#zima lurzo
kratosfan6632466 · 3 months
Jax meets zima
*Jax sees zima*
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Jax : hey Kaine is this a new NPC?
Kaine : a human has entered our digital world!
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Ragatha: what’s your name uh assuming that you didn’t forget it
Zima : I’m zima
Jax : ah that’s your human form then?
Zima : yep! Well….im not exactly entirely human but yeah
Jax : your interesting for…..a creature
Zima : thanks and you are…..
Jax : just call me jax that’s ragatha, kaine, Pomni , bubble, kinger, Zooble and theres one other but he got abstracted
Zima : hello everyone it’s good to meet you all
Jax : your a lot more uplifting than when Pomni first came here
Zima : I try to be I’ll see you guys around
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nsfwblog754 · 3 months
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Zima x adam~
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kratosfan6632466 · 19 days
Hunter : I called everyone here because zimas been acting different lately she literally twisted wreckers wrist !
Tech : yes it is very unusual but maybe something happened to her
Crosshair: hemlock……he did this he brainwashed her!
Tech : how would you know that?
Crosshair: he’s tried brainwashing me but it didn’t work……
Wrecker: what do we do then?????
Hunter : hm she may have been implanted with something so here’s the idea
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kratosfan6632466 · 2 months
Wrecker was heard sobbing in the other room she went in and saw wrecker curled up in bed hugging his tooka*
Zima : what’s the matter wrecker why are you crying?
Wrecker: I-i just can’t believe we got her back but I’m scared…..the empire might try to take her away from us again….
Zima : don’t talk like that wrecker we will make sure that doesn’t happen….
Wrecker: y-ya promise??
Zima : I promise my love we will make sure that omega stays safe ok…?
Wrecker: ok…
Zima : I love you wrecker
Wrecker : I love ya too
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kratosfan6632466 · 26 days
Zima gets kidnapped by hemlock and she gets sent back home in the morning *
Wrecker: zima your ok!
Zima snared at wrecker and grabbed his wrists and twisted it as he winced in pain*
Wrecker: w-wh Zima please stop!!!
Hunter pulls Zima back *
Hunter : zima what is your problem?!!!
Zima glared at him as it gave him a familiar feeling and he wasn’t sure why *
Crosshair: what’s her problem?
Hunter : something is wrong
Wrecker: she was gone all night!
Hunter : hmmm…..
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kratosfan6632466 · 1 month
Zima : what?
Adam : i won the lottery!
Zima : how much?
Adam :10,0000 dollars
Zima : holy fuck!
Adam : fuck let’s party like we’re in the 80’s!
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kratosfan6632466 · 3 months
Zima : oh fuck you crosshair!
Tech : language!
Zima : suck my metaphorical dick!
Tech was astounded by her comment *
Wrecker : she’s hot when she gets like this
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kratosfan6632466 · 8 days
Tai lung noticed Zima suddenly disappeared as he searched everywhere for her *
His phone rang as he answered *
Tai lung : zima???? Where are you baby what happened????
Zima : I-i don’t know why but a pack of wolves are holding me captive here…..
Tai lung : don’t worry I’m coming
Zima : please hurry!
Zima said sobbing *
Tai lung hung up and ran to where she was *
Tai lung roars loudly as he stepped in front of her *
Tai lung : zima….stay behind me
Zimas leg shakes as he smelled the blood *
Tai lung looked as she had been bitten by one of the wolves *
Tai lung : zima …..who did this to you?
Zima pointed to one of the wolves *
Tai lung pops his knuckles *
Tai lung : my love you should sit down and watch as I defeat these puny canines
Zima sat down as she watched tai lung using kung fu on them as right when they thought they were going to be spared
Tai lung laughs *
Tai lung : oho no not by a long shot pal you don’t deserve to live ….
Tai lung brought out his claws as he pounced on a wolf and bit deeply into the wolf’s arm as he brutally ripped it off the socket *
The wolf screamed in pain *
Tai lung finished the wolf off by scratching his chest and letting him bleed out as he bites one’s head off and legs as he brutally murdered them all*
Zima was shocked when she saw this but wasn’t afraid of him*
Tai lung walks over to her as he was covered in blood from the fight*
Tai lung breathes heavily as this had worn him out *
Tai lung : I hope that I didn’t lose any of your respect for me
Zima : of course not!
Tai lung looks at her bite on her leg*
Zima : think you could help me with this?
Zima said bringing her leg to him*
Tai lung nods and cleans the wound *
She winced but didn’t protest *
Tai lung then wrapped the wound up with a bandage *
Zima : thanks kitty now let’s get you home and your definitely taking a bath tonight mister you got blood all over you
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kratosfan6632466 · 2 months
Zima loves wreckers scars including the one on his face it enhances his handsomeness ((in my opinion))
So whenever he feels self conscious about it she reassures him every time just like he does to her whenever she’s self conscious about her body normally wreckers self confidence is through the roof but sometimes he thinks that he’s ugly ((which he’s far from ugly because he’s a cutie))
He was made fun of a lot as a cadet along with the squad for their differences
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kratosfan6632466 · 5 months
Zima : so Adam tell me about your family
Adam: I only have my mom my dad left before I was born
Zima : oh….im sorry to hear that it must’ve been hard for you both
Adam: yeah….it was
Zima hugged his arm to comfort him *
Adam: I just hate that I never got to know him….. I hope my mom is doing well it’s been so long since I’ve visited her
Zima : I’d love to meet her someday…..
Adam : I’m sure you will
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kratosfan6632466 · 3 months
Ghost Adam au part two
Zima jolted and panted as she was in tears she looked for Adam but panicked as he was gone
Zina : Adam….? Adam?!!! Where are you????
Adams ghost reappeared *
Adam : settle down I’m right here….
Zima was in tears*
Adam : zima…….please don’t cry…..
Zima : this whole thing sucks! I wish you were physically here and not a spirit….
Adam : I know my love……but at least I’m here in some way…..
Zima : this week is gonna be so rough……
Adam : I will be here for you….now please….lie down and let me comfort you….
Adam said zima lays back as he wraps his arms around her he kisses her lips *
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kratosfan6632466 · 2 months
Zima x crosshair comfort fic ((plus hunter being supportive))
Zima was panting stressed out *
Crosshair noticed her tension and noticed that wrecker wasn’t around to help her out as he walks over to her*
Crosshair : hey….zima? What’s the matter???
Zima : things are getting way too stressful….getting supplies…..medicine…everything….
Crosshair: I know zima ….but you don’t need to worry about that
Zima : I do! We’re supposed to be taking care of each other….its bad enough that omega is not around and techs gone ….
Crosshair hugs Zima gently *
Crosshair : I know this is a lot for you to handle but you’re not alone in this …..
Zima : I’m just scared of losing my home….and my family again you guys are all I’ve got right now…..
Hunter : we will make sure none of that happens ok? We’re a team ….. may be in a tough spot but we always figure everything out….
Zima : where’s wrecker….? I need him here…..
Crosshair: he’s busy with restocking the weapons I’ll tell him that you need him but for now ….try to stay calm ok?
Zima : I-I’ll try
Crosshair: good….i love you ok?
Crosshair said kissing her forehead *
Zima : I love you too….
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kratosfan6632466 · 2 months
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kratosfan6632466 · 4 days
Tai lung bites the nails of his claws as he was anxious about something *
Zima : tai lung are you alright????
Tai lung: y-yeah just nervous is all……I don’t want to mess any of this up
Zima : mess what up babe????
Tai lung: this relationship between us I don’t wanna disappoint you by being stupid and messing up….. I….. I really like you zima I’m willing to do anything to make this work
Zima smiled softly *
Zima : awwww tai lung no need to work yourself up over it your fine please don’t bite your claws….
Tai lung : s-sorry I - I didn’t know what to do with my hands because they were shaking……
She gently took his hands and pets him gently *
He started to settle down as he sighed softly *
Tai lung : I’m such a mess…
Zima : relax babe everything is fine
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kratosfan6632466 · 14 days
Wrecker: oh wow that’s crazy! Nobody can take tai lung like that!
Tai lung : yep she’s got my heart and soul now
Zima chuckled *
Zima : you forgot one other thing I have Your tail!
Zima said as she grabbed it as it wiggles *
Tai lung: hey!!! That’s mine! Give it back!
Zima laughed *
Zima : it’s still attached to you silly!
Tail lung : oh…..
Both zima and wrecker laughed *
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kratosfan6632466 · 14 days
Tai lung laid in the grass quietly as he watched zima training *
Tai lung was amused by her skills of Kung fu *
After she finished she went to the kitchen and started cooking *
Tai lung was curious about her*
He thinks about her constantly day and night after he spared him she needed to have her alone*
Zima walks over with dumplings *
Zima : do you want a bowl???
Tai lung : sure
Zima gave him a bowl and started eating it he was surprised on how good it was he eats it until nothing was left *
Zima smiles softly *
Zima : I’m glad you like it
Tai lung: you have many skills
Tai lung: I have a question I’ve been meaning to ask you
Zima : what is it?
Tai lung : so….do you like me too? If so then why??
Zima : well your powerful determined and very skilled
Tai lung : I had no idea that you had a thing for power
Zima : in a way yes what made you like me???
Tai lung : I’ve seen how you love others unconditionally without question and care for them your dedication and kindness is what drew me to you po is a good example you care so much about him and no matter what you two are still friends
Zima : ah I see
Tai lung : you’re always on my mind day and night….
Zima : really???
Tai lung : y-yes
Zima : I appreciate your honesty tai lung I’m flattered and I’ve been thinking about you a lot as well
Tai lung : really?????
Zima : mhm
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