eskandarrohani · 1 month
While many of us observe this holy month, we mustn't allow ourselves or others to forget the many people and families enduring strife. It is our duty, not only as Muslims or other people of faith and conscience, but as fellow members of the global community, to do what we can to ease their hardships.
If you're unsure where to donate, here are a handful of organizations providing relief to people in Gaza and Sudan.
Care for Gaza
Martyrs of Gaza
Gaza E-Sims
Operation Olive Branch
Tarada Initiative
Darfur Women Action Group
MedGlobal's Sudan Emergency Appeal
SAPA's Sudan Civil War Emergency Relief Fund
Sudan Solidarity Collective
I also encourage you to take a look at your own country, or even your own local area, and consider where help is needed. A thriving community requires people to invest their time and care, but you will never truly be part of it if you keep it at arm's length.
Thank you for reading and please give generously.
Ramadan Mubarak 🌙
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justgotabolished · 24 days
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From @afaf_m_masoud on Instagram:
In Gaza, Ramadan has always been eagerly awaited as a time of happiness and joy, in every detail of our lives. But no one expected the war to last this long, and to find ourselves in Ramadan amidst destruction and ruin, unlike any previous Ramadan in any way. These days are the hardest we have ever experienced, and these moments are the most difficult to describe in words; all we ask for is to emerge from this hell, for the slow death feeling to disappear, and to deserve a life like other humans. Please help us with your donation and by sharing our story, as this is the only way to save our family.
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dinisuciyanti · 2 months
Target setiap tahun
Mau bulan puasa 2 minggu lagi, langsung inget mesti ngitung zakat maal lebaran nanti. Langsung tanya-tanya kolega yang lebih ngerti, takutnya salah. Nyari validasi dulu.
Tahun lalu aku sudah wajib zakat, tahun ini harusnya masih, dan memang masih, sesuai total aset berjalan yang ku punya.
Ku hitung 2.5%, "hah segini?". Terasa besar, dibanding tahun lalu. Lupa, kalau nikmat Allah jauh lebih besar selama ini, gak sebanding dengan zakat yang dikeluarkan setahun sekali.
Seharusnya, target setiap tahun baru itu, nilai zakat HARUS lebih besar. ARTINYA, income lebih besar.
Tadi dapat info dari teman, biasanya, orang-orang "ngakalin" biar gak kena zakat lebih besar, dengan cara ngeluarin uang yang besar pas mau lebaran. Terus aku mikir, kok urusan ibadah aja diakalin? picik banget gak sih? Urusan ibadah zakat ini terkesan transaksional, kalo kegedean mending dipake buat yang lain.
Padahal kalo berdoa mau nya banyak, minta jodoh lah, minta gaji dua digit lah, minta sehat lah, TAPI giliran ngeluarin zakat mikir-mikir, diakalin biar gak gede, gimana Allah mau mendengar doa-doa mu kalo zakat aja susah?
26 Februari 2024
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Help us get internet connections to Palestinians in Gaza! Everyday we receive messages from Palestinians asking for eSIMs, and occasionally we have to help people troubleshoot issues with activation and connectivity. We have distributors on the ground in Gaza sending out eSIMs every day, but the need is greater as time passes on without a permanent ceasefire. We negotiated with a wholesale eSIM retailer to make the donations affordable for more people, since 20 gb eSIMs can cost anywhere from $30-50 normally! We do not profit, even a penny, and are all volunteers with family in Palestine operating this account, our Instagram, and websites. Please share if you can’t donate!!!
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wordofprophet · 18 days
What is Zakat al Fitr?
The Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him) ordained Zakat ul Fitr [Fitrana] to purify the fasting person from indecent words or actions,
... and to provide food for the needy.
[Sunan Ibn Majah 1827]
The quantity is described by the Prophet (PBUH) as 1 saa’ of food, and 1 saa’ is equivalent to 4 madd.
A madd is the amount that can be scooped up when one puts their hands together.
Fitrana must be paid before the Eid prayer. However, if paid after it will be treated as Sadaqah
#yarasulallah#rasoollah#ZakatUlFitr#zakatfitrah#fitrana#fitra #naat#naatshareef#naatstatus#trending#trendingreels#trendinnaat#reelsinstagram#reels#reelslife#reelitfeelit #newtrend#explorepage#explore#islamicstatus#islamicquotes#instagramreel#inshallah #MashaAllah#subhanallah #ramzanmubarak#rasullullah#ramzan_kareem#zakat
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deadinsalem · 10 days
This is a bit of a deviation from my standard spam posting - I’m not really active on here, I know - but it has to be done. I don’t get much traffic here, so if you somehow happen to see this, please reblog and/or share.
My friend’s family are still trapped in Gaza. Some of them are still in deir-Al-balah, and some have been corralled into Rafah. They used to have a lot bigger of a family, but obviously, many of them, including the person my friend was named after, were all brutally murdered by the Israeli execution powers.
One of the main reasons so many Palestinians haven’t been able to leave is the fact that the passes to leave can cost thousands of dollars, which given the fact that Gaza is now the most expensive place to live in the world, is no easy task.
Information about the family can be found in the GFM description, but as of right now, they need roughly $20.000USD to get everyone out. Please, if you have ANY spare change or Zakat that you can offer, let this be where it goes. The majority of donations will be exclusively payment for the passes, while the rest will be to help them set up somewhere in Egypt for the time being. Please, if you have any moral compass and anything to spare, don’t let those next $5 go to a shitty lunch at McDonald’s or some overpriced-ass latte at Starbucks. Let it go here.
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waytoislam · 2 months
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islam-defined · 9 months
Can anyone bring me the better definition of righteousness than this one what has been revealed by Allah in verse 2:177. I think any person who will follow this direction will be the best of the humans on the earth for the sake of humanity....
Allah defines Righteousness as, “Righteousness is not that you turn your faces toward the east or the west, but righteousness is in one who believes in Allah, the Last Day, the angels, the Book, and the prophets and gives wealth, in spite of love for it, to (i) relatives, (ii) orphans, (iii) the needy, (iv) the traveler in need, (v) those who ask for help, and (vi )for freeing slaves/captives; and who establishes prayer and (vii) gives zakah (annual charity); those who fulfill their promise when they promise; and those who are patient in poverty and hardship and during battle. Those are the ones who have been true, and it is those who are the righteous.” 
I noticed 2 things. One 'spending of wealth' and other 'patience during fitnah' ( tribulations)
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gatewaytojannah · 15 days
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umtxqwa · 22 days
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justgotabolished · 28 days
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hamdosana · 1 month
Valuable tip:
Donate $1 every day in Ramadan because;
~$1x70(reward)=70 good deeds
~70x30(days)=2100 good deeds!!
And probably more depending on your niyyah InshaAllah<3
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dinisuciyanti · 1 month
Lagi-lagi soal zakat
Sore tadi aku kembali menghitung total zakat maal yang harus aku keluarkan tahun ini. Ku otak-atik, oh aku ada pengeluaran XYZDEF di 3 bulan ke depan, seharusnya bisa dikurangi, oh ini oh itu, sangat dihitung agar nilai zakatnya kecil. Padahal, di-kalkulasi segimana pun, berkurangnya hanya ratusan ribu.
Lalu malam ini aku bertanya ke salah satu teman yang mungkin lebih berilmu soal zakat,
Soal zakat, hitungan dana darurat bisa dikeluarkan dari perhitungan zakat ga ya? Atau itu mencerminkan diri yg begitu kikir dalam beribadah di jalan Allah???
Temanku menjawab, include semua. Sambil memberikan link penjelasan dari rumah zakat. Aku baca. Sekrol ke bawah. Lalu menemukan anonim yang berzakat senilai 47.5 juta rupiah. Auto DEG. Semacam ditampar Sang Pencipta, bahwa nilai zakat ku belum sebanding dengan 47.5 juta.
Kenapasih din, kikir banget? Mau mu banyak, ya beasiswa yang nilainya M-an, nikah, umroh, dll, tapi zakat yang wajib aja masih berhitung gimana caranya biar kurang. Allah memberi rezeki yang begitu banyak, tapi menyisihkan 2.5% per tahun saja kamu masih berhitung? Istighfar.
18 Maret 2024
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We have brand new posters available for free download at watermelonwarriors.io!! Print them out and share at protests, demonstrations, fundraising events, and organizational meetings or at your local coffee shops and masjids!
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howtomuslim · 2 months
Empowering Communities through Zakat
Unveiling the impact and Compassion of Zakat
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The Transformative Impact of Zakat: Nurturing Social Welfare
Zakat, one of the Five Pillars of Islam, serves as a cornerstone of social justice and solidarity. By mandating the donation of a mere 2.5% of one’s wealth to those in need, Zakat facilitates the redistribution of wealth, alleviating poverty and fostering community cohesion.
Quran (9:60) — “Zakah expenditures are only for the poor and for the needy and for those employed to collect [zakah] and for bringing hearts together and for freeing captives [or slaves] and for those in debt and for the cause of Allah and for the [stranded] traveler — an obligation [imposed] by Allah. And Allah is Knowing and Wise.”
Enriching Community Services: Beyond Monetary Assistance
The impact of Zakat extends far beyond monetary assistance. In many communities, Zakat funds are utilised to support a wide range of social services and initiatives, including education, healthcare, and vocational training. This holistic approach empowers individuals and families to break the cycle of poverty and lead dignified lives by being an active member of society, taking part in sports and forging strong community ties.
Hadith (Sahih Bukhari) — “Whoever alleviates [the situation of] one in dire straits who cannot repay his debt, Allah will alleviate his lot in both this world and in the Hereafter.”
The Role of Mosques: Centres of Community Empowerment
Mosques, as central hubs of worship and community engagement, play a vital role in facilitating Zakat distribution and providing additional support services. Beyond financial aid, mosques often offer educational programs, counseling services, and vocational training opportunities, empowering individuals to improve their circumstances and contribute positively to society.
Hadith (Sahih Muslim) — “The likeness of the believers in regard to mutual love, mercy, and kindness is that of one body; when any part aches, the whole body aches, because of sleeplessness and fever.”
Through Zakat-funded programs, individuals are not only provided with immediate financial relief but are also equipped with the tools and resources necessary for long-term self-sufficiency. Education, vocational training, and skill development initiatives empower recipients to secure stable employment and contribute meaningfully to their communities.
Hadith (Sunan Ibn Majah) — “The seeking of knowledge is obligatory for every Muslim.”
Zakat, with its dual emphasis on charity and community development, embodies the essence of Islamic teachings on compassion, generosity, and social responsibility. By harnessing the power of Zakat to uplift communities and empower individuals, Islam provides a blueprint for creating a more equitable and compassionate society for all.
The Islamic Welfare State and Its Role in the Economy by Zafar Iqbal and Mervyn K. Lewis
The Mosque: History, Architectural Development & Regional Diversity by Martin Frishman and Hasan-Uddin Khan
Education and Economic Development in Islam by Rodney Wilson
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