tazmynstudies · 3 years
I’m alive!?
Hey guys! So as the title says I'm alive hahaha. A little update I have now graduated with my bachelors degree and have been accepted into a grad school program! My goal is to use this blog more efficiently as I do more research on how to best manage it. I intend to use this as a way to not only motivate myself, but to keep track of my progress on this journey. Lastly I want to have something for myself that I can enjoy and invest time in! Thank you to anyone still here with me and I’ll see you soon!
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tazmynstudies · 3 years
Spring Semester 2021
Hi guys! After struggling to find balance during a pandemic I think we all deserve a well pat on the back and a congratulations. Congratulations to everyone who found a way or ways to cope and manage during this time. Congratulations on doing what was best for you during this time and taking care of yourself the best way you knew how. Congratulations to everyone who graduated and everyone who is set to graduate this upcoming semester!
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tazmynstudies · 4 years
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Welcome Back Y’all 🧡 First week back of the last year of undergrad studies! Getting adjusted to the new norm under covid has been interesting. Campus is not as close knit (for obvious reasons) and they have limits on almost everything. Bookstore is backed up and last minute class changes have been a ride. How has everyone else been now that the first week has been completed?
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tazmynstudies · 4 years
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Hey guys, so just as a heads up, I don’t think that highlighting your already made notes is that effective unless it’s for aesthetic. However for many subjects like English classes or humanities, you are often given a bulk amount of readings and I believe that highlighting not only helps you digest the content but it also makes note taking easier afterwards. Though some people find it hard to figure out what they need to be highlighting so I’ve come up with a few ideas.
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Terms often come into play when digesting a lot of textbook readings where ideas are being explained to you and often you will want this definition to be readily available when revising too so its good to highlight these when you come across them.
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Key concepts can be really good to highlight when trying to understand scientific concepts within research articles or when reading persuasive texts as you can relate the material back to your core unit of work. Alternatively you can use concept to highlight the main idea of paragraphs or chapters to give you a quick reference of summary when studying.
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I find examples to come particularly handy in studies which are applied to everyday situations, for example a law textbook may discuss a concept and give an applicable example which I would then highlight. Or in math you may highlight an example problem to help you if you get stuck later.
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This highlighter was a godsend in my last exams, especially for history because I’d be reading so many historians and articles and when it came to writing essays it would only take me seconds to find a good reinforcing quote as I’d been highlighting them all along. Or even in English you can highlight quotes from reviews or scholars to be used to back up your argument.
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This one is mainly for English and literature studies because when analysing devices and giving examples of these it helps when they are already highlighted. It’s all about studying smarter not harder and getting things done efficiently so this step really has helped me out.
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Again another more humanities point as you often have to create a mental catalogue of people involved and the context of situations to understand the severity of moments in history. Though in science and other subjects it’s always good to know what pages are talking about what professors or scholars or historical figures.
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Finally, in many subjects you are expected to produce a mental timeline of events especially in history and it becomes confusing to pinpoint events and dates together so this step helps to take the labour out of that situation.
I hope this helps you guys out. I also like to just make a key for my highlighting that I use for a bookmark, that way I can constantly refer to it. Message me if you have any ideas or things you want me to post about.
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tazmynstudies · 4 years
Do I have anyone else going into their final year of college/uni? If so, how are y'all feeling and if you could describe your past 4 years in one word what would it be?
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tazmynstudies · 4 years
You guys do not know but I have never made the Dean’s List in my 3 years at college. I have finally done it! This is a huge accomplishment for me and I wanted to share this with you guys.! 
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tazmynstudies · 4 years
Hey There
Sooo I have obviously been gone for a while. I wanted to stop in and say that I hope everyone is being safe during this time. Please, please, please take precautions because your safety means a lot to me. I will be updating tomorrow with actual study content and update! Stay safe and see you tomorrow 🧡
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tazmynstudies · 4 years
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Sorry for the lack of posts I went through a passing in my family during my first week of classes so I couldn’t update you guys under those conditions. So here we go! ~
Change of scenery or in this case moving to my bedroom instead of my bedroom haha. I have gotten through my first week of online classes and so far it’s not that bad. I still find myself wanting to sleep in and do nothing and then I remember that I have classes. My planner has been my best friend through the beginning of this journey. Sticky Notes aren’t needed but they sure are fun to have and are a great way to cover up any mistakes that you may have made in the planner!
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tazmynstudies · 4 years
Hey I was curious if you have any tips on what to do when it feels like you're always drowning in classwork? My classes are all online except for one and it feels like every time I finish something theres always more, it's even worse with midterms in a couple of days! (Side note: I hope you enjoy Psychlogy as a field! I took a Psych AP class in HS and loved it, ended up in computer science as a major tho but I would love to return to Paych one day.) Cheers!
Oh my gosh I am so sorry this is super late! I’m still getting used to how this site works and just happened to click a button and here we are.! For me it’s easiest to set aside specific days for each class. So let’s say you have 4 online classes and 1 on campus class. Every Monday I would devote about 2-3 hours for one class where you knock out all of the small/easier assignments for all online classes, if it doesn’t have a quick or easy assignment skip to the next class. Then continue that pattern for the other days. Or something that also worked for me was picking one day (usually Tuesday because I had no obligations that day till the night) and plow through all the assignments due that week for two of my classes. Taking breaks so you don’t burnout is important!
(Side note: Taking AP Psych in HS is what led me to my major! It’s a very interesting and diverse area of study with what seems like limitless paths that you can take! I would suggest if your schedule allows it to take some as your elective classes!)
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tazmynstudies · 4 years
Hello, I wanted to know what advice would you give someone on deciding if they should take a summer class or not?
So for myself it was a matter of filling in for some credits that I missed during my usual academic year. If you plan on possibly getting ahead to lighten the credit load that you would have for the upcoming fall semester then I would consider them! However do keep in mind that most summer courses you have to pay out of pocket for so talk with your advisor! Lastly look at your current summer schedule and see if you can balance and stay motivated for the course you are thinking about taking.
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tazmynstudies · 4 years
Update 🌸
I have finished my junior year in college and I’m not sure how I feel. I’m taking two summer courses to fulfill my credit requirement for a scholarship that I have. I have thought about going to grad school for my Masters but I’m not very confident in how prepared I am for that step. On the other hand I passed all of my classes and enjoyed this academic year.! For those without summer courses enjoy your break! For those taking a course or two like myself I’ll be posting about that content when those classes start next week! Stay safe and enjoy break 🤍
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tazmynstudies · 4 years
I do this method to a degree and it is really helpful! If you don’t have extra note books for this method then using your computer and a notebook is also useful! I alternate between the two notebooks (when I have the extra) and the notebook and computer variation.!
the two-notebook method
aka: how to take nice notes and retain information!
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Keep reading
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tazmynstudies · 4 years
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Hey guys! First thing I bought a big dry erase board and I regret nothing. Class update I had an exam for my Adolescences Psychology class. Everyone ended up doing not too hot so he opened it up for a second chance. So that should tell you a little bit on how I did on the exam. Color coordination is still my fun pass time as you can see.!
Side notes:
- Self care is still important take a break from studying and homework
- Go ahead and watch that show you keep pausing on and then skipping over 
- Enjoy the small glimpse into my apartment 
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tazmynstudies · 4 years
20 Questions!
Thank you for tagging me @psych-iridescent
NAME: Tazmyn
HEIGHT: 5 ft. 9 in.
LANGUAGES SPOKEN: English and learning Sign Language
NATIONALITY: African American
FAVORITE SEASON: Fall, I love the color changes and I dress the best durig this season.
FAVORITE FLOWER: I don’t really have one. If it’s pretty then I like it!
FAVORITE SCENT: Almost every scent that Bath and Body Works carry
FAVORITE COLOR: Blue, Green, Pink
FAVORITE ANIMAL: Sloth, I’m hoping that the one at my zoo is still there this summer.
FAVORITE FICTIONAL CHARACTER: Right now between Charlie Weasley and Fred Weasley. It’ll probably change next week!
AVERAGE SLEEP HOURS: Probably around 5 or 6 hours on good nights
DOG OR CAT PERSON: DOGGOS! I’m hoping to get one as an emotional support animal.
NUMBER OF BLANKETS YOU SLEEP WITH: 1 to 2 depending on the night.
DREAM TRIP: I want to go to Ireland and then some places in England. Stay for around three days in each place and then maybe Nevada because I plan to move there for work once I complete my Masters in Psychology.
BLOG ESTABLISHED: January 20th, 2020
FOLLOWERS: 15, Thank you guys!
RANDOM FACT: I have seen the Captain American: The Winter Soldier movie over 20 times and I actually watched it again last night! I love the actor Sebastian Stan. He is underrated and finally getting the recognition he deserves.!
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tazmynstudies · 4 years
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Hey guys! So my university has moved to online classes for the rest of this school year. This has been very stressful on both the students and professores. Here is how I am "managing" these changes: - Utilizing my planner to its fulliest - Regoing over notes and emailing professors with any questions - Doing the assignments earlier in my day - Reaching out to my class groupchats for peer help *Side note: I have yet to finshing cleaning my apartment please pay no mind to the cleaning supplies and papers on the floor. I'm a stressed out college student lol
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tazmynstudies · 4 years
Hi guys! I'm so sorry for practically falling off the face of the earth. Life was hetic and I had to deal with trying to better my mental health. Thank you to all the new followers that have joined me on this journey and welcome! Side Note: All my classes have been moved to online so I'll be showing yall how I've been managing that situation.
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tazmynstudies · 4 years
Good day everyone! For the college students hang in there it almost spring break you got thi.! So let's talk a little bit about notes. We all have to take them even if your teacher provides slides you. In a previous post i mentioned my new liking pages on mac computer.I will be back tomorrow with an updated view on how the app has been working out me. Sorry being MIA, but thank you for the follows and let's continue this journey before our break.
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