#yizhan icons
sieartlery · 2 months
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⠀    ⠀     ꗃ sieartlery posted: yizhan matching icons ☆ ͡  
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beljin7 · 1 year
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˒   520
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wangxianficfinder · 8 months
good day! i just want to know, how to use the search bar? im sorry, im new to this app. so my problem is, i asked a itmf req anonymously and i was gone for like a month so i dont know how to find it. is there a way to do it?
Hello! First thing you need to know about this app, the search bar is broken and doesn't work very well lol you can try inserting keywords from your ask but I can't guarantee it would work. We do always tag our posts though! You said it was an ITMF? Here's a link to our WangXian ITMF and a link to our YiZhan ITMF as I'm not sure which it was. If you still can't find it, let us know a quick summary of the ask, we might be able to find it for you or add it to a new itmf ☺️
- Mod C
mreisse said: To anon: if you're using the phone app, the little smiley icon at the bottom of your account is the activities tab, and lists every time you're @ named. You could scroll through that to find any itmf that you were involved with
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bzhitstruth · 7 months
Since Yizhan and them secrets became a part of my life, I have developed the habit of counting everything. The number of stars, flowers, checkmarks in the image, inscriptions, icons.
We recently had the wonderful CPN about the “哈” icons around the frame - 33 for DD and 18 for GG.
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When DD's skateboarding video was published, I noticed the writing around the green frame and I counted them. There is 28 of them. This is a completely normal kadian, it is often used in relation to DD.
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But what's interesting is the cover of the video. Here the DD's figure partially covers the inscriptions, and by a strange coincidence, there are 23 visible inscriptions left.
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This could very well be the real coincidence, but I can't help but make the clowning about it! 🤡
And yet, if 28 inscriptions on the frame are not coincidence, then this means the important thing - they use the kadian and also count the number, just like us! This means that the July CPN with 18 and 33 icons looks more real.
In any case, the Universe is once again playing tricks on us, and I really like it.
Everything I write is fiction, don't take it seriously. I'm just writing nonsense.🤡
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ourbeloved1011 · 8 months
I had so much fun throwing a bridal shower party for my bestie last weekend. Amidst the great quality time I had with my small circle friends, my heart was missing yizhan as well. So I played around with glitter & drew the iconic heart shape with chongya pose.
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My bestie 👩🏻: What does this mean? (While pointing at the heart on my hand*
Me: *I remained silent & smiling like an idiot just like how yibo's reaction in this video*
My favourite clip when yibo's smiling at DLS.
Han ge: What song do you like to be compared to?
Yibo: grinning at DLS meaningfully.
DLS: Why are you looking at me like that?
Yibo: cool guy. *name of a song*
DLS: ohh cool guy. I thought you answered "夜空中最亮的星" (the brightest star in the night sky)
*The Brightest Star in the Night Sky is the song that xiaozhan performed live after that ddu ep* 🤭
Wishing to have 🐢 in real life so I can 🤡 together. Happy chinese valentine's day 🐢
P/s: have you seen today's 🍬? Yizhan is so loud today 🥰
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sandorara · 8 months
Fic authors self rec! When you get this, reply with your favorite five fics that you've written, then pass on to at least five other writers. Let’s spread the self-love❤
Oh, this is so nice! And incredibly difficult, which has made me feel nice. Can you believe I have so many works I'm still pleased with that it was difficult to choose? What a pleasant feeling.
Anyway, in chronological order of posting, starting from the most recent. I've decided not to choose unfinished ones or co-authored pieces, so we're going decently far back right from the start.
1. See you in Eorzea - Yizhan & FF14, 69k, E I (M 28) picked up someone (M 2x) in a video game and I think they might be famous. Please advise.
Famous/non-famous MMORPG AU, meet cute in Sastasha. My longest work ever when I wrote it, and it was completed before posting anything. Still really happy with it, and, Yoshi-p should pay me royalties for how many converts it's created. I'm confident you do not need to know yizhan to enjoy it, if you would like to give it a try 💕
2. For the future you (the one without me) - Yizhan, 6.4k, T “Why Singapore?,” she’d asked him once, and he’d not known how to answer. An exploration of what may lie outside the few minutes the Vogue Film offered.
Inspired by a Vogue shortfilm Wang Yibo starred in, link to it can be found in the a/n of the fic. 9 minutes, very aesthetically worth it. I'm really happy with the atmosphere of this work, and I feel like it's very representative of my shorter, fleetier, ever bittersweet style. Am proud still. 🥺
3. Written, never said - cql - lwj & mianmian, wangxian, 6.6k, G ”I have a letter to deliver to young lady Luo Qingyang. It has arrived from Gusu today, with the quickest delivery.”
Thirteen years of correspondence, understanding and friendship.
My Mianmian and LWJ friendship agenda. Epistolary fic covering the years of WWX's death through Mianmian's eyes on the letters she receives and writes. I'm still happy with how this one conveys what I wanted to say. I'm pleased with it stylistically. And they deserved that friendship, IT WAS THERE, OK.
4. Sensations - ffxiv - wolexarch, 4.7k E ”Make it hurt, please,” he’d finally whispered, as each day, more of his body was being eaten away by the crystal, leaving him missing touch in places he did not know he’d wanted it.
A stand-alone AU within my wolfic series in which G'raha's crystallisation speeds up after the events of 5.0 and the completion of his mission. and with it comes loss of sensation. This one came to be when my dear friend @draiochteve prompted me to write "soft knifeplay". I love the bittersweet desperation and love I managed to convey in this one, and, I just want you to take note of the publication date: This was posted exactly a year before the release of patch 5.3. 😌
5. Nothing more than a willing substitute - ffxiv, asahi/zenos, 4.3k, E He would do anything to please his beloved Prince.
Oldest one here and I will admit I'm impressed that I still think it's worthy of this list, five years later. One of my first 14 fics, and definitely the most wretched thing I had ever written at the time. Mayhap one may call it my descent into the filth-pit. Asahi just made me feral, and it worked out. My dear gf @g0g0mi just desrcibed this one as "iconic", so. Unrecruited obsession love, swordplay, bondage, choking... there are things. IDK. My brand started here, OK. And, I think it still holds up. 😎
Thank you for letting me do this, it was quite the mood-boost! Will pass it on. 😊
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accio-victuuri · 2 years
Yibo is wearing the Chanel 1932 series LUNE ETERNELLE brooch. This is the first time that this series has been revealed in China and so it’s only fitting that their brand ambassador will wear it.
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The moon, which had only a solitary presence on just one piece in the ‘Bijoux de Diamants’ collection, evolves into an icon as part of the Chanel ‘1932’ collection. The original crescent moon now rises to become a full moon, its light glowing in a shimmering halo. The solar system’s most enigmatic object – the only one that reflects light rather than emitting it – is honored in 18 pieces.
Star and Moon indeed. ✨
significance of the moon to yizhan if you need a refresher is here. this is just a primer.
for star, there are lots of references! it’s a favorite fandom symbol!
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elight44 · 1 year
"Un alma gemela es una persona con la que sientes una afinidad y empatía profunda, especialmente en un sentido amoroso, pero también se aplica a la amistad."
Holaa ,ya que paso navidad (diciembre más bien), tengo que dejar de usar mis icons navideños y mi foto de portada. [En otras redes sociales claro está]
No sin antes plantear la reflexión o mi ideal para aclarar lo de mi foto de portada, porque puede que muchas personas no sepan del significado que yo le veo y la importancia que estos dos artistas tienen para mi, y como de manera indirecta me afecta que ya no puedan verse o/y actuar en un mismo drama por las leyes chinas. [Hablando de mi imagen de portada de Facebook, la de acá es preciosa, amo ese panel)
Como primer punto, quiero que quede claro el concepto de almas gemelas;
El concepto del alma gemela nace debido a la búsqueda incesante del hombre de algo o alguien que llenase el vacío que ha sentido desde tiempos inmemoriales.
Las almas gemelas indican que esta esencia que se encuentra dentro de nosotros nace incompleta y la única forma de completarla es encontrando la otra parte de nuestra alma: nuestra alma gemela.
Las almas gemelas se relacionan con el amor verdadero debido a la comprensión y compromiso genuino que ambos se profesan. La cultura popular ha definido varias características que definen el encuentro con un alma gemela:
• Cuando la atracción física es inevitable. [Los BTS (behind the scenes) son consientes de los comentarios que Yibo decía a Zhan :')]
• Cuando encuentras a alguien que al pasar por desafíos y momentos difíciles en la vida te enseña a fortalecerte y a ser tú mismo. (Cuando ellos empezaron a sufrir acoso masivo y la polémica de XZ , como el otro le daba su apoyo cómo pudo)
• Cuando concuerdan en los temas y valores más importantes de la vida. (Se llevan 6 años pero eso no impidió que crearán una gran amistad y conexión especial por la mañana tan única en la que ven el mundo)
• Cuando ambos se entregan paz interior.
(Se nota que ambos disfrutaban la compañía del otro)
• Cuando juntos crean un mundo diferente sin perder la propia
personalidad. (Sus inside jokes cuando había pausas en la grabación)
• Cuando ambos saben que encontraron a su alma gemela. (La manera en lo que lo manifestaron fue en determinadas palabras, acciones o/y momentos juntos )
Ahora ya sabiendo esto demos paso a la explicación del amor platónico:
El amor platónico es un concepto expuesto por los filósofos neoplatónicos que hablan del amor como el deseo de belleza, una suerte de luz que revela la perfección, el absoluto.No quieres nada de esa persona, solo que esté, que respire, porque la persona, conduce hacia el sentimiento más puro y auténtico: el amor, no (solo) el amor romántico y la pulsión física, sino el amor universal, tan puro como inasible. 
Siento que si ellos no se vieran de esa manera, WY no hubiera adicionado tres veces por el mismo personaje para conocer al idol (en ese momento) más de cerca. Que le haya rogado a un director solo para que pudiera ejercer un rol secundario y tener la oportunidad de verse nuevamente, que XZ no quisiera involucrar a WY y su carrera por miedo a que él pasará un peor momento del que ya estaba viviendo etc.
Por eso mismo yo no veo al YiZhan como un ship y ya, yo los veo como una muestra de amor platónico en almas gemelas, un amor verdadero que no siempre debe ser de ámbito romántico para ser válido.
(Originalmente este post iba para fb pero me dio miedo porque tengo a muchos familiares en esa red social, así que mejor lo dejo aquí)
También voy a dejar la imagen de portada para que la vean y unos videos que encontré y me gustaron :)
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candicewright · 2 years
What IS the latest on Yizhan? I haven't really kept up with current events. Is there anything cool they've been up to together?
I must admit I haven't been the best at keeping up lately either but as far as together I don't know that there's much they've been up to however this moment after rumors of gg being single were going around was pretty iconic.
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shiji3 · 3 years
Yizhan/Wangxian Layouts 🐢
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krubicons · 3 years
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·  #  wαng чıbo ♡  — * UNIQ / the untαmed  › ıcons  
♡  lıke or reblog ıf чou ѕαve or uѕe )
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yakultsstuff · 3 years
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! ⽈ : ⿻ ୧ 🌷﹞ 𝗅𝖺̲ x 𝗳𝖾͟𝗋͟𝖺̲ 𔓘 ⌗ ᦈ 𓂉 ༅
𓄹 🜲 𓏲 𐂧 ⩊̲ ( 𝐕 ) 𝐈𝐋𝐋𝐀𝐈𝐍 🥡 ִֶָ 𝟶͟𝟷̲ : 㔽 ¿
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gusudream · 3 years
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៹Random icons 🍶
- 𝘓𝘪𝘬𝘦 𝘰𝘳 𝘙𝘦𝘣𝘭𝘰𝘨 𝘪𝘧 𝘶 𝘴𝘢𝘷𝘦/𝘶𝘴𝘦₊🌾
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shuahaexx · 4 years
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博君一肖 • yizhan
wangyibo x xiaozhan icons ; 𝓹𝓵𝓼 𝓻𝓮𝓫𝓵𝓸𝓰 𝓸𝓻 𝓵𝓲𝓴𝓮 𝓲𝓯 𝓼𝓪𝓿𝓲𝓷𝓰 ♡
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iniltheflower · 3 years
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ᥫ᭡𝃯𓂃 𝑊𝑎𝑛𝑔𝑥𝑖𝑎𝑛 𝑎𝑠 𝑦𝑖𝑧ℎ𝑎𝑛 𝑚𝑎𝑡𝑐ℎ 𝑖𝑐𝑜𝑛𝑠
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