#yes no matter what you should defo describe a person's body size in your story if you wanna but... why do you have to do it like that????
theasstour · 3 years
Dude the tags about marion talking about toms mom....I was so uncomfortable and her using the Q slur so much its like....is the author queer either? It felt like a bit in an attack
It’s like... “She was extremely overweight, which was strange, because all I ever saw her eat were salad leaves and cucumber slices, and all I ever saw her drink was black coffee. Despite this apparent self-denial, her features seemed lost somewhere in the swollen flesh of her face, and her bosom was enormous and always propped up on display, like an oversized, well-whipped meringue in a baker’s window.” Like... you’re a thin person writing this for what???? For comedic relief??? To state just how fat Tom’s mum is???? She could’ve just said “she was very fat” and left it at that. Even if this is meant to be from Marion’s pov and not the author’s and “it’s just Marion’s way of thinking” it still pissed me off and could’ve easily been left out
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