坂田 守 |Mamoru Sakata
Tarinof dance company 主宰、振付家、舞踊家。幼少よりモダンダンス、クラシックバレエを始める。コンテンポラリーダンスを能美健志、軽部裕美に、クラシックバレエを田中洋子、柳瀬真澄に師事。玉川大学文学部芸術学科芸術表現コース卒業(2005)。大学在学中にイギリスのロンドンのLABAN CENTER(Trinity Laban Conservatoire of Music and Dance)ISPプログラムにて振付と舞踊を専攻、修了(2004)。数々の全国舞踊コンクールにて第1位、特別賞受賞。 文化庁新進芸術家海外研修制度パリにて2年7ヶ月研修(2013-2015)フランス、イタリア、セルビア共和国開催の国際振付コンクールでそれぞれ第1位受賞(2014)。The International Contemporary Dance Festival of the Canary Islands, MASDANZA, ファイナリスト(2016)。SCFソウル国際振付フェスティバルにて、ATOM THEATER(ブルガリア)招致賞受賞(2017)。横浜ダンスコレクションコンペティション1ファイナリスト(2018&2021)。香港E-side dance company 主宰公演にてソロ作品を発表(2012.2017.2019) 湘南バレエコンペティションコンテンポラリー部門設立特別アドバイザー、審査員、課題曲振付を担当。現在は東京を拠点に、毎年カンパニーの新作公演実施、ミュージカル、創作オペラへの振付、全国各地バレエスタジオ、大学、音楽教室での特別ワークショップ&振付提供、コンペティション振付、国際交流企画を展開。ダンス&芸能専門学院TOKYO STEPS ARTS コンテンポラリー中級講師。洗足音楽大学バレエコース、ダンスコース非常勤講師。ワイダンスカンパニージュニアコンテンポラリーダンスクラス講師。青山ダンスアカデミージュニアコンテンポラリーダンスクラス講師。G-screw Dance Labo 講師。
He is an artistic director of Tarinof Dance Company established by Maiko Hasegawa and himself in 2013.  He started to learn modern dance and classical ballet from childhood.  Nohmi Kensi and Hiromi Karube were his mentors for contemporary dance, and Masumi Tanase and Yoko Tanaka were those for classical ballet.  He graduated Art Department, Faculty of Literature of Tamagawa University, in 2005.  During his student days, he studied abroad in Trinity Laban Conservatoire of Music and Dance, London, U.K. where he learned choreography and dance technique and finished ISP course in 2004.  He won the first prizes and special awards in many domestic dance competitions.  From 2013 to 2015, he stayed in Paris for two years and seven months under the Program of Overseas Study for Upcoming Artists of Agency for Cultural Affairs of Japan.  He is the winner of the first places in international choreography competitions in France, Italy, and Serbia in 2014, the finalist of MASDANZA in SPAIN 2016, and was awarded the prize for the invitation to Bulgarian ATOM Theater in Seoul International Choreography Festival 2017.  He is the finalist of Yokohama Dance Collection Competition 1 in 2018 and 2021, and presented his works on the stages hosted by Hongkong E-side Dance Company in 2012, 2017, and 2019.  He was a special advisor on the foundation of contemporary dance category in Shonan Ballet Competition and now acts as a judge and a choreographer of set pieces in this competition.  Based in Tokyo, he holds every year a public performance of new pieces of his company, and choreographs new works for musicals, original operas, and competitions.  He is holding workshops in ballet studios, colleges, and music schools in Japan, where he plays the role as a choreographer as well.  He is also active in international exchange.  The present his titles are as follows: a lecturer of the intermediate contemporary dance class of TOKYO STEPS ARTS, a part-time lecturer of the ballet and dance course of Senzoku Gakuen College of Music, a lecturer of the junior contemporary dance class of Y Dance Company, a lecturer of the junior contemporary dance class of Aoyama Dance Academy, and a lecturer of G-Screw Dance Lab.
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