#zel be like: bitch I thought so too hold up
kaiju-dayo · 2 years
do you think link would reach out after seeing this picture?? maybe out of concern. there's still some residual feelings between them after all and link can't resist, his excuse being that he's just concerned, that's all, no other reason
He would, but not personally. He’d ask Zelda for a favor, knowing she’s the only one who’s still in touch with Rev. Hence, the text message.
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intothewickedwood · 3 years
Once Upon A Time Rewatch: 6x18 Where Bluebirds Fly
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Whoop! Whoop! Zel Zel centric!
The yellow brick road! I wish the characters had an adventure in Oz so we’d get to explore it a bit more like we did Wonderland and Neverland.
Back off! Leave young Zel alone! Is magic not a common thing in Oz?
Aww this friendship is adorable. I kinda wish his name was Boq though to tie in with Wicked’s tin man, but they already included Boq.
It always makes me so sad seeing young Zelena. She was so sweet and her father is just the worst! She deserved so much better. She must have gotten her kindness from the little time she spent with her adoptive mothers, cause goodness knows her other three parents are evil. If she was raised by Cora to be Queen, I’m not sure she’d have had the heart to rule through fear like Cora no doubt would have wanted.
Get off baby Robin, you bitch! 
No you can’t hold her a little longer.
The Black Fairy: “I never grow tired of that new baby smell.” She is so freaking creepy.
She’s manipulating you, Zelly!
To be fair Zelena was almost that level of creepy when it came to Snowing’s baby back in s3. 
Lol. Poor Snow.
Okay. It is pretty adorable that Snow has been planning Emma’s wedding since after the first curse haha.
Help! Snow’s being super adorabubble!!
The fact that Zelena is probably Belle’s closest friend at this point lol. Poor Belle. I wish the others cared about her more but I do enjoy her dynamic with Zelena.
Zelena, don’t do it, girl!
Another entrance to the mines?
Other than Stanum (probably breifly) and briefly Glinda (the two-faced biatch) I don’t think Zelena has ever had any friends. She just had her horrible father growing up and that was it, no wonder she craved love so much. She’s always been alone and has known only hatred for something she can’t control (her magic).
Oh, so the Witch of the North is wicked too? Interesting. I wonder if she fell out with Glinda or Glinda turned on her too. I wanna know more about the Wicked Witch of the North! And heck, I wanna know what happened to the Witch of the East too!
Regina’s come to save sis!
God, these two fighting like children again lol.
Even though they’re fighting, Regina’s instinct is still to protect big sis from falling rock.
Getting married at Granny’s lol. But don’t they end up getting married on top of Granny’s or something?
David still not over Whale. Dude, you almost got Kathryn pregnant! You know what, it’s really messed up that they slept with others while cursed, even though they wouldn’t have if they weren’t under its influence. 
I think that deep down, Zelena just wanted a mother again. We still don’t know when her adoptive mother died but I think Zelena was really young. She was the only person to show her love and since Zelena going back in time may not prevent her death, she is desperate to find that love again from her other mother. She will do anything to have that again and that’s why she’s often so desperate to prove herself, she thinks power is the only way to win Cora’s affections. It’s the only thing that will make her mother, the only person she believes can love her, show her the love she so desperately craves.
It’s the king of the forest! 
Why is a Lion in a forest? Or tigers? I’m not even gonna ask.
Is Gideon more powerful than Regina? He knocked her down pretty easily. 
The Black fairy playing hide and seek with the Wicked Witch of the West.
Go Zel Zel!
This scene is so cool!
The Black Fairy can deflect magic? Weird that Blue hasn’t been shown to do that. I guess they have different power sets.
There Regina goes again. She is getting flipped around so easily today lol.
Yes! Thank you! Zelena is stronger than Regina confirmed. I was afraid they were going back on what they’d established in s3. She’s supposed to be more powerful than Cora, according to Rumple, who I think is easily more powerful than Regina. I’m gonna do a magic ranking one day. 
Magic is really affected by emotions. So because Zelena’s emotions are unstable, that makes her magic unstable? Interesting. I love it being connected to their emotions. 
What’s she using Zelena’s magic to do?
That lion is huge!
Oh, she made it into a scaredy cat. I wonder if it can talk.
Don’t say that Regina. Zelena needs you. You need each other deep down. Just wait till s7, you’ll be besties then!
Even though Regina’s hypocrisy this season gets to me a lot, I’m glad that Regina and Zelena’s sisterhood was tested and they didn’t instantly become besties. It makes their friendship all the more real and worth the ride in s7.
Snow: “And if she wanted to get married in a bathroom it would be perfect and exactly what it’s supposed to be.” Oh my God lmao! That would have been the best! 
Umm, how did the crystal summon a tornado portal?
I misremembered. I thought Stanum knew it would drain her magic but he seems like he’s telling the truth that he didn’t.
He’ll be alright. Dorothy will help him.
But what will she do with the crystals? 
Zelena: “You’re all I’ve got, Regina.”
I actually want to cry. This was so brave of Zelena. You can tell how much the idea of destroying her magic breaks her. It is a part of her. She’s had it since the day she was born. Can you imagine ripping away something that is that ingrained in who you are and have always been? It makes me so upset but it was important for her development. 
I wanna hug Zelena! 
It looks painful. I imagine it would be ripping away a part of yourself like that. 
Aww Regina is so proud of her sis and hugs her. I can’t!!
God I was so distraught when they took Zelena’s magic. You don’t understand. I think I still would be extremely distraught if she hadn’t gotten magic back in s7. The important thing was, much like Harry Potter meant to die when Voldemort struck him in the Deathly Hallows, Zelena meant for her magic to be gone forever and that is a bigger sacrifice for her than anyone will ever understand, akin to sacrificing her life. I wasn’t sure she ever would get it back but I wish Robin hadn’t given up her magic. It was very nice of her to do that for her mother, who’s magic was such an important part of her life but can you imagine mother and daughter and Alice and Robin kicking ass with their magic. In my head, Robin gets magic back a short time after the s7 finale. 
Why oh why didn’t we get more of a Black Fairy and Blue Fairy interaction in Storybrooke? At least we get some in the flashbacks next week.
She really hates her.
I can’t remember why Rumple can’t know why his mother gave him up. Guess I’ll find out soon!
This was such a great and important episode for my girl, Zelena. So proud of her. What an emotional rollercoaster! 
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thewildomega · 3 years
Second Chance Ch. 16
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They had been in the middle of cutting down the last few trees when a sharp pain hit his chest. Standing up straight he held his chest and closed his eyes. The pain soon eased off enough that it was bearable but when he opened his eyes he saw his sons all looking to him with concern. Something felt off. More so than the time when Y/n had been in trouble before. Something was wrong.
"We have to get home, now." he told then and saw then all nod before moving to pack up everything. Calling over cain they quickly hooked him up to the trailer that held the logs they had managed to cut down. Helping to quickly grab all of their things he tossed the bag on his back and started walking back towards the direction his home was in. It took them a little over three hours to make it back to the village. As he came across the hill and looked towards his home he saw the lights off. It wasn't late enough for her to be in bed. That clenching had not went away the entire walk home and the longer it took the more anxious he was to hold her in his arms again. He hadn't said much to his sons on the way and so none of them questioned it when he started walking a little faster. Quickly opening the door to their home he was hit by a delicious smell. Walking towards the kitchen he turned on the lights and saw a pot on the stove along with a pan full of her homemade rolls. She had cooked him supper, the supper he had asked for. Looking down the counter he even saw a pie of some sorts sitting there, apple pecan by the smell of it. So she had been well enough to cook then what was the problem?
Glancing to the table he saw papers, a roll of yarn that had been started into something on the needles and a few other minor things like two glasses of half drunk water. Stepping over to the table he looked over the papers to see lists of things for their wedding, things left to do and such. With only three days until their wedding there wasn't much left, they both had wanted a very simple event, Izo and Zella were taking care of most of it. Offsetting his jaw he walked towards their bedroom, looking for his soulmate. Not seeing her in the bed he glanced to the bathroom door that was open with the lights off. "Darlin' I'm home." he called but heard no response. "Y/n, lass?" Moving to look into the room anyways he saw it too empty. Something wasn't right. Going to walk out of their bedroom he saw her boots and coat gone. Why would she need her coat, the weather here wasn't even cold. "Y/n?!" he yelled out one last time. Searching the other bathroom and then the living room again he quickly walked outside, perhaps she was with Zella or maybe she had went for a walk. Seeing his clothes on the line he knit his brows further. 
Snapping his eyes to Vista as the man came hurrying out of Marco's house he saw his son's face serious. "What is it?"
"You are going to want to hear this." Vista told him. 
Seeing the man hurry back into Marco's home he walked over and kneeled down so he could look fully into the smaller home. Hearing crying he quickly scanned over the room and caught sight of Zella sitting on the couch with Marco sitting beside her, one of his hands on her shoulder as she cried. 
"Zel, Zella honey tell me again what happened." 
"H..he told her all those horrible things..." Zella sobbed. 
"Who did?" Marco asked.
"Y..your father."
"That's not possible, we just got back and Pops has been with us the whole time." Jozu said with a shake of his head. 
Confused he looked to the woman. "What's..." he went to ask but saw Marco hold up his finger to him, asking for a moment.
"Zel honey what did he say, you said Pops said horrible things to Y/n, what did he say? Start from the beginning." Marco asked in a calm voice. 
Taking a deep breath Zella looked up to her husband's eyes. "She went outside to hang up the laundry. When I went outside to help her Pops was already there, he looked so...cold. He told her that they weren't getting married, that they never were. When she asked why, what she had done wrong he told her that he didn't love her..."
Feeling his heart hammer against his chest he breathed heavily and shook his head. "That wasn't me, I would never say..."
"Pops, let's hear the rest of it. Then we can better figure this out." Izo said in a reassuring voice, he knew his father was upset but he had to stay reasonable.
Panting he looked back to the woman, silently telling her to continue. He didn't want to lose his patience with his daughter or make her more upset than she already seemed to be but he was desperate to find out what was going on. 
Taking a deep, shaky breath Zella continued looking to her husband, "She thought he was joking at first, at least she probably hopped he was but he told her that he didn't and he never had. When y/n asked why he had told her as such in the first place if he never meant it he told her it was for amusement but it didn't matter because he didn't want her, not as a wife or in his life or apart of his family." Zella told them and then sniffled. Swallowing thickly she felt tears roll down her cheeks. "She was crying, begging him not to. She said he promised her..."
He had, he had promised her he would never hurt her, that he would never leave her or make her feel unwanted. Hearing Zella say she had been crying, begging him made his heart hurt even worse than it already did. 
"Did you say anything?" Jozu asked a little gruff. 
"I tried to, I did but he said that it didn't concern me." Zella told them with teary eyes.
"What else happened Zel?" Marco asked, rubbing her arm. 
"He... he called her pathetic... told her that no one would ever want her..."
Shaking his head he swallowed thickly. "Where is she now? Where is Y/n?" 
Looking to the huge man she sniffed again. "She left, you told her to leave. You said you wanted her gone by the time you got back."
"It wasn't me. That wasn't me." he grit out. 
"It was! You looked the same as you do now. Everything was the same." Zella cried. 
"You said by the time he got back Zella, where did this man that looked like pops go? Do you remember?" Izo asked. 
"To...towards town I think, I... I don't know for sure I was trying to comfort y/n." Rubbing her eyes she pulled out Y/n's phone, "She told me to give this to all of you, she said she knew you all liked it." 
"What else did Y/n do before she left Zel?" Marco questioned. 
"She went and changed, she put on her clothes she had came here with. Then she told me thank you fo..for being her friend and she..." Sobbing out she licked her lips, "She apologized for bothering us. I told her she hadn't, I told her she didn't bother any of us. I tried to get her to stay but she wouldn't, she was so heartbroken." 
It felt like someone was driving a knife through his heart. Whoever this imposter was, they had hurt the woman he loved, told her awful things, things she had been terrified of hearing from him. It was like this man had made all her worst fears come true and the worst part was he had used his face to do it. Y/n was out there somewhere and as far as she knew the only person she had ever opened her heart to had just stabbed her in the back. It felt like his own heart was going to beat out of his chest, he could hear his blood pumping in his ears. "Which way did she go Zella?"
"Towards town."
"When did she leave?" Vista asked. 
"Almost four hours ago." 
Without another word he was standing and marching towards town. Searching everywhere he could think of he came up empty handed. He tried letting his heart lead his way to her like it had so many times before but all he could feel was pain, no doubt the pain she was feeling. Telling his sons to ask everyone on the island if they had seen her he started walking towards the shore, knowing she enjoyed the water. Looking this way and that he used his haki but felt nothing. "Y/n?!" he yelled as loud as he could. Walking along the cliff edge he stopped short when he saw something laying in the grass. Bending down he picked it up and quickly recognized it as her notebook. Blinking he looked back up and moved over to the edge. Searching the dark water he prayed she hadn't done what he feared most. Stepping along the hill he stopped when he saw some of the grass and soil messed up. Those were made from a walkboard. A ship had been here. Breathing heavily he heard his sons yelling his name and turned. 
It was Izo. "Did you find her?" he asked, his voice hopeful. 
"No but we found something else. When we were asking around the innkeeper made the comment about how he hadn't seen Y/n but you had came in earlier and demanded he let your friend stay the night for free. He agreed of course and this strange man had come in not too longer later and claimed to be your said friend. He said the man had been drinking and when I asked if he was still in his room he said he was. Marco and Jozu are there with him now or should I say you." 
Gritting his teeth he held Y/n's notebook in his hand and marched towards the Inn. Seeing Jozu fighting with the replica of himself he growled and hurried over to grab the man as Jozu landed a punch to his jaw. Wrapping his hand around the man's throat he held him still and bored into his own eyes. The clone instantly went wide eyed, his eyes filling with fear. "You have three seconds to tell me who the hell you are and where my woman is!" When he didn't speak instantly he added more pressure until the man was choking and gasping for air. 
"I..I'm nobody.... I swear I was just doing what that woman paid me to do, it was a job." 
Feeling the man shrink down he held him up as he turned to what he assumed was his real self. The man was a scrawny little punk with short brown hair and a deep scar over his face. Refusing to release him he stared down at him. "What woman? What job?!" Growing irritated when the man didn't talk he grit his teeth. "Speak or I will pop your head clean off your body!"
"Ah No! I don't know her name. Old bag, blond hair, short thing. Real bitch."
Bakkin. "What did she pay you to do?"
"She told me she would give me five thousand berries if I came to this island and turned into you. She said all I had to do was break it off with that broad. She wrote everything out, all of it. She wanted me to break her heart, tell her to leave and then that was it, that's all I had to do. I left after that. I swear I didn't do anything to her other than that, I don't know where she went. That lady told me to wait here until she sent the rest of the payment."
Growling he felt his blood boil. Tossing the man to Jozu he told his son to lock him up. When the man started protesting and begging for his life he cut his eyes back to him. "You think you can get away with ruining people's lives? You hurt the woman I love and if something has happened to her you can best believe I will start my revenge out on you." he grit out through his teeth. Turning on heel he took only two steps before he heard the sound of a den den ringing. 
Looking back over his shoulder he narrowed his eyes before he walked over and reached into the man's pocket to pull out the denden. 
"That's her."
Gritting his teeth he held the thing in his palm as he answered the call. 
"Well is it done?"
Saying nothing he saw Jozu slap his hand over the majority of the man's face when he went to speak.
"Hmmm judging by the silence I will take it the imbecile has been caught. So with that I will assume I am speaking to you Newgate." "I was surprised to see you still alive the other day, and back in that young body at that..."
"Where is she?" he growled, his fist tightening at his side when he heard the woman begin laughing. 
"She is out of the picture, I'm sure that bird of yours told you all about how I have been getting rid of your false family. It only makes sense that your little whore would go as well." 
"Bakkin..." he snarled. 
"I warned you and your boys, I told them if your treasure wasn't handed off to your rightful heir then I would take away the things your cared about most."
"That oaf of yours is not my son!" There was a long silence before she spoke again. 
"Be careful what you say Newgate, my Edward will likely be the only legacy you ever leave behind."
He could feel the veins in his forehead popping out, "I will ask you once more Bakkin. Where is my woman?"
"Your woman?!" She chuckled. "There was no marriage, she is not yours and she never will be. Not unless you use that fortune of yours to buy her, but then again you don't support slavery do you Newgate? Pity, don't worry though I am sure there is someone that will be willing to pay the price for a pretty thing like her. I wonder what she will be used for, labor or pleasure?"
He listened to her cackle before the call disconnected. His teeth were clenched so tightly together he was sure he heard one of them crack. Panting he felt everyone's eyes on him but said nothing as he turned on heel and marched back to his home. Slamming the door open he grabbed a bag and started shoving things inside. Grabbing the shirt Y/n wore as a nightshirt he stuffed it inside. 
"Pops..." Marco called out but his father wouldn't look to him. Watching him walk to the bathroom to grab things he took a deep breath. "You know we can't leave yet, we can't man the ship with just the five of us."
Sighing he closed his eyes, he knew his son was right. The whaleship was a large ship. "How long until everyone else gets here?" 
"Two days." 
Rubbing his face he felt his heart sink. Two days until the rest of his sons arrived, that means by the time they set out Y/n would be even further from his reach. By that time she could already be sold or worse.  
Seeing his father's pain he sighed, "We'll get her back Pops."
"We said we were going to get Ace back as well but you know how that turned out." 
"Don't do that. Ace was saved, he was freed and then he used his freedom to save is brother." Marco spoke in a serious voice. It was unusual for the old man to remain silent but he understood why. As a soon to be father and husband himself he could never imagine losing Zella or his child, knowing he he failed them. Walking closer the the massive man he took the bag from him and set it on the dresser for now. "We will get her back Pops, I promise." Seeing two tired, sad yellow eyes look to him he took out Y/n's phone and pushed it into his large hand, "Get some rest, I'll get everything ready and as soon as the others get here we'll be ready to go." 
Feeling Marco pat his arm before he left he listened to the door shut, leaving him in the home alone. Lifting his eyes to the room he looked over this and that, his heart growing heavier and heavier. It was funny, when he had built this house he had never planned on sharing it with anyone but now as he walked through the home he knew he would not be able to live in it alone ever again. Everywhere he looked he was reminded of her, from the couch where she had slept for the longest time, never taking his offer for the bed. The kitchen where he had watched her cook or clean while dancing and humming along to one of the songs on her headphones when she thought no one was watching. The dining room table where they set together, talking and laughing over meals. Looking down he realized he had been making two bowls of stew, a habit now.
Eating only because he wanted to keep his strength up and knowing his lass hated wasted food he placed everything up in the fridge. The meal he has asked for was flavourless in his mouth, he wouldn't even try her pie. Taking a shower he stood under the hot water for the longest time, long after it had turned cold. Once he had walked out of the bathroom and across the room to their bed he stared up at the ceiling, the ache in his heart making it impossible for him to sleep. Rolling over he grabbed her pillow and brought it to his nose, desperate to smell her sweet scent again. Looking out the window into the night sky he let out a long sigh, "I love you lass."
Those two days seemed to take years, for two days he was stuck unable to do anything. Marco had spoke to Shanks, asking for his aid in keeping an eye and ear out for any slave auctions. He had never liked asking for help but if it meant having his soulmate back in his arms he could care less. Hell he'd probably ask Garp for help if he knew he would be able to. As soon as his other sons arrived on the island he had left Marco and the others to explain to the wide eyes, mouth agape crew. Tossing his bag to Jozu he quickly gave the command for them all to go get the ship ready for sail, he had one more stop to make before they left. Walking up the hill he stepped up and pulled down the large white jacket. Grabbing hold of Murakumogiri he pulled it out of the stone with ease. Looking out across the sea he rose his chin, "I'm comin' for ya darlin'."
Curling up on the cold, hard floor you heard as your chains rattled, the heavy things rubbing the skin of your wrists, ankles and neck raw. Staring at the same spot on the wall you had been for however long you had been down here you sighed, wincing when your ribs shot with pain. Your whole body was sore and weak feeling from hunger, something you never imagined you would feel again. Since you had been taken you hadn't ate at all and you were only given water twice a day. Your throat was so dry it felt like you were swallowing needles every time you breathed. Hearing one of the men come down the stairs you just ignored them, having gave up asking questions days ago. There was no point anyway, there was no point in anything anymore. Your life was meaningless. You had no home, no money, no friends or family. The man you loved more than anything, the man you had been just days away from marrying no longer wanted you. He never did. None of it had been real or at least not for him. While he had been your everything you on the other hand were nothing to him. You really shouldn't have been surprised, you knew it was too good to be true. Why would he have ever wanted someone like you? 
Still you couldn't help but wonder if maybe there was something you could have done to make him want you. Maybe if you would have made yourself pleasing to the eye. Perhaps you had been too slow when it came to physical contact. You hadn't had any experience before and so you didn't much know what to do but maybe that was something you had failed at. Or maybe it wasn't any of that, maybe it was just you in general. That was a more likely reason, afterall not even your own parents wanted you. Maybe there was just something wrong with you. 
Sniffling, there were no tears left to fall from your eyes, all of the liquid in your body used up. Feeling the ship rock and sway with the waters of the sea you closed your eyes. This hadn't been what you had in mind when you wrote ride on a ship in your bucket list. From what you had been able to gather this was some sort of pirate ship that specialized in taking people to be sold as slaves. The captain of the ship, the man that had taken you who's name you still didn't know had told you that a big man with long blond hair had told them where they could find you. Apparently he thought you would go for a high price. Everyday he had been coming down to try and get as much information out of you a possible, apparently being able to up your price if he knew more about you. To his annoyance though you had refused to say a word, even when he would turn to causing you pain. It made your heart clench even more when you thought of Ed giving you over to these monsters to be sold. Had he really hated you that much? 
"No! No Let me go! I want my mommy!" 
Hearing the sound of a child screaming you turned over some and watched as one of the men brought down something, the light from above filing the dark space. Knitting your brows you saw the man open the cell door before throwing what looked to be a small child into the cell with you. The little girl, you guessed from the way she was dressed and her longish hair instantly stood and tried to run towards the door as she cried to be set free. Noticing the man go to push her back and then let out a yell when the little girl bit him you quickly tensed when he pulled out a wooden bat of sorts and raised it above his head. "No!" yelling out even when your voice broke you hurried forward to stop him from hitting the girl. 
"Get back!" 
Grabbing the bat you were busy trying to fight him off when heavy footsteps came down the stairs. Before you knew it you were being attacked by none other than the captain who was a little bigger than you. Stumbling back when you were hit in the cheek with his fist you tripped on your chains and fell to your ass. There was no time to do anything, no time to react before he was hitting you with the bat. Crying out you turned to your side and covered your head as much as possible. When you thought it wouldn't end it finally did and he walked back over to the door. 
"You see what happens when you try and cause trouble?!" he yelled and saw the girl they had just got nod vigiorlessly. Grabbing her he threw her inside the cell and slammed the door. If I hear one sound from either of you I will beat the both of you senseless." he warned before he walked back up the stairs. 
Trembling in agony you tried to move into a more comfortable position but everything seemed to hurt. Deciding on your side you dropped your head to the floor and tried to open your eyes but could only see out of one of them, the other one swollen shut or so it felt. Breathing was more difficult now as well making you assume your ribs were cracked or broken. 
"I..I'm sorry." 
Hearing the small voice you tilted your head some to see the little girl now kneeling in front of you. She was a cute little thing, a bit dirty but there was a small bow hanging from her loose hair that matched her dress. Tears rolled from her eyes and her lip trembled as she looked down at you. Swallowing to try and get some kind of moisture into your mouth you forced the best smile you could. "Don't be." 
"But y...you got hurt... because of me." she whimpered.
"It's okay, I'll be fine." you told her. When she only looked down and you noticed the little drops falling from her chin you took a shaky breath. "Wh..what's your name?" you asked, your voice cracking a bit. 
"Enola." she sniffled. 
"That's a pretty name." 
"What's your name?"
"Are we... am I going to be a slave?" 
Seeing the true fear in her eyes you swallowed again. "I don't know." you answered honestly but regretted it when she started crying more. 
"I want to go home. I want my mommy and daddy." 
Watching the little girl cry made your heart throb and you pushed over your trembling hand to rub her back, trying to comfort her the best you could. After a little while you had managed to coax her into laying down to try and sleep. 
Balling up she wrapped her arms around her small frame and shook. "Is it always this c..cold?" 
Hearing her teeth chattering you looked to the thin sleeveless dress she had on and furrowed your brows. Rolling to your front you painfully pushed your way up into a sitting position. Shrugging off your coat you got it down to your wrists before it was stopped by the cuffs and chains. Wiggling the thing under you you placed your foot against the coat and pulled, filling the small room with a ripping sound. Tossing it over her small frame you noticed it was about the size of a normal blanket on her and grinned slightly. Laying back down beside her you gave her a weak smile. "Better?" seeing her nod you hummed, "Good. Try and sleep okay."
"What if those bad men come down again?"
"I won't let them hurt you." 
"Thank you." 
Nodding your head slightly you saw her tiny eyes close and tried to take in a deep breath. With no coat, no shirt and no shoes, thanks to one of the men saying they looked to be about his size, you were now freezing. But you had suffered the cold before and it was better you than her. Moving your hands to your neck you felt the necklace that Ed had made you and felt the knot in your throat grow, felt that constant pain in your heart worsen. Tightening yoru hold on it you felt a single tear roll over the bridge of your nose as you tried to imagine you were back in his arms once again. 
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writingsofa-ghost · 6 years
This Little Girl; part 4
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TW: Gore, baby death, torture
“I know you don’t want to, and I know the dude can be fucking terrifying at times, but you have to tell him, Zel.” Finn spoke quietly, sitting on the couch next to the woman, hands twitching a little as if he wanted to reach out and pull her into a hug.   
She just groaned in response, her face in her hands. How could she have let this happen? Here she was, just beginning her career in modeling, and she had let herself get knocked up by a one night stand. What was she going to do now? 
“Hey, look," Finn's voice broke through the fog her panicked thoughts had caused. "He deserves to know. He does. You can't just keep it from him forever." He paused, sending her a look. "He may not seem like it, but Sebastién is just a big softie...a softie with a murderous glare and an attitude to match." 
“Can’t you just tell him? God, it was bad enough when he never called me back, now I have to hunt him down to tell him I'm pregnant?" She groaned again, throwing her head against the back of the couch dramatically. "What a joke. If this is karma then she's a sick son of a bitch." 
“It’ll be fine," Finn soothed, finally moving to wrap his arm around her shoulder, drawing her into a hug. He offered her a smile before continuing, a smug grin pulling at his lips. "Who knows, maybe with a baby you guys can get to know each other better...maybe fall in love. Either way, I know he wanted to call you back...there's a chance, babes." 
“I really don't think it works that way, Finn." 
 There was silence for a long time after their captors went upstairs, the only noise being Gideon muttering quietly to the woman beside him every once in a while, in what seemed to be an attempt to keep her awake and calm. It made Zelda uneasy. Her baby and her...partner/lover/awkward companion were upstairs having God knows what done to them and she could do nothing to protect them. 
In an attempt not to focus on what was going on upstairs, Zelda tried to listen in to what Gideon was telling Cassia. Currently, he seemed to be reminding her of the first time they had hung out together, having gone for burgers in the middle of the night and getting jumped by a homeless man, the story ending in them finding a guinea pig. The redhead had to wonder how on Earth they had made it thus far without winding up dead, especially considering the first time they had spent any time together they had been attacked. 
Despite Gideon's storytelling, Zelda still felt unease about what was going on upstairs. It was too quiet. When they had first gone upstairs there had been an erratic thumping noise and a long, but quiet, groan of pain. Now she couldn't even hear the psychotic laughter of their captors. 
Suddenly, all at once, there was noise. 
A buzzing sound caused all three of them to look up towards the staircase, each one of them tensing with fear and apprehension as they waited for what was to happen next. 
They didn't have to wait long. 
A yell of what could only be pain filled the house, followed shortly by a thump which then turned into bone-chilling screams, a noise that Zelda had never heard before but one that she could immediately recognize. 
“What’s going on?” It was the first she had heard Cass speak in a long while and it almost shocked her. It probably would have, had it not be for the horrific, terrifying noise from up above. Zelda shivered, terrified for Sebastién, for Claudine...and for herself. 
“Whatever they’re doing, they’re winning.” She kept her voice calm, but she could not stop herself from shaking, the reaction worsening only when she began to hear her baby begin to sob at hearing her father be tortured in such a way. She longed to hold her, to rock her close to her chest, to let her know that everything would be alright. But they wouldn't be okay. They wouldn't ever be, even if they managed to survive the night. 
She could hear the boy Scott begin to yell at Sebastién to shut up, a few heavy thumps and a crash following his words. After a while it seemed that Scott's desire came to fruition, the man's yells of pain of terror turned into wrecked, dry sobs, a noise that eventually turned back into silence despite the sound the chainsaw continuing to run. 
Zelda bit her lip and fisted her hands together, a yelp almost escaping her own lips as the action brought a fresh wave of pain from her injured palm. The woman had forgotten it was there for the last little while, but the movement had brought her back into reality, the adrenaline beginning to wear off too. She could feel her whole body beginning to ache, her face burning and her leg pulsing with pain. 
Soon the noise of the chainsaw was turned off. Muffled talking could be heard in between Claudine's cries, before she heard Sophie snap out a "Shut up you little shit!" towards the wailing child. 
A spike of worry hit her. Not her child. Please just leave the child. Another thought haunted her. Sebastién couldn't protect her, he couldn't protect their baby. If he wasn't dead already, he would be dead before Zelda had a chance to get to him. Even if she was able, was there even a point if the hospitals weren't open yet? 
Zelda could only sit and wait in tense, uncomfortable silence as she listened to her child scream above her. 
Sebastién wanted to regret his actions from before, from attacking the woman, but he couldn't. He had to protect his child. He had to protect Zelda. He had to...otherwise he'd die trying. 
He lay on the floor in Claudine's room, having felt their captors leave the room after he'd been given one last kick to the head. If he got out of this alive, he was most definitely going to boycott steel-toed boots. His hearing was completely fucked and he had no idea how much his eyesight was affected by the sheer force in which that man had put into his kicks or how much of it was because of his blood blinding him. 
So Sebastién stayed there, trying to find a way to get out of his bonds though it wasn't going well, the overwhelming pain in his hands limiting his movements. He was trying to make himself breathe slowly, just like how he had been taught when forced into training as a young child. 
Time went by like this, achingly slowly as the man tried fruitlessly to get out of his ties. Stuck in his own head, he berated himself, furious that he allowed himself to get into this situation but he'd been so blind sighted when he saw the masked woman holding his child. Fear had struck his heart and when he had gone to move, to save his child, he had forgotten to check his surroundings properly and was knocked in the head and tied up. 
He had let sentiment and feelings get in the way, he had forgotten his training for a brief few seconds and now he'd gone and fucked them all over. 
Sebastién had no idea how long he lay there, but he froze as soon as he felt movement on the floorboards. Keeping his breathing even, he waited until he could feel the vibrations getting heavier until he was sure they were in the room with him. 
Some time passed again, the man lying tense on the floor as he awaited what was sure to be a painful punishment. He just hoped that Zelda was okay downstairs, that somehow Claudine was safe. That if they hurt him, they would maybe leave his family alone. 
The soft touch of skin brushed against his cheek and Sebastién foolishly allowed himself to believe, if only for a second, that Zelda had managed to escape unharmed, that she had managed to defeat the masked intruders. The hand stroked his skin once again, thumb brushing against his cheekbone tenderly. Sebastién allowed himself to push into Zelda's hand, a sigh of relief escaping him. 
His relief was short-lived, however, as mere seconds later a harsh kick struck him in his sternum. Sebastién could feel the bones in his ribcage crack, a sharp, shocked gasp escaping him before he could manage to rein it in. 
Another kick, this time to his hip. Again, to his back, his chest, his stomach. All he could do was bite onto his lip to stop himself from crying out, though that didn't last for long. The beating stopped relatively shortly after it began and Sebastién was allowed the luxury of taking a painful breath or two before the real torture began. 
The pain was as sudden as it was unimaginable, his whole body vibrating as a sharp object pushed through his skin, his muscle and through the bone all the way to the other side. Biting through his lip, Sebastién cursed out in pain, a guttural sob escaping him. He gagged, a rush of pain hitting him again as the machine pulled away briefly before pressing down slowly onto his ankle. 
The blades pulled at his skin, scraping away skin and bone. Whoever was doing this to him knew what they were doing, pulling away slightly before pressing in again. They knew how to do it slowly, to cause him the most pain. They knew how to torture. 
Sebastién gagged again as the blade was pushed further into his leg, retching as the pain became near unbearable. The smell of vomit and blood filled the air and he was faintly aware of a noise pushing through his damaged ears. He soon realized it was the sound of his own pained screams. 
He could vaguely feel tugging around his upper thigh, someone shaking him roughly, though he paid little to no attention to that as he could feel the beginning of unconsciousness blurring at the edges of his mind, his body feeling like air and his head feeling equally as light. 
He gagged once more as the tool pressed into the flesh of his calf, his leg buzzing as it hit the bone. He began to drift just as a final sharp, heavy object smacked into the side of his head, knocking him out near instantaneously.
Gideon was whispering to Cass again, this time about someone named Mason. Probably the same Mason that he had talked to Sophie about. 
Zelda shot them a glare, vaguely pissed that they weren't more freaked out about the situation. Logically she understood why the boy was doing this, to calm the other girl down, but weren't they worried? Were they not afraid of what was going on upstairs? 
Gideon silenced himself almost as soon as they heard the laughter and the footsteps making their way down the stairs, answering Zelda's silent question. They were terrified. 
Zelda felt her breath catch in her throat, heart hammering against her chest as Scott emerged from the staircase, blood splattering his clothing and his mask. Sebastién's blood. 
“What the fuck did you do to him, you sick fucks?” She shrieked at the man, who just laughed pityingly. 
There was another laugh in the hallway, followed by Claudine's wails. Zelda froze, eyes locked at the foot of the stairs. Zelda came down, drenched in more blood than Scott, carrying her bloodied daughter, bundled in blankets. 
She didn't look injured, just terrified. Still, Zelda was terrified that they would harm the baby too. 
“Here’s the deal. We were going to just kill you two, and be done with it, but this Purge has turned into so much more fun. Instead, we’re going to let you live. You too, mouthy cunt." Sophie glanced back at Zelda. "But you're never going to forget this night. You're going to live with the fact that you all killed two people tonight. You're never going to be able to forget." 
She huffed out a laugh, pulling up her bloodied mask, meeting Zelda's eyes with a gorey, bloodstained grin. 
She turned Claudine to face her mother, bouncing her a little before pulling out a knife. "Life number two." 
The knife slid over a sobbing Claudine's throat in one swift motion, blood quickly spilling from the infants neck, staining the blanket and the child. 
Zelda couldn't breathe. She couldn't look away from her child, only able to sit there in horror as she watched the light and life drain from her daughter. The tiny human that she had created. The baby that she had loved and nurtured was dying, was dead, and there was no saving her. 
Then she was screaming. It was a mix of howling and sobbing that sounded so unlike her that she almost thought it might have been Cass making the noise. She was vaguely aware of Gideon yelling, screaming at the woman, but all Sophie was doing was laughing, laughing at the fact she had killed her baby, a laugh that was forever burned into Zelda's mind. 
Claudine was dead. 
Sebastién was likely dead too. 
Her father was dead. 
Why couldn't they take her too? Why was she still here? 
Through the mess of her hoarse sobs and tears, Zelda watched as Sophie dropped tiny Claudine to the ground, leaving as quickly as she had arrived. Scott, having stayed behind a few moments longer to grab their tools, paused by the door before moving towards Gideon and untying him, holding out a bat as protection as he made his way backwards to the door. 
“Come after me, or try and save your friend. Your choice.” And then he was gone. 
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