#yulia dean
vinevr · 2 months
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Hiii these are my South Park ocs!^ᴗ^
The one on the top left is Darius, dean densmore
Fun fact about him! he has a scar on the side of his head because he got cut when his uncle was cutting his hair
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The one on the bottom left is natasha, Yulia Shcherbatykh
Fun fact: she has some..interesting hobbies...
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The one on the bottom right is Felix , ryde fitz
Fun fact:👍
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The one on the top right is Aspen, irie inder
Fun fact: idk I don't have a fun fact for her 😭
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lamilanomagazine · 1 year
Milano: Il Musical Square al Teatro Lirico 'Giorgio Gaber'
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Milano: Il Musical Square al Teatro Lirico 'Giorgio Gaber'. Beethoven, Brahms, Tchaikovsy, Chopin, Elgar e Tosti. Sono solo alcuni dei nomi che propone dal 15 maggio al 9 novembre il festival Musical Square presso il Teatro Lirico Giorgio Gaber di Milano. Sei appuntamenti, un teatro storico, musicisti di livello internazionale e una nuova concezione di musica da camera: tutto questo e molto di più è Musical Square, ideato e fortemente voluto dal musicista Giuliano De Angelis, violoncellista e solista internazionale (numerose le sue tourneè in Europa, Stati Uniti e Asia). “Ho pensato a Musical Squar - spiega De Angelis - come ad una piazza, un luogo familiare dove potersi ritrovare tra amici, in famiglia; un modo di vivere la musica informale e accessibile a tutti. Vorrei che varcando le porte del teatro Lirico si sentisse l'aria del giorno di festa. Ho cercato di proporre la musica da camera in una veste nuova, più moderna, strizzando l'occhio anche a diversi generi musicali, al teatro, al cinema, con artisti di livello internazionale”. E il Teatro Lirico ‘Giorgio Gaber’, luogo simbolo della cultura meneghina, inaugurato nel 1779 e progettato dal Piermarini insieme alla vicina Scala in una sorta di duplice sistema teatrale diventa il posto perfetto per centrare l’obiettivo di De Angelis “Cosa meglio di n palco storico che si apre a un nuovo progetto musicale, per una rassegna che si annuncia imperdibile e che incuriosisce già alla prima occhiata al cartellone”? L’ambizioso progetto è reso possibile grazie alla sinergia con il direttore artistico del comparto musica classica del Teatro Lirico, il prof. Roberto Favaro; il coordinamento artistico del Festival è invece affidato alla violinista russa Yulia Berinskaya, concertista e didatta, da poco docente presso la Civica Scuola di Musica Claudio Abbado. L’evento di apertura di lunedì 15 maggio, #RomanticStories, vedrà protagonista un sestetto stellare composto da musicisti del calibro di Ilya Grubert e Silvia Mazzon (violini), Anna Serova e Dean Anderson (viole), Silvia Chiesa e Giuliano De Angelis (violoncelli). In programma il Sestetto n. 1 op. 18 di Johannes Brahms e il Souvenir de Florence op. 70 di Piotr Ilic Tchaikovsky. Sabato 27 maggio sarà invece il momento di Chapliniana, un cine-concerto con proiezione di cortometraggi muti di Charlie Chaplin e Mabel Normand con musiche originali dal vivo di Rossella Spinosa; protagonista l’Orchestra di Bellagio e del Lago di Como diretta da Alessandro Calcagnile, con al pianoforte la stessa Spinosa. Un’altra orchestra per l’ultimo evento primaverile, quello di giovedì 8 giugno: l’Orchestra Filarmonica Campana diretta dalla sapiente bacchetta di Giulio Marazia (giovane direttore con alle spalle una già lunga carriera internazionale) si esibirà insieme alla stella nascente del pianismo nazionale Giulia Falzanaro e al soprano Luana Lombardi. Il programma, intitolato Nobiltà ed aristocrazia, prevede l’esecuzione di brani di Elgar, Chopin e Tosti. Dopo la pausa estiva, mercoledì 27 settembre, un titolo capace di stuzzicare l’immaginazione di ogni musicista: Beethoven in Vermont è uno spettacolo scritto e diretto da Maria Letizia Compatangelo, con protagonista il Trio Metamorphosi, i cui membri vestiranno i panni di grandi musicisti del primo Novecento – Mauro Loguercio al violino sarà Adolf Busch, Francesco Pepicelli al violoncello Hermann Busch, Angelo Pepicelli al pianoforte Rudolf Serkin. Musiche, come da titolo, di Ludwig van Beethoven. Mercoledì 18 ottobre sarà la volta di Piani Incrociati, un entusiasmante confronto di stili e linguaggi; protagonisti due pianisti straordinari: Michele D’Ascenzo (pianoforte classico) e Lello Petrarca (pianoforte jazz). I due si alterneranno alla tastiera proponendo, il primo, brani di autori come Liszt, Chopin, Debussy e Ravel, e subito dopo, il secondo, riprenderà e rielaborera' lo stesso materiale tematico appena ascoltato in chiave jazz, mettendo in luce tanto la diversità dei due approcci quanto l’affinità dell’idea musicale. Infine, per l'appuntamento conclusivo di giovedì 9 novembre, un nuovo confronto, stavolta tra le passionali melodie brahmsiane nel repertorio per violino e pianoforte, e il virtuosismo estremo, le sonorità dirompenti del repertorio per sassofono e pianoforte. Protagonisti quattro straordinari musicisti, tra i maggiori esponenti in Italia nei rispettivi programmi: il duo composto da Yulia Berinskaya al violino e Alessandra Ammara al pianoforte (con About Brahms, omaggio al compositore per i 190 anni dalla morte) e quello di Gaetano Di Bacco al sassofono e Giuliano Mazzoccante al pianoforte (musiche di Milhaud, Boutry, Creston e Molinelli). Un Duo al Quadrato, insomma, un nuovo e serrato dialogo tra passato e presente, tradizione e innovazione. Da segnalare il coinvolgimento della Civica Scuola Abbado, i cui migliori allievi apriranno i concerti dell’8 giugno, del 27 settembre, del 18 ottobre e del 9 novembre. Al pianoforte si esibiranno Michele Rinaldi, Francesco Spiri, Jacopo Mattavelli e Daniele Panizza. I concerti saranno introdotti e presentati dal sassofonista e musicologo toscano Ruben Marzà. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j1lFizkcyqw  ... #notizie #news #breakingnews #cronaca #politica #eventi #sport #moda Read the full article
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kikisqueaks · 3 years
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Illegal Moves By: @skyheaven1231
Another amazing commission!!
A moment from one of Yulia’s exhibition skates, coz she’s can do flips ‘n’ shit in those. Though, I’m very tempted to have her just do them in normal skates like  Surya Bonaly. But I think that’d make her stand-out in a way that even a certain Russian skater would notice her... and that’s not how her story goes.
Music: The Pretty Reckless - Miss Nothing
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aramajapan · 5 years
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Stars Attend the Pre-Fall 2019 Valentino and Dior Shows in Tokyo
This has been a busy week for fashion in Tokyo. Two fashion powerhouses, Valentino and Dior, showed their new Pre-Fall 2019 collections in the city. On November 27, Valentino held its first ever fashion show in Toyko, debuting its Pre-Fall 2019 collection for men and women. The collection was a mixture of Western and Japanese […]
Read more on aramajapan.com
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meowmeowmessi · 3 years
TotA AU where the Score prophesied that Sam will be a Fon Master who will have to sacrifice to save the world, and when Dean is old enough to understand his brother's fate, he promptly says "Fuck you" to the Score and does his best to overthrow the Score even if it means forsaking the world (Sam being Sam only wants the best for the world even if it means sacrificing himself just like what the Score says)
(Later it turns out that the sacrifice the Score meant was Dean's death as Dean means so much to Sam that his death is considered Sam's sacrifice)
I can totally imagine little Dean, who's interested in all things fon-tech, wanting to be a fon-tech expert, just like his dad. When he learns that the Score dictates he must be a Fon Master Guardian, he's so upset that none of the words from his mother and father can placate him.
"It's supposed to be an honor, kiddo-"
"I don't wanna be a stupid Guardian for a stupid Fon Master! I wanna work on Albiores like you, Dad!"
Mary's soft laugh can be heard from the kitchen. "You can't change the Score, Dean,"
Dean stamps his foot, chubby hands clenched into fists. "Well the Score's stupid!"
Once his little brother is born, Dean's petulance at his Score is temporarily put on hold. From that day onwards Mary and John find Dean's bed more often than not empty, Dean having climbed into Sam's crib, arms wrapped tight around the little bundle of wispy brown hair and sunflower eyes that they call Sammy. Dean's fiercely protective of him, cleaning the blood from his scraped knee and wiping away his tears and maybe even beating up his bullies if the situation calls for it. And little Sammy looks at Dean like he hung the Fon Belt around Auldrant. He's Dean's biggest admirer, hanging onto his every word, following him all day around like a lost puppy.
John and Mary think it's adorable.
Few years later, part of Sam's Score is read on his birthday in front of his entire family, and it says he's meant to be a Fon Master. Suddenly, everything clicks into place for Dean.
Sam, the Fon Master, and Dean: his Guardian.
His adamant refusal to be a Guardian seems so ridiculous now. He's been protecting Sam all his life, and the Score says he's meant to be his Guardian. Even before he was born Sam was his.
Why fight fate when fate has been right all along?
Later that night, Sam's standing outside Dean's door, shuffling his feet. He swallows, nervous. No sooner does he raise his hand to knock than Dean opens the door.
"Dean!" Sam says, with a start.
Dean keeps the door open and sits down on his bed, so Sam follows him inside and takes a seat next to him.
"You've been standing outside for 10 minutes now, You have a nightmare?" Dean's voice is soft, and Sam catches the sleepy rasp in it. The covers on his bed are rumpled, his short hair tousled, and Sam feels guilty for waking him up.
Same shakes his head. "No, I-" He takes a deep breath. "Dean, I'm sorry."
Beat. Then:
"See? I knew you ate the last slice of pie I'd kept in the fridge,"
Bitch Face Number 34. Dean laughs. Sam lets out a sigh and grows quiet again. Dean feels his heart constrict in his chest at that. He turns toward Sam, knocking their knees together. "Sammy, what's wrong?"
"About my Score," Sam blurts out, "actually, it's more about your Score- Dean, I know that you always wanted to be a fon-tech expert. Like Dad. Not-Not a Fon Master Guardian," Sam looks away. "Not my Guardian."
Dean's heart thumps against his ribcage. Sam's Guardian. The words sound good. Right. Perfect.
Meant to be.
What's Sam talking about?
"And I know you hate that you have to be my Guardian because the Score says so" Wrong. So, so wrong. "And for that I'm sorry-"
Sam suddenly finds his face pressed into Dean's shirt collar, Dean's arms wrapped around him, his scent engulfing him. When he says, "You couldn't be more wrong, kiddo," his voice is warm and smooth in his ears, and it makes Sam shiver.
"Listen up, Sammy," Dean says. "My Score ain't wrong, 'kay? I'm happy to be your Guardian. I wouldnt have it any other way."
Sam frowns. Pushing away from Dean's hold, he looks at him. Dean's hands slide down to Sam's hips and stay there, his expression fierce, determination etched in the furrows of his brow.
"But you always say that your Score's wrong," Sam says, and Dean resists the urge to smooth out the wrinkles that appear between his eyebrows with his thumb. Instead, he huffs.
"Okay, so I think the Score sucks -- some times." His parents are always telling him to respect the Score -- it's practically religion -- but Dean can't find it in himself to care. Not until now, that is. "But I can't deny that it's right about some things, like the fact that it says I'm awesome," -- Sam snorts -- "you definitely stole my leftover slice of pie," -- Sam giggles. Dean smiles at that, then pulls him into his arms again and buries his nose in his hair -- "and you're my Fon Master and I'm your Guardian."
That night, they both fall asleep in Sam's bed, Dean's chest pressed to Sam's back and his arms looped around his waist like back when they were kids sharing Sam's crib.
So Sam becomes a Fon Master and Dean his Guardian. They move to Daath, and they're joined at the hip, like always. But the days of peace are over when The Order announces, after making Sam read it aloud from his own Score, that Sam is to sacrifice his life for the sake of the planet. Something about a war breaking out otherwise, something about miasma, somethingsomethingsomething -- but it's all white noise to Dean.
Sam's life. For the planet. For Auldrant.
Even worse: Sam accepts. He bows his head, long brown hair hanging forward, and says, voice soft, "Thank you for the opportunity."
Dean's faith in the Score crumbles to nothingness.
There had always been cracks there, fissures spiderwebbing across the surface that his job as Sam's Guardian -- as said so by the Score itself -- kept from spreading, but this revelation is the pebble that shatters the glass completely.
Fuck the Score, Dean thinks with venom. He's in his room. If he looks hard enough, he thinks he can see the emerald green Fon Belt in the night sky from his window. Sam had once told him that that the green reminded him of his eyes (Dean had scoffed and called him a girl, but secretly, his heart warmed all over). Far past the clouds, orbiting Auldrant, the Belt winks at him, as if in mocking. In victory. Of what it's going to take away from him.
He wants to scream.
"You can't change the Score, Dean," Mary's words from so long ago come whispering in his ears, and Dean swipes the lamp from his desk. There's a paper weight on the desk, made of glass and in the shape of a Cheagle, and he throws it on the ground, too. The papers are next, meeting their demise in Dean's hands, shredded like they're made of tissue.
Blood pounds in his ears; his palms itch. If anyone stands in his way right now he swears by Yulia-
Dean stills. Turns. Sam's stood frozen in his doorway, eyes wide, looking aghast. Distantly, he notes that Sam's out of his green Fon Master uniform. He's wearing a snow white tunic and loose black sleep pants, drawstrings tied securely on his narrow hips. Light from Luna casts his face in a silver glow, blurs his edges, makes him look so soft. Out of nowhere, Dean has an insane, manic urge to pull Sam into his arms and hide him away from the world -- the world that wants to snatch his baby brother away from him.
He tamps it down though, on account of the fact that he surely looks like a manic already, a wild animal standing amidst debris and destruction.
"Dean, what's going on?! You're bleeding!"
Dean doesn't notice when Sam takes his hand in his. His fist is still clenched, and Sam gently, gently unfurls it, hissing at the blood seeping his knuckles, as if the pain that he isn't even feeling -- too numb -- were his own.
"What were you thinking- sit down- getting a first aid kit-"
Sam guides him to the bed and gently pushes him down by his shoulder, making him sit, making sure his feet are on a patch of the floor that's not covered in shattered bits of paper weight.
The glass Cheagle paper weight.
That Sam had gifted him years ago.
Dean snaps out of his despair induced fog, looking up just as Sam enters his room with a first aid kit in hand. He bypasses the glass shards and sits next to Dean on his bed, placing the box by his hip. After he's done cleaning the cuts and bandaging his hands, he quietly gazes at Dean. His eyes are soft, but Dean feels like he's pinned down like a butterfly by those puppy eyes, ready to spill his heart out the second Sam asks.
Sam asks.
"Are you going to tell me what's going on, Dean?"
Dean spills.
"I'm not letting them do it." His voice is marble hard.
"Do what?" Sam asks, then startles when Dean cups his face in his hands -- bandaged knuckles protesting against the move -- and snarls, "I'm not letting them take you away from me!"
Sam's surprised gaze softens in understanding. "Dean, it's okay," A pause. "I can do it, you know. It's for the world- I can do it-"
"That's not the friggin' point, Sam!" Dean seethes, hands shaking against Sam's cheeks. "Fuck the world" the words are on the tip of his tongue, but then Sam brings his hands up and touches Dean's own, gently prying them from his face. Dean would feel bereft, except Sam's holding his hands now, warmth spreading from Sam's hands to his.
"Did you have dinner?"
"C'mon, there's beef stew. You love beef stew!"
Dean groans, leaning forward, resting his forehead on Sam's shoulder. He can already feel the ice around his heart thawing. Damn Sam and his puppy eyes.
"And I've been waiting for you. I'm starving,"
And I've been waiting for you: and that's it. Dean buckles.
Sam can tell he's won, so he chuckles, slapping Dean on the back. "Let's go then!"
Dean catches Sam's wrist in his hand just as Sam gets off the bed. Green eyes bore into hazel. "I'm telling you Sammy, you're not doing it. I won't let you."
Sam purses his lips, then smiles. No dimples. But that's okay, because after they finish dinner, and Sam climbs into Dean's bed and lets himself be wrapped up in Dean's arms, Dean buries his nose in Sam's hair and finally understands.
The Score has only ever been right about One Thing: that he is Sam's Guardian. His protector. And if going against what the Score says means he's doing his job, then who's to stop him?
After all, why fight fate when fate has been right all along?
Also here's Fon Master Sam and Guardian Dean bc why the hell not (can I get an F in the chat for my art skills) (and also for Sam's fucked up left leg):
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Bonus: Dean as Guy (bc carfuckerdean 🤝 albiorefuckerguy):
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cksimsonice · 3 years
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Meet Yulia Dean, my OC from the Yuri!!! On Ice fanfiction I’ve been (slowly) working on. I thought it’d be fun to throw her in the game too. Infact, I’m totally up for for throwing in other people’s YoI OCs - so hit me up if you’re interested.
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badjoices · 3 years
My Life With You
IV. So There's This Guy... Dean's been spotted around town and made quite the impression on the local singles. (All chapers can be read stand-alone)
Read on AO3 | Fic Masterpost
The sun was long past the horizon, the high street illuminated by the yellow-amber glow of the street-lights and the dim coloured lights spilling out from the bars. The spring air was cool and still, the whoops and hollers of the rowdy Friday night crowds echoed through the centre of town.
In one of the bars that lined the street, a group of early-thirties women gathered together to toast to another week of work behind them. Pushing past their exhaustion was their relief, their ecstatic joy at being free at last, even if only for two days. The ladies sat around a high circular table covered in a rainbow of different fruity cocktails, curly straws, and paper umbrellas. Already the table was littered with empty glasses of drinks long since backed.
“So…” began one woman, Rachel, pushing her long blonde hair behind her shoulder. “I saw the hottest guy at the playground the other day.”
Tia, a tattooed, bespectacled brunette, leaned in eagerly. “Oh?”
Rachel gave a knowing look to her friend before she began her story…
“It was on Wednesday, on my day off. I took Ethan out to the playground near my house, and it was all normal; the usual moms and nannies,
“Anyway, then I spot this guy helping his little kid, the cutest kid by the way, on the slide. There are a few dads around sometimes, you know, but this guy- when I tell you he was cute, it’s an understatement,
“He was so good with his kid too. The way he smiled at that kid, it was like he felt just so lucky to have him. Every five seconds he was squeezing him, or ruffling his hair, or kissing him on his little forehead.
“I just thought, I bet he’d make such an amazing step-dad, maybe I should get on that. A guy like that’s definitely not single I bet. I don’t know if he’s married, I couldn’t see a wedding ring from where I was sitting, but I was pretty far away.”
“So you didn’t speak to him?” a third woman, Sara, with hair in a neat puff and arms wrapped tight in a thick cardigan, asked, straw perched just below her lip poised to take another sip.
“No, I just watched him from afar.” Rachel sighed dreamily, recounting the man’s devilish smile and angled jaw in her mind.
“Why not?” Tia pushed, playfully slapping her friends arm. “You need to get back out there since Mike.” she spits the name and follows up with a gagging gesture.
“I know, I know.” Rachel shrugs, shrinking somewhat from her earlier excitement. “I’m still working up to it, but if I see him again I swear I will.”
The fourth woman, Yulia, took a big sip of her mojito, almost like a deep inhale, then added. “I have a cute guy story too.”
Tia perked up immediately and starting bouncing in her seat. “Okay, okay, spill.”
“So,” Yulia began, fiddling with her tall glass and nervously shuffling in her seat. “He’s been coming into the café every morning to get coffee,
“He’s tall- actually not that tall, maybe six foot? But still - tall. Anyway, he came in on Thursday morning and he actually made conversation with me. When he got up to the counter he gestured up to the menu and was like ‘I don’t know what half these things mean’. And I just laughed really nervously; it was so embarrassing. His smile was so pretty, you guys, I just melted. Then he said ‘Cas is the one who knows about all this stuff, I can’t keep up, you know, coffee is coffee.’
“I think Cas is his wife or something ‘cause then I clocked he had a wedding ring on. Shame. Anyway I just said ‘yeah’ really awkwardly in a sort of half swoon; I couldn’t come up with anything to say. Then he goes on to order the most complicated drink with like, three different flavour shots in it. He says ‘it’s not for me’ like he’s so embarrassed about it, it was so cute. I was like ‘no judgement, you can order whatever you like’. I really didn’t mean to sound so thirsty.
“Then he leaves and, I don’t wanna admit this, but I watched him go, you know. Nice ass.”
Sara, who was seemingly the most composed of the four, shook her head, snickering at her usually timid and reserved friend openly thirsting for coffee shop guy. Tia was frowning, trying to string together a thought that was forming messily and incoherently in her slightly tipsy mind.
“That kinda sounds like the guy who fixed my car…” Tia mused, voice a little slurred.
“Oh my gosh,” Yulia gasped, more excited than this particular revelation really called for. “I think coffee shop guy did say he was a mechanic at one point.”
“Wouldn’t it be crazy if it was actually the same guy though,” Tia said, before taking a big sip through her straw. “The car guy was really hot too. Like, I was twirling my hair the whole time laughing at everything he said.”
“Oh my god, Tia,” Sara shook her head. “Did you know he was married?”
“Yeah I saw the ring, whatever,” Tia laughed. “I bet I can steal that bitch’s man.”
“God, stop it.” Sara scolded through her laughter.
“Seriously, unless she is the perfect vessel of divine beauty, I could totally steal him,” Tia continued. “I mean, when I came to pick up my car there was definitely something there,
“I walked up and he, unprompted, was like ‘you’re the girl with a cute little bug, right?’. I was like,” Tia stuck out her chest, letting her cleavage peek out of her tank top in a cartoonish pose, and began to speak with an over-the-top sultry tone.
“‘Yeah, that’s me; cute girl for the cute bug.’. And then he laughed a little bit. Then he even commented on my tattoos he was like ‘nice sleeve’ and we talked about them a little bit and I asked him if he had any and he said he has one, but it’s on his chest. So… I was a little brave and I said ‘Oh, well you can show me some time if you want’ and I could have sworn he got a little flustered.”
“He probably got flustered because he was at work and he’s married!” Sara protested.
“Maybe,” Tia conceded with an unbothered shrug. She seemed a little lost in her thoughts. “He looked so good with a little car grease on him though. I’d buy a calendar of that guy. You know, I would so objectify him.”
“Tia, please.” Rachel grimaced. “Here’s me talking about a sweet loving father, and then there’s you flirting with a married mechanic.”
“I mean, not to be judgemental,” Sara added. “But how do you know he’s not like a typical misogynistic macho type?”
“What, just because he’s a mechanic? That’s so judgemental, Sara, you can’t make assumptions like that.” Yulia scoffed. “He seemed really sweet. When he was talking about his wife, you could tell he really loves her. I didn’t get a typical ‘I hate my wife’ vibe from him.” Yulia gave a sympathetic look to Tia. “Sorry, Tia.”
“Doesn’t matter, I still think I have a shot.” Tia shrugged. “What ‘bout you, Sara? You got your eye on anybody? Some nerdy glasses guy who reads Jane Austen or whatever it is you’re into.”
Sara rolled her eyes. “Actually yeah, a really sweet guy came into the library this week with his kid. He’s probably too old for me, and I think he’s married, but he had dark hair and really nice blue eyes,
“He took out a bunch of picture books and he told me that he’d just moved here recently. He also borrowed some gardening books, which was like, swoon. He just seemed so genuinely sweet and honest. The way he spoke was just… kind?”
“He’s definitely gay.” Tia asserted. Sara just gave her a weary look. “I’m just saying every guy you like turns out to be gay. You have a type, and it’s gay guys.”
“No way! Dan wasn’t gay.” Sara pouted.
“Yeah, but he was bi, and he moved to Florida to be with his boyfriend Julian.” Rachel added.
“Well technically I had a shot with him. You know, before he moved to Florida.” Sara said, deflated. “I mean, library guy didn’t seem gay. Not that it matters anyway.”
“How does someone seem gay?” Yulia pondered honestly.
“Well it’s not like there’s one set of traits for gay people,” Tia said. “But I think a pretty good predictor is if Sara has a crush on them.”
“Shut up.”
“Woah guys, oh my god!” Rachel hissed, patting Yulia’s arm furiously. “The guy, the hot dad, he just walked in. Don’t look, but he’s right by the bar!”
The other three immediately started craning their necks, very obviously, to get a good look. There at the bar seeming to be ordering a pair of drinks was hunter, husband, and father; Dean Winchester.
“Dude, that’s the car guy.” Tia said, getting a good look by standing up on her tippy toes.
“Yeah, that’s coffee guy.” Yulia confirmed.
Tia sat back down. “Don’t tell me that’s library guy too?”
“No,” Sara shook her head. “Library guy had dark hair, remember.”
“Uhhh, that him?” Tia said, pointing towards the table that Dean was quickly approaching, two beers in hand, where a smiling Castiel sat in wait.
Sara gasped. “That is him.”
Dean, as soon as he had placed the two bottles down on the table, leant down to plant a quick kiss on Cas’s lips. As he pulled away, the girls could see Cas smiling up at Dean, his gentle gaze soft and sincere, while Dean looked back at Cas like he was looking at the most precious thing he’d ever laid eyes on, which he was.
The ladies sat in stunned silence; what they’d just witnessed was somehow disheartening and heartwarming all at once. Tia was the first to speak.
“Sara, you’re cursed.”
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hogibebeleri · 4 years
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- A -
Aaron Johnson - Leo Constantine
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Abbey Lee Kershaw - S
Adam Brody - Cedric P. Powell
Adelaide Kane - Alana Windsor
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- B -
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- C -
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Chris Pine - Azure Welkin
Chris Pratt - Dux Stanton
Chris Wood - Atlas
Christian Bale - Mars Brant
Christian Cooke - Conor Lynton
Chyler Leigh - Cassandra Evans
Claire Holt - Karyna Gwen
Clark Gregg - Christopher Hart
Courtney Eaton - Night Haven
- D -
Daisy Ridley - Monica Myles
Dakota Johnson - Barbie Riley
Dan Stevens - Damien Delacroix
Daniel Radcliffe - Michael Genim
Daniel Sharman - Clementine Quinton
Danielle Campbell - Calista Apostolou
David Tennant - Hunter Chandra
Dianna Agron - Isis Chamberlain
Domhnall Gleeson - Jules E. Lincoln
Dominic Cooper - Quentin J. Lloyd
Dominic Sherwood - Dimitri Wolf
Douglas Booth - Vasco Delacour
Dylan O''brien - Nathaniel Hawkins
Dylan Sprayberry -Ove Stanford
- E -
Eddie Redmayne - S
Ebba Zingmark - Eloine Heaven
Eiza Gonzalez - Veronika Boleslava
Eleanor Tomlinson - Calleigh Gardenar
Elizabeth Debicki - Pippa Voughan
Elizabeth Henstridge - Gwendoline Cler
Elizabeth Olsen - Corinne Constantine
Eleanor Tomlinson - Calleigh Gardenar
Ella Purnell - Dolu
Elle Fanning - Rosie Van Laren
Ellen Page - Lydia Carrington
Elodie Yung - S
Emeraude Toubia - Elena Dimitriou
Emma Stone - Alexandra Zaleski
Emilia Clarke - Maya Davenport
Emilie De Ravin - Astrid Blanche
Emily Bett Rickards - Ocean Highmore
Emily Blunt - Lilla Arverne
Emily Browning - Ava Marlowe
Emily Deschanel - Hannah Montiel
Emily Didonato - Vera Isabel
Emmy Rossum - Vivian Gardner
Emily Rudd - Antje Griet
Erin Richards - Glory Constance
Eva Green - Verena Gray
Evan Peters - Viktor Chekov
Evangeline Lilly - Blue Marchand
Ewan McGregor - Acse Lemoine
Ezra Miller - Eugene Irwin
- F -
Felicity Jones - Macey Raphaelle
Felix Kjellberg - Silvestre César
Finn Jones - Buster
Freya Mavor - Olivia Fitzgerald
- G -
Gabriel Luna - José Espina
Gaia Weiss - Freya Kjellfrid
Gal Gadot - Cerys Ryan
Garrett Hedlund - Vitto Carlevaro
Gemma Arterton - Sabetha Belrossa
Georgina Haig - Calypso
Gigi Hadid - Mitchie Finnegan
Gina Rodriguez - Ida Castillo
Grace Phipps - Mia Kayleigh
Gustaf Skarsgård - Vincent Valente
- H -
Haley Bennett - Graciela de la Fuente
Hannah Simone - S
Harry Lloyd - Valentin Veaceslav
Hayden Christensen - Kristoff E. Petrov
Hayden Panettiere - Skyla Chavira
Hayley Atwell - Carmela di Chimici
Henry Cavill -Â Chester Norton
Hunter Parrish - Francis Rousseau
Hwang Jung Eum - Hana Godfrey
Ian De Caestecker - J.C. Murphy
Isabel Lucas - Helen Ambrosia
- J -
Jack O''Connell - Roy Whesker
Jai Courtney - Téo Teixeira
Jake Johson - Tony Thompson
James Franco - N/ash Carrington
James McAvoy - Sebastian Van Laren
Jamie Chung - Irene Weitz
Jane Levy -Â Elsie Rodgers
Jasmine Sanders -Â Liesje Lijsbeth
Jason Statham - Rafael Romero
Jay Baruchel - Cal J.W. Fox
Jeffrey Dean Morgan - Zed O''Callaghan
Jenna-Louise Coleman - Cecilia D. Chandler
Jennifer Morrison - Penny Black
Jensen Ackles - Florian W. Hoffman
Jeon Jeongguk - Jeon Jeongguk
Jeremy Renner - Dorian Dixon
Jesse Soffer - Grover Alen
Jessica De Gouw - Vera Guthrie
Ji Sung - Yong Jae Sun
JoAnna Garcia Swisher - Pacifica
Joe Gilgun - Desmond Gallagher
Johanna Braddy - Reva Keegan
John Krasinski - Jesse Wescott
Jon Kortajarena - Aaron Anderson
Josefine Frida Pettersen - Dolu
Jude Law - Andrei Pavlov
Julian Morris - Wesley Franklin
Julianne Hough - Madelyn Weaver
- K -
Karen Fukuhara - Yuki Nakashima
Karen Gillan - Emma Fray (<33)
Kate Mara - Tuesday Beckett
Kate Mckinnon - Myrna Morgenstern
Katherine McNamara - Norene Harland
Kaya Scodelario - Quinn Jenae
Keira Knightley - Mystral Roux
Kevin Zegers - Damon Wallner
Kit Harington - Joel Paxton
Kristen Bell - Vivien Rouge
Krysten Ritter - Iris Thorne
- L-
Lauren Cohan - Wonder B.
Leighton Meester - Anastacia Bouvier
Leonardo diCaprio - Jerry Arlexa
Lily Collins - Frankie Chandra
Lily James - Anaïs V. Grimaldi
Lindy Booth - Camilla Weitz
Lindsey Morgan - Zenobia
Lizzy Caplan - Ramona Fade
Logan Lerman -Â Harley Langley
Luana Perez - Elizabeth Burton
Lucy Hale -Â Sheri Payne
Lyndsy Fonseca - Daisy de la Vina
- M -
Mads Mikkelsen - Ä°
Maeve Dermody - Athena Zoega
Maia Mitchell -Â Lynda Stine
Margot Robbie - Josie Lesniewski
Maria Valverde - Valerija Roque
Marie Avgeropoulos - Ljubica Solvej
Marion Cotillard - Marika Lamora
Martin Wallström - Fabio Chepe
Mary Elizabeth Winstead - Amelie Steiner
Matt Hitt - Douglas Roswell
Matt McGorry - Corbin Renwick
Matthew Daddario - Diego Mendoza
Matthew Gray Gubler - Patrick Descoteaux
Max Irons - Marc Janko
Max Riemelt - Ziggy Hildebrand
Melanie Martinez - D
Melissa Benoist - Charlotte Evans
Melissa Fumero - Catherine Winters
Michael Fassbender - Franco Locatelli
Miguel Ángel Silvestre - Rico A. Moreno
Min Yoongi - Min Yoongi
Morena Baccarin - Tulip Talitha
- N -
Natalie Dormer - Gem Julep
Nick Blood - Isaac Wyatt
Nick Offerman - Alfred Castillo
Nico Mirallegro - Jack Daniels
Nikolaj Coster-Waldau - Theos Volantis
Nina Dobrev - Emmaline Winslow
Norman Reedus - Harley Harford
Noomi Rapace - Yulia Utkin
- O/Ö -
Olesya Rulin - Ceku Balım
Olga Kurylenko - Zelda Croft
Olivia Holt -Â Rylee Cantrell
Oscar Isaac - Aldo C. Ferreiro
- Q -
- P -
Paul Rudd - Marco Polo
Paula Patton - Winter Willford
Penelope Mitchell -Â Caitlyn Weatherly
- R -
Rachel McAdams - NavoÅŸ Lancaster
Rashida Jones - Jean Cardellini
Rebel Wilson -Â Lauren Dwyer
Reeve Carney - Dylan Breckendridge
Richard Madden - Tristan Windsor
Rinko Kikuchi - S
Rosario Dawson - Eve Blanchett
Rosamund Pike - Daniela Carlevaro
Rose McIver - Skyler Freestone
Rosie Huntington-Whiteley - Leona Lane
Ruth Negga - Lara Tailler
- S -
Sabrina Carpenter - Louise Linn
Sam Claflin - Mathias Clayton
Sarah Gadon - Nina Buchvarov
Sarah Hyland - Marceline Apostolou
Sebastian Stan - Maximillian di Chimici
Seychelle Gabriel - Leila Beaumont
Scarlett Johansson - Diamontina Dixon
Shailene Woodley - Joy Cappella
Shantel Vansanten - D
Shelley Hennig - Nora Simmons
Sophia Bush - D
Sophie Cookson - Rain Gisbourne
Summer Glau - Rhea Crisanta
- T -
Taron Egerton - Caleb Lysander
Tatiana Maslany - Margo Wiggins & Felicia Makovecz
Taylor Marie Hill - Milla Alexander
Taylor Swift - Melanie Phoenix
Teresa Palmer - Dora Desjardins
Theo James - Keiro Padmore
Tom Ellis - Hector A. Whittemore
Tom Felton - Alpha Rigorous
Tom Hardy - Dito Delfino
Tom Hiddleston - Newton F. Windsor
Tom Holland - Flynn Holdsworth
Tom Mison - Armitage Cromwell
Toni Garrn - Audrey Tyler
Torrey Devitto - D
Travis Fimmel - Forrest Dickson
Tuppence Middleton - Mia Santiago
- U/Ü -
- V -
Victoria Justice - Lotus van Boven & Selo
- X -
Xavier Samuel -Â August FridtjofÂ
- W -
Will Smith - Dante di Mercurio
Willa Holland - Ethea Middlesworth
- Y -
- Z -
Zendaya - Izzy McGowan
Zoe Kazan - D
Zoë Kravitz - Thalia Hardy
Zoe Saldana - Kiara Kingsley
Zooey Deschanel - Hailey Montiel
Zoey Deutch - Myra Blackbourne
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illyria-and-her-pet · 5 years
Omg ur too sweet! Honestly I don't even need to find video, like if you could just list the programs that come to mind that would be great! thank u again
Some really popular programs that come to mind over the years in each discipline:
Men: Yuzuru Hanyu Seimei, Alexei Yagudin Winter, Daisuke Takahashi Cyberswan, Evgeni Plushenko Nijinsky, Jason Brown Riverdance
Ladies: Yulia Lipnitskaya Schindler’s List, Mao Asada Rach 2, Yuna Kim Gershwin, Katarina Witt Carmen, Michelle Kwan Lyra Angelica
Pairs: Gordeeva/Grinkov Moonlight Sonata, Mishkutionok/Dmitriev Liebestraum, Shen/Zhao Turandot, Volosozhar/Trankov Jesus Christ Superstar, Savchenko/Szolkowy Pink Panther, Savchenko/Massot La terre vue du ciel
Ice Dance: Torvill/Dean Bolero, Bestemianova/Bukin Carmen, Duchesnays Missing, Klimova/Ponomarenko Bach, Grishuk/Platov Memorial Requiem, Bourne/Kraatz Riverdance, Anissina/Peizerat Carmina Burana, Ilinykh/Katsalapov Swan Lake, Shibutanis Fix You, Papadakis/Cizeron To Build a Home, Virtue/Moir Moulin Rouge, Mahler, Prince
If you need more help, let me know!
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onsarah · 5 years
Chapters: 7/? Fandom: Supernatural Rating: Explicit Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Castiel/Dean Winchester, Jessica Moore/Sam Winchester Characters: Castiel (Supernatural), Dean Winchester, Charlie Bradbury, John Winchester, Sam Winchester, Jessica Moore, Ash (Supernatural), Benny Lafitte, Bobby Singer, Yulia (Original Character), Anna, Naomi, Chuck, Lucifer, Michael, Kali, Anael Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - BDSM, Dom Castiel, Sub Dean, Older Castiel, Young Dean, Age Difference, From Sex to Love, Daddy Kink, past trauma, dom/sub dynamics, Aftercare, Bondage, Kinbaku, Spanking, Coming Untouched, Edging, Barebacking, mentions of past relationships - Freeform Summary:
Dean's sixteen when he meets John's well-to-do boss, Castiel Novak, and he's quick to develop a crush during a time where he's only begun to discover his preferences. He dates the beautiful Lisa and practically raises his younger brother Sam, because it's what John expects. But Castiel appears to see Dean in a way no one else does, and despite him knowing there's no way anything can happen between them, he relishes in the idea that Castiel cares at all for his well-being.
Between mounting pressures from a teenage Sam that no longer wants a caretaker, John's nudging for Dean to follow a career path he doesn't want, and a mysterious check for the exact amount of one semester at the school Dean had been eyeing, Dean finds himself reconnecting with Castiel.
And Castiel has a very interesting proposition for him.
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kikisqueaks · 3 years
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Yulia's Biellmann By: @skyheaven1231
My first commission of Yulia, my OC from a Yuri!!! On Ice fanfic I’ve been working out. @skyheaven1231 did such an amazing job (I could cry - she’s so pretty, her dress is beautiful, and the pose is exactly what I asked for), and I can’t wait to get more art from her.
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Chapters: 5/? Fandom: Supernatural Rating: Explicit Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Castiel/Dean Winchester, Jessica Moore/Sam Winchester Characters: Castiel (Supernatural), Dean Winchester, Charlie Bradbury, John Winchester, Sam Winchester, Jessica Moore, Ash (Supernatural), Benny Lafitte, Bobby Singer, Yulia (Original Character), Anna, Naomi, Chuck, Lucifer, Michael, Kali, Anael Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - BDSM, Dom Castiel, Sub Dean, Older Castiel, Young Dean, Age Difference, From Sex to Love, Daddy Kink, past trauma, dom/sub dynamics, Aftercare, Bondage, Kinbaku, Spanking, Coming Untouched, Edging, Barebacking, mentions of past relationships - Freeform Summary:
Dean's sixteen when he meets John's well-to-do boss, Castiel Novak, and he's quick to develop a crush during a time where he's only begun to discover his preferences. He dates the beautiful Lisa and practically raises his younger brother Sam, because it's what John expects. But Castiel appears to see Dean in a way no one else does, and despite him knowing there's no way anything can happen between them, he relishes in the idea that Castiel cares at all for his well-being.
Between mounting pressures from a teenage Sam that no longer wants a caretaker, John's nudging for Dean to follow a career path he doesn't want, and a mysterious check for the exact amount of one semester at the school Dean had been eyeing, Dean finds himself reconnecting with Castiel.
And Castiel has a very interesting proposition for him.
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yaziyorsonhavadis · 3 years
İngiltere'deki kimyasal saldırıda üçüncü Rus ajanın kimliği tespit edildi
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Polisten yapılan açıklamaya göre, İngiltere'deyken Sergey Fedotov takma adını kullanan Denis Sergeev, eski Rus casusu Sergey Skripal, kızı Yulia ve eski polis memuru Nick Bailey'i öldürmeye çalışmakla suçlandı.Sergeev'e, 3 cinayete teşebbüsün yanı sıra Sergey Skripal'i öldürmeye yönelik komplo kurmak, Yulia Skripal ve Nick Bailey'e ağır bedensel zarar vermek, kimyasal silah bulundurmak ve kullanmak da dahil olmak üzere 7 suç yönetildi.Polis, Denis Sergeev'in yanı sıra daha önde kimlikleri tespit edilen diğer 2 saldırgan Aleksandr Mişkin ve Anatoliy Çepiga'yı Rus askeri istihbarat servisi GRU'yla ilişkilendiren kanıtlar bulduklarını duyurdu.Komiser Yardımcısı Dean Haydon, yaptığı açıklamada, soruşturma ekibinin, bu 3 kişinin daha önce Rusya dışında yürütülen operasyonların bir parçası olarak Rus devleti adına beraber çalıştıklarını gösteren deliller elde ettiklerini bildirdi.Haydon, "3'ü de tehlikeli kişiler. İngiltere'de insanları öldürmeye çalıştılar ve ayrıca bilinmeyen yollarla İngiltere'ye son derece tehlikeli bir kimyasal silah getirdiler." dedi.Kimyasal saldırıEski bir çifte ajan olan Sergei Skripal ile kızı Yulia Skripal, 4 Mart 2018'de İngiltere'nin Salisbury kentinde zehirlenmişti. Saldırıda Noviçok sinir gazının kullanıldığı tespit edilirken hem Sergei Skripal ile kızı hem de olayı soruşturan polis memuru Nick Bailey, hastanede kaldırılmıştı.İngiliz hükümeti Rusya'yı cinayete teşebbüsle suçlarken ve bazı Rus diplomatların sınır dışı edilmesine karar vermişti. 28 ülkenin İngiltere'ye aynı şekilde destek verdiği olayda Mart 2018'in sonuna kadar toplamda 153 Rus diplomat sınır dışı edilmişti. Rusya ise suçlamaları reddederek, sınır dışı edilmelere aynı şekilde karşılık vermişti. Read the full article
0 notes
ramascreen · 3 years
First Image of Jonathan Rhys Meyers In THE GOOD NEIGHBOR
First Image of Jonathan Rhys Meyers In THE GOOD NEIGHBOR
Check out this first look photo for the new thriller in production THE GOOD NEIGHBOR starring Jonathan Rhys Meyers and Luke Kleintank. photo credit Janins Pipars Writers: Stephan Rick, Ross Partridge Director: Stephan Rick (The Dark Side of the Moon) ** he also directed the original version of this German thriller Producers: Dean Altit (Misfits) and Yulia Zayceva (WarHunt) Synopsis:  When the…
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Para reservar se debe enviar un ask con la información correspondiente:
Nombre del PB —  Nickname — Contraseña.
Empleo  — Nickname  — Contraseña.
Se podrán reservar 3 PBs por persona al igual que los empleos.
Adelaide Kane — Butterfly
Amber Heard — Stardust
Ariana Grande — Girlfriend
Barbara Palvin — Deja Vu
Blake Lively —  Queen Groundhog
Carmella Rose — SioMess 
Charly Jordan — Goldie 
Christopher Mason  — Moon
Christina Nadin — Cupcake
Cindy Kimberly — Moon
Cole Sprouse — Suite
Dylan Sprouse — May
Diego Barrueco — Red
Froy Gutierrez — Chanandler
Herman Tømmeraas —  Selene
Isabelle Mathers — Pretty 
Jack Falahee — Antonio
Jamie Dornan — Himalaya
Jerome Matthew  — Moon
Jorge del Rio — Saturday
Josephine Skriver — Kodaline
Ken Bek— MVP
Kevin Lütolf — Ares
Lana Condor — Lavender
Laura Bensadoun — MVP
Laura Harrier — Kamasutra
Lily Collins — River
Liv Tyler — Lavender
Madison Beer — Globito 
Matthew Noszka  — Pair
Melrose Boyer — Summer
René Grincourt — Dean
Sara Sampaio —  Queen Groundhog 
Scarlett Leithold —  Stardust
Shawn Mendes — Himalaya
Taylor Hill  — Pair
Tom Ellis – 3312
Tom Holland — Spidey
Travis Fimmel — Baby 
Yael Shelbia — Silver
Yulia Rose — Paradise
Zac Efron - Knif
Zendaya — MJ
DOWNTOWN - Centro de la ciudad.
Ayuntamiento - Salario alto. Alcalde - 1 (+50 años) Administración. Concejales - 7 (+35 años) Comisaría - Salario medio/alto. Jefe de policía - 1 (+40 años) Detectives - 5 (+27 años) Policías - 8 (+20 años) Estación de bomberos - Salario medio/alto. Jefe de Bomberos - 1 (+35 años) Bomberos - 5 (+20 años) Forever 21 - Tienda de moda. Salario bajo. Encargados - 2  (+23 años)
- Paradise 
  Empleados - 5 (+16 años) McDonald’s - Cadena de comida rápida. Salario bajo. Encargados - 2  (+23 años) Empleados - 5 (+16 años) Il Conviviale - Restaurante céntrico Italiano. Salario medio. Dueño - 1 (+30 años) Camareros - 5 (+18 años)
— Butterfly 
Cocineros - 2 (+18 años)
-  Saturday 
Limpieza - 1 (+18 años) Space - Discoteca céntrica. Salario medio/bajo. Dueño - 1 (+30 años)
Barman o barwoman - 2 (+18 años)
- Chanandler
Seguridad - 1 (+25 años)
Limpieza - 1 (+18 años) Stone Rose - Bar céntrico. Salario medio/bajo. Dueño - 1 (+30 años) Barman o barwoman - 2 (+18 años) Limpieza - 1 (+18 años) KAKAAKO - Zona cultural.
Y Ming - Restaurante chino, en el barrio chino. Salario bajo. Dueño - 1 (+30 años) Camareros - 2 (+18 años) Cocineros - 1 (+18 años) Limpieza - 1 (+18 años)
- Antonio Pearl Harbor Museum - Museo sobre Pear Harbor. Salario medio. Guía - 2 (+23 años)
- Summer.
Recepcionista - 1 (+23 años) Seguridad - 1 (+25 años) Bishop Museum - Museo. Salario medio. Guía - 2 (+23 años) Recepcionista - 1 (+23 años) Seguridad - 1 (+25 años) Honolulu Museum of Art - Museo de arte. Salario medio. Guía - 2 (+23 años) Recepcionista - 1 (+23 años) Seguridad - 1 (+25 años) Agora Gallery - Tienda de arte, venta de cuadros y esculturas de precio elevado. Salario medio/alto. Dueño - 1 (+30 años) Empleado - 1 (+20 años) University of Hawaii - Universidad de Hawaii. Salario medio/alto. Dirección - 1 (+45 años)
-  3312 
Profesorado - 5 (+35 años) Secretaría - 2 (+25 años)
-  Kodaline 
Limpieza - 2 (+18 años) Cafetería - 2 (+18 años) Hospital - Salario medio/alto. Dirección - 1 (+45 años) Médicos - 5 (+30 años) Enfermeros/as - 5 (+25 años) Otros/especialistas (+30 años)
— Queen Groundhog WAKIKI - Zona turística. The Kahala Hotel - Hotel de lujo. Salario medio. Dirección - 1 (+45 años)
- Lavender 
Recepcionista - 2 (+23 años)
— Goldie 
Limpieza - 2 (+18 años) Botones - 2 (+18 años) Cocina - 2 (+18 años) Polynesian Hostel - Hostal muy económico. Salario bajo. Dirección - 1 (+45 años) Recepcionista - 2 (+23 años) Limpieza y cocina - 2 (+18 años) Mai Tai Bar - Bar. Salario medio. Dueño - 1 (+30 años) Barman o barwoman - 2/2 (+18 años)
-  Stardust 
-  May
  Limpieza - 1 (+18 años) Addiction - Discoteca. Salario medio. Dueño - 1 (+30 años) Barman o barwoman - 2 (+18 años) Seguridad - 1 (+25 años) Limpieza - 1 (+18 años) Hiking Hawaii Cafe - Cafetería. Salario bajo. Dueño - 1 (+30 años)
-  Baby 
Baristas - 2 (+18 años) Poke Bar - Restaurante típico Hawaiano, barato. Salario bajo. Dueño - 1 (+30 años) Camareros - 2 (+18 años) Cocineros - 1 (+18 años) Limpieza - 1 (+18 años) Royal Hawaiian Cental - Restaurante caro en zona turística. Salario medio. Dueño - 1 (+30 años) Camareros - 2 (+18 años) Cocineros - 1 (+18 años) Limpieza - 1 (+18 años) NUUANU - Zona de clase media. Existe una zona comercial sin tiendas predeterminadas ni bares pero podéis elegir trabajar aquí, en un local inventado o creando el vuestro propio. Colegio - Salario medio. Dirección - 1 (+45 años) Profesorado - 5 (+35 años)
— Stardust — Kamasutra 
  Instituto - Salario medio. Dirección - 1 (+45 años) Profesorado - 5 (+35 años) WAIALAE - Zona de clase alta. Existe una zona comercial sin tiendas predeterminadas ni bares pero podéis elegir trabajar aquí, en un local inventado o creando el vuestro propio. 12th Ave Blue - Pub exclusivo de clase alta. Salario medio/alto. Dueño - 1 (+30 años)
- MVP 
  Barman o barwoman - 2 (+18 años)
-  MJ 
Seguridad - 2 (+25 años) Limpieza - 1 (+18 años) PALAMA - Zona de clase baja. Existe una zona comercial sin tiendas predeterminadas ni bares pero podéis elegir trabajar aquí, en un local inventado o creando el vuestro propio. Habour Bar - Bar nocturno en un mal barrio, algo problemático. Salario bajo. Dueño - 1 (+30 años) Barman o barwoman - 2 (+18 años) Cheeseburguer paradise - Hamburguesería muy económica. Salario bajo. Dueño - 1 (+30 años) Empleados - 2 (+18 años) Braids Hawaii - Peluquería en barrios bajos. Salario bajo. Dueño - 1 (+25 años) Peluqueras y esteticista - 3 (+18 años)
0 notes
althena · 5 years
I’m currently in web novel/light novel hell. At the moment, I’m obsessed with isekai light/web novels and manga based on 1) otome games and shoujo series, specifically focused on “villainesses” (mostly Japanese and Korean) and then 2) general transmigration/second-chance-reincarnation stories (mostly Chinese and Korean). My favorite titles at the moment:
1) Accomplishments of the Duke’s Daughter: Web novel translations / Manga version (JP)
Isekai into an otome game. Iris is bae, tied for my current favorite LN daughter. I adore her to bits. She is definitely the most competent and mature of the isekai villainesses, which is why I love her so much. She’s smart and strong, kind but not afraid to be ruthless when necessary, a workaholic, and genuinely loves what she does. This series is more focused on politics than otome game scenarios and romance. That said, Iris x Dean is super cute; they are a power couple.
2) The Daughter of the Albert House Wishes for Ruin: Manga version (the web novel translations are a complete mess so not recommended) (JP)
Isekai into an otome game. Mary is adorable. Despite her attempts to be a villainess, she just comes off as a tsundere. Athough she seems flighty, she is actually quite smart and has a legitimate reason for acting the way she does (though the manga hasn’t reached that point yet). The selling point for this series is the interactions between Mary and Addie; they fight and play off each other very well, and I’m a sucker for that type of relationship dynamic. I also love that Patrick and Mary are platonic BFFs, that sort of relationship is so rare.
3) I’m a Villainous Daughter, so I’m going to keep the Last Boss: Manga version (web novel translations aren’t great) (JP)
Isekai into an otome game. Irene/Aileen cracks me up. She’s brave, devious, and shameless, and the lengths she goes to seduce Claude are great. It’s a fun read so far. Claude is very cute, the monsters are cute, THE FENRIR PUP IS SO ADORABLE I WANT IT.
4) Of Course, I’ll Claim Palimony!: Manga version (web novel translations are machine translated) (JP)
Not an isekai but similar premise to isekai based on an otome game. Yulia is hilarious, Rudo is adorable. Fun series. I’m not overly fond of the secondary male characters, but I adore Yulia and her interactions with Rudo. Poor guy, at least your future wife will protect you from the evils of the world.
5) My Next Life as a Villainess: All Routes Lead to Doom! Officially translated light novels / manga version (JP)
Isekai into an otome game. Bakarina is everyone’s favorite idiotic child. She may be dumb as rocks, but she’s sincere and a hard worker, so she comes off as adorable (at least in the first two novels). Reverse harem, but the novels favor Jeord/Gerald x Katarina, even though Maria x Katarina is obviously the best pairing... Well, I like Jeord x Katarina too. The light novels expand on the feelings of the other characters, so I recommend them over the manga.
6) Okobore Hime to Entaku no Kishi: Light novel translations  / manga version (JP)
Not isekai at all, just a series that I am in love with. Historical european type setting with fantasy aspects. Politics, romance, reincarnation/secret magic powers. Leti is my other favorite daughter right now, she’s a complete BAMF. Brave, strong, smart, independent, persistent, stubborn, confident; she’s everything you want in a future queen. The manga version is more comical than the light novels and only covers volumes 1 and 3.
By the way, the light novel translations are amazing. The translator does a superb job in translation, adaptation, and presentation. You can tell it’s a genuine labor of love.
7) The Saint’s Magic Power is Omnipotent: Light novel translations / web novel version / manga version (JP)
Isekai into a different world. This is a super adorable series. Fluffy and cute. Sei is cute, Captain Hawk is cute, their romance is cute, the secondary characters are all cute. So much cuteness...
8) A Mistaken Marriage: Record of Washed Grievances: Web novel translations (CN)
Transmigration to ancient China. I prefer serious Chinese transmigration stories where competent doctors/investigators/whatever go back in time, since they have mostly believable skills and aren’t crazily overpowered.
Zhuo Qing, the MC, is a forensics investigator, and the story is kind of like CSI in ancient China with murder mysteries, along with some politics and romance. Zhuo Qing’s best friend is a skilled criminal investigator who also transmigrates with her, and they’re very fun together. Lou Xi Yan, the male lead, is suuuper sweet, and he and Zhuo Qing are adorable; their relationship is remarkably straightforward, and there is little of the usual annoying-as-fuck relationship drama, though there are some of the usual annoying-as-fuck romance rivals. I really admire Zhuo Qing’s personality; she’s strong-willed and knows who she is and what she wants in life, and she isn’t willing to lower her standards.
9) The Rebirth of the Malicious Empress of Military Lineage: Web novel translations (CN)
Second-chance reincarnation in ancient China. The main character, Shen Miao, is an empress who is betrayed by everyone and dies horribly; she’s sent back in time to when she was a child, where she resolves to protect her family and get revenge on those who betrayed her. Unlike most Chinese second-chance reincarnation or transmigration revenge novels, Shen Miao isn’t overpowered. She relies solely on her scheming skills and her knowledge of future events to obtain retribution and protect her loved ones. I love her~
The male lead is also great, as he is very similar to the MC; they make an adorable power couple. However, romance doesn’t really enter until the second half of the story (when it comes out in full force); although there are (annoying-as-fuck) romantic rivals, there is no harem or reverse harem. Main downsides are: 1) look at the tags to see trigger warnings since there are a couple of really big ones, 2) the author is SUPER IN LOVE with the male lead and constantly goes on about how beautiful he is, and 3) the translations are awkward with misspellings, missing pronouns, noun/verb agreement issues, etc. But overall I think it’s a great novel; I’ve tried reading similar second-chance/transmigration revenge novels, but none of them are, in my opinion, as good as this one.
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