#yoga for beginners
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Post-yoga breakfast before my first shift back in 3 weeks 😭 😭 lol
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weightlossregime · 8 days
Yoga for Everyone: Beginner-Friendly Yoga Poses! #HathaYoga #YogaForBeginners #FindYourFlow ‍♀️
New to yoga? No worries! Hatha yoga offers a gentle introduction to this ancient practice. Here are 3 basic poses to get you started:
1. Mountain Pose (Tadasana): Stand tall, feet hip-width apart, ground down through your toes. Feel strong and stable.
2. Downward-Facing Dog (Adho Mukha Svanasana): Start on all fours, push hips back and up, lengthening your spine. Breathe deeply and hold.
3. Child's Pose (Balasana): Sit back on your heels, rest your forehead on the mat, arms outstretched. Find relaxation and release tension.
Ready to explore the world of yoga? ➡️ Swipe for more beginner-friendly Hatha poses and modifications! ➡️
#YogaAtHome #NoExperienceNeeded #MoveYourBody #yoga # hathayoga #weightloss #healthyweightloss #healthylifestyle
Bonus Tip: Listen to your body and don't push yourself too hard. Enjoy the journey!
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healthdivin · 14 days
Benefits of Surya Namaskar
The literal meaning of Surya Namaskar is to offer or salute the Sun. Sun is the biggest source of energy, we also call Surya Namaskar as Sun Salutation. If you are tired of your stressful life and want to calm your mind and relax your body and you have not started yoga yet or you want to start, then practicing Surya Namaskar is the best option. It gives you the benefit of 12 yogasanas simultaneously. This yoga asana is a great way to give proper shape to the body and keep the mind calm. Read More
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theyogahousetoronto · 9 months
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Benefits of Meditation
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nativeyoga · 4 months
Kassandra Reinhardt - Mastering the Art of Teaching Yoga Online: Tips and Strategies
Listen to Yoga with Kassandra Toddcast for Free Here Kassandra Reinhardt is a renowned yoga instructor and the founder of Yoga with Kassandra. With over 2.3 million subscribers on YouTube, Kassandra has built a successful online yoga community and is known for her accessible and inclusive approach to yoga.Visit Kassandra on her website: https://www.yogawithkassandra.com/Follow her on…
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htlifestyle · 1 year
Yoga for Arthritis | Yoga For The Soul | HT Lifestyle
Arthritis pain increases with age. Elderly people can benefit the most from yoga and can relieve their arthritis pain. The following are the yoga poses discussed in this video. a) Virabhadrasana b) Setubandhasana c) Trikonasana Don’t let your arthritis grow by adopting these yoga exercises in your daily regime. For more yoga poses, do like, share, and subscribe to this channel.
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curedcare · 1 year
10 yoga poses that will reduce your belly fat in winter
Although you may not realize it, obesity can have many negative effects on your body. Obesity can disrupt your sleep cycle, cause you to feel tired, and increase your risk of developing many diseases such as heart disease, diabetes and kidney stones. Experts recommend that you eat well and exercise regularly to lose belly fat. If you want a flat stomach, then you need to eat right and also exercise regularly. To tone your core, you must try the best yoga postures to reduce belly fat.
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Yoga poses can help reduce belly fat
Himalayan Siddhaa Akshar is the founder of Akshar Yoga Development Centre and spoke to CuredCare to discuss the best yoga poses for losing belly fat.
Akshar states, “Abdominal obesity can be dangerous and can also pose a risk to your health.” If you have a large stomach, you are more susceptible to developing diseases such as diabetes, heart disease, and obesity. Yoga asanas can help with weight loss and toning your stomach in an effective and safe way.
These are 10 yoga asanas that can help you get rid of belly fat.
1. Halasana (Plough pose)
While you are lying on your back, your palms should be next to the floor.
Raise your legs 90 degrees by engaging your core muscles.
Place your palms flat on the ground.
Your legs should be under your head.
If necessary, brace your lower back with your hands.
Take a few deep breaths and maintain your position.
For 15 to 20 seconds, keep the position.
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2. Chakrasana (Wheel Pose)
Sit down. Place your hands on either side of your head and turn your arms to the shoulder.
Take a deep breath and then lift your body up in an arch.
Your body’s weight should be evenly distributed among your four limbs.
Maintain the posture for 15–20 seconds.
3. Dhanurasana (Bow Pose)
Deepen your breath, then lift your arms and legs and lie on your stomach.
Try to look up and lift your legs and arms as high as possible.
Maintain the posture for 15–20 seconds.
4. Santolanasana (Plank pose)
Place your hands on your stomach and lift your pelvis, knees and upper body up. Then, grab the floor with both your toes.
Check the alignment of your spine and pelvis. Place your wrists just below your shoulders and your arms straight.
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5. Vasisthasana (Side-plank pose)
Begin in Santholanasan (Plank).
To the right, lift the left hand.
Align your feet.
Repeat the process on the opposite side.
6. Ustrasana (Camel pose)
Place your hands on the yoga mat, and extend your arms upwards.
Place your hands on your feet and arch your back.
Breathe deeply and then bend your back.
7. Eka padasana (One foot pose)
Start in Samastithi. As you raise your arms and join your hands in the Pranam Salutation, keep your back straight.
As you inhale, tilt your upper body forward so that it is parallel to ground.
Keep your arms straight up to your ears.
Slowly lift your right leg behind you, while keeping it straight.
Your upper body, arms, right leg, pelvis, and upper body should be straight.
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8. Chaturanga dandasana (Low plank)
Start in a plank and lower your arms to the ground.
To maintain a 90 degree angle in your elbows, lower your head.
Your elbows and wrists should be parallel to each other. Your shoulders should be pulled in and your body should be aligned.
For ten to fifteen seconds, hold the pose.
9. Padahastasana (Standing forward bent pose)
Standing, straighten your back.
Place your hands down.
To make it easier, you can bend your knees.
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10. Hastha uttanasana (Raised-arms pose)
Stretch your arms upwards and lift your hands.
To create an arch, tilt your head, neck and upper back slightly.
As you raise your upper body, keep your arms in front of your ears.
Focus your gaze up.
The stomach is the most difficult part of your body to lose weight. The yoga poses mentioned above can be helpful in reducing belly fat. They increase heart rate in the same way as aerobic exercise. This aids in calorie burn and increases metabolism.
Original Article: 10 yoga poses that will reduce your belly fat in winter
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beatnik-yoga · 1 year
How to Start Yoga for Beginners at Home
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How to Start Yoga for Beginners at Home Yoga is a great way to improve your physical and mental health, but it can be intimidating to start if you've never done it before. You may wonder where to begin, what equipment you need, how long to practice, and what poses to do. Don't worry, we've got you covered! In this article, we'll guide you through the basics of how to start yoga for beginners at home, so you can enjoy the benefits of this ancient practice without any stress. What You Need to Start Yoga at Home The good news is that you don't need much to start yoga at home. Here are the essentials:
A comfortable place to practice. You can use any room in your house that has enough space for a yoga mat and some movement around it. Ideally, the place should be quiet, clean, and free of distractions. You can also create a more relaxing atmosphere by playing some soothing music, lighting some candles, or using an aromatherapy diffuser.
A yoga mat. A yoga mat provides cushioning and traction for your hands and feet, and helps you avoid slipping or sliding on the floor. You can find yoga mats in different sizes, colors, and materials, depending on your preferences and budget. Look for a mat that is durable, easy to clean, and comfortable for your skin.
Some basic yoga props. While not absolutely necessary, some yoga props can help you modify or deepen certain poses, especially if you have limited flexibility or mobility. The most common yoga props are a strap, blocks, a blanket, and a bolster. A strap can help you reach your feet or hands in poses that require stretching. Blocks can support your hands, knees, or hips in poses that require balance or alignment. A blanket can provide extra padding for your knees or back, or serve as a cover for relaxation. A bolster can support your spine, chest, or abdomen in restorative poses.
A guided video or app. If you're new to yoga, it can be helpful to follow along with a guided video or app that shows you how to do each pose correctly and safely. You can find many online yoga videos or apps for beginners that offer different styles, lengths, and levels of difficulty. Some popular options are Skill Yoga, Yoga International, and Gaiam. You can also check out some YouTube channels that specialize in yoga for beginners, such as Yoga with Adriene or SarahBethYoga. How to Do Yoga at Home: A Beginner's Guide Now that you have everything you need to start yoga at home, here are some tips on how to do it:
Choose a time that works for you. You can practice yoga at any time of the day, but some people prefer to do it in the morning to energize their body and mind, or in the evening to unwind and relax. Whatever time you choose, try to stick to it as much as possible, so you can create a consistent routine and habit.
Set a goal for your yoga practice. Having a clear intention or purpose for your yoga practice can help you stay motivated and focused. You can set a goal based on how you want to feel after your practice (e.g., calm, happy, strong), what you want to work on (e.g., flexibility, strength, balance), or what you want to learn (e.g., new poses, breathing techniques). Write down your goal and keep it somewhere visible as a reminder.
Choose a yoga style or practice that works best for you. There are many different types of yoga that offer different benefits and challenges. For beginners, it's best to start with a gentle or moderate style that focuses on basic poses and breathing techniques. Some examples are Hatha yoga,Vinyasa yoga, Yin yoga, or Restorative yoga. You can also mix and match different styles depending on your mood and needs.
Follow a guided video or app to begin your at-home yoga practice. As a beginner, it's a good idea to follow a guided video or app that shows you how to do each pose correctly and safely. You can find many online yoga videos or apps for beginners that offer different styles, lengths, and levels of difficulty. Some popular options are Skill Yoga, Yoga International, and Gaiam. You can also check out some YouTube channels that specialize in yoga for beginners, such as Yoga with Adriene or SarahBethYoga.
Practice in a way that's enjoyable for you. There's no one right way to do yoga at home. You can experiment with different poses, sequences, durations, and frequencies until you find what works best for you. The most important thing is to listen to your body and respect its limits. Don't force yourself into poses that cause pain or discomfort. Take breaks whenever you need to. Modify or skip poses that don't suit you. And don't forget to have fun and appreciate your progress. Some Yoga Poses for Beginners to Try To get you started, here are some easy yoga poses for beginners that you can try at home. These poses will help you stretch your muscles, improve your posture, balance your breath, and calm your mind.
Mountain Pose (Tadasana) .This is a basic standing pose that helps you establish a strong and stable foundation for your yoga practice. It also improves your awareness of your body alignment and posture. To do this pose, stand tall with your feet hip-width apart, your weight evenly distributed through your soles, your arms at your sides, your shoulders relaxed, and your palms facing forward. Hold for 5 full breaths.
Standing Forward Bend (Uttanasana) . This is a simple forward fold that stretches your hamstrings, calves, hips, and lower back. It also calms your nervous system and relieves stress. To do this pose, start from mountain pose and hinge at your hips to fold forward over your legs. Keep a slight bend in your knees if your hamstrings are tight. Let your head hang heavy and relax your neck and shoulders. You can hold onto opposite elbows or let your arms hang loosely. Hold for 5 full breaths.
Chair Pose (Utkatasana) . This is a powerful pose that strengthens your legs, glutes, core, back, and arms. It also challenges your balance and endurance. To do this pose, start from mountain pose and bend your knees as if you were sitting on a chair. Keep your thighs parallel to the floor and your knees over your ankles. Lift your arms overhead and keep them shoulder-width apart. Draw your shoulder blades down and away from your ears. Keep your chest lifted and your spine long. Hold for 5 full breaths.
Downward-Facing Dog (Adho Mukha Svanasana) . This is one of the most common yoga poses that stretches and strengthens the entire body. It also invigorates the circulation and stimulates the brain. To do this pose, start on all fours with your hands shoulder-width apart and it's a good idea to follow a guided video or app that shows you how to do each pose correctly and safely. You can find many online yoga videos or apps for beginners that offer different styles, lengths, and levels of difficulty. Some popular options are Skill Yoga, Yoga International, and Gaiam. You can also check out some YouTube channels that specialize in yoga for beginners, such as Yoga with Adriene or SarahBethYoga.
Practice in a way that's enjoyable for you. There's no one right way to do yoga at home. You can experiment with different poses, sequences, durations, and frequencies until you find what works best for you. The most important thing is to listen to your body and respect its limits. Don't force yourself into poses that cause pain or discomfort. Take breaks whenever you need to. Modify or skip poses that don't suit you. And don't forget to have fun and appreciate your progress.
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natshaad · 1 year
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Gained a few pounds since I left the country, took me quite some time to get settled and organized my new life amidst adjusting to a new place, people, work and dealing with some self, internal dramas. I quit drinking a few months ago (well at least now I only drink occasionally and with a very minimal amount) and start developing healthier lifestyle and realistic mindset. Here’s to getting started and going back on track. 💪🏻 Life is good!
P.S; How come I only knew about Pilates just now? Damn it gave my body the good stretch it deserves! 💃🏻
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andarakee-aarogyam · 1 year
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Join our Inner Healing Programme & Relieve Stress, Anxiety & Depression. Yoga Classes by Yoga Guru Sri. R.R. Prasad. The batch Starts on 5th Dec 2022. Hurry-Up, Limited Intake Only.
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wellnesshero · 7 months
Try these 5 #yoga moves to help you #destress!
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theyogahousetoronto · 11 months
Desk Yoga
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weightlossregime · 7 days
Feeling Stiff? Stretch Your Way to Serenity! Easy Stretching routines for beginners #StretchingForBeginners #ImproveFlexibility #FeelGood
Tight muscles got you down? Don't worry, improving flexibility is easier than you think! Here are some beginner-friendly stretches you can do anywhere:
Neck Rolls: Gently roll your head in a circular motion, forward and backward, to loosen up your neck muscles. #NeckPainRelief
Quad Stretch: Stand tall, grab one ankle behind your calf, and gently pull your heel towards your glutes. Hold for 30 seconds and repeat on the other side. #LegFlexibility
Hamstring Stretch: Sit on the floor with legs extended, reach forward and try to touch your toes (or grab your shins if needed). Hold for 30 seconds. #BackPainRelief
Arm Circles: Make small circles forward and backward with your arms to loosen up your shoulders and upper back. #ImprovePosture
Stretch your way to a happier, healthier you!
#FeelTheFlow #YogaAtHome #HealthyLifestyle
Bonus Tip: Breathe deeply and hold each stretch for 30 seconds. Consistency is key! ✨
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sproutedlavender · 26 days
Refreshing, relaxing yoga poses for your night routine. Need to wind down after a stressful day? Babe I got you. <3
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