tealingual · 1 month
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tealingual · 1 month
Happy birthday Essi!! お目出度う誕生日
How do you stay motivated to study, especially as a beginner, when all media you love is too advanced?
Thank you, ありがとう!😊💖
Even if the media is "too advanced" for you to understand everything, you can still get some reading or listening practice, learn a word that keeps popping up, etc. So just make the best out of it and don't beat yourself up over not understanding everything. You can also search for media that is more suitable for your level.
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tealingual · 1 month
Happy Birthday, Essi! I hope you have a great day!
Thank you! 😊💖
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tealingual · 1 month
Happy birthday Essi! 🎂
Thank you! 😊💖
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tealingual · 1 month
Alles Gute zum Geburtstag, Essi! 🥳💜
Danke! 😊💖
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tealingual · 2 months
It’s my birthday! If you want, you can celebrate with me by donating to
Palestine Red Crescent Society
Palestine Children’s Relief Fund
Middle East Children’s Alliance
Defence for Children Palestine
Medical Aid for Palestinians
World Food Programme
Or some other Gaza emergency fund. Thank you! ❤️
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tealingual · 2 months
Comeback & re-introduction
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Hi! I disappeared around October last year, but I'm back now and thought I should re-introduce myself!
My name is Essi, I'm from Finland and I'm turning 29 (on March 6th). I'm a university student and I major in German language & culture and minor in communications and Japanese language & culture. My native language is Finnish and my target languages are English, Japanese, Swedish, German and Arabic. I'm also interested in linguistics, especially historical linguistics, sociolinguistics, psycholinguistics, language revitalization and (second-)language acquisition. Nice to meet you!
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tealingual · 2 months
People in Arabic
إِنْسَان [ʔinsān] - human (plural: أَنَاسِيّ) بَشَر [bašar] - humans, people (plural: بَشَر or أَبْشَار‎) رَجُل [rajul] - man (plural: رِجَال) اِمْرَأَة [imraʔa] - woman (plural: نِسَاء) طِفْل [ṭifl] - child (plural: أَطْفَال‎) رَضِيع [raḍīʕ] - baby (plural: رَضَائِع‎) وَلَد [walad] - boy (plural: أَوْلَاد‎) بِنْت [bint] - girl (plural: بَنَات‎)
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tealingual · 5 months
2700 books on Israel & Palestine (13GB) are available for free here: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/18u9KYo3MvRpyI0SDqD2AzseTvuSn3S8T
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tealingual · 5 months
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tealingual · 5 months
Israel Genocide in Gaza vocabulary in Finnish
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Israel - Israel Israelilainen - Israeli Palestiina - Palestine Palestiinalainen - Palestinian Gazan kaista - Gaza Strip Hamas - Hamas Vastarintaliike - resistance movement Terroristijärjestö - terrorist organization Israelin puolustusvoimat - IDF Asevoimat, armeija - military, army Sotilas - soldier Komentaja, päällikkö, johtaja - commander Sionismi - Zionism Sionisti - Zionist Radikaali juutalaisuus, äärijuutalaisuus - radical Jewishness, Jewish extremism Juutalainen ylivalta - Jewish supremacy Rasismi - racism Syrjintä - discrimination Rotusyrjintä - racial discrimination Palestiinalaisvastaisuus - Anti-Palestinianism Arabivastaisuus - Anti-Arabism Arabophobia - arabophobia Islamophobia - islamophobia Sulku, saarto - blockage Kollektiivinen rangaistus - collective punishment Pakkosiirto - forced transfer Kolonialismi - colonialism Apartheid - apartheid Etninen puhdistus - ethnic cleansing Kansanmurha - genocide Väkivalta - violence Verilöyly - massacre Hyökkäys - attack Maahyökkäys - ground attack Tankki, panssarivaunu - tank Ilmaisku - airstrike Taistelukone - combat aircraft Hävittäjä - fighter plane, destroyer Räjähde - explosive Raketti - rocket Ohjus - missile Pommi - bomb Atomipommi - atomic bomb Valkoinen fosfori - white phosphorus Tulitauko - ceasefire Kohde - target Sairaala - hospital Ambulanssi - ambulance Koulu - school Pakolaisleiri - refugee camp Moskeija - mosque Kirkko - church Kauppa - store Leipomo - bakery Hautausmaa - cematary Asuinrakennus - residential building Aurinkopaneeli - solar panel Avustuskuljetus - aid delivery Humanitaarinen käytävä - humanitarian corridor Evakuointikäytävä - evacuation corridor Rajanylityspaikka - border crossing Aseistautumaton - unarmed Siviili - civilian Uhri - victim Pakolainen - refugee Panttivanki - hostage Loukkaantunut - injured Kadonnut - missing Ruoka - food Vesi - water Polttoaine - fuel Sähkö - electricity Internet - internet Tietoliikenne - telecommunications Raunio, kivimurska - rubble Pöly - dust Kaasu - gas Ulosteet - excrements, feces, waste Mädäntynyt - rotten Ruumis - corpse, dead body Veri - blood Haju - smell, stink, odor Kärpänen - fly Melu - noise Tauti, sairaus - disease, illness Nälkä - hunger Jano - thirst Unettomuus - lack of sleep, sleeplessness, insomnia Turvattomuus - lack of safety, insecurity Pelko - fear Menetys - loss Trauma - trauma Rikos - crime Ihmisoikeusrikkomus - human rights violation Kansainvälisen oikeuden vastainen rikos - violation of international law Rikos ihmisyyttä vastaan - crime against humanity Sotarikos - war crime Propaganda - propaganda Vale - lie Tekosyy - excuse Vastuu - responsibility Syy - blame; reason Hyökätä - to attack Kostaa - to revenge, to avenge, to retaliate Ampua - to shoot Pommittaa - to bomb Iskeä - to strike Tuhota - to destroy, to demolish Vaurioittaa - to damage Rikkoa - to break; to violate Tappaa - to kill Murhata - to murder Teurastaa - to slaughter Haavoittaa - to injure Estää - to block Katkaista - to cut
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tealingual · 6 months
Crimes of Israel vocabulary in Finnish
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Based on these articles and documents by Amnesty International: 1, 2, 3, 4 Israel - Israel Israelilainen - Israeli Sionismi - Zionism Siirtokunta - colony, settlement Palestiina - Palestine Palestiinalainen - Palestinian Rikos - crime Ihmisoikeusrikkomus - human rights violation Rikos ihmisyyttä vastaan - crime against humanity Sotarikos - war crime Apartheid - apartheid Kolonialismi - colonialism Kansanmurha - genocide Etninen puhdistus - ethnic cleansing Väkivalta - violence Saarto - blockage Kollektiivinen rangaistus - collective punishment Ratsia - raid Pakkosiirto - forced transfer Pakkohäätö - forced eviction Pidätys ilman syytteitä tai oikeudenkäyntiä - detention without charge or trial Liikkumisvapaus - freedom of movement Oikeus palata - right of return Rasismi - racism Rotusyrjintä - racial discrimination Syrjintä - discrimination Arabofobia - arabophobia Islamofobia - islamophobia Laiton - illegal, unlawful Epäinhimillinen - inhuman, inhumane -vastainen - against… Alistaa, sortaa - to oppress Kontrolloida - to control Eristää - to segregate; to isolate Erotella - to segregate; to separate Rajoittaa - to restrict Vainota - to persecute Hyökätä - to attack Pidättää - to arrest Häätää - to evict Miehittää - to occupy, to take possession of Pakkolunastaa - to expropriate Hajottaa - to fragment Ryöstää - to rob; to loot Varastaa - to steal Liittää - to annex Ampua - to shoot Pommittaa - to bomb Rikkoa - to break Tuhota - to destroy, to demolish Vaurioittaa - to damage Tappaa - to kill Teloittaa - to execute Haavoittaa - to injure Kiduttaa - to torture Pahoinpidellä - to assault; to mistreat Hakata - to beat (up) Riistää - to deprive; to exploit Kieltää - to forbid; to deny Hiljentää - to silence Valehdella - to lie Peitellä - to hide; to conceal Uhata, uhkailla - to threaten Juutalaistaa - to Judaize
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tealingual · 7 months
Japanese vocabulary
返却 [へんきゃく] - return of something; repayment 配達 [はいたつ] - delivery 残酷 [ざんこく] - cruel, brutal, ruthless, merciless, inhuman 腐女子 [ふじょし] - woman who likes comics depicting male homosexual love​ 世間体 [せけんてい] - appearance (in the eyes of society), decency 体感温度 [たいかんおんど] - apparent temperature, "feels like" temperature 出張 [しゅっちょう] - business trip, official trip 援助交際, 援交 [えんじょこうさい, えんこう] - paid dating (esp. with an underage girl; oft. involving selling of sex), compensated dating 硫黄 [いおう] - sulfur (S) 砕く [くだく] - to break (into pieces), to smash, to crush, to shatter, to grind (into powder), to pound 社交的な [しゃこうてきな] - sociable 独酌 [どくしゃく] - drinking alone, solitary drinking 平等 [びょうどう] - equality, impartiality, evenness 企業 [きぎょう] - enterprise, business, company, corporation 否めない [いなめない] - cannot deny, undeniable, incontrovertible 祭日 [さいじつ] - national holiday, festival day
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tealingual · 8 months
Random Japanese vocabulary
余計なお世話 [よけいなおせわ] -  it’s none of your business, it’s not your concern 心外 [しんがい]  -  regrettable, vexing, upsetting​; unthinkable, wholly unexpected 苦しゅうない [くるしゅうない] - no problem, it doesn’t matter   気さく [きさく] -  friendly, openhearted, sociable, amiable, good-humored 折半 [せっぱん] -  halving, splitting evenly, sharing equally 半島 [はんとう] - peninsula チャラい -  flashy, gaudy, wrapped in cheap flattery​ ちょろい - easy, simple;  simple (way of thinking, etc.), simple-minded, obvious (trick) 純粋 [じゅんすい] -  pure, true, genuine, unmixed 洗脳 [せんのう] - brainwashing 急務 [きゅうむ] - urgent business, pressing need, imperative 語る [かたる] -  to talk about, to speak of, to tell ふろりだ - got to go, taking a bath (slang) あげみざわ - feeling elated, being excited (slang) マジ卍 [まじまんじ] -  wow, kewl, awes; really?, are you kidding me?​ (slang)
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tealingual · 8 months
Orpo Cabinet vocabulary in Finnish
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Orpon hallitus - Orpo cabinet Hallitus - government, cabinet Kansallinen Kokoomus - National Coalition Party Perussuomalaiset - Finns Party Ruotsalainen kansanpuolue - Swedish People's Party of Finland Kristillisdemokraatit - Christian Democrats Enemmistöhallitus - majority government Hallitusohjelma - government programme "Vahva ja välittävä Suomi" - "A strong and committed Finland" Leikkaus - cut Äärioikeisto - far right, extreme right Rasisti - racist Fasisti - fascist Neonatsi, uusnatsi - neo-nazi Etnonationalisti - ethnonationalist Valkoinen ylivalta - white supremacy Salaliittoteoria - conspiracy theory Väestönvaihto - great replacement Groomaaja - groomer Rasismi - racism Syrjintä - discrimination Ksenofobia - xenophobia Antisemitismi - antisemitism Islamofobia - islamophobia Afrofobia - afrophobia Homofobia - homophobia Transfobia - transphobia Seksismi - sexism Kiihottaminen kansanryhmää vastaan - incitement to hatred Vihapuhe - hate speech Häirintä - harrasment Maalittaminen, maalitus - shaming online, cancelling, provoking outrage towards a certain person or entity Väkivalta - violence Ilmasto(nmuutos)denialismi, ilmastonmuutoksen kieltäminen - climate change denial, global warming denial Vitsi, huumori - joke, humour Sananvapaus - freedom of speech Kaksoisviestintä - doublespeak Propaganda - propaganda Nollatoleranssi - zero tolerance Epäluottamuslause - vote of no confidence Mielenosoitus - demonstration, protest Leikata - to cut Rajoittaa - to restrict, to limit Kiristää -  to tighten, to make more strict or stringent Heikentää - to weaken, to deteriorate Pettää - to betray Valehdella - to lie Leimata - to stigmatize, to taint (a person's reputation) Maalittaa - to shame online, to cancel, to target a person for shaming due to opinions, actions, etc., and urge other people to shame them as well Hyökätä - to attack Hyväkysyä - to accept, to agree with Normalisoida - to normalize
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tealingual · 9 months
German vocabulary
Vocabulary taken from these articles: Finnland rückt weiter nach rechts,  Brandstifter in der Regierung, Rechter Minister bleibt, "Gelinde gesagt, sehr peinlich",  "Wenn man mir eine Waffe geben würde", Erneut Hetztexte der Finanzministerin aufgetaucht Die Habachtstellung - attention Die Staatsverschuldung - national debt, government debt Die Sozialleistung - social security benefit Die Aufenthaltserlaubnis - residence permit Die Volksverhetzung - incitement to hatred Die Abtreibung - abortion Die Neigung - inclination Die Verschwörung - conspiracy  Der Einschnitt - cut, financial cut, cutback  Der Wohngeldzuschuss - allowance for rent  Der Hetzer - agitator, instigator, rabble rouser Der Brandstifter - arsonist Der Bettler - beggar Der Bevölkerungsaustausch - population exchange Das Arbeitslosengeld - unemployment benefit  Das Misstrauensvotum - vote of no confidence  Verdreifachen - to triple Erwirtschaften - to earn; to generate (a profit) Abschaffen - to abolish, to annul, to discontinue, to get rid of Vertreten - to represent Munkeln - to rumor  Verschärfen - to tighten Einbürgern - to naturalize  Ausrauben - to rob, to steal  Gewaltverherrlichend - glorifying violence, advocating violence
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tealingual · 10 months
連立政権 [れんりつせいけん] - coalition government 発足 [ほっそく] - starting, launch, founding, establishment, start-up, inauguration 厳格な [げんかくな] - strict, severe, stern, rigid, tough 移民政策 [いみんせいさく] - immigration policy 政策 [せいさく] - policy, political measures 規制強化 [きせいきょうか] - tightening of regulations 規制 [きせい] - regulation, policing, control, restriction 右派 [うは] - right wing 政党 [せいとう] - political party 制限 [せいげん] - restriction, restraint, limitation, limit 気候変動 [きこうへんどう] - climate change 対策 [たいさく] - measure, step, countermeasure, strategy, preparation 懐疑 [かいぎ] - skepticism, doubt, disbelief
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