lazy) but - since daniel was obviously their mother, stephanie’s, favourite, elijah often felt inferior and would act out for attention. i’m talking graffiti, being noisy in class, the whole shebang
his other mother, michelle, was obviously his favourite. equally doting to both her sons, elijah adores her and was often glued to her side as a kid. the only time he would obey the rules was when she asked him to listen - if stephanie asked, he would only rebel further
growing up, he and daniel were quite close, even if he did resent his brother for being - well - perfect - but how could he begrudge him for being successful?
elijah didn’t work hard in school - it wasn’t that he couldn’t get good grades, but more that he chose not to, getting grades only good enough that he could stay on the cheerleading squad
NOW LET’S LAY DOWN THE LAW. my mans might be cismale, but he LOVES pretty things. skirts, red lipstick, DANGLY EARRINGS? fam u got it. he loves that pretty shit. cheerleading squad made him wear pants for competitions n stuff but by senior year you know my boy is strutting the hallways in that little cheerleader skirt and pretty pink lipstick. call him a girl tho? he’ll punch u. or his twin will punch u. he’s a boy, thank you very much, and he doesn’t see why boys can’t enjoy pretty skirts and make up too without having to identify as a different gender.
he loves music and art - can play many instruments, and has played the piano since he was little. music and visual arts were the only subjects in school that he excelled in because he enjoyed it so much. he wanted to go to college and study them further, but his grades just weren’t high enough
so, fresh out of high school and not really knowing what to do with his life, elijah could see his brother figuring things out and heading off to the police academy while he... still didn’t know what to do
tw: drug abuse, gang violence, death
had a party phase, hitting up every club he could with his fake ID. it was only inevitable that soon enough he’d get into drugs and - well - with drugs and beautiful men and women, it wasn’t long before elijah found himself involved in a gang with heart eyes for a woman named melanie who showed him the ropes
his role was pretty standard - using his looks and charisma, he quickly became one of their best drug dealers, did a great job swindling thousands of dollars out of other gang leaders and sugar daddies and mommies alike
elijah wasn’t big in the violence side of things, more on the deception and drugs side of it, but he knew that the gang he was in had a lot of that going on. melanie assured him he wouldn’t have to ever kill anyone and she kept to that - although whether or not she did something like that wasn’t something he ever knew. the two of them traveled a lot together with the money he’d gain from their deals, and while they were never exclusive, it was potentially the closest thing to a real relationship he’d ever had
he was in italy when he got the news from daniel, and the timing was too coincidental with the report he’d received from the newest members of the gang. melanie told him he was overreacting - “that’s life, baby boy. your brother is just fine.” - and, seeing her so flippant about it, barely caring that his own brother had been attacked, it finally clicked that his rebellious thing had gone too far, and that this life wasn’t the one for him.
elijah took the first plane back to new york because he knew daniel needed him. the guilt was driving him insane - he knew it was his fault
cradling his broken brother to his chest, elijah made a vow to himself that he could never indirectly cause this to anybody else, but more importantly, that daniel could never, ever find out his involvement with the gang that took so much from him
for the sake of his brother, who he loves so much despite his struggles to show it, he decided to drop the gang, drop the drugs, and do his best to turn it all around
falling for melanie was both a blessing and a curse - if he hadn’t fallen, he probably wouldn’t have been so heavily involved in the gang, but because she had a soft spot for him, she managed to pull some strings and let him leave the gang alive
it cost him all of the illegal fortune he’d made over the years, however, and plunged him into a heavy debt to melanie, which is now why....
since college still wasn’t an option, and now he had experience with using his looks and charisma to swindle money, elijah figured stripping wasn’t all too different
he knows his twin would give him the money if he told him he was in debt and in need of it, but to tell him, he’d have to admit of all the illegal activity he’d been involved in and admit to his role in justin’s passing - not to mention he knows daniel would have to throw him in jail if he knew that he’d been doing more a lot more than just drug dealing
instead, he tells his brother he strips because it’s fun and to get enough money to do an entrance exam and try out the whole college thing one day and that he has a slight debt from the drugs but he’s “almost done paying it”
as well as this, elijah is the keyboardist in the band killer nuns, and is happy to at least still be doing music
he still likes to wear pretty things, although he tends to prefer jeans these days, but will still wear pretty crop tops, dangly jewelery, and make up. if he feels like dressing up, out comes the silky skirts and dresses!
(and he still graffitis his art all over buildings illegally, but he knows his twin will bail him out every time)
wanted connections
first of all, if you made it this far, congrats! let’s get to business B)
roommate; ya boy is ,, broke . he can’t always meet the rent but he doesn’t mind paying your character back in less conventional ways. he would ask his twin for money, but he doesn’t want daniel to know he’s struggling financially (taken: isaac lee)
good influence; your character knows elijah is only rebellious because he feels attention-starved - with patience and affirmation, they remind him of his favourite mother and can often convince him to tone things down
partner-in-crime; this person is a free spirit, and the two of them get into all kinds of mischief, whether it’s spray painting a building or dabbling in those drugs he decided to leave behind (taken: isaac lee) (but -- would be open to ONE more partner in crime if u rly liked the sound of it uwu)
regular client; your character knows elijah is only flirty for the money, yet finds themselves coming back every time for another taste
tutor; look... my mans out here tryna get into college. he won’t admit it but he wants to make his brother proud. help a brutha out. tutor him so he doesn’t fail his entrance exams. pls. (taken: yeri song)
gym buddy; lmao a stripper gotta stay in shape somehow man
dress up buddy/platonic wifey; note: this is a connection specifically for a female character! there is ZERO sexual desire here despite the constant “when we’re 30, we’re gonna get married and make some babies” jokes and ocassional ass-grabbing. they’re comfortable af w each other. she helps him with his make up and they go shopping together and give each other cute little fashion shows in their new pretty clothes. she’s affectionately named ‘wifey’ in his contacts list and it’s not uncommon for elijah to give her a chaste kiss in greeting and say ‘honey, i’m home’. they’ve probaly considered hooking up before but figured things would be weird and that they’re better off as friends.
hook-ups; he’s demiromantic, so he’s not gonna get a crush easily, but  he likes sex and he likes pretty people so . have at him ;)
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1-800-taxicab-blog · 6 years
dysphoria blues
Tyler likes to think of himself as the ‘tough guy’ who took shit from no one and concealed his feelings pretty well.
Which, he was, unless he was around his boyfriend.
So when Josh receives a message at around 2 in the afternoon along the lines of feeling gross, please come over? he knows the drill, and shows up no later than half an hour with hot chocolate and two blue berry muffins from Tyler’s favourite bakery and a smile just as sweet as the baked goods.
“Hey, sweetheart.” Josh murmurs tenderly, trying to conceal the pang he felt upon looking at his boyfriend’s curled up form, hair disheveled and bags under his eyes from lack of sleep. Upon hearing the familiar voice Tyler perks up, putting his full effort in returning the smile before hugging the pillow closer to his chest.
The pink hue’s smile doesn’t falter as he makes his way towards his lover’s bed, plopping the bag and cup of hot coffee on the bed side table, that is until, he rubs his hand over Tyler’s back.
“Josh, please, don’t.”
“How long?” And even when Tyler doesn’t answer straight away, Josh is still patient, kicking off his shoes so he could scoot closer to his boyfriend.
“Since yesterday morning.” So that’s why I hadn’t heard from him last night, he’s been feeling this way for a lot longer than I’d thought…
It’s hard, but Josh suppresses a surprised gasp, and begins carding his fingers through Tyler’s knotted locks, “I’m not gonna pressure you, but you know what you need to do.”
A sigh. “I-I know, but it's—it’s hard.”
For the second time that day Josh ignores the pang in his chest, this time upon hearing the crack in Tyler’s voice. “I know sweet boy, but your ribs need a break, hm? Just for a little bit. In fact, while you get undressed, I’ll get you that baggy sweater you love n’ some sweats, alright?”
Josh waits till he receives a nod, albeit hesitant, from Tyler before he leans down to quickly peck his cheek before standing back up and making his way to the other’s closet. However, just as he’s retrieving the old, mustard yellow hoodie Tyler’s voice gets his attention.
“Could you uhm, h-help me?”
Taken aback, Josh turns around, and Tyler gives him a sheepish grin. “I just, I’m tired and I—I don’t think I have the will power to take it off myself.”
This time the pink hue doesn’t hesitate to tend to his boyfriend’s request, immediately walking over to him after placing the hoodie and sweats on the bed. With little difficulty Josh manages to slip Tyler’s shirt and binder off, ignoring the urge to wince at the harsh red lines it had caused, before passing him the chosen items of clothing.
“Thank you.” Tyler mumbles quietly once he’s finally changed into the hoodie and sweat pants. Josh just smiles in return, not commenting on the shakiness of the other’s voice as he props up the pillows up, knowing he’s probably having difficulty breathing and that laying down wasn’t the best idea
Once the duo situate themselves, Tyler immediately cuddles into his side, burying his face into the soft fabric of Josh’s shirt and letting out a stuttered breath. Despite the fact that the brunette was significantly taller than the other, he still managed to look small in situations like these.
“It’s okay, I’m right here, Ty.” Josh soothes, smoothing a hand down the other’s back, and that’s all it takes for Tyler to finally break, quiet sobs spilling from his mouth.
But as promised Josh is there, patient and gentle as Tyler rants profusely about how sick and tired he is of dealing with this every day, how he’s tired of his surgery date being pushed back, and how he wished he was just born in the right fucking body.
Eventually his sobs die down to quiet sniffles and even quieter whimpers, before he lets out a bitter chuckle. “I’m fucking pathetic.”
Josh raises a brow, “why’s that?”
“Look at me. I’m suppose to be the big tough boyfriend who always takes care of you and stuff yet here I am, crying like some fucking child over something I’ve probably just made up in my head.” Tyler scoffs, his voice gruff from crying, and lets go of Josh’s shirt, turning on his back with his arms crossed and the same stoic expression he wears around most people.
“Tyler.” Josh’s voice is stern for the first time as he places himself of Tyler’s lap, looking at him directly in the eyes. “First of all, you are my big tough boyfriend who always takes care of me. Have you seen the way people practically shit themselves the second you give them 'the look’ for even looking at me for too long? Also, you’re twice my size, in both height and muscle. Also, who’s the first person I call whenever I’m feeling down? Or when I have an anxiety attack? Or when I just need someone to be around in general? You.”
The brunette lets out a defeated sigh, his gaze now focused on the loose string he was playing with from the rips of Josh’s jeans. “Second of all, you’ve known you were trans since you were seventeen, that was five years ago, no 'phase’ lasts that long. Lastly, it’s not pathetic of you to cry, it’s a good sign if anything, and you don’t think I’m pathetic for having anxiety attacks, do you?”
Tyler’s head snaps up. “No, never.”
“Exactly.” Josh’s soft smile return, “so stop talking yourself down, Ty, you’re my big handsome boyfriend no matter what. Okay? Now,” Josh leans over and grabs the bag of muffins, “eat. I got your favourites.”
Gratefully, Tyler takes the bag from him, peaky inside before sending him a teasing smirk. “Two muffins? Are you trying to give me diabetes?”
“Shush, knowing you the last meal you ate was breakfast, of yesterday, now eat.”
And Tyler does exactly that, feeling at ease for the first time in the past two days as he takes small bites of his muffins and washing down every couple of bites or so with the hot chocolate.
This won’t be the last time Tyler will feel like this, definitely not, but for now things were okay, and he had hope that one days things would always be okay, and Josh is going to be there every step of the way, and that’s all that matters.
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shell-senji · 6 years
Various and sundry answers
Okay, I’ve been tagged in several things lately, and while I’m 99.9% certain I’ve missed more than a few, here are answers to some: (below a cut due to length)
First up, 11 questions, tagged by @kazama-hime​ (thank you!)
Sunset or sunrise? Sunset, hands down.  If I’m seeing the sunrise, it’s because I stayed up all night.
What would your theme song be if you were in a movie ? Erm...I have no idea... Hmm...I’d like to say something clever and meaningful, but to be honest it would probably be something Jimmy Buffett
Your most remarkable nickname? Gonna have to go with one of my dad’s goofy ones -- Mimeroskidoodle (it’s not as exciting as it sounds. It’s merely -eroskidoodle added onto “Mimi”) 
Movie you’ve watched more often than any other movie? Oooo, while I’d like to say the Lord of the Rings trilogy (it got me through a really tough time many many years ago), from a sheer numbers standpoint it’s  probably Mary Poppins since apparently I tortured my mom every day for a year as a kid.
Favourite quote ?  Oh there are several. To name a couple, 1) The entire scene in The Last Unicorn where Molly Grue sees the unicorn for the first time, ending with “It would be the last unicorn that came to Molly Grue. It's all right, I forgive you.” and 2) from the Princess Bride,  “Life is pain, Highness. Anyone who says differently is selling something.” and 3) damn there’s so many good ones from The Dresden Files, so I basically did the equivalent of throwing a dart at one. “‘For the sake of one soul. For one loved one. For one life.’ I called power into my blasting rod, and its tip glowed incandescent white. ‘The way I see it, there’s nothing else worth fighting a war for.’”
A dream come true? Waking up to suddenly find out there are more hours in the day? That I don’t actually have to work or do chores and have ample time to pursue all the things on my fun to-do list?
Guilty pleasure? Frosting. I can literally eat the shit plain out of a store-bought container (but I try to avoid doing it very often). Also it’s good on graham crackers. Not that I’ve done that or anything...
Something that never fails to cheer you up? Frosting? Hah, just kidding. My husband, and maybe a good book
Is there a song your currently obsessed with?  Been stuck on “On Your Side” by The Veronicas for a while now
Do you collect anything? do books count? Video games I haven’t yet played? anxiety?
11 words to describe yourself? well there was no specification regarding part of speech, so I’m just going to list 11, regardless of parallel construction. Short, editor, anxious, blue-eyed, sensitive, fur-parent, wife, ex-expat, bibliophile, foul-mouthed, and weird
Second, questions from @hereafteryyh​ (thanks!!)
The rules are: Tag 10 followers you’d like to know better! Nickname: Shell, Mimi, others that no longer get used Gender: Female Starsign: Libra  Height: 5′2″ Sexuality: straight  Average hours of sleep: it varies, usually from 5-8.  Dog or cat person: Despite having a dog, more of a cat person. But he’s not a real dog, so it’s okay. (Okay, yes, he’s a real dog, but he’s a basenji.) Hogwarts house: I think it’s Ravenclaw? I can never remember. Favourite anime: Oh dear. Idk it’s so hard to pick a “favorite”...I hate having to choose. It’s always a toss up between Rurouni Kenshin, Inuyasha, and YYH. RK’s 3rd season drops it down below the other two, so we’ll say two-way tie between YYH and Inuyasha.  Dream trip: Anywhere not this hellhole where I live. When I made my blog: Feb 2016, but first post wasn’t till April Followers: 204 (whoa, I have the same as @hereafteryyh​ -- kinda strange!) Why I Made A Tumblr: Initially to browse fan art, and then one thing led to another and I’ve been here ever since. We’re all mad here....  Reason For My URL: I am woefully uncreative when it comes to usernames/urls. I have a basenji and have had basenjis all my life. I don’t remember, but I assume “Shell” was taken, so… Shell-senji. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯  I don’t know. It seemed clever at the time LOL
Last, I was tagged by @ventus-rogue​ (thank you)
Answer 30 questions and then tag 20 blogs you would like to know better 
***Note -- duplicate questions have been omitted***
Time: 10:40pm Birthday: 5th of October Favorite band(s): Oh jeez I can’t answer these. It’s HARD TO PICK FAVORITES. Uh, The Veronicas, The Grateful Dead, Talking Heads, CCR, ummm IDK that’s good enough for now Favorite solo artist(s): Tom Petty, Jimmy Buffett (idk don’t make me answer anymore Song stuck in my head: The opening theme to The Ancient Magus Bride Last movie I watched: Hmmm been a while...I think maybe Moana? Last show I watched: The Ancient Magus Bride What do I post: Anything and everything. Sorry, y’all Last thing I googled: hehehe aren’t y’all glad I’m not editing today? Actually it was forthright’s blog so I could find her book to preorder Do you have other blogs: I have a DBZ side blog I reblog stuff to (and shamelessly don’t tag anything mwahahaha) Do you get asks: Occasionally Following: 138 Favorite color: I like black, jewel tones. Crimson.  Lucky number: 13 Instruments: My family doesn’t allow me to play musical instruments. It’s not pretty. What am I wearing: yoga pants, tank top, hoodie.  How many blankets do I sleep with: 1-2 Dream job: Actually, as corny as it sounds, editing is my dream job. I just didn’t picture it in grad school with so many dicks... Favorite food: There’s toooooo many to name. Thai, Greek, a real shwarma, not that shit they try to pass off as one here, lamb done properly, cupcakes, chocolate, those christmas tree nougats that everyone else seems to hate, idk  Nationality: American (sigh.)
Not tagging anyone because I’m pretty late doing this, but feel free to do any of them if you want!!
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kujo1597 · 7 years
A New Life Chapter 3
Lapis and Peridot have fallen into a comfortable routine together. They have a cute cuddly dog in the house, have a lot of shows they enjoy together, and they even occasionally play video games. 
Life is pretty good for them.
"Okay, I really like how it turned out this time.”
Peridot stepped out of the washroom to show Lapis her latest hairstyle. A few more months had passed, Peridot’s hair now stood at an impressive height and when it wasn’t styled it almost reached her shoulders. but she decided to sweep the bottom of her hair forward and tucked behind her ears which she stretched out even more the previous month.
Lapis assessed Peridot new look lazily from the couch. Max was lying down next to her and wagged his tail.
“You know, this is probably your least goofy attempt yet,” Lapis gave Peridot a thumbs-up. “I still say the top’s too long though.
Peridot pushed Lapis’ legs to the side then sat down. “And I still disagree, tall hair balances out my long face.”
“So now that you look presentable you should run errands.”
“But I did them last week,” Peridot whined. “We agreed to take turns.”
“Well I can’t do it, I have a dog curled up with me,” Lapis pointed at Max.
“He weighs like, two pounds, you can easily move him.”
Lapis put her hand on her chest in mock offense. “What kind of mother wakes her sleeping baby?”
“He’s not even sleeping,” sure enough, Max was wide awake. Peridot patted her thigh and he came over to her. “There, your problem’s been solved.”
With a groan Lapis got off of the couch, she grabbed the shopping list off of the wall then left the house.
After she heard the door close Peridot picked Max up and gave him a kiss. She put him on the floor then walked to her office with him bouncing behind her.
“I know it’s silly that I put so much effort into my hair and then don’t leave the house. I just like looking cool, you know?”
Max sneezed and Peridot giggled.
“You’re the cutest little thing,” she cooed.
Peridot reached her office then sat on her chair. Like usual, Max begged to be lifted onto her lap, Peridot did so then turned on her music then got to work.
Lapis returned from running errands, she put everything away then walked into Peridot’s office. When she got in there she saw Peridot slumped in her chair sound asleep with Max snoring on her lap. Lapis couldn’t help smiling at the sight so she decided to let them sleep for a bit.
A half hour had passed and Peridot was still in her office. Lapis walked up to it and heard Peridot’s music meaning that she woke up.
Lapis entered the room and sure enough, Peridot was typing away.
Peridot heard Lapis come in and turned around. “Oh hey Lapis, welcome home.”
“Yeah, hey,” Lapis lazily waved. “You’re making dinner tonight, I picked up the food so you’re cooking.”
“Sure, I do most of the cooking anyway,” Peridot said with a shrug. She then put Max on the floor and stood up.
Her and Lapis walked into the kitchen and Peridot took stock of the food. She figured out what she could make and then got to work.
“Did you just sleep all day?” Lapis asked.
"No, I got most of my work done," Peridot replied as she handed Max a carrot. "I dozed off during a TubeTube break."
"Have you been getting enough sleep?"
"I should ask you that; I heard you moving around when I used the washroom at three."
"Mid-sleep inspiration, I'm fine. You avoided my question by the way."
Peridot clicked her tongue. "I woke up three times but fell asleep relatively quickly." Peridot made a slightly disgruntled noise. "And before you ask, only two of those times were due to stress, the third was having to pee." Peridot turned around. "Max is a big help, maybe you could have him on your bed some nights."
"My problem is that I get too wrapped up in work to sleep. Besides, I'm a bed-hog, he'd probably end up on the floor."
"Hm, okay. But if you change your mind let me know."
Lapis thought, "you're way too nice for your own good. He was prescribed to you." But she could never say that so she made a noncommittal noise.
“So anyway,” Peridot decided to start a new conversation. “How was your day?”
“Same as any other,” Lapis replied. “They did have a sale on soda so I picked some up. Who needs bones, right?”
This got a little laugh out of Peridot. “We’ll be the coolest looking brittle old ladies ever.”
Lapis laughed. “I will, not so sure about you.”
Peridot stuck out her tongue in response.
The two continued to talk about nothing while Peridot cooked the delicious smelling meal.
With their tummies full Lapis ad Peridot lounged on the living room couch and watched TV.
“Hey, wanna do something tomorrow? Lapis asked, “you haven’t left the house in a while.”
Peridot’s face showed exactly how she felt. “It’s only been a little over a week.”
“I know, but it might be good for you to walk around and see the sun.”
With a sigh Peridot gave in. “Alright, I’ll come out with you. What do you have in mind?”
Lapis shrugged. “Just walk around the boardwalk and do some shopping. It’s not like there’s much to do around here.”
“That sounds okay.”
“Great! Maybe we can finally find some clothes that fit you.”
“Good luck with that,” Peridot rolled her eyes, “ I gave up on that years ago.”
Lapis wrinkled her nose. “Yeah, you’re a disproportionate mess. How can somebody be both short and lanky?”
"I don't know," Peridot sounded exasperated. "My mother's really tall so I think I get my lankiness from her but the women on my dad's side of the family are all short. I guess I just got the best of both worlds."
Lapis gave Peridot her 'that was rhetorical, you nerd' look.
Peridot groaned. "One of these days I'll learn how to tell if a question is."
Lapis didn't exactly hold her breath.
"This looks good on you," Lapis said as she held a pretty shirt from a boutique on the boardwalk up to Peridot.
Who made a face. "Lapis, you should know by now that I don't like this type of clothing."
"I know, but it might be nice if you need to dress up a bit."
"I have button-down shirts for that."
Lapis put the shirt back on the rack. "Alright, I guess this store's not for you."
The two looked around for a bit longer not finding anything for Peridot. Lapis found a few things though.
The next stop on the boardwalk was more Peridot's style, geeky t-shirts, hoodies, cargo pants, and even the occasional sweater.
But that didn't really make a ton of difference to Peridot, she's never been one for clothes shopping. It was more interesting than the boutique at least.
A few t-shirts caught Peridot's eye so she kept them in mind. Money was still a bit tight, she couldn't exactly buy every cool shirt she saw.
Growing more and more bored Peridot looked around. Eventually she spotted something beautiful and dark green hanging on the wall. She picked up the hoodie and took a good look at it.
The fabric was soft, the hoodie wasn't form-fitting in the slightest and the sleeves were intentionally long enough to cover the wearer's hands, they even have holes for their thumbs.
It was perfect.
"Find something you like?" Lapis asked, amused by Peridot's bright smile.
"Yeah, check out this hoodie," Peridot slipped off her sweater and passed it off to Lapis then pulled the hoodie over her head. "How do I look?"
"Like a teenage boy."
Peridot giggled then looked at the pricetag. She frowned. "This is pricey." Peridot started doing the math in her head. "I should have enough saved up to be able to afford it. It'll be this month's treat."
Lapis groaned. "Not your fun budget. How is a hoodie fun?"
Peridot raised an eyebrow. "You're the one who dubbed it my 'fun budget.' It's more for small unnecessary things that I will enjoy. I have clothes, I don't need this hoodie, therefore it's a treat."
"Alright, I see your point," Lapis looked at the rack. "Do they have it in a smaller size?"
"I think this size is perfect," Peridot responded while changing back.  "I like huge hoodies; they're really comfy when you're spending the whole day coding."
That reasoning would be fine if it was given by anybody but Peridot. Lapis knew full well that Peridot would go out in public wearing that hoodie.
But Peridot did really like it so Lapis didn't argue.
Lapis grabbed the hoodie from Peridot. "I'm buying this."
"You don't-"
"No arguments. I saved up for the day I could get you to go clothes shopping with me. Go get that nerdy shirt you wanted."
"Thank you Lapis but you really didn't have to."
They continued to talked as the walked through the store.
"The plan was to buy you clothes that'll actually fit," Lapis said with a sigh. "But apparently that's not only impossible it's also your choice."
Peridot laughed. "It really bothers you, doesn't it?"
"You're actually kind of good looking but you dress so frumpy. It's kind of a waste, don't you think?"
"I suppose, but that's not me, you know?"
"Yeah I know. I'm mostly over it now."
"Well if it makes you feel better, I do like a well tailored suit."
"That helps, at least you have some taste."
"I tell ya Lapis, I look really nice in a suit. I'm looking forward to being able to afford a new one."
"When would you wear it?" 
Peridot blushed. "Well... sometimes I like to dress up for fun. Put on something nice and cook my favourite meal, or eat somewhere fancy if my budget allows it."
"That actually sounds kind of nice," Lapis had expected something really silly or depressing as it's the usual for Peridot.
"You really think so?" Peridot asked genuinely surprised at the positive response. "I thought you'd just write it off as me being weird."
"You are weird. But sometimes weird things can be nice," Lapis smirked. "You're living proof of that."
"I'm not weird, I'm endearingly eccentric," Peridot puffed out her chest.
"Just take the compliment, nerd."
"But it's incorrect."
Lapis rolled her eyes. "Fine, you're an endearing weirdo."
"I can accept that."
The two arrived at the till and the person working it rung up Peridot's clothes and Lapis paid for them.
They walked out of the store while talking about that evening's meal.
"I've been craving curry lately," Lapis said as her and Peridot walked home. "Can you make that tonight?"
"Yeah, sure," Peridot replied with a shrug. "We'll need to pick up some things first."
They took a slight turn and headed towards the grocery store.
That evening Peridot made supper and they finished the day by watching TV together with Max.
Just like every evening from then to the foreseeable future.
One night a little over a year later Lapis said something that would kick off a new chapter in their lives.
"Hey, come to the club with me. I need a D.D. and you need to socialize."
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outfittrends · 5 years
20 Ways To Wear Hijab With Denim Jackets For A Chic Look Outfit Trends - Ideas How to Wear & What to Wear
New Post has been published on https://www.outfittrends.com/hijab-with-denim-jackets/
20 Ways To Wear Hijab With Denim Jackets For A Chic Look
Denim Jacket With Hijab: If you are searching for ideas on how to style denim jacket with hijab, you are at the right place with all the right answers. We’ve already done posts on how to style leather jacket and how to style bomber jacket for you, but today we will be covering how to style denim jacket for all the hijabis out there. Denim jackets have been the go-to and staple piece of clothing from the ’90s till now, for both men and women.
That one clothing item in your wardrobe which can be worn at any given day, at any given time. Throw on a denim jacket when you gotta rush to work, out for grocery or a quick lunch or dinner hangout with your girlies, or, it can be worn over your party dresses for a night out and even a concert hangout with your friends or family. The most versatile piece of clothing that can be styled with anything and everything. The ’90s have surely passed, but they have left us with the greatest fashion style that has lived a lifetime with us, even till this date.
            How To Style Denim Jacket With Hijab Outfits
Oh sorry, I got a little too carried away with praising my favourite piece of clothing (which it totally deserves), but now, let’s get down to business. Before we head into the glitz and glam of the outfits, here are some tips and tricks on how to style denim jacket with hijab outfits in your way.
Jeans are the best friend with denim jackets, nothing goes together more perfectly. The jeans and denim jacket combination can get you anywhere on your calendar.
A denim jacket is a staple piece of clothing for colder days, so, hats and beanies are a perfect fit for denim jacket outfits, and it will add some life to your conventional hijab styles.
Sneakers are the go-to shoes for any outfit styled with a denim jacket. Other than that, boots can be a perfect fit for denim jacket outfits as well.
As denim jackets are not the warmest piece of clothing to wear during the chilly and cold days, it can be used to do layering up over hoodies and sweatshirts to keep yourself warm. Such outfits make up best for street style and chic party outfits. And who can forget, layering up is everything when dressing up modestly.
Denim jackets are available in different colors, the most famously used ones are black, grey and light and dark shades of blue. Any colour of denim jacket can be worn and styled with any kind of lower and shirt to make up for a chic outfit.
A denim jacket is as versatile as it can get, nothing beats a denim jacket when it comes to versatility, hands down.
Oversized and baggy denim jackets are more popular amongst the hijabi fashion because they cover the body perfectly and look ultra chic, which is a win-win. Cropped denim jackets are worn with long dresses and skirts, which also make up for a great outfit.
Now that all the tips are out there, let’s get started with the hijab denim jacket outfit ideas you came searching for.
↓ 20 – The Best Color To Wear With Denim Jacket
For us, white is surely the color of the year and you can never go wrong when you pair it with a denim jacket. Pait it with any floral hijab for the freshest looking outfit ever. The hijab that you see here is from Haute Hijab’s printed collection. For more inspiration, do check out these 50 Best Hijab Styles on Instagram 2019 For all Hijabis.
↓ 19 – Long Denim Jacket With Knee-High Boots
To start off, we chose this short dress look with knee-high boots, and a long, distressed denim jacket to go with it, which makes it a super chic and outgoing outfit for any event, party or a concert you may attend with your friends or family. Add skin colour leggings under the dress and knee-high boots, which will properly cover the legs under the short dress and the denim jacket does not reveal the tightness of the dress, which is what modesty is all about. Masuama khan, the hijabi youtuber, is giving us major outfit goals here with her all-black outfit with a distressed denim jacket, perfectly classy and chic at the same time.
↓ 18 – Denim jacket With Printed Tee
Jean jackets, also known as denim jackets, give out more of a chic and street style look, which is why it is best paired with printed tees and other hippy pieces of clothing. This Seattle based blogger, Sabrina, a beautiful dark colored beauty is giving off major spring outfit goals in these straight brown pants paired with a printed graphic tee, Pulp fiction, she has us right there – and a light blue denim jacket which is perfect for days when the sun is out and shining. Straight pants make this outfit appropriate for a spring day at work as well.
↓ 17 – Denim jacket With Flared Dress
Another option for a sunny day of spring could be this outfit worn by the beautiful Sabrina here, a black flared dress and a denim jacket on top to protect yourself from the cold, which is not a lot neither too less, a denim jacket is made for days like these. Love how she has tucked a belt to her waist to give some structure to the dress so that the whole outfit does not look too oversized and baggy.
↓ 16 – All Black With Denim
Another dark-skinned beauty, Ifrah, is showcasing here how denim jacket looks on the dark skinned beauties paired with any outfit of your choice. Such as this all-black one, a black high-neck, black distressed jeans and a cute side bag which makes the outfit appropriate for a hike day, a day at work or to class. This outfit is giving off the vibes of proper street style fashion as well with its distressed denim worn off the shoulder.
↓ 15 – Light Grey Denim Jacket
Amongst some of the popular colors in which denim jackets are mostly worn is the grey colour, dark and light both. This rap singer Neelam took on to Instagram wearing this seek refuge denim jacket in light grey colour with writings on the back of it and a hat on her hijab which totally stole our hearts and we brought it here for you all to see it as well. Do check out these 20 Tips On Choosing The Right Hijab For All Skin Tones.
↓ 14 – Denim Jacket With Mom Jeans
A casual and more comfortable look to achieve with the denim jacket would be to pair it like this with an all-blue jean outfit. Comfortable distressed mom jeans, white Adidas shoes and a white shirt underneath the light blue denim jacket makes up for the best spring outfit to go out to lunch with your friends, a day at work, for teachers and as well as to class. This outfit is as versatile as it gets, with some more accessories and makeup and change of shoes, this outfit can take you to an event as well right after work or class. It is as basic as it can get but as comfortable and versatile as well.
↓ 13 – Casual Lunch Attire
Another basic, yet highly comfortable and trendy look to go with denim jackets have always been the black tights and white tee outfit. This outfit again is perfectly appropriate for anywhere, a day at work, class, for teachers, lunch or dinner out with your friends or family or even when you have to rush out to some place after the gym, throw on a denim jacket over your tight leggings and tee outfit and it will have you covered. When it comes down to comfort, nothing better than this outfit when you are rushing out and you do not want to dress up.
↓ 12 – Full Denim Look
How can we skip the all denim look when we are talking about denim jackets, not a chance. We find a perfect one and thought it would be best to present it for you here, with high-waisted jeans, white tucked shirt underneath and a crisp, bright blue denim jacket. A light colour hijab makes it a perfect outfit for spring as well as for rainy or windy days in summer, cause you gotta keep that modesty intact no matter what. Denim jackets are not that heavy or warm in terms of the fabric which is why they can be carried with ease in comparatively warmer days.
↓ 11 – Pink Hijab With Denim jacket
Here is an outfit for you to play with colors in spring when the beautiful sun is out and shining. This beauty in pink pants and a pink hijab wearing a denim jacket is giving us all the major outfit goals. With some crisp white shoes and a brown bag, it is all you need to look your best this summer. Go out for movies, lunch, work, to class or even a quick rush to the market and this outfit will make you look colorful yet dapper even without putting a lot of thinking and efforts into it. This look is perfect for any outdoor activities and it will help you get the best pictures too, win-win if you ask me.
↓ 10 – Denim With A Pop Of Colour
When you are in the mood to go all black and denim on a day and still want to add a pop of colour and character to your outfit, this is what you should opt for. An all-black tee and jeans outfit paired with a hippy denim jacket with yellow stripes on the side, a colorful turban on the top, some tassel earrings to match with the hijab and colorful glasses to flaunt. Nothing balances an all-black outfit better than adding a pop of colour with accessories and upper wear. Some blingy accessories for the neck, fingers, and hands will only add more bling to the outfit, never less. This outfit is a perfect vacation outfit. These hijabi bloggers are definitely the trendsetters when it comes to hijab fashion, so make sure you follow these Top 20 Hijab Fashion Bloggers Every Hijabi Should Follow in 2019.
↓ 09 – Beach Outfit With Denim
Retta here has been seen giving us major vacation outfit goals with another denim jacket outfit here which will be a proper fit for a day at the beach. A long fitted black dress with your favourite, comfortable flats, and a side bag gives off all kinds of vacation vibes, for hijabis a denim jacket thrown over it gets the modest job done as well. A chic hat over your hijab makes the outfit more fun and vacation appropriate.
↓ 08 – Striped Leggings And Printed Tee With Denim
Yet another pop of colour with black and street style outfit by the beautiful Retta from Dubai, United Arab Emirates. Another outfit that will be a perfect fit for any given day on vacation, an event, a day at school or at work both. For all the girls out there who like some sparkle in their life, the cute pearl detailing over the denim jacket makes it an outfit worth having in your wardrobe. Everything goes perfectly fine with each other, the whole outfit blends in.
↓ 07 – Cropped Denim Jacket
If you are wondering how to style crop denim jackets with modesty, here is an idea for you. A distressed, cropped denim jacket with loose mom jeans would make up for a stylish yet modest outfit, we even fetched an outfit picture for you to get inspiration from. This definitely looks like an outfit out of a magazine photoshoot rooting for comfort. We’ve already done a detailed post on Different Ways To Wear Crop Tops Modestly so do check it out.
↓ 06 – For A Day At School
This outfit would be perfect for a day at school, available in everyone’s wardrobe, easy to find, as comfortable as it can get and easy to carry. The oversized denim jacket perfectly covers for modesty.
↓ 05 – Denim Jacket With Jersey Sleeves
Another fashion which has been seen circulating the internet this last winter was jean jackets with jersey sleeves, which add a little colour and character to the conventional jean jacket. It can be paired with straight pants or checkered pants to create a fun outfit for a day at work or class easily. This is also a really nice and minimalist look for traveling, here are some more tips on What to Wear As A Hijabi Traveler.
↓ 04 – Denim Jacket With Skirt
A cute flared skirt paired with a high neck definitely makes up for a cute summer or spring outfit, and if denim jacket is added to this outfit like shown in the picture here, it makes the outfit a blend of both class and street style chic. With these beautiful heels, this outfit can take you to an event as well as to a party or a concert with your friends. A day out to stroll the streets of Paris, this is the look for you.
↓ 03 – Printed Denim Jacket
A printed denim jacket of your choice can be custom made, and it can add a character to the outfit and the jacket itself as well.
↓ 02 – White Denim Jacket
One of the best colors of denim jacket to pull off in summers would be a white denim jacket over a flowy, flowery dress of your choice. A park picnic day with your family or friends, when you are out and about on your summer vacations in Europe, nothing will complement more than a white denim jacket and a flowy dress. Top it all off with a white hijab.
floral dress – Lulu’s $86
denim jacket – dorothy perkins £21.00
↓ 01 – All White With Denim Jacket
Like all black and all denim cannot go wrong with a denim jacket, all white fits perfectly for summers and spring as well. This beauty has proved us here.
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