fictionkinfessions · 3 months
I syn Utena Hiiragi from Gushing over magical girls, help.
-Yuri/'Yandere' Madoka Kaname/Ray Akaba
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calling-for-kins · 7 months
Looking for my old Club Members
Hello. I am Yuri from the canon Doki Doki Literature Club. I have been looking for my friends Monika, Natsuki, and Sayori, in hopes that we could join together and become friends again. I don't remember much from my Universe except that we did d!e, I remember that feeling. And I do remember how it felt to be deleted after being k!lled. I'm not completely sure what happened to Monika, I do remember a few more of us became self aware of our game after the incident.
If you could find my clubmates from back then, please let me know immediately with a link to their account: You can dm at radio-love here on tumblr or ask or I can send my Discord tag.
- With Dearest Love,
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encantresse · 4 hours
[ 𝐬𝐭𝐨𝐩 ] : sender is telling receiver they "deserve better than whatever this is".
𝐟𝐨𝐫 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐢 𝐰𝐨𝐮𝐥𝐝 .
there's something to be admired about the way yuri lords over the shadows, dissolving into them like a phantom of the night. the only thing that notifies her of their presence is the svelte voice that rings out, and only then does she muster a tired smile.
she wishes she could do the same — slip away from the spotlight, the leering grins, the uncertainties of the future.
" you know, it's rude to eavesdrop, yurikins, " she chides, though her words are tinged only with lighthearted reproach. clearly, they've witnessed the fallout in its entirety — how it had unfolded with an embarrassing level of dramatics, turning common space into theater. "...though i can't say i blame you. it really was quite the show, wasn't it? "
they're all cut from the same cloth, these nobles. so-called gentlemen with their scarcely tolerable personalities and true colors that disappoint time and time again.
the songstress does what she can to remain as dignified-looking as possible — though despite her best efforts, a flush creeps upon her cheeks. hands fidget with the edges of her skirt, tracing invisible patterns as if seeking solace in the fabric's familiarity. and her gaze, while usually commanding, now lingers elsewhere for the fear of exposing the vulnerability lurking behind her emerald eyes.
and to think she had hoped they'd be different from those terrible men in enbarr.
" thank you, yurikins. but i really am fine. " her voice is low, soft, as fingers brush against their arm reassuringly. "it's nice to know you're always thinking of me though."
she's certain that yuri of all people understands what must be done — what sacrifices must be made to secure a future for oneself. dorothea gestures for the other to join her where she sits. in spite of the heaviness that hangs in the air, even they are not free of teasing in this moment. she leans into them, adopting a playful pout. " you'll sing for me this time, won't you? to lift my spirits? "
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aubins · 10 hours
[ 𝐰𝐚𝐫𝐦𝐭𝐡 ] : sender drapes a coat / cape / etc. around receiver's shoulders. ( can't have you catching a cold yurikins! )
[ 𝐰𝐚𝐫𝐦𝐭𝐡 ] : sender drapes a coat / cape / etc. around receiver's shoulders. ╱ for you i would
It’s an exceptionally boring party, as far as ones that Yuri has attended go. Leering gazes and wicked smiles, every conversation overshadowed by the expectation of more. But they are not here to give, merely listen. When secrets are the name of your trade, one becomes quite used to slinking through the shadows. Though keener eyes will of course spot them splayed out on the sofa in the corner, the wine glass dangling from their hand empty.
Keen eyes like Dorothea’s.
“My, my.” Head tips back against their sofa’s headrest, lilacs finding the ladybird’s gaze. A dry smile creases the mockingbird’s lips. “I must be the envy of men and women across Fódlan to have the Dorothea Arnault looking after my well-being.”
As though there had not been a purpose to the sheer clothing, in what parts of their body had been concealed, and what parts had been laid bare. They know that Dorothea understands that more than most. “I grew up in Faerghus, you know,” they drawl, picking at her shawl with two fingers. Faerghus, where even the mildest winters are unkind. “It will take more than some exposed skin to get me sick.”
“Well, come on then, ladybird.” They drag the shawl across their shoulders until there space for another to fit underneath it. There is no suggestion in the offer, no implication of sharing warmth beyond sitting side-by-side with a drink or two and some conversation. “Can’t have you catching a cold either, can we? Now that would just be tragic.”
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wherefore-whinnies · 8 months
🪲 🐞! (any fandom!)
🪲: I probably shouldn't just repost my meow meow fic rec list 😭
rifles through my bookmarks for yurific... I'm not sure I know many gen fics about him 😭 oh!!! of course it is ashen wolves heist fic!!! POV my yurikins. what a good fic. it is what it sounds like. the ashen wolves carry out a heist at some noble ball.
🐞: I probably shouldn't just repost my meow meow fic rec list 😭
but of course I must recommend... cocofic!!! courtesy of Sara, whom I met by commenting on it, one of the first comments I ever left on a fic. thanks to one of those posts people spread around from time to time telling you to comment on your favourite damn fics. it is about Coco studying magic with help from a definitely mysterious no one could possibly know who this is correspondent who writes on her library book in invisible ink. (spoilers it's hubble's bert.) the lore is so 🤯🤯 it's very good. Yuri is also there. Coco is also there. everyone is very good. A+++++ highly recommend!
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weeaboobot · 1 year
I'm Yurikin.... pls no hate
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bonniepink · 1 year
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ㅤㅤㅤㅤ ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ ㅤㅤㅤㅤ ㅤㅤㅤㅤ ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ ㅤㅤㅤㅤ ㅤㅤㅤㅤ ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ ㅤㅤㅤㅤ ㅤㅤㅤㅤ ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ ㅤㅤㅤㅤ ㅤㅤㅤㅤ ㅤㅤㅤㅤ ㅤㅤㅤㅤ ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ ㅤㅤ 🧙‍♀️ ; O1 ㅤ ㅤ Yuri amaba correr por todo el vasto jardín que rodeaba el enorme palacio de Encantia, aún no descubría su propósito pero soñaba con convertirse en una hechicera a la que todos acudieran. Sus padres eran los hechiceros reales del palacio, por ello los amables reyes les permitían vivir en la torre contigua al castillo y disfrutar de las comodidades que ofrecían a cambio de sus servicios. La niña veía a sus padres como sus modelos a seguir, aún no aprendía nada respecto a la magia, pero para ella era suficiente presumir un bonito sombrero en punta que, según ella, la convertía en un ser mágico. ㅤ ㅤ Esa tarde detuvo sus pasos para tomarse algunos minutos y admirar los jardines, todas esas flores de colores y la majestuosidad de los caballos voladores que decoraban elegantemente el firmamento. Los ojos de la aspirante a hechicera brillaban ante el pensamiento de todo aquello por explorar y de pronto se la comían las ansias de convertirse en una adulta. —¡No te quedes atrás, Yuri! —la pequeña sintió un empujón no tan amistoso en el hombro cuando vio al príncipe Roland pasarla de largo; él era un experto en sacarla de sus casillas, pero solo se limitó a mostrar una mueca de disgusto. Sin embargo, acostumbrado a no obtener respuestas negativas (imposible cuando trataba del príncipe heredero), volvió con ella para molestarla al robarle su sombrero. ㅤ ㅤ Ella sabía mejor que nadie que estaba prohibido molestarlo así que pensó que en esta ocasión era mejor acudir a los adultos. Yuri corrió a través del pasto hasta la entrada principal del castillo, dejando atrás a un Roland atemorizado por las consecuencias, y subió el millón de escalones tallados de piedra para encontrar a sus padres. —¡Papá, mamá! Roland me quitó mi sombrero —expresó con angustia y arrastró a los adultos con ella. Ante los ojos de la pequeña los títulos no eran importantes, no existían los niveles ni mucho menos las etiquetas, simplemente si te portas mal debes recibir una reprimenda... pero no era así. ㅤ ㅤ Roland se escondía detrás del vestido de la reina cual cobarde y para ella no existía una imagen más patética. —Goodwyn, Roland dice haber encontrado el sombrero de tu hija en el jardín... —escuchó al rey decir esa mentira, claramente inventada por el príncipe, pero no le dieron la oportunidad de refutar y contar la historia verdadera pues su padre tomó el accesorio entre manos y juntos volvieron a la torre. —Yuri, te he dicho muchas veces que cuando hables del príncipe te refieras a él como "su majestad", no es difícil. ¿Puedes portarte bien? Gracias a sus majestades reales tenemos muchas comodidades y cuando tu madre y yo nos retiremos, serás tú quien se ocupe de servir al príncipe Roland. ㅤ ㅤ La niña había escuchado claramente el sermón de su padre, odiaba tener que aguantar las bromas pesadas de Roland pero parecía no tener opción, su futuro era convertirse en la hechicera leal de aquel engreído. ㅤ ㅤ Se perdió entre pensamientos y suspiros, veía a través de la ventana el precioso paisaje del reino además del pueblo cuando escuchó que llamaban a la puerta. —Yurikins, es tu madre —anunció Winifred antes de adentrarse en la habitación de la infante. —¿Sabes? Yo no creo que tu papá esté en lo correcto, no debes rebajarte por nadie. Un día serás la hechicera del reino, toma esa oportunidad para ganar la confianza de Roland y cuando menos lo espere podrás adueñarte de todo Encantia —su madre habló en un tono suave, endulzando esas malas intenciones que entraban en los oídos de Yuri y se instalaban permanentemente en su corazón. ㅤ ㅤ Winifred tenía razón. No había razón para ser amable cuando podías tener más ambición, ganar más poder y ser temido por todos. Fue así que la hechicera pareció encontrar su propósito en la vida: apoderarse de todo el reino en compañía de su nueva amistad, un cuervo hechizado por la maldad de su propia madre.
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forfodlan · 2 years
“ do you wanna talk about this, or be distracted, or left alone? “ / yuri, for dorothea!
she almost snaps at him & tells him to go away. after all, her eyes are red from crying, & dorothea loathes when people see her cry. it made her feel weak, lowly… & seemed like one more thing for nobles to pick on her about. but she has to admit, his question does make her smile, if only a little bit.
“... what does the great yurikins do to distract people?” she finally says, hoping he ignores the crack in her voice from the crying, & the sniffle that comes with it. maybe, just maybe he won’t comment on it. she doesn’t want to talk about the mean words that come with her game of chasing nobles. one day, one of them would love her right?
“okay, sure, i’ll take the distraction. maybe you can help me with my voice part for the show?” she says, pouting just slightly… it was an excuse to hear his voice since he didn’t want to join the show.
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songstriked · 2 years
[ Secret ] - The sender leans in close to the receiver and hides their lips from the photo-artifex, suggesting a kiss between the two. Whether or not the sender actually does…
Interlacing one of her hands with Yuri’s, she keeps her facing head on towards the device- What kind of pose should she do this time? “I can’t wait to see how this will turn out, Yurikins. What do you think? Should we go for a fashionable pose or more simplistic?”
The songstress hums in thought, keeping herself close to Yuri as she awaits the bright flash of the photo-artifex. A brief turn of the head towards them later, she finds their entwined hands raised up as her gaze strikes Yuri’s. The look in their eyes never fails to leave Dorothea wondering just what they might be thinking. She takes a step closer, eyes widening as she embraces a sudden and gentle moment.
The brightness of the photo-artifex is radiant and captivating- Much like the surprise she feels lacing her heart. As the quickness of the moment rapidly dissipates, she moves her hand away from Yuri’s and brings it up towards her face. “Yurikins.. You know, you really are something.” A pause, eyes sparkling at the perfect idea- At least, in her opinion. She shuffles for her stamp card, presenting it eagerly: “Dare I ask for a stamp? After that little performance, it’s the least you owe me!” Her card, stamped with friends and memorable faces alike, is akin to an opera script in itself- Filled with lines she will always carry with her.
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Im so sad, why do I have to kin Yuri? DDLC is such a depressing source in general... #🏳️‍🌈💥
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doki-doki-kin-club · 5 years
I’m Back!
Hello to everyone! I’m terribly sorry about my unannounced hiatus! 
I have gone through the ask box and cleared out all anonymous requests that didn’t have a blog to tag, simply because they are so old that the people who requested them would likely not see the result if I were to post it!
As for non-anonymous asks or anonymous asks that requested a blog tagged in them, I will be getting on those ASAP! Thank you so much for being patient! Sending much love!
PS. I am putting many tags on this post in the hopes that this blog will pick up traction again!
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fictionkinfessions · 4 months
Hi I'm kind of new to your blog and this ask thing. Anyway, I'm Yuri from Arc V, a spiritual fictionkin (I think) and I must say that you and everyone around here are cool. And like I said, I'm new here along with this kind of stuff.
Ahem, anyways... Where do I start?. . .
... First, I just want to say belated merry christmas and (early) happy new year, may your days be filled with happiness and luck!
I would like to apologize for my past actions, especially for the Xyzians and for the people that I have wronged in the past (as well as in this lifetime). However, I do not regret my actions on the war and for being just weird in general, I understand that I made many people sad along with my fellow comrades. It also made me sad, even feeling confused about why I was sad for them at that time.
I understand that feeling of losing someone important and everything you know being taken away, they (that Professor and his goons) took away my home, my parents, my memories, everything that I once had and mold me into a ''perfect soldier'' for them to use and disregard. I had nothing but my cards and Starve Venom, that's why I want power over anything, to fill that void in my heart other than losing parts of my soul, driven to do heinous acts in a cruel environment with no memories of my past and with bad guidance.
Either way, I still like to be cruel from time to time, but not too much, just light teasing to someone I know I guess...
I had some characters that I kin, actually. But ''Yuri'' is the most major ones, along with a yandere ''Madoka Kaname'' one (whom I believed to be my next incarnation).
Anyway, If you see someone who kins both ''Yuri'' and yandere ''Madoka Kaname'', that's me.
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dokidokikincare · 6 years
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Selfcare for a lesbian Yuri
Salts / Candle / Soap Bath Bomb / Soap / Oil
For Anon
- Mod Yuri~🔪♥
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safe4allkin-blog · 6 years
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A Yuri aesthetic I made
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aesthetic-kintypes · 6 years
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(not the usual format but i couldnt post it and not lose everything) a aesthetic for a Yuri with desaturated blue-ish purples with a theme of isolation/introversion and maybe some regret requested by anon
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banjoremade · 6 years
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edgy yuri mood board bc im lame and a kinnie
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