teen-cups-au Ā· 4 days
Teen Cups - Plot Notes Part 9
Beginning of the comicĀ |Ā Previous | Next (TBA)
Cuphead is playing poker at the casino. He seems down.
The Devil: Whatā€™s wrong?
Cuphead: I better not think about it, I wanna stay focusedā€¦
The Devil: How about we take a break then?
Theyā€™re sitting at the bar. Henchman flies to give them a drink.
Henchman: Here you go!
Cuphead: Thanks dude.
Henchman: Youā€™re welcome! Is something wrong? You look awful.
Cuphead: Wellā€¦
The Devil: Let us be Henchman! You got work to do!
He brings his attention back to Cuphead.
The Devil: Soā€¦ Whatā€™s on your mind?
Cuphead: My brotherā€¦ Heā€™s getting worseā€¦ For some time now, he barely has the time to heal, and heā€™s getting sick again. And weā€¦
He pinches his lips as a tear rolls on his cheek. The Devil pats his shoulder.
The Devil: Take your time, boy.
Cuphead takes a sip of his drink.
Cuphead: We saw in the news that most patients are getting sick more and more often, and they can end up being sick all the timeā€¦ Iā€™m pretty sure itā€™s whatā€™s happening to him!
The Devil: Yeahā€¦ Must be hard seeing him suffering non-stop, huh?
Cuphead: I try to stay calm in front of him every time he has difficulties to breatheā€¦ But even when I manage, deep down Iā€™m freaking outā€¦ Just hearing him cough makes me panicā€¦ And he doesnā€™t have any break currentlyā€¦ Iā€™m so scared that something happensā€¦ I feel guilty for being here and risk that something happens to him while Iā€™m not there-
The Devil: Hey, hey nowā€¦ Itā€™s totally normal that you take a break sometimes. You need to take care of yourself if you wanna take care of him.
Cuphead: But he needs more support than I do!
Cuphead: Like what?
The Devil: *sigh*
Yanno, if itā€™s that bad, Iā€™d be happy to do something.
The Devil: Anything. My powers are endless. I can simply heal him.
Cuphead: Really?!
The Devil: Not for free tho, thatā€™s the rule. But it wonā€™t be hard for you to make up for it.
Cuphead: Iā€™ll do anything! Tell me!
The Devil: Play poker. Win, and Iā€™ll heal your brother. And since youā€™re my favorite customer- Heck, youā€™re a great friend of mine! Iā€™ll also help you be in ideal shape again. Burn all that fat thatā€™s ruining your charm for so long!
The Devil: Itā€™ll just be money, as usual.
Cuphead: Youā€¦
You are the best! Butā€¦ What if I lose?
Cuphead: Deal!
The Devil: Great. You just need to sign this contract.
The Devil makes a contract appear, as well as a pen. Cuphead grabs it and signs it.
The Devil: Alright. Once youā€™ll feel better, let me know and weā€™ll start-
Cuphead: Now!
Cuphead gets up.
Cuphead is holding cards of an 8 and 9 of heart. He looks at the table showing cards of a 10, J and Q of heart, and two other 10. Heā€™s keeping a neutral face.
Cuphead: *thinking* A straight flushā€¦ Thereā€™s no way anyone can beat me.
The readers can see his eyes through the glasses. They raise, as he checks on the Devil, whoā€™s rubbing his cards with his thumb.
Cuphead: *thinking* Heā€™s nervous. Heā€™s doomed! I canā€™t believe itā€¦ Mugā€¦ Youā€™ll be fine!
He puts new chips in the middle of the table.
Cuphead: I raise.
The Devil: Hmmā€¦ I follow.
He places his own chips.
Cuphead: *thinking* Alright, he probably has four of a kind. All your struggles are over, Mugman!
He puts his cards on the table happily.
Cuphead: Okay, I got a straight flush! Thank you so much for your help budā€™! You can heal Mug right now, right?!
He gets up, leaning on the table, all excited. Chauncey lifts an eyebrow.
Chauncey Chantenay: Huh?
The Devil grins.
The Devil: Actually, I thank you!
He shows his own cards, revealing a royal flush. Cupheadā€™s smile instantly disappears. He sits back down.
Cuphead: What the fuckā€¦ Itā€™s so rare, almost impossible!
The Devil: Almost, exactly. Too bad, you were so close, my friend! But fate decided that you and your brother now owe me your souls.
Cuphead changes colors (bad ending colors). He frowns in total confusion.
Cuphead: WHAT?!
The Devil chuckles.
The Devil: You really should read before signing anything, Cuphead! Oh! And did I mention the bonus clause?
Cuphead: Whatā€¦ clauseā€¦?
The Devil: Your dear brother just got promoted to permanent illness. Until I get his soul after he passes away.
Cuphead: Youā€¦ YOU LIED!!!
The Devil: Ya should have known better by dealing with me.
Cuphead: Mugman doesnā€™t even know about it, itā€™s so unfair!
The Devil: Again, Iā€™m the Devil. What did you expect? However! You can free at least your brother from going to Hell when heā€™ll pass away by working for me your whole life long and in your afterlife. Or you can just sacrifice yourself to free your brother as soon as you do.
Cuphead: Whaā€¦ How can I be sure youā€™re not lying again?!
The Devil shrugs.
The Devil: Youā€™re free to take the risk.
Cuphead stares at him in shock. He sighs.
Cuphead: Okayā€¦ Iā€™ll work for youā€¦
The Devil: Also, if I ever see you try to destroy the contract, Iā€™ll kill you right away, and Mugmanā€™s soul will be mine, whatever the circumstances.
Cuphead leaves the Casino. Chauncey Chantenay follows him to comfort him.
Chauncey Chantenay: Cuphead, wait!
Cuphead: Why did this happenā€¦Ā ?
Chauncey Chantenay: It happens...
Cuphead: But I thought I was smart enough to not get tricked like thatĀ !
Chauncey Chantenay: Remember what I told you. Mentalism isnā€™t 100Ā % accurate. It CAN help, but people arenā€™t robots programmed so that everyone always acts the same as we expect.
Cuphead: Iā€™m way too naiveā€¦ I canā€™t believe- Iā€¦ Iā€™m actually trashĀ ! I thought I finally found something I nail in life, and I failed at that tooĀ !
Chauncey Chantenay: Donā€™t blame yourself. The Devil exists for way longer than us, heā€™s got a huge experience. Itā€™s no wonder he tricks even the best ones.
Cuphead: What will happen nowā€¦Ā ?
Chauncey Chantenay: I donā€™t knowā€¦ If you need anything, Iā€™m here, alrightĀ ? I owe you my support at least.
Cuphead: What do you meanĀ ?
Chauncey Chantenay: Well Iā€¦ I kinda encouraged you to play, by teaching you brain tricks.
Cuphead: Youā€™re not the one who sold your broā€™s soul to the Devil.
Chauncey Chantenay: Cuphead, youā€™re still too young to-
He walks faster to go home alone.
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teen-cups-au Ā· 5 days
Do you guys have any memories with your friends as kids?
Doudy (mod): Sharing the ask replies ideas I had before finishing working on this AU!
Had several ideas for this one (2 of them are based on true stories):
Sammy proudly eats snow at the school playground.
Sam: What if a cat peed in it or something?
Sammy looks regretful and spits it out. Cuphead, Mugman and Samuel laugh.
Mugman: Let's play pirates!
Cala Maria: Okay! I'll kiss every boy who will be my prisoner!
Cuphead: Let's not play pirates!
Cuphead and Chalice are walking back home from school.
Cuphead: Hey, you know that song? *starts singing* Ooooooh, you touch my tralala!
Chalice: Oh yeah! It's such a bang! *starts singing* Hmmm! My ding ding dong!!
Both: *singing* Ooooooh, you touch my tralala!
Adults around: *look at them, shocked*
4th (looooore)
Mugman: Being into memories, I realize that I don't remember how we met Puphead... I think it was at school for all the others, but him?!
Cuphead: You were probably too young. It was some time after our parents disappeared. Gramps brought us to the carnival to help us think of something else. You were in the stroller and I was just holding it while we were walking, so I ran away when we were passing by a tent with a pic of Djimmy.
[Flashback starts.]
Cuphead: A genie! Grandpa, there's a genie in there! He can make wish come true! *starts running away*
Elder Kettle: Cuphead, wait!
Cuphead: *enters the tent* Genie! Hey genie!
Djimmy: Oh? Yes, my boy?
Cuphead: I have a wish for you! I need you to bring my parents back!
Elder Kettle: *arrives with Mugman* I'm sorry, he ran away from me.
Djimmy: Oh, no worries! He had a very special request, but unfortunately... *crouches before Cuphead and places a hand on his elbow* I'm really sorry, kid. I don't think that's possible...
Cuphead: Why?!
Djimmy: Even genies have rules. I can't bring people back to life.
Cuphead: Why...?
Djimmy: It could have... other consequences.
Cuphead: What's conse... queens? I don't care! I want my parents! *starts sobbing*
Mugman: *starts crying too*
Elder Kettle: Oh gee, boys... Don't cry... *takes Mugman in his arms*
Djimmy: You must feel lonely, huh? I'm sorry about that. But, there is something I can do for you!
Elder Kettle: Oh, you really don't have to.
Djimmy: It's fine! Listen, kids. How about I make you a new friend?
Cuphead: Yes!!!
Djimmy: Here we go... *lifts his hands, aiming at an empty spot on the table, magic coming out of them*
Puphead: *appears on the table, inanimate*
Cuphead: Wow! He looks like us!
Djimmy: You like him?
Cuphead: Yes! *stares at him* Why isn't he moving?
Djimmy: Right. *takes the cross brace to make Puphead lift his hand to greet Cuphead and takes a different voice to make him speak* Hello! I'm Puphead! Nice to meet you!
Cuphead: But I wanted a REAL friend!
Elder Kettle: Cuphead!
Djimmy: It's fine! I can actually give him life.
Elder Kettle: Oh, you really don't have to!
Djimmy: I always wanted a child anyway and never managed, because... You know. But there is another way, I was thinking about it for a while. Maybe now's the moment. The war is over, so why not?
Elder Kettle: Oh, alright then.
Djimmy: *does his magic on the Puphead again*
Puphead: *closes eyes and opens them again, transforming from simple black dots to normal eyes* *looks up*
Djimmy: Hey lil' guy! Howzit going? I'm... I guess I'm your father. I'm a father now...
Elder Kettle: Are you sure it's okay?
Djimmy: Yes, really!
Cuphead: Hey! I'm Cuphead! You wanna play?
Puphead: *stares at him and moves his mouth to mimick him* ... *looks at his father, confused*
Cuphead: He can't talk?!
Djimmy: I guess my powers have their limits. After all, I'm not as powerful as... uh, well...
Elder Kettle: Our creator?
Djimmy: Yes. Our creator.
Cuphead: Who's our creator?
Djimmy: Uhmm, you'll probably learn about it at school. They'll explain better than me! Well, I guess I'll have to learn sign language. Oh boy... Learning to be a father AND a new language all of a sudden...
Elder Kettle: You can always come to me if you need any help! After all, I owe you that at least.
Djimmy: How so?
Elder Kettle: You did that for my boys.
Djimmy: How many times will I have to tell you that it makes me happy? You don't owe me anything! But I appreciate it. I might actually need it. And we'll probably get to see each other often, now that we made a new group of friends, right? How does that sound, Puphead?
Puphead: *nods*
Djimmy: Haha, good thing you can nod. At least, I can start by asking you yes or no questions.
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teen-cups-au Ā· 6 days
Hey so uhmm cupbros ever tried a gachapon(gacha machine) before and did you get anything good out of it (also Doudy how would you rate your gacha experince if you had one on a scale of 1-10)
Doudy (mod): Sharing the ask replies ideas I had before finishing working on this AU!
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Doudy (mod): Other idea I had:
Mugman is stuck inside a gachapon, crying. Baroness von Bonbon is horrified, yelling at an awkward Cuphead.
Baroness von Bonbon: HOW DID YOU DO THAT?!
Doudy (mod): As for me, I hadn't many, I used one maybe 3 times. And I'd say 9, because I probably didn't always get what I wanted when it was for a toy. There was once with candy that I really liked back then, it's a nice memory with my Mom! Today I check them sometimes to see if there's anything interesting XD
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teen-cups-au Ā· 8 days
Teen Cups Asks Archives - Casino Cups Crossover Part 5
Doudy (mod): Sharing the ask replies ideas I had before finishing working on this AU!
BeginningĀ |Ā Previous
The CC!cups ask to see the casino from TC. TC!Mugman leaves.
At the casino, TC!Devil and TC!King Dice look intrigued. TC!Cuphead shows the CC!cups with his arms, tada style, excited.
The CC!cups stare at TC!Devil and TC!King Dice.
TC!Devil tenses.
CC!Mugman asks TC!King Dice if he can shuffle the cards. He attempts it and fails.
TC!King Dice: You're fired.
CC!Mugman looks down.
TC!Mugman introduces the CC!cups to his friends.
TC!Mugman: So they're basically alternate versions of Cuphead and I.
Cala Maria suddenly goes to them and touches CC!Cuphead, who's very uncomfortable.
TC!Cala Maria: Why hello theeeeeere! ~ You look sooooo fine!
She then kisses CC!Mugman who blushes.
TC!Cala Maria: And adorable!
CC!Cuphead talks to TC!Mugman while CC!Mugman loses his mind in the background, making flustered noises or something.
CC!Cuphead: The fuck is that creep?!
TC!Mugman looks not impressed, shrugging with a U_U face.
TC!Mugman: Meet our Cala Maria.
CC!Cuphead looks at Samuel being shy. He goes to him.
CC!Cuphead: You look so much like Daisy!
Sammy looks offended next to Sam.
Sammy: And we don't?!
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teen-cups-au Ā· 10 days
Teen Cups Asks Archives - Casino Cups Crossover Part 4
Doudy (mod): Sharing the ask replies ideas I had before finishing working on this AU!
BeginningĀ |Ā PreviousĀ |Ā Next
CC!King Dice is holding TC!Cuphead.
CC!King Dice: I found this on the floor.
TC!Cuphead: It's okay, it happensā€¦
CC!Cuphead looks concerned at him.
CC!Cuphead: *thinking* I figured something was physically wrong with him, but didn't dare pointing it outā€¦
They're all together. The CCs look at the TCs, kinda confused.
TC!Mugman: Before we leave, we got questions. Why are your heads floating?
The CCs look at each other, still confused.
TC!Cuphead: And is it eye shadow that you have?
The TCs are going out.
TC!Cuphead: Let's go back tomorrow!
TC!Mugman: Let's invite them in our world! I don't like casinos!
CC!Mugman is cleaning the table.
CC!Mugman: Huh, is glass is still full.
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teen-cups-au Ā· 11 days
Teen Cups - Plot Notes Part 8
Beginning of the comicĀ |Ā Previous | Next
Some time later, Cuphead is walking downstairs. He reaches the front door thatā€™s open and stops before going out, hearing Mugman coughing outside and Elder Kettle talking to him while theyā€™re gardening.
Elder Kettle: Are you sure that youā€™re healedĀ ? Youā€™re still coughing a lotā€¦
Cuphead leans against the wall to listen.
Mugman: Well I feel fine other than feeling tired and the cough-*cough*
Elder Kettle: You should go see the doctor. Maybe youā€™re getting worseā€¦ Better be safe than sorry.
Cuphead looks down. He takes a deep breath and finally goes out, as if he didnā€™t hear anything. He walks beside them.
Cuphead: Iā€™m going, see ya.
Elder Kettle: Donā€™t come back home too lateĀ !
Cuphead: Yeah, yeah, weā€™ll see.
Elder Kettle: CupheadĀ !
Cuphead: Alright, alright, I willĀ !
He walks away. Elder Kettle wants to add something to make him stop being cheeky, but he sees Mugman, still gardening, who seems to be upset. He then decides to shut up and just sighs.
A few steps further, tears roll down Cupheadā€™s cheeks.
Cuphead: I better not meet anyone on my way. *sniffs*
He sees the Deadly Daisies further, walking to his direction.
Cuphead: Ugh, greatā€¦
He hurries to wipe his tears.
Sam: Hello CupheadĀ !
Sammy: Sā€™upĀ !
Samuel is smiling at him.
Cuphead: Hey.
He continues his way. Sammyā€™s kinda frustrated that he doesnā€™t seem to care about them.
Sammy: Hey waitĀ ! How you doingĀ ?!
Cuphead turns back to them.
Cuphead: LEAVE ME ALONEĀ !!!
He leaves.
Sammy: WhatĀ ?! Hey, donā€™t-!
Sam places a hand on his shoulder to stop him.
Sammy: Dammit Sam, lemme tell him what I thinkĀ !
Sam: Sammy, I think heā€™s crying.
Sammyā€™s eyes widen.
Sam: He needs to be alone right now.
Back at home, Mugman is struggling to plow. Heā€™s sweating, panting and wheezing. He stops to cough a bit, then continues. Elder Kettle looks at him worryingly.
Elder Kettle: Mugman, maybe you should take a breakā€¦
Mugman: *wheeze* Itā€™s okay, I- *wheeze* I got thisā€¦ *wheeze*
He coughs more.
Elder Kettle: Mugman, STOP.
Mugman obeys, frustrated. He sits down, trying to catch up his breath.
Mugman: DangitĀ ! *wheeze* Soon I wonā€™t even be able- *wheeze* -to do anythingĀ ! *wheeze*
The triplets get there.
Sam: Iā€™m sorry, do we arrive at a bad momentĀ ?
Elder Kettle: Oh, Iā€™m sorry, boys.
Mugman coughs.
Sam: Still not doing any betterĀ ?
Mugman: I canā€™t even- *wheeze* -plow without losing my breath anymoreĀ ! *wheeze* Itā€™s supposed to be easy- *wheeze* Itā€™s so frustratingā€¦
Sam: Maybe we can helpĀ ?
Sam is then plowing. Sammy is carrying a bag of loam with a heroic pose to show his strength. Samuel is bringing one as well, but pulling it on the floor, struggling. Mugman is still sitting, legs crossed, resting his pouching head on his hands.
Mugman: This is so awkward, being here just watching you do my workā€¦
Sam: Donā€™t worry about itĀ !
Samuel lets the bag go as he reaches the spot, catching up his breath. Mugman looks at him.
Mugman: Hey, donā€™t pretend to be tired to make me feel betterĀ !
Samuel: Ah- I swear I really amĀ ! Iā€¦ I just have zero endurance, so... efforts like this make me dizzy, I swearĀ !
Mugmanā€™s face softens. He sighs. He looks down sadly.
Mugman: Oh, Iā€™m sorry Samuel...
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teen-cups-au Ā· 12 days
NAH ACTUALLY ASKS OPEN FOR CHARACTERS TOO! I'll just keep the replies simple and written!
Doudy (mod): Hey! New part of the plot notes coming tomorrow! āœØ
Also fyi, I re-opened the ask box. Not for the characters, but to talk about the plot that I'm still sharing if you wanna react or something ^^ It's in a different form, but it's still fun to interact with you guys šŸ’™
7 notes Ā· View notes
teen-cups-au Ā· 12 days
Doudy (mod): Hey! New part of the plot notes coming tomorrow! āœØ
Also fyi, I re-opened the ask box. Not for the characters, but to talk about the plot that I'm still sharing if you wanna react or something ^^ It's in a different form, but it's still fun to interact with you guys šŸ’™
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teen-cups-au Ā· 1 month
Teen Cups - Plot Notes Part 7
Beginning of the comicĀ |Ā Previous | Next
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9 notes Ā· View notes
teen-cups-au Ā· 1 month
Teen Cups - Plot Notes Part 6
Beginning of the comicĀ |Ā Previous | Next
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9 notes Ā· View notes
teen-cups-au Ā· 2 months
Teen Cups - Plot Notes Part 5
Beginning of the comicĀ |Ā Previous | Next
Doudy (mod): Btw, the character with Cuphead in the previous post (who satisfied her physiological needs) was Baroness von Bonbon. Forgot to specify, as she's not really recognizable.
Basically had the idea to make her not really a Baroness, but just someone like her friends, and her family having a candy factory, and they call themselves stuff like that for marketing or something, didn't develop further. Anyway, she doesn't have her hat here to be more comfy for camping, she's even in t-shirt.
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16 notes Ā· View notes
teen-cups-au Ā· 2 months
Teen Cups - Plot Notes Part 4
Beginning of the comicĀ |Ā Previous | Next
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8 notes Ā· View notes
teen-cups-au Ā· 2 months
Teen Cups - Plot Notes Part 3
Beginning of the comicĀ |Ā Previous | Next (TBA)
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14 notes Ā· View notes
teen-cups-au Ā· 2 months
Teen Cups - Plot Notes Part 2
Beginning of the comicĀ |Ā Previous | Next
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19 notes Ā· View notes
teen-cups-au Ā· 2 months
Teen Cups - Plot Notes Part 1
Doudy (mod): 7 parts are ready so far. For now, they'll be posted weekly!
Beginning of the comicĀ |Ā Previous | Next
Cuphead walks further away with his bag [I would have corrected the sketch in the last page WIP, since I drew him letting it with the others. Youā€™ll know why in a bit.], where he and Chalice were at night in the flashback a few pages ago. Mugman and Puphead join him to check on him.
Mugman: CupheadĀ ?
Cuphead: I wanna be alone.
Puphead pokes him.
Cuphead: Ughā€¦ WhatĀ ?!
Puphead: *signing* Weā€™re all happy to get to spend time with you again.
Mugman: They could have done better, true. But you should still enjoy the momentĀ !
Cuphead: Leave me alone...
Puphead follows Mugman as he walks away, mumblingĀ :
Mugman: At least, heā€™s taking fresh airā€¦
Cuphead hears him and rolls his eyes while getting a cigarette.
Cuphead sits down at the edge of the water and stares at the sea. The night falls, and heā€™s now writing in a notebook, his bag open, as he got it from it. The moon is surrounded by a few clouds. He then gets up to join the others again. Theyā€™re all around a campfire.
Sammy: AhaĀ ! Look who decided to come back~
Cuphead: Sammy, you say one more word and I leave.
Sammy: Geesh, can you stop being a jerkĀ ?!
Baroness von Bonbon: Cut it, you twoĀ ! Want a marshmallow, CupheadĀ ?
Cuphead: No thanks.
He walks to his tent.
Baroness von Bonbon: OkayĀ ! But stay here at leastĀ !
Cuphead: Am I allowed to put my stuff in my tent, or whatĀ ?!
Baroness von Bonbon: Yes. As well as having mannersĀ !
Cala Maria: Is it me, or everyone is in a bad mood since he arrivedĀ ?
Mugman looks down next to her, tightening his legs while sitting. He starts coughing. The coughing worsens, making Cuphead hurry out of his tent. Samuel, whoā€™s sitting on Mugmanā€™s other side, puts a worried hand on his shoulder.
Samuel: Mug? Are you okay?
Cuphead reappears and crouches beside him.
Cuphead: MugĀ ?
Mugman gets up and walks a bit further to isolate himself, as the fit is getting worse, Cala commenting in the backgroundĀ :
Cala Maria: Man, his cough is so nastyā€¦
Baroness von Bonbon: Poor Mugā€¦
Cuphead gets up again to follow him.
Sammy: I thought he wasnā€™t sick anymoreĀ ?
Cuphead: Do you have your inhalerĀ ?
Mugman nods and gets it from his pocket. Cuphead takes it and shakes it for him.
Cuphead: I knew it was a bad idea to comeĀ !
Mugman frowns.
Mugman: Shushā€¦
He inhales the medicine, Baroness von Bonbon yelling from out of the panelĀ :
Baroness von Bonbon: Is he okayĀ ?!
Mugman retains his breath with a done face.
Baroness von Bonbon: Dammit, whatā€™s wrong with youĀ ?! We barely see you anymore, and when we do, itā€™s to be yelled at non stopĀ ! Youā€™re ruining our nightĀ !
Cala Maria: No wonder. He always goes to the casino. He canā€™t be surrounded by respectable people.
Mugman is catching up his breath, wheezing.
Cuphead: Mug, letā€™s just go homeĀ ! Youā€™re not well anyway.
Mugman: NoĀ ! Iā€™ll be *cough* fineā€¦ *wheeze* I wonā€™t let it prevent me from having funĀ ! *wheeze*
Cuphead: Iā€™m clearly not welcome anyway.
Mugman: Of course you areĀ ! *wheeze* Just try toā€¦ Just enjoy, okayĀ ? Puphead brought- *cough* *cough* -cards to play. *wheeze* Maybe you can teach us poker or somethingĀ ?
Cuphead: You wonā€™t go back home, are youĀ ?
Mugman: No.
Cuphead sighs.
Cuphead: Fine.
They come back.
Baroness von Bonbon: You chill nowĀ ?!
Cuphead stays silent, looking at her scornfully. He then asks PupheadĀ :
Cuphead: Hey Pup, Mugman told me you got a card gameĀ ?
Puphead nods.
Cuphead: You guys wanna gambleĀ ?
Sammy: To be honest, Iā€™m curious.
Sam: I donā€™t want to bet money. I donā€™t even have that much on me right now.
Cuphead: No problem, Sam. We can make it interesting another way.
Sam: LikeĀ ?
Cuphead: Loser sniffs cocaine.
Sam: Iā€™m out.
Sammy: ...Why not.
Samā€™s eyes widen.
Sam: WHATĀ ?!
Sammy: For my experienceĀ ! Itā€™s just a tryĀ !
Sam: Sammy, you know what it implies, rightĀ ?
Sammy: Yeah, yeah, dependence, blah blah blahā€¦ But itā€™ll be just onceĀ !
Cuphead: Hehe, yeah sure~
Sammy: You donā€™t think Iā€™m ableĀ ?
Cuphead: Yanno itā€™s hard drugs, rightĀ ?
Sammy: And what does that meanĀ ?
Cuphead: The kind that are hard to stop.
Sam: Cuphead, donā€™t do anything that extremeĀ ! Please...
Cuphead: Fine. Marijuana itā€™ll be.
Sam: How is it not extremeĀ ?!
Cuphead: Itā€™s soft drugs.
Sam: Are you serio-
Sammy: Shut up now, SamĀ ! Iā€™m tired of you bossing me aroundĀ ! If I want to give it a try, Iā€™ll just do itĀ !
Sam frowns and grumbles.
Samuel: But Iā€¦ I donā€™t want you to dieĀ !
Cuphead laughs.
Cuphead: He wonā€™t, donā€™t worry Samuel. Itā€™ll be more like-
Time skip to Sammy puking at a tree a bit further. Cuphead teases him, while smoking too.
Cuphead: That makes you a double loser, dudeĀ !
Mugman is sitting beside Baroness von Bonbon, a hand on his nose.
Baroness von Bonbon: YOUā€™re the loserĀ ! You donā€™t even care about your brother who canā€™t breathe because of youĀ !
Cuphead: Heā€™s far from me enoughĀ !
Mugman: No. You know the smoke always comes to me, whatever you do.
Cuphead: Ugh, fine. Iā€™ll extinguish it.
He rubs it on the floor.
Cuphead: There, happyĀ ?
Mugman: No. Iā€™m SO ashamed of youĀ !
Baroness von Bonbon : To be honest, I donā€™t want you to hang out with us anymore.
Cuphead frowns as she says that and gets up, an empty glass bottle in his hand.
Cuphead: Fine with meĀ !
He throws it violently on the floor.
Cuphead: FUCK Yā€™ALLĀ !
He lifts his middle finger to them, as he goes to his tent.
[Alternate idea: Try to make him lift the 2 middle fingers, as he has 4 fingers, to see if it works visually, and make him sayĀ :
Cuphead: Uuh, which finger is it again... Ok nvm, imagine there's only one - FUCK Yā€™ALLĀ !]
Cala Maria: GeeshĀ ! How are you dealing with this everyday, MugĀ ?
Mugman: Itā€™s not that bad, usually. Sometimes with Grandpa. But with me, I feel like he retains himself.
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teen-cups-au Ā· 3 months
Thank You! #6
Here are finally your fanarts from last year! Was too overwhelmed to post it for Christmas as usual, so here it is for my birthday instead XD Thank you again for loving my stuff! šŸ’™
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teen-cups-au Ā· 3 months
Next pages WIPs under the cut below
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Teen Cups - PageĀ 30
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Special thanks to my beta readers @amelia2001 @guardianofthemultiverses and @johnnycomics
Doudy (mod): As explained here, it's with great frustration that I'll have to stop working on Teen Cups. BUT! There's no way I just leave like that without letting you know how it'll finish! So I put WIPs of the next few pages under the cut below and the rest of the plot will also come. (Wanted to put everything together on a page on the blog, but tumblr is being annoying.)
Thank you a lot for your support, I've been having a blast doing this with you! šŸ’™
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