#yes son your cakes will surely unite all the realms WE BELIEVE
swanqueeneverafter · 4 years
The Once & Future Queen Pt.17
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Storybrooke. Swan-Mills House. (While Henry puts Maria to bed upstairs, Ella stares at the token from Flynn's in her hand. Noticing a half empty glass on the coffee table, Ella picks it up and takes it to the kitchen. Suddenly stopping in the hallway, Ella thinks for a moment and places the glass on the floor. Hurrying back to the living room Ella lays back on the couch. Closing her eyes, she takes a deep breath and then tosses the token over her head. Upon hearing a 'plink', Ella opens her eyes and sits up to look back at the glass. As the water swirls, Ella smiles, having just found the sign she needed.)
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Camelot. Guinevere’s Chambers. (Guinevere brushes her hair and checks it in a small mirror when someone knocks on the door. She opens it to find Arthur leaning against the door frame with a charming smile. She’s surprised.) Arthur: “May I come in? (Guinevere is disturbed:) I only want to wish you well.” (Guinevere smiles uneasily and opens the door for him.) Guinevere: “I never thought I’d see you again.” Arthur: “I know. When the veil separating our worlds was torn, I was watching from the other side. I saw you standing there at the altar. Then when I saw the sacrifice Robin Hood made as he walked through the veil, it was his courage that inspired me to return.” Guinevere: “For what purpose, to reclaim your throne, perhaps?” Arthur: “Of course not. You have made a wonderful Queen, Guin. You are the leader Camelot deserves. Your love for your people is surpassed only by your love for Lancelot. I came here to make amends. (Arthur pulls out a cloth and unwraps the bracelet:) Please, take this as a token of my sincerest apology. May it bring continued good fortune for you and for Camelot. (Guinevere looks at the bracelet sceptically. Holding it up:) I’d like you to wear it. (Taking her hand, Arthur places the bracelet on her wrist. Guinevere gives him a small smile. She tenses uncomfortably when Arthur steps closer and takes her face in his hands. He kisses her forehead and she relaxes with a relieved sigh and smile:) I wish you and Lancelot everlasting happiness, Guin.” (He looks back at her with a smile and leaves. Guinevere smiles back, but it fades as she looks uncertainly down at the bracelet.)
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Storybrooke. Granny's Diner. (While David bounces Maria in his arms, the ladies of Storybrooke catch up over morning coffee.) Lily: (Laughing:) "I can't believe you got stuck in the past and still managed to bang Regina." Emma: "Hey it's not like I planned it to happen. Mulan can back me up, we had no intention of meddling with the past." Mulan: "That's true, but once you did bump into Regina, you didn't try very hard to not see her again." Ruby: "Well I think it's sweet. Almost as if Emma and Regina were meant to be no matter the circumstances." Snow White: (Clearing her throat loudly:) "My daughter's love life aside, I'd like to get back to your announcement. You and Regina are planning to retire?" Emma: (Nods:) "Yep, we've been talking about it for awhile now. The Sheriff's office is running smoothly and Lily's practically Sheriff now anyway so it's not like I need to be there. And as far as the Mayor's office goes, you-" Snow White: (Cutting in:) "I don't want to be Mayor. I was only helping Regina out while you were gone. I-I love to teach, I don't want to be anything else." David: "Wouldn't there need to be an election for a new Mayor? I don't think it's a position you can just pass on to your friends and family." Emma: "Sure, and it's the same with Lily for Sheriff, she'll need to stand as a candidate." Lily: (Confidently:) "I'm not too worried about it." Mulan: "Especially since you have the outgoing Sheriff's backing." Lily: (Leans back in her chair:) "Mmhmm. Piece of cake." Snow White: "That's all well and good, but it still leaves us without a candidate for Mayor." Emma: "Well, I guess Regina and I can think of some names." Ruby: "Ooh, I can see the posters now: 'Vote Maleficent For Mayor'. Has a nice ring to it actually." Lily: (Considers this:) "Mom might enjoy being Mayor. I mean, can you think of a better people person?" (Everyone laughs, apart from Snow White.) Snow White: "You know what? I don't mind being in charge of finding a new Mayor. I'm sure you and Regina will have better things to with your time." Lily: "Yeah, like each other." Emma: (Elbows Lily in the ribs:) "O-okay, if you're sure?" Snow White: (Smiles:) "I'm sure." Emma: "Thanks, Mom."
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(Sitting at the counter, Elsa, Anna and Belle reminisce.) Elsa: "It's so weird to think that I met Mulan and Emma in the past but for them it was their future." Anna: "No, that's not right is it? I mean, it would still be the past for them, but it was your present? I'm confused." Elsa: "Well all I know is that they were there on the dock when Kristoff and I watched you sail away on your journey to Misthaven." Belle: "It's best not to think too hard about it, but I know what I would do if I could change the past." Anna: "What's that?" Belle: "I'd forget about that stupid stone and would've saved you from falling off the cliff." Anna: (Touching her heart:) "Belle. You don't still think about that, do you?" Belle: (Nods:) "I still feel guilty about it." Anna: (She stands and pulls Belle into a hug:) "There's nothing for you to feel guilty about. It's not like you pushed me. All I remember is you trying to save me. I had no idea you felt this way." Belle: "I guess it's easier to forgive someone else than it is yourself." Anna: (Pulls back and looks Belle in the eyes:) "Well I forgive you, so you should too." Belle: "Thanks." Elsa: "I only wish that more people were able to forgive and forget. It would help unite the realms even more." Belle: (Nods:) "What I've learned from being with Rumple, is that the quest for revenge is a very hard thing to let go of." Lake. Rowboat. (The search for Morgana has taken the foursome across the water as, thanks to Anastasia's magic, they follow Morgana's trail.) Merida: (Glancing over her shoulder while she rows:) "We'll be passing Dun Broch soon at this rate." Anastasia: "Perhaps if we listen closely we'll be able to hear them voting for a new leader? Fickle bunch that they are." Merida: (Gives Anastasia a look:) "There'll be no more challenges to the throne anytime soon. Macintosh and his band of misfits have been taken care of and my mother assumes power in my absence." Anastasia: "How nice for her." Merida: (Looks over her shoulder again:) "Are you sure this is taking us the right way?" Anastasia: "Quite sure, yes. Morgana's power practically oozes from her, that kind of magic always leaves a trace." Merida: "You know, I heard you were living the quiet life with your sister somewhere. What happened?" Anastasia: "Many things, but I suppose mainly when you spend most of your time thinking about all the bad things you've done in your past, you can only despair for so long. Eventually, there comes a point where you decide to do something about it." Merida: "So you're looking for redemption? (Nods to Xena:) You're in good company then." Anastasia: "Redemption is partly why I'm here. Revenge is another." Merida: (Smiles:) "Aye." Anastasia: "But mostly I'm searching for my place in the world. Drizella and I have already found a new sister we never knew we had. Who knows what else lies ahead for me?" Merida: "I'd say a nasty confrontation with Morgana for one thing. Are you sure your powers can match hers?" Anastasia: "There's only one way to find out, darling." (Sitting at the far end of the boat, Xena watches their exchange with curiosity.) Xena: (Quietly to Gabrielle:) "I feel like a chaperone right now. I mean look at them it's-" Gabrielle: (Slumped over the side of the boat:) "Nauseating." Xena: "Well I wouldn't go that far." Gabrielle: "No. I mean this damn boat." Xena: (Shaking her head:) "How can you be seasick in a rowboat?" Gabrielle: "It's the motion of the water, it has nothing to do with what vessel we're in." Xena: "Uh huh. You didn't seem to have problems those times we were rowing away from the Horde." Gabrielle: "Remind me to thank you for your sympathy when we're back on dry land." Xena: "Maybe you should take a turn rowing, it might help take your mind off it?" Gabrielle: "No. I can hardly move, just... let me wallow in my misery." (Xena takes pity on Gabrielle, rubbing her back as she leans over the side.)
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Caerleon. Castle. Tunnels. (Morgana arrives outside Caerleon’s castle. She magically opens a door to the tunnels and heads inside. A guard spots her.) Guard: “Halt!” (Another guard steps in her path and she is surrounded.) Morgana: “Please. I mean you no harm. I wish only to speak with your Queen.” Throne Room. (The guards escort Morgana into the throne room and pull off her hood.) Queen Annis: “Morgana Pendragon. Stealing into my castle in the dead of night. You must have a death wish.” Morgana: “Sorry for the interruption, Your Majesty, but I’ve come on urgent business.” Queen Annis: “What business could you possibly have with me, witch?” Morgana: “I come in the name of my father.” Queen Annis: “Is that so?” (Annis stands and approaches Morgana.) Morgana: “Your Highness… (Morgana shoves off the guard holding her, walks up to Queen Annis, and bows down to her knees:) Your Highness, Uther was a curse upon this land, as is his son.” Queen Annis: “Arthur. Your brother?” Morgana: “Arthur is my brother by blood alone. We were not raised as siblings and I knew him only as a knight in my father’s army.” Queen Annis: “Regardless, your brother killed mine. Fergus was slain by Arthur’s hand.” Morgana: “Yes, Your Highness.” Queen Annis: “When news of Fergus’ death reached me I was ready to lead my army into Camelot. But then Arthur was deposed and killed soon after and I saw no need to-” Morgana: “Arthur has returned, Your Highness.” Queen Annis: “What?” Morgana: “My brother has returned from the other side and even now plans to reclaim the throne of Camelot.” Queen Annis: “Well, this changes everything.” Morgana: “Indeed. I seek revenge for wounds they have inflicted, as do you. If you will accept it, I’ve come to offer my help.” Storybrooke. The Dragon’s Lair. Storeroom. (Regina is struggling to move a keg when Rumplestiltskin arrives behind her.) Rumplestiltskin: “It always amazes me. (Regina jumps and glowers at him:) You are one of the most powerful purveyors of magic to ever live and yet you still insist on doing things the hard way.” Regina: “Exercise is good for the soul. Perhaps you should think about that the next time you share a box of doughnuts with your pal, Hook.” Rumplestiltskin: (Pats his stomach:) “I’ll take it under advisement, but that’s not why I’m here.” Regina: (Flatly:) “I’m breathless with anticipation.” Rumplestiltskin: “Belle tells me you and Emma are thinking of retiring.” Regina: “That’s right.” Rumplestiltskin: “Will that be after you’ve both dealt with Morgana?” Regina: (Scoffs:) “I’ve just got my wife back, Rumple. I won’t risk going through that again.” Rumplestiltskin: “You know that your shared magic is the only thing powerful enough to stop Morgana.” Regina: “That’s not true. Zelena handled her pretty well by herself.” Rumplestiltskin: “You expect me to put my faith in Zelena’s temperamental magic? She doesn’t have the discipline to withstand a magical duel against a High Priestess like Morgana.” Regina: “What difference does Morgana being a High Priestess make?” Rumplestiltskin: (Sighs:) “The High Priestesses were the chief servants of the Triple Goddess. They were a group of highly skilled and powerful sorceresses, mistresses of magic and spells and detained the power over life and death. In short, there was a reason the Dark One stayed out of Camelot.” Regina: “So that’s it. You’re afraid. (Rumplestiltskin doesn’t reply:) Well it is not down to Emma and I to save everyone.” (Regina magics herself and the keg out of the storeroom and reappears behind the bar.) Rumplestiltskin: (Following her:) “Perhaps you’re right. But if neither of you are prepared to lift a finger to stop Morgana, that leaves us with only one viable option.”
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Camelot. Training Grounds. (Sir Gwaine steadies the punching bag for Lancelot who is pummeling it relentlessly.) Sir Gwaine: “You seem tense.” Lancelot: “What do you mean ‘tense’?” Sir Gwaine: “You know…agitated. On edge. Angry.” Lancelot: “This is not anger, Gwaine. This is controlled aggression!” (Lancelot punches the bag off of the hook and Gwaine falls to the ground with it.) Sir Gwaine: “Great. I’m glad we cleared that up.” (Leon arrives.) Sir Leon: “Sire. A messenger this minute arrived.” Lancelot: “What is it?” Sir Leon: “An army. They crossed our border at first light.” Lancelot: “An army? Whose army?” Sir Leon: “Caerleon’s queen.” Storybrooke. The Dragon's Lair. (Ella fills Henry in about the previous evening.) Henry: "It went in?" Ella: (Nods:) "Hand to God. It was an even trickier shot than the one at the barcade." Henry: "Okay, so what does this mean?" Ella: "I guess it means we find ourselves an adventure." Henry: "Great. So, where to?" Ella: "I don't know. I was hoping you had some ideas?" Henry: "Uh... well geez, I'm not sure. I mean there's lots of places we could go, but..." Ella: (Cuts in:) "The United Realms cover a lot of ground and there's no telling how long it may take us to find something?" Henry: "Exactly. That's not to say I'm not totally down for whatever comes our way." Ella: (Agrees eagerly:) "Absolutely. But maybe..." Henry: "Maybe for the time being we both concentrate on doing the responsible thing? At least until the right opportunity comes along, obviously." Ella: (Nods:) "Obviously. The minute something exciting or dangerous comes our way, we drop everything and-" Henry: "Jump in with both feet." Ella: (Extends her hand:) "Agreed." Henry: (Shakes Ella's hand:) "Agreed." Swan-Mills House. (Descending the staircase, Regina reaches the bottom just as Emma returns home.) Regina: "Hey." Emma: "Hey." (Emma stands on one of the two steps that leads into the house while Regina closes the distance between them. Cupping Emma's face, Regina leans down and kisses her as Emma places her hands on Regina's hips.) Emma: "Mm, good day?" Regina: "Not bad, you?" (Regina continues on to the kitchen while Emma climbs the last step and follows.) Emma: "Yeah I guess. I broke the news to everyone about us retiring."
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Regina: (Spins around:) "And?" Emma: "It went pretty well. Lily's more than ready to become Sheriff." Regina: "And Snow?" Emma: (Shakes her head:) "Mom doesn't want to be Mayor, but she's taken on the job of finding someone suitable." Regina: "Well, at least they were accepting of the idea." Emma: "Yeah, although I still get that frosty feeling from Snow. I can't believe she's pissed that I was the mistress of my own wife back in the past." Regina: (Chuckles:) "Snow will always be Daddy’s little girl. Just like her daughter. (Emma smirks:) If it makes you feel any better, my day wasn't much better." Emma: "Oh?" Regina: "I had a visit from Rumple." Emma: "Ah. Let me guess, he wants us to go up against Morgana again?" Regina: "Yep. I told him that we're not the only ones with magic around and it shouldn't always be down to us to-" Emma: (Placing her hands on Regina's arms:) "Don't worry about Rumple. It's not our job to police the realms. Besides, I'm totally not dressed for it." Regina: (Her eyes light up, excitedly:) "Are you still wearing it?" Emma: (Nods:) "Mmhmm. That was the dare, right? Gotta says it's a little distracting. No wonder guys are always thinking with theirs." Regina: "And no one suspected anything?" Emma: "I don't think so. I had to be pretty careful when getting out of my chair though. A longer skirt would've helped." Regina: "But would've been far less sexy. (Regina leans in and kisses her wife as her hands move over Emma's hips, lifting her skirt and exposing Emma's not so little 'distraction' to her eyes. Regina's fingers play with the straps at Emma's hips:) So, we never did discuss what you'd like if you won the bet?" Emma: "No, we didn't. (Raises her eyebrow:) I'm sure we'll think of something." Regina: (Smiles:) "Yes... (Slowly sinks to her knees:) I'm certain I'll come up with an appropriate reward." (Emma watches Regina with a barely restrained hunger. At the very moment Regina's tongue passes her lips to brush the tip of the toy protruding between her legs, Emma's resolve falters. Moaning with desire, Emma places her hands on Regina's shoulders for support and watches while Regina continues her scandalously skilled display.) Camelot. Arthur's Chambers. (Guinevere walks across the hallway, the bracelet on her wrist, and sneaks into Arthur’s room where he is dressing.) Guinevere: “Here…let me.” (She helps him with his jacket.) Arthur: “Thank you.” (Arthur smiles darkly as Guinevere slides her hand down his arm. Guinevere circles Arthur, running her hand over his shoulders, the bracelet glowing on her wrist. She entwines her fingers with his and kisses them tenderly.)
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