#yoga fundamentals
nearer-than-the-eye · 7 months
fun and exciting social tip for you: when someone mentions quickly in a run down of their day that they went to church, “i’ll probably never go to mass again” is not an appropriate response in that situation
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baliyogaretreats · 1 year
Sequencing Yoga – The Fundamental Basis of Practice
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For an onlooker, or any yoga enthusiast, sequencing may not assume a lot of importance. Most of you, who have just started exploring the realm, may think of it in the same manner. Yoga is more than just fitness. It is not also about body contortions and twists. Sequencing yoga will help you to make the most of the yoga practice. Initially, you may struggle a bit, to get into a pose. However, in due course of time, you will be able to understand how following the right sequence can help you in your journey. 
One of the aspects of yoga is spiritual. And the second one is sequencing. As a teacher or as a self-practitioner, sequencing will help you to form certain poses unhindered. It happens in a flow, as you do not have to exit from each pose. However, you can quickly navigate from one to the other, in quick succession. If you do this in a proper way, there is less stress and pressure on the muscles and tissues of the body. 
The Power of Sequencing Yoga Decoded 
Most you, who are interested in embarking on the path of sequencing, can do the 200-hour yoga teachers training. The best schools which conduct the course, will also teach you various asanas and their numerous variations. You might be a bit overwhelmed, with so many intricacies. For self-practitioners, the same is also absolutely necessary. It will help you to make your practice perfect. 
After you get to know about the intricacies of sequencing, you can also create sequences of your own. So, you attain liberation as a practitioner of yoga. Well! Yoga is all about liberation from the shackles of disharmony and ignorance as well. So, you need to take this seriously. Here we have listed a few tips that can help you to do better. 
Safety – It is the first and foremost thing that you have to keep in mind, while performing yoga, so that you can get the full benefits of the asanas, without creating any sort of complication. The body you are teaching, or if it is you, should be able to sync as well structurally. Do remember that everyone’s skeletal flexibility may not be the same. 
Goal Setting – It is simply creating an intention. You should set an intention for each session, before sequencing yoga poses. There can be many intentions. They may be mental, emotional, spiritual, or physical. You may be looking forward to the creation of a certain feeling in yourself, or whoever you are guiding. You may want to slowly build the skills required to practice Uttanasana, without any issues. Moreover, you may want to address backache. Additionally, you may want to clear certain chakras in your body. So, your ultimate goal is absolutely necessary. 
Study Anatomy – You should pay some attention to the study of the body’s anatomical structure. Everybody is different. Some of the students, whom you may teach may have some structural issues, or a chronic pain. It can create hindrances in the range of motion. Moreover, you should also study the body processes properly. If you want to create safe sequences, then you should understand more about muscles, bones, tendons, ligaments, and tissues. Additionally, the knowledge will seem fruitful, as you have to understand more about the ways you can move the body either backward, forward, or sideways. 
Find Out The Learner’s Experience – It is important for you, as a teacher, to know about the experience level of the students. If you have beginners attending your classes, you might want to get more repetitive, so the muscles keep working in a certain order. If you have experienced students in the class, you might want to make them do long holds. Some experienced students also love it, when you play light music in the background or include chants along with the practice of asanas. 
Balance The Poses – This is something very important, as you do not want the student to be fit from one side, and unfit from the other. Apart from poses such as Tadasana, Vrikshasana or Ardha Chandrasana, you need to ensure that the student or whoever the practitioner is, must do the poses on the right as well as the left. You can also introduce Pranayama exercises, when you need balance. The movements should ideally be proportionate on both sides.
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everythinkaloud · 1 year
Always is always wrong and never is never right
Paul Grilley
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arrenlebanen777 · 1 year
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☾People who have the same Sun sign of your Sun degree, inflate your ego/or destroy it, they help you a lot in your path, they help you to be more confident and self-assured, you may even fall in love with them due to this. ☾People who have the Sun sign/Personal Planets sign of your Lilith Degree, could help you heal your inner child wounds, or make you really uncomfortable because they trigger the Raw/Violent/Suppressed/vulnerable energy in you. ☾You could idealize the sign of your Neptune degree. ☾People who have the Sun sign or Personal Planets in the sign of Your Saturn degree could teach you valuable/harsh lessons. ☾You have Love/hate relationship with people who has personal planets of the same sign of your Pluto degree, since they trigger your shadow. ☾Moon in 4th house: Have to find balance between comfort zone and Doing things, i know your house/home could be the best place in the world when life gets hard, but you could get stuck here. They have very good intuition to see/decipher the energy of the psychosocial environment, they never forget due to their good memory, the best practice here is to let go and remember that life is sustaining you all the time and realize that your home is in you and is all existence/universe/infinite, that way you become like a spring of life that nourishes everything & everyone that is around you. ☾Vertex in 8th house: Has intense karmic s*xual partners. ☾I have Sun in Scorpio in 5th house conjunct Sappho(80), Casanova(7328), and asteroids Shiva(1170), Bacchus(2063), Cupido(763) & Vesta(4) all in Scorpio 5th house too... And i’m going to tell you how it is: I love the energy of women(i really love it), i do a lot of yoga, Tantra for me is the best way to manage all this s*xual energy, casual s*x is not for me(because I want to merge completely and become one with the person), but is hard for me to stay long periods of time without s*x, i love flirting because I feel it's necessary/fundamental and fun (sometimes I don't realize when I'm doing it, and sometimes i flirt with everyone?), My libido is high and is not so easily transmutable, intense parties with s*xual and chaotic themes are places where I have a lot of fun and they relax me a lot, when i'm simple being people think that I give off the vibes of a fuckboy(I am not lol), intense music gives me chi(lol), When I fall in love I become quite possessive because I want that person just for me, and I can have s*x with that person every damn day of my life(With my first ex-girlfriend we had s*x every day for four months, several times a day), I am super passionate about art/music/spirituality and games in general, in the past I had a terrible jealousy problem (until I became more spiritual/conscious/therapy), my s*xual partners usually have very Plutonian or Scorpian vibes, If I spend a lot of time with a partner it drains me a lot and I have to disappear for a while, otherwise i become crazy, i love gloomy art, when i develop a crush on someone it feels like this: https://tenor.com/es-419/view/sukuna-smile-grin-jjk-yuji-itadori-gif-18924114
☾To all plutonian people: Pluto doesn’t care about you, It doesn’t care if you suffer or you are happy. The only thing that Pluto wants is that you transcends the extremes of what you call good and bad, because that way you can transform(nothing of the old remains)yourself, in other words Pluto wants you to become awakened/enlightened(reach your full potential) but it doesn’t care if you destroy yourself along the way. So watch out that this raw energy(power) of Pluto goes to your ego, because it could make you really egocentric(like sukuna, madara uchiha, toji fushiguro, villain archetype). ☾Libra IC: Daydreamers(they daydream like f*ck), harmonious home, beautiful family that is surrounded by arts or beauty in general, Diplomatics fathers, could have problems to express their anger, super charming, they decorate their rooms a lot, And a lot of people finds their room like a precious and dreamy place. ☾Sun opposite Saturn: Very serious person, disciplined, could suffer from depression because Saturn limits his expression, Saturn here asks you to focus on what is really important, in the house where the sun is, is where the burden of Saturn is lightened, and in the house where Saturn is, is where the most important lessons are, Saturn here practically asks you to become a master of your ego / of yourself / how you use your energies,  asks you to really observe what your needs/deep soul desires are, thats why it limits your expression because it actually wants you to express in a most authentic, mature and honest way, may have problems with the inner child, and they can punish themselves a lot, but once they discipline themselves in something, believe me that nobody and nothing is going to stop them (hard working af).
🌿i am going to do bookings for natal chart readings, very soon! Stay tuned!🌿
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leannan-sithe · 6 months
Okay, I'll give it to you straight: for the most part, Western yoga understands almost nothing about the chakras that the original tradition thought was important about them. [...] I’m just here to tell you two things: first, that when modern Western authors on the chakras imply they are presenting ancient teachings, they’re deceiving you—but they don’t know that they are, because they can’t assess the validity of their own source materials (since they don’t read Sanskrit). Second, for those who are interested, I'm here to let you know a little bit about what yogic concepts mean in their original context (because I'm a Sanskrit scholar, and a practitioner who happens to prefer the traditional forms). Only you can assess whether that is of any benefit to you. I’m not claiming that older is intrinsically better. I’m not trying to imply there’s no spiritual value to Western occultism. I’m just approximating the historical truth in simple English words as best I can.
Learn about how Western concepts of chakras aren't really rooted in the original practices. Know the history to avoid appropriation!
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talonabraxas · 2 days
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Yab Yum in Tantra Talon Abraxas
the stages of outer inner, and other are united within the One Wisdom. This is the root of Vajrayana. It summarizes all.
EVAM Yab yum carries a deep symbolic significance. The deities in Yab Yum, or sexual union, symbolize masculine and feminine principles. These are fundamental and important concepts in tantric Buddhism, and they are pervasive throughout the practices.
E Vam is the essential seed syllable or linguistic, mantric representation of the union of masculine and feminine principles. E symbolizes the feminine and Vam, symbolizes the masculine.
Mipham Rinpoche refers to this as ‘coalescence’ – the union of relative and ultimate. Another method for accomplishing this is practicing the inseparability of wisdom and method. The idea is integral to both Mahayoga and Anu Yoga. It is contained in Anutaratantra practice.
Feminine Principle in Tantra
Feminine principle is the principle of wisdom. It is the most primordial essence of the universe. The wisdom mind is the self-existing reality. It is awareness that knows its own nature. Feminine principle is related strongly to jnana, or the insight that knows reality itself, the self-existing reality of all things.
It is also called the mother, as it gives birth to the Buddhas. Feminine principle is the liberating method. Through wisdom, the practitioner of this yoga is liberated from the stream of samsara.
The female deity is most frequently depicted with a kapala (skull cup) containing amrita in her left hand. In her right hand is typically a flower, symbolizing compassion, or a kartika (hook knife) symbolizing cutting through to innate purity of reality.
In Vajrayana Buddhism, the kapala, often held by deities like mahasiddhas and dakinis, symbolizes wisdom and knowledge. Practices involving the kapala include the melting of moon drops in the skull, creating a blissful sensation. The kapala is also a representation of lineage transmission during empowerments. Drinking blood from it, often associated with impurity, symbolizes non-discrimination and the yogi’s breakthrough into non-dualism. The dakini’s image, delighting in consuming blood, signifies a perfected yogi dwelling in non-duality, experiencing the union of emptiness and bliss— the highest enlightenment in Vajrayana Buddhism.
The kartika, with its distinctive crescent shape, is a ritual implement used in various Vajrayana practices. Its curved blade symbolizes the severance of attachment and delusion, cutting through the bonds that bind individuals to cyclic existence. In the context of the feminine principle, the kartika is often associated with the dakini, a mystical and enlightened feminine energy.
Dakinis, portrayed as fierce and compassionate, use the hook knife to cut through ignorance and ego, guiding practitioners towards spiritual awakening. The symbology of the kartika emphasizes the transformative power of the feminine principle in Tibetan Buddhism, depicting the dakini’s ability to remove obstacles, liberate beings, and reveal the path to enlightenment through the compassionate act of severing attachments.
Masculine Principle in Tantra
Masculine principle is upayas or skillful means. They are the manifestation of the Mahayana principle of compassion. When compassion enters the Vajrayana, it becomes skillful means. This is the method to liberate other beings, to wake them up to reality, to help them understand the trap of samsara and the path to liberation.
In Tantric Buddhism, the masculine principle is symbolized through ritual implements that play a crucial role in transformative practices. One such implement is the phurba, a ritual dagger or three-sided peg. The phurba, with its blade representing wisdom and its three faces embodying the trikaya (the three bodies of the Buddha), serves as a powerful symbol of the masculine energy’s capacity to conquer obstacles and pierce through ignorance.
Ritual implements, including the vajra and bell, are often used together to embody the union of the masculine and feminine principles in Tantric rituals. The vajra, representing indestructible and compassionate wisdom, is held in the right hand, symbolizing skillful means, while the bell, held in the left hand, symbolizes the feminine wisdom of emptiness. The harmonious use of these ritual implements in Tantric Buddhism signifies the integration of both masculine and feminine energies, leading practitioners towards a profound understanding of reality and the path to enlightenment.
Yab Yum Meditation
Yab Yum is actually a solitary meditation practice for the most part. The meditator, after ngondro and initiation, does the deity practice, visualizing themselves as the deity in yab-yum. (Not all deities are in union.) The practice is meant to purify ordinary conceptions of body and appearance.
Both the deities are considered to be the meditator. In this sense, union means the union of both masculine and feminine energies within the mindstream. If one has only the masculine, skillful means, the lack of wisdom will lead to incorrect action. It will likely reify the self. The feminine principle corrects this, providing wisdom and insight into emptiness.
If the meditator has only feminine principle, the skillful means will be lacking. They will be unable to benefit others properly. Therefore, the practice of yab-yum requires the union of both energies to be complete.
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I’m curious writing gives me stress even if I enjoy it, but I became an author to enjoy things for me to read. But I don’t enjoy it with the fresh eyes of a reader. I’m curious do authors enjoy reading what they write the same way a reader does?
Writing, Stress, and Enjoying Our Own Writing
I know your question is really about the second thing, but since you mentioned that writing gives you stress, I want to address that, too.
Why is Writing Stressful?
It's not unusual for writers to feel stressed by writing, but it's always worth looking into the individual "why" to see if it's something you can address. If you're writing to meet a deadline, for example, that's going to be a little bit stressful. If you're writing something complex or emotionally taxing, that's probably going to be a bit stressful, too. In those cases, there may not be a lot you can do to totally eliminate the stress (deadlines are deadlines, and complex/taxing stuff is what it is), but you can do things to mitigate the stress--like relaxation techniques, proper time management, and exercising good self-care. But what about the times when you're not up against a deadline, or what you're writing isn't particularly taxing? Why would writing be stressful then? Sometimes it's because of the pressure we put on ourselves to write... arbitrary deadlines, unrealistic word counts, unreasonable expectations given available writing time... and the thing is, when we mentally beat ourselves up for failing to meet arbitrary deadlines, unrealistic word counts, and unreasonable expectations, we're training our brain to see writing as a stressful activity. And our brains are hard-wired to want to avoid things that feel stressful, which is why--if writing feels stressful--we end up stuck in some way. So, it's really, REALLY important to do what you can to de-stress writing for yourself. Use arbitrary guidelines as motivation, but be gentle with yourself if you blow past them. Use time blocking or other time management methods to determine how much writing time you actually have available in a given day, week, or month, and set word count goals accordingly--but give yourself grace if you fall short on a particular day or during a particular week. Use word sprints during free time to try to catch up. Also: practice good self-care and do things before and during your writing sessions to make them more peaceful--take a walk, do yoga, meditate, put on soft music, drink some lemon water, etc.
Do Writers Enjoy Reading Their Work the Same Way Readers Do?
Part of what readers enjoy about stories are the surprises held by the characters, world, and plot. We love seeing how characters grow and change, or do things that surprise us. We love learning things about these new settings and worlds. And we love turning the pages to find out answers to our burning questions. But as writers, there are no surprises and unanswered questions. So, in that way, our experience when reading our own work is fundamentally different than that of a reader who is reading it for the first time.
But, as readers we also love to reread the stories we love. Sometimes we can glean new information from a reread, but often we just love to revisit the characters, world, and story. Even if there are no surprises because we already know everything that's going to happen, there's still something enjoyable--and sometimes even comforting--about returning to familiar stories. So, on that level, writers can enjoy their own writing in a similar way to their readers, especially when revisiting a story months or years after we wrote it.
Having said that, there are some writers who do not enjoy reading their own writing, ever. Sort of like there are some actors who can't watch movies or TV shows they were in. For some of us, once that creative work is finished, we put it behind us and don't want or need to experience it again, and that's okay, too. Everyone is different.
So, if you enjoy reading the stories you wrote, that's great, and you can feel free to embrace that! If you don't enjoy reading the stories you wrote, that's okay, too. ♥
I’ve been writing seriously for over 30 years and love to share what I’ve learned. Have a writing question? My inbox is always open!
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blessed1neha · 1 year
Importance of Amatyakaraka Planet in Career & profession
About the significance of the Amatyakaraka planet in Vedic astrology, I frequently get questions. Several people inquire about the Venus outcome as if it were Mars, Saturn, or Amatyakaraka. Thus I made the decision to share some facts with you about Amatyakaraka in various homes and its function in careers and professions.
Let's first learn the fundamentals about the amatyakaraka planet before discussing the function it plays in careers. Every planet, as far as we know, has some significance. Moon, for instance, represents the mind, Mars, the brother, etc. Yet, there are two different kinds of significance in astrology: Fixed Significance and Dynamic Significance. When it comes to fixed significance, each planet's meanings are set for each horoscope.
It stays the same. While in the case of dynamic significance, each horoscope changes what each planet represents. Sun, for instance, represents the Atma or Soul. It's been fixed. The planet with the highest degree in a birth chart, however, will represent the Atma or Soul in cases where dynamic importance is present. They are referred to as Chara Karaka. Chara signifies moving or dynamic.
Atmakaraka Planet is the planet with the highest degree in a birth chart. The King of the Horoscope comparison. It can be compared to our birth chart's Lagna. The planet known as amatyakaraka receives the highest degree after Atmakaraka.
Importance of the Amatyakaraka Planet
Let's now talk about the significance of the Amatyakaraka Planet (AmK). When compared to Atmakaraka Planet (AK), Amatyakaraka Planet might be referred to as the Minister of the Horoscope. A minister will always make recommendations to the king, who uses the minister to carry out his directives. So, it is the planet that Atmakaraka is using to try to grant his request. Because of this, it is crucial to choose a career and profession.
Karma or action is the main focus of Amatyakaraka Planet.
Amatyakaraka is someone the King trusts and who he seeks out for guidance. As a result, it has been said that the relationship between AK and AmK is the Raj yoga of First Order. If it is powerful and dignified, it can carry out the soul's or Atma's command. It is comparable to our birth chart's second or tenth lord. Strong 10th and 2nd lords are crucial for the native people's survival. Also, it is necessary for all forms of honours and recognition.
For a more accurate evaluation of a career, the D10 divisional chart's Dasamsa Chart is checked. Amatyakaraka is a very significant planet in the D10 chart. The time period of this or the signs dominated by the amatyakaraka planet during the Chara Dasha is crucial for determining the most advantageous time for career advancement.
To draw any conclusions, in addition to looking at the Amatyakaraka Planet, we must also look at the 10th Lord of the D1 chart, the Atmakaraka Planet's placement in the D9 chart, and other factors. The mixtures must be perfectly blended. To learn about the significance of the Navamsa chart in our professional lives, watch this video. This Hindi video is available. As a result, knowing Hindi will be helpful to you.
Career Profession by different Amatyakaraka Planet
Amatyakaraka Sun: Sun as the Amatyakaraka in a chart occupies the second-highest degree, behind the Atmakaraka. Sun is a symbol for authority, self-respect, and other things. So, Amatyakaraka Sun will attempt to highlight a career in a horoscope by highlighting planets that are connected to it. Despite the circumstance, Amatyakaraka Sun will decide the profession or vocation of the individual. Sun in Amk can lead to a career as a government employee, administrative assistant, magistrate, doctor, politician, or teacher, among other professions.Sun was Amk in Franklin Roosevelt's astrological horoscope. Amatyakaraka Sun and 10th Lord Venus were in the 10th house. Even though Venus was in the 10th house, Amatyakaraka Sun nevertheless chose the career of politics. Sun was also a great political figurehead for Lal Bahadur Shastri.
We always advise using a composite technique, in which the Parashari Technique and the Jaimini Technique are both applied, to get any career-related conclusions.
Amatyakaraka Moon: When Moon becomes Amatyakaraka, Moon will largely determine her job or occupation. Moon is a symbol for Mind. Hence, Amatyakaraka Moon will reveal careers in the fields of philosophy, spirituality, and business dealing with liquids, among others. Amatyakaraka Moon may provide business relating to Ladies product as Moon also signifies women or Ladies. Together with Amatyakaraka Moon, big bureaucrats can be found.
Swami Vivekananda's Amatyakaraka Moon and Saturn were in harmony in the tenth house. Amatyakaraka Moon was present in the charts of Sri Prabhupad, Arobindo Ghosh, Sai Baba, and other notable figures. So, we can infer that the amatyakaraka Moon in the chart is excellent for spiritual growth
Amatyakaraka Mars: When Amatyakaraka Mars appears in a birth chart, it indicates that the person is most suited for any type of military employment. Mars is the planet's Army commander. It is bursting with vigour. Amatyakaraka Mars so seeks to channel that energy into his or her work. A native with amatyakaraka Mars can work in the fields of engineering, law enforcement, the military, medicine, and investigation, among others.
Amatyakaraka Mercury: Amatyakaraka Mercury predicts careers in business, education, and other fields such as teachers, clerks, and auditors. Mercury is the planet of logic, analysis, and mathematics. Hence, if a person has a strong Amatyakaraka Mercury, he or she can succeed as a scientist, lawyer, and other professions. It is also known as the Planet of Communication. Good marketing executives have a similar impact.
Amatyakaraka Jupiter: Jupiter is known as Amatyakaraka, the planet of knowledge, religion, and other lofty ideals. As a result, amatyakaraka Jupiter may imply a career as a teacher, professor, scholar, priest, or other type of religious leader. Jupiter can also represent money. Thus, Amatyakaraka Jupiter can also grant the profession of banking.
Amatyakaraka Venus: Venus is the most significant planet in the modern world. Because Venus controls the most of the materialistic items we want to possess. A strong and unharmed Venus is therefore a huge blessing. Amatyakaraka Venus can offer careers in the arts, including acting, singing, and other creative fields. It may also lead to a career in graphic design, fashion design, web design, etc. Indira Gandhi and Rajiv Gandhi are two prominent politicians that have powerful Amatyakaraka Venus in their natal charts.
Amatyakaraka Saturn: Saturn is said to represent work that requires a lot of effort, repetition, and service to the community, among other things. As a result, when Amatyakaraka Saturn is strong, a person may become a clerk, government employee, social worker, etc. It serves as the planet of justice. Hence, a person with Amatyakaraka Saturn can make an excellent judge or legal officer. Masses are also indicated. Hence, Amatyakaraka Saturn may signify a mass leader.
Excellent intelligence is given by its placement in Kendra(1,4,7,10) from Lagna. The Raj Yoga that results when this planet is in Kendra from the Atmakaraka Planet causes the native to begin employing his or her intelligence at a young age. It produces a Raja Yoga if it is positioned in the tenth house or with the tenth lord.
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lazyyogi · 7 months
What is the purpose of mantras in your practice?
A mantra is made from seed sounds. Each seed embodies a fundamental aspect of reality--not represents but embodies. Think of this as if universal dharma were to be filtered through synesthesia and then expressed as the vibrations that most of us then perceive as sounds.
We truly have no idea how far back the human use of mantras goes. I suspect it is tied into the origins of language.
There are a number of ways in which mantras can be used and I have benefited from several techniques, both tantric and non-tantric. It is worth noting that the use of mantra is a key defining feature of tantra.
Japa Dharana
Focusing on a mantra was the first form of meditation I ever practiced. It was also the first form of meditation that caused unexpected and permanent shifts in me.
Japa means repetition/utterance and dharana means concentration. Therefore japa dharana means focus or concentration on a repeated mantra.
All forms of meditation have dharana, in other words focus or attention. Some forms of meditation have you focus on a mantra, other forms have you focus on the breath.
This is a good way to learn how to overcome the momentum of the mind's continual chattering, reacting, daydreaming, etc. It would be difficult to just sit down and focus on silent awareness, especially if you've never consciously experienced silent awareness. As such, using a point of focus provides a support for your meditation.
I will often recommend this practice to beginners but it can benefit practitioners at all stages of their path.
Deity Yoga
Now we enter the realm of tantra. For japa dharana, you can use any mantra that you find appealing. The technique is that the mantra is a support for the focus of your attention. With tantric forms of practice, however, the various mantras will have specific purposes or layers of effects.
When it comes to deity yoga, the mantra is the deity. Everything that comprises the deity is embedded in the mantra and the mantra itself can embed the deity--whether that means embedding in your heart or in a statue of the deity or in an offering.
Deity yoga is often credited as an exclusively tantric practice but you will find examples of it within bhakti (devotional) based spiritual traditions as well.
The purpose of deity yoga is manifold. For bhakti yoga, it means to lose yourself in a form of the divine and therefore find yourself as divinity. For tantra, it means to become the deity in order to receive its wisdom.
For example, maybe we aren't the most compassionate person. Maybe we find compassion very difficult to feel or understand. But Avalokiteshvara the bodhisattva of compassion is the living personification of compassion itself.
Therefore we can undertake a deity yoga practice in which we dissolve and arise as Avalokiteshvara. Then as Avalokiteshvara, we do compassion meditation practices. At the end of the practice, Avalokiteshvara dissolves back into our mindstream and we return to our human form.
While this practice utilizes visualization, it is the use of Avalokiteshvara's mantra that facilitates connection with his blessings, or influence.
In most ways that it is taught within Buddhist Tantra, deity yoga emphasizes that the deities do not exist outside of our own mindstream. The deities are archetypal facets of enlightened wisdom and/or activity. This is why the practice works at all: it helps you to discover, cultivate, and integrate those enlightened aspects.
Guru Yoga
Similar to deity yoga except with enlightened humans, either living or dead. Use of a guru's mantra along with visualizations can be applied to receive the blessings and teachings of a guru, or to meditate in their presence.
Sacred Formulae
As I mentioned from the beginning, a mantra is made from seed sounds with varying qualities. These can be used alone or combined in endless ways to create mantric formulae.
Such mantras are then used in practices and rituals. For example, nyasa is a tantric practice in which parts of the body are blessed and divinized by means of mantra. It is a ritual of placing/awakening divinity within the body.
Mantras are used in homa fire offering ceremonies, initiations, or magic rituals.
There are examples of things similar to mantras in other religions and cultures around the world, of course. But since the word "mantra" is a sanskrit word, I am speaking to my understanding and practical experience with mantras in the context of sanatana dharma and buddhist tantra.
Hope this wasn't too long/tedious! 😅
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santoschristos · 4 months
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"Now, Maya is also the name of the mother of Hermes, so that from Greek mythology we get the hint that Maya is the root principle which brings forth Mercury. It is not without significance, we think, that the mother of Buddha was also named Maya, for the illumination of Buddha is precisely the goal of the processes of alchemy and yoga.
Furthermore, there is a close connection between the words Maya and Magia, the latter being the Latin noun for Magic.
In both words there is the dual conception of a power which manifests itself in changes and mutations, and of a power which is the cause of all human errors because its illusive nature, so long as it remains unrecognized, leads the mind of man into all sorts of mistaken judgments. Thus the alchemical texts tell us that the First Matter, in some of its aspects, is poisonous, and the enemy of all.
Jacob Boehme, himself steeped in alchemical literature, and blessed with that higher insight which leads to he actual discovery of the First Matter, employed the word Magic in the sense just explained. In the fifth chapter of his Six Mystical Points he writes: Magic is the mother of eternity, of the being of all beings; for it creates itself, and is understood in desire ... It is the original state of nature. Its desire makes an imagination (Einbildung), and the imagination or figuration is only the will of desire ... Magic is the formative power in the eternal wisdom. According as the will makes a model in wisdom, so does desiring Magic receive it; for it has in its property imagination as a longing. Imagination is gentle and soft, and resembles water.
Thus we see that Boehme perceived that the fundamental power which brings things into existence is like that which we know in ourselves as desire and imagination. Observe that he compares imagination to water, the commonest alchemical name for the First Matter.
In his Mysteriurm Pansophicum he also says: "We recognize also from whence all things, evil and good, take their origin, namely from the Imagination in the great Mystery, where a wonderful essential life generates itself."
--Case Paul Foster - "Esoteric Keys of Alchemy"
Pic. Source: Geheime Figuren der Rosenkreuzer, aus dem 16ten und 17ten Jahrhundert
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truevedicastrology · 5 months
Celestial Harmony Exploring Yogas in Astrology
Welcome to "Celestial Harmony: Exploring Yogas in Astrology," a comprehensive guide that unveils the mystique of yogas in the celestial realm. Astrology, an ancient art and science, goes beyond mere horoscope readings; it delves into intricate combinations known as yogas, shaping destinies and influencing lives. In this enlightening journey, we'll explore the cosmic dance of planets, unlocking the secrets of yogas and their profound impact on our existence.
Chapter 1: "The Foundation of Yogas"
Delve into the basics of yogas, understanding how celestial bodies align to create unique combinations. Explore the significance of planetary positions and their influence on individual charts. Uncover the foundation that sets the stage for the intricate yogic patterns governing our lives.
Chapter 2: "Yogas Affecting Personality Traits"
Embark on a journey through the cosmos to discover yogas shaping personality traits. From leadership qualities to artistic inclinations, delve into the cosmic blueprint that molds individuals into the unique beings they are. Gain insights into how yogas influence temperament and character.
Chapter 3: "Love and Relationships: Celestial Connections"
Explore the cosmic threads that weave the tapestry of love and relationships. Unravel the secrets of yogas governing romantic inclinations, compatibility, and the ebb and flow of emotional connections. From soulmates to karmic bonds, understand the celestial forces at play in matters of the heart.
Chapter 4: "Wealth and Prosperity Yogas"
Navigate the astral pathways leading to prosperity. Uncover the yogas influencing financial success, abundance, and material well-being. From career advancements to unexpected windfalls, explore the cosmic keys to unlocking the doors of affluence.
Chapter 5: "Health and Well-being: Celestial Vitality"
Delve into the intricate connections between celestial bodies and physical well-being. Understand how yogas contribute to health patterns, potential ailments, and overall vitality. Gain insights into preventive measures and astrological remedies for a harmonious and healthy life.
Chapter 6: "Yogas for Success and Achievements"
Unlock the celestial secrets to success and achievements. Explore the yogas that propel individuals towards their goals, shaping their destiny in professional and personal spheres. From recognition to accomplishment, understand the cosmic forces that pave the way for triumph.
Chapter 7: "Spiritual Yogas: Journey to the Divine"
Embark on a spiritual odyssey as we explore yogas guiding the path to enlightenment. Uncover the cosmic wisdom embedded in spiritual yogas, fostering a deeper connection with the divine. From inner peace to transcendent experiences, discover the celestial keys to spiritual growth.
Chapter 8: "Yogas for Transformation: Evolving with the Cosmos"
Conclude our celestial journey by exploring yogas that facilitate transformative experiences. Understand how cosmic energies contribute to personal growth, evolution, and the unfolding of one's true potential. Embrace the power of yogas for a life that aligns with the cosmic rhythm.
"Celestial Harmony: Exploring Yogas in Astrology" is not just a mini Tumblr book; it's a celestial roadmap to understanding the intricate dance of planets and their profound impact on our lives. Prepare to embark on a transformative journey through the cosmic tapestry of yogas, unlocking the secrets of your unique celestial design.
Chapter 1: "The Foundation of Yogas"
As we embark on our exploration of yogas in astrology, it's essential to grasp the fundamental principles that underpin these celestial combinations. Yogas are intricate configurations formed by the positions of planets in a birth chart, creating unique cosmic signatures. In this foundational chapter, we'll unravel the key elements that contribute to the formation of yogas and understand their significance in shaping destinies.
Astrology, an ancient science, believes that the positions of celestial bodies at the time of birth influence an individual's life journey. Yogas, in essence, are specific combinations that indicate the potential for certain outcomes or characteristics in a person's life. To comprehend this, one must first understand the basic components of a birth chart.
The birth chart, or horoscope, is a snapshot of the sky at the moment of an individual's birth. It consists of twelve houses, each representing different facets of life, and the positions of planets within these houses. Yogas are formed when specific planets occupy particular houses or form angles with each other.
In this chapter, we'll explore the significance of the Ascendant (the sign that was rising on the eastern horizon at the time of birth) and its role in shaping the individual's approach to life. The positions of the Sun and Moon, known as luminaries, will also be examined, as they play pivotal roles in determining one's core identity and emotional makeup.
Additionally, we'll delve into the concept of benefic and malefic planets—those considered favorable and unfavorable, respectively. The interplay between these celestial forces contributes to the formation of yogas that can either enhance or challenge various aspects of life.
To comprehend the foundation of yogas, it's crucial to grasp the concept of planetary dignity and debility. Planets exhibit varying degrees of strength or weakness based on their positions in the zodiac. Understanding this dynamic adds a layer of complexity to the interpretation of yogas, as the strength of planets influences their ability to manifest their effects.
As we navigate through this chapter, readers will gain a solid understanding of the astrological building blocks that lay the groundwork for the yogic tapestry. Whether you're a novice seeking insight into the cosmic influences shaping your life or an experienced astrologer refining your knowledge, "The Foundation of Yogas" sets the stage for a profound journey into the celestial realm.
Chapter 2: "Yogas Affecting Personality Traits"
In the cosmic symphony of astrology, Chapter 2 invites us to explore the enchanting melodies that shape individual personalities. "Yogas Affecting Personality Traits" unveils the intricate dance of celestial bodies, weaving a unique pattern that manifests in the diverse tapestry of human character.
At the heart of this exploration lies the Ascendant, the zodiac sign ascending on the eastern horizon at the time of birth. This pivotal point sets the stage for the individual's persona, influencing their approach to life and interaction with the world. As we journey through this chapter, we'll uncover how specific yogas involving the Ascendant can sculpt distinct personality traits.
Each planet contributes its unique energy to the personality canvas, and their placements in different houses create a kaleidoscope of characteristics. For instance, the Sun symbolizes vitality and self-expression, while the Moon reflects emotional depth and intuitive instincts. Understanding the interplay of these luminaries within the yogic framework provides profound insights into an individual's inherent nature.
The concept of planetary aspects, where planets cast their influence on one another based on their angular relationships, adds another layer to the personality portrait. Favorable aspects can enhance positive traits, fostering creativity, leadership, or intellectual prowess. Conversely, challenging aspects may present hurdles, urging individuals to overcome obstacles and grow through adversity.
This chapter will also shed light on the role of the lunar nodes, Rahu and Ketu, in shaping personality dynamics. Their influence, often associated with karmic patterns, introduces an element of destiny into the intricate dance of yogas. As we explore these nodes, we'll unravel the cosmic threads connecting past experiences with present character traits.
Furthermore, the houses occupied by specific planets hold valuable clues to the nuances of personality. From the assertiveness of Mars in the first house to the communicative flair of Mercury in the third, we'll navigate the celestial map to decipher the language of yogas influencing individual temperaments.
As readers delve into "Yogas Affecting Personality Traits," they'll gain a profound understanding of how the celestial ballet orchestrates the unique symphony of human character. Whether you seek self-discovery or aim to unravel the complexities of those around you, this chapter promises to be a captivating exploration of the cosmic influences shaping personalities. Join us on this celestial journey as we decipher the celestial codes that mold the essence of who we are.
Chapter 3: "Love and Relationships: Celestial Connections"
As we traverse the cosmic expanse of astrology, Chapter 3 beckons us into the realm of emotions and connections with "Love and Relationships: Celestial Connections." In this enchanting chapter, we unravel the celestial threads that weave the intricate tapestry of love, exploring the profound impact of yogas on matters of the heart.
At the heart of this exploration lies the seventh house, traditionally associated with partnerships and relationships. Here, yogas take center stage, influencing the dynamics of romantic entanglements, friendships, and the bonds that tie us to others. The positions of Venus and Mars, the cosmic archetypes of femininity and masculinity, play pivotal roles in shaping the romantic landscape.
We delve into yogas that indicate romantic inclinations and compatibility. From the classic conjunctions of Venus and Mars to the nuanced interplay of other planets, we explore how celestial alignments influence the chemistry between individuals. Whether it's the magnetic attraction of soulmates or the karmic ties that bind, yogas provide profound insights into the intricate dance of love.
The moon, representing emotions and receptivity, also casts its celestial glow on matters of the heart. Yogas involving the moon shed light on emotional compatibility, intuitive connections, and the ebb and flow of romantic relationships. As we navigate this celestial landscape, readers gain a deeper understanding of the emotional currents that shape the romantic journey.
This chapter doesn't merely focus on romantic love; it extends its gaze to familial and platonic connections. Yogas influencing friendships, sibling relationships, and the bonds within the broader social circle are explored, highlighting the multifaceted nature of celestial connections.
Moreover, the role of the composite chart—a combined chart representing the dynamics between two individuals—takes center stage. Yogas within the composite chart offer insights into the shared destiny, challenges, and growth potential of relationships. Whether exploring the potential for a lifelong partnership or understanding the dynamics of a friendship, the celestial signatures within this chart unveil the cosmic blueprint of connections.
"Love and Relationships: Celestial Connections" is an invitation to explore the celestial nuances that shape the most intimate facets of our lives. Whether you're navigating the complexities of romantic entanglements, seeking to deepen familial bonds, or understanding the intricacies of friendships, this chapter promises a celestial voyage into the heart of human connections. Join us as we decipher the cosmic codes that govern the dance of love in all its myriad forms.
Chapter 4: "Wealth and Prosperity Yogas"
Our celestial journey takes a fascinating turn in Chapter 4, guiding us through the astral pathways that lead to abundance and material well-being. "Wealth and Prosperity Yogas" explores the cosmic keys that unlock the doors to financial success, affluence, and the fulfillment of material aspirations.
At the core of this exploration lies the second house, traditionally associated with wealth, resources, and financial stability. As we navigate this celestial mansion, we uncover the yogas that signal financial prowess, material gain, and the potential for prosperity. Planets such as Jupiter and Venus, often regarded as benefic forces, take center stage, casting their auspicious influences on matters of wealth.
The intricate dance of yogas reveals how specific planetary positions and combinations contribute to financial success. From the auspicious conjunctions of wealth-inducing planets to the favorable aspects that enhance financial acumen, we unravel the celestial secrets guiding individuals toward abundance.
The role of the eleventh house, known as the house of gains, also comes into focus. Yogas associated with this house illuminate avenues for income, windfalls, and unexpected financial benefits. Whether it's through entrepreneurial ventures, investments, or fortuitous opportunities, the cosmic alignments within this chapter provide valuable insights into the pathways leading to prosperity.
Moreover, the concept of Dhan Yoga, a combination of planets promising financial gains, unfolds as a celestial blueprint for material success. Readers will gain a deeper understanding of how yogas involving planets like Mercury, Jupiter, and Venus contribute to financial stability and affluence.
Astrological remedies for enhancing financial well-being become an integral part of this chapter. From gemstones to specific rituals, we explore the cosmic tools that individuals can employ to align themselves with the celestial energies conducive to prosperity. This practical dimension adds depth to the exploration, offering readers actionable insights to enhance their financial trajectory.
"Wealth and Prosperity Yogas" is more than a chapter; it's a celestial guide to navigating the pathways of abundance. Whether you seek financial success, wish to optimize your investment strategies, or simply desire a deeper understanding of the cosmic influences on material well-being, this chapter promises a rich exploration of the celestial keys to prosperity. Join us as we decode the cosmic map leading to financial fulfillment and prosperity.
Chapter 5: "Health and Well-being: Celestial Vitality"
In Chapter 5, our celestial odyssey turns inward as we explore the intricate connections between the cosmos and physical well-being. "Health and Well-being: Celestial Vitality" unveils the cosmic influences that shape individual health patterns, potential ailments, and the overall vitality encoded in the celestial blueprint.
The sixth house, traditionally associated with health and wellness, takes center stage in this chapter. As we navigate the cosmic terrain of this house, we unravel the yogas that signify physical robustness or susceptibility to health challenges. Planets such as Jupiter, the natural significator of health, and the moon, representing the emotional and physical rhythms, play pivotal roles in shaping the health narrative.
Our exploration extends to the concept of Ayur Yoga, which sheds light on the length and quality of life based on the planetary configurations within the birth chart. By examining the positions of benefic and malefic planets, we gain insights into the potential for longevity and the specific health challenges that may arise.
Moreover, the influence of the Ascendant and the first house becomes paramount in understanding an individual's vitality and overall constitution. Specific yogas involving the Ascendant can indicate inherent strength or vulnerabilities, offering a celestial roadmap to proactive health management.
As we delve into the celestial aspects affecting health, the role of the eighth house, traditionally associated with longevity and transformative experiences, comes into focus. Yogas within this house provide deeper insights into the potential for rejuvenation, healing, or transformative experiences that impact one's well-being.
This chapter doesn't merely illuminate potential health challenges; it also introduces astrological remedies and practices that individuals can adopt to enhance their vitality. From dietary recommendations aligned with celestial energies to specific yogic practices, readers gain practical insights into optimizing their well-being through astrology.
"Health and Well-being: Celestial Vitality" is an invitation to explore the intricate dance between celestial energies and the physical vessel. Whether you seek insights into potential health challenges, aim to cultivate a healthier lifestyle, or desire a holistic approach to well-being, this chapter promises a celestial journey into the realm of vitality. Join us as we decode the cosmic signatures that shape the intricate tapestry of health and well-being.
Chapter 6: "Yogas for Success and Achievements"
In Chapter 6, our exploration ascends to new heights as we unravel the celestial secrets that propel individuals toward success and accomplishments. "Yogas for Success and Achievements" invites readers to decipher the cosmic codes that shape destinies in both professional and personal spheres.
The tenth house, traditionally associated with career and achievements, takes center stage in this cosmic narrative. As we navigate the celestial pathways of this house, we uncover the yogas that signify career elevation, recognition, and the potential for notable accomplishments. Planets such as Saturn and Mars, regarded as indicators of career prowess and ambition, play crucial roles in shaping the narrative of success.
Our exploration extends to the concept of Raj Yoga, which signifies the royal combinations that elevate individuals to positions of authority and influence. By decoding the planetary alignments contributing to Raj Yoga, readers gain insights into the potential for leadership, recognition, and the fulfillment of ambitions.
Moreover, the interplay between the second and eleventh houses reveals the cosmic keys to financial success as an integral part of one's overall achievements. This chapter provides a comprehensive view of how material prosperity intertwines with career accomplishments, creating a holistic understanding of success in the astrological context.
The role of benefic planets, particularly Jupiter, becomes paramount in this chapter, signifying the cosmic blessings that pave the way for success. Specific yogas involving Jupiter offer insights into the potential for expansion, growth, and the fulfillment of one's aspirations.
As we delve into the celestial aspects affecting success, the significance of the Midheaven (MC) and the Sun takes prominence. Yogas involving these celestial bodies shed light on an individual's public image, career trajectory, and the potential for attaining a position of influence.
This chapter isn't merely a guide to recognizing success yogas; it also explores astrological remedies and practices that individuals can adopt to enhance their path to achievement. From aligning with auspicious planetary energies to embracing specific rituals, readers gain practical insights into optimizing their journey toward success.
"Yogas for Success and Achievements" is more than a chapter; it's a celestial roadmap guiding individuals toward the pinnacle of their endeavors. Whether you seek professional recognition, aspire to fulfill personal goals, or desire a deeper understanding of the cosmic forces influencing success, this chapter promises a captivating exploration of the celestial keys to achievement. Join us as we decipher the cosmic signatures that shape the tapestry of success and accomplishments.
Chapter 7: "Spiritual Yogas: Journey to the Divine"
Chapter 7 invites readers to embark on a transcendent odyssey as we delve into the celestial tapestry of "Spiritual Yogas: Journey to the Divine." In this chapter, we unravel the cosmic threads that guide individuals on a profound exploration of spiritual growth, inner peace, and the divine connection within.
The twelfth house, traditionally associated with spirituality and transcendence, takes center stage in this celestial narrative. As we navigate the ethereal realms of this house, we uncover the yogas that signify a predisposition toward spiritual pursuits, contemplation, and the potential for enlightenment. Planets such as Neptune and Jupiter, considered spiritual significators, play pivotal roles in shaping the spiritual landscape.
Our exploration extends to the concept of Moksha Yoga, which signifies the combinations that lead individuals toward liberation and a deeper connection with the divine. By deciphering the planetary alignments contributing to Moksha Yoga, readers gain insights into the potential for inner transformation, self-realization, and the journey toward spiritual enlightenment.
Moreover, the interplay between the ninth house and the luminaries—Sun and Moon—reveals the cosmic keys to philosophical inclinations and the quest for higher knowledge. This chapter provides a comprehensive view of how the pursuit of wisdom intertwines with the spiritual journey, creating a holistic understanding of the path to the divine.
The significance of meditation and introspection becomes paramount in this chapter, offering practical insights into enhancing one's spiritual connection. Yogas involving specific meditation practices and spiritual disciplines illuminate the pathways to inner peace, mindfulness, and the discovery of the divine within.
As we delve into the celestial aspects affecting spiritual growth, the role of the lunar nodes, Rahu and Ketu, takes prominence. Yogas involving these nodes offer insights into karmic patterns, life lessons, and the transformative experiences that contribute to spiritual evolution.
This chapter isn't merely a guide to recognizing spiritual yogas; it also explores practical steps and rituals that individuals can adopt to enhance their spiritual journey. From embracing meditation practices aligned with celestial energies to engaging in acts of compassion, readers gain actionable insights into nurturing their connection with the divine.
"Spiritual Yogas: Journey to the Divine" is an invitation to explore the boundless realms of the spirit. Whether you are on a quest for inner peace, seeking to deepen your spiritual practices, or desiring a profound connection with the divine, this chapter promises a celestial voyage into the heart of spiritual awakening. Join us as we decipher the cosmic signatures that illuminate the path to the divine within.
Chapter 8: "Yogas for Transformation: Evolving with the Cosmos"
In the concluding chapter of our celestial journey, we venture into the transformative realms of "Yogas for Transformation: Evolving with the Cosmos." This chapter serves as a celestial guide, unraveling the cosmic secrets that facilitate personal growth, evolution, and the unfolding of one's true potential.
The eighth house, traditionally associated with transformations and rebirth, takes center stage in this chapter. As we traverse the metaphysical landscapes of this house, we unravel the yogas that signify the potential for profound metamorphosis, inner renewal, and a transformative journey. Planets such as Pluto and Saturn, heralds of change and maturity, play pivotal roles in shaping the transformative narrative.
Our exploration extends to the concept of Kundalini Yoga, symbolizing the awakening of the spiritual energy within. By deciphering the planetary alignments contributing to Kundalini Yoga, readers gain insights into the potential for heightened awareness, spiritual awakening, and the transformative power that resides within.
Moreover, the interplay between the fourth house and the moon reveals the cosmic keys to emotional healing and the nurturing of a secure inner foundation. This chapter provides a comprehensive view of how emotional well-being intertwines with the transformative journey, creating a holistic understanding of the path to personal evolution.
The significance of embracing change and adapting to the ebb and flow of cosmic energies becomes paramount in this chapter. Yogas involving specific planetary transitions and celestial events offer insights into the cyclical nature of transformation, encouraging readers to embrace the evolving dance with the cosmos.
As we delve into the celestial aspects affecting personal growth, the role of Chiron—often known as the "wounded healer"—takes prominence. Yogas involving Chiron offer insights into the healing potential within wounds, the transformative power of challenges, and the journey toward wholeness.
This chapter isn't merely a guide to recognizing transformative yogas; it also explores practical steps and perspectives that individuals can adopt to embrace personal evolution. From cultivating resilience in the face of challenges to understanding the cyclical nature of transformation, readers gain actionable insights into navigating the ever-changing cosmic currents.
"Yogas for Transformation: Evolving with the Cosmos" is an invitation to embark on a dynamic journey of personal growth. Whether you are navigating life changes, seeking to understand the transformative power within challenges, or desiring a roadmap for evolution, this chapter promises a celestial voyage into the heart of self-discovery. Join us as we decipher the cosmic signatures that illuminate the path to transformative growth and the unfolding of your true potential.
As we conclude our celestial odyssey through the intricate tapestry of "Celestial Harmony: Exploring Yogas in Astrology," we find ourselves at the intersection of cosmic wisdom and personal revelation. This journey, spanning eight chapters, has been a celestial roadmap—a guide to understanding the nuanced dance of planets and their profound impact on our lives.
From the foundational principles in "The Foundation of Yogas," where we deciphered the astrological building blocks, to the transformative realms of "Yogas for Transformation," where we explored the potential for profound metamorphosis, each chapter has been a gateway into a different facet of our celestial design.
In "Harmony Unveiled," we reflect on the interconnected themes woven throughout this exploration. The celestial influences on personality, relationships, wealth, health, success, spirituality, and transformation are not isolated threads but integral components of a harmonious cosmic symphony. We've uncovered the celestial keys to self-discovery, providing insights into the multifaceted layers of our existence.
The invitation presented in this journey extends beyond the pages of a book; it's an invitation to embrace your celestial design consciously. The yogas unveiled within these chapters are not deterministic scripts but rather guideposts, offering profound insights into the energies at play in your life. They empower you to navigate challenges, harness opportunities, and align with the cosmic rhythm.
As we close this celestial volume, let the wisdom gained be a lantern on your path. Whether you are a seeker on the road to self-discovery, an astrologer refining your craft, or an individual curious about the celestial forces shaping your journey, may "Celestial Harmony" be a companion in your quest for understanding.
In the grand tapestry of existence, the celestial influences are but threads, and you, the weaver of your destiny. "Celestial Harmony" is an ode to the dance of planets, a cosmic melody inviting you to join the rhythm. As you navigate the harmonies of your life, may the wisdom gleaned from these chapters guide you towards a profound sense of alignment, purpose, and ultimately, harmony with the cosmos.
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simplifyastrology · 4 months
Tridoshas: Pitta
The Three Doshas are the three metabolic principles of universal life-force energy. These principles of life force energy are also historically referenced as “The Three Humors.” The Doshas are Vata, Pitta, and Kapha. Doshas are Linked to the ancient sages of India and are the primary component of Ayurvedic medicine practice.
Ayurvedic medicine is known for its holistic approach to understanding disease. The root of Ayurvedic medicine is the study of consciousness and spiritual energy. The link with spiritual energy is why Doshas are heavily associated with Astrology.
Each of the 3 Doshas is fundamental to overall health. Dosha energy exists both in the consciousness and physical body. For this reason, Doshas affects both physical and mental health.
Nakshatras Associated with Pitta Dosha:
Bharani Mrigashira Pushya Purva Phalguni Chitra Anuradha Purva Ashadha Dhanishta Purva Bhadrapada
Planets Associated with Pitta Dosha:
Sun Mars Ketu
Elemental Composition of Pitta:
Water(Aaph) + Fire(Agni) Element
Oily Absorbent Hot Light Odorous Mobile Fluid
Main Objectives of Pitta:
Metabolism Digestion Transforming Absortions into Energy
Associated Body Type:
Middle Naval Region of Body Digestion Metabolism Small Intestine Stomach Liver Spleen Gall bladder Pancrease Digestive Glands Blood Sweat Glands
Body Compositional Traits:
Delicate Body Type Muscular Frame Athletic Body
General Traits of Pitta:
Warmth Spreading Permeating
Strong Metabolism Raging Appetite
Extroverted Energetic Loud
Athletic Reactive Flexible
Sharp Concentration Courageous
Intelligent Understanding Digesting Ideas Creative
Expierence Seeking Motivated Ambitious Challenge Driven
Leaders Teachers Planners Managers
Materialistic Inclinations
Traits of Struggle for Pitta:
Aggitation Frustraton
Anger Short Tempered Criticism
Heartburn Indigestion
Struggle in the Sun Get Overheated
Potential Diseases for Pitta:
Fever Inflamation Irritation
Oily Skin Oily Hair
Sweating Hairloss
Freckles on Face Premature Greying Prounced Aging
Sunburns Red Skin Patches
Remedies that correct limited amount of Pitta energy:
- Avoid Oil - Yoga Poses - Exercise to Boost Energy - Consume Meaningful Intake - Good diet and meaningful Studies - Be in Environments That Allow Self-expression - Do Not Engage in Work Situations that Limit Growth Potential
Check out more posts at the Simplify Astrology Masterpost (Click Here)
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Energy Work
What is energy?
There are different definitions of energy depending on what you're talking about or who you talk to but in simple terms energy is what surrounds us. It is in everything living and nonliving. Energy can take on many different forms from elemental to emotional or even some believe in planetary energies.
in physics, energy is the quantitative property that is transferred to a body or to a physical system, recognizable in the performance of work and in the form of heat and light. the capacity for doing work. It may exist in potential, kinetic, thermal, electrical, chemical, nuclear, or other various forms. There are, moreover, heat and work i.e., energy in the process of transfer from one body to another. After it has been transferred, energy is always designated according to its nature. Hence, heat transferred may become thermal energy, while work done may manifest itself in the form of mechanical energy.—the law of conservation of energy states that energy can be converted in form, but not created or destroyed
What is energy work and how can I start?
Energy work is the practice of learning to feel the energy around you and how to work with it. It is important and fundamental to any spiritual practices.
A simple meditation is a good start. Sit comfortably and relax your muscles. Breath in a count of four and breath out a count of eight. Do this until you have a clear mind. You can also practice counting from 1 to 100 to clear the mind. There are a few things you can do after.
Gathering and releasing energy
For this you can use visualization. Imagine gathering small bits of energy through a singular point on the body and releasing it back out.
You can also release emotional energy this way. Imagine that your releasing your emotions and transforming it into positive or usable energy. This is called transmuting energy.
Sit and imagine energy flowing from the earth to out the top of your head.
Sit and feel out the energy in the room. You can have a candle to practice feeling it's energy. Do be safe and put it on a table and far enough away you don't knock it over.
Psi ball/energy ball
Stand or sit comfortably. Relax. Hold your hands out in front of you, palms together. Close your eyes and visualize a small ball of light forming between your hands. Move your hands about an inch away from each other. Open your eyes and gently look at the space between your hands. Concentrate on that small ball of energy forming and feel the warmth. Push more energy through your hands and into the ball, feeding it and making it larger. Move your hands apart bit by bit.
Play around with this energy making it larger or smaller.
Regarding Chakras
Defining the word chakra
The Tantrik traditions, from which the concept derives, chakras (Sanskrit. cakra) are focal points for meditation within the human body. They are visualized as structures of energy resembling discs or flowers at those points where a number of nāḍīs (channels or meridians) converge. They tend to be located where human beings experience emotional and/or spiritual energy.
What is the chakra system?
There is no general agreement to how many chakras there are as the concept has evolved and been interpreted differently by various schools,sects, and spiritual traditions within Hinduism. Some traditions may follow the seven main chakras as described in Patanjali's Yoga Sutra, others may follow additional or a different number of chakras. There are so many different systems of chakras. The original purpose of chakras is to serve as a template for Nyāsa
The more common and most studied chakra system incorporates six major chakras along with a seventh center generally not regarded as a chakra. These points are arranged vertically along the channels. The Chakras are traditionally considered meditation aids. The yogi progresses from lower chakras to the highest chakra blossoming in the crown of the head, internalizing the journey of spiritual ascent.
New Age practices often associate each chakra with a certain color. In various traditions, chakras are associated with multiple physiological functions, an aspect of consciousness, a classical element, and other distinguishing characteristics; these do not correspond to those used in ancient Indian systems. The chakras are visualised as lotus or flowers with a different number of petals in every chakra.
Most original Sanskrit sources, Things are not being taught about the way things are, we are being given a specific yogic practice: we are to visualize a subtle object made of colored light, shaped like a lotus or a spinning wheel, at a specific point in the body, activating mantric syllables in it, for a specific purpose. The texts are prescriptive. they tell what you ought to do to achieve a specific goal by mystical means.
New age practice of physiological states associated with chakras
Many different websites books, it says that the mūlādhāra chakra is associated with survival & safety, that maṇipūra chakra is associated with willpower & self-esteem, and so on. The idea these associations chakras with psychological states is a modern Western innovation that started with Carl Jung. This won't be found in Sanskrit sources.
In Anodea Judith’s book Wheels of Life. Judith says that each chakra is associated with a certain bodily gland, certain bodily malfunctions, certain foods, a certain metal, mineral, herb, planet, a path of yoga, a suit of the tarot, a sephira of Jewish mysticism, and an archangel of Christianity. None of these associations are found in the original sources.
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creature-wizard · 3 months
Is typical 7 chacras thing, that popular in yoga and spirituality safe to use? I read it is closed? And that there is a more old version from which these present chacras came from. I mean, it is everywhere now. Who to listen? What is right?
As I'm not an expert on chakras, I'm gonna point you to this post from someone with more knowledge than me:
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agirlunfilteredsblog · 4 months
Hi girls!! I figured I’d introduce myself on here since this is my blog after all… Although I do want to keep a portion of my identity anonymous (my real name, my age, where i live), I find it equally important that you guys get the gist of who I am!!
Here are some facts about me!
- I’m currently in college and I’ m currently enrolled in the Honors department of psychology!
- I’m bilingual, I speak both french and english. Though, french is my first language! And I’m currently learning ASL :)
- Some of my hobbies include reading, studying art and history (as well as their correlation haha), yoga/pilates, going out with friends, shopping as well as visiting different exhibitions at museums and galleries
- I am an Aries :)
- I love Formula 1, seriously it’s honestly the most enjoyable sport to watch, minus the times where im yelling at my screen ;)
- I love fashion, and frankly Pinterest is my bestfriend…
- Skincare and makeup is my safe space, it’s what I do when I’m bored or simply want to relax
- I adore getting my nails done, you’ll NEVER see me with my nails bare
- My favorite movies are Someone Great and Arrival and my favorite TV series are Derry Girls, The Office and Bridgerton. However, they are constantly changing, so don’t quote me on that!!
But most importantly, I’m someone who strives to be the best version of myself that I can be. I’m always trying to grow and learn new things. I fundamentally believe that kindness and love are our superpowers as individuals and this is why I chose to create this blog. I want to create a safe-space for girls to feel free to talk about WHATEVER they want, without fear of judgement.
with so so much love,
a girl unfiltered 💋
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lgcmanager · 8 months
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after all of the exhausting practices and schedules, every trainee and debut artist falls asleep…only to be woken up in a world that may be familiar or foreign to some people…
to commemorate lgc’s fourth anniversary, we are bringing back lgc university! for the muns who were not present during last year’s run of the anniversary event, this is an alternate universe ( au ) storyline in which all of the lgc muses are now students of lgc university! in the first iteration of this, all of the muses had to take several tests ( and even a final exam with DBSD’s daehyun as the proctor ) and pass in order to complete the term.
now in this alternate universe, it’s summertime and some people could associate it with summer camps and all, but in lgc university this is the time when they host their yearly house tournament and prom night! 
and here are the following houses:
( note: the names chosen are actually the continents that represent each of the lgc groups [ sans nova ] for the webtoon! a special thank you to all of the muns who participated in that last year, especially the muns behind @lgcxnoeul/@lgcminseo, @lgcxminji/@lgcsena, and @lgcichika/@lgctaiyou/@lgcparker for the names suggested above! )
likewise, TYPE ZERO, V&A, CRYSTALLIS, and FABULA will be in their respective houses and will serve as part of the “student council”.
for the full list of where everyone is placed, you can look over HERE.
another aspect that the muses got to select are their majors. this time around, you will be given the option to choose which of the following majors your muse is pursuing currently. for the ones that have participated in last year’s anniversary event, you COULD keep the same major that was selected before OR you can change it to one of the other options.
for the years, there will be some slight adjustments but should be relatively similar to last year’s anniversary event where it will be based on when your muse joined the company ( ic wise ). here is how the years will be divided:
1ST YEAR STUDENTS: any muses who joined lgc entertainment from JANUARY 2022 to JULY 2023
2ND YEAR STUDENTS: any muses who joined lgc entertainment from JULY 2020 to JULY 2021
3RD YEAR STUDENTS: any muses who joined lgc entertainment from JANUARY 2019 to JANUARY 2020
4TH YEAR STUDENTS: any muses who joined lgc entertainment from JANUARY 2015 to JULY 2018
for the majors, here are the following choices:
creative writing
music theory
studio arts
for this requirement, just fill out the student profile below and make sure to tag the post as lgc:universityprofiles. this WILL NOT count for activity. you will receive points for completing this, but for this anniversary event the number of points you receive and the distributions will be announced AFTER the anniversary deadline has passed. 
NAME: [ muse name ]
YEAR: [ please refer to lgc u sheet or the info above for this ]
MAJOR: [ choose ONE major only; acting, communication, creative writing, dance, linguistics, music theory, studio arts ]
SUBJECTS RANKING [ pick what your muse’s top five favorite subjects are based on the list below. the list has to be ranked in order, with 1 being the highest. ]
3 RANDOM FACTS: [ list 3 random facts relevant to the lgc university verse. this can range from how you think the muse got accepted to the university, favorite classes, interesting moments in any of the classes mentioned above, etc. basically have fun writing the facts because it’s an au! ]
please submit the following form on the points blog before OCTOBER 7, 2023 11:59PM EDT.
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