dentalshoes · 3 years
you are accused of stealing all the m&ms out of this dudes bag of trail mix how do you plead
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danabonnie5 · 6 years
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Me Rachel👧🏻👩🏻💐💐### My Yellow M&M Yellow Short And M&M Peanut Chocolate#yellowm&mshirt#m&mchocolate candy (at Central Colleges of the Philippines)
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Time for #YellowM&M. And must add, “Walking or riding” answer was a definitive “Walking!” - 1st time since... (at Falcon Crest)
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yankeero · 7 years
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They’re behind me, aren’t they? #sneakingup #shhh #m&ms #redandyellow #redm&m #yellowm&m #plainorpeanut #alittlechocolateneverhurt #instantenergy #chocolate #candycoated #ilocethem #guiltyeasure #itsokilikebeingfat #healthyfree #milkchocolate #syracuse #workproblems #candyjar #staringatme #notmyfault #itshouldbehardertoeatthemiftheycanseeme http://ift.tt/2hyiUNp
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dentalshoes · 3 years
I sprinted, looking for a way out of this horrible place. Cold from the the thundering rain, I traveled through numerous alleys of the cruel and dreary city. My stomach churning and my heart racing. For I did not know if i could keep up with it; or whatever monstrous creature was chasing me. Around the next corner, a brick wall ended my journey. There seemed to be no escape. I was trapped with no where to run. Among the rubble there was a broken mirror. Standing dead still with my fists clenched I gazed into the reflection. And thats when I saw him.
The yellow m&m man
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