#yf watches good girl
ohnobjyx · 4 years
TTXS 200809
Oh, my, I was just watching TTXS, but I can’t help but share the best moments of this... This is golden, seriously (for me at least since I’m seeing two of my favourite actors in the same show).
I don’t know if  you guys know Zhao Liying (ZLY), WYB’s costar in YF. She’s a very powerful actress, and left a very deep impression in me for her role in “The story of Minglan” (知否知否应是绿肥红瘦).
(I must recommend “The story of Minglan”, since some of you seem interested in c-ent. This drama centers in the gender of 宅斗 or the schemes of the inner house, women in ancient times fighting in their own way to get themselves a better life, which usually meant a good marriage. I found refreshing that by playing by the rules of the game, Minglan, played by ZLY, was able to defend herself and the people she loved. ZLY’s rendition of Minglan is a kind and soft girl with a cunning mind, and her portrayal of a soft-spoken character with a steel core really shocked me).
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Sorry, I always end up rambling. Well, ZLY is known by the name of “little knife” because of her sharp tongue. She’s not very fond of small talk and she’s rather straightforward and WH said: “with her, you only have to listen to her first words. The rest is to salvage what she has said”.
Many of you can guess why I’m writing this post (besides the fact that I liked it very much), and I left my opinion in the last part of the post. It’s a bit long, so I’m leaving a cut here. Happy reading!
Disclaimer: a heavy dose of my opinion and a little bit of speculation here.
1. In a video that has already spread on the internet, WH asked WYB if ZLY had invited him to eat.
WYB: we don’t go out very often so...
QF: See? That’s a no.
ZLY: I did invite him!
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Then it’s WYB, all surprised, and like, “oh, yes, yes, she did”. Then QF asks him what they ate, and dd spends a few moments trying to remember: “emmmm...”
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ZLY: there a lot of things... (QF: you remember it so clearly!) I paid, so of course I’d remember it!
(WH: did WYB invite you?) ZLY: he said he was on a diet...
BTW, always pay attention to what this guy actually remembers. He will forget that he was so sick that he went to the hospital several times or the fact that his coworker invited him to eat (at least 3 times), but he will remember that he met XZ in one episode he filmed 2 years ago or that there were swans in a scene they filmed together.
2. Her response to whether they talk is also golden.
WH: do you two usually chat?
WYB: once we were familiar, we chatted.
ZLY: once we were familiar, we chatted 2 sentences.
3. Before, dd’s answer to whether he can eat spicy food was that he couldn’t. But in this one, he clearly says that he can eat spicy food (and in a previous episode, even though the food was too spicy for him, he kept going back to the dish because “he couldn’t stop”). So... who has changed dd?
4. Their interactions while browsing the different stands were also very cute. They look like the kind of friends that doesn’t need a lot of words, but have a good understanding anyway (they have the same kind of character, very straightforward and colder with strangers). They are very comfortable with each other, and I’m glad for that.
I can see why some het-obsessed fans would pair them together (even though ZLY is married and has a baby and they sometimes visited her on the set). What I want to say to that is: compare how they are with each other, how they behave with other coworkers/friends and how they behave respectively with XZ and Feng Shaofeng (ZLY’s husband and his costar from “Story of Minglan”).
I can see that WYB is much more comfortable and relaxed with her than he is with other female celebrities. In fact, in the Tencent Awards night we can see him pausing and offering his help to ZLY, who was wearing a long dress and going up the stairs of the stage very slowly. Or the multiple times he was extremely corteous with her in TTXS. From my point of view, I think that’s because of a combination of the fact that she’s married + they get along well.
Since she’s married (and it may not look like it, but ZLY is 11 years older and she was already in the industry when WYB was in primary school), any pairing between them fans come up with is very likely to be dismissed as just fans’ imagination or baseless rumours.
Even ZLY was able to sense that there was something different when XZ and WYB are together (btw, she had conjuctivitis in her right eye the night of the Tencent Awards, and the stylists chose to hide her red eye with her fringe, which is why we get her left eye side glance).
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Source of the photo: MayXian3.
(For those interested... before this moment, WYB had said something to ZLY from a normal distance. In the next second, he leans so obviously towards XZ that he leaves that huge gap between ZLY and him).
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time will tell, she’ll see us through (pt. one)
hey, it’s been a while, huh?
welcome to my first fic in like six months! this is another multichap, probably around six parts- let me know how often you’d like parts to come out. right now i’m thinking daily, but i don’t know, so if you have an opinion let me know in the replies!
okay, that’s enough of me talking. enjoy cathy angst!
tw: death, blood, beheading later in the chapter
“...yf ye be lerned in that scyence that ys possyble ye may of one word make a whole sentence, and yet nott at all tymes arryve at the true meanyng of the writer, as yt appyrs by thys your exposycyon apon my wrytyng.”
-Catherine Parr, in a letter to Thomas Seymour just before her marriage to Henry VIII
When Catherine Parr first notices she’s lost her manuscript, it’s four in the morning and she’s the only one awake.
She’s biting on her lip as she finishes the last page, blue pen smearing under her hand as her scrawling handwriting marches crookedly across the paper. This story- the story of the queens as separate from Henry, what they actually did with their lives, who they really were, their story- is the culmination of literal centuries’ worth of work.
If she doesn’t write this down, then they’ll be forgotten, lost to the wastes of time as simpering mistresses who were merely accessories to Henry’s reign.
The show is good, but the show is temporary, the legacy of that is temporary, and this manuscript is something physical that she can hold in her hands.
The last line is scribbled on the cheap notebook paper she’d had to use for the last page. It’s almost anticlimactic, how fast it is, and Cathy leans back in disbelief, the pen hanging limply in her cramping fingers.
“It’s done,” she whispers aloud, and her earbuds are still playing the instrumental hardcore rock she listens to while working, and the street outside is still crowded with London traffic, and Anna is still snoring down the hall.
Everything is exactly the same as it was a few minutes ago, except everything is completely different, shifted into a sharper focus through a new lens.
She’d started writing the last page at rehearsal, ripping a page from the awfully torn-up notebook that tech used to read lighting cues because her full manuscript was still in the greenroom, scribbling down line after line of her sudden idea as the other girls did vocal warm-ups around her.  
“What page is this, five thousand?”Anna had joked, sitting down next to her onstage and nudging her with her shoulder, looking down at the slanted scrawl on the ruled lines.
“It certainly feels like it,” Catherine had replied absentmindedly, completely focused on the page in front of her as Anne did handsprings onstage in beat with the warm-up tongue twister, and Anna had left and let her be, knowing how she needed to get her ideas down if she was going to focus on the show.
What she told Anna wasn’t just placating. It had felt like it, honestly. This has been her whole life for… well, her whole life. And now it’s four in the morning, and she’s listening to heavy metal music, and it’s done.
She reaches over to where the rest of her manuscript sits on her desk, her eyes locked with pride on the last line of the page, but her hand lands on an empty table.
A pit yawns open in her stomach. No, no, no. It has to be there. It’s always there. She looks up, hoping against hope that her hands are deceiving her, but her eyes confirm it. Her manuscript- her life’s work- is gone.
Catherine gets to her feet quickly, going to her desk drawer and ripping it open, but it’s not there either. It’s not on her bookshelf, or on her bedcovers, or under her dresser- it’s like it’s disappeared. 
She finds the papers in her desk again and spreads them out on the ground, kneeling in the center of the chaos and rifling through them frantically. Half-finished short stories and spindly outlines of landscapes flash past, but her thick stack of paper that she’d tied together with an old piece of ribbon remains missing.
She tosses aside cards and songs and tirades written in French, but it becomes clear that the manuscript isn’t in her room, and she sinks back on her heels. There are tears on her face and panic in her heart, and her mind races feverishly as she tries to think of anywhere else it could be. She’s only dimly aware of her own foggy exhaustion.
As she digs through the papers on her floor, the words and pictures on the pages start to blur together in her hysteria, and it’s gone, it’s gone, it’s gone-
The voice is tired and soft, and when Catherine looks up she sees Aragon standing there.
“Everyone’s going to wonder where you are when they get up,” Cathy points out in a quiet voice in lieu of a greeting, her cadence trembling slightly. Aragon usually gets up before everyone else and makes them breakfast.
“They won’t wake up for another two hours,” Aragon replies calmly, picking her way carefully through the scattered piles of paper to get to Catherine, a shivering, unstable island in the sea of words. “What happened?”
“My manuscript is gone,” Catherine whispers lowly, grief thick in her throat, and Aragon shifts closer to avoid falling on any of the papers, her eyebrows knitting together. 
“What?” she asks quietly, surprised. “I thought it was-”
“It was everything,” Cathy interjects softly. “It was all of my memories, and everything about our lives, and everything about- about Mary that I could piece together,” she says, her voice breaking on the name of her tiny daughter. “It was everything,” she repeats.
“Don’t use the past tense yet,” Aragon says gently. “It can still be everything. We’ll find it, I promise.”
“How can you promise?” Catherine asks, shaking her head. “How do you know?”
Aragon shrugs and gives her a gentle smile. “I don’t. I believe, though, which is almost as good.”
“Your confidence is incredibly reassuring,” Catherine grumbles, running a hand over her face to try and bring herself into a rational frame of mind, attempting to organize her papers back into some sort of categorized piles. “Where could it even have gone?”
“Did you take it anywhere recently?” her godmother asks, gathering up a sheaf of stories in her arms and sorting them into a desk drawer.
Cathy nods quickly, snapping her fingers in realization. “Yeah! Um, yeah, yeah, yeah, I took it to the theater last night, and then before that to the coffee shop. But I know I took it back home,” she says, the sudden energy leaving her body, certain of her memory of placing it in her bag.
“Well, it’s not here, so we may as well try it,” Aragon replies with a shrug. “However, I’m going to suggest that you try and get just a little bit of sleep. I know that you don’t want to,” she says, holding up her hand to interrupt Catherine’s protests, “but I think your memory might be more reliable if you sleep for a while. I’ll make some breakfast for when you wake up, and then I’ll drive you to the theater. Deal?”
Catherine sighs. “Fine,” she mumbles, trying to hide her yawn, but Aragon notices it and takes her to her bed, tucking her in and fluffing the pillow.
“Sleep, darling. I’ll wake you up when breakfast is ready,” she says gently, pressing a soft kiss into Cathy’s hair. “You’ll feel better. I promise.”
Grumbling, Catherine pulls the comforter a little tighter around herself for security and buries her face in her pillow, her mind racing as she thinks about where her manuscript could possibly be and if it’s been stolen, or ripped, or if pages are missing-
Eventually, her anxiety sputters out like a bad engine, the panicked thoughts appearing farther and farther apart, and she falls into a fitful sleep. When she’s scared, her nightmares are always more vivid, and today is no exception.
She’s standing in a castle.
It’s always a castle.
Sometimes, Henry is there, screaming at her as his old, wrinkled face turns purple with rage. Sometimes, it’s Mary, her little girl, wandering through the hallways and calling desperately for her mama.
And sometimes it’s just Cathy, all alone in the dark.
Tonight, though, she’s sitting in a dining hall, the other queens seated in ornate chairs along the table. Their faces are all lit by the candles that are dripping wax on the tablecloth, their features garish and overdrawn in the too-deep light.
Cathy is having a conversation with Katherine, realizing that they’re speaking in the ancient English of their old lives with its heavier vowels and thicker consonants, but she’s distracted from this thought when she feels a shiver scrabble its way up her spine for some reason as she glances around the room. The hearth crackles as it should, the heavy drapes let in the watery light from outside, and every so often Anne will laugh and the sound will carry over to where Catherine is sitting.
It reminds of her days as a royal with Henry, but she and these women were never all in the same room together in their old lives, kept apart by circumstances beyond their control.
She’s lost in thought about the past, her conversation with Kit having tapered off, when she hears a scream that sends an awful chill down her spine.
It’s Aragon.
Her godmother’s body crumples unnaturally, the expression on her face contorting into one of anguish, and suddenly Catherine knows that she’s watching her die. A half-scream gurgles out of Aragon’s throat as Cathy tries to get up from her chair, but for some reason she can’t move, a force much greater than she can oppose keeping her where she sits. 
No one else is reacting, even as blood dribbles awfully out of the side of Aragon’s mouth and she twitches and jerks uncontrollably, a startling juxtaposition in the glamour of the austere hall. 
Cathy needs to wake up, she has to wake up, she can’t just sit here trapped and watch Aragon die, but when she closes her eyes tightly and opens them again she’s still sitting at the head of the table, her heart pounding in her chest.
She falls still after a few minutes, and Catherine’s unable to contain her scream anymore. “Is anyone going to help her?” she shrieks, gesturing at Aragon’s unmoving form, panic settling horribly in her chest as all of the other girls just tilt their heads and look at her curiously.
“Who?” Anne asks her in the old tongue, somehow sounding like both her modern and first self at once, furrowing her brow in courteous confusion with a pleasant smile, but the typical wicked spark of mischief in her eye is absent, heightening Catherine’s anxiety. She processes the question a little after it’s asked, and dread seeps into her mind once she realizes what it means.
“Catherine of Aragon,” Cathy says slowly. “Henry’s… Henry’s first wife. Henry divorced her for you.”
“The name doesn’t ring a bell,” Anne says with a polite shrug, the phrase sounding anachronistic in her mouth. “I haven’t a clue who you’re talking about.”
“Anne, come on,” Cathy pleads desperately. “You can’t forget her, she’s a part of your life- of all of our lives.”
“I don’t remember any Catherine of Aragon,” Anne replies, voice shifting into a firmer tone. “I apologize, but I really don’t.”
“She’s right there, for God’s sake!” Catherine shouts, finally able to get to her feet, and she gestures at the body, oh God, Aragon’s body, with her eyes rolled back into her head and blood dripping grotesquely from the corner of her half-ajar mouth, and Anne looks offended at her outburst. 
“You don’t speak to a lady in that manner,” she says coolly. “You of all people should-”
She’s building towards an argument, and Catherine starts to feel some sense of relief as Anne’s familiar temper clearly starts to rise within her, but then a sharp, clean line draws itself across her neck and her head lands on the floor.
Cathy screams again, Anne’s blood coating her hands, and no one reacts, continuing to make respectful conversation and discuss benign things like hunting grounds and the weather.
“She- she-” Catherine sputters, unable to form a full thought in her terror, because Anne’s body is still slumped in the chair while her head is on the ground, dark eyes reflecting the light of the fire.
“What, dear?” Jane asks, looking at her with concern. 
“Anne is dead! Can’t you… can’t you see it?” Cathy asks desperately, voice fractured with fear, and Anne’s blood spreads through the carpet, soaking Cathy’s shoes.
“Who’s Anne?” Jane replies, looking thoroughly puzzled. “I don’t think I’ve ever known an Anne. Perhaps I had a maid named Anne once?”
“Anne Boleyn!” Cathy screams. “She was beheaded on charges of adultery!”
“There’s no need to scream, love,” Jane says gently. “I don’t think any of us ever knew this Anne girl, but we’re sorry for your loss, we truly are,” she tells her, and the other two queens nod sympathetically.
“You really don’t remember her?” Cathy asks softly, fearfully, but before they can respond Jane lets out a guttural cry, back arched in devastating pain, and then falls completely silent, her eyelids twitching unnaturally.
“No, I don’t think we do,” Anna replies with a genial smile, looking as if she can’t hear the low groan that sounds from Jane’s chest, her breath getting raspier with every second that passes. “Katherine, have you ever heard of an Anne Boleyn?”
Kit shakes her head, her own cousin’s name seemingly unfamiliar to her as Jane’s body begins convulsing with fever across the table. “Sorry, Cath,” she says apologetically. “We really just don’t know who you’re talking about.”
Jane seizes, and Catherine rushes to her side and tries to keep her still but she’s beyond help, her pulse stalling under Catherine’s fingertips and her shuddering breaths shivering into silence.
“No…” Cathy whispers, her eyes filling with tears. “No, no, come on, Jane, come on.”
She vaguely registers Katherine asking who Jane is, but she can’t focus on that or her heartbreak will spill over and she won’t be able to save the rest of them.
“We need to make sure Anna’s all right,” she says urgently, standing up quickly and abandoning Jane’s body, but when she turns around Katherine is looking at her quizzically and Anna’s body is limp where she sits.
Catherine almost doesn’t bother to check, knowing what she’ll find, but she knows her friend deserves a proper send-off so she walks over anyway, her feet feeling like they’re made of lead.
Anna is dead, her hands cold and hanging off the arms of the chair- Cathy’s liveliest friend is still and silent, the light stolen from her eyes, and Cathy doesn’t even have enough space to process the grief that’s coming in waves from every death she’s witnessing.
Cathy knows what’s coming next. She whips around and rushes over to Katherine, and she feels her hand graze against a corpse and she’s definitely running over patches of blood-stained carpet, but she can’t stop. She needs to make it to her before whatever this ungodly curse is takes her too.
“What’s going on?” Katherine asks, completely confused, and Catherine just pulls her close, tucking the girl’s head under her chin in a final attempt to protect her.
“Please, God, don’t take this child,” she whispers. “Please.”
Her pleas are in vain, however, and suddenly a huge gash rips its way across Katherine’s neck. The girl screams in agony, her body curling against Cathy’s, and before she can comfort her or try and delay the inevitable, another cut slices across her neck and her head falls off onto the floor.
Catherine jerks away from the now-headless body, her dress dripping with blood, and she gets to her feet slowly, swaying where she stands.
She goes to Aragon’s body and kneels in front of her godmother.
There’s a Latin prayer of mourning that they would say together on the days that the absence of their children felt like it was a physical weight on their shoulders, an attempt to try and soothe the grieving ache for their babies that never leaves.
This grief is fresh, not so much an ache as a stabbing, violent pain, but she begins to say the prayer anyway because Aragon deserves a proper farewell.
“Re… requiem æternam d-dona ei, Domine et lux perpetua luceat ei. Requiescat in pace.” She swallows, and then says the English. “Eternal rest… eternal rest grant unto her, Lord, a-and let per… perpetual light shine upon her. May- may she rest in peace. Amen.”
She walks to the bodies of the rest of her friends- her family- and mumbles blessings for their souls to travel safely through whatever afterlife they believe in. It’s nearly impossible, to look at these people who had been so alive and bright and true and see them broken and glassy-eyed and tinged gray, but she can’t leave them without saying goodbye.
As she says her sort-of prayers, the faces of the bodies begin to become strange in her mind- unfamiliar. When she gets to Jane, she has to think for a moment before she can remember the woman’s name, and another moment before she can remember her connection to her.
Dread shoots through her, ice-cold and immobilizing, as she realizes what’s happening.
She’s forgetting.
Just like Anne, just like Jane, just like all of them did as Cathy watched them die one by one. She’s going to forget them. 
Lost to the wastes of time.
She needs to remember all of it, every little thing about them, she needs to hold six people’s history inside of her instead of just one, because if she doesn’t then they’ll all just disappear and she doesn’t know how to live without these girls.
That’s why the manuscript is so important, if she’s being honest with herself. She wants to tell their story so she can’t forget them, so that no matter what happens there’s a tangible record of their lives.
Focusing hard on her memories, she struggles to hold onto them, but it’s like cupping water in her hands, the past slipping away into some unreachable part of her mind, and she feels tears gathering in her eyes but by the time they fall she can’t remember why she’s crying.
She’s terrified- she doesn’t know who these bodies are, surrounding her, and she feels like she should remember, she feels like she has to remember, but she can’t, and when she tries to run she trips over someone’s long-cold arm, and she’s falling, falling, falling-
Her eyes fly open.
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excorcismic · 4 years
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uhm . . . cheesed to meet you ?? - HI GANG !! what’s up , i’m hylia and i . . . love . misa and death note with my entire heart . I KNOW FOR A FACT i will probably pick up more characters along the way but i couldn’t have picked a better one to start out with !! i have experience writing both misa & light - i actually am more experienced writing light than misa , but i still have a lot of experience with her under my belt !! i’m currently writing him in another group and when i saw duality i just HAD to write her here - i’m so excited to plot w/ y’all !! so lemme tell you the basic facts & some connections and ideas i have under the cut c: ( this got long i’m so sorry )
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ooooooooooooo you wanna plot with misa so bad oooooooo - AHEM . so . 
IF YOU ARE NOT FAMILIAR WITH DEATH NOTE / MISA : death note is a manga / anime revolving around a smart young man ( light yagami ) who discovers a supernatural notebook who can take the life of any human as long as the writer knows their name & face . light uses this book to essentially try and purge the world of evil , earning the alias ‘kira’ ( who gains a following ) , and misa , who acquires a death note of her own , seeks him out as the second kira . she possesses things that he doesn’t , so essentially she becomes his partner in crime - she , falling in love with him ( or more so the idea of him she created for herself ) , and he , entertaining her fantasies in exchange for her abilities and assistance . it’s . . . way more complicated in detail and honestly pretty sad but that’s the getgo . she’s a pretty girl with a very powerful notebook and she likes a guy with a powerful notebook that sees her more as a tool he can use to further his plans . OH OH OH and also she has a protective monster lady who’s in love with her and looking after her and threatening to clap light if he hurts misa in any way . 
death note . . . is a story about how people who were good can become awful towards other people and themselves if you give them a bit of power . 
BUT ANYWAY . misa actually has a much happier life here than in death note !! it’s . . . still kinda eh in some places but overall much better since that godforsaken notebook doesn’t exist and isn't here to screw anyone's lives up .
she's a former child actor, now a musician in a pop punk band called 'your friends & the skeletons!!' but as of rn with her taking a break from big performances and touring she's just a streamer operatin' out of alucard and trying to entertain herself since sometimes the world gets a little too big for her and she needs to take a step back.
it’s a pretty cute life & that’s the rundown !! of course , it’ll be more detailed and developed in my intro for her , but that being said - CONNECTIONS .
okay so obviously some band mates !! YF&TS i imagine is a four-piece with misa on rhythm guitar & vocals , then lead guitar , bass , and drums . i imagine they’re all friends with misa , but maybe one person has been friends with misa since like . . . forever . and has seen her go through literally everything .
so , misa lives alone . maybe i’ll have her look for a roommate along the way but as for right now , even though she lives by herself ( and honestly is a lil lonely ) , i really like the idea that maybe she’s the helper neighbor that wants to befriend everyone that lives on her floor , runs to get groceries , always visits and checks in on people , etc . !! so neighbor friends pretty please !!
obviously if u wanna make ppl be fans of misa & her band that is a-okay with me just pls keep in mind they’re kinda big but not . . . big big . like they’ve got some dedicated fans but not full on stans y’know
SO  . . . folds hands . i kinda like the idea that misa hasn’t been through that many serious relationships ( always gets her heart broken through them ) but maybe there was that one serious ex-partner she had and they broke it off for whatever reason . it’d have to be when she was 18-20 and they’d be together for maybe about two or three years before her career takes off and stuff and yeah it’d be the saaaad relationship that fizzled out even tho it was serious for a bit
also some not so serious/long relationships where misa got her heart broken !! fun times !! misa throws her full heart into things way too easily so this could’ve happened in many different ways . flings ?? check . short-term relationships ?? check . she wrote a letter for someone on a starbucks napkin asking them out and they rejected so whenever she comes into said starbucks she feels shy & awkward ordering something ?? check . ( we can have fun with this basically it’s ‘ misa tried it with y/m and it didn’t work out and she’s still lonely ’ )
friends please !! friends that misa’s made in alucard !! also friends with benefits maybe !! idk !! misa is a very friendly person she will be your friend if you say ‘hi’ in a positive tone towards her !!
oh i think it’d b rly funny if there was one person misa kept trying to befriend and they’re just rly stubborn abt it for some reason bc idk maybe they find misa annoying or something anyway give me sb who misa wants to be friendly with n they’re just No abt it for whatever reason
she’s also a gaming streamer so imagine she gets into a fight with sb behind a screen on a game and/or stream and then finds them in alucard like ‘oh fuck’ aka cyber enemies
also the exact opposite scenario with cyber friends aka misa makes a friend on a game and they meet each other irl and it’s cute !!
misa . . . is not a huge party girl but i imagine she has ppl that regularly invite her to parties and stuff so there’s that . but like . she only knows these people in context of partying - they’re her party friends and that’s it and her relationships with them are just kinda shallow .
i’d ALSO like a friend she makes that’s maybe a little more sheltered & naive to the world than she is so she just takes them to cool places and stuff !! shows them what it’s like to live on the ‘ wild side ’ !! whether it’s driving to a 24 hr gas station for candy and snacks in the middle of the night and staying out until sunrise just on the road or just sitting at misa’s apartment and watching true crime documentaries in their jammies . just sb misa’s gonna take like ‘ hey we’re gonna show u what LIVING is like ’
actual shipping . . . i would love to explore at a point but i wanna explore other things first so that’ll just be smth that comes up in development maybe !! i want misa to get a chance to experience what actual love is and explore the relationship aspect of it so i’m open to it but also i just wanna develop it n let it come naturally . filled !
ANYWAYS . i’m open to rly anything !! enemies ?? friends ?? frenemies ?? friends or enemies with benefits ?? unrequited crushes ?? exes ?? found family ?? party pals ?? streamer pals/enemies ?? LET’S PLOT IT OUT I’M SO EXCITED
sorry this is a long as hell list anyways let’s plot out some relationships even tho i’m bad at plotting and trust me the intro is. probs gonna be even longer. i am so sorry.
- - - - - - - - - - - POST-EVENT ANNOUNCEMENT EDIT : okay so this one is rly specific but , , , i rly would like if maybe misa had sb to go to the cirque du eradicus with ?? probably as a date !! a date that doesn’t have to amount to anything but they’re gonna b the one who witnesses misa go into the hall of mirrors n it’s gonna be kind of like a connection since they’re gonna have been together when that stuff happens and it could be rly fun to work with in the future . just gonna put the age limit for this one at 22 - 26 just bc gaps and all !! i think it could be cute if it goes well or interesting if it doesn’t but . yeah idk they can split off at some point for other threads bt ANYWAYS I JUST THINK IT’D B FUN filled !
also if anyone wants to bring me anyone from death note i will kiss u ESPECIALLY for light , l , rem , or matsuda . pls . maybe these characters can ACTUALLY get a normal fuckin’ life this time around - ( sometimes we just want to live in the yotsuba arc forever where everyone’s runnin around solvin mysteries and not scheming against each other - )
death note hits differently .
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syncogon · 3 years
sad only 480p version this time, and delayed. oh well, temptation too strong, and clips on the weibo looked promising, so let’s go
mjy sighhh i guess he’s just dumb not malicious but man
“the truth isn’t important” glasses shing. oh wow that hair swish tho that was like unnecessarily well animated hahaha
iiiii just want jhx to tell off yy!! i think that’d be great, what a faceslap! also wtf is this thing? iron supplements?? a spray? icy-hot? 铁打损伤喷雾?? god i spent like five minutes trying to mouse-trace those characters and i still don’t know if this is supposed to be significant or if it’s just significant that jhx caught yy doing shady shit 
anyway given music / context it seems jhx is annoyed at what yy is doing? so yay friggin finally. “our classes aren’t at nanhua” nice 
“xu-da” vs “xu-ge” hmm. anyway jhx don’t fall for the lies. jhx is like sx, annoying and chuuni but probably isn’t as obnoxiously awful as he first appears... probably.... maybe. 
goddd sucks that the full version of this op is kinda weird, because i LOVE this op so much like holy crap. jiyi bei yingfu huanxing.... 
man now im like stressed about the yf at the airport scene. trailer showed an airport. what’s gonna happennn
this exchange about dd feels so weird like it sounds like ctg is trying to explain they’re not in any pre-relationship or smth but maggie is like “i don’t mind” in a way that makes it sound like she wouldn’t mind if they’re together? what??? but whatever
ok i really enjoy this cr/yf dynamic. like i feel like it’s a bit ooc and yf as portrayed here is maybe too far on the acquiescence but also it’s really funny and sparks joy for me so i’ll buy it. i’m happy to see like established relationship stuff i think bc i generally don’t in the stuff i watch. speaking of which i’m super glad that they didn’t make the awful dumb move of trying to insert like Another wack love triangle drama dynamic thing in this like the fans want yecong and tianmai!!
wowwww it’s so nice how supportive cr is being tho like i love to see it!
handholding!! soft!! nice inversion of the earlier part where cr is bandaging his fingers. but like -
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WHY DOES SHE HAVE MARKS/CALLUSES ON HER THUMB AND NOT HER PINKY??? like ok i have not played ukelele but i sure have my own share of stringed instrument finger calluses and you don’t?? press on the string with your thumb???
still, they’re trying, it’s a cute detail, i appreciate it. i liked that one wwgk review i watched yesterday that pointed out s1 was like a coming of age story disguised as a music story, whereas s2 is like a real music story.... 
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wait this is incredibly cute wtf. oh my god. 
YF SIGHED/FACEPALMED AT THAT? COME ON!! WTF THAT’S SO RUDE? THAT WAS ACTUALLY LIKE PRETTY GOOD?? AND SHE DID THIS JUST FOR YOU? like maybe not performance ready but bro she’s learned for two days!! also holy shit the strumming animation is really good for smth like this im impressed! that reminds me of the like actually legit violin animation they showed in the trailer yo im so ready 
like i totally understand the frustration (damn, maggie’s face... 3 free performances? really?) but also i feel SO BAD FOR CR HERE this is so awkward oh my godddd at least ctg like tries to apologize to her (and cr’s reaction to this whole thing is also v solid, good for her) but still like damn 
aww ahh man im glad maggie still like! supports encourages cr here! that’s also char dev being able to like get past her own complicated emotions at least for this sort of gesture 
awwww i also like seeing maggie’s coping, the happiness philosophy i always thought that was super interesting. she’s a great char! and i think running is good
animators animate a girl running normally challenge
oh nice you have to walk a bit after sprinting, good
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the train track scenes are so pretty wahhh 
does... does the track just end there? what
the ~significance~ of maggie now sharing this piece of her that used to be a yf thing, with ctg 
also excellent bgm - oh omg it’s og soul link remix!!! 
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“i don’t want you to go” 
MY GOD HE’S FINALLY MAKING A REAL MOVE. and one based in real friendship. GOD FUCKING FINALLY CTG AAAAAA she’s cryyying man this exchange is also pretty cute ngl 
i can’t believe they figured this out a full 4 episodes before the finale 
this is so pretty here wahhhhhh i wanna ss the whole thing in 1080p 
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they never released pink twilight shanghai!! i want this ver!!! 
aww yayyy open still cheering her on - YF BE NICE TO YOUR GF COME ON
haha this is like reverse of cr tutoring him - WAIT YEAH YF YOU WERE A SHITTY ASS STUDENT COMPARED TO HER BE EXTRA NICE 
also remixed dream i dig it! sounds like new lyrics? 
julliard hahahaha
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dong dong goddess
HAHAHA did dd just steal ctg’s fries
ctg: expressing some deep thoughts
me: just watching dd
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“forever confident, forever happy” 
wait sooooooo are they a thing now or what did that count as a confession
“and qing’er is finally here” WHAT’S THE TEAAAAA WE STILL DON’T REALLY KNOW
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“im a guitarist this is fine” YOU GO DD I LOVE YOU 
omg oyzq. you’d think they were trying to extort a confession from him. what the hell is this instrument he said what is a xiao 箫. A WOODEN FLUTE? YOOO THAT’S COOL my god PLEASE let us get some kickass trad/modern fusion music im so ready 
“i trust ouyang” ahhh double char surnames are cool
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ok this is interesting tho he’s not a dick for the hell of it it’s out of desperation or smth. but like half a year, oh no, what a horror. (i’m fresh out of hb feels ok you shaddap // tho i can also imagine the knife, like in lotus bloom, where they didn’t think szp’s injury was permanent). tho i do also like the “then we’ll be seniors we won’t have time to perform” but also that’s just a reminder that all of these ppl are like frigging 16 year olds and i still cannot take this seriously
i like “i didn’t expect, that i couldn’t give you the confidence to win”. god im so glad this confrontation is happening. man this feels like a wrap up already are they really spending all 3 last episodes on the competition? what’s the story gonna be? 
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feel like he’d be less ugly with hairstyle that looked more consistently like this. anyway sucks that both of them are so ugly otherwise there’s some nice sun/moon (+stars?) imagery you can get going here
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pretty! i wanna save this hq
it’s this bgm!!! godd i just want this track so bad
an empty beach?? in china near shanghai??? 
anyway ahhh it’s the iconic beach shot! i like how the promo ver cuts out dd lmfao
wow nine episodes in and cookie finally gets a character moment??? cookieeeeeeee i missed you
ok i can’t ship them he calls her shifu but also THIS IS SUCH A CUTE FRIENDSHIP calling every day 10 minutes?? wow!! i love dongdong and i love cookie. also this hits different in covid times “no one says that we can’t be friends because of distance” 
oh i guess they are pushing this as a ship. meh.
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wahhhhh. need this hq then i have more propic material. 
ah lang is VIBING oh to be the ah lang of my own life. parasurfing. walking into poles. 
wow this is so modern! the red bag thing! wow i do love this show flexing the modern-ness 
this is the mercedes benz arena im SURE of it ahhhh holy crap this crowd. oh to be in a crowd without mask
IT’S THIS DUDE AGAIN like the trailer spoiled this but if i found out this right here right now i would’ve lost my shit my god hahhaah
im like torn about how i feel about cr’s dress like idk if it fits her well even if it’s pretty
oh im scared i hope this doesn’t become embarrassing 
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ok anyway im happy!! spent like an hour watching this or something lmao but good times!! much better than last ep HAHA yayyy im so glad we’re finally at the comp and lots of these little things have been tied up now im ready for new song drops!!!
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It’s been a long, stressful week. So, I’m going to drunk-watch Twilight (this is part 1, I’ll do a part 2 later). So far, I have drunk watched and reviewed Eclipse, Breaking Dawn Part 1, and Breaking Dawn Part 2. I will probably drunk-watch and review New Moon some time in the near future. My sober review of Twilight is that it is the best of all the movies (But New Moon though, I know, it’s a very close second for me). I love that it was meant to be like a cool, niche indie film and Catherine Hardwicke is the best. The baseball scene. The meadow scene. The bio scene. Iconic. Anyway, my drunken thoughts are below the cut as per usual:
- So I know it’s like .0 seconds into this ish, but I just realized when Bella’s tlakign about dying in the place of someone she loves @ the beginning, we see the deer and then in BD2, when the mountain lion tries to kill the deer, Bella kills the mountain lion. Feels like symbolism idk.
- Phil really is like 25 years old lmao. Does it ever say how old he is? He looks young af. 
- Forks seems super depressing. Like the scenery is cool, but like there’s no one there? Only 3,000 people? Boring af.
- everything is so green and blue and aesthetically pleasing, thank you catherine
- i just realized the picture above the shelf with cds is also of a deer. the deer is important.
- the friendship between charlie and billy is all i want in life
- the truck literally brought a smile to my face. and the whsikey. 
- the high shcool looks more like a fancy ass mansion and idk why no one else has ever called out this fake shit
- eric is so precious an we deserved more of hom
- bella playing volleybal is me lamo i’m so uncoordinated at throwing shit liek that hahaha
- i just keep thinking about how anna kendrick forgot she was in this movie. if i played a character as written in canon by smeyer, i’d probably choose to forget it too. 
- mike is so fcking creepy lmao he could’ve been written better but smey r said no
- if people don’t look @ me and my mans on my wedding day the wya they look @ rosalie and emmett int he cafeteria scenr then imma fuking fight
- do not disrecpt carlisle like that hoe he is a flawless mna and deserve your full respecgt
- what the fuck i hate this scnee now that ik now abotu banner fck smyer’s nast y ass
- also lmao @ rob’s face he was foin to fuckng mucj
- wy the fuc did bella wear a bowling shirt over al ong gray shirt?
- my arms feel heavy af right now lmaooooo
- the lady they had play renene lowkey looks like krisen they did a good job casting them
- oooooh hell yeah eyes on fire time bitch
- emmett is my fave pullign up on top the jeep and hopping out like it’s nothing
- this scene is actually pwowrful because bella’s wathcin g the cullens but her human friends try to get her attention so it’s liek she’s being torn between the two worlds. cahterine’s mind
- i duckinf love the aesthetic and scnery of this movie
- mike really said how you likin da rain girlllllll lmao
- when edward apologizes though lowkey that shit’ cute and i would’ve fotgiven him too
- this bitch lied. tlaking about i don’t like any cold thing. homie. you a damn lie.
- “i’m just trying to figure you out” mhy ex said th  same damn thing lmaoooo bitch i ain’t about to let you figre me out unless yo uput a ring on it-
- whne i say edward stopping the van was ome iconic shit i mena inconng
- awww hell ya the hot doc is almost here
the moment i’ve ukjng been waiting on
- i love carlisle i’m so fucking thirsty for this bitch even though i just downed som mufng whiskey
- literally carlisle could get it period.
- rosalie is 1000% a daddy’s girl like anytime someone gives her shit she runs to carlisle and he’s got her back. he only supported edward and bella becaus esme did and she’s a hopeless romatic and carlisle loves that about her. but if it wans;t for esme, edward would’ve gotten his as sent lmao.
- if you see acreepy dude int eh corne of your room what ar you gonna do?
- agaain with the shot of bella being town between the humans vand vamps chathetiner’s mind
- tbh i eel like i know what should’v happened in canon better than smeyr at this poijtn and it’s not canpn that the cullens would’ve gone on a field trip. they just wouldn’t have like it’s extra risk and it’s unnecsary.
- edwar’ds fae when jessica rna upt talking about mike lmaoooooooo
- not gonan lie i love thsit shirt bella’s wearing when they’ra tlaking about la push kind of wanti kt
- the dumbas s salsd
- i want an edward fanvid to  bad guy by bullie easihr lish
- love thatb ella encouageed angela to ask etic to prom. a feminsit quenenne
- why di d theyr rcarst the original embry and quil? 
- when taylor said old scar tsotry the midwest accent popped thef ick out
- i love jow bellas all serious baout this shit and jake doesnt give af he’s like bitch it aint real lmaoooo
- i stan laurent and i’m so angry about what smeer did to him
why do people just layo out in the sun like this lmaoooo
- awww i’m so happy fro angela i love her
- bella was ahrdore fucking femimnist and it should’ee been more cental to the plot fmeinist bella never would’ve tolerated half the shit she tolerated from jale and edwar.snmeyr has no consitnency
- why tf would opu statt wlaking down a dark alley @ night
- edward saves the day from thos ecuckgjn scumbags
- i just relaized they/re usposed to be in wahsingtob but they have fucmngn oregon plates on the car lmaooooo
- but if a dude whopeped his car lioke that idc what kinda car he drove even a volvo that shti sexy aaf
- he looks so fcking angry lmaooooo @ jess and angela
- yhis scene is cute but it also looks like this is where rob regretted his decision t op lay an emo edodei boi
- the older ig et the creeperi it gets to me that edward followed her like yeah it worked and he ended up resuing her but like still creep yas fuk
- carlisle in that coat at the staitons does a lot for me
- if i was chalrie iw ould’ve given her a hwoel ass taser
- someone tell me why bella tbought the book if she was just goign to golg.e it all
- edward weares the same thign evry damn day lmaooooo
- why werent the yf facgtin eah other when bella was tlaking this shit is too mcuh 
- i wouldn’t be afriad eitgher @ carlise
- it would be fun to run tlike that thou lnao m
- the spakrling skin thuing is funny af while durnki thogjh
- eddie bou is so damn emo and overramatic liek bitch yo uuahgt feelings too chill thf out 
- efawrd remind sme s omcuhg of chuck in gossip girl has anyone else thoguth this
- bella striahgtu p toldthis dumbass she was aafrianf onky of losing him and he left her in the next one
- the meadowa as fucking iconing as everrrrrrr
- i;m not gonna make it through this hwole  movie i’m tired watch out for part 2
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netflixmomma516 · 5 years
The Secret Weekend Lover 1 | Bryce Walker Imagine Series
Bryce didn’t rape anyone in this imagine. He's just the party boy and rich kid at Liberty. He also lives with Ani and they are very much platonic.
Here lately I feel like my life is just one big mess. All I do anymore is sit at home with my nose in a book, while everyone goes out.
My phone buzzes indicating a text. I wonder who that could be.  
Unknown; Hey, I know you probably don’t know who this is, but I just wanted to say you are beautiful and I can't stop smiling looking at your latest selfie on Instagram.
My heart races. No. Don’t.
Me; Who is this?
Unknown; You wouldn’t believe me if I said.
Me; Well prove it to me.
Unknown; How?
Me; Well telling me your name is a start.
Unknown; Bryce Walker
Me; I believe you, but I feel like this is a prank.
Bryce; It's not I promise. It's taken me 2 hours to talk myself into texting.
Me; It’s just hard to believe it considering who your friends are.
Bryce; How do I prove that I'm alone texting you?
I couldn’t help but smile. The first real smile in almost a month.
Me; Facetime.
What seems like only a couple seconds my phone is ringing with his name on the screen.
My hands hesitantly hit accept.
His smile fills my screen immediately.
"Hey," is all he said. I try to hide my smile, "so are you not going to prove to me you're alone?"
His screen rotates to show me the rest of his room.
Nothing. Nobody. My heart starts racing. Is this for real?
"Okay, I believe you." I bite back my smile.
"So why me?" I ask.
Bryce Walker, popular football player and the richest kid at Liberty.
"Because I think you're cute," he smiles into the camera. His pearly white smile.
"Bryce you can have any girl in school, and you know it."
"Maybe I just want you." I blush and look down. He laughs.
No heart. Don’t do this.
"What are you doing tonight?" I shrug. "Nothing, probably just going to watch Netflix, why?"
"Well I have the house to myself tonight, you want to come over and hang out?"
"Where're your friends?" I ask curiously as to why they aren't together. Usually, you don’t see one without the others, especially in school.
"Ani is with Clay. Mom is at some charity event. Monty is going to a rich kids party in Hillcrest, Zach is hanging with Alex, and Luke is working." He informed me.
"I would love to hang out, but I don’t have a car at the moment and my mom isn't home."
"Give me 5 minutes to get ready."
My mouth becomes dry.
"You don’t have too," I struggle to get out. But you want him too.  
"I know, text me your address."
"Okay," I  reply shyly. "See you soon." With that, he hangs up.
I put my phone to my beating heart and sigh.
Am I really going to hang out with Bryce Walker?
Don’t fall YFN.
I quickly type my address and hit send.
I look in the mirror and run a brush through my hair and put my contacts in. My eyes glitter in the natural light of my room.
I don’t change out of my leggings and t-shirt that I'm wearing.
I text my mom,
Me; Hey mom going to hang out with a friend. I'll be home later if I beat you home ignore this.
My mom is at her boyfriend's house. I roll my eyes at the thought of them.
10 minutes later I see Bryce's famous Range Rover pull up.
My stomach goes in knots. He makes his way up to the front door.
The best way to describe Bryce; tall, brunette, and handsome. I smile instantly knowing this isn't a joke anymore.
I'm still hesitant on why he wants me, he can have any girl in school and he wants me? Why?
I let him knock on the door, so he doesn’t think I'm too eager to hang out with him.
Play it cool YN.
I hear 2 knocks.
"Coming?" I yell making my way down the stairs. I check my hair once more and swing the door open. His smile is contagious. "Hey," he's not the same confident guy I'm used too. "Hey yourself." I mentally facepalm myself.
"Ready?" He asks. "Yeah," I close the door and make sure it's locked.
He opens the car door for me. Why? Why is he being so nice to me?
"Thanks, Bryce," I smile.
"You're welcome." He makes sure I'm fully in and shuts the door.
My hands fidget in my lap. "So how are you?" He attempts to make small talk. "Good."
After a few minutes, the conversation starts flowing smoothly.
"You didn’t?" I try to stifle my laugh.
"Yeah." He doesn’t hide his smile.
We pull up to The Chatham house. I've heard a lot of stories about this house on the hill.
We get out and make our way into the house.
"You want anything?" He asks as we enter the kitchen. "Water would be great." He hands a bottle to me. I couldn’t help but smile as his hands graze mine for the first time.
"Let's go up to my room." My stomach goes in knots.
If it happens, it happens.
"Okay," we make our way up the stairs to his room.
He sits on the bed and pats next to him. I obey. His hand finds mine and links our fingers together.
Heart calm down, you're on the verge of a heart attack.
"You okay?" He asks studying my expressions.
I smile and face him, "couldn’t be better." I bite my lip. He smiles and blushes.
"So Bryce?" I'm dying to know why me?
"Yeah?" He moves us to lay down.
I look up at the ceiling and take a deep breath.
"Why did you ask to hang out with me? I don’t care if it's to just get in my pants but I want to know so I know how to feel afterward." I turn my head, his eyes tracing my face.
He props himself on his side, "YN I asked to hang out because I like you and think you're cute. My intentions are not to hook up. Trust me I wouldn’t mind if it happened but I don’t want to pressure you." His finger outlines my jaw. My eyes look from his bright green eyes to his plump pink lips that are turned up to a smile.
His perfect damn smile.
"So YN, remember the times during t-ball when you and I would never get the call that practice was canceled or moved later. So we would stay there talking for an hour just about nothing and everything at the same time."
I smile remembering the innocence we shared. "Yeah, I honestly can't forget."
"Me either. You have no idea how big of a crush I had on you." I blush crimson red.
"I had a crush on you too. You have no idea how excited I would always get the day of practices and even game days." His turn to blush.
"Just think how much we've grown." I nod, and can't stop smiling.
"Bryce, I don’t get it." My turn to turn on my side and look at him.
"What don’t you get?"
"How annoying you can be in school but right now you're the sweetest guy I've ever hung out with." Damn that came out really mean.
"I didn’t mean for it to come out mean Bryce, but I feel like you put on a front in front of your friends."
"Because I do. It's just easier to be the cool rich kid than to be the emotional guy with actual feelings."
"Is that all your life is, is being rich?"
"No, I have my own interests and hobbies, but it's always hard to know whos a true friend or whos just trying to be popular?" I feel so bad for him. Does he have any true friends?
"Yeah I get that, but I can tell you right now I’m a true friend." I smile.
"Well, I would hope so." He rolls on top of me. I squeal and laugh.
"YN, you are so cute."
"Bryce, you're handsome."
My eyes look back down to his lips.
His lips curve into a smile, "can I kiss you?"
With that question, I wrap my hands around his neck and tug him down to meet my lips.
At that moment, time stood still. No one mattered but us two lying on his bed having the best kiss I've ever had.
If this ends up going nowhere at least I have the memory of this kiss engraved into my mind.
His lips reluctantly pull away. His forehead rests on mine.
I bite my lip and look into his soft green eyes.
"YN I don’t want you to leave, I wish we can stay here like this all night."
"Bryce you have no idea how much I want that too." I rest my head on his chest.
"But my mom is going to be home soon," he sighs.
"Okay." I look up at him.
"YN, promise me something. I don’t want to seem like a jerk and don’t compare what I'm about to ask to that asshole Reed, but can we keep tonight between us."
I look down at the sheets and back up to him.
"Yeah," his smile makes me smile. His fingers link in mine. "The only reason I'm agreeing to this is that 1, no one is going to believe me, and 2 I want this to happen again."
His lips reach mine again, "it will. I don’t think I can stay away from you YF/LN."
I blush.
"Alright I hate to do this but I have to get you home." I shake my head.
15 minutes later we are sitting in my driveway.
"I'll see you on Monday?" I ask half hoping he'll at least acknowledge me when he sees me.
"Yeah, but like I said I want this to stay between us," I shake my head.
"Yeah, it will. I just hope this isn't a 1-time thing." I look down at my lap.
"It's not I promise." He grabs my hand and squeezes.
I smile at his gesture.
"Goodnight YN."
"Goodnight Bryce."
One more kiss and I find myself back in my room for the night.
I smell my shirt and realize it smells exactly like him. I take a deep breath, for once I feel content.
This is a secret I'd be happy to keep if I get to feel like this all the time.
I'm laying in bed curled up reading my latest romance novel as I start to doze off I feel my phone buzz.
Lover; Goodnight beautiful. Thank you for making me the happiest I've been in a very long time.
Butterflies go crazy.
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So @sleaterkenny tagged me in this top albums of 2019. Idk if they knew what they were getting themselves into with giving this to a music major who can’t shut up but I love this. The thing is I don’t really listen to new music so like I’m just going to talk about what I’ve been listening to and try to throw in currentish stuff. Also it’s not in any particular order. Also if you like my opinions and music choice listen to my radio show at wmxm.org every Tuesday from 5-7.
Wild flag by willd flag
- this is one of those “super group” with Mary Timothy from helium and Janet Weiss and Carrie brownstein from sleater Kinney. They only ever put out this one album but like I still really want more from them. Currently I’ve been loving future crimes. It has such a longing to it at the same time it’s incredibly strong. It’s like raw unhinged Carrie and I love it. Romance is also really fun. I like how his album tackles these big things then has songs like romance and boom that are just like fun and flirty.
Prom queen by beach bunny
- so it’s a local Chicago band and I’m becoming obsessed. It’s a female fronted band and I really think they are about to like break out. They have the thing some riot grrrl bands do which is cutesy but still kick ass. The titular song prom queen is probably my favorite. It talks about beauty standards but it’s still a bop. It also like alludes to an eating disorder so trigger warning but for me personally it reminds me that I’m not totally alone yf. Also that makes the song sound super depressing but it’s a break up bop I promise.
Le Tigre by le Tigre
- so god bless Kathleen. Kathleen is also from bikini kill and she’s like such an icon. Every song goes hard. Hot topic is super great it’s just like funky background with Kathleen belting important women over it. My favorite is deceptacon. It’s just fun and bratty. They use their instruments in such a interesting way. It’s so clear that everyone is just having fun. Every song goes so hard.Potty mouth by bratmobile- okay so like iconic it’s part of the birth of riot grrrl I love it. Okay so their cover of cherry bomb. Like I think I went off about this already but I love how girlie it is yet it still commands so much attention it’s kick ass. They take that song that was used to exploit the sexuality of a underage girl and it fucks with the patriarchy. All the songs are so fun. They call out relationships call out men and demand to be heard about everything they want to talk about. I love the way each song feels like they are directly bitching at you
Emerald valley
- this is by filthy friends which is one of those “super groups”. It has corin tucker if sleater Kinney and peter buck from REM. It’s all about climate change and you can tell that everyone is passionate about what they are talking about. Corin Tucker as always tears apart the room with her vocals it’s like a battle cry. Also if you get the vinyl it’s green and I’m a bitch for colored vinyl. Bonus you should listen to despirta which is by them and it’s a fuck Trump ballad.
So this is kinda a cop out but I’m living my best life..
Diomands by Elton john
- so it’s all re-released Elton music but it’s has a super good mix of his stuff. Admitally after watching rocket man I got back into Elton john and it’s like a rennasance. Bennie and the jets is a banger and tiny dancer always pulls at my heart strings. It’s hard to pick an Elton song to be my favorite but I’ve been listening to goodbye yellow brick road a lot and I’m preforming it at my piano recital coming up so I’ll say it’s my favorite
So this definetly isn’t in anyway new but I’ve been loving the age of backwards by the spells
- so this came out in 1999 around right after sleater Kinneys the hot rock. Its a duo with Mary Timothy of helium and Carrie brownstein (of sleater Kinney). It’s a short experimental ep and I love it. So I had to listen to it a couple of times before I could say if it was good or not but I decided i liked it. Carrie sings a lot and I love her voice and the chemistry between Carrie and Mary’s guitars is insane. It’s a lot of entangled riffs and weird affects. My favorite song off of it is can’t explain which is a cover they did of that song by the kinks.
The Woods by sleater kinney
- I know Im suppose to talk about the center wont hold but like truthfully i cant write a whole essay right now and i dont want to get too conversational. what ill say is if you dont like the album youre wrong and dont ever mention janet weiss to me again because im conflicted. Anyway...Carrie brownstien is the best guitarist of our genoration and im being 100% serious when i say this if you dont agree with me youre sexist and homophobic. The woods i feel like is where i can point to and be like are you shitting me listen to these solos. I feel like carrie had always had killer solos but something about this album (and going forward but especially this album) makes it feel even more powerful. Carries guitar is like a fucking weapon and you can feel it cutting you open. Of course corins vocals fill the entire room and attacks anything in it’s path. The fox i think showcases the power of her voice better then any of their discography. As always sleater kinney tackles so many issues and this album goes for everything. The song that really stands out though is jumpers. I remember listening to it the first few times and just being like this shreds but once i really listened to the lyrics i fell apart. I think part if it has to do with the fact i can relate to it but i also feel like its one of the only songs that talks about suicide that doesn’t romanticize it and also doesn’t pity it. Jumpers is like this unstoppable force of nature that is apologetically what it is and is the first song that really captures the epidemic truthfully. I know i havent given a favorite for each album but ill say modern girl is my favorite. It’s really hard to decide and tbh i dont know if its my favorite but i love how antagonizing it is and i guess i liked it enough to get it tattooed on my body.
This is kinda my rap portion of the post
Cherry bomb by Tyler the creator
- so this isn’t one of his most acclaimed albums but I love it. It has the perfect mix between the pure and soft and the fuck shit up angry. I think my favorite is 2seater. The entire thing is so sweet and I love the part where everything changes and he starts singing “I love it when your hair blows” part. I also really like perfect/Fucking young but whenever I listen to it I’m like am I a bad person for liking this? Anyway the entire thing goes hard but is still soft.
American boyfriend by Kevin abstract
- this album is like a hard look at what it’s like to be a black gay man in America. Miserble America completely breaks your heart while at the same time making troy nostalgic for a life that isn’t yours. The whole album addresses really important topic and is revolutionary because it’s an out black man in rap which is huge.
if you read this whole thing thats fucking wild. sorry i can’t fucking spell but this is how i feel about things. i hella loved writing this @crvidae i guess im tagging you but im pretty sure you’ll never end up doing it...
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dramanovellife · 5 years
Listening Snow Tower: Final thoughts
I finished watching Listening Snow Tower yesterday and well while it was nice I have a whole lot of rant accumulated. The first half was quite enjoyable but I somehow lost patience during the second half so I was kind of speed watching a lot.
The main characters Xiao Yi Qing and Shu Jing Rong are truly quite something as a couple... She kept distrusting him and he would just take it without clearing the misunderstanding even when she was asking about it... He’s maybe hurt she doesn’t trust him or maybe he just can’t be bothered but argh that was infuriating. No trust no communication. Even at the end, they did it again and I was seriously questioning her love towards him. In the end, turns out it was actually a show for the bad guys. That was a very convincing show ^^”
I feel so sad for Nan Chu. He was such a good shixiong :( Why did they have to kill him off...
On the other hand, Chi Xiao Tai’s ending is not that bad. Life confinement? Looks like she can still walk around inside the tower if she was just chilling in the armory. She’s been such an infuriating spoiled brat from beginning to end. She’s been in love with the traitor for a very long time and yet because she’s a spoiled stubborn brat who won’t stop until she gets what she wants, she wanted to get her shixiong’s love and ruined everything doing that. She kept going on about how mad she was that she can’t compare to SJR but why do they always love to compare really... It’s not even a matter of who is the most beautiful or the strongest. I really don’t get women in drama sometimes... They either want to kill the rival (like that will help) or destroy everything (cause hate is better than being ignored). I guess her biggest punishment is losing the one who loved her all along due to her stubbornness.
I really don’t feel sorry for Gao Meng Fei/Qing Yu though. He was quite likeable at the very beginning but I lost all hope for him the moment he abandoned his shimei. Selfish ambitious no loyalty. He fell in love with the wrong person and that brought out the worse in him. They do make a good terrible couple though.
Another disaster of a person is Ming He. Seriously drama parents, treat your children with a bit of love. It’s either spoil them until they rot or be so harsh they become psychopaths. She latched onto the poor Qing Lan who showed her kindness and was so handsome...and would never let go. Because ofc love is being together forever with the person you love even if that person might not be willing. She’s the worst case of *I need to kill my rival*. She’s a pitiful love craved person who could have had a chance with Qing Lan if she wasn’t so crazy and vicious.
This show is truly full of foolish people. Another great and infuriating example is Gao Huang & Ye Feng Sha and Ren Fei Yang & Shi Ming Yan. Walking around in the enemy territory? Leisurely shopping? Very good idea. Maybe the first couple didn’t think they would strike in broad daylight but second couple should have learned from it.
The worst is that dark crazy SMY blamed YFS and RFY’s deaths on XYQ... I can kind of understand for RFY cause his death might feel like it was nothing since XYQ didn’t attack the Moon sect. But YFS??? How can that even be blamed on him?? The girl decided to die together with the person the Moon sect was targeting. XYQ told them to leave Moon sect territory fast but what did they do instead? Shopping. No sense of danger here. SMY wants the Tower to rush at Moon sect but she clearly doesn’t understand that rushing with no guarantee or plan is a very bad idea. RFY pretended to be Li Consort’s son for nothing indeed but that was all because of GMF who ruined the plan.
Crazy as she is, SMY even broke her own legs. And for what? I can’t believe SJR gave her the almighty sword at the end lol To be wielded by a righteous person sure. SMY is far from what I would call a righteous person. Besides, she’s a disabled little girl who can’t even wield a sword to begin with.
Best girl in this show is Qian Mei, the girl who was to be married to the Long guy. She’s such a strong person who stuck to her principles. It’s a pity the show seemingly forgot about her until the last few minutes. If anything she’s more worthy of the almighty sword.
Oh well end of my rant xD Complained a lot about this show but it was still pretty nice and visually pleasing. I particularly loved the architecture in the Tower. So elegant. Very good ost as well. And well sickly but badass ML? Yes all the way xD It even had a happy ending :D
EDIT: OMG I almost forgot about XYQ’s mother. I’m honestly surprised at how weak and useless she was all throughout the show. Did they somehow strip her of her martial arts? Or did she just lose her mind after being confined for so long? Her decision to go back to Moon sect was the worst ever. I doubt it helped at all. It just launched her husband and son on a quest to save her.
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Mistletoe (One-shot)
Christmas Special
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You’ve had feelings for Jaehyun for a long time now but your friendship with him had it remained unspoken, like a taboo subject for you two. Everybody has their limits. You decided to tell Jaehyun the three words that you’ve been dreading to say to him. All or nothing for you.
Pairings: Jaehyun x reader
Genre: fluff
a/n: i honestly suck at everything descriptions.
You tapped your fingers on the sticky tables of a run-down coffee shop while waiting for Jaehyun to reply
7:33 am
Good morning you ethereal being. I kinda need your help. I spent the night in front of a coffee shop and I have no money. Pls be a sweetheart and retrieve me from this shabby place.
7:34 am Jaehyun
I really like waking up to these kind of texts. 
Send me your location. Do I even want to know how you ended up there?
7:34 am
I fell asleep in the bus and this was their last destination. The coffee shop’s name is CaPAPAccino and yes the name is probably why this place is in shambles.
7:36 am Jaehyun
I just looked it up and I think I’ll take about an hour to get there so yeah enjoy being a CaMAMAccino for a while.
Jaehyun’s response made you chuckle. You looked around the shop. The place may be falling apart but their Christmas spirit is not. It was Christmas season after all and it was freezing. You were the only one freezing. You must’ve forgotten your coat on that bus. The staff around you were putting up Christmas decorations and singing holiday songs. It lifted up your spirits a bit so you decided to talk to the staff until Jaehyun comes to pick you up.
An hour passed and you see Jaehyun coming in the shop. He wore a plain white sweater and jeans under his coat and his hair looked like he just ran his fingers through them. He must’ve been in a rush. He greeted everyone that he passed by as he makes his way to you.
“You don’t even have a layer on you, how are you still alive?” he teased and took off his coat to put it on you. Jaehyun’s actions made your heart flutter. It took you back to the first time you realized you liked him more than just a best friend. It was when you two were in a party and you got in a fight with Jaehyun’s date. She got jealous of how close you were to him and suffered a wine-stained dress from her. Jaehyun had no second thoughts of telling off his date as he covered you with his coat and left the party to watch movies in their dorms. You’ve been wanting to confess to him for years but the fear of him not returning your feelings and losing him always stops you from doing so.
As you two were walking along the snowy streets, you’ve passed by a lot of couples who were sharing warmth with one another by holding hands. You looked at Jaehyun who was rubbing his palms together to keep warm. If only you could wrap your hands around his without your heart racing.
“Here, take your coat back if you’re cold. I’m feeling a little warm already”, you said as you started unbuttoning his coat to give it back to him.
“No, no just hold my hand. You’re literally still shivering and it’s only my hands that are cold”, you were taken aback by Jaehyun’s response and stared at him in surprise.
“Why are you staring at me like that? I don’t have sweaty palms anymore!” he laughed and grabbed your hand. It’s strange how his cold hand can still make you feel fuzzy and warm inside. Holding hands with him like this gives you a bit of courage to confess to him.
“Hey, if you’re free, let’s watch Jumanji on Christmas Eve” you told him. If he says yes to this, you decided that you’ll confess to him and if not, you’ll swallow your feelings for him and never let him know about it ever. It’s all or nothing.
“Ahh, finally, a Christmas miracle.” Jaehyun sighed. 
You shot your head up to him confused at his reaction. “What?”
“I mean ever since that time when that thing happened at a party with my date. You never invited me to hang out with you anymore and I basically had to always barge in your apartment. Even though you seem to be fine when I do that. I felt something had changed between us and I’m really guilty about it… so I guess you’re not mad at me anymore?”, he explained as he looked at you with his puppy dog eyes after he asked his question.
You stopped in your tracks and started laughing “Jaehyun, I was never mad at you!” you were quite disappointed because you were expecting him to say that it’s a miracle that you’ll confess to him and he knew about your feelings all along and was fine with it the whole time so you don’t have to go through a nerve-wracking experience. I guess you just can’t have things easily, you thought.
“Then why did you act so distant?”, Jaehyun pouted. God, he’s cute when he does that, I might just confess to him right here right now. You patted his shoulders and started walking. “That’s a story for another day, presumably on Christmas Eve.” you see him smile at your response. You continued to walk with him down the street unaware of the stolen glances from him.
Christmas Eve arrived and you decided to arrive 10 minutes earlier than usual. You’ve been mentally preparing for this since the day you told yourself that it’s now or never. You waited for Jaehyun under a tree just across the street from the mall. You decided to check your phone for a while to pass the time and saw an unread text from your friend.
:6:56 pm y/f/n
Y/n! Are you still planning on confessing to Jaehyun?
7:03 pm
Yes, of course. If I don’t do it tonight, I’ll never tell him about it. Ever. Until I die
7:04 pm yf/n
my woeful child… that might just be the case tonight.
Your friend’s last message suddenly gave you a dreadful feeling. Not a minute later, your phone lit up with your friend’s name on the screen.
“What did you mean by your message to me? you asked trying not to sound too agitated. You heard an audible sigh from your friend on the other line.
“Remember that girl who hated you? I heard her confess to Jaehyun and saw him take off with her. You felt your heart drop to million pieces. Maybe it was for the best but you were left helpless and it frustrated you how much you wanted to cry but your tears won’t spill, you were left empty.
Jaehyun didn’t want to reject the girl from before in front of many people. He walked her to a quiet place to give his  answer to her confession.
“I can’t return your feelings.”
“Then at least celebrate Christmas with me. Even as a friend.”, he was reminded by the girl of himself and how he decided to keep his feelings to himself the time y/n became distant to him. He settled to only mend what he thought their broken friendship and didn’t push it further.
“I can’t do that too. There’s this someone waiting for me to celebrate Christmas with her in a completely uneventful way and I’d rather spend Christmas like that because it’s with her…” he faltered. revealing a sad expression on his face
“But she doesn’t feel the same, does she?” she asked in a quiet tone. It didn’t matter to Jaehyun if you loved him back or not. He was coming to you.
You suddenly find yourself walking home. Your phone rang again, it was Jaehyun this time. You didn’t want to answer your phone because you know that he’s only going to say that he can’t go with you tonight. This Christmas was a disaster. Why did I even decide to do such a risky thing in this time of year? you cursed to yourself.
Jaehyun rang your phone again but this time you stopped in your tracks. You didn’t know why but you had the urge to look back to where you were standing. 
And there you saw Jaehyun. Bent down with one hand on his knee and one on his phone while trying to gasp for air. His hair was disheveled and his face red from running. Your feet moved on its own and started walking to him. It’s now or never. You were suddenly running to him and caught yourself in his arms.
“Jaehyun, this is the other story I ought to tell you.” you said in a breathy voice feeling your heartbeat go faster.
“I think this is the story I really wanted to hear a long time ago” he smiled as he made you look up at him.
“I love you.” you said as you buried your face in his chest. He put his chin on top of your head and wrapped you around in his coat hiding you from everyone. 
“Did you know that this tree has a mistletoe above us?” you looked up again and he gave you a knowing smile. He closed the distance between your faces little by little until his lips met yours.
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strechanadi · 5 years
Excerpts from Dance Europe magazine interview with Yuri Fateyev
Emma Kauldhar: Unlike in some companies, where talent is left to wait their turn in the corps de ballet, you believe in giving exceptionally talented dancers chances at a young age...
Yuri Fateyev: Yes. I think with time going so fast, we need to give the talnted the chance to show what they can do. This is my point of view. They should not have to wait a long time, becaise in the ballet business it is impossible to wait because ballet is the art for youn people.
EK: You have also taken on three graduates from the Vaganova Academy who are already dancing the muses in Apollo and other leading roles.
YF: Yes, I have been watching them in their classes. I was also on the jury for the Vaganova exam, and I thought it would be nice to have the three of them in the company. I decided to have a project for them and choose Apollo because they look similar and also very Balanchine ballerina-like in style. Slender, nice faces. We worked on Apollo for rour months - April, May, June and July - and now they have performed it for the Academy’s performance,  then in Spoleto and on the Mariinsky stage, and they will perform it in the Balanchine Festival at New York City Center. I am very happy because they are working so hard and they have already done a lot. Some of them have also performed in the pas de trois in Swan Lake, in the pas de trois in Le Corsaire and all of them have performed in Paquita. Masha Khoreva is incredible - she has performed the lead role, like a ballerina in a three-act ballet, and the two other girls, Anastasia Nuikina and Daria Ionova, already do the friends of Paquita. I’m so happyto have young blood in the company.
EK: What is the hardest part of being a director of a huge company like the Mariinsky Ballet?
YF: Many things are very hard. The first one is planning - it is so hard. And the second hardest is talking to dancers and telling them things they don’t want to hear. This is very difficult because you have to explain to them that’s not because you don’t like them as a person, but that you don’t see that they are artistically suitable in certain roles. Dancers - they have an ego of course. When they come from the school they are all feeling, all of them, like a superstar, but when they come to the theatre they find it is different  and almost all of them go to the corps de ballet. (...) Some of them, after working, develop and go on to be soloists. But when they become soloists, they think they can dance everything and that’s not right. In the Mariinsky, trditionally we have an “amplua”: one dancer can dance this role, and another dancer can dance this role, and they don’t have to mix. Because in the West, in a Western company, if you have a position of a principal, you can dance anything - Swan Lake, Don Q, Giselle - but it’s not right. Because the eprsonality of a dancer is unique. Perhaps, occasionally, one dancer can dance everyhing, but it is unusual. Most dancers cannot dance the full rep because they are perfect in a particular type of rep, and in some ballets they do not look good. I completely understand that dancers want to dance everything, but not on the Mariinsky stage.
So, the first two is basically for @ goodgolly-missmolly88, the last part is for me. Cause let’s talk about type-cast... (ohmygodthisissostupidshutupman!)
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humanoid-lovers · 7 years
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Young Frankenstein: The Power Point Presentation This is an enjoyable scrapbook, almost akin to a souvenir program from a roadshow engagement, but it’s not a bona fide volume on the making of the film, more a compendium of pulled quotes. If you’ve seen any of the supplemental documentaries on the making of this move, especially both included on the Blu-ray edition, then you’ll recognize a lot of the text within these pages. There’s a rather clumsy introduction from Judd Apatow where he attests to not being as funny as Mel Brooks, subtly implying the mantle was passed to him, wherein he also tries to tie Marty Feldman’s iconic portrayal of “Aye-gore” to the performances in the American version of “The Office.” That’s a connection I doubt anyone can see. The best parts of the book are the pictures, particularly some never before behind the scenes shots. This is the sort of publication that ideally should be wrapped in plastic because anyone thumbing through it in a store can speed read the whole thing in under ten minutes. Go to Amazon
A sentiment winner. Young Frankenstein was released when I was 14 years old, and I have probably seen it 30 times over the years. Since I am so familiar with every scene and line, it was great fun to read about how it was all conceived. If you too are a big fan of the film, don't miss this opportunity to see into the mind of Mel Brooks and the rest of the cast and crew. It becomes obvious just how brilliant the combo of Mel Brooks and Gene Wilder really was, and how much Gene will be missed. Getting ready to watch it again. 😊 Go to Amazon
Fun read A bit shorter than I'd have liked and it seemed padded by pictures and script segments. But overall it was fun to hear Brooks talk about the movie. Not a great deal of new info for fans who have already dug deep or listened to the commentary tracks on the YF DVDs. But his love for the film (and for the recently-departed Gene Wilder) shows through. Most of the principal cast has passed on by now, so it seems fitting that Mel would wax nostalgic about the movie at this time. Go to Amazon
Mel Brooks says that of all his movies, this is his favorite -- and after reading this book, I feel the same way! This is a hilarious and nostalgic look at the making of Young Frankenstein. It details Mel Brooks childhood experience with James Whale's Frankenstein, his collaboration with the one and only Gene Wilder, his search for the perfect cast and crew, the editing process, and the movie's eventual release. He's a great storyteller and his love for the movie and the people that helped created it shines through every page. There are hundreds of images, and lots of quotes and insights from those involved -- of course the actors, but also the producer, the make-up artist, the musical director, and more. I really enjoyed this and would recommend to anyone who loves Young Frankenstein or Mel Brooks movies in general. It's a winner. Go to Amazon
Yes book was as good as the movie I almost laughed as much reading this book as I do when I watch the movie. Mail did a good job introducing this to all of the behind-the-scenes characters as well as the actors . Now I just wish the criterion DVD manufacture would put Young Frankenstein on their things to do list Go to Amazon
Great book by a great director This is a nice coffee table book. I enjoyed reading about the making of one of my all time favorite movies. I also liked knowing more of the details about the hard work that went into making a black and white movie during a time when studios wanted everything in color. Fun fact: Mel Brooks briefly went to the same high school and college that I attended, though many, many years before me. The book has a lot of great pictures, both stills from the film and behind-the-scenes stuff, and a lot of interviews/anecdotes by others involved in the film's production. Go to Amazon
Make an espresso and enjoy this fun, quick read As a Young Frankenphile, I was excited when this book popped up on my "must read" list. My excitement was justified. It was great fun to get the inside "doo doo" on the behind-the-scenes production and development it took to get the movie to the screen and then insight into the characters, performers, production staff and, of course, Mel Brooks himself, from their own and others' perspectives. The only thing that made me go "RrrrrrrARRR!" was the relatively high cover price for a 183-page Kindle read that flew faster than a little girl launched through a bedroom window from a seesaw. Other than that, it gets a huge schwanschtucker up from this reader! Go to Amazon
Entertaining, but should have gone deeper Not nearly enough material. What was there was nice, but the book seemed to be hastily assembled, and I would have liked more content. Love the movie, love Mel Brooks, but the book was simply too thin. Go to Amazon
For the ultimate YF Fan! but it was great as far as it far as it went Five Stars Five Stars Three Stars We loved having the inside scoop on how the movie was ... Five Stars Five Stars love it Fun reliving the movie!!
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