#yes this was the first thing i did after buying the expansion pack
AITA for getting upset over a sims game?
Some context. I (25nb, then 22f) used to have a very close friend (them 20f). I moved in with her and her family for the first few months of the pandemic, because she had a lot of mental health problems that she needed support for that her family didn't understand, and I was just discovering that I was queer and didn't want to be at home with homophobic parents. During this time, she suggested I share my sims 4 game with her. I didn't have a computer that could run it, and she did, and I accepted because it would give me a chance to play it. My understanding of it was that I owned it and was sharing it with her, and I believe now, in retrospect, her understanding was that we both owned it. It didn't take long before she started convincing me to spend money going in on buying expansion packs with her. I wasn't sure at first, because I didn't have a lot of money, but eventually I caved.
We always got packs she wanted, because (in her words) I would "like anything we got". At one point, she realized one of the packs was incompatible with her computer, and I was the one who had to spend days on EA support pages trying to get a refund. She did nothing to help, and kept telling me to stand my ground until we got it. Eventually we did get the refund, and since it was for a whole package of expansion packs as a part of a deal, she decided she wanted to switch out some of the packs, even though I really was looking forward to playing one of them and hadn't gotten the chance to (she had played through everything you could do with the pack already).
After I moved back home, she told me I could come over and play it at any point, but that never happened. She continued to play it though, in her own time.
In early 2021, I got an email (since the account was set up by me) saying that a new pack had been purchased. I knew immediately my friend had bought it, without asking me. I texted her asking if she wanted me to forward her the receipt, since she keeps good track of her budget, and she said yes. I forwarded it to her, and thought that was the end of that.
The next day, I woke up to a text asking for full ownership of the sims, saying she was the only one who played it anyways, and she was spending more money on it, so it wouldn't be fair to share it. She told me I could either buy her out, or she could buy me out. I wasn't happy with this and wanted the game, but a) I couldn't afford it, and b) I felt it would come off as petty if I asked for a game I couldn't even play, like I was just doing it to keep it from her. Anyways, I let her pay me back (which she did in squishmallows of equivalent value).
After a few days, the whole situation was still not sitting well with me. There were a lot of other issues going on (we were in conflict for other reasons that I have realized are mostly due to her being controlling and me reaching my limit, and her not being able to handle my limit. I don't want to rush out all her shit because I will offer her that privacy), but we had always had open communication where we could bring up when things were bothering us, and I told her that it kind of felt like I didn't have a say in giving up ownership of the sims game for reasons a) and b) above, and how originally it had been mine and it felt like through all the pack purchases and things, she was slowly taking it from me. She flipped out, and told me we couldn't be friends anymore. (Like I said, I think it was less of this particular issue, and more the other shit going on with this being the last straw). We haven't spoken since.
I have made my peace knowing that I am not the asshole in most of how our friendship ended (and how she had been pretty controlling of me), and have recognized areas where I may have been the asshole, or at the very least may not have handled the situation at their best in ways that had hurt her, but this is something I have not been able to work out. So AITA for being upset about the sims game situation?
What are these acronyms?
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nuclearrayne · 1 year
Dear EA/Maxis
We need to talk....
As a builder I don't actually play the game a lot but, recently, I had the opportunity to get more into the game play side of things and I am just gobsmacked at how frustrating of an experience it was.
You need to know these 3 things before we have our chat, 1. I have NO script mods in, as I have been prepping for your next update apocalypse. I do have a default skin, eyes, sliders and my choice of skin details because, well, let's be honest, you lot are terrible at creating acceptable looking body beautifuls. 2. ALL of my drivers are checked daily and updated, if needed. And 3. without getting into specifics, my system is very capable of handling the taxing of your 8 year old game.
I have been a sims player for over 20 years, I have dumped thousands into your franchise. I own every single expansion, game, and stuff pack you have ever released including your most recent money grab "kits" I do not feel that telling you this should garner me a higher standard of propriety because EVERY Sims player should have the ability to enjoy your game without the need to take a Xanax first! I just want you to be aware that my simlish is fluent (with and without alcohol).
Below is a glimpse of the issues I was having, and there were MANY, that I had in the few short hours I played, I have also included some colourful pictures because...well...some people learn differently...
Let me introduce you to Marley, she has been in my game for a long time, mostly to help me take screenshots for thumbnails (she is using the CC listed above, using the CC I normally have in my game and completely nude for reference)
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Please fix your clothes so my normally healthy looking sims don't look like they have successfully dropped 20 pounds instantly without the need of some photoshop magic, your clothes should NOT being slimming my sims no matter how slim or heavy they are!
While Marley and I were in CAS we noticed that there is an alarming amount of clothes with texture oddities, mostly pants that made Marley look like she had taken a mahoosive shite, don't get me wrong it's a look, but? There were also several shirts and shoes that need fixing, too, however, I think the pants are the worst. Here are some examples:
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When we were done discovering the horrors of CAS, I took Marley in game and moved her into a lovely little build in simlicy's save file (2.0) Here's a peak just in case you're feeling nosey:
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After we loaded in, Marley stood on the lawn, while I immediately opened buy mode (be thankful this is a game play observation because I could blow your mind with the issues I have found while building) I bought Marley an easel, a bed, a knitting bag (the first of MANY mistakes I made) and a rocking chair. Going back into live mode I set Marley to apply for a painter job, then "cook" a salad, when she was done the welcome wagon arrived. I told Marley to invite her neighbours in, instead of doing as I had asked Marley sat down in the rocking chair and stared smugly at me until the welcome wagon left. Defense Exhibit A:
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After shunning her new neighbours Marley settled in for some knitting relaxation with her new earbuds in. I selected "cottagecore" which was a genre neither of us had heard before and definitely will NOT again as it sounds like the entire "cottagecore" list played all at once with the added background noise that I can only describe as "living in a haunted house with a ghost that just had its nails did" I closed my game out of fear of being possessed by this entity and went immediately to your forums, where I discovered that this is a known bug that has been happening since 2017.
When I loaded back in, I was instantly hit with a phone call from a cat who wanted to know if he or she should go on a date with Eliza Pancakes and of course I said yes because pfffft what could possibly go wrong there, am I right?! Probably not but *shrugs*
After Marley told the cat that we would like to receive an invitation to the wedding and hung up my eyes were instantly drawn to the floor...what...what is THAT?! DUST?! At this point I was starting to get exasperated, and I am pretty sure Marley was, too. So back into buy mode I went to buy a vacuum for a house Marley hadn't even slept in yet. (reported fixed 23/03/2021 Patch PC:, still broken)
I asked Marley if she felt like knitting in the rocking chair, she said she was a bit tired so I reminded her that we needed to recoup the cost of the expensive vacuum I just had to buy. Begrudgingly, Marley sat down and started knitting a panda beanie. Before long she began waving and yelling insisting I let her go to bed, she was exhausted, and truly, so was I. So off Marley trudged. I worried that she would not make it the 15 or so steps to her bed but she did. I sighed. Then, out of the blue and with the drama level of a high school Shakespearean actress, Marley stood up and threw herself on the floor next to her bed where she slept, I presume, like a baby. Ok Marley, you do you, boo! (broken with toddler patch - 2017)
While Marley slept I slipped into build/buy mode to add a pop of colour to her bedroom with a piece of art that had 2 birds on it and attempted a paint change. The art disappeared when I applied the paint, where did it go? Marley did you take the art?! No, of course not, you're still asleep on the floor.....(reported fixed 17/01/2023 Patch PC:, still broken)
Marley got up bright and early the next morning, I asked her to make eggs and toast....she canceled the request repeatedly insisting she needed to search the web on her phone. (reported fixed 30/08/2022 Patch PC:, still broken)
Finally Marley made it to the kitchen and began to cook...and apparently light the stove on fire
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......thanks Marley.....I didn't know you were a closet arsonist.
After breakfast I clicked on the knitting bag and asked Marley to finish the beanie she had started the night before, she said she could not, so I clicked on the rocking chair and asked again, she just waved
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I repeatedly tried the bag and the chair to get her to knit, she just kept on waving, she is such a friendly sim <3 Ok Marley, please go knit the beanie on the bed
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No? Ok Marley, please scoot over and try the other side of the bed, still waving I see....Marley you have to use the loo, so go do that while I cue up knitting one more time before I reload, ok? Marley, you have been in the bathroom for over an hour....
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Are you knitting on the loo?! Are you serious Marley?? Let's move you to a more comfortable place. WHAT DO YOU MEAN YOU CAN'T KNIT IN THE DAMN ROCKING CHAIR?! Ok Marley, my face is red and I am annoyed let me just hit pause for a minute...Marley...why are you still moving...did you just "break the space-time continuum" like they cracked that joke about in the "patch" that was supposed to fix this issue?! (reported fixed 17/01/2023 Patch PC:, still broken)
Alright Marley I am going to pull the knitting bag from your inventory, sell it and then buy you a new one, this one is clearly borked...let me just...wait, why can't I put this bag down, what do you mean I can't put it in the middle of the floor where there is literally nothing else around it...*click click click click* Wait, where'd the bag go?!
Marley let's just forget about knitting for a while, please go turn on the vacuum and then we will work on a painting to calm us both down. Oml, Marley that painting is lovel...why is the vacuum cleaner smoking?! Sh*t Marley, I think the vacuum found the knitting bag....
When Marley got home from work the next day she was clearly upset, after a SINGLE DAY at work she was feeling like she was stuck in a dead end passionless job, I sighed.
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I asked her to change her clothes and then go paint, she changed her clothes and then stood on her front lawn for over an hour in game time, made a face at me then finally went to paint (known issue, reported as far back as 08/2020, still broken)
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When I attempted to save and close the game out of frustration my save got stuck for 40 minutes before I gave up and restarted my PC.
The point of all this, EA/Maxis is you have chosen money over your players. These "fixes" you say you're doing are clearly not actually fixing anything! Your players are crying out for theirs games to be fixed while you are announcing the release of "growing together" And quite honestly I have found myself disgusted with this whole thing. WE SHOULD NOT HAVE TO ADD MODS TO THE GAME TO FIX IT!! To quote a member of this community who I admire greatly "no other ea game is this fucking borked and no other gaming community would accept this but cc and mods more or less served as some sort of bandaid for this broken ass game." -xldkx 31/07/2022 (original post here)
When I am finished posting this I will be going into that horrible buggy af app (I am sensing a theme here) that you have forced us all to switch to, where I will be canceling my pre-order of "growing together" I am done blindly throwing money at you for a game I can not even play in its current state!
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landgraabbed · 10 months
thank you for tagging me @irrewilderer! it’s a sims q&a thingamajig, under the cut! i will be very longwinded bc that’s how i roll
01: what’s your favorite sims death? the one you had when you got cursed by a mummy in ts3 world adventures. there is a lot of skeeviness around that whole pack, but i remember stumbling onto it in gameplay and it being deeply fucked up in a way recent installments refuse to match
02: alpha cc or maxis match? i lean maxis mix-ish but i don’t care about which way people lean ngl
03: do you cheat when your sims gain weight? this is a weird question and as someone who is experiencing a resurgence in [redacted] i think that whoever made this originally should be ashamed of themself.
04: do you use move objects? yes, no default sims grid placement may satisfy my hoarding tendencies.
05: favorite mod? ts2 needs a suite of mods to encourage it to not self-explode, but i am an acr enjoyer. with the right tuning it makes sims not breed like rabbits but have their own autonomy and people of interest that i find very enjoyable
06: first expansion/game/stuff pack you got? i believe that i got ts1 bundled with some expansion pack? so whichever one came after that until dad got tired and learned how to pirate so i could enjoy games hehe
07: do you pronounce “live mode” like aLIVE or LIVing? alive, i don’t care if it’s the wrong way
08: who’s your favorite sim that you’ve made? it has to be jess. it’s silly but writing her at times allows me to work through some shit of my own.
09: have you made a simself? i never cared to until i got me a wife who lives very far away from me hehe
10: what sim traits did you give yourself? no idea tbh, i forgot (i reek of ts3 absent minded trait)
11: what is your favorite EA hair color? the witching hour defaults and addon palette by pyxis my beloved
12: favorite EA hair? no friggin’ idea my dude
13: favorite life stage? this question would only make sense if eaxis put any thought into life stages other than young/adult since the release of the generations ep. but i’ve recently been reminded of how fun the ts2 teens are.
14: are you a builder or are you in it for the gameplay? is build/buy not a gameplay function? i can’t build to save my life but i enjoy decorating and live mode (in ts2 mostly)
15: are you a CC creator? as need and want hit me
16: do you have any simblr friends/a sim squad? LMFAO what kinda question is this!! no i don’t have a simblr avengers squad or anything and i’m over caring about it. there’s people in the community i’m fond of but i’m not trying to join or create a clique
17: what’s your favorite game? listen. i am going to obtusely pretend that this isn’t a sims interrogatory and talk about the games that have my heart right now bc i can’t choose a single game. you have been warned.
now and forever, the games that miyazaki has directed at fromsoftware, particularly the souls series and bloodborne (i haven’t played elden ring yet but i KNOW i will adore it) are very special to me. bloodborne is a masterpiece. and i am sad that discourse has morphed these games into everything that’s wrong with Gamers and Gatekeeping. the games and the 99% of the community aren’t about that. i walked into them as someone who’d mostly played games casually but loved the games that approach storytelling indirectly. i fell in love with the marriage of gameplay and theming. i love how miyazaki approaches storytelling as an act of archaeology. the world was there long before you. you’re a nobody. things are bleak and you can’t get a straight answer out of anything, but you have other people going through it with you. you can imbue meaning and history into things, and that is beautiful. and i am bitter that one can’t say that the games don’t need an easy mode without being deemed a gatekeeper. (the games were designed with multiplayer that allows other players to cooperate with you and help you. there are gameplay styles that make things easier. all out of the box)
i am a known tes lover but morrowind is the apple of my eye. it’s weird listening to essays about modern day open world design and its pitfalls and to see how morrowind largely circumvents these issues, all the way back in 2002. the lore is amazing and once more it places a large chunk of the meaning making on the player’s hands. vvardenfell is a wonderful region of morrowind and i enjoy the diverse landscapes from the humid and mysterious bitter coast, the harsh ashlands, and the welcoming breadbasket which are the ascadian isles (lovely until you stumble upon the plantations). the exploration and navigation are unmatched and nothing will ever match the skill that is navigating the world through in game directions and learning the silt strider, boat, and stronghold routes. not to get into mark/recall/almsivi and divine intervention. you arrive at vvardenfell as a stranger and the world is hostile, but as the character becomes more familiar with the land you the player master the transversal and that’s honestly some sexy marriage of theming and gameplay. some aspects have aged horribly which is why these days i play with the amazing sexual harassment remover mod.
i think everyone owes it to themself to play outer wilds (NOT worlds). it plays into the strengths i mentioned above. i can’t say much because it ruins the purpose of the game. it’s a tender bastard of a game that makes me so happy that i am alive at a time i can play it and makes me cry every time i listen to tracks from its ost. the writing is maybe the best i have ever witnessed in any art form (“the pain of your absence is sharp and haunting, and i would give anything to not know it; anything but never knowing you at all (which would be worse)”). just play it. i wish i could hire someone to bonk me on the head and give me selective amnesia so i could play it for the first time again. just. play. it.
there’s more, like octopath traveler which is quickly climbing through the ranks, darkest dungeon, pillars of eternity, project zomboid, dragon’s dogma, journey, and more
also, it’s ts2.
18: do you have any sims merch? ew, no
19: do you have a youtube for sims? ew, no
20: how has your “sim style” changed throughout your years of playing? it has, but i’m not quite sure i can describe it? it’s been decades of sims so of course it’s changed.
21: what’s your origin id? come back with a warrant
22: who’s your favorite cc creator? i am a known sforzcc simp
23: how long have you had a simblr? wouldn’t you like to know, weather boy (too long)
24: how do you edit your pictures? i use Very Legitimate photoshop. these days i just run a photopeia action that gives it some color aberration and slap some noise on it.
25: what expansion/game/stuff pack is your favorite so far? i love sims 2 freetime? hobbies are such a great addition to the game that just fits in seamlessly with the rest of the game
26: what expansion/game/stuff pack do you want next? the eaxis stop shoving shit into ts4 and fix issues and let the modders have it pack
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van-yangyin · 10 months
Get to Know Me - Sims Edition
Thank you @honeybeenrw and @stargazer-sims for tagging me 🙇💕
If it seems like a lot of text, don't force yourself to read it, you can simply ignore it. Sometimes I write too much, I know.
1.- What’s your favorite sims death? Sims eaten by cowplants, although there is an anecdote from when I was little that is very funny because I had a little "trauma" with that death. When I first played The Sims Take the Street on PS2 (the first sims game I played for the first time in my life) together with Lea, we made sims from Fushigi Yugi and we put them to live in a house… They all ended up being eaten by mutant plant (a plant similar to cowplant in that time), being the last one Amiboshi just after his twin brother Suboshi… It was one of our first games so adding a mutant plant was like, "What is this? Let's put it in, it sounds fun" and it ended up being a bit of a shock since at that time we had no internet, no guides or anything and everything was new, from that time for me at the end, after that experience it's ended up being fun, so being eaten by a (cow)plant it's one of my favorites sims death.
2.- Alpha CC or Maxis Match? Maxis Mix, I absolutly like more Maxis Match for hair, but with clothes I usually use both Maxis Match and/or Alpha, same with makeup or skin details, so yes, I'm consider myself Maxis Mix more towards Maxis Match.
3.- Do you cheat when your sims gain weight? Why? When it comes to my/our OCs (Lea's and mine) we leave them as they wish to be, because they've gained or lost it by themselves because they have so wished, in fact one of our OCs, Carla, when gained more weight even became much more beautiful than when she had less weight, at least from our point of view.
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4.- Do you use move objects? Yes, quite a lot when I have to place a lot of clutter together or I have to place in a special way the constructions to do what I want and look for.
5.- Favorite mod? I would say MCCC, but there are many times it causes me a headache.
6.- First expansion/game/stuff pack you got? Get to Work on realease. (Lea bought it, not me, but he likes to share, I mean it's stupid to buy the same thing twice when in gameplay we play together)
7.- Do you pronounce “live mode” like aLIVE or LIVing? I pronounce "Modo Vivir", but if it's in English then like aLIVE.
8.- Who’s your favorite sim that you’ve made? I have quite a few… They're all my cute babies, Ryuuya, Luka, Aris, Jack, Kyle, Kyla, Noah, Icaro, Carla. Lux, Kaoru, Ainosuke, Rin, Haruka, and many more but the list would go on and on... Sorry I can't choose... (And yeah we have a lot of original sims that we don't show here yet 😆)
9.- Have you made a simself? I did it once, when toddlers came out, I made myself into a toddler for a contest, but I have never done it again, and that simself no longer exists.
10.- What sim traits did you give yourself? With pack Growing Together that came out I can officially add more than three, right? Creative, Socially awkward, Ambitious, Music lover, Geek and Perfectionist. (The limit is 3 more traits, so I can't put Cat fan, Dog fan and Animal enthusiast [although these three should be considered more likes and dislikes, I don't understand how it can still be in traits], so I have them present but didn't add them, because I consider more as likes and dislikes).
11.- What is your favorite EA hair color? Red. I like black, but it changes and varies so much between different hairs and many of them look gray or bluish that they're no longer my favorite.
12.- Favorite EA hair? The two hairs that were added when Incheon Arrivals Kit came out and the hair from Snowy Escape that has two little clips on it.
13.- Favorite life stage? I don't have any favorite life stage, because all life stages are special in one way or another and I try to create sims of all kinds of ages, although maybe the ones I have the most are teenagers/young adults because I usually create a lot of sims based on video games/anime/shows if that makes sense, so people may consider those to be my favorite kind of stages.
14.- Are you a builder or are you in it for the gameplay? Let's see, I would consider myself mixed, or versatile. During the day from time to time I would consider myself a builder, especially when I make constructions with references that help me to locate myself (although there are times that I also make them without a base, but it takes me a long time to finish them and I consider myself a noob, Kitta's house, Dope Sketch I look at all of you just now). On the other hand, during the night before going to sleep and after dinner I'm more of a gameplay person and I have a lot of fun playing together with Lea.
15.- Are you a CC creator? Yes, I love to create CAS CC (hair, clothes, shoes, accessories, etc…), construction CC (furniture, clutter, whatever I need depending on the moment), small modifications in the sims, I'm usually very versatile, I do recolors and frankmeshing too although most of the things I love to do are from scratch (with references that aren't mine or concept arts that I draw previously which are usually mine) to learn even more, so I usually take a lot of time but I have a lot of fun. Although around here what I usually share with everyone, are hairs made from scratch, some other skin details, poses and conversions from other games.
16.- Do you have any simblr friends/a sim squad? Not that I know of. The person I interact with the most around here is Lea but that's because we are family/best friends and spend a lot of time together, so for me it's like day to day. I would love to be able to have a constant energy and mood so I can interact more to make and keep friends around here. I write from time to time with people and would like to consider them friends but since we don't interact much or very constantly, I don't know if they consider me friends or if they would just consider me mutuals. I know of some people that we consider each other friends but we don't talk much either lately because I'm in my stage of writing little with people. But I don't refuse anyone or anyone who wants to interact with me and in the future something might come out of those interactions (friendship or... what's a squad? srsly I don't know it), I'm quite social/asocial and insecure, sometimes I write a lot and sometimes I write very little with people, so I don't know what they currently think of me.
17.- What’s your favorite game? Have a lot, Kingdom Hearts (yes, I went through the time when you needed different consoles to play the whole saga), Final Fantasy series, The Sims series, Life is Strange series, Resident Evil series, Tomb Raider series, Tales of Zestiria, Arc the Lad series, Minecraft, Spyro series, Crash Bandicoot series, Genshin Impact and I'm sure there are many more games that I haven't tried yet that I could add to the list in the future.
18.- Do you have any Sims merch? Nothing.
19.- Do you have a YouTube for sims? I don't have one, but I would love to, although I don't think anyone would be interested. I mean if you share something it's for someone else to see it and if no one would be interested then it would be like exposing yourself to the world but without being seen. I don't know if I make myself clear. I know that stories of your own sims/anything you do in the community have more room for other people when you do it as video, because when you talk they feel more empathetic with your stories/what you explain but my English is not very good and talking in general/talking to my sims is not my forte (that's something Lea is better at)
20.- How has your “sim style” changed throughout your years of playing? Pictures speak louder than words. I don't have sims screenshots I took in The Sims 2 and The Sims 3 because I can't access the external USB drive were on, so I'll limit myself to The Sims 4 screenshots.
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A written summary would be that I currently use more sliders and presets, use 3D eyelashes and natural nails for all my sims and use eye makeup to give more volume to the "eyelashes" and give them more "life". And try to make more different types of noses, faces, eye shapes, etc…. Besides adding natural lips as "make up" (when they don't wear makeup) to make them more "realistic" within my sims realism.
21.- What’s your Origin ID? I don't have anything shared, so I don't know if it's really important to say.
22.- Who’s your favorite CC creator? I have a few and they're the ones I use the most in my gameplays shared with Lea in our sims. They're all amazing so allé voy, @/pralinesims, @/simandy, @/happy-misanthropist (although is currently retired), @/obscurus-sims, @/raccoonium, @/falsogod, @/iowaisms, @/saruin, @/xxxtaiyaki, @/kijiko-sims, @/acha-sims, @/simmireen, @/lea-heartscxiv (yeah is with whom I share my sims game and he makes recolors mainly for me and him) and myself (self-esteem should never be lacking).
23.- How long have you had a simblr? Since last year, end of April 2022.
24.- How do you edit your pictures? So far the only things I use are Photoshop and Clip Studio, but I don't retouch pictures so much, I just "improved" problems with scratches that appear in some parts of sims, eyelashes that are displayed wrong, etc… And then I put one or two tonal change filters in Photoshop, but out of CC I use on sims, it's pretty vanilla the final pictures. If I were to do something else at some point, I would probably put unretouched edit under the cut line to see the differences.
25.- What expansion/game/stuff pack is your favorite so far? If I had to say one for how the world is shown, CAS, objects and gameplay I would say Snowy Escape.
26.- What expansion/game/stuff pack do you want next? Seriously writing, refreshes. I would like to see refreshes and improvements of base game, an impossible dream, I know. Especially refreshes of Realm of Magic and Get To Work. Since Lea and I were forced to switch to EAAppsh*t we haven't bought anything from them anymore.
I know. It's only 26 questions and I've almost written a book just answering them, sometimes I get too excited writing when I know what I'm talking about 💦 Now time for the tags:
I'm tagging @lea-heartscxiv, @falsogod, @freedomending, @pralinesims, @saruin, @the-daydream-archives and @dizzyrobinsims
If you already done it, please ignore and if you have it handy tag me in the one you already did so I can see it, because maybe I missed it or wasn't connected the day you did it. If you don't feel like doing it, you can just skip it. And to anyone who wants to do so, feel free to tag me. If you share as a favorite death the cowplant one, don't wonder anymore if you should or shouldn't do it, do it, for all the sims who have fallen eaten by cowplants.
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sheplayswithlifee · 10 months
Thank you @therichantsim for the tag!!
1. What’s your favorite sims death? I don't have 1 in TS4 but in TS2 or maybe it was 3, I used to cheat the death by flies a lot.
2. Alpha CC or Maxis Match? Boffem. I prefer maxis type hair and alpha everything else.
3. Do you cheat when your sims gain weight? Nope, I like that they gain and lose weight. Especially after pregnancy.
4. Do you use move objects? Yes, I don't leave it on constantly though. Routing errors are annoying.
5. Favorite mod? If I have to pick just 1, I'd say MCCC. I literally cannot play my game without it. I also have sooo many mods by littlemssam, love them! Better Build/Buy and Better Exceptions are awesome as well.
6. First expansion/game/stuff pack you got? I was buying them in order so whatever the first EP was is the first one I bought.
7. Do you pronounce “live mode” like aLIVE or LIVing? Living.
8. Who’s your favorite sim that you’ve made? Obviously, Joya Woods lol.
9. Have you made a simself? Yes, a few times. She never looks like me so I end her changing her name to something similar and making her an NPC. There's a teenage self-sim iteration in the save now.
10. What sim traits did you give yourself? Neat, genius, outgoing. 😂😂
11. What is your favorite EA hair color? Black. The middle red swatch has grown on me since Byron has filled my family with a bunch of red heads.
12. Favorite EA hair? I don't use the EA hairs that often. I have been using those ridiculous waves that came with paranormal activity lately as well as the locs.
13. Favorite life stage? Young adult.
14. Are you a builder or are you in it for the gameplay? Here for the gameplay. I have to be in the mood to build and even then it's a "build by reference" type thing.
15. Are you a CC creator? Nope, I convert hair to kids but that's for personal use. I don't think I'm as good at converting MM hair since the forehead and stuff is included. I've made poses and recolors in the past though.
16. Do you have any simblr friends/a sim squad? I don't think so, 🤔🤔
17. What’s your favorite game? TS4 is what I play most often. I love love loved RE8. Only game I've ever replayed multiple times.
18. Do you have any Sims merch? Absolutely not...
19. Do you have a YouTube for sims? Nope. I made 1 CAS video and never went back to it.
20. How has your “sim style” changed throughout your years of playing? I started using skins/overlays. I also stopped exclusively using alpha hair.
21. What’s your Origin ID? ThisIsShardae
22. Who’s your favorite CC creator? I don't really have a fav.
23. How long have you had a simblr? Since 2016.
24. How do you edit your pictures? Gshade does all the work. I crop and such in GIMP though.
25. What expansion/game/stuff pack is your favorite so far? I don't have a fav. They all jumble together.
26. What expansion/game/stuff pack do you want next? Whichever one is gonna add great gameplay. I'd actually prefer for all the bugs and stuff to be fixed but I guess there's no money in that so I won't hold my breath.
I tag @ladytee918 @percosim, @icydiamondsims, @eslanes, @amanda-plays, @venriliz, @mamapsims, @charey111, @anthonydaydreamer, @mysimsloveaffair, @simvouge, @tau1tvec, @simphic, @saps-sims . . . and anyone else who wants to do it, :)
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wroteonedad · 11 months
We Need to Talk About Katy Perry & The Sims
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Listen, I think I am throwing myself down some form of rabbit hole when it comes to Katy Perry and the Sims, but this is something that needs to be studied in the history books. The whole Katy Perry franchise stuff in the Sims 3 specifically feels like a fever dream, I really thought my brain had just made it up. I was watching one of those videos about celebrities and their random endorsements and how they just end up doing the most random things, like all those apps inspired by Kim Kardashian: Hollywood all those years ago. Then there was the other rabbit hole on how celebrities will just end up doing the most random things; this was a video posted by Mike's Mic which I'm going to drop below in case you want to see it all. I mean think about it,,, does anyone remember when Ariana Grande had a skin available to buy on Fortnite and when Travis Scott performed in Roblox? A literal fever dream I fear.
But Katy Perry feels like a literal social experiment to me. She went to the other side of the world in order to pump out the Sims 3 franchise with all this content heavily inspired by the California Gurls music video, but for what reason other than to be extra? I still don't know if these packs were anything more than a cash grab, but alas. Let's delve into the history of Katy working with the franchise.
The Sims 3 Showtime, the expansion pack without Katy Perry was released 6 March 2012. The expansion pack featured a brand new town to live in, new jobs that you could go along with your Sim to, and of course a bunch of new objects and outfits. It introduced the concept of being famous in the Sims franchise through being different types of performers where you could earn money through busking, attending people's homes for private performances and ultimately haggling with event managers to ask them if your Sim can perform a set at their venue. Depending on your celebrity status, it can effect if the manager will say yes or no. I know this pack like the back of my hand because I would always make my Sim become a singer and had to deal with every form of rejection for the longest time before I got my Sim up to a 4 star celebrity (and then the laptop with that save file on died so I don't remember what happened after that).
The Katy Perry collectors version of Showtime was released on the same day and included the 'Ultimate Stage' venue to perform at. The collectors edition also came with Katy Perry style objects, hairstyles, costumes and performance props all using the concept art from Katy's second studio album Teenage Dream.
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The trailer for the collectors expansion pack is insane by the way because it is literally just an animated version of Katy on the 'Ultimate Stage' as she ironically performs The One That Got Away which shows items from the pack and some other relationships happening. It all feels very glorified and perhaps a little bit icky. However, did I own this collectors edition pack? Of course, and I did love it.
On 5th June 2012, Katy Perry then decided to go further into the lore of The Sims and release Sweet Treats, which wasn't an expansion pack and it wasn't a stuff pack, it was just a pack. The pack featured a bunch of different types of items to the point it never went under a theme as to what type of an expansion pack that really was.
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Despite this pack not featuring a town, it did on the other hand feature three new venues which you could add to your Sims town. The first example is The Bonbon Lawn Park which you guessed it, is completely filled to the brim with huge cheugy pieces of candyfloss surrounding the area and gingerbread themed park items for the children to play on.
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Next up is Patty's Natural Baths which is also ironically the most natural looking premade lot to use for the town. It is just a public pool which is decorated with a couple of gingerbread home frames to spruce up the area a little bit. I think it's cute, it's not over the top and is more just themed with more pastel colours which I think makes the area look more inviting and exciting.
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Lastly, the worst building of them all. The Cake Pleasure Dome which makes me feel sick just from looking at it. The walls and floor covered in sickly colours, giant lollipops placed around the entire lot and a lot that is so spacious, but with so much empty space around it. As if the lot was not used to its full potential, the vision was there, but it gives me nothing but the ick.
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The outfits for the pack feel more like they are made for the expansion of Showtime, but were items that simply didn't make the cut maybe because there wasn't enough room on the disc to include it, I'm really not sure. As if that wasn't enough, but you have the choice to completely bulldoze your home and recreate it into a real walk in gingerbread house.
The pack states that there are 28 different types of clothing and hairstyles with only two of these pieces being for male Sims, perhaps this makes sense or it really doesn't. The hairstyles I kind of get, my Sims just wouldn't be slaying in the right way with giant cupcakes in their hair.
I am not kidding one bit when I say that every piece of furniture is also all ice cream, gingerbread, diabetes infused pieces and just an eyesore to the eyes, but when discussed in the context of Teenage Dream then it does start to make sense, a little bit.
Further into the lore of Katy Perry,,,
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The literal in game Sim of Katy Perry featured which comes with no personality traits, hot pink hair and was created just for promotional purposes in the game. It feels as though the game simply created an empty skin NPC character which someone could tweak with if they chose to do so. Studying these packs, I feel like I have come up with more questions rather than the answers. Apparently, going deep into the lore, Katy Perry has said that she loves The Sims franchise, and she did record an entire simlish cover of Hot N Cold for The Sims 2, so I do believe her but I do feel like her involvement with The Sims could have simply stopped there.
Actually no I'm lying, she even came back to record Last Friday Night in Simlish for Sims 3 too. You are so welcome.
In terms of The Sims and celebrity lore, while Katy Perry put her whole pussy and more into pushing the franchise, there are actually a ton of other celebrity endorsements and appearances in the game that I really just need to talk about at the end of this post;
The Black Eyed Peas have an ENTIRE storyline in The Urbz: Sims In The City, please don't ask why but they do. In one version of the console game, you gain yourself reputation and have Will.I.Am as your mentor to help you become the coolest person on the street, don't believe me? CallMeKevin has an entire segment about his gameplay on YouTube.
Andy Warhol has an entire NPC which is made in tribute to him in The Sims: Superstar,,,, but as it turns out the expansion pack features many tributes to different celebrities both living and dead.
The pack also featured Marilyn Monroe, Avril Lavigne and Christina Aguilera ??? I'm just as stunned as everyone else here.
Millie Bobby Brown has a Sim which can be downloaded from the gallery in The Sims 4, but she also appeared in the game as the events coordinator for the Positivity Challenge. Her Sim would give your Sim a box of kindness and you could gain more decorative rewards by being nice to your neighbours.
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Thanks for coming down this rabbit hole with me, I hope we all learned something new and fun today.
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victorluvsalice · 2 years
Thoughts On A Sims 4 Occults Refresh
Because, as per the Chill Save update earlier, I have recently picked up The Sims 4: Werewolves after watching quite a few videos on it from the YouTube Simmers I follow (namely James Turner, who built all the lots for the pack and is rightfully proud of it, and Plumbella, who did an early-access LP of it), and seeing how much care and attention was lavished on the werewolves and their lore really makes me want some sort of refresh for most of the other occults in the game. And since Smiler only got a one-post update today, I figured I could take the time to make a post about what I’d like to see! It boils down to a few key points:
1. Give aliens and mermaids proper power/perk trees -- Yeah, of the occults we have in Sims 4, I think we can all agree that aliens and mermaids got the short end of the stick -- possibly because they’re both occults that came as part of an expansion instead of getting a dedicated game pack like the Big Three of vampires, spellcasters, and werewolves. (Probably doesn’t help that aliens were one of the first occults added to the game in Get To Work. . .) They both desperately need updates to keep them relevant and make them more fun to play without requiring the use of mods. And the best way to do that would be to give them a set of powers/perks you can buy for XP points, like said Big Three. Mermaids already work a bit like vampires thanks to their “Hydration” need powering their innate special songs and whatnot -- why not go whole hog? Have them earn things like the ability to find unique treasures in the deepest parts of the ocean! New songs that affect Sim moods in different ways, or maybe adjust skill-building speeds! Or maybe one to pull water from nearby sources to hydrate themselves if they get too low? Aliens could get their own version of controlling Sim minds (rather than just erasing memories -- oh, and THAT should be an unlockable power THEY CAN’T USE AUTONOMOUSLY -- yes, I AM still bitter about one of my Sims having their relationship with their alien fiance RANDOMLY ERASED BY SAID ALIEN FOR NO REASON) and maybe unlock some sort of special power that allows them to go to space without a rocket? Just -- something more interesting than the handful of powers that we’ve got for either!
(And for what it’s worth, I’d rather like to see the Needs panel UI for them, vampires, spellcasters, and werewolves be standardized, though I’m not sure how the orb would work for vampires and mermaids, who drain a need bar to fuel their powers rather than build up something that needs to be periodically lowered. Maybe have the orb be “upside-down” when compared to spellcasters and werewolves? Aliens could work either way -- drawing on some sort of special alien need to fuel their powers, or building up an alien charge that must be periodically vented, otherwise something weird and potentially dangerous happens.)
2. Give all the occults fun books we can read for lore, special bonuses, or just amusing fluff text -- The pop-ups you get for the werewolf books? They are the best. I love the lore that you can get from reading the history of Moonwood Mill (both the “standard” version and the special werewolf-writings version), I love how you can unlock a secret recipe for the new fish type if you’re lucky, and I even love when it’s just “fluff text” showing an excerpt of the book itself. And now that we have all that, I want more. I know Realm of Magic added a few non-tome books for Sims to read, but I don’t know if any of them have the fun pop-ups or any other special interactions, and I’m pretty certain that Vampires only added the vampire encyclopedias, which do have a couple of pop-ups but nothing along the lines of Werewolves and its books. And we need them! We especially need them now that we have an extremely-complicated history of how vampires and werewolves came to be! I want a secret vampire history of Forgotten Hollow! I want vampire romances! I want a book on blood types that can unlock the ability for vampires to sense who in a nearby area would give them a Divine Drink! I want the book on familiars to unlock new interactions for spellcasters to use with their familiars! (Well, actually, I just want to interact with familiars period -- let me hug and play with them -- but we could also have more interactions you unlock too.) I want the history of Glimmerbrook and the Magic Realm! I want a spellcaster children’s series like Peter Barker! Just -- I want the books to be so much more fun than they are right now! Give me the funny pop-ups to read, darn it!
3. Give us more cross-pack occult interactions, both nasty and friendly -- Werewolves gives us some really great stuff with how werewolves interact with vampires in particular, but -- well, to get the full experience, I think you gotta play as a werewolf. What if I want to do some of those interactions from the other side? And what about different occults interacting with each other? We need stuff like:
-->Vampires get a special angry moodlet from feeding on werewolf plasma -- they now need moodlets for feeding on spellcaster, mermaid, and alien plasma too. (I’m pretty sure this is only a thing in mods!)
-->Those interactions where werewolves can compare themselves favorably or unfavorably to vampires? They should also be available on the vampire side (I couldn’t find them when I had Smiler talk to a werewolf, anyway!). There should also be special interactions for spellcasters and vampires, where they compare themselves favorably or unfavorably, or talk about the origins of vampires.
-->Get mermaids and aliens in the act by giving them special interactions with other occults too -- talking about how mermaid and vampire powers work similarly, or aliens and werewolves sharing stories about the moon.
-->Have a friendly “sparring” version of the Supernatural Smackdown, for those occults who want to brawl without despising the other person afterward. Include mermaids transforming briefly to hit their opponents with their tail XD
-->All occults should be able to ask for sympathy for their occult type, and Sims should be able to feel sympathetic toward multiple occults and be their allies. (How else are you going to have your forbidden romances?)
Stuff like that! Just make the interactions between the various occults a bit more rich, and give them all a good mix of friendly and mean options so those of us who like to do occults getting along AND those who like to do out-and-out supernatural wars can have their cakes and eat them too. :p
4. No, I don’t know what to do about ghosts, Servos, and plantsims -- I’ve never played with any of those life states, so I don’t have enough ideas on how perk or power trees would work with them (particularly Servos, as they’re robots and thus a very unique type of Sim -- don’t they already have specific upgrade paths they can do for themselves?). Though I will say that ghosts should not have normal Sim needs -- I think their needs should be frozen in a way that makes sense for how they died instead (like a Sim who starved is always hungry, one who was eaten by the Mother Plant is always stinky from alien goo, one who drowned always has low energy, etc). I leave it up to you guys to think of good ways to fix them!
So yeah -- standardized UIs and power/perk trees for all; books with fun lore, fluff, and the occasional special bonus; and more options for each different occult type to interact with each other. Sounds good, right? Let me know what you think!
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The Brothers and Side Characters Play the Sims
I don’t know what possessed me to make this but WHATEVER. I’ve been playing the Sims since I was a wee little girl, and I’ve seen my fair share of weird Sims stuff that I feel would fit these bozos perfectly.
My Sims have a Functional Family Life Because I Don’t (Lucifer)
God dammit Levi’s obsessed with another game... ugh.
Spends 5 minutes in Create-a-Sim and hops into a starter home.
Lucifer’s the type to start with all the average stuff and then build their stuff up as his sim gets promotions.
It’s just... so peaceful...
...he’s adopting a dog.
Look at his new little virtual family... his sim-kids are self sufficient and getting A’s in school, his Sim spouse MC or Diavolo take your pick loves his Sim-self, his sim-dog-
He’s fine. It was just a virtual dog. *sniffle*
He’s now spending his free time drinking Demonus and playing the Sims.
What’s a mod? Levi why does your sim have gun?
Behold, My Gorgeous Home... It’s a Box (Mammon)
Mammon, like the rest of the HOL, is mooching off of Levi’s Origin account.
“AW SHIT! This house looks awesome! I’m gonna build it for Sim-me to live in!”
Mammon proceeds to build a box with rooms. Yay...
He just picks the funnest sounding job if he picks any job at all for his Sim. That’s how he ended up making 9 dollars an hour in the criminal career.
Didn’t stop Mammon from buying that solid gold bathroom set from Get Famous... a box with solid gold bathrooms.
His Sim is broke send help-
“Leviiiiiii my sim needs money... the people my sim kidnapped and is forcing to paint aren’t making enough money...” “Ugh... press control shift C and type ‘motherlode’.”
...Levi made a mistake.
His sim’s life is so chaotic, he has a piranha pool that his sim has almost died in twice, the sim is carrying on several torrid love affairs, his sim got struck by lightning, his sim has nearly died in a grilled cheese making accident twice... in the same day.
At least once Sim-Mammon and Sim-MC get married things calm down a little.
Mammon finds out what custom content is and proceeds to download EVERYTHING HE CAN FIND.
And now he’s asking Levi why his computer is running so slow.
Expansion Pack King (Leviathan)
He got into it back when the Sims 2 was new, he’s a veteran fan.
“Bro remember when Agnes Crumplebottom would show up and whack the shit out of your sims if they were flirting?”
“Remember when that witch would show up randomly on the lot you were on if you had Makin’ Magic?”
“Remember when Bella Goth was abducted by aliens and we just... didn’t question it?”
He whines about the Sims4 and how crappy it is but still buys every expansion pack, game pack, and stuff pack.
This boy watches like 40 hours of built tutorials and ends up sobbing over his weird roofs.
The mod folder is so full istg-
Levi gets custom content for the sole purpose of making his favourite fictional characters.
This is why Henry and the Lord of Shadows are married and Ruri-chan and Sim-Levi are roommates.
Oh my god they were roommates-
Levi also added his brothers to the world and uh... Sim-Mammon died in a tragic pool accident F.
Levi then proceeded to befriend the Grim Reaper.
He’s anxiously awaiting the release of Paralives.
Wait Gameplay? In This Build Simulator? (Satan)
Satan’s here to build and leave. Gameplay who?
Our favourite bundle of rage is a master architect and the amount of followers on the Gallery he has shows it.
He takes up those build shell challenges and always ends up making them look positively perfect.
Asmo’s always using his houses, and Satan often takes requests when he gets bored.
No Mammon, he reserves the right to refuse to build a golden castle for you- YOUR SIM HAS 40 SIMOLEONS-
No mods, no CC, he’s building with what EA gave him.
...and EA gave him debug objects, and he’s not going to explain how to get them.
The one time he did actually play with a family... it was one sim and seven cats.
He tries to play without cheats... and ends up getting frustrated and turns on cheats.
All hail the Pets Expansion Pack.
Custom Content Soap Opera (Asmodeus)
Asmo spends 5 hours in Create a Sim then just... clicks out of the game.
That’s how it goes most of the time, buuuuuut when he gets super invested in a family he’s made, boy howdy is he INVESTED.
Sim A is carrying on an affair with Sim C who’s in love with Sim B who’s married to Sim A but Sim D wants to kill Sim A and C even though they’re the illegitimate child of Sim C-
When Asmo realizes that in the Sims 4 he needs to manufacture all the drama himself and he can’t just sit back with a glass of wine and watch the fireworks, he switches to the Sims 2 and 3.
“...why is this old lady beating up my Sim..?”
He immediately recoils in horror upon seeing how ugly the Sims are pre Sims4.
Ah, there we go, perfect. Custom Content to the rescue!
He ends up remaking the entire world just so he doesn’t have to look at weird looking Sims.
Asmo is the only one to have finished a proper Legacy Challenge, but it gets crazy chaotic after gen 3.
“My sim just got abducted by aliens and now he’s pregnant- WHAT?!”
He has about 40 saves and only two he actually plays.
Just a Big Ol’ Happy Family (Beelzebub)
Beel found the game, proceeded to make everyone in create-a-sim to the best of his abilities, and made everyone get along.
That’s why Sim-Lucifer and Sim-Belphie are on a swing set together, they’re friends :D
“Hey Luke do you think you can make this?” “I-is that a cake shaped like a hamburger?” “Yes. Please make.”
He took one look at the cooking options and decided to max out his Sim’s cooking skill to unlock all the options.
Beel proceeded to drool all over his keyboard. Gross...
Boy howdy did he have some crazy dinner suggestions!
Overall, very wholesome Sim-life, except for the time Sim-Levi died because the toilet caught fire, don’t worry, Sim-Beel knows how to make ambrosia.
All is good in the Sim save...
...until Sim-Beel ate pufferfish nigiri and fuckin died-
Wait Did I Not Pause- (Belphie)
Huh, this game looks fine... I’ll play for a little- *SNORE*
Belphie makes some sims, plops them into a starter home, plays for an hour, then falls asleep.
He wakes up five hours later to absolute carnage.
Three sims have died because someone decided to make Mac and Cheese and the oven caught fire, the kids were taken away by social services, and the dog ran away.
“...heheh, holy shit everyone look.”
He doesn’t play often, but when he does, death occurs. He has found out every death method for every game from Sims 2 to 4.
And that INCLUDES the Sims Medieval! You guys remember that game?
Sometimes it’s not intentional, but Belphie got bored with the totally normal life his sims were living and decided to spice it up.
“Why are the ghosts breaking my showers..?”
Help There’s a Bug- (Diavolo)
The Crown Prince started playing when he noticed Lucifer was playing it.
He was immediately obsessed.
Dia mostly plays the Sims Medieval because he likes the feeling of achievement after completing a quest!
“Barbatos... why isn’t my Sim completing their task? The icon won’t show up.” “My lord it appears the game is bugged.” “:(“
No one thought to tell Diavolo that EA doesn’t plan on offering bug support to a game made in like... 2009
This doesn’t matter! Look at how great his kingdom is doing- oh no his hero has the plague-
He plays through the Pirates and Nobles expansion and manages to get the peaceful ending, he’s so proud of himself.
“MC! Look! My Monarch’s sword is permanently on fire and I’m fighting an evil wizard!”
When he does play the other Sims games he’s pretty basic, though, he does a great job at furnishing!
Dia gets crazy sad when his Sims die... he turns off aging.
Builder no. 2 (Barbatos)
Barbie doesn’t have time for this... but when he does, he builds.
No create a sim.
No playing the game as intended.
Just builds.
It’s relaxing, okay? A nice little suburban house he’s never going to play in, maybe a treehouse, maybe a big Hollywood Mansion...
The only time he actually plays the game outside of build mode is when someone needs his help to fix something in-game.
He does download custom content build items if he feels bored by the current selection.
Oh Crap What Am I Doing?! (Simeon)
Help him. Please.
He’s so confused.
“Luke, why is my sim upset?” “He’s hungry, Simeon.” “Oh, how do I fix that?” “...Simeon-”
There’s a toilet in the middle of the living room.
The fridge is facing the wall.
There’s no bathtub or shower.
The house is on fire- there is no god- AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA-
Okay, once he gets the hang of it he’s sitting pretty. His sims have good jobs, the kids are getting good grades, everything’s fine.
But Simeon won’t forget the nightmares.
What Even is This Save? (Solomon)
Solomon’s save is the definition of chaos.
One sim’s a vampire, the other is a spellcaster that really wants to fight the Callientes for some reason, there’s one normal sim that’s always sick for some reason,
It gets weird, confusing, and horrible.
Just how Solomon likes it.
His house makes no sense, like, what even is architecture?
Money cheats are needed because Solomon‘a goal of chaos and confusion is proving to be kind of expensive.
Square up Mortimer Goth, Solomon’s sims are here to steal your weird knight statue that’s worth a shit ton of simoleons for NO REASON.
He joined the scientist career for the sole purpose of getting to the alien planet and kidnapping adding an alien to the household via cheats.
The vampire ended up dying on their wedding day because Solomon forgot that he gave them the sun weakness.
Oh well, the ghost got added to the household! VAMPIRE GHOST!
The Child (Luke)
Before you say Luke’s too young to play the Sims, you should know that I was nine when I first started playing, and I turned out fiiiiiiiiiine.
He’s just happy to be playing.
Look, his sims are gardening :D
Look, two of them are getting married :D
Look, they had a baby :D
Look, his sims are building a rocket ship :D
Look, his sims’s rocket just crashed-
The concept of death hit the little angel right in the face that day.
“*sniffle*... my sims...”
Don’t worry, with tears in his eyes, Luke quit without saving and everything was fine!
Speaking of My Sims, Luke played MySims Sky Heroes and that was when Luke had his first bout of gamer rage.
MC came over to hang out with Solomon and Simeon, and in the distance they could just hear:
Okay, maybe Simeon should take the game away... just for a bit... he should take heed not to be bitten by the incredibly angry chihuahua.
MC: Why are our Sims married?
*Insert Boy Here*: Uh... that’s weird... I have no clue why they’re doing that...
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ddarker-dreams · 4 years
Comfortably Numb. Yan Chrollo x Reader [COMM]
warnings: mentions of anxiety, just general uneasiness. word count: 2.6k.
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Home is where the heart is. 
It’s meant to be the sanctuary where you can unwind after a long day of work, dress in your most comfortable pajamas, and feel no qualms for the opinions of others. A safe haven of your own making. Granted, there was a time that you felt this way, no matter how long ago it seems. A coveted period of your life that you wish you could return back to. On a surface level, any onlooker might take a glance at you and think you are as normal as they are. If only that were the truth, you bitterly lament. 
Now, what do you need to check on next? Milk is in good supply, not set to expire anytime soon. Hm… can’t say the same for the fruit. You jostle down some of your favorites onto the ever growing grocery list. What else is there? You’ve got to be missing something. Standing on your tiptoes, you open the overheard cabinet, that is now noticeably more barren than it used to be. The bags of tea that had once populated this area have vanished, all but a lonesome pack of matcha. Huffing, you close the cabinet doors, ready to voice your irritation.
Pivoting on your heel, you look over the kitchen counter and towards the occupied living room. “You drank all my tea?” 
“Not at all of it,” your unwelcome guest corrects, much to your displeasure. “Besides, you never said I couldn’t have any.” 
You raise an eyebrow at this conjecture. Who would’ve thought him a stickler for semantics. “Yeah, well, I never said you could have it either.” 
“That’s a fair enough point. I’ll be sure to reimburse you for it later.” Chrollo ends the conversation before it even begins. His attention returns to his original activity of reading, freely helping himself to yet another one of your belongings. An exhausted sigh leaves your lips at the sight. If you somehow make it out of this situation unscathed, you may take on a more pious lifestyle, having survived way more than you should’ve. It’s a wonder that Chrollo hasn’t seen fit to strike you down where you stand. Where you lack self-restraint in the verbal department, you make up for it in your overall composure. Surely anyone else would’ve been crushed under the immense pressure of having a murderer crashing at their apartment. 
That’s just about the best way to describe it, you think. How desensitized do you have to be to no longer shiver at the thought? In all fairness, Chrollo himself is treating this as the most ordinary arrangement in the world. At his own leisure he’ll start conversations with you, inquire about your day, and even offer insight that you never asked for. It’s gotten to the unfortunate point that you’re even starting to do the same. Treating him more as a peculiar roommate than the threat he truly is, though it could be your way of coping. That’s the explanation you’re going with.
Chrollo puts a bookmark into his read, and places it aside. “Is there anything you’d like for dinner?”
He asks the question as if it’s the most natural thing in the world. Your normally schooled expression is broken, lips parting and eyebrows furrowing together. Is he being serious right now? There’s no way to tell for certain. Not on a lack of trying from your behalf, his countenance never hints at his innermost thoughts. You get the feeling what little Chrollo does reveal to you is intentional. How creepy. 
“I was just planning on warming up leftovers,” you accentuate this by opening your fridge. On the shelves sits lentil soup, apples, and some protein yogurts. Shit. “Scratch that. I’ll be settling for yogurt instead.” 
“You had that for breakfast, if memory serves.” Chrollo points out, as if you’re incapable of remembering that yourself. It’s odd that he feels the need to pay attention to every detail about you. How often is Chrollo observing you without you taking notice? You push the thought aside with a frown.
“What are you, my hostage-taker and nutritionist? Besides, this is what I like to call a struggle meal. Or, meals, technically. I’ll go shopping tomorrow to make up for it.” You grimace while picking up the gourmet cuisine for tonight. Strawberry cheesecake flavor. It’s better with stuff added to it for texture, but this’ll have to do. It’s doubtful someone who is hiding a stolen merchandise worth hundreds of thousands can empathize with your position. Not that it matters if Chrollo Lucilfer holds you in high regard, with all the blood on his hands. He’s got no room to judge.
“Hm, in the time we’ve spent together, I never considered you as dense,” he gets up from his seat, making his way towards the kitchen. You don’t get a word in edgewise before your dinner is plucked from your hands. Chrollo places it back in the fridge, while you stare at him with a slackened jaw. “I’m offering to buy you food, [First].” 
How considerate of him to spell it out for you. 
“Appreciative as I am for your gesture of goodwill, I’ll pass. I don’t want to be indebted to you.” You make for the fridge once again, scowling as he holds it shut with unnatural force. Damn, he’s strong. Maybe you’re playing with fire by provoking him, considering the power imbalance, but your tongue is faster than your brain. Both a blessing and a curse. Leaning more towards the latter, you muse.
“I insist. It’s only right that I repay you somehow, for allowing me to stay here. You wouldn’t be indebted to me.” Chrollo’s smile never reaches his eyes, you notice. Standing here in close proximity to him, there’s a lot more you can pick up on. Every little detail of his disposition is intentional. From his even keel tone, to his polite speech, and way of acting like you have any say in the matter. You’re all bark and no bite. Both of you are keenly aware of this, and still he talks to you as if he’s none the wiser. It’s demeaning in its own right. 
“I guess it is sacrilegious to turn down free food. Alright, you win.” You throw your hands up in mock defense. This uncomfortable interaction helped you remember the position you’re in, how every breath might be your last. He’s broken into your residence, forced you to hide him from encroaching hunters, and made your past ten days a living hell. It was the threats to your loved ones that ultimately earned your compliance. 
You can’t help the self deprecation that’s followed since that day. The law is what you’re supposed to be protecting, not protecting criminals from. Going to the station everyday with the knowledge that you’re harboring such a dangerous criminal is weighing heavily on your soul. Life sure is full of the worst ironies. Had it not been an A class bounty, you may have stood a chance. 
Chrollo reaches into the pocket of his jacket, pulling out one of his many burner phones. “You’re being more agreeable than I expected, if I’m being honest.”
“What can I say? I become a bit of a yes man when my life is being threatened.” You respond with an empty smile of your own. Instead of earning any ire from him, he lets out an airy chuckle, of dubious sincerity. Whether it’s at you or with you is difficult to decipher. He pulls up a food delivery app, showing you the options. This was all prepared in advance, he must’ve taken the time to download it. So it wasn’t a spur of the moment decision to mess with you? 
“Y-you’re really letting me pick?” There’s no hiding your incredulous tone of voice. This series of events is far too bizarre to fathom, like a nightmare stepping into reality. Just a week ago you were contemplating how to poison Chrollo without him taking notice. Now you’re ordering food together. There has to be an ulterior motive lurking around, your gut won’t tell you otherwise.
He tilts his head at your apprehension, and repeats himself. “That’s what I said, yes.” 
Fuck it. When life gives you lemons, you make lemonade, or so the saying goes. You’ve suffered enough at Chrollo’s hands, it wouldn’t hurt to make the most of it. You take the cheap phone from his hands, scrolling through the options, and realizing now just how wonderful the variety of food sounds. Working up an appetite hasn’t come naturally with your uninvited guest skulking about. He has enough prepaid visa cards to cover what you want, so you hold nothing back. 
After returning his phone to him, you can’t help but throw an additional sarcastic comment in. It’s second nature at this point. “Happy now?” 
“Very much so,” Chrollo doesn’t mention your indignation, eyes raking over your expansive order. It’s not until he gets to the end that he quirks an eyebrow. “... A one hundred dollar tip?” 
“Feel free to add some extra zeros to the end of that. It’s not binary code for ‘help me, there’s a criminal in my apartment’, if you’re worried about that.”
He hums in consideration. “I can’t say that came to mind.” 
“Shit, looks like I went ahead and busted my own master plan.” Your response is notably dry. A headache is already in the works, courtesy of speaking to Chrollo for too long. He never fails to keep you on your toes. For all the sardonic remarks you make at his expense, anxiety has never stopped plaguing you. It’s a miracle that your heart is still functioning properly. You don’t even know why you ordered the absurd amount that you did, other than from pure spite, since your stomach is churning too much to want to eat. Maybe that’ll change when the food shows up. If not, your co-workers are going to be in for quite a treat tomorrow. 
You return to your newfound favorite activity of ignoring Chrollo, busying yourself with anything that comes in sight. Watering your plants, putting mugs from the dishwasher away, menial stuff that keeps you busy. A new feat lies in your wake. Whoever designed this apartment didn’t do so with you in mind, your larger plates just barely out of reach. Not willing to concede to using a chair just yet, you keep up the gallant attempt, stretching as far as your body allows. Your fingertips graze just over the prized handle, only for you to fail again.
That’s when you feel an over looming presence behind you, a shadow encompassing your figure. Chrollo gets the plate you were reaching for with ease, his chest brushing over your back in the process. You feel your face flushing, your body going taut, standing still as a wooden plank. He sets it down beside you with a knowing smile. That bastard…! He’s doing this on purpose. Damn him. 
“It looked like you could use some help.” He tells you. It takes every ounce of your self restraint not to lunge at him, instead taking a deep breath and nodding your head. Why is he so intent on getting a reaction from you? It’s exasperating, serving no practical purpose other than his own amusement. Inundated with your thoughts, you don’t realize how sour a look you’re sporting. This is what he wants, you remind yourself. To get you riled up. You refuse to play into his hands, and manage to get a grip. 
Time passes by at a lethargic pace. After around forty minutes, your front door rings, and you pick up the order. Sitting at your counter, you help yourself to the meal, grateful that Chrollo has seen fit to leave you alone. There can never be anything good in this world, as he eventually joins you. You try not facing him as an act of defiance. The plan that seemed ingenious in theory has a rockier execution. Sitting in silence feels worse somehow, like a ticking time bomb. Shifting in your seat, you decide to strike up a half baked conversation.
“So, uh, about the whole being hunted down thing,” your voice wavers and you hate yourself for it, “Do you have an idea of when it’s going to be over? I’m starting to run out of excuses for why my friends can’t come over.” 
This is true. There have been no more lively gatherings at your apartment since Chrollo’s unwelcome appearance, and you’ve been pestered about it. In between the lines is the prospect of your friends finding this reclusive behavior suspicious. In your optimism, you hope he takes it as a hint to get out of here faster.
Chrollo takes on a pensive appearance, his chin resting on his hand. “I’d been meaning to talk to you about that, so I’m glad you brought it up.” 
How nice it is to be on the same page. This could be the light at the end of the tunnel, the last page in this awful chapter of your life. Ten days seems like a reasonable amount of time to lay low. Maybe he’s already packing his bags, planning to leave you far behind, so you can forget any of this ever happened. Maybe you’ll treat yourself to a vacation. From the gut wrenching anxiety Chrollo has inflicted on you, you feel deserving of one. 
“They’ve stopped searching for me a while ago.” 
Wait, what?
You look at him, silverware dropping from your lax hand. He’s never been into joking around. Does that mean he’s being serious with you? That all this time, you’ve been holding out for something that already happened? Fists balling by your side, you don’t bother hiding a sharp glare directed towards him. There’s no playfully wry response, no comeback, only disbelief and abhorrence. The bountiful meal in front of you is forgotten. 
There’s no point in asking, but you still do, voice low. “... How long?” 
“According to my sources, about a week.” comes Chrollo’s response, hammering the final nail in the coffin of your patience. His motivations have never been any less clear. You know you shouldn’t have taken the word of someone like him seriously -- you’re so painfully aware of this that it hurts -- but now leaves a final question. Why? What does he get out of this? You feel sick to your stomach, knowing that it’s going to bad no matter what. Your breathing has picked up, eyes dilating and body threatening to crumble under the tension. Everything feels out of place. 
He responds as if he was reading your thoughts. “You’re an interesting person, [First]. You never cried, pleaded, or anything of the like. Instead you accepted the situation for what it was, all while staying true to your values. I find that admirable. I’d like to learn more from you.”  
“Stop talking to me like I’m a -- a fucking -- science experiment, instead of a human being. How does any of that shit even matter?” You feel the blood draining from your face, every word coming out more forced than the last. Getting riled up here is the last thing you should be doing, but you can’t control yourself. All your negative emotions from your time with him are regurgitating into a final mess.
“I don’t know, truth be told.” Chrollo checks the watch on his wrist, and you gulp at the smile that forms on his lips. It feels like a sentencing, a foreboding omen. There’s bile rising in your throat, and you scramble away from your chair. You need to get out of here. You need to run, to scream for help, to alert your family, this is not going to end well, what is he planning-- 
There’s a hurried knock at your door.
“However, what I do know is that I have no intention of leaving this place without you by my side.” 
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drabbles-mc · 3 years
Juice Ortiz x F!Reader
Request by Anon: How about a Juice x female reader where she wears short sleeves for the first time round the clubhouse, and the boys get a glimpse of the scars of her arms, from where she used to do silly things to deal with her shit, but after a chat with Chibs she just gives up trying to hide it, and it breaks Juice's heart because he's liked her for so long, and a bit of angsty fluff happens, before it turns to smut with some vague body worship. Idk. Feeling shit about mine atm - glad it's behind me
Warnings: smoking/alcohol, mentions of scars & self injury, unprotected sex
Word Count: 3.8k
A/N: As someone else who has also put this chapter of my life behind me, I’m really glad that you trusted me with this request! Hopefully I did it justice. It’s a little soft, a little sad, but it was really cathartic to write. Hope you enjoy. xo
SOA Taglist: @masterlistforimagines​ @adela-topaz-caelon​ @mijop​ @chibsytelford​ @xladymacbethx​ @i-just-read-stuff​ (If you want to be tagged just let me know!)
Join my group-chat here: (X)
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You knocked lightly on the door to Chibs’ dorm, dreading the conversation that you were about to get yourself into with him. He called for you to come in, and taking one last deep breath you did. He was sitting on the edge of his bed, glasses low on his nose as he ran his hands back through his hair. He glanced up at you and smiled despite the exhaustion written all over his face.
“Y/N,” he waved for you to come closer, “to what do I owe the pleasure?”
You chuckled, biting back your nerves as you kept your arms crossed and pressed tight against your chest, “I, um, I was just wondering if you had a sweatshirt I could borrow? Half-sack spilled beer on mine. I feel naked in just a tank top.”
He nodded as he stood up and walked over to the little pocket of wall space that passed for his closet. He leafed through a few hangers before pulling a black hoodie for you, “Whatever you need, love.”
An audible sigh of relief escaped you as you stepped closer to take it from him, “Thank you. I owe you, seriously.”
He chuckled at how grateful you seemed for the small gesture, “It’s really no—” he paused mid-sentence as he watched you reach forward to take the piece of clothing from his hands.
You looked at him, and followed where his eyes were looking. Your heart dropped into your stomach as you watched him scan your arms. There was a reason you always had on a hoodie, or flannel, or sleeves of any kind despite the fact that you lived so close to the California coast. There was also a reason that Chibs was the person that you went to, to ask for a spare shirt to wear. However, as you watched the concern begin to pool in his eyes, you worried that you might’ve made a mistake.
“You can keep the sweatshirt,” he reached forward and rested his hand on your shoulder, “But I’ll be the first to tell ye, forever is a long time to try and hide. A long time to be ashamed.”
You felt tears stinging at the edges of your eyes and you tried desperately to force them back into hiding. You reached up, quickly brushing them away. You’d never spoken to any of the guys about that part of your past. It was behind you, but the slightly discolored scars etched into your arms felt like a constant reminder that you would never be able to fully outrun it. You didn’t want them to see that part of you, you didn’t even want to see it in yourself.
“C’mere,” Chibs pulled you into a full hug and you let yourself melt into his chest. He rested the side of his head against yours as he ran his hand up and down your back, “If there’s anyplace that you should feel comfortable in yer own skin, it’s here,” his voice was gentler than you’d ever heard before, “Ev’ryone’s got scars, love. People like you ‘n me jus’ wear ‘em on the outside instead.”
Your body was trembling as you fought the urge to break down completely. Tears fell from your eyes onto the smooth leather of his kutte. You couldn’t force yourself to pull away and look at him, “I don’t want them to see me differently. I don’t want them thinking about that part of me—I don’t want me thinking about that part of me.”
Chibs stepped back from you so that he could get a better look at your face. He thumbed a stray tear off your cheek and gave you a sincere smile, “C’mon now. There’s nothing but love for you here,” he pressed a kiss to your forehead, “I’m not tryin’ to tell you what to do. ‘S your life, your body. But I’m thinkin’ it might be time ta forgive yerself a bit.”
You took a deep breath as you ran your hands over your face, wiping away the remnants of your tears, “Thank you, Chibs.”
He smiled, nodding, “You know I love you, darlin’.”
After that, he excused himself and walked out of the room. You were thankful for the moment of privacy to weigh out everything that he had just said. He always spoke with so much certainty, but this was the first time that certainty had been blanketed over with so much softness. You wished that you could completely buy into everything that he had just said, but you still found yourself pulling the sweatshirt down over your head.
When you walked back out into the expanse of the clubhouse, you looked around to see who else was there. It was starting to get a little later, and more people were starting to flood in. Pretty much everyone in the MC was there, as well as the usual crowd of friends and girls from CaraCara.
You locked eyes with Chibs, who was sitting on the couch with Bobby and Jax. You were afraid to meet his gaze, afraid of what you might see when you did. Part of you was expecting him to look upset, or disappointed, but his expression didn’t falter at all. He gave you a slight nod and a small smile as he went back to the conversation that he was in.
Once you were back behind the bar with the prospect, you felt your nerves begin to subside a little. Staying busy and keeping your mind occupied was key. The two of you were cracking open a record number of beer bottles as the night continued to get busier, but you didn’t mind it. Truthfully, you thrived off the controlled chaos of the clubhouse.
You’d just brought in a few more cases of beer from the back storage room. Taking a moment to catch your breath, you lifted the bottom hem of your sweatshirt to wipe away a few beads of sweat that were beginning to trickle down your forehead. You weren’t expecting Chibs’ sweatshirt to be so heavy and well-insulated, but you felt like you were on the brink of overheating.
For a moment you pulled at the sleeves before mumbling a quiet, “Fuck this,” to yourself before pulling the top off over your head. You tied it around your waist and went back to work, feeling like a huge weight had been taken off of your shoulders. Breathing felt a little easier, and you knew it wasn’t just because you weren’t sweating anymore.
As the night wore on, a few of the guys had come up to get drinks from you. They’d be in the middle of telling a dumb joke or talking shit about something else happening in the clubhouse when you’d hand them their drink. They would see the lines that went across the insides of your arms. Some of them would pause when they clocked it, others would just look back up at your eyes and continue whatever it was that they had been telling you. No comments, good, bad, or otherwise, were made, and you were so relieved. Chibs was right, and perhaps you should’ve known better from the get-go, but better late than never.
You were just about to tell Half Sack that you were going to step outside to grab a smoke when Juice popped up on the other side of the bar. He had the same silly, childish grin on his face that he always had when he came over to talk to you. You chuckled as you leaned forward onto the bar.
“What can I get you, Juan Carlos?”
His smile grew, making his eyes crinkle at the edges, “Just another beer, please.”
You threw him a wink, “You got it.”
You grabbed a bottle for him, easily popping the top off on the edge of the bar before handing it over to him. You were just about to start up the flirty banter that always went back and forth between you two when you saw the smile drop from his face. Everyone else had moved so quickly past the scars on your arms that you’d almost forgotten about the fact that they’d never seen them before. Perhaps you should’ve known that it would be different with Juice. His eyes traveled up your arms and shoulders until they reached your face. When his eyes met yours, you could see that the light was slipping out of them. The hustle and bustle of the clubhouse began to fade away as you looked at him.
“You okay?” you asked.
“I, uh,” he stammered slightly, “Yea. I’m…I’m good.”
You knew that it was going to be on his mind all night, and he wouldn’t be able to think about anything else until you two talked about it. You offered up a smile, “I was just about to step out and grab a smoke. Keep me company?”
He nodded, practically jumping out of his seat at the opportunity, “Of course.”
You chuckled as you turned back to Half Sack, “You’re in charge for a little bit, prospect. Don’t let the place burn down.”
Once you came out from your side of the bar you lightly took Juice’s hand in your own and tugged him towards the door. You were trying not to think about the mounting concern in his eyes as you pushed your way out into the night air. It was still warm out despite the fact that the sun was long gone. There was the slightest hint of a breeze and you reveled in the way it felt as it coursed over your arms.
You sat down on top of the picnic table, feet resting atop the bench. You glanced over at Juice and motioned for him to join you. Once he did, you reached over into the pocket of his kutte and pulled out his pack of cigarettes.
He managed a smile, “Didn’t realize you invited me because that’s where you were going to get your smoke from.”
You chuckled as you pulled out your lighter, “Least I brought my own light.
You tilted the pack towards him and he took one with a laugh and a shake of his head, “Something not quite right about you offering me a smoke from my own pack like this.”
You laughed as you set it down next to you, “My pack now.”
He let you light his cigarette for him. You rested the side of your leg against his as you both stared towards the street, soaking up how quiet your little town was outside the fences of the compound.
“You wanna talk about it?” you finally broke the silence.
“About what?” he feigned ignorance, but not well.
“About that sad look in your eyes.”
He pressed his lips together for a moment, and you could tell that he felt bad that he wore his thoughts and emotions so clearly on his face. It was part of what you liked most about him, though—you wouldn’t want it any other way.
“I’m sorry,” he shook his head, “I didn’t mean to make it weird. I just…I didn’t know.”
Your laugh had a touch of hollowness to it, “That was on purpose.”
“What changed?”
You shrugged, “How long can you hide so much of yourself? There comes a point where it’s just…not worth it.”
“I’m,” he couldn’t take his eyes off of you, “I’m so sorry.”
You looked over at him and shook your head, “Don’t be. It was a long time ago. I’m a different person now.”
“No, I mean,” he paused as he tried to get his words in order, “I’m sorry you felt like you had to hide it. No one should have to feel that way, especially not you.”
You took a drag from your cigarette, letting out a long, slow stream of smoke, “You have nothing that you need to apologize for. What I did, what I do, none of that is on you.”
For a few minutes neither of you said anything more. You could see it on Juice’s face that he had a million thoughts going through his head. If anyone knew the weight of the kind of hurt that drove you to do things like hurting yourself, it was Juice. He never said anything in particular, but you knew that despite the energy he had and the brightness of his smile, he was a man who knew how much hurt a person could carry in silence.
“You know what my first thought was when you started working here?” he finally spoke up, his voice a little lighter.
“What’s that?” you smiled over at him as you flicked the last of your cigarette away.
“I thought that it was only going to take about a week for someone as gorgeous as you to get sick of all of us here and quit,” he laughed for a moment before shaking his head, “And my second thought was how much I was going to miss looking at you from the other side of the bar.”
You laughed, unable to lie to yourself about the warmth rising in your face, “You get in over your head fast, huh?”
“One of my best and worst qualities,” he snubbed out his cigarette and turned to look at you, “I’m really glad you stuck around.”
“Me too,” you nodded, twisting your hands in your lap.
“I know it’s too little too late, but,” he nervously tapped his fingers against his knee, “you know I’m always here for you, right? If you ever wanna talk. I’m…I’m never too busy for you.”
You rested your hand on top of his to try and calm his nerves, “I appreciate that.”
His mind slowed down as the warmth from your hand bled over into his. He let out a breath that he hadn’t realized he’d been holding. He slowly took his hand out form underneath yours and slid it up your arm, the pads of his fingers ghosting over the ridges and divots that remained despite years passing. His hand traced over your shoulder and up your neck until it came to rest on the side of your face. Your heart was pounding inside your chest but the rest of you felt perfectly calm.
“You’re so beautiful,” his voice came out as a whisper.
You let out a quiet laugh, “You don’t have t—”
“I mean it,” he still spoke softly, but his thumb tracing lightly along the side of your face gave you pause, “You’re one of the most beautiful people I’ve ever seen. And I’m…I’m so glad that you’re not hiding yourself anymore.”
You felt a lump forming in the back of your throat at the sincerity of his words. Taking a shaky breath as you fought the tears that were beginning to form in your eyes, you rested your hand over his. You shut your eyes for a moment before opening them to look directly into his.
“Kiss me,” you let the words slip out.
His eyes went wide for a moment but he didn’t hesitate. He leaned in and caught your lips in a kiss. His touch was gentle as he brought his other hand up to cup both sides of your face. You leaned into him, arms wrapping around his torso as you tried to pull him closer to you. You could feel his lips curling into a smile as he kissed you.
He pulled away and you were caught off-guard at the sudden loss of contact. You were about to ask him if you had pushed it too far when he hopped off the picnic table and scooped you up right after. You laughed as he draped you bridal style over his arms and made his way down the side of the clubhouse. For a minute you both felt like a couple of teenagers as he snuck in through the side door and went straight back to his dorm.
He laid you down on the bed and you both instantly kicked off your shoes. You couldn’t wipe the smile off of your face as he climbed on top of you. He straddled your hips before leaning down to press his lips back to yours. Your hands made their way to the back of his neck, pulling him closer to you. You let your nails rake lightly down the back of his head as his tongue ran along the inside of your bottom lip.
He quickly untied the hoodie around your waist before his hands slid up underneath the thin fabric of your tank top, and despite the fact that his body was giving off so much heat, you found yourself getting goosebumps. You lifted your shoulders from the mattress, allowing him to pull your shirt off over your head. He tossed it to the side and you couldn’t help the giggle that came out of you as he did. There was a noticeable softness in his eyes as he looked down at you.
Unable to stop yourself, you reached and tugged at the hem of his shirt, making him smile as he shed it and tossed it aside with your own. You propped yourself up and lightly traced your fingers down the side of his face. He caught your hand with his own and pressed his lips against your palm. He kissed your knuckles before letting his lips slide down to your wrist. A jolt of fear went down your spine as your body tensed up. His eyes found their way to yours and he paused, trying to glean from your expression whether he should stop or keep pressing onward.
You swallowed the lump in your throat and nodded for him to continue. His lips curled slightly into a smile before he pressed them back against your wrist. “There isn’t a single part of you that I won’t love,” the words fell from his lips so easily.
You felt yourself getting choked up and you couldn’t say anything in response. He dropped kisses all along the inside of your wrist and forearm, leaning closer and closer to you as he did. Each touch was caring, delicate, like he was trying to softly wash away years of bad memories. He let his fingers trail up your arm as his lips found their way to your neck and eventually back to your lips.
Every last bit of self control had left your body. You felt little tears stinging at your eyes as you realized that no one had ever taken their time with you like this before. You cupped his face in an attempt to keep his lips latched onto yours. After a few moments, though, he pulled away again. He took your other hand in his and started the whole process over again, just as slow and meticulous as he had been for your other arm.
When he was done, he laid kisses across your collarbone and chest, lips slowly starting to wander down your stomach. Without missing a beat he undid the button and zipper on your jeans. He repositioned himself for a moment so he could slide them off your legs. He kissed your hips, fingers treading lightly over the thin fabric of your underwear. His hands ran over your thighs, and he couldn’t help but to notice the scars there too—fewer and less severe, but still faint lines crossed over parts of the skin there. His lips painted over those as well.
His hands and lips covered every available piece of your skin, explored every reachable curve. And it was the most comfortable you’d ever felt with someone, despite the intensive intimacy of it all. He made his way back up to you, hand caressing the side of your face. You couldn’t do anything but smile and press your lips against his.
As your lips moved so perfectly together, you found your hands straying towards his belt. He smiled into your kiss as he quickly undid it, kicking off his pants right after. The warmth from his legs seeped into yours as he positioned himself between them. You felt his fingers maneuver around the waistband of your underwear before they traced along your skin, causing you to shiver and moan.
His lips latched onto your neck and you felt your back arch into his touch. He pressed a soft kiss just below your ear before asking, “Can I keep showing you how much I want you?”
Your breath caught in your throat as you listened to the quiet reverence and desperation in his voice, but you managed to make yourself say yes. Within moments both your underwear and his found homes on the floor. He caught your lips with his as he slid into you, swallowing your soft moans.
His movements were slow, like he was trying to memorize every detail of what it was like to be with you like that. His hands roamed over your entire body as he thrust into you, desperate to be as close to you as he could possibly manage. Your nails raked lightly down his back and you felt him shiver at the touch.
Time faded away as the two of you remained laid up in his bed, bodies as tangled as the could manage to be. He lifted your legs and wrapped them around his waist. His name fell from your lips repeatedly as his pace increased. The tension building in your body was almost too much to bear, your nails sinking into his shoulders as you fought to keep the slightest bit of composure.
He nipped lightly at your neck, “Let go for me,” it was a soft and almost pleading four words and you couldn’t help but to do as he asked, letting go and allowing your body a true flood of ecstasy. He wasn’t far behind you, soon carefully collapsing onto your chest.
Your nails absentmindedly trailed up and down his neck as you both laid and tried to catch your breath. He pressed featherlight kisses along your chest and collarbone, earning a smile out of you.
“You’re incredible,” he gazed up at you as he said it.
You chuckled, massaging small circles into his shoulders, “I think you’re pretty incredible too.”
Comfortable silence enveloped the two of you. Juice pressed his head to your chest, reveling in the steadiness of your heartbeat as his fingers danced along your arms and sides. The pads of his fingers leaving warmth in their wake.
“Can I stay with you tonight?” you asked, although you were fairly sure of the answer.
He lifted his head and looked up at you with a smile, “You can stay with me whenever you want.”
He shifted off of you and pulled you to him. The two of you were facing each other, foreheads pressed against one another’s. His breathing slowed and you took comfort in the feeling of his chest rising and falling as it was pressed against yours. As the two of you settled underneath the covers you couldn’t help but to feel as though the four walls of that little room had witnessed the start of a whole new chapter for both of you.
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honey-dewey · 3 years
Game Night
Pairing: Frankie ‘Catfish’ Morales/Reader
Word Count: 1,722
Warnings: none
Permanent Taglist: @phoenixhalliwell
It’s game night in the Morales household. The boys and you all sit down with drinks and snacks and decide to play one of the most friendship ruining games on the planet. Who will win the cutthroat game of monopoly?
“Babe, can you get the door?” You shouted, hearing Frankie shuffle around the living room. “The boys are here!”
Frankie eagerly bounded to the door, almost falling on his face on the slippery wooden floors. He quickly righted himself and pulled the door open, embracing Benny, Will, and Santiago in one go. 
“Boys!” You said cheerily as they entered the house. “C’mon! I made dip, and there’s drinks in the fridge, and there’s also a secret dessert.” 
“If you weren’t married, I would get on one knee, here and now,” Benny said, pulling you into a hug. “You are the best!” 
You laughed. “Yeah? Let’s see how that holds up. I distinctly remember cleaning my carpets for a week after our last game night.” 
“Excuse you!” Will called from the living room. “Benny called me a dumb whore for charging him money! I couldn’t let that slide!” 
Laughing, you cleared away the coasters and remotes from the living room table, leaving it blank for tonight’s game. 
Frankie grabbed a box from the supply closet and set it down on the living room coffee table. The box in question was beat up and held together with packing tape, but the name of the game was still legible. Monopoly. 
“Are we playing teams?” Frankie asked as you all gathered around the table, you setting the snacks down and going out to grab beers for the boys. 
“If we are, I call Frankie!” You shouted from the kitchen. 
Will snorted. “You’re married. Of course you’ll be a team. Benny?” 
Benny fist-bumped his brother. “Hell yeah!” 
“And me?” Santiago said, amusement making his voice light. 
“Pope,” Frankie said. “Every time we play, you kick all our asses. You don’t need a team.” 
Santiago snorted. “Sounds fair,” he said. “Although, I would appreciate a partner to teach my secrets to.” 
You rolled your eyes playfully. Ever since you and Frankie had gotten married, Santiago had been bugging you for a baby. You had no idea why he wanted you to have one so bad, but he did. 
“Pope, if I do end up pregnant, I promise you’ll be the second person I tell,” you said, leaning towards the table and grabbing your favorite piece. The horse and rider. “Right after my husband.” 
Santiago grabbed his piece, the battleship, and smiled. “Of course.” 
Benny and Will took their piece, the cannon, and you all set the pieces down. 
“Who’s rolling first?” Frankie asked, grabbing the dice and holding them out. 
Will rolled for his team first, getting a solid 8. Santiago went next, rolling a 10. 
“Good luck,” you said to Frankie, leaning on his shoulder as he rolled the dice. A quick count of the dots gave you an 11. 
“Fuck yeah!” Frankie said happily, scooping up the dice again. “We get to go first.” 
Nothing much happened for your first go around of the board. Everyone knew the strategy of ‘wait to see how the game would play out’ and that had led to plenty of long monopoly games. You and Frankie agreed on the light blue and pink properties, and managed to buy Vermont and Virginia in two turns. You also, after a quick discussion, bought Illinois when you landed on it, knowing that the reds and the yellows were Santiago’s strategy. 
Another go around of the board, and the strategies began to emerge. You and Frankie got two railroads and another two properties in your target area, and it seemed that Will and Benny were too busy trying to outsmart Santiago that they didn’t even realize you and Frankie were very slowly taking over half the board. Santiago, in true Santiago fashion, kept his strategy as hidden as possible, buying properties from the entire board instead of focusing on one area. By the time you’d all passed Go again, tension was still, surprisingly, low. 
That changed quickly. You and Frankie bought what was affectionately referred to as ‘the slums’ but was actually just the two brown properties with a lucky roll of snake eyes, and through a well timed chance card, Will and Benny ended up in jail, both agreeing that it was complete bullshit while Santiago laughed. 
“Houses?” Frankie murmured in your ear as he added the second brown card to your stack. 
You glanced at what Santiago had and what the brothers had. “Wait. Santi’s trying to edge us off those orange properties, but give it another go around. He’s got that last blue one, Connecticut, but we’ve got Illinois, which he needs. And I’ve got no clue what Will and Benny are doing.” 
Frankie nodded, taking the dice and rolling again, getting you two the last pink property. 
“I’m gonna go grab more food, anyone want anything?” You asked, standing and looking around. 
“Another drink?” Benny asked, holding up his empty beer bottle. 
You took it, scanning the table for anything else you could recycle. “Of course,” you said. “How about I bring out the prize tonight, hm?” 
The boys cheered. Monopoly wasn’t a game where you often congratulated the winner. In fact, half the time Frankie managed to beat everyone, you jokingly refused to kiss him. But tonight, you wanted to up the stakes. 
Grabbing another beer for Benny, you balanced a covered pie tin with your other hand and walked back into the living room, where Frankie was happily arranging what had been collected in Free Parking. 
“Boys!” You announced happily. “Tonight’s victor will be awarded the grand prize of,” you pulled the tin foil off the pie tin. “A homemade cherry pie.” 
Immediately, everyone went wild. You laughed, covering the pie back up and setting it down on the kitchen counter. “Shall we keep playing?” 
The game continued, a few more go arounds of the board securing the final few properties. You and Frankie had almost every property you wanted, along with three of the four railroads. 
“Uh, guys,” Benny said finally after you charged him for a railroad. “Team lovebirds are destroying us right now. How’d we let that happen? How did no one notice?”
You laughed, grabbing the dice and rolling them. “I guess we’ll be keeping that pie.” 
“Not if I can help it!” Santiago held up the final light blue card. “Suck it!” 
“Mhm, we’ve got that last red one,” you pointed out, moving your piece and reluctantly handing Benny and Will some money. “Whenever you’re ready to trade, we’ll be here.” 
Will whistled, pushing the dice towards Santiago. “Dude, that’s rough.” 
Santiago leaned forward. “Nah. I want that damn pie.” 
Not long after that, Benny and Will went bankrupt, much to their disappointment. However, it meant they could man the bank and they wouldn’t be caught in the crossfire that would become your game. 
The game continued to drag on, neither you nor Santiago willing to back down. Money was exchanged, Will and Benny’s properties were bought, and houses were built. 
By the time anything interesting happened, you and Frankie had a solid chokehold on half the board. It was a war of attrition, a simple back and forth of the money. And then, by some miracle, you rolled the dice and landed on free parking. 
It was a crushing blow for poor Santiago. Suddenly, you and Frankie were up by almost five thousand dollars, able to afford a bunch of houses and, very slowly, you were able to drive Santiago to bankruptcy. 
“Damn!” He yelled, realizing he was done. “Good game, damn I cannot believe I lost.” 
You grinned, standing. “Pack all of this up. I’ll go cut the pie.” 
While the boys cleaned, you got five plates, putting a slice of pie on each one. Using old waiting skills and going very slowly, you carried all five plates out. 
“Jeez babe!” Frankie said, jumping up to help you. “Gimme some of those! You could’ve asked for help.” 
“I had it,” you reassured, sitting on the couch and sinking your fork into the pie. “Fuck, that is beautiful.” 
For the rest of the night, you and the boys ate, drank, and pulled out a deck of Uno cards to keep the fun going. Of course, Benny kicked all your asses, but he was the only one who ever actually strategized Uno. Everyone else enjoyed tipsy fun, laughing when someone got screwed and groaning when someone won. 
Eventually, some time well past midnight, you sent everyone to bed, or the couch in Santiago’s case. That included Frankie, who pulled you into your shared bedroom and grinned. “Babe, I got a question.” 
“Fire away.” 
Frankie came up behind you, putting his hands against your belly. “When are we gonna tell them?” 
“Tomorrow,” you murmured, resting your hands overtop Frankie’s. “I wanna watch Santi spit coffee out his nose.” 
Chuckling, Frankie led you to bed. “You’re evil.” 
The next morning, you gave each of the boys a coffee cup, smiling as you received sleepy murmurs. 
“Hey Benny,” you called, opening the fridge and peering into it. “You got any use for a perfectly good bottle of wine?” 
“Uh, why?” Benny asked, looking up from his mug. 
You shrugged. “Frankie’s not a wine guy and I can’t drink it.” 
“Yes you can,” Will said. “You drank a whole bottle with Benny last month.” 
“Bitch, I wasn’t pregnant last month.” 
As you’d guessed last night, Santiago choked on his coffee, coughing so violently that Frankie had to thump him on the back a few times. “What?” He yelled when he was finally able to talk again. 
“I’m pregnant,” you said, as if it were the most casual thing in the world. “Surprise. You’re all gonna be uncles.” 
Santiago fist pumped the air. “Hell yeah! I get a monopoly partner!” 
You laughed, doubling over the counter. “That’s what you’re focusing on?” 
“I have my priorities,” Santiago said with a smile. 
Benny stood, looking you up and down. “Can I touch? Please?” 
You shrugged, gesturing him closer. “Nothing to touch yet, but yeah.” 
Benny’s hand was warm on your belly, and he grinned at the expanse of exposed skin. “Hey,” he said directly to the baby. “I’m your uncle Benny.” 
“Ben,” you said, raising an eyebrow. “You’re talking to a month old bean.” 
But now Will was beside you, and so was Santi, and there was Frankie behind you. Surrounded by your boys, you grinned. “I love this family.”
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daiseukiis · 3 years
𝙘𝙖𝙣 𝙞 𝙥𝙧𝙚𝙩𝙩𝙮 𝙥𝙡𝙚𝙖𝙨𝙚 𝙝𝙖𝙫𝙚 𝙤𝙣𝙚 𝙢𝙤𝙧𝙚 𝙢𝙤𝙘𝙝𝙞 ?
─꒱ in which we peak into how jujutsu kaisen characters handle their child on a daily basis。
─꒱ feat. gojo satoru, fushiguro megumi, kugisaki nobara & itadori yuji
─꒱ warnings ; none
─꒱ notes ; suddenly i’m having jjk as parents brain rot after a night of reading megumi smut
꒰꒰ he’s a great dad trust me, spoils his child like no one’s business. you want the entire set of the haikyuu manga and crunchyroll premium? give him five minutes to purchase them. want front row tickets to see nct in korea? yeah, he’ll get it for them and thats plane tickets on first class
꒰꒰ but don’t get me wrong,,, he’s a doting father but sometimes it might be just too much.
꒰꒰ for starters, mans gotta know where their kid's heading on a daily basis. gotta shot him a text that heading to shibuya with your friends or taking a flight to okinawa or hokkaido. he just wants them to be safe !!
꒰꒰ expect him to text his kid almost every time he’s out buying anything. he’d be all the way in osaka, they're in class they will randomly get a text from him if they want uncle rikuro cheese cake or kuidaore taro pudding.
꒰꒰ not to mention !!! he will text you it’s an emergency and they have to call him, a matter of life or death situation. knowing he’s a shaman, he could die but there’s like a percentage of a chance that could happen, it's percentage rivals how fast he can activate his expansion domain. which isn’t much. but when they pick up the phone, he’s just gonna ask the. which top would look better or say there’s a hot deal for these sweets across the street and if they wanna go
꒰꒰ his favourite thing to do it probably embarrass his kid in front of their friends. maybe. yeah. baby pictures and all
꒰꒰ if he has a daughter his father radar is SO high. a boy gives even a glance her way, he will probably threathen them. spoils her with so much it even HURTS to look at his bank account but he's rich so ;;; takes her out shopping and half his camera roll is photos of her or selfies of them
꒰꒰ if it's a guy, he will cheer him on every time a girl confesses his love for his son. probably even gives him condoms and tips but you didn't hear that from me. with no doubt gloat to his students how amazing and manly his son is, takes him out on missions when he wants and goes sweet store hopping with him
꒰꒰ if his child returns home crying for whatever reason, a boy broke her heart or someone beat their kid up for doing the right thing;; bitch gojo is gon beat the shit outta them no cap
꒰꒰ he's the dad every teacher flirts with at parent teacher conferences, and the dad every girl in the friend with has a crush on
꒰꒰ amazaing dad, but probably should work more on the expressing it to his kid area
꒰꒰ he won't spoil them rotten like gojo, but if he sees its something that they truly want and sees that it's of use or valuable, he will get it for them because he wants to see his kid smile
꒰꒰ he's not big on affection, probably a hug time to time and an appreciation pat on the head. if his kid falls he would just crouch down and ask if they need a hand, or is their baby girl starts crying he'll pick her up into his arms and pat his head
꒰꒰ if he has a daughter he would be reluctant to go shopping with her, but he does like the fact that his kid is smiling and showing him her outfits. he better have a say as well if there's an attire that shows to much skin, he just wants the best for his girl. if a boy looks her way with a look, he will emit an aura enough for the boy to piss his pants
꒰꒰ if his kid is a boy, you bet hes gonna teach his son to beat up half the delinquents up the area too ‼ he has so much trust in his son, they would spar sometimes and he would take him on to missions. he sucks at giving advice, probably around the words of 'just be yourself?' he won't show it but he's cheering for you
꒰꒰ he's a chill dad, if their kid ever forgets anything at home and he's off to drop it off at school, he would be a bit reluctant cuz why did they forget it to begun with, but he's gonna do it anyways <3 the one parent that everyone calls pretty
꒰꒰ he'll text his kid basic and short messages, a how's your day or do you want anything from here kinda texts when he's out on missions. he wants to be sure that you're given enough space to be yourself within his reach
꒰꒰ fushiguro screams like the type of dad that would have a family photo in his wallet. i just find that cute and UGGH yes <3
꒰꒰ if his kid comes home crying, he's going to immediately comfort them. bad test or shitty day, he's gonna be slightly awkward but he'll take them out for their favourite food or arcade
꒰꒰ he's also the typa dad that will check up on you before he goes to bed or when he comes back from a mission, when you're all asleep just to make sure you're safe
꒰꒰ listen,,, listen, kugisaki is a bad bitch mother and it radiates that energy
꒰꒰ if she has a kid, she's gonna raise them to be the baddest bitch in all of tokyo, in all of japan if all i care. she gives her kids credit for even trying to beat gojo up, but if they can't she's still gonna be happy if they tell her they kicked a guy's kneecaps in for taking their lunch money
꒰꒰ a little reckless, her parenting methods are a bit questionable but like its kugisaki here, she does whatever the hell she wants. her kid falls to the ground? don't cry pussy, get up you're better than this
꒰꒰ kugisaki's that mother who probably buys take out food every friday, or takes her kids out to a mf buffet only to tell them to pay for her because she gave birth to their ungrateful asses
꒰꒰ she's the most chill mother out there, all her kids' friends probably want to be adopted by her because she's fun and knows how to kick ass
꒰꒰ if she has a daughter, definitely wants them to be famous instead of a shaman. she wants to see her kid rocking those magazines or fuckin it up in movies or j-dramas, so she got rights to stroll through the red carpet as the most beautiful mother
꒰꒰ if she has a son, definitely will end up making him into a loyal, bad boy who knows how to drink his respect women juice on a daily basis. the son who also get absolutely wrecked by his own mother in smash bros. doesn't matter how old kugisaki is, she would still be able to beat her son even if he's a first grade shaman
꒰꒰ if her kids come home crying, i bet you she'll only scold them. she'll ask why the hell you crying over this guy/girl, they're way low of the standards and are not even it. she would convince them that they're so much better (?) to make them feel good about themselves. and then she'll probably head lock the kid to crush on a better person
꒰꒰ she's the type of mother who wouldn't sit down to talk to her kid often, sometimes she also socks at communicate like fushiguro but at least she knows it. she would be the type that would comfort her kid by bring food ( typical asian parent shit tsk iykyk )
꒰꒰ she's also that type of mother when they tell her that someone makes fun of something to the point that their kid is broken by it, she will get out that car and pick at fight with the kids, and then wipe their ass on the floor, and the mop the deck with their parents
꒰꒰ this man is the personification of a fun, chill and laid-back father
꒰꒰ he would be the dad that would wake their kid up in the morning so they're not late, pack their food or bring food to their school if they forgot to bring any
꒰꒰ he doesn't really spoil his kid, but you bet he'll take them to fun places like arcades, escape rooms and even go street food binging. definitely would have a movie marathon too
꒰꒰ if he's back from a mission early and near the school his kid goes too, you bet he's going to catch them by the end of school just to walk home with them and take about his mission
꒰꒰ he's the kind of dad that wouldn't mind if they're swearing around the house, but they gotta watch their mouth still, he doesn't want them to be as bad as sailor nor does he want them picking up nasty habits
꒰꒰ if his kid is a girl, he will give her space and room for anything, be it needing some time alone after a bad test or constantly wanting to go out with her friends to get her mind off things that he might not be able to fix. he doesn't mind going shopping, definitely would give an opinion to any outfits with a thumbs up. takes pictures with his daughter on any shenanigans they do together and send them to his group chat with kugisaki and fushiguro
꒰꒰ having a boy, he would want to play sports with them and go on missions. sometimes they would go to the arcade to try the punching game to see who has the highest and then bet the lower pays for food after. he likes giving advice, even though it won't be helpful or will be, he's gonna say it either in hopes that it'll be brought up in their head in any moment they're in
꒰꒰ he's the type of dad that has a selfie of him and his kid as a lockscreen i jUST KNOW IT
꒰꒰ if his kid comes home crying he will be so worried. like whats wrong, what happened, who hurt you, does he have to punch someone?! he's going to pull them into his arms and take them out for food, maybe even a walk. he's they type to want to cheer them up no matter the situation, and probably when they're all good and dandy, he will personally talk to solve the root of the problem behind their back
꒰꒰ when there's something to be settled, i bet you that they settle it with a game of rock-paper-scissors out five ‼‼
─── ➴ SUKUNA ( BONUS )
꒰꒰ what makes you think this man wanted a child, if he did have one ; probably either got it killed during the heian era or he killed it for his superiority complex </3
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© MGUQIIS 、 2020
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The Farm Stand
Days 10-11: peaches, hug
Read it on AO3 here!
It was Steve’s idea. Billy could have said no, obviously. He was a grown-ass adult, and now that he had his own apartment and a hefty government stipend and never had to see Neil again, he generally did what he wanted. But it was Steve’s idea, so he said yes. He complained a lot about it, but he also got up at the ass-crack of dawn and pulled up in front of Steve and Robin’s apartment half an hour before he had to. He knocked on the door. When Robin opened it, he held up the tray of coffees in his other hand. 
“Oh thank God,” she said. “Steve can never figure out that stupid fancy coffee maker until he’s had at least one cup of coffee.” Billy raised an eyebrow. “Yeah, it’s a real catch-22,” Robin said, eagerly taking the coffee he handed her. Billy followed her to the kitchen, where Steve had just resorted to banging his forehead against the cabinets above the coffee maker. Billy crossed the room, tentatively grabbed the back of Steve’s t-shirt and pulled him away from the cabinets, and handed him the hazelnut-flavored abomination he always ordered. Steve stared at it for a long moment, and then took it, raised it to his face, and inhaled deeply. 
“I love you so much,” he breathed out, eyes closed, and Billy knew he was talking to his dumb coffee, but it still sent a little thrill through him. Apparently it was enough for him just to be in Steve’s general vicinity when he said it. God, he was pathetic.
“Are you actually going to be ready to leave in half an hour, dingus?” Robin’s voice was skeptical. Steve swallowed the huge sip of coffee he had just taken and looked at the clock on the stove with wide eyes. 
“Half an hour?” he asked, alarm in his voice. Robin stared at him. 
“You were the one who said that we absolutely had to leave by six thirty. ‘Otherwise we’ll miss all the good produce, Robin,’ you said with your stupid huge Bambi eyes. I swear to God, if you’re not ready to leave at precisely six thirty, I will—“ Steve didn’t wait to hear the rest of the threat. He took his coffee and vanished down the hallway toward the bathroom. 
Heather knocked on the door fifteen minutes later, far too energetic for how early it was. Billy leaned on the counter, sipping his coffee and watching Robin and Heather shoot little smiles at each other until Steve reappeared at six twenty-five. He had on one of his dumb vests, and his hair was only partially tamed, and Billy wanted to call off the whole trip and steer him straight into his bedroom, and into his bed. But the trip was Steve’s idea and Billy was probably never actually going to follow through on his feelings, so he got into the passenger seat of Steve’s car instead.  
The ninety-minute drive was surprisingly bearable. Steve had chosen music that did not completely offend Billy’s sensibilities, and Robin and Heather mostly kept their hands to themselves in the backseat. Conversation flowed easily, and Billy wondered once again how exactly he had ended up as a part of this little friend group. 
Shared trauma creates bonds, he could hear his therapist saying, but was it really shared trauma when he had been the source of it for everybody else? He tried to shut down that particular line of thinking, and was grateful a few minutes later when Steve pulled him back into the conversation. The four of them were in the middle of a spirited discussion about where they were getting lunch after this (Billy and Heather were voting for pizza, while Steve and Robin were dead-set on burgers—they were absolutely going to end up getting burgers, but it was still fun to argue about it) when the car slowed and Billy was surprised to see a faded wooden sign announcing that they had arrived at The Farm Stand. 
Steve pulled into a parking space and got out, stretching out after the drive. He glanced around the parking lot and nodded approvingly at how empty it was. 
“I’m telling you,” he said, “this place is going to be jam-packed in half an hour. Good luck getting any morels or peaches then.” Robin shook her head as she climbed out of the backseat. 
“It’s way too early in the year for peaches, dingus. I can’t believe you made me get up this early for out-of-season produce.”
“Just you wait,” Steve said. “I’m going to make a peach-rhubarb cobbler that is going to blow your mind.” Billy followed them toward the produce stand, taking in the expanse of fields beyond it.
“Have you ever been here before?” Heather asked, falling into step beside him. Billy shook his head. 
“It’s nice this time of year,” she said, “although this is the first time I’ve been in years. We came out here every year during elementary school for apple picking, so I was pretty over it after that. But they have all kinds of animals, and beehives, and they do tours of the orchards and stuff.” Billy hummed in response. He didn’t care all that much about fresh produce or farm animals, but he did care about how excited Steve was to be here. He watched as Steve made his way through the produce stand, asking enthusiastic questions and seemingly buying a little bit of everything. Eventually, Steve was satisfied, though he kept tossing longing glances back at the few things he hadn’t purchased. With some difficulty, Robin persuaded him to leave his haul in the trunk of the car while they walked around the rest of the property. 
“It’s not even supposed to get all that warm today, Steven. Everything’s going to be fine. Put your stuff away so we can go look at the horses.” After a final, token protest Steve did, and they wandered over to the paddock. There was a miniature donkey in with the horses, and both Robin and Heather cooed over it. They wandered around for a while, until Robin and Heather decided to go on an orchard tour, and Steve wanted to visit the beehives and sample some honey. Billy followed Steve because that was just what he did now, apparently. Besides, Robin and Heather were almost surely going to spend the whole tour finding places where they could sneak off and make out, and Billy didn’t want to cramp their style. 
Steve was apparently just as passionate about honey as he was about produce, and Billy wandered off in the middle of his enthusiastic discussion with an equally passionate beekeeper about the different types of honey available for purchase. He eventually stopped in front of a large enclosure, which housed several miniature goats. There was a pair of baby goats running around with the others and as he watched them play-fight, Billy felt a familiar prickling behind his eyelids. 
Come on, he thought to himself, not here. Because this was a thing that he did now. Crying about stupid shit. About nothing. He hated it. 
Not about nothing, he heard his therapist say, voice calm and measured. It’s a kind of displacement. You refuse to grieve for yourself, for the things you’ve lost or never had, so those emotions find another outlet. Billy didn’t care what she called it—it was still dumb. Pathetic, even. And now here he was, crying actual tears over baby goats, of all things, right out in the open, where anyone could see him. Where Steve could see him. He sniffled a little and wiped a careless hand over his eyes, hoping he would be done before Steve reappeared. So of course Steve chose that moment to seek him out, as if summoned.  
“Hey, check it out, they had—are you ok?” Steve’s voice was all concern, and it only made Billy’s eyes well up even more. “What’s wrong, B?” Steve asked gently. Billy didn’t know what to say, so he didn’t say anything. Steve, of course, kept talking. “Do you hate it here? I was worried you would hate it. We can go if you want to. I can find Robin and Heather…” Steve looked around, as though he was going to go get them right now, and Billy’s desire to reassure him won out over his dignity. 
“Nothing’s wrong,” he said, voice choked with unshed tears. “I don’t hate it here. I just…do this sometimes now.”
“Yeah?” Steve asked carefully. Billy shrugged and gestured helplessly at the baby goats. 
“They’re just so small,” he said, and then he was crying harder. 
“Come here,” Steve said, and then he was setting down his bag of honey and his hands were on Billy’s shoulders and he was pulling him in for a hug, which wasn’t—they didn’t do that. Billy had been all over Steve Harrington in high school, constantly in his space, but things had changed. Now, after everything, he did his best to maintain a careful distance from Steve, largely because he no longer trusted himself to stop touching Steve if he ever really got started. It had only taken a week or two of Billy tensing up at Steve’s touch and Steve looking faintly wounded every time for Steve to start keeping his distance as well. 
But now here they were, Steve’s arms solid and warm around Billy, and Billy’s arms instinctively coming up around Steve’s waist. Billy froze, expecting Steve to pull away fairly quickly, but he didn’t. He held on until Billy felt himself actually relaxing into the hug, melting against Steve and tucking his face into Steve’s shoulder. Billy figured he could let himself have this, just for a minute. Tears still slipped down his face, dampening a spot on Steve’s shirt. 
“That’s the cutest thing I’ve ever seen,” Steve murmured into his ear. 
“The baby goats?” Billy mumbled. “I know.” Steve pulled back far enough to look Billy in the eye, and smiled. 
“No, dumbass,” Steve said, voice full of affection. His eyes were wide and warm and he brought a hand up to brush away some of Billy’s tears. “You crying about baby goats.” 
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dappersheep · 3 years
Food Fantasy: An Analysis on what killed a Golden Goose (1/3)
So first things first, disclaimers! I do not claim nor pretend to know every nook and cranny, ins and outs of the history of FooFan's conception, existence and uncertain future. I do not own the game nor its characters, only the opinions and thoughts stated hereon out.
This was born to vent out my frustrations with how a game like this was abused poorly by its own developer and publisher instead of being nurtured to become its full potential that could have overshadowed and remained better than the likes of Tencent's Tales of Food --I could dream, but it honestly had the potential to be.
Out of respect for the main tag, I personally will not be tagging this post and the following two with the main tag. If you want to tag it yourself with it, that's your choice. Only followers of my blog will see this.
This analysis is divided into three parts: Funtoy, Elex, and the Community. It starts under the cut. Well let's get started.
Ah yes, the creator. The developer. You'd think that with their sudden rise to fame during their global launch, they'd have used the massive profits they earned within the first quarter of 2018 to improve certain things about the game and then trickled it down as quickly as possible towards Global, right? Yeah, I thought so too.
After playing the game since launch, I've seen and experienced way too many things that just hammer in the fact that this is one of the most unfair gacha I've played in years. Some reasons being the following:
(Note: These are experiences ONLY on Global's version, it may also apply to CN being the original server)
⦁ The game's gacha model is aimed towards maximum predation on its players. F2p are forced to either spend some money (and thus tempt them to keep spending after getting a taste of it), or risk not even getting a good ascension of the unit to be useful at all. Paying for the event packs also doesn't guarantee that you would be able to secure a spot in the ranks. In fact, if you can't comprehend how the battle mechanics work, you could even de-rank. Fun way to burn that 800$, huh? At least you have the skin from rebates.
⦁ A little less known thing and probably theoretical at worst, the long joked about spaghetti coding of the game along with an outdated spine technology for the sprites could very well be the reason why a 2D game like this experiences the shittiest lags. Also how easy it is to hack this game with the right know-how.
⦁ Speaking of bad gameplay mechanics, did you know you could spend over fifty Mirrors and not get that final enhancement from +9 to +10 simply because there's absolutely no tangible safety net before +10?
⦁ If you're F2P, this game is terrible in giving you resources to stockpile. Because Funtoy certainly doesn't have a lot of weekly/monthly or even friendly events wherein you can get resources without spending another kind of resource. The Hawthorne event's rewards are lackluster at best, Bingo is severely limited in what it gives, and Recall also doesn't give much for a big event that only happens (supposedly) every 6 months. Did I also mention that daily resource rewards also kinda suck compared to how much you burn in just one event?
⦁ Monthly subs are a scam. Yes, you heard that right. My point of comparison here is Arknights. A monthly in AK allows you to have enough to 10-pull after 30 days, on top of a bit of stamina to help you. In FooFan? You have two monthly subs that do different things and even then, you won't have enough to 10-pull by the end of 30 days, nor is the stamina you get enough to even stockpile and ease the pressure of your need to save for the Gates or that stamina event that suddenly popped up.
⦁ A conga line of 'Must procure this unit at a high ascension to do well in the following events!'. You missed the first Pizza event? Missed the first Turkey event? God forbid, you weren't able to 5* your Beer on his debut? Well sorry, that 5* Black Tea of yours isn't gonna do squat to give you good damage. No, your 2* B-52 also isn't going to do much of anything with his lackluster damage capabilities. If you want a chance to get those event URs again, you have to wait for their pool with laughably limited pulls... and a bloated price to even pull.
⦁ The events starting after the first iteration of Turkey event get even more paywalled. As far as I remember, by the time Minestrone rolled around, an F2P with ample crystal resources can only get 2* at best. 3* and above are paywalled.
⦁ The game has incompetent balancing. The devs themselves likely have little experience in gameplay design and balancing, especially for a game with a growing roster of characters . A prime example of them launching a character not knowing it would pretty much unbalance the game? Look no further than Beer. The guy had to have a couple of nerfs done to him because he was just too meta. You know what's sadder? Before the 'switch' to Brave meta, almost all meta units was built to benefit off the Beer meta.
⦁ Artifacts. Do I even have to explain how the introduction of such a game feature so early into the lifespan of this game essentially fucked over the balance even more? Not to mention, all the more reason you'd be crying with the Gates of Trials demanding so much out of your stamina and crystal resources. F2Ps are again, the ones that suffer in this part. What's their reason? Profit, of course.
⦁ The nerf of resto chests. This was the primary source for people who were saving up stamina for the Gates... until Funtoy decided they were being too generous to their playerbase and dropped the stamina probability rate to 1% or less.
⦁ Terrible UI layout and design. Come on, be honest now, you've lost several thousand of your hard earned crystals buying screws in the fishing shop because you didn't notice that shiny warning in small text and a green button with the crystal image slapped on it, didn't you?
⦁ Look at all these SRs! All of them! Wow, they even outnumber the Rs by at least 80! What's that? There's more URs now too compared to Rs and Ms combined? That can't be real. But seriously, you'd think Funtoy could make some of these SRs into Rs and add them to the perm pool/shard fusion so people aren't stuck pulling Macaron or Dorayaki every time. They could have also populated the Team Up rewards with SRs instead of Rs. But you know... that won't bring them profit. Haha... haha.... Oh and I haven't even told you about the SP class...!
⦁ Lore. Yes, I'm sure by now you're aware that the in-game lore is different from the ones in the non-SP Food Soul bios, in the SP Food Soul bios that sort of ties in with the New World story (that global will never be getting btw). At this point, Funtoy handwaves the confusion away by saying, 'they're all different timelines'. Yes yes, an easy and cliche move to explain how shitty the writing direction went after a while. I don't know what happened, all I know is that lore got weird(er) when they introduced SP Rice.
⦁ They. Keep. Adding. More. Characters! They fail to see that a lot of their earlier players have imprinted on the first few waves of Food Souls and they sadly also fail to properly give some of them more story expansion... or skins. At the moment, they're shelling out so many JP-centric Food Souls because... as I see it? They're pandering to the last bastion of whales they have.
⦁ Merchandise. And I mean a variety of merchandise that isn't using the same official art every time. Like they couldn't afford to commission a couple of artists one or two times to make unique merchandise that would sell. They started too late on that train, and they even made it too hard for anyone not in CN or JP to even procure what already exists. Not to mention, they keep using the same 'popular' set of characters for their merchandise and never really expanding out to making merch for other characters.
These are all the things I can list off at the top of my head why Funtoy as a developer sucks ass. They could sweeten their words all they want, it won't change the fact that they've certainly made way too many bad decisions and found out about it too late, and now they're desperate to keep Food Fantasy alive to keep their profits coming in to make whatever that cat girl game they have and that supposedly 'side-game' FF2 they announced.
There may have been problems out of their control that I or you do not see, but one thing is for sure, they were blinded by greed for the money they were raking in on all their servers at the start, and never actually bothered to invest in more manpower in the right places to improve the game, both gameplay-wise and worldbuilding wise. It's actually saddening that this game could have been so much more with several QoLs and a more fleshed out lore, perhaps even spacing out the number of new units they keep introducing while going back to giving their old units more attention.
That's it for Funtoy. We're moving onto Elex in the next part and boy is that also a trip.
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an0nymousghost · 3 years
simblr asks v2
here are my answers! find the questions here.
i wrote soo much ahaha. like however much you think i wrote, i wrote more than that. imo everything i write is gold though
1. are you going to buy the new pack (cottage living) when it comes out? no, it looks really nice but i legit never ever buy packs at launch, especially cause this one is a expansion and it will probably go on sale at some point
2. do you p*rate your dlc or buy it legitimately? buy it legitimately 👌
3. what’s your favorite world? brindleton bay, it gives like seaside cottage vibes. willow creek is good but it’s boring. 
4. if you use a queue, how many posts per day do you set it as? 3 or 4. i used to do like 12 lmaoo what even was wrong with me
5. do you watch sims on youtube? yes, i watch mainly malixa, oshinsims, and msgryphi
6. what are your thoughts on the most recent pack? (dream home decorator) those sectional couches look good! but honestly im kinda annoyed because now it’s even harder to have all the items filled in when i place lots from the gallery. like i’m just saying like a lot of builds will use that pack probably and if i don’t get it then i can’t really use builds/save files 
7. how many packs/kits do you own? lemme count
expansion: all - 10/10 game: 5/10 stuff: 9/18 kits: none xo
24/38 - 63%
8. what’s your origin id? is it the same as your url? 🤗 it’s in my title, it’s celeschul. it doesn’t look that nice in my title but i use celeschul in my package files and i’m guessing people search things like, “celeschul penny hair” or something like that in order to find my cc- so i keep it in there so the search results are easier. i do want to change it though..
but no it’s also not the same! well i mean it’s the username i use for cc. my origin id used to be an0nymousghost but i changed it. i wonder if anyone’s taken that one?
9. is your simblr your sideblog or main blog? main blog ✌️ my old blog @stardze​ is a main blog as well.
my old old simblr was a sideblog but it had like 1 follower and it literally a bot so i don’t think that counts. i have a multifandom sideblog though 
10. do you have a cc finds blog? i wish. i was thinking bout it earlier and that would be sooo neat but sometimes i download stuff that doesn’t have a tumblr post attached to it, and also it’s stressful to keep up with so nah
11. are you wcif friendly? yes sir. in fact i bring the trouble of wcifs onto myself but doing them even when nobody asked.
12. what’s your favorite sized household to play with? (ex. 1 sim, 4 sims) gonna have to think on this one, honestly 1 sim is really fun and stuff goes by so fast. doing stuff with astrid when she was on her own, it was much more efficient. 
for families, i haven’t done that in a while actually. 5, 2 parents and 3 kids is cute tho. why did i write this this is honestly such a hard question
13. if you have c&d, do you play with pets? i feel like i haven’t played with cats and dogs in forever. honestly i just have no paitence. noelle fae was supposed to get a cat (there’s a food bowl + cat bed in her house) but when summer vacation started, the amount of time i spent playing ts4 decreased a lot. (this doesn’t really make sense, i have a lot more time. honestly it just has to do with my recent obsession with a certain anime/manga and some other personal thing)
i did random nightmares in may though and i had pets frequently. g5 didn’t because sofia scarlett lived in an apartment, but g2/3/4 had cici, and g1 had all the cats. but that was back in march so it’s been a while.
14. what lifespan do you use? i really want to do aging off but then i feel like it drags on. but aging legit stresses me out, sometimes i just want to sit down and do some cas stuff but i only have 2 hours in real time and there’s like 4 days left till one of my sims’ birthdays. 
15. if you own a lot of packs, how many of them have you actually played through? just so everyone is aware this question was made for me
i feel like eps require a specific save made for testing them out, but the only save i’ve ever made for an ep is noelle fae’s get famous save. 
that is literally a lie - i made a save for island living with one of my 100bc kids, maisie acapella. i did actually post it on tumblr BUT then i deleted all the posts BUT i reblogged them on my alt account BUT i privated my alt account so i honestly forgot about it
i have never played through discover university or watched anyone do it on youtube, i’ve read gerbits’ story about it so i think i’m pretty qualified. i’ve always wanted to do one with periwinkle acapella but i never got around to it
another ep i know nothing about is get to work
i tried doing a eco life playthrough but i hadn’t watched any videos and i was like..what is going on. so i quit lolx d ;;;;; i mentioned it but the whimsy stories legacy was the first time i had played with the eco lifestyle features so technically i think i know what im doing
i got outdoor retreat literally on monday of this week so i haven’t played through it yet. 
jungle adventure i still don’t know what’s going on. i remember last year before i bought the pack i was brainstorming, and wanted to do a ja playthrough with luna and cedar, who are a couple who i did a random legacy with and it was all queued to post when i deleted everything (if you’re wondering why, it’s because my queue was literally 200+ posts). except this time i didn’t save them to my sideblog so i lost them. 
i still havent had a restaurant in dine out 
also never did the vet thing from cats and dogs
i have no idea what that rock climbing thing is from snowy escape but i did most of the other stuff because rn g5
city living i did through psc stage 5 and also it was the first pack i bought anyways
the rest of them are either stuff packs or i ended up playing them through casual gameplay (seasons, parenthood)
16. what do you do as you play sims? (ex. listen to music) i listen to music most of the time, or listen to commentary youtube videos because i am an alpha chad. i also used to talk with my friends on voice call but i don’t do that anymore 🥲
17. which sims challenges have you tried? random legacy, whimsy stories, perfect sim challenge, 100 baby, legacy (just the plain get-to-10-gens one), random nightmares, berry zodiac, astrology legacy, apocalypse
i feel like im forgetting some.. honestly most of the stuff i did before simblr was either 100 baby (i love that challenge) or random saves that lasted for 2 seconds. 
18. do you like the new(ish) hair swatches? nah. 
i do appreciate that most cc hairs have a true (ish) black, thank god! and the fact that the hair update is what inspired me to update and fix a bunch of hairs with different issues is pretty nice. but will i use them? no. 
plus it takes up like 5 gb? depending on how many packs you have.
19. post the latest screenshot you took 📸
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i live in cas
20. what is the cc/ingame hair that looks the most like your own? i think that dream home decorator side part hair looks a lot like my hair. honestly i havent see much like my hair but that one is kinda-? close
21. who is your favorite sim of yours and what is their story? noelle and alari fae i think! 
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link to post
noelle is blonde and has blue-grey eyes. she wears purple contacts pretty often though (because she wants to 😌)
alari has light brown hair that is kinda curly, and she’s got pretty vibrant blue eyes. 
they’re sisters, alari is 3 years older than noelle. noelle was 19 and alari was 22 when they got spotted
they worked as models when they were young adults. their jobs involved dyeing their hair blue/pink, and they would model like clothes and stuff. anyways, they were pretty successful. like not ultra famous but they had enough money to not work for the rest of their lives. 
their modeling group was made of 4 girls, the others were named paisley autumn and they were green and red, respectively. some things are: 
paisley and alari started dating during this 
autumn was a single mother to a little girl named destiny
noelle dated many people during this but never ended up finding the one <3
when their contract ended after like 6 years, paisley and alari went to go live together and noelle decided to get into acting. so thats when get famous playthrough started!
there’s more but basically they’re like oc’s with sims on the side. xoxo
22. if you use cc, are there any cc creators that you have like ALL of their items? this is such a good question! i hoard hair very heavily (my folder is 11gb) i so i have like 97% from most of the popular hair creators. 
i think i had legitimately EVERYTHING from simstrouble though, i went through multiple times to check and i also have all of her retired stuff. 
i have everything from ridgeport i think-? because of the fact that she uploaded all her stuff in one big zip. 
i think that’s it.. for a long time i also had everything by clumsyalienn, but then i ended up deleting it and only keeping my faves. 
and looking at my collection, maybe ah00b? i might be missing a couple but i at least have like 99%.
23. what’s one pack you think is underrated? dine out, it’s laggy af yes but it’s such a nice thing for my sims to do. 
24. what are your favorite sims stories/legacies? melons by gerbits always and forever
this question was inspired by this ask anyways so 
25. if you could change one small thing about ts4, what would it be? most of my suggestions are pretty complex but literally just - when you add tray files, they appear at the top. my life would be so much easier
this took me literal hours to answer
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babiekeiji · 4 years
only you
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pairing: kageyama tobio/f!reader  word count: 4678  warnings: nsfw! includes mafia themes, detailed sex, some blood, vaginal fingering, dirty talk, some sorta unrequited love (yes you already know i’m the biggest whore for this shit), some making out 
synopsis: kageyama tobio is part of a mafia and he can’t bear the thought of losing the ones he loved - and you don’t even know if you’re on the list.
a/n: HELLOOOO this is my first ever work here on tumblr i hope you guys like this one (even though it’s basically just . porn w a lil plot) yes leave me comments about how you guys liked this one!! hehe happy reading (◍•ᴗ•◍)
The night is quiet. 
The only sound you hear is the soft buzzing of the air conditioning system and the clink of the ice in your drink, starting to form little tears outside your glass. You place your head in your hands and turn to Yachi, another medic of the mafia you belong to. 
Yachi drums her fingers against the metal table she is sitting next to, anxious. “When are they coming back? It’s been nearly six hours.” 
“I wouldn’t expect this one to be so easy,” Sugawara says, putting the last batch of gauzes and bandage rolls on the same table where Yachi stays adjacent. He puts his hands on his hips, “I wouldn’t expect any of their missions to be easy.” 
Yachi begins to bite her nails in anticipation, her eyes pinned to the front doors of the manor. “Daichi would call, right? If he needed us?” 
“If he needed us that bad,” you respond, taking your drink, “He would. Otherwise, he’d let us wait here.” 
“I get worried for them every night they’re away,” Yachi muses, “We’re practically living in the middle of nowhere; it’s so hard to navigate at night.” 
Sugawara sits down beside you on the couch, reaching for your drink. “They’ll be fine,” he sips, “They’re good at what they do—the most they’ve ever come back with was Hinata with a broken wrist.” 
The silence ensues as the night grows. Sugawara falls asleep next to you on the couch, and Yachi gets up to make herself a cup of coffee. 
How are you? You text Kageyama, to which he responds after a few minutes. 
Almost done, he texts, I don’t know if anyone’s hurt. I’ll text you later on the way home. 
Okay, you reply. Take care. 
Keep safe. 
“What’d he say?” Yachi comes in and sits on the couch across from you, a steaming cup of joe now in her hands. “I was hoping he texted you.” 
“Kageyama doesn’t know the number of casualties,” you shake your head. “I don’t think we can call Kiyoko, either. They’re not exactly supposed to be on their phones in the gala.” 
“How’d they get into this super-secret, all-rich-people gala again?” She asks, “I’m almost never told how their missions usually work.” 
“Kiyoko hacks to get them in, I think.” You say, “Though this should be an easy mission for them. I hope there aren’t a lot of them injured.” 
“We’ll have to ask Daichi permission to leave soon,” Sugawara stirs, “We’re running out of medical supplies.” 
“Oh, shit, we are,” you glance towards the few remaining materials on the wheeled table. “I can go out tomorrow. I’ve got a practical exam for anatomy at 2 PM.” 
“I’ll try to pick you up after school,” Sugawara answers. “But for now let’s try to get some rest.” 
Sugawara lets you study his body while he sleeps, all while Yachi herself starts to drift off while she holds the now lukewarm cup of coffee in her hands. Sugawara starts to correct you on your mistakes halfway; at least the best he can in his groggy state. “You’re going to fail that exam,” he blinks slowly, yawning. “Did you even bother studying?” 
“Yes, I did study!” 
“Then why do you think the needle goes through here—”
The ground rumbles, signaling the nearing of a vehicle. Sugawara’s eyes light up and Yachi is suddenly wide awake. He motions for everyone to keep quiet, waiting for a sign that the car outside is them. 
The familiar sound of Daichi’s car’s horn echoes in the night, and Sugawara is quick to run to the front door to let everyone in. 
Tsukishima enters first, supporting an unconscious Yamaguchi with his hand wrapped around his waist, Yamaguchi’s arm slung across his shoulders. “He was drugged,” He says, approaching Yachi. “Someone was onto us.” 
“Huh?” Yachi squeaks, quick to rearrange the couch’s pillows for Yamaguchi to lie on. “Settle him here, please.” 
“Hey!” Tanaka enters, a cut on his cheekbone, Nishinoya limping after him. “We did great!” 
“No, we didn’t,” Tsukishima rolls his eyes, sitting on the floor. “We would have been if Kageyama’s ass didn’t have to knock over the champagne tower.”
“Did he actually?” Sugawara asks, nudging Tanaka and Nishinoya to sit down on your couch. “Y/N. Get off. It’s time to work.” 
“Daichi and Kageyama aren’t here yet,” you muse, eyes not leaving the opened front door. “Why?” 
“Ah,” Tanaka waves his hand in excuse. “He’s getting an earful from our big daddy about how he almost compromised our mission and shit.” 
Hinata runs through the doors, telling you to get up hastily so he can sit on your spot. “I’ve got a scratch on my knee,” he points to the part of his leg pant that ripped, showing a long, thin line of a wound, “It doesn’t hurt so much, though, so you can treat me later.” 
You grab a rubber ribbon, a bottle of antiseptic and a few pieces of gauze. “Jesus, what did you land and trip on?” You ask as you begin to tie the ribbon above Hinata’s wound, trying to control the bleeding. Hinata leans back on the couch and closes his eyes. 
Nishinoya snorts, “That’s a story.” 
Sugawara puts a small bandaid on Tanaka’s cheek and ushers him off the couch so he can treat Nishinoya next. 
As you finish cleaning Hinata’s wound, you see Kageyama and Daichi walk through the door, the first looking dejected with his head looking down to his shoes as he walks. Though your heart flutters at the sight of your pseudo-boyfriend, you can’t help but wonder why exactly he’s so despondent. He’s usually up and at it with Hinata after missions, arguing about who exactly did better between the two of them until Daichi or Sugawara tells them to cut it out. Today, Kageyama didn’t even bother looking at you before he left the living room. 
Daichi settles in between Nishinoya and Hinata with a long sigh while Kageyama proceeds up the stairs of the manor, most likely heading to his room. 
“Jeez,” Suga says, feeling up Nishinoya’s leg. “You did a number on him this time.” 
“Ow!” Nishinoya says as Sugawara stretches his leg towards himself. “Ow, shit, stop!” 
“He can’t stop, idiot,” you chuckle, starting to tape the gauze to Hinata’s leg. “He needs to treat your leg so you won’t cramp later on.” 
“My leg just cramped, do you want me to cramp again?”
Sugawara stands up to get a hot pack for Nishinoya’s leg. Yachi is finished patching up Tsukishima and Yamaguchi and walks over to help Daichi. 
“I’m not hurt,” he stops her with a raise of his hand. “I just have an excruciating headache.” 
“Let me check your blood pressure at least,” Yachi says, going to grab her kit. “You might need more than a painkiller.” 
“Where is Kiyoko?” Sugawara asks, entering the living room with a hot pack and a cold pack, giving it to Nishinoya. “Here. Alternate these on your leg every fifteen minutes until the ache is gone. Shoo!” 
Nishinoya mumbles a quick thank you, Suga and leaves to his room upstairs. Daichi sighs for the nth time that night. “Kiyoko’s still out buying some supplies. She might not be back until dawn.” 
“Poor Kiyoko,” Yachi says as she finishes taking Daichi’s blood pressure. “You’re all good, Daichi. I’ll go fetch you a painkiller for your headache and you can go on and rest.” 
“Thanks, Yachi. You’re the best.” 
Hinata seems to have fallen asleep on the couch because you start hearing small noises of snoring coming from him while you roll his pant leg back down. Standing up, you move his face side to side slowly, checking for any more injuries before you leave. “Hinata’s all set,” you say, smiling. “And super asleep too.” 
“That boy almost died,” Daichi shakes his head. “He tripped and got left behind.” 
“How did you guys almost get caught…?” You ask, grabbing the blankets under the table for Hinata, Tsukishima, and Yamaguchi, who are all sound asleep. 
“Kageyama knocked over a champagne tower on accident,” Daichi replies. Yachi approaches him and asks him to hold his palm out so she can give him his painkiller. Daichi takes the pill and the glass of water and swallows it before saying, “And behind the champagne tower was the man we were trying to avoid. He recognized Kageyama right away and called his goons on us.” 
“Poor thing,” you say, glancing up to his room. 
“You should go to visit him, Y/N.” Sugawara smiles, sitting down beside Daichi. He yawns. “Better check up on your little boyfriend before he locks his door.” 
“Shut up, Sugawara,” you say as you collect some stuff to bring up to Kageyama. “He’s not my boyfriend.” 
“He isn’t huh?” Daichi chuckles. “Do you wanna explain why I’ve been seeing you go out of his room at 2 am lately?” 
“Shut up! Goodbye. I am going now!” 
“Hey!” Sugawara calls while you climb the staircase. “Not too loud tonight, okay? I have condoms in my room.” 
“They’re chocolate-flavored!” 
Kageyama is silent. 
You don’t know how to react because he lies on his bed, back facing you, with almost all his mission clothes strewn on the floor—the expensive tie you picked out for him lies beneath his work table, his Gucci belt hung on his chair, his socks on his nightstand, his vest, dress shirt, and blazer was all thrown across the expanse of his room. He is left bare, with only his dress pants to cover him up. The small lamp that sits on his desk illuminates the room, albeit hardly enough for you to make out the shadows of his toned back. 
“Kageyama?” You whisper. “It’s me. I’ve got to clean you up.” 
He’s not the type to be so despondent after a mission. You don’t hear him cry, though—you wish you did because when you sit on the edge of his bed and look over to study his face, he’s staring straight ahead like he’s looking five hundred one meters away. You set down the pile of instruments and materials on the space of his bed and pat his leg softly, trying to comfort him at least. 
With the faint light of the room, you can see multiple cuts on his forearms and a bruise starting to blossom on his shoulder. His side is filled with scars and faded yellows of bruises from missions in the past. Kageyama’s hands seem okay—his knuckles are bloody and bruised, but it doesn’t look like the blood came from him. 
You scootch over to run your fingers through his hair. “Kags,” you say softly. “I’m here for you.” 
Kageyama closes his eyes and starts to shift so he’s lying on his back. He opens his eyes to look at you. “My best friend almost died today, Y/N.”
With the faint glow of his small lamp, you make out the tears that slip from his eyes. Kageyama’s eyes are glossy, and so full of love and emotion for his best friend as he starts sobbing, his hands instantaneously reaching up to wipe the tears off his face. You gently take his wrists away from his face and start swiping away each tear that comes out of his eyes. 
“Because of me,” he says in between sobs. “Because of me, Y/N. He almost died because of me.” 
He’s so beautiful when he’s overcome with emotion. 
But you don’t know what to say to him that will make him feel better. You don’t think saying that will make him feel better, so you sit in silence, wiping away his tears. 
He pushes your hands away to start angrily wiping his tears. 
He doesn’t stop crying as you prepare antiseptic-soaked cotton for his cuts. You gently take one of his arms and swipe the cotton slowly, slowly over his wounds, blowing over them right after to ease the burn. His crying is reduced to sniffles, and soon enough, he stops crying altogether. 
“You’re beautiful when you’re open to me like that,” you say, placing cute teddy bear band-aids on his smaller cuts. You take one of his hands and kiss all of his fingers. “I love knowing you trust me enough to cry to me.” 
He uses the same hand you kissed to cup your face. He looks at you with a blank look on his face, running his thumb over the expanse of your cheek. “I still have to patch you up,” you whisper. “Give me a few minutes, okay?” 
He nods and lets you handle him. 
When you touch Kageyama you feel like you’re holding something so fragile; you’re afraid that one single move you make on him will break him and make him hate you forever, but Kageyama’s always so gentle with you. He’s not going to flinch or groan in pain when you deal with him, because he knows you’re scared. He always tells you good job after you fix him up because he’s just that thoughtful. He stares at you with stars in his eyes while you wipe an alcohol round on his knuckles to get rid of the blood. 
“Where else are you hurt?” You ask, and he shakes his head. 
Kageyama pulls you to him and wraps his arms around you. “I was so scared, Y/N,” he whispers. “I didn’t want to lose Hinata.” 
You run your nails over the dip of his back where his spine is supposed to be, “You didn’t, Kageyama. You know to be careful the next time around.” 
He holds you even tighter if that were possible. “I don’t know, it’s just—what if I actually lost him this time? And if I did, it was because I was so dumb?” 
“I almost got him killed, Y/N.” He pulls away and looks you dead in the eyes. “I almost killed my best friend.” 
You’ve had enough. 
You grab his face with both your hands and bring him to you to kiss him square on the lips. “You’re fine, Kageyama,” you say, before kissing him back even more. “You two will be alright.” 
Though you say such comforting words, your heart aches because you say them with every bit of love you have for him inside of you—but you know he won’t love you the same way you do. 
You know he won’t love you because he’s scared of losing you the most. 
Take the risk, you want to tell him, while you kiss him even more. I’m worth the stakes. Hug me. Kiss me. Fill me up. Love me, in all the ways you can. Love me in all the ways you want. 
Take the risk, you think, as you hold his face in your hands, your breaths mixing together as you look into his eyes, so intense, and so full of love, Love me. 
You shift to straddle his waist. Your mouth pecks the corner of his mouth and trails down to his jaw. “You’re okay, Kageyama.” You remind him again, as you bring your face back to him. You kiss him again, prodding your tongue to his mouth, which he gladly opens for you. Your tongue explores every flavor of him Kageyama has to offer, while Kageyama lets his guard down enough to start sucking on your tongue. You pull away to place your mouth on his neck, no spot left unkissed. 
Soon you begin sucking, licking, biting everywhere around his neck. He moans, “Fuck.” Kageyama places his hands on your hips, and you know exactly how to move them to get him riled up. 
As you continue to mark his neck, you grind on him faster, moaning in time with him. “Fuck, baby—” he breathes. “You’re so good.” 
You stop your assault on his neck to suck on his bottom lip, then his tongue. “Mmf,” he whines, hearing the lewd sounds of your mouth wrapped around his tongue. He pulls away to whisper, “Baby, stop.” 
You stop, doing your best to grind on him slower than before. “What’s wrong, Tobio?” 
He places a firm grip on your hips and squeezes his eyes shut, and it’s only now you notice that his breathing has gotten erratic. The warm glow of his lamp provides you the small shapes of the blossoming love bites on his neck and collarbones. “I.,” he whispers, shaking his head. 
“What do you want, Tobio?” You say, halting the roll of your hips on his clothed cock. You take one of his hands and lick up his thumb before putting it in your mouth. You moan, making the lewdest face you can. You can feel his cock twitch in between your thighs, which only drives you to continue your grinding, his thumb still in your mouth. You let go of his hand and place it back on your hips. “What do you want?” 
Kageyama’s eyes are closed in pleasure as you continue to grind on him. “Fuck,” he says. “You’re so hot.” 
You chuckle and lean down to kiss him square on the lips. 
Kageyama gets tired of your grinding and switches your places so he’s on top, humping his clothed, fully-hard cock uselessly against your pussy. He settles his forearms to the sides of your head and leans in enough just so your mouth is next to his ear, and you whisper, “My body is yours, Kageyama.” 
He moans quite loudly at that.
“Don’t say things like that, Y/N.” He says, hastily taking off your shirt and your sweatpants. 
“Why not?” You bite your nails, watching Kageyama get riled up. You arch your back as he reaches for your bra clasp, undoing it with ease and tossing it to the side, leaving you practically bare naked in front of him, save the panties you have on. 
He leaves a kiss on your lips first before going to lick the length of your throat. “You don’t know what you do to me, baby.” He sucks on the spot he knows you’re weakest and he has you moaning. 
Kageyama’s hips continue to grind against yours, his cock getting harder and harder by the second. The trails his own kisses down to the valley between your breasts and kisses both your under breasts before taking one nipple in his mouth and the other between his forefinger and thumb. 
“A-ah, Tobio,” you say, eyes squeezed shut as the pleasure nearly overwhelms you. “Your tongue feels so..so good.” 
He releases the nipple in his mouth with a lewd pop, “Yeah? You like it when I have your tits in my mouth, baby?” 
“Mmm,” you nod as he takes the other one into his mouth and starts sucking harshly on it, this time biting it too. “Oh Tobio, fuck!” 
As he continues his assault on your breasts, he stops grinding to play with the hem of your panties. “Can I?” He asks, tugging. You nod hastily and he wraps his mouth around your nipple again, sucking even harsher this time. Tobio takes off your panties and drags a finger up and down your folds. 
“Fuck, Y/N,” Kageyama smiles. “This wet for me?” 
“Only for you, Kageyama,” you wrap your arms around his neck as he settles his face in between the crook of yours. “Only for you.” 
Every single touch Kageyama delivers feels like a lick of fire straight from the hearth of the gods; your skin hot to the touch. Kageyama’s fingers, palms, skin roaming everywhere on your body only leaves you wanting more and more of him to warm you up even further.
His calloused thumb starts to rub gentle circles on your clit, causing you to moan. He drags another finger up and down your slit before easing it into you. “I love that you’re so wet for me, sweetheart,” he whispers, finally starting to piston his one finger in and out of you. “It’s so fucking hot.” 
He adds another finger and makes his pace inside of you even faster, and soon enough, you’re writing underneath him, tears in your eyes, the knot in your stomach starting to become irritating as Kageyama seems to be nowhere near letting you cum. Soon enough, he adds a third finger, which just has you crying in pleasure as his pace slows. “Kageyama,” you whine. “Kageyama, Kageya—”
He uses his other hand to cover your mouth. “Do you want the others to hear who’s fucking you good, Y/N? Is that what you want?”
You moan as his words drip in filth. He curls his fingers inside of you, finally reaching your sweetest spot. You moan and whine and writhe under him as he continues to pump his curled fingers inside of you. “You’re so loud, Y/N,” he chuckles. “I love that I make you like that.” 
“Only you, Kageyama,” you whisper, “Only you.”
He pulls his three fingers out of you so suddenly you whine from the emptiness. 
“Kageyama,” you moan. “I want you in me, Tobio.” 
Kageyama swears at your filthy words. He’s quick to stick two of his cum-coated fingers into your mouth for you to suck on, the other hand going to unbutton his pants. He pulls away for a second to take off both his dress pants and his underwear to finally reveal his cock—standing proudly, not quite lifted due to how heavy and girthy he is. His cock is already leaking precum as he strokes it in front of your wet pussy. “Like what you see?” He teases, prying your legs wide open. 
“I’d like it better if it was in my mouth,” you mumble, rubbing tight circles on your clit as he gets himself slick between your folds. “Or if it was actually—ah—in me.” 
He positions the head of his dick to your entrance, smiling at the heat that meets him. “Where’d you learn to talk like that, baby? That’s dirty.” 
You bite your nail and shrug, spreading your legs even wider for him. “I try to figure out what things you like to do while we fuck.” 
Kageyama pushes himself into you little by little, the stretch and the fill of his cock inside you burning but at the same time feeling like the best thing in the world. “Kageyama,” you moan as he leans down to place his head between the crook of your neck. You turn your head to the side so you can whisper into his ear, “You fill me up so good.” 
Kageyama almost growls at your words, inside of you balls deep now. His breathing grows more and more erratic with every centimeter of him inside of you. “Move, Kageyama,” you plea, raking your nails down his toned back. “Please, move.” 
“N-No, baby, I—” he shudders. “I can’t, I—fuck—you feel so good. I might cum with two thrusts.” 
Kageyama does his best to keep still, tense as he can be, while you wrap your hips around his waist and start moving on your own. 
“Stop.” Kageyama hisses. 
He then proceeds to fill you up to the brink again, balls deep, and pound into you at a monstrous pace. Kageyama’s not too big and not too long; he’s just enough that whenever he thrusts inside of you, you feel like heaven. His grip on your hips is sure to leave marks for days, but in the end, you know you love looking at them in the mirror, along with the love bites he loves to trail down your body—to you, it’s a sign of how much Kageyama loves you. 
At least, how you hope he does. 
Kageyama moans shamelessly into your ear, whispering I love the way you feel and You’re so tight. His filthy words only add to the knotting in your stomach, just as your fingers begin to rub tight circles on your clit. You moan as Kageyama finally gets to the spot only he knows how to reach, and from that point on, you’re nothing but a writhing mess underneath him. 
“Love it when you moan like that for me,” he says, kissing your cheek while also slapping your ass, the smack resounding throughout the room. “You make the most beautiful faces.” 
“Fuck, Tobio,” you whine as you throw your head side to side. You grab one of his hands and put it to your breast, to which he understands what to do right away. Kageyama begins toying with your nipple, and soon enough, is bringing one of them into his mouth once again, all while his thrusts never cease to hit your sweet spot. “Oh god, just like that..” 
He stops all his ministrations on your body, sitting up and spreading your legs even wider before he thrusts in and out of you again, watching you take him so effortlessly. “You’re so wet, Y/N…” he says, and the tone of his voice confuses you. “I..I love that you’re so wet…” 
Your libido suddenly disappears, and you reach up to cup his face. “Tobio—”
He jerks his face away from your touch and wipes across his cheeks—why was he crying? In the middle of sex too?
Nonetheless, he places your leg onto his shoulder and pounds into you again, this time, crying above you as well—and really, you don’t know how to feel because Tobio’s cock is hitting places your fingers can’t reach but at the same time his tears roll down the valley of your breasts and now you can’t help but cry too because everything just feels so good and wow Kageyama’s thumb is on your clit—
And you’re coming, his name on your lips like a mantra, again and again—Tobio, Tobio, oh god, yes! 
He stops thrusting and cums inside of you, his sobbing still continuing, groaning while he rides out his high inside you. “I—ah—I’m sorry,” he cries. “You felt so good around me and today was just so stressful—”
You smile cup his cheek with your hand, wiping away one of his stray tears with your thumb. “It’s okay, Tobio. You’re safe with me.” 
At that, Tobio bursts. 
No, he literally bursts—his face bunches up a little bit before he closes his eyes and starts crying so much. He collapses on top of you and just wraps his arms around your waist, crying and crying and crying and crying, snot starting to collect on your skin and tears rolling down the sides of your body. But you don’t mind. 
You really don’t mind, because these are the few moments you know are special between only you and Tobio; nothing else in the world can compare to you feel when you’re with Tobio, whether in sex or just in general—so all while Tobio shakes and stutters and cries and moans on top of you, you hold him tight, even tighter than you have before because you know you may never get to experience a love like this ever again. 
Even if you know he can’t love you back. 
Kageyama pulls out of you only then, going to lay beside you instead. “I’m sorry I cried while we had sex,” he sniffles. “I’m just—I’m so stressed.” 
“It’s alright,” you remind him, and you think you won’t ever stop reminding him that it’s okay to feel. Moving closer to him, you wrap your arms around him and bring his head to your neck. “At least I know you’re comfortable around me.” 
“I’m most comfortable around you, Y/N.” 
You inhale sharply, trying your best not to even think of saying it— 
“I love you, Tobio.” 
You’re so stupid. You already know what he’ll say next. I love you too, he’ll start. But you know I can’t. 
He sighs and clings on to you just as tight. 
“I love you even more...” 
And you’re left waiting. Waiting for the moment your back hits the ground after falling from the highest altitude in space. Waiting for the moment your heart breaks into fractions and pieces so you can piece them together right away, once again. 
But the fall never comes, and the night stays the same. 
The night is quiet, and so is he. 
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